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OPM (One Page Manager)
2. ADVANCES - GOVT. SPONSORED SCHEMES & Financial Inclusion 21 28
4. ADVANCES - SME 59 90
5. DEPOSITS 91 113
10. SDV/CAPITAL GAIN 142 145
13. IMPORTANT CIRCULARS FROM 01.04.2015 TO 30.06.2018 158 162

We have made all our efforts to give you the updated material on the topics covered in the Handbooks, users
are requested to refer to the various circulars/guidelines/ instructions issued by HO on the subject.
Readers are requested to inform us if any discrepancy is observed in any of the topics covered in the
(to be Updated upto 30.09.2018)


AFD/01 30.09.2018
Purchase of new or second hand tractor, power tiller, power thresher, power sprayers, power dusters etc.
pickup van, Jeep to transport agricultural inputs & farm products. Loan is also available for repair or
renovation of vehicles.
Individual farmers having 8 acres of perennially irrigated land for tractor and 5 acres of perennially irrigated
land for power tillers. Depending upon the scope of custom hiring and cropping pattern, land holding
criteria may be considered at 5 acres and 3 acres for tractors and power tillers respectively with prior
permission of Zonal Managers.
Quantum of Finance
As per cost of the vehicle (It is to be ensured that the Tractor/ Power Tiller has necessary commercial test
report as per BIS Code issued by the Central Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute (CFMTTI), Budni,
Madhya Pradesh. The Power Tillers meeting the Minimum Performance Standards (MPS) alone will be
considered eligible for refinance from NABARD).
(a) New Vehicle- Loan upto Rs.1,00,000/- - Nil Margin
Loan above Rs.1,00,000/- - 15% to 25%
(b) Second hand tractor - 33.33%
(c) Repair / renovation - 25%
Rate of Interest: Please refer to the H.O. Br. Circular issued from time to time.
Type of Machine Maximum Repayment Period
New Tractor 9 years
New power tiller 7 years
Second hand tractor 4 years
Other Machinery 3 to 5 years
Repair, Renovation 3 to 5 years
Loan upto Rs. 100,000/- - Hypothecation of machinery& Bank charge to be registered with RTA.
Loan above Rs. 100,000/-- (i) Hypothecation of Machinery & Bank charge to be registered with RTA.
(ii) Mortgage of land or Declaration as per Agril. Credit Act or collateral security of adequate worth.
Document to be obtained from the Borrower:
(i) Photograph
(ii) Proof of identification
(iii) Land Record
(iv) Quotation of approved tractor/implements/ vehicle
NABARD guidelines for selection of make, minimum performance standards/ commercial test report you may
refer B.C No 101/104 Dt 31.08.07
Some Other General Agriculture Circulars :-
SLBC- HO BC 110/119 dtd.5.10.2016. SHG- HO BC 110/126 dtd. 7.10.2016 & Cir. No 2015-16/184
dtd. 6.2.2016 & HO BC 110/133 dtd. 18.10.2016. Natural Calamities-Relief Measures- HO BC 110/202 dtd.23.1.2017, Lead
Bank Scheme- HO BC 109/90 dtd. 10.7.2015. Margin & Security norms – HO BC 107/18 dtd. 27.4.2013.KCC Insurance Cover
Br. Cir: 110/141 dated 21.10.2016, KCC & Term Loan Fraud- Cir. No.2016-17/124 dtd.13.2.2017 & 2016-17/111 dtd. 3.1.2017.
Credit facilities to Minority communities- HO BC 110/124 dtd. 7.10.2016 . Agriculture Loan Products- HO BC -106/117 dtd.
1.11.2012. Agriculture Loan Application/Proposal Forms- HO BC 110/192 dtd. 3.1.2017. Financing Bee keeping BC 111/23
dt.8.5.2017 HO, BC 111\92 dtd.04.09.2017 Master Circular on SHG. HO BC 111\90 dtd.04.09.2017 Master Circular on Credit
facilities to SC/CT. Ho BC 111\89 dtd.04.09.2017 Master Circular on Credit Facilities to Minority Communities. HO BC 111\94
dtd.05.09.2017 Master Circular on Lead Bank Scheme. HO BC 111\91 dtd. 04.09.2017 Master Circular on DAY-NRLM(Deendayal
Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihood Mission) Clarifications on interest subvention : IOM - HO/BU-Rural/DSR/939
dated 24.01.2018 "HO: BU-FI IOM No. 2018-19/05 dated 10.04.2018 on "Gram Swaraj Abhiyan" HO, BC 112/55 dtd.
17.7.2018 Master circular on KCC, HO BC 112/48 dtd. 6.7.2018 & 112/53 dtd. 16.7.2018 Priority Sector Targets,

112/63 dtd. 31.7.2018 on DAY-NRLM, 112/58 dtd.25.7.2018 on SHG, 112/57 dtd.19.7.2018 on Credit facilities to
Minority Communities, May2018 Advance Copy of BC on CPS-Rural as Agricultural Banking Centre(ABC)

AFD/02 30.09.2018
Purpose :-
Lift irrigation , well irrigation , electric motor & pump set ,diesel engine , construction of pump house ,
construction of water delivering channel , payment of deposits to state electricity board, sprinkler irrigation ,
drip irrigation
Eligibility :
Individual farmers, Group of farmers, co- operative societies of farmers .
Quantum :
As per unit cost approved by NABARD.
Margin :
Loans up to Rs.1,00,000 /- NIL
Loans above Rs. 1,00,000 - 15% to 25%
Rate of Interest: Please refer to the H.O. Br. Circular issued from time to time
Repayment :
Activity Repayment Period Moratorium
Dugwell with Pump set 11-15 Years 23 Months
Deepening of Well 5 Years 11 Months
Pumpset / Oil Engine 9 Years 11 Months
Bore Well 11-15 Years 11 Months
Sprinkler / Drip Irrigation 10-15 Years 11 Months
(Repayment in Yearly Installment as per cropping Pattern)
Security : TERM LOAN AGREEMENT and/or
Loan up to Rs. 1,00,000/- Hypothecations of assets purchased out of banks finance
Loan above Rs. 1,00,000/- i) Hypothecation of assets purchased out of bank finance.
ii) Mortgage of land or declaration as per Agri. credit act.or collateral security of
adequate worth.
Document to be obtained from the Borrowers :-
1. Photograph
2. Project Report
3. Land records
4. Proof of Identification
For financing pump set under minor irrigation, it may not be necessary for submission of project report by the
proponent as under schematic lending; branches to follow the scheme approved by the NABARD for that
AFD/03 30.09.2018
(1) To establish small dairy unit with 2 to 4 milch cattle.
(2) To establish new medium /large unit.
(3) Collection, processing, distribution of milk & manufacturing of milk products.
(4) Purchase of improved/crossbred milch cattle.
(5) Construction of cattle shed.
Farmer, Agriculture labours, registered partnership firm, limited companies, dairy co-operative societies.
Type of facility
Term Loan/ Working Capital
Loan upto Rs. 100,000/- =Hypothecation of live stocks etc.
Loan above Rs. 100,000/- =(i) Hypothecation of live stocks
(ii) Mortgage of land or declaration as per agri. Credit act or collateral security of adequate worth.


Loan upto Rs. 1, 00,000/- = NIL
Loan above Rs.1, 00,000/- = 15% to 25%
Rate of Interest: Please refer to the H.O. Br. Circular issued from time to time
To be repaid within 5 to 6 years with 2 to 3 months moratorium period.

Documents to be obtained from the Borrower:-

(a) Photograph
(b) Project report
(c) Land records
(d) Proof of identity
For financing to establish a small dairy unit with 2 or 4 milch cattle, it may not be necessary for submission of
project report by the proponent as under schematic lending, branches to follow the scheme approved by the
NABARD for that region. For commercial dairy, submission of project report is necessary
Note: Please also refer to NABARD – DEDS –Schemes ( NABARD ref. no. NB(DoR)/GSS/319DEDS-4/2016-17
dtd. 18.05.2016 )
AFD/04 30.09.2018
Establishment of small poultry farm (layer / broiler) Establishment / expansion of Layer farm / Broiler farm /
hatchery / Processing units.
Individual farmers with formal training or experience Registered firms, Limited companies and co-operative
societies having necessary technical and management personnel.
Amount of finance depends upon the type and size of the poultry farm.
Loan upto Rs. 1, 00,000/- - Nil
Loan above Rs. 1, 00,000/- - 15% to 25%
Type of Loan
Term Loan & working capital
Loan upto Rs. 1, 00,000/- - Hypothecation of live stocks & others
Loan above Rs. 1, 00,000/- - (i) Hypothecation of live stock & others
(ii) Mortgage of land
Declaration as per Ag. Credit Act. or
Collateral security of adequate worth
Rate of Interest: Please refer to the H.O. Br. Circular issued from time to time .
Repayment Moratorium Installment
Layer Unit 6 to 7 years 6 to 7 months Monthly
Broiler Unit 6 to 7 years 3 months Monthly/ Quarterly
Hatchery Unit 6 to 7 years 7 to 8 months Monthly
Document to be obtained from the Borrower:-
(1) Photograph
(2) Project report
(3) Land records
(4)Proof of identity TOP

Security Documents to be obtained by the Branch:-

(1) Composite Hypothecation Agreement(CHA-1) (CHA-1 should contain clauses on non-diversion of funds and
securitisation, otherwise annexure as per Br Cir No 97/186 dated 8.3.2004 is to be obtained).

(2) L-515
(3) Equitable or Legal Mortgage or Deed of Declaration of charge on land wherever stipulated.
(4) Third Party Guarantee (OD-194), where stipulated.
AFD/05 30.09.2018
Objective To provide farmers an opportunity to realize a fair price on seasonal crops by providing sufficient cash for
their farm/off farm needs during storage of farm produce until better market price is available with in a
period of one year. Sector: Direct Agriculture Scheme Code : 116
Eligibility Individual farmers (owner/tenant farmer, share cropper, etc), group of farmers (JLGs) not exceeding four,
engaged in production. Of crops suitable for storage in warehouse/godown/cold storage/regulated market
yards/farm house etc., Farmers enjoying KCC facility as well as non borrower farmers are eligible . ZO to
decide the branches authorized to finance under the scheme.
Facility Demand Loan/cash credit to be repaid within 12 months from the date of disbursement generally against
Warehouse receipts issued by WDRA. But now the scheme is applicable even for ware house receipt issued
by non approved ware houses. (Please see Br. Circular letter 2013-14/154 dated 14.11.2013.
Quantum of Margin at 30% of the market value of the farm produce for WDRA accredited ware house & 40% for non
finance accredited, Max. Rs.50.00 lakh. The value to be worked out on the basis of cropped area, average yield in
the district and prevailing market rates at the time of sanction.
Rate of Pl refers or Br. Cir. Issued from time to time. Please note that small and marginal farmers availing the
interest facility against Negotiable Warehouse Receipts issued by WDRA (Warehousing Development & Regulatory
Authority) may get interest subvention for max.6months in that case, ROI will be as per crop finance.
Disbursement Upon execution of security documents and deposit of ware house/cold storage receipts and after Bank’s
Lien /charge, registration with authorized ware house and cold storage
Security A. Against Pledge of warehouse receipt: DP Note, AG 15, L516, Pledge of WHR duly discharged by the
borrower with Bank’s Charge/lien, OD 159 (letter of Pledge) or Where Pledge attracts advalorem stamp
duty undertakings/agreement devised by HO., Legal Dept. (copies available with Br.Cir.106/136 dated
05.12.2012, Letter from borrower authorizing Bank to engage services of Collateral Management
agencies (expenses in this regard to be borne by the borrower), Undertaking from the borrower to maintain
stipulated margin at all times and deposit necessary amount in case of shortfall in the value of security
stored in the warehouse.
B. Against hypothecation of farm produce stored in the premises of the farmer (only in the case of existing
borrowers enjoying Crop Loan facility): DP Note, AG 15, CHA1, Third party Guarantee(OD 194), Extension
of EQM (value of security (RVS) should be 200 % of the total loan given to the borrower.
Risk Business to be undertaken by branches authorized by Zonal Manager. The authorised branches have to
Mitigation obtain the signatures of authorised officials of the ware houses in their area of operations to verify the
authenticity of the ware house receipt/ noting of our charge on the commodities covered.
B. Similarly the branches have to send the signatures of authorised officials of the bank who would be
signing the letters authorisng release/ sale of the commodities stored to facilitate prompt action.
Warehouse/Godown should get accredited with WDRA with in three years from considering loan against its
ware house receipts failing which further finance should not be considered
There can be instances where the Warehouse Receipts are in non-physical form, generally when the
lodger of commodities desires to trade through the Commodity Exchange. Such receipts are also acceptable and
lent against subject of course to the condition that Bank’s pledge rights are recorded with the issuer of such receipt
(Please also refer HO BC 107/188 dtd. 11.1.2014 )

HO BC 112/55 dtd 17.7.2018
ELIGIBILITY:-All farmers –Individuals/Jt. Borrowers who are owner cultivator, tenant farmers, Oral Lessees, Share
croppers, SHG/JLG of farmers, tenant farmers, oral lessees, share croppers from the operational area
PURPOSE:- a.)Short Term Credit for crop production, b) Post harvest activities, c) Produce Marketing Loan, d)
Consumption Credit Requirement, e) working capital requirement for repairs and maintenance of
farm equipments and for allied activities and also for f) investment credit requirement for
agriculture and allied activities. For activities, “a” to “e” will form short-term credit and the activity
“f” will form long-term credit requirement

For All farmers other than Marginal farmers
A. Short Term Credit Needs: First year: Scale of finance X (multiplied by) Extent of Cultivated area + 10 % for
post harvest + 20 % for repairs and maintenance of farm assets, insurance, etc. Please note the first year limit is the
base for next 4 years. Hence care should be taken to work out the first year limit for all crops and for all seasons
i.e. amount as per scale finance multiplied by acres plus another 30 % on it for post harvest and repairs of farm
For Second and next 3 subsequent years (upto 5 years): The amount arrived in earlier year + 10 % for
cost escalation for every year. The 5th year limit will be cumulative limit arrived by adding stepwise every year
limit. (See the illustrations annexed to Br. Cir. 107/16 dated 16.04.2013).
B. Long term for capital Assets: The farmer needs to Plan next 5 years investment (for land development, minor
irrigation, purchase of farm equipments and allied agricultural activities). The total for the current year plus all the
subsequent 4 years for investment in capital assets will be taken as funds needed under Long Term Credit Needs.
Where loan is sanctioned for Produce Marketing, it will go to reduce the production credit in “A” above and
hence we may add the limit for produce marketing loan (short term to be repayable within 12 months) as a sublimit
within the overall limit arrived under “A” above.
Maximum Permissible Limit: The short-term loan limit arrived for the 5th year (cumulative for all the five
years) plus the estimated long term loan requirement for all the five years (minus repayment of TL installments
every year) will be the Maximum Permissible Limit (MPL) and treated as KISAN CREDIT CARD LIMIT.
Fixation of Sub-limits: 1. Short Term Cash Credit Limit (with another sub-limit within the said sub-limit for Produce
Marketing Loan) and 2. Long Term Loan Limit (reduceable every year on account of repayment in TL).
Please note while entering the limit in Finacle, year wise limit under short-term credit needs and long-term needs is
to be fed properly. Please refer to Br. Cir. 107/16 dated 16.04.2013 for other details. HO(BU-Rual) IOM No. 33 dtd.
17.4.2014 ( For calculation of KCC for Interest subvention purpose) , & HO BC 110/141 dtd.21.10.2016
For Marginal Farmers:
A flexible limit of Rs.10000/- to Rs.50000/- be provided based on the land holding and crops grown including post
harvest warehouse related needs and other farm expenses, consumption needs, etc., plus small term loan
investments like purchase of farm equipments, establishing mini diary/backyard poultry as per assessment of Br.
Manager without relating to the value of land. The composite KCC limit is to be fixed for a period of 5 yrs on the
basis of calculation enumerated above for farmers other than marginal farmers. (see also illustration in Br. Cir.
106/52 dated 25.06.2012).
Disbursement and Repayment: The short-term component of the KCC limit is in the nature of revolving cash credit.
There should be no restriction in number of debits and credits. However each installment of the drawable limit
drawn in a particular year will have to be repaid within 12 months without the need to bring the debit balance in
the account to zero. The long term loan will be disbursed on the basis of already specified plan as per the need of
the borrower with half yearly or annual repayment schedule (maximum repayment period of 9 yrs depending upon
the activity and investment as per the existing guidelines.
MARGIN: For crop loan, there is no separate margin as margin is inbuilt in scale of finance. However for other term
loan – upto Rs.1.00 lakh margin is Nil. Over 1 lakh -15 % to 25% on the merit of each case
SECURITY: As per RBI guidelines. Upto Rs.1.00 lakh (where tie-up is not available) and Upto Rs.3.00 lakh (where tie-
up arrangement is available) No collateral security. In all other cases, collateral security by way of mortgage
/charge over agricultural land to be obtained for aggregate loan amount.
Rate of Interest: Please refer to the H.O. Br. Circular issued on ROI the latest being Br. Cir. 106/46 dated
Available in notified areas for notified crops (BC 101/179 of 31.12.2007)
Personal accident insurance policy: - Available in case of death/permanent disablement upto Rs
5,00,000/-(FIVE lakhS) AS PER BR CIR NO-99/193 DT 09-03-2006 TOP

Documents to be submitted by applicant:

Land Ownership /Possession certificate from Govt. Deptt.
Latest Land Revenue Receipt

Photograph of the applicant.
Please refer to Br. Cir. 107/16 dated 16.04.2013 for other details HO(BU-Rual) IOM No. 33 dtd. 17.4.2014 ( For
calculation of KCC for Interest subvention purpose) , & HO BC 110/141 dtd. 21.10.2016. Ensuring End use of crop
loans- Cir. No.2015-16/108 dtd.15.9.2015

Purpose: - Land leveling, Reclamation of soil and Bonding of soil.

Eligibility:- Farmers owning land and farmers cultivating registered leased land.
Quantum:- Based on estimated cost of the project.
Margin: - Loan upto Rs.1,00, 000/- - Nil, Loan above Rs.1,00,000/- - 15% to 25%
Security: - Loan upto Rs. 1,00,000/- - Agreement of T. Loan, Loan above Rs.1,00,000/--(i) Agreement of Term
Loan (ii) Mortgage of land or Declaration as per Agrl. Credit Act or Collateral security of adequate
Rate of Interest: Please refer to the H.O. Br. Circular issued from time to time.
Repayment: -
The loan is to be repaid within 9 to 15 years in half yearly /yearly installments based on cropping pattern.
Moratorium up to 23 months may be allowed.
Documents to be submitted by borrower:-
(1) Photograph
(2) Land records
(3) Project report
(4) Proof of identity
(5) Application Form
Security Documents to be obtained by the Branch:-
(1) Term Loan Agreement AG-57.
(2) L-515 (3) L-516 (4) AG-15
(5) Equitable or Legal Mortgage or charge on Land , wherever stipulated.
(6) Third Party Guarantee (OD-194), where stipulated
(7) Declaration to inform the change in proposition to the Bank.
Clarifications on interest subvention : IOM - HO/BU-Rural/DSR/939 dated 24.01.2018


The following common terms/concessions are prescribed for our exposure to Kisan Seva Kendras
sponsored by the Indian Oil Corporation.
Item Remarks
a. Investment Fixed Assets Rs. 8.00 lakhs, Stocks- Rs. 12.00 lakhs
b. Margin 15% for both
c. Quantum of Finance Term Loan : Rs. 6.50 lakhs (Max)
(Based on 10KL each of Diesel & W/ Capital : Rs. 10.00 lakhs (Max)
Petrol as well as stocking other (Cash Credit)
Oil/Non-Oil Products)
d. Repayment Term Loan: 60 EMIs from 7th month of commissioning.
C/C: Annual Review. Interest to be serviced as per extant
e. Rate of Interest As prescribed from time to time.
f. Processing Charges
Proposal Charges Rs.145/- per lakh 50% of Proposal Charges Waiver of Documentation Charges
pa (Stamp duty as applicable to be borne by the borrower)
Documentation Charges Rs.1150 for Rs.500/- per annum
S/L above Rs.2 lakhs upto Rs.5 lakhs
Inspection Charges Rs.180 per

occasion for S/L above Rs.2 lakhs.
We are stipulating Monthly
g. Security Primary Security – Assets created out of Bank’s Finance.
Equitable/legal Mortgage of outlet land if owned/leased by the
borrower. Collateral Security 20% of SL or Third party Guarantee
of persons whose worth is at least 20% of SL
(Ref: Branch Circular No. 100/110 of 16.10.2006, 100/160 of 10.01.07).

Scope of the Scheme: The scheme would be implemented by all rural, semi-urban, urban and metropolitan
branches. For operational and security reasons, Zonal Managers are authorized to exclude identified branches
from the purview of the scheme.
Eligibility: Individuals (except goldsmith, jewel appraisers and their close associates) are eligible. Proprietorship
concerns, Partnership firms and Companies are not eligible under the scheme. Branches should ensure that the
proponents should have capacity to service the loan.
Purpose: To meet the credit needs of farmers, traders, entrepreneurs and professionals relating to their business
activities as also for their other bonafide purposes. To meet expenses on marriage, medical treatment or
education of family members including near relatives.
Type of Loan Demand Loan/Term Loan/Overdraft/Cash Credit
Card Limit : a)Card Limit for 22 carat gold ornaments :Rs.20,000/- per 10 grams with reduction of Rs.550/- for
every drop of one carat in purity/fineness of gold and b) Card Limit for gold coins:
Rs,22,000/- per 10 grams as gold coins posses 99.99% purity and 24 carat
Insurance: Gold ornaments/articles/coins pledged with the Bank under the scheme are covered under the
General indemnity Insurance Policy. As such, there is no need for obtaining an insurance cover for these items.
Max repayment period – Overdraft/CC- Interest is to be serviced as and when applied.
Term Loan/Demand Loan: Max. repayment period -36 months.
Accounts which are overdue for payment should be followed up vigorously for recovery. In case the pledged
articles are not redeemed within a reasonable time, branches should sell them. Branches should follow guidelines
given in H.O. Br. Cir. 106/64 dated 16.07.2012.
Rate of Interest: Please refer to the H.O. Br. Cir. 106/71 dated 22.01.2013 & Br cir.107/197 dt 03.02.2014.
Security: i) Pledge of gold ornaments; ii)Pledge of tamper proof gold coins issued by our Bank/ other banks.
Documentation Charges : Nil ; Inspection Charges : Nil ; Commitment Charges: Nil ; Handling charges : Nil
Valuation charges: Rs.3/- per Rs.1000/- Min. Rs.50/- and Max. Rs.300/- per valuation.
Selection of Valuer/Goldsmith
Branches should follow instructions contained Br. Cir. 106/71 dated 22.01.2013 on selection and appointment of
Valuation Certificate
The approved valuer/Goldsmith will test the ornaments for their gold contents and certify the value in terms of
weight and purity. Based on the certificate, the loan limit against gold ornaments is fixed. The certificate should
contain the following particulars :
Name and address of the borrower; Detailed piece-wise description of the articles; Weight of each piece, gross
and net; Fineness of gold in each piece in terms of carat. In case of finance against tamper proof gold coins,
certificate need not be obtained from the goldsmith/valuer. TOP

Valuation Certificate The Valuer’s/Goldsmith Certificate should contain the following particulars:
for our existing Gold a)The name & address of the borrower; b)Detailed piece-wise description of the
Loan Scheme articles; C)Weight of each piece, gross & net; d)Fineness of gold in each piece in
terms of carat.
Sanctioning Authority: I II III IV & above
4 Lakhs 10 Lakhs 20 Lakhs Full Powers
*Upto Rs.10 lakh at Br/ZO Level. For limits over Rs.10 lakh administrative clearance
from H/O required.

Documentation: Demand Loan/ Term Loan –
A) Where the limit is upto Rs.1 lakh : D P Note, Unstamped Agreement of Pledge of gold ornaments (Form AG-
35) Bearer Letter (L-435), Installment letter.
B) Where the limit is above Rs. 1 lakh: D P Note, Stamped Agreement of Pledge of gold ornaments/ articles (Form
AG-35) Bearer Letter (L-435), and Installment letter.
Overdraft/Cash Credit Facility – A) Where the limit is upto Rs.1 lakh: D P Note, L 516, Unstamped Agreement of
Pledge of gold ornaments (Form AG-35), Bearer Letter (L-435)
B) Where the limit is above Rs. 1 lakh: D P Note, L 516, Stamped Agreement of Pledge of gold ornaments (Form
AG-35), Bearer Letter (L-435)
Common Documents : Loan application; Declaration from the borrower that the ornaments are not stridhan
except in case where wife is the borrower; Valuation Certificate from the approved valuer/ gold smith where
BC No: 106/71 dated 22.01.2013.
( Effective from 01.04.2014)
To provide single window approach and user & investment friendly atmosphere, all the ongoing six Plan Schemes
implemented during the XI Plan period have been put under one umbrella “Integrated Scheme for Agricultural
Marketing (ISAM). ISAM scheme is having five components, namely: (i) Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure (AMI),
the objective of this component is to create market infrastructure including Storage Infrastructure and Integrated
Value Chain Projects (II) the existing schemes of Grameen Bhandaran Yojana (GBY) and Development/
Strengthening of Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure, Grading and Standardization (AMIGS) has been merged as
AMI (ii) Marketing research and information Network(MRIN) (III)Strengthening of Agmark Grading facilities
(SAGF)(IV)Agri-Business Development (ABD) through Venture capital Assistance(VCA)(V) Training, research and
OBJECTIVES: To promote creation of agricultural marketing infrastructure by providing backend subsidy support to
State, cooperative and private sector investments. ii. To promote creation of scientific storage capacity and to
promote pledge financing to increase farmers’ income.iii. To promote Integrated Value Chains (confined up to the
stage of primary processing only) to provide vertical integration of farmers with primary processors iv. To use ICT as
a vehicle of extension to sensitize and orient farmers to respond to new challenges in agricultural marketing. v. To
establish a nation-wide information network system for speedy collection and dissemination of market information
and data on arrivals and prices for its efficient and timely utilization by farmers and other stake holders. vi. To
support framing of grade standards and quality certification of agricultural commodities to help farmers get better
and remunerative prices for their graded produce.vii. To catalyze private investment in setting up of agribusiness
projects and thereby provide assured market to producers and strengthen backward linkages of Agri business
projects with producers and their groups. viii. To undertake and promote training, research, education, extension
and consultancy in the agri. marketing sector.
Eligible Organizations - Assistance under the sub scheme will be available to: Individuals, Group of
farmers/growers, Registered Farmer Producer Organisations. (FPOs), Partnership/Proprietary firms, Companies,
Corporations, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), Self Help Groups (SHGs),Cooperatives, Cooperative
Marketing Federations, Autonomous Bodies of the Government, Local Bodies (excluding Municipal Corporations for
storage infrastructure projects), Panchayats, State agencies including State Government Departments and
autonomous organization/State owned corporations such as Agricultural Produce Market Committees & Marketing
Boards, State Warehousing Corporations, State Civil Supplies Corporations etc.
Location- Any place except for the restriction that it would be outside the limits of Municipal Corporation area.

Size- Capacity of a godown shall be decided by an entrepreneur. However, subsidy under the scheme shall be
restricted to a minimum capacity of 50 tonnes and maximum capacity of 30,000 tonnes. No maximum ceiling on
subsidy in the case of projects of rural godowns of Co-operatives assisted by NCDC. One promoter is now eligible
for subsidy claim for more than one godown in different locations.
Rural godowns of smaller size up to 50 tonnes capacity will also be eligible for subsidy under the scheme as a
special case based on viability analysis depending on the topography/special requirement of the State/Region. In
hilly areas (where the project site is located at a height of more than 1000 meters above mean sea level), rural
godowns of smaller size upto 25 tonnes capacity will also be eligible for subsidy.
Credit Linked Assistance-

Subsidy under the scheme is linked to institutional credit and will be available to only such projects as are
financed by Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks, State Cooperative Banks (SCBs) etc. Loan to the
entrepreneurs from banks for the construction of go downs would carry an adequate long-term repayment period.
Assistance under the scheme shall be available on capital cost of construction of go down including the cost of
allied facilities like boundary wall, internal road, platform, internal drainage system, weighing, grading, packaging,
quality certification, warehousing facilities which are functionally required to operate the go down.
Pledge Loan Facility- - The farmers keeping their produce in the go downs shall be eligible to avail pledge loan on
hypothecation of their produce. The terms and conditions governing pledge loans viz. margin, rate of interest,
period of pledge, amount etc. will be as per the guidelines issued by RBI/NABARD and as per normal banking
practices followed by the financial institutions.
Implementation Period- The modified scheme will be applicable to all new projects for construction / renovations
of rural go downs in respect of which loans are sanctioned on or after 01/04/2014.
Insurance- It will be the responsibility of the owner of the go down to have the insurance for the go down.
Subsidy- Rate of subsidy for storage Infrastructure projects
(a) 33.33% of the capital cost max 4.00 cr. of the project in case of projects located in North – Eastern States, Sikkim
, hilly areas and those belonging to Women Farmers/ their self help groups / co-operatives and SC/ST
entrepreneurs & their self-help groups/ Co-operatives subject to 33.33% of the capital cost max. 3.00 Crores to
such projects located in areas other than north east etc.
(b) 25% for all other categories of beneficiaries’ maximum ceiling on subsidy of Rs.2.25 Crores.
Subsidy- Rate of subsidy for Infrastructure projects other than Storage Infrastructure.
(c) 33.33% of the capital cost max 5.00 cr.of the project in case of projects located in North – Eastern States,
Sikkim , hilly areas and those belonging to Women Farmers/ their self help groups / co-operatives and SC/ST
entrepreneurs & their self-help groups/ Co-operatives subject to 33.33% of the capital cost max. 5.00 Crores to
such projects located in areas other than north east etc.
(d) 25% for all other categories of beneficiaries’ maximum ceiling on subsidy of Rs.4.00 Crores.
Capital cost of the project for the purpose of subsidy under the scheme shall be calculated as follows:
a) For go downs up to 1000 tonnes capacity – Project cost as appraised by financing Bank or actual cost or
Rs.3500/- per tonne of storage capacity, whichever is lower;
For go downs exceeding 1000 tonnes capacity – Project cost as appraised by Bank or actual cost or Rs.3000/- per
tonne of storage capacity, whichever is lower.For Ne / Hilly areas this would be Rs. 4,000/- instead of Rs. 3,000/-
irrespective of go down capacity . However, for go downs exceeding 30,000 tonnes capacity, the subsidy would be
restricted to that admissible for capacity of 30,000 tonnes only, subject to the relaxations made under para 3
(xviii) above for projects of the co-operatives.
For renovation of godowns by cooperatives with assistance from NCDC - project cost as appraised by Bank / NCDC
or actual cost or Rs.750/- per tone of storage capacity, whichever is lower.
No beneficiary shall draw subsidy for the go down project or any of its components from more than one source.
The capacity of go down shall be calculated @ 0.4 M.T. per cu. mtr. and capacity of silos will be calculated@ 0.62
M.T per cubic meter volume of silo.
Release of Subsidy- Subsidy for the projects under the scheme shall be released through NABARD for projects
financed by Commercial, Cooperative and Regional Rural Banks etc.
Adjustment of subsidy in Borrower's Account - The subsidy release for an individual project will be kept in
separate borrower-wise account. The adjustment of subsidy will be back ended. Accordingly, the full project cost
including the subsidy amount, but excluding the margin money contribution from the beneficiary, would be
disbursed as loan by the banks. The repayment schedule will be drawn on the loan amount in such a way that the
total subsidy amount is adjusted after full bank loan component net of subsidy with interest is liquidated but not
before 5 years from the date of disbursement of first installment of loan.
No interest chargeable on subsidy portion - The subsidy admissible to the promoter under the scheme will be kept
in the Subsidy Reserve Fund Account (Borrower-wise) in the books of the financing banks. No interest would be
charged on this by the Bank. In view of this, for purposes of charging interest on the loan component, the subsidy
amount should be excluded. The balance lying to the credit of the subsidy reserve fund account will not form part
of demand and time liabilities for the purpose of SLR/CRR.
Term Loan -
i) Minimum 50% of the project cost (46.67% in case of NE States, hilly areas, Women Farmers/ their self help
groups / co-operatives and SC/ST entrepreneurs & their self-help groups/ Co-operatives ) is to be raised as
term loan from the financing banks. As the subsidy is back-ended, eligible amount of subsidy would be initially

allowed as term loan to the beneficiary. The repayment schedule will be drawn on the total loan amount
(including subsidy). The subsidy amount will be adjusted after liquidation of bank loan (net of subsidy) but not
before 5 years from the date of disbursement of first installment of term loan.
ii) Depending upon the cash flow, the term loan would carry an adequate long term repayment period, not less
than 5 years including a grace period of one year.
iii) Rate of interest to borrowers on term loan shall be as per RBI guidelines. Interest will be chargeable from the
date of the first disbursement of loan.
iv)The financial institution may also provide working capital separately for undertaking business by
Pattern of Funding;
A. North Eastern States, For all Other For Registered FPOs,
Sikkim, UTs of Andaman & categories of Panchayats,Women**, Scheduled
Nicobar and Lakshadweep beneficiaries Caste(SC)/Scheduled Tribe (ST)
Islands, Hilly* areas beneficiaries or their
cooperatives***/Self-help groups
Owner's minimum 20% 20% 20%
Subsidy 33.33% 25% 33.33%
Term loan (Mini.) 50% 50% 50%
@ Farmer is a person whose main source of income is from Agriculture.
* Cost of land not exceeding 10% of the project cost can form part of the owner's contribution. Where the
project site is located at a height of more than 1000 meters above mean sea level.
** In case of partnership/ co-ownership, the ownership of women partners/ members shall be to the extent
of 50% or more in the project to consider an application under the category of women farmer.
*** SC/ST Cooperative to be certified by the concerned officer of the State Government.
Mode of release -
a) Advance subsidy: 50% of the subsidy amount will be released to NABARD by Deptt of Agriculture and
Cooperation in advance. Accordingly NABARD would release subsidy to participating banks in advance for
keeping the same in the Subsidy Reserve Fund Account of the concerned borrower. This amount of 50%
advance subsidy would be released by NABARD to the participating banks on submission of a project profile-
cum-claim form.
b) Final subsidy: The remaining 50% of the subsidy amount would be disbursed to the participating bank(s)
by NABARD after conduct of an inspection by a Joint Inspection Committee comprising of officers from
NABARD, participating bank and Directorate of Marketing & Inspection (DMI) in the concerned State.
(For further details please refer HO/RURAL/PKS/101 DT. 22.05.2014)
NABARD cir. No 71/DOR22/2014 Dt.25.04.2014 for details.

i) Objective –To provide renewable source of energy to rural/ semi-urban people by using solar energy
ii) Purpose – To consider finance for installation of Solar Energy Home Lighting System with necessary
accessories from reputed manufacturers/ suppliers/ authorized dealers.
iii) Eligibility- TOP
1. Households in rural/ semi-urban/ urban centres, small business establishments, hotels, hospitals,
restaurants, etc. which have an assured source of income.
2. Focused attention to be made to make available Solar Energy Home Lighting System to our
established Kisan Credit Card/ Kisan Samadhan Card holders from each Branch. The Bank has a
customer base of more than 10 lakh KCC holders.
iv) Type of Loan – Medium Term Loan repayable in installments.
v) Project Cost – As per the specific standards and costs prescribed for the system, since there are various
types of indoor lighting systems devised by the various companies. On the basis of the product
specifications and requirement of the customer, the system should be selected and project cost should
be arrived as per the module.

vi) Quantum of loan – 75% to 85% of the project cost which includes costs of the system, accessories,
transportation, installation and commissioning.
vii) Margin – 15% to 25% of the project cost.
viii) Security –
Upto a limit of Rs.50, 000/- - Hypothecation of Solar Energy Home Lighting System.
Limit above Rs.50, 000/-- i) Hypothecation of Solar Energy Home Lighting System;
ii) Mortgage of land or collateral security in the form of LIC policy/ NSC/ Term Deposits, etc iii)Suitable
third party guarantee wherever necessary.
ix) Security Documents –
a) Composite Hypothecation Agreement CHA-1;
b) Demand Promissory Note;
c) Equitable/ Legal Mortgage of the land where mortgage of property is stipulated as security
d) Guarantee Letter OD-194 where 3rd party guarantee is proposed in the account;
e) Stamped receipts, bills, invoices
x) Service Charges – As prescribed by Head Office.
xi) Repayment –
a) Finance extended to farmers: 5 to 7 yearly installments along with interest.
b) Finance made to others: Advance to be repaid in monthly installments in 5 – 7 years.
Interest should be serviced as and when applied.
xii) Disbursement – Disbursement should be made directly to the suppliers of solar lighting system after
installation of the unit against original invoices, stamped receipts, delivery note duly acknowledged by
the borrower. The borrower should confirm to the Bank that he has received the system in good
condition and it is working satisfactorily.
xiii) Rate of interest – As prescribed by Head Office for agricultural advances, from time to time.
xiv) Classification –
a) Advance considered for Solar Energy Home Lighting System should be classified as
priority sector advance.
b) The limits considered to the farmers as part of KCC/ KSC should be classified as Direct
Finance to Agriculture.
(BC 103/03 of 08.04.2009)
AFD / 12

Purpose: To purchase brand new solar water heating systems with necessary accessories for usage in Agro
processing units of the farmers, integral part of farm activity.
Eligibility: Small and Marginal farmers, share croppers/tenant farmers, agri-entrepreneurs.
Solar Water Heater: Model I: Flat Plate Collector (FPC) based system:
Project Cost: Rs.22000/- to Rs.88000/- depending upon capacity (litres per day).
(Details are available in the annexure to Br. Cir.106/117 dated 01.11.2012
Model II : Evacuated Tubular Collector (ETC) TOP

Project Cost Rs. 18000/- to Rs.65000/- depending upon capacity (litres per day)
(Details as per Br. Cir. 106/117 dated 01.11.2012
Please note only MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy) approved products to be considered including
solar P.V. Panel, connecting pipelines, water tank, etc.,
Quantum of Loan: 75% to 85 % of the project cost including the cost of accessories, installation charges, etc.,
Margin: 15- 25 % of the cost of equipments including the cost of accessories. If subsidy is available, the same can
be considered as margin.
Subsidy as per NABARD guidelines (At present NABARD Cir. No. 245/ICD/45/2011 dated 01.12.2011)
Security: Hypothecation of equipments and accessories purchased out of the loan
ROI: Linked to Base Rate
Repayment: 3 – 5 yrs in HY/yearly installments.
Classification: Priority – Indirect Agriculture.
Documents: CHA 1, D.P. Note, OD 194, extension of collateral security in the form of mortgage of agricultural land
already available (where the total credit limit (including other loan ) enjoyed by the farmer exceeds Rs.1.00 lakhs)

(For technical details on water heater please go through the Br. Cir. 106/117 dated 1.11.2012)
AFD / 13

Purpose: Under this scheme, loan will be granted for installation of solar water pumping system. The proposed
scheme will help in harnessing the solar energy for pumping water.
Eligibility and Repaying Capacity: The farmers’ land should have adequate source of water. In case any
public/Govt. source is being used, water right certificate from the concerned authority should be produced.
In case of wells, the wells should have sufficient recouping capacity to irrigate area proposed to be brought under
cultivation. The land holding should be economical. The viability should be ensured and projected DSCR is not less
than 1.60. The farmer should be able to repay the proposed installments within 5-7 yrs.
Solar PV Panel.One of the following motor pumpsets compatible with the photovoltaic array:
 Surface mounted centrifugal pumpset
 Submersible pumpset
 Any other type of motor pumpset, approved by MNRE.(Ministry of New and Renewable Energy)
Project Cost: Cost in the range of Rs.3 lakh to Rs.5 lakh, depending upon the capacity of solar pumpset can be
considered provided the project is, as a whole, technically feasible and economically viable.
Quantum of Loan: 75% of the cost of the equipment
Margin: 25 %. If subsidy is available, the same can be considered as margin.
Security: Hypn.of equipments and mortgage of agricultural land as per extant guidelines for agri. Advances.
Repayment: Minimum of 5-7 years (HY/Yearly as per Cash Flow after harvest of the crops)
(For other details, please go through the Br. Cir. 106/117 dated 1.11.2012) For Intt ( MCLR)-Cir.No.2016-17/42
AFD / 14
Objective: For purchase of any type of vehicle which is to be used for the transportation of agriculture inputs &
farm products. The proponent should come from the operational area of the branch.
Sr. Type of Borrower Type of vehicle ( New Only ) Max. Finance Margin
1. Farmers Jeeps , SUVs or any other four/ Depending upon repaying 5% - 10% on
two wheeler / Bullock Cart capacity the on road
including animals Max. Rs. 1 lakh for 2 wheelers, cost
Max. Rs. 15 lakhs for others
2. Individuals, SHGs, Trucks , Mini Trucks , Pick up Depending upon surplus 10 % - 15 %
Cooperatives in rural vans , refrigerated vans , Tractor generated to meet on the on
areas (engaged in along with trolley , trailers , semi installment& interest road cost
transportation Trailer, Bullock cart along with Max. Rs. 25 lakhs
activity) animals, for transportation of
agriculture inputs / farm outputs
3. Corporate,Partnership Trucks , Mini Trucks , Pick up Depending upon surplus 25 % on the
firms, Institutions vans , refrigerated vans , trailers generated to meet on road cost
, semi Trailers installment& interest
Max. Rs. 1 crore
Minimum DSCR SHOULD BE 1 : 1.25

Technical feasibility / Economic viability should be taken care of.

Term loan: Max. 5 Yrs - for 2 wheelers; 7 Years for others.
Repayment: I) Farmers: H/Y installments + intt. (if Rabi & Kharif both crops are taken )
Yearly + intt. ( if mango crop is taken ) ii ) Others : H/Y installments + intt.
Sanctioning Authority: As per delegation; Service Charges: As per extant guidelines
Interest: i) Upto Rs. 10 lakhs: 1.50 % OBR, ii) Above Rs.10 lakhs: 2 % OBR,
The advance would be treated under agriculture category. TOP

Security: Hyp. Of vehicle, Comprehensive insurance, Collateral of equal or more than 125 % ( 75 % if TDR, LIP , NSC
etc. ) of loan amount for loans to non farmers (even in case of farmers if considered under eligibility norms of Sr. 2 )
for limit > Rs. 3 lakhs. In case of existing customer, conduct of a/c should be satisfactory. Loan to be disbursed
directly to the authorized dealer only.
Third party guarantee : Not mandatory except: i) while financing to farmers of age exceeding 65 yrs their legal heirs
should stand as guarantor/s . ii) if KCC limit ( not exceeding Rs. 1 lakh) is disbursed within a period of 6 months &
the a/c is not a canvassed one .
Documents : Application cum proposal , CHA -2 revised , AG-15 , OD -194 , Comprehensive insurance with bank
clause , letter addressed to insurance co. , Blank Transfer form in duplicate , Charge with RTA / ROC, L -515 , Debit
authority letter.Supervision / follow up as per extant guidelines.
(BC 105 / 182 DT. 14.02.2012). ). For Intt ( MCLR)-Cir.No.2016-17/42 dtd.17.6.2016

Purpose: To purchase estates (for rejuvenation) growing traditional plantation crops viz. coffee, tea, rubber and
cardamom, cashew, pepper, coconut, etc and for any other perennial orchard crop with the approval from H.O.
Eligibility: The loan applicant should be an existing estate owner having sufficient income from the estate. He
should be in a position to rejuvenate the estate proposed to be purchased. He should have satisfactory past
dealings with the bank at least for the last 3 yrs. For loans of Rs.10 lakh and above the rating exercise is to be done
and minimum entry level rating of SBS 5 should be achieved. The purchaser should have enough experience in the
line and financially sound and should be in a position to bring in margin and service the debt. The purchaser should
qualify for the respective State Govt. Norms (relating to land holding as per land ceiling act, income criteria,
restrictions on purchase and sale of Agri. Land, if any, etc.,) The estate should preferably be a neglected one but
have the potential for realizing the higher yields upon rejuvenation.
Quantum of Loan: Min. Rs. 1.00 lakh and Max. Rs.25.00 lakh. The total cost of the estate ( being lowest of i.
Market value ii) Guidance value/circle rate fixed by the State/Dist.Authority) less appropriate margin. Stamp duty
and registration charges may also be considered for finance. Valuation report has to be cross checked with the last
5 yrs. average registration value and reasonability is to be ascertained.
Margin: Normally 50 % i.e., the value of the property should be 200 % and above of the loan amount. ( in deserving
cases, the margin may be relaxed to 25% (Authority ZLCC).
Security: Mortgage of Property to be purchased. Also, collateral security of mortgage of existing landed property
(including preferably residential property) so as to make the total value of the security 200 % and more of the loan
ROI: Linked to Base Rate
Repayment Period: within 7-9 yrs. In case of specific circumstances, depending on the status of the estate and
rejuvenation period required, it may be extended upto 20 yrs.
Loan Application: AG 100 with suitable Annexure for Plantation Crops.
Documents to be produced by the applicant: TOP

 Copies of land records regarding land owned and to be purchased, certified by the concerned Revenue
 No Due Certificate from Co-operative Credit Society/Commodity Boards/Financial institutions.
 Documents of title and other relevant documents to establish the right over presently held landed
property as well as lands to be purchased (Due Diligence for verification of title deeds as per extant
guidelines to be meticulously followed.
 Copy of sale agreement
 Crop history of the estates (both existing and proposed to be purchased) techno-economic suitability
to be established.
 Valuation Report from the panel valuer. (Location, suitability, inspection etc., by branch official, second
valuation, if need be, as per the extant guidelines to be done.
 Project report establishing techno-economic viability and also for credit limit exceeding
Rs.10 lakh, the balance sheets, cash flow, profitability statement.
Method of Disbursement and other details: Please carefully go through Br. Cir. 106/117 dated 1.11.2012 and also
subsequent clarification in Br. Cir. 106/129 dated 29.11.2012. SLBC- HO BC 110/119 dtd.5.10.2016. SHG- HO BC 110/126 dtd.

7.10.2016 & Cir. No 2015-16/184 dtd. 6.2.2016 & HO BC 110/133 dtd. 18.10.2016. Natural Calamities-Relief Measures- HO
BC 110/202 dtd.23.1.2017, Lead Bank Scheme- HO BC 109/90 dtd. 10.7.2015. Margin & Security norms – HO BC 107/18 dtd.
27.4.2013. KCC & Term Loan Fraud- Cir. No.2016-17/124 dtd.13.2.2017 & 2016-17/111 dtd. 3.1.2017. Credit facilities to
Minority communities- HO BC 110/124 dtd. 7.10.2016
AFD /16

Objective: To create a hassle free single term loan limit to farmers for all term loan requirements like Farm
Mechanisation, Land Development, Minor Irrigation, Water Conservation, Horticulture, Allied activities and other
agri related activities, etc., excluding orchards/plantation crops.
Eligibility: Individual, JLG/SHG of Farmers-Owner cultivators,
Type of Loan : Term loan repayable within 9 yrs. The purposes for which the limit is granted shall not be a part of
the Kisan Credit Card limit. (The farmer can have either Kisan Credit Card route or the loan under this scheme)
Quantum of Loan: To be based on the investment plan given by the farmer to be undertaken in the next 2-3 yrs.
Subject to 5 times of annual income (current pre development stage) of the farmer including allied activities or 50
% of the value of land mortgaged whichever is lower –MAX. RS.20 LAKH
(Please note under New KCC, the farmer can draw a plan of investment upto 5 yrs)
Margin: Upto Rs.1 lakh—NIL
Over Rs. 1 lakh—Small and Marginal Farmers: 5 % and for others 15 %
(Margin may be brought in at the time of asset creation)
Security: Upto Rs.1 lakh – Hypo. Of assets created out of the loans
Above Rs. 1 lakh – Mortgage of land ( it shall be at least 200 % of the limit sanctioned)
ROI: As per extant guidelines for agricultural loan
Disbursement: The farmer may be allowed to draw the amount at his convenience with a simple letter of
undertaking linked to the loan application/loan document executed. The drawal to be permitted on the indicated
limit for each of the purposes specified at the time of sanction. The farmer should undertake to create the
asset/complete the project within 15/30 days of availing the disbursement.
Loan Application: AG 100 with suitable annexures.
Documentation: As per extant guidelines for investment credit (Principal document being CHA 1 or CHA 2(in case
of tractor/combined harvester which needs to be registered with RTO along with other particulars i.e., Engine No.,
Chassis No., etc.
Other details: Please carefully go through Br. Cir. 106/117 dated 1.11.2012 and also subsequent clarification in Br. Cir. 106/129 dated
29.11.2012. SLBC- HO BC 110/119 dtd.5.10.2016. SHG- HO BC 110/126 dtd. 7.10.2016 & Cir. No 2015-16/184 dtd. 6.2.2016 & HO BC 110/133
dtd. 18.10.2016. Natural Calamities-Relief Measures- HO BC 110/202 dtd.23.1.2017, Lead Bank Scheme- HO BC 109/90 dtd. 10.7.2015.
Margin & Security norms – HO BC 107/18 dtd. 27.4.2013. KCC & Term Loan Fraud- Cir. No.2016-17/124 dtd.13.2.2017 & 2016-17/111 dtd.
3.1.2017. Credit facilities to Minority communities- HO BC 110/124 dtd. 7.10.2016

PURPOSE: An instant Credit for farming community to meet the emergency requirements for Agriculture and
Domestic purposes for tiding over temporary difficulties.
Eg. Repairs to farm equipments (tractor, pump set, trolleys, etc.,) Repairs/construction of cattle shed, farm produce
store room, house etc., . (Also for both pre harvest as well as post harvest for emergency needs)
Loan to be classified as Direct Agricultural Advance.
Eligibility: Individual farmers/JLG (members not exceeding 4 farmers)
Type of Loan: Composite Term Loan repayable within 3 yrs.
Quantum of Loan
50 % of KCC limit /25% of annual income which is ever is lower. (Subject to Minimum Rs.1000/- Max. Rs.50000/-)
Security: Only extension of existing security. No additional security even if the combined limit i.e., existing KCC
and proposed Kisan Tatkal Scheme exceeds Rs.1 lakh.
Repayment: 3 to 5 yrs (HY/Annual). The loan is to be cleared in full if a fresh/enhanced limit is sought in the
subsequent year based on revised KCC Limit in suitable installments coinciding with overall income generation of
the farmer.
Rate of Interest: To be decided as applicable to Agricultural Credit after combining all limits enjoyed by the
Application: AG 100 along with applicable annexures.

Documentation: D.P. Note, L 515, L 516, copy of land records with expected income if not already held on records.
Other details: Please carefully go through Br. Cir. 106/117 dated 1.11.2012 and also subsequent clarification in
Br. Cir. 106/129 dated 29.11.2012.

AFD -18

Objectives: To supplement efforts in providing extension services to the farmers as per Business Model (Project) of
Agri-Entrepreneur and as per the local needs and affordability of target Group of farmers.
To support agricultural development to create gainful self employment opportunities to unemployed
agricultural graduates, agricultural diploma holders, intermediate in agriculture and biological science graduates
with PG in agri-related courses.
Eligibility: Graduates /Post Graduates/Diploma (with at least 50% marks) in agriculture and allied subjects from
State Agricultural Universities/Universities recognized by ICAR/UGC., Biological Science Graduates with Post
Graduation in Agriculture and allied subjects, Other Degree courses recognized by UGC /Diploma /PG Diploma
courses having more than 60% of the course content in Agriculture and allied subjects, after B.Sc. Biological
Sciences from recognized colleges and universities, Agricultural Related courses at Intermediate (i.e., Plus Two )
level with at least 55 % marks. The candidates should have undergone a training for setting up of Agri-clinics and
Agri-business centres at Nodal Training Institutes(NTI) under the auspices of National Institute of Agricultural
Extension Management (MANAGE) and the certificate from NTI should be attached with the loan application. The
loan application format and the details of enclosures to the application are available as annexures to Br. Cir. No.
106/130 dated 29.11.2012.
Project Cost: Rs.20.00 lakh for individual project. Rs.100 lakhs for group project (taken up by a group comprising
of 5 trained persons). The bank may nevertheless finance a group of 2 or more trained persons with TFO (total
financial outlay) ceiling of Rs.20 lakh per person and over all ceiling of Rs.100 lakhs
Type of Facility: A composite term loan which would include term loan for fixed asset creation plus working capital
for one operating cycle. The repayment schedule will be on total loan including subsidy as the subsidy is back
ended to be adjusted at last.
Repayment: 5 to 10 yrs with a moratorium period of maximum 2 yrs. The installment to be fixed as per the cash
flow to be generated on commencement of operation and stabilization of income. TOP

Rate of Interest: As per extant guidelines.

Margin: Upto Rs.5.00 lakhs no Margin. For loan above Rs.5.00 lakhs, margin has to be stipulated according to RBI
guidelines for agricultural advance i.e., 15 to 25 %. In the case of projects of SC/ST, women entrepreneurs and
projects in North Eastern states and Hill areas, 50 % of the margin money stipulated by Bank will be provided by
NABARD. Loan amount to be sanctioned will be Total Project Cost minus Margin. Subsidy is back ended and to be
adjusted at the end towards last installments.
Security: As most of the eligible activities pertain to agricultural input supply and services and as the cost of
investments will be less than 25 lakhs, the security norms applicable to tiny industries prescribed by RBI will be
applicable. Upto Rs. 5 lakh, no collateral security should be insisted for.
Time Limit for completion of the Project: within 6 months from the date of initial disbursement of the loan by the
bank, which may be extended for reasons of delay considered justifiable upto another 6 months. If the project is
not completed within the stipulated time, the subsidy will not be available and the advance subsidy, placed with
the bank, is to be refunded forthwith to NABARD.
Subsidy: BACK END COMPOSITE SUBSIDY (to be kept under Subsidy Reserve Fund (non interest bearing) and
adjusted after lock in period of minimum 3 yrs at the end of the loan period) -- at 44 % of the Project cost in
respect of projects started by SC/ST, women, projects at NE states and Hill areas and at 36 % of project cost for
To ensure that the borrowers do take up extension services to the farmers, periodic surprise inspection
at least on a quarterly basis will be made by the specified officers (as per the scheme). The financing bank will
peruse the periodic surprise visit reports. Any adverse feature will result in refund of subsidy to NABARD. The

financing bank under the scheme is to send the copy of the report to NABARD and ATMA( Agriculture Technology
Management Agency) for information and remedial action, if need be. The report may highlight nature of
enterprise initiated by agri-preneur, its coverage/reach, impact on income of agri-preneur, impact on farmers and
agricultural development in the area. (Full details of the scheme are available in Br.Cir. 106/130 dt.29.11.2012).
ELIGIBILITY: Individual Farmers & Agricultural Input Dealers.
 To meet Credit Needs of Farmers – On-farm OR Off-farm & Other Bonafide requirements
 To meet Marriage / Medical / Educational Expenses of Family Members including near relatives of farmers
& for Purchase of Consumer Durables
 To undertake Land Development activity / Other Investment Needs on Lands
 To Dealers of Inputs to meet their trade / Credit Requirement
TYPE OF ADVANCE: -Can be sanctioned as Demand Loan/ Term Loan/OD(Reducible or Non Reducible)
QUANTUM: - (Branch Manager is competent to assess the income up to Rs. 1.00 Lakh).
 Up to Rs.5.00 Lakhs (Can be extended up to Rs. 10.00 lakhs with prior approval of Zonal Manager)
subject to 10 times of anticipated net annual income based on Land-Holding/ Cropping Pattern.
 Up to Rs. 10.00 lakhs subject to 4 times of net annual income based on Income Tax Returns SL will be
related to the value of security and repayment capacity of the borrower. Scheme is not applicable for
 Up to 40% on the Value of Property for Loans up to Rs. 5.00 lakhs.
 Up to 50% on Value of Property for Loans over Rs. 5.00 lakhs.
 In case of Rural Properties Valuation will be based on assessment of Revenue Authorities/ Br. Manager
 Normally No Third party Guarantee is required.
 If Property Stands in Third Party Name, then Owner of Property should be taken as co-borrower. TOP
 As applicable to Agricultural Loan / Kisan Samadhan Card
 7 Years in Equated Monthly Installments – To be Linked with Cropping Pattern / Farm Income / Cash
Flow of the Borrower by Monthly / half-yearly / Yearly Installments
 Equitable/ Legal Mortgage of Property (Residential /Commercial) in the name of applicant or his/ her spouse
or Parents.
 Agriculture Land can also be accepted as security subject to State Laws)
 Property can be self-occupied or Leased-out to acceptable individuals.
 Obtention of Third Party Guarantee is left to the discretion of Sanctioning Authority
 In case of Property already mortgaged to us advance can be considered subject to availability of Security /
facilities already availed against such property
 Search should be obtained from Approved Lawyer for 13 Years.
 Valuation Report should be obtained from the Bank’s Approved Architect / Valuer.
 A/Cs repayable in Installments (incl. Reducible O/D limit) –@ 1% of Loan Minimum Rs.500/- Maximum
Rs.25,000/-+ST (One Time) .
Photo: Original Title Deeds, Valuation Report; I.T. Return; Details of Guarantor if stipulated.
1.1. Application form & rating sheet applicable to LAP
2.2. D.P. Note (Demand Loan and Overdraft) L-434 OR IFD-1 (Term Loan)
3.3. L-516 as per Br. Cir. No. 97/114 dated 13.11.2003
4.4. L-515 as per Br. Cir. No. 94/186 dated 25.1.2001

5.5. Bearer letter L – 435
6.6. Installment Letter L-440 (In Case of Demand Loan)
7.7. Guarantee Letter OD194
8.8. Mortgage of Property/ Extension of Mortgage as the case may be.
(BC 107/13 dt 16.04.2013).(BC 107/140 Dt 22.10.2013 SL may vary from Rs.10 lakhs to Rs25 lakhs for agriculturist and
dealers of inputs. The scheme is presently extended to farmers of Haryana & Punjab states only).

