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Tracking System
Abstract— Renewable energy solutions are becoming large panels. This system can be installed any where in the
increasingly popular. Photovoltaic (solar) systems are but one world without knowing the sun directions and seasons.
example. Maximizing power output from a solar system is
desirable to increase efficiency. In order to maximize power Section II provides an overview of the solar system
output from solar panels, one needs to keep the panels aligned tracker; section III describes the hardware system
with the sun. As such, a means of tracking the sun is required. implementation of the proposed system. Section IV presents
This is definitely a more cost effective solution than purchasing the specifications of the proposed system and the preliminary
additional solar panels. It has been estimated that the yield from results. Finally, we conclude in section V.
solar panels can be increased by 30 to 60 percent by utilizing a
tracking system instead of a stationary array. In this paper, a II. SOLAR SYSTEM TRACKER
prototype for a microcontroller-based multi-function solar
tracking system is described, which will keep the solar panels A solar tracker is an electro-mechanical system used on
aligned with the sun in order to maximize efficiency. The behalf of orienting a solar photovoltaic panel in the direction
maximum power point tracking (MPPT) data can be of the sun. It is used in many applications such as the
transmitted in real time to other solar systems in need of this transportation signaling, lighthouses, emergency phones
data. installed in the highways, etc… Its main objective is to find
the maximum sun radiations in order to get maximum charge
Keywords- Solar energy, Photovoltaic, Solar tracking, batteries that
Microcontroller, Power.
Electricity can be generated from the sun in several ways.
Photovoltaics (PV) have been mainly developed for small and
medium-sized applications, from the calculator powered by a
Solar energy is the energy extracted from the rays issued single solar cell to the PV power plant. For large-scale
from the sun in the form of heat and electricity. This energy is generation, concentrating solar thermal power plants have
essential for all life on Earth. It is a renewable resource that is been more common, however new multi-megawatt PV plants
clean, economical, and less pollution compared to other have been built recently [3]. A photovoltaic cell (PV cell) is a
resources and energy [1]. Therefore, solar energy is rapidly specialized semiconductor that converts visible light into
gaining notoriety as an important means of expanding direct current (DC). Some PV cells can produce DC electricity
renewable energy resources. As such, it is vital that those in from infrared (IR) or ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Photovoltaic
engineering fields understand the technologies associated with cells are an integral part of solar-electric energy systems,
this area. Our paper includes the design and implementation of which are becoming increasingly important as alternative
a microcontroller-based solar tracking system. Solar tracking sources of power utility [4], [5].
allows more energy to be produced because the solar panel is
tracking the maximum power point of the sun’s position. Solar cells generates DC electricity from light, which in
turn can be used in many applications such as: charging a
Nowadays, the popularity of solar energy and electricity batteries, powering equipment, etc. They produce currents as
combined with the reduced cost per peak watt are having a long as light shines, as shown in figure 1.
direct effect on increasing residential solar power system. But,
it is still very expensive compared to what the electric utility
company charges per kilowatt hour [2]. In addition, large solar
panels need a perfect fixed installation to get maximum sun
light and consume much power to turn left or right around a
single axis every hour or so.
To get an efficient solar tracker system, a small solar panel
is used instead of a large one to obtain a graphical position
Figure 1. Block diagram of the solar energy system
data of the sun when it is detected and send this data to the
B. Applications
In this paper a solar tracker is realized to detect a
maximum power from sunlight. The position of maximum
detection power is stored in memory. The stored data can be
applicable for many application such as Large photo voltaic Figure 3. Relations between main parts of the system
panels can track the sun all the day light and by that give
above 95% efficiency in generating electricity; solar heaters Figure 4 shows the block diagram of the tracking system.
will also track the sun all the day light and by that less panels It explains the dependency of the tracker. As for the first
are required at the initial cost; while in the home automation running, the system has to detect sun light in a quick and
systems, this system is also needed in turning light ON and accurate way, for this reason photoresistors are used [9]. It
Off and also for opening and closing the curtains. will allows the tracking system to locate the nearest position
of the light based on comparisons done in the digital
The detection of the position of the sun undergoes several processor, this will guide the system in a x-y-z plane, that
steps. A digital system is used to calculate the maximum sun means all angles and locations can be detected and reached
radiation. It is connected to a stepper motor and to due to the two motors (two rotational axes).
Photoresistors to redirect the panel to the sun. It sends the
received data (position of the sun) to the stepper motors in The accuracy of the system is enhanced by the gear factor
order to position it toward the sun. The position tangles are and ratio, the used steppers motors are of 3.5 degrees/step,
saved in the registers of the digital processor such as a with the gears added to the motors many factors were
microcontroller and can be displayed on an LCD or can be improved such as the degree/step (less degree per step which
transmitted to control a remote system. Figure 2 illustrates the leads to better accuracy in position and angles) and high
system block diagram. torque for the motors.