Geo19 2 Climatology 2 PF
Geo19 2 Climatology 2 PF
Geo19 2 Climatology 2 PF
Climatology Part II
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High velocity ......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Meandering .......................................................................................................................................................... 18
2.2 Permanent jet streams ........................................................................................................................... 18
Subtropical jet stream (STJ) .................................................................................................................................. 18
Polar front jet (PFJ) ............................................................................................................................................... 18
2.3 Temporary jet streams ........................................................................................................................... 19
The Somali Jet ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
The Tropical Easterly Jet or African Easterly Jet ................................................................................................... 19
2.4 Influence of Jet Streams on Weather..................................................................................................... 19
Jet Streams and Weather in Temperate Regions ................................................................................................. 19
2.5 Jet Streams and Aviation ........................................................................................................................ 20
6. El Nino ................................................................................................................................................ 33
6.1 Normal Conditions ................................................................................................................................. 33
Walker circulation (Normal Years) ....................................................................................................................... 33
6.2 During El Nino year................................................................................................................................. 33
El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO)..................................................................................................................... 34
Effects of El Nino................................................................................................................................................... 34
El Nino impact on Indian Monsoons..................................................................................................................... 35
Indian Ocean Dipole effect (Not every El Nino year is same in India) .................................................................. 35
6.3 El Niño Modoki ....................................................................................................................................... 36
6.4 La Nina .................................................................................................................................................... 36
Effects of La Nina .................................................................................................................................................. 36
Good Source of Latent Heat ➔ more air comes in to fill the gap ➔ new moisture
is available for condensation ➔ latent heat of
• Ocean waters having temperatures of 27° C and condensation is released. The cycle repeats as long
depth of warm water extending for 60-70 m as there is enough supply of moisture.
deep supply enough moisture, and hence la-
tent heat of condensation, to generate and
drive a tropical storm.
• Thick layer of warm water ensures that the deep
convection currents within the water do not
churn and mix the cooler water below with the
warmer water near the surface.
• On landfall, the storm is cut-off from adequate Why cyclones occur mostly in late summers?
moisture supply and hence it is deprived of la-
tent heat of condensation. Thus, the storm dis- 1. Due to high specific heat of water, and mixing,
sipates (weakens or dies off) on landfall. the ocean waters in northern hemisphere at-
tain maximum temperatures in August (in
Rising of humid air parcel ➔ ambient pressure on contract continents attain maximum tempera-
the air parcel decreases with altitude ➔ adiabatic tures in June-July).
lapse rate (fall in temperature of air parcel) ➔ 2. Whirling motion (cyclonic vortex) is enhanced
condensation of moisture in air parcel due to low when the doldrums (region within ITCZ) over
temperature ➔ latent heat of condensation is oceans are farthest from the equator (Coriolis
released in the process ➔ air parcel is heated further force increases with distance from the equa-
due to the release of latent heat of condensation and tor).
becomes less denser ➔ air parcel is further uplifted
Why do 'tropical cyclones' winds rotate • Easterly wave disturbances act as seedling cir-
counter-clockwise in the Northern Hemi- culations (birthplace) for a large number of
sphere? tropical cyclones. However, not all disturbances
develop into cyclones.
• As the earth's rotation sets up an apparent
force (called the Coriolis force) that pulls the
Temperature Contrast Between Air
winds to the right in the Northern Hemisphere Masses
(and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere).
• So, when a low-pressure starts to form over • The convergence of air masses of different
north of the equator, the surface winds will flow temperatures results in instability causing low-
inward trying to fill in the low and will be de- level disturbances which are a prerequisite for
flected to the right, and a counter-clockwise the origin and growth of violent tropical storms.
rotation will be initiated. • Trade winds from both the hemispheres meet
• The opposite (a deflection to the left and a along the inter-tropical front (ITCZ). Tempera-
clockwise rotation) will occur south of the equa- ture contrasts between these air masses must
tor. exist when the ITCZ is farthest from the equator
so that the low-level disturbances can intensify
Coriolis force is too tiny to effect rotation in water into a depression (intensifying low-pressure
that is going down the drains of sinks and toilets. cell).
The rotation in those will be determined by the ge-
ometry of the container and the original motion of Wind Shear
the water.
• Wind Shear is the difference between wind
Low-level Disturbances speeds at different altitudes.
• Tropical cyclones develop when the wind is uni-
• Low-level disturbance is a low-pressure trough form.
(an extended region of low-pressure) that
moves from east to west in the form of easterly Why is convective cyclogenesis (tropical
wave disturbances in the Inter-Tropical Con- cyclogenesis) confined to tropics?
vergence Zone (ITCZ).
• Because of weak vertical wind shear, cyclone
A disturbance is a persistent group of thunderstorms formation processes are limited to latitude
with heavy rains and strong wind gusts. equatorward of the subtropical jet stream.
Easterly wave disturbances: it is a convective • In the temperate regions, wind shear is high
trough (thermal origin) ― a persistent group of due to westerlies, and this inhibits convective
thunderstorms travelling together in east to west di- cyclogenesis.
rection (westward traveling disturbances) under the
influence of trade winds. Why there are very few Tropical Cyclones
during southwest monsoon season?
Less time for development Upper tropospheric westerly trough assisting convec-
tive cyclogenesis
• The potential zone for the development of cy-
clones shifts to North Bay of Bengal during • As divergence prevails (upper tropospheric di-
southwest monsoon season. vergence) on the eastern side of the troughs, a
• Low-pressure system up to the intensity of de- rising motion occurs at the surface; this leads to
pressions form along the monsoon trough the development of thunderstorms or intensifi-
(along ITCZ), which extends from northwest In- cation of existing storms.
dia to the north Bay of Bengal. • Further, these abandoned troughs (remnants
• The Depression forming over this area crosses of temperate cyclones) usually have cold
Orissa-West Bengal coast in just a day or two as cores, suggesting that the environmental lapse
the bay is narrower to the north. rate is steeper. Such instability encourages
• These systems thus have shorter oceanic stay thunderstorms.
(they make landfall very quickly) and hence • An upper tropospheric westerly trough is im-
cannot intensify beyond the depression stage. portant for tropical cyclone forecasting. This is
Upper Air Disturbance 1. Fast moving upper tropospheric westerly
troughs can create large vertical wind
• An upper tropospheric cyclone usually moves shear over tropical disturbances and tropi-
slowly from east to west and is prevalent in cal cyclones which may inhibit their
summer. strengthening.
• Its circulations generally do not extend below 2. Slow moving upper tropospheric westerly
6000 m in altitude. troughs can drive the tropical cyclones
• The remains of this cyclone (upper tropospher- eastward or north-eastward.
ic westerly trough or tropical upper tropo-
spheric trough) from the westerlies move deep
into the tropical latitude regions.
• The tropical cyclones have a thermal origin, (lowest surface atmospheric pressure in a
and they develop over tropical seas during late tropical cyclone) at the centre of circulation.
summers (August to mid-November).
• At these locations, under favourable conditions,
multiple thunderstorms (strong local convec-
tional currents) merge and create an intense
low-pressure system (low-level disturbance).
• As the tropical storm intensifies and acquires a • The eye is created due to the tangential force
maximum sustained wind speed of 119 kmph it acting on the high-speed wind that is flowing in
develops into a tropical cyclone. a curvy path (intense low-pressure ➔ greater
• A cyclone of this intensity (119 kmph) tends to wind speeds ➔ greater Coriolis force ➔ greater
develop an eye, an area of relative calm deflection).
• The diameter of the eye depends on the wind Characteristics of eyewall
speed. Greater the wind speed, larger the eye
region. • The eye is surrounded by an eyewall, the most
violent region of the cyclone.
• It is a roughly circular ring of deep convection
(heaviest rainfall in a cyclone).
• Eyewall region experiences the maximum sus-
tained winds, i.e. fastest winds in a cyclone.
• Before the tropical cyclone reaches very severe The breeding grounds for tropical cyclones coincide
cyclonic storm (119 kmph), typically the CDO is with tropical regions with warm ocean currents.
uniformly showing the cold cloud tops of the
cirrus with no eye apparent. • Western Pacific (highest number of tropical
• The dry air flowing along the central dense cyclones): Philippines islands, eastern China
overcast descends at the periphery and the eye and Japan where they are called typhoons.
region. • Western Atlantic (South-east Caribbean region)
and Eastern Pacific where they are called
Rain bands (Spiral bands) hurricanes.
• Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea where they are
• Convection in tropical cyclones is organized in- called cyclones.
to long, narrow rain bands which are oriented in • Around south-east African coast and
the same direction as the horizontal wind. Madagascar-Mauritius islands.
• A direct circulation develops in which warm, • North-west Australia.
moist air converges at the surface, ascends
through these bands, diverges aloft, and de-
scends on both sides of the bands.
• Because these bands seem to spiral into the
centre of a tropical cyclone, they are called spi-
ral bands.
• Rain bands are mostly made up of cumulo-
nimbus clouds (highest rainfall).
• The ones at the periphery are made up of nim-
bostratus (prolonged rainfall) and cumulus
clouds (least).
1.4 Path of Tropical Cyclones Which sector of the cyclone experiences
strongest winds?
• Tropical cyclones generally follow a parabolic
path with the parabolic axis being parallel to • Wind velocity, in a tropical cyclone, is more in
the isobars. right side of the storm (in most of the cases it is
• Coriolis force, easterly and westerly winds, and the poleward margin of the storm) than at cen-
upper tropospheric westerly trough influence tre and is moreover oceans than over land-
the path of tropical cyclones. masses.
• In the northern hemisphere, tropical cyclones • The "right side of the storm" is defined with re-
start with a westward movement as the zone spect to the storm's motion: if the cyclone is
of formation is under the influence of easterlies moving to the west, the right side would be to
(trade winds). The average speed is 15-20 the north of the storm; if the cyclone is moving
kmph (360-480 km per day). to the north, the right side would be to the east
• They then turn northwards around 20° latitude of the storm, etc.
because of the Coriolis force that deflects the • The strongest wind on the right side of the
path of the storm to its right. Their speed de- storm is mainly due to the fact that the motion
creases to 10 kmph or even less. of the cyclone also contributes to its swirling
• They turn further north-eastwards at around 25° winds.
latitude (Coriolis force deflects it further). • A cyclone with a 145 kmph winds while station-
• They then turn eastwards around 30° latitude ary would have winds up to 160 kmph on the
(because of westerly winds). right side and only 130 kmph on the left side if
• The westward movement is the fastest and it began moving (any direction) at 16 kmph.
they attain speeds of 25 kmph or more.
• They then lose energy and subside beyond 30° 1.5 Why only a fewer cyclones
latitude because of cool ocean waters and in- form over the Arabian Sea as com-
creasing wind shear due to westerlies.
• In some instances, a tropical cyclone may avoid pared to the Bay of Bengal?
the general path and continue with its westward
movement. • The average annual frequency of tropical cy-
• Sometimes tropical cyclones are stalled near the clones in the north Indian Ocean (Bay of Bengal
coastline, dropping unprecedented amounts of and Arabian Sea) is about 5 (about 5-6 % of
rainfall. the global annual average), and about 80 cy-
• This could happen due to weak prevailing winds clones form around the globe in a year. (Most
linked to a greatly expanded subtropical high- of them occur in Western Pacific and West-
pressure system and northward migration of ern Atlantic)
westerlies. • The frequency is more in the Bay of Bengal than
in the Arabian Sea, the ratio being 4:1.
annual average), the Bay of Bengal also gets its amples: Swinging Cricket Ball; Lift achieved by aero-
increased quota. plane wings.
• The cyclones over the Arabian Sea either origi- 2. Changing the temperature of water:
nate in-situ over southeast Arabian Sea or rem- when temperature of water is increased, the
nants of cyclones from the Bay of Bengal that water molecules attain higher kinetic ener-
move across south peninsula. gy and hence the vapour pressure of water
• As the majority of Cyclones over the Bay of increases. This increases evapouration.
Bengal weaken over land after landfall, the fre- 3. Changing salinity: Increased salinity re-
quency of migration into Arabian Sea is low. duces the kinetic energy of the water mole-
cules. This decreases evapouration.
The surface temperature of Bay of Bengal is
Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale
Extremely Severe Cyclone • Extensive damage to kutcha houses. • Extensive evacuation from
• Large-scale disruption of power and coastal areas.
communication lines. • Diversion or suspension of
• Disruption of rail and road traffic due to extensive rail and road traffic.
Super Cyclone • Extensive structural damage to residential and in- • Large-scale evacuation of
dustrial buildings. coastal population.
• Total disruption of communication and power • Total suspension of rail and
supply. road traffic.