“Star Gold” Loan Scheme :
The Gold Loan Scheme shall be implemented throughout all branches of the Bank. Zonal Manager
is authorized to exclude the fraud affected\ security problems branches. The branches, where this scheme is not
being presently implemented, should obtain prior approval of their respective Zonal Offices
Eligibility :Any individual owning gold ornaments/ coins, either singly or jointly, who maintains KYC compliant
SB/CD account with the Branch. Pawn brokers, jewelers & Jewellery shop owners, Jewel appraisers and their close
relatives are not eligible for gold loans. Loans can be granted against gold ornaments/ jewellery and specially
minted pure gold coins sold by our Bank/ other Banks. The weight of the coin(s) should not exceed 50 grams per
Type of facility :- Demand Loan\Term Loam\OD\CC
Branches are to ensure that all KYC/ AML norms are complied with and due diligence is done as per guidelines. For
advances against gold belonging to the wife as ‘Stridhan‘, wife of the borrower should also be made a co-borrower.
Purpose:Gold loan may be sanctioned for Agriculture purpose(under priority sector), other priority sector, non-
priority sector/consumption purpose. Gold Loan extended as a crop loan to agriculturists are eligible for claiming
interest subvention upto a loan of Rs 3 lakhs, provided the quantum of loan is based on prescribed scale of finance
and the loan is utilized for stated purpose. But crop insurance is compulsory. Further, benefit of prompt repayment
is also available. It will NOT be covered under CGTMSE.
Assessment of Loan amount : Loan amount requested by applicant/ assessed amount on declaration OR Loan to
Value (LTV) as follows:
a) 75% of apprised value of gold ornaments of 22 carat fineness for short term loans not exceeding one year.
b) 70% of apprised value of gold ornaments of 22 carat fineness for term loans above 1 year but not exceeding 2
years (24 months)
c) 60% of apprised value of gold ornaments of 22 carat fineness for term loans above 2 years upto max. 3 years (36
months). OR Loan amount assessed based on scale of finance for crop production/ actual amount of credit
requirement for other than crop production, as the case may be.
whichever is lower. Specially minted gold coins sold by any Bank (24 carat fineness) shall be treated as gold
ornaments for loan assessment purpose.
Loan amount to be assessed based on the price of gold uploaded weekly on the Bank’s website. gold jewellery
accepted as security will have to be valued at the average of the closing price of 22 and 24 carat gold for the
preceding 30 days as quoted by the India Bullion and Jewellers Association Ltd . We should not extend any loan
against gold ornaments with purity below 18 carat.
Finacle Menu: to see present gold rate :- GOLDLNRT
The gold ornaments/ coins are to be invariably appraised by empanelled gold valuer to determine the value and
purity. An approved jewel appraiser should certify quality, gross weight, net weight, etc. of the gold ornaments/
coins offered as security. Advance should be granted only after the Branch Manager/ sanctioning authority is
satisfied about the genuineness, quality, weight, etc., of the gold ornaments/ coins.
Touch stone method and/ or nitric acid test should invariably be applied in order to ascertain the true nature of
ornaments/ coins.
Use of carat meters: Zonal Manager is authorise for approving purchase of carat meters, and it should be used as a
secondary check for cross verification.
We should take second appraisal by another valuer, if per account limit of Rs.3 lakh and above, where gold loan
portfolio of the branch is of Rs.20 crore and above.
Maximum Loan : (1) For Agriculture/MSME/Retail and Other Priority Sectors:Rs.15.00 lakhs (it can be raised upto
Rs.25.00 lakh in specific zones as designated by GM, NBG upon suitable assessment) (2) For other purposes : Rs 10

Loan upto Rs 1 lakh branches to ensure to take applications, declarations and documents as proposed in the
guidelines strictly. Needless to mention, loan above Rs.1.00 lakh for agriculture purpose – copies of land revenue
records/extracts, land revenue receipts/documents and cultivation details to be obtained.
Rate of Interest and Processing charges : As applicable from time to time.
Appraisal fee : Rs.5/- per Rs.1000/- of loan amount, minimum Rs.100/- with a maximum cap of Rs.500/- per case to
be recovered from borrower.
Repayment : For KCC- repayment of loan should coincide with harvesting/ marketing of crops . For other
agriculture- demand loan :- Max. 18 months and for term loan : Max. 3 years. For non-priority sector – Max. 12
months. OD\CC :- At the time of renewal- availability of minimum Margin, DP etc. should be checked carefully and
account must be brought in credit at least once in 18 months.
Delegation : Scale –I : Rs 4 lakhs, Scale –II : Rs 10 lakhs , Scale –III & above – full powers.
Insurance : Gold ornaments/articles/coins pledged with the Bank under the scheme are covered under the General
Indemnity Insurance Policy of the Bank. As such, there is no need for obtaining a separate insurance cover for these
The approved valuer/ goldsmith should execute an indemnity bond in favour of the bank with two sureties and also
keep an interest bearing deposit with the Branch as under and shall not be withdrawn during the retention period
of the valuer/ goldsmith and release of the deposits may be subject to the approval of the Zonal Manager.
Rural & Semi-Urban Rs.10000/-
Urban Rs.15000/-
Metropolitan Rs.25000/-
HO BC 111/127 dtd. 17.11.2017 & IOM: HO/BU-Rural/DSR/925 dtd. 19.01.2018, HO BC 112/12 dated 23.04.2018 on "Star Gold Loan Cell"


Scheme for Agro-Marine Processing & Development of Agro-Processing Clusters

( HO BC 111\112 dtd. 06.10.2017 )
Govt. of India has approved a new Central Sector Scheme-“SAMPADA” with an allocation of Rs 6000 crore for the
period 2016-20. This scheme will be implemented by Ministry of Food Processing Industries.
The scheme will result in creation of modern infrastructure with efficient supply chain management from farm gate
to retail outlet. This is a big step towards doubling of farmers income, creating huge employment opportunities in
rural areas, reducing wastage of agricultural produce, increasing the processing level and enhancing the export of
processed foods. It will also help in providing better prices to farmers.
The following schemes will be implemented under “SAMPADA” :-
(1) Mega Food Parks (on-going)
(2) Integrated Cold Chain and Value Addition Infrastructure (on-going)
(3) Creation / Expansion of Food Processing & Preservation Capacities (new)
(4) Infrastructure for Agro-Processing Clusters (new)
(5) Creation of backward and forward linkages (new)
(6) Food Safety and Quality Assurance Infrastructure (on-going)
(7) Human Resources and Institution (on-going)

One can also visit Govt. website Govt. of India has attached high importance to the scheme.
These activities can be financed even outside of this Central Sector Scheme also as per laid down guidelines of Bank
to finance Food & Agro Processing Industries from time to time.

GOVT SPON. SCHEMES /01 - 30.09.2018

HO BC 112/63 dtd 31.7.2018
1. Background: GOI, Ministry of Rural Development launched NRLM in new structure replacing SGSY wef
01.04.2013, for the purpose of poverty reduction through building SHG of poor women. Women SHG under NRLM
will consist of 10-20 members from among BPL list. Male group can not be formed except for handicapped, elders,

Trans genders; Such group may have both male and female members with minimum 5 members. NRLM adopts a
demand driven approach, enabling the states to formulate their own state specific poverty reduction action plan
named as SRLM. During FY 2017-18 250 identified districts have been selected and in future all blocks in the
country will become intensive blocks. NRLM will ensure 50% beneficiaries are SC/STs , 15% are minorities , 3% are
persons with disability . NRLM will be funded by centre & state in the ratio of, 60:40, 90:10 for N E states, 100% by
centre in case of UTs. NRLM will provide continuous hand holding support for 5-7 yrs to SHGs, and will ensure that
SHGs are enabled to access repeat finance from banks .Such facility was missing in SGSY.
2. Role of banks & revolving fund assistance to SHGS: Role of Banks: Opening SB accounts for SHG, Federation of
SHGs. BLBC will take up issues of bank linkages. NRLM would provide RF in the form of subsidy to SHGs after
existence of 3/6 months, which follow panchasutra as regular meetings / savings/ internal lendings/ recoveries /
maintenance of proper books. RF may be extended between Rs.10,000/ - Rs15,000/ per SHGs . The purpose of RF is
to provide financial strength to the SHG.
3. Lending norms & repayment facilties: If group remains in active existence for 6 months and qualifies as per
grading norms of BLBC: In case of CCL, banks are advised to sanction minimum loan of ` 5 lakhs to each
eligible SHGs for a period of 5 years with a yearly drawing power (DP).
DP for first year/Ist dose 6 times to the existing corpus or Rs. 1.00 lakh whichever is higher . Repayment 6-12
DP for second year/ IInd dose 8 times of existing corpus or Rs.2.00 lakh, whichever is higher .Repayment 12-24
DP for third year/ IIIrd dose minimum of lakhs Rs. 3.00 lakhs based on Micro credit plan prepared by SHGs.
Repayment 2-3 yrs.
DP for Fourth years onwards/IVth dose minimum Rs. 5 lakhs based on Micro credit plan of the SHGs Repayment
between 3-6 yrs.
4. Type of facility: Term loan/ CC or both based on need.
5. Security & Margin: No collateral and no margin upto Rs.10 lakhs.
6. Subsidy: Capital subsidy has been discontinued under NRLM. New provision of interest subvention introduced.
Women SHGs will get loan @ 7% interest up to Rs.3.0 lakhs The SHGs will also get additional interest
subvention of 3% on prompt payment, reducing the effective rate of interest to 4%.
The scheme has been extended in 250 districts for FY 17-18.
Prompt Payment. In case of term loan Instalment & interest paid within 30 days from due date ,O/s should not
remain in excess of DL for more than 30 days, During month customer induced credit is at least one , sufficient to
cover interest debited in the account.
Credit Facility Scheme For Minority Communities – Please refer HO BC & Cir.No.2016-17/78 dtd.29.9.2016,
110/124 dtd. 07.10.2016, Ho BC 111\91 dtd. 04.09.2017( Master Circular), DAY NRLM HOBC 112/63 dated
30.07.2018 TOP
Poverty alleviation Scheme providing gainful employment to urban poor, launched w.e.f. 1.12.97 after subsuming
earlier 3 schemes NRY/UBSP/PMIUPEP. The scheme has been restructured as NULM w.e.f. 01.09.2013. Funding by
centre and state in 75:25. For backward states 90:10.Existing provision of capital subsidy has been replaced by
interest subsidy for loans to individual enterprise (SEP-I) Group enterprise (SEP-G) and self help groups(SHGs).The
application for individuals & groups will be sponsored by Urban Local Body. Applicants will be selected by Task
Force at ULB level.
The scheme is applicable to all districts HQ and all the cities with population of 1 lakh or more for urban poor living
below Urban Poverty Line. The scheme will focus on financial assistance to individuals/groups of urban poors for
setting up gainful self employment ventures / micro enterprises
Women beneficiaries: 30%
Physically disabled: 3%, 15% for minorities in view of PM’s 15 point programme
SC/ST to the extent of proportion of their strength in local population.
SCHEME: Loan may be sanctioned to

Individual beneficiary as well as to Group enterprises
Group will have minimum 5 members with a minimum of 70% from urban poor families.
Activities under micro mfg/services /retailing/ allied agriculture can be considered.
A. Loans to Individuals &Groups
Project cost should not exceed Rs.2.00 lakhs for individual, Maximum Rs.10.0 lakhs for group .
If two or more persons join together the project with higher cost would also be covered
Provided share of each person in the project cost is Rs.2.00 lakh or less.
B.SHG Bank Linkage programme: SHGs promoting savings may be sanctioned savings linked loan varying from a
saving to loan ratio of 1:1 to 1:4 after grading by Banks .However in case of matured SHGs loan may be given
beyond the limit of four times .An additional 3% interest subsidy will be provided to all women SHGs, who repay
their loan in time.
MARGIN : RBI has left for concerned bank to decide.
SUBSIDY :All banks on CBS mode will be eligible for interest subsidy at qly interval @ difference between 7% and
prevailing rate of interest of Banks .
COLLATERAL SECURITY: No collateral Security is required.
REPAYMENT: To be repaid in 5 to 7 years after initial moratorium of 6 to 18 months as Term Loan.
TRAINING: It is essential to be provided to selected candidates – exceptWhen they are trained. TOP

Others: Credit card for enterprise development: In order to support the micro entrepreneurs to meet their
working capital and miscellaneous credit needs, NULM will facilitate access to credit cards through banks. HO BC
108/226 dtd. 25.3.2015
GOVT SPON. SCHEMES /03 30.09.2018

• PMFBY will provide a comprehensive insurance cover against failure of the crop thus helping in stabilising the
income of the farmers and encourage them for adoption of innovative practices. • The Scheme can cover all Food &
Oilseeds crops and Annual Commercial/ Horticultural Crops for which past yield data is available and for which
requisite number of Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs) will be conducted being a part of the General Crop Estimation
Survey (GCES). The scheme is compulsory for loanee farmer obtaining Crop Loan /KCC account for notified crops.
However, voluntary for Other/non loanee farmers who have insurable interest in the insured crop(s). • The
Maximum Premium payable by the farmers will be 2% for all Kharif Food & Oilseeds crops, 1.5% for Rabi Food &
Oilseeds crops and 5% for Annual Commercial/ Horticultural Crops. The difference between premium and the rate
of Insurance charges payable by farmers shall be shared equally by the Centre and State.
• The seasonality discipline shall be same for loanee and non-loanee farmers.
• The scheme will be implemented by AIC and other empanelled private general
insurance companies. Selection of Implementing Agency (IA) will be done by the concered State Government
through bidding.
The Scheme shall be implemented on an 'Area Approach basis'. The unit of insurance shall be VillageNillage
Panchayat level for major crops and for other crops it may be a unit of size above the level of VillageNillage
• The Loss assessment for crop losses due to non-preventable natural risks will be on Area approach. In case of
majority of insured crops. of a notified area are prevented from sowing/planting the insured crops due to adverse
weather conditions that will be eligible forindemnity claims up to maximum of 25% of the sum-insured. • However
losses due to localised perils (Hailstorm, landslide & inundation) and Post-Harvest losses due to specified perils,
(Cyclone/Cyclonic rain & Unseasonal rains) shall be assessed at the affected insured field of the individual insured
farmer. Three levels of Indemnity, viz., 70%, 80% and 90% corresponding to crop Risk in the areas shall be available
for all crops.
• The Threshold Yield (TY) shall be the benchmark yield level at which Insurance protection shall be given to all the
insured farmers in an Insurance Unit Threshold of the notified crop will be moving average of yield of last seven
years excluding yield upto two notified calamity years multiplied by Indemnity level.On account payment upto 25%
of likely claims will be provided, if the expected yield during the season is likely to be less than 50% of normal
yield.• The claim amount will be credited electronically to the individual Insured Bank
•Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) :-
• The structure of farmer's premium under WBCIS will be at par with the proposed PMFBY.
• The Criteria of selection of Implementing Agency and area allocation will be same as PMFBY.

The other broad features will remain same.
Unified Package Insurance Scheme (UPIS):-
• Unified Package Insurance Scheme will be implemented in selected 45 districts on pilot basis to provide financial
protection & comprehensive risk coverage of crops, assets, life, and student safety to farmers.
• Pilot will include seven section Viz., crop Insurance (PMFBY/WBCIS), Loss of Life (PMJJBY), Accidental Death &
Disability (PMSBY), Student Safety, Household, Agriculture implements & Tractor.• Crop Insurance will be
compulsory. However, farmers can choose atleast two section from remaining.
For Full details of the scheme Please refer to HO Circular No. 2015-16/210 dtd. 08.03.2016, & 2016-17/58 dtd.
Self Help Group – Bank Linkage Programme :- Please refer to HO BC 110/126 dtd. 07.10.2016

GOVT SPON. SCHEMES /04 30.09.2018

The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises ,Govt. of India, has launched a new credit linked
subsidy programme called Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) by merging the two
schemes that were in operation till 31.03.2008 viz., Prime Minister’s Rojgar Yojana (PMRY) and Rural Employment
Generation Programme (REGP) for generation of employment opportunities through establishment of micro
enterprises in rural as well as urban areas .PMEGP is a central sector scheme and administered by the Ministry of
MSME. The scheme is being implemented through Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC). Salient features
of the scheme are as under;
Eligibility Conditions
(i) Any individual, above 18 years of age
(ii) There will be no income ceiling for assistance for setting up projects under PMEGP.
(iii) For setting up of project costing above Rs.10 lakh in the manufacturing sector and above Rs. 5 lakh in the
business /service sector, the beneficiaries should possess at least VIII standard pass educational

Other Features
a) Assistance under the Scheme is available only for new projects sanctioned specifically under the. PMEGP
Existing / old units are not eligible.
b) The maximum project cost has been fixed up at Rs. 25 lakhs under the manufacturing sector and Rs 10
lakhs in the in the business/service sector.
c) Project cost will include Capital Expenditure and one cycle of Working Capital. Projects without Capital
Expenditure are not eligible for financing under the Scheme. However business/trading activities in the
form of sales outlet permitted only in NER,LWE affected districts, A&N islands , provided products sold
should not come under negative list Ref BC 106/92 dt 05.12.2012
d) PMEGP is applicable to all new viable micro enterprises, including Village Industries projects except
activities indicated in the negative list of Village Industries.
e) Only one person from one family is eligible for obtaining financial assistance for setting up of projects
under PMEGP. The ‘family’ includes self and spouse.
f) Banks will take their own credit decision based on the viability of each project. No collateral security shall
be insisted upon in line with the guidelines of the RBI for projects involving loan up to Rs 5 lakhs and in
respect of projects cleared by the Task Force. The facility can be extended to loans upto Rs.100 lakhs where
CGTMSE cover is available.
g) Quantum and Nature of Financial Assistance Levels of funding under PMEGP
Categories of beneficiaries under PMEGP Beneficiary’s Contribution Rate of Subsidy
(of Project Cost)
Area Urban Rural
General Category 10% 15% 25%
Special(SC/ST/Minority/woman/Ex-service 5% 25% 35%
men/Phy.Handicapped, Hill &Border area

h) The Bank will sanction 90% of the project cost in case of General Category of beneficiary/institution and
95% in case of special category of the beneficiary/institution, and disburse full amount suitably for setting
up of the project.
i) The amount of Bank Credit will be ranging between 60-75% of the total project cost after deducting 15-35%
of margin money (subsidy) and owner’s contribution of 10% from beneficiaries belonging to general
category and 5% from beneficiaries belonging to special categories.
j) First installment of the loan will be released to the beneficiary only after completion of EDP training of at
least 2 weeks.
k) The Margin Money (subsidy) released will be kept in the name of the Borrower in Term Deposit
Receipt three years. No interest will be paid on the TDR and no interest will be charged on the
loan corresponding to the amount of TDR. Though the margin money (subsidy) will be
released by the designated Nodal Branch of the Bank, KVIC/State DIC is the final authority to
either accept the project / claim or reject, based on the parameters of the Scheme. TOP

l) Margin Money (subsidy) will be ‘one time assistance’, from Government. For any enhancement of credit
limit or for expansion/modernization of the project, margin money (subsidy) assistance is not available.
m) Margin Money (subsidy) assistance is available only for new projects sanctioned specifically under the
PMEGP. Existing units are not eligible under the Scheme
n) 100% physical verification of the actual establishment and working status of each of the units, set up
under PMEGP, including those set up through KVIBs and DICs, will be done by KVIC.
PMEGP Online Application Tracking System
The Directorate of Information Technology, Khadi & Village Industries Commission, Mumbai has designed
and developed the web based PMEGP online application tracking to monitor the scheme and also tracking the
status of application at beneficiary level. The system will facilitate to view the application status at any point of
time through internet and generate various reports from time to time by implementing agencies, KVIC central
office and Ministry of MSME. The system can track the status of application right from submission and till
adjustment of Govt .Subsidy.Any action of sanction/rejection/return etc is to be entered in the prtal.
Mandated coverage of social security: As per GOI norms social security targets for SC 15%, STs 8.2% to be achieved
under PMEGP.As per BC 107/116 ,One para will be added under scheme guidelines: (Items/activities banned by
GOI or competent Govt. authority will be treated under negative list of PMEGP.(BC 108/83 19.07.2014 financing
branch & nodal branch should register with CPSMS online at for the purpose of monitoring by ministry
GOVT SPON. SCHEMES /05 30.09.2018
HO BC 109/57 dtd. 12.6.2015
Overdraft Limit upto Rs.5,000/= in BSBDA/SB Account under PMJDY
Purpose: General purpose loan to provide hassle free credit to low income group, underprivileged
customers, to meet their exigencies without insistence on security, purpose or end use of
the credit.
Eligibility a) BSBD accounts (savings/credit history of bank-account holder), which are operated
(Individuals only) satisfactorily for at least six months
b) OD to be granted to the only one account in the household, earning member of
family, preferably to a lady member of the household.
c) There should be regular credits under DBT/ DBTL scheme/other verifiable sources.
d) Customer/Borrower Account MUST be seeded with his/her correct Aadhaar
Number in bank finacle/CBS for avoiding duplicate benefit. Branch Authority to
ensure the same before sanction/release of Overdraft Limit in any bank account
under PMJDY.
e) BSBD account holder should not be maintaining any other SB account with any
Bank/branch to ensure compliance with RBI directives. Proper credit appraisal &
satisfactory due-diligence to be undertaken by branches based on RBI/Bank norms
before sanction/disbursement of such OD limit under PMJDY.
f) Age of applicant between 18 years to 60 years.
g) OD facility to be extended to all accounts opened prior to launch of PMJDY and
tagged under PMJDY.

a. h) Not eligible: Minors, KCC/GCC, etc. borrowers, more than one member of the
b. same family.

Nature of facility Running Over Draft (OD) facility in BSBD Account under PMJDY.
Period of Sanction 36 Months subject to annual review of account.
Loan amount a) 4 times of Average monthly balance; OR
b) 50% of credit summations in account during the preceding 6 months; OR
c) Rs.5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only), whichever is lower.
Security Clean Advance: Nil. Margin : Nil
Interest rate Not exceeding 2% above base rates as per bank guidelines from time to time.
Charges-processing Nil /waived (no other charges are applicable)
Sanc.Authority Branch Head/ Authorized Bank Branch Official only.
Disbursement Withdrawals (through Aadhaar mapped bank a/c only) at Branch I BC-outlet I ATM I POS
(microATM) or Fl-Kiosk.
Documents: • Loan application-cum-undertaking ; D.P.Note
• Arrangement letter duly accepted by the Account Holder
KYCnormsIdue- diligence to be complied by Branch authority before
Note: Continuing security letter not proposed in view of avoiding paper-cost, branch-work
& stamp dutv on the part of borrower/OD-applicant.
Inspection & follow Inspection waived for all standard assets. All irregular accounts to be followed up closely.
Repayment: Overdraft facility, hence account should remain in order and interest should be services.
IRAC norms applicable based on RBI norms.
Renewal: Limit to be reviewed annually . Will be treated as reviewed on conduct of credit inspection
of the branch, if account is regular. In other cases, incumbent/authorized official of base
bank branch to review the OD facility, keeping in view, conduct of the account.
Other features • Mobile Number of the borrower/family members MUST be kept on record I Branch
Finacle-system (registered by customer in his/her bank account at base branch)
Aadhaar number will remain seeded with NPCI during the period of loan. Move-
out of Aadhaar for such accounts will be restricted by/at NPCI level/mapper (to be
automated by NPCI).
SB OD account will become primary account to receive all subsidies/benefits. DBT
should also be frozen to such accounts till the currency of loan. Interest on SB/BSBDA
shall be as per Savings Bank Rules, in case of debit balance, on account of availment
of Overdraft (OD), interest to be charged as per contractual, rate, on monthly rests.
NPCI provided repository of Aadhaar NPCI provided repository of Aadhaar Seeding for
SB/BSBDA Over-Draft (OD) to the
Banks is verified by Branch Authority using UIDSTAT finacle-menu before any
sanction/disbursement of OD in the account under PMJDY.
Asset Classification: Overdraft /Loan account will be subject to Income,
Recognition, Asset, Classification, Provisioning and related aspects be applicable for
Overdraft Facility availed as per extant norms/guidelines of the Bank/RBI.
GOVT SPON. SCHEMES /06 30.09.2018
Equity Grant And Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme ( EGCGFS)
On 28 February 2013, during budget speech, two major initiatives/schemes announced, to
support Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) viz., support to the equity base of FPOs by providing matching
equity grants, and, secondly, setting up of a Credit Guarantee Fund to provide cover to banks which advance loans
to FPOs without collateral.
Hence, a new Central Sector Scheme, titled “Equity Grant and Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for
Farmer Producer Companies” was launched w.e.f. FY 2013-14 onwards
EGCGFS shall be operated by Small Farmers Agri Business Consortium (SFAC).
Equity Grant Scheme :

It is only for registered Farmer Producers Companies(FPC) which are registered with ROC
u/s 465. The number of its Individual Shareholders is not lower than 50.. Maximum paid up capital Rs 30 Lakhs.
It has raised equity from its members as laid down in its Articles of Association/ Bye laws. Minimum 33% of its
shareholders are small, marginal and landless tenant farmers. Maximum shareholding by any one member other
than an institutional member is not more than 5% of total equity of the FPC and
Maximum shareholding of an institutionalmember is not more than 10% of total equity of the FPC.
It has a duly elected Board of Directors (BoD) with a minimum of five members, with adequate presentation from
member farmers and minimum one woman member. It has a duly constituted management Committee responsible
for the business of the FPC. It has a business plan and budget for next 18 months that is based on a sustainable,
revenue model as may be determined by the
Implementing Agency. The FPC has an Account with a “Bank”. Equity Grant shall be a cash infusion equivalent to
the amount of shareholder equity in the FPC subject to a cap of Rs. 10 lakh per FPC.
Equity Grant sanctioned shall be directly transferred to the bank account of the FPC. The FPC shall, within 45 days
of the receipt of the Equity Grant, issue additional shares to its shareholder members, equivalent in value to the
amount of the Grant received by it. Individual Shareholder - Rs 1000.00 b). Group of Individual Shareholders (e.g.
SHG,Farmer Interest Group, Joint Liability Groups of Farmers) –Number of Members multiplied by Rs. 1,000.00,
subject to a maximum of Rs.20,000.00 c). Institutional Shareholders (Farmer Producer Companies) – Rs. 1,
00,000.00. Due Diligence by CA.
Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme:
Regd. FPC can avail Loans without collateral and third party guarantee upto Rs 1 crore, subject to
the number of its individual shareholders shall not be lower than 500. Minimum 33% of its shareholders are small,
marginal and landless tenant farmers v. Maximum shareholding by any one member other than an Institutional
member is not more than 5% of total equity of the FPC. It should be a regd. FPC and has a business plan and budget
for 18 months. Maximum Guarantee Cover shall be restricted to the extent of 85% of the eligible sanctioned credit
facility, or to Rs. 85 Lakh, whichever is lower. The Fee payable upfront to SFAC by the ELI for Guarantee Cover is
onetime Guarantee Fee calculated @ 0.85% of the sanctioned Credit Facility, subject to a maximum of Rs. 85,000/-
.In addition to onetime Guarantee Fee, an Annual Service Fee of 0.25% p.a. or such other rate as may be decided
from time to time per loan account shall be charged from ELIs to keep the Guarantee of SFAC live. SFAC will settle
claim upto 75% within 90 days and 25% on conclusion of recovery.. Online application to Term loan
and working capital ( fund based and non fund based ) facilities are eligible.
Financial Inclusion
Origin 2004, as per recommendations of Rangarajan Committee, set up by RBI
Meaning It is delivery of financial products, at affordable cost to sections of disadvantaged
and lower income of the society, to ensure continuity and certainty of
RBI directives on FI  Opening of basic saving bank deposit account
 Relaxed KYC norms for small accounts
 Engaging business correspondents
 Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
 Implementation of Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) through ICT based
 Issue of general Credit Cards
 Simplified branch authorization for Tier III to Tier VI centre (population of
less than 50,000 under general permission)
FIP & FIF  Financial Inclusion Plan 2013-16 provided road map for FI,
 Financial Inclusion Fund of Rs2000 Crores created to support developmental
and promotional activities (such as Financial Literacy) for 3 years.
PMJDY Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana
 Launched on 28.08.2014, as a National Mission for Financial Inclusion
 It ensure access to Banking Saving & Deposit Account, Remittance, Credit,
Insurance, pension in an affordable manner
 Account can be opened in any Bank Branch and Business Correspondent
(Bank Mitr) outlet with zero balance.
 This account can be opened with Aadhar Card or OVD OR without OVD (low

risk) with Photo ID card issued by Government, PSB, PSU, Public Financial
Institutions or gazette Officer.
 Benefits : Interest, Accidental Insurance cover of Rs1Lac, No min balance,
Life Insurance cover of Rs.30000/-(subjective), Govt DBT, OD of Rs.5000/-
after 6 months, (OD facility subject to condition/transaction in account
with other parameters to earning member of the family over 18 years
age)Access to pension and insurance products.
 Personal Insurance Cover is available to Rupay card holder provided one
successful financial or non-financial customer induced transaction at any
Bank branch, Bank Mitr, ATM, POS, E-Com etc.
BF/BC MODEL  Mr. H R Khan, suggested Business Facilitator/Business Correspondent model
for financial & non-financial services.
 Under BF MODEL, Bank may use the services of intermediaries such as
NGOS/SHGS, Post Office, Insurance agents, KVIC/KVIB units, Panchayats,
 The BC’s are engaged with the approval of the board of Directors and
appropriate due diligence.
 Individuals, retired, Kirana/PCO /Petrol pump owners, NGO/MFI,
Companies, NBFC (non-deposit). A BC can be BC for more than one bank.
 The bank should review the performance of various BC once in a year.
ULTRA SMALL  These branches may be set up between the base branch and BC location for
BRANCH about 8-10 BC Units at a reasonable distance of 3-4 Kilometers.
 These USB should have minimum infrastructure such as CBS, PASS BOOK
PRINTER, and cash safe.
 This could be a new or by conversion of the BC Outlets.
Financial Literacy  FL or Financial Education provides ability to know and effectively use
financial resources to enhance the well being and economic security of
oneself, one’s family and business.
 It enables individuals to take effective action to improve overall wellbeing &
avoid financial distress.
 It promotes financial inclusion and ultimately financial stability.
 The Financial Literacy Centers will conduct special camps for Going Digital
through UPI & Financial Awareness Message (FAME) booklet for the
different target group.
APY Atal Pension Yojana
 Applicable to all citizens of India aged between 18 to 40 years
 Aadhar will be the primary KYC, & Mobile number is obtained for ease of
 There is guaranteed minimum monthly pension for the subscriber ranging
between Rs.1000 & Rs.5000 per month.
 Banks are required to collect additional amount for delayed payments.
 Discontinuation of payments of contribution shall lead to frozen a/c after 6
months, deactivated after 12 months and closure after 24 months.
 After completion of 60 years of age the subscriber will get monthly pension.
PMJJBY Pradhanmantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana
 Bank account holders aged between 18 to 50 years @ annual premium of Rs
330 for a life cover of Rs.2Lacs.
 Opened with Aadhar Card and annual premium is auto debited from a/c
 The scheme is administered by SUD-Life.
PMSBY Pradhanmantri Suraksha Bima Yojana
 Saving Bank Account holders aged between 18 to 70 years.
 It offers to provide insurance cover of Rs2,00,000/- @ annual premium of
Rs12 per year.
 The scheme is administered by New India Assurance Company Ltd. TOP

RETAIL/01 30.09.2018
ELIGIBILITY:All individuals including farmers, NRIs(jointly with resident close relatives except dismissed/compulsory
retired employee of the Bank), proprietorship/partnership firms, corporate entities etc.( except HUF).
Individuals/Pensioners - 24 times of Monthly Gross emoluments or 2 times of Gross avg. Annual Income as per last
3 Income Tax Returns (ITRs).
Others - Two times of avg. annual cash accruals as per last 3 audited B/S & P&L A/c of firm/company.
Farmers - Depending upon his Repayment capacity as is applicable in agricultural loans
Note: Sanctioning Authority can consider advance to two individuals jointly by combining their entitlement
provided they are close relatives and vehicle should be registered in the name of one of the co-
Age: Not to exceed 65 years at the time of availing loan
PURPOSE: For purchase of Two / Four Wheeler (incl.jeeps & vans not requiring Heavy Duty Licence);
New/Second Hand (upto 3 years old – only if comprehensive insurance is
Available). In case of electronic/battery-operated vehicles, it must be
Registered with RTO. Where registration with RTO is not required
Specified curtailed limit and collateral security should be obtained.
Reimbursement of cost of four-wheeler vehicle purchased from own sources subject to:
i. Purchase of new four-wheeler vehicle by cheque\electronic mode only.
ii. Vehicle should not be 3 months old and No accident case during this period.
iii. Obtention of original receipts, invoice, vehicle details, original RC may be returned after due verification.
iv. Valuation of vehicle should be carriedout from approved valuer.
v. Loan reimbursed after noting Bank’s charge with RTO and our HP clause on Insurance Policy.
LIMIT: Max. Limit for finance: Individuals (Resident in India): Indian Vehicle: Rs.50 lakhs and Imported Vehicles:
Rs.100 lakhs- For companies & corporate entities Rs. 200 lakhs (can be a fleet of vehicles); For NRI Individuals: Rs.
50 lakhs- For non-conventional energy vehicles not requiring registration with RTO – 2 wheelers: Rs.50, 000 &
4 wheelers: Rs.4 lakhs
Note: more than one vehicle can be considered within the above limits, provided the 1st a/c is in order, charge
registered with RTO & repayments are regular.
Type of Advance: Demand Loan / Term Loan. (Only Demand Loan for second hand vehicles).
INTEREST: Rate of Interest as per extant H.O. guidelines from time to time.
MARGIN: Individuals (including NRIs):
New Vehicles: Upto Rs.10 lakhs: - No margin on Ex-showroom price excl. comprehensive
insurance/taxes/registration charges.
>10 lakhs upto Rs. 25 lakhs:- 15% On Road price including comprehensive insurance/taxes/registration charges
>25 lakhs: 25% On Road price including comprehensive insurance/taxes/registration charges
For corporate/firms etc.: 25% irrespective of amount
2nd hand vehicles - 30% of depreciated Value/value assessed by Govt. approved Valuer/sale consideration-
whichever is lower.
NET TAKE HOME PAY: Gross Monthly Income(GMI) up to Rs 1.00 - 40% of NTHP
GMI Above Rs 1.00 lakh to Rs 5.00 lakh 30% of NTHP
GMI Above Rs 5.00 lakh 25%of NTHP
For others(Proprietor/Partnership/Co) DSCR: 1.5 Min.
REPAYMENT: New vehicles: Individuals- 4 wheelers- Max. 7 yrs. 2 wheelers-Max.5 yrs.
Corporate/ firms- Max. 5 years. For second hand vehicles- Max. 3 years.
SECURITY: (i) Hypothecation of the Vehicle, Charge on vehicle registered with R.T.O., (ii) Comprehensive
insurance of the vehicle with bank clause. (iii)Collateral Sec. is desirable for loans to individuals >25 lakhs. Collateral
security in respect of loans for vehicles run on non-conventional energy & not requiring registration with RTO for
limits > Rs.1.00 lakh.
GUARANTEE: Required for loans > Rs.25 lakh & in respect of loans for vehicles not registered with RTO.
Guarantee of Resident Indian in respect of loans to NRIs. In other cases, tangible collateral security of
acceptable value can be obtained in lieu of guarantee.
Photograph; Proof of Income; Proof of Address; Third Party Guarantee; Performa Invoice

1.Application-cum-proposal. 2. OD-194 (Guarantee Deed) 3.L-512, 4 .L-516 & L-515
5.Comprehensive Insurance Policy with bank clause
6.Letter addressed to Insurance Company for remitting claim directly to Bank in case of damages
7.Blank Transfer Forms in Blank in duplicate (Form No. 29 & 30)
8.Registration of Bank’s Charge on the vehicle with Regional Transport Authority.
9.Valuation Certificate for second hand vehicle from approved valuer.
10. Registration of charge with ROC in case of finance to companies.
11.A letter of authority by the borrower to debit the loan/ SB a/c with Intt./ Ser. Ch./ Ins. Prem.
12.Where guarantor’s vehicle is taken as collateral security, obtain another CHA-2 with modification
13. Employers undertaking for recovery of installment, OR post-dated cheques towards EMIs.
14.Sanction Letter.
Clarification in dealer payout : pay out is permitted to Auhtorised dealer and or staff of
Authorised dealers of 13 specific car manufacturers. It is available for leads provided by them.
Pay out to dealer (A) 1.50% of loan amount (inclusive of service tax or any other tax)per vehicle,
exclusive of incentive to Staff of Authorized dealer.
Pay out to staff of Authorized (B) 0.25% of loan amount, Max Rs 5000/-(inclusive of service tax), exclusive of
dealer incentive to staff of Authorised dealer.
Max Payout Total of (A) + (B)
Authority to modify structure Zonal Manager authority to modify cap upto 1.75%
Refer : HOCL 2018-19/49 dated 24.07.2018 to be read with HOBC 110/06 dtd 01.04.2016 & 108/98 dtd 12.08.2014
In case of Vehicle paid through DD/PO : on the reverse write the name of borrower and type of loan should be
(Branch to comply with KYC/Due Diligence, Rating Exercise, Checklist, Mode of Disbursement (as per BC
No.108/109 dated 01.09.2014), Vetting of Documents, control measures, reporting and reviewing of accounts as
per Master BC No.109/06 dated 01.04.2015 (110/06 dated 01.04.2016).
Bulk Financing : Extra care to be excercised while dealing with bulk proposals received from employees of a
company/firm/organization (as per Annexure II of Master BC No.110/06 dated 01.04.2016). (For any deviation in
all others terms of Loan/Finance Guarantee/Security/Repayment terms etc. is NBGLCC and above as per BC
No.108/50 dated 09.06.2014). The bulk execution of documents/application with proper KYC completed through
proper indexing/numbering of proposal. Avoid haste to save from errors in documentations.
RETAIL /02 30.09.2018

1.Eligible Courses: (indicative list)

a) Studies in India :
 Graduation courses : BA, B.Com., B.Sc., etc. (Degrees awarded by Universities)
 Post Graduation courses
 : Masters & Ph.D. (awarded by Universities)
 Professional courses : (approved by AICTE/AIBMS/ICMR/IMC and/or affiliated to any University approved by
UGC/State Govt., Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India) : Engineering, Medical, Agriculture, Veterinary, Law, Dental,
Management, Computer, etc.
 Computer certificate courses of reputed institutes accredited to Department of Electronics or institutes affiliated
to university.
 Courses like ICWA, CA, CFA etc. (only exam fees to the respective Institutes, in absence of regular course
 Courses conducted by National Institutes, like IIMs, IITs, IISc, XLRI, NIFT, NID, and other Institutes set up by
Central/State Governments.
 Courses offered in India by reputed foreign universities with prior approval.
 Evening/Part-time courses of approved institutes.
 Other courses leading to diploma/degree, etc. conducted by colleges/universities approved by
 Courses offered by National Institutes and other reputed private institutions with prior approval.

 Regular Degree/Diploma courses like Aeronautical, Pilot training, shipping, degree/diploma in Nursing or any
other discipline approved by Director General of Civil Aviation/Shipping/Indian Nursing Council or any other
regulatory body as the case may be, if the course is pursued in India.
Studies abroad: (Institutes/Universities upto world ranking of 3000 provided in website only to be covered)
 Graduation: For job oriented professional/technical courses offered by reputed/State funded universities.
 Post Graduation: MCA, MBA, MS, etc. from State funded Universities.
 Courses conducted by CIMA – London, CPA in USA, etc.
 Degree/Diploma courses like Aeronautical, Pilot training/shipping etc. provided they are recognized by
competent regulatory bodies in India/abroad for the purpose of employment.
 As per IMC Ordinance 2013, w.e.f. 15.05.2013, any Indian citizen who intends to obtain medical qualification
from any foreign country are not required to obtain permission/eligibility criteria from MCI.
2. Student’s Eligibility:
The student should be an Indian National Should have secured admission to professional/technical courses in
India or abroad through Entrance Test/Merit based selection process after completion of HSC (10+2 OR
 No Dues Certificate need not be insisted upon as a pre-condition for considering educational loan. However,
branches may obtain a declaration/an affidavit confirming that no loans are availed from other banks/financial
 In case of admission to Post Graduate course or Research Programme not based on entrance test or based on
marks obtained in qualifying examination, such cases shall be considered based on employability and reputation of
the institution concerned.
 Where admissions are taken purely based on marks scored in qualifying examinations, the cut-off marks is
stipulated is : For General category – 60% & For SC/ST/OBC – 50%
 Sanctioning authority must satisfy about employment generation after course & consequent ability to repay.
 Students seeking admission under Management quota/seats could be granted Education Loan under following
A. Meritorious student who qualifies for seat under merit quota but chooses to pursue a course under
Management quota seat in an Institution for reasons of convenience (Proximity) or choice of course:
Margin : As per scheme Norms – Upto Rs.4 lakhs: NIL and above Rs.4 lakhs: 5%.
Amount: Quantum of loan as per fee structure approved by State Government/Government approved
regulatory body for payment seats subject to viability of repayment.
Collateral: Collateral Security as per the Scheme.
1. NRI students – Student should hold Indian passport & meet eligibility requirement. Tangible Collateral security
having 100% enforceability in India. Approval for deviation to be obtained from NBG-LCC.
2. Parties to the Loan: Who can be joint borrowers.
Joint borrower should normally be Parents/Guardians/spouse/other acceptable person as joint-borrower.
In case of married student, spouse or parents/parents in law.
However, in case of adverse credit history of the above mentioned Jt. Borrowers, Other person acceptable to
the bank can be taken as Jt. Borrower (after taking precaution) & such person should be relative of student &
genuinely concerned about his well being/education.
3. The loan documents should be executed by both the student (if major) and the parent/guardian as joint-
borrowers. In case of minor student, security documents are to be executed by parent/guardian and upon
student attaining majority, fresh set of documents to be executed by both - parent/guardian and student
jointly. An undertaking to be taken from the parent/guardian to that effect.
4. Expenses considered for loan :
a. Fee payable to college/school/hostel. *1
b. Examination/Library/Laboratory fee.
c.Caution deposit/building fund/refundable deposit supported by Institution bills/receipts. *2
d. Purchase of books/equipments/instruments/uniforms. *3
e. Travel expenses/passage money for studies abroad.
f. Purchase of computers/Laptops – essential for completion of the course. Hypothecation charge on such
computer need not be obtained as value of security vis-à-vis quantum of education loan is negligible.
Similarly, insurance of such computer/system need not be insisted upon. *3

g. Any other exp. required to complete the course, like study tours, project work, thesis, etc.These items may
not be available in the schedule of fees. Therefore a realistic assessment may be made of the requirement
under these heads. *3
h. Life Insurance Premium for life cover of student/co-borrower for total tenure of loan.
i. Spending Limit sanctioned under Star Money Card.
*1 whenever hostel accommodation of the institution/college is not available, branches may consider need
based loan for expenses on lodging/boarding arrangement made by the student. Fee payable to the
College/Institute shall be as per the brochure/demand letter from the Institutions. Upward revision of the
College fees/Tuition fees, etc. needs to be considered, from time to time, with review of the account, subject to
compliance of other terms under items max. Quantum of loan, top up loan & margin.
*2 These expenses could be considered subject to the condition that the amount does not exceed 10% of total
tuition fees for the entire course.
*3 Maximum expenses permitted under items mentioned above – (d), (f) and (g) is 20% of the total tuition fees
payable for completion of the course (it is likely that expenditure under these items may not be available in the
schedule of fees and charges prescribed by the college authorities. Therefore, a realistic assessment may be
made of the requirement under these heads).
7.Reimbursement of Expenses:
Reimbursement of fees paid in advance or at the time of selection/admission or for earlier years before
applying for loan is permitted. The sanctioning authority to satisfy about the expenses already incurred
preferably by verifying bills/receipts
8.Quantum of finance: Need-based finance to meet the expenses, subject to earning potential of students upon
completion of the course and not the parental income/family worth, worked out as per items No. 5 above will
be considered subject to Studies in India–Maximum Rs.10.00 lakhs and Studies abroad-Maximum Rs.20.00 lakhs.
The higher limit (exceeding scheme limit of Rs.10.00 lakhs for studies India and Rs.20.00 lakhs for studies
abroad) can be considered in respect of recognised courses of approved universities/ Institutes subject to
evaluation of course/ employability at the level of NBGLCC and above Subject to :
1) Loan limit to be fully secured by tangi ble collateral security and margin to be stipulated at 25%.
2) Servicing of interest during moratorium period as & when applied.
In case of non-servicing of Interest during moratorium period adequate security including capitalized/accrued
interest to be obtained.
Family as a unit for quantum of finance/margin/security has been discontinued. Loan to be considered on
individual student basis.
Top up Loans:
In cases where the students pursuing further studies within the overall eligibility limit (limit to
individual student not to exceed ceilings as per item No. 7) if such further studies are commenced
during the moratorium period of the first loan, top up loans may be considered. The repayment of
the loan will commence after the completion of the second course and further moratorium period
as provided under the scheme.
5. Margin :
Loan Upto Rs.4 lakh : Nil for both study in India & abroad. TOP
Above Rs.4 lakh : Studies in India : 5%.
Studies Abroad : 15% .
Scholarship/assistantship to be included in margin & margin needs to be brought-in on each disbursement.
6. Repayment Period
Repayment Holiday/Moratorium: Course period +1 yr
Repayment period 15 years after commencement of repayment
No pre-payment penalty will be levied for pre-payment of loan any time during the repayment period.
If the student is not able to complete the course within the scheduled time, extension of time for
completion of course may be permitted for a maximum period of 2 years.
If the student is not able to complete the course for reasons beyond his control, sanctioning authority may
at his discretion consider such extensions as may be deemed necessary to complete the course.
In case, the student continues further higher studies with or without Bank Loan, repayment of existing loan
may be appropriately rescheduled, after due verification.
In case the student discontinues the course midway, appropriate repayment schedule will be worked out by
the Bank in consultation with the student/parent.

While EMI based repayment is generally acceptable practice, many times the salary levels at the
start of the career may not facilitate comfortable payment of EMI in certain cases (e.g. professionals like
Doctors). Telescoping of repayment with stepped up installments with passage of time may be conserved
in such cases.
If the repayments in education loans are extended due to revision in the repayment period under
the new Educational Loan Scheme (as above) the same may not be treated as restructuring. However, this
treatment would be available only to education loans which are standard on the date of such extension of
repayment period. Further, such extensions should not be given.
7. Rate of Interest: As advised by Bank from time to time.
a) 0.50% for all students pursuing professional courses likes Medical/Engg./Management etc.
b) 0.50% for female students for limits upto Rs.50,000.00 and 1.00% above Rs.50,000.00.
(Max. concession under above a and b should not exceed 1.00%)
1.00% for all students serving interest during study/moratorium period.
Maximum interest concession under all above categories should not exceed 2.00% p.a. subject to min 1
year MCLR.
Simple interest to be charged during the repayment holiday/moratorium period
1% interest concession provided for loanees, if the interest is serviced during the study/moratorium
period prior to commencement of repayment.
This interest refund for servicing of interest to be effected on quarterly basis.
Normal interest applicable from the date of commencement of repayment.
EMIs to be fiexed on the basis of Principal Loan and Accrued/Unpaid Interest together at the end of
moratorium period .
Penal Interest @2% to be charged for loans above Rs.4 lakhs for the overdue amount and overdue period
as per Bank’s policy on penal interest.
8. Security :
Upto Rs. 4 lakhs : No security. Parent (s)/ or Co-borrower as Jt. Borrower
Above Rs.4 lakhs & upto Rs.7.50 lakhs : Obtention of cover under CGFSEL** is mandatory
Above Rs.7.50 lakhs : Tangible Collateral security of suitable value in addition to
assignment of future income of the student for payment of
installments and co-obligation of parents/guardian as co-
(i) The security can be in the form of land/building/Govt. securities/ Public Sector Bonds/Units of UTI, NSC, KVP, and
LIC Policy, gold, shares/debentures, bank deposit in the name of student/parent/guardian or any other third party
with suitable margin. The owner of security to be related to the account as borrower/co-borrower/ guarantor.
(ii) Wherever the land/building is already mortgaged, the unencumbered portion can be taken as security on 2nd
charge basis provided it covers the required loan amount.
9.Time Limit for disposal of Educational Loan Application:-
Studies in India & Abroad Period within which to be disposed of
Upto Rs. 4.00 lakh 7 working days from the dt. of receipt of application
Above Rs. 4.00 lakh 14 working days from the dt. of receipt of application

No application for educational loan received should be rejected without the concurrence of the next higher
authority - minimum SZLCC at Z.O. The reasons for rejection to be conveyed to the applicant in writing.
The loan to be disbursed in stages as per the requirement/demand directly to the Institutions/Vendors of
books/equipments/ instruments to the extent possible. All educational loan applications including those
applications which are received directly by the branches in physical format are invariably to be uploaded on the
Vidyalakshmi Portal before according sanction.
10.Bank Charges :
No Processing Fee for study in India and for studies abroad Rs.1,000.00 (which is refundable once actual
loan is availed/disbursed).

One time charges for any deviation from the scheme norms incl. approval of courses outside the scheme
(per deviation) :Upto Rs.4.00 lakhs : Rs.500.00;Over Rs.4.00 lakhs and upto Rs.7.50 lakhs :
Rs.1.500.00;Over Rs.7.50 lakhs : Rs, 3,000.00.
11.Follow Up/Tracking after disbursement :
Branches to evolve a system of regular contact with all student borrowers/their parents and consequently update
branch records as regarding their address, contact numbers, UID No., SSN/UIN (for studies abroad) progress in
studies, completion of the course and thereafter employment etc. Special attention is called for in cases involving
studies abroad.
While granting education loan, branches shall also notify the college/university where he is pursuing the course
about grant of education loan with a request to intimate immediately about interim cancellation of admission, ifa
any and not to refund the fees funded by the Bank without permission of the Bank/Branch. In case of
college/universities with which tie up entered this may be incorporated as part of the MOU/Agreement.
Branch to take other follow up measures and precautions as per Master BC No.108/7 dated 01.04.2014.
12.Central Scheme to provide Interest Subsidy (CSIS) on Education Loan
A scheme to provide interest subsidy for the period of moratorium on educational loans taken by the student from
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) has been introduced by GOI w.e.f. 01.04.2009. The eligible borrowers will be
eligible for subsidy during continuance of the scheme. Details of the Scheme were advised vide BC Nos. 2010-
11/109 dated 29.07.2010, 2010-11/210 dated 08.12.2010, 2011-12/156 dated 01.12.2011, 2013-14/103 dated
26.07.2013, 2013-14/217 dated 18.02.2014, 2013-14/217 dated 05.03.2014 and 2013-14/224 dated 05.03.2014
(detailed Circular letter).
Salient Features of the scheme are as under:
Student enrolled in recognized professional courses after Class XII only are eligible.
Scheme applied to studies in technical and professional courses for study in India upto Rs.10 lakhs.
Only students enrolled in recognized professional courses in Educational Institutions established by Act of
Parliament or other Institutions recognized by statutory bodies/IIMs and other institutions set up by Central
Government are only eligible.
Interest Subsidy available only for moratorium period.
Scheme would be applicable only to those students belonging to economically weaker sections, with an annual
parental income upper limit Rs.4.50 lakhs.
Income proof shall be submitted by student from such public authorities recognized under the Scheme.
Interest subsidy shall be available to the students only once. (Not for those who discontinued studies/expelled from
Nodal Branch for implementing the scheme is Canara Bank.
(As per BC No.108/25 dated 16.04.2014, HO advised branches/Zones to claim correct subsidy claims/amount and
avoid refund of excess/ineligible subsidy claims in case of any excess/ineligible subsidy claims, Branches/Zonal
Offices to ensure to refund the same within specified time limit given i.e. within 60 days from the date of release of
subsidy by HO to avoid interest penalty and staff accountability).
Ministry of Minority Affairs, GOI has introduced a scheme viz. Padho Pardesh Scheme to provide Interest Subsidy
to meritorious students belonging to economically weaker section of notified minority communities (Details as
per BC No. 108/102 dated 22.08.2014).
13. Life Insurance :
Bank offers specially designed insurance from STAR UNION DAI-ICHI LIFE INSURANCE CO.
LTD. The Insurance Policy to be obtained at the option of the student.
Approval for deviation in the scheme is within the delegation of NBG-LCC. All other details like Delegation, loan
to staff wards, follow up/tracking, restructuring/rescheduling/Finacle Code/Courses not covered, Institutions not
recognized, Tie Up Arrangement, Deemed Universities, on line application, capability certificates, review of
accounts etc. is given in Master BC No.109/7 dated 01.04.2015.
(1) Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Education Loan ( CGFSEL**) for Loan upto Rs. 7.50 Lakhs, under Star
Education Loan Scheme and Star Vidya Loan Scheme ( HO BC 110\21 Dated 01.04.2016 )
(2) A New Stamped document L-488 ( education loan agreement) should be taken in all new education loan
accounts.(Guidelines for loan disbursement please refer to BC No. 107/34 dated 22.05.2013.)
(3) **CGFSEL cover is available for Education Loan account openedon or after 16.09.2015. it cover both Domestic and
overseas study Education Loan. The rate of interest charged should be less than 2% p.a. over Base Rate/MCLR. Here
amount in default means Loan outstanding plus accrued interest as on date of NPA OR date of lodgement of claim

application whichever is lower or amount specified by Fund, subject to maximum of Guarantee cover. The Bank should
apply for Guarantee coverof earlier qquarter, prior to expiry of the running quarter say for education loan sanctioned
in Q2, guarantee cover should be applied before end of Q3. The bank shall ensure to submit the information required
by NCGTC for giving guarantee cover with regard to the Education Loan borrowal account.
(4) For availing the guarantee coverage under CGFSEL, the Bank shall pay Annual Guarantee Fee (AGF) of 0.50% p.a. of the
outstanding amount as on the date of application of guarantee cover, upfront to the Fund within 30 days from the
date of Credit Guarantee Demand Advice Note (CGDAN) of guarantee fee.
(5) The Bank may invoke the guarantee in respect of Education loan within a maximum period of one year from date of
NPA, if NPA is after lock-in period or within one year of lock-in period, if NPA is within lock-in period, after the following
conditions are satisfied: (i) guarantee in force (ii) lock-in period of 12 months from end of period of moratorium of
interest or date iof commencement of guarantee which ever is later (iii)loan dues are unpaid (iv)loan recalled &
recovery process initiated (v) claim with in time specified by NCGTC. Cover available is 75% within 30 days, rest 25%
RETAIL /03 30.09.2018
(existing STAR EDUCATIONAL LOAN for vocational studies Scheme replaced)
(Skill Loan Scheme)
Government has proposed Pradhan mantri Kaushal Rin Yojna (Skill Loan Scheme)
in place of existing scheme for vocational studies with skill loan scheme

Purpose/Objective To extend education loan for vocational courses offered by ITIs/ITCs/Polytechnics & such
of the scheme other technical institutions/bodies in tune with GOI initiative in skill development &
consequent need to provide institutional funding to students undergoing such skill
development courses in recognized institutions
Eligible/Target Indian national having secured admission for recognized course run by Govt. /Organization
customers supported by Skill Development Corpn. & leading to Certificate/Degree/Diploma issued by
Govt. organization or recognized by Govt.
Eligible courses Vocational and Skill Development Courses supported by Govt or run by organization
supported by Govt.
Eligible max. There is no minimum course duration.Loans will be in the range of Rs. 5000 to Rs.150000.
quantum of loan
Eligible expenses Tuition/Course fees, Examination/Library/Laboratory fees, Caution Deposits, Purchase of
considered for Books/Equipments/Instruments
financing Any other reasonable expense found necessary for completion of course
Being localized courses, expenses for lodging & boarding may not be necessary. However,
such expenses may be considered on merit, wherever found necessary
Margin Nil
Minimum As required by the enrolling institutions/organizations as per National skill Qualification
qualification Framework (NSQF)
Minimum age There is no specific restriction with regard to the age of the student to be eligible for skilling
RateofInterest (ROI) As advised by Bank from time to time.
ProcessingCharges Nil
Moratorium Moratorium period:-
period For courses of duration upto 1 year – Course period + 6 months
For courses of duration > 1 year – Course period + 12 months
Repayment Loans upto Rs.50,000 - upto 3 years
Loans of Rs.50,000/- to Rs.1.00 lakh – up to 5 years
Loans > Rs.1.00 lakh –up to 7 years

Security/Credit No Collateral security or Third party guarantee. However, Parent to execute security
Guarantee documents along with student as joint borrower .Accounts financed under the scheme to be
covered under the Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Skill Development (CGFSSD)

Auth. for EDLCC

Other terms & All other terms & conditions as applicable to Bank’s Normal Educational Loan Scheme.
Accordingly, the skill Loan scheme relaces the BOI Star Loan Scheme for Vocational
RETAIL/04 30.09.2018
 Customers who are in permanent salaried employment / Professionals/ Self Employed with Regular
Income/Group of individuals/Corporates(for development of dwelling units for employees)/HUF/NRI-
PIO/Staff Members. For delegation purpose loans to HUF and PIO is to be considered as ZLCC and above as
per their delegation.
 For individuals, marks as per Rating Sheet is minimum 20 presently and for firms/corporate SBS/MS Model
Ratings as applicable to corporates.
 Ordinarily for salaried persons & others – upto the age of – 70 years. The maximum age mentioned above
is not the entry age but the age by which entire loan is to be repaid. In case of joint account cases, age of
senior proponent is to be reckoned for deciding outer age limit for repayment. In case of salaried persons,
sanctioning authority to be satisfied about the post retirement repayment capacity and mentioned in
proposal. Deviations by SZLCC & Above.
 (i) To Purchase/Construct House/Flat on ownership basis.
 (ii) To Repair / Renovate / Extend existing house/flat.
 (iii) Composite loan for purchase of plot and construction of house thereon within a max. period 30
months. This maximum period of moratorium of 30 months, approval by ZLCC (It is mandatory to service
the pre-EMI interest debited in the loan account from 19th month onwards).
 In case of purchase of flat, the maximum 48 months moratorium depends on flat postion in multi storey
skyscrapers.(up to 7th floor -30months, from 8th to 14th floor – 36months & above 14th floor-48 months)
 In case of non-completion of construction/project within moratorium period commercial rate @3.50% over
1 year MCLR.
 No loan only for the purchase of plot of land i.e.composite loan is considered for purchase of plot &
construction of house.
 Take Over of Housing Loans extended by other Banks/Insititutions/NBFCs as per extant guidelines.

 For 2nd or subsequent sale, the flat/house should have future life of at least 1.5 times of stipulated
repayment period. Future life to be certified by Bank’s panel valuer.
 In case of flats, other costs for amenities like parking slot, swimming pool, club membership, charges
towards electric meter, garden maintenance etc. can be treated as margin (if to be borne/paid by
proponent separately).
 For construction / Purchase of House/ Flat (Min. only in Metro & Urban : Rs.1 lakh) ( Rs. Lakh)
 At cities Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai,Bengluru, }
Hyderabad, Pune, Ahmedabad, Nagpur, Delhi-NCR }
Indore, Surat, Gurgaon, Chandigarh,Jaipur, Kochi, } 500.00
Bhubaneshwar }
 At other places 300.00
 For purchase of Plots:
 (a) in above named cities 200.00
 (b) at other places 100.00
 For Repairs/ Renovation/ Extension/addition of house/flat 50.00 TOP


For furnishing of house/flat (15% of loan amount) Maximum - 5.00(Maximum loan amount may be
considered up to Rs. 10.00 lakhs for installation of rooftop solar including cost of equipments such as
solar lighting, wiring and other fittings.
(This is to be sanctioned as a separate personal loan with ROI as applicable to Home loan with max.
repayment period of 10 years with security of extension of EQM/Mortgage).
 Quantum of loan above 500 lacs in above mentioned cities are to be considered in Star Diamond Home
Loan Scheme.
 For payment of insurance premium on the life of the borrower without any ceiling and to be considered
over and above the normal project cost and normal eligible quantum of finance. (but within norms for net
take home pay)
 We can consider Bridge Loan against adequate liquid security atleast equal to 110% of Exposure.

Salaried individuals - 72 times of Gross Monthly Salary OR 6 times of gross annual income based on ITRs.
In case of new permanent employee of Central/State(C/S) Government, C/S PSU,minimum employment period
reduced to 12 months. ITR can be waived subject to employment confirmation.
Now son/daughters can be included as co-borrowers.
Self employed/professionals/individuals engaged in trade/commerce/business* -6 times of Gross Annual Income
based on ITRs. Please also refer to HO BC 109/100 dt.28.7.2015.
Prop. / Partner firms/ Corporates/ HUF* - 6 times of Cash Accruals (PAT + Depreciation) as per BS & P&L A/cs.For
firms and corporate DSCR of 1.50 required. The DSCR of 1.25 can be accepted subject to obtention of personal
guarantee of partners/Directors, the deviation lies with ZLCC.
 Farmers/Agriculturists – Where ITR is not filed/not required to be filed, assessment of income
based on net income from farm, other agricultural & allied activities & depending upon repayment
capacity of the proponent can be assessed on the basis of land holdings of the proponents by the
Net take home Pay/income:- (Net of EMI of the proposed loan)
For Gross monthly income upto Rs.1.00 lakh – 40% of Gross monthly income
For gross monthly income > Rs.1 lakh & upto Rs.5 lakh – 30% of gross salary/income
For gross monthly income > Rs.5 lakh – 25% of gross salary/income
In case of firms/ corporate- DSCR min. 1.5*(DSCR of 1.25 can be accepted, subject to personal Guarantee and
approval of ZLCC)

Deviations by SZLCC & Above.

Margin for 1st house Margin for 2nd/ subsequent Margin for Reimbursement of Loan
Loan Upto Rs.30 lakhs -- 10% Loan upto Rs.20 lakhs -- 20% Loan upto Rs. 20 lakhs -- 25%
>30 upto 75 lakhs -- 20% >20 upto 75 lakhs -- 20% >20 upto 75 lakhs -- 25%
>75 lakhs -- 25% >75 lakhs -- 25% >75 lakhs -- 25%
For project cost above 10 lakhs : Margin to be calculated on the pure cost price of the flat/house excluding
stamp duty, registration charges etc. and comply with RBI instructions on Loan to Value (LTV).

RATE OF INTEREST: As per extant HO guidelines from time to time.

REPAYMENT: Max. Repayment period as under:-
For New construction/New purchase from builder 30 years including moratorium period
2 purchase of house/flat 25 years with no marotorium
Repairs/Renovation/Addition/Alteration 20 years including moratorium of 18 months
Authority for deviation in age is SZLCC and above

DELEGATION: As per extant HO guidelines from time to time.

