Design of A Milling Cutter by Using Catia: D Ravi Teja

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Under the Guidance of


This is to certify that this is a bonafide record of the DRAWING OF A MILLING CUTTER

BY USING CATIA SOFTWEAR in a project work done by group of final year B tech in
mechanical engineering in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of degree of B tech from
RRS College of engineering and technology , affiliate to JNTU Hyderabad .


MD ZAMEER ALI (17M55A0322)




P PRABHAKAR (16M51A0327)





Foremost, I would like to thank and express my sincere gratitude to my guide D RAVI TEJA ,for the
continuous support for my mini project report , for his patience , motivation , enthusiasm and immense
knowledge . His guidance helped me at all the times during my dissertation.

I would like to extend my thanks to PRASANNA , head of the department, mechanical engineering for her
constant encouragement throughout this work.

I also like to express my sincere thanks to ---------------, principal , and finally , thank our faculty members,
who helped us with their valuable suggestions and encouragement in successful completion of the project.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank to our faculty of the mechanical department for their
continuous support throughout the project and my life.



1.1 Cutting conditions in milling

1.2 Cutting speed
1.3 Feed rate
1.3.1 feed per tooth
1.3.2 feed per revolution
1.3.3 feed per unit time
1.3.4 spindle speed
1.4 types of milling processes
1.5 milling operations
1.6 plain milling of flat surfaces
1.7 milling of complex surfaces



3.1 milling cutters

3.2 milling cutter nomenclature
3.3 saw teeth
3.4 size of milling cutter
3.5 principle of milling cutters
3.6 selection of milling cutters
3.7 classification of milling cutter

3.7.1 according to the construction of milling cutter

3.7.2 According to Relief Characteristics of the Cutter Teeth
3.7.3 According to Method of Mounting the Cutters
3.7.4 According to Direction of Rotation of the Cutter
3.7.5 According to the Direction of Helix of the Cutter Teeth

3.8 plain milling cutter

3.9 geometry of milling cutter
3.9.1 Choosing cutter diameter
3.9.2 Cutter positioning or cutting forces
3.9.3 Cutter pitch
3.9.4 Lead Angles or Cutting forces on work piece and Fixturing

4. CATIA 32-46



Machining is undoubtedly the most important of the basic manufacturing processes, since industries
around the world spend billions of dollars per year to perform metal removal (DeGarmo et al. 1997). That is
so, because the vast majority of manufactured products require machining at some stage in their production,
ranging from relatively rough operations to high-precise ones, involving tolerances of 0.001 mm, or less,
associated with high quality surface finish. It is estimated that today, in industrialized countries, the cost of
machining accounts to more than 15% of the total value of all products by their entire manufacturing
industry, whether or not these products are mechanical (Merchant 1998).

Milling machine is one of the important machining operations. In this operation the work piece is fed against
a rotating cylindrical tool. The rotating tool consists of multiple cutting edges (multipoint cutting tool).
Normally axis of rotation of feed given to the work piece. Milling operation is distinguished from other
machining operations on the basis of orientation between the tool axis and the feed direction; however, in
other operations like drilling, turning, etc. the tool is fed in the direction parallel to axis of rotation. The
cutting tool used in milling operation is called milling cutter, which consists of multiple edges called teeth.
The machine tool that performs the milling operations by producing required relative motion between work
piece and tool is called milling machine. It provides the required relative motion under very controlled
conditions. These conditions will be discussed later in this unit as milling speed, feed rate and depth of cut.
Normally, the milling operation creates plane surfaces. Other geometries can also be created by milling
machine. Milling operation is considered an interrupted cutting operation teeth of milling cutter enter and
exit the work during each revolution. This interrupted cutting action subjects the teeth to a cycle of impact
force and thermal shock on every rotation. The tool material and cutter geometry must be designed to bear
the above stated conditions.
Milling, for example, has its own particularities, such as variation on the under formed chip thickness
(h), interrupted cuts, etc. Models developed for turning and adapted to milling, working with average chip
thickness, can yield reasonable results in terms of force. There are operations, however, where a more
accurate result is needed and then, the discrepancies may become unacceptable. That is the case with high
speed milling, which uses very low chip thickness. In this case, the cutting edge radius almost equals the
under formed chip thickness and the rake angle tends to be highly negative. The material seems to be
removed like in abrasive processes (Shaw 1996). Additionally, the main parameters describing the models
are a function of other ones related to the tool (material, geometry, coating, etc.) and the machine (rigidity,
speed, position control, etc.). In order to investigate the end milling process in some cutting conditions, at
any particular combination tool-machine-work piece, a simple and fast method is needed to find the main
parameters of the classical existing models and study some new ones.

Milling is a process of producing flat and complex shapes with the use of multi-tooth cutting tool,
which is called a milling cutter and the cutting edges are called teeth. The axis of rotation of the cutting tool
is perpendicular to the direction of feed, either parallel or perpendicular to the machined surface. The
machine tool that traditionally performs this operation is a milling machine. Milling is an interrupted cutting
operation: the teeth of the milling cutter enter and exit the work during each revolution. This interrupted
cutting action subjects the teeth to a cycle of impact force and thermal shock on every rotation. The tool
material and cutter geometry must be designed to withstand these conditions. Cutting fluids are essential for
most milling operations. The cutter is lifted to show the chips, and the work, transient, and machined

Fig1. Working motions of plain milling operation

1 plain milling cutter, 2 work piece, 3 direction of rotation,

The cutter design being presented in this paper is useful for single point as well as for multi-point cutters
such as those used for turning and milling. In fact, the design principles for both single and multi-point
cutters are similar. The design parameters such as rake angle, clearance angle of tooth, and height of tooth
are common in both single point and multi-point cutters. Additionally, parameters such as speed of
rotation, feed, and depth of cut are also similar. However, parameters such as diameter of the cutter,
number of teeth on the cutter, and angular spacing of teeth are exclusively associated with milling cutters.
In the family of milling operations such as plain milling, slot milling, side milling, end milling, face
milling, and form milling, design parameters differ only in their numerical values. In every case, the teeth

of milling cutters have cutting edges and angles related to edges. In effect each tool acts like single point
tool mounted on a cylindrical hub. The teeth on the milling cutters are mostly evenly spaced.

