Same With Your Current Address?: Annex 2
Same With Your Current Address?: Annex 2
Same With Your Current Address?: Annex 2
House No./Street/Sitio Barangay Municipality/City Province
PWD □ Yes □ No
If Yes, specify the type of disability:
□Autism Spectrum Disorder □ Hearing Impairment □ Learning Disability □ Physical Disability
□ Intellectual Disability □ Visual Impairment □ Multiple Disabilities □ Others
Is your family a beneficiary of 4Ps? □ Yes If Yes, write the 4Ps Household ID Number below
□ No
Name of Father/Legal Guardian
Last Name First Name Middle Name Occupation
Why did you not attend/complete schooling? (For OSY only) Have you attended ALS learning sessions before? □ Yes □ No
□ No school in Barangay If Yes, check the appropriate program:
□ School too far from home □ Basic Literacy □ A&E Secondary
□ Needed to help family □ A&E Elementary □ ALS SHS
□ Unable to pay for miscellaneous and other expenses
Others: Have you completed the program? □ Yes □ No
If No, state the reason:
What learning Modality/ies do you prefer? Choose all that apply.
□ Modular (Print) □ Online □ Radio-Based Instruction □ Face to Face
□ Modular (Digital) □ Educational TV □ Blended
How far is it from your home to your Learning Center? in kms in hours and mins.
How do you get from your home to your Learning Center? □ Walking □ Motorcycle □ Bicycle □ Others (Pls. specify)
When can you attend your Learning Session?
I hereby certify that the above information given are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and I allow the Department of
Education to use my child’s details to create and/or update his/her learner profile in the Learner Information System. The information herein
shall be treated as confidential in compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012.
ALS Teacher/Community ALS Implementor/Learning Facilitator: Signature and Date Learner: Signature and Date