REIMBURSEMENT: Wherever reimbursement is considered, the borrowers’ margin should not be less than 25% of
pure cost of the house/flat.
Documentation charges: NIL TOP

Charges for deviations from scheme norms: NIL
PREPAYMENT CHARGES – In case of floating rate loans no prepayment charges if the a/c is closed prematurely
out of borrower’s own sources. No prepayment charges including take over by other Bank/F.I. for home loans.
However, for loans under fixed rate option, for take over by other Bank/F.I., prepayment charges @ 0.65% p.a.
on outstanding loan amount for remaining maturity of loan subject to max. 2.25% of outstanding loan amount
are applicable.
Conversion charges:
Conversion of fixed loan to floating or vice-versa is allowed subject to payment of certain charges.
No charges for issuing in principle sanction letter.
Third Party Guarantee: Please also refer to HO BC 109\100 dt. 28.7.2015
SECURITY: Equitable Mortgage or Legal mortgage (approval ZLCC) of the house/flat proposed to be financed.
Third Party Guarantee not to be insisted upon where valid & enforceable Mortgage is available immediately before
or at the time of disbursement. Also Third party guarantee is not required where property to be financed is funded
& mortgaged with our Bank under project finance to the Builder & financing Branch’s charge is duly noted with the
branch which has financed the project or seller is proposed as guarantor.
DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FROM CUSTOMER: - Loan Application along with CBD-23 of Borrowers & Guarantors,
Photo of Borower/Guarantor, Title Deeds of Plot/Flat/House, Estimate of construction cost, Sale Agreement with
Builders/Seller, Approved Map, Location Map, Status Report along with Statement of operative bank a/c for last 6
months duly authenticated by the bank (in case of new customer-borrower), Income Tax Returns, Salary Slips,
FORM 16.
Free personal accident insurance cover (covering accidental death as well as permanent total disablement risks) is
provided to housing loan borrowers (accounts ofindividual(s) only) upto Rs.500 lakhs under group insurance policy
with National InsuranceCompany (NICL). The sum assured is the amount outstanding in the Home Loan Accountas
on the date of accident, irrespective of amount of housing loan advanced by the Bank.If there is more than one
borrower in the loan account, then company's liability will beproportionate to the number of joint borrowers. The
insurance cover is renewable strictlyat the sole discretion /option of the Bank. Details of last policy renewal was
advised vide Circular Letter No.2015-16/206 dated 16.03.2016.
A Single Premium insurance cover under SudLife Loan Suraksha Plan is made available by SUD Life Insurance Co.
Ltd. To provide financial security to the dependent of home loan borrowers in case of unfortunate death of

List of Security documents to be obtained is given as Annexure II of Master BC No. 112/021 Dtd 03.05.2018.
Delinked from Group concept: - Home loans upto Rs.500 lakh are delinked from group concept.
Compliance with guidelines about due diligence/Title opinion cum non-encumbrance report/valuation report of
the property etc. to be ensured as enumerated in master BC. ( Note : Please refer to HO BC 109\01 dt.01.04.2015,
109\100 dt.28.7.2015 for full details.)

CIBIL Report: - Master BC guidelines to be adhered to.

Home loan for 2nd House can be considered even when existing Home loan account is continuing if the proponent
is eligible for proposed Home loan, the existing Home loan account is of standard category & the proponent has
adequate repayment capacity to meet repayment obligations for both the loans. Home loan for 2nd house can be
considered by normal delegated authority provided no Home loan is existing on the date of sanction of loan for
2nd house.
Home loan for 3rd & subsequent house/flat:- Can be considered to eligible applicants, singly or jointly by ZLCC &
Above. However, applicants should not have more than 2 Home loan accounts (singly or jointly) at the time of
sanction & both the accounts should be of standard category. The above condition is not applicable where the
name of a person is added as joint borrower for family reasons but his income is not reckoned for calculation of
eligible quantum of loan or repayment is not paid out of his income. . The rate of interest to be charges at 0.50%
over Housing Loan rates. The 3rd dwelling units to an individual to be treated as Commercial Real Estate Exposure
with risk weight and provisioning norms applicable to CRE-RH.
Review of standard and regular Home loans proposed to be carried out through FINACLE in statement format.
The details of KYC/Due Diligence/RBI and Bank’s guidelines for 2nd and subsequent house/inclusion of rental
income, notional HRA, adding back of Depreciation etc., bridge loan, CIBIL, mode of disbursement, penalty for non-
receipt of original registered title deeds, take over of accounts, procedural matters, penal interest, acceptance of

alternate security in the absence of principal security, CERSAI Charge and its charges, charges for valuation, search,
vetting of documents, disbursement on reimbursement basis, restructuring/rescheduling/review/reporting under
PSRS, Moratorium period, Employer’s consent to deduct from salary, obtention of ECS/PDCs, turnaround time,
approval of builder/projects etc. are given in Master BC No.108/1 dated 01.04.2014, branch to be guided by that.
We should follow improvement of System & Procedures for prevention of frauds in housing loan- please refer
Annx-II of 112/021 dtd 03.05.18, mentioned in Note XVII(A)-Procedures & (B)- Control Supervision on page 67 to 70
HOBC 112/021 Dtd 03.05.2018-Annx I contain all guidelines, Annx –II –Take over of Home Loans & Procedural aspects and Annx –III provided
various circulars on Housing Loan
RETAIL /05 30.09.2018
(For Home loans > Rs.5.00 crore in specified major cities)

Objective of the scheme Star Diamond Home Loan Scheme is an extension of Star Home Loan Scheme.
Scheme ceiling of Rs.5.00 crore in metros & Rs.3.00 crore in other places of Star
Home Loan Scheme was restricting financing higher limits to HNIs Phenomenal
growth of HNIs consequent upon economic liberalization
Cost of houses/flats touched astronomical level in metros & major cities
To prevent the business from going to private banks Opportunity to enter life of
rich, influential HNIs & can be partner in their growth.
Target customers HNIs, Firms/ Corporates for their Partners/Directors with average annual gross
income of Rs.1.00 crore & above based on audited Balance sheet/ITRs during
last 3 years
Quantum of loan: > Rs.5.00 crore (Home loans upto Rs.5.00 crore to be covered
under Bank’s normal Star Home Loan Scheme. This scheme is for loan amount
exceeding Rs.5.00 crore)
Location of House/flat: Metros & major cities – Mumbai/New Delhi & Delhi
NCR/Chennai/Kolkata/Bangalore/Ahmedabad/Hyderabad & Pune.
Entry level norms For individuals: As per Home Loan model (Rating sheet with min. 20 marks)
For firms/ corporates: As per applicable SBS/SME model/LC model
Net Take Home Pay/Income Net Take Home pay/Income (Net of EMI) for individuals: min. 25% of Gross
salary/income. For firms/corporates: min. DSCR of 1.5.
Margin 25% on the pure value of property, i.e. cost of construction/
acquisition/extension/renovation etc. without stamp duty, registration charges,
taxes, charges etc. (As per BC No.108/55 dated 13.06.2014).
Rate of Interest (ROI) As per Star Home Loan Scheme – Extant ROI in terms of HO guidelines from time
to time presently Base Rate Plus 0.25%.
Delegation NBGLCC for loans upto Rs 10 crores subject to group concept.Beyond which the
limits to be sanctioned at HO.
Due Diligence Independent inspection by 2 separate officials, due diligence by outside agency,
search and title clearance report for a period of 30 years. Valuation of 2 valuers
from approved list, CPA-1 and CPA-II, Vetting of documents as per extant
instructions etc. to be complied with.
Other terms & conditions All other norms – As per Star Home Loan Scheme.
RETAIL /06 30.09.2018
(Scheme code LA-755) ,Where immediate mortgage is not Available)
Objective of Except Mumbai & Maharashtra, in other parts of India, Agreement for Sale is normally not
the scheme & registered by payment of full ad-valorem stamp duty. Instead Sale Deed is registered on
coverage completion of the flat. Under existing Star Home Loan Scheme, our branches could not finance
Home loans for want of mortgage at the time of financing. Other Banks were financing resulting
in loss of business to us. Hence, special scheme introduced. This scheme is applicable to the
states (except Maharashtra) where undivided share in the property is not registered. Separate
Scheme code LA-755
Target All existing customers with satisfactory track record for 3 years
borrowers All existing Diamond customers TOP

Term Deposit customers with average deposit of Rs.5.00 lakh during last 3 years
New customers with established source of regular income such as confirmed employees of
Central Govt./State Govt./PSUs, professionals like Doctors, C.A.s with average annual gross
income of not less than Rs.5.00 lakh during last 3 years & after due compliance with KYC norms.
All permanent employees of Public/Private sector maintaining their salary accounts with
branch. All BOI Credit card holders with satisfactory track record during last 3 years. HNIs with
immovable assets of Rs.20.00 lakh & after due compliance with KYC norms & due diligence
from outside agencies.
Only for Financing in only those projects of reputed builders which are duly approved for financing by
approved G.M. (NBG). Individual proposals can be sanctioned as per extant delegation guidelines.
projects of Projects of only established/reputed builders with undisputed repute & proven track record &
reputed having successfully completed at least 3 projects in the past Project should be approved by
builders some other Public sector Bank OR reputed Pvt. Sector Bank/H.D.F.C.
Max. quantum For small cities & towns (Tier II & Tier III cities)
of loan Individual flat with min. project cost of Rs.12.00 lakh & min. loan of Rs.8.00 lakh
For metros & major cities. Individual flat with min. project cost of Rs.30.00 lakh & min. loan of
over Rs.20.00 lakh
Security Creation of EQM is deferred for 36 months from first disbursement or till completion of the
Documentation project/flat OR registration of Sale Deed, whichever is earlier. Till that time following
documents to be obtained. Allotment letter in fovour of borrower from the builder
Unregistered Tripartite Agreement among Builder, Borrower (flat purchaser) & Bank. This is to
be duly vetted by Zone’s Legal Dept. Unregistered Sale Agreement between Builder & Borrower
along with Power of Attorney from Borrower authorizing bank to pay stamp duty/registration
charges to the debit of borrower’s account & to create mortgage on his behalf. This should also
be vetted by Zone’s Legal Dept.
Confirmation from Builder confirming Bank’s charge over the flat financed Undertaking from
builder about non- encumbrance & undertaking not to create charge over the flat in future
without prior approval of the Bank. Suitable undertaking from borrower to create EQM
immediately after completion of flat. NOC from other bank in case the project has already been
financed by them under project finance (NOC for partial release of their charge over the flats
financed by us) Status Reports on Builders from their existing bankers. All necessary approvals
from Govt. & Municipal authorities should be in place.
Margin Min. 25% on the pure value of property, i.e. cost of
construction/acquisition/extension/renovation without stamp duty, registration charges, taxes,
service charges etc.
Other i) Only cases where immediate mortgage is not available to be covered. Such cases not to be
important covered under any other special scheme offering special concessions
conditions ii) Search Report from two independent panel Advocates & Valuation Report from two
independent valuers
iii) Strict adherence to Due diligence
iv) Separate record at Z.O. for tracking purpose
v) Compliance with all other guidelines of Star Home Loan scheme
vi) Regular monitoring: Projects under the scheme to be monitored regularly on quarterly basis
by the zone under whose geographical jurisdiction the projects come & should also advise to
other nearby zones who are likely to finance in those projects due to geographical proximity
Rate of Interest Normal ROI as per normal Star Home Loan Scheme (As per HO guidelines from time to time).
(ROI) However, ROI @ 1.00% higher than normal rate to be charged from inception of account in case
of borrower’s failure to created mortgage within 36 months of first disbursement. Suitable
undertaking to be obtained from borrower in this regard & to be kept on record
Secured To be treated as secured exposure for delegation, asset classification & other related issues
Delegation As per Individual/group exposure
G.M. (H.O./RBD) & above
Authority for approval of deviations in any of the above major norms – E.D.
Other terms & All other norms – As per Star Home Loan Scheme TOP

Special Scheme for financing House/flats constructed by Army Welfare Housing Organisation (AWHO), Air Force,
Naval Housing Board (ANHB) and Para Military Forces under the name of ‘BOI Star Jai Jawan Home Loan Scheme’ is
introduced. Details of the scheme are available in BC No. 108/72 dated 04.07.2014.

RETAIL/ 07 30.09.2018
Objective To meet the credit needs of trade, commercial activity, other general business/ profession, as also
for their bona fide requirements; educational expenses of family members including near relatives;
repairs/renovation/extension to the residential/commercial property; @ purchase / construct
residential house / flat, purchase of a Plot of land for construction of house/premises for
business/commercial use; Repayment of existing loans availed from other Banks / FI’s conforming to
the extant guidelines regarding “takeover” of account.
Suitable declaration should be obtained from the applicant regarding the purpose;
The facility should not be extended for speculative purposes including investing in equities & to the
builders / developers / promoters / real estate agents for real estate activities such as purchase of
land / construction with an intent to sell or holding real estate stock for sale / re-sale purposes;
@ Advance to be based on mortgage of another property already owned by the proponent.
Target People engaged in trade, commerce and business, professionals, self-employed, individuals with high
customers net worth, salaried people, proprietary firms, Partnership firms, Companies (Pvt. /Public Ltd.,) HUFs
(excluding partnership firms where HUF is a partner), Societies, Staff members, NRIs, subject to
compliance of Bank’s/RBI guidelines.
NBFC, Trusts, Partnership firm where HUF is a partner is not eligible for advances under the scheme.
Max age For salaried persons – max. 60 years
of For non-salaried/self employed – sanctioning authority may relax by 10 years till 70 years
proponent In case of loan/reducible overdraft, age limit is the maximum age at the end of the repayment
Period; It means the entire loan is to be liquidated by the above age.
Deviation in age – beyond limits as above may be permitted by ZLCC and above.
Age Limit also apply to properietory concerns. It is not an entry age.
DL/TL/OD (Reducible)/OD (Non-Reducible)/Hybrid facility
Individual – Salaried/Self-employed/professionals/Doctors are not eligible for OD (Non-
Type of Reducible).Additional Hybrid Facility of Term Loan and OD facility to same borrower. For deciding the
Advance limit eligibility based on income and turnover method to be considered and highest of two could be
considered as the limit ,which will be broken up into loan and OD as per option subject to minimum
limit of 5 lakhs.
Quantum of loan based on value of security & repayment capacity of proponent. For salaried
Max. individuals & self employed –professionals – max. Rs.500 lakh (DL/TL) and Rs.200 lakh as Overdraft
Quantum (Reducible). For Doctor/s (in case of joint accounts all joint accountholders to be doctors) Max.
of loan Overdraft (Reducible) is Rs.500 lakh. For others i.e. Proprietorship, partnership firm and companies –
/limit Max. Rs.500 lakh [DL/TL/OD (Reducible & Non-Reducible)]. Authority for Deviation within overall
limit of Rs.500 lakh is NBGLCC.
Gross Monthly income % of NTHP
Net Take
Home Pay Up to 1.00 lakh 40%
Above 1.00 lakh to Rs 5.00 lakh 30%
Above 5.00 lakh 25%
For Prop./Firm/Parternship/Co.(Loans/Reducible/OD DSCR: Min 1.5;No Deviation
Margin on
value of The loan limit will be based on valuation of property i.e. 100% of circle rate/registration value of
property same or similar property as on date of valuation/40% of market value/50% of distress value,
whichever is lower (margin will be uniform for salaried persons and others) – Bank’s approved valuer
to provide aforesaid values alongwith purchase date and price of the property under valuation.
*Above is the minimum margin and endeavor should be made to maximize the margin keeping in
mind marketability of the property, occupancy etc. TOP

Where the advance is based on distress sale value of property (margin to be 50% of distress value
and need for 2nd valuation), the delegated authority under whose powers the limits fall may permit
financing based on distress value of the property (instead of lowest among the above three values)
on case to case basis with an additional valuation report of the property to be obtained from another
panel valuer and the lower distress value between the two valuation report to be taken as the base.
In case of wide variation between market value and circle rate the advance could be considered by
the next higher authority upto the level of SZLCC based on Distress value subject to two valuation
and ZLCC and above can consider the advance based on the distress value.
Authority to permit relaxation in margin – where margin is stipulated at 50% and above :
(a) ZLCC may relax margin upto 10% (i.e. available margin should not be less than 40%)
(b) NBGLCC and GMCC can consider additional relaxation of 15% in margin (subject to available
margin should not be less than 25% of distress value)
(c) EDLCC and above have full powers.
New Web based credit rating model is being introduced for BOI Star Loan against property scheme.
Rating In the meantime, branches to continue with existing instruction on credit rating as under :
Exercise Individuals such as salaried The rating exercise to be done as per Annexure C to
people/agriculturist/ persons BC No. 107/146 dated 24.10.2013.The branches should
engaged in trading and business, scrupulously follow the rating exercise and applicants getting
professionals, self-employed less than 20 marks as per the rating criteria should not be
etc. granted any facility under the scheme.
Properietorship Credit rating as per SBS/SME/MS/LC model with entry level
firm/partnership norms stipulated under respective ratings. No deviation permitted
firms/companies etc for limits in this regard.
above Rs.10 lakh

Repayment For Loans - Max. 12 years by way of EMIs from the month subsequent to the month in which final
disbursement is made or 6 months from the date of first disbursement, whichever is earlier.
However, the total repayment should be within the period of 144 months. (excluding the
moratorium period, if any) OD (Reducible) - Interest to be serviced on monthly basis. Drawing Limit
to be reduced as per sanction terms to bring down the balance to zero at the end of repayment
period. Total Repayment period of max. 12 years.
OD (Non-Reducible) - Interest to be serviced on monthly basis, as per sanction terms.
ROI ROI is subject to extant HO guidelines from time to time.
Security EQM/Legal mortgage charge over the property. Mortgage charge to be registered in states where it
is applicable & also registration of charge with CERSAI before disbursement.
Guarantee Third Party personal guarantee is left at the discretion of sanctioning authority.
Insurance Property charged to be insured for full value
EQM Fees Limit upto Rs.10 lakh – Rs.5,000
> Rs.10 lakh & upto Rs.1 crore – Rs.10,000
> Rs.1 crore & upto Rs.5 crore – Rs.20,000
Delegation Loan against Property & OD Against Property proposals to be considered only at ZLCC level
onwards. Delegatees below ZLCC level (including Branch Heads upto Scale V & AMLCC) will not
exercise their delegation with regard to LAP and OD against properties till further instructions. Ref:
HO-Retail Assets Dept. e-mail dated 28.12.2017.
With introduction of this scheme, old Star Mortgage Loan Scheme stands discontinued. No fresh financing to be
done under old Star Mortgage Loan Scheme.Existing accounts shall continue.
1. Creation of enforceable mortgage of property before disbursement of loan
2. Registration under CERSAI before disbursement
3. Entry level norms of Credit Rating to be adhered to and no deviation from entry level norm to be
4. CPA-I and CPA-II to be carried out for proposals with limits of Rs.50 lakh and above
5. Legal vetting of the documents to be done for proposals with limit of Rs.50 lakh and above before

6. The quantum of advance to be related to the value of property and repayment capacity of the
7. Overdraft limit under turnover method include all Working Capital facility/ies presently enjoyed by the
borrower under turnover method.
8. As a norm more than 2 accounts (Borrowers and owner of property to be close relatives as per Section
6 of Companies Act 1956) should not be considered against same property and maximum limit not to
exceed Rs.500 lakh.
9. Authority for consideration of deviations (other than Entry level norm) is NBGLCC within overall ceiling
of Rs.500 lakh.
RETAIL/08 30.09.2018
 Salaried Employees, Professionals, Individuals with High Net Worth.
Type of Advance: D/L, T/L, OD (Reducible), OD (Non-Reducible) [OD (Non-Reducible) max. upto Rs.1.00 lakh to
confirmed permanent employees of Central/State Govts./Reputed corporate/PSUs subject to stipulated conditions]
Clean/Unsecured Loan
 For Marriage/ Medical/ Educational Expenses/ Any Expenses of Bonafide nature as approved by Bank.
Secured Loan - For Repairs/Renovation of House Property/Repayment of Existing Housing Loan For Education of
Self/Spouse/Children for Purchase of Consumer Durables/ Computers/ Professional Equipments.
Age: Salaried employees – Not to exceed retirement age (at the end of repayment period).
Professionals & Others – Not to exceed 65 years ((at the end of repayment period).
Unsecured/Clean–For salaried employees-10 times of monthly net emoluments, i.e.take home salary Max.
For Professionals/HNIs – 50% of gross annual income as per latest ITR (Max. Rs.5 lakh,Min. Rs.0.10Lac in
Secured Loans – For salaried employees -20 times of monthly gross emoluments (Max. Rs.10,00,000/-) .
For Professionals/HNIs – 100% of gross average annual income as per last 3 ITRs (Max. Rs.10,00,000/.
In case of approved schemes for financing clean/unsecured loans to a group of permanent/confirmed employees of
Govt./PSUs/PSEs/Reputed Corporates/organizations etc. where salary deduction of EMI is available or proper
mechanism for deduction of EMI from the employee borrower’s salary is in place – ZLCC and above can sanction
individual clean/unsecured loans upto Rs.10 lakh.
Net take home income: should not be less than 40% of gross income.
Secured Loans – Suitable Margin.
Unsecured Loans – No Specific Margin. However, loan amount not to exceed proposed xpenditure/requirement.
GUARANTEE :- Depending upon the merits of Case.
In Case of Staff Guarantee by PF/Gratuity Nominee is mandatory.
Loans on special terms to group of permanent/confirmed PSU/PSE/Central/State Govt. employees
(refer to BC 107/123 dated 01.10.2013.)
INTEREST -As per extant H.O. guidelines from time to time .
Any loan considered for staff members shall be treated as secured loan and the interest to be applied accordingly
provided there is sufficient unencumbered balance in Terminal Benefit payable to the staff.

Notes: (a) Interest concession in respect of advances to woman beneficiary under: 0.50% p.a. continues.
REPAYMENT: - Clean/Unsecured Loans–36 EMI one month after first disbursement. However, sanctioning authority
may consider longer repayment period upto 60 months at it’s discretion.
 Secured Loans – 60 EMI one month after first disbursement
 Overdraft – Limit should be reduced Monthly as per repayment schedule.
 OD (Non-Reducible) – Interest to be serviced regularly
 In any case, A/c should be closed before retirement of employee/cessation from service
SECURITY: - For secured advances TOP
 (i) Pledge of Gold/ NSCs/KVPs/IVPs/LIC Policies with adequate surrender value (VOS should be at least equal to
loan amount. In case of Pledge of Demat shares/Units etc., VOS should not be less than 200% of loan amount.

 (ii) Equitable / Legal Mortgage of House Property (VOS should not be less than 150% of loan amount).
Registration of mortgage charge in states where it is possible.
In addition to KYC documents, photo, Salary Certificate; I.T. Returns, Guarantors(all documents) if stipulated,
Performa Invoice/estimate in case of secured loans.
1. Application-cum- Proposal Form & CBD-23 - (for Guarantors)
2. CHA-1/D.P.Note (additionally in case of D/ L) 3. Bearer Letter
4. Instalment Letter (L–440, in case of Demand Loan) as per nature of advance
5. Deed of Guarantee (OD 194) for Singular/ Joint & several Guarantee, if stipulated.
6. L-516 as per Br. Cir. 97/114 7. L-515
8A. Irrevocable auth.letter addressed to Employer for deduction of install./interest from the salary OR
8B.ECS mandate duly authorized by borrower’s bank in case borrower doesn't have a/c with us.
9. Letter from customer authorizing bank to debit the account with admissible service charges/interest etc.
10. Equitable/Legal Mortgage of the property, wherever stipulated. For Legal Mortgage CHA – 4. Recording the
EQM recital in Bank’s Books as per draft given in Manual of Instns Vol. – 3 Part-II.
11. Charge on collateral security such as pledge of TDR / NSC etc. (No.10 & 11 Applicable for secured loans only)
Details terms and conditions to be followed by the Branches is given under Master BC No.109/10 dated 01.04.2015.
NOTE: (Borrower may avail two loans, i.e .one for secured & another for clean/unsecured under star personal loan
scheme subject to merit of the case, his repayment capacity & compliance with the scheme norms/terms
of sanction.)

RETAIL/09 dt 30.09.2018
Target customers (Eligibility):
1.Regular Pensioner
2.Family Pensioners drawing regular monthly pension through the branch
3.Retired employees (other than dismissed/compulsorily retired) of our Bank drawing pension from the Bank.
4.Pensioners who are getting pension through treasury/Defence Pension Disbursing Office (DPDO) directly to the
credit of their Savings Bank Account with our branches are also eligible subject to conditions :
a. The Pensioners copy of Original PPO to be lodged with the Branch.
b. Duplicate/Triplicate of the stamped undertaking as per Annexure II of the Master Circular on Pensioner
Loan Scheme furnished to the Bank to be submitted to the Treasury/DPDO and acknowledged copy to
be kept on records.
TYPE OF ADVANCE: - Advance can be by way of D/L; T/L; O/D (Reducible)
Clean/Unsecured Loan –
For Marriage Expenses of son /daughter or near relatives dependent on the applicant.
For Medical Expenses of son /daughter or near relatives dependent on the applicant
For Education of Self/ Spouse/ Children/near relatives
Repairs/renovation/extension of existing house/ flat (where EQ. Mortgage can not be created of same property
and no finance against this property from any Bank/F.I./NBFC etc.).
Any other personal expenses of bonafide nature as approved by the Bank.
Secured Loan-
For Repayment of existing housing loan from other Banks/FIs etc.
For Purchase of Consumer Durables/ Computers/ Professional Equipments
Unsecured/Clean/Secured –
15 Months net Pension (Gross Income Less Income Tax and EMI of other loans, if any) subject to Maximum as
under :
Regular Pensioner/Family Pensioner where PPO is held at the Branch Rs.5,00,000.00
Pensioners who are getting pension through Treasury/Defence Pension Disbursing Office (DPDO) directly to the
credit of their Savings Bank Account with our Branch Rs.3, 00,000.00
Family Pensioners who are getting Pension through Treasury/Defence Pension Disbursing Office (DPDO)

(In case of family pensioners the loan tenure should not exceed the age of ceasing/stopping of pension as per
AGE: For Loan over Rs.1 lakh age at the end of repayment period not to exceed 75 years.
MARGIN: Secured Loans– Suitable Margin; Clean/Unsecured Loans – No Specific Margin norms
Overdraft Facility :
Overdraft facility upto 3 months ‘Net Pension’ Maximum Rs.50,000.00 can be granted (Net Pension means amount
being credit to Pension Account less EMI for any loans granted at the Branch/other Branches/Banks). Pensioner
who avails Overdraft facility could also avail loan under Star Pensioner Scheme subject to combined limit
prescribed under Star Pensioner Loan Scheme.
This facility is available to all pensioners maintaining Pension Payment Account with the Branch (i.e. Pensioner
should be drawing pension from the branch i.e. branch should be holding PPO).
CO-BORROWER:- In case of regular pensioners, nominee/legal heir entitled to family pension AND in case Of
loan to family pensioner, legal heir will be co-borrower.
 Third Party Guarantee including that of other Pensioner drawing regular pension from branch/ OR
 Collateral security in lieu of personal guarantee for the amount of loan can be accepted.
Rate of interest: As per extant H.O. guidelines from time to time.
Net Take Home Pension: should not be less than 40% of the pension amount.
REPAYMENT: - Clean Loans–36 EMI one month after first disbursement (Sanc. Auth. May consider repayment
period upto 60 months at it’s discretion) .
 Secured Loans – 60 EMI one month after first disbursement .
 In case of O/D limits, reducible as per payment schedule.

 Hyp. charge over assets financed, wherever applicable;
 Pledge of Gold/ NSCs/KVPs/LIC policies with adequate surrender value – VOS of at least equal to loan
 Equitable/Legal Mortgage of House/comm. Property valued by approved valuer not less than 150% of
quantum of loan.
 Pledge of demat shares; units etc. of market value not less than 200% of loan amount.

1.1. Application-cum- Proposal Form (simplified) 2. D.P. Note, Instalment Letter etc.(as per nature of advance) 3.
Bearer Letter 4. An undertaking from the pensioner that he/she will not shift pension a/c to any other
bank/branch during the currency of the loan without NOC from bank. This letter should be obtained in
duplicate and original forwarded to the concerned treasury office/ employer for reg./noting 5. A NOC from
legal heirs entitled for family pension for recovery of loan instalment/amount from their a/c in which family
pension amount is credited, if necessary. ) 6.L-516 &.L-515. 7. Letter from customer authorizing bank to debit
the account with loan instalment /amount. 8. Deed of Guarantee (OD-194) with statement of asset and
liabilities of guarantor(s) 9. Equitable/ Legal Mortgage of the property, wherever stipulated.. 10. Charge on
Principal/collateral security proposed.
Post sanction inspection:-For housing purpose—yearly for others – waived.

RETAIL/ 10 30.09.2018


Target customers: Salaried employees/P&SE persons/Businessmen/HNIs/Agriculturists/ Pensioners (age max. 65

yrears and drawing pension from Branch)/ Staff members
 For Tours/Pilgrimage/Excursions Expenses likeTravel fare, Expenses for Accommodation, Sight Seeing
 Obtain Declaration from the borrower stating the purpose and an undertaking regarding utilization of advance
Age: Max. age of Pensioner not to exceed 65 years while considering the loan (Entry age)

 QUANTUM: -Min. Amount Rs. 10,000/- at Metro/Urban Centers only. No Minimum amount clause for Rural/ SU
Centers. Facility is by way of D/L (Repayable as per repayment schedule) & maximum Amount at any center is
subject to
 Clean – Max. Rs. 2,00,000/-
 Secured Loans – Max. Rs. 5,00,000/- (If Liquid Collateral Security is offered up to at least 50% of Loan Amt.)
 Secured Loans – Max. Rs.10,00,000/-(If Liquid Collateral Security is offered up to a least 100 % of Loan
Salaried Employees – 10 times of Monthly Net Emoluments (Take Home Salary)
All Others – 50% of Gross Annual Income as per last I. Tax Return
Pensioners – 10 Times of Monthly pension Max Rs. 1.00 lakh.
Branch manager is competent to assess the Income up to Rs. 2.50 Lakhs, where salary certificate / I.T. Return is not
available. In case of joint borrowers, their income can be clubbed for assessing eligible quantum of loan &
repayment capacity.

REPAYMENT: 24 EMIs one month after first disbursement. In Exceptional Cases it can be extended up to 36 EMIs.
Net Take Home Salary/Pension/Income: Should not be less than 40% of Gross Salary/Pension/Income
SECURITY– (i) Pledge of NSCs/ KVPs/ IVPs/ TDRs / Assignment of LIC Policy if secured
Margin: No specific margin. However, loan amount not to exceed proposed expenditure/requirement
Co-borrower/Guarantee: For pensioners, Nominee/Legal heir to be made Co-borrower. In other cases, Guarantee
to be obtained depending upon merit of each case.
Rate of interest: As per extant H.O. guidelines from time to time
Photo; Salary Certificate; I.T. Return; Guarantor if stipulated, TOP

1.Demand Promissory Note (For Demand Loan)
2.Bearer Letter (L-435) 3. Instalment Letter (L-440)
4.Guarantee Letter, wherever applicable O/D-194
5.L-515 as per Br. Cir. No. 94/186. 6. L-516 as per Br. Cir. No. 97/114 13.11.2003.
7.Irrevocable authority letter addressed to Employer for deduction of installment/interest from the
Salary and remitting the same to Bank (wherever applicable)
8. Post dated cheques wherever possible.
9. Charge on collateral security as proposed / stipulated (pledge/lien etc.)
10. Letter from customer authorizing bank to debit admissible service charges/interest etc.
RETAIL /11 30.09.2018
Objective To help Physically Challenged persons to function independently.
Purpose To purchase durable and sophisticated aids / appliances that promote their
physical and social rehabilitation
Eligibility All Physically Challenged Individuals – both salaried and self-employed, All
Physically Challenged Minors through their Parents/Legal Guardians. (No
advances to middle-men and NGOs).
Type of Advance Demand / Term Loan – Secured.
Amount Max.Rs. 1 lakh (No minimum stipulation)
Eligible Amount 10 times of net salary for salaried persons and 50% of net annual income as
per latest Income Tax Return for Self-employed/Professionals. Net take
home income should not be less than 40% after availing this loan. (In case of
Minors, the income of the Parents/Legal Guardians would be the deciding
criteria for eligibility).
Margin 10% (May be waived in deserving cases, as also in DRI cases. Discretion with
the Sanctioning Authority).
Repayment 12 to 60 months, commencing one month after full disbursement/ three
months after first disbursement, whichever is earlier.
Present Rate of Interest (ROI) ROI is subject to HO guidelines from time to time

Security Hypothecation of the Equipment purchased out of Bank Finance.
Insurance Waived. However, Borrower may be advised to obtain insurance at his own
Processing Charges Waived.
Delegation As per powers for sanctioning secured Star Personal Loan
Other Terms and Conditions i. Doctor’s Certificate to be obtained from the borrower regarding the extent
of handicap and the need for the equipment. ii. Quotation/Invoice in respect
of the equipment to be purchased. iii. Stamped receipt to be submitted after
purchase of the equipment. iv. Staff members also permitted (other than
those who are under suspension) from those branches where the salary
account of the employee is maintained. Loan to be repaid before
retirement/ recovered from terminal dues in case of cessation from service.
APPLY REF: 110/13 dated 01.04.16.
RETAIL/12 30.09.2018
HOBC 110/03 Dtd 01.04.2016 read with 112/37 Dtd 12.06.2018

Purpose Same as Star Home Loan Scheme ( Ref . Master Circular HOBC 112/021 dtd 03.05.18)
Eligibility As per eligibility under Same as Star Home Loan Scheme
Eligible NRIs have valid Indian Passport.
Borrowers PIOs holding Foreign Passport (To substantiate PIO status by current Passport indicating
birth place in India, copy of Indian Passport held earlier, Parents or grant parents’ Passport
with details substantiating his claim as pIO or copy of PIO Card).
Having steady source of income.
Age Same as per Home Loan Scheme (70 year)
Income Same as Star Home Loan Scheme except that the income in foreign country to support by
annual Income Return filed in the country in which the applianct resides. Where 70% of
rental income is considered for calculation of quantum of loan/NTH, the rental income to be
credited to the Home Loan Account directly.
Co-borrower All co-owners to be co-applicants for the loan. Co-applicant also could be a resident Indian
in which case his/her income also could be considered for calculation of quantum of
loan/repayment capacity. However, foreign national of non0Indian origin cannot be
included as a co-owner or co-borrower.
Family Same as Star Home Loan Scheme
Membersas Co-
Margin Same as Star Home Loan Scheme except full amount of margin (own contribution) to be
paid by the borrower before 1st disbursement of loan and come from debit of
NRE/fCNR/NRO account in India or through remittance from abroad (encashment of Foreign
Currency Notes or TCs are not allowed).
NetTake Home Same as Star Home Loan Scheme
Credit Report to be generated from CIBIL or any other approved credit rating agency in India. Also,
Information the applicant to submit credit report from a credit rating agency from the country in which
Reprot the applicant resides, if such reports are easily available. The report is available in countries
like USA, Cananda, UK, Germany, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, South Africa,
South America etc. The stipulation may be waived by the sanctioning authoirty in respect of
those countries where such reports are not easily available.
Rate of Interest Same as per Home Loan Scheme.
Charges Same as per Home Loan Scheme.
Home Loan on
reimbursement Same as per Home Loan Scheme.

Disbursement of
Same as per Home Loan Scheme except margin as mentioned above.
Mode of Repayment to be made by remittance from abroad through normal banking channels for
Repayment out of funds in his NRE/FCNR/NRO account in India. Ideally standing instructions to be
provided for recovery of money from NRE/NRO accounts.
Close relatives (as defined u/s 6 of the Companies Act, 1956 of the borrower in India also
could repay instalments of such loan, interest and other charges, if any through their Bank
account directly to borrowers NRI Home Loan account with the Bank.
Rental income of the property, wherever it is considered for calculation of eligibility also
could be credited directly to Loan account.
Securtiy Same as per Home Loan Scheme.
The creation of security/execution of documents could be undertaken by the applicant
Mode of
borrower if he is present in the country.
Creation of
Creation of Security/execution of documents could also be undertaken by POA holder of the
execution of
Where documents are signed by POA holder following measures to be complied with :
i. Application must be signed by the borrower himself;
ii. Request letter from the borrower to the Branch to allow execution of documents and
creation of security by POA holder
iii. Special POA to be restricted to closre relatives viz. spouse, father, mother, brother, sister,
son and daughters of NRI concerned. In extreme cases POA other than close relatives may
be permitted by the SA.
iv. Special POA should be executed as per approved specimen of the Bank (given in Annexure
II of BC No. HOBC-112/37 Dtd 12.06.2018).
v. The Special POA should be irrevocable;
vi. The original Special POA should be kept with the Bank;
vii. The Special POA to be executed in the presence of officials of Indian Embassy/Consulate
abroad (Branch to send a scanned copy of the POA to the Indian Embassy/Consultate whee
it is executed to enable them to deny its genuineness, if any.
viii. After receipt of Special POA in India the same to be submitted to Registrar of Assurance
for adjudication as well as registration in consultation with a panel advocate of the Bank.
ix. All the documents signed by the POA holder on behalf of the principal should have a
rubber stamp affixed below each signature with following notation :
Mr./Ms________________________________as Power of Attoreny of

x. Special POA should contain the photograph of the POA holder as well as the signature of
the POA holder, both attested by the executants in case of POA is executed in India during
the executants visit to India.
xi. In case of Special POA is executed abroad, the POA must contain the photograph of th
POA holder duly attested by the executants. The POA holder to sign the Special POA in the
presence of the officials of the Branch. POA holder signature duly attested by his Banker to
be held on records.
xii. Mention to be made in the bank’s standard security documents/ attendance register/oral
assent to show that the same is executed by the attorney on behalf of the principal (as per
item No ix)
The documents to be executed by the POA holder for and on behalf of the NRI. After
execution of documents a letter written by the NRI confirming execution of documents by
POA including creation of security by way of mortgage to be obtained, as per specimen
given in BC No.108/3 dated 01.4.2014.
Documents to be Photocopies of :
submitted along i. Passport size photographs*
with loan ii. Passport with visa stamped on it*
application iii. Copy of PAN in India – self attested;

iv. Address Proof in India (if address is other than that is mentioned in Passport) – self
v. Address Proof (Foreign – Driving Licence, Utility Bill etc.)*
vi. Latest Credit Bureau Report (applicable to customers residing in countries where credit
bureaus exists viz. USA, UK etc.)
vii. CIBIL report to be generated by the Branch;
viii. Property related documents;
ix. Cheque for processing charge/charges for title search report/ valuation report/CERSAI
Registration charges and other charges, if any. Excess, if any, to be refunded to the
For Salaried :
x. Work Permit *
xi. Full Address of the employer along with name and contact details of department
xii. Employment Contract along with translation in English.*
xiii. Copy of Identity Card issued by current employer, duly attested by the Employer*
xiv. Copy of Continuous Discharge Certificate (CDC) for applicants employed in Merchant
xv. Full details past employment records, if any - self attested
xvi. Details of Overseas Bank Account for previous one year where salary is creditred
alongwith Bank account in India, if any – self attested
xvii. Latest Salary Slip in original*
xviii. Annual Income Tax Return – filed as per rules applicable in the country where he resides
– for last 2 years.
For Self Employed :
xix. Membership of professional organization;
xx. Government or local body permission or license to engage in business activity.
*To be attested by employer (if employer is a Bank/MNC/Govt. Body)
Otherwise to be attested by Bank of India Branch/ Representative Office/consulate/our
Foreign Officer/Embassy.
Documentation The standard documents such as Term Loan Agreement and Guarantee document to contain
the following clause :
The contract/agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of
Republic of India. In the event of any dispute in connection with this contract/agreement, the
borrower/guarantor hereby unconditionally agrees that the courts in Republic of India alone
shall have jurisdiction to entertain legal proceedings in connection with the dispute and the
borrower/guarantor shall be entertained to raise any plea regarding jurisdiction of Indian
Courts to entertain proceedings in connection with the dispute/litigation. Many of the
Documentation /Annexure/POA /Declaration formats are made available in CAPS
Review of EMI could be re-worked based on revised income earning within the total repayment period
account upon (i.e. period already elapsed and repayment period agreed upon or available as per Scheme.
change of Appropriate documents to be obtained in individual cases)
borrower status
from NRI to
Finacle Code The loan will be opened under same Finacle code as applicable to Star Home Loan
Scheme.MIS code 440 to be incorporated under Free Code 3 in ACM V of Financle for tracking
the performance of the scheme.
All other Terms Same as per Home Loan Scheme.
Unique Selling NRI /PIO are second largest population spread across the Globe. Owning a house in India is
Point one of the coveted aspiration of every NRI/PIO/OCI.
RETAIL/13 30.09.2018
Purpose Same as Star Home Loan Scheme

Eligible Existing SB/CD customer with average balance of Rs.5000.00 for last one year and New
Customers customer who opens a new SB/CD account with opening balance of Rs.5000.00.
Present/prospective salaried employees whose salary is credited to BOI Branch and
repayments are proposed to be made from this account, irrespective of minimum balance.
SB/CD account to be maintained throughout the tenure of the loan.
Quantum of Loan For Salaried:Minimum Rs.5 lakh and maximum as per Normal Home Loan Scheme
For Others : Minimum Rs.10 lakh and maximum as per Normal Home Loan Scheme.
Type of Loan and Home Loan Overdraft :
Linkage with Account under this category to be opened under separate Finacle Code i.e. LA-757 (ODA
Deposit Account type). MIS Code as applicable to specific category i.e Home Loan (406), Diamond Home Loan
(700), Pravasi Home Loan (440), to be incorporated under Free Code 3 of ACM-Option ‘V’.
The account will be linked to account of the customer and balance above a threshold limit is
automatically transferred to the Home Loan Overdraft Account in mul.tiples of Rs.5000.00
(There will be sweep out of funds from SB/CD accounts but there will be no sweep in from
loan account). The threshold limit (Minimum amount to be held in SB or CD account for
operational convenience) to be decided by the customer in advance and the same to be
above the minimum balance requirement of concerned account.
Mandate from borrower authorizing bank to transfer amount over and above threshold limit
fixed by the borrower to the loan account of the borrower to be obtained.
The borrower could also directly deposit surplus amount to the loan account.
Pre-requisite for Full disbursement of loan by borrower to restrict the loan to a specific amount, within the
permitting sanctioned limit; (if borrower submits any request for non-availment of remaining
Overdraft facility undisbursed portion of sanction limit, Branch to take up matter with Data Centre through
email for modification in sanction limit/drawing power and
thereafter system will permit to start the Overdraft Facility).
Completion of Construction and ensuring end use of funds by post sanction inspection;
Completion of all required formalities including creation of EQM and registration thereof and
compliance of all terms of sanction.
Completion of moratorium period and commencement of EMI.
Repayment Borrowers will have to remit EMIs as in the case of usual home loans.
Repayment by standing instructions for debit of account or ECS.
Drawing Power After commencement of EMI, DP in the OD will be reduced on monthly basis to the extent of
principal component of the EMI so that the OD is liquidated at the end of the loan tensure
(intrest component of the EMI remitted will service interest obligations.
DP and SL to be reduced simultaneously on every repayment of EMI.
Drawing Limit Drawing Limit (DL) represents the amount available in the loan account over and above the
DP of the account.
Authorisation for The facility for withdrawal to be authorized by the designated official at the Branch (either
permitting the Credit Head of Branch Head) after completion of pre-requisites.
Mode of
Operation OD Cheque Book, Debit-cum-ATM Card, Internet Banking Facility, Mobile Banking etc.
Rate of Interest Normal ROI as per Home Loan/Diamond Home Loan for limits upto Rs.1 crore and over Rs.1
Crore, ROI will be 0.25% above applicable ROI.
Charges Cheque Book/ATM/Folio Charges applicable as per Banks extant guidelines, Folio Charges for
sweep in and withdrawals from Home Loan account.
Documentation Modified Home Loan Agreement (copy attached as annexure III to BC No. 110/16 dated
Mandate letter – fixing threshold limit and authorizing Bank to transfer amount over and
above threshold limit to Home Loan Account.
All other documents under Star Home Loan Scheme
Discontinuation Bank may at its option stop the aforesaid draowing facility at any time after giving one
of Facility months notice to the borrower and in that event the borrower shall return all unused cheque

leaves/cheque books, debit cards etc. to the Bank immediately.
Authority for
EDLCC and above.
Deviation in SSHL
Other Terms Same as per Home Loan Scheme and as per BC No. 110/16 dated 01.04.2016. Please also
refer to HO BC 109\100 dt.28.7.2015 & 109\136 dt. 18.9.2015.
RETAIL/14 30.09.2018
BOI Star Reverse Mortgage Loan (RML) Scheme
Introduction Reverse mortgage is a loan that enables senior citizens over 60 years of age to get one
time or regular income against the security (mortgage) of their self occupied/self owned
residential house/flat without having to move out of their house and / or give up title to it.
Loan is due for repayment only when the owner/ s dies or sells the house or moves out of
his/ their house.
The scheme has been formulated based on the guidelines on Reverse Mortgage Loan by
the National Housing Bank (NHB Since the loan is extended to Senior Citizens.
Target Customers Senior citizens over the age of 60 years who apparently have no regular income but have a
self occupied residential property in their own name or jointly with spouse, which is free
from encumbrance and commands value in the present market.
Purpose To provide a source of additional income for senior citizens of India who own self-
occupied house property in India.[The borrower shall not use the proceeds of the Reverse
Mortgage Loan for speculative, trading and business purposes
Eligibility (1) Principal Borrower should be a senior citizen of India aged above 60 years and not
more than 80 years of age.
(2) Borrower shall be owner and occupant of residential property (House or flat) located
in India with clear title of ownership in his name or jointly in the name of spouse.
(3) Residential property shall be free from any encumbrance.
(4) The borrower/borrowers should use the residential property as permanent primary
residence. Permanent primary residence refers to self acquired/self occupied residential
property where a person spend majority of his time. Factors that may be relevant in this
regard include the address used for general correspondence, utility bills, bank statements,
tax return, bank accounts and banking relations etc., However, all facts and circumstances
may be considered for the purpose of determining that the residential property is
permanent primary residence of the borrower.
(5) No monthly income/ gross income criteria.
(6) The residual life of the property should be 1.5 times of the repayment period Minimum
20 years. The property means building as well as land concerned. In case of building
constructed on leasehold land of Government Authorities, the remaining lease period shall
comply with aforesaid Criteria.
(7) Married couples will be eligible as joint borrowers for financial assistance at the
discretion of the Bank, subject to at least one of them being above 60 years of age & the
other not below 55 years of age.
Type of Advance Term Loan

Quantum of (1) The amount of loan that an individual is entitled to receive from this reverse
Loan/margin mortgage is based on his or her age, valuation of the property by the banks
approved valuer and starting/prevalent interest rate.
(2) Minimum: - Rs. 2 Lakh/Maximum: - Rs. 25 Lakh.
(3) Quantum of Loan to be assessed as per following Table:-

Age of the Sole Applicant/Younger in Ratio of Loan to Value of Property

case of Joint applicants (L.T.V.)
Joint Borrowers Single Borrower
Loan/Margin Loan/margin
60-65 Years 45%//55% 50%/50%
66-70 Years 50%/50% 55%/45%
71-75 Years 55%/45% 60%/40%
Above 75 Years 60%/40% 65%/35%
Revaluation of the Property: - The Property to be revalued at least once in 5
years and the quantum of loan may undergo a revision based on such valuation
of the property. It is to be ensured that margin on the property at any time
during the tenure of the loan shall not fall below 10%.
Tenure of the Loan Completed Age up Maximum 15 years
to 65 years
Completed Age Maximum 10 years subject to Tenure of Loan not to go beyond
above 65 years Borrower’s Age above 80 years. The monthly payment will be
extended during the loan period or till the death of last surviving
spouse, whichever is earlier.
However borrower shall have an option to prepay the loan at any time without pre-
payment penalty.
Rate of Interest 2.30% over Base rate, presently 12.50% (Fixed) at monthly rest for the Tenure of Loan
subject to reset clause at the end of every 5 years.
Security Advance shall be secured by equitable mortgage of the self 1 occupied/self owned
residential property in favour of the Bank after due valuation and title verification.
[Commercial property is not acre table as security.

Disbursement This Product is a Social Security Scheme; it is desirable to release the loan proceeds on
monthly/quarterly basis so as to ensure regular cash flow throughout the loan period.
(a) _____________________ Lump sum:-To the extent of 50% of the total eligible
amount, maximum Rs.12.50 Lakh or such other amount as may be notified by the
Government of India. Lump sum amount to be used for Medical treatment of
self/spouse/dependents. The amount disbursed will be the discounted value of
loan amount as on date.
As far as possible Lump sum disbursement should be discouraged and should be
allowed on merit of the case selectively with prior approval of the Zonal manger.
(b) _____________________ Periodic Payments:-Monthly/Quarterly/Half-
Yearly/Annual to be decided mutually between Bank and Borrower upfront.
Borrower has an option to change the option of annual payment as per his
requirement later on in consultation with Bank. Monthly paymement will be
capped at Rs.50000/ or at such other amount as may be notified by the
Government of India.
(c) _____________________ Illustration of Monthly payment of loan of Rs.1 Lakh
to a single borrower under the scheme will be as follows:-
LTV Entry Age* 5 years 10 years 15 Years
50% 61 1208 422 191
55% 66 1329 469 210
60% 71 1450 507
65% 76 1571

 ______________________ Entry age of 61 years means completed 60
years and just entered in 61st Year.
Value of the 1 Residential property being obtained as collateral security shall comply with local
Property land residential use pattern & building Bye Law stipulated by local authorities and
building in approved layouts as per approved plans.
2 Market value of the property determined by the Bank’s Approves Valuer based on
current/prevalent market value. Expected future increase in the property not to be
3 Revaluation of the property to be undertaken at least once in 5 years at the cost of
Bank for internal valuation and monitoring.
4 Bank shall have option to revise the Lump sum/Periodic disbursement amount
based on subsequent valuation reports.
Insurance The mortgaged Residential property shall be insured for the value of property above plinth
area against general risk at the cost of borrower for a minimum period of 10 years.
Settlement of Loan 1 Settlement of loan along with interest to be made out of sale proceeds of the
and Foreclosure property. Principal Loan and Interest shall become due after the death of the
borrower and last surviving borrower or if the borrower(s) like to sell the hose
permanently and move permanently somewhere else, meaning thereby neither the
borrower nor the co borrowers lived in the hose continuously for one year. Such
Documentary Evidence as may be deemed fit may be obtained from the borrowers.
The borrower shall have an option to pre-pay the loan at any time.
2 Other Events liable for foreclosure are-
(a) _____________________ Borrower fails to pay Property Tax to maintain
the repair of the property, to keep the house insured.
(b) _____________________ Borrower declares himself Bankrupt.
(c) _____________________ Property mortgaged is donated or abandoned.
(d) _____________________ Borrower renting out part or whole of
property, adding New Owner, Changing house zoning classification, creating
further encumbrance on the property or alienating the interest by way of
Will or Gift.
(e) _____________________ Fraud or misrepresentation by the borrower.
(f) _____________________ Government acquiring the property under
Statutory Provisions in Public Interest.
(g) _____________________ Government condemns the property for health
or safety reasons.
3 Balance due in the account, becomes payable within 6 months from the death of
annuitant (Borrower) and Bank shall advise the legal heirs accordingly.
4 The Legal Heirs of the home owner’s estate have option to settle the loan along with
interest and other liabilities for safety of security during the tenure of loan, within 6
months from the death of borrower. Borrower or his legal heirs have first right to
settle the loan without sale of property.
5 Bank has the right to advise the legal heirs of the borrower in case borrower moves
out of residential property without payment of dues.
6 Bank shall take steps to realize the security through sale after 6 months of death of
the borrower and after expiry of term of notice to the legal heirs to settle the dues.
A public Notice is adequate notice to the legal heirs for this purpose.
7 The balance surplus, if any remaining after settlement loan with interest, shall pass
on to the legal heirs.
Prepayment of Loan Prepayment can be made at any time without prepayment charges and Bank will return
the title deeds after closure of account.

Covenants 1 Notwithstanding the borrower shall be only the owner & co-owner of the property,
they should provide the details of their legal heirs to the Bank at the time of financing
itself. Bank has a right to car y out due diligence of individual borrowers & also
verification of authenticity of claim of legal heirs of the borrower.

2 Proper counseling by Branches to safeguard the borrower and his family to ensure
that the borrower completely understands the ramifications of the loan transactions
3 Borrower/s being senior citizens, high standard of conduct shall be maintained by
the branches and should treat the proponents fairly with special care and attention.
4 To the extent possible, processing of loan and obtaining of documents and valuation
shall be arranged by the Bank with least inconvenience to the borrower/s.

5 The borrower shall have to nominate a proper suitable person, usually a close
relative, who need not be a legal heir for routine information flow from the
borrower/s to the Bank. Bank, can contact this person in the event of any need.
6 It is ordinarily responsibility of the borrowers to pay normal annual taxes on the
property and also maintain the property by payment of insurance premium on the
property insurance, electricity charges, water charges & statutory payments.
However, in case of absolute need to ensure the same bank may incur the expenses
and recover the same from the annuity payment or at the time of final settlement.
Borrower to ensure that the property is maintained in good & saleable condition
7 Any transfer of a capital asset in a transaction of reverse mortgage under a scheme
made & notified by the Central Govt. shall not be regarded as a transfer. A borrower,
under a Reverse Mortgage Scheme will be liable to income tax (in the nature of tax
on capital gains) only at the point of alienation of the mortgaged property by the
mortgagee for the purpose of recovering the loan
8 Taxation:- All payments under Reverse Mortgage Loan are exempt from income tax
under section 10(43) of the Income Tax Act, 1961
9 Non-Recourse Guarantee (No negative equity):- This is a covenant of NHB which
means that Bank shall not recover . more than the net realizable value of his
mortgaged property, provided terms & conditions of the loan have been complied
with. Further, the Bank can not look to any other assets of the borrower including_
bank accounts, fixed deposits, shares debentures etc. for recovery of the loan,
except the moneys returned by the insurance company on demise of the last
surviving borrower. [These are as per the guidelines & a typical feature of the
RML scheme as mandated by NHB].
With the passage of time, property prices are expected to appreciate.
Considering this factor along with adequate margin in the range of 35% to 55%
of the security value, this covenant of NHB is met with. However, in exceptional
cases where the borrower has a long life tenure, the recoverable dues may
exceed sale proceeds of the mortgaged property, Bank shall take appropriate
decision on case by case basis, keeping in view above mentioned NHB guidelines
Processing Charges As adviced by HO from time to time
Ongoing Service As adviced by HO from time to time
Documentation As per Star Loan Against Property Scheme in terms of BC 108/04 dated 01.04.201 4
with separate Loan Agreement to be drafted by Legal Department
Inspection Annual
Delegation ZLCC upto Rs.25 Lakh.
Details as per BC No. 108/74 dated 09.07.2014
(For details of discounted value of the loan, monthly payout, draft of sanction letter, Draft loan agreement
and process note for opening account in finacle, please refer to HOBC No. 108/202 dated 03.02.2015).