1.1 Cutting conditions in milling

In milling, each tooth on a tool removes part of the stock in the form of a chip. The basic interface
between tool and work part is pictured below. This shows a only a few teeth of a peripheral milling cutter.

Fig 1.1. 26-teeth Plain Milling Cutter Used for Peripheral or Slab Milling

Cutting velocity V is the peripheral speed of the cutter is defined by

V = πDN

Where D is the cutter outer diameter and N is the rotational speed of the cutter.

As in the case of turning, cutting speed V is first calculated or selected from appropriate reference sources
and then the rotational speed of the cutter N, which is used to adjust milling machine controls, is calculated.
Cutting speeds are usually in the range of 0.1~4 m/s, lower for difficult-to-cut materials and for rough cuts,
and higher for non-ferrous easy-to-cut materials like aluminum and for finishing cuts.

1.2 Cutting Speed

Cutting speed of a milling cutter is its peripheral linear speed resulting

from operation. It is expressed in meters per minute. The cutting speed can
be derived from the above formula. Spindle speed of a milling machine is
selected to give the desired peripheral speed of cutter.
V = πd n
Where d = Diameter of milling cutter in mm,
V = Cutting speed (linear) in meter per minute, and
n = Cutter speed in revolution per minute.

1.3 Feed Rate

It is the rate with which the work piece under process advances under the
revolving milling cutter. It is known that revolving cutter remains stationary
and feed is given to the work piece through worktable. Generally feed is
expressed in three ways

1.3.1 Feed per Tooth

It is the distance traveled by the work piece (its advance) between engagement by the two
successive teeth. It is expressed as mm/tooth (ft).

1.3.2 Feed per Revolution

Travel of work piece during one revolution of milling cutter. It is expressed as mm/rev. and
denoted by f(rev).

1.3.3 Feed per Unit of Time

Feed can also be expressed as feed/minute or feed/sec. It is the distance advances by the work piece
in unit time (fm).
Above described three feed rates are mutually convertible.
f m × n×frev
Where n = rpm of cutter.
It can be extended further as
f m  n  f rev  z  n  ft where z = Number of teeth in milling cutter

Feed rate (F) is defined as the rate of travel of the work piece in mm/min. But most tool suppliers
recommend it as the movement per tooth of the cutter (f). Thus,

F = f. u. N
where -- F = table feed in mm/min
f = movement per tooth of cutter in mm ( see table 1 )

u = number of teeth of cutter
N = R.P.M. of the cutter

`1.3.4 Spindle Speed

Spindle speed in revolution per minute (R.P.M.) for the cutter can be calculated from the

where -- N = R.P.M. of the cutter

CS = Linear Cutting Speed of the material in m/min.
d = Diameter of cutter in mm

1.4 Types of milling Processes

There are two basic types of milling, are as follows

 Down (climb) milling: It is type of milling in which the cutter rotation is in the same
direction as the motion of the work piece being fed. In down milling, the cutting force
is directed into the work table, which allows thinner work parts to be machined. Better
surface finish is obtained but the stress load on the teeth is abrupt, which may damage
the cutter. In conventional milling, friction and rubbing occur as the insert enters into
the cut, resulting in chip welding and heat dissipation into the insert and work piece.
Resultant forces in conventional milling are against the direction of the feed. Work-
hardening is also likely to occur.

Fig1.2.Down Milling (Climb Milling)

 Up (conventional) milling: It is the type of milling in which the work piece is moving
towards the cutter, opposing the cutter direction of rotation. In up milling, the cutting
force tends to lift the work piece. The work conditions for the cutter are more favorable.
Because the cutter does not start to cut when it makes contact (cutting at zero cut is
impossible), the surface has a natural waviness. The insert enters the work piece
material with some chip load and produces a chip that thins as it exits the cut. This
reduces the heat by dissipating it into the chip. Work-hardening is minimized. Climb
milling is preferred over conventional milling in most situations.

Fig1.3. Up cut Milling (Conventional Milling)

1.5 Milling operations

Owing to the variety of shapes possible and its high production rates, milling is one of
the most versatile and widely used machining operations. The geometric form created by
milling fall into three major groups:

 Plane surfaces: the surface is linear in all three dimensions. The simplest and most
convenient type of surface;
 Two-dimensional surfaces: the shape of the surface changes in the direction of two of
the axes and is linear along the third axis. Examples include cams;
 Three-dimensional surfaces: the shape of the surface changes in all three directions.
Examples include die cavities, gas turbine blades, propellers, casting patterns, etc.

