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Wiley’s publishing vision for the Microsoft Official Academic Course series is to provide students
and instructors with the skills and knowledge they need to use Microsoft technology effectively in
all aspects of their personal and professional lives. Quality instruction is required to help both ed-
ucators and students get the most from Microsoft’s software tools and to become more productive.
Thus our mission is to make our instructional programs trusted educational companions for life.
To accomplish this mission, Wiley and Microsoft have partnered to develop the highest quality
educational programs for Information Workers, IT Professionals, and Developers. Materials cre-
ated by this partnership carry the brand name “Microsoft Official Academic Course,” assuring
instructors and students alike that the content of these textbooks is fully endorsed by Microsoft,
and that they provide the highest quality information and instruction on Microsoft products. The
Microsoft Official Academic Course textbooks are “Official” in still one more way—they are the
officially sanctioned courseware for Microsoft IT Academy members.
The Microsoft Official Academic Course series focuses on workforce development. These pro-
grams are aimed at those students seeking to enter the workforce, change jobs, or embark on new
careers as information workers, IT professionals, and developers. Microsoft Official Academic
Course programs address their needs by emphasizing authentic workplace scenarios with an abun-
dance of projects, exercises, cases, and assessments.
The Microsoft Official Academic Courses are mapped to Microsoft’s extensive research and job-
task analysis, the same research and analysis used to create the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)
exams. The textbooks focus on real skills for real jobs. As students work through the projects and
exercises in the textbooks they enhance their level of knowledge and their ability to apply the latest
Microsoft technology to everyday tasks. These students also gain resume-building credentials that
can assist them in finding a job, keeping their current job, or in furthering their education.
The concept of life-long learning is today an utmost necessity. Job roles, and even whole job
categories, are changing so quickly that none of us can stay competitive and productive without
continuously updating our skills and capabilities. The Microsoft Official Academic Course of-
ferings, and their focus on Microsoft certification exam preparation, provide a means for people
to acquire and effectively update their skills and knowledge. Wiley supports students in this en-
deavor through the development and distribution of these courses as Microsoft’s official academic
Joe Heider
Senior Vice President, Wiley Global Education
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Key Terms
Bottom Line
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Workplace Ready
Take Note
Reader Aids
Step by Step
Another Way
Reader Aids
Reader Aids
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Microsoft Office
Specialist Certification
Objective Alert
Cross Reference
Reader Aid
Skill Summary
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Competency Assessment
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Welcome to the Microsoft Official Academic Course (MOAC) program for Microsoft Office
2013. MOAC represents the collaboration between Microsoft Learning and John Wiley & Sons,
Inc. publishing company. Microsoft and Wiley teamed up to produce a series of textbooks that
deliver compelling and innovative teaching solutions to instructors and superior learning experi-
ences for students. Infused and informed by in-depth knowledge from the creators of Microsoft
Office and Windows, and crafted by a publisher known worldwide for the pedagogical quality of
its products, these textbooks maximize skills transfer in minimum time. Students are challenged
to reach their potential by using their new technical skills as highly productive members of the
Because this knowledgebase comes directly from Microsoft, architect of the Office 2013 system
and creator of the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exams (
mcts), you are sure to receive the topical coverage that is most relevant to students’ personal and
professional success. Microsoft’s direct participation not only assures you that MOAC textbook
content is accurate and current; it also means that students will receive the best instruction possi-
ble to enable their success on certification exams and in the workplace.
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Pedagogical Features
The MOAC courseware for Microsoft Office 2013 system are designed to cover all the learning ob-
jectives for that MOS exam, which is referred to as its “objective domain.” The Microsoft Office
Specialist (MOS) exam objectives are highlighted throughout the textbooks. Many pedagogical
features have been developed specifically for Microsoft Official Academic Course programs. Unique
features of our task-based approach include a Lesson Skills Matrix that correlates skills taught
in each lesson to the MOS objectives; Certification, and three levels of increasingly rigorous les-
son-ending activities: Competency, Proficiency, and Mastery Assessment.
Presenting the extensive procedural information and technical concepts woven throughout the
textbook raises challenges for the student and instructor alike. The Illustrated Book Tour that
follows provides a guide to the rich features contributing to Microsoft Official Academic Course
program’s pedagogical plan. Following is a list of key features in each lesson designed to prepare
students for success on the certification exams and in the workplace:
• Each lesson begins with a Lesson Skill Matrix. More than a standard list of learning objectives,
the skill matrix correlates each software skill covered in the lesson to the specific MOS exam
objective domain.
• Each lesson features a real-world Business Case scenario that places the software skills and
knowledge to be acquired in a real-world setting.
• Every lesson opens with a Software Orientation. This feature provides an overview of the soft-
ware features students will be working with in the lesson. The orientation will detail the general
properties of the software or specific features, such as a ribbon or dialog box; and it includes a
large, labeled screen image.
• Concise and frequent Step-by-Step instructions teach students new features and provide an
opportunity for hands-on practice. Numbered steps give detailed, step-by-step instructions to
help students learn software skills. The steps also show results and screen images to match what
students should see on their computer screens.
• Illustrations: Screen images provide visual feedback as students work through the exercises. The
images reinforce key concepts, provide visual clues about the steps, and allow students to check
their progress.
• Key Terms: Important technical vocabulary is listed at the beginning of the lesson. When these
terms are used later in the lesson, they appear in bold italic type with yellow highlighter and are
defined. The Glossary contains all of the key terms and their definitions.
• Engaging point-of-use Reader aids, located throughout the lessons, tell students why this topic
is relevant (The Bottom Line), provide students with helpful hints (Take Note), or show alternate
ways to accomplish tasks (Another Way), or point out things to watch out for or avoid (Trou-
bleshooting). Reader aids also provide additional relevant or background information that adds
value to the lesson.
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• Certification Ready? features throughout the text signal students where a specific certification
objective is covered. They provide students with a chance to check their understanding of that
particular MOS exam objective and, if necessary, review the section of the lesson where it is
covered. MOAC provides complete preparation for MOS certification.
• Workplace Ready. These new features preview how the Microsoft Office 2013 system applica-
tions are used in real-world situations.
• Each lesson ends with a Skill Summary recapping the topics and MOS exam skills covered in
the lesson.
• Competency, Proficiency, and Mastery Assessment: provide three progressively more chal-
lenging lesson-ending activities.
• Circling Back: These integrated projects provide students with an opportunity to renew and
practice skills learned in previous lessons.
• Online files: The student companion website contains the data files needed for each lesson.
These files are indicated by the file download icon in the margin of the textbook.
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This book uses particular fonts, symbols, and heading conventions to highlight important infor-
mation or to call your attention to special steps. For more information about the features in each
lesson, refer to the Illustrated Book Tour section.
Convention Meaning
This feature provides a brief summary of the material to be covered in the section that
Bottom Line follows.
CLOSE Words in all capital letters indicate instructions for opening, saving, or closing files or pro-
grams. They also point out items you should check or actions you should take.
This feature signals the point in the text where a specific certification objective is covered.
It provides you with a chance to check your understanding of that particular MOS objective
and, if necessary, review the section of the lesson where it is covered.
Take Note Reader aids appear in shaded boxes found in your text. Take Note provides helpful hints
related to particular tasks or topics.
Cross These notes provide pointers to information discussed elsewhere in the textbook or describe
Ref interesting features that are not directly addressed in the current topic or exercise.
ALT + Tab A plus sign (+) between two key names means that you must press both keys at the same
time. Keys that you are instructed to press in an exercise will appear in the font shown here.
Key My Name is Any text you are asked to key appears in color.
Click OK Any button on the screen you are supposed to click on or select will also appear in color.
The names of data files will appear in bold, italic and red for easy identification.
These data files are available for download from the Student Companion Site
OPEN BudgetWorksheet1 The names of data files will appear in bold, italic and red for easy identification.
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The Microsoft Official Academic Course programs are accompanied by a rich array of resources
that incorporate the extensive textbook visuals to form a pedagogically cohesive package. These
resources provide all the materials instructors need to deploy and deliver their courses. Resources
available online for download include:
• The Instructor’s Guide contains Solutions to all the textbook exercises as well as chapter sum-
maries and lecture notes. The Instructor’s Guide and Syllabi for various term lengths are avail-
able from the Instructor’s Book Companion site (
• The Solution Files for all the projects in the book are available online from our Instructor’s
Book Companion site (
• The Test Bank contains hundreds of questions organized by lesson in multiple-choice, true-
false, short answer, and essay formats and is available to download from the Instructor’s Book
Companion site ( A complete answer key is provided.
• This title’s test bank is available for use in Respondus’ easy-to-use software. You can download
the test bank for free using your Respondus, Respondus LE, or StudyMate Author software.
• Respondus is a powerful tool for creating and managing exams that can be printed to paper or
published directly to Blackboard, WebCT, Desire2Learn, eCollege, ANGEL and other eLearn-
ing systems.
All figures from the text are on the Instructor’s Book Companion site ( college/
microsoft). You can incorporate them into your PowerPoint presentations, or create your own
overhead transparencies and handouts.
By using these visuals in class discussions, you can help focus students’ attention on key elements
of Windows Server and help them understand how to use it effectively in the workplace.
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• The Student Data Files are available online on both the Instructor’s Book Companion Site and
for students on the Student Book Companion Site.
Wiley Faculty Network: When it comes to improving the classroom experience, there is no better
source of ideas and inspiration than your fellow colleagues. The Wiley Faculty Network connects
teachers with technology, facilitates the exchange of best practices, and helps to enhance instruc-
tional efficiency and effectiveness. Faculty Network activities include technology training and
tutorials, virtual seminars, peer-to-peer exchanges of experiences and ideas, personal consulting,
and sharing of resources. For details visit
Or Call the MOAC Toll Free Number: 1 + (888) 764-7001 (U.S. & Canada only).
To learn more about becoming a Microsoft Certified Professional and exam availability, visit
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In addition, the Wiley E-Text is fully portable. Students can access it online and download to their
computer for off line access and access read and study on their device of preference—computer,
tablet, or smartphone.
In the worldwide job market, Microsoft Office Specialist is the primary tool companies use to
validate the proficiency of their employees in the latest productivity tools and technology, helping
them select job candidates based on globally recognized standards for verifying skills. The results
of an independent research study show that businesses with certified employees are more produc-
tive compared to non-certified employees and that certified employees bring immediate value to
their jobs.
In academia, as in the business world, institutions upgrading to Office 2013 may seek ways to
protect and maximize their technology investment. By offering certification, they validate that
decision—because powerful Office 2013 applications such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint can
be effectively used to demonstrate increases in academic preparedness and workforce readiness.
Individuals seek certification to increase their own personal sense of accomplishment and to create
advancement opportunities by establishing a leadership position in their school or department,
thereby differentiating their skill sets in a competitive college admissions and job market.
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popular business applications such as Word 2013, Excel 2013, PowerPoint 2013, Outlook 2013
and Access 2013.
By becoming certified, you demonstrate to employers that you have achieved a predictable level of
skill in the use of a particular Office application. Employers often require certification either as a
condition of employment or as a condition of advancement within the company or other organiza-
tion. The certification examinations are sponsored by Microsoft but administered through exam
delivery partners like Certiport.
To learn more about becoming a Microsoft Office Specialist and exam availability, visit http://
After you decide which exam to take, review the list of objectives for the exam. This list can be
found in the MOS Objectives Appendix at the back of this book. You can also easily identify tasks
that are included in the objective list by locating the Lesson Skill Matrix at the start of each lesson
and the Certification Ready sidebars in the margin of the lessons in this book.
When you arrive at the testing center, you might be asked for proof of identity. A driver’s license
or passport is an acceptable form of identification. If you do not have either of these items of
documentation, call your testing center and ask what alternative forms of identification will be
accepted. If you are retaking a test, bring your MOS identification number, which will have been
given to you when you previously took the test. If you have not prepaid or if your organization
has not already arranged to make payment for you, you will need to pay the test-taking fee when
you arrive.
Test Format
MOS exams are Exams are primarily performance-based and conducted in a “live,” or simulat-
ed, environment. Exam candidates taking exams for MOS 2007 or 2010 are asked to perform a
series of tasks to clearly demonstrate their skills. For example, a Word exam might ask a user to
balance newspaper column lengths or keep text together in columns. The new MOS 2013 exam
format presents a short project the candidate must complete, using the specifications provided.
This creates a real-world testing experience for candidates. All MOS exams must be completed in
90 minutes or less.
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All of the practice files that you will use as you perform the exercises in the book are available
for download on our student companion site. By using the practice files, you will not waste time
creating the samples used in the lessons, and you can concentrate on learning how to use Micro-
soft Office 2013. With the files and the step-by-step instructions in the lessons, you will learn by
doing, which is an easy and effective way to acquire and remember new skills.
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We’d like to thank the many instructors and reviewers who pored over the outline and manu-
script, providing invaluable feedback in the service of quality instructional materials.
Access 2013
Catherine Bradfield, DeVry University
Mary Corcoran, Bellevue College
Cynthia Miller, Harper College
Aditi Mukherjee, University of Florida—Gainesville
Elizabeth Snow, Southwest Florida College
Excel 2013
Catherine Bradfield, DeVry University
DeAnnia Clements, Wiregrass Georgia Technical College
Dee Hobson, Richland College
Sandra Jolley, Tarrant County College
Joe Lamontagne, Davenport University
Edward Martin, Kingsborough Community College-City University of New York
Aditi Mukherjee, University of Florida—Gainesville
Linda Nutter, Peninsula College
Dave Rotherham, Sheffield Hallam University
PowerPoint 2013
Mary Corcoran, Bellevue College
Rob Durrance, East Lee County High School
Phil Hanney, Orem Junior High School
Terri Holly, Indian River State College
Kim Hopkins, Weatherford College
Tatyana Pashnyak, Bainbridge State College
Michelle Poertner, Northwestern Michigan College
Theresa Savarese, San Diego City College
Word 2013
Erik Amerikaner, Oak Park Unified
Sue Bajt, Harper College
Gregory Ballinger, Miami-Dade College
Andrea Cluff, Freemont High School
Caroline de Gruchy, Conestoga College
Donna Madsen, Kirkwood Community College
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Author Credits
Kim Lindros
Kim Lindros is a full-time writer, content developer, and project manager who has worked around
high technology and computing since the early 1990s. She co-authored Introduction to Computers
with Windows XP and Office 2007 (Kaplan, 2013), MTA Microsoft Technology Associate Exam
98-349 Windows Operating System Fundamentals (Wiley, 2012), PC Basics with Windows 7 and
Office 2010 (Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2010), and numerous courses focused on Windows and
Microsoft Office.
Rick Winter
Rick Winter has published over 50 computer and children’s books and articles and has trained
over 3,000 adults on computer software. He has a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in International En-
vironment from Colorado College and a Master of Public Administration from the University of
Colorado at Denver. Rick has received awards that include Clear Creek School District Leadership
and Service Award, Information Systems Trainers Distinguished Service Award, Rocky Moun-
tain Chapter Society for Technical Communication Distinguished Award, Phi Beta Kappa, Eagle
Scout, and is listed in “Who’s Who in America.”
Jennifer Fulton
Jennifer Fulton, Senior Partner of Ingenus, LLC and iVillage’s former “Computer Coach,” is an
experienced technical writer with over 20 years in the business. Jennifer has written and edited
hundreds of online course materials for both college and middle school audience, and authored
over 150 bestselling computer books for beginner, intermediate, and advanced users, including
Outlook 2010 All-in-One for Dummies, Windows 7 eLearning Kit for Dummies, and Outlook 2007
All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies. Jennifer is also a computer trainer for corporate personnel,
teaching a variety of classes on Windows, Microsoft Office, Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop Elements,
and others.
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Brief Contents
Lesson 1: Overview 1
Appendix 451
Glossary 455
Index 459
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or call the MOAC Toll-Free Number: 1+(888) 764-7001 (U.S. & Canada only)
Lesson 1: Overview
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or call the MOAC Toll-Free Number: 1+(888) 764-7001 (U.S. & Canada only)
Skill Summary 85
nnKnowledge Assessment 85
nnCompetency Assessment 87
nnProficiency Assessment 87
nnMastery Assessment 88
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or call the MOAC Toll-Free Number: 1+(888) 764-7001 (U.S. & Canada only)
or call the MOAC Toll-Free Number: 1+(888) 764-7001 (U.S. & Canada only)
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or call the MOAC Toll-Free Number: 1+(888) 764-7001 (U.S. & Canada only)
or call the MOAC Toll-Free Number: 1+(888) 764-7001 (U.S. & Canada only)
or call the MOAC Toll-Free Number: 1+(888) 764-7001 (U.S. & Canada only)
or call the MOAC Toll-Free Number: 1+(888) 764-7001 (U.S. & Canada only)
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Lesson Skill Matrix
Skills Exam Objective Objective Number
Key Terms
• active cell
• Backstage view
• cell
• column
• command group
• command tabs
• Dialog Box Launcher
• FILE tab
• Help system
• Keytip
• Name Box
• Quick Access Toolbar
• ribbon
• row
• ScreenTips
• workbook
• worksheet
© webphotographeer / iStockphoto
2 Lesson 1
Contoso, Ltd., provides specialty health care for the entire family—prenatal through
geriatric care. The practice, owned by Dr. Stephanie Bourne, has an expanding pa-
tient list. It currently employs a staff of 36, which includes three additional family
practice physicians. Each physician has unique patient contact hours; the office is
open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Mondays and from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. other weekdays.
The office manager and the new assistant that she will hire must track revenue and
expenses for the practice and maintain a large volume of employee data. The office
manager will create simulation exercises to test the applicants and one of her target
© webphotographeer / iStockphoto
pools of applicants will be new college graduates. In this lesson, you learn how to
enter text and numbers into an Excel worksheet to keep up-to-date employee records. By the end of the book,
you should be able to accomplish simulation tasks that are required by the Microsoft Office User Specialist
Test and the simulations requested by several jobs requiring Excel skills.
FiLe tab
name Box
active cell
Column labels
Formula bar
row labels
worksheet tab
Figure 1-1
Excel’s Blank workbook
Overview 3
starting excel
To work efficiently in Microsoft Excel, you need to become familiar with its primary user inter-
Bottom Line
face. You can open Microsoft Excel 2013 in Windows 8 by moving to the bottom-left corner of
your screen, clicking on Start, right-clicking a blank area of the Start screen, clicking All apps,
and clicking Excel 2013.
Excel opens to a list of templates and in most cases you choose Blank workbook or open a previous
file. A workbook, or spreadsheet file, is shown in Figure 1-1. Think of a workbook as a physical
book with many pages. The filename (Book1) and the program name (Excel) appear in the title
bar at the top of the screen. Book1 (or Book2, Book3, and so on) is a temporary title for your
workbook until you save the workbook with a name of your choice. The new workbook contains
one worksheet (Sheet1) by default—similar to the first page in a book—where you enter infor-
mation. If a workbook has more pages (or worksheets), you use the sheet tabs that are located just
above the Status bar and are identified as Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3. You can rename worksheets
to identify their content and add worksheets with the New sheet (+) button as needed.
Cross See Lesson 8, “Managing Worksheets,” for more detail on how to add and rename worksheets.
Opening Excel
In this exercise, you learn to use the Start screen to open Excel and view the new workbook’s first
blank worksheet.
GET READY. Be sure Microsoft Excel is installed on your computer. Then, perform the
1.1.1 following steps:
1. If the Windows desktop is displayed, click the Start screen thumbnail in the bottom left
How do you corner of the Windows 8 screen.
start Excel?
2. Right-click in a blank area of the screen and click All apps.
3. In the list of applications under Microsoft Office 2013, click Excel 2013. A window
opens to recent Excel files you’ve opened and examples of templates you can use (see
Figure 1-2).
Figure 1-2
Click Blank
Microsoft Excel’s workbook
opening screen to start a
new file.
Click to
recent learn more
files you’ve about excel.
(if any)
Click other
to see what
you can do
in excel or
to start with
an example.
4 Lesson 1
Cross Templates are discussed in more detail in Lesson 3, “Using Office Backstage.”
4. Click Blank workbook. A blank workbook opens, and the worksheet named Sheet1 is
displayed as shown previously, in Figure 1-1.
Take Note If you use Excel repeatedly, you will want to pin your application to the Start screen. From the All
Apps screen, right-click the app, and choose Pin to Start. You can also choose Pin to taskbar to
allow you to click the icon on the bottom of the Windows Desktop screen to start Excel.
A worksheet is a grid composed of rows, columns, and cells. Each worksheet column starts at
the top of the worksheet and goes to the bottom of the worksheet and is identified by a letter.
Each row starts at the left edge of the worksheet and continues to the right and is identified by
a number. Each box, or cell, on the grid is identified by the intersection of a column and a row.
Thus, the first cell in an open worksheet is A1. You enter information by typing it into the selected
or active cell, which is outlined by a bold rectangle. This is also called the current or highlighted
GET READY. USE the blank workbook you opened in the previous exercise to perform
these steps:
1. Point to each icon on the Quick Access Toolbar and read the description that appears
as a ScreenTip.
Take Note Use ScreenTips to remind you of a command’s function. Enhanced ScreenTips display in a larger
rectangle that contains more descriptive text than a ScreenTip. Most Enhanced ScreenTips con-
tain a link to a Help topic.
2. On the right side of the Quick Access Toolbar, click the drop-down arrow. From the
drop-down list, select Open. The Open icon is added to the Quick Access Toolbar. Click
the down arrow again and select Quick Print from the drop-down list (see Figure 1-3).
Overview 5
Figure 1-3
Customizing the Quick
Access Toolbar
Another Way 3. Next, right-click anywhere on the Quick Access Toolbar, and then select Show Quick
To add a command Access Toolbar Below the Ribbon.
to the Quick Access Toolbar, 4. Right-click the HOME tab and click Collapse the Ribbon. Now, only the tabs remain on
you can also right-click any display, increasing the workspace area.
icon on the ribbon and then
5. Right-click the HOME tab again and choose Collapse the Ribbon to uncheck the option
click Add to Quick Access
and make the ribbon commands visible again.
6. On the right side of the Quick Access Toolbar, click the drop-down arrow. Click Show
Above the Ribbon from the drop-down list.
7. Right-click the Open command, and select Remove from Quick Access Toolbar.
8. On the right side of the Quick Access Toolbar, click the drop-down arrow and click
Quick Print to remove the checkmark from the menu and thus remove the Quick Print
icon from the Quick Access Toolbar.
Take Note To add commands to the Quick Access Toolbar that do not appear in the drop-down list, click
More Commands on the drop-down list. The Excel Options dialog box opens. You can also right-
click the Quick Access Toolbar or any ribbon tab and select Customize Quick Access Toolbar to
open the Excel Options dialog box.
By default, the Quick Access Toolbar contains the Save, Undo, and Redo commands. As you work
1.4.3 in Excel, customize the Quick Access Toolbar so that it contains the commands you use most of-
ten. Do not, however, remove the Undo and Redo commands. These commands are not available
How do you manipulate the on the ribbon’s command tabs.
Quick Access Toolbar?
Take Note Keytips are sometimes also referred to as hotkeys. Note, however, that when you use the Microsoft
Office 2013 Help, no reference is listed for hotkeys. Only Keytips are referenced.
6 Lesson 1
Within each tab on the ribbon, commands are organized into related tasks called command groups,
or just groups, as shown in Figure 1-4. For example, consider the HOME tab. When the HOME
tab is displayed, you see the Clipboard group, which contains the command buttons to cut, copy,
and paste data. These commands allow you to revise, move, and repeat data in a worksheet. Sim-
ilarly, you can use commands in the Editing group to fill adjacent cells, sort and filter data, find
specific data in a worksheet, and perform other tasks related to editing worksheet data.
Some of the commands have an options arrow that displays additional options for the com-
mand. On some of the command groups are icons in the bottom-right corner of the group. These
Dialog Box Launchers open a dialog box and give more options than display on the ribbon.
Figure 1-4
HOME tab command groups
Figure 1-5
Ribbon with HOME tab active
2. In the Alignment group, click the Dialog Box Launcher to display the Alignment tab in
the Format Cells dialog box.
3. Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box.
4. Click the INSERT tab.
Your screen should now look similar to Figure 1-6. Commands on the INSERT tab
enable you to add charts and illustrations and perform other functions that add items
to enhance your Excel worksheets.
Overview 7
Figure 1-6
Ribbon with the INSERT tab
Figure 1-7
Keytips on the ribbon
7. Type W to display the VIEW tab and then type Q to display the Zoom dialog box.
8. Click Cancel or press Esc to close the Zoom dialog box.
9. Press Alt + H to return to the HOME tab.
10. Press Alt to turn off the Keytips.
11. In the Editing group, click the Clear arrow to display the Clear options.
12. Press Esc to turn off the options.
GET READY. You should not have Excel running for this exercise.
1. Launch Excel and click Blank workbook to start a new workbook. Notice that Book1
displays in the title bar at the top of the screen.
2. Click the FILE tab. This opens Backstage view (see Figure 1-8).
8 Lesson 1
Figure 1-8
When you click a command in
the left pane, the major por-
tion of the Backstage screen
changes to show options
related to that command.
are listed
open from
open selected
by default
3. Notice that the Excel Backstage view and Excel icon on the taskbar are green. The
Office suite has customized colors to designate which application you use.
Troubleshooting Backstage defaults to different commands depending on what you’re doing. When you are
working in a blank workbook or with no workbooks open, Backstage defaults to the Open
command, which shows different options for opening files. If you have started typing in a
document, Backstage defaults to the Info.
4. The commands are on the left pane of the screen. Click Info and the right pane changes
(see Figure 1-9). This shows information about the current file.
Figure 1-9
When the Info tab is selected,
information about the current
workbook displays.
about current
Step by step Use the Microsoft Office FILE Tab and Backstage View
As you have seen, a new blank workbook in Excel 2013 contains one worksheet. You can enter
data in the first worksheet and click the New sheet button to create another worksheet and then
enter additional data. Excel saves the worksheets together in one workbook rather than as separate
Figure 1-10
Format Cells dialog box
4. Notice that the Font tab of the dialog box is active. Scroll down in the Font list, click
Arial, and then click OK. Cell B1 is the active cell now.
1.4.6 5. Type 456 in this cell, and then press Tab. Notice the difference in size and appearance
between this number and the one you entered in cell A1.
6. Click the VIEW tab.
How do you change to Page
Layout view? 7. In the Workbook Views group, click Page Layout. In this view, you can see the margins,
where pages break, and you can add a header or footer (see Figure 1-11).
Figure 1-11
Page Layout view
Horizontal ruler
8. In the Workbook Views group, click Normal to return the worksheet to the view that no
How do you change back to longer shows rulers, headers, footers, or page breaks.
Normal view?
PAUSE. LEAVE the workbook open for the next exercise.
Another Way As demonstrated in this exercise, you can preview your printed worksheet by clicking the ribbon’s
You can also VIEW tab, and then clicking Page Layout in the Workbook Views group (first section). This view
change the view among Nor- enables you to fine-tune pages before printing. You can change your worksheet’s layout and format
mal, Page Layout, Page Break in both this view and Normal view. You can also use the rulers to measure the width and height of
Preview, and Zoom by using your window and determine whether you need to change its margins or print orientation.
the icons in the status bar at
the bottom of the screen.
Overview 11
GET READY. USE the worksheet you left open in the previous exercise or type 456 in cells
A1 and B1 in a new workbook.
1. Click cell F1 to make it active.
2. On the VIEW tab, click Split. Notice that the screen is split vertically in two different panes.
3. In the horizontal scroll bar of the right pane, hold down the right arrow until you see
cell AA1. Notice that you can still see cells A1 and B1 in the left pane.
How do you split 4. Click Split again. The screen is no longer split.
a window?
5. Click in cell A17 and click Split. The screen is split horizontally in two different panes.
6. Click Split again. The screen is no longer split.
7. Click in cell F14 and click Split. The screen is split into four panes this time.
8. Choose the lower-right quadrant by clicking any cell in that pane, and then scroll down
to display row 40.
9. In cell H40, type 236 and press Enter. The data you entered in cells A1 and B1 should be
visible along with what you just entered in cell H40 (see Figure 1-12).
Figure 1-12
Working in a split window
Split command
Scroll bars
10. Click Split to remove the split. The data in cell H40 is no longer visible.
Take Note The Split command is especially useful when you need to compare various portions of a long
When you use a worksheet that contains a small amount of data, it is easy to scroll through the
worksheet and focus on specific cells. As you become experienced in working with Excel, however,
you might find yourself working on much larger worksheets. The ability to view more than one
section of a worksheet at the same time by using split windows is especially useful when you need
to compare different sections of data.
Workplace Ready
Large workbooks
After you complete several of the lessons in this book, you might want to come back to this sec-
tion on splitting the window. Excel is a great what-if tool for sales projections, assessments, and
especially budgets. The following example shows a split workbook with assumptions on one pane
and the final results in another pane.
For example, the following Figure represents a five-year school budget. The Net All and All End-
ing Fund Balance are formulas that depend on the assumptions shown and totals throughout the
worksheet. Notice that with the current assumptions, the school loses money each year and even-
tually exhausts all of its fund balance. Therefore, something needs to change. The school has tried
numerous marketing efforts, but because it is in a remote area of the state, the student growth rates
are more dependent on the local economy compared to the efforts of the school. They only item
on the assumption that is under the control of the school is the salary increase.
Overview 13
The only way to get a positive net balance with the available assumptions is to cut salaries by 6.5%
in the next school year (FY 13-14). Luckily for you, you are just the one filling in the numbers
in the model you are given. However, you may want to look deeper at the assumptions, add new
assumptions, or start a list of recommendations for your boss. Using the split window gives you
a tool to see how the changes might affect the bottom line before you make your presentation.
GET READY. USE the worksheet you left open in the previous exercise or type 456 in cells
A1 and B1 and 236 in cell H40 in a new workbook.
1. Press Ctrl + Home to make A1 the active cell.
2. With the VIEW tab active, in the Window group, click New Window. A new window
titled Book1:2 opens. If you have opened a different number of new workbooks, your
title bar might show a different book number. The colon and 2 (:2) indicate that there
are two windows from the same workbook open.
3. Scroll down in the window until cell H40 is visible (see Figure 1-13). Although cell A1 is
not visible, it is still the active cell. It is important to note that you have opened a new
view of the active worksheet—not a new worksheet.
14 Lesson 1
Figure 1-13
A new window
Another Way
You also can use
the Arrange All command on
the VIEW tab to display open
windows side by side so that 4. Click Switch Windows. A drop-down list of all open windows appears. Book 1:2 is
you can compare various parts checked, which indicates that it is the active window.
of a large worksheet. Use the 5. Click Book 1:1. You now see the original view of the worksheet with cell A1 active.
View Side by Side and Syn- 6. Click Switch Windows and make Book1:2 active.
chronous Scrolling commands
to have both windows scroll 7. Click the Close Window button (in the upper-right corner of the workbook window) to
together. close Book1:2. The window closes, and Book1 in the title bar tells you that you are now
looking at the only open view of the workbook.