RETAIL/15 30.09.2018
HOBC -110/17 Dtd 01.04.2016 read with HOBC -112/34 Dtd 14.06.18

Target Customer All existing Individual home loan Borrowers having satisfactory conduct of account for
last 2 years are eligible.
I. Borrowers should have satisfactory repayment history of minimum 24 months, after
completion of moratorium period.
II.Valid and enforceable mortgage should be available in home loan account.
Purpose of loan All permitted bonafide purposes other than speculative purpose.
Quantum of Loan Based on fresh valuation report of property . Total loan including outstanding in
existing home loan account not to exceed 75% of market value of the property.
Minimum Loan limit Rs. 2.00 lacs.
For Loan upto Rs.5 Lacs : Extension of mortgage on the residential property already
mortgaged with the bank will not be mandatory. The loan eligibility based on latest
income proof and valation report of the property. The fresh TIR/Search report for
intervening period is not insisted upon.
For Loan above 5 Lakh : Extension of mortgage, obtaining latest income proof,
valuation report and title search for intervening period is mandatory and applicable.
Rate of interest As applicable to Home loan plus premium of 0.50%
Repayment The maximum tenure of loan will be residual tenure of Housing Loan or 15 years
whichever is lower, the borrower can opt for lower tenure.
Title clearance Interim Report ( Since last Title Clearance Report ) to be obtained along with latest
report property tax receipt ,NOC from Builder/Society as applicable etc.
Valuation Fresh valuation of the property to be obtained for considering the limit .However
additional limit cannot be considered due to revaluation before completion of 2 years
from the date of earlier sanction.
Pre-requisite for I. Full disbursement of loan or undertaking to restrict the borrowing to a specific
permitting top up amount. (Facility to be considered only after full disbursement of Home loan or on
Loan undertaking that no further disbursement in Home loan is required.
II. Completion of required formalities inclusing creation of EQM\regn with Cersai.
III. Completion of all earlier sanction terms of Home Loan.
IV. Pre-sanction/Post-sanction is compulsory .
Documentation Please refer HOBC 112/34 Dtd 14.06.18 Annexure – I
All other terms and As per star Home loan scheme/Star Diamond Home Loan scheme. Delegation As per
conditions authority for star Home Loan. Proposal Processing should be undertaken in CAPS.
Unique Selling Retaining existing Home loan & booster for new Home loan too.
Scheme Code for Scheme Code LA625/LA626
opening of account Borrower category 75
Purpose of Advance 95019 (other personnal loans-other than loan to
Free code-03 MIS Code 444
Industry Code 211

RETAIL/16 30.09.2018
(BC No.109/103 dated 30.07.2015)
Scheme Details Scheme Norms
Purpose To finance payment of Earnest Money Deposit for allotment of Plots/Flats
under schemes of Urban Development Authorities like DDA, HUDCO, CIDCO
and other Government approved Housing Projects.
Eligibility Eligiility as per UDA

Quantum of Loan For Salaried : 12 times of Gross Salary
For others : Annual Income based on ITR
Maximum Loan Amount Rs.10.00 lakhs inclusive of Notional Interest for six months
Margin 10%
Repayment Either by sanction of Home Loan or refund of Earnest Money
Third Party Guarantee Acceptable to Bank
Waived for Staff
Authority for approval of Project ZLCC and above
Delegation Scale III 2.00 lakhs
Scale IV/SZLCC 5.00 lakhs
Scale VI/ZLCC 10.00 lakhs
NBGLC & Above Full Powers
Deviation, if any NBGLCC except maximum quantum of Loan and ROI
RETAIL/17 30.09.2018
(BR. Circular 109/173 dt.07.12.2015, 111/87 dt.23.8.2017
Scheme Details Scheme Norms
Mission & Duration “Housing for all” Mission for Urban area will be implemented during 2015-
2022.The Mission will be implemented through four verticles giving options
to beneficiaries, ULB and State Governments as under:
i)”In Situ “ slum Redevelopment
ii)Affordable housing through credit Linked subsidy.
iii) Affordable housing in partnership
iv) Subsidy for beneficiary –led individual house construction.
Out of above, affordable Housing through Credit Linked Subsidy wil be
implemented through Banks/FI under the mission.
Coverage Covers 4041 statutory towns as per census 2011 website:
Purpose Credit linked subsidy will be available for housing loans availed for new
constructions and addition of rooms, kitchen, toilet to the existing dwelling
The carpet area of house being constructed for enhanced uner this
component of the mission should up to 30 sq. m for EWS & for LIG up to
60sq.m. 90sq.m for MIG 1, 110 sq.m for MIG 2.
Beneficiary at, his/her discretion, can build a house of larger area but intt.
Subvention is available for loans up to 6 lakhs ,9 lakhs, and 12 lakhs under
EWS/LIG,MIG-1 and MIG-II scheme.
Beneficiary Individuals from Economically Weaker section (EWS)& Low Income Group
(LIG).EWS households are defined as households having annual income up to
Rs 3.00 lakhs.LIG household are defined as households having an annual
income between RS.300001 upto 6.00 lakhs. Government of India has
included Middle income group in CLSS scheme initially for a period of one
Beneficiary-family The beneficiary family will comprise husband, wife and unmarried children
.For identification as EWS/LIG/MIG beneficiary under the scheme ,an
individual loan applicant will submit self attested certificate/affidavit.
Age Limit Maximum 70 years, at the end of repayment period.
Ownership of house acquired The house constructed /acquired under the mission should be in the name
under mission. of female head of household or in joint name of male head of the household
and his wife .when there is no adult female member in the family, the house
can be in the name of male member of the house hold
CentralNodal agencies(CNAs) and HUDCO & NHB as central Nodal agencies.
Registration with CNA
Loan Amount i)Metropolitan centres with population above 10 lakh :Loans to individuals

up to 28 lakhs (with value of house not exceeding Rs.35 lakhs.
ii) Other Centres with population below 10 lakhs :Loan to individuals up to
20 lakhs
Margin For loan up to Rs 20 lakhs-Margin 15%
For loan over Rs 20 lakhs up to Rs 28 lakhs –Margin 20%
Where the cost of house does not exceed Rs 10 lakhs .
Stamp duty, registration and other documentation charges can be included.
Take Home Pay Total deduction from gross Income, including proposed EMI on Home loan,
not to exceed 50% of the gross Income. NTHP should not be less than 50% of
gross income of the applicant for loan up to Rs 10 lakhs.For loan over Rs 10
lakhs total deduction from income including EMI on proposed home loan not
to exceed 60% of the Gross Income of the applicant.
Repayment 20 years including moratorium up to 36 months.
Rate of Interest Floating rate of interest at base rate.
Security EQM/Legal mortgage of the property. CERSAI charges to be collected from
the borrower.
Documents to be obtained As per Home Loan scheme
Interest Subsidy i) Beneficiaries of EWS/LIG would be eligible for an Interest subsidy at the
rate of 6.5% for a tenure of 20 years or during tenure of loan whichever is
lower.MIG -1 beneficiaries at the rate of 4%,MIG-2 beneficiaries at the rate
of 3%.
ii) The subsidy is available for loans up to Rs.6.00 lakhs, Rs. 9 lakhs, and Rs.
12 lakhs under EWS/LIG,MIG-1,MIG-2 Scheme.
MIS Code MIS CODE : 445/448/449/450 under Free code 3 for EWS/LIG/MIG-1/MIG-2
Return of subsidy in case of In event of default in repayment of loan by the borrower to the bank and the
foreclosure of property in NPA loan becoming NPA .the Bank will proceed for recovery of dues ,including
account foreclosure of the property. In all such cases ,the amount of the recoveries
will be changed to the subsidy amount on a proportionate basis.
RETAIL/18 30.09.2018
BOI Star Doctor Plus (Retail) Scheme
(HOBC 110/15 dated 01.04.2016)
Purpose Any approved purpose — except for For Purchase of Personal Vehicles
investment in shares and for speculative
purpose. Suitable declaration to be
obtained in this regard.
Eligibility Qualified registered medical practitioner Qualified registered medical practitioner with
with minimum 3 years' experience in any minimum 3 years' experience in any
branch of medical science recognized by branch of medical science recognized by
MCl/DCI /other statutory /regulatory MCl/DCI /other statutory /regulatory
authorities to practice in India authorities to practice in India
Constitution Individual / Joint / Proprietorship Individual / Joint / Proprietorship
Age 25-75 Years. 25-75 Years.
Outer age is the age by which the advance Outer age is the age by which the advance facility
facility should be repaid in full. should be repaid in full.
Authority for deviation : SZLCC and above Authority for deviation : SZLCC and above
Loan Limit Rs.20 lakhs Rs.100 lakhs.
Max. two vehicles can be purchased within the
maximum eligible limit
Calculation For salaried: 24 times of gross monthly For salaried : 36 times of gross monthly
of salary. salary
Quantum of For Others : Two times of Gross Annual For Others : 3 times of Gross Annual

Loan Income as per Income Tax Return Income as per Income Tax Return
Depreciation (as per audited financial Depreciation (as per audited financial I
statements) if any could be added back for statements) if any could be added back for
arriving at the eligible loan amount. In case arriving at the eligible loan amount. In case
the Doctor is a partner in a partnership firm the Doctor is a partner in a partnership firm
proportionate share of Depreciation could proportionate share of Depreciation could
be added back. be added back.
Security For limit up to Rs.5 lakhs- Hypothecation of Assets created out of
No collateral security bank finance; Bank's charge to be
For Loan over Rs.5 lakhs up to Rs.10 registered with RTO.
Third Party Guarantee of Adequate Value.
One Person cannot guarantee more than
one loan account.
For Loan over Rs.10 lakhs up to Rs.20
Lacs- Equivalent collateral security for loan
over Rs.10 lakhs
Type of i.Demand / Term Loan Demand / Term Loan
Advance ii. Overdraft (Reducible by Monthly
/Facility equated installments).
iii. Overdraft (Non Reducible — Max.
limit Rs.10 lakhs), provided the
account should be in credit at
least once in an year(Review
Period) and in case default for
more than two occasions the
account should be converted to
OD reducible by monthly
equated installments
Margin NIL Up to Rs.25 lakhs :
NIL on show room price. Insurance /Registration
charges be borne by the Doctor. Insurance premium
could be included in loan amount if insurance
bank's insurance partner i.e NICL
Loan Over Rs.25 lakhs:
10% on show room price.
Insurance /Registration / Road tax to be borne by
the Doctor.
Insurance premium could be included in
Loan amount amount if insurance
bank's insurance partner i.e NICL
Repayment For loan/reducible OD—84 months wef 84 months wef next month of first disbursement
Period next month of first disbursement.
For reducible OD- Repayment by reducing
balance to be fixed on reaching the age of
68 years to ensure closure of loan before
completion of 75 years of age.
Take Home For Gross monthly income up to Rs.1 lakh For Gross monthly income up to Rs.1 lakh —NTH
Pay —NTH Minimum 40% Minimum 40%
including For Gross Monthly Income over Rs.1 lakh to For Gross Monthly Income over Rs.1 lakh to Rs.5
proposed Rs.5 lakhs- NTH Minimum 30% lakhs- NTH Minimum 30%
EMI For Gross Monthly Income over Rs. 5 lakhs For Gross Monthly Income over Rs. 5 lakhs —NTH
—NTH Minimum 25% Minimum 25%
Rate of As advised from time to time Same as applicable to members of public

PPC 50% concession in charges + service tax 50% concession in charges + service tax
MIS Code Free Code 3- 364 Free Code 3- 364
Other All other provisions as per star personal All other provisions as per star vehicle loan scheme
Provisions loan scheme
KYC & Due
Dili ence
Timeline for 5 working days from the date of receipt of 5 working days from the date of receipt of
disposal of completed application completed application

RETAIL/19 30.09.2018
RETAIL LOANS –Revised Delegation of Powers
HOBC /111/98 Change in Delegation of powers – Retail Loan
14.09.2017 Detail Delegation in Annexure - I
Star Home Loan- sanction RBC/Branches not covered & covered under
Star Home Loan -Review For sanction upto ZLCC – sanctioning authority & for
sanction above ZLCC - ZLCC
Waiver of processing charges in A/c sanctioned upto ZLCC &Below – by ZLCC up to 25% of
HL processing charges & by NBGLCC upto 50%. In case of a/c
sanctioned by ZLCC – by NBGLCC up to 25%.
Waiver of switch over fee on ZLCC -50%, NBGLCC-100%
Home Ln
STAR -LAP Review of Limit with same terms For Sanction upto ZLCC –Sanctioning Authority
& same/reduced limit For Sanction above ZLCC- ZLCC
Waiver of processing charges on For Sanction upto ZLCC -25% By ZLCC & 50% by NBGLCC.
LAP For Sanction by authority of ZLCC -25% by NBGLCC
Rs. In lakhs 2 8 12 25 50 100 FULL POWER - FP
Star Personal Loan On Undertaking for salary deduction & confirmation to
transfer terminal dues on loss of employment
Type / Scale / Amount in lakhs I II III IV V/>SZLCC EDLCC
Clean Advance 0.50 1 2 3 5 FP
Secured Advance 1.50 3.00 5.00 7.50 10 FP
Clean Overdraft NIL NIL NIL 1.00 1.00 FP
Approved Scheme 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.50 10(SZLCC) FP
CARE !! If undertaking for salary deduction is not available the
existing discretionary power to be exercised by delegate.

HOBC-111/98 Dated 14.09.17 allows Branch Managers to assess the income of the prospective borrowers
(Not having IT Returns, salary slips) up to Rs.2.50 lakhs. The Branch Manager advised to use Income Proxies
(Socio-economic status, A/c Turn over, Non-dependance on BPL Subsidies, Obligation levels from the
estimated income, consumption patterns etc) of the prospective borrower. In respect of agriculturist
assessment of annual income based on land holding, cropping pattern, scale of finance, allied activities,
certificate by municipal/Panchayat authorities or sales, business turnover as per verification of relevant
records maintained by the proponent. The basis of assessment of income should be signed by the borrower
and vetted by the processing/sanctioning authority. This duly vetted assessment should be kept with the
set of proposal and documents.
Our HO Retail Banking Department,
As per prevailing business potentials divided 54 zones into following groups and retail business achieved data is
duly published, with NBG wise performance to boost , energize, motivate and support the field level staff :

 Elite Group
 Challengers Group
 Rising Stars Group
 Warriors Group


Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006
The Government of India has enacted the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006
on June 16, 2006 which has modified the definition of micro, small and medium enterprises engaged in
manufacturing or production and providing or rendering of services as under.
1. Definition of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
(a)Enterprises engaged in the manufacture or production, processing or preservation of goods as specified below:
i) A micro enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed Rs.25 lakh;
ii) A small enterprise is an enterprise where the investment in plant and machinery is more than Rs. 25 lakh but
does not exceed Rs. 5 crore; and
iii) A medium enterprise is an enterprise where the investment in plant and machinery is more than Rs.5 crore but
does not exceed Rs.10 crore.
In case of the above enterprises, investment in plant and machinery is the original cost (irrespective of whether the
plant and machinery are new or second hand) excluding land and building and the items specified by the Ministry
of Small Scale Industries.
(b) Enterprises engaged in providing or rendering of services and whose investment in equipment (original cost
excluding land and building and furniture, fittings and other items not directly related to the service rendered are
specified below.
(i) A micro enterprise is an enterprise where the investment in equipment does not exceed Rs. 10 lakh;
(ii) A small enterprise is an enterprise where the investment in equipment is more than Rs.10 lakh but does not
exceed Rs. 2 crore; and
(iii) A medium enterprise is an enterprise where the investment in equipment is more than Rs. 2 crore but does
not exceed Rs. 5 crore.
These will include retail trade, small road & water transport operators, small business, professional & self-
employed persons and all other service enterprises.(Ref BC-103/115.dt26.09.2009&106/127 dt: 17.11.2012)]
Now all advances made to 'Wholesale Traders" are classified under MSME (Services) which complies with the
investment criteria as specified under MSMED Act 2006(BC No 108/164 dated 12.12.2014).
2. In the case of imported machinery, the following shall be included in calculating the value of plant and machinery
i. Import duty (excluding miscellaneous expenses such as transportation from the port to the site of the
factory, demurrage paid at the port);
ii. Shipping charges; iii.Customs clearance charges; and iv.Sales tax or value added tax.

It is being further clarified that MSME Borrowers (as per regulatory definition) engaged in Manufacturing/
Trading activity are eligible for availing credit facility under the scheme(Star MSME GST INPUT CREDIT Plus & Star
MSME GST Plus). Other Borrowers falling under Service sector (except for trading activity) are not eligible under
the scheme.
Further while accessing the quantum of the loan all the branches should take care to exclude any
refund/reimbursement cliam by the borrower as per GSTR-1 or GSTR-4 .(Circular No HOBC 111/169 dated 10.01.2018.)

Target for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Credit:

The RBI has prescribed the following overall target for the Bank as a whole for Micro,Small &Med Enterprises


Advances to Micro (Mfg) , Small &Med (Mfg) irrespective of Limit and Micro (Service), Small
Micro,Small &
(Service), Medium (Services) without any Credit Limit cap as per circular no 111/189 dated:
15.03.2018 will be classified as Priority Sector Advance .
The priority sector target of 40 per cent of ANBC (Adjusted Net Bank Credit) or credit
equivalent amount of Off -Balance Sheet Exposure, whichever is higher.

Micro enterprises Budget under PS – 7.5% of ANBC or CEOBE whichever is higher.

Advances within
Small Enterprises
Export Incremental export credit over previous year upto 2% of ANBC or CEOBE whichever is higher
Credit subject to S/L of upto Rs.25 crore per borrower to units with turnover upto 100 cr

ccccccrores TOP
Registration as MSME with District Industry Centre (DIC)
Medium Enterprisescrores.
(Manufacturing) have to be mandatorily registered with DIC whereas registration formalities
with DIC is optional in case of Micro & Small Enterprise (Mfg. & Services) and Medium Enterprise (Services).
However, it is advisable for all such enterprises to get the Registration formalities complied with in view of the
available benefits at various points. If unit is having Udyog Aadhar Number, then no need to register with DIC.
Registration Under Udyog Aadhar Memorandum (UAM) :
1. Single page on line registration at for Micro , small and medium enterprise(MSME)
and unorganized sector units with self decleration without any document and without
any registration fee.
2. UAM now replaces the need for filing Entrepreneurs Memorandum (EM Part-I & II). After the notification
dated 18-09-2015, filing of EM-I/II by S t a t e s / U T s s h o u l d b e discouraged. Henceforth, there should be
only one system i.e. UAM for the registration of new MSME units.
3. UAM requires only Aadhaar Number of the applicant / authorized person filing the application.
4. Udyog Aadhaar registration enables the units/enterprises to seek information and apply online about various
services being offered by all Ministries and Departments.

Central Registration of Loan Application - Web based system put in place for implementation
In terms of RBI directives, all banks are mandatorily required to maintain Centralised Loan Application Register in
respect of MSME borrowers with online tracking facility. A web based system of Centralised Loan Application
Register has been put in place by our HO-IT, which is accessible through link w.e.f 1st April 2013. The system will generate running
serial number for the bank as a whole and necessary acknowledgement slip with details of application. The
application received need to be disposed of within the RBI prescribed time frame mentioned as under. Upon
sanction, the date of Sanction should be entered in the register.
Limits Time Limit Not Exceeding
Upto Rs. 25,000/- 4 Business Days
 25,000/- and Upto Rs. 10 lakhs 8 Business Days
 10 lakhs and Upto Rs. 5 Crores 12 Business Days
 5 Crores 20 Business Days
In case of rejections, approval shall have to be obtained from the next higher authority, not below the level of ZM.
Collateral Security: Collateral security is waived for credit limits upto Rs.10 lakhs and 25 lakhs with good track
record account with approval of Zonal Manager and Limits up to Rs.200 Lakhs, provided CGTMSE cover is
available. No third party guarantee is required for CGTMSE covered accounts.
Waiver of CGTMSE coverage in eligible accounts to be approved by ZLCC, quoting valid reasons and where 100%
collateral is available. High risk accounts should be discouraged for waiver of CGTMSE cover ( BC 111/77 dated
Different application forms
Common application for all Micro and Small Enterprises borrowers any limit. Ref BC 112/27 dated 01.06.18].
Different Formats of proposals (For proposal format please refer Br. Cir. No. 112/88 dt 17.09.18
MSME-1 For Small Road Transport Operators irrespective of the Limit.

MSME-2 for all Micro and Small Enterprises (Manufacturing and Services for limits up to Rs.25 Lakhs)
MSME-3 For all activities under Micro and Small Enterprises (Manufacturing and Services) for limits above Rs.25
lakhs uptoRs.200 lakhs.
Bank has introduced new application form for MSME loan amount upto Rs.200 Lac. (Ref HOBC 112/27 dated 01.06.2018)
For loan covered under MUDRA, existingapplication format circulated vide HOBC No. 110/89 will prevail.

SME-Products-01 30.09.2018
PM on 8th April,2015 declared launching of PMMY loans alongwith Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency
1. SCHEME CODE Free Code -3 - 300 Free Code- 3 - 369 Free Code -3 - 370
2. OBJECTIVE To fund the unfunded who are unable to sustain or grow due to lakhk of
3. TARGET CLIENT a) Non—Corporate Small Business Segment of proprietorship / partnership
firms running as small manufacturing units, service sector units,
shopkeepers,fruits / vegetable vendors, truck operators, food-service units,
repair shops, machine operators, small industries, artisans,food processors,
and others in rural and urban areas.

b) With effect from 01.04.216, additionally activities allied to agriculture

e.g. , pisciculture, beekeeping, poultry, livestock, rearing,grading, sorting,
aggregation agro industries, diary, fishery, agriclinics and agribusiness
centers, food & agro processing etc (excluding crop loans, land
improvement such
as canals, irrigation, wells ) and services supporting these, which promote
livelihood or are income generating shall be eligible for coverage under
c)Weaver and artisans can also be covered under PMMY
d)Government schemes like NULM,NRLM,PMEGP etc complying to
conditions of PMMY.
e) franchises, dealers, retailers, transport operators,& aggregators service
providers of various corporate, on the basis of formal MOU with the
corporate(refer BC 112/74 dt 27.08.18 for standard guidelines.
4. PURPOSE For setting up of new/upgrading existing Micro business enterprises in the
manufacturing, processing, trading, service sector and activities allied to
agriculture as mentioned above, financing to weavers and artisans. (income
generating activity).
6. NATURE OF Term Loan and/or Working Capital up to maximum Rs.10 lakhs.
7. REPAYMENT Maximum - 36 months for Demand Loan and 84 months for term loan
including moratorium. Interest to be serviced as and when charged
8. EXTENT OF SHISHU -- up to Rs.50,000
FINANCE KISHORE -- above Rs.50,000 up to Rs.5.00 lakh
TARUN -- above Rs.5.00 lakh up to Rs.10.00 lakh
10. METHOD OF As per prescribed norms as given in HO Br. Circular No. 111/45 dt 27.06.17
ASSESSMENT (for Micro & Small Enterprises Only)
11. SECURITY Primary Security-
(i) Hypothecation of all assets acquired out of bank finance.
(ii) Personal guarantee of promoters/directors.
Collateral Security — NIL

All eligible activity would be covered under the guarantee cover of 'Credit
Guarantee Fund for Micro Units'. [No collateral security/third party
guarantee to be obtained].
12. RATE OF As prescribed by the Bank for micro accounts and activities allied to
INTEREST agriculture from time to time.
13. BENEFIT TO SHISHU -- <50,000 NIL
WOMEN KISHORE & TARUN -- Under Priyadarshani Yojana 1% concession in ROI
14. PPC & As per extant guidelines. (Presently HOBC No 109/157 dated
DOCUMENTATION 19.10.2015) prescribed for MSME and Agriculture advances..
15. SANCTIONING As per existing delegation of powers.
16. INSURANCE All assets charged to bank to secure the advance to be adequately insured.
17. DUE Due diligence as per extent guidelines to be undertaken.
DELIGENCE KYC documents to be obtained and verified.
18. MONITORING & i) Pre/post sanction/disbursement Inspection and periodical
FOLLOW UP inspection to be carried out regularly.
ii) Account to be reviewed annually
SME-Products-02 30.09.2018
(A loan product for MSME units)
( HO BC 110\35 Dated 06.05.2016 )
OBJECTIVE To meet funding requirement for up gradation/installation/adopting energy saving
machinery and equipments.
TARGET CLIENT All units engaged in manufacturing and service sector with investment in plant and
machinery and equipment as defined under MSMED Act, 2006. However, the dealers
in energy saving devices are not eligible under the scheme.
PURPOSE To meet need based financial support to MSME units to modernize/ upgrade/adopt
energy saving machinery and equipments. Units engaged in providing and rendering of
services for maintaining such energy saving devices/equipment may be financed under
the scheme.
NATURE OF FACILITY Demand/Term loan for purchase of fixed assets. FBL/NFBL limit for meeting working
capital requirement
REPAYMENT Maximum - 36 months for Demand Loan and 84 months for term loan including
moratorium. Interest to be serviced as and when charged.
EXTENT OF FINANCE Maximum Rs. 100 Lakhs
Margin Minimum 15% of the cost of machinery/equipments to be purchased.

METHOD OF Maximum 85% of the cost of machinery/equipment.

Primary Security-
SECURITY (i) Hypothecation of all assets acquired out of bank finance.
(ii) Personal guarantee of promoters/directors.
Collateral Security —
NIL for Loan limit up to Rs.10 lakhs.
All eligible activity should be covered under the guarantee cover of CGTMSE as per
extant guideline. [No collateral security/third party guarantee to be obtained]
CREDIT RATING Exempted for limits up to Rs.10 lakhs.
SBS/SME rating model for limits Rs.10 lakhs to Rs.100 lakhs Minimum SBS 5 as per
entry level norms
RATE OF INTEREST As per circulars issued from time to time by HO.

PPC and other charges As per extant guidelines
SUBSIDY Units with energy efficient technologies (EETs) will be eligible for subsidy under TEQUP
(Technology and Quality Upgradation Fund) Scheme of Ministry of MSME, Govt of
India. Please refer HOBC No 109/220 dated 04.03.2016 for other eligibility criterion
and claim lodgment process
General Guidelines 1. Bank's prescribed application to be obtained.
2. Credit rating not below entry level.
3. Financial parameters in line with Bank's MSME policy.
4. The proponent must be holding or should obtain a valid license issued under Shop &
Establishment Act. A copy of the same is to be kept in Branch record.
5 In case of Private/Public Limited companies search in the records of ROC to be
undertaken and satisfy that the company's assets are unencumbered.
6. Statement of account for preceding 6 months from the company's existing bankers
if any is to be obtained and scrutinized to establish that the conduct and dealings of
the account are satisfactory
Monitoring & Follow up i)Pre/post sanction disbursement Inspection, periodical inspection to be carried out
ii)Account to be reviewed annually.
iii) Due diligence as per extant guidelines to be undertaken.
iv)CIBIL/RBI defaulters' list/ECGC SAL to be verified.
v) KYC documents to be obtained and verified

SME-Products /03 30.09.2018

HOBC 110/51 dated 27.05.2016
To facilitate bank loans between Rs. 10.00 lakh and 100 lakhs to at least one
Objective/Purpose Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST) borrower and at least one woman
borrower for setting up a Greenfield enterprise. This enterprise may be in
maufacturing, services or the trading in non farm sector
Eligibility Criteria 1. SC/ST and/or woman entrepreneurs, above18 years of age.
2. Loans under the scheme are available for only green field project. Green field
signifies,in this context, the first time venture of the
beneficiary in the manufacturing or services or trading sector.
3. In case of non-individual enterprises, 51% of the shareholding and controlling stake
should be held by either SC/ST and/or Women Entrepreneur.
4. Borrower should not be in default to any bank/financial institution
Nature of Loan Composite loan (inclusive of term loan and working capital) between Rs.10 lakh and
up-to Rs. 100 lakh
Size of Loan Composite loan of 75% of the project cost inclusive of term loan and working capital.
The stipulation of the loan being expected to cover 75% of the project cost would not
apply if the borrower's contribution along with convergence support from any other
schemes exceeds 25% of the project cost.
Security Besides primary security, the loan may be secured by collateral security
or guarantee of Credit Guarantee Scheme for Stand Up India (CGSSI)
( BC 111/38 dated 19.06.2017)
Repayment Repayable in 84 months with maximum moratorium period of 18 months
Credit Rating SBS rating model for limits Rs.10 lakhs to Rs.100 lakhs.
Rate of Interest Please refer Br. Cir. MCLR 110/19 dated 01.04.2016 and subcequent circulars issued
time to time by HO. ROI not to exceed MCLR+Tenor premium +3%
Working Capital Working capital up-to Rs.10 lakh, the same may be sanctioned by way of overdraft
and above Rs. 10 lakh to be sanctioned by way of Cash Credit limit. Rupay debit card
to be issued for convenience of the borrower.
Margin Money 25% margin money which can be provided in convergence with eligible Central /
State schemes. While such schemes can be drawn upon for availing admissible
subsidies or for meeting margin money requirements. In all cases, the borrower shall
be required to bring in minimum of 10% of the project cost as own contribution
PPC and Charges As per extant guidelines
Sanctioning Authority As per delegation.
Due Diligence Due diligence as per extant guidelines to be undertaken.
CIBIL/RBI defaulters' list/ECGC SAL to be verified.
KYC documents to be obtained and verified
Documentation As per extant guideline.
Monitoring i) Pre/post sanction/disbursement Inspection and periodical inspection to be
carried out regularly.
ii) Account to be reviewed annually.
Authorized Branches All branches of the Bank
Responsibilities  Process loans within the time frame as :
 Application for loan upto Rs.5 lakh within 2 weeks,
 Applications between Rs. 5 — Rs. 25 lakh in 3 weeks,
 Applications above Rs. 25 lakh in 6 weeks,
from the date of receipt of application provided the application is complete
in all respects and is accompanied by documents required
 In case of rejection, reason to be made known to borrower.
 Redressal at the bank level should be done in 15 days at the bank level.
Finacle Code Free code 3 = 372 for Stand Up India Scheme
Portal ( provides information to a potential borrower

SME-Products /04 30.09.2018
Subsidy Scheme under Technology and Quality Upgradation (TEQUP- Activity No-2)
for MSME units with Energy Efficient Technologies ( EETs)
( HO BC 109/220 Dated 04.03.2016 )
Objective Sensitize the manufacturing sector of MSME, so as to enable them to reduce the
cost of production and improve the product quality.
Eligibility Any MSME unit who has filed an Entrepreneurial Memorandum with the authority
or who has erstwhile DIC registration, subject to :-
(i) The MSME unit should have been audited for energy consumption and detail
project report on EETs, prepared by a qualified Energy Manager \ Auditor.
(ii) . Unit must lead to atleast 15% reduction in energy consumption.
(iii) Investment in new plant , machinery and equipment should focused on
enhancing energy efficiency.
(iv) The unit should not be covered under any other subsidy scheme.
(v) Sanction of Subsidy shall be done after loan disbursement.
(vi) Up to 2 years, after completion, unit should submit operational and
performance details to the branch.
Type of facility Term Loan for Plant and Machinery
Subsidy Upto 25% of the project cost, Maximum Rs. 10 lakhs. Subsidy will be adjusted
against the last principal instalments of the loan account.

SME-Products /05 30.09.2018

Master cirluar Ref No. HOBC 112/30 dated 07.06.2018, changes have been incorporated in the circular.
In respect of advance granted to Micro & Small Enterprises (MSE)

The salient features of the scheme are as under


i). Eligible Borrowers:

a) All Credit Facilities sanctioned to Micro & Small units defined as per
MSMED act 2006, on the basis of investment in Plant &
b) Units under both the sectors viz . manufacturing and Services including
Retail Trade
c) All units should have a valid Udyog Adhaar No. (UAN).
d) Maximum Quantum of loan to a single borrower eligible for coverage
should not exceed Rs. 200 Lakhs.
f) A Borrower can be given benefit of coverage only once in his/her
lifetime under CGTMSE aggregating from all lenders up to maximum
amount of Rs 200 Lakhs, including previous sanctioned limits (even if
closed) and present sanctioned limit.
g) For loans upto Rs 1O Lakhs, no collateral security or third party
guarantee should be obtained, to be eligible under the scheme.
h) For loans above Rs 10 Lakhs, Partial Collateral security may be obtained.
The details of the same has been explained in para 10, under Hybrid
model of the scheme.
i) Joint financing by a financial institution covered under the scheme. For
e.g. MSE unit is financed by term loan from State financial
institution/development financial institution and Working capital
from a commercial bank. However, sharing of securities will not be
j) Loan under Consortium are not eligible under the scheme.

1. Eligible Accounts:
a) Both Term Loan and Working Capital (both fund based and non-fund
based) can be covered .

b) In case an account which had been sanctioned earlier had been omitted
to be covered under the scheme, only Working Capital accounts of such
borrower can be covered at the time of review/renewal of accounts.

c) Where working capital alone is financed, the tenure of guarantee cover

is fixed for a block of 5 years. Thereafter the guarantee cover needs to
be renewed for a further period of 5 Years. However the
maximum tenure for which the guarantee cover will run in
case of worki ng capital loan is 10 Years, inc luding intervening
renewals/enhancement. A working capital account covered under
CGTMSE can be renewed within 12 months from guarantee expiry
date. Guarantee Fee has to be paid afresh for renewed guarantee cover
thereafter for the next block of 5 years.Only Standard account at the end
of the block of five years will be renewed and substandard accounts will
be rejected.
d) The Guarantee Cover shall run through the entire agreed tenure of
the Term Credit in case Term Loan, sanctioned alone .

e) In case of Composite Loan (wherein Cash Credit & Term loan are
sanctioned together), the guarantee cover will run through the entire
period of term loan or term loan termination date whichever is earlier.
The guarantee cover for Cash Credit alone will be renewed thereafter for
a biock of 5 years, subject to coverage for Cash Credit will be valid

upto maximum tenure of 10 Years from the original cover start date.
However in case of composite loan, if the term loan period exceeds ten
years, cover for term loan will continue for the whole tenor of term loan
but for Working Capital, the tenure of cover will be restricted to
maximum period of ten years.

f) Where the borrower is enjoying several distinct credit facilities, one or

more out of the same can be covered up to the Eligible Amount (presently
Rs.200 Lakhs)

g) Additional credit facilities(within an aggregate limit of Rs. 200 Lakhs per

borrower )sanctioned to units covered under CGTMSE will also be
eligible for cover under the Scheme, if the unit is otherwise eligible for
cover after sanction of additional limits.
Not Eligible Borrowers :
Educational Institutions are not covered under CGTMSE
Group lending through SHGs not eligible
Case specific action, if any, for obtaining Collateral security/third party guarantee in lieu of CGTMSE cover, may
be taken up only with prior approval of ZLCC giving valid reasons and where 100% collateral is available. High
risk accounts should be discouraged for waiver of CGTMSE cover ( BC 111/77 dated 01.08.2017) Any credit
facility with maximum interest rate more tham 14% pa ( including cost of guarantee fee) would not be eligiuble
under the scheme.
Any Credit facility shall not be eligible to be covered under CGTMSE,if the said facility is
already covered under any other guarantee scheme viz ECGC/CGFMU/CGSSI etc.
Any Borrower, who has previously availed himself any other credit facility covered under the
scheme and the lending institution has invoked the guarantee provided by the trust, is not
eligible for fresh coverage under the scheme.
As per the scheme, Primary security is must for coverage. As such clean ODs/CCs are not
eligible to be covered under the scheme.

Credit Guarantee Cover for borrower engaged in Retail Trade

Credit Facility extended to Borrowers engaged in Retail Trade activity scheme w e f 28.02.2018
The Details are hereunder:
Exposure Limit for Credit facility of Retail trade segment will be from Rs 10 Lakh to Rs 100 Lakh
per MSE Borrowers.
Extent of Guarantee coverage to such credit facility would be 50% of amount in default
irrespective of the category of the borrower.
Applicable Fee i.e. AGF will be charged at the rate of 2% of the guaranteed amount for the
first year and on outstanding amount for the remaining tenure of the credit facility.
Differential pricing structure depending upon NPA percentage and Claim payout ratio of the
Member Lending Institution (MU) will also be applicable on the AGF.
Credit Guarantee Cover:

Guarantee Cover to be obtained for credit facility sanctioned before the end of subsequent
quarter. Extent of Guarantee Coverage available to Bank with effect from 01.04.2018 is
detailed below:

Maximum Extent of Guarantee where Credit facility is

Upto Rs.5 Lakh Above Rs.5 Lakh Above Rs.50 Lakh upto
upto Rs.50 Lakh Rs.200 Laky

I 85% of the amount 75% of the amount
Micro Enterprises in default subject to in default subject to
I a maximum of a maximum of
Rs.4.25 Lakh. Rs.37.50 Lakh
Women enterprises/units 75% of amount in
default subject to a
located in North East
maximum of Rs 150
region(including 80% of the amount in default subject to a
Sikkim) (other than maximum of Rs.40 Lakh.
credit facility upto Rs.5
Lakh to micro
IAll other Category of 75% of the amount in default subject to a
Borrowers . maximum of Rs.37.50 Laky

The Guarantee Cover will commence from the date of payment of guarantee fee.
 The Guarantee Cover shall run through the entire tenure of the Term Credit / Composite Credit.
 Where working capital alone is financed, the tenure of guarantee cover is fixed at 5 years. Guarantee Fee
has to be paid afresh for renewed guarantee cover thereafter for the next block of 5 years for .Maimum
cover 10 years encluding renewl/enhancement
vi). Additional credit facilities in respect of accounts guaranteed under CGTMSE Additional credit facilities
sanctioned to units covered under CGTMSE will also be eligible for cover under the Scheme, if the unit is
otherwise eligible for cover after sanction of additional limits.
 In such cases, fresh applications have to be submitted for the additional loan/limit.
 While submitting such applications, the CGPAN already allotted by CGTMSE to that particular borrower at
the time of initial guarantee cover should be mentioned in the field Bank Reference Number after the
reference number of the branch.
vii). Rehabilitation assistance: For the unit covered under CGTMSE and becoming sick due to factors beyond the
control of management, assistance for rehabilitation extended by the Bank could also be covered under the
scheme provided the overall assistance is within the credit cap of Rs.200 lakhs.
Annual Guarantee Fee i) AGF would charged on the outstanding loan amount instead of guaranteed amount
for credit facilities sanctioned I renewed on or after 01.04.2018, as detailed below:
Annual Guarantee Fee (AGF) (% p.a.)
Credit Facility Women,Micro Enteerprises and Others
units covered in North East Region
Upto 5 Lakh 1.00+ Risk Premium as per extant guidelines of the trust
Above Rs.5 Lakh and upto Rs.50 1.35+Risk Premium as per extant 1.50+ Risk Premium as per
Lakh guidelines of the trust extant guidelines of the trust
Aboce Rs. 50 Lakh and upto Rs.200 1.80+ Risk Premium as per extant guidelines of the trust
For Loan covered under Retail 2% + Risk Premium (as deailed in
Trade para)
AGF will be charged on the guaranteed amount for the first year and on the outstanding amount
for the remaining tenure of credit facility.
Additional risk premium 15 % will be charged on the applicable rate to the I Bank who exceeds the
payout threshold limit of 2 times more than thrice in last 5 I years. This premium will be applicable for all
guarantee accounts irrespective of the sanction date
Guidelines for Modified AGF Structure
Term Loans AGF would be calculated on o u t s t a n d i n g a mount as on 31st
December against each guarantee amount
Working Capital AGF would be calculated on maximum(peak)working capital availed
in the previous calendar year.In the account where original sanction are
prior to April 01,2018and enhancement in the limit in these accounts
on or after April 01,2018the earlier rate structure will continue


For Sanctioned Limit upto 31.12.2012

Credit Facility ASF in % p.a.
Up to Rs.5 Lakh 0.50
Above Rs.5 Lakh and upto Rs.100 Lakh 0.75
ASF/AGF (Applicable for accounts sanctioned on or after 01.01.2013 till 31.03.2018)
Present Guidelines for payment of guarantee fee to CGTMSE (For accounts
sanctioned on or after 01.01.2013 till 31.03.2018)

Composite all-in Guarantee Fee-payable on sanctioned credit facility upfront.

Rate of GF is as under :

Credit Facility IAnnual Guarantee Fee (AGF) [%in p.a.]

Up to Rs.5 Lakh
Women, Micro Enterprises
and units in North East Others
Region : (incl. Sikkim)

I 0.75 1

Above Rs.5 Lakh and upto Rs.200 Lakh 0.85 1

Composite guarantee fee at rate mentioned above payable per year up front.
, Risk Premium as applicable and intimated by CGTMSE will be applicable over &
i above the rates as mentioned above.
CGTMSE had introduced Risk based pricing structure based on NPA percentage
and claim payout ratio for charging of annual service fees /annual guarantee
fees. This Risk premium would be charged over and above applicable Standard
Rate (SR) on credit facility sanctioned on or after April 01, 2016 and covered under
Credit Guarantee scheme.
At present the Risk premium is 20% of Standard rate and the same may vary. (Ref: HOBC 110/34 dated
Sharing of Guarantee Fee& Annual Service Fee:

Credit Facility Present Sharing Pattern

Limit upto Rs.50 Lakh Bank to bear 100% of First year’s Annual Guarantee
Fee (AGF) for all categories of borrowers.
The borrowers to bear the full AGF from the 2nd
year onwards
Limit above Rs, 50 Lakh to Rs.100 Lakh Bank to bear 50% of AGF and remaining 50% to be
borne by the borrower for the first year for all
categories of borrowers
The borrowers to bear the full AGF from 2nd year
Limit above Rs.100 Lakh to Rs. 200 100% of AGF for entire tenure and entire loan
Lakh amount will be born by borrower
PMEGP 100% of AGF for entire tenure will be born by bank
Borrowers of category of SC/ST 100% of AGF for entire tenure for credit limit upto
Women beneficiaries /Minority Rs.100 Lakh only will be born by bank.
/Uninits in NE area including Sikkim Credit limit above Rs.100 Lakh the AGF will be
Units in J&K born by borrower for the entire loan amount.
Credit Facility Present Sharing Pattern

All other borrowers except special category of acc ounts as mentioned above
will bear Annual Guarantee Fee (AGF) from 2nd year onwards.

Partial Collateral Security under CGTMSE (Hybrid Security Product):

CGTMSE has now introduced a new Hybrid Security product, allowing guarantee cover for the portion of credit
facility not covered by collateral security. In the partial collateral security model the Mlls will be allowed to
obtain collateral security for a part of the credit facility whereas the remaining part of the credit facility up to a
maximum of Rs 200 Lakhs can be covered under Credit Guarantee Scheme.CGTMSE will however have pari
passu charge on the primary security as well as on the collateral security provided by the borrower for the credit
The above change of allowing partial collateral security under the ambit of Credit Guarantee Scheme of CGTMSE
shall be applicable to fresh credit facilities eligible for coverage on or after 28.02.2018.
Delegation for Approving Waiver of CGTMSE Coverage:
ZLCC has been empowered to approve waiver of CGTMSE coverage, subject to obtention of 100% collateral
securities. In case of Partial Collateral Security (Hybrid Security Product), approval is not required for waiver
of CGTMSE coverage.
Take Over of Accounts covered under CGTMSE:
Takeover of accounts from other Banks, already covered under CGTMSE is allowed and account can be
covered under CGTMSE as a fresh sanction and will be covered only for the balance limit available out of
maximum of Rs. 200 Lakhs per borrower.

Concession in ROI:
All Existing and New Micro & Small Enterprises accounts with limits up to Rs 100 Lakhs only and covered under
CGTMSE, without any collateral security will be eligible for concession of 0.50% on the applicable rate of interest.
New Hybrid security product of CGTMSE/Partial collateral security will not be eligible for any concession.
Reporting of NPA on CGTMSE portal:
NPA is to be reported to CGTMSE (to be updated on CGTMSE portal) by the end of the subsequent quarter from the
quarter in which the date of NPA falls.The Branch /Bank can i nvoke the guarantee in respect of credit facility within
a maximum period of Three Years from the date of NPA,if NPA i s after l ock i n period or within Three years of
expiry of lock in PA is within lock in period for hi accounts turned NPA on or after 1period, if
15.03.2018,irrespective of sanction date.
Application for Cover Applications for Guarantee Cover under the scheme are to be lodged online with the
Corporation. The Zonal Offices are designated as Nodal Offices for such lodgement. All the branches shall submit
hard copies of the relevant information to Zonal Offices, who in turn will scrutinize the applications for their
correctness and transmit data online to the Corporation through Internet. Zonal Offices have been provided with
User IDs for this purpose.
In all the accounts CGTMSE coverage must be obtained, and CGPAN be generated, prior to effecting disbursement
in the account.
Request for revival of closed accounts will be accepted by CGTMSE subject to following terms & conditions-
(i) Request for revival of account will have to be submitted within next FY.
(ii) Account should be standard & regular as on date of submission of request for revival and CGTMSE reserves
the right to reject the claim if the account turns NPA, within 180 days from the date of revival of account.
In case of NPA of facility, Corporation should be informed by subsequent quarter. In case such account is
regularized later on, Corporation should be informed the present status, otherwise, it will not accept the claim
subsequently after lapse of 12/24 months as applicable.
Invocation of guarantee:
Guarantee in respect of accounts covered under CGTMSE may be invoked if the following conditions are satisfied-
 The guarantee in respect of the concerned credit facility is in force.
 The lock-in-period of 18 months from either the date of last disbursement of the loan or the date of payment
of the guarantee fee in respect of the credit facility, whichever is later, has elapsed.
 Claim should be filed within 1 year from date of NPA, (S/L upto 31.12.2012) and 2 years from date of NPA (S/L
on or after 01.01.2013). In case account slipped during lock in period, then claim should be filed within 1 year
(S/L upto 31.12.2012) or 2 years (S/L on or after 01.01.2013) after lock in period.

 The Branch /Bank can invoke the guarantee in respect of credit facility
within a maximum period of Three Years from the date of NPA,if NPA is
after lock in period or within Three years of expiry of lock in period, if
NPA is withi n l ock i n period for accounts turned NPA on or after
15.03.2018,irrespective of sanction date.
 The amount due and payable in respect of the credit facility has not been paid and the dues have been
classified as Non-Performing Assets.
 It may be noted that claim cannot be made on CGTMSE in respect of a credit facility if the loss has occurred
owing to actions/decisions taken contrary to or in contravention of the guidelines issued by CGTMSE.
 The credit facility has been recalled and recovery proceedings have been initiated under the due process of
law (Civil Courts / DRT / Revenue Recovery / Lok Adalats, SARFAESI Act 2002)
 Issue of notice under Lok Adalat is sufficient to prove the legal proceedings have been initiated.
 Mere issuance of recall notice under SARFAESI Act cannot be construed as initiation of legal proceedings for
purpose of preferment of claim under CGS. Lending institution should take further action as contained in
Section 13 (4) of the above Act.
 Initiation of legal proceedings as a pre condition for invoking of guarantee shall be waived for credit facilities
upto Rs.50,000/- , approved by an Executive Committee headed by an Officer not below the rank of GM for
cover obtained under scheme effective w.e.f 01.01.2013.
Submission of Claim:
. Please also note that all the columns of Annexure I would need to be compulsorily filled although the relevant
information might have already given in the claim application form. The information submitted in Annexure I would
be treated as correct in case of any discrepancy in online claim application form. (BC No: 107/169 dt: 29.11.2013)
xiii). Claim Settlement
(a) CGTMSE shall pay 75% of the admissible amount on preferring of eligible claim, within 30 days, subject to claim
being otherwise found in order and complete in all respects. If 75% of the admissible amount is not paid within
30 days, CGTMSE shall pay interest on the eligible claim amount at the prevailing Bank Rate for the period of
delay beyond 30 days.
(b) The balance 25% of the admissible amount will be paid by CGTMSE on conclusion of recovery proceedings or
after three years of obtention of decree of suit, whichever is earlier.
(c) In the event of default, the branches shall exercise the rights, if any, to take over the assets of the borrowers
and the amount/s realized, if any, from the sale of such assets or otherwise shall first be remitted in full to
CGTMSE after adjusting the cost incurred by the Bank for recovery of the amount. CGTMSE shall appropriate
the same towards the pending service fee, penal interest and other charges due to CGTMSE, if any, in respect
of the concerned credit facility. Only thereafter claim for the remaining 25% of the guaranteed amount may be
(d). On a claim being paid, CGTMSE shall be deemed to have been discharged from all its liabilities on account of
the guarantee in force in respect of the concerned credit.
xiv) Claim received from CGTMSE : Such amount should be kept in Sundry Credit “ SOL-ID SUNCR801” especially
created for this purpose and not to credit in Loan Account. At the same time the claim received has to be
entered in database in CCIS, Option A – Guarantee Claim Settled amount to avoid wrong provision. After the
recovery efforts are exhausted and claim finally settled, the amount may be appropriated to the borrowal
account. (BC No: 107/117 dt: 27.09.2013)

Introduction of CGTMSE Module in Finacle (BC No: 107/195 dt: 01.02.2014) w.e.f 01.02.2014
The accounts which are covered under CGTMSE are identified as per the guarantee code (i.e “7”) entered by
branches in ACM option “V” based on the eligibility as per extant guidelines issued by our Bank.
While navigation use up and down arrow key only. For Help use F2.
a) Coverage – Standard loan and Cash Credit account (LAA & CCA)
b) Menu- CGTMSE, Application Entry – Option ‘A’
c) Updation of CGPAN – Option ‘U’
d) NPA Reporting - Option ‘N’
e) Submission of Claim – Option ‘C’
f) Settlement of Claim – Option ‘S’
g) Upgradation/Reschedule – Option ‘R’

h) Restructured – Option ‘RS’
i) Reporting Closed Account – Option ‘CL’
Available Reports – In MISRPT --> CGTMSE Set-ID – Branch Sol ID.
(Chart for completion of the job within stipulated time with the help of various reports made
available under MISRPT CGTMSE. (BC No 108/141 dated 20.10.2014)
Functionality Data Entry Data Download of data Uploading of data CGTMSE t
Verification web portal o
Application Entry Branch Branch Respective Zone Respective Zone
CGPAN updation Respective Zone Respective Zone NA NA
NPA reporting Branch Branch Respective Zone Respective Zone
NPA reported in NA NA Respective Zone Respective Zone
CGTMSE web site
Lodgement of Claim Branch Branch Respective Zone Respective Zone
Submission of Claim NA NA Respective Zone Respective Zone
CGTMSE web site
Settlement of claim Branch Branch NA NA
Upgradation Restructure Branch
I Branch Respective Zone Respective Zone
Closure accounts oBranch Branch Respective Zone Respective Zone
Respective Zone f
Restructuring of CGTMSE Accounts Intimation to CGTMSE
(BC No 108/161 dated 08.12.2014)
In case of Term Loan accounts covered under CGTMSE, especially in case of SRTO accounts any
restructuring /rephasement (in some cases twice and more) should be intimated the revised terms and
conditions of rephasement to CGTMSE.

SME-Products /06 30.09.2018
(BC No. 111/28 dated 25.05.2017)
S.No Particulars Brief Details
1. Definition Start Up means an entity, incorporated or registered in India not prior to
five years, with annual turnover not exceeding INR 25 crore in any
preceding financial year, working towards innovation, development,
deployement or commercialization of new products, processes or
services driven by technology or intellectual property.
Provided that such entity is not formed by splitting up or reconstruction
of a business already in existence.
2. Objective Funding support to eligible Start Ups recognized as per qovernment
3. Eligibility a.Start Ups defined, as per policy of the Bank
b.The unit must be eligible and certified as start up by the concerned
government authority as per Start Up India scheme.
c.The constitution of the unit should be private limited company (under
the companies act 2013), Registered Partnership firm (under the Indian
Partnership act 1932) and limited liability Partnership (under the limited
liability partnership act 2008).
4. Purpose To finance for innovation, development, deployement or commercialization
of new product, process or services driven by technology or intellectual
property as per start up scheme.
5. Nature of facilities Term Loan/Working Capital/Non fund based limit Composite loan may
be considered at the time of initial sanction
6. Quantum of finance To be assessed as per project. Minimum:Rs 0.10 crore
Maximum:Rs 5.00 crore

7. Assessment of loan Assessment to be made as per the credit policy of the Bank.
8. Margin Term Loan:25% and Working Capital:10%
9. Rate of Interest ROI to be fixed on the basis of Credit risk rating.
1% concession in applicable ROl, subject to minimum 1 Yr MCLR +BSS.
10. Processing Charges Waived
11. Other Service Charges As applicable
12. Credit Risk Rating Financing below entry level is not permitted.
13. Security Primary: All tangible assets created out of Bank's finance shall be
charged in favour of the Bank by way of Hypothecation/Mortgage
Collateral: The facility may be covered under CGTMSE/Credit Guarantee
fund for startups for the limits for which coverage is available.
Beyond the amount covered under CGTMSE/Credit Guarantee fund for
Start Ups as mentioned above, collateral security may be insisted
upon by sanctioning authority .
14. Guarantee a)Personal Guarantee of promoter directors, partners of the
firm/company/major shareholders having sufficient worth and of all
mortgagors of collateral security, if any
b)The facility should be covered under Credit Guarantee cover for Start
Ups to be floated by NCGTC, upon implementation and if collateral
security not obtained.
c)The facility may also be covered under CGTMSE as per extant
guidelines of CGTMSE.
d)The Fees for the guarantee cover, if any will be borne by the borrower.
15. Repayment Working Capital: 12 months subject to annual renewal as per extant
Term Loan: Maximum Door to Door repayment shall be 120 months
including moratorium period of maximum 24 months.
16. Insurance Comprehensive Insurance of all the securities charged to the Bank and
with Bank's hypothecation clause must be obtained .
17. Loan application and Loan application and documentation to be obtained as per extant
documentation guidelines of the Bank
18. Due Diligence Due diligence to be carried out as per extant guidelines of the Bank
19. Delegation Minimum NBGLCC & above as per their delegation
20. Other terms & a)The Start Up certification issued by the Government authority
conditions must be kept on record
b)All necessary statutory approvals/NOCs from concerned department is
to be obtained and kept on record.
Branches to ensure proper verification of mandatory certificates
issued by Government authority
21. Validity of Scheme Any Start Up will cease to be Start Up if it has completed 05 years from
the date of incorporation/registration or if its annual turnover is more
than 25 crores.
If any entity ceases to be start up as defined above the facilities
sanctioned under the scheme, upon review will be converted into
normal finance under MSME and all the concessions allowed as per
scheme will stand withdrawn
SME-Products /07 30.09.2018
Credit Guarantee Scheme for Stand Up India (CGSSI)
( BC 111/38 dated 19.06.2017
Particulars Brief Details
Objective To guarantee credit facilities of over Rs.10 lakh & upto Rs.100 lakh under
Stand Up India Scheme
Grarantee Cover To the extent of 80% of the amount in default for credit facility above

Rs.10 lakh and upto Rs.50 lakh, subject to a maximum of Rs.40 lakh.
For credit facility above Rs.50 lakh and upto Rs.100 lakh - Rs.40 lakh
plus 50% of amount in default above Rs.50 lakh subject to overall
ceiling of Rs.65 lakh of the amount in default.

Grarantee Cover Application Proposals sanctioned and partly or fully diabursed in the quarter April-
June, July-September, October-December and January- March prior to
expiry of the following quarters viz. July-September, October-December,
January-March and April-June respectively
Guarantee Tenur Term loan-Loan period as per sanction proposal.
Working Capital - 12 months from account opening date, which will be
updated every year
 Presently Standard Basic Rate of Guarantee Fees is 0.85% of
Sanction Limit.
 Further, The Guarantee Fee on Differential Rates will be based on
NPA % and Claim payout ratio of Bank, as per the existing
database of CGTMSE and in accordance with the Circular No.
107/ 2015-16 dated January 28, 2016 issued by CGTMSE.
 The Bank shall pay t h e guarantee fee of the sanctioned amount on
pro-rata basis for the first and last year and in full for the
intervening years within 16 days from the end of the quarter in
which the credit facility was sanctioned.
 The Bank w i l l furnish a Management Certificate within 10 days from the
end of the quarter, after which, a Credit Guarantee Demand Advice
Note [CGDAN] would be issued by NCGTC within 3 day of receipt of
Management Certificate and subsequently, the guarantee fee shall be
payable within 3 days from the issue of CGDAN.
 For NPA accounts f e e to be paid till lodgment of claim for such accounts
 In case of Non-payment of Guarantee Fee within the stipulated time,
liability of the CGSSI would lapse.
 In the event of any shortfall being found in the calculation of the
guarantee fee, such shortfall shall be paid together with interest on
such amount at a rate of 4% over and above the Bank Rate
Ineligible cases 1. Facilities already secured by DICGC or ant other Government guaranteed
2. Credit facility sanctioned against collateral security and I or third party
3. Credit facility sanctioned which is not conforming to the Stand Up India
Rate of Interest Not more than 3% p.a. over the MCLR + BSS for the loan

CLAIMS Within a maximum period of two years from the date of NPA, if NPA is
after the lock-in period (lock-in period of 18 months from the date of
commencement of guarantee) or within two years of lock in period.
Account has been recalled and the recovery proceedings have been initiated.
I f c l a i m i s i n o r d e r , CGSSI shall pay 75 per cent of the guaranteed
amount within 30 days. Balance 25 % will be paid on conclusion of
recovery proceedings. The Trust shall pay to the Bank interest at the
prevailing Bank Rate for the period of delay beyond 30 days.
Bank to use SARFAESI and the amount realized from the sale of such assets
or otherwise shall first be credited in full by the Bank to the Trust.
Bank to refund the claim released by the CGSSI together with penal
interest at the rate of 4% above the prevailing Bank Rate if there is any
delay beyond 30 days.
ROLE AND  Guarantee Cover Code -12 entered in the account in Finacle.
RESPONSIBILITIES  Special Character - & > < +?>@ # Not allowed
 The XML file is to be uploaded on the web-portal of NCGTC having 37
mandatory fields without “NULL” value.
 Record to be maintained - Head Office will generate the list of total
Sanctioned/Disbursed accounts on quarterly basis and will send to
the respective Zones for confirmation. After obtaining confirmation,
the final accounts will be uploaded on CGSSI web portal and same
will be advised to respective Zones. Zones w i l l keep the record of
the quarterly I yearly covered accounts for all future references.
 The list of accounts with guarantee fees will be advised to
respective Zones and their ZOGENSUS accounts ZOXXXGEN00038
opened for payment of Guarantee Fees will be debited. The Zones
w i l l recover the amount from the borrowers and reconcile the
ZOGENSUS account.

SME-Products /08 30.09.2018
Original Equipment Manufactures (OEM) HOBC 111/56 dated 11.07.2017

Our bank had entered in to tie up arrangement with several OEMs manufacturing commercial vehicles
and Earth Moving Equipments and had signed MOUs with them for being the preferred financier of their brands.
We present below the revamped scheme which will be applicable to all the OEMs with whom we have tie up
i) Each Dealer of Tata Motors and Ashok Leyland will be provided with unique ID and password. (105/106
dated 26.09.2011 & 106/02 dated 03.04.2012)
ii) Query from prospective customer, Dealer will upload required details in template/excel sheet.
iii) System will auto generate Application No. and forward the same to prospective customer e-
mail id/mobile alongwith notification will be sent to concerned Branch on its Corporate E-mail iv) Branch
should print the same and keep it for record.
iv) Branch should carry out CIBIL enquiry/other due diligence and convey “In Principal” approval Alert message
will be forwarded to Applicant and Dealer about acceptance or rejection.
v) If accepted, Branch should immediately contact Applicant for further processing his request.
vi) No action at Branch within 48 hours, matter will be escalated to Zonal Office.
Action at Branch Level:-
i) Log in regulary to see email received.
ii) Prompt disposal of on-line applications after carrying out CIBIL /other due diligence.
iii) Guidelines in respect of financing to SRTOs need to be adhered to.
iv) Regular interaction with the Dealers.

Incentive to Dealers
It has been decided to pay incentive to dealers of OEMs with whom Bank has entered in to tie-up arrangement
under MOU. The detals of the incentive schemes are as under :
Other than Rural 1% of loan amount Max Rs. 10,000/- (per vehicle – after disbursement of loan)
Rural Branches 0.75% of loan amount Max Rs. 7,500/- (per vehicle – after disbursement of loan)
Strictly complied with while making payment of the incentive:
i)To become eligible for payment of incentive, a dealer should perform the following:
a. Procure application and submit the same to Branch. Help the branch in complying various pre sanction formalities.
b. In case of dealers of Ashok Leyland Ltd and Tata Motors Ltd there is web based auto application module in which
dealers can escalate loan applications of the customers to the desired branch. They should comply with other pre
sanction conditions stipulated by the branch even after submitting the online applications.
ii) Payment of incentive to the authorized dealer of the vehicle/equipment is to be made only on
completion of documents, disbursement and submission of all necessary documents like registration,
insurance etc to the branch.
iii) Payment of incentive is to be made directly to the authorized dealer by means of Pay Order/Draft and not to any
other agent.
iv) Payment of incentive is to be approved by Branch head only.
v) Payment of incentive is to be made by debiting Branch P/L A/c – “Miscellaneous Charges”.
vi) Cases of walk in business (i.e. without any support/efforts from the dealers as narrated above) are not
eligible for the incentive.
Rating Model :-
Financing under SRTOs Branch Circular/Date CGTMSE cover
Upto Rs. 100 lakhs Scoring sheet is Micro and Small Enterprises upto limit Rs.200 lakhs. Not willing
applicable and entry – usual norms for principal/collateral security
level is 20 marks.
103/05 dated
Above Rs. 100 lakhs IMAC rating model Micro and Small Enterprises upto limit Rs.200 lakhs.
Not willing – usual norms for principal/collateral security
(Reference: BC No: 105/64 dt: 04.07.11, 105/95 dt: 06.09.11, 106/24 dt: 26.04.12, 107/90 dt: 19.08.13 and 107/95 dt: 26.08.13/ 105/106 of
26.09.11, 106/2 dated 03.04.12, circular letter 2013-14/238 dt: 18.03.2014) and HOBC 111/56 dated 11.07.2017 ).

SME/ 09 30.09.2018

Educational institutions require funds for a host of activities viz Construction / Renovation work of building & for
purchase of computer, lab equipments etc. Through this product their needs may be catered to suitably.
Target group Educational Institutions viz., Universities , Colleges , Schools
Eligibility 1. The institutions must have got necessary approval from Government / Government agencies
for running the educational institution.
2. Submit 3 years audited financial statements.
3. Profit making for continuous 2 years.
4. New and upcoming educational institutions can also be considered in which projections,
both financial and non-financial, must be reasonable and justifiable.
5. Entry level credit rating is SBS 5. No deviation.
Purpose 1. Construction/ Renovation / Repair of building. Approval from all the concerned authorities
must be in place for considering the credit facility.
2. Purchase of Computer, lab equipment, Furniture & Fixtures, books etc.
Nature of Term Loan
Quantum of Minimum Rs.10 lakhs and Maximum Rs.500 lakhs
Repayment Maximum 8 years inclusive of initial moratorium of 12 to 18 months. Periodicity of instalment

on the basis of cash flow.
Appraisal of The proponent should have sufficient cash flow to service both instalment and interest. DSCR
loan should be minimum 1.25.
Margin Minimum 20%
Rate of Please refer Br. Cir. MCLR 110/19 dated 01.04.2016 and subcequent circulars issued time to
Interest time by HO.
PPC,Doc As per extant guidelines
charges etc
Security Primary: Hypothecation of assets, if loan is considered for machineries / equipments. Mortgage
of land & building over which construction is proposed
Collateral: Suitable collateral to be obtained so that minimum Asset Cover of 1.50 is available.
Guarantee of key person/promoter/trustee must be taken.
Insurance Assets charged to the Bank to be comprehensively insured covering various risks including civil
commotions and riots. Separate insurance policy to be obtained for the mortgaged property.
Due Diligence As per extant guidelines.
San Authority As per extant delegation of power
Authorized All branches of the Bank.
SME/ 10 30.09.2018
It is a general purpose term loan product , devised to provide necessary liquidity to SME constituents against their
unencumbered immovable property for such purposes also which are necessary for their sustainable growth viz R&
D activity ,marketing and advertisement expenses etc . Properties already mortgaged to our bank may also be
considered upto the extent of their residual value.
Target group Proprietorship / Partnership firms, Limited Companies falling within the new definition of
SME, engaged in the business for the past 3 years with audited financial statement of
Eligibility 1. The borrower should have known source of funds to pay for the margin and initial
recurring expenses.
2. Should be profit making for the last 2 years.
3. Entry level credit rating SBS 5. No deviation to be permitted.
Purpose SME constituents Viz., for R & D activity, marketing and advertisement expenses Purchase
of machineries / equipments, Preliminary expenses etc.
Nature of facility Term Loan.
The safety of this advance will substantially depend on cash flow arising out of activity
being financed. Profits generated / anticipated to be generated turns into liquid cash to
service the loan.
Repayment To be repaid in 84 installments within a period of 7 years inclusive of moratorium period of
up to 12 months. Interest to be serviced as and when debited.
Appraisal of loan 50% of unencumbered value of the property under offer or 75% of actual requirement for
the stated purpose which ever is less.
Minimum : Rs.10 lakhs Maximum : Rs.500 lakhs
Note : Extant guidelines with regard to valuation of property, title clearance and inspection
by two different officials etc., must be strictly adhered to.
Average DSCR should be minimum 1.25.
Margin As stated above
Rate of interest Please refer Br. Cir. MCLR 110/19 dated 01.04.2016 and subcequent circulars issued time
to time by HO.
PPC,Documentation As per extant guidelines for MSME accounts.
charges etc
Security i.) Primary: Hypothecation of assets or mortgage of land , if loan is considered for that
purpose. If no assets are created then it should be treated as clean
ii) Collateral: EQM or Registered Mortgage of Residential / commercial property (1st
charge) either of borrower or of guarantor. However following conditions with regard to

property under offer should be fulfilled .1It should not be an agricultural property 2.It
should not be a vacant land
Insurance Assets charged to the Bank to be comprehensively insured covering various risks including
civil commotions and riots. Separate insurance policy to be obtained for the mortgaged
Due Diligence As per extant guidelines
San Authority As per extant delegation of power
BC No: 104/129 dated 13.01.2011
SME/ 11 30.09.2018
It is meant for those existing SME units which need vehicle for delivering their own products / services to their
clientele. Surplus generated out of existing business operation would form the basis for appraisal of loan.
Target All existing SME units, as per new definition, run by Individuals, Proprietorship / Partnership firms,
group Limited Company, Trust, Society
Eligibility The unit / borrower should have sufficient net worth/source of funds to pay for the margin
and initial recurring expenses. Conduct of the existing account must have been satisfactory. Entry
level credit rating should be SBS 5. No deviation allowed.
Purpose To purchase transport vehicles for delivering their products / Services. Educational institutions also
eligible for transport vehicles for providing transportation services to students / faculty / staff. Only
new vehicles will be considered. Second hand vehicles not permitted under the scheme.
Items Chassis + Body building costs + registration , insurance , road tax, accessories AMC etc.
facility Term Loan
Repayment To be repaid in 84 equated monthly installments inclusive of moratorium of maximum 3 months.
Appraisal The economic viability should be worked out as per the overall income generated and surplus for
of loan loan installment / interest payment from the existing business operation of the unit. Average DSCR
should be minimum 1.25.
Marg. and Margin will be 20% of the cost of vehicle on road (chassis, body building and initial insurance,
ACR registration ,Road Tax & AMC).
Rate of The rate of interest shall be applicable to existing credit rating of the account as well as aggregate
Interest credit limit arrived at after clubbing proposed finance for vehicle .
Please also refer Br. Cir. MCLR 110/19 dated 01.04.2016 and subcequent circulars issued time to
time by HO.
Processing For accounts falling within regulatory For accounts not falling within regulatory definition
Fee, Docu. definition of MSME :In terms of HOBC : of MSME but within the new definition of SME :In
charges 102/218 dt. 20-03-2009. terms of HOBC: 102/119 dt.19-09-2008.
i.) Primary: Hypothecation of the vehicle purchased out of the proceeds of the loan. Bank’s name
as charge holder to be got entered in the books of the RTO and also the Registration
Security ii) Collateral: Micro and Small (Services Enterprises), can be sanctioned collateral free term loan up
to Rs. 200 lakhs, subject to coverage under guarantee provided by Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for
Micro & Small Enterprises.(CGTMSE) For loans above Rs. 200 lakhs, suitable collateral security to
be obtained depending upon the merits of individual cases.
Insurance Comprehensive insurance policy covering various risks including civil commotions and riots should
be arranged. Vehicles to be insured in the name of the borrower only but bank’s interest to be got
noted in the insurance policy.
Due Diligen. As per extant guidelines for MSME accounts.
San As per the bank’s scheme of delegation
Disburseme Disbursement to be made direct to the suppliers by means of an account payee draft/pay order and
nt acknowledgement to be obtained.

