Orthopedic Impairment Handouts

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Meningocele can be repaired

 a bodily impairment that is severe enough to surgically.
negatively affect a child’s educational performance. 3. Myelomeningocele
 The most common of physical disabilities.. (Meningomyelocele)/Spina Bifida Cystica
 It is the most severe form of spina bifida.
Physical Disabilities  The bones of the spinal cord do not
 Any condition that interferes with a student’s ability completely form and the spinal canal is
to use his or her body. incomplete, resulting in the spinal cord and
meninges protruding out of the child's back.
 Genetic Abnormality • Disease • Injury • Birth
Trauma • Amputation • Burns

Other Causes:
 Spina bifida • Diabetes • Nervous system disorders
•Traumatic spinal cord injury • Stroke • Muscular
Dystrophy • Cerebral Palsy 4. Scoliosis
 It is a side-to-side curvature of the spine,
Main Categories measured by x-ray examination as greater
a) Neuromotor Impairments than 10 degrees. It makes the shoulders,
 involve the central nervous system (brain, hips, or both appear uneven and can cause
spinal cord, or nerves that send impulses to pain in the back.
 affect a child's ability to move, use, feel, or
control certain parts of the body
e.g. spina bifida, cerebral palsy, and spinal
cord injuries

b) Musculoskeletal Disorders
 Skeletal system impairments that involve 5. Cerebral Palsy
the joints, bones, limbs, and associated  It includes a number of chronic disorders
muscles include defects or diseases of the that impair movement control.
bones and muscles, such as limb  appear early in life and generally do not
deficiency or club-foot. worsen as children age.
 caused by injury to parts of the brain that
c) Degenerative diseases control the ability to use muscles. The injury
 those that affect motor movement such as can occur before birth, during delivery, or
muscular dystrophy. soon after birth.
 early signs normally appear by the time a
Orthopedic Disorders child is 18 months of age.
1. Spina Bifida
 is a cleft spine, or incomplete closure of the Four main types of Cerebral Palsy (CP)
spinal column. It is the most common a. Spastic - where muscle tone is too high or too
permanently disabling birth defect. Spina tight.
Common signs and symptoms of spastic cerebral palsy include:
bifida occulta is the mildest and most
common form Spina Bifida.  Awkward reflexes
2. Meningocele  Stiffness in one part of the body
 With this type, the spinal cord develops  Contractures (permanently tightened
normally, but the meninges, or protective muscles or joints)
covering, push through the opening in the  Abnormal gait
b. Athetoid or dyskinetic CP - can affect the  It often occurs in families with no known history
whole body with slow, uncontrolled movements of the disease. Muscle weakness, rapid
and low muscle tone progression, and difficulty with motor skills are
Common symptoms associated with athetoid cerebral palsy some of the characteristics
 Stiff or rigid body
 Floppiness in the limbs
 Problems with posture
 Issues feeding

c. Ataxic Cerebral Palsy - is a type of CP that

causes problems with balance and
coordination. Ataxic cerebral palsy makes up a
small percentage of all cases. Those with
ataxic CP typically have issues surrounding
voluntary movement.

- different than other types of CP because it is Characteristics of Children with Orthopedic

primarily caused by damage to the cerebellum,
which controls balance and coordination.
 problems with motor skills.
People with ataxic CP often experience tremors
 Some students have associated speech
and a reduction in muscle tone.
impairments or multiple disabilities
Common symptoms of ataxic cerebral palsy include:  use various types of braces, prosthetic, and
 Difficulty speaking orthotic devices before, after, or in place of
 Problems with depth perception surgery. Others use adapted wheelchairs.
 Shakiness and tremors  social interactions often are limited
 Spreading feet apart when walking  may have pain and discomfort, may sleep
poorly and therefore be fatigued in class
d. Mixed CP - a combination of the symptoms  Poor self-concept and poor self- advocacy
from both athetoid and spastic CP. skills,
- has some muscles that are too tight and  feel helpless or depressed as a result of their
others that are too loose so that some physical disability.
movements are involuntary and mobility is
limited in other areas by stiffness.
“It shouldn’t matter how slowly some
children learn as long as we are
encouraging them not to stop.”
-Robert John Meehan


6. Muscular Dystrophy Arceño, Lester
 It is a group of muscle diseases that weaken
the musculoskeletal system and hamper
Eusebio, Omar
locomotion. Muscular dystrophies are Pantig, Angelica
characterized by progressive skeletal muscle
weakness, defects in muscle proteins, and the
Villalon, Sukria
death of muscle cells and tissue.

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