1.6 Plain Milling of flat surfaces

 Peripheral milling: In peripheral milling, also called plain milling, the axis of the cutter
is parallel to the surface being machined, and the operation is performed by cutting
edges on the outside periphery of the cutter. The primary motion is the rotation of the

cutter. The feed is imparted to the work piece. The basic form of peripheral milling in
which the cutter width extends beyond the work piece on both sides is called slab

Figure1.4: Slab or plain milling cutter

 Face milling: In face milling, cutter is perpendicular to the machined surface. The cutter
axis is vertical, but in the newer CNC machines it often is horizontal. In face milling,
machining is performed by teeth on both the end and periphery of the face-milling
cutter. Again up and down types of milling are available, depending on directions of
the cutter rotation and feed. Face milling is usually applied for rough machining of large
surfaces. Surface finish is worse than in peripheral milling, and feed marks are
inevitable. One advantage of the face milling is the high production rate because the
cutter diameter is large and as a result the material removal rate is high. Face milling
with large diameter cutters requires significant machine power.

Fig 1.5: Plat surface of a plain milling cutter

 The end mill has helical cutting edges carried over onto the cylindrical cutter surface.
End mills with flat ends (so called squire-end mills) are used to produce pockets, closed
or end key slots, etc.:

1.7 Milling of complex surfaces

Milling is one of the few machining operations, which are capable of machining
complex two and three-dimensional surfaces, typical for dies, molds, cams, etc. Complex
surfaces can be machined either by means of the cutter path (profile milling and surface
contouring), or the cutter shape (form milling).

 Form milling: In form milling, the cutting edges of the peripheral cutter (called form
cutter) have a special profile that is imparted to the work piece. Cutters with various
profiles are available to cut different two-dimensional surfaces. Profile milling: In
profile milling, the conventional end mill is used to cut the outside or inside periphery
of a flat part. The end mill works with its peripheral teeth and is fed along a curvilinear
path equidistant from the surface profile.
 Surface contouring: The end mill, which is used in surface contouring has a
hemispherical end and is called ball-end mill. The ball-end mill is fed back and forth
across the work piece along a curvilinear path at close intervals to produce complex
three-dimensional surfaces. Similar to profile milling, surface contouring require
relatively simple cutting tool but advanced, usually computer-controlled feed control




Milling is the machining process in which the metal is removed by a rotating multiple
tooth cutter. Fig. 1 shows the milling operation. As the cutter rotates, each tooth removes a
small amount of material from the advancing work for each spindle revolution. The relative
motion between cutter and the work piece can be in any direction and hence surfaces having
any orientation can be machined in milling. Milling operation can be performed in a single pass
or in multiple passes. Multi-pass operations are often preferred to single pass operations for
economic reasons and are generally used to machine stocks that cannot be removed in a single
pass. Various investigators have presented optimization techniques, both traditional and non-
traditional, for optimization of multi-pass milling operation.

 Hornik 1 describes the International Standards Organization (ISO) standards for milling
cutter geometry. Indexable milling cutters are classified as double positive if both the
axial and radial rakes are positive, double negatives if both are negative and
positive/negative if the axial rake is positive and the radial rake is negative. However,
these geometric descriptions make the mathematical formulation for design fairly
 Mohan2 describes profile relieve cutters in milling contour surfaces. Profiles of these
relieving tools are similar to the profile of the contour to be milled by the milling cutter,
if the milling cutter is designed with a zero degree rake angle and straight flutes/gashes.
In milling helical surfaces, the geometrical and dimensional accuracy of the profile
cutter and its tool-life behavior is very important.
 Davie3 describes bonding of carbide inserts to such tools as Plain-mills instead of
brazing them. He outlines development of such a technique and optimization of the tool
design for bonding, selection of adhesives, cutting tests (using 0.14% carbon steel work
piece), and an assessment of temperature developed in the tool. Milling plays a central
role as a shape generating technique in the machining of hollow forms. Such hollow
shapes are used in tools for presses, forges, and foundry work. Granger4 describes the
selection of a milling cutter in terms of average chip thickness rather than in feed/tooth.
This approach depends on a combination of factors including material, component
design, and strength, rigidity of fixturing, and type and age of machine.
 Agullo-Batlle et al5 describe the development of a CAD method that produces the tool
axial profile required to obtain a drill of a given cross-section profile. The easier cutting
capability of high-rake angle face milling cutters is revisited in view of the emergence
of lighter CNC machining centers (5-15 hp spindles) and availability of indexable
carbide inserts with sharp edges. A reduced power consumption by 20% in high positive
axial-rake design produces smooth machining, better surface finish, and less machine
wear. Apart from the geometrical considerations in the design of a milling cutter, the
cutter operating conditions must be set-up. There are three important operating
conditions which must be determined in advance. These are cutting speed (n), the feed
(f), and the depth of the cut (d). It has long been recognized that it is more efficient to
remove metal in the form of thick chips than thin ones, so the maximum possible feed
rate should be used. But the maximum feed is limited by the following factors: (1) the
cutting edge strength, (2) the rigidity and allowable deflection, (3) the surface finish
required, and (4) the tool chip space. The cutting speed will also affect the chip
thickness and in turn the rate of metal removal. The depth of cut will also affect the
chip thickness. Sometimes it is difficult to include these conflicting factors in the
mathematical model.


Chapter 3


3.1 Milling cutters

Classification of milling cutters according to their design

 HSS cutters: Many cutters like end mills, slitting cutters, slab cutters, angular cutters,
form cutters, etc., are made from high-speed steel (HSS).
 Brazed cutters: Very limited numbers of cutters (mainly face mills) are made with
brazed carbide inserts. This design is largely replaced by mechanically attached cutters.
 Mechanically attached cutters: The vast majority of cutters are in this category. Carbide
inserts are either clamped or pin locked to the body of the milling cutter.

