Shri Nana Ji Deshmukh Founder, Deendayal Research Institute Prologue
Shri Nana Ji Deshmukh Founder, Deendayal Research Institute Prologue
Shri Nana Ji Deshmukh Founder, Deendayal Research Institute Prologue
Nanaji’s life is a mission and his mission is his life. He made up his mind
while he is still in his teens to dedicate himself to the service of our
motherland. Since then he never looked back nor has any time for a
sojourn in his life’s pilgrimage. At the age of ninety two years he stands
as a beacon of light to the multitude of Indians and as an inspiring
source for lakhs if not millions of people that came into his contact
through the programmes conceived and organized by this stalwart of our
nation. The ordeals he went through be it in the pursuit of social work,
political activities or during and after the total revolution movement of
Loknayak Jaya Prakash Narayan, never deterred him to deviate from his
life’s mission.
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1. Name : Nana Deshmukh
3. Positions held
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4. Distinctions
2008 — Chandrashekharendra Saraswati National Emminence
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2000 — Doctor of letters awarded by the Chatrapati Sahaji Maharaj
University - Kanpur.
District 3290.
1997 — Manas Sangh Sanman on the occassion of Sant Tulasi Das
500th Birthday.
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Work and Achievements:
Shri Nanaji Deshmukh is the founder of Deendayal Resarch Institute a voluntary Non
Governmental Organization (NGO) established in the year 1969. He is a social worker
reformer, original thinker and above all a man of action who dedicated his life to the
service of motherland. His field work, rural development and social reconstruction,
started with Gonda experiment in the year 1978 which spread to other needy places in
the Country like Beed (Maharastra) and Chitrakoot (M.P.).
Shri Nanaji believed to the core that upliftment of the rural poor and strengthening the
village life is the only solution for our Country’s progress. His precepts “Gramodaya”
and “Swavalamban” reflects the philosophy of the great personalities and States men
like Swami Vivekananda, Bala Gangadhar Tilak and Mahatma Gandhi. In him a
great visionary and down to earth practical personality are blended together which is a
rarity in nature. That is why, activities of all these centers ware conceived and designed
in minute details by Shri Nanaji. The success of these programmes are mainly due to
the detailed planning and able execution under the constant guidance of Shri Nanaji.
Several thousands of youth inspired by his personality and magnetized by his touch are
participating in the programs. The results achieved are always unique, astonishingly
successful and even amazing some times. Well all this was and is possible only
because of radiant presence of Shri Nanaji.
It is the legacy of Dr. Hedgewar, Shri M.S. Golwalkar (Guruji) and Pandit Deendayal
Upadhyaya that is being carried out by Shri Nanaji in every thought and deed. True to
this legacy Shri Nanaji believes that a nation or its constituent can never achieve an
independent progress at the mercy of foreign funds. Shri Nanaji in spite of his several
visits to foreign countries and easy accessibility to foreign funding agencies, never
entertained the thought of raising money through these agencies. Time and again he
stressed and is incessantly stressing this dictum. The resources required for every
project, programme and endeavour of Deendayal Research Institute came from persons
associated with or influenced by Deendayal Research Institute activities or from the
Govt. of India. Thus Deendayal Research Institute under the leadership of Shri Nanaji
stands as a unique Non-Governmental Organization dedicated to the service of our
motherland in its own unique way.
Since it is not possible to detail every activity he executed; we present in brief some of
the important major projects (both completed and on going) in the following pages.
However for the benefit of comprehensive understanding of the nature and particularly
the magnitude of work of Deendayal Resarch Institute we are enclosing the detailed
charts and brochures depicting the various activities.
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