• Extensive damage to bridges causing large-scale
disruption of rail and road traffic.
• Large- scale flooding and inundation of sea water.
Floods • Storm Surge (tidal wave ― long wavelength) is
an abnormal rise of sea level as the cyclone
• Precipitation of about 50 cm/day is quite com- makes landfall.
mon within a cyclonic storm. • The rise of sea level occurs due to the conver-
• Record rainfall in a cyclonic storm has been as gence of winds at great speeds that drag water
low as trace to as high as 250 cms. and cause accumulation of high water column
• The intensity of rainfall is about 85 cms/day just below the centre of the cyclone.
within a radius of 50 km and about 35 cms/day
between 50 to 100 km from the centre of the
1999 Odisha Cyclone Super Cyclone Odisha • Strongest recorded tropical cy-
(Paradeep Super cyclone) Maximum sustained clone in the North Indian Ocean
wind speed of 260 kmph • 30,000+ fatalities
2008 Nargis Cyclone Extremely Severe Cyclone Irrawaddy delta • 1,00,000+ fatalities
(Myanmar) • Costliest cyclone in the region
High number of fatalities in all these cyclones was due to storm surge. The delta regions are always at higher risk because
of low gradient.
States Vulnerable to Cyclones Tropical cyclones bring rainfall to rain shadow
and other parched regions
• It is issued every three hours. • When isobars are straight, and when there is no
friction, the pressure gradient force is
Cyclone Warning (Colour code Orange) balanced by the Coriolis force, and the re-
sultant wind blows parallel to the isobar (de-
• Issued at least 24 hours before the commence- flection of the wind is maximum).
ment of the bad weather when the cyclone is • This wind is known as the geostrophic wind.
located within 500 Km from the coast. Jet Stream is a geostrophic wind.
• Information about time/place of landfall are
indicated in the bulletin.
• Accuracy in estimation increases as the cyclone
comes closer to the coast
(Coriolis Force and blocking effect of converging
winds). These cells are part of general circulation.
• Jet Streams are formed due to pressure difference
between air masses and Coriolis Force.
High velocity
• These jet streams also have cores where the • In Rossby waves are polar air moves toward the
speed is much greater. equator while tropical air moves poleward.
• A meander is called peak or ridge if it is to-
wards poles and trough if it is towards equator.
• The existence of these waves explains the low-
pressure cells (cyclones) and high-pressure
cells (anticyclones).
• The strongest jet streams are the polar jets, and • It is fairly persistent in its position, direction,
subtropical jets are somewhat weaker. and intensity from June through the beginning
• The northern Polar jet stream follows the sun, of October.
i.e., it slowly migrates northward in summer, • During the South Asian summer monsoon, the
and southward in winter. TEJ induces secondary circulations that enhance
• The polar front jet is closely related to the polar convection over South India and nearby ocean.
front (frontogenesis process in mid-latitudes). • The establishment and maintenance of the TEJ
• It has a more variable position than the sub- is not fully understood, but it is believed that
tropical jet. the jet may be caused by the uniquely high
• In summer, its position shifts towards the poles temperatures and heights over the Tibetan
and in winter towards the equator. Plateau during summer (dry air encounters
• The jet is strong and continuous in winter. more humid air at high altitudes).
• It greatly influences climates of regions lying • The TEJ is the upper-level venting system for
close to 60° latitude. the strong southwest monsoon.
• It determines the path and speed and intensity • In recent years due to the decrease in the tem-
of temperate cyclones. perature contrast between the land and sea
over the Indian subcontinent, the TEJ has shown
2.3 Temporary jet streams a decreasing trend (not good).
• Other than polar jet and subtropical jet, there 2.4 Influence of Jet Streams on
are temporary jet streams which appear only Weather
in a particular season.
• They are few. Important ones are Somali Jet and • Jet streams help in maintenance of latitudinal
The African Easterly Jet. heat balance by mass exchange of air.
• They are major high-velocity winds in the lower • Sub-tropical jet stream and some temporary jet
troposphere, and hence they are called low- streams together influence Indian Monsoon
level jets (LLJs). patterns. (more about this while studying India
Monsoons in Indian geography)
The Somali Jet
• Jet streams also exercise an influence on
movement of air masses which may cause pro-
• The Somali Jet is a south-westerly jet.
longed drought or flood conditions.
• The Somali jet occurs during the summer over
northern Madagascar and off the coast of So- Jet Streams and Weather in Temperate
• The jet is most intense from June to August.
• The jet remains relatively steady from June to
• PFJ play a key role in determining the weather
September before moving southward to the
because they usually separate colder air and
southern Indian Ocean during the winter.
warmer air.
(More details about Somali Jet is given under Indian • Jet streams generally push air masses around,
Monsoons) moving weather systems to new areas and even
causing them to stall if they have moved too far
The Tropical Easterly Jet or African East- away.
erly Jet • PFJ play a major role in determining the path
and intensity of frontal precipitation and
• The TEJ is a unique and dominant feature of the frontal cyclones.
northern hemispheric summer over southern • Weak PFJ also results in slipping of polar vor-
Asia and northern Africa. The TEJ is found near tex into temperate regions.
between 5° and 20°N.
Explanation Jet Streak; Ridge and Trough
• The jet stream drives temperate weather • Troughs and ridges are analogous to low-
through phenomena called troughing, ridging, pressure (troughs) and high-pressure (ridges).
and jet streaks. • Active weather occurs ahead of a trough and
• Ridges occur where the warm air (at high- quiet weather beneath a ridge.
pressure) pushes against the cold air. • The ridges and troughs give rise to jet streaks.
• Troughs occur where cold air (at lower pressure) • They form in response to localised but major
drops into warm air. temperature-gradients.
• This condition occurs due to weak jet stream • The process of winds exiting a trough or a jet
(lesser temperature contrast between air mass- streak, known as divergence, creates a void in
es). the upper atmosphere. Air will rush up from
lower altitudes to fill the void.
• This upward rush of air from the surface creates
a low-pressure system.
• The Coriolis effect creates the cyclonic rotation
that is associated with depressions.
• The winds entering the jet streak are rapidly
converging, creating a high-pressure at the up-
per level in the atmosphere. This leads to diver-
gence (high-pressure) at the surface (anticy-
clonic condition).
• The Coriolis effect creates the anticyclonic rota-
tion that is associated with clear weather.
• When an air mass moves away from a source
3. Temperate Cyclones region, the upper level maintains the physical
characteristics for a longer period.
• Cyclonic systems developing in the mid and • This is possible because air masses are stable
high latitude (35° latitude and 65° latitude in with stagnant air which do not facilitate con-
both hemispheres), beyond the tropics are vection.
called temperate cyclones. • Conduction and radiation in such stagnant air is
• They are known as mid-latitude cyclones, ex- not effective.
tratropical cyclones, frontal cyclones or wave
cyclones. Conditions for the formation of Air
• Unlike the tropical cyclones (convective cy- Masses
clogenesis) which have a thermal origin, the
temperate cyclones (frontal cyclogenesis) • Source region should be extensive with gentle,
have a dynamic origin (complex interaction of divergent air circulation (gentle anticyclonic
air masses under the influence of Coriolis force). circulation).
• To understand the mechanism of frontal • Areas with high-pressure but little pressure
cyclogenesis (origin and development of difference or pressure gradient are ideal source
temperate cyclones) it is important for us to regions.
understand the concepts of air masses and • There are no major source regions in the mid-
fronts. latitudes as these regions are dominated by
frontal cyclones and other disturbances.
3.1 Air Masses
Air masses based on Source Regions
• An air mass is a large body of air having little
horizontal variation in temperature and There are five major source regions. These are:
1. Warm tropical and subtropical oceans;
• Air masses are an integral part of the planetary
2. The subtropical hot deserts;
wind system and are associated with one or
3. The relatively cold high latitude oceans;
other wind belt.
4. The very cold snow covered continents in high
• They extend from surface to lower strato-
sphere and are across thousands of kilometres.
5. Permanently ice-covered continents in the Arc-
Source regions tic and Antarctica.
• T: Tropical ble with lesser prevalence of anticyclonic winds,
• P: Polar warmer landmasses and lesser snow.
• A: Arctic or Antarctic
Maritime Polar Air Masses (mP)
Cold Air Mass • The source regions of the air masses include
tropical and sub-tropical deserts of Sahara in
• A cold air mass is one which is colder than the Africa, and of West Asia and Australia.
underlying surface. • These air masses are dry, hot and stable and
do not extend beyond the source.
Cold source regions (polar air masses)
• They are dry throughout the year.
• Arctic Ocean – cold and moist
• Siberia – cold and dry
Maritime Tropical Air Masses (mT)
• Northern Canada – cold and dry
• The source regions of these air masses include
• Southern Ocean – cold and moist
the oceans in tropics and sub-tropics such as
Warm Air Mass Mexican Gulf, the Pacific and the Atlantic
• A warm air mass is one which is warmer than • These air masses are warm, humid and unsta-
the underlying surface. ble.
• The weather during winter has mild tempera-
Warm source regions (tropical air masses) tures, overcast skies with fog.
• During summer, the weather is characterized by
• Sahara Desert - warm and dry
high temperatures, high humidity, cumulous
• Tropical Oceans - warm and moist
clouds and convectional rainfall.
Continental Polar Air Masses (cP)
Influence of Air Masses on World
• Source regions of these air masses are the Arc- Weather
tic basin, northern North America, Eurasia and
Antarctica. • The properties of an air mass which influence
• Dry, cold and stable conditions characterize the accompanying weather are vertical tem-
these air masses. perature distribution (indicating its stability
• The weather during winter is frigid, clear and and coldness or warmness) and the moisture
stable. During summer, the weather is less sta- content.
• The air masses carry atmospheric moisture from • Mid-latitude cyclones (temperate cyclones or
oceans to continents. extra-tropical cyclones) occur due to fronto-
• They transport latent heat, thus contributing to genesis.
latitudinal heat balance.
• Most of the migratory atmospheric disturb- General Characteristics
ances such as cyclones and storms originate at
the contact zone between different air masses • The temperature contrast influences the thick-
called as fronts. ness of frontal zone in an inversely propor-
• Characteristics of the air masses involved tional manner.
determine the weather associated with the • That is, two air masses with higher temperature
disturbances. difference do not merge readily.
• Thus, the front is less thick when it is formed
3.2 Fronts between two air masses with higher tempera-
ture difference.
• Understanding front formation and types of • With a sudden change in temperature through
fronts is important to understand the formation a front, there is a change in pressure also.
of mid-latitude cyclones and the dominant • The frontal activity is invariably associated with
weather patterns of mid-latitudes. cloudiness and precipitation because of as-
• Fronts are the typical features of mid-latitudes cent of warm air which cools down adiabatical-
weather (temperate region – 30° - 65° N and ly, condenses and causes rainfall.
S). They are uncommon (unusual) in tropical • The intensity of precipitation depends on the
and polar regions. slope of ascent and amount of water vapour
• Front is a three-dimensional boundary zone present in ascending air.
formed between two converging air masses • Front experiences wind shift since the wind mo-
with different physical properties (tempera- tion is a function of pressure gradient and Cori-
ture, humidity, density). olis force.
• The two air masses don’t merge readily due to
Wind Shift: A change in wind direction of 45 de-
the effect of the converging atmospheric circu- grees or more in less than 15 minutes with sustained
lation, different physical properties, relatively wind speeds of 10 knots or more throughout the
low diffusion coefficient and a low thermal con-
wind shift.
1 knot = 1.852 kmph
1 Nautical Mile = 1.852 km
Front Formation
Classification of Fronts
• The process of formation of a front is known as
frontogenesis (war between two air masses), • Based on the mechanism of frontogenesis and
and dissipation of a front is known as frontoly-
the associated weather, the fronts can be
sis (one of the air masses win against the studied under the following types.
• Frontogenesis involves convergence of two Stationary Front
distinct air masses.
• Frontolysis involves overriding of one of the air • When the surface position of a front does not
masses by another. change (when two air masses are unable to
• In northern hemisphere frontogenesis (conver- push against each other; a draw), a stationary
gence of air masses) happens in anti-clockwise front is formed.
direction and southern hemisphere, clockwise • The wind motion on both sides of the front is
direction. This is due to Coriolis force. parallel to the front.
• Warm or cold front stops moving, so the name
stationary front.
• Once this boundary resumes its forward motion,
it becomes a warm front or cold front.
Stationary Front
Cold Front
Cold Front
• A cold front passes off rapidly, but the weather • Such a front is formed when a cold air mass
along it is violent. overtakes a warm air mass and goes under-
neath it.
Warm Front
masses from the poles and thus a polar front is
formed as a surface of discontinuity.