Take Note Clicking the Close Window button closes only the new window opened at the beginning of this
exercise. If you use the Close command on the FILE tab, you will close the entire workbook.
8. Click the FILE tab, and then click Close.
9. When asked if you want to save the changes in Book1, click Don’t Save.
Cross You can also use the File Properties, such as tags, to help you and others manage and find files. See
Ref Lesson 2, “Working with Microsoft Excel 2013,” for more on File Properties.
Overview 15
GET READY. In this exercise, you use commands on the FILE tab to find and open an existing
Another Way workbook.
To display the Open
options in Backstage without 1. In Excel, click the FILE tab and click Open. Documents you recently created or edited
using the FILE tab, press appear in the right pane, in the Recent Workbooks area.
Ctrl+O. To display the Open
dialog box, press Ctrl+F12. 2. Click Computer and then click Browse.
Take Note Throughout this book, you see information that appears in brackets, such as [your e-mail address].
The information contained in the brackets is intended to be directions specific for you rather than
something you actually type word for word. It instructs you to perform an action or substitute
text. Do not type the actual text that appears within brackets.
3. In the Open dialog box, choose the location your Lesson01 data files.
Take Note By default, the Open dialog box lists only the files that were created in the program you are us-
ing—in this case, Excel. To see files created in other programs, you can select All Files in the Files
of type box (next to the File name box) at the bottom of the Open dialog box.
4. Select 01 Contoso Employee Info from the listed files, and then click Open. The file
opens as shown in Figure 1-14, with the workbook name displayed in the title bar.
Figure 1-14
Opening an existing workbook
16 Lesson 1
5. Click the FILE tab, and then click Close to close the Employee workbook.
Another Way
PAUSE. LEAVE Excel open for the next exercise.
You can press
Alt+F4 to close the current file
and Excel at the same time. If you are familiar with Microsoft Word, you know that when you open a file, the program plac-
es your cursor and screen display at the beginning of the document. When you open an Excel
workbook, however, the active cell is the same one that was active when you last saved the file. For
example, when you open the Contoso Employee Info workbook, A22 is the active cell in Normal
view, because A22 was the active cell displayed in Normal view when the file was last saved. This
feature enables you to continue working in the same location when you return to the workbook.
GET READY. Excel should be open. You need to have a SkyDrive account for this section.
1. Clicks the FILE tab.
2. If it is not selected, click Open.
3. If you do not have SkyDrive installed, click + Add a Place (see Figure 1-15), click
SkyDrive, and go through the steps on the screen.
4. Click [Your Name] SkyDrive, and then click Browse.
Figure 1-15
A computer with SkyDrive
if you’ve used
skyDrive, your
recent folders
appear here.
Click add a
Place to install
skyDrive. Click Learn more if you want
more info about skyDrive.
5. If you have folders on the SkyDrive, double-click the folder where the file is located.
6. If there are subfolders, double-click the subfolder.
7. Continue to navigate to the folder where the file is located and click the file name.
8. Click Open. The file is displayed.
CLOSE the file and LEAVE Excel open for the next exercise.
Overview 17
Navigating a Worksheet
An Excel worksheet can contain more than one million rows and more than sixteen thousand
columns. There are several ways to move through worksheets that contain numerous rows and col-
umns. You can use the arrow keys, the scroll bars, or the mouse to navigate through a worksheet.
In the following exercises, you explore the different methods for moving through a worksheet.
Take Note A worksheet can be very large or quite small depending on your needs. Available columns go from
A through XFD, and available rows can go from 1 through 1,048,567.
GET READY. Click the File tab, and then click Open. In the Recent Workbooks area, click
01 Contoso Employee Info or go to the class folder and open this file.
1. Press Ctrl + End to move to the end of the document (cell D27).
2. Press Ctrl + Home to move to the beginning of the document (cell A1).
3. Click in the Name Box, type A3, and press Enter to make the cell active.
4. Press Ctrl + Down Arrow to go to the last row of data (cell A27).
Take Note Ctrl + Arrow allows you to move to the start and end of ranges of data. The worksheet title, which
spans all of the columns, is not considered part of the worksheet’s data range.
5. Press Ctrl + Right Arrow. Cell D27, the last column in the range of data, becomes the
active cell.
6. Press Ctrl + Down Arrow. The last possible row in the worksheet displays.
7. Press Ctrl + Home.
8. Press Scroll Lock. Then press the Right Arrow key. This moves the active column one
Where is the Name Box column to the right, and the whole worksheet moves.
located and what is
9. Use the vertical scroll bar (if necessary, refer to Figure 1-12) to navigate from the
it used for?
beginning to the end of the data.
10. If your mouse has a wheel button, roll the wheel button forward and back to quickly
scroll through the worksheet.
Take Note When Scroll Lock is on, SCROLL LOCK is displayed on the left side of the Status bar. To use the
arrow keys to move between cells, you must turn off Scroll Lock. Some keyboards come equipped
with an onboard Scroll Lock key, whereas others do not. This is an option, not a necessity.
PAUSE. Press Scroll Lock again to turn it off. LEAVE the workbook open for the next
USE the 01 Contoso Employee Info workbook from the previous exercise.
1. Select cell A17.
2. In the Name Box to the left of the formula bar, select cell A17, as indicated in
How do you name a range
Figure 1-16.
and go to a cell or range
using the Go To dialog box?
Figure 1-16
Worksheet with A17 in the
Name Box selected
Name Box
Figure 1-17
Go To dialog box
6. In the Go to list, click MedAssts, and then click OK. Cell A17 becomes the active cell.
7. Click Find & Select again, and then click Go To Special. The Go To Special dialog box
appears (see Figure 1-18).
Overview 19
Figure 1-18
Go To Special dialog box
CLOSE the workbook and do not save. LEAVE Excel open for the next exercise.
Take Note If you aren’t sure what an onscreen tool does, just point to it. Once the mouse pointer rests on a
tool, a box called a ScreenTip appears. A basic ScreenTip displays the tool’s name and shortcut key
(if a shortcut exists for that tool). Some of the ribbon’s tools have enhanced ScreenTips, which also
provide a brief description of the tool.
Figure 1-19
Help button
2. Click the Help button; the help window opens, as shown in Figure 1-20.
Figure 1-20
Help window
Keep Help on Top
Links to Help
major Training
Another Way 3. In the help window, click the What’s New icon. The next screen gives you additional
You can also press hyperlinked subcategories.
F1 to open the Help window. 4. Navigate through three of the subtopics in the help window.
5. In the help window toolbar, click the Home button to return to the first screen.
6. Click the Excel Help drop-down arrow. This displays the Connection Status options
shown in Figure 1-21. This feature enables you to choose whether the help window
displays content from files installed on your computer or from on the
Figure 1-21
Connection Status options
7. Click in the workbook behind the help window. Notice that the help window is hidden
and the workbook becomes the top window.
8. Click the Help button to display the help window again.
Overview 21
Excel’s Help window gives you access to various help topics that offer information about specific
Excel features or tools. Help topics can assist you with virtually any task, feature, or problem you
encounter when working with Excel. The Help window is set up like a browser, with links to
specific categories and topics, and it features some of the same tools you find in your web browser,
Figure 1-22
The Excel Help Toolbar
Take Note Many Excel dialog boxes contain a Help button. When you click it, a Help window opens with
information about that dialog box.
You can find help in several different ways. For example, you can click one of the links under Pop-
ular searches or click a topic listed under Getting started or Basics and beyond. You can also type a
keyword or phrase in the Search box, and then press Enter. When you do this, related help topics
appear in the Help window.
When you click the arrow next to Excel Help at the top of the Help window, the resulting menu
lets you choose between searching help topics that are available online and just those topics in-
stalled on your computer (referred to as offline help). If your computer has an “always on” connec-
tion to the Internet, such as a cable modem or LAN connection, you might want to select Excel
Help from, which is Microsoft’s online-based built-in Help system. If your computer
uses a dial-up modem, or if you simply choose not to access online help information, choose the
Excel Help from your computer option to access the topics installed on your computer.
22 Lesson 1
Skill Summary
In this lesson you learned how: Exam Objective Number
Knowledge Assessment
Multiple Choice
Select the best response for the following statements.
1. An arrow in the bottom-right corner of a group on the ribbon tells you that which of the
following is available?
a. dialog box
b. additional workbook
c. list of worksheets
d. additional part of the current range
2. Which of the following is a selected cell?
a. current command
b. default option
c. active cell
d. default cell
3. Which feature enables you to preview headers and footers, page breaks, and other
features that will print?
a. Page Layout
b. Print Layout
c. Synchronous Scrolling
d. Window view
4. After a file has been opened, the filename appears in which of the following?
a. title bar
b. footer
c. header
d. Description pane
5. When you split a window, the window is divided into how many panes?
a. two
b. three
c. four
d. two or four
6. When you click the Help button, what opens?
a. ScreenTips
b. Keytips
c. Help window
d. dialog box
Overview 23
True / False
Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
Competency Assessment
6. In the Excel Help window in the Search box, type select cells and read one of the
7. Click the Close button is in the upper-right corner of the window to close the Help
Proficiency Assessment
Mastery Assessment
CLOSE PowerPoint, the Web browser, and the Excel Help window. LEAVE Excel open for
the next project.
5. Change the Loan amount to 200,000 at 4.5% interest and edit the start date of the loan
for the first of next month. Notice the change in scheduled payment and total interest.
6. Change the loan period to 15 years and notice that the payment numbers seem to
disappear. Scroll up in the lower window until you see the last payments.
7. CLOSE Excel. If prompted to save the workbook, choose Don’t Save.
Working with
Microsoft Excel 2013 2
Lesson Skill Matrix
Skills Exam Objective Objective Number
Creating Workbooks Create new blank workbooks. 1.1.1
Saving Workbooks Save workbooks in alternate file formats. 1.5.2
Maintain backward compatibility. 1.5.6
Save files to remote locations. 1.5.8
Entering and Editing Basic Data in a Worksheet Append data to a worksheet. 2.1.1
Find and replace data. 2.1.2
Adjust column width. 1.3.5
Demonstrate how to use the Auto Fill tool. 2.1.4
Expand data across columns. 2.1.5
Delete cells. 2.1.6
Using Data Types to Populate a Worksheet Apply Number formats. 2.2.6
Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Data Copy and paste data. 2.1.3
Editing a Workbook’s Properties Add values to workbook properties. 1.4.8
Key Terms
• Auto Fill
• AutoComplete
• copy
• copy pointer
• cut
• fill handle
• Flash Fill
• formula bar
• keywords
• label
• move pointer
• natural series
• Office Clipboard
• paste
• range
• selecting text
• workbook properties
©asiseeit / iStockphoto
28 Lesson 2
Purchasing a home is generally the biggest financial investment most people make
in a lifetime. Real estate agents advise and assist those who want to buy a new
home or sell their present home. Some real estate agents can also help people
find rental homes. When people are ready to sell their homes, they often list with
a real estate agent who earns a commission or percentage of the home’s selling
price when the home sells. Agents take an exam to be licensed by their state. Many
licensed agents also become Realtors®. This is a trademarked name that an agent
can use only when he or she joins the local, state, and national associations of Re-
©asiseeit / iStockphoto
altors®. Fabrikam, Inc., located in Columbus, Ohio, is a real estate firm owned by
Richard Carey and David Ortiz. Fabrikam has five fulltime sales agents and a college intern. Fabrikam’s intern
uses Excel to help manage sales, expenses, and support the business. In this lesson, you continue to view,
add, and manipulate data in an Excel 2013 spreadsheet similar to that used by Fabrikam, Inc.
Software Orientation
Figure 2-1 Some commands have an arrow associated with them. In Figure 2-1, you see the option arrows
Ribbon, formula bar, and associated with AutoSum and Find & Select. This indicates that in addition to the default
command options task, other options are associated with the task. Similarly, some of the groups have Dialog Box
Launchers associated with them. Clicking these displays additional commands not shown on
the ribbon. In Figure 2-1, the Clipboard, Font, Alignment, and Number groups have associ-
ated dialog boxes, whereas Styles, Cells, and Editing do not.
Working with Microsoft Excel 2013 29
Creating workbooks
There are three ways to create a new Microsoft Excel workbook. You can open a new, blank
Bottom Line
workbook using the FILE tab to access Backstage view or when you launch Excel. You can open
an existing Excel workbook, enter new or additional data, and save the file with a new name, thus
creating a new workbook. You can also use a template to create a new workbook. A template is a
model that has already been set up to display certain kinds of data, such as sales reports, invoices,
and so on.
GET READY. LAUNCH Excel. Excel gives you options for starting a blank workbook, taking
a tour, or using templates (see Figure 2-2).
Figure 2-2
Available options after Excel is
1. Click Blank workbook. If you have just launched Excel, Book1 – Excel appears in the
1.1.1 title bar at the top of the window. A blank workbook opens with A1 as the active cell.
2. In cell A1, type Fabrikam Inc. This cell is the primary title for the worksheet. Note that
How do you create a new as you type, the text appears in the cell and in the formula bar (see Figure 2-3). See the
workbook file? definition of formula bar in the “Editing a Cell’s Contents” section on page 37.
30 Lesson 2
Figure 2-3
Typed text appears in both the
active cell and the formula bar.
3. Press Enter. The text is entered into cell A1, but appears as if it flows into cell B1.
4. In cell A2, type 123 Fourth Street and press Enter.
5. In cell A3, type Columbus, OH 43204 and press Enter.
6. Sometimes you need a quick work area to complete another task while you are in the
middle of a workbook. You can open another workbook as a scratch area. Click the FILE
tab, and in the left pane, click New. The different templates available appear (refer to
Figure 2-2).
7. In the Backstage view, click Blank workbook. A second Excel workbook opens and
Book2 appears in the title bar.
Another Way 8. In cell A1, type Phone Calls and press Enter.
When you work in 9. In cell A2, type David Ortiz UA flight 525 arriving 4:30 pm and press Enter.
Excel, you can open a blank
workbook with the shortcut PAUSE. LEAVE both Excel workbooks open for the next exercise.
combination Ctrl + N.
GET READY. Both temporary workbooks with the address and phone message should be
open. The Phone Calls workbook is the current workbook in this case.
1. To return to the company address, click the Excel icon on the taskbar (see Figure 2-4).
Each of the open workbooks appears in a preview window. When you move the mouse
pointer over each workbook, it previews on the screen.
Figure 2-4
Open workbooks appear
by clicking the Excel icon
on the taskbar.
Take Note Unlike previous versions, Excel now displays each workbook in a separate window.
Saving Workbooks
When you save a file, you can save it to a folder on your computer’s hard drive, a network drive,
Bottom Line
disc, CD, USB drive, SkyDrive, or other storage location. You must first identify where the doc-
ument is to be saved. The remainder of the Save process is the same, regardless of the location or
storage device.
GET READY. USE the workbook from the previous exercise or type your name and address
in a new workbook.
Another Way 1. Click the FILE tab to open Backstage view. In the left pane, click Save As to display the
You can also save save options.
the workbook with Ctrl + S. 2. Double-click Computer to open the Save As dialog box (see Figure 2-5).
Figure 2-5
Save As dialog box
3. From the left-hand navigation pane, in the Save As dialog box, click Desktop. The
Desktop becomes the new destination of your saved file.
4. In the Save As dialog box, click New folder. A folder icon appears with the words New
folder selected (see Figure 2-6).
32 Lesson 2
Figure 2-6
Type a new name in place
of New folder.
Take Note Save your workbook often and especially before opening another workbook, printing, or after you
enter information.
Workplace Ready
organizations’ file conventions
When you first start working at any organization, your employer might give you conventions to
use when naming files or editing those files. File conventions might include adding the date or
your name or initials to a portion of a file name or adding “r” or “rev” followed by a revision num-
ber. An example might be 2014-03-17FiveYearBudgetR3.
In addition to file naming, your organization might want you to save files to specific network
drives and folders for different kinds of documents. They might have rules for which files require
passwords, when files should be destroyed, and frequencies required for backups. If you go into the
business knowing how to manage files, you will be an asset to the organization. Even if there are
no existing conventions, you might want to think about your own personal conventions to ensure
you can find and protect your files.
GET READY. USE the workbook from the previous exercise or type your name and address
in a new workbook.
1. Click the FILE tab and then click Save As.
2. In the Backstage view, under Save As, click [Your name] SkyDrive (see Figure 2-7). You
may need to sign in to SkyDrive if you haven’t already.
34 Lesson 2
Figure 2-7
SkyDrive information on
the Backstage view
GET READY. USE the workbook from the previous exercise or type Fabrikam Inc. in cell A1.
1. In cell A2, type 87 East Broad Street and press Enter.
2. In cell A3, type Columbus, OH 43215 and press Enter.
3. Click the FILE tab, and in the left pane, click Save As. The Backstage view shows that
the Current Folder (see Figure 2-8) is Excel Lesson 2 on your SkyDrive, because it was
the folder that was last used to save a workbook.
Working with Microsoft Excel 2013 35
Figure 2-8
Current and Recent
folders used
Take Note Templates are automatically saved in another location so they can be opened with the FILE, New
Cross For more information on templates, see the “Accessing and Using Excel Templates” section in
Ref Lesson 3.
Figure 2-9
The Compatibility Checker
showing no compatibility
4. Read the information in the Compatibility Checker dialog box and click OK.
5. Click the FILE tab, click Export, and then click Change File Type. The Backstage view
shows the different file types (see Figure 2-10).
Figure 2-10
Change File Type options in
Backstage view.
GET READY. USE the workbook from the previous exercise or type your name and address
in a new workbook.
1. Click the FILE tab, and then click the Export button.
2. Click the Change File Type button. Excel explains the different file types (refer to
Figure 2-10).
3. Click the Create PDF/XPS Document option. Figure 2-11 shows the reason for using this
Figure 2-11
Backstage preview giving
you information about the
PDF/XPS format
Figure 2-12
PDF Reader
PAUSE. CLOSE all open workbooks and LEAVE Excel open to use in the next exercise.
Take Note Adobe PDF (Portable Documents Format) ensures that your printed or viewed file retains the
formatting that you intended, but the file cannot be easily changed. You can also save your work-
books in a Web page format for use on websites with Single File Web Page or Web Page options.
To import data into another format, you can also try Text (Tab delimited) or CSV (Comma de-
limited) formats. All of these options are available from the Save a type drop-down menu or the
FILE tab.
Troubleshooting If you type the wrong data, you can click the cell and retype the entry. In the following sec-
tions, you see how to edit text.
4. Type Extension and press Enter. Notice that the active cell moves to the first cell in the
2.1.1 next row.
5. Type Richard Carey and press Tab.
How do you add text and 6. Type 101 and press Enter. Richard Carey looks cut off.
values to a workbook?
7. Click cell A5 and notice that the complete entry for Richard Carey appears in the
formula bar.
8. Click cell A6, type David Ortiz, and press Enter.
9. Type Kim Akers and press Enter.
10. Type Nicole Caron and press Enter.
11. SAVE the workbook in the Computer’s Excel Lesson 2 folder as 02 Fabrikam Employees
Solution. Your file should look like Figure 2-13.
Figure 2-13
The completed 02 Fabrikam
Employees workbook
Take Note Text is stored in only one cell, even when it appears to extend into adjacent cells. If an entry is
longer than the cell width and the next cell contains data, the entry appears in truncated form. To
edit the data, you need to go to the cell where the text starts and not in the adjacent cells.
GET READY. Use the 02 Fabrikam Employees Solution file from the previous exercise.
1. Move the mouse pointer between columns A and B, to the column markers at the top of
the worksheet (see Figure 2-14). The mouse pointer changes to a double-headed arrow.
Figure 2-14
Column markers for
Column width
columns A and B double-headed arrow
40 Lesson 2
2. Double-click the column marker between A and B. The width of the column changes
to the widest entry in column A. In this case, the widest entries are Employee List and
Richard Carey’s name.
Take Note To change the column width manually, point to the column marker between columns A and B
and drag the pointer left or right instead of double-clicking.
3. Drag the double-headed arrow mouse pointer between columns B and C until the
ScreenTip shows Width: 20 (145 pixels) or something close to this amount (see
Figure 2-15).
Figure 2-15
By dragging the double-
headed arrow the ScreenTip
shows the width of the column
4. SAVE the 02 Fabrikam Employees Solution file. This overwrites your previous version
without the column width change.
How do you change the
width of a column? PAUSE. CLOSE the workbook and LEAVE Excel open for the next exercise.
Take Note When you type text that is longer than the cell’s width, the text appears as if it extends into the
next cell. However, when you type in the next cell, the overflow text does not display. The text is
still there. It is often easier to proof your work if you have the column widths match the longest
text. You can double-click on the column markers to automatically adjust to the widest entry or
drag the column marker to adjust the column width to your desired width.
Figure 2-16
Active cell and formu-
la bar displaying the
same information
Formula bar
Active cell
3. Click after Fabrikam in the formula bar, type a space, type Incorporated, and press Tab.
The insertion point moves to cell B1 and nothing appears in the formula bar (see Figure
Figure 2-17
Although it looks like text is in
B1, it is extended text from A1.
shows in the
formula bar.
4. Click cell A1 and in the formula bar, double-click on Incorporated to select it. Type Inc.
and press Enter.
5. Type Sales and press Enter.
6. Click cell A2 and click after Sales in the formula bar.
7. Press Home. The insertion point moves to the beginning of the formula bar.
Take Note While you are editing in the formula bar, you can press Home to move to the beginning, End to
move to the end, or the left or right arrow keys to move one character at a time. Press Delete to
delete characters after the insertion point. Press Backspace to delete characters before the insertion
2.1.2 point.
8. Type Monthly and then press the spacebar. Press Enter.
How do you change a
9. In cell A3, type January and press Enter.
cell’s data?
10. Click cell A3, type February, and press Enter. Cell A3’s original text is gone and
February replaces January.
11. Click cell A3 and press Delete. The entry in A3 is removed.
12. Above row 1 and to the left of column A, click the Select All button (see Figure 2-18).
All cells on the worksheet are selected.
42 Lesson 2
Figure 2-18
The mouse pointer changes to
a white cross when moved to
the Select All button.
PAUSE. CLOSE the workbook without saving and LEAVE Excel open for the next exercise.
Take Note If you edit a cell’s contents and change your mind before you press Enter, press Esc and the origi-
nal text will be restored. If you change the contents of a cell and then do not want the change, click
the Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar or press Ctrl + Z. The deleted text will be restored.
Another Way You can edit a cell by double-clicking the cell and then typing the replacement text in the cell. Or,
You can right-click you can click the cell and then click in the formula bar.
a cell or a selected range
of cells and choose Delete When you are in Edit mode:
from the shortcut menu that
appears. • The insertion point appears as a vertical bar and most commands are inactive.
• You can move the insertion point by using the left and right arrow keys.
Use the Home key on your keyboard to move the insertion point to the beginning of the cell, and
use the End key to move the insertion point to the end of the cell. You can add new characters at
the location of the insertion point.
To select multiple characters while in Edit mode, press Shift while you press the arrow keys. You
also can use the mouse to select characters while you are editing a cell. Just click and drag the
mouse pointer over the characters that you want to select.
As in the preceding exercises, there are several ways to modify the values or text you enter into a
Figure 2-19
The Clear menu
12. Click Clear Formats. 225000 displays without the dollar sign and comma.
Take Note Clear displays a number of options. To remove both the entry and the format, choose Clear All.
PAUSE. CLOSE the workbook without saving and LEAVE Excel open for the next exercise.
Troubleshooting To verify that AutoComplete is enabled, click the FILE tab accessing Backstage view, click Op-
tions, and then click Advanced in the navigation pane. In the Editing options section, click the
Enable AutoComplete for cell values check box if it is not already checked. Click OK.
Figure 2-20
AutoComplete displaying a
previous entry with matching
first character
11. Type y. The AutoComplete entry disappears. Finish typing the entry for Ryan Calafato
and press Enter.
12. Type R. Notice that no AutoComplete entry appears this time. Type i and notice that the
AutoComplete entry shows Richard Carey.
13. Press Esc to undo the entry.
14. Increase the column widths for columns A and B so you can see the entries in row 4
and below (see Figure 2-21).
Cross See “Changing the Column Width” previously in this lesson for information on how to change
Ref the column widths.
Figure 2-21
Column widths for columns A
and B adjusted to see items in
all cells
Take Note Excel bases the list of potential AutoComplete entries on the text in the rows above the current
row. If different rows start with the same character, you might have to type more than one char-
acter for the AutoComplete entry to display.
Working with Microsoft Excel 2013 45
To accept an AutoComplete entry, press Enter or press Tab. When you accept AutoComplete, the
completed entry matches the pattern of uppercase and lowercase letters of the existing entry. To
delete the automatically entered characters, press Backspace. Entries that contain only numbers,
dates, or times are not automatically completed. If you do not want to use the AutoComplete
option, the feature can be turned off by selecting FILE > Options > Advanced > Editing options
section > Enable AutoComplete for cell values.
Figure 2-22
The actual value of the cell
entry in C5 is unaffected by
Special characters that indicate the type of value can also be included in the entry. Table 2-1 illus-
trates special characters that can be entered with numbers.
46 Lesson 2
. Indicates a decimal.
Entering Dates
Dates are often used in worksheets to track data over a specified period of time. Like text, dates
can be used as row and column headings. However, dates are considered serial numbers, which
means that they are sequential and can be added, subtracted, and used in calculations. Dates can
also be used in formulas and in developing graphs and charts. The way a date is initially displayed
in a worksheet cell depends on the format in which you type the characters. In Excel 2013, the de-
fault date format uses four digits for the year. Also by default, dates are right-justified in the cells.
Figure 2-23
If you don’t type dates the
same way, the formats are
inconsistent in a workbook.
Working with Microsoft Excel 2013 47
7. In cell B9, type 1/1/10 and press enter. Notice that the value changes but the formatting
remains the same.
8. Click the Undo button to return to the workbook shown in Figure 2-23.
Another Way Excel interprets two-digit years from 00 to 29 as the years 2000 to 2029; two-digit years from 30
Ctrl + ; (semicolon) to 99 are interpreted as 1930 to 1999. If you enter 1/28/28, the date will be displayed as 1/28/2028
enters the current date into a in the cell. If you enter 1/28/37, the cell will display 1/28/1937.
worksheet cell; Ctrl + : (colon)
enters the current time. If you type January 28, 2020, the date will display as 28-Jan-20. If you type 1/28 without a year,
Excel interprets the date to be the current year. 28-Jan will display in the cell, and the formula bar
will display 1/28/ followed by the current year. In the next section, you learn to apply a consistent
format to a series of dates.
Take Note When you enter a date into a cell in a particular format, the cell is automatically formatted even if
you delete the entry. Subsequent numbers entered in that cell will be converted to the date format
of the original entry.
Regardless of the date format displayed in the cell, the formula bar displays the date in month/
day/four-digit-year format because that is the format required for calculations and analyses.
GET READY. USE the workbook from the previous exercise or type the text in Figure 2-23.
1. Select the range C4:H4. January is in the first cell.
2. On the HOME tab, in the Editing group, click the Fill button. The Fill menu appears (see
Figure 2-24).
Figure 2-24
Fill button
Fill drop-down menu
Fill options
Another Way
To quickly fill a
range of cells with the con-
tents of the first cell, select the
range, and then press Ctrl + D
3. From the menu, click right. The contents of C4 (January) are filled into all the cells.
(cells below) or Ctrl + R (cells
to the right). 4. Click the Undo button.
48 Lesson 2
5. Select the range C9:C13 and click the Fill button. Choose Down. The content of C9 is
copied into the four additional cells.
6. Click the Undo button.
2.1.4 7. Click cell C4, point to the fill handle in the lower-right corner of the cell (see Figure
2-25), and drag it to E4 and release. The Auto Fill Options button appears, and January
How do you copy a cell’s through March are displayed.
contents using Auto Fill?
Figure 2-25
Mouse pointer changes to a
black + in the bottom right of
a selected range
Fill handle
8. Click cell C5, point to the fill handle, and drag it to C9 and release. All the numbers turn
to $275,000 in column C. The Auto Fill Options button appears in D10 (see Figure 2-26).
Figure 2-26
You can fill numbers, formats,
or other options.
9. Click the Auto Fill Options button, and choose Fill Formatting Only from the list that
appears. All the numbers return to their previous values and are formatted with dollar
signs and commas.
10. Repeat Steps 8 and 9 for the range B5:B9.
11. Click cell A9, and then drag the fill handle down to A15. Ryan Calafato’s name is repeated.
12. Click the Undo button to return the spreadsheet to what is shown in Figure 2-27.
How do you apply
13. SAVE the workbook as 02 Fabrikam Sales Solution.
formatting with Auto Fill?
Figure 2-27
The completed sales workbook
Take Note When Excel recognizes a series, the default fill option is to complete the series. When you use the
fill handle and a series is not present, the default is to copy the cell contents. The Auto Fill Options
button also allows you to fill formatting only or to fill without formatting.
After you fill cells using the fill handle, the Auto Fill Options button appears so that you can
choose how the selection is filled. In Excel, the default option is to copy the original content and
How do you fill a series formatting. With Auto Fill, you can select how the content of the original cell appears in each cell
using Auto Fill? in the filled range.
Working with Microsoft Excel 2013 49
Take Note When you type sufficient data for Excel to recognize a series, the fill handle will do the rest. For
example, to record daily sales, you might want to have consecutive columns labeled with the days
of the week. If you type Monday in the first cell, you can fill in the rest of the days by dragging
the fill handle from the Monday cell to complete the series.
Excel recognizes January as the beginning of a natural series and completes the series as far as you
take the fill handle. By definition, a natural series is a formatted series of text or numbers that
are in a normal sequence such as months, weekdays, numbers, or times. For example, a natural
series of numbers could be 1, 2, 3, or 100, 200, 300, or a natural series of text could be Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, or January, February, March. For different natural series, see Table 2-2.
1, 2 3, 4, 5, …
Take Note Note that you might have to select two cells rather than one to continue some of the previous
patterns. To create your own custom list, go to FILE > Options > Advanced > General section >
Create lists for use in sorts and fill sequences > Edit Custom Lists.
GET READY. Before you begin these steps, LAUNCH Microsoft Excel.
1. Open the 02 Customers file.
2. Click cell B1, type First, and press Tab.
3. Click cell C1, type Last, and press Enter.
50 Lesson 2
Figure 2-28
Flash Fill showing a possible
list for all first names
6. Press Enter.
7. Click cell C2, type Abercrombie, and press Enter.
8. In cell C3, type A and notice that Abercrombie is repeated with AutoComplete.
Continue typing bol and notice that the last names all appear. Press Enter.
9. Double-click the right border of columns B and C to set the column width.
10. Scroll down and notice that the entire worksheet is filled in.
11. SAVE the file as 02 Customers Solution.
Cut, copy, and paste functions can be performed in a variety of ways by using:
• The mouse
• Ribbon commands
• Shortcut commands, such as Ctrl + C (copy), Ctrl + X (cut), and Ctrl + V (paste)
GET READY. Before you begin these steps, Launch Microsoft Excel.
1. Open the 02 Customer Houses file.
2. Select the range A12:A22.
3. Press Ctrl and hold the mouse button down as you point to the right border of the
selected range. The copy pointer is displayed.
