EMI Notes For Class 12 Cbse

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06 Induction
6.2 The Experiments of Faraday and Henry 6.7 Energy Consideration : A Quantitative Study
6.3 Magnetic Flux 6.8 Eddy Currents
6.4 Faraday’s Law of Induction 6.9 Inductance
6.5 Lenz’s Law and Conservation of Energy 6.10 AC Generator
6.6 Motional Electromotive Force

Topicwise Analysis of Last 10 Years’ CBSE Board Questions (2016-2007)



Number of questions

6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10

8 Maximum weightage is of inductance. 8 Maximum SA I and SA II type questions were

asked from inductance.
8 Maximum VSA and SI type questions were asked
from Lenz’s Law and Conservation of Energy. 8 Maximum LA type questions were asked from
inductance and AC Generator.

 
8 Magnetic flux : The number of magnetic lines It is given by f= B ⋅ A = BA cos q
of force crossing a surface is known as magnetic where B is the strength of magnetic field, A is
the area of surface and q is the angle between
flux linked with that surface.
normal to area and field direction.
 of our right hand in mutually perpendicular
X When B is perpendicular to the surface
i.e. q = 0°, f = NBA (maximum value). directions such that fore finger points along
 the direction of the field and thumb is along
X When B is parallel to the surface i.e.
q = 90°, f = 0 (minimum value). the direction of motion of the conductor, then
X In case of a coil of area A having N turns the central finger would give us the direction of
f = NBA cosq induced current or emf.
X Magnetic flux is a scalar quantity. It can be Motion of conductor

positive, negative or zero.

X The dimensional formula of magnetic flux is
Magnetic Fore finger
X The SI unit of magnetic flux is weber.
X The CGS unit of magnetic flux is maxwell.
1 weber = 108 maxwell r
X ge
Induced current fin
8 Electromagnetic induction : It is the r al
phenomenon of generating an emf by Ce

changing the number of magnetic lines of force X Applications of Lenz’s law

(i.e. magnetic flux) associated with the circuit. – When a north pole of a bar magnet is
The emf so generated is known as induced emf. moved towards a coil, the current induced
If the circuit is closed the current which flows in the coil will be in anticlockwise direction
in it due to induced emf is known as induced as shown in the figure.
8 Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction
X First law : Whenever the amount of
magnetic flux linked with a circuit changes, an
emf is induced in the circuit. This induced emf N
persists as long as the change in magnetic flux S
continues. – When a north pole of a bar magnet is moved
X Second law : The magnitude of the induced away from the coil, the current induced in
emf is equal to the time rate of change of the coil will be in clockwise direction as
magnetic flux. Mathematically, induced shown in the figure.
emf is given by e = − where negative sign
indicates the direction of e.
8 Lenz’s law : This law gives us the direction
of induced emf. According to this law, the N
direction of induced emf in a circuit is such
that it opposes the change in magnetic flux – When a current carrying coil is moved
responsible for its production. Lenz’s law is in towards a stationary coil, the direction
accordance with the principle of conservation of current induced in stationary coil is as
of energy. shown in figure.
X Fleming’s right hand rule : Fleming’s right
hand rule also gives us the direction of induced
emf or current, in a conductor moving in a
magnetic field. According to this rule, if we + –
stretch the fore finger, central finger and thumb (stationary)
– When a current carrying coil is moved X If the rod makes an angle q with the
away from a stationary coil, the direction direction of the field, then induced emf is
of current induced in stationary coil is as |e| = Blv sinq
shown in figure. X When a conducting rod of length l is rotated
perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field B,
then induced emf between the ends of the rod
Bwl 2 B(2pu)l 2
|e| =
+ –
G 2 2
|e| = Bu (pl2) = BuA
– When two coils A and B are arranged as where, w is angular frequency and u is frequency
shown in figure, then on pressing K, current of rod, A = pl2.
in A increases in clockwise direction.
Therefore, induced current in B will be in 
anticlockwise direction.