SME/ 12 30.09.2018

This product is tailor made for all types of contractors who maintain Audited Financial Statements. Appraisal part
has been simplified. A Line Of Credit may be given to contractors on the basis of last two years average turnover;
there will be a commitment charge on the unutilized portion of the line of credit.

Target group Civil Contractors, Mining Contractors, Engineering Contractors, Transport Contractors etc
established as Proprietorship / Partnership firms, Limited Co
Eligibility 1. Engaged in the business line at least for the last 3 years.
2. Having Audited Financial Statements.
3. Entry level credit rating should be SBS 5. No deviation .
Purpose For meeting working capital needs
Nature of Line of Credit by way of fund/non fund based working capital limit, Bank Guarantee/ letters of
facility credit
Quantum of Minimum Rs.10 lakhs and Maximum Rs.500 lakhs
Appraisal of 30% of last two years average turnover. 2/3rd for Fund Based facility and 1/3rd for Non-fund
loan based facility.
Margin Minimum 20% for fund based facility. Though the limit will be treated as unsecured, contractors
will have receivables which should be charged to the Bank and a margin of 20% maintained
Minimum 15% cash margin for non-fund based facility
Rate of Please refer Br. Cir. MCLR 110/19 dated 01.04.2016 and subcequent circulars issued time to
Interest time by HO.
PPC,Doc/Com As per extant guidelines for MSME Units.
Security Primary: First charge on the unencumbered assets both current and fixed assets.Margin on non
fund based limits.
Collateral: Suitable collateral to be obtained so that asset cover of 1.50 is maintained.
Due Diligence The bank will conduct its own due diligence (including pre-sanction visit).
San Authority As per extant delegation of power
SME/13 30.09.2018
All Enterprises engaged in trading with original investment in equipment as defined under
Eligibility MSMED Act, 2006.Satisfactory experience of business, having financial statements of at least
two precedings years.
1) Proprietorship concern,
2) partnership Firms,
3) Private Ltd. Co.
4) Society
Max. Finance Minimum Rs. 10.00lakh, Maximum Rs.500.00 lakh for Micro & Small
Enterprises AND Rs.1000.00 lakh for Medium Enterprises (HOBC 109/217).
In case working capital limit is sanctioned by way of hypothecation of stocks and book debts,
the CC (BD) limit will not exceed 50% of the total limit sanctioned.
In case the working capital limit is sanctioned only against hypothecation of book debts than
the maximum limit shall be Rs.250 lakh for Micro & Small Enterprises AND Rs.500 lakh for
Medium Enterprises (Drawing against advance payment to blue chip companies not more
than 50% of book debt limit).
Purpose Financing of stock and book debts.
Rate of Interest ROI is to be linked with market value of collateral OF AGGREGATE LIMIT security as under;-
110% to 149% BR +2.50% *

150% to 175% BR + 2.25% *
More than 175% BR + 2.00% *
*please refer the latest intt. Circular for applicable ROI
Margin 25% Against Stock & Book Debt
Nature of Facility Cash Credit
Method of Need based combined limit (stock & book debts) for working capital requirement be fixed as
Assessment per Nayak Committee recommendations ie 20% of sales turn over.
Security 1) Primary Security- Hypothecation of stock & book debts ( not older than 4 months)
2) Collaterall – Minimum 110% of the loan amount.
Due Deligence Due diligence as per extant guidelines to be undertaken, CIBIL/ RBI defaulters’ list/ ECGC SAL
to be verified.
Insurance All assets charged to Bank Principal/ Collaterall security to be adequately insured.
Miscellaneous 1) Independent inspection of business/ factory premises should be carried out periodically.
Bank’s name displaying the business and security charged to the bank should be prominently
2) Statement of stock/bookdebt/MSOD should be obtained and scrutinized.
3) No TOL/ TOD to be considered during the six months period from the date of first
Application Form Application MSE 1 to be obtained.
Reference –BC No. 106/127 Dt. 17.11.2012 and 2012-13/223 Dt 6.12.2012
*Pl. refer to Circular Letter No. 2013-14/183 dated 01.01.2014.
SME/14 30.09.2018
Br. 107/154 dated 06.11.2013, Br. 110/150 dated 09.11.2016
Objective To meet the financial requirements of Medical / Health care Professionals . Hence forth
Dhanvantri Suvidha Scheme has been discontinued
Free Code 3 363 ( Free code 3- option V)
Eligibility Individuals/ Firms/ companies/ Trusts engaged in providing medical/ pathological /
diagnostic & other Health care Services where minimum 51% of shareholding/ stake is
held by qualified doctors.
Proponents should be professionally qualified in the age group of 25 to 60 years with
min. qualifications of degree from a recognized university:
1) Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) 2) Bachelor of Homeopathic
Medicine and Surgery( BHMS) 3) Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) 4) Bachelor of
Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) 5) Bachelor of Unani Medicine and
Surgery(BUMS) 6)Bachelor of Physiotherapy(BPT) 7)Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
Max. Finance 1. Business premises/ Equipment Loan: Need Based. Equipment financing by import of
machinery through LC to be permitted.
2. Vehicle Loan: For purchase of Ambulance, van and other utility vehicle as per
requirement of project subject to a cap of Rs.100 lakh.
3. WC (clean): To be assessed as per project subject to cap of Rs.100 lakhs
Purpose 1.For acquiring premises on ownership basis or purchase of plot & construction thereof
or on rental premises for the purpose of establishing/ running clinics/ nursing home/
pathological labs, Hospitals and/or for Expansion/ Renovation/modernization or for
purchase of Furniture & fixture, furnishing and/or for purchase of Ambulance/ Utility
vehicles and/or for Working Capital Requirements for meeting recurring expenses,
stock of medicines/ consummables.
Lease period should not be less than Term Loan repayment period.
Rate of Interest As per HO guidelines issued from time to time. Women doctors or enterprises having
more than 51% share of women doctors additional concession of 0.50% to be given
under Priyadarshi scheme. Overall concession under CGTMSE or Priyadarshi scheme
should not be more than 0.50%.
Margin 25% for acquisition of premises or purchase of plot and construction therof and/ or

expansion/renovation/ modernization of existing premises. 15% for purchase of
equipment/ machinery. 15% on cost of vehicle/ ambulance. NIL in case of WC (clean)
Repayment For business premises/equipment loan: Term loan repayable in 5-10 years depending on
purpose and viability including moratorium of 12 months (can be extended upto 24
Vehicle Loan; Repayable in 5-7 years with moratorium of 1-2 months.
WC (clean): CC/ OD on clean basis.

Processing fees and Processing Charges: 50% of applicable charges plus service tax for all facilities.
Doc. charges Valuation/ Title search/ Stamp duty/ CERSAI/ Registration charges as per actual
Security Primary Security- Hypothecation of Assets acquired out of Bank finance. Equitable
Mortgage of Property in case of construction/ acquisition/ renovation of Land & Building
Collaterall – Loans upto Rs200.00 lakh to be covered under CGTMSE guarantee scheme.
Loans above Rs.2.00 crore upto Rs.10.00 crore – no collateral security to be obtained.
For loans above Rs 10.00 crore: Minimum 20 % collaterals to be obtained.
Guarantee; Personal Guarantee of Promoters/ directors/ Trustees etc.
a) The CGTMSE coverage for loans uipto Rs100 lakh is mandatory
b)Premium of CGTMSE Guarantee and Annual fee to be borne as per present
guidelines.The CGTMSE coverage should be for the entire tenure of the loan
c) The Guarantee coverage under CGTMSE will be available as per the terms, eligibility
criteria and premium defined under the scheme.
Due Deligence Due diligence as per extant guidelines to be undertaken, CIBIL/ RBI defaulters’ list/ ECGC
SAL to be verified.
Insurance All assets charged to Bank Principal/ Collaterall security to be adequately insured.
Sanctioning Powers As per existing delegation of Powers based on credit rating and circular issued from time
to time)
Devations: To be permitted by the next higher authority
Concessions: As various concessions are already factored in ROI, no further concessions
to be permitted.
Other Benefits 1. No Processing fee for Retail loans to spouse 2. Free Debit Card
3. Free Internet Banking 4. 50% discount on maintenance charge of D- Mat account 5.
There is no prepayment penalty if the loan is adjusted by the borrower from his own
verifiable legitimate sources.
Documentation Prescribed security documents to be obtained and charge to be registered with
appropriate statutory authority as the case amy be. In case of immovable properties,
mortgage charge to be created and charge registered with CERSAI.
Monitoring & Independent inspection of business premises should be carried out periodically. Bank’s
Follow up name displaying the business is financed by the branch and securities charged to the
bank should be prominently displayed.
General Guidelines 1. Credit Proposal to mandatorily indicate original investment in “equipment” and sector
code, Activity code and Special Category code
2. Codes should be entered in the Finacle system while opening the account after
sanction of the proposal 3. Credit rating as per extant guidelines. 4. Approval for
Takeover norms to be permitted by EDLCC in case of Sanctions upto GMsLCC Level and
CAG in case of sanctions beyond GMsLCC level.
The categories under priority sector are as follows:
(i) Agriculture (ii) Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (iii) Export Credit
(iv) Education : Loans to individuals for educational purposes including vocational courses upto Rs.10 lakh
irrespective of the sanctioned amount will be considered as eligible for priority sector.
(v) Housing : Loans to individuals up to Rs.35 lakh in metropolitan centres (with population of ten lakh and above)
and loans up to Rs.25 lakh in other centres for purchase/construction of a dwelling unit per family provided the
overall cost of the dwelling unit in the metropolitan centre and at other centres should not exceed Rs.45 lakh and
Rs.30 lakh, respectively. The housing loans to banks' own employees will be excluded.

(vi) Social Infrastructure: Bank loans up to a limit of Rs.5.00 crore per borrower for building social infrastructure for
activities namely schools, health care facilities, drinking water facilities and sanitation facilities including
construction/ refurbishment of household toilets and household level water improvements
(vii) Renewable Energy : Bank loans up to a limit of Rs. 15 crore to borrowers for purposes like solar based power
generators, biomass based power generators, wind mills, micro-hydel plants and for non-conventional energy
based public utilities viz. street lighting systems, and remote village electrification. For individual households, the
loan limit will be Rs. 10 lakh per borrower.
(viii) Others : Loans not exceeding Rs.50,000/- per borrower provided directly by banks to individuals and their
SHG/JLG, provided the individual borrower's household annual income in rural areas does not exceed Rs.
1,00,000/- and for non-rural areas it does not exceed Rs. 1,60,000/-.
a) Targets /Sub-targets for Priority sector
(i) The targets and sub-targets set under priority sector lending for all scheduled commercial banks operating
in India are furnished below:
Categories Domestic scheduled commercial banks Foreign banks with less than 20 branches
and Foreign banks with 20 branches and
Total Priority 40 percent of Adjusted Net Bank Credit 40% of Adjusted Net Bank Credit [ANBC
Sector [ANBC defined in sub paragraph (iii)] or defined in sub paragraph (iii)] or Credit
CEOBSE ( Credit Equivalent Amount of Equivalent Amount of Off- Balance Sheet
Off-Balance Sheet Exposure), whichever is Exposure, whichever is higher; to be
higher. achieved in a phased manner by 2020.
Agriculture 18 percent of ANBC or CEOBSE,
whichever is higher. Within the 18
percent target for agriculture, a target of
8 percent is prescribed for Small and
Marginal Farmers
Micro 7.5 percent of ANBC or CEOBSE,
Enterprises whichever is higher.
Not applicable
10 percent of ANBC or CEOBSE,
Advances to Weaker whichever is higher.

(ii) The computation of priority sector targets/sub-targets achievement will be based on the ANBC or Credit
Equivalent Amount of Off-Balance Sheet Exposures, whichever is higher, as on the corresponding date of the
preceding year. For the purpose of priority sector lending, ANBC denotes the outstanding Bank Credit in India
[As prescribed in item No.VI of Form ‘A’ under Section 42 (2) of the RBI Act, 1934] minus bills rediscounted
with RBI and other approved Financial Institutions plus permitted non SLR onds/debentures under Held to
Maturity (HTM) category plus other investments eligible to be treated as part of priority sector lending
(e.g. investments in securitised assets).
iii: Computation of Adjusted Net Bank Credit (ANBC)

Bank Credit in India [As prescribed in item No.VI of Form ‘A’ under Section 42 (2) of I
the RBI Act, 1934].
Bills Rediscounted with RBI and other approved Financial Institutions II
Net Bank Credit (NBC) III (I-II)
Bonds/debentures in Non-SLR categories under HTM category+ other investments IV
eligible to be treated as priority sector +Outstanding Deposits under RIDF and other
eligible funds with NABARD, NHB and SIDBI on account of priority sector shortfall +
outstanding PSLCs
Eligible amount for exemptions on issuance of long-term bonds for V
infrastructure and affordable housing as per circular
DBOD.BP.BC.No.25/08.12.014/2014-15 dated July 15, 2014.

Eligible advances extended in India against the incremental FCNR (B)/NRE VI
deposits, qualifying for exemption from CRR/SLR requirements.
SME/15 30.09.2018
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Rin Yojana
(Skill Loan Scheme)
Skill Loan Scheme aims at providing a loan facility to individuals who intend to take up skill development courses as
per the Skilling Loan Eligibility Criteria
a) The student should be an Indian National
b) Any individual who has secured admission in a course run by Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs), Polytechnics or
in a school recognized by central or State education Boards or in a college affiliated to recognized university,
training partners affiliated to National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)/Sector Skill Councils, State Skill
Mission, State Skill Corporation, preferably leading to a certificate / diploma / degree issued by such organization as
per National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) is eligible for a Skilling Loan.The Government of India / State
Governments may, from time to time, notify institutes/organizations for the purpose. .
1. Courses Eligible
courses run by Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs), Polytechnics or in a school recognized by central or State
education Boards or in a college affiliated to recognized university, training partners affiliated to National Skill
Development Corporation (NSDC)/Sector Skill Councils, State Skill Mission, State Skill Corporation, preferably
leading to a certificate / diploma / degree issued by such organization as per National Skill Qualification Framework
(NSQFshall be covered by the Skill Loan.
2. Minimum Age
There is no specific restriction with regard to the age of the student to be eligible for
skilling loan. However, if the student is a minor, while the parent executes documents for the loan, the bank will
obtain a letter of acceptance/ratification from him / her upon attaining majority.
3. Minimum Duration : There is no minimum course duration.
4. Minimum Qualification: As required by the enrolling institutions/organizations as per NSQF.
a) Need based finance to meet expenses as worked out under para4 below will be considered
subject to mimimum Rs. 5,000/- and maximum Rs. 150,000/-.
a. Tuition / course fee
b. Examination / Library / Laboratory fee
c. Caution deposit
d. Purchase of books, equipment's and instruments
e. Any other reasonable expenditure found necessary for completion of the course. (As such courses are
localized boarding, lodging may not be necessary. However, wherever it has been found necessary, the
same could be considered on merits).
9. MARGIN - Nil
10. RATE OF INTEREST- As per Ho circulat from time to time.
(In line with Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Skill Development (CGFSSD)).
• Simple Interest will be charged during the study period and up to commencement of repayment.
• Servicing of interest during study period and the moratorium period till commencement of repayment is optional
for students.
• 1% interest concession to be provided if interest is serviced during the study period and subsequent moratorium
period prior to commencement of repayment.
Loan Scheme

No collateral or third party guarantee. However, the parent to execute loan document along with the student
borrower as joint borrower. Obtention of Credit Guarantee coverage under Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme
for Skill Development (CGFSSD) by National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company (NCGTC) for all loans is
mandatory. (Separate Br. Circular will be issued for details of the Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Skill
Development (CGFSSD))
Upon completion of the course, repayment will start after a moratorium period as indicated below:
Courses of duration upto 1 year upto 6 months from the completion of the course
Courses of duration above 1 year : 12 months from the completion of the course
Loan Up to Rs. 50,000/- Up to 3 years
Loans above Rs. 1.00 lakh Up to 7 years
Loans between Rs. 50,000/- to Rs. 1.00 lakh Up to 5 years
The loan will be repaid after the moratorium period as indicated in para 9 in Equated Monthly Installments (EMIs)
as follows:
Optional at the request of the borrower.
Any time, without any penalty/pre-payment charge. In case a student is not able to complete the course because of
accident/death/disability the bank can seek a pro-rata reimbursement of the unfinished portion of the course
amount from the training institute.
Scale I Scale II-IV EDLCC and above 1.00 1.50(Ceiling Limit) 50% more than ceiling limit
Authority for Modification in Scheme Norms vests with EDLCC.
Borrower Category Code 75
Free Code -3 427
Purpose of Advance 95014
Industry Type Code 193
16. OTHER TERMS & CONDITIONS — Other terms and conditions as applicable to the "IBA Model Educational Loan
Scheme for pursuing higher education in India & Abroad" will be applicable to this scheme also.

SME/16 30.09.2018
Credit Guarantee fund for Micro units (CGFMU)
(HOBC 111/19 dated 05.05.2017)

1. Objective and date of commencement

i. Came into force from the f o r micro loans sanctioned since 8th April, 2015 with
features covered under the Scheme.
ii. The objective of the Fund would be to guarantee loans up to Rs.10.00 lakhs upto
Rs.5000/- sanctioned under Jan Dhan Yojna of PMJDY against default in repayment of micro loans
extended by the lending institutions.

2. Micro Loans not eligible under the Scheme

The following micro Loans shall not be eligible for being guaranteed under the Scheme:

i. Any micro Loan in which risks are additionally covered under o t h e r

ii. Any micro Loan, which does not conform to the provisions of any law, or with any
directives of Reserve Bank of India.
iii. Any M i c r o loan sanctioned by the Bank not conforming to Interest rates
prescribed for such loans by the competent regulatory authority/ RBI.

2. During the base year - On the sanctioned amount for the full year or the broken
period i.e. till March 31 of the subsequent year.
3. During subsequent years - Will be paid on the outstanding balance (including on
accounts which have turned NPA) of the crystallized portfolio a n d Guarantee will
be valid upto the end of that financial year. Guarantee fee with respect to NPA
accounts in the portfolio would continue to be paid till lodgment of claim for
such accounts.
iii. Guarantee fee shall be paid within 16 days from the end of the quarter. (The Bank
would need to furnish a Management Certificate within 7 days from the end of
the quarter, after which, a Credit Guarantee Demand Advice Note [CGDAN]
would be issued by NCGTC within 3 day of receipt of Management Certificate and
subsequently, the guarantee fee shall be payable within 3 days from the issue of

iv. The CGFMU may at its discretion, charge risk based pricing i.e., different guarantee
fees for different Member Lending Institutions depending on their credit rating, NPA
levels, claim payout ratio, geographical spread, etc.
v. In the event of non-payment of guarantee fee within the stipulated time liability of
the Fund to guarantee such credit facility would lapse.

vi. Guarantee fees for the accounts sanction from 01.04.2017 will be borne by
borrower. As per Circular letter no.130 dt. 27-02- 2017 , branches should
obtain authorization letter from the borrower for debiting the guarantee
fees from his/her account.
vii. The guarantee fee once paid by the Bank to the CGFMU shall be non- refundable,
except under certain circumstances like Excess remittance, Fee paid in advance but
application not approved for guarantee cover.
viii. Risk Based Guarantee Fee components
The CGFMU may at its discretion, charge risk based pricing i.e., different
guarantee fees for different Banks depending on their credit rating, NPA
levels, claim payout ratio, geographical spread, etc., or such other
parameters as per the experience of the Fund based on the performance
of the portfolios of the Bank.
Standard Basic Rate (SBR) of 1.00% of sanctioned amount
Risk premium on NPAs in Risk premium on Claim Payout Ratio
e:uaranteed portfolio
NPA Percentae:e Risk Premium Claim Payout Ratio Risk Premium
0-2% Nil 0-2% Nil
>2-3% 5% of SBR >2-3% 5% of SBR
>3-6% 10% of SBR >3-6% 10% of SBR
>6-9% 15% of SBR >6-9% 15% of SBR
>9-12% 20% of SBR >9-12% 20% of SBR
>12-15% 25% of SBR >12-15% 25% of SBR

Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Skill Development «CGFSSD)

Compulsory cover for loans granted under Prime Minister Kaushal Rin Yojana
(Skill Loan)
HOBC 111/76 dated 31.07.2017
Some of the salient features of CGFSSD is as under

i. Coverage: New loans sanctioned on or after 15.07.2015 without any collateral security
ii. or third party guarantee.
iii. Loan Limit: Loan Limit minimum Rs. 5000/- and maximum Rs. 150000/-
iv. Interest Rate: Max int Rate not be exceeded 1.50% over Base Rate/MCLR of the Bank.
v. Guarantee Cover: 75% of the amount in default, which will be settled on invocation of
vi. Guarantee, in one go, after the Bank submit a certificate stating to the effect that all
avenues of recovering the amount in default have been exhausted : that there is no
further scope for recovering the default amount and that the claim is found in order
and complete in all respects.
vii. Guarantee Fee: 0.50% p.a of the outstanding portfolio balance of Skill Loans to be born
by the Bank.
viii. Mode of Payment of Guarantee Fee: Online through a payment gateway.
ix. As per BC 110/09 dated 01.04.2016 Education Loan granted under Prime Minister Kaushal
Rin Yojana (Skill Loan) is to be compulsorily covered under Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme
for Skill Development.
x. Branches t o ensure that Educational loans granted under the scheme strictly comply
with provisions of CGFSSD.
xi. Guarantee fee is paid from Head Office directly on the basis of MIS code allotted for the
scheme, s o , select correct IMISFree Code 3 as 427 and Guarantee cover code as 14 in
CAPS/Finacle while opening the account

SME/17 30.09.2018
Ref: Br. Cir. 111/155 dated 29.12.2017

Sr. Parameter Scheme Guidelines

1 Facility Working Capital Limit (Fund based/Non Fund Based)
2 Purpose To meet the need based Working Capital requirement
for trading/services/manufacturing business
a) All units engaged in trading/manufacturing activity ' classified under
MSME (as per regulatory definition),
will be eligible under the scheme.
Units should have valid GSTIN.
c) The rating of the account should be of minimum investment grade
and complying entry level norms
3 Quantum of Minimum :Rs 10.00 lakhs
Loan Maximum :Rs 500.00 lakhs
In case of Finance against both Stocks & Book Debts,
Drawing Power allowed against Book Debts should not
be more than 40% of the total limit.
In case of Finance against only Book Debts, the maximum quantum of
loan be restricted to Rs 200 lakhs
4 Margin 25% on Stocks & 40% on Book Debts
5 Rate Of Intt. 0.50% Concession in applicable ROI as per Credit Rating
- ·# -
6 Processing As Applicable
Fee & Other
Ser. Charges
7 Assessment a) Assessment is done strictly as per turnover specified in GSTR - 1 and
of Loan I or GSTR 4 returns filed by the borrower.
b) Minimum GSTR-1 return for minimum three
consecutive months is required and/or
c) GSTR -4 return for the preceding quarter is required
d) Based on the turnover as per GSTR -1 (average

of three months)/GSTR-4,annual projected
turnover may be assessed upon
e) The quantum of working capital limit should not exceed 25% of annual
turnover assessed (in case of Micro & Small enterprises) and 20% (in case
of medium enterprises).
8. Security Primary:
i) Hypothecation of Stocks
ii) Hypothecation of Book Debts (Upto 90 days)
1.Minimum CCR of 65% (Wherein CGTMSE is not applicable)
2.CGTMSE Coverage (Where ever applicable)
9. Delegation As per Delegation of Powers issued by RMD
10. Documentati Prescribed security documents to be obtained and charge to be
on registered with appropriate statutory _authority as the case may be.
11. Insurance
12. Calculation of Case I:
Assessment Average Monthly GST Return:Rs 25.00 lakhs
Estimated Annual Turnover: Rs 300.00 lakhs(Rs 251akhs*12)
WC Limit:Rs 75.00 lakhs (MSE)/Rs 60.00 lakhs (Medium)
Case II:
Preceding Quarter GST Return:Rs 100.00 lakhs
Estimated Annual Turnover:Rs 400.00 lakhs (Rs100 lakhs*4)
WC Limit:Rs 100.00 lakhs (MSE)/Rs 80.00 lakhs (Medium)
12. Others a) Proponents are required to submit Audited Balance Sheet and all the
financial parameters as per Bank's norms should be adhered to.
b) Takeover of accounts is permitted adhering to , the takeover policy of
the Bank.
c) This scheme is applicable for both New/Existing Borrowers.
d) Free Code in ‘ACMoption ‘V’ should be 379
e) All assets charged to Bank (principal/collateral) to be adequately
f) All other Bank's Norms as per Credit Policies should be followed

SME/18 30.09.2018
TReDS (Trade Receivables Discounting System)
Ref: Br. Cir. 111/170 dated 09.01.2018

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had issued guidelines for setting up and operating the Trade Receivables
Discounting System (TReDS),to facilitate the financing of trade receivables of MSMEs on a digital platform.

2. TReDS platform enables discounting of invoices/bills of exchange of MSME sellers against large corporates,
Public sector undertakings through an auction mechanism to ensure prompt realization of trade receivables at
competitive market rates. This mechanism will address twin issues of prompt encashment of receivables and
eliminating credit risk.


3. The various participants on TReDS platform are MSME Suppliers, Buyers and Financers.

4. Department of Financial Services (DFS) is giving a special impetus and focus for promoting the TReDS platform
and have asked all the PSBs to onboard the platform and popularize the scheme among its

5. Receivables Exchange of India Ltd (RXIL), a joint venture of SIDBI & NSE is one of the first entity to receive
approval from Reserve Bank of India, to launch receivables exchange platform for MSME vendors, Buyers and


6. We have registered with RXIL for undertaking transactions under TReDS.

7. Board approved detailed Scheme guidelines & features, functional modalities and various approvals for
financing under the scheme, is annexed herewith

8. Initially the Scheme will be implemented through a centralized location and our Bharat Diamond Bourse
Branch will be undertaking all the transactions. The selection of Branch has been done due to its proximal
location to Head Office and RXIL.
9. All our Branches and Administrative Offices concerned should actively participate in promoting the scheme and
should advise their MSME borrowers and corporate customers to onboard on the platform and educate them
the benefits attached to the scheme.

SME/19 30.09.18
Star MSME E Rickshaw Finance(BC 112/77 dt 27.08.18)
objective Provide assistance to transport operators under Micro category
Eligibility 1.Individual,association,firms,engaged in transport business or desirous of E-
rickshaw business.
2. borrower should have been granted valid permit for passanger or goods transport.
Purpose 1. Purchase of new E Rickshaw.
2. Funding cost of one time Battery replacement, to be considered only once within
loan tenure of E Rickshaw. Certificate reg. requirement of battery replacement to be
obtained from authorized service centre of manufacturer.
Facility Term Loan
Quantum Max. 5.00 lac. Only one E Rickshaw to be financed at a time. Total no. of E
Rickshaws financed not to exceed 3 at a time.
Margin 1. For new E Richshaw-15% of invoice cost or 20% of on road price of vehicle,
whichever is higher.
2. For Battery replacement after one year- min. 25% of battery replacement cost.
Loan Assessment No project report needed. Economic viability to be worked out as applicable to SRTO
loans. Min. DSCR 1.25. In case of captive use there should be adequate cash flow
from existing activity to service instt & intt.
Repayment For purchase of vehicle- Max. 48 months including one month moratorium. For
Battery replacement loan, max.18 months including one month moratorium,
repayment period not to exceed the E Rickshaw loan repayment period.
Security Hypothecation of vehicle, plus Coverage under CGFMU/CGTMSE
Rate of intt As per HO circulars from time to time
Service Charges For purchase of Ist vehicle- Rs1000.00. For subsequent vehicle- Rs 2000.00. For
battery replacement- Rs 500.00. Service Chgs inclused
Insurance Charged assets to be comprehensively insured with SRCC clause.
Disbursement Directly to supplier/dealer by DD/PS/ RTGS/NEFT
San.Auth As per delegation
Identification of Being delegated to ZMs. For detail refer BC 112/77. Approval of E Rickshaw
Manufacturers Manufacturer by Zone to be intimated to HO for reporting & circulation.
Other Matters 1. All loans under the scheme to be reported under MUDRA.
2. Inspection-Hyly.
3. Under the scheme, no finance for 2nd hand vehicle.
4. due Diligence- as per extant guidelines. Copies of bills, receipts, invoices etc to be
kept on record. Separate loan account for battery loan under same cust. ID to be
5. Close monitoring of the loan accounts under the scheme to be done at ZO.
Free Code Pl incorporate code 382 under free code 3 in MIS V while opening the account.

SME/20 30.09.18
Star MSME Welcome Offer(BC 112/46 dt 25.06.18)

Eligibility All MSME Category borrowers, CGTMSE covered accounts not eligible
Target group New to bank including takeover from other banks. New accounts with minimum CCR of 0.65
Facilities Working Capital/term Loan/NFB limits
Loan amt Min. Rs 1.00 cr, Max below Rs 5.00 cr.
Credit Complying with entry level norms- SBS5/SME5(no deviation in credit rating allowed)
Rate of interest Rate of interest to be mapped with internal credit rating(refer BC112/46 for detail)
Service Charges 50% concession in applicable PPC
BG/LC commision 50% concession in applicable BG charges & 30% concession in applicable LC
Others 1.Fresh view on concession in ROI & other service charges to be taken at the time of
annual review.
2. All other lending norms as per MSME/ credit policy to be followed.
3. All take-over norms to be followed as per BC 107/211 dt 20.02.14, in case of take-
4. free code “381” to be incorporated in ACM V option while opening the account.
SME/21 30.09.2018
Star Weaver MUDRA Yojna(BC 110/165dt 30.11.16)
Objective To meet WC & Investment credit needs of weavers.
Eligibility New & existing handloom weavers.
Purpose WC & TL
Quantum Min. 1.00 lac for silk weavers, for others-0.50 lac, max. 5.00lac. TL max. 2.00 lac, WC+TL
max. 5.00 lac.
Margin 20% of project cost. GOI to bear margin @ 20%, subject to max 10000/. Balance margin to
Assistence be borne by borrower.
Assessment CC- as per turn-over method, expected to be utilized as a revolving cash- credit.
& repayment Needbased TL to be repayed in 3-5 yrs with gestation upto 6 months.
Intt Subsidy, Intt subsidy in excess of 6% intt on loan, subject to max Intt subvention of 7% is to be
& AGF of borne by GOI. Credit guarantee fee due on part of beneficiary will be paid by min. of textile.
CGTMSE, Intt subsidy & credit guarantee assistance is for max 3 yrs from dt of disbursement.
by GOI
Security Hypothecation of assets & loans to be covered under CGFMU/CGTMSE
ROI As per extant guidelines
Loan As applicable to Mudra card scheme/ as per extant guidelines. Stock statements &
application financials to be submitted for loans above 2.00 lac.
Disposal of As in case of MSME proposals.
Methodology Pl refer BC for detailed guidelines.
for release
of funds
Other terms Due diligence, satisfactory CIBIL, insurance of assets, routing of sales proceeds through
accountetc, to be as per norms.
Free code in Br. Should incorporate scheme code 373 under free code 03 in V of MIS code, while
Finacle opening the account.

DEPOSITS /01 30.09.2018

Br. Cir. No. 109/201 dated 01.02.2016
Scheme/parameters Super Current Plus Current plus
Initial deposit Rs.50 Lakh Rs.2 Lakh
Quarterly Average Balance Rs.35 Lakh Rs.2 Lakh
Minimum Balance in Term Rs.15 Lakh Rs.75000/
Deposit Account

Sweep in Daily Daily
Sweep out Daily On 1st and 16th of Month
Multiple Amount Rs.15 Lakh Rs.75000/-min in SDR
Maximum Cap on term Deposit No Ceiling No Ceiling
Period of Term Deposit 1 Year 15 days to 91 days.
Penalty Rs.5000/- + ST per qr for not Rs.1000/ for not maintaining AQB of Rs.2
maintainig AQB of Rs.35 Lakh Lakh
Free Remitances (DD/PO) 15 Per Quarter. 6 Per Quarter upto Rs.50, 000/- per
Rate of Interest Card Rate as applicable to Deposits for above maturity period.

Eligibility Current Deposit Account of Individuals, Corporates, Proprietorship and

Partnership etc (otherthan Banks) opening BOI CD Plus Account with initial
deposit of Rs.2 Lakh and BOI CD Super Plus Account with initial deposit of Rs.50
lakhs .
Features of Scheme ~Maximized returns for the Customers on their short-term funds which
otherwise would not earn any interest in the Current Deposit Account.
~Flexibility in liquidity is simultaneously achieved by linking Current Deposit
Account with Short Deposit Account.
~No loss of interest on account of before maturity penalties on the SDR since
the Customer always gets the applicable rate of interest. For the period the
receipt has run.
Automatic Renewal On maturity, Term deposit (principal and accrued interest) will be
automatically renewed for the original tenure. All the automatic renewals of
“BOI CURRENT DEP ACCOUNT”Would also be carried out at the “end of day
Payment before maturity During the tenure of Term Deposit, if need arises, TDRs can the be paid
before maturity on ‘last- in first- out’ basis without any penalty so as to
ensure that the customer does bear any Interest loss. The latest Term Deposit
would be Swept In to the current account in multiples of Rs.15 lakh in case of
Super CD Plus and in multiples of Rs.75 000/- in case of Cd Plus Account to
meet cheques issued by the Customer if there is insufficient balance in the CD
Account. All the sweep-outs/sweep-ins would be carried out at the “end of
day operations” (EOD).
TDS Applicable to Term Deposit Accouints.
Lien on SuperCD/CD plus The customer can not assign, transfer, charge, pledge or otherwise encumber
Account Super CD/CD Plus account except in favour of the security for any
obligation of the customer.
Free Remitances (DD/PO) 6 Per Quarter upto Rs.50, 000/- per transaction
“Pseudo balance”. The system will always display the total funds at the disposal of a customer
(i.e. free funds in Current Deposit Account + Fixed Deposit Account i.e.
Principal amount only).This would be termed as “pseudo balance”. The
exceptional reports in Current Deposit Accounts having linkage with Current
Deposit Plus Account would be generated after considering the “pseudo
(Reference: Branch Circular No. 104/77 dated 20.09.2010 )

DEPOSITS /02 30.09.2018

This new product is launched on 07.09.2010 in terms of Branch Circular No. 104/72 Dt.08.09.2010., 109/201 dt
The Features of Star Benefit CD Account shall be as under and will be applicable to all the NEW ACCOUNTS
opened on or after 07.09.2009. The Scheme may be modified, withdrawn at any time at the discretion of
the Bank after giving a general notice of one month: -
a. AQB : Rs. 5000/-

b. FREE DD/PSI up to Rs.5.00 lakhs each month: Three
Star Speed Cheque collection : Free TOP
d. Penal Charges on account of non-maintanining of stipulated AQB requirement:
Rs. 600/- + ST per quarter
Other Benefits:
a. ATM (on our own) and internet transactions Unlimited
b. Debit Card for individual and Proprietorship concern accounts Free for frst year. AMC charges from 2nd yr
c. Intersol charges (Remittances between CBS Branches applicable as per prevailing rates.
d. SMS/TELE/Internet Banking Free
e. NEFT/RTGS through Net Banking Free
f. e-Pay of utility bills at select centres Free
g. Star Sandesh Free
h. Minimum Balance charge: Rs. 100/- per month.
All the rules, regulations and guidelines applicable to Current Deposit Accounts will also be applicable
on this product like, LF charges, cheque return charges, stop payment charges etc.
DEPOSITS /03 30.09.2018
The new Current Account Products are designed on the Average Quarterly Balance requirements instead of
Minimum Balance stipulation which is an irritant to the account holder.
Highlights of the new features/value additions which have been introduced and fine tuned to make them
(i) Lower Average Quarterly Balance requirement for Rural & Semi Urban branches (Rs.1000/), Urban Branches
(Rs.2500/) and Metro Branches ( Rs.5000/)
(ii) New Current Accounts can be opened on DAY ONE ITSELF at higher tierised levels like Diamond or Platinum
etc. as requested by the prospective customer.
(iii) No Daily Minimum Balance Stipulation.
(iv) Free Cheque Leaves-Originally once with the opening of account.
(v) Free/Reduced NEFT/RTGS Charges*
(vi) Free or reduced Ledger Folio Charges*
(vii) Free Demand Drafts/Pay Orders*
(viii) Waiver on Processing Charges on Retail Loans*
(ix) Waiver on AMC Charges on Demat Accounts* (only for the First Year)
(x) Free/Reduced Charges on Cash Handling for Cash Deposit*
(xi) Discount on Point of Sale(POS) offer*
(xii) Improved Forex Rates*
Note: (*) Free or reduced charges/discount on various service charges/add on facilities, are applicable for tierised
accounts and are proportionately higher for tierised accounts with higher Average Quarterly Balances.
Key Highlights of the Revamped Current Account Products:-
Banks is currently offering various Current Account Schemes under different Scheme Codes and are identified
accordingly. Out of which following are three main scheme codes constituting more than 98% of Current Deposit
Sr. No. Name of the Product Scheme Code
1 Current Account-General CD-201
2 Current Account-Collection Account CD-209
3 Current Account-Institutional CD-211
Apart from above Bank has been offering value added services to its existing Gold, Diamond and Diamond Plus CD
Accounts maintaining AQB of Rs.50000/ to 2 Lakh,Rs.2 Lakh & up to Rs.5 Lakh and Rs.5 Lakh and above
Bank has introduced 5 more tierised products with attractive additional features, discounts & value added offerings
apart from the existing products namely Gold, Diamond and Diamond Plus Current Accounts. The existing and
newly created variants of Current accounts shall be known as Normal, Silver, Gold, Gold Plus, Diamond, Diamond
Plus, and Platinum & Platinum Plus.


In another scenario(for example), if a customer does not maintain stipulated AQB in the previous two quarters in
sequence then the account shall be downgraded on the basis of AQB maintained in the immediate preceding
quarter, and the account shall be subjected to levy of penalty stipulated.
i. Above specific feature is provided to take care of any unforeseen reason, if the account goes below stipulated
AQB in one quarter. We should not withdraw free attractive features giving fair opportunity to customer to
restore/upgrade the balance in the account in the current quarter so that the benefits could be continued
to the customer concerned.
ii. The Branch Manager, based on the potential of the new account is authorized to open a new account and
Tag it at a higher level of tierised account like Diamond or Platinum on the very first day of its opening.
iii. The branch manager is authorized to tag the account at higher level of tierised account within the
objective of enhancing the balance in the account. In the next quarter the account t would automatically
tierised as per AQB in the last quarter. Such customers desirous of getting their accounts tagged under
higher grade will have to submit their option/request in the format as per Annexure V of the Circular.
iv. If a customer is unwilling to opt for up-gradation on the basis of system driven tierisation, the Branch
v. Manager is authorized to reverse the up gradation of account and will park the account as per the request
of the customer as per undertaking vide Annexure IV of the Circular prior to refund of Penal Charges for
non-maintenance of stipulated minimum AQB.
The Bank will have 8 Variants instead of existing 4 Variants/products hitherto:-

Existing category of Current Accounts and their Revised Categories of Current Accounts and their AQB
AQB (Existing Tier) (Revised Tier)
i. Current Account-General i. Current Account Normal-Below Rs.20000/
ii. Silver-Rs.20000/ to less than Rs.50000/-
ii.Gold-Rs.50000/ but less than Rs.2 Lakh iii.Gold-Rs.50000/ but less than Rs.1 Lakh
iv.Gold Plus-Rs.1 Lakh to Less than Rs.2 Lakh
iii. Diamond-Rs.2 Lakh and above but less than Rs.5 v. Diamond-Rs.2 Lakh and above but less than Rs.5 Lakh
vi. Diamond Plus-Rs.5 Lakh to less than Rs.10 lakh.
vii. Platinum-Rs.10 Lakh to less than Rs.20 Lakh.
viii. Platinum Plus-Rs.20 Lakh and above.
Please see Annexure I & Annexure II of BC NO.107/218 dated 03.03.2014 for detailed features and various
incentives to be extended under different variants/Current account products. Br. Cir. 109/201 dated: 01.02.2016
DEPOSITS /04 30.09.2018
Revamped / Modified Diamond Savings Bank Account(Br. Cir. 111/06 dt 18.04.17)
Platinum SB Account has been discontinued from 17.04.2017. Only one category of HNI i.e. DSA
FEATURES (w.e.f. 17.04.2017)
Average quarterly balance in Savings A/c Rs. 1 lakh and above
Daily minimum balance stipulation No Minimum Balance
DD/Pay Order upto 1 Lakh Free
If account is under Diamond Category from 100% waiver of processing charges
last 6 months from the date of sanction of (this to be done manually)
HL, VL and Personal Loan
NEFT/RTGS through Internet Banking Free
Branch debit Entries in SB accounts Free
SMS Alerts charges NIL
Personalized cheque book Free
Home delivery of Demand Drafts Free
(couriered chargeable)
Statement of Accounts Consolidated of accounts on registered e-mail
Platinum Debit Card issuance & AMC Free & NIL- AMC

(withdrawal Limit Rs. 50,000/- & POS Rs.
1,00,000/- per day)
Credit Card to primary and joint Account Free
holders @
Revalidation/cancellation charges of DD NIL
Stop payment charges NIL
Demat Account Annual Maintenance charge Waived
for 1 st year
Health Checkup Facility # Available at discounted rate under tie-up arangement
Online Income Tax return # Available at discounted rate
Group Personal Accident Insurance Free
Cover(Accidental Death Only) Cover upto
Rs.5 Lakh*
Relationship Manager facility available Yes
*Personal Accidental death Insurance Cover to be extended to the First Account Holder of Age 18
years and it is mandatory to have details of Nominee to extend this facility.Bank reserves the right
to withdraw this facility by giving one month notice on its Website.
#modalities of the said facilities are as per Br. Cir. No. 109/133 dt08.09.2015
@branch should mention ‘Diamond Customer’ on application form
(Head office Br. Cir. No. 101/50/**143/144 of 02.07.07/29.10.2007/29.10.2007 and Circular Letter No. 2007-08/122, 2013-
14/165 of 26.12.2007 & 25.11.2013 respectively.
DEPOSITS /05 30.09.2018
This is a combination of our Term Deposit Scheme and our Savings Bank Scheme with very attractive
Technical Support
The package will take care of entire operations including the complex calculations, Sweep outs/ins,
interest calculations, applications & provision etc.
A separate G/L Head Styled as “BOI Savings Plus” would be opened and would appear under Term
Deposit Head in GLB.
The linked SB A/c will continue to remain in GL Head “Saving Bank”. A separate P/L head styled “Interest
on BOI Savings Plus” would be created to route interest amounts credited in BOI Saving Plus Accounts.
Eligible Accounts
All Savings Bank Account subject to Minimum Balance Criteria of Rs.25,000/- in SB Portion and Rs.
5,000/- in Term Deposit Portion. There is no change in the account opening/approval procedures.
Basic Features of the scheme
a) BOI Savings Plus is a mix of Savings Bank Account and Term Deposit Account.
b) Minimum balance in SB portion is Rs.25,000/- and minimum balance in Term Deposit
Portion is Rs.5,000/-.
c)Any amount in excess of Rs.25, 000/- in the SB portion will be auto swept out into the
SDR or DBD portion in multiples of Rs.5, 000/- on daily basis.
d) In the SDR portion, monies can be invested for any period from 15 days to 179 days, as
per the customer’s choice. In the DBD portion, monies can be invested from 6 months up
to and including 10 years, as per the customer’s choice.
e)Upon maturity, the principal in the SDR/DBD portion would be auto-renewed for an
equal period, while the interest would be credited to the SB portion on the concerned due
date. The same, if not withdrawn can be swept back again into SDR/DBD for a period of the
customer’s choice.
f) In case the balance in the SB portion is short of the required level to meet cheques
presented in the A/c., funds from SB Plus portion will be auto swept in, into the SB portion,
in multiples of Rs. 1,000/- on daily basis. Although this would amount to Payment before
Maturity, no penalty would be charged. The latest SDR/DBD deposit would be closed before
maturity (in multiples of Rs. 1,000/-) to ensure that the customer does not have to bear
higher loss (i.e. LIFO principle to apply).

g) Non-maintenance of minimum balance prescribed in the SB portion, will attract a
penalty of Rs.200/- per quarter.
h) Rate of Interest on the SB portion would be 4.00% p.a., while the Rate of Interest on the
SDR/DBD portion will depend on the tenure for which each deposit is placed, and at the
ruling Interest Rate as on the date the deposit is placed or renewed.
i) TDS norms would apply as per extant rules.
Lien on BOI Savings Plus Accounts The customer may not assign, charge, pledge or totherwise encumber
any BOI SB Plus Deposit except in favour of Bank. Ref:HO B.C No. 95/88 of 16.10.01, 99/105 of
12.04.05 and 100/176 of 29.01.07.
DEPOSITS /06 30.09.2018
Salient Features:

A. No minimum balance / No Ledger Folio / Transactions charges.

B. Free ATM International Debit Card / Free India Card (Charge Card) -Annual Charges applicable from next year
C. Free Internet Banking Facility / Unlimited ATM and Internet Transactions.
D. Free Access to non-BOI ATMs under Cash Tree.
E. Free Statement of Account - Quarterly - from the Branch
F. (No Pass Books to be delivered) Monthly - through e-mail.
G. Free Tele banking/ SMS Banking *
H. Free Personalized Cheque Books (50 leaves in a year)*
I. Free Demat Account (for the first year)*/Facility for Online Trading of Shares*
J. Free cheque pickups/deliveries – once a day
K.TOD Facility – equal to previous month’s net salary @ Personal Loan Rate.#
L. Free Personal Accident Insurance Cover (as per Debit Card & India Card privileges)
M. Free Utility Bills Payment through e-Pay Facility.
N. Waiver of processing charges and/or concession in R/Interest upto 25 basis points for group processing
of Retail Loans of the employees. – ZMs to use their discretion.
# Conditions apply.- For TOD Facility, the employee’s total deductions should not be more than 65% of his total
salary. Branch Managers to use their discretion based on the conduct of the Salary A/c.
i. Salary Accounts may be opened for Firms/ Corporates/ Govt./ Semi-Govt. undertakings having minimum 25
ii. The Institution should open its C/D A/c. with us, wherever possible.
iv. Minimum net salary of any employee not to be less than Rs.10,000/- p.m.
Iv.Salary Accounts may be opened in CBS Branches, so that
Centralized salary database is created and provided to the Salary paying Company/ Govt. Deptt., whenever
required (at a cost).
Simultaneous credit of salary for all the employees in various branches of the Company is possible through
centralized salary payment scheme in the case of companies having branches in more than one city.
Salary paying Company provides salary particulars in a floppy or soft copy, so that credit can be given to
the individual accounts with least work pressure.
The Salary Accounts of the employees of the corporate concerns would be part of the Savings Bank Deposits.
However, in order to track these Accounts and get the necessary MIS and also to provide system -enabled facilities,
the CBS branches would have to open the Salary Accounts under Scheme ‘SB 101’. For this purpose, please note the

“The branches have to select Scheme ‘SB 101’ for opening Star Power Salary Accounts. The User while
opening the Account through OAAC/HOAACSB Menu options has to select ‘101’ in Special Charge Code. In case
the facility is to be extended to an existing account, the User may go through ACM/ HACM Menu options
and visit sub-options 0, and select ‘101’ in Special Charge Code field.

For making the salary payments of the employees and extending certain privileges as per the captioned Scheme,
branches would have to obtain a Memorandum of Understanding (Agreement) from the Employer as per
Annexure B of the Br. Circular NO.100/94 of 07.09.2006.
DEPOSITS /07 30.09.2018
Bank has launched BOI Salary Plus Account scheme vide BC No.104/149 dated 21.02.2011. With an objective of
widening the scope of our salary account scheme, Bank has launched another version of Salary account scheme for
salary earners with net take home salary criteria of Rs.5000/ p.m. and above.
Features of Scheme:-
Eligibility: All employees on regular pay roll Menu Option : OAAC
of any institute ( Central Govt/State Scheme Code will be 165 and special charge code will be:
Govt/PSU/Private Sector) with minimum 10  202 for employees of Central and State
employees and each employee is having Govt./Universities/Colleges affiliated to universities.
minimum take home salary of Rs.5000/ p.m.  203 for employees of Public sector Undertakings and
and above  204 for Employees of private Sector(to be approved by the
Branch Manager)
Minimum Balance NIL
Debit card Free Debit Card to all (with applicable ATM Cash withdrawal limit
of Rs.25000/ per day & Point of Sale uses limit of Rs.25000/ per
Free Platinum Debit Card to employees with minimum take home
salary of Rs.25000/ p.m. or AQB in S/B Account is Rs.1 Lakh (with
ATM cash withdrawal limit of Rs.50000/ per day & Point of Sale
uses Limit of Rs.1 Lakh per day.)
Personal Accidental Death Insurance Cover Rs.1 Lakh.
Internet Banking/Bill Pay/Mobile Free
Banking/Star Sandesh (SMS Alert)
Transaction on ATM Free on all BOI ATMs(5 transactions free per month at Non-BOI
Cheque Leaves 100 payable at par cheque leaves per colander year-Free.
Concession on Processing Charges on Home 50% waived
Loan, Vehicle & personal Loan
Star Share Trade(3 in 1 account) Available, Annual maintenance charges on Demat Account waived
Demat, SB, Online share trading (during First Year)
Demand Drafts/Pay Orders 1 DD/PO free with maximum amount of Rs.50000/ p.m.
Credit Cards Free Gold Credit Card to employees with net salary of Rs.10000/
and above for last 6 months.
Free Gold International Credit Card to employees with net salary of
Rs.25000/ and above for last 6 months.
Except above all the facilities, rules, regulations and guidelines applicable to Savings Bank account are also
applicable on BOI Saral salary accounts.
Ref.HO BC No.106/148 dated 24.12.2012

DEPOSITS /08 30.09.2018

Eligibility:All employees on regular pay roll of Menu Option : OAAC
(A)Para Military forces such as CRPF, BSF, Scheme Code will be 163 and special charge code will be:
ITBP, CISF, NSG, Shashtra Seema BAL,  201 for Para Military Forces
Rashtriya Rifles, Special Frontier Force,  202 for employees of Central and State
Assam rifles etc. Govt./Universities/Colleges affiliated to universities.
(B) Employees of Central Govt/State  203 for employees of Public sector Undertakings and
Govt/Universities/Colleges affiliated to  204 for Employees of private Sector(to be approved by
Universities, the Zonal Manager)
(C) Employees of Public Sector Undertakings.
(D) Employees of Private Sector(Approved by
the Zonal manager)
(Minimum take home salary Rs.10000/
p.m. and above for at least 70% of the
employees whose salary accounts are to
be opened. Deviation in eligibility to be
approved by ZM.
Minimum Balance NIL
ATM Cum Debit card Free Platinum Debit Card to para military,central govt,state
govt & public sectoremployees.Free debit card for pvt sector
employees and free Platinum debit card for employees whose
Net Take Home Salary is minimum Rs.25000/ p.m. or AQB in
S/B Account is Rs.1 Lakh
Personal Accidental Death Insurance Cover Rs.10 Lakh for para military,central govt,state govt & public
sector & 5 lakh for pvt employee.
Internet Banking/Mobile Banking/Star Free
Sandesh/RTGS/NEFT) payment through Internet
Cheque Leaves 100 payable at par cheque leaves per calander year-Free.
Easy Over Draft (On application & undertaking as 4 Times of Net salary
per Annexure II & III respectively, after approval Maximum Rs.2 Lakh
of Manager. Loan plus TOD not to exceed Limit Rate of Interest-4.50% over Base Rate
of Rs.2 Lakh, Option for conversion of Personal
loan for repayment in 60 EMIs.
Interest Concession on Retail Loans such as 0.50% less than usual rate subject to minimum of Base Rate
home Loans, Auto Loans for para military, central govt, state govt & public sector &
0.25% less than usual rate subject to minimum of Base Rate
for pvt sector employee.

Star Share Trade(3 in 1 account) Available

Demat, SB, Online share trading Annual maintenance charges on Demat Account waived
(during First Year)
Demand Drafts/Pay Orders with Maximum 24 DD/PO free per Colander Year
amount of Rs.50000/ per DD(through salary
Credit Cards Free Gold Credit Card to all employees and Free Gold
International Credit Card to employees with net salary of
Rs.25000/ and above
Except above all the facilities, rules, regulations and guidelines applicable to Savings Bank account are also
applicable on BOI Saral salary accounts.
(Ref.HO BC No.106/148 dated 24.12.2012 & 108/199 dated 29.01.2015-Branch to obtain an Undertaking as per
Format in Anneaure-I & II from the Employees and in case of extending OD Facillity, an undertaking to be obtained
as per Annxure III from Employees and Undertaking as per Anneaure IV.)

DEPOSITS /09 30.09.2018

This new product is launched on 7th September, 2010 in terms of Branch Circular No.
104/71 Dt.08.09.201 0.
a. Initial Balance and Average Quarterly Balance Rs.500
b. 50 leaves per year cheque book (as applicable in SB) Free
c. One DD/PSI issuance upto Rs. 25,000/- per month Free
d. Accidental Death Insurance Cover upto Rs. 50,000/- Free
e. AMC Charge on DEMAT account (first financial year) Free
f. ATM-cum- Debit Card Free*
*Annual Service charges to be recovered from the next year
For ‘’Star Suraksha SB Plus “ separate special charge code 103 is to be used for the accounts opened under scheme
code- SB 101 or 103 and 111( minors, Diamond SB accounts and NRI are not covered under Star Suraksha SB Plus
Account scheme). Other facilities which are available for all savings bank customers will also be applicable to these
accounts like:
a. Transactions (on our own ATM and internet) Unlimited
b. Remittances between CBS Branches- Applicable for all accounts between A/cs with different

Customer ID- Free.

SMS/TELE/Internet Banking Free
Pay of utility bills at selected centres- Free
All the rules, regulation and guidelines applicable to Savings Bank Accounts will also be applicable on this product
like Rate of Interest, minimum balance charges etc. The scheme will continue for a period of two years and shall be
reviewed after expiry of the period. Only New SB Accounts opened in the name of individual excluding accounts in
the name of minor, NRI and Diamond account holders will be covered under this scheme.

DEPOSITS /10 30.09.2018

Target Group Citizens who have completed 57 years of age and Senior Citizens who are drawing
pension from other Banks.
Eligibility Single or in joint names. The first account holder must belong to the target group.
AQB Criteria Average Quarterly Balance (AQB) of Rs. 10000/- AQB shall be calculated for AMJ, JAS,
OND and JFM quarters. (For example AMJ stands for April, May, and June).
Opening of No Daily Minimum Balance Requirement. However customer has to maintain Average
Account/Minimum Quarterly Balance (AQB) of Rs.10000/- or above therefore AQB Clause to apply.
Daily Balance
Charges for Non- No Penalty for Non Maintaining Daily Minimum Balance. In case of Non Maintenance
Maintenance of of AQB of Rs.10000/- Penalty will be levied.
Minimum Balance /AQB

Charges for excess debit Up to 10 Customer induced debit entries in a month : FREE
entries in SB Beyond 10 debit entries: FREE
A/c,ATM/Internet (Presently Normal Savings Account is charged with Rs. 10/- per entry for entries in
Transactions not to be excess of 10 debit entries.)
Personalized 50 Leaves (Free)
ChequeBooks per
calendar year
Issuance of DD/Pay Slips 6 DD/Pay Slips Per Quarter Free if AQB in the preceding quarter is maintained at
Rs.10000/- and Above else DD charges would be applicable.
Global Dr cum ATM Free Global Debit cum ATM Card-NIL Annual Charges from next year.

Demat Account Waiver of AMC Charges on Demat A/Cs (For First Financial Year only)
Group Personal Group Personal Accidental death insurance cover of Rs. 5 lakhs on the Debit Card,
Accidental Death which shall be activated by single POS Swipe. This Clause applies to every financial
Insurance Cover year.
The facility of Group Personal Accidental death Insurance Cover of Rs.5 lakhs will be
extended by the Bank to the Account holders of this Scheme and the cost of premium
will be borne by the Bank.
Special Privileges Note: Bank
Discount holdsCheckup
Health the rightthrough
to withdraw this facility at its discretion in the subsequent
year. facility would be offered to all account holders and their family members under
tie-up Arrangement with service provider Jainam Wellness Limited (JWL).
Missed Call on 08422994036
SMS –The Customer can send a Send A SME<Name> <Pincode> to08422994036,
And will receive a call for fixing up of appointment, Online Mode-Fixing of Appointment-
The customer can visit the Website form for on line fixing up of
appointments. In case any further clarification/feedback/grievances the case may be
escalated to the following mail ids-
iv.As per HO Circular letter no-2015-16/48 Dated 29-06-2015 (Marketing
The service provider. Jainam Wellness Limited (JWL)Managing a network of 4500+
Pathology labs/test centers across India. The customer can fix up an appointment with
service provider through designated toll free number-1800224790 to the nearest
located pathology Lab/test centers and get medical checkup/test at discounted rate for
himself/herself or for his/her Family members. The rates vary from lab to lab and city to
Get attended on priority at all our Branches enabled with Queue Management System.
Other Features & •Identify
No Ledgeryourself
a Senior• Citizen and you
Free Internet will beFacility.
banking moved up the queue. In Branches
Incentives where
• Free Funds Transfer through Internet Banking.
•QMS is not installed;
Unlimited customers
Internet and can get in touch
ATM Transactions at BOIwith Branch Head for availing priority
Free SMS and Telebanking • Free Utility Bill Payment facility through E-pay.
Free NEFT/RTGS manager for AQB
through > Rs.Banking
Internet 1.00 lakhfor(Diamond Customers)
single transaction.
Missed will
Call be privileged
Alert Facility•toBOI-
avail exclusive
National servicesBeema
Swasthya of Relationship Manger if
Policy, floater
AQB of
mediclaim policy of NICL available at low premium.
Rs. 1.00
(Ref: HOlakh and above
BC 107/106 is maintained.Discount
dated 13.09.2013 ) on Pilgrimage & Travel trips through
Partners. (Under Negotiation) The above TOP
Facility is proposed to be
DEPOSITS /11 added in the product
30.09.2018 at a later date upon finalization of the
same with various service providers.
Scheme Code-SB-167
Scheme launched on the occasion of 108 th Foundation day of the Bank vide Ho BC No. 107/107 dated
13.09.2013 to cater to the banking and financial needs of women especially working women.
Target Group Women in the age group of 18 years and above
-including salaried employees (Govt./PSU/Private Sector/MNC etc.)
-Self Employed Professionals like Doctors, Entrepreneurs etc.
-Women with independent source of regular income like rentals etc.
Single or in joint names. The first account holder must belong to the target group.
AQB Criteria Average Quarterly Balance (AQB) of Rs.5000/-
AQB shall be calculated for AMJ, JAS, OND and JFM quarters.
(For example AMJ stands for April, May, June)

Opening of Account/ No Daily Minimum Balance Requirement.
Minimum Daily However customer has to maintain Average Quarterly Balance (AQB) of
Balance Rs.5000/- or above therefore AQB Clause to apply.
Charges for Non- No Penalty for Non Maintaining Daily Minimum Balance. In case of Non
Maintenance of Maintenance of AQB of Rs.5000/- Penalty will be levied as under-
M inimum Balance SB a/c with cheque book facility: Rs 100/- per Quarter at all centers.
/AQB SB Account without cheque book facility: Rs 60/- per Quarter at all centers.
Charges for excess Up to 10 Customer induced debit entries in a month : FREE
debit entries in Savings Beyond 10 debit entries: FREE
Bank account (Presently Normal Savings Account is charged with Rs.10/- per entry forentries in
ATM/Internet excess of 10 debit entries.)
Transactions not to be
Personalized Cheque 50 Leaves (Free)
Books per calendaryear
Issuance of DD/PaySlips 6 DD/Pay Slips Per Quarter Free if AQB in the preceding quarter is
maintained at Rs. 10000/- and above else DD charges would be applicable.
Global Debit cum ATM Card Free Global Debit cum ATM Card-NIL Annual Charges from next year.
Demat Account Annual
Waiver of AMC Charges on Demat A/Cs (For First Financial Year only)
Maintenance charges
Easy Overdraft Facility Only for salary account holders of Government organizations /private
Organizations including Multinational Companies wherein our Bank is engaged
for salary disbursement and consent of the employer is extended
to the Bank:-
The account holder may be provided with an overdraft facility for maximum
amount equal to one month salary credited to the SB account in the last month
(Net credit to SB account in the last month). The Rate of Interest on overdraft is
proposed to be 3% over Base rate. In addition to Application cum undertaking,
Branch will obtain Clean OD/loan documents for the amount of overdraft
approved by the Branch equal to one month salary amount. No Processing
Charges will be recovered for overdraft.
Terms & Conditions:-
(1) The above facility shall be extended only to permanent employees of
Govt. Organizations/Pvt. Organizations including Multinational companies where
our Bank is engaged for salary disbursement. (2)Undertaking to be obtained from
employer not to shift Salary Account or pay Terminal Dues without NOC from
the Bank. (3)Cross Guarantee can be taken as additional Safety Measure. (4)Net
take Home Income should not be less than 40% of Gross Income.
Group Personal Group Personal Accidental death insurance cover of Rs. 5 lakhs on the
Accidental Death Debit Card, which shall be activated by single POS Swipe. This Clause
Insurance Cover applies to every financial year.
The facility of Group Personal Accidental death Insurance Cover of Rs.5
Lacs will be extended by the Bank to the Account holders of this Scheme
and the cost of premium will be borne by the Bank.
Note: Bank holds the right to withdraw this facility at its discretion in
the subsequent year.

