TDS Nitocote EP410

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Nitocote EP410 constructive solutions

Highly chemical resistant two pack epoxy



To provide protection to concrete and steel structures in The local Fosroc office should be consulted in respect of
aggressive chemical immersion conditions. The material is other chemicals, or at operating temperatures greater than
particularly suitable for applications in process plants and 20 C.
sewage works.
Specification clauses
Chemical and abrasion resistant lining
 Excellent chemical resistance.
The chemical and abrasion resistant lining shall be Nitocote
 Excellent adhesion to concrete and steel. EP410, a high build, two pack epoxy system specifically
 Excellent abrasion resistance. designed to provide a tough and impermeable film.

Description Application instructions

Nitocote EP410 is a high build, solvent free, two pack epoxy Preparation
formulation. It is supplied in pre-measured quantities ready
for site mixing and use. It is used in conjunction with Concrete surfaces
separate, solvent containing primers for concrete and steel.
All surfaces must be dry, smooth, sound and free from
Technical support debris and loose material. Surfaces must be free from
contamination such as oil, grease, dust, loose particles and
Fosroc offers a comprehensive range of high performance, organic growth. Concrete surfaces must be fully cured,
high quality products suitable for use within all aspects of the laitance-free and free from any traces of shuttering release
concrete repair and protection industry. In addition, the oils and curing compounds.
company offers a technical support package to specifiers,
end-users and contractors, as well as on-site technical All surfaces should then be grit blasted to remove all foreign
assistance in locations all over the world. matter, open up blow holes and provide a suitable key for
Nitocote EP410.
Design criteria
All blow holes and imperfections should be filled with
Nitocote EP410 is designed for application in one coat to Nitomortar FC or Nitomortar TC2000.
achieve a minimum total dry film thickness of 250 microns.
When used in conjunction with glass fibre reinforcement to All surfaces should then be primed with Nitoprime 25. It is
bridge fine cracks, it is applied in two coats to achieve a mixed in the proportions supplied and applied in a thin,
minimum total dry film thickness of 500 microns. Nitocote continuous film. The primer should be touch dry but
EP410 is designed to be used with Nitoprime 25 on concrete allowed to cure for no more than 24 hours at 20 C or no
surfaces and Nitoprime 28 on mild steel. It is green in colour. more than 16 hours at 35 C before the application of
Nitocote EP410. The pot life of Nitoprime 25 is 80 minutes
o o
at 20 C, 30 minutes at 35 C.
Steel surfaces
Volume solids: 100%
Viscosity: Pourable, spreadable liquid All surfaces should be grit blasted to meet the requirements
Pot life at 20 C: 90 minutes of BS7079, SA 2 ½ . The lining work should be
at 35oC: 35 minutes programmed so that newly cleaned steel is primed before
Specific gravity: Approx 1.43 (mixed) the formation of rust or scale.

The fully cured coating is resistant to: All surfaces should then be primed with Nitoprime 28. It is
mixed in the proportions supplied and applied as a thin
Chemical Agent Concentration continuous film. The primer should be touch dry but
Sodium hydroxide 50% allowed to cure for no more than 24 hours at 20 C or 16
Citric acid 50% hours at 35 C before the applications of Nitocote EP410.
Hydrochloric acid 30% The pot life of Nitoprime 28 is 80 minutes at 20 C, 30
Lactic acid 10% minutes at 35 C.
Acetic acid 15%
Sulphuric acid 25%

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Nitocote EP410
Mixing Limitations

The contents of the base can should be stirred thoroughly to Nitoprime 25, Nitoprime 28 and Nitocote EP410 are
disperse any settlement. The entire contents of the hardener formulated for application to clean, sound concrete and
can should be stirred and added to the base container and steel. They should not be applied over existing coatings.
mixed thoroughly until a uniform colour and consistency are Application should not be undertaken if the temperature is
obtained, taking particular care to scrape the sides and o o
below 5 C or is 5 C and falling, nor when the prevailing
bottom of the container. It is recommended that mechanical Relative Humidity exceeds 90%.
mixing be employed using a Jiffy mixer on a heavy duty, slow
speed electric drill. In cold weather, materials should be Nitocote EP410 is not colour stable when exposed to direct
o o
stored between 15 C - 20 C for 24 hours before use. sunlight, nor when in contact with some chemicals.
Application Estimating
Number of coats: 1 Supply
Theoretical application rate per
coat: 0.25 litres per m Nitoprime 25: 1 kg and 5 kg Packs
Theoretical wet film thickness
Nitoprime 28: 1 kg and 5 kg Packs
per coat: 250 microns
Nitocote EP410: 5.6 kg Packs
Over-coating times:
o Fosroc Solvent 102: 4 & 25 Litre Packs
at 5 C: 16 - 72 hours
at 20 C: 16 - 36 hours
at 35oC: 6 -18 hours Coverage
Fully cured
at 5oC: 14 days Nitoprime 25: 4 - 6 m 2 per kg
at 20 C: 7 days Nitoprime 28: 4 - 6 m 2 per kg
at 35oC: 6 days Nitocote EP410: 4 m per litre @ 250 micron (2.8
m per kg)
The minimum application temperature is 5 C.
The coverage figures are theoretical - due to wastage
All primed surfaces should be treated with one coat of factors and the variety and nature of possible substrates,
Nitocote EP410. The mixed material should be applied by a practical coverage figures may be substantially reduced.
nylon brush and finally smoothed out with a steel trowel to
achieve a uniform coating with a wet film thickness not less UN packaging regulations
than 250 microns. Any movement joints in the structure
should be expressed through the coating and sealed with an To comply with current regulations all products of a
appropriate sealant. hazardous natures, which are subjected to a sea crossing
as part of their delivery requirements, must be packed in UN
Use of glass fibre reinforcement approved receptacles.