• Such conditions occur over sub-tropical high,
sub-polar low-pressure belts and along the
• The warm air glides over the cold air and a se-
quence of clouds appear over the sky ahead of
the warm front and cause precipitation.
• The cold front approaches the warm air from
behind and pushes the warm air up. As a result,
cumulus clouds develop along the cold front.
The isobars are not closed in a temperate Cyclones
• This leads to a well-developed extratropical
Polar Front Theory cyclone, with a warm front and a cold front.
• There are pockets of warm air or warm sector
• According to this theory, the warm-humid air wedged between the warm front and the cold
masses from the tropics meet the dry-cold air front.
• The cold front moves faster than the warm warm temperate zone, although a high concen-
front ultimately overtaking the warm front. tration of storms occurs over Bering Strait, USA
• The wedged warm air is completely uplifted and Russian Arctic and sub-Arctic zone.
(frontolysis), and the front is occluded (occlud-
ed front), and the cyclone dissipates. Distribution of Temperate Cyclones
• Thus, temperate cyclone is intense fronto-
genesis involving mainly occlusion type 1. USA and Canada – extend over Sierra Nevada,
fronts. Colorado, Eastern Canadian Rockies and the
Great Lakes region,
2. the belt extending from Iceland to Barents Sea
and continuing over Russia and Siberia,
3. winter storms over Baltic Sea,
4. Mediterranean basin extending up to Russia
and even up to India in winters (called western
disturbances) and the Antarctic frontal zone.
• The wind strength is more in eastern and up to the Mediterranean region (sometimes
southern portions, moreover North America causing the Mediterranean cyclones or Western
compared to Europe. Disturbances ― they are very important as
• The wind velocity increases with the approach they bring rains to North-West India – Punjab,
but decreases after the cyclone has passed. Haryana).
• Polar jet stream plays a major role in the for- • The north-western sector is the cold sector and
mation and hence influences the path of tem- the north-eastern sector is the warm sector (Be-
perate cyclones. cause cold air masses in north and warm air
masses in south push against each other and
rotate anti-clockwise in northern hemisphere).
Associated Weather
• They dissipate on reaching the land.
Season • Seasonal: Late summers (Aug-Nov). • Irregular. But few in summers and more in
Size • Limited to small area. • They cover a larger area.
• Typical size: 100 – 500 kms in diameter. • Typical size: 300 – 2000 kms in diameter.
• Varies with the strength of the cyclone. Varies from region to region.
Shape • Elliptical • Inverted ‘V’
Rainfall • Heavy but does not last beyond a few hours. • In a temperate cyclone, rainfall is slow and
• If the cyclone stays at a place, the rainfall continues for many days, sometimes even
may continue for a few days. weeks.
Wind Velocity and • Much greater. • Comparatively low.
destruction • 100 – 250 kmph • Typical range: 30-150 kmph.
• 200 – 1200 kmph in upper troposphere) • Less destruction due to winds but more
• Greater destruction due to winds, storm destruction due to flooding.
surges and torrential rains.
Isobars • Complete circles and the pressure gradient • Isobars are usually ‘V’ shaped and the
is steep pressure gradient is low.
Lifetime • Doesn’t last for more than a week • Lasts for 2-3 weeks.
Path • East – West. Turn North at 200 latitude and • West – East (Westerlies; Jet Streams).
west at 300 latitude. • Move away from equator.
• Move away from equator.
• The movement of Cyclones in Arabian Sea
and Bay of Bengal is a little different.
• Here, these storms are superimposed upon
the monsoon circulation of the summer
months, and they move in northerly direc-
tion along with the monsoon currents.
Temperature dis- • The temperature at the centre is almost • All the sectors of the cyclone have differ-
tribution equally distributed. ent temperatures
Calm region • The centre of a tropical cyclone is known as • In a temperate cyclone, there is not a sin-
the eye. The wind is calm at the centre with gle place where winds and rains are inac-
no rainfall. tive.
Driving force • The tropical cyclone derives its energy from • The energy of a temperate cyclone de-
the latent heat of condensation, and the pends on the temperature, humidity and
difference in densities of the air masses does density differences of air masses.
not contribute to the energy of the cyclone.
Influence of Jet • The relationship between tropical cyclones • The temperate cyclones, in contrast, have a
streams and the upper level air-flow is not very clear. distinct relationship with upper level air
flow (jet streams, Rossby waves etc.)
Clouds • The tropical cyclones exhibit fewer varieties • The temperate cyclones show a variety of
of clouds – cumulonimbus, nimbostratus, cloud development at various elevations.
Surface anti- • The tropical cyclones are not associated with • The temperate cyclones are associated
cyclones surface anticyclones and they have a greater with anticyclones which precede and suc-
destructive capacity. ceed a cyclone.
• These cyclones are not very destructive.
Influence on India • Both coasts affected. But east coast is the • Bring rains to North-West India.
hot spot. • The associated instability is called ‘West-
ern Disturbances’.
Weather Prediction • Tough as the movement can be erratic due • Easy because of the general westerly path
to a lot of factors. of the cyclone, less variable jet stream path
and simple frontal system.
• Titbit: In certain instances, two cyclones move toward each other and revolve around one another, with the
smaller and less intense one moving more quickly. This phenomenon is called the Fujiwhara effect.
Polar Vortex slipping into temperate regions
• With the retreat of the high-pressure cells, the Halocarbon: a compound in which the hydrogen
polar cyclone moves back to its normal posi- of a hydrocarbon is replaced by halogens like
tion. chlorine, bromine, iodine etc.
Halogen: group of reactive non-metallic ele-
5.2 Polar Vortex and Ozone De- ments like fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine,
pletion at South Pole etc.
Photodissociation of ozone-depleting substances cause of concern. What could be the reason
break O3 into O2 for ozone depletion at poles?
But how does a chlorine atom reach to such high a) Presence of prominent tropospheric turbulence;
levels of atmosphere? and inflow of chlorofluorocarbons
b) Presence of prominent polar front and strato-
Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSCs) spheric Clouds and inflow of chlorofluorocar-
• They are nacreous clouds that extend from 12-
c) Absence of polar front and stratospheric clouds;
22 km above the surface.
and inflow of methane and chlorofluorocarbons
• Nacreous clouds are rare clouds in frigid re-
d) Increased temperature at polar region due to
gions of the lower stratosphere.
global warming
• They are mostly visible within two hours after
sunset or before dawn. Explanation:
• They are bright even after sunset and before
dawn because at those heights there is still sun- • Ozonosphere lies at an altitude between 20 km
light. and 55 km from the earth’s surface and spans
• They are seen mostly during winter at high lati- the stratosphere and lower mesosphere. But the
tudes. highest concentration occurs between 20 km
• PSCs or nacreous clouds contain water, nitric and 30 km.
acid and/or sulfuric acid. • To destroy ozone, ozone-depleting sub-
• They are formed mainly during the event of stances (ODS) like CFCs, HCFCs, etc. needs to
polar vortex in winter; more intense at south be carried up to the lower levels of strato-
pole. sphere.
• The Cl-catalysed ozone depletion is enhanced • And the only weather phenomenon that can
in the presence of polar stratospheric clouds. reach to this level are Polar Vortex and tow-
• PSCs convert reservoir compounds into reac- ering tropical cumulus clouds.
tive free radicals (Cl and ClO) thereby signifi- • But towering cumulus clouds do not occur at
cantly increasing the reactive halogen radi- the poles.
cals. These free radicals accelerate depletion
Question: The formation of ozone hole in the Ant-
of ozone.
arctic region has been a cause of concern. What
• Thus, polar vortex, in the form of PSCs, ac-
could be the reason for ozone depletion at poles?
celerate ozone depletion.
• Presence of prominent tropospheric turbulence:
they don’t reach the stratosphere.
• Presence of prominent polar front: essential to
keep polar vortex in its place. Polar vortex gives
rise to stratospheric Clouds.
• Presence of stratospheric Clouds: they have the
necessary ingredients (nitric acid and/or sulfu-
ric acid) to amplify ozone depletion.
• Absence of polar front and stratospheric clouds:
polar vortex slips into the temperate region.
• Inflow of methane: methane (CH4) is not in
the list of ozone-depleting substances.
Ozone Depletion is Enhanced by PSCs • It doesn’t contain a halogen like chlorine, bro-
mine, fluorine, etc. But it reacts with halogens to
Prelims question: The formation of ozone create reservoir compounds.
hole in the Antarctic region has been a
• Increased temperature at polar region due to • The Walker cell is indirectly related to upwelling
global warming: this doesn’t have any direct off the coasts of Peru and Ecuador. This brings
impact on ozone depletion at the poles. nutrient-rich cold water to the surface, in-
creasing fishing stocks.
6. El Nino
the coastlines of Peru and Ecuador replacing • The formation of an El Niño (circulation of
the cool Peruvian current. surface ocean current) is linked with Pacific
Ocean circulation pattern known as the south-
ern oscillation (circulation of atmospheric
• Southern Oscillation, in oceanography and cli-
matology, is a coherent inter-annual fluctua-
tion of atmospheric pressure over the tropical
Indo-Pacific region.
• El Nino and Southern Oscillation coincide most
of the times hence their combination is called
ENSO – El Nino Southern Oscillation.
• In the years when the ENSO is strong, large-
El Nino conditions: Equatorial counter current flows scale variations in weather occur over the world.
along calm doldrums in west-east direction • The arid west coast of South America receives
heavy rainfall, drought occurs in Australia and
sometimes in India and floods in China.
Normal Conditions • This is the difference in pressure between Tahiti
in French Polynesia (Central Pacific), represent-
• Eastern Pacific == Coast of Peru and Ecuador ing the Central Pacific Ocean and Port Darwin,
== Cold Ocean Water == Good for Fishing. in northern Australia representing the Eastern
• Western Pacific == Indonesia and Australia Pacific Ocean.
== Warm Ocean Water == Plenty of rains. • The positive and negative values of the SOI, i.e.
El Nino Tahiti minus the Port Darwin pressure are
pointers towards good or bad rainfall in India.
• Eastern Pacific == Coast of Peru and Ecuador Positive SOI Negative SOI
== Warm Ocean Water == Fishing industry Tahiti (eastern Pacific) pressure Reverse
takes a hit. greater than that of Port Darwin
• Western Pacific == Indonesia and Australia (western Pacific)
== Cold Ocean Water == Drought. Drought conditions in Eastern Pa- Reverse
cific and good rainfall in Western
El Nino impact on Indian Monsoons Pacific
Good for Indian Monsoons Bad for Indian
• El Nino and Indian monsoon are inversely re- Monsoons
Indian Ocean Dipole effect (Not every El
• The location of low-pressure and hence the ris-
ing limb over Western Pacific is considered to
Nino year is same in India)
be conducive to good monsoon rainfall in India.
• Its shifting eastward from its normal position, • In the recent decades, the ENSO-Monsoon rela-
such as in El Nino years, reduces monsoon rain- tionship seemed to weaken in the Indian sub-
fall in India. continent. For e.g. the 1997, strong ENSO failed
to cause drought in India.
• The most prominent droughts in India have
• It was discovered that just like ENSO was an
been El Nino droughts, including the recent
event in the Pacific Ocean, a similar seesaw
ones (2014-16).
ocean-atmosphere system in the Indian Ocean
• However, not all El Nino years led to a drought
in India. For instance, 1997/98 was a strong El was also at play.
Nino year, but there was no drought (this is be- • It was discovered in 1999 and named the Indi-
an Ocean Dipole (IOD).
cause of Indian Ocean Dipole – IOD).
• On the other hand, a moderate El Nino in 2002 • The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) is defined by the
resulted in one of the worst droughts. difference in sea surface temperature be-
• El Nino directly impacts India's agrarian econo- tween two areas (or poles, hence a dipole) ― a
my as it tends to lower the production of sum- western pole in the Arabian Sea (western Indi-
mer crops such as rice, sugarcane, cotton and an Ocean) and an eastern pole in the eastern
oilseeds. Indian Ocean south of Indonesia.
• IOD starts to develop in the equatorial region of
• The ultimate impact is seen in the form of high
Indian Ocean in April and is best devolved in
inflation, and low gross domestic product
growth as agriculture contributes around 14 per
• With a positive IOD winds over the Indian
cent to the Indian economy.
Ocean blow from east to west (from Bay of
Southern Oscillation Index and Indian Mon- Bengal towards Arabian Sea).
soons • This results in the Arabian Sea (western Indian
Ocean near African Coast) being much warmer
• Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) is used to and eastern Indian Ocean around Indonesia be-
measure the intensity of the Southern Oscilla- coming colder and dry.
