Curriculum Vitae Sadaket Malik

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Sadaket Ali

S/o Sh. Abdul latief Malik

Address of Correspondence:
Soti Bhalessa Doda (J&K)

Academic Recognition •
• Coordinator: Indira Gandhi National Open University Spl. Study Centre
1264 D Bhalessa Doda
• Counseled Courses like “CIG, FHS.
• Taught B.Ed courses in

Work Experience
• IGNOU : 5 years
• Teaching: 6 years.
• Media : 1 1/2 years
• NSWA Education Mission: 7 years
• Editing:
• Publications : (Annexure – I)
• Books: 2
• 1. Policy issues in Education
• 2. Roots of Bhalessa
• Articles in magazines:

Academic Profile
• Master of Arts (Education) : Jammu University, Jammu.
• Dissertation Topic: A studey of Problems of students at different levels of
education- A case study
• of schools, colleges and Universities of Jammu
• Bachelor of Arts (Education, Economics and Geography) : Jammu
• B.Ed (University of Jammu, Jammu)
• Schooling (2008) .

Major Achievements
Established IGNOU Special Study Centre at Bhalessa ( The area is infested by

The details of the training / attachment programmes are given in Annexure – II.

Chairman National Students Welfare Association Bhalessa (Regd)

- Founder, crusader and benefactor of NSWA NGO,

- Coordinator: IGNOU Special Study Centre Bhalessa
- Member: Each One Teach One charitable Foundation
- Founder: Bhalessa Heritage Centre, Bhalessa

Other Activities:
Founder, crusader and benefactor of NSWA NGO- (an educational Organisation).
His vision to mankind is clear’. He has always performed his roles of an informed and
responsible citizen. Be it the social work in college days,
It is evident from his appreciation letters, plethora of articles published
internationally. Remained associated with Nehru Yuva Kendra Doda in 2003
and got District YouthAward-2003-2005 from Dy. Commissioner Doda.H e j o i n e d
Peoples Union for Civil Liberty (PUCL) in 2007. Worked as
C o o r d i n a t o r IGNOU Bhalessa centre in 2006 and was elected as a Visiting
Research Fellow of Third World Centre Philippine in 2009 to study the Peace
keeping Operations and human conflicts in J&K.

His articles seemed published in leading papers like Employment

News New Delhi,Daily Excelsior Jammu, Kashmir Times Jammu, State
Times Jammu, and one Onlinew e b magazines
l i k e www.i
In 2003, he was awarded a medal for his social and humanitarian
activities by the Vice-Chancellor of University of Jammu and that encouraged him
even more. He was involved with Akhil Bharat Rachnatmak Samaj headed by Dedi
Nirmalla Deshpande for more than seven years (2001-2007) and continued to work as
a president (ABRS Student Wing) and won many accolades for his efforts. He
was conferred “Gandhi Doot Madel
He then paved his way to Jammu University where he involved
himself in the leadership process by the very first year. He worked as the

Working President of Govt.Degree College Union Bhaderwah and later
became the president of NSS
It was under his able guidance and leadership that Bhaderwah College NSS
wing reached new heights and achieved great goals. 120 hours service was rendered
by the volunteers in the villages adopted, under which he inspired many by
organizing health check up, blood d o n a t i o n c a m p s a n d
e d u c a t i o n c a m p a i g n s . Education has been a very
i m p o r t a n t c o n c e r n f o r h i m . H e m o v e d a P r o p o s a l f o r t h e setting up of
IGNOU Special Centre at Bhalessa and finally got approval for the same.
The need was to make education accessible in the inaccessible area like Bhalessa.

He founded NGO- Students Welfare Association Bhalessa (SWAB) and got

registered H e Worked as Group Leader of NSS Unit of Bhaderwah College.he
served as Working President of Govt. Degree College Bhaderwah in 2003-
04 and pleaded the cause of students, He was appointed as a Departmental
Representative (DR) o f D e p a r t m e n t o f E d u c a t i o n U n i v e r s i t y o f
J a m m u i n 2 0 0 5 . He established IGNOU Special Study Centre in
He has been working with the Web Media since 2008 and
o n l i n e M a g a z i n e s l i k e A m e r i c a n Chronicle, California Chronicle,
( The M e r i N e w s
( . The NVO News
( and other 20 media houses as freelancer.
Sadaket’s Articles are published in CNN, Meri News, India Post, India
News, Kashmir Times, O t h e r l o c a l a n d n a t i o n a l n e w s p a p e r s
Daily Excelsior, Employment News, Article Base, American Chronicl
e . H i s a r e a o f w r i t i n g covers Education, Hindu-Muslim relations and Kashmir
He has used his literary skills by being part of various magazines published
under his leadership with social messages as an NSS leader and part of
various other NGOs.
H e h a s w o r k e d compassionately with several organizations and his
activities were noted by UNESCO.
He has been part of numerous events for the empowerment and emancipation
of women. Youth and rural strata.

He has put in efforts to throw light on the socio-educational and

political canvas of the area.
Sadaket is exclusively writing on India’s educational policy
parameters as it clearly shows from his plethora of articles published in
National and International magazines. # # # #

Annexure I
List of Published Articles
List of the Articles Published
1. Career in NGO Management (The Employment News New Delhi)
2. Distance education: Indian Context (Daily Excelsior Jammu)
3. Effective decentralization needed in Education (Daily Excelsior Jammu)
4. Holistic education: A UNESCO Experience (Daily Excelsior Jammu)
5. Rehabilitation of Disabled (Web)
6. Gender enrolment ratio in secondary education – (Indian Edunews)
7. Diversifying Open schooling (Indian Edunews
8. Failure in regulations of education (Indian Edunews
9. Nutritional Value of Midday Meals (Indian Edunews
10. E-governance- reaching the unreached (The Daily Excelsior)
11. Originality in Thinking for Education (Web Articles)
12. Tears of children! (Indian Edunews
13. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad: A true educationist (Indian Edunews
14. State Knowledge Commission needs fleeting attention (The Daily
Kashmir Times)
15. Education for human Values -(Daily Excelsior Jammu)
16. Electronic way to learning (Daily Excelsior Jammu)

17.. Pro-active bid to bring education on right track (The MeriNews)

18. Indian universities lack placement services (The MeriNews
19. Open and distance Learning: A global view (Daily Excelsior Jammu)

20. Education for All Report 2008- an Eye Opener for Policy Makers (Web)
21. Revitalizing secondary education (Daily Excelsior Jammu)

22. Streamlining Vocational Training (Daily Excelsior Jammu)

23. Flexible educational curricula (Daily Excelsior Jammu)

24. Government Policies and International Voluntary Sector (Web)
25. Needed a reflective youth policy (Daily Excelsior Jammu)
26. Placement facility in technical education (The Mendate)
27. A Poet cannot become a Chemical Engineer' (India Edunews)
28. ICTs and capacity building in Open Learning (The MeriNews
29. Public Relations as a Career (The Job Quest)
30. Career in Real Estate Management (The Job Quest)
31. Advertising- A Glamorous Career (The Job Quest)
32. State Youth Policies-The need of hour (Web Media)
33. Value based Education” (The Daily Excelsior)

34. Technologising Learning in Schools” (The Daily Excelsior)
3536. Accountability for NGOs” (Daily Excelsior Jammu)
37. It’s a rising tide irreversible tide in educational picture” (The Kashmir
38. India’s unmanned moon mission-A stepping Stone” (Daily Excelsior


Appreciations Letters from different agencies at different levels:

: Sadaket has got more the 40 Appreciation letters from different quarters
viz Government, Non Govt. and Private organizations for his community


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