Basically, milling cutter is divided in to: Peripheral milling, Face milling and End milling. The
End milling process is widely used in industry because of versatility and effectiveness. The end
mill has edges in the side surface and the bottom surface. During the operation in end milling,
vibration is considered to be one of the most important while machining. Three different types
of mechanical vibrations such as free vibrations, forced vibrations and self-excited vibrations
that arise due to the lack of dynamic stiffness, stability of the machine parts, vibrations

generated under unsuitable cutting conditions creates serious problem as it causes excessive
tool wear, noise, tool breakage, and deterioration of the surface quality.

3.2 Milling Cutter Nomenclature

Figure 1 show two views of a common milling cutter with its parts and angles identified.
These parts and angles in some form are common to all cutter types.

 The pitch refers to the angular distance between like or adjacent teeth.
 The pitch is determined by the number of teeth. The tooth face is the forward facing
surface of the tooth that forms the cutting edge.
 The cutting edge is the angle on each tooth that performs the cutting.
 The land is the narrow surface behind the cutting edge on each tooth.
 The rake angle is the angle formed between the face of the tooth and the centerline of
the cutter. The rake angle defines the cutting edge and provides a path for chips that
are cut from the workpiece.
 The primary clearance angle is the angle of the land of each tooth measured from a
line tangent to the centerline of the cutter at the cutting edge. This angle prevents each
tooth from rubbing against the workpiece after it makes its cut.
 This angle defines the land of each tooth and provides additional clearance for
passage of cutting oil and chips.
 The hole diameter determines the size of the arbor necessary to mount the milling
 Plain milling cutters that are more than 3/4 inch in width are usually made with spiral
or helical teeth. A plain spiral-tooth milling cutter produces a better and smoother
finish and requires less power to operate. A plain helical-tooth milling cutter is
especially desirable when milling an uneven surface or one with holes in it.

Figure 3: Nomenclature of plain milling cutter

3.3 Saw Teeth

Saw teeth similar to those shown in Figure 1 are either straight or helical in the smaller sizes
of plain milling cutters, metal slitting saw milling cutters, and end milling cutters.
The cutting edge is usually given about 5 degrees primary clearance. Sometimes the teeth are
provided with off-set nicks which break up chips and make coarser feeds possible.

3.4 Size of Milling Cutter

In selecting a milling cutter for a particular job, choose one large enough to span the
entire work surface so the job can be done with a single pass. If this cannot be done,
remember that a small diameter cutter will pass over a surface in a shorter time than a large
diameter cutter which is fed at the same speed. This fact is illustrated in Figure 3.1

Figure3.1. Size of Milling Cutter

3.5 Principles of milling cutters

All milling cutters have generic design parameters such as diameter, width, length, and
numbers of teeth. As an example of cutting tool design, the geometrical configuration and the
parameters of a milling cutter can be completely described by the elements listed below:

 Diameter of milling cutter (D)

 Number of teeth of cutter (Z)
 Angular spacing on cutter (α)
 Rake angle of tooth (γ)
 Clearance angle of tooth (ψ)
 Height of tool (h)
 Rotation speed of cutter (n)
 Feed rate (f)

 Depth of cut (d)
 Width of rotation (w)

3.6 Selection of Milling Cutters

Consider the following when choosing milling cutters:

1. High-speed steel, satellite, and cemented carbide cutters have a distinct advantage of
being capable of rapid production when used on a machine that can reach the proper
2. 45° angular cuts may either be made with a 45° single-angle milling cutter while the
work piece is held in a swivel vise, or with an end milling cutter while the work piece
is set at the required angle in a universal vise.
3. The harder the material, the greater will be the heat that is generated in cutting.
Cutters should be selected for their heat-resisting properties.
4. Use a coarse-tooth milling cutter for roughing cuts and a finer-toothed milling cutter
for light cuts and finishing operations.
5. When milling stock to length, the choice of using a pair of side milling cutters to
straddle the work piece, a single-side milling cutter, or an end milling cutter will
depend upon the number of pieces to be cut.
6. Some operations can be done with more than one type of cutter such as in milling the
square end on a shaft or reamer shank. In this case, one or two side milling cutters, a
fly cutter, or an end milling cutter may be used. However, for the majority of
operations, cutters are specially designed and named for the operation they are to
7. The milling cutter should be small enough in diameter so that the pressure of the cut
will not cause the work piece to be sprung or displaced while being milled.

3.7 Classification of Milling Cutters

Milling cutters are usually made of high-speed steel and are available in a great
variety of shapes and sizes for various purposes. You should know the names of the most
common classifications of cutters, their uses, and, in a general way, the sizes best suited to
the work at hand.
Milling cutters are classified into various types based on a variety of methods.

Milling cutters are classified into different categories depending on different criteria as
described below:

3.7.1 According to the Construction of Milling Cutter

(a) Solid milling cutter

(b) Inserted teeth cutter

(c) Tipped solid cutter

Solid cutter consists of teeth integral with the cutter body, in tipped cutter, teeth are made of
cemented carbide or satellite, teeth are brazed to steel cutter body called shank. Inserted teeth
cutter are larger in diameter, teeth of hard material are inserted and secured in the shank.

3.7.2 According to Relief Characteristics of the Cutter Teeth

(a) Profile relieved cutter

(b) Form relieved cutter

In case of profile relieved cutter, a relief to cutting edges is provided by grinding a narrow
land at their back. In case of form relieved cutters a curved relief is provided at the back of
the cutting edges.