Special Privileges Discount Health Checkup through Partnerships.
Special Privileges Discount Health Checkup through Partnerships.
Above facility would be offered to all account holders and their family members
under tie-up Arrangement with service provider Jainam Wellness Limited (JWL).
Missed Call on 08422994036 SMS –The Customer can send a Send A SME<Name>
<Pincode> to08422994036, And will receive a call for fixing up of appointment,
Online Mode-Fixing of Appointment-The customer can visit the Website form for on line fixing up of appointments.
In case any further clarification/feedback/grievances the case may be escalated to
the following mail ids-
iv.As per HO Circular letter no-2015-16/48 Dated 29-06-2015 (Marketing
The service provider. Jainam Wellness Limited(JWL)Managing a network of 4500+
Pathology labs/test centers across India. The customer can fix up an appointment
with service.provider through designated toll free number-1800224790 to the
nearest located pathology.
Lab/test centers and get medical checkup/test at discounted rate for himself/herself
or for
his/her Family members.. The rates vary from lab to lab and city to city.
The rates vary
From lab to lab and city to city.
Please note that Customer must carry Passbook and it should be shown at
the patalogy lab/test centers for identification purpose.
Relationship manager for AQB > Rs. 1.00 lakh (Diamond Customers)
The customer will be privileged to avail exclusive services of
Relationship Manger if AQB of Rs. 1.00 lakh and above is maintained.
Discount on Pilgrimage & Travel trips through Partners. (Under
Negotiation) The above facility is proposed to be added in the product at
a later date upon finalization of the same with various service providers.

Other Features & • No Ledger Folio Charges.

Incentives • Free Internet banking Facility.
• Free Funds Transfer through Internet Banking.
• Unlimited Internet and ATM Transactions at BOI ATMs.
• Free SMS and Telebanking.
• Free Utility Bill Payment facility through E-pay.
• Free NEFT/ RTGS through Internet Banking for single transaction.
• Free Missed Call Alert Facility.
• BOI- National Swasthya Beema Policy, floater mediclaim
Policy of NICL available at low premium.

Ref: HO BC 107/107 dated 13.09.2013 .


DEPOSITS /12 30.09.2018
Scheme Code-SB-163 & Special charge Code-GURU
Eligibility All permanent teaching and Non-Teaching staff of school/colleges
/universities and all educational institutions are eligible to open account under the
scheme provided minimum 10 employees of the institution having minimum take home
salary of Rs.5000/ p.m. and above to join the scheme, and the institutions agree to pay the
salary through the Bank with an Agreement to sign Letter of Undertaking(to be obtained
from employer). Deviation in eligibility criteria to be approved by ZM only.
Note: For opening of accounts under the scheme, Menu option is OAAC and Scheme Code
will be ‘163’ and Special Charge Code will be “GURU”.
M inimum Daily
No minimum balance requirement/Zero Balance Account.
Charges for excess Up to 10 Customer Induced debit entries in a month : FREE
debit entries in S/B Beyond 10 debit entries: Rs.10/ per entry.
Account (ATM/Internet transactions not to be reckoned)
Personalised Cheque 50 Leaves (Free)
books per calendar
Issuance of DD/Pay Free 24 DD/PSI of Max. Rs.50000/ each in a calendar year.
Global Debit cum
ATM Card Free global Debit cum ATM Card to all-NIL Annual Charges from next year.
Free Platinum Card for higher salary earners (Annual charges applicable from next year)

NEFT/RTGS Free. (Through Net Banking).

Concession on Loans 0.25% concession in ROI on Home Loan and Auto Loan subject to minimum Base Rate.

Credit Card Free Gold Credit Card to employees whose net salary is Rs.10000/ and above for last 6
months. Free Gold International Card to employees whose net salary is Rs.25000/ and above
for last 6 months.
Available; Waiver of AMC Charges on Demat (For the first Financial Year only).
Star Share Trade
(3 in 1 account)
Demat SB,
Online Share Trading

Easy Overdraft O/D Facility in account available for maximum amount of Rs. 200000/ or net salary for last
Facility four months, whichever is lower as per Terms & Conditions.
Branches will appraise the application cum undertaking received from applicant on a
prescribed format and limit will be marked in the system after approval of the limit.
Rate of Interest on O/D facility- 3% over the Base Rate.
Documentation- Application as per Annexure – I and Undertaking as per Annexure- II to
HO BC 107/108 dated 13.09.20 13 to be obtained from the account holder.
Branches to obtain security documents as applicable for Clean O/D Facility for an amount
equal to Net salary for last four months.
Processing Charges-NIL.
Terms & Conditions:- (1) O/D facility to be extended to Permanent Employees of Govt. and
Quasi-Govt., Educational Institutes however the facility may be extended to permanent
employees of Private institutes as per the discretion of Zonal Manager.
(2) Undertaking to be obtained from the employer not to shift the salary account or pay
Terminal Dues without NOC from the Bank.
(3) Cross Guarantee can be taken as an additional safety measure.
(4) Net Take Home Pay/Income should not be less than 40% of Gross Income.

Group Personal Group Personal Accidental Death Insurance Cover of Rs.5 lakhs on the Debit Card, which
Accidental Death shall be activated by single POS Swipe. This Clause applies to every financial year.
Insurance Cover The facility of Group Personal Accidental death Insurance Cover of Rs.5 lakhs will be
extended by the Bank to the Account holders of this Scheme and the cost of premium will
be borne by the Bank.
Note: Bank holds the right to withdraw this facility at its discretion in the subsequent year.
Other Facilities and • No Ledger Fol io Charges.
Incentives • Free Internet banking Facility.
• Free Funds Transfer through Internet Banking.
• Unlimited Internet and ATM Transactions at BOI ATMs.
• Free SMS and Telebanking.
• Free Utility Bill Payment facility through E-pay.
• Free NEFT/RTGS through Internet Banking for single transaction.
• Free Missed Call Alert Facility.
• BOI-NationalSwasthya Beema Policy, floater mediclaim policy of NICL available at low
Please note that correct scheme code and special charge code must be put while opening the account in
respective category for identification of accounts and their category and also f or extension of benefits to the
depositors.Ref: HO BC 107/108 dated 13.09.2013.)
DEPOSITS /13 30.09.2018 TOP
(i)Minor accounts For Age Group 10 years and above & below 18 years:-
Self Operated Minor accounts
Target Group Students
AQB(Average NIL
For KYC As per extant guidelines of KYC/AML/CFT Policy
Operational Minors in age group of 10 to less than 18 years can operate the account independently.
Transaction Limit Total Debit of Rs.2, 00, 000/- will be allowed every financial year.
Bingo Card  Bingo card will be issued to all account holders without any OD facility.
(Debit-cum-ATM  Nil Issuance & maintenance charges for the first year.
Card)  Rs.100/- will be charged as maintenance charges from the 2nd year.
Internet Banking Cap for online transaction amount will be Rs.25, 000/- maximum per instance per day, subject
to overall limit of Rs.2, 00, 000/- for every financial year.
Mobile Banking The account holders can transfer their fund up to Rs.5000/- per day to any IMPS member
Bank via plain SMS without encryption and up to Rs.25000/- through Java Application (for java
enabled mobiles) via end to end encryption.
Cheque book One cheque book of 25 leaves will be provided with transactional limits as specified above in
facility the self operated minor account. However maximum 50 leaves per annum free.
Incentive for  For debit card usage in our ATM
using alternate 1 reward point per Rs.1000/- subject to first 5 transactions every month.
delivery  Incentive for using Mobile Banking. BTM and IMPS
channels -20 reward points per transaction subject to maximum 10 transactions every month
apart from third party transfer within BOI and transfer within same customer ID.
* For opening fixed deposit account, recurring deposit account, PPF
account online
-20 reward points per account opened online.
* Incentive for using internet banking services
-20 reward points per transaction subject to maximum 10 transactions
for utility bill
Payment and transfer through NEFT/RTGS. Not eligible in case of third
party transfer

Within BOI and within same customer ID
Special privileges Discount Health Checkup through Partnerships.
Above facility would be offered to all account holders and their family members under tie-up
Arrangement with service provider Jainam Wellness Limited (JWL).
Missed Call on 08422994036
SMS –The Customer can send a Send A SME<Name> <Pincode> to08422994036,
And will receive a call for fixing up of appointment,
Online Mode-Fixing of Appointment-The customer can visit the
Website form for on line fixing up of appointments.
In case any further clarification/feedback/grievances the case may be escalated to the
following mail ids- i)
As per HO Circular letter no-2015-16/48 Dated 29-06-2015 (Marketing Department)
The service provider. Jainam Wellness Limited(JWL)Managing a network of 4500+
Pathology labs/test centers across India. The customer can fix up an appointment with service
provider through designated toll free number-1800224790 to the nearest located pathology
Lab/test centers and get medical checkup/test at discounted rate for himself/herself or for
his/her Family members.. The rates vary from lab to lab and city to city.
Other incentives  Free Internet Banking facility.
 Free NEFT/RTGS through Inter Net Banking.
 Mobile banking through BOI BTM.
 Free utility Bill Payment Facility through E-Pay.
 BOI National Swasthya Bima Policy of NICL at competitive rates of premium.
Special feature  In BOI Star Yuva account with natural parent/guardian, account will be opened in the
name of minor with transactional pin of Debit Card , Pass word of Internet Banking
and Mobile Banking will be provided to minor only for operations in the account.
Transaction limit  Transactional cap will be the same as for self-operated minor accounts.
Oper.  Operational instructions will be as per customer’s request.
Others  For any other requirement customer can open Minor account in Scheme code 101 as per
extant guideline of the Bank provided in Manual of Instructions under deposit section.
Ref: BC No.108/122 dated 22.09.2014
DEPOSITS /14 30.09.2018
(i) For Age Group 18 years and above & upto 35 years
Eligibility  Individuals- age group of 18-35 years.
Target Group Students, Professionals with and without dependents.
AQB  For students up to 21 years :- NIL
Average  For age group of 21-35 years: - Rs.5000/- in Metro/Urban Branches.
Quarterly  Rs.2500/- in Semi-Urban/Rural branches.
Charges for non-  For students up to 21 years:- NIL
maintainance of  Age group of 21-35 years:- penalty will be levied for non-maintenance of AQB
AQB as follows:-
(i) S/B account with cheque book facility: - Rs.100/- per quarter at all
(ii) S/B account without cheque book: - Rs.60/- per quarter at all centers.
Bingo card  Bingo card will be issued to all account holders in the age group of 18 to 25
(debit-cum-ATM years.
card)  OD facility will be provided as per extant guidelines in terms of BC
No.104/091dated 03.11.2010.
 Nil maintenance charges for the first year, applicable charges from the second

year onward.
Debit-cum-ATM  Upon completion of 25 years, customer can avail any variant of Debit-cum-
Card ATM Card like Rupay/Master/Visa debit Card etc.
 Nil issuance & maintenance charges for the first year, annual maintenance
charges from the 2nd year onward as per applicable rates.
Incentives for  For debit card usage in our ATM 1 reward point per Rs.1000/- subject to first 5
using alternate transactions every month.
delivery channels  Incentive for using Mobile Banking. BTM and IMPS
-20 reward points per transaction subject to maximum 10 transactions every month apart
from third party transfer within BOI and transfer within same customer ID.
* For opening fixed deposit account, recurring deposit account, PPF account
-20 reward points per account opened online.
* Incentive for using internet banking services
-20 reward points per transaction subject to maximum 10 transactions for utility bill
Payment and transfer through NEFT/RTGS. Not eligible in case of third party transfer Within
BOI and within same customer ID
Personal Type of Clean/Unsecured Secured loan
loan(Other than Borrower
for students) Salaried 10 Times of Net emoluments , 20 Times of Gross Emoluments,
Employees Maximum Rs.2 lakhs maximum Rs.10 lakhs
Professionals & 50% of Gross annual income as 100% of Gross Average Annual
Self Employed per last ITR, Maximum Rs.2 lakhs. income as per last 3 ITRs,
maximum Rs.10 lakhs.
Repayment: - Convenient EMIs of 36 to 60 months. BC No.108/10 dated 01.04.2014.
Other Loans  The Scheme provides Overdraft facility upto Rs.1 Lakh for permanent employees of
Central/State Governments/Reputed Corporates/PSU etc. Overdraft facility is
available to earning professionals: 50% of their last 3 months net salary.
 Personal Loan for expences on marriage, consumer durables and other eligible
purposes under BOI Star Personal loan Scheme in terms of BC no.108/10 dated
 Holiday loan: Salaried and Professional and self Employed account holders can avail
unsecured loan of Rs.2 lakh and Secured Loan of Rs.5 Lakh to meet their expences.
Loan under this scheme is repayable in 24/36 EMIs. All terms as per BC 108/12 dated
 Vocational studies Loan: This loan is for skill development courses from 2 monyhs to 3
years. Quantum of loan starts from Rs.20, 000/- to Rs.1, 50,000/- depending on
duration of course. All terms as per BC No.108/09 dated 01.04.2014
 Educational Loan: The product provides an access to various educational loan schemes
of the Bank. If a student builds up the margin amount by way of Recurring Deposit or
Fixed Deposit Account for a period not less than 1 year, he will be eligible for
concession in rate of interest by 25 bps, subject to minimum of Base rate. The
eligibility for Educational loan will be subject to terms and conditions as per BC
No.108/07 dated 01.04.2014.
SUD life Group For a Policy with sum assured of Rs.1 Lakh, First year pro rata insurance premium of Rs.125/-
Term insurance plus service tax is waived by the Bank. Consumers desirous of availing this facility will have to
Cover fill up the prescribed format which should be submitted with the Branch. If the consumer is
desirous of availing higher sum assured (more than rs.1 Lakh), he will have to pay additional
Special privileges  Free personal Accidental death insurance cover of Rs.50, 0000/- for age group of 18 to
21 years and cover will be of rs.5, 00, 000/- after 21 years of age to be activated by
single POS Swipe for renewal of facility for every financial year.
 Discounted health checkup through partnerships:- This facility will be offered to all
account holders and their family members under tie-up arrangement with service
provider Health India Medical services Pvt.Ltd. toll free Number: 1800-22-6062

 Free E-Mail statement every quarter by default subject to furnishing E-mail ID while
opening the account (option to provide pas s book as per request of customer.)
 Exclusive and special tie up for merchant offers both online and offline.
Other incentives  Free internet banking facility.
 Free NEFT/RTGS through Inter Net Banking.
 Mobile banking through BOI BTM.
 Free utility Bill Payment Facility through E-Pay.
BOI National Swasthya Bima Policy of NICL at a competitive rates of premium.
Demat account  Waiver of annual maintenance charges on Demat account (for the first financial year)
for the customers above 21 years of age.
Internet banking  Normal cap as applicable to all other customers.
Mobile Banking  Fund transfer allowed.
Ref: BC No.108/122 dated 22.09.2014
DEPOSITS /15 30.09.2018
Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS)-2004
Eligibility Account can be opened by an individual-
(Age Criteria) a) Who has attained the age of 60 years and above on the date of opening of account.
b) Who has attained the age of 55 years or more but less than 60 years and has retired
under a Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) or under Special Retirement Scheme
on the date of opening of account within 3 months from the date of retirement.
c) No age limit for the retired personnel of Defence Services provided they have fulfilled
other specified conditions.
Joint account  Account can be opened jointly with spouse.
Ineligible Cases  Non-Resident Indians and HUF are not eligible to open the account under the
Amount of Deposit  Minimum Rs.1000/-, Maximum Rs.15, 00, 000/-
 The individual can open one or more account(s) in the multiples of Rs.1000/- subject
to a maximum of Rs.15, 00, 000/-
Tenure of deposit 5 years which can be extended by 3 years
Rate of Interest 8.30% per annum, quarterly compounded w.e.f. 01.07.2017. Interest to be automatically
credited to Savings Account of the depositor.
Tax Interest on deposits under the scheme is taxable and TDS to be deducted as per norms.
Premature Closure Premature closure of account is permissible after one year of opening, but with penalty:-
a) Account is closed after 1 year but before 2 years- deduction of 1.50% of deposit
b) After 2 years of deposit but before maturity of account-1% of deposit.
Payment in case of In case of death before maturity, the account will be closed and deposit will be refunded to
Death of Depositor the claimant without any penalty.
Transferability Not Transferable, transfer from one office to another is permissible.
Tradability Not tradable
Nomination facility Available
Turnover Receipt in Physical mode- Rs.50/- per transaction
Commission Payment per Rs.100/- turnover @5.50 paise.
payable to Bank
Lab/test centers and get medical checkup/test at discounted rate for himself/herself or for his/her Family
members.. The rates vary from lab to lab and city to city. Ref: Circular letter No. 2014-15/63 dated 19.07.2014
DEPOSITS /16 30.09.2018
Parameters Features
Availability of At all our Domestic Branches.
Eligibility Individuals & Joint accounts (including Minors)
Nomination Available
Minimum amount Minimum amount of Core Monthly Installment:

of Core Monthly  Rs.500/- and in its multiples at Metro and Urban branches.
Installments  Rs.100/- and in its multiples at Rural and Semi-Urban branches.
 No upper limit for Core monthly Installments
Flexi Installments  Any amount in the multiples of Core Monthly installments initially opted at the time
of opening of account.
 Maximum amount of Flexi Installment can be any number of times of Core Monthly
Period  Minimum : 12 months
 Maximum: 10 years (in multiples of 3 months)
Interest rate on i) Core Installments (Fixed rate) - As applicable for the period for which account has been
Core & Flexi opened.
Installments ii)Flexi Installments- As applicable for the period of RD remains with the Bank i.e. from the
date of deposit of each flexi installment till maturity of RD account.
Penalty As per applicable rules for delay/ non-receipt of Core Installment.
Present Penalty Rules are:-
 Rs.1.50 per Rs.100/ p.m. for deposit for 5 years or less.
 Rs.2.00 per Rs.100/ for the deposit for over 5 years.
Maturity Value Maturity value will be calculated by the System, depending on the amount of Flexi
Installments. No fixed maturity value.
Loan, OD & Permitted as per existing rules.
Other Terms and  As applicable to existing RD Scheme.
Conditions  No advance core installments. Amount deposited in excess of core installment will be
considered as flexi installment for that month provided that core installment is paid
in the multiples of amount required.
 Standing Instructions will be accepted only for Core Installments.
 Core installments will be fixed at the time of opening of account and can not be
allowed to vary subsequently.
 Core installments will have to be paid every month to avoid penalty.
 Flexi Installments will be deposited in the multiples of Core Installments chosen at
time of opening of account and would be deposited once in a month.
 There will be one maturity date for care and flexi installments.
 Core and Flexi Installments need not be deposited together, they can be deposited at
different dates in the same month.
 No pass book will be issued for Flexi RD account. Only System generated Statements
will be issued to the customers.
 No Flexi installment will be accepted in the last month of R/D account. If RD account is
opened for 36 months, Flexi installments can be deposited from 1st to 35th month.
 No auto-renewal of maturity proceeds permitted. Instead the proceeds will be
credited to SB account, if no other instructions are received from the customer. For
this purpose, an operative SB or CD account may be opened for the customer while
opening the Flexi RD Account.
 In case any core installments are in arrears, extra amount deposited subsequently
would first go to core installment. Previously paid flexi installment can not be
adjusted towards future core installments.
 In case of pre-mature closure of Flexi RD account within 3 months of opening, no
interest would be payable on core and flexi installments. If the account is closed
after 3 months but before maturity, normal rules will apply for pre-mature closure.
( Compound Interest for the completed quarters and simple interest for the last
broken quarter at the rate applicable for the period of deposit.
Ref: BC No.108/125 dated 24.09.2014.

DEPOSITS /17 30.09.2018
Eligibility Individuals& HUF having PAN numbers. Individuals will include NRIs also, subject to
having PAN number in India.
Min. deposit Rs.10000/-
Max. deposit Rs. 150000/- ( in a financial year)
Type of deposit FDR/ MIC/ QIC/ DBD, For NRIs the TDRs will be in NRO Category only.
Tenure Min. 5 years, Max. up to & including 10 years.
Rate of interest As applicable to Normal TDRs -0.5% extra for senior citizen, 1% extra For staff
Premature Not permitted up to 5 years.
Advance facility Not available for a period of 5 years from the date of deposit.
Applicability All branches in India.
Nomination Fac Available.
Other benefits Tax Exemption u/s 80 C of the Income Tax Act.
Other terms & In the case of joint accounts, only the first name of depositor
conditions Will be eligible for deduction u/s 80c of Income Tax Act.
No nomination shall be made in respect of a term deposit
applied for and held by or on behalf of a minor.
The term deposit shall not be pledged to secure a loan or as
Security to any other advance.
TDS norms will apply as per rules. In the Accounts of NRIs
TDS norms will be as applicable to NRO Deposits
The TDR receipt shall bear the name address and PAN number of the assessee
with remarks” issued under Star Sunidhi Tax Saving Deposit Scheme”.
In case the depositor dies and a nomination is in force, the
nominee can encash the deposit at any time, before or after the date of
maturity, alongwith proof of death of the depositor.
Under the scheme, amount can be deposited in instalments
Subject to maximum Rs. 1 lakh during a financial year.
The Scheme Codes for Star Sunidhi NRO Accounts in CBS
Branches are TD-560, TD- 539 and TD-529 for DBD-NRO , QIC-NRO and MIC-
NRO respectively.
(Ref. HOBC 100/90 DATED 1.09. 2006 and 100/175 of 27.01.07)
DEPOSITS /18 30.09.2018
(BC no-109/40 dated 11/05/2015)
Depositor: For this scheme, the depositor is an individual on behalf of a minor girl child.
One girl one Account: Depositor cannot open multiple or more than one account in the name of a Girl child.
Can be opened for Maximum two girls: Natural or legal guardian of a child allowed opening one account each for
two girl children’s.
Account opening for third girl: Under this scheme natural or legal guardian of the girl child shall be allowed to
open third account in the event of birth twin girls as second birth of if the first birth itself results into three girl
children, or production of a certificate to this effect from the competent medical authorities where the birth of
such twin or triple girl children takes place.
Age Restriction for Opening of Account: The account may be opened by the natural or legal guardian in the name
of a girl child till she attains the age of ten years and any girl child, who had attained the age of ten years ,one year
prior to the commencement of these rules shall also be eligible for opening of account under these rules. Scheme is
been commenced from 02.12.2014.
Document to Open the Account: Birth certificate of a girl in whose name the account is opened shall be submitted
by the guardian at the time of opening of the account.
No fixed Rate of Interest : as per GoI guidelines.

Maximum and Minimum Deposit: The account may be opened with an initial deposit One thousand rupees and
not exceed one lakh fifty thousand rupees in a financial year.
Term Period: Deposit can be made till completion of 14 years from the date of opening of the account .The
maturity of the account is 21 years from the date of opening of account.
Regularisation of Irregular account : If in any account minimum deposit of 1000 Rs in a year has not been
deposited than such irregular account may be regularize on payment of a penalty of 50 Rs. Per year.
Operation of Account : The account shall be opened and operated by the natural or legal guardian of a girl till the
age of 10 years , after attaining 10 years operated upon herself .
Pre-mature closure: In the death of account holder account shall be closed immediately and pay the amount with
interest to the guardian.
Passbook: Can be issued.
Transferable : this account will be transferable.
Pre-mature withdrawal: to meet the financial requirement of the girl after attaining the age of 18 years.
Tax benefit: The amount deposited towards Sukanya Samridhi Account under the section 80C of income tax act,
1961 upto 1.5 lakhs as notified by Notification No.09/2015 Dated 21/01/2015.Amount deposited in the account
will be counted in overall limits of 1.50 lakhs under section 80C . Interest earned in this scheme is taxable but the
maturity amount is exempt. TOP

DEPOSITS /19 30.09.2018

BOI RAKSHAK SALARY Scheme: Ref: Br. Cir. 111/171 dated 17.01.2018
Sr Particulars Scheme cde SB163 with special charge code ‘RAKSA’
1 Eligibility and Target Group All existing permanent employees of the Central Police
Organizations( other than Central Para Military Forces) Civil Police
homeguards, Traffic Police and Reserve Police of all States , Police
Forces of The Union Territories ( Under The Control Of The Central
Government). Railway Protection Force( RPF) ( under the Ministry of
railways, Central Government) and Government Railway
Police(GRP)- (part of State Police Force) drawing a monthly salary
will be eligible to open a salary account under this scheme.
2 Minimum Balance Requirement NIL ( The Account can be opened with Zero Balance)
3 Group Personal Accidental The facility of Group Personal Accident Death Insurance
Death Insurance Cover(PAI) Cover, Permanent Total Disability Cover and Permanent
Partial Disability Cover will be extended by the Bank to the
Permanent Total Disability Permanent Account holders of this scheme and the cost
(PTD) of premium will be borne by the Bank. It will also include Air
Insurance Cover.
Permanent Partial Disability Quantum of Cover
(PPD) Where Average Quarterly PAI/PTD PPD
(Group Insurance Policy taken Balance (AQB) in the Account in
at HO and premium is borne immediate previous Quarter was
by H. O centrally) Above Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 30 Lac Rs. 15 Lac
Below Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 20 Lac Rs. 10 Lac

PTD: Loss of Two limbs or two eyes, or one limb and one eye
.Any other Permanent Total disablement from Injuries other
than those named above
PPD: Loss of one limb or one eye

The Policy does not cover death, injury or

disablement resulting from:
• Services on duty with any armed force
• Intentional self-injury, suicide or attempted
insanity , venereal diseases or the
influence of intoxicating drugs.
• Medical or Surgical treatment
• Aviation other than as a passenger (fare-
paying or otherwise) in any license standard type of
aircraft anywhere in the world.
• Nuclear radiation or nuclear weapons materials .
•War & war like operation, act of foreign enemy, civil
war and similar risk.
•Child birth, pregnancy or other physical cause
peculiar to the female sex.
•Whilst committing any breach of law with criminal
Note: The Cover is Subject to settlement of Claim by the
Insurance Company without any Liability to the Bank. The
rights and liabilities of the insured shall be with the Insurance
Company. It is clarified that Insurance Contracts or any of its
terms shall not be binding on the Bank and the Bank takes no
responsibility to either the Insurance Company or the Insured.
Bank holds the right to withdraw the facility at its discretion in
any subsequent year. A prior notice shall be given to all
account holders covered in the scheme.
The Insurance Cover Benefits are over and above their own
Organization’s Group Insurance Scheme.
4 Personal Loan Facility The Account holder may be provided with a Clean Loan
facility for maximum amount equal to 5,00,000/- or 10 times
of net take home salary whichever is lower.

The Rate of interest, Sanction Delegation Power,

Documentation and other guidelines as per prevailing terms
and conditions of Star Personal Loan Scheme.
5 Temporary Overdraft Facility •The maximum amount of Temporary overdraft
facility would be equal to 2 month of net take
home Salary/ (net credit to SB A/c last month) or Rs.
1 Lakh, whichever is lower.
•The delegation to extend Temporary Overdraft in
aforesaid shall be as applicable to Clean/Unsecured in
Personal Loan Scheme.
•All other guidelines as applicable from time to time to
Temporary Overdraft facility shall be applicable for
extending Overdraft facility to these eligible customers.
6 Global Debit Cum ATM Card Free global Debit cum ATM Card to all Account Holders.
AMC Charges as Applicable.

7 Internet Banking Free

8 Star Sandesh Free
9 RTGS/NEFT payment through Free of Cost in Home Branch/Internet Banking inter-sol charges will
Branches/ Internet Banking be recovered as applicable

Cheque Leaves:

10 (All cheques are payable at 25 Cheque Leaves free annually

all our branches in
clearing)- Our cheques
serves the purpose of Multi
city cheques with no extra
cost to the
11 PassBook/Statement Both are available free of cost in home branch. If it is demanded
(Monthly) from other home branch then inter-sol charges be recovered as
12 Demand Drafts/Pay orders: Free – Demand Draft/Pay Orders at Par (amount up to Rs. 50,000/-
Number of free drafts one per year)
with max. amount of
Rs.50,000/- per draft
(through salary
account) for genuine

Credit Card •International Gold Credit card
•India Card
•Rates as applicable
14 Group Term Insurance Cover is available from SUD life at
Group Term Insurance Cover
very attractive annual premium rate i.e. presently @Rs.125/-
per lakh, plus taxes onwards. The salient features are:-
 Wider entry age up to 651h birthday.
 Choice of Sum assured up to 5 lakhs
 Hassle free process with just a one pager enrolment
 No rnedicals required
 Competitive premium rates
(Refer Branch Circular No. 1071177 dated 20.12.2013 &
subsequent revision from time to time)
15 Online Income Tax return Available at Discounted rate under Tie-up arrangement. It can
Facility be filed from BOI Website
(Refer Branch Circular No.108162 dated 25.06.2014.&
subsequent revisions from time to time)
16 Other Incentives • Unlimited Bank's own ATM Transactions
• Mobile Banking through BOI Mobile Apps
• Missed C311 alert facility
• Utility Bills Payment Facility Through E-Pay
• BOI- national Swasthya Bima Policy of NICL
available at competitive rates of premium.

BOI Rakshak Salary A/c - Consent letter for converting Scheme Code
Br Cir No 112/25 dated 18.05.2018

Existing Salary A/cs of Police Personnel should be converted into New BOI Rakshak Salary Account with change in the correct
scheme code SB163 and special charge code “RAKSA” in order to be eligible for higher insurance cover and other benefits
under the new scheme.
A consent letter to be taken from existing salary A/c holder of Police Personnel to convert his/her Account into new BOI
Rakshak Salary Scheme and be kept on the Branch’s record.
Please note without consent letter switch over of Existing Salary A/c of Police Personnel to the new scheme may create problem in settlement of Insurance Cover.

DEPOSIT/ 20 30.09.2018
Br Cir No. 112/10 dated 10.04.2018
Government of India has enacted the Real Estate( Regulation and Development) Act 2016( RERA) and the same has
come into effect from 01.05.2017. The Act is expected to bring in the much needed transparency, financial discipline and
accountability in the Real Estate Sector.

Under the Act, it is mandatory for the Builder/ Developers to register every Project with the RERA authorities and
open/maintain Project- wise RERA account with their banks. Phase –specific accounts are to be opened/ maintained, if a
Project is planned for completion over phases.

There shall be three A/cs under this concurrent arrangement:-

SN Types of Star RERA Plus A/c Description
1 Opening of RERA Collection A/c [RCA] Where all collection proceeds of the project shall be
2 Opening of RERA Project A/c [RPA] Which will have min 70% of the proceeds transferred from
the RCA, or as per mandate of the account – holder which
can be more than 70 % but not less than that
3 Designing an A/c as Operative A/c [OA] Which will have balance funds transferred from the RCA
i.e. 30% from RCA

Comparison between RERA and RERA PLUS

SN Parameters RERA RERA Plus

1 Applicability Developers with New & On – going projects for which Completion
Certificate is pending & where in the land is over 500 square
meters, or eight apartments.
2 Type of Account Current Account/Escrow account
3 Net Banking Only Viewing Facility
4 Cheque Book Not Available
5 Product Code CD224 CD225
6 Accounting/Transfer Manually done by builder Auto transfer of clear balance in RCA
as per the mandate given by the
account holder ( subject to min 70% to
RPA) & balance to OA, will be done by
system daily during end of day(EOD)
7 Receivables(Amount deposited by 70% in RERA Account 100% in RERA Plus i.e. in RCA
builder) ( RERA collection account)
DEPOSIT/ 20 30.09.2018
Motor Accidental Claimant Annuity Deposit (MACAD) TD A/c &
Motor Accidental Claims Tribunal (MACT) SB A/c
Ref: Branch Circular No: 112/56 Date: 03.07.2018
Disbursement of compensation to the victims of Road Accidents.
TD549 - Motor Accident Claims Term Deposit.
SB170 - MACT Claims SB Account.
No deviation is permitted in the Schemes.

TD549 - Motor Accident Claims Term Deposit.

SNo Features Particulars
1 Purpose One time lump sum amount as decided by the Court/Tribunal
2 Eligibility Individuals including Minor
3 Mode of Holding Single
4 Amount Maximum- No Limit
Minimum- Rs. 1000/-
5 Tenure 36 to 120 months
In case Period < 36 months, Normal FD to be opened

In case Period > 120 months, as per direction of court
6 Rate of Interest Prevailing rate of interest
7 Receipts/ Advices No Receipt will be issued.
Only Passbook will be issued
8 Loan Facility No Loan or Advance
9 Nomination Nomination available, as per direction by court
10 Premature Payment Premature closure with permission of the court
No premature closure penalty
11 TDS TDS as per Income Tax Rule
Form 15G/15H can be submitted to get exemption from Tax

SB170 - MACT Claims SB Account.

SNo Features Particulars
1 Eligibility Individuals including Minor
3 Operation in A/c Single
4 Min/Max Amount Not applicable
5 Facilities Cheque Book/Debit Card/ATM Card/Welcome Kit/Internet Banking/Mobile
Banking are not available
6 Withdrawals Through Withdrawal Forms or Biometric Authentication
7 Rate of Interest As applicable to Regular SB account
8 Product Change Not permitted
9 Nomination Nomination available, as per direction by court
10 Place of Opening Branch nearest to the place of residence
11 Account Transfer Not allowed
12 Passbook Available
13 Statement by e-mail Available

Card Products /01 30.09.2018


Issuance of Branch billing basis- where charge account is being maintained with the issuing branch.
Credit Cards Direct billing cards- where the customer may not have an operative account with us.
Affiliation withMasterCard, INDIA CARD(Valid in India & Nepal Only) ,
2 agencies Europay TAJ PREMIUM CARD(Valid in India & Nepal Only & staff is not eligible)
Visa (EMV)
Visa EMV GOLD CARD (Valid in India & Nepal Only) , GOLD INTERNATIONAL CARD,
VISA Privilege/Privilege Plus Card (Valid in India , Nepal & Abroad )
Application All Applications should be processed in CAPS only by the branch. Branch needs to obtain the
(through CAPS) application form from the customer alongwith KYC documents. In case PAN is not available, Form
60 to be obtained.CIBIL Report: Mandatory. Branches to keep all the applications with them
only and not to send to HO-Card Product Dept.
Eligibility a. Residents / NRI / persons of foreign origin residing in India on employment. b. Principal and all
Norms the add-on if any should complete KYC and have steady income which is to be verified from ITR /
(Individuals) Salary Certificates.
Eligibility Income should be verified from ITR / Salary Certificate / Copy of bank statement for Pensioners.
Norms No disciplinary action is initiated / pending / contemplated. No instance of cheque return due to
(Staff & Ex- financial reason. Charge account should be salary/pension account only. Direct billing cards cannot
staff) be issued to staff/ex-staff.
Eligibility for It can be a Proprietorship/Partnership firm/Pvt. Ltd./Public Ltd. Company/Registered
Corporate Institutions/Societies earning profits for 2years of preceding 3 years. Can be issued to
Cards Prop/Partner/Executive/Director/Employee as per corporate request.
Add on Cards Two Add on Cards can be Issued to the close relatives (Parents, Spouse, Major Child, Brother,
Sister) completing KYC. No Add on card is allowed on Corporate Cards.
Spending 20% of Gross annual Income, may be extended to 40% on the merits of the case. Combined

Limits spending of both principal and add on should not exceed this spending limit.
Privilege/ Criteria 1.Eligible age-18 years& above
Privilege Plus 2. If applicant is having Minimum Fixed deposit of Rs. 30,000 with minimum tenure of
VISA Credit 12 months.
Card: Credit 3. Auto renewal Flag should be “Yes".
Card against Eligibility Eligible limit: 80% of TDR available in Lien
Deposits Margin Margin: Min 20% of deposit available in Lien for limits up to Rs.2 lakh. For higher limits
a margin of 25% against the face value of the TDR.
Limits Min. Credit Card limit of Rs. 24,000/- and Max Rs.2500 lakhs (Mostly for HNI/NRI
Customers .)
Points 1. Original Term Deposit Receipt duly discharged by the Depositor to be obtained as in
to Note the case of LATDR.
2. Letter of Set off and Appropriation should be obtained in addition to marking lien.
3. Credit card to be issued only after marking of lien on fixed deposit.
4.Only Principal amount to be considered for the limit.
Cancellation of credit card by bank or Surrender of Credit Card by the customer
Operative account is Outstanding dues, if any shall be settled immediately from the operative account. Credit
having sufficient balance card account will be closed and the lien marked on the Term Deposit to be lifted.
If operative account is The linked Term Deposit will be prematurely closed,proceeds will be credited to
not having sufficient operative account after adjusting the outstanding dues against the Credit Card.
If Premature withdrawal System generated pop up “Fixed deposit linked with Credit Card. Check for dues on
of fixed deposit Credit card” will appear on the screen at the time of lifting the lien.
Delegation Scale I II III IV V VI VII ED CMD
(Rs. In lakhs)
Credit Card Spending limit Sanctioning Power 0.25 0.50 4 6 10 25 100 150 250
Sanctioning authority purely against TDR. Beyond
2.0 5.0 7.50 10 30 50 100 150 250
250 lakh , MCOM has delegation-2500 lakh
Applications OF STAFF and applications beyond branch delegation to be sanctioned at
Zonal Office.
Billing Dates Billing date for India Card is 15th of every month and payment due date is 5th of next month. For all
other Master/VISA cards billing date is last date of the month and payment due date is 21st of the
next month.
CCINST MENU Issuing of INSTA PIN for credit Cards.
Customer Care Toll free24/7 Helpline-1800220088, 022-40426005/6 (for enquiry,Hotlisting)
CARD PRODUCTS/02 30.09.2018
Salient/Gene Debit cards are issued in two forms i.e. Personalized cards where cardholder’s name is embossed
ral Features (Max 16 Characters) and Non-Personalized cards issued in two forms namely Ready kit and
Welcome Kit and in both cases cardholder’s name are not embossed.
Affiliation Our debit cards affiliated with “Master”, “VISA” and “RUPAY” logo. It would be mandatory for
the cardholder to go to an ATM for the first transaction on the debit card for activation.
Application Branch needs to obtain the application form from the customers alongwith KYC documents. The
signature in debit card application form should be same as in account.
Eligibility A. Card can be issued to Individual accounts holder/self operated of SB, CD & OD accounts.
B. For joint accounts , with operating instructions as ‘E or S’ or ‘Any One Or Survivor’ the card
can be issued to any one or more or all the joint account holders. The number of cards issued
to in an A/c will not exceed the number of joint account holders who are authorised to
operate the account. In the accounts operated with “Former or Survivor’ card can be issued
to Former only.
Not eligible A. Illiterate account holders /joint accounts with operating instructions as “Jointly by All” are not
/Partially eligible. However in the case where the Govt. benefits are being credited , a card can be

eligible A/cs issued even to illiterates.
B. Account of a minor or an account in which a minor is a joint account holder shall not be eligible
.However minors having completed 15 years of age can be issued with ‘Student’ Cards with
limited facility.
Validity / The debit cards are issued with a validity period of 5 years from the month of issue except Star
Replacement Vidya Card where validity is of 6 years.
/ Renewal of
debit cards
Attachment In addition to the Primary Account (the first account mentioned in the debit card application
of additional form), there is an option to attach upto 5 additional accounts (known as Secondary accounts) on
Accounts the same card. The accounts may be at any branch of BOI under same Customer ID. When the
card with multiple accounts is used on the POS or other banks ATM, only Primary account gets
debited. Closure of the primary account will result in cancellation of the debit card.
Unblocking Debit cards are blocked when incorrect PIN no is used by the card holder , consecutively for 3
of Cards due times. Any card blocked due to this reason will automatically be unblocked the next day.
to incorrect However if the card holder again enters a wrong PIN for 3 consecutive times, the card will be
PIN used 3 blocked and card holder will be required to approach the branch for a new PIN/insta pin/can
times regenerate PIN through green pin option.
Time limits CARD TYPE Time for settlement of Max period from date of transaction
for POS claim from date of for lodgement of claim
failures lodgement
MASTER/VISA 45 days 120 days
RUPAY 30 days 180 days
For failed POS transacitons Branches should write to and cc to
CARDSTAT This menu is used for finding the card number, status of the card. It contains 3 options Inquiry,
MENU Update Del flag, Verification.
CARD TRAK Tracking system for debit Cards(status of the issuance of the personalized debit card.
HOTLISTING 18004251112(Toll Free-24*7),022-40429123 and 25711616(Paid)
Related circular -107/022,110/85,110/225,111/149
CARD PRODUCTS/03 30.09.2018
(For youth with OD facility)/(ATM Card with shopping facilities –Master Card)
Eligibility Youth between the age of 15 years to 25 years (Age at the time of issuance of Card) for initial
period of 5 years in first instance and thereafter it will be renewed. If the age at the time of
renewal exceeds 25 years then he/she will be advised to avail other card available at that time.
Min. Balance Rs.100/-
Facilities a) The ATM Withdrawal facility is available for card holder with age between 15-25 Years but
ATM/Shoppi POS (Shopping) facility is available to those card holders whose age is 18 years and above.
ng/ b) If any card holder is less than the age of 18 years and wish to avail this Shopping/Overdraft)
Overdraft facility, then a joint account of the minor along with his parent should be opened (with
Overdraft up operational instructions as either or survivor). The said account will be the charge account.
to Rs. 2500/- The maximum amount of overdraft facility will be Rs.2500/- and the same has to be
for 30 days sanctioned at the branch level on request of the card holder.
on Request c) Interest rate applicable for clean overdraft/unsecured TOD to be charged.
d) Suitable request as per enclosed formats may be obtained from the account holder / parent
depending upon whether he is a major / minor. Conversion of the overdraft into loan
repayable in installments would be made upon completion of necessary documentations.
Transaction on Point of Sale (POS) Terminals. Up to Rs.25, 000/- per day.
Charges Transaction in INDIA (visit website for details)#

(May revised 1. Annual fees NIL
Time to 2. Cash withdrawal at BOI NIL
Time) ATM
3. Transactions Financial or 3 Transactions (Metro) and 5 Transactions in other places
non-financial Cash withdrawal (attempts includes Financial & Non-Financial transactions) from
at other Bank’s ATM SB A/cs –NIL charges (Additional transactions or from other tan
SB A/cs charges will be Rs 20/- per transaction.
4. Balance enquiry (In India) FREE
5. Transaction at Railway 2.5% min Rs.25/-
6. Transaction at Petrol Pump 2.5% Min. Rs.10/-
7. Card re-issuance Rs.100/-
Loss of Cards Promptly report to the bank. Hot listing of the card Tel. No.022 40426005 Toll Free 1800220088,
and e-mail IDs - ,
generation of
Re-pin Lodge Police Complaint and furnish copy to the Bank.
A replacement card would be issued to the customer on receipt of written application.
On written request, re-pin will be generated at the branch who has issued the card )
Internet Banking user can block their Card through the use of Internet Banking
For any other type of query you may refer to -
Misuse of Zero liability for cardholder from the time of reporting the loss of card hence report the loss of
Lost Card Card without delay – Please Note down your CARD NUMBER so that you may immediately trace
Procedure Same as for other Debit Cards. The type of Card will be B in place of D or V. For Overdraft
for issuance undertaking as per annexure (Separate for major and minor applicants) attached with BC 104/91
of card dated 3.11.10 should be taken.
CARD PRODUCTS/04 30.09.2018

Eligibility To SB or CD Diamond account customers and also under our product Jai jawan Salary Plus (for
commissioned officers).
The cards may be given to any one or to all the joint account holders provided
joint a/c is operated upon by (either or survivor) or (any one or the survivor). In (Former or
survivor) a/cs the card will be given only to Former. No card will be given to Minors or joint a/cs with
Minor, or to illiterate account holders and also to a/c operated jointly.
Minimum This card is for Diamond account customers hence AQB is Rs 1 lakh for SB and Rs2 lakh for CD. Under
Balance Jai Jawan Salary Plus accounts (for commissioned Rank officers) the minimum Balance is Zero.
Facilities a. Withdrawal of Cash up to Rs.50000/- per day at BOI ATMs and Rs10,000/- from Other Bank’s
ATMs(Only primary a/c will be debited at other Bank’s ATM) b. Balance
c. Deposit of Cash & Cheques.
d. Transfer of balances among the accounts attached to the Card.
e. Mini statement of last 5 transactions for any a/c. attached to the card.
f. Change PIN.
g. Transaction on Point of Sale (POS) Terminals, Up to Rs.1 Lakh- per day.
h. Upto 5 additional a/cs ( in the same capacity and same operational instructions)may be attached
to one card. When the Card linked with multiple accounts is used at POS or other Bank’s ATM, the
primary account will be debited. Primary account should be closed only after 7 days of
surrendering the card.

Loss of Promptly report. Hot listing of the card Tel. No.022 40426005 Toll Free 1800220088
Cards and e-mail IDs - ,
generatio Lodge Police Complaint and furnish copy to the Bank.
n of Re- A replacement card would be issued to the customer on receipt of written application.
pin On written request, re-pin will be generated at the branch who has issued the card.
For any type of query you may refer to -
BOI help line 022- 40426005 (8 A.M. to 11 P.M.)
Misuse of Zero liability for cardholder from the time of reporting the loss of card hence report the loss of Card
Lost Card without delay – Please Note down your CARD NUMBER so that you may immediately trace number.
Issue of
There is same procedure to issue Platinum Card as for other Debit Cards but in place of “D” you will
have to fill ” P”for Master platinum card &”E” for Visa platinum card in the system.
CARD PRODUCTS/05 30.09.2018

Gift Cards can be issued in Indian Rupees for a minimum of Rs. 500/- and maximum Rs.10,000/-
This Card is a ‘Non Reloadable Card’
BOI Gift Cards can be issued by any branch.
Gift Card is acceptable at all Visa Merchant Establishments in India, Nepal and Bhutan and can be used any
number of times up to the amount loaded (Balance available in the Gift Card ).
The card is valid for 3 years from the date of activation ( Earlier validity 1 year.)
Note-The enhanced features (limit & validity) are not applicable to the Gift Cards already issued.
Only the Gift Cards issued henceforth would have these enhanced features.
However, the stock of Gift Cards available at the Branches be continued to be issued for maximum amount of Rs
50,000/- and with validity period of one year.
Flat charge of Rs 50/- irrespective of the amount. (May change time to time).
Menu option “GIFTCARD”.(Maximum 5 cards at a time).
Up to Rs. 1000/- any acceptable identity document of the applicant.
Up to Rs. 5000/- any “officially valid document’ defined under Rule 2(d) of the Prevention of Money Laundering
Act as proof of identity.
Above Rs. 5000/- and up to Rs. 10000/- , KYC requirements of RBI, issued from time to time is to be followed and
documents obtained accordingly.
With in Three months Balance over Rs.100/-& charges Rs.35/- per month
Through Bank Of India site under online services
Inquiries regarding balance available, expiry date etc. can be made at our Service Provider’s 24x7 Helpdesk No.
022 40426006. Hot listing of gift card can be done 24x7 on All India Toll-free No. 1800 22 00 88 or 022-40426005.

For further clarification Refer Branch Circular-107/150,109/21,109/61

CARD PRODUCTS/06 30.09.2018
Branch Circular No.110/184 Dated : 31.12.2016
These cards are General Purpose Reloadable (GPR) Pre Paid Cards, valid in India. At Present it is affiliated with Visa
International. It is a nonpersonalized PIN enabled cards which can be issued and reloadable in INR. It is accepted at
all ATMs, POS and E-com channels in India. Cash withdrawal is permitted for the card within predefined limit.

Maximum limit for the card will be Rs 50,000/-. Cardholder can load his/her multiple times in a month but within
this monthly cap of Rs 50,000/-.
Scope of Usage:- Payment to workforce of a contractor, For domestic migrant workers and families, to disburse
salaries / incentives / reimbursements to employees, Payment to beneficiaries of Government sponsored schemes,
Loan disbursals(in applicable cases), Inward remittance, Foreign Tourists NRIs, Existing Debit/Credit Card holders.
KYC documents of Pre paid card holders:-Should be taken & preserved.
Card Activation and loading of amount:-T+1 basis.
Contact Details of “You First Money Private Ltd”: For any query/enquiry:
1. Mail to
2. Escalate to Amey Parab ( )
3. Contact Number: +91- 22 – 49062022,+91 - 22 - 49062024
CARD PRODUCTS/07 30.09.2018
"General Purpose Reloadable Pre-paid payment cards"
Branch Circular No.110/205 Dated : 15.01.2017
General Pre-paid instruments an EMV (Europay MasterCard Visa)based chip enabled debit card, non-
Features personalized & non-photo, reloadable in nature with card limit as Rs 50,000, issued and loaded
in INR and can be used across POS, ATM and E-commerce channels in India only. The Card will
be activated on the next day. Need not use on ATM for the first time.
Affiliation Affiliated with “Master”, “VISA” and “RUPAY”.
Validity of 7(Seven) years
Document Branches are to ensure that Full KYC of the purchaser as well as card user is to be obtained and
kept on record. And also required to make available the same on demand. These prepaid
payment instruments shall be loaded / reloaded only by debit to the bank account, which are
subject to full KYC.
PIN(feature) This card will be PIN based The branch has to issue instapin separately when the card is issued.
The PIN change facility through ATM or any other channel is not available for these prepaid
cards. The PIN allotted by the branch will remain constant until a new request is raised In case
the instapin is misplaced or lost, the request is to be raised through branch only. PIN will get
blocked after 3 consecutive wrong attempts. Unblocking is done at the time of EOD.
Card Usage: The card will be accepted at all ATMs, POS & E-com channels in India. Cash Withdrawal will be
permitted for this card with predefined limits.
Online Enabled for ecommerce transactions with 2nd factor authentication. The online transaction OTP
acceptance will be sent to registered mobile number of the card user if available.
Re-loadable All Cards issued will be re-loadable. These cards can be loaded/reloaded through Bank
Cards: Branches. These cards will be loaded/reloaded in INR. Load/Reload transaction will not happen
if the card is not activated, hotlisted, cancelled or expired.
SMS alerts Will be sent only if registered mobile no is available.
a) To the cardholder at the time of Loading of the amount.
b) To the Cardholder when his/her card is loaded/reloaded successfully.
c) Also for every transaction.
Card No process of Card replacement. The cardholder will submit card closure and refund request to
Replacement the branch. Bank official will verify and accept the cancellation & refund request. Branch will
initiate the cancellation and refund process through finacle. The Customer account will be
refunded on the next day.
Card hotlisting To be done by calling call centre, if customer has lost card he will inform branch / Call Centre to
hotlist the same. However branch / Call Centre to hotlist the same. However, Branch will issue
him new card and new Insta-PIN for future use. Before that, as a process, Branch should initiate
the cancellation and refund process. The Customer account will be refunded on the next day.
After this, branch will issue a new prepaid card to cardholder & load amount.
Card Issuance 1.Inventory,2.Issuance of Card,3.First time Loading of Card Value,4.Issuance of
Flow Instapin,5.Reloading of amount,6. Refund Request.
GPRUPL Maintenance of Inventory (Stock) The stock would be added to the sol id from Card Products
MENU Department, until the stock is not added , the branch will not be allowed to issue the card

Finacle Menu
GPRC Issuance and First time Loading of Card
GPRIP Issuance of Pin for the card- MENU
GPRRL Reloading of the card
GPRRF Refund Request
Customer Care Number - 1800 22 0088 / 022- 4042 6006
CARD PRODUCTS/08 30.09.2018
Salient/General As a tribute to our women account holders, on International Women’s day , bank launched a
Features new debit card under branch name “SANGINI”.
Affiliation This is a personalized Magstripe debit card only for domestic transactions and affiliated with
“RUPAY”. Card can be used at any acquiring systems accepting RUPAY cards.
Application Branch needs to obtain the application form from the customers alongwith KYC documents.
The signature in debit card application form should be same as in account.
Eligibility All the women account holders in the age group of 18 and above either single or joint account
holder are eligible for this card. It should be ensured that constitution in CUMM is mentioned
as 42 (individual-Female). Branches can open accounts in scheme code SB167 and the account
holder will get benefit of both Mahila Savings Bank Account and SANGINI Card.
Loyalty Reward 1.5 points for every Rs.100/- spent on POS/e-commerce transactions. The redemption of
Point these reward points can be done after threshold limit of 100 points.
Charges For the 1st year it is free and from the 2nd year onwards it is 50% of the prevailing rates.
SANGINI debit card in BOI STAR MAHILA SAVINGS ACCOUNT IS FREE for entire period.
Branch Circular No.107/223 Dated : 06.03.2014

CARD PRODUCTS/09 30.09.2018

Branch Circular No: 109/83 Dated 08.07.2015
In order to cater the need of our MSME customers already having a Current account, Cash Credit account or some
other form of financing extended to them by the Bank, a new high value product has been launched in form of
Business Cards- Debit and Credit Cards. While Business Cards-Debit will be issued both under Master and VISA
Network, Business Card Debit will be issued under VISA Network only.
Features of Business Card-Debit (VISA & MASTER)
Eligibility All Customers maintaining a satisfactorily conducted Current Account with the Bank for a minimum
period of six months. Only EMV (Chip) cards in two variants Platinum and GOLD will be issued.
Name of the Firm/Company will be printed on the card in addition to the name of the card holder.
Platinum Issued to High value Current Accounts with AQB-Rs.1,00,000/-
Debit PoS limit up to Rs.2,50,000/- per day.
Business Cash withdrawal limit up to Rs.1,00,000/- per day.
GOLD Card For Regular current account customers with PoS limit up to Rs.1,00,000/- per day and Cash
withdrawal limit up to Rs.50,000/- per day.
Business Credit Card (visa)
Eligibility EMV (CHIP) based business credit cards will be issued to Sole Proprietor, Partners, Directors of Pvt
Ltd/Public Ltd companies enjoying credit facilities with the bank in their individual/personal
Spending Cards spending limits should not be linked to Credit Facilities. Assessment of the eligible limit to be
Limit done based on the strength of the firm/company’s business income or on the basis of the personal
income of the Proprietor/Partners or Directors.
Approval of As per delegation of power vide Br Cir No 109/64 dated 21.06.2015. For ready reference please
Limits see credit cards topic.
(May Business GOLD Debit Rs.200.00 Rs100.00
change Business Platinum Debit Rs.300.00 Rs150.00

Time to Business Credit Card Rs.500.00 Rs250.00
Benefits Railway & Petrol surcharge waived with a cap of 2 transactions in a month subject to maximum
amount of Rs.100/- per card. Insurance (Zero Liability/Lost Card insurance to the tune of Rs.1 lakh
maximum per card.
NOW Bank has introduced GREEN PIN facility to our Card Holders thorugh ATM (Ref: Br. Cir. 111/173 dt 29.01.18)
CARD PRODUCTS/10 30.09.2018
Rupay EMV Debit Cards
Ref: Br. Cir. 111/149 dated 22.12.2017 & 110/171 dated 08.12.2016
Bank has introduced initially linked ussuance of Rupay Platunum Card to our all customers (initially it was
linked with AQB).
Bank of India offers two variants on Rupay platfor.
1. Rupay EMV Platinum International Card &
2. Rupay Classic.
Rupay Classic Features:
1. Vanilla product with insurance cover as the only feature
2. Complimentary Personal Accident Insurance cover upto 1 Lakh
3. Discount/ Offers at selected outlets including Online merchants
4. Daily cash withdrawal limit on ATM is Rs. 25000/- & on POS is Rs. 35000/-
Rupay Platinum International Card Features:
1. Designed for Mass-Affluent segment with host of power packed benefits/ offers
2. Enjoy cash back of rund the year (max Rs. 50/ per month) across Utility Bills Payment
3. Complimentary Personal Accident Insurance cover upto 2 Lakh
4. Discount/ Offers at selected outlets including Online merchants
5. Daily cash withdrawal limit on ATM is Rs. 50,000/- & on POS is Rs. 1,00,000/- (and equivalent value abroad)
6. Complementary domestic & international lounge access

CARD PRODUCTS/11 30.09.2018

Additional attraction on Credit Cards
STAR BOI-EMI, Fund Transfer & ‘EMI at POS’ SCHEMES
Br.Cir. 112/79 dated 08.08.2018
EMI Credit Card Schemes are introduced for Credit Cards Holders to purchase more and plan their Financial
obligations efficiently without worrying for immediate repayments.
These schemes are:
A: Star Easy Pay Scheme
B: Star Balance Transfer Scheme
C: Star EMI at POS Scheme
Eligibility: any commercial purchase of Rs. 5,000/- or more on any BOI Credit Card shall be eligible under the
scheme. The Cardholder should not have any overdue more than 60 days from the billing date.
Process: within 20 days from the date of purchasing
i) After purchase, customer must report the purchase to Customer Care on 022-40426004 and/
1800 220 088
OR: ii) In writing/e-mail to Card Product Department- HO to
Other features
i. He has to opt for repayment period from 3/6/9/12/18/24/36 EMIs
ii. Only Principal Cardholder can request even purchases are made by the Add-On Cardholders
iii. EPS is admissible only on Personal Cards. This Scheme is both Direct Cards and Branch Billing Cards
iv. EMI will be billed to the Cardholder every month w.e.f. following month of Sanction, as part of
minimum payment due
v. RoI will be 1.5% p.m. on the Original Sale amount against 1.5% on reducing balance
vi. A One-Time Processing fee 2.20% of the value of Purchase will be levied along with the first EMI as
against 2%

vii. The minimum balance payable every month will include 10% of total balance due, if any, along with
the EMI fixed in case of Credt Card with revolving credit. In case of Charge Card, the amount
payable will include the EMIs due in the month.
viii. Once EMI is opted then Spending Limit will be reduced by all EMIs+ Interest+ Processing fee
ix. In case of not paid/ partly paid, a Penal of 2.5% will be charged on the entire shortfall
x. Foreclosure fee has been waived against the existing fee of 2%
Eligibility: any Cardholder of ANOTHER BANK can apply for BOI Card directly to HO or any BOI-Branch in writing to
transfer the Outstanding of his Old Card to the new card account of our Bank
i. Applicant is required to submit two earlier statements of his old Card, xerox of both side of other
bank’s card and Income proof with KYC documents
ii. The Old card should be atleast 6 months with Zero faults
iii. Issuance of Card shall be Approved by HO. Settlement mode will be PO/DD/NEFT/RTGS directly to the
earlier issuing Bank.
iv. Issuance of Card shall be Approved by HO. Settlement mode will be PO/DD/NEFT/RTGS directly to the
earlier issuing Bank.
Other points:
i.Minimum amount eligibility for Balance Transfer is : a) India Card- Rs. 5,000/- b) Other Cards- Rs
10,000/- (Excluding Navy Cards)
ii.Amount of Balance Transfer Shall not exceed 75% of spending limit of BOI-Card. In excess to 75% he
has to pay in his Bank.
iii.The Outstanding amount of BOI Credit Card shall be paid in the normal manner i.e. at least 10% of the
Outstanding amount.