Troubleshooting Be sure to hold down the Ctrl key the entire time you are dragging a data series for copying
with the mouse, or you will move the series instead of copying it.
4. With the copy pointer displayed, hold down the left mouse button and drag the
selection to the right, until H12:H22 appears in the scrolling ScreenTip next to the
5. Release the mouse button and then release Ctrl. The data in A12:A22 also appears in
How do you copy a data
series with the mouse? PAUSE. LEAVE the workbook open to use in the next exercise.
GET READY. USE the 02 Customer Houses workbook from the previous exercise.
4. Release the mouse button. In your worksheet, the destination cells are empty;
therefore, you are not concerned with replacing existing data. The data previously in
E12:E22 is now in I12:I22.
5. Drag A1 to H12. Note that a dialog box warns you about replacing the contents of the
destination cells.
6. Click Cancel.
7. Drag A1 to H11.
8. Drag E1 to I11. Your worksheet should look like the one shown in Figure 2-29.
Figure 2-29
02 Customer Houses
Take Note When you attempt to move a selection to a location that contains data, a caution dialog box opens.
“There’s already data here. Do you want to replace it?” is a reminder that moving data to a new lo-
cation replaces the existing data. You can click OK or cancel the operation.
GET READY. USE the 02 Customer Houses workbook from the previous exercise.
1. On the HOME tab of the ribbon, click the Clipboard Dialog Box Launcher. The Clipboard
pane opens on the left side of the worksheet. The most recently copied item is always
added at the top of the list in this pane, and it is the item that will be copied when you
Another Way click Paste or a shortcut command.
To copy, you can
2. Select A1:E22 and press Delete.
use Ctrl + C or right-click and
choose Copy. To paste, you can 3. Select H11:I22 and in the Clipboard group, click the Copy button. The border around the
use Ctrl + V or right-click and selected range becomes a moving border.
choose Paste.
Working with Microsoft Excel 2013 53
4. Select A1 and click the Paste button. The moving border remains active around H11:I22.
A copied range does not deactivate until you type new text, issue another command, or
double-click on another cell, or press Esc.
5. Select A20 and click the down arrow on the Paste button. The Paste options menu
appears (see Figure 2-30).
Figure 2-30
Paste options
6. Under Paste Values, select the first option. Notice that the values in column B are no
2.1.3 longer formatted.
7. Click the Undo button.
How do you copy and paste 8. Select H11:I22 and press Delete.
a data series?
9. Press Ctrl + Home to return to the top of the workbook.
10. SAVE the workbook as 02 Customer Houses Solution.
Take Note Paste with Live Preview was new as of Office 2010. If you point to the Paste options in either the
shortcut menu or the Paste command options in the Clipboard group, you will be able to view
your changes before actually implementing them.
GET READY. USE the 02 Customer Houses Solution workbook from the previous exercise.
1. Select A1:B12 to highlight the Customer House Prices table.
2. In the Clipboard group, click the Cut button. The contents of A1:B12 are displayed in the
Clipboard pane. Close the Clipboard pane.
Another Way 3. Click the New sheet button on the bottom of the worksheet. Sheet2 is created and cell
To cut, you can A1 is the active cell.
use Ctrl + X or right-click and 4. Click Paste to move the former contents of Sheet1 to cell A1 into Sheet2.
choose Cut.
PAUSE. CLOSE Excel and do not save the workbooks if requested.
Take Note When you delete text, it is not stored on the Clipboard. To remove data and use the text later, use
Cut rather than Delete. By using the Cut feature, you are able to access the data or information
from the Clipboard if needed. Deleted text can be restored only with Undo.
54 Lesson 2
Assigning Keywords
If you work for Fabrikam, Inc., you might assign the keyword sales to worksheets that contain data
about revenue. You can then search for and locate all files containing information about sales. You
can assign more than one keyword to a document.
GET READY. Before you begin these steps, Launch Microsoft Excel.
1. OPEN the 02 Customer Houses Solution file you worked with in the previous exercises.
2. Click FILE. The Backstage view displays current properties on the right side of the
window (see Figure 2-31).
Figure 2-31
Current document’s properties
3. At the top of the right pane, click the Properties button. The Properties drop-down
menu shows two options (see Figure 2-32). Click Show Document Panel.
Figure 2-32
Properties drop-down menu
7. Above the Author field, click the Document Properties drop-down arrow, and then click
Advanced Properties. The Properties dialog box opens.
8. Click the Summary tab in the dialog box to see the properties you entered.
9. Click the Statistics tab to see the date you modified the file.
10. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box.
11. At the top right corner of the Document Information panel, click the Close button.
12. SAVE the workbook in the Lesson 2 folder as 02 Customer Houses Prop Solution.
After a file is saved, the Statistics tab records when the file was accessed and when it was modified.
It also identifies the person who last saved the file. After a workbook is saved, the Properties dialog
box title bar displays the workbook name and location.
Skill Summary
In this lesson you Exam Objective Objective
learned how: Number
To create workbooks Create new blank workbooks. 1.1.1
To save workbooks Save workbooks in alternate file formats. 1.5.2
Maintain backward compatibility. 1.5.6
Save files to remote locations. 1.5.8
To enter and edit basic data in a Append data to a worksheet. 2.1.1
Knowledge Assessment
Multiple Choice
Select the best response for the following statements.
1. Which of the following consists of details that describe or identify a file, including the
a. Paste
b. Document properties
c. Copy
d. Range
56 Lesson 2
2. Which command is used to insert a cut or copied selection to a cell or range of cells?
a. Paste
b. Document properties
c. Copy
d. Range
3. Which of the following is a group of adjacent cells that you select to perform
operations on all of the selected cells?
a. Paste
b. Document properties
c. Copy
d. Range
4. Which of the following places a duplicate of a selection in the Office Clipboard?
a. Paste
b. Document properties
c. Copy
d. Range
5. If you want to use a workbook in another kind of document, you have the option to save
as which of the following?
a. File format
b. Worksheet
c. File sheet
d. File range
6. Which is a small green square in the lower-right corner of a selected cell or range that
you can use to copy one cell to adjacent cells or to create a series?
a. Cell pointer
b. Column marker
c. Fill handle
d. Formula bar
7. Which of the following is used to drag or double-click to change the width of a column?
a. Cell pointer
b. Column marker
c. Fill handle
d. Formula bar
8. Which of the following is a bar near the top of the Excel window where you can enter or
edit cell entries or formulas?
a. Cell pointer
b. Column marker
c. Fill handle
d. Formula bar
9. Which Excel feature helps you quickly enter existing data into adjacent cells?
a. AutoComplete
b. AutoData
c. QuickComplete
d. QuickData
10. Which Excel feature automatically fills cells with data from another cell or range or
completes a data series?
a. Range Fill
b. Auto Fill
c. Data Fill
d. Complete Fill
True / False
Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
T F 1. When data is too wide for a cell, the part of the data that will not fit is
automatically deleted.
T F 2. Using the Delete key removes both text and formats from a cell.
T F 3. Use Ctrl + : to enter the current date in a worksheet cell.
Working with Microsoft Excel 2013 57
T F 4. You can assign keywords so that others can search for your documents online.
T F 5. To remove only the formats from a cell, you can use the Delete key.
T F 6. Dates can be displayed in only one way in Excel.
T F 7. All dates in Excel are actually stored in the serial date number system.
T F 8. The formula bar is found at the bottom of the Excel window.
T F 9. Use the fill handle to create a natural series, such as the months of the year.
T F 10. Workbooks can be saved as web pages, PDF files, and for use in previous
versions of Excel.
Competency Assessment
GET READY. If necessary, OPEN the 02 Focus Group Solution workbook you created in the
previous project.
1. Click the FILE tab.
2. Click Properties, and then click Show Document Panel.
3. Click the Author field, type [your name], and press Tab.
4. In the Title field, type Focus Group Requests and press Tab.
5. In the Subject field, type Sales and press Tab.
6. In the Keywords field, type 20-30, options, priorities.
58 Lesson 2
Proficiency Assessment
Figure 2-33
Create the worksheet in
5 minutes or less
2. Move the table so you can add text in cell A1, cell A2, and a blank cell in A3.
3. Click cell A1 and type Fabrikam Incorporated.
4. Click cell A2 and type Commission Schedule.
5. Add the following Document Properties:
Property Value
Author [Your Name]
Title Commission Schedule
Keywords Agent, Amount, Sales
Category Revenue
6. SAVE the file as 02 Commission Solution and CLOSE the workbook.
January 22, paid $300 to City Power and Light for utilities
January 28, paid $200 to A. Datum Corporation for advertising
January 29, paid $2,500 to World Wide Importers for coffee
5. Checks are written sequentially. Use the fill handle to enter the missing check numbers.
6. Adjust column widths as needed.
7. SAVE the workbook as 02 Advertising Expenses Solution. CLOSE the workbook.
Mastery Assessment
Figure 2-34
Create this workbook for
Project 2-5
CLOSE the workbooks and LEAVE Excel open for the next project.
60 Lesson 2
CLOSE Excel.
Office Backstage 3
Lesson Skill Matrix
Skills Exam Objective Objective Number
Key Terms
• default settings
• group
• navigation pane
• print options
• tab
• template
Contoso, Ltd., employs hundreds of employees. The company rewards its employ-
ees with monthly potluck dinners in their departments and between departments.
In the past, there were too many drinks and desserts and not enough main dishes
and salads. Contoso has asked the new assistant office manager to create some
way of organizing the potlucks so the meals are balanced and still fun. In this lesson,
you learn how to create the types of workbooks Contoso uses for this task. You also
learn how to print these workbooks.
© matthewennisphotography / iStock photo
Take Note The Exit command is no longer available in Office 2013, at least in the same way it was avail-
able in prior versions. In this case, the Close tab in Backstage view closes the workbook. The
Close (X) button in the upper right corner of the Excel 2013 window closes Excel (see Figure
Close window
Close workbook
Figure 3-1
Backstage view—Open tab
Using Office Backstage 63
Figure 3-2
Backstage view—Info tab
Information about the
current file says it is
not yet saved.
5. Click the Save tab. Notice that there are additional tabs depending on your setup. In
this case, SkyDrive, Computer, and Add a Place appear.
6. Click the Save As tab. Notice that this looks identical to the Save tab. This is how it
looks the first time you save the file.
7. Click Computer and notice that the Recent Folders section where you last saved your
previous workbooks appears (see Figure 3-3).
64 Lesson 3
Figure 3-3
Backstage view—Save As tab
Recent locations
(drives and folders)
that you have accessed
8. Click Browse. In the File name box, type Temp, and then click Save.
9. Click FILE. Notice the Info tab appears.
10. Click Save. Notice that you do not see the options shown in Figure 3-3 (and Step 5
previously), but that you return directly to the workbook.
11. Click FILE and click Close. This action closes the workbook, but not Excel.
12. Click FILE and the Open tab appears. In the list of Recent Workbooks, select Temp and
your workbook returns.
Cross Backstage view is introduced in Lesson 1. Creating a new workbook and saving a file are discussed
Ref in more detail in Lesson 2, “Working with Microsoft Excel 2013.”
Figure 3-4
03 Contoso Potluck solution
2. CLOSE Excel.
Another Way 3. LAUNCH Excel again and notice that 03 Contoso Potluck Solution appears in your
Another way to Recent list. Click the file to bring it back up.
create a new workbook is with
4. Click the FILE tab to automatically display the Info tab. As shown in Figure 3-5, the
the Ctrl + N keyboard shortcut.
Properties area shows the size of the file, when it was last modified, and who the
author is.
Figure 3-5
File Properties area
Size of file
Print tab
Click to go to the
folder for the file.
Take Note A handy feature, Open File Location, allows you to open the folder where the current file is located.
Cross In Lesson 2, the “Editing a Workbook’s Properties” section demonstrates how to make changes to
Ref some of the properties in a workbook.
5. Click the Print tab. Note that this displays the Print options in Backstage view. Take a
moment to preview the workbook in the Print Preview section in the right pane and
read through the Print options listed in the center section of the page (see Figure 3-6).
66 Lesson 3
Figure 3-6
Document preview
Print tab in
navigation pane
Print preview
6. To print your worksheet, at the top of the Print screen, click the Print button.
Another Way
You can also PAUSE. LEAVE the workbook open for the next exercise.
activate Backstage view and
access Print options by press-
ing Ctrl + P. Using Quick Print to Print a Worksheet
Use the Print tab in Backstage view when you need to review a draft of a worksheet before you are
ready to print the final workbook. If you click the Quick Print icon on the Quick Access Toolbar,
the worksheet is sent directly to the printer. The Quick Print command on the Quick Access
Toolbar is useful because worksheets are frequently printed for review and editing or distribution
to others.
GET READY. USE the open workbook from the previous exercise or open 03 Contoso
Potluck Solution.
1. On the Quick Access Toolbar, if you do not see the Quick Print button, click the
Customize Quick Access Toolbar arrow at the end of the toolbar, and select Quick Print
(see Figure 3-7).
Take Note Discuss with your instructor whether you can print in the classroom. If you cannot, view all the
documents in preview mode to see how the document would print whenever printing is mentioned
in this book.
2. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Quick Print (see Figure 3-8).
GET READY. USE 03 Contoso Potluck Solution that is already open or create the workbook
shown in Figure 3-4.
1. Click the PAGE LAYOUT tab.
2. In the Page Setup group, point to the Print Area button. Note the ScreenTip that
displays and defines the task to be completed.
3. On the worksheet, click cell A3, hold the mouse button, and drag to cell A13. Your cell
range should be highlighted in gray (see Figure 3-9).
4. With these cells highlighted, from the menu that appears, click the Print Area drop-
down arrow and click Set Print Area. You have now set the print area. While the area is
still selected, note that the Name Box now says Print_Area (see Figure 3-10).
Figure 3-10
Selected print area
GET READY. LAUNCH Excel 2013, and then perform these steps:
1. OPEN 03 Contoso Potluck Depts. This is a modified version of the potluck workbook
you created previously. In this case, there are three different worksheets for three
different departments.
2. Click each of the three worksheet tabs: HR, Operations, and Finance. Notice that the
title in C1 shows the department name and there are a different number of items to
bring to each potluck depending on the size of the department. Click the HR tab.
3. Press Ctrl + P to display the Print options in the Backstage view. In the Print Preview
pane, the entire worksheet does not display (see Figure 3-11). This is because of the
selected print area.
Using Office Backstage 69
Figure 3-11
The entire worksheet
does not display because print
area is selected.
Figure 3-12
Worksheet print options
Entire workbook
appears because
print area cleared
Drop-down arrow
Page 1 of 1
70 Lesson 3
Figure 3-13
Two worksheets will
print this time.
The current
Page 2 is
the Finance
How do you print selected 11. Click the Return to document button to return to the workbook without printing.
PAUSE. CLOSE the workbook without saving. LEAVE Excel open for the next exercise.
GET READY. With Excel open from the previous exercise, perform the following steps:
1. Click the FILE tab and click Open if it is not selected. Because you just used the
03 Contoso Potluck Depts workbook, it should be at the top of the list of the Recent
Workbooks (see Figure 3-14).
Using Office Backstage 71
Figure 3-14
03 Contoso Potluck Depts
is the most recent
workbook used. 03 Contoso
Potluck Depts
Figure 3-15
Printing an entire workbook
GET READY. LAUNCH Excel, OPEN 03 Contoso Potluck HR, and make sure the HR-P1
worksheet is selected.
1. Click the FILE tab and select Print (see Figure 3-16). Notice that the worksheet is small
and it might be nice to have lines for people to write in on a printed page.
72 Lesson 3
Figure 3-16
Print Settings area
print options
Paper type
2. In the Settings section of the Print window, click the Margins drop-down and click
Wide (see Figure 3-17). The new margins will allow the worksheet to be hole-punched
and put in a binder.
Figure 3-17
Normal margins are about
¾ of an inch. Wide margins
are 1 inch.
3. Click the Scaling drop-down and see the choices below (see Figure 3-18). The scaling
options ensure that all columns, rows, or the entire worksheet fit on one page.
• Current choice is No scaling, so the document prints the same size as the screen.
• If you want to fit everything that is on the worksheet on one page, select Fit Sheet on One
• If there are just a couple of columns extra, click Fit All Columns on One Page.
• If there are just a couple of rows extra, click Fit All Rows on One Page.
Using Office Backstage 73
4. In this case, you make the text larger without changing the font. Click Custom Scaling
Options. The Page Setup dialog box opens.
5. Make sure that the Page tab is selected and select Landscape so the page prints
6. In the Scaling area, type 200 for the % normal size (see Figure 3-19).
Figure 3-19
Page Setup dialog box
7. Click the Sheet tab and in the Print section, select the Gridlines box.
How do you set print
scaling to make the entire 8. Click OK to return to Backstage view. Notice that the bottom of the screen still says,
document larger? 1 of 1, meaning that only one page will print and notice that Print Preview shows larger
text with boxes around each cell (see Figure 3-20).
Figure 3-20
Final view of HR-P1
before printing
indicates 1 page
will print
74 Lesson 3
9. Without printing the document, click the Return to document button and then click the
Another Way HR-P2 worksheet.
You can customize
10. Press Ctrl + P to go to the Print tab of the Backstage view and notice that the bottom of
the workbook settings and op-
the screen indicates that the document will print on two pages.
tions from the PAGE LAYOUT
tab in the Page Setup, Scale to 11. Change the Settings to print Landscape, to Fit Sheet on One Page, and add gridlines
Fit, and Sheet Options groups. based on the previous steps in this section. Print Preview should look like Figure 3-21.
Figure 3-21
Final view of HR-P2
before printing
12. SAVE the workbook in your Lesson 3 folder as 03 Contoso Potluck HR Print Ready
How do you apply printing
PAUSE. LEAVE the workbook open for the next exercise.
Cross See Lesson 7 for additional options for preparing a document for printing, including options for
Ref page breaks, margins, orientation, and scaling a worksheet to print on a page. See Lesson 11 to
print comments in a workbook.
Changing a Printer
In many business settings, you print documents on multiple printers. Some of the printers allow
you to print documents with color. Other printers might have special options such as large paper
sizes. Some printers print quickly for large standard jobs of many pages. In this exercise, you learn
how to change the selected printer using Backstage view.
Take Note If you use multiple printers in your office, make sure you understand the costs associated with
printing for each printer; some printers can print for around a penny per page, whereas others
can be almost a dollar per page. Other Print options allow you to send a document by e-mail (see
Lesson 11) or to a shared location (see Lesson 1).
Using Office Backstage 75
GET READY. Continue with the previous workbook or if necessary, open 03 Contoso
Potluck HR Print Ready Solution.
1. Press Ctrl + P to display the Print tab of the Backstage view.
2. Your current default printer is displayed in the Printer options section of the Print tab.
Click the Printer drop-down arrow to produce a menu of installed printers, similar to
the one shown in Figure 3-22. Your printers will be either Ready or Offline.
Figure 3-22
Choosing a printer
Offline indicates
printer is not ready.
Default printer
denoted by
check mark.
3. Click on a printer (other than your default printer) in the printer list. This printer should
now be visible as your active printer. Should you attempt to print at this time with an
inactive printer, you will get an error.
4. Once again, click the Printer drop-down arrow, and select your default printer (the one
with the checkmark).
Troubleshooting To change a default printer in Windows 8, click the Start button, type devices and printers,
click Settings, click Change Devices and Printers, right-click your printer, and select Set as de-
fault printer.
Take Note After you change the Excel environment in these exercises, you return it to the defaults in the
Resetting Default Settings, the Ribbon, and Quick Access Toolbar exercise.
76 Lesson 3
Figure 3-23
Customizing the Quick Access Default commands group
Toolbar options
move selected
4. In the list on the left, scroll down and click Format Painter, and then click the Add
1.4.3 button in the center of the two lists to add the Format Painter to the Quick Access
How do you customize the 5. Using the same process, move five more commands you use often to the Quick Access
Quick Access Toolbar? Toolbar. When you are done, click OK to apply your changes (the changes don’t take
effect until you click OK).
6. Your Quick Access Toolbar should now include additional command buttons, much like
the example shown in Figure 3-24. Similarly, you can remove any command that you
added to the toolbar. At any time, you can reset the toolbar to its default settings. See
the Reset button in Figure 3-23.
Figure 3-24
Customized Quick Access
Toolbar new Quick add icons
access (see Lesson 1)
Another Way
You can right-click
on any button on the ribbon
and select Add to Quick Access PAUSE. CLOSE Excel.
Toolbar to instantly add it to
the Quick Access Toolbar.
Using Office Backstage 77
Figure 3-25
Customize Ribbon options Default commands group
Current commands
Commands list
inactive add/remove buttons
4. In the list of Popular Commands, click Format Painter. Note the Add button in the
center of the dialog box is now active.
5. In the Customize the Ribbon list on the right, click the + preceding Home to expand the
list of command groups within the Home tab if it isn’t already expanded. You can use
this method to display the current groups available on a ribbon tab.
6. Under the Customize the Ribbon options, click the New Tab button (see Figure 3-26) to
insert a new blank tab into the Customize the Ribbon list. When you create a New Tab,
New Group is automatically created inside that New Tab.
78 Lesson 3
Figure 3-26
Customize the ribbon Customize the ribbon options
active remove
rename button
new Tab button
7. Click the New Tab (Custom) list item on the right to select it, and then click the Rename
button. In the Rename dialog box that appears, type My New Tab (see Figure 3-27), and
then click OK.
Figure 3-27
Rename dialog box and tab rename dialog box
to be renamed
Click rename.
8. Under your new tab, click New Group (Custom) to select it. Click the Rename button
again. This time, the Rename dialog box allows you to select a symbol (see Figure
3-28). Select the hand symbol. In the Display name box, type My New Group, and then
click OK. You see the New Group renamed.
Figure 3-28
Rename group dialog box
Hand symbol
9. In the Customize the Ribbon list on the right, click the My New Group list item. In the
command list on the left, click on a command of your choice, and then click the Add
button. The command appears on your new ribbon tab. In the Choose commands from
list, select All Commands and then add another command from this list. In the Choose
commands from list, select File Tab and then add another command. Your screen
should look similar to Figure 3-29.
Figure 3-29
Added commands File tab
ribbon option newly added tab
and Commands
10. Click OK to close the Excel Options dialog box. When you exit, you see your tab named
How do you customize
My New Tab on the ribbon.
the ribbon?
11. Click the My New Tab tab. Your commands display in the tab’s My New Group (see
Figure 3-30).
Figure 3-30
new tab
New tab and group
on the ribbon new commands
new group
GET READY. Continue with a blank workbook from the previous exercise.
1. Click the FILE tab to open Backstage view.
2. In the navigation pane, click Options. By default, the Excel Options dialog box opens
with the General options displayed.
3. In the When creating new workbooks section, click in the Include this many sheets
text box and type 5 to change the number of worksheets that appear by default in new
80 Lesson 3
Cross To insert or delete worksheets in one workbook, see “Organizing Worksheets” in Lesson 8.
4. In the Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office section, click the User name box and
type [your first and last name] in the text box (see Figure 3-31). Click OK.
Figure 3-31
General options General
sheet settings
user name box
5. CLOSE and RESTART Excel and select Blank workbook. Note that instead of one
worksheet tab, you now have five in your workbook (see Figure 3-32).
Figure 3-32
Five worksheet tabs now
appear by default.
new default
worksheet tab
step by step Reset Default Settings, the Ribbon, and Quick Access Toolbar
GET READY. Continue with a blank workbook from the previous exercise.
1. Click the FILE tab, and click Options.
2. On the General tab, in the When creating new workbooks section, in the Include this
many sheets box, type 1.
3. Click the Customize Ribbon tab.
4. In the bottom right of the dialog box, click the Reset button, and then click Reset all
5. In the Confirmation dialog box, click Yes to clear all ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar
customizations for this program.
6. Click OK to return to the workbook.
Take Note The ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar changes are immediate, but you need to open a new, blank
workbook to notice the change for the number of displayed workbooks.
Figure 3-33
Templates available in
the New window
search box allows you to look
for additional templates.
suggested searches
show additional
templates not on use the scroll bar
the original screen. to see additional
Blank workbook
PersonaL allows
you to create and
use your own
button shows you
over 20 business
Cross In Lesson 2, the section, “Save a Workbook Under a Different Name,” demonstrates how to save
Ref one of the workbooks as a template. If you completed this exercise, this template is shown by
clicking on the PERSONAL screen. (Click FEATURED to return to Excel’s templates.) To save
any workbook as a template, go to the Save As dialog box (press F12) and change the Save as type
setting to Excel Template.
2. Scroll down if necessary, and click the Project Tracker icon. Figure 3-34 shows a larger
window with a larger picture and description of the template.
Troubleshooting In some cases you will need to search for a template if it doesn’t appear by default. If you can’t
find the Project Tracker template, type it in the Search box.
Figure 3-34
Project Tracker template
preview Description
Previous next
template template
Create button
Preview of template
3. Click the Create button. Excel might take a moment to download the workbook.
4. Notice that there are two worksheets in this workbook: Project Tracker with the
sample data you can change and Setup that allows you to input a list of categories and
Using Office Backstage 83
employees. When you are finished looking at this template, click FILE and click Close. If
prompted, do not save changes.
5. Click the FILE tab, click New.
6. Look for Any year calendar template and click the Create button..
7. Click on the year and use the up or down arrow to change to the current year if
8. Print the worksheet and put on your wall, if desired.
9. SAVE the workbook in your Lesson 3 folder as 03 My Calendar Solution.
10. Click the FILE tab and click New. Notice that the Any year calendar template appears as
the third item on your list of templates because it was recently used.
PAUSE. CLOSE the workbook and LEAVE Excel open for the next exercise.
Take Note You can modify this new workbook with your name, company name, and favorite pictures to
personalize your calendar and make it your own or use as a gift for others.
Figure 3-35
Budget templates
Home button
returns to the
new window
of templates
84 Lesson 3
3. Scroll to the bottom of the window and click on a few templates to see their
4. Scroll back to the top of the New window and click Home to return to the original
templates screen.
5. In the Suggested searches row, click Calendars.
6. In the Category pane to the right, click Student.
7. Scroll to the Student assignment planner , click it, and read the description. Close the
template description window.
8. In the Search box, type College and press Enter. Scroll through the list of suggested
templates for college students and open the Weekly college schedule template.
9. In cell B1, type in [Monday’s date], and then review the workbook.
10. SAVE the workbook in your Lesson 3 folder as 03 My Weekly Schedule Solution. Click
Yes when prompted to save this as a macro-free workbook.
Cross Macros allow you to automate your tasks. Some templates come with macros to make your work
Ref even quicker. Macros are discussed in Lesson 9, “Saving Work with Macros.”
Workplace Ready
job interview hint
If Excel is a requirement for a job you are interviewing for, you can search for relevant templates.
Open those that seem applicable to the job and study the important details for terms, how the
office might be organized, and for some potential follow-up questions. Depending on your per-
ceptions of the first interview, for the second interview you might print out two or three templates
and ask if the office uses something similar to these documents. For example, if you are applying
for a job in a doctor’s office, medical supply warehouse, or pharmaceutical company, some of the
templates shown in the figure below are what you find when you search for medical templates.
Using Office Backstage 85
If you enjoy Excel, you might even use the templates for brainstorming related job opportunities
that use Excel. For example in the figure, you can see that medical templates also relate to Youth
sports (school or after-school activities), Babysitter checklists (part-time work while job searching
or create your own business), and Fitness progress trackers (personal trainer, gyms, and recreation
Skill Summary
In this lesson you learned how: Exam Objective Number
Knowledge Assessment
Multiple Choice
Select the best response for the following statements.
1. Which of the following is where you can save, select a template, change document
properties, and close or exit Excel?
a. Backstage
b. Print
c. Edit
d. Windows
2. To change printer, layout, or margin settings, you click the FILE tab and use which of
the following options?
a. Info
b. Options
c. Print
d. Open
3. Which of the following can you customize for quicker access to the most commonly
used commands?
a. Print Preview
b. Quick Access Toolbar
c. Printer setup
d. Workbook
4. Which feature enables you to create custom tabs and groups?
a. ribbon
b. Quick Access Toolbar
c. view
d. Tab
86 Lesson 3
5. Which command in the Backstage view navigation pane enables you to view and
open your most recently used workbooks or workbooks stored on SkyDrive or your
a. Info
b. Options
c. Print
d. Open
6. Which dialog box in Backstage view should you access to view and alter your
workbook’s properties?
a. Info
b. Options
c. Print
d. Open
7. When you modify the ribbon, which of the following do you create?
a. command
b. tab
c. button
d. worksheet
8. Which of the following do you use to open Backstage view?
a. Backstage menu
b. FILE tab
c. INSERT tab
9. Which of the following do you click in the navigation pane to change Excel’s default
settings by accessing Backstage view?
a. Info
b. Options
c. Print
d. Open
10. What predesigned file already has a significant amount of formatting, text, and other
a. Blank workbook
b. Preset file
c. Text file
d. Template
Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
T F 1. You do not have the ability to modify the number of default worksheets in a
T F 2. The Open dialog box enables you to access the Microsoft website for custom
T F 3. Use Ctrl + N to create a new workbook.
T F 4. To access an Excel template, you can click the FILE tab and click New.
T F 5. You cannot have more than one worksheet in an Excel workbook.
T F 6. If you have too many columns on a page, the only option to see them all on a
printed page is to decrease the column width.
T F 7. You can access Backstage view by pressing Ctrl + B.
T F 8. By default, Excel starts a new workbook with four worksheets.
T F 9. In Excel, you can add your most commonly used commands to the Quick Access
T F 10. You can create a completely new ribbon tab as well as groups on that ribbon.
Using Office Backstage 87
Competency Assessment
GET READY. OPEN the file from the Lesson 3 folder titled 03 My Movies Solution.
1. Select the range D5:L9.
2. OPEN Backstage view.
3. Click Print in the Backstage view navigation pane.
4. In the Settings section of the Print window, click the Print Active Sheets drop-down
arrow, and click the Print Selection option in the drop-down menu.
5. Click the Print button to print the selected area of the worksheet.
6. From Backstage view, click lick the Print tab to return to the Settings options, open the
Print Selection drop-down menu, and click Print Active Sheets.
7. Click the Print button to print the active worksheet.
8. CLOSE the workbook.
Proficiency Assessment
Mastery Assessment
Project 3-6: Create a List of the Five Templates You Most Likely Will Use
Because templates can make you look good in your current or a potential job, it’s a good idea to
explore them in more depth here and figure out which ones you will mostly likely use.
Figure 3-36
An example of a favorite
templates list
CLOSE Excel.
4 Using
Basic Formulas
Key Terms
• absolute cell
• calculation operator
• cell reference
• constant
• external reference
• formula
• mixed cell reference
• named range
• nested parentheses
• operand
• order of operations
• relative cell reference
• scope
• value
• variable
Using Basic Formulas 91
When moving to a new rental home, you might need to make some up-
front purchases for the new place, such as curtains, storage containers,
and a few pieces of furniture. In addition, you have to pay rent each month,
which generally is the same amount from one month to another (a recur-
ring expense). Other monthly expenses change depending on usage and
seasonal variations, such as electricity, water, and similar services. You
can use Excel to track and budget for all of these expenses. In this lesson,
you learn about the fundamentals of formulas and the order of operations.