X When a conducting solid disc of radius r is

rotating with a uniform angular velocity w with
its plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic
field B, the emf induced between the centre and
rim of disc is
– However, when key K is released, current Bwr 2
in A decreases in clockwise direction. =
|e| = B uA
Therefore, induced current in B will be in

clockwise direction.
– When current in a straight conductor AB is
increased, induced current in loop will be in A
clockwise direction as shown in the figure.
If current in AB is decreasing, the induced
current in the loop will be in anticlockwise 8 Eddy currents : Eddy currents are basically the
direction. currents induced in the body of a conductor
due to change in magnetic flux linked with the
X The direction of eddy currents is given by Lenz’s
law, or Fleming’s right hand rule.
current X According to Lenz’s law, eddy currents set up in
8 Motional emf : When a conducting rod of a metallic conductor flow in such a direction so
length l, moves with a velocity v perpendicular as to oppose the change in magnetic flux linked
to a uniform magnetic field B, the induced emf with it.
across its ends is |e| = Blv. This emf is known as X Eddy currents cannot be eliminated but
motional emf. can be minimised by
– laminating the core
– by taking the metallic core in the form of
thin laminated sheets attached together.
X Eddy currents are useful in
– Electromagnetic damping
– Induction furnace
fS = MIP where M is coefficient of mutual
– Electric brakes
– Speedometers inductance of the two coils.
8 Inductor : An inductor is a device for storing – The emf induced in the secondary coil is
energy in a magnetic field. An inductor is dI
given by eS = − M P
generally called as inductance. In usual practice dt
a coil or solenoid is treated as inductor. It is – The SI unit of M is henry (H) and its
denoted by symbol . dimensional formula is [ML2T–2A–2].
X Self induction : Whenever the current passing X Coefficient of coupling (K) : Coefficient
through a coil or circuit changes, the magnetic of coupling of two coils is a measure of
flux linked with it will also change. As a result of the coupling between the two coils and is given
this, an emf is induced in the coil or the circuit by
which opposes the change that causes it. This M
phenomenon is known as self induction and L1L2
the emf induced is known as self induced emf
or back emf. where L1 and L2 are coefficients of self inductance
of the two coils and M is coefficient of mutual
– When a current I flows through a coil and
inductance of the two coils.
f is the magnetic flux linked with the coil,
X The coefficient of mutual inductance of two
then f ∝ I or f = LI where L is coefficient of
long co-axial solenoids, each of length l,
self induction or self inductance of the coil.
area of cross section A, wound on air core is
df dI
– The self induced emf is e = − = −L m 0 N 1N 2 A
dt dt M=
– The SI unit of L is henry (H) and its l
dimensional formula is [ML2T–2A–2]. where N1, N2 are total number of turns of the
– Self inductance of a solenoid is L = m0N2lA two solenoid.
where l is length of the solenoid, N is X Combination of inductances
number of turns per unit length of a – Two inductors of self-inductances L1 and
solenoid and A is area of cross section of L2 are kept so far apart that their mutual
the solenoid. inductance is zero. These are connected
– Self inductance of a circular coil is in series. Then the equivalent inductance is
m N 2 pR L = L1 + L2
L= 0 – Two inductors of self-inductance L1
and L2 are connected in series and they
where R is the radius of a coil and N is the
have mutual inductance M. Then the
number of turns.
equivalent inductance of the combination is
X Mutual induction : Whenever the current
L = L1 + L2 ± 2M
passing through a coil or circuit changes, the
– The plus sign occurs if windings in the two
magnetic flux linked with a neighbouring coil
coils are in the same sense, while minus sign
or circuit will also change. Hence an emf will be
occurs if windings are in opposite sense.
induced in the neighbouring coil or circuit. This
phenomenon is known as mutual induction. – Two inductors of self-inductors L1 and L2
The coil or circuit in which the current changes are connected in parallel. The inductors are
is known as primary while the other in which so far apart that their mutual inductance is
emf is set up is known as secondary. negligible. Then their equivalent inductance
– Let IP be the current flowing through is
primary coil at any instant. If fS is the flux 1 1 1 LL
= + or L = 1 2
linked with secondary coil then fS ∝ IP or L L1 L2 L1 + L2
8 Energy stored in an inductor : When a current (or coil) changes, an emf is induced in the coil.
I flows through an inductor, the energy stored Here e is the emf induced in the coil, then
in it is given by U = 1 LI 2 e = NBAw sin wt or e = e0 sin wt
2 where e0 = NBA w is the maximum or peak
X The energy stored in an inductor is in the form value of induced EMF.
of magnetic energy. The instantaneous EMF e produced in coil
8 AC Generator : A generator produces electrical varies sinusoidally with time and hence is also
energy from mechanical work, just the opposite known as alternating EMF.
of what a motor does. where, N = number of turns in the coil,
X An AC generator is based on the phenomena B = strength of magnetic field, A = Area of each
of electromagnetic induction, which states that turns of the coil and w = angular velocity of
whenever magnetic flux linked with a conductor rotation.

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