• In the negative dipole year (negative IOD), re- • Whereas, El Niño Modoki is associated with
verse happens making Indonesia much warmer strong anomalous warming in the central
and rainier. tropical Pacific and cooling in the eastern
and western tropical Pacific.
• Such zonal gradients result in anomalous two-
cell Walker Circulation over the tropical Pacif-
ic, with a wet region in the central Pacific and
dry region in the western and eastern Pacific.
• During this period, the Atlantic Ocean has seen • Empirical: verifiable by observation or experi-
very active hurricane seasons in 1998 and 1999. ence rather than theory or pure logic. E.g. when
• One of the hurricanes that developed, named dropped stone falls to the ground – logic. Drop
Mitch, was the strongest October hurricane ev- a stone to confirm that it falls to the ground –
er to develop in about 100 years of record empirical.
keeping. • Koppen identified a close relationship between
the distribution of vegetation and climate.
Some of the other weather effects of La Niña in- • He selected certain values of temperature and
clude precipitation and related them to the distribu-
• Abnormally heavy monsoons in India and tion of vegetation and used these values for
Southeast Asia, classifying the climates.
• Cool and wet winter weather in south-eastern • Koppen recognized five major climatic groups;
Africa, wet weather in eastern Australia, four of them are based on temperature and one
• Cold winter in western Canada and north- on precipitation.
western United States, • The capital letters: A, C, D and E delineate
• Winter drought in the southern United States. humid climates and B dry climates.
• The climatic groups are subdivided into types,
designated by small letters, based on seasonali-
ty of precipitation and temperature characteris-
• The seasons of dryness are indicated by the
small letters: f, m, w and s.
f no dry season
m monsoon climate
w winter dry season
s summer dry season
• The small letters a, b, c and d refer to the de-
gree of severity of temperature.
• The small letters h and k refer to tropical and
mid-latitude regions respectively.
• The B - Dry Climates are subdivided using the
capital letters S for steppe or semi-arid and W
for deserts.
7. Koppen’s Scheme of Classi-
S Steppe
fication of Climate W Desert
• The most widely used classification of climate is Climatic Groups According to Koppen
the empirical climate classification scheme de-
veloped by V. Koppen.
Climatic Group Characteristics
A – Tropical Average temperature of the coldest month is 18 °C or higher
B – Dry Climates Potential evapouration exceeds precipitation
C – Warm Temperate The average temperature of the coldest month of the (Mid-latitude) climates
years is higher than minus 3 °C but below 18 °C (-3 °C to 18 °C)
D – Cold Snow Forest Climates The average temperature of the coldest month is minus 3 °C or below
E – Cold Climates Average temperature for all months is below 10 °C
H – High Land Cold due to elevation
Climatic Types According to Koppen
• The tropical group is divided into three types, • Temperature is uniform throughout the year.
namely • The mean monthly temperatures are always
1) Af – Tropical wet climate; around 27°C with very little variation.
2) Am – Tropical monsoon climate; • There is no winter (typical to equatorial rain-
3) Aw – Tropical wet and dry climate. forest climate).
• Cloudiness and heavy precipitation moderate
Tropical Wet Climate (Af: A – Tropical, f the daily temperature.
– no dry season) • Regular land and sea breezes assist in maintain-
ing a truly equable climate.
• Also known as The Hot, Wet Equatorial Cli- • The diurnal range of temperature is small, and
mate, Equatorial Rainforest Climate. so is the annual range.
• The regions are generally referred as Equatorial
Rainforests, Equatorial Evergreen Forests, Climate Graphs
Tropical Moist Broadleaf Forest, Lowland
Equatorial Evergreen Rainforest.
Evergreen forest
Equatorial Climate
Climate Graphs for regions with tropical wet climate is crossed by large rivers or cleared for cultiva-
• Many of the tropical hardwoods (very heavy) do • The climate is very Favourable for the cultiva-
not float readily on water, and this makes tion of certain crops that are highly valued in
transportation an expensive matter. the industrial West. The most important is natu-
• It is therefore not surprising that many tropical ral rubber.
countries are net timber importers. • Malaysia and Indonesia are the leading pro-
ducers. The home country, Brazil exports prac-
Life and Economy tically no natural rubber.
• Cocoa is another important crop which is culti-
Agriculture vated in West Africa, bordering the Gulf of
Guinea. The two most important producers are
• The forests are sparsely populated. Ghana and Nigeria. All the cocoa here goes in-
• In the forests, most primitive people live as to American and European chocolate industry.
hunter-gatherers. • From the same area another crop, oil palm, has
• The more advanced ones practice shifting cul- done equally well and many countries like In-
tivation. donesia have now taken to its cultivation.
• Food is abundantly available. People generally
don’t stock food for the next day.
• Insects and pests not only spread diseases but Mineral resources
are injurious to crops.
• Gold, copper, diamonds, and other precious
Jungle hinders development metals and gemstones are important resources
that are found in rainforests around the world.
• The construction of roads and railways is a risky • Extracting these natural resources is a destruc-
business as workers are exposed to wild ani- tive activity that damages the rainforest ecosys-
mals, poisonous snakes, insects and most im- tem.
portantly tropical diseases. • Examples are gold mining in the Brazilian and
• Once completed, they have to be maintained at Peruvian Amazon, rare earth mining in the
a high cost. Congo, and gold and copper mining in Indo-
nesia and Papua New Guinea.
Rapid deterioration of tropical soil
• Some of the world’s most promising oil and gas
deposits lie deep in tropical rainforests.
Why does restoration of lost forests take dec-
• Oil and gas development often take a heavy
ades in equatorial regions?
toll on the environment and local people (this
• The fertility of topsoil in rainforest regions is happened in Ecuador ― resource curse).
very poor. • More than 70 per cent of the Peruvian Amazon
• Torrential downpours leach out most of the is now under concession for oil and gas.
topsoil nutrients.
Tropical Monsoon Climate (Am: A –
Leaching: percolation and draining way of nutrients Tropical, m – monsoon)
due to rainwater action.
• Monsoons are land and sea breezes on a much
• The soil deteriorates rapidly with subsequent
larger scale.
soil erosion and soil impoverishment.
• Unlike equatorial wet climate, monsoon climate
• It takes decades to replenish the soil of lost nu-
is characterized by distinct wet and dry sea-
sons associated with seasonal reversal of
• Thus, a seed doesn’t usually germinate, and
even if it does, its development is hindered due
• Floods in wet season and droughts in dry sea-
to little availability of sunlight.
son are common.
• Lalang (tall grass) and thick undergrowth
spring up as soon as the trees are cut. They
choke the restoration of forests.
• Indonesian island of Java is an exception be-
cause of its rich volcanic ashes.
off-shore (winds flowing from land to sea) dry The cool, dry season (October to February)
monsoons in the winter.
• They are best developed in the Indian sub- • Out blowing dry winds, the North-East Mon-
continent, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, soon, bring little or no rain to the Indian sub-
parts of Vietnam and south China and north- continent.
ern Australia. • However, a small amount of rain falls in Punjab
from cyclonic sources (Western Disturbances:
Frontal precipitation brought by jet streams),
and this is vital for the survival of winter cereals.
• North-East Monsoons blowing over the Bay of
Bengal acquires moisture and bring rains to the
south-eastern tip of the peninsula at this time
of the year (Nov-Dec).
• Monthly mean temperatures above 18 °C. The rainy season (mid-June to September)
• Temperatures range from 30-45 °C in summer.
Mean summer temperature is about 30 °C. • With the ‘burst’ of the South-West Monsoon in
• In winters, temperature range is 15-30 °C with mid-June, torrential downpours sweep across
mean temperature around 20-25 °C. the country. Almost all the rain for the year falls
within this rainy season.
Precipitation • This pattern of concentrated heavy rainfall in
summer is a characteristic feature of the tropical
• Annual mean rainfall ranges from 200-250 cm. monsoon climate.
In some regions, it is around 350 cm.
• Places like Cherrapunji and Mawsynram re- The Retreating Monsoon
ceive an annual rainfall of about 1000 cm.
• The amount and frequency of rain decreases
Cherrapunji and Mawsynram (wettest places on towards the end of the rainy season.
earth by annual rainfall ― a little over 1150 cm per • It retreats gradually southwards after mid-
year) lie on the windward side of the Meghalaya September until it leaves the continent alto-
hills, so the resulting orographic lift (orographic gether.
rainfall) enhances precipitation. Also, they are • The skies are clear again and the cool, dry sea-
located between mountains which enhances cloud son returns in October, with the out blowing
concentration due to funnelling effect. North-East Monsoon.
• Of the tropical deciduous trees, teak, of which • Some of the major producers include India, Ja-
Burma is the leading producer (three – quarters va, Formosa, Cuba, Jamaica, Trinidad and
of the world’s production), is the most sought Barbados.
after. • Jute is confined almost entirely to the Ganges -
• It is valuable on account of its durability, Brahmaputra delta, in India and Bangladesh.
strength, immunity to shrinkage, fungus at- • Other crops include cotton, a major commercial
tack and insects. crop of the Indian sub-continent.
• Teak logs are so heavy that they will not float
readily on water. It is therefore necessary to Highland plantation crops
‘poison’ the tree several years before actual
felling so that it is dry and light enough to be • The colonisation of tropical lands by Europeans
floated down the Chindwin and the Irrawaddy gave rise to a new form of cultivated landscape
to reach the sawmills at Rangoon. in the cooler monsoonal highlands.
• Other kinds of timber include Neem, Banyan, • Thousands of acres of tropical upland forests
Mango, Teak, Sal, Acacia, Eucalyptus. were cleared to make way for plantation agri-
• Together with the forests are bamboo thickets, culture in which tea and coffee are the most
which often grow to great heights. important crops.
• Instead of rotating the crops in the same field
to preserve fertility, the tribesmen move to a
new clearing when their first field is exhausted.
• Farming is entirely for subsistence.
• As tropical soils are rapidly leached and easily
exhausted, the first crop may be bountiful,
but the subsequent harvests deteriorate.
Savanna climate distribution: transitional zones be-
Region Name of Shifting Culti-
tween the equatorial rainforests and hot deserts
Malaysia Lacking African Savanna
Burma Taungya
Thailand Tamrai • The belt includes West African Sudan and then
Philippines Caingin curves southwards into East Africa and southern
Java Humah Africa north of the Tropic of Capricorn.
Sri Lanka Chena
Africa and Central Milpa South American Savanna
North-east India Jhum • There are two distinct regions namely the Lla-
nos of the Orinoco basin (north of the equator)
Savanna or Tropical Wet and Dry Climate and the Compos of the Brazilian Highlands
(south of the equator).
(Aw: A – Tropical, w – dry winter)
Australian savanna
• Savanna climate has alternate wet and dry
seasons • The Australian savanna is located south of the
• There is no distinct rainy season like in mon- monsoon strip (northern Australia) running
soon climate. from west to east north of the Tropic of Capri-
• Rains occur in warm summer months. corn.
• Floods and droughts are common.
• Vegetation, wildlife and human life are quite Indian Savanna
different from monsoon climate regions.
• Certain parts across Northern Karnataka, South-
ern Maharashtra and Telangana exhibit charac-
teristics of both semi-arid and savanna climate.
• Irrigational projects that came up after inde-
pendence have drastically modified the savanna
characteristic of the region.
Savanna Climate
Typical savanna climate conditions
Distribution of Savanna Climate
• Savanna climate receives considerably less an-
• It is confined within the tropics and is best nual rainfall.
developed in Sudan, hence its name the Sudan • Mean annual rainfall ranges from 80 – 160 cm.
Climate. • Rainfall decreases with distance from equa-
• It is a transitional type of climate found be- tor.
tween the equatorial rainforests and hot de- • In the northern hemisphere, the rainy season
serts. begins in May and lasts till September.
• In the southern hemisphere, the rainy season is • Grasses die down in the dry season increasing
from October to March. the risk of forest fires.
• The trees are deciduous, shedding their leaves
Temperature in the cool, dry season to prevent transpiration,
e.g. acacias.
• Mean annual temperature is greater than 18°C. • Trees usually have broad trunks, with water-
• The monthly temperature hovers between 20 °C storing devices to survive through the pro-
and 32 °C for lowland stations. longed drought.
• Highest temperatures do not coincide with • Many trees are umbrella shaped, exposing only
the period of the highest sun (e.g. June in the a narrow edge to the strong winds.
northern hemisphere) but occur just before the • As the rainfall diminishes towards the deserts,
onset of the rainy season, i.e. April in Northern the savanna merges into thorny scrub (semi-
Hemisphere and October in Southern Hemi- arid).