© matthewennisphotography / iStock photo
You then work on a simple household expenses worksheet, using simple
formulas to summarize information from the data in the worksheet. Along the way, you find out how to make
any worksheet more flexible by using cell references in formulas and naming cell ranges.
Software Orientation
Excel enables you to create many formulas by simply typing in a cell or using your mouse
pointer to select cells to include in a formula. For example, you can create basic formulas
for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division using these methods. However, as you
have discovered in previous lessons, the user interface offers tools that make it easier to work
with data. In this lesson, you use a few command groups on the FORMULAS tab to display
formulas and name ranges to be used in formulas.
Use Figure 4-1 as a reference throughout this lesson as you become familiar with some of
the command groups on the FORMULAS tab and use them to work with formulas. You
learn more about commands on the FORMULAS tab in the next lesson, which addresses
Figure 4-1
The FORMULAS tab in Excel 2013
92 Lesson 4
GET READY. Before you begin these steps, LAUNCH Microsoft Excel and OPEN a new
blank workbook.
1. Click cell A1.
2. Type =7+8*3/2-4 and press Enter. You just entered a formula.
Take Note Formulas should be typed without spaces, but if you type spaces, Excel eliminates them when you
press Enter.
3. Click cell A1. Notice that the result of the formula displays in the cell, but the formula
itself appears in the formula bar (see Figure 4-2).
Figure 4-2
Viewing a formula in the
formula bar
Formula displays in
the formula bar.
Results of the formula
display in the cell.
4. Double-click cell A1. The formula appears in both the active cell and the formula bar.
You can edit the formula in this mode.
5. Press Enter.
6. On the FORMULAS tab, in the Formula Auditing group, click Show Formulas. The
formula in cell A1 displays (see Figure 4-3).
Figure 4-3
Displaying a formula using the
Show Formulas command
Show Formulas
is selected.
Take Note While you are displaying formulas, you will not see the results of those formulas.
7. Click Show Formulas again to turn off formula display.
8. SAVE the workbook in your Lesson 4 folder as 04 Formula Practice Solution.
How do you display a PAUSE. LEAVE the workbook open to use in the next exercise.
formula in Excel?
A formula is an equation that performs calculations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplica-
Using Basic Formulas 93
tion, and division, on values in a worksheet. In Excel, a value can be a number, a cell address, a
date, text, or Boolean data, but is usually a number or cell address in terms of formulas. A formula
consists of two elements: operands and calculation operators. Operands identify the values to be
used in the calculation. An operand can be a constant value, or a variable such as a cell reference,
a range of cells, or another formula. A constant is a number or text value that is entered directly
into a formula. A variable is a symbol or name that represents something else, which can be a
cell address, a range of cells, and so on. Calculation operators specify the calculations to be
performed. To allow Excel to distinguish formulas from data, all formulas begin with an equal
sign (=).
Take Note You can begin a formula with a plus (+) sign or a minus (−) sign as the beginning calculation
operator, but Excel changes it to an equal sign when you press Enter. Excel doesn’t recognize a
construct like 3+4= as a legitimate formula. Excel treats it like an ordinary string of characters.
Excel uses four types of calculation operators: arithmetic, comparison, text concatenation, and
reference. This lesson covers several arithmetic operators and the equal sign, which is a comparison
operator. The arithmetic operators are listed in Table 4-1.
Negation –5
When you build a formula, it appears in the formula bar and in the cell itself. When you complete
the formula and press Enter, the value displays in the cell and the formula displays in the formula
bar if you select the cell. You can edit a formula in the cell or in the formula bar the same way you
can edit any data entry.
When you click the Show Formulas button on the FORMULAS tab, all formulas in your work-
sheet display. Click the Show Formulas button again to toggle off display of formulas.
Figure 4-4
Parentheses added to the
6. SAVE the workbook in your Lesson 4 folder as 04 Order of Operations Solution and
Excel applies the rules of mathematics to determine how formulas are calculated. The following is
the order in which arithmetic operators are applied:
• Percent (%)
• Exponentiation (ˆ)
7 + 8 * 3 / 2 − 4 = 15
Following arithmetic operator priorities, the first operation is 8 multiplied by 3 and that result is
4.1.2 divided by 2. Then 7 is added and 4 is subtracted.
How do you determine You can use parentheses in a formula to override the standard order of operations. Excel per-
the order of operations for forms calculations on formulas inside parentheses first. Parentheses inside of parentheses are called
arithmetic operators in an nested parentheses. Calculations are performed on formulas in the innermost set of paren-
Excel formula? theses first, and from left to right if nested parentheses are at the same level. Therefore, the result
of the following equation with parentheses is different from the previous one:
Following arithmetic operator priorities, the first operation is the sum of 7 + 8 multiplied by the
quotient of 3 divided by 2. Then, 4 is subtracted.
Troubleshooting While modifying a complex formula, if you decide to revert back to the original formula and
start over, just press Esc. If you’ve already pressed Enter, you’ll need to click the Undo button
on the Quick Access Toolbar.
Figure 4-5
The result of an addition
4. SAVE the workbook in your Lesson 4 folder as 04 Budget Basic Formulas Solution.
When entering formulas that perform addition, if a positive number is entered first, it is not nec-
essary to enter a plus sign.
If you make a mistake in your data entry, you can select the cell with the erroneous formula, press
F2 to enter cell editing mode, and edit your formula. Once you make your corrections, press Enter
to revise.
GET READY. USE the worksheet you modified in the previous exercise.
1. Double-click cell A18.
2. Click after the word “Deposit,” type , minus Discount, and press Enter.
3. Right-click cell A18, select Format Cells, click the Alignment tab, select the Wrap text
check box, and click OK. Now you can see all of the new text added to A18.
6. Position the cursor immediately after =1200+500, type -100, and press Enter. Your
landlord gave you a $100 discount for moving into your rental home early, so you are
subtracting $100 from your first month’s rent. The value in cell B18 changes to 1600 to
reflect the new formula (see Figure 4-6).
When you modified the formula to subtract 100 from 1700, you could have entered =1200+500−100
or = −100+1200+500. Either formula yields a positive 1600.
GET READY. USE the worksheet you modified in the previous exercise.
1. In cell A19, type Annual Rent per Lease and press Enter.
2. In cell B19, type =1200*12 and press Enter. The result displays in cell B19, which is the
total amount of rent you will pay in one year (see Figure 4-7).
Figure 4-7
The result of a multiplication
The result
of =1200*12
GET READY. USE the worksheet you modified in the previous exercise.
1. In cell A20, type Average Electricity and press Enter.
2. In cell B20, type =N8/12 and press Enter. The result displays in cell B20, which is the
average monthly amount you will pay for electricity in one year (see Figure 4-8).
Using Basic Formulas 97
Figure 4-8
The result of a division formula
GET READY. OPEN the 04 Budget Cell References data file for this lesson.
1. Click cell B18.
2. Click in the formula bar and replace 1200 with cell B3. Notice that cell B3 is highlighted
and surrounded by a blue border while you’re modifying the formula (see Figure 4-9).
Figure 4-9
Entering a relative
cell reference Entering a relative cell
Take Note You can use either uppercase or lowercase when you type a cell reference in a formula. For exam-
ple, it does not matter whether you type B4 or b4 in the formula you enter.
3. Press Enter. The formula in cell B18 now uses a relative cell reference to cell B3.
4. Copy cell B18 to cell B21. The displayed result changes to 400.
5. Notice in the formula bar that the formula in cell B21 is =B6+500-100, but the formula
you copied is =B3+500-100. That’s because the original cell reference of cell B3
changed to cell B6 when you copied the formula down three cells, and cell B6 is blank.
The cell reference is adjusted relative to its position in the worksheet.
98 Lesson 4
6. An alternate way to use a cell reference is to click the cell being referenced while
creating or modifying a formula. With cell B21 still active, click in the formula bar and
select B6.
7. Click cell B3. Cell B3 becomes highlighted and surrounded by a blue dashed border,
and cell B3 appears in the formula bar rather than cell B6 (see Figure 4-10). Press Enter.
Figure 4-10
Using the mouse to enter a
relative cell reference Entering a relative cell
8. SAVE the workbook in your Lesson 4 folder as 04 Budget Cell References Solution.
PAUSE. LEAVE the workbook open to use in the next exercise.
How do you use a relative
cell reference in a formula? You use relative cell references when you want the reference to automatically adjust when you copy
or fill the formula across rows or down columns in ranges of cells. By default, new formulas in
Excel use relative references.
In this exercise, you learn two methods for creating formulas using relative references:
• By clicking a cell to include in the formula rather than typing the cell reference
The second method is usually quicker and eliminates the possibility of typing an incorrect cell
identifier, especially if you need to create a formula with many cell references. For example, it
might be easy to make a mistake typing =D2+D7+D9+D12+D14 rather than just clicking each
cell to add it to the formula.
You can also reference a range of cells in a formula, which you learn about later in this lesson.
Cell referencing raises another important point about Excel. When you perform math on a series
of numbers on paper, they’re usually right next to each other in a column or a single row. In a
worksheet, the numbers don’t have to be adjacent: You can create formulas that reference cells
anywhere in the worksheet.
Take Note When constructing a worksheet, plan on using relative cell references unless you know there will
be a reason not to adjust the cell identifier when you insert or delete columns and rows.
GET READY. USE the worksheet you modified in the previous exercise.
1. Click cell B18.
2. Click in the formula bar and insert dollar signs in the B3 cell reference so it looks like
3. Press Enter. The formula in cell B18 now uses an absolute cell reference to cell B3.
4. Copy cell B18 to cell B21. The displayed result is 1600, which matches B18.
5. Copy cell B21 to cell C21. The displayed result is still 1600.
6. Notice in the formula bar that the formulas in cells B21 and C21 are both =$B$3+500-
100. Figure 4-11 shows the formula for cell C21. Regardless of where you copy the
formula in the worksheet, the formula still refers to cell B3.
Workplace Ready
Assume you work for a company that hires seasonal workers. All seasonal employees are paid the
same hourly wage, but the number of hours each person works each week may vary. You are re-
sponsible for creating weekly payroll reports.
You can enter the hourly wage in one cell, and then use absolute cell references in calculations to
refer to the hourly wage. In the following figure, each employee’s gross pay is calculated using an
absolute cell reference to the hourly wage in cell B1, which is $13.17. You could substitute 13.17 for
$B$1 in each formula, but if the hourly wage changes, you would need to modify every formula.
100 Lesson 4
Using an absolute cell reference lets you change just the value in cell B1, and then all formulas that
reference that cell would change automatically.
In addition, if you add columns for taxes and deductions, regardless of where the Gross Pay col-
umn is located, all formulas in that column would still reference cell B1.
Absolute cell
GET READY. USE the worksheet you modified in the previous exercise.
1. Click cell B21.
2. Click in the formula bar and delete the dollar sign before 3 in the formula so it looks like
3. Press Enter. The formula in cell B21 now uses a mixed cell reference.
4. Copy cell B21 to cell C22. The displayed result is 440, which is different from the result
in B21. That’s because the formula in C22 references cell B4 (see Figure 4-12). The
dollar sign before the B in the formula is absolute, but the row number is relative.
5. Delete the contents of cell B21, cell C21, and cell C22.
6. SAVE the workbook.
How do you use a mixed cell PAUSE. LEAVE the workbook open to use in the next exercise.
reference in a formula?
A mixed cell reference is a cell reference that uses an absolute column or row reference, but
not both.
Using Basic Formulas 101
In the exercise, the column portion of the cell reference is absolute and remains unchanged in the for-
mula regardless of where the formula is copied. The row portion of the formula is relative (no dollar
sign precedes the row number of 3), so that part of the cell reference changes when the cell is copied.
If you copy a formula across rows or down columns, the relative reference automatically adjusts,
and the absolute reference does not adjust. For example, when you copied the formula contain-
ing the mixed reference $B3 to a different cell in column C, the reference in the destination cell
changed to $B4. The column reference remained the same because that portion of the formula is
absolute. The row reference adjusted because it is relative.
GET READY. USE the worksheet you modified in the previous exercise.
1. Click the Summary sheet tab in the 04 Budget Cell References Solution workbook.
2. Click cell D8. You want the average payment for electricity to appear in this cell, similar
to the content that appears in B20 in the Expense Details worksheet. However, your
formula must reference the Expense Details worksheet to gather the data.
3. Type =SUM(‘Expense Details’!N8)/12 and press Enter. This formula divides the value
of cell N8 in the Expense Details worksheet by 12. The result is 176, rounded due to cell
formatting applied to the worksheet (see Figure 4-13).
Cross You learn about cell formatting in Lesson 6, “Formatting Cells and Ranges.”
4. SAVE the workbook.
The general format of a formula that references a cell in a different worksheet is SheetName!CellAddress.
That is, you enter the external worksheet name followed by an exclamation point, and then the cell
address in the external worksheet. For worksheet names that include one or more spaces, you need to
enclose the name in single quotation marks, similar to ‘Sheet Name’!CellAddress.
You can also refer to a range of cells in an external worksheet. For example, in the exercise, you
can use a similar formula, =SUM(‘Expense Details’!B8:M8)/12, to accomplish the same task.
The portion B8:M8 is called a range, as you learned in Lesson 2, “Working with Microsoft Excel
2013.” This formula adds the values in the range B8:M8 and then divides them by 12 to produce
the average monthly payment for electricity over one year. You see how to work with cell ranges
after the next section.
Microsoft calls references to cells in another worksheet or in another workbook links because you
are essentially linking to data in those remote locations.
Excel provides several functions to help you create formulas more easily. One of the most com-
mon functions, SUM, adds the values in a series of cells specified in a range. The construct
=SUM(D2:D5) is the same as specifying =D2+D3+D4+D5.
Cross You learn about basic functions in Lesson 5, “Using Functions” and advanced formulas and func-
Ref tions in Lesson 10, “Using Advanced Formulas.”
GET READY. USE the worksheet you modified in the previous exercise.
1. Open a second workbook, the data file named 04Budget2012.
2. In 04 Budget Cell References Solution, on the Summary sheet, click cell C3.
3. Type =([04Budget2012.xlsx]Summary!B3), as shown in Figure 4-14, and press
Enter. The formula links to cell B3 on the Summary sheet in the workbook named
Figure 4-14
An external reference to a cell
in another workbook
The formula includes an external
reference to the Summary Worksheet
in the 04Budget2012 workbook.
The paired brackets [ ] identify the name of the workbook file, and Summary! identifies the work-
sheet within that file.
If the data in the referenced cell in the 04Budget2012 worksheet changes, so will the data in the
corresponding cell on the Summary worksheet in 04 Budget Cell References Solution. This holds
true even if you save 04 Budget Cell References Solution under a different file name.
If you don’t have the external workbook open when creating the formula, the Update Values dialog
box appears. You must navigate to the location of 04Budget2012.xlsx, select the file, and click OK.
If you close both workbooks and reopen only 04 Budget Cell References Solution , the full path
to the 04Budget2012 workbook displays in the formula bar (see Figure 4-15).
Figure 4-15
The full path to the linked
The formula includes the full
path to the external workbook.
If you close and then reopen the workbook that contains the cell reference to the external work-
book, a message appears prompting you to update your links (see Figure 4-16).
Figure 4-16
A message dialog box
prompting you to update links
Naming a Range
When you refer to the same cell range over and over, it might be more convenient to give it a name.
Excel recognizes the name as the cell range and uses the values in those cells to do what you spec-
ified. For instance, if you have a series of sales figures in a column, instead of referring to them as
the range C4:C10, you can name them SalesQ3. Any time you use the name SalesQ3 in a formula,
104 Lesson 4
get ready. OPEN the 04 Budget Ranges data file for this lesson.
1. Click Enable Content, if prompted. Click the Expense Details sheet tab.
2. Select B3:B14. These are the cells to be named.
3. To the left of the formula bar, click the Name box.
4. Type a one-word name for the list, such as Q1Expenses, and press Enter. The range
name appears in the Name box (see Figure 4-17). Excel saves this name and uses it in
any subsequent reference to this range. (Don’t worry about the apparent misnaming
of the range. You modify this range to include additional months in an exercise later in
this lesson.)
Troubleshooting When naming a range, if a message appears stating that the name already exists, display the
Name Manager (discussed in the “Changing the Size of a Range” section) and edit the existing
name or delete it and enter a different name.
Figure 4-17
Using the Name box
to name a range
The range name
appears in the
Name box.
The highlighted
cells that are part
of the range
5. An alternative way to name a range is to use the New Name dialog box. Select
6. On the FORMULAS tab, in the Defined Names group, click Define Name. The New
Name dialog box appears (see Figure 4-18).
Figure 4-18
Using the New Name dialog
box to name a range
7. Excel uses the row heading as the range name, shown in the Name text box. You can
change the name if you like. For this exercise, leave the default name.
8. Open the Scope drop-down list. Your options are Workbook, Expense Details, and
Summary. The last two entries correspond to individual sheets in the workbook. Close
the drop-down list, leaving Workbook selected.
Using Basic Formulas 105
Figure 4-19
Using the Create Names from
Selection dialog box
to name a range
Selected range
14. Excel determines that you want to use the column heading label as the range name.
Click OK. The range is saved with the name Total.
15. Open the Name box drop-down list (see Figure 4-20). You have three named ranges
from which to select.
Figure 4-20
Three named ranges appear in
the Name box drop-down list
The Name box drop-down
list displays the newly
created range names.
16. SAVE the workbook in your Lesson 4 folder as 04 Budget Ranges Solution.
PAUSE. LEAVE the workbook open to use in the next exercise.
How do you name ranges in
a worksheet? As you learned in Lesson 2, a range is a group of adjacent cells that you select to perform opera-
tions on all of the selected cells. You refer to a cell range by separating the first and last cell in the
range by a colon, such as B1:B9 and D4:G9. The totals and subtotals in 04 Budget Ranges use
cell ranges in their formulas.
A named range is a group of cells, and occasionally a single cell, with a designated name. The
most common reason to name a range is to refer to it in formulas and functions. Naming ranges or
an individual cell according to the data they contain is a time-saving technique, even though it might
not seem so when you work with limited data files in practice exercises. However, naming a range
in a large or complex worksheet enables you to go to the location quickly, similar to a bookmark.
After selecting a range of cells, you can name the range using three different methods:
• Range names may begin with a letter, the underscore character (_), or a backslash (\). The rest of
the name may include letters, numbers, periods, and underscore characters, but not a backslash.
• Range names may not consist solely of the letters “C”, “c”, “R”, or “r”, which are used as shortcuts
for selecting columns and rows.
• Range names may not include spaces. Microsoft recommends you use the underscore character
(_) or period (.) to separate words, such as Fruit_List and Personal.Budget.
All names have a scope, either to a specific worksheet or to the entire workbook. The scope of a
name is the location within which Excel recognizes the name without qualification. Excel requires
that a name must be unique within its scope, but you can use the same name in different scopes.
In the New Name dialog box, if you select a worksheet name from the Scope list, the scope is at
the local worksheet level. If you select Workbook, the scope is at the global workbook level.
If you defined a named range after you entered a cell reference in a formula, you might want to
update the existing cell reference to the defined name. Select an empty cell, click the arrow next to
Define Name, and click Apply Names. In the Apply Names dialog box, click one or more names,
and click OK.
Take Note You can use the same name for equivalent ranges in other worksheets within a workbook. Include
the name of the worksheet in brackets before the range name to identify which worksheet you’re
referring to.
After creating named ranges, you can select a name in the Name box drop-down list to select the
named range on the worksheet.
get ready. USE the worksheet you modified in the previous exercise.
1. Click the Expense Details sheet, if it’s not already active.
2. On the FORMULAS tab, in the Defined Names group, click Name Manager.
3. Select Q1Expenses.
4. At the bottom of the dialog box, highlight everything in the Refers to box (see
Figure 4-21).
Using Basic Formulas 107
Figure 4-21
The Refers to box
in the Name Manager
5. In the Expenses Details worksheet, select B3:D14. The content in the Refers to box in
the Name Manager dialog box reflects the new range (see Figure 4-22).
Figure 4-22
The new range appears in the
Refers to box.
6. Click Close, and then click Yes when asked if you want to save your changes.
7. SAVE the workbook.
To change the parameters of a named range, you can easily redefine the range by using the
Name Manager on the FORMULAS tab. The Name Manager contains all the information
about named ranges.
get ready. uSE the worksheet you modified in the previous exercise.
Another Way 1. In the Expense Details sheet, click A21.
You can just enter 2. Type First Quarter Expenses and press Enter.
the formula and range name,
3. In cell B21, type =SUM(.
such as =sum(Q1Expenses)
directly into the cell. 4. On the FORMULAS tab, in the Defined Names group, click Use in Formula.
5. Select Q1Expenses from the list (see Figure 4-23), type ) to close the equation, and
press Enter. The total amount of expenses for January through March appears in
cell B21.
108 Lesson 4
Figure 4-23
Using a named range in a Selecting Q1Expenses
formula from the Use In Formulas
drop-down list
GET READY. USE the worksheet you modified in the previous exercise.
1. Open the Name box drop-down list. The names of all named ranges available in that
workbook display.
2. To verify your change to the size of the Q1Expenses range in a previous exercise, select
Q1Expenses. The range B3:D14 appears highlighted.
3. On the FORMULAS tab, in the Defined Names group, click Name Manager. Each named
range is listed in the dialog box. You can use Name Manager to create a new range,
rename a range, delete a range, and verify the scope of a range, among other tasks.
4. Click Close to close the Name Manager.
5. To display range names and their cell ranges as data in the worksheet, select a cell with
blank cells to the right and below it, such as cell P2.
6. On the FORMULAS tab, in the Defined Names group, click Use in Formula and then
select Paste Names. The Paste Name dialog box opens.
7. Click Paste List. Widen the width of column P to display all range names fully. Range
names display in column P and their cell ranges display in column Q (see Figure 4-24).
Figure 4-24
Range names and
cell addresses pasted into
a worksheet
CLOSE Excel.
You can use the Name Manager as a convenient way to confirm the value and reference of a named
range or to determine its scope. In addition, you can add, change, or delete names.
Using Basic Formulas 109
It is easier to remember names than to memorize cells and cell ranges. You can create a list of
defined names in a workbook using the Paste List command. Doing so makes it simpler to keep
track of your data.
Skill Summary
In this lesson you learned how: Exam Objective Number
Knowledge Assessment
Multiple Choice
Select the best response for the following statements.
True / False
Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
T F 1. To allow Excel to distinguish formulas from data, all formulas begin with an
equal sign (=).
T F 2. Regarding a named range, the scope of a name is the location within which
Excel recognizes the name without qualification.
T F 3. Excel recognizes a construct like 3+4= as a legitimate formula.
T F 4. Range names may begin with the caret (^) character.
T F 5. You cannot use a named range in a formula that references another worksheet.
T F 6. Range names cannot be the same as a cell reference, such as C10 or $D$8.
T F 7. Once you name a range, you can change the size of the range using the Name
T F 8. You can create a new range by selecting the cells and typing a name in the
Name box next to the formula bar.
T F 9. The order of operations determines which parts of a formula are calculated
before other parts of the formula.
T F 10. The formula = 6 * 2 / 3 produces the same result as =6 * (2 / 3).
Competency Assessment
GET READY. Before you begin these steps, LAUNCH Microsoft Excel and OPEN a blank
1. Click cell A1 and type =20+15. Press Enter. Excel calculates the value in A1 and displays
35 in the cell.
Using Basic Formulas 111
2. In A2, type =34+51+22. Press Tab. The sum of the three numbers, 107, appears in the
3. Click A2 to display the formula for that cell in the formula bar.
4. With A2 selected, click the formula bar. Select 51 and type 15. Press Enter. Notice that
the formula result changes to 71.
5. In A3, type =35.3+41.6+17.4. Press Enter. The value 94.3 appears in A3.
6. In B1, type =375−68. Press Enter. The value 307 appears in the cell.
7. In B2, type =45−13−8. Press Enter. The value in B2 should be 24.
8. In B3, create a formula to subtract 125 from 189. The value in B3 should be 64.
9. In C1, type =125*4 and press Enter. The value that appears in C1 is 500.
10. In C2, type =2*7.50*2 and press Enter. The value in C2 is 30.
11. In C3, type =5+2*8. The value in C3 is 21.
12. In D1, create the formula =795/45 and press Enter. Excel returns a value of 17.66667 in
13. In D2, create the formula =65−29*8+97/5 and press Enter. The value in D2 is −147.6.
14. In D3, create the formula =-12+10+20.5/3 and press Enter. Excel returns a value of
4.833333 in D3.
15. In E1, type =2^4 and press Enter. The value 16 displays in E1. This formula calculated 2
raised to the 4th power.
16. In E2, type =25*(1+35%) and press Enter. Excel returns a value of 33.75. The formula
increased 25 by 35%.
17. In E3, type =3^2*(1+25%) and press Enter. Excel returns a value of 11.25 in E3.
18. SAVE the workbook in your Lesson 4 folder as 04 Project Math Solution and CLOSE it.
GET READY. Before you begin these steps, OPEN the 04 Project Operations Practice
1. Select C3 and modify the formula by inserting parentheses around 5+2. Press Enter.
The new formula should be =(5+2)*8. The value in C3 changes from 21 to 56.
2. Select D2. Click in the formula bar and place parentheses around 65–29. Press Enter.
The new formula should be =(65–29)*8+97/5. The value in D2 changes from −147.6 to
3. Select D2. Click in the formula bar and place parentheses around 97/5. Press Enter. The
new formula should be =(65–29)*8+(97/5). The value in D2 remains the same at 307.4.
4. Select D2. Click in the formula bar and change the parentheses so the formula looks
like =(65–(29*8)+97)/5. Press Enter. The value in D2 changes to –14.
5. SAVE the workbook in your Lesson 4 folder as 04 Project Operations Solution and
Proficiency Assessment
GET READY. Before you begin these steps, OPEN the 04_ADatum_Start workbook.
1. On the WesternSummary sheet, click cell B3 and enter the formula =Alaska!B8. The
formula links to the data in cell B8 (the Gross Sales total) on the Alaska worksheet and
displays it in cell B3 of the WesternSummary worksheet.
2. In B4, enter the formula =Washington!B8 to link to the Washington office gross sales
3. Create similar formulas to display the Oregon and California gross sales data on the
WesternSummary sheet.
4. Compare the figures in column B on the WesternSummary sheet to the appropriate
cells in the other worksheets to verify that your formulas are correct. If not, adjust the
formulas on the WesternSummary sheet to correct them.
5. Create similar formulas to display the COGS totals in column C, the commissions totals
in column D, and the net sales totals in column E on the WesternSummary sheet. (To
save time, you can select B3:B6 and drag the fill handle to the right to fill all additional
6. Compare the figures on the WesternSummary sheet to the other worksheets to verify
that your formulas are correct. If not, adjust the formulas to correct them.
7. SAVE the workbook in your Lesson 4 folder as 04_ADatum_USWest Solution and
Mastery Assessment
CLOSE Excel.
Functions 5
Lesson Skill Matrix
Skills Exam Objective Objective Number
Exploring Functions
Displaying Dates and Times
with Functions
Summarizing Data with Functions Demonstrate how to apply the SUM function. 4.2.1
Demonstrate how to apply the COUNT function. 4.2.3
Key Terms
• argument
• AutoSum
• AVERAGE function
• COUNT function
• COUNTA function
• function
• MAX function
• MIN function
• NOW function
• PMT function
• SUBTOTAL function
• SUM function
• TODAY function
• trace arrow
©MCCAIG / iStockphoto
116 Lesson 5
Creating and maintaining a personal budget requires more than simply estimating
and tracking expenses. You often want to see subtotals of certain data, for example,
to determine how much you spend quarterly. Sometimes you want to know your av-
erage payment per month for expenses that vary throughout the year. Budgets are
also working documents—they change over time and might require modifications
to the structure. Creating proper formulas builds flexibility into your worksheets.
Excel provides a wealth of predefined functions to help you enter formulas quickly
and accurately. In this lesson, you learn how to use simple Excel functions by work-
ing on an annual budget of household expenses.
©MCCAIG / iStockphoto
Software Orientation
The FORMULAS tab in Excel 2013, shown in Figure 5-1, provides access to a library of
formulas and functions. On this tab, you can use commands for quickly inserting functions,
inserting totals, and displaying a visual map of cells that are dependent on a formula.
Exploring Functions
A function is a predefined formula that performs a calculation. Excel’s built-in functions are
Bottom Line
designed to perform different types of calculations—from simple to complex. When you apply
a function to specific data, you eliminate the time involved in manually constructing a formula.
Using functions ensures the accuracy of the formula’s results. You can type functions directly into
Excel or use the tools on the FORMULAS tab to help you fill in formulas with the correct syntax.
Figure 5-2
The Financial group menu
of functions
2. You can also find a function using the Insert Function dialog box. On the FORMULAS
tab or on the formula bar, click the Insert Function button. The buttons are shown in
Figure 5-3.
Figure 5-3
The Insert Function buttons
Insert Function
3. In the Insert Function dialog box, type a description of what you want to do. For
example, type date and click Go. Excel returns a list of functions that most closely
match your description (see Figure 5-4).
118 Lesson 5
Figure 5-4
The Insert Function dialog box
displaying a list of functions in
response to your request
4. With DATE selected in the Select a function list, click OK. The Function Arguments
dialog box opens.
5. Enter the current year, the number of the current month, and the number of the current
day (see Figure 5-5). Click OK. The date is entered into the worksheet in cell A1.
Figure 5-5
Entering data into the Function
Arguments dialog box
Functions are a simplified way of entering formulas. The parameters of a function are called
arguments. Each function name is followed by parentheses, which let Excel know where the ar-
guments begin and end. Arguments appear within the parentheses and are performed from left to
right. Depending on the function, an argument can be a constant value, a single-cell reference, a
range of cells, or even another function. If a function contains multiple arguments, the arguments
are separated by commas.
Even functions that require no arguments must still have parentheses following the name, as in
=TODAY(). Table 5-1 lists common Excel functions, all of which are covered in this lesson.
SUM Takes all of the values in each of the =SUM(first value, second value,...)
specified cells and totals their values.
Exploring Dates
Excel stores dates as sequential serial numbers. By default, January 1, 1900 is serial number 1, Janu-
ary 2, 1900 is serial number 2, and so on. Each date is a number that represents the number of days
that have elapsed since January 1, 1900. You can add, subtract, multiply, and divide using a date, just
as you can with any other number. How the date is displayed depends on the format you assign to it.
GET READY. USE the workbook you created in the previous exercise.
1. In cell A2, type 1/10/1900 and press Enter.
2. Select cell A2.
3. On the HOME tab, in the Number group, open the Number Format menu and select
General. The value in A2 changes to 10 (see Figure 5-6). When you enter a date
manually into Excel, the format of the cell automatically changes to Date. Because the
date 1/10/1900 is the tenth day after (and including) January 1, 1900, the value is 10.