3.7.3 According to Method of Mounting the Cutters

(a) Arbor type

(b) Facing cutter

(c) Shank cutter

3.7.4 According to Direction of Rotation of the Cutter

(a) Right hand rotational cutter

(b) Left hand rotational cutter

A right hand rotational cutter rotates in an anticlockwise direction when viewed from end of
the spindle while left hand rotational cutter rotates in a clockwise direction.

3.7.5 According to the Direction of Helix of the Cutter Teeth

(a) Parallel straight teeth

(b) Right hand helical

(c) Left hand helical

(d) Alternate helical teeth

Parallel or straight teeth cutter consists of teeth parallel to axis of rotation of the cutter with
zero helix angle. In case of right hand and left hand helical teeth cutters, teeth cut at an angle
to the axis of rotation of the cutter. Teeth have opposite inclination in both the cutters.
Alternate helical teeth cutter has alternate teeth of right hand and left hand helical teeth

3.7.6 According to Purpose of Use of the Cutter

(a) Standard milling cutter

(b) Special milling cutter

Special milling cutters are designed to perform special operations which may be combination
of several conventional operations. Standard milling cutters are the

3.7.7 Various types of a Milling Cutters:

1) Plain Milling Cutter

a) Light duty plain milling cutter
b) Heavy duty plain milling cutter
c) Helical plain milling cutter
2) Side milling cutter
a) Plain side milling cutter
b) Staggered teeth side milling cutter
c) Half side milling cutter
d) Interlocking side milling cutter
3) Metal slitting saw
a) Plain metal slitting saw
b) Staggered teeth metal slitting saw
4) Angle milling cutter
a) Single angle milling cutter
b) Double angle milling cutter
5) End mill cutter
a) Taper shank end mill
b) Straight shank end mill
c) Shell end mill
6) T-slot milling cutter
7) Woodruff key slot milling cutter
8) Fly cutter
9) Formed cutter
a) Convex milling cutter
b) Concave milling cutter
c) Corner rounding milling cutter
d) Gear cutter
e) Thread milling cutter
10) Tap and reamer cutter

3.8 Plain Milling Cutters

These cutters are tube shaped fit as a fiddle having teeth on their circuit. These are
utilized to deliver level surfaces parallel to hub of turn. Plain processing cutter is
appeared in Figure3.2 Depending upon the size and applications plain processing
cutters are arranged as light obligation, overwhelming obligation and helical plain
processing cutters. A PC helped demonstrate reasonable to CAD/CAM frameworks
and in light of an examination of cutting mechanics is created for the forecast of
powers, torques, and power in plain processing operations. The scientific models
introduced beneath are general in nature. The PC helped configuration empowers
most slicing apparatus computing to be performed with the coveted exactness. While
the cost of the processing cutters speaks to just roughly 2.5% of the whole interest in

assembling, their impact on the whole generation process is far bigger. Processing
operation to a great extent rely upon processing cutter execution and thus, its outline.

Fig 3.2 .Plain Milling Cutter and its Elements

(a) The most basic sort of processing cutter is known as a plain processing cutter. It is a
metal chamber having teeth cut on its outskirts for delivering a level even surface (or a
level vertical surface on account of a vertical axle machine). At the point when the cutter
is more than 3/4 inch wide, the teeth are typically helical, which gives the apparatus a
shearing activity which requires less power, diminishes gab, and delivers a smoother
wrap up. Cutters with faces under 3/4 inch wide are once in a while made with stunned
or interchange right-and left-hand helical teeth. The shearing activity, then again right
and left, takes out side push on the cutter and arbor. At the point when a plain processing
cutter is impressively more extensive than its breadth, it is frequently called a chunk
cutter; piece cutters may have scratched teeth that avoid development of huge chips.
(b) Metal Slitting Saw Milling Cutter the metal slitting saw processing cutter is basically a
thin, plain processing cutter. It is ground somewhat more slender toward the middle to
give side freedom. It is utilized for metal sawing and for cutting tight spaces in metal.
(c) Side processing cutters are basically plain processing cutters with the expansion of teeth
on one or the two sides
(d) The helical processing cutter is comparative, to the plain processing cutter, however the
teeth have a helix point of 45° to 60°. The precarious helix delivers a shearing activity
that outcomes in smooth, sans vibration cuts. They are accessible for arbor mounting, or
with a necessary shank with or without a pilot. This kind of helical cutter is especially
valuable for processing extended spaces and for light cuts on delicate metal. See Figure

Figure 3.3 .Plain and Helical Milling cutter

Plain milling is the milling of a flat surface with the axis of the cutter parallel to the
machining surface. It can be carried out either on a horizontal machine or a vertical
machine as shown in figure 3.3.
Plain Milling Cutter Optimal Solution.
A plain milling cutter with straight teeth is to be designed for milling a plain carbon steel work
piece of length 200 mm and width 38 mm. The maximum material to be removed is 6 mm. The
milling arbor diameter is 22 mm. The milling machine is equipped with a motor of 3.5 kW
and the efficiency of the milling machine mechanism is 85%. The feed of the milling machine
is in the range of 11-125 mm/min. The machinist hourly wage is $6, and the tool change/
resharpening cost is $6/hr. The cutter material is high-speed steel. The solution of the
mathematical model is obtained through the generalized reduced gradient (GRG).
Nonlinear optimization technique for the data in the example. The IMSLS subroutine library
was used on a VAX-8350. The generalized reduced gradient method is generally of the
following form: Minimize F(X); X=[Xl,X2,X,,...,X,]T~RN
Subject to g,,,(X) g 0, m= 1, 2,3 ,..., M

The choice factors are free, and the state factors are slaves to the choice factors utilized just to
fulfill the limitations. The lessened inclination is the rate of progress of the target work as for
choice factors changed in accordance with look after achievability.