• Days are hot and nights are cold. This ex-
treme diurnal range of temperature is another
characteristic feature of the Sudan type of cli-
mate. Vegetation in the savanna regions
• The prevailing winds of the region are the trade • Rich animal diversity is the characteristic of sa-
winds, which bring rain to the coastal areas. vanna climate.
• They are strongest in the summer (favourable • Most of the National Geographic and Animal
position of ITCZ) but are relatively dry by the Planet documentaries on wild animals are shot
time they reach the continental interiors or the in savanna regions.
western coasts (trade winds are easterlies – flow • The herbivorous include the zebra, antelope,
from east to west. Hence, rainfall decreases deer, elephant etc. and carnivorous animals in-
from east to west). clude the lion, tiger, leopard, hyena, panther,
• In West Africa, the North-East Trades blow off- jaguar, jackal etc.
shore (continent to sea) from the Sahara Desert • Species of reptiles and mammals including
and reach the Guinea coast as a dry, dust-laden crocodiles, alligators, giant lizards live together
winds. with the larger rhinoceros and hippopotamus in
rivers and marshy lakes.
What is the reason for alternating wet and dry
• Seasonal migration of animals in search of food
seasons in Savanna type climate?
is typical characteristic of savanna animal life.
• On-shore winds is summer bring rains. • The savanna is known as the big game country
• Off-shore winds in winter keep the climate dry. as animals are hunted down both legally and il-
Natural Vegetation of Savanna Climate
Life and Economy in the Savanna
• The savanna landscape is typified by tall and
coarse grass (6 to 12 feet high) and short • Many tribes live in savanna region.
trees. • Tribes like the Masai tribes of the East African
• The elephant grass may attain a height of even plateau are pastoralists whereas Hausa of
15 feet. northern Nigeria are settled cultivators.
• The grasslands are also called as bush-veld. • The old grazing grounds of Masai tribes in the
• Grasses appear greenish and well-nourished in Kenyan Highlands were taken over by the
the rainy season.
white immigrant settlers for plantation agricul- • The savanna is said to be the natural cattle
ture (coffee, tea, cotton) and dairy farming. country, and many of the native people are
• The cattle kept by the Masai are kept entirely pastoralists.
for the supply of milk. They don’t slaughter cat- • But the quality of grass doesn’t support large
tle for meat. Agriculture is barely practised. scale ranching (typical to all tropical cli-
• The Hausa are a tribe of settled cultivators who mates).
inhabit the savanna lands of the Nigeria. They • Grasses here are no match to nutritious and soft
are more advanced in their civilisation. grasses of temperate grasslands.
• They do not practice shifting cultivation. In- • The cattle varieties are also poor and yield little
stead, they clear a piece of land and use it for meat or milk.
several years. • The export of either beef or milk from the tropi-
cal grasslands is so far not important.
Farming • Few regions progressed with the adaptation of
science and technology.
• Droughts are long due to unreliable rainfall. • Queensland has become Australia’s largest cat-
• Political instability hinders the development of tle producing state. Both meat and milk are
agricultural infrastructure. exported.
• The Sudan Climate, with distinct wet-and-dry
periods, is also responsible for the rapid dete-
7.3 B – Dry Climate
rioration of soil fertility.
• During the rainy season, torrential downpours
• Grasslands and deserts are classified under B –
of heavy rain cause leaching of nitrates, phos-
dry climate.
phates and potash.
• Grasslands include subtropical savanna grass-
• During the dry season, intense heating and
lands (BSh) and temperate steppe grasslands
evapouration dry up most of the water.
• Many savanna areas, therefore, have poor lat-
• Deserts are regions where evapouration ex-
eritic soils which are incapable of supporting
ceeds precipitation.
good crops.
• There are mainly two types:
1. hot like the hot deserts of the Saharan type
Crops in Savanna
(BWh) and
• Settlements in central Africa, northern Australia 2. temperate or mid-latitude deserts like the
and eastern Brazil have shown that the savan- Gobi Desert (BWk).
nas have immense agricultural potential for
plantation agriculture of cotton, cane sugar, Hot Desert Climate (BWh: B – Dry, W –
coffee, oil palm, groundnuts and even tropical Desert, h – low latitude)
• Tropical Queensland, despite its scarcity of la- • The aridity of the hot deserts is mainly due to
bour force, has been very successful in develop- the effects of off-shore trade winds; hence
ing its huge empty land. they are also called trade wind deserts.
• Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Malawi have al- • The major hot deserts of the world are located
ready taken to large-scale production of cotton. on the western coasts of continents between
• In West Africa, the commercial cultivation of latitudes 15° and 30°N and S.
groundnuts, oil palm and cocoa have been • They include the biggest Sahara Desert (3.5
gradually extended into the savanna lands. million square miles), Great Australian Desert,
• In the cooler highlands, temperate crops have Arabian Desert, Iranian Desert, Thar Desert,
been successfully raised. Kalahari and Namib Deserts.
• In North America, the desert extends from Mex-
Cattle rearing ico into U.S.A. and is called by different names
at different places, e.g. the Mohave, Sonoran, Desert Climate
Californian and Mexican Deserts.
• In South America, the Atacama or Peruvian Rainfall (Both Hot and Cold deserts)
Desert is the driest of all deserts (driest place
on earth ― rain shadow effect of the Andes, • Deserts, whether hot or mid-latitude have an
off-shore trade winds, westerlies blow to the annual precipitation of less than 25 cm.
south of Tropic of Capricorn, cold ocean cur- • Atacama (driest place on earth) has practically
rents: upwelling of cold water due to Walker no rain at all.
Circulation) with less than 2 cm of rainfall an- • Rain normally occurs as violent thunderstorms
nually. of the convectional type occasionally causing
flash floods.
Major Deserts of the World
• Occasionally depressions may penetrate the When the ice thaws in early summer, floods oc-
Asiatic continental mass and bring light rainfall cur in many places.
in winter. Due to their coldness and elevation,
snow falls in winter. Desert Vegetation
• The annual range of temperature is much
greater than that of the hot deserts. • The predominant vegetation of both hot and
• Continentality accounts for these extremes in mid-latitude deserts is xerophytic or drought-
temperature. resistant.
• Winters are often severe, freezing lakes and riv- • This includes the cacti, thorny bushes, long-
ers, and strong cold winds blow all the time. rooted wiry grasses and scattered dwarf acacias.
• Trees are rare except where there is abundant
groundwater to support clusters of date palms.
• Along the western coastal deserts washed by • Modem concrete dams constructed across the
cold currents as in the Atacama Desert, support Nile, e.g. Aswan and Sennar Dams improved
a thin cover of vegetation. agriculture.
• Intense evapouration increases the salinity of • In the same way, desert cultivators rely on the
the soil so that the dissolved salts tend to ac- Indus in Pakistan, the Tigris-Euphrates in
cumulate on the surface forming hard pans (Ba- Iraq, and the Colorado in the Imperial Valley
jada, Palaya). of California.
• Absence of moisture retards the rate of decom- • In the deserts, wherever there are oases (de-
position and desert soils are very deficient in pressions where underground water reaches the
humus. surface), some form of settled life is bound to
• Most desert shrubs have long roots (in search follow.
of groundwater) and are well spaced out to • Some of them are abnormally large like the Ta-
gather moisture. filalet Oasis in Morocco which measures 5,000
• Plants have few or no leaves, and the foliage is square miles.
either way, leathery, hairy or needle-shaped • A wall is usually constructed around the oasis to
to reduce the loss of water through transpira- keep out the violent dust storms called si-
tion. mooms.
• The seeds of grasses and herbs have thick, • The most important tree is the date palm. The
tough skins to protect them while they lie fruit is consumed locally and also exported.
dormant for years. • Other crops cultivated include maize, barley,
wheat, cotton, cane sugar, fruits and vegetables.
Distribution of temperate and tropical grasslands
• Grasslands are practically treeless due to con- • In Eurasia, they are called the steppes and
tinentality (deep within the interiors of the con- stretch eastwards from the shores of the Black
tinents where rain-bearing winds don’t reach) Sea to the foothills of the Altai Mountains.
and/or rain shadow effect.
Temperate Grassland Region
Pustaz Hungary and surrounding regions
Prairies North America (between the foothills of the Rockies and the Great
Pampas Argentina and Uruguay (Rain-shadow effect)
Bush-veld (more tropical) Northern South Africa
High Veld (more temperate) Southern South Africa
Downs Australia: Murray-Darling basin of southern Australia
Canterbury New Zealand (rain shadow effect of Southern Alps)
Climate • It comes with the depressions in winter from the
Pacific coast ascending the Rockies and then
Temperature descending to the Prairies (katabatic wind).
• It is a hot wind and may raise the temperature
• Climate is continental with extremes of tem- by 5 °C within a matter of 20 minutes.
perature. • It melts the snow-covered pastures and benefits
• The summers are hot, and the winters are cold. agriculture and animal ranching.
• Summers are very warm and over 18-20 °C.
• In the southern hemisphere, the summers are Natural Vegetation of Steppe Climate
never severe due to very narrow landmasses.
• Greatest difference from the tropical savanna is
• The average rainfall may be taken as about 45 that steppes are practically treeless, and the
cm. grasses are much shorter.
• But precipitation varies according to location • Grasses are tall, fresh and nutritious. This is
from 25 cm to 75 cm (below 25 cm it is de- typical of the grass of the wheat-lands in North
sert climate). America, the rich black earth or chernozem
• The heaviest rain comes in June and July (late areas of Ukraine and the better-watered areas
spring and early summer). of the Asiatic Steppes.
• Most of the winter months have about 2.5 cm • Where the rainfall is light or unreliable, or the
of precipitation, brought by the occasional de- soil is poor, as in the continental interiors of
pressions of the Westerlies and coming in the Asia the short steppe type of grass prevails.
form of snow. • The grasses are not only shorter but also wiry
• The maritime influence in the southern (lean, tough) and sparse (thinly dispersed or
hemisphere causes more rainfall. scattered).
• These areas are less suitable for arable farm-
Chinook (Snow eaters) ing and are used for some form of ranching as
in the High Plains of U.S.A.
• Chinook is a hot local katabatic wind that • The growth of grasses is not abruptly checked
blows down the eastern slopes of the Rockies. by summer droughts or winter cold.
• It is similar to the Fohn in Switzerland and
comes in a south-westerly direction to the Prai- Trees
• Poleward, an increase in precipitation gives rise Nomadic herding in Asian Steppes
to a transitional zone of wooded steppes where
some conifers gradually appear. • This type of migratory animal grazing has al-
• In the cultivated regions, such as the wheat most disappeared from the major grasslands.
farms of the Prairies, double rows of trees are • The herders were wandering tribes, e.g. the Kir-
planted around the house to shield the occu- ghiz, and the Kazakhs.
pants from the strong wind. • Now under the Communist regime, they are
being forced to settle down.
Animals • The steppes have been made into huge collec-
tive farms and state farms for ranching or pro-
• Temperate grasslands do not have much animal ducing cereals.
diversity (Savanna: high animal diversity).
• Horses are common in Asian Steppes. Extensive mechanised wheat cultivation
Economic Development of Steppes • The temperate grasslands are ideal for exten-
sive wheat cultivation.
Wheat and Maize Cultivation • The levelness of the Steppes and other tem-
perate grasslands all over the world makes
• Cultivation was unknown just before a century, ploughing and harvesting a comparatively easy
and the region was one of the most sparsely job.
populated parts of the world. • In the Prairies, the Argentinian Pampas, the
• In recent years, the grasslands have been Ukrainian Steppes and the Downs of Austral-
ploughed up for extensive, mechanised wheat ia, agriculture is completely mechanised.
cultivation and are now the ‘granaries of the
world’ (Prairies). Pastoral farming
• Besides wheat, maize is increasingly cultivated
in the warmer and wetter areas. • The natural conditions suit animal farming.
• With the development of refrigerated ships in
Ranching the late nineteenth century, the temperate
grasslands became major pastoral regions, ex-
• The tufted grasses have been replaced by the porting large quantities of beef, mutton, wool,
more nutritious Lucerne or alfalfa grass for hides.
cattle and sheep rearing. • Milk, butter, cheese and other dairy products
• These temperate grasslands are now the lead- are also important in some parts of the North
ing ranching regions of the globe (e.g. Pam- American grasslands.
pas of Argentina).
Grassland Major Economic Activity
Prairies • Wheat Granaries
• Extensive Ranching
Pustaz • Rich black soil
• Abundant wheat production
• Sugar from Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris, is a plant whose root contains a
high concentration of sucrose)
• Countries like Hungary, Ukraine, Romania etc.