Nitocote EP410 may be used in conjunction with glass fibre When a known sea crossing is involved, whether locally or
cloth to increase thickness or, where necessary, bridge fine for export, Fosroc will supply in the correct UN packaging.
cracks in the substrate. The cloth should be laid directly on Where Fosroc is requested to deliver within a mainland
the first coat whilst wet and should be pressed in and boundary, but the Purchaser intends to onward ship, it is
smoothed out with a stiff nylon brush or split washer roller. A incumbent upon the Purchaser to specify that UN packaging
second coat should then be applied, allowing no more than is required at the time of placing the order. Otherwise, once
o o received, responsibility rests with the Purchaser. The use
24 hours at 20 C and no more than 18 hours at 35 C
between coats, and again achieving a wet film thickness not of UN packaging may affect the selling price of products.
less then 250 microns. Please consult the local Fosroc area manager or office.
Suitable cloth is open weave 110 g/m glass cloth. Storage

Cleaning Shelf life

Nitoprime 25, Nitoprime 28 and Nitocote EP410 should be All products have a shelf life of 12 months if kept in a dry
o o
removed from tools and equipment with Fosroc Solvent 102 store between 5 C and 30 C in the original, unopened
immediately after use. Cured material can only be removed containers.

constructive solutions Page 2

Nitocote EP410
Storage conditions Flash points
Storage in dry conditions at temperatures between 5 C and Nitoprime 25: 39oC
o o
30 C in the original, unopened containers. If stored at high Nitoprime 28: 27 C
temperatures, the shelf life may be reduced. o
Fosroc Solvent 102: 33 C

Precautions For further information, consult the Product Material Safety

Data Sheet.
Health and safety
Additional Information
Nitoprime 25 and Nitoprime 28 should not come in contact
with the skin and eyes, or be swallowed. When using these
Fosroc manufactures a wide range of complementary
materials, ensure adequate ventilation and avoid inhalation
products which include:
of vapours. If working in confined areas, then suitable
respiratory protective equipment must be worn. Some
 Waterproofing membranes & waterstops
people are sensitive to resins, hardeners and solvents.
Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eyes
 Joint sealants & filler boards
protection. The use of barrier creams provides additional
protection. In case of contact with the skin, remove
 Cementitious & epoxy grouts
immediately with suitable resin removing cream, the cleanse
with soap and water. Do not use solvent. In case of contact
 Specialised flooring materials
with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of clean water and
seek medical advice. If swallowed, seek medical attention
Fosroc additionally offers a comprehensive package of
immediately - do not induce vomiting.
products specifically designed for the repair and
refurbishment of damaged concrete. Fosroc’s ‘Systematic
Nitocote EP410 contains 4,4’ - Diaminodiphenylmethane.
Approach’ to concrete repair features the following:
May cause cancer. Danger of serious damage to health by
prolonged exposure in contact with skin. Avoid contact with
 Hand-placed repair mortars
skin and eyes, ingestion and inhalation of vapour. Ensure
adequate ventilation. If working in confined areas, then
 Spray grade repair mortars
suitable respiratory, protective equipment must be worn.
Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face
 Fluid micro-concretes
protection. Barrier creams provide additional skin
protection. Should accidental skin contact occur, remove
 Chemically resistant epoxy mortars
immediately with a resin removing cream, followed by soap
and water. Do not use solvent. In case of contact with
 Anti-carbonation/anti-chloride protective coatings
eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of clean water and seek
medical advice. If swallowed, seek medical attention
 Chemical and abrasion resistant coatings
immediately - do not induce vomiting. It is imperative that
high standards of personal hygiene are maintained.
For further information on any of the above, please consult
your local Fosroc office - as below.
Fosroc Solvent 102 is a flammable liquid. Keep away from
sources of ignition. No smoking. Wear suitable protective
clothing, gloves and eye/face protection. Use only in well
ventilated areas.


Nitocote EP410 is non flammable. Nitoprime 25, Nitoprime

28 and Fosroc Solvent 102 are flammable. Keep away from
sources of ignition. No smoking. In the event of fire,
extinguish with CO 2 or foam. Do not use a water jet.

Important note:
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions
for the Supply of Goods and Services, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that
any advice, recommendation, specification of information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct
or continuous control over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the
use of its products, whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation of information given by it.

Fosam Company Limited

Head Office Telephone: +966 12 637 5345 Fax: +966 12 637 5891 email:
Post Box 11081 Regional Offices
Jeddah – 21453 Jeddah Sales Office Tel: (012) 608 0999 Fax: (012) 638 0693 Yanbu Tel: (014) 322 4280 Fax: (014) 391 2980
Jeddah Showroom Tel: (012) 665 0187 Fax: (012) 667 4844 Makkah Tel: (012) 542 0869 Fax: (012) 542 0869
Saudi Arabia Riyadh Tel: (011) 482 9303 Fax: (01) 482 7562 Medinah Tel: (014) 855 0091 Fax: (014) 855 0047
Dammam Tel: (013) 814 1282 Fax: (013) 814 1581 Jubail Tel: (013) 362 3904 Fax: (013) 362 3875 Khamis Mushayt Tel: (017) 250 0469 Fax: (017) 250 0469 CSD Tel: (012) 608 0999 Fax: (012) 638 0693

Registered Office: Industrial Area, Phase 4, Road No. 102, Street No. 82
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