Eligibility: Any commercial purchase of Rs. 5,000/- or more on any BOI-Credit Card provided he is not having
overdues in his card exceeding 60 days from Billing date
Unique Feature
i. Card Holder have the option to convert the Purchase Value into EMI at Point Of Sale which is managed
/ owned by M/s Worldline India Pvt. Ltd.
ii. Merchant can be of any Bank
iii. At present M/s Worldline India Pvt. Ltd. having more than 17,000 merchant base (list is available in
Garuda and will be updated on regular basisi) wherein our BOI-Cardholders can get this benefit
i. Seeing BOI-Credit Card, Merchant (having tie-up with M/s Worldline India Pvt. Ltd.) will ask the
Customer about option viz purchase the goods through: i) Sale or ii) Sale with EMI
ii. If Customer opts for Star EMI at POS, Merchant will select the option Sale with EMI and swipe the card.
The system will display the EMIs.
iii. Customer will select the tenure from 3/6/9/12/18/24/36 EMIs, will confirm Product make/code,
mobile number & transaction amount. Thus the process will be completed.
iv. And the satisfied Customer will feel relaxed and comfortable to go for more purchases.
v. The RoI will be charged @ 1.5% p.m. on purchase value
i. Online Processing fee @ 2.20% on purchase value will be levied along with the first EMI
ii. When Customer confirms the displayed details, terminal sends the transaction to Worldline Switch for
iii. After authorisation Terminal prints the Charge Slip displaying
i) Rate of Interest,
ii) Purchase Amount,
iii) EMI amount,
iv) Product details,
v) Tenure
vi) Processing Fee, Disclaimer etc


It is an innovative loyalty program developed by Bank of India with Loyalty Rewardz, for Bank of India Debit/Credit
Card customers. Debit/Credit Card Customers will get rewarded with Star Points for their transactions at POS &
Redemption – Customers can redeem StarPoints for attractive FREE gifts anytime 24 * 7
How to redeem Star Points
a. Log on to BOI Star Rewards Program Website –
b. Click on and register for the Program. Create User ID and Password. From next time
click on , login and redeem.
c. Customers can utilize the Points to avail large platform of Goods & Services and Merchandise like
Airline tickets | Bus Tickets | Movie Tickets |Merchandize | Gift Vouchers | Mobile & DTH Recharge

4. To be able to start redeeming Bank’s Debit/Credit Card customers will need to achieve a threshold of
100 Points.
5. Points need to be redeemed within three years (36 months excluding the month of accrual) of
accruing them. Unredeemed Points will expire at the end of 36 months.
For Debit Card Holders
For every use of Rs.100 Star Reward Points will be accrued as per the following table:-
Slabs Amount Spent Per Month Points per Rs. 100/- spent per month

Slab 1 UptoRs. 5,000/- 1 Point

Slab 2 From Rs. 5,001/- to Rs. 10,000/- 1.5 Points

Slab 3 Rs. 10,001/- and above 2 Points

1 Star Point = Rs.0.25/-
Bank of India offers 50% MORE Star Points (Loyalty Reward Points) to Sangini Debit Card Holders. You get 1.5 Points
in place of 1 Point for every Rs.100 spent, for every card usage at POS/e-commerce transactions.
For Credit Card Holders
For every use of Rs.100 Star Reward Points will be accrued as per the following table:-
Category Points Offered Per Point Value in Paise
Standard 2 Star Points per Rs. 100/- 25 Paise per 1 Point
Preferred Category 3 Star Points for every Rs.100/- 25 Paise per 1 point

For further details

Call Customer Service Centre Toll Free Number – 1800 – 209 - 9299
 Log on to BOI Star Rewards Program Website –
(Ref.: Branch Circular no.105/127 dtd.28/10/2011(Launch of “BOI Star Reward Programme” for Debit Card
Holders)Br. Cir No. 107/22 dated 03/05/2013 & 110/115 dated 23/09/2016).
(Ref.: Branch Circular No. 111/44 dated 19.06.2017 – Master Circular on Credit Cards).

Branch Circular no.110/181 dtd.22/12/2016
(Introduction of Bank of India’s M-POS Mobile POS Terminals)


BOIUSSD (NUUP), BHIM (Bharat Interface for Money) & Chillr
Central Agency for implementation of all the three applications is NPCI. A BOI user must register with
BOIUSSD for usage of any of the three products
Device Feature Phone & Smart Phone Smart Phone (Application download from
User to dial *99# to initiate the App. Store)
Registration 1. Using Finacle Menu – BOIUSSD
2. By sending SMS through registered mobile number on dedicated
number 9212304242 in the following format
IMPSREG(space) Customer ID
3. Retail Internet Banking customers can register through option available
under Request tab.
4. USSD (NUUP) Request->Enroll for USSD based Mobile Banking Facility.
To set UPI PIN dial *99#, select To set UPI PIN dial *99#, select option
More secure than SMS as data
including MPIN is not saved
Facility -Send Money -Send Money
-Request Money -Request Money
-Check Balance -Scan & Pay
-My Profile  To change My Information
account number & -Transactions
Language - Profile  Show your QR code
-Pending Request -Bank Account

Branch Circular No.107/220 Dated: 05.03.2014
Objectives and Instant Money Transfer (IMT) is an innovative domestic money transfer with cash out facility in
features affiliation with M/s Empays Payment Systems Ltd. Its unique features are as under
a. Self service available 24*7*365 and can be availed 24*7 both by sender and beneficiary.
b. Fund transfer is possible even if the beneficiary does not have a bank account or
bank account details of the beneficiary are not known.
c. Card less withdrawal from IMT enabled ATMs.
Fund Transfer Sender Limit Beneficiary Limit
Limit Rs.10000/- per transaction Rs.25000/- per month
Charges As per latest HO Circular
Validity and The IMT issued by the sender has a validity period of 14 days for withdrawal. In case money is
withdrawal not withdrawn in 14 days, IMT gets cancelled and reversed to the sender’s account except the
charges. Amount is to be withdrawan in full, partial withdrawal is not permitted.
Beneficiary Any customer desirous of sending funds through IMT will have to register the beneficiary details
Registration with the bank.In absence of beneficiary details, the IMT shall be in hold status for a maximum
Process (2 period of 24 hours , post which it shall be cancelled by the system.The registration of beneficiary
methods) can be done either through SMS or Bank’s retail internet banking.
1. A Retail Internet Banking Customer can register or de-register a beneficiary through IMT
options available under TRANSFER tab.
2. Our customers can also register or cancel registration of beneficiary through SMS to
+919223009988 from their registered mobile number with following details/format- For
registering Beneficiary- IMT <Beneficiary Mobile Number>#<Beneficiary
Name>#<Beneficiary Address>#<Beneficiary Address Pin Code>
For cancellation of Beneficiary – IMT BENC#<Beneficiary Mobile Number>
How to initiate 1. IMT through Internet banking –Post registeration a sender can initiate IMT using IMT options
the IMT (2 available under TRANSFER tab by mentioning the IMT amount and Sender Code – any 4
Methods) digit number , this code should be shared only with the beneficiary as the same is
required at the time of withdrawal from ATM.
2. IMT through ATM – Post registeration through either method of registeration , our customer
can initiate IMT from Bank’s IMT enabled ATM, by providing the Beneficiary mobile
number IMT amount and sender code of 4 digits to be shared with beneficiary only.
Once the IMT is successfully issued by either method sender receives an SMS
containing following details on his/her mobile number:
1. Beneficiary Mobile Number 2. The IMT amount 3. IMT validity date 4. IMT ID(an unique code
which can be used to refer IMT transaction)
Once the IMT is successfully issued by either method beneficiary receives an SMS
containing following details on his/her mobile number:
1. The IMT amount 2. IMT validity date 3. SMS PIN (System generated code , required for IMT
withdrawal) 4. IMT ID.
Withdrawal of IMT can be withdrawn by the beneficiary from bank’s IMT enabled ATM as a card less
Funds withdrawal by providing following details:
1. Mobile number on which IMT details are received .
2. The sender’s Code (communicated by sender)
3. The SMS pin (communicated to beneficiary over SMS)
4. The IMT Amount.
IMT blocking IMT gets blocked , in case the beneficiary exceeds three retries to withdraw an IMT with wrong
credential/details. Once blocked beneficiary mobile number is markded as blocked i.e. he/she
can not withdraw any IMT. IMT once blocked , gets unblocked on the immediate next day.
Cancel IMT/ The sender can cancel an unpaid IMT issued by him or her or can check status of the IMT from
Check status either bank’s IMT enabled ATM or from retail internet banking.
Customer Customers can send email to or may contact on 1800220229 or
Support 022-40919191 for any further query / assistance. Branch can write to (For failed transactions query branches can write to with cc to


Internet Banking is a platform which allows customers to fulfill their Banking needs like
Inqiry/Financial transactions through a secure Website anytime, anyplace at their convenience. It also offers a
convenient way of carrying out Banking online without visiting the Branch. It saves the precious time and money of
customers. It also saves our per transaction cost. The Internet Banking channel also helps us to acquire new business.
Internet Banking is a need in today’s competitive environment.

We have introduced CBS-Internet Banking from Oct2004, and the available functionalities in our
Internet Banking are at par with most of the private sector banks. Moreover our Internet Banking transactions are
secured by robust security infrastructure.

Classification of Customer (Retail/Corporate)

The determining factors for deciding whether the Customer should be extended our Retail Internet Banking or
Corporate Internet Banking is Customer Constitution and Trade Finance Facility. The matrix to decide this is as under:

Retail Internet Banking Corporate Internet Banking

Constitution  Individuals  Non – Individuals
 Sole Proprietor  Partnership
 HUF  Trust
 Private Limited Companies
 Public Limited Companies
 Society
 Body Corporate
Trade Finance Facility  NO  Yes
Procedure/Guidelines for Registring Customers for Internet Banking

 The Branches shall receive the request form from Customer on prescribed format, which is already available on
the login page on Bank’s Website Application Forms “New User Request”.
 Then after verification of the contents of the Customer’s request with the available Branch records, Branch has
to use the mentioned below menus for entering Customer’s request in Finacle:
STCON  For entering the Customer’s request in Finacle
STCONV  For verifying the Customer’s request in Finacle
The above menus are also used for Acknowledgement/Unblock and Regeneration of Password if customer
(After issue of Internet Banking User id and Password, Acknowledgement/Unblock and Regeneration of
Password can also be done by Customer itself without visiting the Branch by using Debit Card Credential.
Customer will have to click Forgot Password link available on login page of Bank of India Retail Internet Login
 After that the following Internet Banking credentials are being communicated directly to the Customer through
Pin Mailer at their Communication address:

Retail Internet Banking Customer Corporate Internet Banking Customer

 User ID  Corporate ID
 Login Password  Corporate User ID
 Transaction Password (ONLY IF Transaction facility  Login Password
is requested)  Transaction Password (ONLY IF Transaction
facility is requested)

Facilities Available:
Customer can view all his accounts, which are linked to his Customer ID. You can also generate and print statement of
your account. You can view TDS deduction inquiry and your Tax Credit statement (26AS) also. You can link your
Aadhaar Number yourself without visiting the Branch. Customer can also avail online Nomination facility but this can
be only for addition of Nomination and not for any variation / cancellation of Nomination.

PPF accounts (specific for Retail Internet Banking Customers):

Customer can view account details, view statement of their PPF accounts. They can also transfer funds to their PPF
account at their convenience without visiting branch. For activation of this facility, Branch will have to link the PPF
account of the customer by using menu “PPFMNT” in Finacle.
Customer can transfer funds within his own accounts. He/She can also transfer funds under Third party transfer i.e.
other customer account in any branch of our Bank. They can also transfer funds through NEFT / RTGS. Customer can
set new Standing Instructions and can also view / revoke standing instruction.
(**addition of NEFT/RTGS benificiary will be activated on next day**).
Tax Payment:
Under this facility, Customer can pay their Central Excise and Service Tax any time any where and their account will be
debited online. The Challan can also be generated and printed online.
Credit Card (Specific to Retail Internet Banking Customers):
Customers can view their linked credit card details like limits, billed and unbilled transactions and will provide facility
to have statement and also make payments. For activation of this facility, Branch will have to link the Credit Card
with the Account Number by using menu “CCMNT”
Customers can avail the mentioned below facilities online anytime anywhere without visiting the branch:
Reqest for BTM mobile banking, ASBA IPO request, Making TDR, Cheque book request, Cheque book status enquiry,
NSDL DP account access request. They are also able to change / reset their Debit Cum ATM Card PIN, request for
hotlisting of Debit Card, Unblocking of Debit Card.
Customers can also save Cyber Receipts generated by the System for various requests like – Fund Transfer, Cheque
Book Request a mail in your Inbox by clicking on the button “Send Mail” in the respective screen.
Change Internet Login Password, Change Transaction Password, Modify Contact Information,. Customer can reset his
Transaction Password also through this option.

Activity :
Customization, Financial Activity Enquiry & Non Financial activity enquiry

Utility Bill Payments:

In order to facilitate our Customers for Utility bill payment, Railway / Airline ticket booking, mobile recharge,
Insurance premium payment etc, we have tied up payment gateway aggregators (the agencies who tied up various
biller/merchants in order to facilitate customer for online payment).
The Customer needs to initiate the payment by visiting to the billers’ site.

Additional Facilities in Corporate Internet Banking :

Beyond the facility of our Retail Internet Banking, it meet the complex requirements of Corporate Customers like
Profile based access, account level restriction for their multiple users, imposing limits on the Fund Transfer, Multi-
level workflow for doing transaction in maker checker concept, file upload for Bulk transaction posting, details of their
Trade Finance accounts etc.
In Corporate Internet banking one Compay/Firm/Body corporate may have more than one users and all these
multiple users will have different Mobile numbers. Therefore in case of multiple users, for entering / updating the
Mobile numbers of the respective users so that they can able to receive SMS and OTP on their own Mobiles, the
Branch will have to enter and verify the record by using menu option “CORPMOB” (this menu option does not update
CUMM Mobile number details.) in Finacle.

Star Token facility was introduced by Bank of India as Two Factor Authentication (2FA) solution, which is
currently offered in two variants i.e. downloadable software token and hardware token (USB based token).
Now a days there are Business demands of rapidly launching (concept to market) of new services (apps –
Web APPS and Mobile APPS). In this process Bank of India has launched Star Token – NG which is compatible to
Android phone / tab and iOS phone / tab. The application is hosted in Play Store (Android) and App Store (iOS).
It is a secured application which can be used by any Internet banking users who are using STARTOKEN 2FA
solution. It provides secured browser to access Internet Banking and it also provides mobile banking functionalities
under “Quick Banking” widget.
The user can start using the application immediately after downloading the same from Play Store / App
Store. Customers can use the same Star Connect Internet Banking User ID, Star Token PIN to access the new Star
Token - NG application.
Star Token NG enables data communication through secured tunnel and creates a Secure Private
Application Ecosystems for the Banks – which is closed, private and secure. It creates massively scalable Private
Communication Channels (Circuits) so that ONLY authorized users and devices are allowed to access the Banking
Applications (Web – APPS and Mobile Apps).
Features of Star Token – NG:
1. Activation of User for Star Token – NG
2. Locate Branches
3. Locate ATMs
4. Balance Inquiry
5. Mini Statement
6. Self-Link Fund Transfer
7. Third Party Fund Transfer
8. OTP (On Windows / Android / MAC)
9. NEFT Fund Transfer
10. Star Connect Internet Banking
11. Set / Change of Transaction Password
This facility will enable Customers to register new Transaction Password online and instantaneous.
The brief procedure to use the facility and functionality is as under :
1. Customer must have Debit Card linked to any account of the Cutomer ID for which Internet Banking is enabled.
The Customer must also have Mobile no. registered with Bank for the Customer ID for which Internet Banking
is enabled. In case Mobile No. has been recently changed in Finacle, this facility would be available only after
Seven days
2. After successful login to Internet Banking through Star Token, customer will required to click “Options” menu.
The webpage will display a new link “Regenerate Transaction Password” along with other links to change
Login Password and to change Transaction Password.
3. On clicking the above link an OTP will be sent to the Customer’s registered Mobile No. Customers need to enter
this OTP at appropriate field on webpage.
4. On validation of OTP, customer will be redirected to a webpage wherein he / she need to input his / her Debit
Card credentials. (After three successive wrong attempts Customer shall be allowed to use this facility only
after the gap of 24 hours). After validation of that a new webpage appears wherein Customer can reset his /
her Transaction Password.
5. On successful validation, the Customer will get appropriate successful message. The new Transaction Password
is in activated state and can be used immediately.
6. After successful regenerated request, Customer’s next request will be accepted / entertained only after a gap
of Seven Days.
BOI Mobile Banking

BOI Mobile Banking is a safe, secure, convenient & 24 x 7 x 365 channel for Anytime Anywhere Banking. It is
available for individual customer only. BOI customer can enrol themselves for mobile banking application by
downloading the app from respective play store/App Store. The user will require Bank of India’s debit card.

Customer can convert himself from view user to financial user by using his debit card credentials. This option
is available under Settings Menu.
If a user changes mobile number, user has to de-register mobile banking through Security Setting option. The
user can again download the app on the device and click on proceed button to reactivate with new mobile
Apart from Operative Accounts, User also have option to view outstanding amount in loan account, get a
statement of loan account and download loan interest certificate in PDF under the Loan Accounts Option.
Under Deposit Account Option, the user has the option to view all deposit accounts with balance, summary of
Fund Transfer : Fund Transfer to self/linked accounts , third party accounts within the bank , NEFT, RTGS,
IMPS (through Account Number + IFSC / Mobile Number + MMID) are also available. We can set transaction
limit per day/week/month through setting option.
The user have to set a user id (verify if USER ID is available), set a login pin and a transaction password
(transaction facility is optional). After successful enrolment, the user have option to login through Userid or
CUST ID or Mobile Number
Customers can now access their :
a. account, b. view mPassbook, c. Fund transfer d. IMPS e. Locator
And much More Through Service Request : This feature allows requesting for a cheque book, view cheque
status and to initiate a stop cheque request.



Branch Circular no. 108/211 dated 23.02.2015
Customer can get the encryption utility from the branch. Customer to install the utility program on his computer.
Process flow for customer:
Customers to make data entry in relevant excel file (RTGS/NEFT File) provided by branch. After feeding data,
customer has to validate the data for correctness of data feeding. If data is correct, encryption file will be generated
along with plain text file and declaration file.

Three file will be generated in c:\upload directory:

1. Encrypted file with extension .TXTE which is to be uploaded at branch level
2. Plain text file with extension .TXT file for customer for their record
3. Declaration file with extension .TXT which shall be printed and given to the branch duly signed by
authorized signatories along with cheque .

For NEFT there is a limit for Rs. 2 lakh per record.

Copy the File (*.txte) received from customer in c:\finacleupload. Use Finacle menu FILETR for transfer the file. Use
menu EUPLD for upload, validation & verification. Check total number and amount of NEFT/RTGS through PR menu
before verification. After verification, report will be generated should be kept for future reference and queries.
KYC NORMS /01 30.09.2018
(Ref: Branch Circular No. 110/210 dt.06.02.2017,110/229 dtd.20.02.2017, 111/124 dtd. 06.11.2017 & 2017-18/101 dtd. 27.12.2017)
CBM (Constitution Based Module)
Br. Cir. No. 111/39 dated 17.06.2017
Know your Customer (KYC) is the most important aspect in terms of legislative requirements. It refers to as
front–loading our relationship with customer and it is helpful in avoiding many problems which may come across at
later date.
Knowing a Customer is not just simply obtaining a copy of Officially Valid Document (OVD), it is about the
understanding the normal life and business practice of the Customer by developing / having this knowledge about the
Customer we shall be able to recognize the clues / signals which will make us aware of any suspicious activity that
may be occurring.

Objective of the Policy:
- To prevent the bank from being used, intentionally or unintentionally, by criminal elements for money
laundering or terrorist financing activities.
- To enable the Bank to know/understand the customers and their financial dealings better, thereby helping
us to manage the risks prudentially.
- To put in place a proper control mechanism for detecting and reporting of suspicious transactions in accordance
with the statutory and regulatory provisions.
- To ensure that all the provisions of Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 and the rules made there under
and all subsequent amendments thereto are duly complied with.
- To ensure compliance with guidelines/instructions issued by the regulators, including FIU-IND and RBI.
Reserve Bank of India has imparted very strong emphasis on Risk profiling of each Customer and putting
them under appropriate Risk Category based on parameters related to their income / worth / occupation etc. This
categorization is to be carried out for all customers at the time of onboarding and to be reviewed on half yearly
intervals. The exercise is a part of Basic Due Diligence (BDD) and to be carried out essentially in terms of guidelines by
assigning Risk Categories i.e. LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH.

An effective mechanism is further needed to be put in place towards systematic monitoring of transactions
in each account as a measure towards Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD). Therefore the procedure for completing
Customer Profile Shee (CPS) was introduced to enable the branches to obtain relevant information and assign
appropriate Risk category for the Customer. Branches have to complete CPS of a customer by Branch staff only by
having interaction / asking questions from the customers relevant as per CPS. The further guidelines are as below:

a) The CPS is to be filled in by the ACCOUNT OPENING STAFF / OFFICIAL at the time of opening the account
b) All information as per CPS to be enquired and filled in essentially. In case some information is / are not
available or not relevant – NO/Not Applicable/NIL must be mentioned
c) The CPS form should NOT be handed over to the customer to fill in
d) The Risk rating should NOT BE DIVULGED to the customer
e) The CPS form should be duly kept attached with the Account opening form
f) The CPS is to be obtained in all new accounts at the time of opening of account and in existing accounts at
the time of Re-KYC exercise as per stipulated frequency, which is as below:
Category Period
LOW Once in Ten Years
MEDIUM Once in Eight Years
HIGH Once in Two Years

Now in Finacle Constitution Based Module (CBM) has been implemented

Br. Cir. No. 111/39 dated 17.06.2017
for capturing KYC details of Individual Customers / Legal Entities.
Finacle Menu Option --- KYCDET or
Menu Option --- CUMM  Option ‘#’
Further Bank is coming across THREE Broad category of Customer accounts for which CDD procedure is to be followed
in terms of instant guidelines in respect of Customer Identification and obtaining OVDs, details as under:-
A. Normal Accounts Customers, at there option, shall submit one of the following SIX OVDs
towards Proof of Identity and proff of Address.
- CDD procedure for 1) Passport
Individual Customer/s, 2) Driving License
also applicable to all 3) PAN Card
Individuals who are 4) Voter’s Identity Card issued by the Election Commission of India
stakeholders, office 5) Aadhaar Card issued by UIDA of India &
bearers, power of 6) Job card issued by MNREGA duly signed by an officer of the State
attorney holders, Government
beneficial owners (in If Customer submits full KYC documents to open account and further desires
corporate accounts etc.) to open the same account with ZERO balance, Branches shall accept such

request and open the account under scheme code SB101 by selecting Special
Charge code “NOMIN” in ACM menu.
B. Simplified KYC Norms / For verification of the Identity of the Customers, the documents, as under, to
Measures be deemed as OVDs :
I.Identity card with applicant’s photograph issued by Central / State
- In respect of customers Government Departments, Statutory / Regulatory Authorities, Public
who are identified as Sector undertakings, Scheduled Commercials Banks and Public Financial
“Low Risk” and expresses Institutions.
inability to complete the II.Letter issued by a Gazetted Officer, with a duly attested photograph of the
full documentation person.
(OVDs) requirements for III.Further, for verification of Address one additional document as Proof of
any justified reasons Address is needed and the same is deemed as OVD. List of such
(Account will be opened in new documents is given as under:
Savings Scheme code “SB190” in 1) Utility Bill which is not more than two months old, of any service provider
Finacle.) (Electricity, Telephone, Post Paid Mobile phone, Piped Gas, Water Bill)
2) Property or Municipal Tax Receipt
3) Bank account of Post Office savings bank account statement
4) Pension or Family Pension Payment Orders (PPOs) issued to retired
employees by Government of India or Public Sector undertakings if they
contain the address
5) Letter of Allotment of accommodation from Employer issued by State or
Central Govt. departments, statutory or regulatory bodies, PSUs,
Schedule Commercial Banks, Financial Institutions and listed companies.
Similarly, leave and license agreements with such employers allotting
official accommodation and
6) Documents issued by Govt. departments of Foreign jurisdictions or Letter
issued by Foreign Embassy OR Mission in India
C. Small Accounts One Application with self-declared address and self-attested photograph of
the person is obtained for opening such Accounts.
- These accounts are opened These accounts are allowed to be operated upon with restrictions, details as
for the persons who do under:-
not have any of the 1) The aggregate of all credits in a financial year does not exceed rupees one
OVDs mentioned for lakh.
opening account under A 2) The aggregate of all withdrawals and transfers in a month does not exceed
or B above, and they rupees ten thousand
intend to have one bank 3) The balance at any point of time does not exceed rupees fifty thousand.
(Account will be opened in
Scheme code “SB106” in
IMP: Scheme Codes SB104 & SB105 has been discontinued with introduction of CBM
(ref:Br. Cir. No. 111/39 dated 17.06.2017)

BR. Cir: 111/075 dated 03.08.2017:

In case of non-KYC complaint accounts, there is a provision of partial freezing/ closure of account.

BR. Cir: 111/174 dated 24.01.2018:

IBA advised that “Bank should not seek the Common Seal in their account
opening from, since it is not a mandatory requirement. Even in those cases, where the Memorandum of
Association and Articles of Association of the company require affixing of Common Seal, the Company shall be
allowed to provide the same voluntarily and the account opening form of the banks shall not have any such
requirement for providing the company seal.”

Bank of Cust id
Branch Account Type:

CUSTOMER PROFILE SHEET (for individuals)


Branch: ___________________________ Sol id:_________________ Zone: __________________________

i)Customer Name:Shri/Smt/Ms./Dr.___________________________________________________________



iii)Education: School/Graduate/Post-Graduate/Professional/Doctorate

If Professional, pl. specify field: _______________________________________________________________

iv)Occupation: Service (Govt.)/Service (Pvt.)/Business/

Self Employed/Retired/Housewife/Student/Others (Specify) _________________________________________

v)Date of Birth : _________________________________________________________

vi)Name of Organization/Department: _________________________________________________________

vii) Designation/Job Profile: __________________________________________________________________

viii) Nature of business/activity)_______________________________________________

ix)Politically Prominent Person: Y/N (in case “Y”, a/c will be “HIGH” Risk & its opening is to be authorised by Br. Head)

x)Income level (Annual) In Rupees :(√ tick one)

Below 25000 to 25,000 50000 1Lac 2Lac to Above

25,000 50,000 to to to 5Lac 5Lac
50,000 100000 2Lac

xi) Annual Turnover in the account:

Amt in Lakh
Previous year Actual
Current year Estimated

Risk Category: (tick one) LOW MEDIUM HIGH

Sign. of A/C opening official: Sign. of A/C Approving Official

Name: Name:
P.F.No. P.F.No.


Bank of India Cust id

nt No:
Account Type:

CUSTOMER PROFILE SHEET (for Organizations)


Branch: ___________________________ Sol id:__________ Zone: ____________________

i)Customer Name: M/S___________________________________________________________

ii)Address: (if Pvt. Ltd./Pub. Ltd. Co. then Regd.



iii)Business Activity: ______________________________________________________________

iv)Business Activity Since :

v)Name/s of Proprietor/All Partners/Directors/Trustees/Chairman & Secretary:

1) __________________ (2)_________________ (3) _________________(4)______________

5)_________________ (6) __________________ (7) __________________(8) ______________

vi) Annual Turnover (In lakh):

Previous year Actual

Current year Estimated

vii)Is the proprietor or any of the Partners/Directors/Trustees/ Chairman/Secretary a Politically Prominent

Person: Y/N (in case “Y”, a/c will be “HIGH” Risk & its opening is to be authorised by Br. Head)

If so, their names: 1) ____________________ (2) _________________ (3) ___________________

(4) ______________________ (5) _______________________ (6) __________________________

Vi)Any other information:

Risk Category: (tick one) LOW MEDIUM HIGH

Sign. of A/C opening official: Sign. of A/C Approving Official:

Name: Name:
P.F.No. P.F.No.


(Declaration to be obtained from the customer) Name of the Branch
Title of the Account
Account Number
[Tick (√) any one] o COMPANY (PVT. LTD.)
Name/s of the Beneficial Owner/s with % Sr. No. NAME (%)
(The person/s exercise/s control through
ownership or has/have a controlling ownership

*In case of company, “Controlling ownership interest” means ownership of/entitlement to more than 25% of the
shares or capital or profits of the company.
*In case of Partnership Firm, the beneficial owner is the natural person(s), who, whether acting alone or together, or
through one or more juridical person, has/have ownership of/entitlement to more than 15% of capital or profits of
the partnership.
*In case of unincorporated association or body of individuals the beneficial owner is the natural person(s), who,
whether acting alone or together, or through one or more juridical person, has/have ownership of/entitlement to
more than 15% of the property or capital or profits of the unincorporated association or body of individuals.
*In case of trust, the identification of beneficial owner(s) shall include identification of the author of the trust, the
trustee, the beneficiaries with 15% or more interest in the trust and any other natural person exercising ultimate
effective control over the trust through a chain of control or ownership.
Authorized Signatories
(Please Note: Declaration about BO should be supported by document up to the satisfaction of the Branch and / or
certificate from Statutory Auditor of the Entity)

KYC Documents for various types of Accounts:

Kindly note importantly that
(i) Copies of KYC documents to be obtained duly signed by the Applicant and verified from the Original

(ii) Wherever the proof given has Both the identity as well as current address in a SINGLE DOCUMENT, branch may
obtain only that SINGLE document as Identity and address proof;
Sr.No. Particulars
1. As a proof of Identity and Address, Recent Photograph (Passport Size) and at least one of the
following Officially Valid Documents (OVD) is obtained for verification along with a copy in respect
of Individual, Proprietor, each Joint account holder / each Partner / each Director / each Trustee /
each HUF Member, each Office Bearer, each other Authorized Signatory / PA holder, if any, in every
new account:
1. Passport (Within Validity Period);
2. PAN Card;
3. Voter’s Identity Card;
4. Driving License (Within Validity Period);
5. Job Card issued by NREGA duly signed by an officer of the State Govt.;
6. Aadhaar Card
NOTE:- In all the types of accounts listed below, i.e. Proprietorship, Partnership, Trusts, Companies, Society
etc. all documents should be examined in the original and copies thereof, duly certified by the
Proprietor, Partners, Company Chairman etc., shoule be held on record.
2. In case of every Proprietorship Firm account, the following documents are obtained, in addition to
documents listed above in Sr. No. 1:
a. Proprietorship Letter in Bank’s format;
b. Power of Attorney, if any granted by the Proprietor;
Additionally , in case of every Proprietorship Firm account, as a rule, ANY TWO of the following
documents should also be obtained:
(a) Registration Certificate
(b) Certificate / License issued by the Municipal authorities under shop and Establishment Act.
(c)Sales and Income Tax Returns
(d) CST / VAT Certificate
(e) Certificate / Registration document issued by Sales Tax / Service Tax / Professional Tax
(f) License / Certificate of practice issued in the name of the proprietary concern by any
professional body incorporated under a statute.
(g) Complete Income Tax Return (not just the acknowledgement) in the name of the sole
Proprietor where the firm’s income is reflected, duly authenticated / acknowledged by the
Income Tax Authorities.
(h) Utility Bills such as Electricity, Water, and Landline Telephone Bills.
(i) Importer Exporter Code (IEC) issued to the Proprietary concern by the office of DGFT /
License / Certificate of practice issued in the name of the Proprietary concern by any
Professional body incorporated under a statute.
NOTE:- The abovementioned documents (except no. (i)), should be in the name of the Proprietary concern. In
respect of all existing sole Proprietary accounts also, Branches should obtain the above documents
immediately, in case not obtained earlier.
NOTE:- In cases where the Branches are satisfied that it is not possible to furnish two of the documents listed
at (a) to (i) above, they would have the discretion to accept only one of those documents as activity
proof. In such cases, the Branches would have to undertake contact point verification, collect such
information as would be required to establish the existence of such firm, confirm, clarify and satisfy
themselves that the business activity has been verified from the address of the proprietary concern. It
is also clarified by RBI that the list of Registering authorities indicated is only illustrative and
therefore includes licence / Certificate of practice issued in the name of Proprietary concern by any
professional body incorporated under a statute, as one of the documents to prove the activity of the
Proprietary concern.
3. In case of every new Partnership Firm account, the following documents are to be obtained, in
addition to documents listed above in Sr. No. 1:
a. Partnership Letter in Bank’s Format;
b. Registration Certificate, if registered;

c. Partnership Deed;
d. Power of attorney, if any, granted by the firm to transact business on its behalf;
e. An OVD & Recent Photograph (i.e. documents listed at Sr.No.1 above) in respect of the
person holding an attorney to transact on its behalf;
4. In case of every new Trust account, the following documents are to be obtained, in addition to the
documents listed above in Sr. No. 1:
a. Registration Certificate, if registered;
b. Trust Deed;
c. Resolution for opening and operating the account, signed by all the Trustees;
d. A list of the names of the Trustees with their addresses;
e. An OVD & Recent Photograph (i.e. documents listed at Sr.No.1 above) to identify the those
holding power of Attorney;
5. Proof of Identity and Address required at the time opening an account of Unincorporated
Association or Body of Individuals (In addition to the documents listed at Sr.No.1 above):
a. Resolution of the managing body of such Association or body of individuals;
b. Power of Attorney, if any, granted to transact on its behalf;
c. An OVD & Recent Photograph (i.e. documents listed at Sr.No.1 above) in respect of the
person holding an Attorney to transact on its behalf;
d. Such information as may be required by the Bank to collectively establish the legal existence
of such an association or body of individuals.
6. In case of every New Company, the following documents are to be obtained, in addition to
documents listed above in Sr.No.1:
a. Certificate of Incorporation;
b. Memorandum and Articles of Association;
c. A Resolution of the Board of Directors to open the Account and conveying Authority to
operate the account;
d. Power of Attorney, if any, granted by the Company to transact on its behalf;
e. An OVD & Recent Photograph (i.e. documents listed at Sr.No.1 above) in respect of person
holding a power of Attorney;
f. Certificate of commencement of Business (for Public Ltd. Cos.);
g. List of present Directors of the Company;
h. A list of Authorized signatories with their signatures duly authorized by the Chairman /
7. In the case of every Society / Association / Club the following documents should be obtained, in
addition to the documents listed at Sr.No.1 above:
a. Certificate of Registration, if registered;
b. Memorandum of Association;
c. Rules, regulations and bye-laws;
d. Committee resolution for opening and operating the account;
e. A list of Authorized signatories with their signatures duly authorized by the Chairman /
8. In the case of every Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), the following documents should be obtained, in
addition to the documents listed at Sr.No.1 above:
a. Declaration from Karta;
b. Joint Hindu Family letter signed by the Karta and all the major co-parceners;
As per Br. Cir 111/124 dated 06.11.2017:
compare the self certified copy of deemed OVDs with the respective original document, ensure to record this fact of
comparision in the copy of OVD(s) by writing “Original seen and Verified” and must be signed by the Account
Opening Staff with Employee Id and date of verification.



Central KYC Registry (CKYCR)

(Cir. Letter: 2017-18/101- 27.12.2017, Br. Cir. 112/018 dated 14.05.2018)

In terms of RBI directions, Bank shall upload all KYC data of Individual accounts opened on or after Jan
2017 with Central KYS Registry. These instructions are anumerate Bank’s responsibility to upload KYC records in
respect of legacy accounts in a phased manner.
The work of setting up CKYC registry is entrusted to CERSAI. Following forms are to be obtained separately
along with new standardized Account Opening Form :
a) Customer Profile Sheet (separate forms for joint account holders)

b) FATCA / CRS declaration (separate forms for joint account holders)

c) Related party CKYC details for Annexure B-1 (if any)

CKYC process mandates upload of KYC documents of customer along with photograph and signatures.
Branches are advised to obtain Account Opening Form filled in BLACK INK along with clear legible / readable copies of
OVDs. A new menu HCKYC has been introduced.
A new Finacle Menu FATCA has been introduced for capturing Tax residency status of Customer.
For details & procedure, please refer Cir. Letter: 2017-18/101- 27.12.2017; 2018-19/57 – 27.08.2018; 2018-19/60 –

E-KYC 30.09.2018

Creation of Customer ID

At present, a new Customer Id can be created for a customer at branches using CUMM menu option available in
The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) recently unveiled an Aadhaar-Enabled Service termed as e-KYC
(Electronic- Know Your Customer) service. The Aadhaar e-KYC service provides an instant, electronic, non-repudiable
proof of identity and proof of address along with date of birth and gender.
The salient features of UIDAI enabled Aadhaar e-KYC services are:
1)Paperless 2) Consent based 3) Eliminates Document Forgery 4) Inclusive 5) Secure and compliant with the IT Act ) 6)
Non-repudiable 7) Low cost 8) Instantaneous 9) Machine Readable
The use of e-KYC service in creation of Customer Ids in our Bank:
We are adopting a biometric authentication of Aadhaar details to create the desired Customer-Id of a customer. The
various steps involved in creation of a Customer id is as follows-
Customer with an Aadhaar Number visits any of the Bank of India branch.
A menu option as 'UIDeKYC' is provided in Finacle for e-KYC service. Under this menu option provision for Adding of
e-KYC request / Deletion of e-KYC request / Verification of e-KYC request and Addition of e-KYC request for Welcome
Kit customers is made available
a. Opening Customer ID without using Welcome Kit
i) Branch official would require choosing the first option of  'Add New e-KYC request' under 'UIDeKYC' menu
option. Branch official then require to enter Aadhaar Number of customer in the column provided. After entering
the Aadhaar Number, system would re-direct user to another page wherein biometric authentication of customer
would be taken by the official. Upon submitting the request, the request for validating the same would be sent to
National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI). The authentication happens on a real time basis. NPCI validates
the Aadhaar number and biometric entered and based on successful authentication all the details of customer
(like name, address, age, sex, mobile no., photo etc) would be populated to Branch official on the screen. Branch
official has to click on 'ACCEPT' button to complete the fetching of customer details using e-KYC functionality.
ii) Post fetching of an e-KYC details another branch official would require to verify the request in FINACLE using
menu option "UIDeKYC" and would require to choose option 'Verify e-KYC Customer request'. User needs to
verify the details and would click on 'Send to CBS' for transferring the details fetched from NPCI to CBS. In case
details are not proper and user wishes to cancel without transmitting data to CBS, Reject option is available.

iii) Upon clicking on "Send to CBS" option, Customer id will be generated for the customer and appropriate message
displaying Customer Id will be shown on screen to the user. User must note own this cust ID no. for further
iv) His process would complete Customer Id creation in Finacle with minimum data which has been NPCI, user needs
to visit HCUMM menu and fill up all other mandatory and required details as per laid down requirement for
opening a new customer to complete the customer ID creation.
v) Customer Id modified through above process needs to be verified by another user as in vogue. This process will
complete the process of Customer ID creation.
vi) Using this Customer ID, Branch may open accounts as desired.
b. For Welcome Kit customers
I. Branch official would choose the option as 'Welcome Kit' under 'UIDeKYC' menu option. Apart from entering
Aadhaar Number, Branch official would be prompted to enter the customer id number, which is available on
welcome kit. After entering the Aadhaar Number and issuing Customer Id system would re-direct user to another
page where biometric authentication of customer would be taken by the official. Upon submitting the request,
the request for validating the same would be sent to NPCI. The authentication happens on a real time basis. NPCI
validates the Aadhaar number and biometric entered and based on successful authentication all the details of
customer (like name, address, age, gender, mobile no., photo etc) would be populated to Branch official on the
II. Post fetching of an e-KYC details another branch official would require to verify the request in FINACLE using
menu option "UIDeKYC" and would require to choose option 'Verify a-KYC Customer request'. User needs to verify
the details and would click on 'Send to CBS' for transferring the details fetched from NPCI to CBS. In case details
are not proper and user wishes to cancel without transmitting data to CBS, Reject option is available.
III. Upon clicking on "Send to CBS" option, Customer id provided for welcome kit will be populated with the details
fetched from NPCI, user needs to visit HCUMM menu and fill up all other mandatory and required details of the
customer to complete the customer ID creation.
IV. Customer Id modified through above process needs to be verified by another user as in vogue. This process will
complete the process of Customer ID creation.
V. Using this Customer ID, Branch may open accounts as desired.
C. Biometric Authentication of Aadhaar Number:
Presently for authenticating user through eKYC functionality we would be using the same Morpho authentication
biometric device provided to branches for login into Finacle.
Separate settings required to be done at browser level for capturing finger print data using biometric device for
which required support may be provided from data center.
d. This facility will entail the branches to open a Customer Id using e-KYC facility enabled by NPCI. Branches are
advised to follow all laid down procedures advised through branch circulars from time to time for an account
(Refer Branch Circular No.: 108/11 Dt: - Date: 10.09.2014)
This is necessary to verify the genuineness of various documents we obtain from our customers during the course of
our business. We list below the site addresses for verification of various documents:

DOCUMENT Available Internet Site

Finacle Menu
ITR-V Recpt Status direct website
VOTER ID; can find through CEO<state>;
all over India Mobile Number: 7738299899

CIBIL Option available (Requires User Id & Password)
Charge on Property
Suit Filed-;
>1crore/willfull (for Agriculture Land: visit the concerned State Govt.
defaulter >25 lakhs RevenueDeptt./Land record site
Property Search
CA detail search
Company Search;
Verification of e-
How to get information from MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) website:
Step 01: Go to “MCA Services”

Step 02: then select your required service as shown in the Screen Shot here below from




(ref: Policy on Model Operation Procedure for Settlement of Claims in Deceased Depositors Account’s – March 2018)
(Br. Cir: 112/41 dated-25.06.2018)

The settlement of claims in respect of missing RBI Cir. DBOD.No.Leg.BC.80/09.07.005/2007-08 dated May 2,
2008 has issued guidelines for claims in respect of missing persons (deemed Deceased). Also governed by the
provisions of Section 107/108 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. Section 107 deals with presumption of continuance
and Section 108 deals with presumption of death of a missing person. According to Section 108,presumption of death
can be raised only after a lapse of seven years from the date of a person being reported missing. Banks are now
advised to follow the procedure for settlement of such cases of missing persons according to a separate Bank’s
Policy on settlement of claims received from nominee/ survivor(s) and /or Legal Heir(s) of missing person(s)
maintaininig deposits account with the Bank (Bank’s Board has approved on 12.12.2015). The Nominee/Legal Heirs
of the missing person have to raise an express presumption before a Competent Court/civil court. The court issues an
order for settlement of the claim in respect of the missing person and accordingly the claims were being settled by
the Bank.
Claim by legal heirs/nominee could be in respect of deposits, safe custody of articles or contents of lockers. In
absence of nomination or clear mandate or a will left behind by deceased account holder bank is required to pay the
stock to all legal heirs. The guidelines for settlement of claims in various types of facilities are as under

1. In case of single accounts with nomination facility the balance outstanding in the account will be paid to
nominee on verification of his identity and death certificate on or before maturity. In case of accounts without
nomination facility the balance outstanding will be paid to legal heirs (or any one of them as mandated by all of
the legal heirs) on verification of the authority of the legal heirs and proof of death of depositor on or before
2. Survivorship-A joint account opened as "Either or Survivor" or "Anyone or Survivors" or "Former or Survivor" or
"Latter or Survivor" will permit the surviving account holder(s) to have unimpeded access to the credit balance in the
account for withdrawal if one of the co-account holders dies. In these cases, the Nominee comes in the picture when
all the survivors died, otherwise in case of death of one or more account holders (but not all), survivor(s) will get the
access to outstanding of the account.
If the mandate of survivorship is given / provided, the survivor(s) can give a valid discharge to the bank in the
case of "Either or Survivor"/ "Anyone or Survivors" and "Former or Survivor" / "Latter or Survivor" joint accounts.
In short, payment to survivor(s) can be made in the normal course subject to the only rider that there is no order from
a competent court restraining the bank from making such payment.
5 Time Norms for Settlement of Claims Branches should settle the claims in respect of deceased depositors and
release payments to survivor (s)/ nominee in case of accounts with survivor/ nominee within a period not exceeding
15days from the date of receipt of the claim subject to the production of proof of death of the depositor and suitable
identification of the claimant(s) to the member bank's satisfaction. In the case of accounts without survivor/ nominee
clause the claim should be settled within 1 month from the date on which the requisite documents have been
submitted. The claim should be settled by following the procedure in vogue and after obtaining permission of the
Competent Authority as per the delegation of Powers. With a view to avoid inconvenience and undue hardship to
common public in obtaining a court order, Bank has fixed threshold limit of Rs.20.00 lakh for settlement of claims in
deposit accounts without insisting upon a court order/Succession Certificate. Indemnity Documents to be obtained in
such deposit accounts are as under: (w.e.f. 21.01.2017)

6. Splitting of Term Deposit: On specific request from the claimant/s, branch may split the amount of term deposit
and issue two or more separate receipts in the name of the claimant(s), provided the period and the aggregate
amount of the deposit do not undergo any change.
7. Treatment of Flow in the name of the Deceased Depositor: please refer Policy (Br. Cir. 112/41 dated 25.06.2018)

Amount of balance upto Unstamped indemnity letter signed by the heirs without any Surety

Rs 5000/-
Above Rs 5000/- to Rs Stamped Indemnity letter signed by all the heirs and one or more Surities
25000/- of good standing for twice the amount involved.
Above Rs 25000/- to Stamped Indemnity letter signed by all the heirs and one or more Surities
Rs. 2 lakhs of good standing for twice the amount involved.
Above Rs 2 Lakhs to Rs. Stamped Indemnity letter signed by all the heirs and three or more
5 lakhs Surities of good standing for twice the amount involved.
Above Rs 5 Lakhs and Stamped Indemnity letter signed all the heirs and three or more Surities
above of good standing for thrice the amount involved.


(with threshold Limit of Rs. 40 lakhs, without insisting for seccesion Certificate)
Delegation of Powers- Non Credit Matters- Table II- C – Others, Item 5:
To repay the balance to Scales I II III IV V VI VII ED/
legal heir(s) in the 
account(s) of the decease
customers against
indemnity where legal Amt. NIL 02 04 10 20 30 40 --
representation has not in
been obtained lakhs
Br. Cir 112/41 dated 25.06.2018- Bank’s policy on settlement of claims in Deceased depositors’ accounts

Our Bank is in Bancassurance business since 2003 to provide multiple financial solutions to the customers and
increase penetration of Third Party Products with an objective of earning/maximizing non-interest income. We have
tie-up with National Insurance Company Ltd. (NICL) since October 2003 for distribution of General Insurance
products. In February 2007, our Bank floated Life Insurance joint venture Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company
Ltd. (SUD Life), Union Bank of India and Dai-ichi Life, Japan being other two partners & started distribution of the Life
Insurance products of SUD Life. Our Bank is in Bancassurance business since 2003 to provide multiple financial
solutions to the customers and increase penetration of Third Party Products with an objective of earning/maximizing
non-interest income.

With IRDAI (Registration of Corporate Agents) Regulations 2015 introducing new Multiple Corporate Agency Model
with effect from 1st April, 2016, a Corporate Agent may have arrangement with a maximum of three Insurers in
General Insurance segment and we have decided to have a tie-upwith more General Insurance Companies to solicit,
procure and service their General Insurance products during FY 2016-17. Presently bank has tied up with following
insurance companies for sale of Bancassurance products:
Star Unionj Dai-Ichi Life Insurance company Ltd ( SUD Life)
1. Star Health & Allied Insurance Co. Ltd.
2. National Insurance Company Ltd (NICL)
1. National Insurance Company Ltd (NICL)
2. Reliance GeneralInsurance Co. Ltd.(RGICL)
3. New India Assurance Co. Ltd (NIACL)


Safe deposit lockers facility is one of the ancillary services extended by bank at our branches. The relationship
between the banker and the customer of a locker is that of lessor and lessee. The locker units will be leased out to
customers who have been properly introduced to the bank.
(i) Custodian: Custodian is the officer-in-charge of the safe deposit vault of the branch.
(ii) Renter: Renter is the person who has taken on hire a locker in a safe deposit vault of the branch.
(iii) Master Key (or Custodian Key): This key is held by the Custodian. Without first operating this key in the lock, the
renter cannot operate his key and open the locker.
(iv) Renter's Key: Key of the locker to be allotted to the renter.
(v) Key Cabinet: A cabinet in which the renters' keys of all un-let lockers and other vault keys, including the
custodian key, are kept.
(vi) Pass Word: This is a confidential word known only to the Bank and the renter which helps the Bank to identify
the renter and serves as an additional precaution in case of doubt. The password is recorded on the specimen
signature card.
Allocation of Rentals: Lockers are generally let out for a period of one to three years. The rent for the entire period
for which the locker is rented is received in advance and should be credited to the "General Ledger Account -
Sundry Credits - Rent on Safe Deposit Lockers". The total amount of rent received should be allocated to the
respective half- years to which it relates.

Embossing of Bank Identification Code on the keys of Lockers

The keys of the safe deposit vault lockers up to 1990 contained only the key number for identifying the key. Now the
keys of the Safe Deposit Vault lockers should bear additional six digit code number containing the Bank code (No 13
for our Bank) and Branch Reconciliation Code Number embossed on them to identify-the Bank and the Branch to
which the lockers belong.
In the case of joint renters, access to the locker can be -
(a) By either or survivor
(b) By former or survivor
(c) By the renter first named during his/ her life time and only after his/her death – by all the survivors jointly or by
any. (1/2/3) of the survivors jointly or by last survivor singly.
(d) By any one or any one of the survivors or the last survivor.
Jointly by any of them or any of the survivors of them or by the survivors or by the last survivor singly.
In case one of the joint renters is a minor, branches should not open accounts with operational instructions indicated
in (b) and (c) above.
Memorandum of Agreement A renter is required to sign the Memorandum of Agreement and complete the card.
The name of the renter should be written in the Memorandum of Agreement Book (Form SDV 1453 Revised). The
signature(s) of the renter(s) should be taken in the space provided; initials should be taken at the foot "conditions” on
the reverse of the Memorandum of Agreement. If there are any alterations in the "conditions", the initials of all the
renters must be taken against such alterations. The key number of the locker allotted should be noted. Only the
stamped part of the Memorandum should be executed by the Bank and the renter and it should be retained by the
bank, the other part to be given to the renter should not be executed but the word "copy" should be written there on
and delivered to the renter after details about execution are duly completed thereon.
Operation of Locker: When a renter desires to have access to his locker, he should come to the vault with the key of
his locker. He should enter the date, time and the number of the locker and sign the Daily Register of Renters
Attendance (Form SDV 1403). The Custodian should ask the renter the pass word (code word) and verify the signature
of the renter and, after satisfying himself, write the locker number under his initials on an Access Slip (Form SDV
1464) and hand it over to the renter. A renter who cannot give satisfactory proof of his identity will not be given
access to the vault. The custodian will sign all entries in the Register.
Renter Leaving Vault with Locker Left Open: Prominent notices may be exhibited in the vault at various places
reading "Renters are requested in their own interest to close their lockers securely before leaving the vault”. TOP

It sometimes happens that the renter goes out of the vault without locking his locker. Although the Bank has no
knowledge of and takes no cognizance of the contents of the lockers, the following procedure has to be adopted as a
precautionary measure to safeguard the contents and without the Bank owing any duty to the renters to carry it out.

Renter should be contacted immediately and requested to come to the vault with the key. He should then be
informed of the position. (When calling the renter to the vault, no indication should be given to him about his
unlocked locker). The renter should be asked to check contents of the locker and be satisfied about them. He should
give a declaration in writing to that effect.
Transfer of Locker: Transfer of Locker from one Branch to another Branch of the Bank may be permitted. Ordinarily,
such requests for transfer of locker will be from one Branch to another in the same town. Even if transfer of a locker is
requested to a safe deposit vault in another town in the same country, it should be permitted and refund of
proportionate rent for the unexpired period may be given to the renter to the debit of "General Ledger Account -
Sundry Credits Rent on Safe Deposit Lockers" to which the rent was previously credited. Corresponding deduction
should be made in SDV Rent Register.
Recovery of Overdue Locker: Rental Branches should prepare a roadmap for recovery of overdue locker rent, in such
cases where the rent is overdue for more than one year. Wherever overdue rent recovery is not possible in spite of
concentrated efforts, action should be initiated to drill open the lockers giving proper notice to the customers and by
strictly following extant guidelines of the Bank in the matter.
Surrender of Locker: When a locker is to be surrendered by the renter, he should sign the Daily Register of Renters'
Attendance and take the Access Slip as usual. He should also sign the release portion on the reverse of the specimen
signature card. The renter after removing the contents of his locker should hand over the renter's key to the
custodian who should verify the key number from the record. The lock of the surrendered locker should be changed
before the locker is let out again.
Nomination Facilities for Renters: The Banking Regulation Act, 1949 has been amended by Section 37 of the Banking
laws (Amendment) Act, 1983, by introducing new Sections 45 ZE and 45 ZF which provide inter-alia, nomination
facilities to the renters of Safe Deposit Lockers
Secrecy and Confidentiality Utmost secrecy must be maintained. No information about renting of lockers, mode of
operation or visits of renters must be divulged except with the clear consent of the renters and/or when compelled by
Rental Charges (May Changes Time to Time):-
With effect from - 15.12.2016, Refer Cir.No.110/162 Dt -15/11/2016.
Other Important circular:-103/126, 2013-14/41


Section 54, 54B, 54D, 54F, 54G, and 54GB of the Income –tax Act 1961, provide for capital gains tax for a seller if the
Seller /Assessee utilize the amount of capital gain for specified purposes. In the event of the assesses not utilizing the
amount for specified purposes ,before the date of furnishing the return , then the Act provides for deposit such sum
in specified banks under Capital Gain Account Scheme, 1988.
Capital Gains Accounts can be opened for the following specified transactions which results in capital gains
b. Sale of residential property (Section 54)- Long Term Capital Gains
c. Transfer of agriculture land (Section 54 B)
d. Compulsory acquisition of land & building forming part of an Industrial Undertaking( Section
e. Trasfer of any other “Long Term Capital Asset “ ( other than residential House –Section 54F
f. Transfer of Assets on shifting of industrial undertaking from urban area
(Section 54G)
Scheme Details :-
Branches Authorized Non Rural Branches (i.e. All Semi Urban/Urban/Metro Branches)
Types of Accounts Account ‘A’ (Savings Bank) Account ‘B’ (Term Deposit cumulative/ non-cumulative)
(Savings Plus Scheme not permitted)
Eligible Applicants 1.Resident Individuals , Body of Individuals
2.Non–individuals like Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), Sole Proprietorship firms,

Companies, Association of persons etc.
3.Non –resident Indians (NRIs)
4.Resident but Not Ordinary Resident(RNOR)
5.Artificial Judicial persons who have capital gains, taxable in India
Scheme Codes a. Savings Bank A/C(A)-SB168(TYPE –savings Bank)
b. Term Deposit A/C(B)-TD468(DBD),TD518(SDR),TD528(MIC),TD533(QIC)
Period of Deposit Account ‘B’ can be opened for period not exceeding 2 to 3 years from the date of
transfer of original asset as given under
i. Maximum 24 Months : If Capital Gain is under Section 54 B, 54F, 54 G
ii. Maximum 36 Months : If Capital Gain is under Section 54 , 54 D
Minimum Balance Account ‘A’ – Rs 1,000 (AQB)
Account ‘B’ – Rs,10,000/-
Cheque Book and Cheque Book and Debit Card are not to be issued in Savings Bank Account (Account
Debit card Facility A)
NEFT /RTGS Facility NEFT/RTGS Outward Facility would not be available in this account. However Inward
NEFT/ RTGS facility is available in this Account.
Rate of Interest Account ‘A’ – Applicable to SB Accounts
Account ‘B’ – As per Bank’s TDR Rates.
No additional interest rate benefits for Senior Citizens ,staff and Ex-staff.
Withdrawal## Amount can be withdrawn from deposit “A” (Savings Bank Account) by
furnishing an application in form ‘C’ alongwith Pass Book
## Premature withdrawal from Deposit ‘B’ (TDR) is permitted by converting account from ‘B’ to ‘A’ and by levying
1% penal interest for premature payment as in case of TDRs. Form B will be used for conversion of
Account ‘B’ to ‘A’.
Further withdrawal For subsequent withdrawal form ‘D’ (in duplicate) by giving the details showing the
manner/ purpose for which the previous withdrawal has been utilized Banks are not
obliged to allow further withdrawal if above referred particulars are not furnished
Mode of payment Any withdrawal over Rs.25,000/- should be affected by Bank, only by crossed
DD/Pay order/ Payslips.

Utilization of Amount Amount drawn from Account ‘A’ has to be utilized within 60 days from the date of
withdrawn such withdrawal for the purpose mentioned in the relevant sections. Unutilized
amount should be re-deposited in Account ‘A’ immediately. Non-compliance of this
rule will render the depositor to lose exemptions under relevant section.
No Lien Amount cannot be placed or offered as Security for any loan or guarantee and
cannot be charged or alienated.
Transfer of Account Account can be transferred to another Branch of the same Bank.
Interest Exemption under Interest is not exempted under Income Tax Act, 1961.TDS will be deducted at
I. T. Act 1961 applicable rates on TDRs.
Transfer from Account ‘B’ This is permitted – Depositor will apply for this transfer in form ‘B’. If account ‘A’ is
to ‘A’ or ‘A’ to ‘B’ not opened a new ‘A’ will be opened on obtention of form ‘A’.
Nomination by a Form ‘E’ (Max. 3 Nominees)
Individual 1st nominee shall alone have the right to recover the amount, after death of 1st
nominee, 2nd has the right and after death of 1st & 2nd, the 3rd will get right.
Variation/ Cancellation of Form ‘F’ for variation/ cancellation.
Nomination by Individual Nomination will be entered in Pass-Book/ Deposit Receipt. No nomination will be
made for other type of accounts (like HUF, minors)
Issue of Duplicate Pass In the event of loss or destruction of pass book or receipt, the branch may issue, on
Book or Receipt application made to it, a duplicate thereof.
Closure of Account 1.Application in Form ‘G’ with the approval of Assessing Officer who has jurisdiction
to the depositor.
2.If depositor dies, the nominee will make application in Form ‘H’ with the approval
of Assessing Officer (having jurisdiction over deceased depositor)
3.If there is no nomination then legal heirs will apply in form ‘H’ with the approval of

Assessing Officer (having jurisdiction over deceased depositor).
FORM – A Application for opening an account under the Capital Gains Accounts Scheme, 1988
FORM – B Application for conversion of accounts under the Capital Gains Accounts Scheme,
FORM – C Application for withdrawal of amounts from account-A under the Capital Gains
Accounts Scheme, 1998
FORM – D Details regarding the manner and extent of utilisation of the amount withdrawn
from account under the Capital Gains Accounts Scheme, 1988
FORM – E Form of Nomination under the Capital Gains Accounts Scheme, 1988
FORM – F Application for cancellation or change of nomination previously made in respect of
account under the Capital Gains Accounts Scheme, 1988
FORM – G Application for closing the account under the Capital Gains Accounts Scheme, 1988
FORM – H Application for closing the account under the Capital Gains Accounts Scheme, 1988,
by the nominee/legal heir of the deceased depositor
Ref. H.O. Branch Circular No.109/051 dated 25.05.2015



These do not involve investment of fund unless the principal debtor fails to pay. These are off balance-
sheet items and usually, given by way of:

1) Letter of Credit (LC)

2) Bank Guarantee
3) Co Acceptance/Avalization

A Letter of Credit is a written instrument issued by a bank at the request of its customer who will be the Importer
(Buyer), whereby the bank promises to pay the Beneficiary (Exporter) for goods or services, provided that the
Exporter presents all documents called for, exactly as stipulated in the Letter of Credit, and meet all other terms and
conditions set out in the Letter of Credit. A Letter of Credit is also commonly referred to as a Documentary Credit. In
can be issued both for domestic and cross border trade/business/transaction
There are two types of Letters of Credit: revocable and irrevocable. A revocable Letter of Credit can be revoked
without the consent of the beneficiary, meaning that it may be cancelled or changed up to the time the documents
are presented. It is rarely used almost negligible. An irrevocable Letter of Credit cannot be cancelled or changed
without the consent of all parties, including the Exporter. As per UCP 600,unlessotherwise stipulated, all Letters of
Credit are irrevocable.
Depending on the payment terms, LCs can be sight or Usance. If payment is to be made at the time documents are
presented, this is referred to as a sight Letter of Credit. Alternatively, if payment is to be made at a future fixed time
from presentation of documents (e.g. 90 days after sight of 60 days from BL date etc), this is referred to as a usance
or deferred payment Letter of Credit.
Rules governing issuance of LC:The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) publishes internationally agreed-upon
rules, definitions and practices governing Letters of Credit, called “Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary
Credits” (UCPDC or UCP in short). The UCP facilitates standardization of Letters of Credit among all banks in the world
that subscribe to it. These rules are updated from time to time. Presently, applicable version is UCP 600.of Ct
The following is a step-by-step description of a typical Letter of Credit transaction:
1.An Importer (Buyer)and Exporter (Seller)agree on a purchase and sale of goods where payment is made by Letter of
2.The Importer completes an application requesting its bank (Issuing Bank) to issue a Letter of Credit in favour of the
Exporter. The letter of credit must be sanctioned by the competent authority. There can be a regular sanctioned
limit or on casual basis.