Pampas • Alfalfa: nutrient-rich grass
• Ranching, cattle rearing; Dairy products
• Extensive wheat producing region
• Economy depends on wheat and beef export
Downs and Canterbury • Sheep and Cattle rearing,
• Merino sheep: wool production
Veldts • Maize farms
• Sheep and Cattle rearing
7.4 C – Warm Temperate (Mid-
latitude) Climates
C-Warm temperate (Mid-latitude) Humid subtropical Cfa No dry season, warm summer
Climates Mediterranean Cs Dry hot summer
Marine west coast Cf No dry season, warm and cool summer
Mediterranean Climate (Cs: C – Warm • Southern Australia, and south-west Australia
Temperate, s – Dry summer) (Swanland).
• Mediterranean Climate is also known as Warm
Temperate Western Margin Climate or Warm
• Climate is characterised by clear skies and high
Temperate West Coast Climate.
• The summers are hot and dry, and the win-
ters are cool and wet.
• Mean annual precipitation ranges from 35-90
• Temperature of warmest month is greater than
or equal to 10° C.
• Temperature of coldest month is less than 18° C
but greater than –3° C.
• Climate is not extreme because of cooling
from water bodies.
Distribution of Mediterranean Climate A dry, warm summer with off-shore trades
• The rain comes in heavy showers and only on Mistral
a few days with bright sunny periods be-
tween them. This is another characteristic fea- • Mistral is a cold wind from the north, rushing
ture of the Mediterranean winter rain. down the Rhone valley in violent gusts.
• Though the downpours are infrequent, they are • The velocity of the Mistral is intensified by the
often very torrential, and in mountainous dis- funnelling effect in the valley between the
tricts, destructive floods occur. Alps and the Central Massif (Plateau in
Climate Graphs
• Cfa: C – warm temperate, f – no dry season, a – Gulf Type
hot summer.
• It is also known as Humid subtropical climate. • Found in south-eastern U.S.A., bordering the
• This type of climate is found between 20° and Gulf of Mexico where continental heating in
35° N and S latitude (warm temperate lati- summer induces an inflow of air from the cooler
tudes or subtropics; hence it is also known as Atlantic Ocean.
Humid subtropical climate); on the east coast in • Monsoonal characteristics are less intense
both hemispheres. compared to China type.
• There is no complete seasonal wind reversal.
Different variants of Warm Temperate Eastern Mar- • Hurricanes occur in September and October.
gin Climate include the
Natal Type
a) Temperate monsoon Climate or China Type
• Found in in New South Wales (Australia), Na-
b) Gulf Type Climate and
tal (South Africa), Parana-Paraguay-Uruguay
c) Natal Type Climate.
basin (South America).
• Natal type is different from temperate monsoon
or China type as it receives rainfall from on-
shore Trade Winds all the year round.
• The narrowness of the continents and the dom-
inance of maritime influence eliminate the
monsoonal elements.
• The South-East Trade Winds bring about a
more even distribution of rainfall throughout
China Type
the year
• Temperate Monsoon or China Type climate is Climate type Feature
observed in most parts of China. China type Temperate monsoonal
• The climate is also observed in southern parts Gulf type Slight-monsoonal
of Japan. Natal type Non-monsoonal
• Intense heating within interiors (Tibet, desert
• Characterised by a warm moist summer and a
region) sets up a region of low-pressure in
cool, dry winter (winters are also moist in Natal
summer attracting tropical Pacific air stream
(South-East Monsoon).
• Monsoon does not ‘burst’ as suddenly, nor Temperature
‘pour’ as heavily as in India.
• Typhoons form mostly in late summer, from July • The mean monthly temperature varies between
to September. 4 °C and 25 °C and is strongly modified by mar-
itime influence.
• Occasionally, the penetration of cold air (Polar
Vortex) from the continental interiors may
• In winter, there is intense pressure over Sibe-
bring down the temperature to freezing point.
ria, and the continental polar air stream flows
• Though frosts are rare, they occasionally occur
outwards as the North-West Monsoon, bitterly
in the colder interiors.
cold and very dry.
• There is little rain but considerable snow on the Precipitation
windward slopes.
• Rainfall is more than moderate, anything from Climate graphs of places with Humid subtropical
60 cm to 150 cm. climate
• This is adequate for all agricultural purposes
and hence supports a wide range of crops. Natural Vegetation
• Areas which experience this climate are very
densely populated. • Supports a luxuriant vegetation.
• There is a fairly uniform distribution of rain- • The lowlands carry both evergreen broad-
fall throughout the year. leaved forests and deciduous trees (hard-
• Rain comes either from convectional sources or wood).
as orographic rain in summer, or from depres- • On the highlands, are various species of conifers
sions in prolonged showers in winter. such as pines and cypresses which are im-
• In summer, the regions are under the influ- portant softwoods.
ence of moist, maritime airflow from the • Perennial plant growth is not checked by either
subtropical anticyclonic cells. a dry season or a cold season.
• Local storms, e.g. typhoons, and hurricanes,
also occur. Timber
Economic Development
Region Major Cropping Patterns
South-Eastern China • Rice, tea and mulberries (sericulture)
• Sericulture is declining
South-Eastern USA • Widespread cultivation of maize and cotton in the Corn and Cotton
Belts of U.S.A
• Fruit and tobacco are also grown
Natal, South Africa • Sugarcane
South America • Coffee and maize and dairying
Farming in monsoon China • As the flat lands are insufficient for rice cultiva-
tion, farmers move up the hill-slopes and grow
• A third of the world’s rice is grown in China, padi on terraced uplands.
though the huge population leaves very little
for export. Agriculture in the Gulf states
• Monsoon China has all the ideal conditions for
padi cultivation; a warm climate, moderately • Lack of population pressure and the urge to ex-
wet throughout the year, and extensive low- port gave rise to corn, cotton and tobacco.
lands with fertile moisture-retentive alluvial soil,
which if necessary, can be easily irrigated. Corn
• The humid air, the sunny summer and the heavy Tobacco
showers suit the crop well.
• It is grown right from the Gulf coast to the Mid- • It is a native crop of America.
west south of the Great Lakes, with the greatest • Virginia tobacco is famous.
concentration in the Corn Belt of Nebraska, Io- • The humid atmosphere, the warmth and the
wa, Indiana and Ohio. well-drained soils of the Gulf states, enable to-
• The region accounts for more than half the bacco to be successfully cultivated in many of
world’s production of corn, but only 3 per cent the eastern states of U.S.A.
of the world’s export. • No less than half the tobacco that enters inter-
• This is because most of the corn is used for fat- national trade comes from these states.
tening animals, mostly cattle and pigs (thriv-
ing beef and pork industry). Crops in Southern Hemisphere
• The fattened animals are then sold to the meat
• In the coastlands of Natal, cane sugar is the
plants in Chicago and Cincinnati to be
dominant crop, followed by cotton and tobac-
processed into ‘corned beef’ (from here the
co in the interior.
beef is exported through Great Lakes and St
• Maize is extensively cultivated for use both as
Lawrence waterway).
food and animal fodder for cattle rearing.
• Apart from its ease of cultivation, corn’s most
• In South America where rainfall is less than 120
outstanding feature is its prolific yield.
cm, there is much grassland on which many cat-
• It gives almost twice as much food (mainly
tle and sheep are kept for meat, wool and hides.
starch) per acre as wheat or other cereals.
• The extensive natural pastures provide valuable
• This explains why it is so widely cultivated in
forage for both cattle and sheep.
both the warm temperate and the tropical lati-
• Further north in southern Brazil, the rainfall in-
creases to more than 120 cm, and forest gradu-
Cotton ally replaces grass.
• Here the important occupations are the cultiva-
• Of the cash crops grown in the Gulf states, none tion of yerba mate (Paraguay tea) and the lum-
is comparable with cotton. bering of araucaria or Parana pine. Cattle and
• The Gulf type of climate is undoubtedly the sheep are reared, and maize and cane sugar are
best for cotton growing. grown.
• Its long, hot growing season with 200 days frost • In eastern Australia, Giant eucalyptus trees rise
free and a moderately high temperature per- one above the other right up the Eastern High-
mits the crop to grow slowly and mature within lands.
six months. • But with the influx of European immigrants,
• In the very south, in the Gulf-lands, the heavy much of the forest has been cleared for settle-
rainfall damages the lint. This area is, therefore, ment and dairying.
less suitable for cotton and is devoted to citrus • The eastern margin of New South Wales is now
fruits, cane sugar and market gardening, as in the chief source of Australia’s milk, butter and
Florida. cheese, besides cotton, cane sugar and maize
• The commercial cultivation of cotton is now which are increasingly grown in the north.
concentrated only in the most favourable areas
which are the Mississippi flood plains and At- British Type Climate or Cool Temperate
lantic coastlands. Western Margin Climate (Cf)
• The most dreaded enemy of the Cotton Belt is
the boll-weevil. The pest multiplies rapidly. The • Cf: C – Warm temperate, f – no dry season
pest is responsible for the westward migration • It is also known as North-West European Mari-
of the Cotton Belt. time Climate.
• The cool temperate western margins are under Temperature
the influence of the Westerlies all-round the
year. • The mean annual temperatures are usually be-
• They are the regions of frontal cyclonic activi- tween 5 °C and 15 °C.
ty (temperate cyclones). • Summers are moderately warm.
• This type of climate is typical to Britain, hence • Winters are abnormally mild because of the
the name ‘British Type’. warming effect brought by warm North Atlan-
• Also called as North-West European Maritime tic Drift.
Climate due to greater oceanic influence. • Sometimes, unusual cold spells are caused by
the invasion of cold polar continental air from
Distribution of British Type Climate the interiors.
• Ports are never frozen, but frosts do occur on
cold nights.
North America
• Spring is the driest and the most refreshing sea- • Unlike the equatorial forests, the deciduous
son when people emerge from the depressing trees occur in pure stands and have greater
winter. lumbering value.
• This is followed by the long, sunny summer. • The open forests with sparse undergrowth
• Next is the autumn with the roar of gusty winds; mean that logging, transportation are easy and
and the cycle repeats itself. economical.
• The deciduous hardwoods are excellent for
Climate Graph British Type Climate both fuel and industrial purposes.
• In Tasmania, the temperate eucalypts are also
extensively felled for the lumbering industry.
• Higher up the mountains, conifers (softwood)
are felled and transported to paper and pulp
• They are extensively used in cardboard making.
Economy in British Type Climate • A large range of cereals, fruits and root crops
are raised, mainly for home consumption.
Lumbering is quite profitable • North-West Europe, which includes some of the
most crowded parts of the globe, has little sur-
plus for export. It is, in fact, a net importer of • From Denmark and New Zealand comes high-
food crops, especially wheat. quality butter.
• Milk is converted to cream (less perishable
Market gardening than fresh milk) and is exported to all regions
across the globe.
• All the north-western European countries are • Fresh milk is converted into various forms of
highly industrialised and have high population condensed or evapourated milk, and exported
densities. around the world for baby-feeding, confection-
• There will normally be great demand for fresh ery, ice-cream and chocolate making.
vegetables, eggs, meat, milk and fruits.
• As the crops are perishable, a good network of Beef cattle
transport is indispensable.
• The produce is shipped by high-speed trucks • Besides dairying, some cattle are kept as beef
(truck farming, which is commonly used in the cattle.
United States) • In Argentina or Australia, meat production is the
• In Australia, high-speed boats ply across the primary concern.
Bass Strait daily from Tasmania (garden state) • The high rate of beef consumption in Europe
to rush vegetables and fruits to most of the necessitates large imports of frozen and
large cities in mainland Australia. chilled beef.
• The pigs and poultry act as scavengers that
Mixed farming feed on the left-overs from root-crops and dairy
• Arable farms are devoured by factories and • In this way, Denmark is able to export large
wheat is now a net import item in Europe. quantities of bacon (cured meat from the back
• Throughout north-western Europe, farmers or sides of a pig) from pigs that are fed on the
practice both arable farming (cultivation of skimmed milk, a by-product of butter-
crops on ploughed land) and pastoral farming making.
(keeping animals on grass meadows).
• Amongst the cereals, wheat is the most exten- Sheep rearing
sively grown, almost entirely for home con-
sumption. • Sheep are kept both for wool and mutton.
• The next most important cereal raised in the • Britain is the home of some of the best-known
mixed farm is barley. sheep breeds.
• The better quality barley is sold to the breweries • With the greater pressure exerted on land by
for beer-making or whisky distilling. increased urbanisation, industrialisation and ag-
• The most important animals kept in the mixed riculture, sheep rearing is being pushed further
farm are cattle. and further into the less-favoured areas.