Excel’s Date format displays the value as a date, and the General format displays the
value as a number.
Figure 5-6
In Excel, a date is actually a
serial number. A date displayed
as a serial number
4. With A2 still selected, change the number format to Short Date using the Number
Format menu. The cell displays 1/10/1900.
5. Click cell A3, type 40000 and press Enter. Because the cell is formatted as General by
default, the value appears as a number.
6. Click cell A2.
7. On the HOME tab, in the Clipboard group, click the Format Painter, and then click
cell A3. The formatting of A2 is copied to A3. The value in A3 now appears as a date:
8. In cell A4, type =A3-A2 and press Enter. The result is 39990, which is the number of
days between the two dates.
120 Lesson 5
The TODAY function returns the current date in a worksheet. The value returned by the
TODAY function automatically updates every time you change the worksheet. To specify a date
that doesn’t change, enter the date you want to use manually.
GET READY. USE the workbook you modified in the previous exercise.
1. In cell A5, type =TODAY() and press Enter. The current date displays (see Figure 5-7).
Figure 5-7
The result of the TODAY
function The result of =TODAY()
The default format for the TODAY function is mm/dd/yyyy, but you can have it appear in any
date format.
You can also use TODAY to calculate an interval. For example, you can enter a formula to cal-
culate the number of years you have lived by creating a formula to subtract your birth date from
today’s date, like this: =YEAR(TODAY())-1993.
Using NOW
The NOW function returns today’s date and the current time, in the default format of
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm. You can apply any date or time format to values returned by the NOW
GET READY. USE the workbook you modified in the previous exercise.
1. In cell A6, type =NOW() and press Enter. The column width automatically expands, and
the current date and time display (see Figure 5-8).
Figure 5-8
The result of the
NOW function
Figure 5-9
The result of the NOW function
with the Time format applied
Like TODAY, the NOW function also updates automatically every time you change the work-
sheet. However, because it also reports the time, its value changes every time you save the work-
sheet, even if that is several times during a single day.
In addition to simply displaying the current date and time, you might use the NOW function in
a calculation that requires a value based on the current date and time.
Workplace Ready
Using Dates at Work
The Excel TODAY and NOW functions are handy when you simply want to display the current
date, the date and time, or the date in a calculation. However, using TODAY or NOW means
the date changes every time someone opens the workbook. Sometimes it’s important that the date
remains static. For example, you create an invoice with the invoice date at the top. You also have
a line that says, “Terms: Net 30.” A Net 30 term means you expect your customer to pay your
invoice within 30 days of the date of your invoice. It’s important that your invoice date never
changes to avoid confusing your customer and so you get paid on time.
Troubleshooting If you get an error message when entering a basic Excel formula, remember that all formulas
must start with an equal sign (=). A function is simply a predefined formula, so you must use
the equal sign.
3. Click in cell C7. Click the FORMULAS tab and then click the top part of the AutoSum
button. The SUM function appears with arguments filled in, but only C6 is included.
Type C3: before C6 to correct the range (see Figure 5-10). Press Enter. The result, 1340,
is the sum of February nonutility expenses.
Figure 5-10
Using the SUM function
The alternative to the SUM function is to create an addition formula using cell references for every
cell value to be added, such as the following:
The easier way to achieve the same result is to use the SUM function or AutoSum. AutoSum is a
built-in feature of Excel that recognizes adjacent cells in rows and columns as the logical selection
to perform the AutoSum.
Using Functions 123
Figure 5-11
Result of the COUNT function
GET READY. USE the workbook you modified in the previous exercise.
1. In cell P5, type CountA and press Enter. This is the label identifying the formula you
will enter in the next step.
2. In cell P6, on the formula bar, click the Insert Function button.
3. In the Insert Function dialog box, in the Search for a function text box, type counta and
then click Go.
4. Select COUNTA in the results list and click OK. The Function Arguments dialog box
5. Click Collapse Dialog (see Figure 5-12). The box collapses to a single entry box.
124 Lesson 5
Figure 5-12
The Function Arguments Collapse Dialog
dialog box
Figure 5-13
Expand Dialog Expand Dialog
GET READY. USE the workbook you modified in the previous exercise.
1. In cell O8, type Average and press Enter.
2. In cell O9, type =AVERAGE(B9:M9) and press Enter. The result, 175.8333, is your
average expected monthly electricity bill.
3. In cell O10, type =AVERAGE(B10:M10) and press Enter. The result, 93.33333, is your
average expected monthly gas bill (see Figure 5-14).
Figure 5-14
The results of the AVERAGE
GET READY. USE the workbook you modified in the previous exercise.
1. In cell P8, type Min and press Enter.
2. Click in cell P9 and then click the FORMULAS tab.
3. Click the AutoSum button arrow, and then select Min from the menu. The range B9:O9
is automatically selected (see Figure 5-15). This range is incorrect, so you need to
edit it.
Figure 5-15
The wrong range is selected
for the MIN function.
4. Click cell B9, hold down the Shift key, and click cell M9. The range B9:M9 appears in
the function, which now looks like =MIN(B9:M9). See Figure 5-16. Press Enter. The
result, 150, appears, which is the lowest expected electricity bill for the year.
Figure 5-16
Modifying the MIN function
5. Copy cell P9 to cell P10. The result, 70, is the lowest expected gas bill for the year.
6. SAVE the workbook.
How do you create a formula Pause. leave the workbook open to use in the next exercise.
with the MIN function?
GET READY. USE the workbook you modified in the previous exercise.
1. In cell Q8, type Max and press Enter.
2. In cell Q9, type =MAX(B9:M9) and press Enter. The result, 230, is the highest monthly
How do you create a formula electricity bill that you expect to receive.
with the MAX function?
3. Copy cell Q9 to Q10. The result, 120, is the highest monthly gas bill that you expect to
receive (see Figure 5-17).
Figure 5-17
The results of the MAX
MAX function
The PMT function requires a series of inputs regarding interest rate, loan amount (principal),
and loan duration, and then calculates the resulting loan payment. In this exercise, you’re interest-
ed in purchasing a large flat-panel television, a sound system, and a game box with several games.
You calculate the payments you need to make on a two-year loan to purchase the equipment.
Figure 5-18
The result of the PMT function
11. SAVE the workbook to your Lesson 5 folder as 05 Budget PMT Solution and CLOSE it.
The PMT function calculates a loan payment and uses the syntax =PMT(rate, nper, pv, [fv],
[type]). The three required arguments for the PMT function are:
• Rate: The interest rate charged per period (for example, per month)
• Pv: The present value of the loan—in other words, how much you owe; also known as the
Optional arguments include the future value (fv), which is a cash balance you want to attain after
the last payment is made, and type, which indicates when payments are due using the number 1
(due at the beginning of a period) or 0 (due at the end of a period).
When functions take more than one argument, you enter them in a single set of parentheses,
separated by commas.
For the purposes of your budget, you include the negative sign (–) at the beginning of the PMT
function (=–PMT(S3/12, S4*12,S5)) because the function calculates a payment as a negative
value by default. By including the negative sign, the payment appears as a positive number. This
follows a basic rule of mathematics: The negative of a negative is a positive.
You divide the first set of values by 12 because 7.5% is the annual interest rate, and dividing it by
12 gives you the monthly interest rate. You multiply the second set of values by 12 to convert the
loan term from years to months.
4. In the Name text box, verify that Nonutility_Subtotals appears (see Figure 5-19). Click
OK. This names a range for the nonutility subtotal figures.
Figure 5-19
The New Name dialog box
GET READY. USE the workbook you modified in the previous exercise.
Cross This lesson shows you how to build subtotals using the SUBTOTAL function. Lesson 9 , “Work-
Ref ing with Data and Macros,” covers grouping and outlining to produce subtotals.
1. In cell B17, type =SUBTOTAL(9,B7,B16), as shown in Figure 5-20. Press Enter. This
formula adds the nonutility subtotal and utility subtotal for January.
Figure 5-20
Cell B7
Entering the SUBTOTAL
formula to add two cells that
include SUM functions
Cell B16
SUBTOTAL formula
Figure 5-21
Entering the SUBTOTAL
function to add two cell ranges
Using Functions 129
As you enter the SUBTOTAL function, Excel, displays a list of the function numbers for the first
argument. The function number for SUM is 9. You can learn the function numbers for other
functions, such as AVERAGE, COUNT, and COUNTA, when entering the SUBTOTAL func-
tion or by searching for SUBTOTAL in Excel Help.
Ref1 is the first cell reference, cell range, or named range you want to subtotal. You can include
additional cells or ranges by separating them with commas.
In the exercise, you also used the SUBTOTAL function to calculate the total for the budget in
cell N17. Creating a total is a standard bookkeeping technique, and allows you to track and adjust
subtotals while keeping the final total current.
GET READY. USE the workbook you modified in the previous exercise.
1. In cell N17, notice that the result of the current formulas is 24,230.
2. Use the formula bar to modify the formula in N17 like this: =SUBTOTAL(9,Nonutility_
Subtotals,Utility_Subtotals). See Figure 5-22. Press Enter. This formula replaces the
cell ranges with named ranges to add all nonutility and utility expenses for the year,
and the result remains the same at 24,230.
3. Click in cell B19 and then click in the formula bar. Change the formula from
=SUM(Q1Expenses) to =SUBTOTAL(9,Q1Expenses). This cell sums the named range
Q1Expenses. Because the named range includes monthly data and subtotals, you need
to correct the range to include only subtotal figures.
4. On the FORMULAS tab, in the Defined Names group, click Name Manager.
5. Select Q1Expenses in the list and click Edit. The Edit Name dialog box opens (see
Figure 5-23).
130 Lesson 5
Figure 5-23
The Edit Name dialog box
6. highlight everything in the Refers to text box and press Backspace to delete it.
7. Click cell B7, press and hold the Shift key, and click D7. The range B7:D7 is highlighted.
8. Press and hold the Ctrl key while clicking cells B16, C16, and D16. The selections are
shown in Figure 5-24.
Figure 5-24
Cells B7:D7
Selecting multiple ranges
to include in the Q1Expenses
named range
Formula being modified
Cells B16:D16
Figure 5-25
Cells B7:D7 are selected.
Verifying the new ranges
for Q1Expenses
12. Create named ranges for Q2Expenses (E7:G7, E16:G16), Q3Expenses (H7:J7, H16:J16),
and Q4Expenses (K7:M7, K16:M16).
13. Copy the formula from cell B19 to B20:B22. Edit the formulas in cells B20, B21, and B22
to use the appropriate named range. For example, the formula in cell B20 should be
14. SAvE the workbook to your Lesson 5 folder and CLOSE it.
Figure 5-26
An error displays in cell S6.
4. Click in cell S6. Click the small, yellow warning icon to the left of the cell. A pop-up
menu appears (see Figure 5-27). The first item tells you that there is a value error in the
Figure 5-27
The pop-up menu for the error
5. In the menu, select Help on this error. Excel Help opens to a page on information
regarding formula errors. Browse the help topics to see if any of the potential solutions
apply to your situation.
6. Close the Excel Help window.
7. SAVE the workbook to your Lesson 5 folder as 05 Budget Error Solution.
Notice the small green triangle in the upper-left corner of cell S6. This means the cell contains a
formula error.
To evaluate the error in the formula, select the Show Calculation Steps option from the pop-up
menu that appears after you click the warning icon. The Evaluate Formula dialog box, shown in
Figure 5-28, indicates the first part of the function is incorrect. In this case, the reference to cell R3
points to a cell containing text. The cell reference should be S3, which contains the interest figure.
132 Lesson 5
Figure 5-28
The Evaluate Formula
dialog box
Once you know how to correct an error, you can click the warning icon and select Edit in Formula
Bar from the pop-up menu. Make the necessary corrections directly in the formula.
GET READY. USE the workbook you modified in the previous exercise.
1. Select cell S6 if it’s not already selected.
2. On the FORMULAS tab, in the Formula Auditing group, click Trace Precedents. Two
arrows appear (see Figure 5-29). One arrow extends from cell R3 to cell S6, and
another (combined) arrow extends from cells S4 and S5 to S6. The arrows indicate that
the formula in cell S6 refers to cells R3, S4, and S5, referred to as precedent cells.
Figure 5-29
The worksheet showing
trace precedents
3. On the FORMULAS tab, in the Formula Auditing group, click Remove Arrows. The trace
arrows disappear from the worksheet.
4. Click cell S4. On the FORMULAS tab, in the Formula Auditing group, click Trace
Dependents. One arrow appears from cell S4 to cell S6 (see Figure 5-30). The arrow
indicates that cell S4 is part of the formula in cell S6.
Figure 5-30
The worksheet showing
trace dependents
You can use trace precedents and trace dependents for formulas that reference cells in another
workbook. However, the external workbook must be open before you use the trace commands.
Figure 5-31
Formulas displayed in the
Another Way
You can also dis-
play formulas in the worksheet 3. Click the FILE tab. Click Print and view the Print Preview.
by pressing Ctrl + ` (the grave 4. Click the Portrait Orientation button and select Landscape Orientation.
accent mark). The grave accent 5. At the bottom of the print settings, click the Page Setup link to open the Page Setup
mark is usually located on a dialog box.
key on the upper-left part of
6. On the Page tab of the dialog box, click Fit to: and leave the defaults as 1 page(s) wide
the keyboard.
by 1 tall (see Figure 5-32). Click OK to close the dialog box.
Figure 5-32
Settings in the Page Setup
dialog box
134 Lesson 5
7. At the top-left corner of the Backstage view window, click the Print button to print the
worksheet with formulas displayed.
Cross You learn more about print options in Lesson 7 , “Formatting Worksheets.”
8. On the FORMULAS tab, in the Formula Auditing group, click Show Formulas again to
stop displaying formulas in the worksheet.
9. SAVE the workbook to your Lesson 5 folder as 05 Budget Print Solution and CLOSE it.
CLOSE Excel.
Skill Summary
In this lesson you learned how: Exam Objective Number
Knowledge Assessment
Multiple Choice
Select the best response for the following statements.
1. Which of the following calculates the total from the adjacent cell through the first
nonnumeric cell by default, using the SUM function in its formula?
b. AutoSum
d. MAX
2. The arguments of a function are contained within which of the following?
a. brackets
b. asterisks
c. commas
d. parentheses
Using Functions 135
3. When using the SUBTOTAL function, which is the function number for the SUM
a. 1
b. 4
c. 9
d. 11
4. You want to add a range of cells and then divide by the number of cell entries,
determining the mean value of all values in the range. Which function do you use?
d. PMT
5. Which of the following is not a required argument for the PMT function?
a. Fv
b. Rate
c. Nper
d. Pv
6. You want to calculate the number of nonblank cells in your worksheet. Which function
do you use?
a. SUM
d. MAX
7. You want to create a formula that calculates the number of years you have lived. You
were born in 1991. Which of the following formulas is correct?
a. =YEAR(TODAY())-1991
b. =YEAR(TODAY())+1991
c. =YEAR(COUNT())-1991
d. =YEAR(COUNT())+1991
8. Which of the following statements accurately describes the default selection for
a. You must make the selection before clicking AutoSum.
b. By default, AutoSum totals all entries above the cell in which the formula is located,
even if the cells contain a mix of numeric and nonnumeric content.
c. By default, AutoSum calculates the total from the adjacent cell through the first
nonnumeric cell.
d. AutoSum does not have a default selection.
9. You want to sum multiple noncontiguous cell ranges that are named. Which of the
following is best to use?
a. AutoSum
c. MAX
d. MIN
10. The COUNT and MIN functions are examples of which category of functions?
a. text
b. statistical
c. financial
d. logical
True / False
Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
T F 6. In the PMT function, the Nper argument is the total number of payments for the
T F 7. You can use a range in the SUBTOTAL function, but you cannot modify the
range once it’s in use.
T F 8. A cell cannot be a trace dependent and a trace precedent for the same formula.
T F 9. You can refer to the TODAY and NOW functions in other formulas to perform
T F 10. To evaluate the error in the formula, select the Edit in Formula Bar option from
the pop-up menu that appears after you click the warning icon.
Competency Assessment
Project 5-1: Use Statistical Functions to Analyze Game Wins and Losses
You work for Wingtip Toys and have been playing three new games each day to master them,
hoping to demo the games in the retail store. You’ve been keeping track of your wins and losses in
a worksheet. A “1” indicates a win, and a “0” indicates a loss.
3. Click cell C11. On the FORMULAS tab, in the Function Library group, click Insert
4. In the Insert Function dialog box, select SUM and click OK.
5. In the Function Arguments dialog box, click Collapse Dialog and select C4:C10, if it’s
not already entered.
6. Click the Expand Dialog button and click OK to close the dialog box.
7. Copy the formula from C11 to D11.
8. Click cell E4. On the FORMULAS tab, in the Function Library group, click the AutoSum
button. Press Enter to accept B4:D4 as the cells to total.
9. Click cell E5 and then in the Function Library group click Insert Function. In the Insert
Function dialog box, SUM will be the default. Click OK.
10. The range B5:D5 should appear in the Number1 box in the Function Arguments dialog
box. Click OK to close the dialog box.
11. Click cell E5 and use the fill handle to copy the formula to E6:E10.
12. Click cell E11. In the Function Library group click AutoSum. Press Enter to accept the
range as E4:E10.
13. Click cell F4. Click the Insert Function button. Select AVERAGE in the Insert Function
dialog box and click OK. In the Function Arguments dialog box, click OK.
14. Click in the formula bar and change E4 to D4. Click OK.
15. Click cell F4 and use the fill handle to copy the formula to F5:F11.
16. SAVE the workbook to your Lesson 5 folder as 05 Wingtip Toys Sales Solution and then
CLOSE the file.
Proficiency Assessment
Mastery Assessment
CLOSE Excel.
140 Circling Back 1
Circling Back 1
The Graphic Design Institute offers associate’s and bachelor’s degrees in graphic design, with a full
slate of in-classroom and online classes. Students from the United States and several other coun-
tries attend the Institute as full-time students during fall and spring semesters, or by participating
in accelerated programs offered twice a year.
As an employee in the organization’s home office, you create workbooks related to the Institute’s
programs and fundraising efforts.
13. In the toolbar near the top of the Save As dialog box, click New folder. A folder icon
appears with the words New folder selected.
14. Type Circling Back and press Enter.
15. Double-click the Circling Back folder.
16. In the File Name box, type GPA Solution.
17. Click the Save button.
18. CLOSE the file.
GET READY. USE the workbook you saved in the previous project.
1. Select cells A1:C39.
2. Click the PAGE LAYOUT tab, and in the Page Setup group, click the Print Area button
and select Set Print Area.
3. Click the FILE tab to access Backstage view.
4. Click Print and view the document in the Print Preview pane.
5. Click the Scaling button arrow, and then click Custom Scaling Options.
6. In the Page Setup dialog box, in the Adjust to box, type 110. This action makes the text
a little larger without having to change the font in the document. Click OK.
7. Click Print.
8. Click anywhere in the worksheet to remove highlighting from the selection.
9. Check the Quick Access Toolbar. If you do not see the Quick Print button, click the
Customize Quick Access Toolbar arrow at the end of the toolbar and select Quick Print.
The Quick Print button appears on the toolbar, which you can use to print any Excel
document in the future.
10. SAVE the workbook to your Lesson 5 folder as Contributions Print Solution in the
Circling Back folder, and then CLOSE the file.
CLOSE Excel.
Formatting Cells
and Ranges 6
Lesson Skill Matrix
Skills Exam Objective Objective Number
Key Terms
• align
• attribute
• conditional formatting
• font
• Format Painter
• hyperlink
• merged cells
• Mini toolbar
• Paste Special
• Rules Manager
• style
• wrap
Contoso, Ltd.’s income is
© Fertnig /iStockphoto
144 Lesson 6
Software Orientation
Excel provides many ways to format text and values in a worksheet. In the business world,
worksheets are usually printed or shared with others. Therefore, you want your worksheets to
be as appealing and understandable as possible.
Formatting Cells and Ranges 145
Figure 6-2
The Insert button in the Cells
group on the HOME tab
Insert button
Figure 6-3
The Insert dialog box
8. Notice that the cells formerly in O3:O9 shift one cell to the right. The worksheet should
look similar to Figure 6-4.
146 Lesson 6
Figure 6-4
The worksheet after
inserting cells
insert command
inserted range
of cells
Additions and changes are common activities in Microsoft Office Excel 2013 workbooks. After
creating and saving an Excel workbook that tracks the number of patients treated monthly, the
Contoso administrative assistant discovered that corrections were needed and additional data had
to be added. In the previous exercise, you made the corrections and additions. You’ll use the same
worksheet later in this lesson to determine whether to hire a nurse practitioner based on the aver-
age number of hours worked by employees.
When you click the Insert command arrow in the Cells group on the HOME tab, the menu in-
dicates you can easily insert cells, worksheet rows, worksheet columns, or even a new worksheet
into a workbook.
If you click the Insert button in the Cells group, a blank cell is inserted and, by default, the ex-
isting cells move down in the column. If, however, you click the Insert button arrow and select
Insert Cells, the Insert dialog box shown in Figure 6-3 opens, and you can choose to shift cells to
the right or down, insert a row, or insert a column in a worksheet.
GET READY. uSE the workbook you modified in the previous exercise.
Another Way
1. Click cell P7 to make it the active cell.
You can right-click
in a cell and select Delete from 2. On the HOME tab, in the Cells group, click the Delete button arrow, and then select
the shortcut menu to open the Delete Cells.
Delete dialog box.
Formatting Cells and Ranges 147
3. In the Delete dialog box, select the Shift cells left option and click OK. The content in
cell Q7 shifts to the left and appears in cell P7.
4. Highlight the range A8:P8.
5. Right-click the selection, which is a duplicate of the next row of data, and select Delete
from the shortcut menu.
How do you delete a cell 6. In the Delete dialog box, ensure Shift cells up is selected and click OK.
from a worksheet?
7. To delete a range of cells in a column, highlight the range D3:D8, and on the HOME
tab, in the Cells group, click the Delete button arrow and then select Delete Cells.
Ensure Shift cells left is selected, and click OK. The worksheet should look similar to
Figure 6-5.
Figure 6-5
The worksheet after
deleting cells
When you click the arrow below the Delete command in the Cells group on the HOME tab,
notice that you can delete a cell, a worksheet row, a worksheet column, or an entire worksheet.
Deleting a cell is not the same as clearing a cell’s content, which you learned about in Lesson
2, “Working with Microsoft Excel 2013.” Think of an Excel worksheet being similar to several
stacks of boxes. The boxes are lined up alongside one another and on top of one another to form a
grid. The open side of every box is facing you. You can take contents out of a box, thus emptying
the box, but the box still remains in the stack. This is equivalent to clearing a cell’s content. The
same principle applies when you press Delete on the keyboard—you’re simply removing the cell’s
content. However, when you pull a box out of the stack, the entire box is gone. This is the same as
deleting a cell using the Delete Cells command.
Cross For more information about clearing a cell’s content, refer to Lesson 2.
Troubleshooting Manual formatting is applied only to selected cells. Therefore, you need to select the cell or a
range of cells before applying the formatting.
3. On the HOME tab, in the Alignment group, click the Center button, as shown in Figure
6-6. The column labels are now horizontally centered.
Top align
Figure 6-6 Bottom align
The Alignment buttons Center align
4. Select D4:o8, and then on the HOME tab, in the Alignment group, click the align Right
2.2.2 button. All numbers in the months columns are now right-aligned.
5. SAVE the workbook to your Lesson 6 folder as 06 Patient Visits Format Cells Solution.
How do you align cell
content in a worksheet? PAuSE. LEAVE the workbook open to use in the next exercise.
By default, when you enter alphabetic characters or alphabetic characters combined with numbers
or symbols, the cell content is left-aligned horizontally, which means it lines up along the left side
of the cell. When you enter numbers, the content is right-aligned—that is, it lines up with the
right side of the cell. When you center content, it lines up with the midpoint of a cell.
Another Way
You can access Vertical alignment affects the location of content vertically within a cell. Your options in the
the Format Cells dialog box Alignment group on the HOME tab are Top Align, Middle Align, and Bottom Align. You can
by right-clicking in a cell or also select Justify or Distributed, which are available in the Format Cells dialog box, shown in
on a column or row label and Figure 6-7. To access the dialog box, click the Dialog Box Launcher in the lower-right corner of
selecting Format Cells. the Alignment group on the HOME tab.
Figure 6-7
The Format Cells dialog box
Formatting Cells and Ranges 149
• Top (or Top Align): The top line of text appears at the top of the cell.
• Center (or Middle Align): Text is centered halfway between the top and bottom of the cell.
• Bottom (or Bottom Align): Text appears at the bottom of the cell. This is the default vertical
• Justify: Text is spread evenly throughout the cell. Excel will wrap text and automatically adjust
the row height, if necessary.
• Distributed: Text is spread evenly between the top of the cell and the bottom, separated by
blank space.
GET READY. uSE the workbook you saved in the previous exercise.
Another Way
1. Select C4:C8.
You can press
the Alt key and press H, and 2. On the HOME tab, in the Alignment group, click the increase indent button, as shown
then press 6 to indent a cell’s in Figure 6-8. The cell content moves toward the right cell border.
Figure 6-8
Indentation button options increase indent
Decrease indent
3. Click the Decrease indent button. The cell content moves back toward the left cell
Indenting data in an Excel worksheet is often performed on subordinate text to enhance readability.
3. Select Angle Counterclockwise. The column heading labels appear angled from lower
left to upper right within each cell.
4. Click the Orientation button, and select Angle Clockwise. The column heading labels
appear angled from upper left to lower right.
5. Click the Orientation button, and select Vertical Text. The column heading labels
appear in a vertical line from top to bottom.
6. Click the Orientation button, and select Rotate Text Up and then Rotate Text Down to
see how these settings affect the text.
7. Click the Orientation button, and select Format Cell Alignment. In the Format Cells
dialog box, in the Degrees box, enter 0 and click OK. The column heading labels return
to their original orientation.
Figure 6-10
The Font menu
Formatting Cells and Ranges 151
3. With cell A1 still selected, open the Font Size menu indicated in Figure 6-11. Select 18.
The font size of the text changes to 18 point.
Figure 6-11
The font-related options in the Decrease Font size
Font group increase Font size
Font Font
Excel provides many fonts, such as Arial, Calibri, and Times New Roman, in the Font menu. To
improve the overall design of a worksheet, the font size is usually enlarged for titles and labels.
Font size is measured in points. Each time you click Decrease Font Size or Increase Font Size, the
size changes by a set amount that matches the size options on the Font Size list. Points refer to the
measurement of the height of the characters in a cell. One point is equal to 1/72 inch.
In the Excel Options dialog box (select File > Options), on the General page, you can change the
default font used in all new workbooks.
Troubleshooting If you choose a different default font and/or font size, that font is used only in workbooks you
create after you change the default and restart Excel. Existing workbooks are not affected.
Whenever you select text, cells, rows, or columns for formatting, you can use the Mini toolbar,
shown in Figure 6-12, to apply selected formatting features. The Mini toolbar is a formatting
tool that appears above or below the shortcut menu when you right-click a cell. This unique tool-
bar provides the most commonly used formatting commands. Unlike the Quick Access Toolbar,
which can be customized, you cannot customize the Mini toolbar.
Figure 6-12
The Mini toolbar
Cross For more information about the Quick Access Toolbar, refer to Lesson 3, “Using Office
Ref Backstage.”
GET READY. USE the workbook you saved in the previous exercise.
1. Click cell A1.
2. Open the Font Color menu, as shown in Figure 6-13, and under Standard Colors, click
the Red color box. The text Contoso, Ltd. now has a red font color.
Figure 6-13
The Font Color palette in the
Font group
3. Select A3:O3, open the Font Color menu, and under Standard Colors (third from the
right), click the Blue color box.
4. SAVE the workbook.
The most recently applied color appears on the Font Color button. To apply that color, make a
selection and click Font Color. To apply a different text color, click the arrow next to the Font
Color button. You can choose a theme color or a standard color. You can also click More Colors
to open the Colors dialog box, in which you can choose from additional standard colors or create
colors to your own specifications.
GET READY. USE the workbook you saved in the previous exercise.
1. Select A3:O3.
2. In the Font group, click the Bold button, and then click the Italic button, as shown in
Figure 6-14. The column labels appear in bold and italics.
Figure 6-14
The Bold, Italic, and Underline
buttons in the Font group
Another Way 3. Select A4:B8 and click the Bold button. The first and last names are now bolded.
You can press Ctrl 4. SAVE the workbook.
+ B to apply boldface, Ctrl + I
to apply italics, or Ctrl + U to Pause. leave the workbook open to use in the next exercise.
apply underlining to selected
text. Special character attributes provide visual appeal beyond changing the font and font size. You can
also call attention to specific data by applying these special characteristics.
To apply underlining, click the Underline button in the Font group. You can also click the arrow
next to the Underline button and select Double Underline from the list.
When you apply underlining to cells, only the cell contents appear underlined, as shown in Figure
6-15. To create the appearance of a continuous rule, or underline, across the bottom of a cell, you
need to apply a border. You’ll learn about borders later in this lesson.
Figure 6-15
Underlined cells Selecting cells and then selecting
the Underline icon simply under-
lines content, not the cell itself.
GET READY. USE the workbook you saved in the previous exercise.
1. Select A3:O3.
2. In the Font group, click the Fill Color button arrow, as shown in Figure 6-16. The Theme
Colors and Standard Colors palettes appear.
Figure 6-16
The Fill Color button in the
Font group
Fill Color
3. Select the Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80% color box, as shown in Figure 6-17. A light blue
background is applied to the column heading row.
154 Lesson 6
Figure 6-17
The Blue, Accent 1,
Lighter 80% color box in
the Fill Color tool
No Fill (clear) is the default background color. The color palette you used to apply font color is
also used for background color.
Much like selecting a font color, after you select a color and apply it to a cell’s background, the Fill
Color button takes on that color. To apply the color shown on the Fill Color button, simply make a
selection and click the button. To apply a different fill color, click the arrow next to Fill Color and
apply either a theme color or a standard color. You can also click More Colors to open the Colors
dialog box and custom blend colors.
You can apply a pattern effect to cells as well as a background color. To do so, first select the range
of cells to which you want to apply a background color with fill effects, then click the Font group’s
Dialog Box Launcher. The Format Cells dialog box opens. Click the Fill tab. As shown in Figure
6-18, make a selection in the Pattern Style box to add a pattern to the background color.
Figure 6-18
Add a pattern to a cell’s
background color
Figure 6-19
The Number Format menu
Another Way
You can also apply
5. Select Currency. The numbers are now formatted as dollars, with two decimal places
number formats using the
to represent cents.
Format Cells dialog box. Just
right-click a cell or range of 6. With B4:D8 still selected, in the Number Format menu, select Accounting. This format
cells and select Format Cells left-aligns the dollar sign in each cell.
from the shortcut menu. In the 7. In the Number group, click the Decrease Decimal button twice to display no decimal
Format Cells dialog box, click places. The Increase Decimal and Decrease Decimal buttons are shown in Figure 6-20.
the Number tab. The numbers are now rounded to whole dollars.
