TEST-1, Set-A Lovely Professional University M. M-30 Sub. Code: MEC-107 Time-50minutes

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TEST-1, Set-A

Lovely Professional University

M. M-30
Sub. Code: MEC-107 Time-50minutes
NOTE: (1) All Questions are Compulsory. (2) Each Question carries 1 mark. (3) Negative marking
against each question is 0.25 mark. (4) Do not write anything on the question paper.

Roll No.:_____________________Section Reg. No.______________________

Q1: What do you mean by equilibrium?

(a)The condition when there is no translational

motion. (b) The condition
when there is no rotational motion
(c) The condition when there is translational and
rotational motion. (d)
The condition when there is no translational and
rotational motion.

Q2:Moment of a force.

(a) Force × distance along the force (b)

(a) R = 29.7 N (b) R = 54.2N (c) R =
Torque × distance along the force
90.8 N (d) R =24.0 N
(c) Force × distance perpendicular to the force
(d) Torque × distance perpendicular to the force.
Q7:The three forces of 100 N, 200 N and 300 N have
their lines of action parallel to each other but act in
Q3:If the resultant of two equal forces has the same
the opposite directions. These forces are known as
magnitude as either of the forces, then the angle
between the two forces is
(a) Coplanar non-concurrent forces
(b) Coplanar concurrent forces
(a)30° (b) 60° (c) 90° (d) 120°
(c) Like parallel forces
Q4:The term 'force' may be defined as an agent (d) Unlike parallel forces
which produces/tends to produce, destroys or tends to
destroy motion.
Q8:If P is the force acting on the body, ‘m’ is the
(a) Agree (b) Disagree mass of the body and ‘a’ is the acceleration of the
body, then according to Newton’s second law of

(a) P x m.a = 0 (b) P - m.a = 0 (c)

P/m.a = 0 (d) P + m.a = 0

Q5:A number of forces acting at a point will be in Q9:The resultant of the two forces P and Q is R. If Q
equilibrium, if is doubled, the new resultant is perpendicular to P.
(a) Sum of all the forces is zero
(b) Sum of resolved parts in the vertical direction is (a) Q = R (b) None of these (c) Q
zero (i.e. ΣV = 0) = 2R (d) P = Q
(c) All the forces are equally inclined
(d) None of these Q10:Varignon’s theorem of moments states that if a
number of coplanar forces acting on a particle are in
Q6:Determine the magnitude of the resultant force by equilibrium, then
adding the rectangular components of the three
forces. (a) The algebraic sum of their moments about any
point in their plane is zero.
(b) Their lines of action are at equal distances
(c) Their algebraic sum is zero

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(d) The algebraic sum of their moments about any
point is equal to the moment of their resultant force
about the same point.

Q11: The rate of change of momentum is directly Q16: Two couples will balance one another when
proportional to the impressed force, and takes place they are in the same plane and:
in the same direction in which the force acts. This
statement is known as (a) Have equal moments and their direction of
(a) Newton's third law of motion. (b) rotation is same
Newton's first law of motion (b) Have unequal moments and their direction of
(c) Newton's second law of motion (d) none of these rotation is opposite
(c) Have equal moments and their direction of
Q12:In couple the line of action of forces is rotation is opposite
(d) None of these
(a) Like (b) Unlike (c)
None of two (d) Both Q17: A couple is a:

(a) Sliding vector

(b) Free vector
(c) Fixed vector
Q13: For two couples to be equivalent, which (d) None of the above
statement(s) should be true?
Q18: A force F has the components Fx = 20 N, Fy =
(I) Resultant force acting on the system must be -30 N and Fz = 60 N then magnitude of F is
(II) Resultant moment of couple acting on the system (a) 700 N
must be equal. (b) 70 N
(III) Components of forces acting on the system must (c) 54.7 N
be equal. (d) 50 N
(IV) Components of moment of forces must be equal
Q19:If arm of the couple is doubled, its moment will
(a) I only be
(b) II only (a)Be halved (b) be doubled
(c) II & III only (c)Remain the same (d) be one third
(d) All Q20: Which one of the following satisfy the vector
Q14:AP is 20 cm. How far must a weight of 16 N be (a) Distributive
placed from P to achieve equilibrium? (b) Commutative
(C) Associative
(d) all of these

(a) 50 cm (b) 40 cm (c) 60

cm (d) 30 cm Q21: A force of 15 N is applied perpendicular to the
Q15: A couple produces: edge of a door 0.8 m. Find the moment of the force
about the hinge.
(a) translatory motion
(b) Rotational motion
(c) combined translatory and rotational motion
(d) all the above

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(a) 10.4 (b) 18.9 (c) 9.6 Q29: A resultant force is a single force which
(d) 12.5 produces the same effect as produced by all the given
Q22: Couple is unable to produce forces acting on a body.
(a) Translatory motion (b) Circular motion (c) Rotatory (a) True (b) False
motion (d) None of these Q30: If a man pushes a door with a force of 3 N, then
Q23: The examples of equilibrium are the moment he exerts about the hinge 80 cm away is
(a) Rotation of fan (b) _______.
Motion of wheel (c)
Book resting on table and table is stationary (a) 2.4 Nm (b) 4.8 Nm
(d) Book resting on table but table moving. (c) 240.0 Nm (d) .480.0 Nm

Q24: To solve the problems of equilibrium what is

(a) To draw the FBD (b) To
write the equations of equilibrium then solve them
(c) To draw the FBD and solving the equations of
equilibrium (d) To
solve the equations without drawing the FBD.

Q25:The diagram shows a beam acted by several

forces at different places. What will happen to the

(a) It turns clockwise

(b) It is moving upwards.
(c) It turns anticlockwise and moves downwards.
(d) It does not move.

Q26: Use of equilibrium condition is

(a) To find the unknown moments
(b) To find the unknown forces
(c) To find the unknown forces and moments
(d) To find the unknown forces and moments to
constrain the motion.
Q27:The triangle law of forces states that if two
forces acting simultaneously on a particle, be
represented in magnitude and direction by the two
sides of atriangle taken in order, then their resultant
may be represented in magnitude and direction by the
third side of a triangle, taken in opposite order.
(a) True (b) False
Q28: The angle between two forces when the
resultant is maximum andminimum respectively is
(a) 0° and 180° (b) 180° and 0°
(c) 90° and 180° (d) 90° and 0°

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