3.The Issuing Bank issues the Letter of Credit and sends it to the Advising Bank by telecommunication (Presently
SWIFT-MT700) in accordance with the Importer’s instructions. A request may be included for the Advising Bank to
add its confirmation. The Advising Bank is typically located in the country where the Exporter carries on business.
4.The Advising Bank will verify the Letter of Credit for authenticity and send a copy to the Exporter.
5.The Beneficiary/Exporter examines the Letter of Credit to ensure:
a) It corresponds to the terms and conditions in the purchase and sale agreement;
b) Documents stipulated in the Letter of Credit can be produced
c) The terms and conditions of the Letter of Credit can be fulfilled.
6.If the Beneficiary/ Exporter is unable to comply with any term or condition of the Letter of Credit or if the Letter of
Credit differs from the purchase and sale agreement, the Beneficiary/Exporter should immediately notify the
Applicant/Importer and request an amendment to the Letter of Credit.
7.When all parties agree to the amendments, they are incorporated into the terms of the Letter of Credit and advised
to the Exporter through the Advising Bank. Usually, the Exporter does not make any shipments against the Letter of
Credit until the required amendments have been received.
8.The Exporter arranges for shipment of the goods, prepares and/or obtains the documents specified in the Letter of
Credit and makes demand under the Letter of Credit by presenting the documents within the stated period and
before the expiry date to the “available with” Bank. This may be the Advising/Confirming Bank. That bank checks the
documents against the Letter of Credit and forwards them to the Issuing Bank. The drawing is negotiated, paid or
accepted as the case may be.
9.The Issuing Bank examines the documents to ensure they comply with the Letter of Credit terms and conditions.
Payment is made on due date if the documents are as per terms of LC. Such documents are called as ‘Compliant
Presentation’. Issuing bank recovers the amount from the applicant/Importer.
Documents are delivered to the Importer to allow them to take possession of the goods from the transport
company. The trade cycle is complete as the Importer has received its goods and the Exporter has obtained
A key principle underlying Letters of Credit is that banks deal only in documents and not in goods.
The decision to pay under a Letter of Credit is entirely on whether the documents presented to the
bank appear on their face to be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Letter of
Assessment of LC Limits:
Total Purchase Requirements A
Out of which under LC B
Lead time from opening of LC to shipment L
Transit time: ‘T’ to be nil if usance period is from date of shipment T
Usance Period U
Total Purchase Cycle (L+T+U) P
LC-Limit P*B/12
Margin: As per Sanctioned Terms.

At the time of opening of Letter of credit following points should be checked:

i. Whether the goods are on the Restricted List or Canalised Category as per the Foreign Trade Policy
currently in force. If so, L/Cs should be opened only against production of Exchange Control Copy of Import Licence
issued by the Director General of Foreign Trade.
ii. Goods, which are not under restricted/ canalised / banned category, may be imported freely. The
Import Trade Control Handbook gives ITC HS numbers for such freely importable items and this identification
number should be quoted in the Contract of sale/L/C for customs clearance.
iii. Branch should be satisfied about the ability of the Importer to retire the bill when it is received
under the L/C. In case he requires financial assistance that may be considered at the appropriate level.
iv. Status Report on the seller, his standing, whether he is capable of executing the export order,
should be obtained /verified.
v. The importer should be a regular customer of the Bank with limit sanctioned to him for Import L/C
facility either on casual basis or on regular basis.

vi. Requisite documents should be obtained from the applicant. Stamped L/C application form (FE
1338) to be obtained at the time of opening of L/C.
vii. The L/C application form forms the basis of opening the L/C. All the instructions given by the
importer in the application form will be incorporated in the L/C.
viii. Proper declaration, documentary evidence in support of the request like Sale Contract, or Purchase
order duly accepted by both the buyer and seller, Exchange Control Copy of Import Licence wherever applicable to
be obtained along with stipulated margin.
ix. Importer should be advised / persuaded to book Forward Sale Contract to hedge his exposure
against exchange rate fluctuations.
x. Payment for imports should be made in a currency appropriate to the country of shipment of goods
except in cases where imports are from Asian Clearing Union countries or Nepal or Bhutan.
xi. Payment for imports should be completed within 6 months from the date of shipment.
xii. L/C should not be opened in the name of the applicant or his nominee.
xiii. Following liability vouchers are required to be passed (Presently, being done through system in
xiv. L/C should be prepared on SWIFT format MT700 incorporating all the details. The L/C will be subject
to UCPDC Brochure No.600 and Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank reimbursement. (URR725)
xv. One copy of the L/C will be given to the opener.
xvi. One copy will be retained as office copy.
xvii. Reimbursement authorisation will be separately sent to the reimbursing Bank.
xviii. When the Bill under the L/C is received, the same should be immediately presented to the drawee
either for payment or for acceptance.
xix. The branch should decide immediately on the basis of documents alone whether to accept or reject
the documents but not later than five banking days and find out whether they are in compliance with the terms of
the L/C or not as per UCP 600. Else the documents will be deemed to be accepted and liability under LC would
follow. Hence branch to adhere this time period of 5 banking days religiously.
xx. Remittance of all import bills on collection basis requires approval of Chief Manger/Senior scale IV
xxi. Status Reports on Overseas Seller should, normally, be obtained.
xxii. The original of the note sanctioned by the appropriate authority for payment of the import bill will
be filed in chronological order and made available for verification by Internal/RBI auditors.
xxiii. The above-mentioned procedure to be followed even if 115% margin is obtained.
xxiv. Form A1 should be obtained making the remittance.
xxv. The documents should be retired at Bills Selling Rate or the contracted rate where forward contract
was booked.
xxvi. Appropriate commission and postage as well as interest for the period from the date of debit to
Nostro account till the date of payment also to be recovered.
xxvii. Liability vouchers should be reversed after the payment of import bill.
xxviii. Follow-up should be made for obtaining evidence of import (Bill of Entry).

Amendments: After issuance of a Letter of Credit, changes can be done through amendments subject to acceptance
by the beneficiary. Amendments to the Letter of Credit will be required when either the Importer/applicant or the
Exporter/beneficiary is unable to comply with the terms of the sale agreement or the agreement has been changed.
For example, value, last date of shipment, requirement of specific document, mode of transport etc
Amendment requests will be processed subject to credit approval by the Issuing Bank where necessary.
Any amendments to the Letter of Credit must be accepted by the Exporter and where more than one change is
included in an amendment, they must be accepted as a whole as opposed to accepting or rejecting. Amendment
not applicable if accepted partially. The beneficiary not bound to accept amendments
Adding confirmation to another bank's Letter of Credit amounts to stepping into the shoes of opening Bank, assuming
its liability and taking an exposure on the Bank.
Hence utmost care should be taken in considering such requests.
Request for adding confirmation should come from the L/C opening Bank

Adding confirmation at the request of the beneficiary, when there is no such request from the L/C opening Bank is
fraught with risk.
Request for adding confirmation should be referred to Head Office Foreign Business Dept. for allocation of exposure
limit for the Bank/Country
Sanctioning Authority for confirmation of L/C should have the delegated powers and also verify availability of
exposure limit.
For adding the confirmation, the following clause will be typed on the original L/C itself and will be signed by the
Manager and Deputy Manager (For manual LC’s).Presently it is being done through swift).
The commission for adding confirmation should be recovered from the L/C opening Bank at the rate prescribed by
In case it is not clear as to who will bear the Confirmation Commission, whether the L/C opening Bank or the
beneficiary of the L/C, matter should be taken up with the beneficiary and confirmation should be added only after
ascertaining as to who will pay the commission. The Confirming Bank is bound to negotiate the documents under the
L/C when they are presented.
On presentation of documents, the liability should be reversed.
A Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC)
These are written obligations of an issuing bank to pay a sum of money to a beneficiary on behalf of their customer in
the event the customer does not pay the beneficiary. SBLC are governed by Uniform Customs and Practice for
Documentary Credits.
The parties to the Standby Letter of Credit are as under:
1. The Applicant. This is the customer of the bank who applies to the bank for the standby letter of credit.
2. The Issuing Bank. This is the applicant's bank that issues the standby letter of credit.
3. The Beneficiary. This is the party in whose favor the instrument is issued.
4. Confirming Bank. This is a bank (usually located near the beneficiary) that agrees (confirms) to pay the
beneficiary rather than have the issuing bank pay the beneficiary. The beneficiary pays the Confirming Bank a
fee for this convenience. The confirming bank then collects from the issuing bank the amount paid to the
5. Advising Bank. This is the bank that represents the beneficiary. It may accept the letter of credit on behalf of
the beneficiary and collect on it on behalf of the beneficiary. In order for the transaction to be a bank-to-bank
transaction, the advising bank works for the beneficiary to keep the instrument in the banking system.
Sometimes the Advising Bank also is the Confirming Bank, but not always.
Purpose of Standby Letter of Credit:
The standby basically fulfills the same purpose as a bank guarantee: It is payable upon first demand and without
objections on the basis of the underlying transaction between the applicant and the beneficiary.
(Please refer to HOBC 108/151 dated 15.11.2014 for details).

(Officers dealing in forex are advised to refer to FEMA 1999, latest versions of various ICC regulations like UCP,
URC, URR, URDG, ISP98 etc, and FEDAI guidelines and also keep on visiting RBI website on regular basis for latest
RBI guidelines).
What is Guarantee: Section 126 of Indian contract Act defines guarantee as –a contract to perform the promise or
discharge liability of a third person in case of his default.

Parties to guarantee-
The principal debtor
The guarantor
The beneficiary
It does not involve investment of fund unless it is invoked and the principal debtor fails to pay.

It is an off balance-sheet item.
Issue of bank guarantee is generally governed by Uniform Rules for Issue of Demand Guarantees (URDG-458)
especially Foreign BGs.

Types of Guarantees: based on purpose

A) Performance Guarantee: Issued in respect of performance of a contract or obligation by the Bank’s
customer. It involves a contractual obligation.
B) Other than Performance Guarantee: To guarantee for or in lieu of financial obligation ((Financial
i. Deferred Payment Guarantee
ii. Bid Bond Guarantee
iii. Shipping Guarantee
iv. Retention Money Guarantee
v. Advanced Payment Guarantee
vi. Stand by letter or credit
vii. Guarantees on behalf of stock/share brokers favouring Stock Exchanges
Appraisal Of Bank Guarantee: Factors to be considered:
1) Purpose:
2) Frequency
3) Amount of Bank Guarantee
4) Past Record of Applicant:
i) With regard to invocation of guarantee
ii) With regard to Managerial/Technical competency of customer.
iii) Amount of Margin
iv) Amount of Collateral Security
Guarantee may be (based on location of beneficiary, Purpose and Currency):
Inland-Issued with in India in favour of beneficiary located in India for any contract or purpose originating within
Foreign: Issued in India in favour of beneficiary located in any other country in Foreign Currency.
Guarantee issued must be unconditional and for
Definite period
Definite amount
Definite purpose
Illustration: ABC &Co. manufactures aluminium shots for its supply to steel plant. Steel Plant during invites tenders
for its periodical requirement of aluminium shots from suppliers. ABC & Co usually submit 20 tenders to steel plant
during a year and at any time 10 tenders deposits are outstanding. Value of Tenders work is Rs.50 lakhs
Tender deposits - 10%
Security Deposits - 8%
Retention Money - 2%
No. of tenders to be submitted by the Co. = 20
At any time 10 tenders are outstanding = 10
So amount required for tender deposit = Rs.10*5*10% = Rs.5 lakhs
Tenders usually accepted during a year = 10
So security deposit blocked in allotted tenders = 10*5*8% = Rs.4 lakhs
Aggregate value of supplies made during the year = Rs.50 lakhs
So retention money be kept by the steel plant = 50*2% = Rs.1.00 lakh
So total B.G. limit required by the company = Rs.10 lakhs
Charges for issue of guarantee
Commission is charged as per H.O. guidelines only. It is charged for minimum two quarters and for actual months.
For financial Guarantees 075% per quarter or part thereof and for performance 050% per quarter or part thereof.
Please note that for charges HO circulars must be referred (Currently applicable is HOBC 106/79 dated 31.08.12) as
these charges are subject to revision from time to time.

Relaxation in Guarantee charges (Branch Cir.No.96/33 dt.05.06.02 )
In view of the competition in market, HO has reduced charges due to cash margin being available & risk less.
Following relaxation in charges are allowed by HO:
Available cash margin- minimum comm.
100% 25%
80% to < 100% 40%
60% to < 80% 60%
40% to < 60% 75%
Less than 40% Applicable commission
Processing charges
50% of usual processing charges applicable to fund-based facilities.
The commission is recovered in advance for an entire period including claim period.
Refund of commission on cancellation of Guarantee before expiry- calculate commission half the rate for an un-
expired period less three months and refund it .
Where validity period extended due to restraints of court order, an additional commission for the extended period at
the applicable rate.
When a guarantee is invoked and if payment is not made in an exceptional case for valid reasons, commission will be
charged for a period till the guarantee is cancelled or paid.
Margin for issue of Guarantee
Bank’s credit is involved when guarantee is issued. Bank should protect itself against the liability undertaken.
Depending upon risk perception, cash margin be stipulated for issue of guarantee.
The extent of margin depend on worth and status of borrower, guarantee amount, period of guarantee etc. Only cash
securities are considered as margin.
For NFB facilities, Secured/unsecured for the purpose of delegation is based on cash security only.
As per RBI directives, guarantee in favour of Customs/import duty and levy payable for import of essential
commodities, as may be specified from time to time, Branches to take margin of 50%.
Security Documents
 LG11 or LG12– Counter Guarantee and Indemnity. Copy of original contract certified as true copy and marked
should be attached to the counter guarantee taken.
 LG13—letter of appropriation.
 LG14/15—counter guarantee from guarantor.
 LG500—Supplemental agreement of hypothecation.
 Extension of equitable mortgage.
 Request letter in case of regular/casual guarantee.
Onus of returning guarantee rest with customer
Some Important Points:
 Stamp Duty to be paid as per local stamp act and not as per beneficiary’s advice or letter.
 Branch not to issue or renew guarantee for inter company deposits or loans.
 Partly secured guarantee involving excise or disputed tax payment should not be issued without prior
permission of Head Office.
 Branches are not authorised to issue guarantees involving Foreign Exchange should obtain prior approval from
Head Office before issuing any guarantee where Foreign Exchange is involved
 Onerous clause: Any provision in the guarantee which is likely to give rise to further pecuniary liability like
interest etc. is considered as an onerous clause
 Guarantee not to have automatic extension clause or extension at request of beneficiary

Limitation Clause:- * Minimum claim period to be mentioned in the BG is 1 year (Ref: Circular Letter no. 192 dated
The following should be the last paragraph in all the guarantees issued:-
“Notwithstanding anything contained herein above our liability under this guarantee is restricted to Rs. -------
(Rs. ---------------) and this guarantee is valid up to ------------and we shall be released and discharged from all
liabilities hereunder unless a written claim for payment under this guarantee lodged on us within -------

months from the date of expiry of this guarantee i. e. on or before ------------- irrespective of whether or not the
original guarantee is returned to us.”

For inland bank Guarantees(BG)-Following clause is to be incorporated additionally;

(Confirmation of this guarantee may be obtained from our Zonal office address of which is given below----)
Guarantee Form
 The guarantee is normally issued in a format as per the specimen given by the beneficiary.
 But before issue of guarantee, we must go through the text of the guarantee and find out whether the format of
guarantee is acceptable to us. There is no onerous clause.
 Our standard limitation clause is to be added at the end of the guarantee.
All guarantees to contain legend regarding confirmation i.e. confirmation can be obtained from the Z.O. in the
covering letter forwarding the guarantee (Br.Cir.100/112 Dt.20.10.2006).
Cancellation of Guarantee

 The guarantee should be received back after expiry of validity period

 If not received, follow-up should be made to receive it back.
 If the expired guarantee or advice of cancellation is not received within three months from the
date of the letter, the guarantee should be treated as cancelled and entries should be reversed.
As a part of precaution, a letter may be sent to the beneficiary (especially in case where
beneficiary is government) in such cases before reversing.
Invocation of Guarantee
 When guarantee is invoked the claim should be settled without delay or demur.
 Check whether invocation is made by the same authority in whose favour guarantee is issued.

Finacle: Menu in Finacle is GMM (Option ‘I’ for issue and option’M’ for modification. Options at the bottom required
to be filled up are G (General Details), C (charges) and K (margin).Additionaly two sub options ‘J’&‘8’ are to be visited
. Sub option ‘J’ where , in Paysys Id field “SFMS” is to be entered
In Sub option ‘8’ where system will populate information entered by user in earlier fields user can modify or add
details.(Branch circular-109/91 dated 11.07.2015) Use of SFMS-for bank guarantee(BG).

When guarantee is cancelled the liability should be reversed (‘R’ option in Finacle-GMM followed by ‘Z’ for closure)

All guarantees issued should be serially numbered and reference to such number should be quoted in
correspondence. In Finacle, system generates the number automatically and the same is required to be
mentioned/entered on the BG and in Guarantee register which should, preferably, be maintained manually for easy
For BG & LC see circular no 112/39 dated 20.06.2018:
1.Caution regarding customers approaching non-fund based facility but having substantial fund based exposure with
other banks.
2.Share in fund based limit is taken, when the customer availing fund based limit of more than Rs. 50 crore from other
banks & approaching for non-fund based facility.



Various schemes available to Non Resident Indians and procedures for opening Non Resident Account
Definition of Non Resident Indians

Non Resident Indian means

A. A person resident outside India who is a citizen of India i.e.
a. Indian citizen who proceed abroad for employment or for carrying on any business or vocation or for any
other purpose in circumstances indicating indefinite period of stay outside India.
b. Indian citizen working abroad on assignment with Foreign Governments, United Nations Organisation,
International Monetary Fund, World Bank etc.
c. Officials of Public Sector Undertakings, Central and State Government Agencies/ Organisation, Indian
Embassy abroad.
B. Person of Indian Origin
Person of Indian origin means citizen of any other country other than Bangladesh and Pakistan, if:
a. He/she, at any time, held an Indian Passport or
b. He/She either/or his/her parents or any of his grandparents was a citizen of India by virtue of Constitution
of India or citizenship Act, 1955.
c. The person is a spouse of an Indian citizen or a person referred to in Sub-Clause (a) or (b) above.
C. Indian students studying abroad are treated as Non Resident Indians subject to :
a. Their stay abroad for more than 182 days in the financial year.
b. Their intention to stay outside India for an uncertain period when they go abroad for their studies.

Various Deposit Schemes available to Non-Resident Indians

c. Non Resident (External) Rupee Account Scheme (popularly known as NRE Accounts)
d. Non Resident (Ordinary) Rupee Account Scheme(popularly known as NRO Accounts)
e. Foreign Currency (Non Resident) Accounts(Bank)(popularly known as FCNR(B) Accounts)

Documents required for opening the Account

f. Prescribed Application Form alongwith an undertaking from the accountholder to inform the Bank, the date
of his/her arrival in India for permanent settlement/uncertain period.
g. Photocopy of Passport along with approved VISA, employment Certificate etc. to confirm Non Resident
Non Resident (External) Rupee Account Scheme

- Currency of Account Indian Rupee

- Type of Accounts Savings Account
Current Account
Recurring Deposit Account
Term Deposit Account (minimum period 1 year)
- Joint Accounts Permissible
Non Resident External Deposit can be held jointly with a resident close relative. Joint accounts can
be in the name of two or more resident/Non Resident individuals who are persons of Indian
Nationality or Indian Origin. Account will be opened with operational instructions as ‘Former or
Survivor’ where former is Non Resident Indian. TOP
Resident close relative can operate the account as a Power of Attorney holder in accordance with
extant instructions during the life time of Non Resident/Person of Indian Origin accountholder.
Addition or deletion of the names of joint account holders-
At the request of all the joint account holders allow the addition or deletion of names of names of
joint accountholders, if the circumstances so warranted or allow an individual depositor to add the
name of another person as joint accountholder.
- Permitted Credits Proceeds of Inward Remittance in permitted currencies.
Personal cheques drawn by the account holder on his foreign currency accounts.
Travellers’ Cheque, Demand Drafts payable in permitted currencies, proceeds of Foreign Currency
Notes deposited by the accountholders in person during his temporary visit to India.
Transfer from Non Resident External account/Foreign Currency Non Resident (Bank) Account
Interest on Government Securities and Dividend on units of Mutual Funds, Maturity proceeds of
Government Securities, provided they were originally purchased by debit to the account holders’

Non Resident External/Foreign Currency Non Resident Account or out of remittances received
from abroad.
Any other credit, if covered under general or special permission granted by Reserve Bank of India.
Funds from Non Resident (Ordinary) Account within the overall ceiling of USD 1.00 Mn. Per
financial year subject to payment of Tax as applicable from time to time.
In terms of Paragraph 3(i) of Schedule 1 of Notification No. FEMA.5/2000 dated 3rd May, 2001.
- Permitted Debts Local disbursements
Remittances outside India
Transfer to Non Resident External/Foreign Currency Non Resident accounts of the account holder
or any other person eligible to maintain such account.
Investment in shares/securities/commercial papers of an Indian company or for purchase of
immovable property in India provided such investment/purchase is covered by the regulation
made or the general/special permission granted by Reserve Bank of India.

- Repatriation Allowed of principal along with interest.

Rate of Interest As per directions/instructions issued by Reserve Bank of India From time to

- Change of Status
Upon return to India by Non Resident Indian for an uncertain period, his Non Resident External
Account should be re-designated as Resident Accounts or the funds held in the Foreign Currency
account (FCNR) may be transferred to his Resident Foreign Currency Account.

- Nomination The facility of nomination is available in respect of individual

Non Resident Indian accountholder. Nominee can be either a resident in India or a resident
outside India.

-Operation by POA holder

Operation by power of attorney holder is allowed in terms of Power of Attorney or other
authority granted in favour of a resident by the Non Resident account holder, provided
such operations are restricted to withdrawals or local payments. If there is investment
clause in Power of Attorney, the Power of attorney holder can make investments in India.
Power of Attorney holder may remit funds out of balance in Non Resident External
Account to the Non Resident accountholder abroad.

-Restriction on POA holder

Resident Power of Attorney holder cannot remit the funds held in the account other than to the
Non Resident individual account holders nor make payment by way of gift to a resident or another
Non Resident External account holder on behalf of the Non Resident account holder.

Pre-mature withdrawals
Conversion of Non Resident External deposits into Foreign Currency Non Resident(Bank) deposits
and vice versa before maturity shall be subject to penal provisions relating to pre-mature
withdrawal applicable from time to time.
In case of pre-mature withdrawal of Non Resident External Term Deposits for conversion into
Resident Foreign Currency account, the bank shall not levy any penalty for pre-mature withdrawal.
Pre-mature withdrawal of a term deposit before completion of the period is allowed, however,
Bank shall have the freedom to determine its own penal interest rate.
-Deceased Payment
Interest payable If it is in the name of a deceased individual depositor or two or Deposit of a
deceased or more joint depositors when one of the depositor died, interest Shall be paid in the
manner mentioned below :
At the contracted rate on the maturity of the deposit.

In case of death before payment before maturity, the Bank shall pay interest without charging
penal interest.
In case of death before maturity, payment of deposit after the date of maturity, Bank shall
pay interest at the contracted rate till the date of maturity and from the date of maturity to
the date of payment, the bank shall pay simple interest at the applicable rate operative on
the date of maturity for the period for which the deposit remained with the Bank beyond the
date of maturity.
In case of death of depositor after the date of maturity, the Bank shall pay interest at Savings
Bank Rate operative on the date of maturity from the date of maturity to the date of

When the claimants are residents, on maturity, the deposit shall be treated as domestic
rupee deposit and interest will be paid for the subsequent period at a rate applicable to the
domestic deposit of a similar maturity.


Eligibility Non Resident Indians are permitted to open and maintain these accounts.
Deisgnated Currencies Authorised Dealer Banks in India are now permitted to accept FCNR(B) deposits in
any permitted currency as per FEMA Regulation. At present, the permitted
currencies are US Dollars, GB Pounds, Euro, Canadian Dollars, Australian Dollars,
Japanese Yen

Type of accounts Only in the form of Term Deposit Receipts with a minimum period of one year and
maximum period of 5 years only.

Joint Accounts Depositor may open joint account with their resident close relative with operational
instructions as ‘Fomer or Survivor’ where former being NRI (meaning of close relative
is defined U/S 6 of Companies’ Act, 1956. Resident close relative shall be eligible to
operate the accounts as Mandate or Power of Attorney holder in accordance with
extant instructions during the life time of the Non Resident Indian/Person of Indian
Origin account holders.

Addition or Deletion of Names Addition or deletion of names of joint accountholders is allowed with the consent of
all account holders but in no case the amount of duration of the original deposit
undergo a change in any manner.

Permitted Credits Proceeds of remittance in any permitted currency.

Same as in the case of Non Resident External accounts.

Permitted Debits Same as in the case of Non Resident External accounts.

Repatriation Same as in the case of Non Resident External accounts.

NOTE :Remittance of the maturity proceeds of FCNR(B) deposits to third parties outside India are remitted provided
the transaction is specifically authorized by the accountholder and the Authorised Dealer Bank is satisfied about the
bonafide of the transaction. TOP

Rate of Interest Rate of Interest on funds held in these deposit accounts will be in accordance with
the instructions from Reserve Bank of India.

Manner of payment of Interest on the deposits accepted under the scheme shall be paid on
Interest the basis of 360 days in a year.

Interest maybe credited to a new FCNR(B) account or an existing/new NRE/NRO
accounts in the name of the accountholder at his option.

NOTE : In respect of FCNR(B) deposit maturing for payment on a Saturday/Sunday or

a holiday or a non-business working day, Banks shall pay interest at the original
contracted rate on the deposit amount for such period (i.e. date of maturity and
actual day of payment).

Change of Status Upon return to India, NRI may opt to continue the existing deposit till maturity at the
contractual rate of interest. Such deposit shall however, be treated as Resident
Deposits after the date of return of the account holder in India.
Bank may convert it into Resident Foreign currency (Domestic) account or Resident
Rupee deposit account on maturity.
Nomination Nomination facility is available to individual NRI accountholder and nominee can
either be resident in India or a resident outside India.

Power of Attorney Power of Attorney holders can remit through normal banking channels, funds out of
the balances in FCNR(B) account to the Non Resident account holder provided
specific power for the purpose have been given to the Power of Attorney holder.

Pre-mature withdrawal is allowed and levy of penalty is at Bank’s discretion. No interest is paid where premature
withdrawal is before the completion of the minimum stipulated period.
NOTE : The penalty provision at the time of acceptance of deposits should be
informed to the depositor, then only Bank can levy such penalty, if arises otherwise.

Conversion of FCNR (B) into NRE Deposits - Conversion of FCNR (B) deposits into NRE deposits or vice-versa before
maturity shall be subject to the penal provisions, relating to premature withdrawal.

Interest payable on the If payment request is before maturity date, the Bank shall pay interest
Deposit of deceased at an applicable rate prevailing on the date of placement of deposit without charging
the penalty.
If death is before maturity of the deposit and the amount of deposit is claimed after
the date of maturity, the bank shall pay interest at the contracted rate till the date of
maturity. From the date of maturity to the date of payment, the Bank shall pay
simple interest at the applicable rate operative on the date of maturity for the period
for which the deposit remained with the Bank beyond the date of maturity.
But in the case of death of depositor after the date of maturity of the deposit, the
Bank shall pay interest at a rate operative on the date of maturity in respect of
savings deposits held under Resident Foreign Currency (Domestic) Scheme, for the
date of maturity, till the date of payment.
NOTE: In the case of claimant being residents, the maturity proceeds may be
converted into Indian Rupees on the date of maturity and interest be paid for the
subsequent period at a rate applicable to the deposit of similar maturity under
domestic deposit scheme.
Restriction No Bank can accept or renew a deposit for a period over five years. TOP

Payment of brokerage, commission or incentives on deposits mobilized under FCNR

(B) Scheme in any form to any individual, firm, company, association, institution or
any other person is prohibited.


Eligibility Any person resident outside India (as per Section 2 of FEMA) may open and maintain
Non Resident Ordinary Rupee Account. A Non Resident Indian is a person resident
outside India who is a citizen of India or is a Person of Indian Origin
Person of Indian Origin is defined in Regulation 2 of FEMA Notification. Person of
Indian Origin is a citizen of any country other than Bangladesh and Pakistan. If at any
point of time, he/she held Indian Passport or he/she or either of his parents or any of
his grandparents were a citizen of India by virtue of the Constitution of India or the
Citizenship Act, 1955, the person’s spouse of an Indian citizen.
Scheme Any person resident outside India may open and maintain Non Resident Ordinary
Rupee Account with an Authorised Dealer Bank for the purpose of putting through
bonafide transactions denominated in Indian Rupees, not involving any violation of
the provisions of FEMA Rules and regulations made there under.
Opening of account by individuals/entities of Pakistan nationality require approval
from Reserve Bank of India.
NRO A/c of Foreign Nationals- Non Resident Ordinary Savings Bank/Current Deposit accounts can be opened by
foreign nationals of Non-Indian origin visiting India with visit to India. Funds remitted
from outside India through banking channel or by sale of foreign currency brought by
him to India. At the time of departure from India balance of these accounts are
converted into desired foreign currency, provided the account has been maintained
for a period not exceeding 6 months and the account has not been credited with any
local funds other than interest accruals thereon. If the period of account exceeds six
months, then for repatriation of balance, he/she will have to make an application to
Reserve Bank of India for the same.
Currency Indian Rupees
Type of Accounts Savings, Current, Recurring Deposit and Term Deposit.
Joint Account Accounts may be held jointly with residents and or with non-residents & is opened as
Former or Survivor.

Permissible Credits Proceeds of remittances from outside India through normal banking channels
received in foreign currency which is freely convertible.
Any Foreign Currency which is freely convertible tendered by the account holder
during his visit to India. Currency Notes above USD5,000.00 should be supported by
Currency Declaration Form (CDF).
Transfer from Rupee account of Non Resident Indians.
Legitimate dues in India of the account holder. This includes current income like rent,
dividend, pension, interest etc.
Sale proceeds of assets including immovable property acquired out of rupee/foreign
currency from or by way of legacy/inheritance.
Gift received by NRI/PIO from their close relatives (as per Section 6 of the Companies
Act, 1956) by way of crossed cheques, electronic transfer. It will be treated as eligible
credits to NRO account.
Permissible Debits - All local payments in rupees including payment for imports in India subject to
compliance with the relevant regulations made by Reserve Bank of India.
Remittances outside India of current income like rent, dividend, pension, interest etc.
in India of the account holder subject to payment of tax as applicable.
Remittance upto USD one million per financial year (April to March) for bonafide
purposes subject to payment of tax as applicable.
Transfer to NRE account of NRI with the overall ceiling of USD One Million per
financial year subject to payment of tax as applicable.
Balances in NRO accounts other than debits indicated above are not eligible for
remittance outside India without the approval of RBI.

Remittance of Assets by Foreign Nationals

A citizen of foreign country (except Nepal and Bhutan) or a person of Indian origin,
who has retired from an employment in India or has inherited assets from a person or
is a widow resident outside India and has inherited assets of her deceased husband
who was an Indian citizen resident in India may remit an amount not exceeding USD
one million per financial year out of the balance in NRO account. But for this, he will
have to produce documentary evidence in support of acquisition, inheritance or
legacy of assets by the remitter and a certificate by a Chartered Accountant alongwith
print out of on-line registration in formats prescribed by CBDT (15 CA and 15CB).

Assets acquired in India NRI/PIO may remit sale proceeds of immovable property purchased by Out of rupee
funds them as a resident or out of rupee funds as NRI/PIO without any lock in period,
subject to the above limit of USD one million per financial year.

Grant of Loan/overdraft Loan to NRI accountholders and to 3rd parties maybe granted in rupees by authorized
dealer Bank against security of fixed deposits subject to following terms and
conditions :
i. Loan shall be utilized only for meeting borrower’s personal requirements and/or
business purpose and not for carrying on agricultural/plantation activities or real
estate business or for re-lending.
Restrictions The remittance facility in respect of sale proceeds of immovable property is not
available to citizen of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, China, Afghanistan, Iran, Nepal
and Bhutan and
ii. The facility of remittance of sale proceeds of other financial assets is not available
to citizen of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan.
Change of Status When a person resident in India leaves India for a country (other than Nepal and
Bhutan) for an uncertain period for the reason stated earlier, his existing account
should be designed as Non-Resident (Ordinary) account.
Foreign Nationals who come to India on employment and become residents are
eligible to open/hold a resident savings bank account are permitted to re-designate
their resident account maintained in India as NRO account on leaving the country
after their employment to enable them to receive their legitimate dues subject to
certain conditions.

From Non Resident to Resident

NRO accounts may be re-designated as resident rupee accounts on the return of the
account holder to India for permanent stay or for uncertain period except his
temporary visit to India.

Nomination Nomination facility is available to individual NRI accountholder. Nominee can either
be a resident in India or a resident outside India.

Operation by POA Authority to allow operation of NRO accounts by POA holders is delegated to
Authorised Dealer. NRI can grant authority to any resident/NRI to operate his/her
NRO account. POA holder can operate the accounts subject to following restrictions :
i. All local payments in Rupee including payment for eligible investments subject to
compliance with relevant regulations made by the RBI.
Remittances outside India of current income in India of the NRI individual
accountholders net of applicable taxes. TOP
iii. The resident POA holder is not permitted to repatriate outside India funds held in
NRO account other than to the NRI individuals accountholder nor to make
payment by way of gift to a resident on behalf of the non resident account
holders or transfer funds from the account to another NRO account.


Facilities to a person going abroad for studies.

Persons going abroad for studies are treated as NRIs and are eligible for all the facilities
available to NRIs. International Credit Cards.
Authorised dealer Banks have been permitted to issue their cards to NRIs/PIOs without prior
approval of RBI. Such transaction may be settled by inward remittances or out of balances
held in cardholders FCNR (B)/NRE/NRO accounts.

Remittances (Inwards/Outwards)

In case of Foreign Currency Remittances, it is divided into two parts:

As we are well aware that all forex transactions are permitted under the purview of FEMA.


These remittances are received from abroad either in Foreign Currency or Indian Rupee vide TT/ MT/Demand Drafts.
Under FEMA, there is no restriction on receipt of foreign currency into India for legitimate purpose.
Under the process, when any Inward remittance is received, AD Bank will apply TT Buying rate for conversion of
currency provided the cover has been provided to our NOSTRO Account.
If the beneficiary is not having account with the AD then after conversion into Indian Rupee, Pay Order/Demand
Draft/NEFT/RTGS will be issued/done for the beneficiary.
Before conversion in case of Inward remittance especially over USD5,000.00, we must contact the beneficiary in this
Encashment of Foreign Currency cheques deposited
Regarding this instructions are issued by the Head Office, Foreign Business Department (FBD) from time to time.
Encashment of Foreign Currency Travellers Cheques
At present Branches are authorized to encash foreign travellers cheques issued by following institution :
1. Thomas Cook (Master Card)
2. VISA\
3. American Express
4. Citi Corp.
For foreign tourists, Head Office has put ceiling on encashment of Travellers Cheques from tourists which is
maximum USD500.00 per day per person or its equivalent with exception to credit to NRI Customers’ accounts with
lien marking till Travellers Cheques are realized and credited to our NOSTRO account.
Procedure for eancashment of Travellers Cheques

i. Paying officer shall scrutinize the Travellers Cheques and the tenderer should be asked to put his signature in
the presence of officer at the appropriate place and after respective signature should be tallied with
original signed over the Travellers Cheques at the time of issuance/purchase.
ii. Validity of the passport must be checked and it should be recorded on the back of the payment voucher
alongwith the photocopy of the same.
iii.Paying officer must ask for local address (Hotel address alongwith Room No.) and permanent address and
should match and compare with Passport as per Bank’s policy while passing the payment because the
vendors are now a days not provindg warning bulletin.

Guidelines for encashment of Foreign Currency Notes

This facility is available at select branches only i.e. Authorised Dealer (AD). Currency Declaration Form (CDF) should
be endorsed upon encashment and no encashment should be entertained without CDF beyond USD5,000.00.



Remittance of Current Income of Non Resident Indians

Remittances outside India of current income like rent, dividends, pension, interest etc. earned in India of the
accountholder is permissible debit to the Non Resident Ordinary account. AD Banks may also allow
repatriation of current account income as mentioned above of NRIs who do not maintain an NRO account in
India on submission of an appropriate certificate from the Chartered Accountant that the amount proposed
to be remitted is eligible for remittance and that applicable taxes have been paid/provided for by the
Remittance of amounts by a foreign national of Non-Indian origin
A foreign national of Non-Indian Origin who has retired/completion of contract from an employment in India
or who has inherited assets from a person resident in India or who is a widow of an Indian citizen who was
resident in India may remit an amount not exceeding USD one million per financial year (April to March)
subject to the satisfaction of AD Bank or production of documentary evidence in support of
acquisition/inheritance of assets and undertaking by the remitter and a Certificate by a Chartered Accountant
in prescribed format (15 CA and 15 CB) by Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT).
Exception : Not available to citizen of Nepal and Bhutan

Remittance of Salary earned in India

Diplomatic mission, diplomatic personnel and Non-diplomatic staff of foreign embassies who are the
nationals of the concerned foreign countries and hold official passport are allowed to maintain foreign
currency deposit account with AD Banks in India.

A national of a foreign state, resident in India being an employee of a foreign company or a citizen of India
employed by a foreign company outside India in either cases on deputation to the
office/branches/subsidiary/joint venture in India of such foreign company is permitted to open hold and
maintain a foreign currency account with a Bank outside India.

He/she can remit the salary payable to him by credit to his account provided that income tax chargeable
under the Income Tax Act, 1961 is paid on the entire salary as accruals in India.

Repatriation of sale proceeds of residential property purchased by NRIs/PIOs out of foreign exchange
Repatriation of sale proceeds of residential property purchased by NRIs/PIOs is permitted to the extent of the
amount paid for acquisition of immovable property in foreign exchange received through banking channels. The
facility is restricted to not more than two such properties. The balance amount (premium/profit) can be remitted
under USD one million facility as mentioned earlier.
AD banks may permit repatriation of amounts representing the refusal of application/earnest money/purchase
consideration made by the home building agencies/seller on account of non-allotment of flat/plot or cancellation of
bookings/deals for purchase of residential/commercial property together with interest if any (net of Income Tax
payable thereon) provided the original payment was made out of NRE/FCNRB/account of the accountholder or
remittances from outside iNida through normal banking channels and the AD Bank is satisfied about the genuineness
of the transaction. Such funds may also be credited to their NRE/FCNRB account of NRI/PIO, if they desire.

AD banks may allow repatriation of sale proceeds of residential accommodation purchased by NRIs/PIOs out of funds
raised by them by way of loan from the AD Banks/housing finance institutions to the extent of such loans repaid by
them out of foreign inward remittances received through normal banking channels by debit to their NRE/FCNRB

Foreign Facilities for Students

Students going abroad for studies are treated as NRIs and are eligible for all the facilities available to NRIs under

As NRIs they can receive remittances from India as:

i. Upto USD2,50,000.00 for studies from close relatives.
ii. Upto USD one million per financial year out of sale proceeds of assets/balances in their NRO account
maintained with an AD Bank.
iii.Amount as per Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) upto USD2,50,000.00
Income Tax Clearance

The remittances will be allowed to be made by the AD Banks on production of an undertaking by the remitter
and a certificate from a Chartered Accountant in the formats prescribed by the CBDT.
International Credit Cards

AD Banks have been permitted to issue ICC to NRIs/PIOs without prior approval of RBI. Such transactions may be
settled by inward remittances or out of balance held in the cardholder’s FCNRB/NRE/NRO accounts.
Release of Foreign Exchange by AD Banks
For various current account transactions, release of foreign exchange to be guided by the Rules made by the
Government of India under Section 5 of the FEMA.

Drawl of foreign exchange also includes use of ICC, International Debit Cards etc.

Sale of Foreign Exchange

AD Banks may release foreign exchange for travel purposes on the basis of declaration given by the
travellers/purchaser regarding the amount of foreign exchange availed of during the financial year.

In case of Issue of TCs, the travellers should sign the cheques, in the presence of an authorized officials and the
purchasers acknowledgement for receipt of the TCs should be held on record.

Limit of Foreign Currency sale to residents going abroad for tourist purpose

i. Travellers proceeding to Iraq and Libya – USD5000.00 or if equivalent.

ii. Travellers proceedings to Islamic Republic of Iran, Russia Federation another Republics of Commonwealth of
Independent States full exchange may be released in Currency Notes.
iii.For countries other than above USD3000.00 or its equivalent.

Under Liberalised Remittance Scheme any resident individual can remit upto
USD 2, 50,000.00 per financial year (April to March) in respect of Permissible current or capital account
transaction or a combination of both as below:
i. Acquiring or holding immovable property or share or debit instruments or any other assets outside India.
ii. Opening, maintaining and holding foreign currency account with Banks outside India for carrying out
transactions permitted under LRS.
iii. Remittances towards gift to a person residing outside India.
iv. Remittances towards donation to a charitable/educational/religious cultural organization outside India.
v. Giving Rupee gifts to NRI/PIO close relatives by way of crossed cheque/electronic transfer to the credit of
beneficiary’s NRO account.
vi. Lending money by way of crossed cheques/electronic transfer to NRI/PIO close relatives to meet the
borrower persons or business requirements in India. The loan should be interest free, should have a
maturity of minimum one year and cannot be remitted outside India. Loan amount cannot be utilized
for prohibited purposes. Purchasing objects of amount subject to the provision of other applicable
loans like foreign trade policy.

vii. Investment in units of Mutual Funds, ventures funds, unrated debt securities, Promissory Note etc.
viii. Repayment of a loan availed abroad by an individual while as a non-resident Indian or return to India as a

Prohibited Purposes

Outward remittance facility under LRS is not available for the following:

ix. Remittances for any purpose specifically prohibited under Schedule I of FEMA like purchase of lottery
tickets, Sweep stakes prescribed Magazines etc., Margin or Margin calls to overseas exchange/
overseas country party, trading in foreign exchange abroad, setting up a company abroad, directly or
indirectly to Bhutan, Nepal, Mauritius and Pakistan.
x. It is mandatory to have PAN No. to make remittances under the Scheme.
xi. Banks are not permitted to extend any kind of credit facilities to individual residents for facilitating
outward remittances under this scheme.
xii. Resident individual is not permitted to open Foreign Currency account in India under the Scheme. Off
shore banking unit in India is not treated as an overseas branch of a Bank in India for the purpose of
the scheme.
FROM 01.04.2015 TO 30.09.2018
Introduction of Credit rating models- SBS (revamped) & SME (New) 109/118 dt 24.08.15
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna- (Urban) 109/173 dt 07.12.15
General delegation of Powers for Domestic Branches-Credit Matters 109/197 dt 28.01.16
109/134 dt 14.09.15
Review of Term/ Demand Loan Outstanding Less than Rs. 5.00 crores in 109/199 dt 30.01.16
statement form
Master Circular- Current Account deposits 109/201 dt 01.02.16
Credit Proposal- Revised Formats 109/216 dt 26.02.16
MCLR 110/19 dt 01.04.16
110/37 dt 06.05.16
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Rin Yojna 110/09 dt 01.04.16
Prudential Guidelines- revitalizing of stressed Assets 110/20 dt 06.04.16
Credit monitoring policy 110/49 dt 19.05.16
109/92 dt 13.07.15
Credit Monitoring Policy (Review) 110/106 dt 16.09.16
CERSAI 110/50 dt 19.05.16
109/225 dt 10.03.16
Collection of Cheque Policy 110/60 dt 02.07.16
Staff Accountability policy 110/66 dt 08.07.16
MSME (Revival & Rehabilitation) 110/69 dt 11.07.16
MSME Policy 110/77 dt 25.07.16
Master Direction- Priority Sector Lending 110/108 dt 22.09.16
Forensic Audit Policy 110/130 dt 07.10.16
Bank’s Policy on- a. Discounting Future Cash Flow 110/156 dt 24.11.16
b. Discounting of Lease Rentals
Revision in Service Charges 110/162 dt 15.11.16
CPA-3 110/167 dt 02.12.16
POS Terminals 110/173 dt 08.12.16
Amendment in SARFAESI Act 110/180 dt 19.12.16
MPOS 110/181 dt 22.12.16

Issuance of Co-branded General Purpose Reloadable Prepaid Card 110/184 dt 31.12.16
Policy Guidelines on concession of ROI, Service Charges, etc. 110/187 dt 29.12.16
Short term Loan Policy 110/189 dt 28.12.16
Credit Policy 110/193-I
110/193-II dt 29.12.16
Functioning & Monitoring of ATM 110/195 dt 24.12.16
Credit Linked Capital Subsidy CLCCS for technology up gradation to MSEs 110/200 dt 12.01.17
General Purpose Reloadable GPR prepaid card 110/205 dt 15.01.17
Enhancement of security features in cheque forms CTS 2010 2016-17/119 dt 31.01.17
Revised KYC Policy 110/210 dt 06.02.17
Insolvency & Bankruptcy code 2016 110/219 dt 07.02.17
NPA Management Policy 110/221 dt 06.02.17
CARDTRACK Menu for tracking of Debit Card 110/225 dt 14.02.17
Customer Profile sheet 110/229 dt 20.02.17
Credit Guarantee Scheme CGTMSE/ CGFMU/ CGSS 2016-17/130 dt 27.02.17
CGTMSE Modification 110/233 dt 10.03.17
Stock Audit 110/236 dt 16.03.17
Insta Pin in Credit Card 110/237 dt 23.03.17
POS: Exchange Plus dynamic Currency conversion 111/5 dt 11.04.17
Revamped/ Modified Diamond savings Bank Account 111/6 dt 18.04.17
Amenment in Delegation of Powers (Non-Credit matters) 111/7 dt 18.04.17
Pricing of Bank Guarantee (Inland) with tenor of above 3 years 111/12 dt 28.04.17
Master circular on Guarantee scheme of Credit Guarantee Fund for Micro 111/19 dt 05.05.17
Units (CGFMU)
Transfer of Charge of a branch,Handing/Takingover reports-Revised 111/20 dt 02.05.17
Star Start-up scheme 111/28 dt 25.05.17
Bills Discounting Under LCs 111/29 dt 22.05.17
Implementation of Stock maintenance & inventory for Ready Kits (Debit 111/30 dt 29.05.17
Cards) in CBS
Scheme for Financing Against Gold/ Gold Jewellery/ Gold Coins 111/34 dt 09.06.17
Gold Loan Policy- Master Circular 110/72 dt 13.07.16
Master Circular on the bank’s Lending Policy to various Industries 111/37 dt 13.06.17
Master Circular on credit guarantee Fund for Stand Up India(CGSSI) 111/38 dt 15.06.17
Finacle Menu Option KYCDET/ Implementation of Constitution Based 111/39 dt 17.06.17
Module (CBM)
Compliance Function Policy 111/40 dt 19.06.17
Revision in Organisational Structure 111/41 dt 09.06.17
Post Sanction Review System (PSRS) for accounts with exposure of Rs. 2.00 111/42 dt 17.06.17
lacs and above
Reviwe of Policy for Restructuring of Domestic Advances 111/43 dt 17.06.17
Amendment in Bank’s lending to MSME sector 111/45 dt 27.06.17
Obtention of Title Search Report from Panel Lawyers on immovable 111/47 dt 06.07.17
properties offered as security Precaution to be taken Format of Title
Search Report etc.
Special Schemes for Financing SRTOs/ Equipment Hirers Under MOU with 111/56 dt 12.07.17
Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) - Inclusion of D D Auto
Merger of credit monitoring and asset recovery dept 111/58 dt 14.07.17
GOODS AND SERVICES TAX (GST) 111/59 dt 13.07.17
Use of Structured Financial Messaging System (SFMS) – For Bank Guarantee 111/60 dt 11.07.17
Diversion of funds by borrowers through current account with other banks- 111/61 dt 12.07.17
mechanism for obtaining noc from lenderis

Facilitation in customer service branding of 'MAY I HELP YOU' Counters 111/62 dt 24.07.17
New CRA Procedure- ATM CARDS 111/63 dt 24.07.17
Bank's Document Handling and Retention Policy Review without changes 111/65 dt 24.07.17
Master Circular on Credit Card 111/44 dt 19.06.17
Master Circular On Credit Cards - Corrigendum 111/67 dt 29.07.17
Policy Guidelines for Advance against Term Deposits with Bank Revision in 111/70 dt 01.08.17
delegation for Margin requirement Revision in Delegation to approve
concession in ROI Revision in Delegation for Sanction of Loan/OD against
institutional deposits/ bulk deposits
Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms /Anti-Money Laundering (AML) 111/72 dt 03.08.17
Standards/ Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) guidelines - Partial
freezing/Closure of KYC non-compliant accounts
Generation of System Asset Classification (SASCL) 111/73 dt 02.08.17
Stockash Scheme - Financing against Equity Shares/ Debentures/Bonds 111/75 dt 01.08.17
Modification in the scheme by including Loan against Sovereign Gold Bonds
in the scheme
Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Skill Development (CGFSSD) Compulsory 111/76 dt 31.07.17
cover for loans granted under Prime Minister Kaushal Rin Yojana (Skill Loan)
Change in delegation for approving - Waiver of CGTMSE Coverage 111/77 dt 01.08.17
Prudential Norms: Limit on Credit Exposure to Individuals/Group 111/78 dt 09.08.17
Borrowers for the year 2017-2018
Implementation of Goods & Services Tax (GST) w .e.f 1st July 2017 - 111/79 dt 09.08.17
Acceptance of GST Challan in our Bank as Agency Bank Procedure for
accepting GST Payment by our Customer
Role-responsibilities & Action points for Area Manager's Support Staff 111/82 dt 22.08.17
under "Project Connect- SAMPARK”
PRADHANMANTRI AWAS YOJANA (PMAY) (Housing to All (Urban)) 111/87 dt 23.08.17
Amendment in EWS/L1G under CLSS Inclusion of MIG I and MIG II under
Due Diligence of MSME Borrowers- Empanelment of M/S Goldrush Capital 111/88 dt 01.09.17
Services Pvt Ltd
Revision in Rates on Savings Bank deposits 111/93 dt 24.08.17
Master Circular Lead Bank Scheme 111/94 dt 05.09.17
Revision in Delegation of Powers - Retail Loans 111/98 dt 14.09.17
Introduction of BOI –Bill Pay(BBPS) to BOI customers 111/111 dt 29.09.17
New Central Sector Scheme-SAMPADA (For Agro marine Processing & 111/112 dt 06.10.17
Development of Agro-Processing Clusters)
Monitoring of End Use of Funds 111/113 dt 20.09.17
Credit Card Facility Against Term Deposit 111/114 dt 11.10.17
Revision In Base Rate w.e.f. 10.10.2017 111/119 dt 10.10.17
Extending of Credit Facility to Village Level Entereprenures (VLEs) Under Tie 111/120 dt 23.10.17
up arrangement with CSC e government service
Lending Powers for Area Managers 111/121 dt 17.10.17
Central KYC Registry - Uploading KYC Data – Proposed Methodology – 2017-18/ 101 dated
Account Opening Forms filled in Black Ink 27.12.2017
Implementation of KYC/AML/CFT Guidelines 111/124 dt 06.11.17
Master Circular on “Star Gold”- Gold Loan Scheme 111/127 dt 17.11.17
Credit Linked Capital Subsidy (CLCS)Scheme for Technology upgradation of 111/128 dt 21.11.17
Micro & Small Enterprises
Online Transaction Password Regeneration Fuctionality 111/131 dt 16.11.17
Check List for Bill Discounting under LCs 111/133 dt 18.11.17
Introduction of New Health Codes 17 and 18 in the system for 111/141 dt 12.12.17

identification of the accounts Re-structured under SDR and S4A Schemes -
Creation of new Office account SUNCR17 for parking of Unrealised
interest of SDRI S4A accounts during Invocation/ Stand-still period
External Credit Rating 111/157 dt 04.01.18
Introduction of Legal Entity Identifier Code for Large Corporate Borrowers- 111/159 dt 18.12.17
RBI Guidelines
Bank of India Facebook group for Serving employees-STARPARIVAR@112 111/161 dt 03.01.18
Uploading of all Auction Notices issued under SARFAESI Act on the website 111/167 dt 11.01.18
Star MSME GST Plus-Clarifications 111/169 dt 10.01.18
Trade Receivables Discounting System (TReDS) 111/170 dt 09.01.18
New Salary Account Scheme for Police Personnel-BOI RAKSHAK SALARY 111/171 dt 17.01.18
Bill Discounted under Inland LCs –Consolidated Guidelines 111/172 dt 11.01.18
Introduction of “GREEN PIN” for Debit Crads through ATM 111/173 dt 29.01.18
Company Seal & PAN 111/174 dt 24.01.18
Creating Awareness of Code of Bank’s Commitment to the customers & 111/178 dt 14.02.18
Code of Bank’s commitment to Micro & Small Enterprises amongst
Verification of credentials of Promoters/Borrowers/Guarantors With 111/179 dt 12.02.18
Central Fraud Registry (CFR) while assessing their credit Requirements
Cut off limits and operational guidelines
Launch of 7.75% Savings (Taxable) Bond,2018by Govt of India 111/180 dt 27.02.18
Activation of PMJDYand Dormant Accounts-Requirement of Customer Due 111/182 dt 07.03.18
Diligence and RE-KYC exercise
Resolution of Stressed Assets- Revised Framework 111/183 dt 13.03.18
Discontinuance of Letters of Undertaking (LOUs) and Letter of Comfort 111/186 dt 14.03.18
(LOCs) for Trade Credits
Risk Based Internal Audit-Master Circular 111/190 dt 20.03.18
Master Circular on the Bank’s Lending Policy to Various Industries 112/002 dt 04.04.18
Credit Inspection-Review of Self- supervised accounts with revised limits 112/004 dt 10.04.18
up to Rs. 5.00 lacs
Information Utilities under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016 112/008 dt 17.04.18
Bank’s Social Media Policy 112/009 dt 10.04.18
Star RERA Plus-Guidelines for opening of Current Account for Developers 112/010 dt 10.04.18
Star Gold Loan Scheme-Operational Guidelines for SGLCs 112/012 dt 23.04.18
Star Sanjeevani Scheme consisting all four Schemes 112/014 dt 16.04.18
Creation/ Modification of Customer ID for Non Profit Organisation 112/015 dt 03.05.18
Additional Rate of Inetrest on Domestic Rupee Term Deposits to Sr Citizen, 112/017 dt 04.05.18
Restricted to Principal Deposit Amount below Rs. 1 Crore per person
Implementation of CKYC Project for Individual Account-Operational 112/018 dt 14.05.18
Star Home Loan- Master Circular 112/021 dt 03.05.18
Rechistening CPC-Rural as Agricultural Banking Centre 112/023 dt 23.05.18
New Business Group Clearance- Revision in Guidelines 112/024 dt 22.05.18
BOI Rakshak Salary Account-Consent Letter for Converging Scheme Code 112/025 dt 18.05.18
Application Form for MSME Loan up to Rs. 200 lakhs 112/027 dt 01.06.18
Master Circular on Gurantee Scheme of the CGTMSE 112/030 dt 07.06.18
Encouraging formalization of MSME Sector 112/031 dt 08.06.18
Group Personal Accidental Insurance Cover for Customers and Staff Salary 112/032 dt 12.06.18
Account Holders
BOI Star TOP UP Loan 112/034 dt 14.06.18
Revised/ reviewed Policy on outsourcing 112/035 dt 20.06.18

BOI Star Pravasi Home Loan Scheme for NRIs/PIOs 112/037 dt 12.06.18
BOI Scheme for OTS of NPAs (BOI OTS 2018) 112/038 dt 08.06.18
Policy Guidelines Letter of Credit (LC) and Bank Guarantee (BG) 112/039 dt 20.06.18
Policy Guidelines Discontinuation of Star Sahayata Loan Scheme 112/040 dt 20.06.18
Policy on Model Operational Procedure for Settlement of Claims in 112/041 dt 25.06.18
Deceased Depositors Account's-Changes Proposed
Payment of Gratuity as per Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 / Bank of India 112/042 dt 26.06.18
Gratuity Fund Rules- Exemption from Income Tax
112/46 STAR MSME WELCOME OFFER(No subject) 112/46 dt 25.06.18
Master Direction -Priority Sector Lending Targets and Classification 112/048 dt 06.07.18
Priority SectorLending-Targets and Classification 112/053 dt 16.07.18
Central Registration Of Loan Application "Credit Proposal tracking 112/054 dt 11.07.18
Master Circular-Kisan credit Card(KCC) Scheme 112/055 dt 17.07.18
Launch Of New Deposit Products Motor Accidental ClaimantAnnuity 112/056 dt 03.07.18
Deposit(MACAD) & Motor Accidental Claims Tribunal (MACT) SB A/c
Master Circular-Credit Facilities to Minority Communities 112/057 dt 19.07.18
Master Circular-SHG Bank Linkage Programme 112/058 dt 25.07.18
CGTMSE Scheme (Modification in the eligibility of CGS & New Guidelines 112/062 dt 25.07.18
on Revival Of Closed accounts)
Master Circular-Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana- National Rural Livelihood 112/063 dt 31.07.18
Mission (DAY-NRLM)
Policy Guidelines -Corporate Loan 112/065 dt 06.08.18
CGTMSE Scheme-Clarification on the concession of rate of interest in 112/066 dt 06.08.18
CGTMSE Covered Accounts.
Policy For Red Flagging Of Advances 112/068 dt 10.08.18
Master Circular On Gift Cards 112/071 dt 24.08.18
Operational Guidelines for the "PRADHAN MANTRI CREDIT SCHEME FOR 112/072 dt 31.08.18
Prudential Norms: Limit Exposure to Individuals/Group Borrowers for the 112/073 dt 01.09.18
Year 2018-2019
Ease Of MSME Finance-Mudra Franchise/Dealer/Aggregator Scheme: 112/074 dt 27.08.18
Standard Operational Guidelines(No subject)
Ease Of MSME Finance-Cluster Based Finance: Standard Operational 112/075 dt 27.08.18
Star MSME E-Rickshaw Finance 112/077 dt 27.08.18
Inland Bills Negotiated Under LCs (No subject) 112/078 dt 27.08.18
Value Additions to our Credit Cards Introduction Of EMI Scheme On POS 112/079 dt 08.08.18
For Our Credit Cards
Scheme For Extending Overdraft Facility to staff Members 112/084 dt 17.09.18
CREDIT POLICY-Amendments for EASE Actions Points 112/086 dt 10.09.18
Revised MSME Proposal Format(No subject) 112/088 dt 17.09.18
Bank’s Policy On Dishonour of Cheques and Debit Mandates-Changes 112/089 dt 21.09.18

MSME Delivery Points: Opening Of New SMECCs, Identification Of SME 112/090 dt 17.09.18
Focused Branches,SMECCs- Revamped Operational Guidelines, SME
Focused Branches- Operational Guidelines

NPA Management Policy-2018 Review-Amendments(No subject) 112/091 dt 18.08.18

Facility of Exchange of Notes and Coins(No subject) 112/092 dt 25.09.18
OTS/Release of Security with companies under Liquidation/Resolution(No 112/096 dt 27.09.18



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