Figure 6-20
The buttons in the
Number group Decrease Decimal
Increase Decimal
Comma Style
Accounting Percent Style
Number Format
15. Manually decrease the width of column C to eliminate extra space, similar to
Figure 6-21.
Figure 6-21
Sheet2 after applying number
and date formats and
decreasing the width of
column C
16. SAVE the workbook to your Lesson 6 folder as 06 Contoso Revenue Solution.
Formatting a number does not affect the value in the cell; formatting simply changes the appear-
ance of the number.
The Number Format menu contains several options that let you quickly apply common number
formats. When you click one of these options, the active cell takes on the specified number format.
You also can select a range of cells (or even an entire row or column) before clicking a number for-
mat option. If you select more than one cell, Excel applies the number format to all of the selected
cells. Table 6-1 summarizes the various formats available in the Number Format menu.
Number This format is used for the general display of numbers, with two decimal places by
Currency This format is used for general monetary values and displays the default currency symbol
with two decimal places.
Accounting This format is also used for monetary values. Currency symbols and decimal points are
aligned in this format.
Short Date This format displays days, months, and years in the mm/dd/yyyy style by default.
Long Date This format displays dates in a long format, such as Sunday, January 10, 2014.
Time This format applies a single format: 12:00:00 AM. If you want to choose another time
format, you must use the Format Cells dialog box.
Percentage This format displays the number with a percent sign and two decimal places.
Scientific This format displays numbers in exponential notation (with an E): for example,
2.00E+05 = 200,000; 2.05E+05 = 205,000.
In most cases, the number formats provided in the Number Format menu are adequate. However,
you may occasionally want more control over how your values appear. Excel offers control over
number formats through the Format Cells dialog box.
Formatting Cells and Ranges 157
The Number tab of the Format Cells dialog box displays 12 categories of number formats from
which to choose, most of which are also available from the Number Format menu. However, when
you select a category from the list box in the Format Cells dialog box, the right side of the tab
changes to display options.
For example, the Number category has three options that you can control:
Notice that the Negative Numbers list box has four choices, two of which display negative values
in red. These choices change depending on the number of decimal places and whether you choose
to separate thousands. Also, notice that a Sample section near the top of the dialog box previews
how the active cell will appear with the selected number format. After you make your choices,
click OK to apply the number format to all of the selected cells.
The number format categories that are unique to the Number tab in the Format Cells dialog box
are described in Table 6-2.
Custom Enables you to define custom number formats that are not included in any of the other
Text When applied to a value, causes Excel to treat the value as text (even if it looks like a
number). This feature is useful for items such as part numbers.
GET READY. USE the workbook you saved in the previous exercise.
2.2.5 1. Click Sheet1. Notice that the content in two cells in column A cannot be fully displayed
because of length.
How do you wrap text in 2. Click A4, and then hold down the Ctrl key and click A7. Both cells—A4 and A7—are
a cell? selected.
3. On the HOME tab, in the Alignment group, click the Wrap Text button. The text in both
cells wraps to a second line without affecting the column width, as shown in Figure
6-22. Notice that the Wrap Text button takes on a green background, indicating that the
text in the selected cells is wrapped.
158 Lesson 6
Figure 6-22
Indicates the content of
The formatted worksheet with the selected cells is wrapped
text wrapping
Wrapped cells
You can remove text wrapping by selecting the appropriate cell or cells and clicking the Wrap Text
button again.
Troubleshooting If you choose a different default font and/or font size, that font is used only in workbooks you
create after you change the default and restart Excel. Existing workbooks are not affected.
GET READY. USE the workbook you saved in the previous exercise.
1. On Sheet1, select A1:D1.
2. On the HOME tab, in the Alignment group, click the main part of the Merge & Center
button. The company name remains in a single cell, which is now centered across the
3. Select A2:D2.
4. On the HOME tab, in the Alignment group, open the Merge & Center menu. Select
Merge & Center. The heading remains in a single cell, which is now centered across the
columns. This step has the same effect on A2:D2 as Step 2 had on A1:D1.
5. Select A3:D3.
6. From the Merge & Center menu, click Merge & Center.
7. Read the error message that appears and click OK.
How do you merge two or
8. Only the heading in the first column remains, which is not the effect we want. Press
more cells in a worksheet?
Ctrl + Z to undo the last change and restore the headings. See Figure 6-23.
Formatting Cells and Ranges 159
Figure 6-23
Merged and
The formatted worksheet centered
with cells in the first two rows
merged and centered
A merged cell is created by combining two or more horizontally or vertically adjacent cells. When
you merge cells, the selected cells become one large cell that spans multiple columns or rows.
To split, or unmerge, cells right after merging them, press Ctrl + Z. Otherwise, open the Merge
& Center menu and select Unmerge Cells to split merged cells. You can split cells that have been
merged into separate cells again, but you cannot split a single worksheet cell that has not been
GET READY. USE the workbook you saved in the previous exercise.
1. On Sheet1, select A3:D3.
2. On the HOME tab, in the Font group, click the Borders button arrow to open the
Borders menu, as shown in Figure 6-24.
Figure 6-24
The Borders menu in the
Font group
The Borders
opens the
160 Lesson 6
3. Select Top and Bottom Border. The selected text now has a top and bottom border.
4. With A3:D3 still selected, open the Borders menu and select More Borders.
5. In the Format Cells dialog box, click the Border tab, if necessary.
6. Click a thicker line weight, such as the fifth line in the second column under Style. Then
click the top and bottom border lines shown in the preview to the right to apply the
thicker line. See Figure 6-25.
Figure 6-25
Applying a border option
7. Open the Color list and under Standard Colors, select the Blue color box (third from
right under Standard Colors), and then click the top and bottom border lines shown in
the preview to the right to apply the color. Click OK and then click in a blank cell so you
can view the result. See Figure 6-26.
Figure 6-26
The worksheet with a colored
border above and below
column heading labels
In the Font group, the Borders button displays the most recently used border style, and the but-
ton’s name changes to that style name. Click the Border button (not the arrow) to apply that
style, or you can click the arrow and choose a different border style. Click More Borders to apply
a custom or diagonal border.
On the Border tab of the Format Cells dialog box, click a line style and a color. You can select a
border style from the presets or create a style with the line-placement options in the Border area.
To remove a border, just click the border line in the preview pane in the Format Cells dialog box.
Formatting Cells and Ranges 161
Format Painter
Format Painter
GET READY. USE the workbook you saved in the previous exercise.
1. Ensure you are on Sheet2.
2. In cell A12, type Jacobsen, Lola.
3. Select B11:C11.
4. Press Ctrl + C to copy the selection to the Clipboard.
5. Right-click in cell B12 and select Paste Special from the shortcut menu. The Paste
Special dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 6-28.
Figure 6-28
The Paste Special dialog box
6. Select Formats and click OK. Only the formatting from B11:C11 is applied to B12:C12.
7. In B12, type 1534 and press Enter. The content is formatted the same as B11.
8. In C12, type 12/15/12 and press Enter. The content takes on the same date format as
9. Click in A13 and type the label Total.
10. Click in B13, and on the HOME tab, in the Editing group, click the AutoSum button, and
press Enter. The values in B6:B12 are totaled.
11. Click in B13 and press Ctrl + C to copy the selection to the Clipboard.
12. Right-click in B14, select Paste Special, in the Paste Special dialog box, select Values,
and then click OK. Press Esc to cancel the moving border in cell B13. Only the value of
the formula in B13 was copied to B14, not the formula itself or any cell formatting.
13. Delete the content in cell B14. See Figure 6-29.
Figure 6-29
The worksheet after applying
Paste Special
With Paste Special, you select a cell or range of cells with the content or formatting you want to
copy, issue the Copy or Cut command, and then select Paste Special. Using either the buttons in
a menu or the Paste Special dialog box, you can choose what you want to paste into a different
cell or range. Some of the paste options include formulas, only the values displayed as a result
Formatting Cells and Ranges 163
of formulas, cell formatting, column widths, everything except cell borders, values and number
formats, and links.
Cross Lesson 7, “Formatting Worksheets,” covers transposing rows and columns using the Paste Special
Ref command.
Figure 6-30
The Cell Styles gallery
5. In the Titles and Headings section, select the Heading 1 style to apply it to the first cell
of the worksheet.
6. Select cell A2.
7. Open the Cells Styles gallery and in the Themed Cell Styles section, select Accent1. A
blue background with white text is applied to cell A2.
8. Select A8:D8.
9. Open the Cells Styles gallery and in the Titles and Headings section, select Total. A thin
blue border appears above A8:D8, and a double underline appears under the range of
cells. Select a blank cell to see the results. See Figure 6-31.
164 Lesson 6
Figure 6-31
The worksheet with
cell styles applied
10. SAVE the workbook to your Lesson 6 folder as 06 Contoso Cell Styles Solution.
Pause. leave the workbook open to use in the next exercise.
How do you apply cell styles
to one or more cells in Style attributes include fonts and font sizes, number formats, and borders and shading. Excel has
a worksheet? several predefined styles that you can apply; you can also modify or duplicate a cell style to create
a custom cell style.
When you point to defined styles in the Cell Styles gallery, you can see the formatting that will be
used when you apply each style. This feature allows you to assess the formatting without actually
applying it.
Experiment with combining styles to achieve your desired effect. For example, you can click a
themed cell style, which will apply shading to the cell. Then, you can click Cell Styles again and
click Heading 1, which applies a larger font size, bold, and a thick bottom border.
If you are not satisfied with a style you apply, you can use the Undo command immediately after
applying the style, remove the style by applying the Normal style, or apply another style to the
cell or range.
Figure 6-32
The Style dialog box
Formatting Cells and Ranges 165
Figure 6-33
The new style applied to the
worksheet cell Revenue
Heading style
in the gallery
In this exercise, you created a new custom style by renaming (and thus duplicating) an existing
cell style and then modifying the style. Your custom style was added to the Cell Styles gallery.
When creating a new style based on an existing style, you can uncheck options in the Style dialog
box that you want to remove from your new style.
To simply modify an existing style, click Cell Styles in the Styles group. When the Styles gallery
is displayed, right-click the cell style you want to change and select Modify. The Styles dialog box
opens with the current style name displayed but not accessible. This tells you that any changes you
make to the style will be made to the existing style rather than a customized style.
You can delete styles from the Cells Styles gallery. Doing so also removes the style from all cells
that are formatted with it. To remove a style from the Cell Styles gallery, right-click the style in
the gallery and select Delete from the shortcut menu. Although you can delete most preset styles
from the Cell Styles gallery, it’s not recommended.
Figure 6-34
A hyperlink inserted into a
Using a Hyperlink
Using a hyperlink refers to clicking the link to navigate to the location that’s embedded in the
GET READY. USE the workbook you saved in the previous exercise.
1. Click the hyperlink in cell B15. Because the hyperlink points to a website, your default
web browser opens.
2. Close the browser window.
Clicking a hyperlink brings you to a new location. To select the cell that contains a hyperlink,
click and hold the mouse.
GET READY. USE the workbook you worked on in the previous exercise.
1. Right-click cell B15 and select Remove Hyperlink from the shortcut menu, as shown in
Figure 6-35. The hyperlink is removed from the URL, but the URL text remains.
Figure 6-35
The Remove Hyperlink
menu item
Remove Hyperlink
Workplace Ready
The Versatility of Hyperlinks
A hyperlink is typically associated with accessing a web page, but Excel provides a lot more uses
for hyperlinks. For example, inserting a hyperlink composed of the name of a file lets you open
the file from a worksheet. You can create a hyperlink that lets you navigate to a specific location
within the current worksheet, based on a cell reference or a named range.
Want to set up a hyperlink that automatically opens an email window? Just use the E-mail Address
option in the insert Hyperlink dialog box, and enter an email address and Subject line text. When
you click the resulting hyperlink, your default email program opens automatically, enabling you
to type a message and attach files (if you want) and then send the message.
You can insert a hyperlink directly into an Excel worksheet, or attach the hyperlink to an object,
such as a shape, chart, or photo.
Figure 6-36
The Greater Than dialog box
and cells displaying conditional
6. SAVE the workbook to your Lesson 6 folder as 06 Patient Visits Conditional Formatting
2.3.1 Solution.
When you analyze data, you often ask questions, such as:
• Who are the highest performing students in the gradebook?
• Which sales representatives exceeded their sales goals and in which quarters?
Conditional formatting helps answer such questions by highlighting pertinent cells or ranges of
cells. You can even establish multiple conditional formatting rules for a data range.
Formatting Cells and Ranges 169
GET READY. USE the workbook you saved in the previous exercise.
1. Select D4:O8.
2. On the HOME tab, in the Styles group, open the Conditional Formatting menu, and
then select Highlight Cells Rules > Less Than.
3. In the Format cells that are LESS THAN box, type 300.
4. In the drop-down menu, click the Yellow Fill with Dark Yellow Text option. Click OK.
All values of less than 300 appear with a yellow background and dark yellow text color,
along with values over 600 indicated by a light red background and dark red text, as
shown in Figure 6-37.
Figure 6-37
The worksheet with two sets
of conditional formatting
In this lesson’s exercises, you have worked with data related to the number of patients treated each
month at Contoso, Ltd. The chapter-opening scenario indicated that you are trying to determine
whether you should hire a nurse practitioner. With both sets of conditional formatting applied, you can
see at a glance which staff members see more than 600 patients or less than 300 patients in a month.
GET READY. USE the workbook you saved in the previous exercise.
1. Select D4:O8.
2. On the HOME tab, in the Styles group, open the Conditional Formatting menu, and
select Clear Rules > Clear Rules from Selected Cells.
3. Open the Conditional Formatting menu again and select Manage Rules. The
Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog box appears.
4. Click the New Rule button. In the New Formatting Rule dialog box, select Format only
top or bottom ranked values. The dialog box changes as shown in Figure 6-38.
170 Lesson 6
Figure 6-38
The New Formatting Rule
dialog box
5. In the Edit the Rule Description section, click the % of the selected range checkbox.
6. Click the Format button. The Format Cells dialog box opens.
How do you use the
Rules Manager to apply 7. Click the Fill tab if it’s not already selected, and then select the light red (pink) color
conditional formatting? box, as shown in Figure 6-39. Click OK twice.
Figure 6-39
Selecting a background color
for the rule
8. In the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog box, click the New Rule button.
9. In the New Formatting Rule dialog box, select Format only top or bottom ranked
10. In the Edit the Rule Description section, in the first drop-down list on the left, select
Bottom, and then click the % of the selected range checkbox.
11. Click the Format button.
12. In the Format Cells dialog box, click a yellow background color on the Fill tab, and then
click OK twice. The Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog box should look
similar to Figure 6-40.
Figure 6-40
The Conditional Formatting
Rules Manager dialog box with
two rules configured
Formatting Cells and Ranges 171
13. Click OK. The Rules Manager applies the rules to the selected cells, as shown in Figure
6-41. This view enables you to see the top 10 percent and bottom 10 percent values in
the range.
Figure 6-41
The worksheet with the top
10% and bottom 10% rules
14. SAVE the workbook to your Lesson 6 folder as 06 Patient Visits Conditional Formatting
Revised Solution.
The Excel Rules Manager enables you to create, modify, apply, remove, and manage condition-
al formatting, including multiple criteria, all in one dialog box.
In addition, you can display the Rules Manager to see what rules are in effect for the worksheet
and apply those rules at an appropriate time. From the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager
dialog box, you can add new rules, edit existing rules, or delete one or all of the rules. The rules
are applied in the order in which they are listed in the Rules Manager. You can apply all the rules,
or you can apply specific rules to analyze the data. Formatting is visible when the Conditional
Formatting Rules Manager dialog box is open. Thus, you can experiment with the formats you
want to apply and the order in which they are applied.
GET READY. USE the workbook you saved in the previous exercise.
1. Select A3:O3.
2. On the HOME tab, in the Editing group, open the Clear menu, and select Clear Formats.
The formatting for the range A3:O3 is removed.
3. In the upper-left corner of your worksheet, at the intersection of the column and row
headings, click the Select All button, or press Ctrl+A.
4. From the Clear menu, click Clear Formats. All worksheet formatting disappears.
5. Close the workbook without saving your changes.
CLOSE Excel.
As you saw in this exercise, clearing formatting from cells or an entire worksheet does not affect
the text, numbers, or formulas in the worksheet.
172 Lesson 6
Skill Summary
In this lesson you learned how: Exam Objective Number
Knowledge Assessment
Multiple Choice
Select the best response for the following statements.
1. You want to insert a cell into your worksheet. Which command do you use?
a. The Insert command in the Cells group on the HOME tab
b. The Format command in the Cells group on the HOME tab
c. The Format Painter command in the Clipboard group on the HOME tab
d. The Format command in the shortcut menu when you right-click a cell
2. You want to format a cell so the text is spread evenly throughout the cell, wrapping
automatically and adjusting the row height, if necessary. Which alignment option do
you choose?
a. Center
b. Middle Align
c. Justify
d. Distributed
3. You want to fit a long column heading into a small space without changing the font size
or column width. Which of the following is the best choice?
a. Adjust text orientation.
b. Use the Center alignment command.
c. Use the Merge & Center command.
d. Apply a special character attribute.
4. How do you display the Mini toolbar?
a. Left-click a cell.
b. Right-click a cell.
c. Select Format > Mini toolbar.
d. Select View > Mini toolbar.
Formatting Cells and Ranges 173
5. Which of the following can you not copy using Format Painter?
a. Font color
b. Bold
c. Font size
d. Cell content
6. Which Paste Special option pastes only the result of a formula rather than the formula
a. Formulas
b. Values
c. Formats
d. Formulas and number formats
7. You don’t like the cell style you just applied. Which of the following is the least effective
way to remove or replace the style?
a. Apply another style to the cell.
b. Use the Undo command.
c. Clear the cell’s content.
d. Apply the Normal style to the cell.
8. How do you remove a hyperlink?
a. Delete the cell.
b. Edit the cell’s style.
c. Reformat the cell.
d. Right-click the cell and select Remove Hyperlink.
9. In which group on the HOME tab is the Clear Formats command located?
a. In the Editing group
b. In the Clipboard group
c. In the Font group
d. In the Cells group
10. Which of the following is not useful for changing the font size?
a. Font Size drop-down list
b. Increase Font Size button
c. Decrease Font Size button
d. Orientation button
True / False
Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
T F 1. When you delete cells in a worksheet, you remove one or more cells, forcing
other cells to move down or to the right.
T F 2. When selecting a font color, you can choose a themed color but not a standard
color from the palette.
T F 3. When you point to defined styles in the Cell Styles gallery, you can see the
formatting that will be used when you apply each style.
T F 4. Underlining a cell’s content is the same as adding a border.
T F 5. You can apply multiple conditional formatting criteria or rules to the same set of
T F 6. Deleting a cell is the same as clearing a cell’s content.
T F 7. A hyperlink enables you to navigate to a web page, another file, or to a specific
location in another file.
T F 8. Style attributes include fonts and font sizes, number formats, and borders and
T F 9. You cannot split a single worksheet cell that has not been merged.
T F 10. After you select a color and apply it to a cell’s background, the Fill Color button
takes on that color.
174 Lesson 6
Competency Assessment
Proficiency Assessment
3. Use the Format Painter to format cells A13:D14 in the same style as A12:D12.
4. Use the Copy command to copy the new enrollment date (1/14/2013) to replace the
1/3/2013 dates in rows 11 and 12.
5. Use Paste Special to copy the GPA formula and number format from a cell that displays
a GPA to the two new cells that do not have GPAs entered.
6. Modify the formula in the GPA column for Cassie Hicks to total 3.3, 3.5, and 3.7.
7. Modify the formula in the GPA column for Jeff Price to total 2.9, 3.4, and 3.5.
8. Format A2:E2 as 20% - Accent1 and reapply italics.
9. SAVE the workbook to your Lesson 6 folder as 06 Fine Art Revised Solution and close
the file.
Mastery Assessment
CLOSE Excel.
Worksheets 7
Lesson Skill Matrix
Skills Exam Objective Objective Number
Working with Rows and Columns Insert and delete columns and rows. 1.3.3
Adjust row height and column width. 1.3.5
Hide columns and rows. 1.4.2
Transpose columns and rows. 2.3.3
Key Terms
• boundary
• column heading
• column width
• document theme
• effects
• footer
• gridlines
• header
• orientation
• page break
• Page Break Preview
• Print Preview
• row heading
• row height
• scaling
• transposing
• watermark
• white space
© fatihhoca /iStockphoto
178 Lesson 7
Consolidated Messenger is a same-day and rush delivery service to more than 500
attorneys in New York City. The company offers foot, bike, and vehicle deliveries
to provide court filings, process serving, document and small package delivery,
and records retrieval. Consolidated Messenger dispatchers use Excel worksheets
to track daily deliveries. The accounting department combines worksheets from all
dispatchers to process invoices and payroll, and to provide reports to management.
The management reports must look professional and be highly readable whether
viewed onscreen or printed. In this lesson, you learn how to work with rows and
© fatihhoca /iStockphoto
columns in a worksheet, apply themes, modify a worksheet’s onscreen and printed
appearance, insert headers and footers, and prepare a document for printing.
Software Orientation
Figure 7-1
tab command groups
Formatting Worksheets 179
GET READY. Before you begin these steps, be sure to launch Microsoft Excel.
1. Open the workbook named 07 Messenger Row-Column.
2. Click the row 14 heading to select the entire row.
3. On the HOME tab, in the Cells group, click the Insert button arrow and select Insert
Sheet Rows, as shown in Figure 7-2. A new blank row appears as row 14.
Figure 7-2
The Insert menu
1.3.3 4. To insert several rows at once, click the row 25 heading, hold down the Ctrl key, and
then click row headings 34 and 43. Right-click any of the selected rows and select
How do you insert a row in Insert from the shortcut menu. Blank rows appear above the selected rows, so that
a worksheet? data for each messenger is separated by a blank row.
5. Click the column D heading to select the entire column. This column contains the
delivery zone.
Another Way 6. On the HOME tab, in the Cells group, click the Delete button arrow and select Delete
To delete an entire Sheet Columns. The Zone column disappears.
row, select the row or rows 7. Right-click the row 3 heading and select Insert from the shortcut menu. In cell A3, type
to be deleted, right-click the Zone 1.
selection, and select Delete
8. Select A3:I3. On the HOME tab, in the Alignment group, click the Merge & Center
from the shortcut menu.
button. The “Zone 1” text is centered across the data columns.
9. SAVE the workbook as 07 Messenger Row-Column Solution.
Pause. leave the workbook open to use in the next exercise.
How do you delete a row The row heading or column heading is its identifying letter or number. You select an entire
from a worksheet? row or column by clicking its heading. To select multiple adjacent rows or columns, click the first
180 Lesson 7
row or column heading, hold the Shift key, and then click the last heading. You can also select
multiple nonadjacent rows or columns. Just click the first row or column heading, and then hold
down the Ctrl key while clicking other headings.
Figure 7-3
Double-clicking the boundary Selecting the
line between columns G and H boundary line
1.3.5 2. Click anywhere in column H. On the HOME tab, in the Cells group, click the Format
button arrow and select Column Width. In the Column Width dialog box (see Figure
How do you adjust the width 7-4), in the Column width text box, type 16 and then click OK. All content in column H
of a column in a worksheet? appears.
Figure 7-4
The Column Width dialog box
3. Click and hold the boundary under the row 3 heading. Drag the line up to decrease the
height of row 3 to 18, as shown in Figure 7-5. Notice that a ScreenTip appears as you
drag the boundary line, showing you the height of the row in points (the first number)
and pixels.
Formatting Worksheets 181
Figure 7-5
Decreasing a row’s height by ScreenTip
dragging the boundary line showing
row height
Another Way 4. Select row 2. On the HOME tab, in the Cells group, click the Format button arrow and
To access the select AutoFit Row Height. With the row still selected, click the Format button arrow
Column Width dialog box to again and select Row Height. The Row Height dialog box indicates that the row is 18.75
change a column’s width, se- points in height. Click OK.
lect the column, right-click the 5. SAVE the workbook.
selection, and select Column
Width from the shortcut menu. Pause. leave the workbook open to use in the next exercise.
Row height, or the top-to-bottom measurement of a row, is measured in points; one point is
1.3.5 equal to 1/72 inch. The default row height is 15 points, but you can specify a row height of 0 to
409 points. Column width is the left-to-right measurement of a column. Although you can
specify a column width of 0 to 255 characters, the default column width is 8.43 characters (based
How do you adjust
on the default font and font size). If a column width or row height is set to 0, the corresponding
the height of a row in
a worksheet?
column or row is hidden.
As you learned in Lesson 2, when the text you enter exceeds the column width, the text overflows
to the next column, or it is truncated when the next cell contains data. Similarly, if the value
entered in a column exceeds the column width, the #### symbols appear, which indicate the
number is larger than the column width.
Take Note To quickly AutoFit the entries in all rows on a worksheet, click the Select All icon in the upper-left
corner of your worksheet (at the intersection of column and row headings), then double-click one
of the row boundaries.
Depending on the alignment of the data in your columns, worksheet data may appear crowded
or too loose when you use the AutoFit Column Width option because this option adjusts column
width to the exact width of the longest entry in the column. Therefore, after using this option,
you may want to use the mouse to drag the right column boundary for any columns that seem
crowded or have too much white space. White space is the empty area of a document, in which
no content appears.
Take Note You can use the Format Painter to copy the width of one column to other columns. To do so, select
the heading of the first column, click the Format Painter, and then click the heading of the column
or columns to which you want to apply the column width.
In Excel, you can change the default width for all columns on a worksheet or a workbook. To
do so, click Format and then select Default Width. In the Standard Width dialog box, type a
new default column measurement. Note that when changing the default column width or row
height, columns and rows that contain data or that have been previously formatted retain their
Figure 7-6
Four columns selected
2. On the HOME tab, in the Alignment group, click the Center icon, as shown in Figure 7-7.
The content in columns F through I is centered.
Figure 7-7
The Center icon in the
Alignment group
Center icon
In this exercise, you could have selected data ranges and then applied formatting. For example,
you could have selected A4: I4 and centered the headings. However, formatting rows and columns
rather than applying formatting to a range of cells that contain data has an advantage: When you
insert rows or columns or add additional data to a worksheet in the future, the new data will be
formatted correctly.
Some formatting shouldn’t be applied to an entire row or column. For example, when you apply a
cell style with an underline effect, such as the Heading 1 cell style, to an entire row, you will see
the underline in all blank cells to the end of the row (cell XFD1).
Figure 7-8
The Date and Time columns Green line indicates
hidden content.
are no longer visible in the
Columns D and E
worksheet. no longer appear.
3. Click in any cell. The green line disappears, and the boundary between columns C and
F is a double vertical line (see Figure 7-9), which indicates hidden columns.
Figure 7-9
The double vertical boundary Double vertical
boundary line
line indicates hidden columns.
4. Select row 3. On the HOME tab, in the Cells group, click the Format button arrow, point
How do you unhide a row or
to Hide & Unhide, and select Hide Rows, as shown in Figure 7-10. Row 3 is now hidden.
column in a worksheet?
Figure 7-10
The Hide & Unhide menu
5. Select rows 2 and 4. Right-click the selection and select Unhide. Row 3 is now visible.
Troubleshooting When you select rows 2 and 4 to unhide the hidden row, you must select them in a way that
includes the hidden rows. Press Shift when you select row 4 or select row 2 and drag to include
row 4. If you select row 2, press Ctrl, and click row 4, the hidden row will not unhide. Addition-
ally, selecting only the data in the rows will not release the hidden row.
A worksheet may contain rows or columns of sensitive or extraneous data that you are not using
or do not want to be visible while you are working in other areas of the worksheet. Using the Hide
command simply hides them from view, but they still exist in the worksheet.
To make hidden rows visible, select the row above and the row below the hidden row or rows and
use the Unhide Rows command. To display hidden columns, select the adjacent columns and
follow the same steps used for displaying hidden rows.
You can use the Go To feature, introduced in Lesson 1, to find a hidden row or column and then
make it visible.
Figure 7-11
The Paste Special dialog box
Transpose option
6. Click OK. The data appears with the row data in columns and the column data in rows,
as shown in Figure 7-12.
Formatting Worksheets 185
Figure 7-12
Transposed data
Original data
Transposed data
How do you transpose a row Pause. leave Excel open to use in the next exercise.
or column?
Using Themes
A document theme is a predefined set of colors, fonts, and effects that can be applied to an
Bottom Line
entire workbook or to specific items within a workbook, such as charts or tables. You can use docu-
ment themes to easily format an entire document and give it a fresh, professional look. Themes can
be shared across other Office applications, such as Microsoft Office Word and Microsoft Office
PowerPoint, enabling you to give all your Office documents a uniform look in terms of colors,
fonts, and effects. (Effects, such as shadows or bevels, modify the appearance of an object.)
Figure 7-13
The Themes gallery
The Facet theme
6. Click Sheet2. Notice that the font changed on that sheet as well.
7. Click Sheet1 to return to the main worksheet. On the HOME tab, in the Styles group,
click the Cell Styles button arrow to display the Styles gallery. Notice that the color
How do you change a schemes for the various groups have changed. This is because a new document theme
workbook theme? has been applied, and several built-in cell styles were created using theme fonts and
8. SAVE the workbook as 07 Messenger Theme Solution.
The default document theme in Excel 2013 is named Office. Document themes are consistent in
all Microsoft Office 2013 programs.
Applying a new theme changes fonts and colors, and the color of shapes and SmartArt, tables,
charts, and other objects.
Cross You’ll learn about tables in Lesson 9, charts in Lesson 12, and shapes, SmartArt, and other graph-
Ref ics in Lesson 13.
Remember that cell styles are used to format specific cells or ranges within a worksheet; document
themes are used to apply sets of styles (colors, fonts, lines, and fill effects) to an entire document.
Many built-in cell styles use theme-aware formatting, so applying a new theme determines which
fonts and colors are used by styles. That’s why you noticed a change in the Styles gallery after
applying the new theme in the exercise. However, styles are independent from themes in that you
can change styles regardless of the theme that’s applied to a document.
Take Note When you apply a heading cell style to text and then increase the font size of that cell, the font size
will not change after applying a new document theme. If you don’t change the font size of heading
text, apply a heading cell style, and then apply a new theme, the heading text will display in the
default font size for the new theme.
Customizing a Theme
You can create a customized theme by making changes to one or more of an existing theme’s com-
ponents—colors, fonts, or effects (line and fill effects). The changes you make to one or more of
a theme’s components immediately affect the styles that you have applied in the active document.
Many companies create a customized document theme and use it consistently. You can experiment
by applying various predefined themes until you decide on the “look” that appeals to you.
Formatting Worksheets 187
Figure 7-14
Colors menu
Theme colors
Customize Colors
Figure 7-15
Create New Theme Colors
dialog box
5. Open the Text/Background - Dark 2 drop-down list. The current color is highlighted
under Theme Colors. Click Black, Background 1, Lighter 15% as shown in Figure 7-16 to
change the color to dark gray.
