English Grammar I: There and It, Infinitive Patterns, Verb - Ing Forms
English Grammar I: There and It, Infinitive Patterns, Verb - Ing Forms
English Grammar I: There and It, Infinitive Patterns, Verb - Ing Forms
Week 1 English sentence structure
(23-27 Sept.)
Word order, verb patterns; transitive and Unit 9
Week 2 intransitive verbs, verb patterns, introductory
(30 Sept.-04 Oct.) there and it, infinitive patterns, verb -ing forms
Tenses; Present, Past, Perfect, and Future; Unit 5
Week 3 Auxiliaries, continuous aspect, used to and would,
(07-11 Oct.) state verbs
Tenses; Present, Past, Perfect, and Future; Unit 6
Week 4 predictions, decisions, intentions and
(14-18 Oct.) arrangements, other ways of expressing the
future, future in the past
Nouns, possessives, and pronouns; noun-verb Unit 1
Week 5 agreement, possessive 's or of, personal pronouns
(21-25 Oct.) (subject/object pronouns, reflexive and reciprocal
pronouns, impersonal and indefinite pronouns)
Adjectives and adverbs; adjective patterns, groups Unit 4
Week 6 of adjective, gradable and ungradable adjectives,
(28 Oct. - 01 Nov.) adverb form and use, adverb position
Comparison; comparative and superlative Unit 4
Week 7 adjectives, other comparative patterns
(04-08 Nov.)
Week 1 Review of English Grammar I
(17-22 Feb.)
Articles, fixed common uses, demonstratives, and Unit 2
Week 2 quantifiers
(24-28 Feb.)
Word combinations, dependent prepositions, Unit 15
Week 3 phrasal verbs, and common collocations
(03-06 Mar.)
Word formation and words often confused Unit 16
Week 4
(09-13 Mar.)
Conjunctions and linking expressions Unit 13
Week 5
(16-20 Mar.)
Conjunctions and linking expressions Unit 13
Week 6
(23-27 Mar.)
Reported speech Unit 11
Week 7
(30 Mar.-03 Apr.)
Office : 162
English Grammar I and II courses are offered to first-year university students of English Translation
and Interpreting. These courses will enable students to study both simple and complex syntactic
structures in English. At the end of these courses, the students are expected to develop an
awareness of syntactic structures in English and to translate the sentences from English into Turkish
(and vice versa) accurately and appropriately by adhering to the grammar rules.
Course Objectives
to recognize the functions and meanings of both simple and complex syntactic structures in
to translate both simple and complex structures in English into Turkish (and vice versa) by
adhering to the grammar rules.
Course Conduct
Basic Behavior: Students must come to all lessons on time and prepared, with all pre-determined
course materials. No excuses will be accepted unless the student talks to the teacher about their
private situation if it is the case before the class. Each student is expected and encouraged to actively
participate in class activities. Last but not least, you are NOT allowed to use your electronic tools such
as cell phones, tablets, laptops, and whatever else they are, in class, even as a dictionary.
Academic Honesty: Students are expected to be honest in all their academic activities;
communication, assignments and exams. It is crucial that each student understand why and how
s/he should definitely avoid plagiarism.
Communication: Students can communicate with the instructor any time via e-mail. Otherwise,
I would rather you contact beforehand so that we can arrange an appointment for an in-person talk.
Course Materials
Book you must have: MyGrammarLab Advanced C1/C2; Publication Date: 2012, Pearson