Geometrically, the diminished slope can be depicted as a projection of the first N-dimensional
inclination onto the Q-dimensional achievable district portrayed by the choice factors.
Subsequently, the diminished inclination can be utilized as a part of an indistinguishable way
from the full angle to look for at least F(X) in the decreased space. The state factors are
balanced over the span of the inquiry to look after possibility. The technique finds the ideal
arrangement in the wake of accepting introductory estimations of the outline parameters d, z,
D, n, f, h and y, the rake edge. The quantity of teeth must be a whole number however the
technique gives persistent esteems and thus it is approximated to number esteems with the end
goal that it doesn't damage the imperatives. The ideal esteems acquired for the cutter geometry
and cutting factors are demonstrated as follows. The CPU time for this issue is around 1.5 min.
Obviously, the summed up diminished inclination strategy is strong. From our experience, it
resembled that strategy was inhumane to issue condition and, in this manner not by and large
needing uncommon issue scaling. The detail of the advancement system is evaded because of
the absence of room. The outline parameters acquired are as per the following:
f* (feed) = 125 mm/min,
d * (depth of the cut) = 6 mm,
n* (rpm) = 100,
Z* (# of teeth) = 23,
D* (diameter of the cutter) = 200 mm,
h* (tooth height) = 6 mm,
y* (rake angle) = 16”

3.8.1 Plain Milling Cutters types:

There are three types of Plain Milling Cutter

a) Light duty plain milling cutter

b) Heavy duty plain milling cutter

c) Helical plain milling cutter

These cutters are recommended for light milling or finishing cuts .Cutters less than 3/4” wide
have straight teeth. Cutters 3/4” wide and over have spiral teeth and are regularly furnished
with left hand spiral.

Fig. 3.6 Light Duty plain milling cutter


Great for substantial stock expulsion, frequently outfitted with 45º L.H. Substantial obligation
plain factory have
10 degree positive spiral rake and a 45 degree left hand helix giving free cutting activity .The
correct hand cut , left hand helix , draws the cutting powers into the axle for more prominent
inflexibility which enhances surface complete and instrument life.

Fig. 3.7 Heavy Duty plain milling cutter


Helical Milling Cutters can be keep running at high speeds and will create a smooth wrap up.
F&D Helical Milling Cutters won't "hoard" in when entering or leaving a cut and thus are
appropriate for processing flimsy bits of steel or different bits of metal which can't be held
safely in the processing machine. The high helix plain plant has 10 degree spiral rake and a 52
degree left hand helix giving cutting activity and most extreme unbending nature,

Fig. 3.8 Helical Duty plain milling cutter

3.9 Geometry of milling cutter

The processing cutter is a numerous point cutting device. The front line might be
straight or as different forms that are to be imitated upon the work piece. The relative movement
between the work piece and the cutter might be either pivotal or typical to the instrument hub.
Sometimes a blend of the two movements is utilized. For instance, shape producing processing
cutters include a blend of straight travel and rotating movement. The figure underneath
demonstrates the different edges and geometry of a processing cutter.

Fig 3.8 plain milling cutter tool geometry

In this project milling cutter is taken and modeled in CATIA and also Analysis is made taking
a single tooth of the cutter applying different loads.

Numerous sorts and sizes of cutters are required for the substantial assortment of work
that should be possible by processing. Numerous standard cutters are accessible, yet when they
are not satisfactory, exceptional cutters are composed. A cutter is frequently named for the sort
of processing operations it performs. Processing cutters are made of different breadths, lengths,
widths, and quantities of teeth and might be of the strong, tipped, or embedded tooth composes
with an indistinguishable materials from for single-point instruments. The cutter plan being
displayed in this paper is helpful for single point and additionally for multi-point cutters, for
example, those utilized for turning and processing. Truth be told, the outline standards for both
single and multi-point cutters are comparable. The plan parameters, for example, rake edge,
leeway edge of tooth, and stature of tooth are normal in both single point and multi-point
cutters. Moreover, cutting parameters, for example, speed of turn, bolster, and profundity of
cut are likewise comparative. In any case, parameters, for example, measurement of the cutter,
number of teeth on the cutter, and precise dividing of teeth are only connected with processing
cutters. For each situation, the teeth of processing cutters have bleeding edges and points
identified with edges. In actuality each device demonstrations like single point instrument
mounted on a barrel shaped center point. The teeth on the processing cutters are generally
equally divided.

3.9.1 Choosing cutter diameter

Work piece measurements decide the best face process distance across to choose.
Cutter-to-part width-of-cut proportion ought to be roughly 3:2 or 1/2 times the part width. For
instance, if the width of cut is 100 mm, pick a 160 mm distance across cutter. On the off chance
that the width is amazingly wide, select a cutter distance across that matches the axle limit and
take various passes. An unwanted circumstance is the point at which the cutter distance across
is about equivalent to the width of cut. The chip being framed at the passage and exit of the cut
will be thin. The thin chips shaped can't divert warm and in addition thicker chips; in this
manner the warmth is moved once again into the embed causing untimely edge disappointment.
Work-solidifying is additionally more inclined to happen in the passage and leave zone. At the
point when the best possible cutter measurement isn't accessible, legitimate cutter situating will
give positive outcomes

3.9.2 Cutter positioning or cutting forces

The cutting powers are always showing signs of change as the supplements travel
through the cut. We ought to comprehend that in changing the position of the cutter in
connection to the work piece, we can re-coordinate the cutting powers. This is critical to
guarantee a protected operation in light of installation configuration, work piece outline, and
work piece contemplations.