• The countries bordering the North Sea (Britain, • Britain was once an exporter of wool (but now it
Denmark, the Netherlands) are some of the imports from Australia).
most advanced dairying countries where cattle • Today it exports only British pedigree animals to
are kept on a scientific and intensive basis. the newer sheep lands of the world (Austral-
Dairying • In the southern hemisphere, sheep rearing is
the chief occupation of New Zealand, with its
• The temperate western margin type of climate greatest concentration in the Canterbury Plain
is almost ideal for intensive dairying. (the rain shadow region).
• Cheese is a specialized product of the Nether- • Favourable conditions include extensive mead-
lands. ows, a mild temperate climate, well-drained lev-
el ground, scientific animal breeding, refrigera-
tion (enables the export of chilled Canterbury rope and most of central and southern Rus-
lamb and Corriedale mutton to every corner of sian.
the globe).
Beet Sugar
• Frontal disturbances might occur in winter. • Almost all conifers are evergreen. There is no
• Typical annual precipitation ranges from 38 cm annual replacement of new leaves as in decidu-
to 63 cm. ous trees.
• It is quite well distributed throughout the • The same leaf remains on the tree for as long as
year, with a summer maximum (convectional five years.
rains). • Food is stored in the trunks, and the bark is
• In winter the precipitation is in the form of thick to protect the trunk from excessive cold.
snow. • Conifers are conical in shape with sloping
branches that prevent snow accumulation.
Climate Graph • Their shape also offers little grip to the violent
• Transpiration can be quite rapid in the warm
summer. So, leaves are small, thick, leathery
and needle-shaped to check excessive tran-
• The soils of the coniferous forests are poor.
They are excessively leached and very acidic.
• Humus content is also low as the evergreen
leaves barely fall and the rate of decomposition
is slow.
• Under-growth is negligible because of the poor
Climate graphs of places with Taiga Climate
soil conditions.
• Absence of direct sunlight and the short dura-
Natural Vegetation
tion of summer are other contributory factors.
• Coniferous forests are also found in regions
• The predominant vegetation is evergreen co-
with high elevation (Example: the forests just
niferous forest as they require little moisture.
below the snowline in Himalayas).
• Pine, fir (e.g. douglas fir and balsam fir), spruce
• But on very steep slopes where soils are imma-
and larch are the four major species of conifers.
ture or non-existent, even the conifer cannot
• The greatest single band of the coniferous for-
survive (Example: Southern slopes of Greater
est is the taiga (Russian word for coniferous
forest) in Siberia.
• In Europe, the countries that have a similar type
Economic Development
of climate and forests are Sweden and Finland.
• There are small amounts of natural coniferous
• Lot of coniferous forests in the northern hemi-
forest in Germany, Poland, Switzerland, and
sphere are still untouched due to remoteness.
other parts.
• Only a small fraction of coniferous forests in
• In North America, the belt stretches from Alas-
Canada, Russia etc. are exploited.
ka across Canada into Labrador.
• Agriculture is most unlikely as few crops can
• In the southern hemisphere, coniferous forests
survive in the sub-Arctic climates.
are found only on the mountainous uplands of
southern Chile, New Zealand, Tasmania and Trapping
south-east Australia.
• Many fur-bearing animals are trapped in nor-
Characteristics of Coniferous forests therly lands of Canada and Eurasia.
• Wherever the cold is severe, the quality and
• Coniferous forests are of moderate density
thickness of the fur increases.
and are more uniform.
• In Canada trappers and hunters, armed with au-
• The trees in coniferous forests grow straight
tomatic rifles, reside in log cabins in the midst
and tall.
of the coniferous forests to track down these • The coniferous forest belts of Eurasia and North
animals. America are the richest sources of softwood.
• Muskrat, ermine, mink, and silver fox are the
most important fur-bearing animals. Demand
• To ensure a more regular supply of furs, many
fur farms have been established in Canada and • Softwood is used in construction, furniture,
Siberia. matches, paper and pulp, rayon and chemical
Limited species
• This is the most important occupation of the
• The conifers are limited in species. Pine, spruce
Siberian type of climate.
and fir in the northern forests and larch in the
• The vast reserves of softwood coniferous forests
warmer south are the most important.
provide the basis for the lumbering industry.
• The world’s greatest softwood producers are Pure stands
Russia, U.S.A., Canada and the Fennoscandian
countries (Finland, Norway and Sweden). • Unlike rainforests, they occur in homogeneous
• Contract labourers called lumberjacks used to groups (pure stands).
temporarily move to the forest regions to fell • This saves time, costs and enhances the com-
the trees. Now felling is done by machines. mercial value of the felled timber.
• Rivers for transportation: The softwood logs • Lumbering is normally carried out in the winter
easily float on rivers. Hence rivers are used to when the sap ceases to flow (sap stays in the
transport logs to the sawmills located down the ground, and the wood is lighter).
• Sawmilling: Logs are processed in sawmills into Cheap means of transportation
timber, plywood, and other constructional
woods. • The snow-covered ground makes logging and
• Paper and pulp industry: Timber is pulped by haulage (commercial transport) a relatively easy
both chemical and mechanical means to make job.
wood pulp. Wood pulp is the raw material for • The logs are dragged to the rivers and float to
paper-making and newsprint. U.S.A. is the lead- the saw-mills downstream when the rivers thaw
er. in spring.
• But in the field of newsprint, Canada accounts • It is quite easy in Canada, Norway and Sweden
for almost half of the world’s total annual pro- as the rivers are not frozen for a greater part of
duction. the year.
• As a fuel: Very little softwood is burnt as fuel as • But in Russian taiga, most of Siberian rivers
its industrial uses are far more significant. drain poleward into the Arctic Ocean which is
• As an industrial raw material: In Sweden, frozen for three-quarters of the year, and there
matches form a major export item. are few saw-mills there.
• From the by-products of the timber, many • However, with the use of the Northern Sea
chemically processed articles are derived such Route, which links Murmansk and Vladivostok
as rayon turpentine, varnishes, paints, dyes, liq- via the Arctic Ocean, development is increasing.
uid resins, wood-alcohols, disinfectants and
cosmetics. Cheap electricity
Factors that favour lumbering in Taiga climate • Cheap hydro-electricity for driving the saw-mills
is harnessed in the mountainous uplands of
Softwood trees North America and Europe and has greatly as-
sisted the lumbering industry.
Laurentian Climate or Cool Temperate • Characterized by cold, dry winters and warm,
Eastern Marine Climate (Dfc) wet summers.
• Winter temperatures is below freezing-point
• Dfb: f – no dry season, b – warm summer. and snow fall is quite natural.
• It is an intermediate type of climate between • Summers are as warm as the tropics (~25 °C).
the British Type Climate (moderate) and the
Taiga Type Climate (extreme).
• It has features of both the maritime and the
• Rainfall occurs throughout the year with sum-
continental climates.
mer maxima (easterly winds from the oceans
bring rains).
Distribution of Laurentian Climate
• Annual rainfall ranges from 75 to 150 cm (two-
thirds of rainfall occurs in the summer).
• Laurentian type of climate is found only in two
• Dry westerlies that blow from continental inte-
regions and that too only in the northern hemi-
riors dominate winters.
• North-eastern North America, including eastern The North American region
Canada, north-east U.S.A., and
Newfoundland. This may be referred to as the • In summer, prolonged heat waves cause dis-
North American region. comfort.
• Eastern coastlands of Asia, including eastern • In winter, the temperature drops below freezing
Siberia, North China, Manchuria, Korea and and snowfall occurs.
northern Japan. • Precipitation occurs all-round the year due to
the influence of warm Gulf Stream (increases
the moisture of easterly winds in summer) and
the Great Lakes (westerlies, temperate cyclones
in winter).
• The warm Gulf Stream increases the moisture
of easterly winds.
• Convergence of the warm Gulf Stream and the
cold Labrador Current near Newfoundland pro-
duces dense mist and fog and gives rise to
much precipitation.
Absent in Southern Hemisphere
• It is said that Newfoundland experiences more
drizzles than any other part of the world.
• In the southern hemisphere only a small section
of continents extends south of 40° S latitude.
• Some of these small sections come under the
rain-shadow region of Andes (Patagonia).
• So, these regions are subjected to aridity rather
than continentality.
• In other regions, the oceanic influence is so pro-
found that neither the continental nor the east-
ern margin type of climate exists.
Climate Cold and warm ocean current mixing zone off New-
The Asiatic region
• Rainfall distribution of the Asiatic region is far Climate Graph
less uniform when compared to North Ameri-
can Region.
• Winters are cold and very dry while summers
are very warm and exceptionally wet.
• The rainfall regime resembles the tropical
monsoon type in India.
• Intense heating in interior of China in summer
creates a region of low-pressure, and moisture-
laden winds from the Pacific Ocean and the Sea
of Japan blow in as the South-East Monsoon.
• Thus, the Laurentian type of climate in China is
often described as the Cool Temperate Mon- Climate graph of places with Laurentian climate
soon Climate.
• It has a very long, cold winter, and a large an- Natural Vegetation
nual range of temperature.
• The predominant vegetation is cool temperate
• Much of the winter precipitation in northern
China, Korea and Hokkaido, Japan, is in the
• The heavy rainfall, the warm summers and the
form of snow.
damp air from fogs, all favour the growth of
Japan trees.
• Forest tend to be coniferous north of the 50° N
• The climate of Japan is modified by the meet- latitude.
ing of warm and cold ocean currents. • In the Asiatic region (eastern Siberia and Korea),
• It receives adequate rainfall from both the the coniferous forests are a continuation of the
South-East Monsoon in summer and the North- great coniferous belt of the taiga.
West Monsoon in winter (western coasts of Ja-
pan) Lumbering
• The warm Kuroshio makes the climate of Japan
• From Laurentian Climate regions, both temper-
less extreme.
ate hardwood and temperate softwood are ob-
• The meeting zone between warm Kuroshio
from south and cold Oyashio from the north
• Much of the coniferous forests of fir, spruce and
produce fog and mist, making north Japan a
larch are exploited to a great extent.
second Newfoundland.
• Conifers are present in pure stands with only a
• Fishing replaces agriculture as the main occu-
handful of species.
pation in many of the indented coastlands.
• Eastern Canada is the heart of the Canadian
timber and wood pulp industry (St. Lawrence
River helps in export).
• South of latitude 50° N., the coniferous forests
give way to deciduous forests. Oak, beech, ma-
ple and birch are most common.
• They have been extensively felled for the extrac-
tion of temperate hardwood.
• In Manchuria, Korea and Japan, the forests have
made way for the agriculture.
Economic Development
Cold and warm ocean current mixing zone off Japan
• Lumbering, timber, paper and pulp industries Russia and Japan, also send fishing fleets to the
are the most important economic undertakings. Grand Banks.
• Agriculture is less important because of long • Over-fishing is a growing problem.
and severe winters.
• In the North American region, farmers are en- Fishing off Japan
gaged in dairy farming.
• The Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia is the • North-west Pacific surrounding the islands of
world’s most renowned region for apples. Japan is another very important fishing grounds
• Fishing is, however, the most outstanding eco- of the world.
nomic activity. • Majority of the people in the region depend on
fishing for survival.
Fishing off Newfoundland • Hakodate and Kushiro are large fishing ports
with complete refrigeration facilities.
• Regions around the Grand Banks of New- • Japan accounts for a sixth of the world’s total
foundland are the world’s largest fishing annual fish caught.
grounds. • The Japanese fishing trawlers venture far and
• Mixing of warm Gulf Stream and cold Labra- wide into the Arctic, Antarctic and the Atlantic
dor currents make the region the most produc- waters.
tive fishing ground on earth. • Large whaling fleets with processing plants ven-
• The gently sloping continental shelves stretch ture into distant regions as far as Arctic and
for over 200 miles south-east of Newfoundland, Antarctic (Japan is criticized for its whaling
and off the coasts of the Maritime Provinces operations).
and New England. Hence microscopic plankton • The Japanese make use of fish wastes, fish meal
are abundant. and seaweeds as fertilizers in their farms.
• Japan is one of the few countries that has taken
Fish feed on minute marine organisms called to seaweed cultivation (India is taking baby
plankton. Plankton is abundantly available in steps).
shallow waters (continental shelves) where they • Coastal farms that are submerged in water grow
have access to both sunlight as well as nutrients. weeds for sale as fertilizers, chemical ingredient
Also, cold and warm water mixing creates and food.
upwelling of cold nutrient-rich water to the sur- • Another aspect of Japanese fishing is pearl cul-
face. ture. Pearls are harvested from pearl oysters.
• Fish of all types and sizes feed and breed here • As natural pearls are difficult to obtain, the Jap-
and support a thriving fishing industry. anese have begun to harvest cultured pearls.
• In Newfoundland, fishing industry employs al-
Why is fishing the dominant occupation of Ja-
most the entire population.