188 Lesson 7
Figure 7-16
Selecting a new theme color
Name box
6. In the Name box at the bottom of the dialog box, type Consolidated Messenger and
click Save. The new text color is reflected in row 1. If you want to modify colors for
Consolidated Messenger in the future, just modify the Consolidated Messenger color
scheme, which appears at the top of the Colors menu.
7. SAVE the workbook.
Take Note To return all theme color elements to their original colors, click the Reset button in the Create
New Theme Colors dialog box before you click Save.
In the Create New Theme Colors dialog box, click the button next to the theme color element you
want to change. Theme colors are presented in every color gallery with a set of lines and shades
based on those colors. By selecting colors from this matched set, you can make formatting choices
for individual pieces of content that will still follow the themes. When the theme colors change,
the gallery of colors changes and so does all document content using them.
Theme colors (referred to as color schemes) contain four text and background colors, six accent
colors, and two hyperlink colors. It is easy to create your own theme that can be applied to all of
your Excel workbooks and other Office 2013 documents. You can choose any of the color schemes
shown in Figure 7-14, or you can create your own combination of colors.
Figure 7-17
Cell styles that use built-in
themes reflect any changes
you make to theme fonts.
Heading styles
show Arial font.
Troubleshooting If your customized theme font is not automatically applied, click Cell Styles and click the cus-
tomized heading font to apply it. For example, click A1, go to Cell Styles on the HOME tab,
and select Title.
6. On the PAGE LAYOUT tab, in the Themes group, click Themes and then click Save
Current Theme. The Save Current Theme dialog box opens.
7. In the File name box, type Consolidated Messenger and click Save. Your customized
document theme is saved in the Document Themes folder, and it is automatically
added to the list of custom themes that now appears at the top of the Themes gallery,
as shown in Figure 7-18.
Figure 7-18
Custom theme appears at the New custom theme
top of the Themes gallery.
8. On the PAGE LAYOUT tab, in the Themes group, click Effects. Theme effects are sets of
lines and fill effects. Hovering your mouse over the effects might show subtle changes
in the cells; however, you will notice the result of changing an effect only if you have
charts, shapes, SmartArt, or similar graphics in your workbook.
9. Click the Reflection effect to apply it to the workbook. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click
Undo to undo the theme effect.
10. SAVE the workbook and CLOSE the file.
You can customize any of the built-in themes by changing the attributes of the theme. For ex-
ample, say you like the colors in the Organic theme but you want to use a different font. In this
situation, first apply the Organic theme, then click Theme Fonts and apply the font of your choice.
You can then save the resulting theme and apply it to other documents. You cannot change the
built-in theme effects, but you can apply a different built-in effect to modify the appearance of the
theme you are editing, which can include changing the shading, beveling, or other effects.
If you want to delete a customized theme, open the Themes gallery, right-click the custom theme
at the top of the gallery, and select Delete from the shortcut menu. The same principle applies to
customized color schemes, font schemes, and effects schemes.
190 Lesson 7
Workplace Ready
Putting Themes to Work
Microsoft Office themes bring a unified look and feel to business documents across Office applica-
tions. Whether you use a ready-made theme or customize your own, you can apply the same theme
to Excel, Word, and PowerPoint documents. You can also apply a theme to many of the templates
available for all three applications. Let’s look at some ideas for using themes effectively.
If your organization is divided into regions, create custom themes with the same fonts but differ-
ent color schemes for each group. Apply the themes to each group’s financial reports to know at a
glance which report is for which group.
Prepare professional-looking meeting materials in Excel, Word, and PowerPoint with the same
design elements by simply applying the same theme.
Create proposals, estimates, invoices, and project plans using the same theme, and include your
organization’s logo. Your prospects and customers will easily recognize your materials.
Figure 7-19
The worksheet with a
background image
6. On the PAGE LAYOUT tab, in the Page Setup group, click Delete Background. The
background is removed.
7. SAVE the workbook as 07 Messenger Appearance Solution.
You should carefully consider the use of background images and use them judiciously. An image
can detract from the readability of a worksheet if the wrong image is selected. You can lighten an
image, or apply a light color cell shading, to make a background image work well. It’s also best to
remove gridlines when a sheet background is used. You’ll learn about gridlines in the next section.
Figure 7-20
The Gridlines check boxes
View and Print check boxes
for gridlines
5. Click the Dialog Box Launcher in the Sheet Options group to open the Page Setup
dialog box.
6. On the Sheet tab, notice that the Gridlines check box is checked. Click the Print Preview
button. Gridlines appear in the preview, as shown in Figure 7-21.
Figure 7-21
Print Preview showing
Gridlines appear
in the preview.
7. In the upper-left corner of the Print window, click the Back button to return to the
8. SAVE the workbook.
Pause. leave the workbook open to use in the next exercise.
How do you modify
page setup? Lesson 3 introduced you to Backstage, Print Preview, and some printing options. Print Preview
is the screen that appears when you click the FILE tab and then click Print, or if you click Print
Preview in a dialog box that provides the button. In Print Preview, you can see what your docu-
ment will look like before sending it to the printer.
6. On the Sheet tab, notice that the Row and column headings check box is checked. Click
the Print Preview button. Row and column headings appear in the preview, as shown
in Figure 7-22.
Figure 7-22
Print Preview showing row and
column heading.
7. In the upper-left corner of the Print window, click the Back button to return to the
8. On the PAGE LAYOUT tab, in the Sheet Options group, uncheck the Headings Print
check box.
9. SAVE the workbook.
Three header
text boxes:
left, center,
and right
4. Click the Go to Footer button in the Navigation group on the ribbon. The cursor
appears in the center text box in the footer.
5. In the Header & Footer Elements group, click Page Number. The code &[Page] appears
in the text box, as shown in Figure 7-24. The ampersand symbol (&) indicates that the
appropriate page number will be added to each page of the printed worksheet.
Figure 7-24
The page number code
Excel inserts a
page number code
6. Click in a worksheet cell that’s not part of the footer, and then click the Normal view
icon on the right side of the status bar.
7. SAVE the workbook as 07 Messenger Header-Footer Solution.
Take Note The addition of the DESIGN contextual tab illustrates one advantage of Excel’s ribbon interface.
With the ribbon, instead of every command being available all the time, some commands appear
only in response to specific user actions.
Because the footer is wider than the right text box, the majority of the footer is moved
to the center text box, and the page number appears in the right text box, as shown in
Figure 7-25.
You can populate headers and footers by selecting one or more predefined elements in Excel, which
inserts codes into the header or footer. When your workbook is printed, Excel replaces these codes
with the current date, current time, and so on. You can view how the headers and footers will look
by using Print Preview in Backstage view.
Many of Excel’s predefined headers and footers combine one or more elements. In the previous
exercise, you inserted a combined entry by clicking it. You can then customize the appearance of
your header or footer in Page Layout view. Within this view, once you have the header or foot-
er selected, you can modify the appearance of the text it contains using the Font group on the
HOME tab. In this way, you can change font type or size, add special effects, or add other options
to your text.
Figure 7-26
Modifying a header with your
own content
User-added text
Inserting a Watermark
In most documents, a watermark is text or a picture that appears behind a document, similar
to a sheet background in Excel. However, Excel doesn’t print sheet backgrounds, so it cannot be
used as a watermark. Excel 2013 doesn’t provide a watermark feature, but you can mimic one by
displaying a graphic in a header or footer. This graphic will appear behind the text, and it will
display and print in the style of a watermark.
Figure 7-27
The worksheet with a
watermark appears
The watermark in this exercise was created using a simple graphic program and saved as a trans-
parent GIF file, so only the text and not the background of the image displays as a watermark.
You can resize or scale the picture using the Format Picture button on the Design tab in the
Header & Footer Elements group. Clicking the button opens the Format Picture dialog box,
where you can select the options you want on the Size tab.
To remove the watermark, go to the header text box and delete the &[Picture] code.
Cross You learned how to set the print area and some other print features in Lesson 3.
4. In the Rows to repeat at top text box, type 1:4, as shown in Figure 7-28. This will repeat
the first four rows of the worksheet, which includes column headings, on every page.
Figure 7-28
The Page Setup dialog box,
Print area text box
Sheet tab
Rows to repeat at top
(also called print titles)
5. Click Print Preview. The Print Preview window appears. Click the right-facing arrow
1.5.5 at the bottom of the screen to advance to the second page. The first four rows of the
worksheet appear on the second page (see Figure 7-29). Click the left-facing arrow to
How do you repeat headers return to the preview of page 1.
and footers?
Figure 7-29
Print Preview shows that
the first four rows of the The first four rows
of the worksheet
worksheet appear on the repeat
second page.
Navigation arrows
Figure 7-30
Page Break Preview showing a
horizontal page break
4. Click and hold the horizontal automatic page break and drag it upward so it is now
below row 46. The automatic page break is now a manual page break represented by a
solid blue line.
5. On the VIEW tab, in the Workbook Views group, click Normal.
6. SAVE the workbook as 07 Messenger Print Solution.
Use manual page breaks to control page break locations. You can drag an automatic page break to
a new location to convert it to a manual page break.
Another way to insert a manual page break is to click a cell in the row where you want a page break
to occur, then click the PAGE LAYOUT tab. In the Page Setup group, click Breaks and then click
Insert Page Break. A horizontal page break appears.
Formatting Worksheets 199
Setting Margins
Margins are an effective way to manage and optimize the white space on a printed worksheet.
Achieving balance between data and white space adds significantly to the readability and appear-
ance of a worksheet. In Excel, you can choose one of three built-in margin sets, or you can create
customized margins using the Page Setup dialog box.
Figure 7-31
The Page Setup dialog box,
Margins tab
margin settings
Center on page
4. Change the left and right margins to 1.4. This will make the margins slightly wider than
5. Check the Center on page Horizontally check box. The content in your worksheet will
print centered.
6. Click Print Preview. The page is centered horizontally, as shown in Figure 7-32.
Figure 7-32
Print Preview shows the page
centered horizontally
Page is
200 Lesson 7
The Margins menu includes predefined Normal, Wide, and Narrow settings. The Normal margin
setting is the default for a new workbook. Narrower margins allow more area for data when you
print a workbook, where wider margins will introduce more white space. You can also set custom
margins in Excel.
When you click Custom Margins at the bottom of the Margins menu, the Page Setup dialog box
opens with the settings that have been applied to the active worksheet. You can change any of the
settings to create a custom margin setting. Header and footer margins automatically adjust when
you change the page margins.
Worksheets that do not fill an entire page can be centered vertically and horizontally, thereby
evenly distributing the page’s white space. Use the Margins tab of the Page Setup dialog box to
set these features.
To quickly remove all manual page breaks from a worksheet, on the PAGE LAYOUT tab, in the
Page Setup group, click the Breaks arrow button and select Reset All Page Breaks.
Orientation is the way your workbook or worksheet appears on the printed page. There are two
settings: Portrait and Landscape. Portrait is a vertical printing of the workbook, and Landscape
is the horizontal aspect. By default, all workbooks and worksheets are printed in Portrait. Use the
Landscape orientation when the width of the area you want to print is greater than the height.
Data is easier to read when all the columns fit on one page. This can often be accomplished by
changing a worksheet’s orientation to Landscape. When you can’t fit all of the data on one printed
Formatting Worksheets 201
page by changing the orientation, you can shrink or reduce it using Excel’s scaling options, as
described in the next exercise.
Figure 7-33
Viewing the worksheet after
scaling it to fit on one page
Content is
compressed to fit
on a single page
Take Note The Width and Height settings must be set to Automatic if you want to specify a scale, such
as 75%.
202 Lesson 7
Skill SummarY
In this lesson you learned how: Exam Objective Number
To work with columns and rows. Insert and delete columns and rows. 1.3.3
Adjust row height and column width. 1.3.5
Hide columns and rows. 1.4.2
Transpose columns and rows. 2.3.3
To use themes. Change workbook themes. 1.3.4
To modify a worksheet’s onscreen Modify page setup. 1.3.2
and printed appearance.
To insert headers and footers. Insert headers and footers. 1.3.7
Insert watermarks. 1.3.6
Repeat headers and footers. 1.5.5
To prepare a document for printing. Set print scaling. 1.5.4
Configure workbooks to print. 1.5.7
Knowledge Assessment
Multiple Choice
Select the best response for the following statements.
5. Where are check boxes you can select to view or print gridlines?
a. In Print Preview
b. On the HOME tab, in the Cells group
c. On the PAGE LAYOUT tab, in the Sheet Options group
d. On the PAGE LAYOUT tab, in the Page Setup group
6. Which Excel feature or view lets you drag automatic page breaks, converting them to
manual page breaks, to achieve a more desirable printed document?
a. Print Preview
b. Page Break Preview
c. Page Layout view
d. Normal view
7. Which feature do you use to repeat column A on every page when printing a multiple-
page worksheet?
a. Print Titles
b. Page Break Preview
c. A header
d. Custom margins
8. Which is not a predefined margin setting?
a. Normal
b. Large
c. Narrow
d. Wide
9. How do you unhide a hidden row or column?
a. Select a range of cells in the row or column, right-click, and select Unhide.
b. Use the Page Setup dialog box.
c. Remove all page breaks.
d. Select the rows/columns before and after the hidden rows/columns and then right-
click and select Unhide.
10. A worksheet is a little too wide to print on one page. Which feature can you use to force
all data to print on one page?
a. A page break
b. The Wide margin setting
c. Scale to Fit
d. Commands in the Sheet Options group on the PAGE LAYOUT tab
Competency Assessment
9. Open the Heading font drop-down menu and select Arial. Click Save.
10. On the PAGE LAYOUT tab, in the Themes group, click Themes and then click Save
Current Theme. The Save Current Theme dialog box opens.
11. In the File name box, type WingTipToys and click Save.
12. SAVE the workbook as 07 Wingtip Toys Solution and CLOSE the file.
Take Note Remember, you can delete a customized theme by opening the Themes gallery, right-clicking the
custom theme at the top of the gallery, and then selecting Delete from the shortcut menu. Similar
steps apply to customized color schemes and font schemes. However, it’s recommended that you
don’t delete customizations until you’re finished with the course.
Proficiency Assessment
twice because some of the selected data is already centered. The first click removes
centering for those cells, and the second click applies it to all selected cells.
4. On the PAGE LAYOUT tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Dialog Box Launcher. In
the Page Setup dialog box, click the Margins tab.
5. Uncheck the Center on page Vertically check box. Click OK.
6. Click in row 10. On the PAGE LAYOUT tab, in the Page Setup group, click Breaks and
select Insert Page Break.
7. On the INSERT tab, in the Text group, click Header & Footer. Type the text A. Datum
March 2013 Board Meeting in the center header text box.
8. Click the Go to Footer button in the Navigation group. With the cursor in the center
footer text box, click Footer in the Header & Footer group and select Confidential,
<date>, Page 1.
9. Click outside of the header area, on the status bar, click the Normal view icon.
10. Preview the worksheet for printing.
11. SAVE the workbook as 07 ADatum Header-Footer Solution and CLOSE the file.
Mastery Assessment
5. Set rows 1 through 3 to repeat on every page, anticipating that additional rows will be
added to a future revision of the worksheet.
6. Insert a footer that includes the file name and page number.
7. Configure gridlines to appear in printed worksheets.
8. Scale the width of the worksheet to fit on one page.
9. Preview the worksheet for printing.
10. SAVE the workbook as 07 Payroll Solution and CLOSE the file.
CLOSE Excel.
8 Managing
Key Terms
• Find command
• freeze
• hide
• pane
• Replace command
• unhide
• zoom
© skynesher /iStockphoto
Managing Worksheets 209
You work for an office management service whose clients include a local
athletic club. Inside the club is a spa, which maintains its books separately
from the rest of the club. The way the spa organizes its records, each day’s
clients are recorded on an individual Excel worksheet, and each week’s
transactions are recorded in a workbook file. Each new week begins with
a kind of “template,” containing one form for Monday’s clients. Your job
is to record the transactions for each client on its own line of a worksheet,
© skynesher /iStockphoto so that the totals for that sheet reflect the final totals for the day. For each
new day of the week, it’s up to you to add new sheets to the workbook using Monday’s sheet as a form. So
you need to know how to add, move, and change the components of an Excel workbook, as well as change
your view of the data in the worksheets of that workbook, to make them easier for you to manage.
Software Orientation
Worksheet Management
Think of an Excel workbook as a collection of the types of things you used to see recorded
on paper and stored in a folder that was then filed in a cabinet. A workbook does not have to
include the contents of the entire cabinet, just the records that pertain to one subject. Business
transactions that take place during a period of time, such as a specific week or month, might
make up a workbook. If you’re keeping track of time that clients spend, you might create a
workbook that breaks down how your clients spend their time into categories, and have one tab
for each category. If your clients are billed on different cycles, then you might need a workbook
that shows you when each client should be billed.
Figure 8-1
Commands to organize
Manage worksheets
shortcut menu
Hide and
Move and copy
Delete worksheets worksheets
from a workbook
210 Lesson 8
One good way to divide that workbook into sheets is to subcategorize transactions into days,
such as the records for a spa. Another option is to have each sheet represent a certain sales de-
partment. This assumes your workbook is used as a ledger, and Excel can also be used for many
other purposes besides keeping track of business accounts.
In this lesson, you become familiar with how a workbook contains worksheets, and how you
manipulate those worksheets within a workbook the way you might reorganize the contents
of a folder in your desk drawer. Unlike the old desk drawer, though, you have a few tools that
will remind you that you’re using a computer, such as the Find command to help you search for
certain contents. You find the commands for this lesson located in the Cells group and Editing
group, which are both located on the HOME tab (see Figure 8-1).
Organizing Worksheets
When you create a new Excel workbook, by default, it has one blank worksheet. You might need
Bottom Line
only one, though you can add more when you need multiple worksheets that pertain to the same
topic. There’s no practical limit to how many worksheets a workbook can contain. The order of
worksheets in a workbook is determined by the sequence of tabs along the bottom of the Excel
window. You use these tabs to switch between worksheets in the window. In this way, you can
arrange worksheets in a sensible order that helps you find them easier and keep related content
grouped together.
Copying a Worksheet
There’s a clear difference between copying the contents of a worksheet into another worksheet and
copying worksheets in their entirety. This objective covers the latter task, and one big reason you’d
want to do this is to create a new form that’s identical in style and format to an existing one, so
you can enter new data. Imagine a kind of ledger form that you publish for yourself, one sheet at
a time. You might need to delete some or all of the copied data in the newly produced worksheet,
depending on how much data you’ve already entered and how much of it also applies to the new
worksheet. Copying a worksheet duplicates everything, including formatting, data, and formulas.
GET READY. Before you begin these steps, LAUNCH Microsoft Excel.
1. OPEN the 08 Spa Services workbook for this lesson.
2. SAVE the workbook in the Lesson 8 folder as 08 Spa Services Week of 2-18-13 Solution.
3. With the Monday worksheet active, click the HOME tab, in the Cells group, click Format.
4. Click Move or Copy Sheet. The dialog box shown in Figure 8-2 opens. Here, the Before
sheet list shows the current sequence of worksheets in the workbook even if there’s
1.1.6 only one. The sheet selected represents the place you want to put the copied sheet in
front of.
How do you copy and 5. In the Before sheet list, select (move to end). Next, select the Create a copy box, as
move worksheets? shown in Figure 8-2, and then click OK. A copy of the Monday worksheet is inserted at
the end of the sequence, to the right of Lookup. The new worksheet is given the default
name Monday (2).
Managing Worksheets 211
Figure 8-2
Move or Copy dialog box
Another Way
You can also
right-click a worksheet’s tab
to display the shortcut menu,
6. Click the Monday worksheet tab. Next, click and hold the Monday tab, and then press
and then click Move or Copy
and hold Ctrl. The pointer changes from an arrow to a paper with a plus sign in it.
to display the Move or Copy
dialog box. 7. Drag the pointer to the right until the down-arrow just above the tabs bar points to
the divider to the right of Monday (2). Release the mouse button and Ctrl key. A new
worksheet is created, with its tab located just to the right of where the down-arrow was
pointing. Its name is Monday (3).
8. With Monday (3) active, click cell B4 and type the date 2/19/2013.
9. Select cells B8:H13.
10. Beginning in cell B8, type the following data, skipping over cells without an “x” or a
number (see Figure 8-3):
Figure 8-3
The completed Spa Services
When you need a new worksheet that has the styles, formatting, and formulas that work well in
an existing worksheet, it’s easy to just copy the existing one and place it where it needs to go in the
workbook. When it’s convenient, you should copy the existing one before you add data to it, but
that’s not always possible. Your copied worksheet contains a duplicate of whatever data the existing
one contains, but you can easily delete just the data without removing the formatting you wanted
to copy in the first place.
In the preceding exercise, you used two methods to copy a worksheet, resulting in a workbook
with three sheets. Excel gives each copied sheet a name, though probably just a temporary one
with the name of the copied sheet followed by a number in parentheses, such as Monday (3). Se-
lecting the Move or Copy Sheet command from the Format menu is more explicit, showing you a
dialog box with all your options.
The second method is more of a shortcut, where you hold the pointer down over the worksheet tab
while pressing Ctrl, and move the copied sheet to its new location. In Figure 8-4, you can see how
the mouse pointer helps you by signaling to you symbolically that you’re copying a worksheet. You
can use whichever method you prefer.
Figure 8-4
Copying a worksheet
using the mouse Worksheet copying mouse pointer
Renaming a Worksheet
The name Excel gives a newly copied worksheet is supposed to be temporary, because Excel can’t
guess the name you intend for it to be. In the example, obviously we don’t want multiple Mondays,
and the day for which you just entered transactions happens to be Tuesday.
Regina 210 x
Angela 44 x x x 1.5
Ariel 191 x x x x 1
Micaela 221 x x x 1
Julie 118 x x
Yolanda 21 x x x x 1
Gwen 306 x x x 1
Elizabeth H. 6 x x x x 1
Managing Worksheets 213
Figure 8-5
The completed Wednesday
PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and LEAVE it open to use in the next exercise.
Barbara C. 15 x x x x 1
Regina 210 x x 1
Ellen 301 x x
Genevieve 213 x x x x 1
214 Lesson 8
Take Note The worksheet you see when you first open a workbook is whichever sheet was active when you
last saved the workbook, regardless of where that sheet falls in the tab order.
Figure 8-6
Colored worksheet tabs
Managing Worksheets 215
PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and LEAVE it open to use in the next exercise.
Take Note When you copy a worksheet whose tab has been given a color, that color is copied to the new
worksheet along with its contents and formatting.
Figure 8-7
Unhide dialog box
4. Make sure Lookup is chosen in the Unhide sheet list, and then click OK. The Lookup
worksheet reappears and is activated.
5. In the Lookup worksheet, select cell B3.
6. Type 70 and press Enter.
7. Right-click the Lookup worksheet tab, and click Hide. The Lookup worksheet
disappears again, although the change you made to one price is reflected in the other
sheets that refer to it.
PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and LEAVE it open to use in the next exercise.
Take Note When a workbook contains hidden worksheets, the Unhide Sheet command is enabled in the
Format menu, and the Unhide command is enabled in the shortcut menu when you right-click
any tab.
To hide several worksheets at the same time, hold down Ctrl, click the tab for each sheet you want
to hide, then right-click any of these tabs and click Hide in the shortcut menu. However, you
can unhide only one worksheet at a time. You can right-click any visible tab and click Unhide to
216 Lesson 8
bring up the Unhide dialog box with the Unhide sheet list, where you choose a worksheet to make
Figure 8-8
Insert menu
Another Way
Excel has a process
for inserting a number of dif-
ferent things into a workbook,
with a worksheet being one of 3. Click Insert Sheet. A new, blank worksheet is created, and its tab is inserted before the
the selections. Right-click the tab of the active sheet (Wednesday). Excel gives it a temporary name, beginning with
tab to the right of the spot you Sheet followed by a number.
want the new worksheet, and 4. Move the new worksheet to the end of the tab sequence.
then click Insert. To insert a 5. Rename the new worksheet Survey.
blank worksheet (as opposed
6. Click the Wednesday worksheet tab again.
to an existing sheet with
something in it), choose Work- 7. Click the + button to the right of the worksheet tabs. Another new worksheet is created
sheet from the Insert dialog with a temporary name, and this time, its tab is inserted after Wednesday.
box as shown in Figure 8-9. 8. Rename this new worksheet Totals.
Some examples of preconfig-
ured worksheets appear under PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and LEAVE it open to use in the next exercise.
the Spreadsheet Solutions tab.
Managing Worksheets 217
Figure 8-9
Insert dialog box
Take Note In addition to common elements of Excel such as a worksheet and chart, the Insert dialog box
might also contain templates you have created yourself or downloaded from online. This way, if
you build a worksheet into a reusable form, you can save that form as a template and insert new
copies of that form into a workbook as you need them.
Take Note You can use the tabs bar to delete more than one worksheet at a time. To select a block of work-
sheets whose tabs are adjacent to one another, click the tab at one end of the block, then while
holding down the Shift key, click the tab at the other end. To select a group of worksheets that
might not be adjacent, click one worksheet’s tab, then while holding down the Ctrl key, click each
tab for the others. Once all the tabs you want to delete are highlighted, right-click any of those
tabs and in the shortcut menu, and then click Delete.
5. SAVE the workbook.
Troubleshooting Although Excel offers a reliable way to undo many of the things you do to workbooks by ac-
cident (press Ctrl + Z to step back over mistakes you made, for instance), you cannot undo the
deletion of a worksheet from a workbook. To protect yourself against losing hours of work,
save your workbook often. That way, if you do accidentally delete a worksheet, you can at
least recover a slightly older version from a saved file.
218 Lesson 8
Take Note You can paste data from the Clipboard to multiple worksheets simultaneously when they’re
grouped like this. You cannot, however, paste linked or embedded data (see Lesson 6, “Formatting
Cells and Ranges”) to multiple worksheets, only to one.
5. Adjust the width of column K to fit its contents (see Lesson 7, “Formatting
6. Select column M.
7. In the Font group, click B (Bold). All cells in column M are now boldfaced.
8. Click the tab for a worksheet other than Wednesday. The worksheets are now
ungrouped, but the changes you made to the previous sheet are reflected in all three
worksheets, as demonstrated by the reformatted Wednesday worksheet in Figure 8-10.
Managing Worksheets 219
Figure 8-10
Reformatted worksheet
Figure 8-11
Vertically tiled worksheets
Suppose you grouped several worksheets together, as you learned previously. When you try to copy
or cut data from any one worksheet in a group, Excel assumes you’re trying to extract that data
220 Lesson 8
from the entire group. So when you try to paste that data into a single, ungrouped worksheet—
perhaps in another book—you can’t. The reason is because Excel expects the area to which you’re
pasting data to be the same size as the cut or copied data, which in this case comes from multiple
sheets. Now, if you try to paste into a group of worksheets that’s the same number as the cut or
copied area comes from, you can.
Take Note When there is too little space for all the visible worksheet tabs to appear in the tabs bar, as is the
case in Figure 8-11, left and right scroll arrows appear next to one another in the lower left corner
of each window. Use these arrows to slide the tabs left and right until you find the one you’re
looking for.
When you save a workbook that has a number of windows open, and then close the workbook,
when you reopen that workbook later, it will open the same number of windows. So you don’t have
to create multiple windows with the New Window command all over again.
PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and LEAVE it open to use in the next exercise.
The Unhide dialog box shows the titles of windows as they would appear in their respective title
bars. Unfortunately, these titles are comprised of the names of the workbook in which the work-
sheets appear, not the worksheet titles as they appear on the tabs bar. If you’ve hidden more than
one window, you might have to guess which one has the contents you intend to unhide, unless you
remember the number that Excel assigned to the window when you invoked the New Window
command. That’s not a problem, of course, if you’ve hidden only one window. Just know that if
you’ve hidden more than one, you can’t negatively impact the workbook if you guess wrong.
Take Note Hiding an Excel worksheet and minimizing a window in Windows appear to have the same effect.
But they’re not quite the same act. Specifically, when you hide an Excel window, it disappears from
the Windows Taskbar, and you cannot restore it from there—only from Excel itself. If you try to
hide every Excel window, however, Excel leaves one open anyway. There won’t be any worksheets
in it, but it will contain the ribbon tabs so you can still operate the program. You need at least the
VIEW tab to eventually unhide a window.
Managing Worksheets 221
Workplace Ready
Ideas for Arranging Worksheets in Excel
You’ve seen how to build a workbook so that it includes multiple worksheets and how to arrange
the worksheets like pages in a folder. What arrangements do certain people—especially office
managers—expect to see in a workbook? You may know how to arrange the contents of a written
report, but which workbook arrangements are considered “right” and which ones are considered
There’s no set of answers that hold true for every professional office, although there are certain
guidelines you can follow, depending on the type of work your Excel workbooks are designed to
For example, not all Excel workbooks are digital versions of old, written ledgers. Assume you’ve
been asked to assemble a financial report for your boss, or the boss of your boss. Executives typ-
ically do not like to scroll down or wade through pages and pages of data just to find the results
they’re looking for, someplace along the end. Granted, many of the formulas you’ll enter will refer
to cells that happen to be above them, but that’s for when you’re creating the formulas. When you
present them, you might consider moving or copying the results to a special page at the “front”
(the far left side of the tabs). This way, when the boss opens the file, the summary data is right in
front of her.
Perhaps a workbook you’re working on is a special assignment, something that may help you to
produce a one-time report. The data you might be demonstrating at a meeting may not necessarily
be the entire workbook, especially if you plan to add charts (see Lesson 12). In such a situation,
it might be preferable for you to create one separate worksheet in your workbook that contains all
the presentable data, including the charts, so you can keep track of what you’re copying. It’s easy
to locate copies of your charts in PowerPoint, but it’s not always easy to find the original charts in
Excel if they’re scattered throughout the workbook.
222 Lesson 8
You’re familiar with a pane of glass on the window of your house. In some Windows applications,
including Excel, a pane is a portion of a divided window. Oftentimes with worksheets that are
serving as forms, you reserve a row of cells for use as labels. But when the amount of data you add
to that form gets too big, you can lose sight of that labels row when you need to scroll down. Excel
gives you a way to freeze portions of a worksheet onscreen so that when you do scroll down, or
even when you change magnification, you don’t lose track of which elements the labels refer to.
step by step Use Zoom and Freeze to Change the Onscreen View
Figure 8-12
Maximum zoom on
a worksheet
Another Way 5. Click the VIEW tab, and in the Zoom group, click 100%. The worksheet returns to
To choose a precise standard magnification. Scroll to the top of the worksheet so that row 1 is visible again.
screen magnification, rather If you need to, scroll left so you can also see column A again.
than just eyeballing it, click 6. On the VIEW tab, in the Window group, click Freeze Panes, and then click Freeze Panes
Zoom on the View tab, and in in the menu that appears. Cells above and to the left of the selected cell (B8) are now
the Zoom dialog box, under frozen in place for scrolling.
Magnification, in the Custom
7. Scroll down so that row 33 comes close to the labels in row 7. Notice that rows 1
box, type a number, and click
through 7 remain in place (see Figure 8-13).