3.9.3 Cutter pitch

Pitch, or thickness, alludes to the quantity of supplements in a cutter. Cutters can be
delegated having either coarse, medium, or fine pitch. When planning a cutter, the specialist
must take the profundity of cut and bolster per tooth into thought. He at that point must give
the essential chip leeway in the body so the chip can go without confining its arrangement.
Consequently, cutters intended for overwhelming metal evacuation have most extreme chip
leeway. This, hence, confines the quantity of supplements in the cutter, making it a coarse pitch
cutter. In medium pitch cutters, the chip freedom territory in the body is normally somewhat
littler than a coarse pitch cutter. Also, in fine pitch cutters, the chip leeway is significantly less.

3.9.4 Lead Angles or Cutting forces on work piece and Fixturing

Cutting powers delivered amid the processing procedure are always showing signs of
change as the embed travels through the cut. Understanding the relationship of these powers
will help guarantee safe operation by averting work piece development amid the cut. For
instance, installation outline and clip situating are controlled by the cutting powers created in
processing. Similarly vital is a comprehension of the impact lead point has on cutting power
course, real chip thickness, and instrument life.

90° lead angle

Advantages: When 90° shoulder is required
 Can be a problem solver on thin wall work pieces
 Highest radial cutting forces
 High entry shock load
 Increased chance of burr on insert exit side of part
75° and 70° lead angle
 For general milling applications and relatively rigid conditions
 Good relation of insert size and maximum depth of cut
 Reduced entry shock load
 Higher radial forces can cause problems in weak machine/work piece/fixture conditions
45° lead angle

 Well balanced axial and radial cutting forces
 Less breakout on work piece corner
 Entry shock minimized
 Less radial forces directed into spindle bearings
 Higher feed rates possible
 Reduced maximum depth of cut due to lead angle
 Larger body diameter can cause fixture clearance problem

Fig 3.9 Lead Angles or Cutting forces

3.9.5 Solid modeling of milling cutter

A strong model of the plain processing cutter is created on an IBM-RS/6000 workstation. In

the plan of a plain processing cutter, the client needs to build up a strong model from natives
by utilizing Boolean operations. In the event that natives are not as of now put away, they could
be made by "clearing" or pivoting a 2D profile or structure. After the strong demonstrating, the
streamlining and limited component investigation procedures are utilized to enhance the
outline and to check stresses. The plan procedure is repeating and begins from a poor outline
and reaches to an enhanced plan as well as ideal plan.



There are different modules in CATIA using which different tasks can be performed. The main
window and modules of CATIA shown in figure:


The Modern world of design, development, manufacturing so on, in which we
have stepped can’t be imagined without interference of computer. The usage of
computer is such that, they have become an integral part of these fields. In the world
market now the competition in not only cost factor but also quality, consistency,
availability, packing, stocking, delivery etc. So are the requirements forcing industries
to adopt modern technique rather than local forcing the industries to adapt better
techniques like CAD / CAM / CAE, etc.
The Possible basic way to industries is to have high quality products at low
costs is by using the computer Aided Engineering (CAE), Computer Aided Design
(CAD) And Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) set up. Further many tools is been
introduced to simplify & serve the requirement CATIA, PRO-E, UG are some among

This penetration of technique concern has helped the manufacturers to

a) Increase productivity
b) Shortening the lead-time
c) Minimizing the prototyping expenses
d) Improving Quality
e) Designing better products

CAD: Computer Aided Designing (Technology to create, Modify, Analyze or

Optimize the design using computer.
CAE: Computer Aided Engineering (Technology to analyze, Simulate or Study
behavior of the cad model generated using computer.

CAM: Computer Aided Manufacturing (Technology to Plan, manage or control the
operation in manufacturing using computer.
The usage of CAD CAE & CAM have changed the over look of the industries
and developed healthy & standard competition , as could achieve target in lean time
and ultimately the product reaches market in estimated time with better quality and
consistency . In general view, it has lead to fast approach and creative thinking.
o Cut off of the designing time
o Cut off of the editing time
o Cut off of the manufacturing time
o High &controlled quality
o Reduction of process cost
o Consistency
o Maintenance of Universal accessing data
o Requires skilled operators
o Initial setting& assumption consumes time
o Setting cost is more
o Over heads are high and
o Applicable if production is high


CATIA is a robust application that enables you to create rich and complex
designs. The goals of the CATIA course are to teach you how to build parts and
assemblies in CATIA, and how to make simple drawings of those parts and
assemblies. This course focuses on the Fundamental skills and concepts that enable
you to create a solid foundation for your designs

CATIA is mechanical design software. It is a feature-based, parametric solid
modeling design tool that takes advantage of the easy-to-learn Windows graphical user
interface. You can create fully associative 3-D solid models with or without constraints
while utilizing automatic or user-defined relations to capture design intent. To further
clarify this definition, the italic terms above will be further defined:

Like an assembly is made up of a number of individual parts, a CATIA
document is made up of individual elements. These elements are called features.
When creating a document, you can add features such as pads, pockets, holes,
ribs, fillets, chamfers, and drafts. As the features are created, they are applied directly
to the work piece.
Features can be classified as sketched-based or dress-up:
• Sketched-based features are based on a 2D sketch. Generally, the sketch is
transformed into a 3D solid by extruding, rotating, sweeping, or lofting.
• Dress-up features are features that are created directly on the solid model. Fillets
and chamfers are examples of this type of feature.