• Further inland, in lakes and rivers (St. Lawrence
and the Great Lakes), freshwater fish like salmon • The mountainous nature of Japan and parts of
are caught. mainland eastern Asia support little agricultural
• All the fishing activities are carried out by highly activity (80 per cent land in Japan is classified as
mechanised trawlers which can store fish in re- ‘non-agricultural’. Around 50% of the total land
frigerated chambers for months.
is covered by forests).
• St. John’s, chief port of Newfoundland is the
• Japan is not well endowed with natural re-
headquarters of the Grand Banks fishing indus- sources. Hence fishing forms a dominant aspect
tries. of the economy.
• All processing activities like cutting, cleaning, • The scarcity of meat (there is little pasture in
packing for disposal are done at the ports itself. Japan for livestock farming of any kind)
• Along with Canada and U.S.A., countries like popularised fish as the principal item of diet
Norway, France, Britain, Portugal, Denmark,
and the chief protein food of the Japanese and • In the southern hemisphere, Antarctica is the
the Chinese as well. greatest single stretch of ice-cap (10,000 feet
• There exists a great demand for fish and fish thick).
products in the nearby countries where fishing • The lowlands – coastal strip of Greenland, the
industry is under-developed. barren grounds of northern Canada and Alaska
• Japan has huge stakes in international fishing and the Arctic seaboard of Eurasia, have tundra
enterprises and her advanced fishing tech- climate.
niques give her an edge over competitors.
• Advanced financial services, encouraging gov- Climate
ernment policy, advanced technology at hand,
skilled workforce with decades of experience in Temperature
fishing and the only available natural resource
to exploit, make Japan a leader in fishing indus- • The tundra climate is characterized by a very
try. low mean annual temperature.
• In mid-winter temperatures are as low as 40 –
Geographical advantage 50 °C below freezing. Summers are relatively
• The continental shelves around the islands of • Normally not more than four months have tem-
Japan are rich in plankton, due to the meeting peratures above freezing-point.
of the warm Kuroshio and the cold Oyashio cur- • Within the Arctic and Antarctic Circles, there are
rents and provide excellent breeding grounds weeks of continuous darkness (earth’s tilted axis
for all kinds of fish. and revolution around the sun).
• The indented coastline of Japan provides • The ground remains solidly frozen and is inac-
sheltered fishing ports, calm waters and safe cessible to plants.
landing places, ideal for the fishing industry. • Frost occurs at any time and blizzards, reaching
a velocity of 130 miles an hour is not infrequent.
7.6 E – Cold Climates
Tundra Climate or Polar Climate or Arctic
• Precipitation is mainly in the form of snow and
Climate sleet.
• Convectional rainfall is generally absent.
Natural Vegetation
• Mammals like the wolves, foxes, musk-ox, Arctic In the context of the above two statements, which
hare and lemmings also live in tundra regions. one of the following is correct?
• Penguins live only in Antarctic regions.
a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct ex-
Human Activities planation of A
b) Both A and R true but R is not a correct expla-
• Human activities of the tundra are largely nation of A
confined to the coast. c) A is true but R is false
• People live a semi-nomadic life. d) A is false but R is true
• In Greenland, northern Canada and Alaska live
the Eskimos.
Assertion (A): Areas lying within five to eight
• During winter they live in compact igloos.
degrees latitude on either side of the equator
• Their food is derived from fish, seals, walruses
receive rainfall throughout the year.
and polar bears.
Reason (R): High temperatures and high humidi-
• Nowadays rifles instead of traditional harpoons
ty cause convectional rain to fall mostly in the
are used to track down animals.
afternoons near the equator. [2003]
Recent Development of the Arctic Region a) Both A and R are individually true, and R is the
correct explanation of A
• New settlements have sprung up because of the
b) Both A and R are individually true, but R is not
discovery of minerals.
the correct explanation of A
• Gold is mined in Alaska, petroleum in the Kenai
c) A is true but R is false
Peninsula, Alaska; and copper at the Rankin In-
d) A is false but R is true
let, Canada.
• With the declining reserves of iron ore around Q3.
the Great Lakes, iron ore deposits in Labrador A geographic area with an altitude of 400 me-
are gaining importance. New railway lines have tres has following characteristics. [2010]
been constructed to bring the ores to the St.
Lawrence River.
• Rich deposits of iron ores at Kiruna and Galliva-
re helped Sweden enjoy a prosperous export
trade in iron and steel and other metallurgical
• New ports on the Arctic seaboard of Eurasia has
made it possible to ship timber and fur from Si-
If this geographic area were to have a natural
beria. Modern ice-breakers makes the frozen
forest, which one of the following would it most
seas navigable.
likely be?
Reason (R): The primary productivity of the 1) Biodiversity hotspots are located only in tropical
tropical rain forest is very high when compared regions.
to that of temperate forests. [2003] 2) India has four biodiversity hotspots, i.e., Eastern
Himalayas, Western Himalayas, Western Ghats
a) Both A and R are individually true, and R is the and Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are individually true, but R is not Which of the statements given above is/are cor-
the correct explanation of A rect?
c) A is true, but R is false
d) A is false, but R is true a) 1 only
b) 2 only
Q5. c) Both 1 and 2
Consider the following statements: [2010] d) Neither I nor 2
Q6. A geographic region has the following distinct
The seasonal reversal of winds is the typical characteristics: [2010]
characteristic of
1. Warm and dry climate
a) Equatorial climate 2. Mild and wet winter
b) Mediterranean climate 3. Evergreen Oak trees
c) Monsoon climate
d) All of the above climates The above features are distinct characteristics of
which one of the following regions?
Which one of the following is the characteristic a) Mediterranean
climate of the Tropical Savannah Region? [2012] b) Eastern China
c) Central Asia
a) Rainfall throughout the year d) Atlantic coast of North America
b) Rainfall in winter only
c) An extremely short dry season Q9.
d) A definite dry and wet season
Which one among the following covers the • Eastern China (China Type – it is not dry)
highest percentage of forest area in the world? • Central Asia (Temperate Desert – it is dry but
[2003] there are no oaks)
• Atlantic coast of North America (it is not dry)
a) Temperate coniferous forests
b) Temperate deciduous forests Q9. Ans: a) Temperate coniferous forests
c) Tropical monsoon forests
d) Tropical rain forests • In Indian Tropical Moist Deciduous (37%)
cover the highest percentage followed by Trop-
Answers: ical Dry Deciduous (28%)
Q1. a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct
explanation of A Descriptive questions
Q2. a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct
explanation of A 1. Distinguish between hardwoods and softwoods.
Q3. d) Tropical rain forest What are industrial uses made of them? Ac-
Q4. d) A is false but R is true count for their large scale production for export
in any one country.
• The tropical rain forests, if cleared, can yield 2. What is meant by
productive farmland: this statement is wrong. ✓ the taiga
The tropical soils are heavily leached. Some fer- ✓ the veld
tility is added by burning down the felled trees. ✓ the selvas
This little fertility is lost after 2-3 crops. 3. Describe the role played by forest products in
• Can support intensive agriculture for several the economy of either Canada or Sweden.
years even without chemical fertilizers: this is al- 4. Compare and contrast the climate of the follow-
so wrong. Intensive agriculture for several years ing pairs of areas.
is not possible without adding fertilizers. ✓ Laurentian Climate in the North American
region and the Asiatic region.
Q5. d) Neither
✓ Tropical monsoon Climate of India and the
• Biodiversity hotspots are located even outside Warm Temperate Eastern Margin (China
tropics. E.g. Eastern Himalayas, Parts of Mediter- type) Climate in S. China.
ranean, etc. ✓ The Steppe type of climate in Eurasia and
• India has three biodiversity hotspots i.e., Eastern the Siberian type (Taiga climate) of climate
Himalayas, Western Ghats and Andaman and in northern Canada.
Nicobar Islands. ✓ The Tundra Climate of Greenland and Trade
• The is no biodiversity hotspot called Western Wind Desert Climate of central Australia.
Himalaya. 5. Name the major fishing areas of the world. Ex-
plain the geographical factors which have con-
Q6. C) Monsoon tributed to its importance.
Q7. d) A definite dry and wet season 6. Write brief notes on
✓ The economy of the forests of the Lauren-
• Equatorial Rainforest: Rainfall throughout the
tian regions.
✓ Fishing in Japan.
• Mediterranean: Rainfall in winter only
7. Why does tropical cyclone originate over the
• An extremely short dry season: I don't think
seas? In which part of the tropical cyclone do
there is any specific climate that fits this de-
torrential rains and high-velocity winds blow
and why?
• Savanna: A definite dry winter and wet summer
8. What type of climate is characterized by two
Q8. Ans: a) Mediterranean (Evergreen oaks and periods of maximum rainfall? Explain why this is
winter maxima) so.
• Hint: Equatorial Rainforest. Sun is overhead dur- ✓ Cotton cultivation in the United States of
ing Equinoxes. So, the ITCZ passes twice over America.
the region. ✓ Padi growing in monsoon China.
9. Write brief notes on any three of the following ✓ Dairying in eastern Australia.
statements about the equatorial regions. ✓ Lumbering in Canada.
✓ Large-scale livestock farming is least 15. Give an explanatory account of any three of the
developed in wet equatorial areas. following.
✓ The greatest single drawback to commer- ✓ Local storms (e.g. typhoon, hurricane, pam-
cial lumbering in equatorial regions is inac- pero) are often associated with the Warm
cessibility. Temperate Eastern Margin Climate.
✓ The equatorial environment is best suited ✓ U.S.A. accounts for more than 50 per cent of
to plantation agriculture (Good rainfall, world production of corn (i.e. maize) but on-
humid climate, cheap labour, good markets ly 3 per cent of world exports.
in Europe and North America). ✓ Farming in monsoon China is usually on a
10. Explain the following statements. subsistence basis, and the peasants are
✓ The east coasts of continents within the permanently ‘land-hungry’.
tropics have much heavier rainfall than the 16. Explain how the aridity of the desert is related
interiors or the west coasts [Hint: Easterly to
trade winds]. ✓ off-shore Trade Winds
✓ Near the equatorial latitudes, the period of ✓ the Sub-Tropical High-pressure Belts (the
maximum rainfall is closely related to the Horse Latitudes)
movements of the overhead sun [Hint: Inter- ✓ cold ocean currents
Tropical Convergence Zone shifts according 17. Bring out any distinct differences between the
to the apparent movement of the Sun]. hot deserts and mid-latitude deserts in
✓ There is a marked difference in temperature ✓ climate
between the east and west coasts of coun- ✓ vegetation
tries in latitudes 20° to 35°N [Hint: Ocean ✓ way of life
currents]. 18. Explain any three of the following.
11. Explain why ✓ The hot deserts of the world are located on
✓ The savanna is the natural home of cattle. the western coasts of continents.
✓ Rainfall in the Sudan Climate is ✓ Patagonia is a desert in the rain shadow of
concentrated in the summer. the Andes.
12. Give an explanatory account of any two of the ✓ The annual range of temperature is much
following. greater at Kashgar (Gobi) than at Iquique
✓ Sheep outnumber the population of New (Atacama).
Zealand by 20:1. 19. Write brief notes on any three of these topics.
✓ No country produces and exports more ✓ Date palm cultivation in an oasis.
wool than Australia. ✓ The role of oil in the development of desert
✓ Market-gardening is a product of economy.
urbanisation. 20. Compare and contrast tropical and temperate
13. Write a geographical account of the following grasslands in respect of
economic activities. ✓ their seasonal responses to climatic changes
✓ Mixed farming ✓ their economic importance
✓ Beet sugar cultivation 21. Give a reasoned account
✓ Cool temperate orchard farming ✓ Asiatic Steppes: nomadic herding
✓ Sheep rearing ✓ Canadian Prairies: spring wheat cultivation
✓ Woollen textile industry ✓ Argentine Pampas: beef cattle ranching
14. Give a reasoned account of any two of the fol- ✓ S. African Veld: maize growing
lowing. ✓ Australian Downs: sheep grazing
22. Explain why when Chinooks are more frequent 24. Write geographical notes on any three of the
in the Prairies, the winters are milder. following.
23. Give an explanatory account of the following ✓ The Mediterranean Climate is typified by
statements about economic activities of the dry, sunny summers and wet, mild winters.
Mediterranean lands. ✓ Hot, dusty Sirocco and cold stormy Mistral.
✓ Orchard farming is the predominant occu- ✓ Mediterranean woodlands, shrubs and
pation. scrub.
✓ The chief cereal cultivated is hard, winter ✓ Three-quarters of the world’s wine comes
wheat. from the Mediterranean regions of Europe.
✓ Pastoral farming is of little importance.