The dimensions and relations used to create a feature are stored in the model.
This enables you to capture design intent, and to easily make changes to the model
through these parameters.
• Driving dimensions are the dimensions used when creating a feature. They
include the dimensions associated with the sketch geometry, as well as those
associated with the feature itself. Consider, for example, a cylindrical pad. The
diameter of the pad is controlled by the diameter of the sketched circle, and
the height of the pad is controlled by the depth to which the circle is extruded
concentricity. This type of information is typically communicated on drawings
using feature control symbols. By capturing this information in the sketch,
CATIA enables you to fully capture your design intent up front.


A solid model is the most complete type of geometric model used in CAD
systems. It contains all the wireframe and surface geometry necessary to fully describe
the edges and faces of the model. In addition to geometric information, solid models
also convey their ―topology‖, which relates the geometry together.
For example, topology might include identifying which faces (surfaces) meet
at which edges (curves). This intelligence makes adding features easier. For example,
if a model requires a fillet, you simply select an edge and specify a radius to create it.


A CATIA model is fully associative with the drawings and parts or assemblies
that reference it. Changes to the model are automatically reflected in the associated
drawings, parts, and/or assemblies. Likewise, changes in the context of the drawing or
assembly are reflected back in the model.

Geometric constraints (such as parallel, perpendicular, horizontal, vertical,
concentric, and coincident) establish relationships between features in your model by
fixing their positions with respect to one another. In addition, equations can be used to
establish mathematical relationships between parameters. By using constraints and
equations, you can guarantee that design concepts such as through holes and equal
radii are captured and maintained.

4.11 CATIA User Interface :

Below is the layout of the elements of the standard CATIA application.
A. Menu Commands
B. Specification Tree

C. Window of Active document
D. Filename and extension of current document
E. Icons to maximize/minimize and close window
F. Icon of the active workbench
G. Toolbars specific to the active workbench
H. Standard toolbar
I. Compass
J. Geometry

Different types of engineering drawings, construction of solid models,

assemblies of solid parts can be done using inventor.

Different types of files used are:

1. Part files: .CAT Part
2. Assembly files: .CAT Product

Workbenches contain various tools that you may need to access during your
part creation. You can switch between any primary workbenches using the following
two ways:

A. Use the Start Menu.

B. Click File >New to create a new document with a particular file type. The
associated workbench automatically launches.

The parts of the major assembly is treated as individual geometric model , which is
modeled individually in separate file .All the parts are previously planned & generated feature
by feature to construct full model
Generally all CAD models are generated in the same passion given bellow :

: Enter CAD environment by clicking, later into part designing

mode to construct model.

: Select plane as basic reference.

: Enter sketcher mode.

In sketcher mode:

: Tool used to create 2-d basic structure

of part using line, circle etc

: Tool used for editing of created geometry

termed as operation

: Tool used for Dimensioning,

referencing. This helps creating
parametric relation.

: Its external feature to view geometry

in& out

: Tool used to exit sketcher mode after

creating geometry.

Sketch Based Feature :

Pad :On exit of sketcher mode the feature is to be padded .( adding

material )

Pocket: On creation of basic structure further pocket has to be created

(removing material )

Revolve: Around axis the material is resolved, the structure should has same
profile around axis.

Rib: sweeping uniform profile along trajectory (adding material)

Slot: sweeping uniform profile along trajectory (removing material)

Loft: Sweeping non-uniform/uniform profile on different plane along

linear/non-linear trajectory

: Its 3d creation of features creates chamfer,

Radius, draft, shell, th …

: Its tool used to move geometry, mirror,

pattern, scaling in 3d environment On
creation of individual parts in separate

Assembly environment: In assembly environment the parts are

recalled & constrained..

Product structure tool: To recall existing components already modeled.

: Assembling respective parts by mean of

Update: updating the made constrains.

Additional features are: Exploded View, snap shots, clash analyzing

numbering, bill of material. etc

Finally creating draft for individual parts & assembly with possible details
The parts of the major assembly is treated as individual geometric model , which is
modeled individually in separate file .All the parts are previously planned & generated
feature by feature to construct full model
Generally all CAD models are generated in the same passion given bellow :

: Enter CAD environment by clicking, later into part designing mode to

construct model.

: Select plane as basic reference.

Sketch of the Model:

16 degree


Milling cutter design and cam design for manufacture is a specialist topic. With the
advent of mathematically complex but accurate, user-friendly and highly visual computer
software, as with valve lift profile design can be professionally executed by the engineer who
normally designs the power producing cylinder-head components of the engine.
However excellent those design techniques may be for Milling cutter design and
manufacture, the quality of the ensuing Milling cutter profile design and its subsequent
behavior within an machine is only as good as that of the valve lift profile design, and the
quality of its inherent smoothing techniques, which precede it. Design of Milling cutter is
done by using CATIA


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2. Mohan, L. V. Profile Corrections for relieving tool for form relieved milling cutters.
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6. Nelson, D. and Schaible, J. Updating boring and milling tools. Cutting Tool Eng. Aug.
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8. R. T. Coelho, A. Braghini Jr., C. M. O. Valente and G. C. Medalha on Experimental
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9. A text book of Machine design R.S Khurmi, and J.K Gupta. 2008 edition S.Chand


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