Managing Worksheets 223
Figure 8-13
Worksheet with frozen panes
8. Press Ctrl + Home to scroll the worksheet to the top. In the Window group, click Freeze
1.4.11 Panes, and then click Unfreeze Panes. The thin lines denoting the frozen borders of the
worksheet disappear.
How do you freeze panes? PAUSE. LEAVE the workbook open to use in the next exercise.
If you’re accustomed to using the wheel of your mouse to scroll up and down, you can use the same
wheel while holding down the Ctrl key to zoom in (up) and out (down) of a worksheet.
Take Note The Freeze Top Row and Freeze First Column commands in the Freeze Panes menu of the Win-
dow group do not work in complement to one another. Choosing Freeze First Column, for in-
stance, unfreezes anything that was frozen previously, including the top row with Freeze Top Row.
Take Note The Find command does not match contents in a hidden worksheet.
224 Lesson 8
Figure 8-14
Find and Replace dialog box
7. Double-click the Find what text box, press Delete, and then type Beth. Click Find Next.
1.2.1 Excel highlights cell B15, whose contents include “beth” in the middle of the cell and in
a non-matching case.
How do you search for data 8. Select cell B9.
within a workbook? 9. In the dialog box, click Match case, and then click Find Next. This time, Excel reports
the text can’t be found, because it’s looking for a name that begins with a capital “B.”
Click OK to dismiss the message.
10. Double-click the Find what text box, press Delete, and then type 420. Click Find All. The
dialog box shows a detailed report listing all the cells in the workbook that contain the
value 420 (see Figure 8-15). In this case, it points to all the locations where customers
paid “the works” for all the services together.
Managing Worksheets 225
Figure 8-15
Find and Replace dialog box
after Find All
Troubleshooting If you can’t see the complete list shown here, you can scroll the list up or down using the scroll
bar along the right side of the list, or you can expand the dialog box to make it bigger, as in
Figure 8-15. Click and hold on the lower right corner of the frame, and then drag down to
stretch the frame larger.
11. Click the first item in the list whose Sheet entry is marked Tuesday. Excel brings up the
Tuesday worksheet and selects cell M9, which contains an entry for $420.00.
12. Click Close to dismiss the dialog box.
13. Close the other two open workbook windows.
Troubleshooting When you choose the Match entire cell contents option in the Find and Replace dialog box, Ex-
cel skips over cells whose contents do not match the text in the Find what box in their entirety.
For instance, in this case a search for “Elizabeth” would skip the cell containing “Elizabeth H.”
if the Match entire cell contents option is checked.
Take Note Excel searches for text or values in a worksheet or workbook by scanning from the current cell
pointer location down, not up. So if the active cell is below the text you’re searching for, it might
locate a cell down the list first. As you keep clicking Find Next, eventually Excel will wrap around
to the beginning and will find the text above the original cell pointer location. But it does matter
where you start.
Figure 8-16
Find and Replace dialog box
with Replace tab chosen
7. Click Replace All. Excel searches for all instances of Micaela and adds an “h” to the
middle (correcting this client’s spelling), and then will notify you when the job is done.
Excel makes one replacement.
8. Click OK, and then click Close.
Troubleshooting Use Replace All only when you are certain you need to replace every instance of a passage
of text or an item of data. There will be times when you need to replace only some instances
but not all of them, and it’s impossible to explain to Excel how to choose which ones change
and which don’t. In such a case, you can review each instance one-by-one in a list, and make
the decision yourself. Click Find Next to have Excel bring up the next instance, and then click
Replace if you do need to replace it or Find Next again to skip it and go to the next one.
Take Note When you need to search and replace only text or parts of a formula within a part of a worksheet,
select the range of cells to search first. When you open the Find and Replace dialog box, do not
use Replace All—that will search the entire worksheet or workbook (depending on the option set).
Instead, click Replace to have Excel replace the instance of the matched text in the active cell, and
then automatically search for the next instance within the block. Watch the location of the active
cell carefully. Keep clicking Replace only until the current cell reaches the end of the block.
Managing Worksheets 227
Skill Summary
In this lesson you learned how: Exam Objective Number
Knowledge Assessment
Multiple Choice
Select the best response for the following statements.
True / False
Circle T if the statement is true or F if it is false.
T F 1. The Arrange All command lets you stack Excel’s open windows horizontally or
T F 2. The Find and Replace button displays the Find and Replace dialog box.
T F 3. When you insert a new worksheet into a workbook, a new window appears.
T F 4. You unhide a hidden worksheet window with the Unhide Sheet command.
T F 5. Find & Select, by default, locates Carol in a search for Caroline, but will not
locate Mike in a search for Michael.
Managing Worksheets 229
Competency Assessment
13. If necessary, adjust the width of each column so that the entries are legible.
SAVE and CLOSE the workbook. LEAVE Excel open for the next project.
SAVE this workbook and CLOSE all windows related to it. LEAVE Excel open for the next
Managing Worksheets 231
Proficiency Assessment
SAVE this workbook and LEAVE it and Excel open for the next project.
232 Lesson 8
SAVE this workbook and CLOSE all windows associated with it.
Mastery Assessment
SAVE the workbook template and LEAVE both windows open for the next project.
Troubleshooting The nature of the error here is that the formula confuses “wheat rolls” with “white rolls,” and
vice versa. Though you study much more about formulas in the lessons to follow, here all you
need to know is that the terms for these pastries are juxtaposed with one another, and you
can use Find and Replace to make them switch places.
SAVE the 08 WG Sales 130520 Solution workbook and CLOSE both workbooks. CLOSE
Working with Data
and Macros 9
Lesson Skill Matrix
Skills Exam Objective Objective Number
Sorting Data
Filtering Data
Outlining and Subtotaling Data Create outlines. 2.3.5
Collapse groups of data in outlines. 2.3.6
Insert subtotals. 2.3.7
(continued on next page)
Key Terms
• auto-outline
• AutoFilter
• collapse
• criterion
• data file
• database
• delimiter
• filter
• grouping
• macro
• outline
• outline symbol
• parse
• quick format
• slicer
• subtotal
• table
• validation
©AlexRaths /iStockphoto
236 Lesson 9
You’ve been hired to keep the books at a local veterinary clinic. Its clientele is a bit
unusual in terms of bookkeeping. Although the patients have characteristics that
your co-workers need to keep track of, none of them are paying customers. Those
who pay on your patients’ behalf might be responsible for more than one patient at
a time.
Although Excel technically is not a database manager program, it’s used for data-
base management purposes in more offices than any other program. People ap-
©AlexRaths /iStockphoto preciate the convenience of keeping individual records aligned by single rows, so
everything you need to record about a certain feline or canine patient, for example,
is recorded in a single row. This way, you can have Excel sort an entire database by patients’ names or show
only certain records whose contents meet criteria that you specify (only the cats, for instance, or only the
spaniels) without disrupting the integrity of the database itself or changing the workbook.
Working with Data and Macros 237
Data Tab
Most of the exercises in this lesson use the DATA tab. Although spreadsheet programs such
as Excel were originally intended to serve as calculation engines, it’s often convenient to
have recordkeeping and calculation in the same program. Although you might imagine data
entry tasks as about as dull and repetitive as a marathon of city council meetings on public
access television, Excel actually makes data easy to import from sources other than your own
fingertips, and it makes it easy to arrange and manage that data properly once you bring it
into a workbook.
Figure 9-1 Figure 9-1 shows the DATA tab on a maximized Excel window, with many of the features
The DATA tab you use in this lesson pointed out.
importing Data
When you work with a workbook that requires a large amount of data, one thing you can fervently
Bottom Line
wish for is that the data already exists in some form and that you don’t have to type it manually. If
the data you need for a workbook is sourced outside of Excel, then what Excel needs is to be able
to receive that data in such a way that it can make sense of where cells begin and end and where
records begin and end. Even simple text files where values are separated (delimited) by commas
can be imported, because commas act like fence posts, and Excel recognizes fence posts. Complex
relational databases are comprised of multiple tables, and thus can’t be imported directly. So the
trick is to be able to open a connection to the database (such as a communications channel) and
stream the specific tables you need into Excel, in a manner that Excel can readily parse (interpret
GET READY. Before you begin these steps, LAUNCH Microsoft Excel.
1. If the active workbook is not a new, blank workbook, then click the FILE tab. In
Backstage, click New, and then click the thumbnail marked Blank workbook.
2. On the DATA tab, in the Get External Data group, click From Text.
3. In the Import Text File dialog box, locate and click 09 NA-EST2012-01.csv. Click Import.
4. In Step 1 of the Text Import Wizard, notice the preview at the bottom (see Figure 9-2).
This is Excel’s best guess, for the moment, as to how the data should be formatted.
There are population figures rendered in “quotation marks” with commas between
each figure. Here, each comma acts as the delimiter, and it’s difficult to judge whether
each figure between the commas will be the same length. Under Choose the file type
that best describes your data, choose Delimited, and select My data has headers.
Figure 9-2
Text Import Wizard, step 1
5. The preview shows the headers starting on row 3. Thus, for the Set import at row
option, choose 3. Click Next.
6. In Step 2 of the wizard, shown in Figure 9-3, uncheck Tab because the preview does
not indicate long spaces between the figures. Check Comma. Set Text qualifier to “
(quotation mark). Scroll down the Data preview pane, and notice now that Excel has
found the column separations between figures. Click Next.
Figure 9-3
Text Import Wizard, step 2
7. Step 3 of the wizard, shown in Figure 9-4, lets you establish the data type for each
discovered column. Click the first column in the Data preview pane. Then, under
Column data format, click Date. Click Finish.
Working with Data and Macros 239
Figure 9-4
Text Import Wizard, step 3
8. In the Import Data dialog box that appears next (see Figure 9-5), leave Where do you
want to put the data? set to Existing worksheet. Click OK.
Figure 9-5
Import Data dialog box
Figure 9-6
Freshly imported census data
240 Lesson 9
11. Click cell A2, type April 2010, and press Enter.
12. Drag the fill handle from cell A2 down to cell A34 and release. Excel changes the
entries in column A to proper months.
13. Delete rows 35 through 40.
14. SAVE the workbook in the Lesson 9 folder as 09 Monthly Census Data Solution.
CLOSE the workbook and leave Excel open for the next exercise.
Take Note In this exercise, you use a file from Microsoft Access, although you do not need Access installed
on your computer to follow along.
Figure 9-7
Select Table dialog box
5. In the Import Data dialog box (refer to Figure 9-5), click Table. Under Where do you
want to put the data, click Existing Worksheet and ensure the text box reads =!$A$1.
6. Click OK. Excel takes a moment to query the database. Soon, it displays a fully
formatted table (see Figure 9-8), complete with AutoFilter buttons in the headers,
which you learn more about later in this lesson in “Using AutoFilter.”
Working with Data and Macros 241
Figure 9-8
Mismatched, freshly imported
XML data
CLOSE the workbook and leave Excel open for the next exercise.
Troubleshooting In the course of history, the folders where old data files used to reside may cease to exist. This
is indeed the case with the original XML file from which you imported data into the work-
sheet. Some versions of the Microsoft XML parser will see this as an “error,” and others will
not. Any number of factors may contribute to which XML parser your PC actually has. In either
case, it isn’t really an error, and you don’t need to worry about it.
242 Lesson 9
Figure 9-9
Mismatched, freshly imported
XML data
5. To correct the problem, begin by moving the first names from cell range E23:E75 to
B23:B75. Overwrite the existing contents in column B.
6. Move the last names from cell range H23:H75 to A23:A75. Overwrite the existing
contents in column A.
7. Repeat the process for the states in column J that should be in column E, the ZIP codes
in column K that should be in column F, and the phone numbers in column I that should
be in column G.
8. Delete columns H through L.
9. Delete rows 21 and 22.
10. Replace all 11 instances of Dell City in column D with Del City.
SAVE the workbook in the Lesson 9 folder as 09 Car Owners Solution.xlsx. CLOSE the
workbook and leave Excel open for the next exercise.
Workplace Ready
Working with databases
The most commonly distributed definition for the word “database” is “an organized collection
of data.” Technically, that’s wrong. If this definition was correct, any book could be a database
because books contain data—even blank books.
The reason why this matters is because you will likely acquire data from multiple sources for use
in the worksheets you produce. To be accurate, a database is anything you can use as a source for
data. When you import data from a database into an Excel spreadsheet, if that data is stored by a
relational database manager, it might not actually exist as a file yet. So the file you “import” into
Excel might communicate with the database manager to produce the data that ends up appearing
in your worksheet.
However, depending on how the database is set up, it might produce separate files that serve as
“snapshots” of the data’s state for a given point in time. When you import this type of data, you
need to know if it’s old and just how old it is. On occasion, you might not actually be able to im-
Working with Data and Macros 243
port files because the database manager program has locked them to prevent inadvertent loss of
data. In these situations, you might need to have the person overseeing the database export a sepa-
rate file for you to import. While you’re at it, you can ask for that export file to be in a regular for-
mat, such as comma-separated values (CSV) or even a worksheet format such as Excel’s old XLS.
The example you used in “Getting External Data” involves a kind of snapshot file produced by
Microsoft Access, a database manager that’s part of some versions of Office. In a real-world set-
ting, even though such a file exists, it might not always be available, for the reasons just explained.
In these cases, you need to ask for help—perhaps for someone in the IT department to produce
an export file and meet you halfway.
GET READY. OPEN the 09 Vet Clinic Patients workbook for this lesson.
1. Click the FILE tab and select Save As. SAVE the workbook in the Lesson 9 folder as
09 Vet Clinic Patients (Active) Solution.
2. Freeze rows 1 through 5 in both worksheets in the workbook.
3. In the Client list worksheet, select column L (Area Code).
4. On the DATA tab, in the Data Tools group, click Data Validation. The Data Validation
dialog box opens.
5. Click the Settings tab.
6. In the Allow list box, choose Text length. This is the first step in the creation of a rule
governing how many characters each new entry should contain. The dialog box should
now appear as depicted in Figure 9-10.
Figure 9-10
Set up validation rules for
input data
Figure 9-11
Have Excel notify the user
about your validation rule
Working with Data and Macros 245
12. Click the Error Alert tab. Excel notifies a user who missed your ScreenTip that the data
he has entered is invalid.
13. Click the Title box and type Data Entry Error.
14. Click the Error message box and type Only three-digit area codes are recognized. This
message is displayed in a dialog box whenever an invalid entry is made in column L.
The dialog box should now appear as shown in Figure 9-12.
Figure 9-12
Set up a warning for when the
validation rule is violated.
Figure 9-13
Worksheet with validation rule
PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and leave it open to use in the next exercise.
Take Note Excel’s validation rules pertain to only new data as you enter it into the workbook, not to data that
existed in the workbook prior to creating the rules. Don’t rely on validation rules to correct errors
that might already exist, but to catch any new errors that might arise.
246 Lesson 9
Figure 9-14
Excel attempts to enforce a
validation rule.
PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and leave it open to use in the next exercise.
Take Note It’s still feasible for an invalid value to remain in a worksheet after the user has been warned that
it’s invalid. For example, in the previous step if you were to click Yes instead of No, the value 61
would remain in column E, even though there is no client numbered 61 in column A of the Client
list worksheet. Conceivably, this way you can purposefully enter a new canine patient into the list
without an owner, if you intend to add the owner’s information later.
Figure 9-15
Remove Duplicates dialog box
248 Lesson 9
6. In the Columns list, remove the check beside Client #. If duplicate names and
addresses appear in the list, it’s likely their client index numbers were not duplicated.
7. Leave the My data has headers box checked. This way, Excel won’t treat row 5 as
though it contains data.
8. Click OK. Excel responds with a dialog box stating one duplicate value set (the one you
just entered) was removed.
9. Click OK to dismiss the dialog box. Note the second (lowermost) instance of the
duplicate entry was removed, from row 58.
PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and leave it open to use in the next exercise.
Sorting Data
After you enter data into a data range or, as you see later in this lesson, a formal database table, the
Bottom Line
number of the row each record appears on doesn’t matter at all. In fact, it’s important for you to
remember that data entries in Excel are not indexed by their row numbers, because they’re subject
to change. Sorting a data range helps you to locate the precise data you need. In a few respects,
it can also help Excel to look up certain data for inputs into formulas (see Lesson 5), but for the
most part sorting is for your benefit. You might want, for example, to keep people sorted in a ta-
ble by their surname rather than some arbitrary customer number you won’t remember. So when
you enter a new customer whose surname begins with something earlier than “Z,” you might
find it easier to enter the name at the bottom of the list, and then resort alphabetically. This way,
you don’t have to manually insert a blank row in the middle of the worksheet, at the appropriate
alphabetical location.
again, the first column you clicked in when selecting the range. Murdock the Rottweiler,
which you previously added to row 58, now appears on row 45.
PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and leave it open to use in the next exercise.
Take Note The Sort A to Z button (also known as Sort Smallest to Largest) and Sort Z to A button (also
known as Sort Largest to Smallest) assume that the column you wish to use as your sorting crite-
rion is the one that contains the active cell. In selecting a range, whether you hold down Shift to
select the opposite corner (as you did in this exercise) or whether you drag the pointer from one
corner to the opposite corner, the (or Sort Smallest to Largest) the cell that you clicked on first.
Troubleshooting Before sorting a range, make sure you select the entire range first, including the rightmost
column(s). Excel leaves any contents outside the selected sort range exactly as they are, which
leaves you with out-of-order contents should you fail to select the entire width of the range.
Figure 9-16
Sort dialog box
12. Leave My data has headers checked, so that Excel won’t treat the headers row as a
data entry.
250 Lesson 9
13. Click OK. The clients list is now sorted alphabetically, with people sharing the same
surname sorted alphabetically by first name. Although the client numbers appear all
out of sort, the data is unchanged and the database itself retains its full integrity.
PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and leave it open to use in the next exercise.
Troubleshooting When creating a new column to the right of one governed by a data validation rule, the new
column acquires that same rule even if it’s intended for a different purpose. To clear this rule,
select the new column, bring up the Data Validation dialog box, and click Clear All as demon-
strated previously.
23. Click the down arrow next to No Cell Color. As Figure 9-17 shows, the list box that
appears shows only those colors that are actually in use for conditional formatting—in
this case, only one swatch. Click the color swatch.
Figure 9-17
Sort dialog box showing condi-
tional format color choice
24. Click OK. The sorted worksheet should now appear as shown in Figure 9-18. All the “N”
and “S” animals are grouped together at the top, with the two types mingling among
each other. All the non-operated-on animals are bunched toward the bottom.
Figure 9-18
Worksheet with conditional
format-based sort applied
PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and leave it open to use in the next exercise.
Troubleshooting Any table you intend for Excel to sort must not contain merged cells (see Lesson 6). For Excel
to be able to exchange cell contents between positions evenly, each row must have an iden-
tical number of cells. Each of the cells in a column may be formatted differently, though their
widths may not vary.
Filtering Data
When you search for information online, what you expect to happen is for the search engine to
Bottom Line
return the most relevant data to your search at the top of the list. Similarly with any database,
when you make a request or a query for just the records that meet particular criteria, you expect to
252 Lesson 9
see only the relevant data, and for irrelevant or non-matching data to be filtered out. With Excel,
there’s a way for you to formally specify the boundaries of your database table—to say, “This part
of my worksheet is to be treated like a database” —and to then have Excel filter out just those
rows that don’t pertain to what you’re searching for. This does not change the database, and you
don’t delete any rows with a filter. You just hide them temporarily.
Using AutoFilter
An AutoFilter is the quickest means for you to set up a table so that it displays only rows that
meet simple criteria (for example, just the clients who live in-state, or just the clients who have
signed up for monthly newsletters). If the criteria for your search involves information that is read-
ily assessable through a simple read of the existing data in the cells, you can use an AutoFilter to set
up your search with very little trouble. There are ways for you to set up more complex, advanced
filters that replicate data to a separate location (often a new worksheet) using advanced criteria
based on formulas. But for simple assessments of the data, an AutoFilter requires much less effort.
This converts the headings row of your table into a set of controls, which you then use to choose
your criteria and select the data you want to see.
Figure 9-19
AutoFilter menu for a numeric
5. To sort the table by client number, click Sort Smallest to Largest. This gives you a
shortcut for sorting that bypasses the menu.
Working with Data and Macros 253
6. To show just the clients with addresses in Ohio, click the down arrow beside State. In
the AutoFilter menu that appears (shown in Figure 9-20), uncheck the (Select All) box
to clear all check boxes, and then check OH and click OK.
Figure 9-20
AutoFilter menu for a text
PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and leave it open to use in the next exercise.
When an AutoFilter is active, so that you see filtered results rather than the complete table, Excel
applies special notation to the AutoFilter buttons and to the row numbers. As Figure 9-21 shows,
the button for the column used in the sort now contains a long up-arrow, whereas the button for
the column used in the filter contains a funnel symbol, like the thing you pour motor oil through.
Figure 9-21
Symbols in a filtered table
Masked row
Also, notice the row numbers are colored blue and are not consecutive. If you look closely, you’ll
see that where nonmatching rows are hidden, Excel puts a double-border between the numbers for
matching rows—for instance, between rows 18 and 21 and between 47 and 55.
254 Lesson 9
Figure 9-22
Custom AutoFilter dialog box
11. Click OK. After the dialog box disappears, Excel filters out all entries in the patient list
where the patient is known to have had a hepatitis inoculation in 2012 or later. What
Working with Data and Macros 255
remains are both the animals known to have been inoculated in 2011 or earlier, or
whose inoculation dates are not known.
12. Click the filter button beside Hepatitis inoculation again. In the menu, click Date Filters,
and then click Custom Filter.
13. In the second list box that currently reads equals, choose the blank entry at the top of
the list. The box should now be empty.
14. Click OK. The list should now show only the five animals known to have been
inoculated in 2011 or earlier (see Figure 9-23).
Figure 9-23
Worksheet with custom filter
15. Click the filter button beside Hepatitis inoculation again. In the menu, choose Clear
Filter from “Hepatitis inoculation”.
PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and leave it open to use in the next exercise.
PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and leave it open for the next exercise.
down items into their respective departments—for example, by listing their location on the shelf.
These descriptive categories help subdivide data into groups, and then collapse those groups into
single-row headings called outlines. Excel uses outlines to generate reports that provide you with
meaningful data about the items in each group collectively. The most important, and probably the
most frequently used of these reports shows you subtotals for the values that are grouped together.
Whenever you group rows together or perform an operation (such as auto-outlining or auto-subto-
taling) in which groups are automatically created, Excel adds controls next to the row and column
headings. Excel calls these controls outline symbols.
Boxes marked with minus and plus symbols are placed at the bottom of grouped rows or to the
right of grouped columns. Each one acts like a clasp that can collapse or expand the group’s con-
tents. In the upper left corner are number buttons that let you show or hide all of the group con-
tents for a particular level. When you have two groups that are just beside one another, you have
only two levels: the collapsed view and the expanded one. But you can have groups within groups,
and for each grouping level you create, Excel adds another number to this bank of outline symbols.
Take Note The rows and columns that you enroll into a group should be those that you do not want to see
when the group is collapsed. Field name rows that identify cells and total rows that include subto-
tals should not be included in groups.
Take Note Enrolling a set of records into a group changes the behavior of AutoFilters that might incorporate
that group. For example, when you try to sort a column, only the records that are not members of
a group are sorted. Once records are grouped, their order is fixed and their usefulness as parts of
an active database is reduced, especially if you add subtotal rows to the middle. For this reason,
you should reserve grouping and outlining for workbooks that are presented as final (unchanging)
reports for a particular point in time.
2. With the Patient list worksheet active, on the DATA tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click
3. Next to Cat or Dog?, click the down arrow button. In the menu, click Sort A to Z. Now,
all the cats are clustered together at the top, and dogs at the bottom.
4. Right-click the heading for row 30, the row where the first dog appears. Click Insert in
the shortcut menu.
5. Select cell H30. Type Number of cats.
6. Select cell G30. On the HOME tab, in the Font group, click the Bold button. This makes
this particular number stand out.
7. On the HOME tab, in the Editing group, click the AutoSum down arrow. In the menu,
click Count Numbers, and then press Enter. Excel inserts a function into the cell
that counts the number of contiguous cells in the column just above it that contains
numbers—in this case, the owner numbers for clients.
Working with Data and Macros 257
8. Add a similar function for counting the number of dogs to row 60. (Bypass the
validation rule by clicking Yes in the dialog box.)
9. Select rows 6 through 29 (all the cats).
10. On the DATA tab, in the Outline group, click the Group button. A group indicator line is
added to the left of the row markers and an outline symbol on the row just below the
end of the group (see Figure 9-24).
Figure 9-24
Worksheet with
Outline level
groups applied buttons
Outline symbol
Another Way
To collapse all the
groups in a worksheet, select 11. Repeat the process in Steps 9 and 10 for the dogs in rows 31 through 59. Format cell
the entire worksheet first, G60 as Bold. In cell H60, type Number of dogs.
and then click Hide Detail 12. To collapse the cats group, click the minus box (shown in Figure 9-24) beside row 30,
in the Outline group of the which contains the cats count. The control becomes a plus box, indicating that when
DATA menu tab. To expand all you click on it, it expands to show hidden rows.
groups, click Show Detail.
13. Collapse the dogs group with the minus box in row 60. The worksheet now appears
fully collapsed (see Figure 9-25).
Figure 9-25
Worksheet with collapsed
14. Click the Select All button. On the DATA tab, in the Outline group, click Show Detail.
15. Select columns B through F.
16. In the Outline group, click the Group button. A new column group is created.
17. Click the minus box over column G to collapse the column group. Click the plus box
that takes its place to expand it.
18. Select columns B through G.
19. In the Outline group, click the Ungroup button. The columnar group disappears.
258 Lesson 9
SAVE and CLOSE the workbook. Leave Excel open for use in the next exercise.
Auto-Outlining Data
Grouping data is an easy process when you have only a few groups in your worksheet that really
matter, such as cats and dogs. For a complex report, such as a balance sheet with assets and liabil-
ities broken down into departments and sub-departments, the task gets much more tedious. For
this reason, Excel has offered to make things somewhat simpler. Suppose you inserted total value
cells along the bottom rows of related cells, or along the right column beside related cells—or
perhaps both. You probably need to do this anyway for a formal balance sheet, or for a table with
names of salespeople in rows and sales for days of the week in columns—here, you total for each
salesperson along the right column, and for each day along the bottom row. Excel can detect when
and why you set up your worksheet like this, so when you auto-outline a table or a worksheet
full of tables, it creates the groups automatically and spares you the trouble.
GET READY. OPEN the 09 Critical Care Expenses workbook for this lesson.
1. SAVE the workbook in the Lesson 9 folder as 09 Critical Care Expenses 0315 Solution.
2. Select cell H18. On the HOME tab, in the Font group, click the Bold button. Then, in the
Editing group, click the AutoSum button and press Enter. The grand total appears as
bold in the cell.
3. Repeat the grand total process for cell H28 and apply Bold to the cell.
4. Select the cell range B10:H28, covering both groups of expenses in their entirety.
5. On the DATA tab, in the Outline group, click the down arrow next to Group. In the
How do you create outlines? menu, click Auto Outline. As Figure 9-26 shows, Excel automatically groups rows 12
through 17 and rows 22 through 27, having spotted the Total Expenses row along the
bottom of each cluster. Excel also groups together the columns for March 15 through
19, having spotted the weekly totals columns along the right.
Figure 9-26
Outlined worksheet
SAVE the workbook and LEAVE Excel open for the next exercise.
Working with Data and Macros 259
Figure 9-27
Outlined worksheet with
collapsed groups
2. Click any of the plus boxes (which replaced the minus boxes) to expand the group to
which it’s attached.
3. To remove the outline entirely, on the DATA tab, in the Outline group, click the Ungroup
2.3.6 button arrow. In the menu, click Clear Outline.
SAVE and CLOSE the workbook. Leave Excel open for the next exercise.
How do you collapse groups
of data in an outline?
Subtotaling Data in Outlines
Suppose a worksheet serves as a report of certain activity that takes place on given days with re-
spect to specific divisions of the company in particular regions of the country. These three catego-
ries represent levels of information. When you sort a worksheet so that these levels are in a precise
order, as you’ve already seen how to do, then Excel can accept each of these levels as tiers in an out-
line. An outline gives you the complete summary while hiding the details until you request them.
GET READY. OPEN the 09 Server Usage Stats workbook for this lesson.
1. SAVE the workbook in the Lesson 9 folder as 09 Server Usage Stats 130831 Solution.
2. Select the range A5:G140.
3. On the DATA tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Sort.
260 Lesson 9
4. In the Sort dialog box, in the Sort by line, choose Date, Oldest to Newest. Click OK.
2.3.7 5. On the DATA tab, in the Outline group, click Subtotal. The Subtotal dialog box appears.
6. In the At each change in list box, click Department.
How do you insert 7. If necessary, in the Use function list box, choose Sum.
8. In the list of columns marked Add subtotal to, select the boxes for Avg. Bandwidth,
Data In, Data Out, and Transactions.
9. Check the Summary below data and Replace current subtotals check boxes, if
necessary. The dialog box should now appear as depicted in Figure 9-28.
Figure 9-28
Subtotal dialog box
10. Click OK. Excel inserts subtotal rows for each company division, grouping together
data consumption values for all three corporate regions. It places each of these division
row clusters into groups. It then creates a broader group for the entire range and adds
a grand total row at the bottom. The result is a subtotal-endowed worksheet with a
three-tier outline (see Figure 9-29).
Figure 9-29
Automatically subtotaled
worksheet with three-tier
SAVE and CLOSE the workbook. Leave Excel open for the next exercise.
Working with Data and Macros 261
Take Note When you remove an outline from an automatically subtotaled range, the subtotal rows that Excel
inserted automatically remain. So to return a worksheet to its pre-subtotaled state, you must delete
each subtotal row manually.
GET READY. OPEN the 09 Pet Pharma Sales workbook for this lesson.
1. SAVE the workbook in the Lesson 9 folder as 09 Pet Pharma Sales August Solution.
2. In the August Sales worksheet, select the data range A6:K93.
3. On the HOME tab, in the Styles group, click Format as Table. Excel brings up a colorful
menu full of sample layouts (see Figure 9-30).
Figure 9-30
Table format menu
4. Click the sample in row 4, column 7 (Table Style Medium 7). The Format As Table
dialog box appears (see Figure 9-31).
Figure 9-31
Format As Table dialog box
Take Note You can change the format of a table at any time using the Format as Table command. You only
see the Format As Table dialog box the first time you format a table, which effectively changes a
standard range to a table. Afterwards, you only need to select a cell inside the table to tell Excel
which table you want to reformat.
5. Because the cell reference under Where is the data for your table? is accurate, don’t
3.2.2 make any changes and click OK. Excel converts the data range into a formal table and
applies the style you chose, which includes automatically banded rows that maintain
How do you band rows and their banding even when rows become sorted. AutoFilter controls are also added to the
columns? field names row.
6. To automatically boldface the rightmost column in the table (Total Sales), click any
cell inside the table. On the DESIGN tab, in the Table Style Options group, click Last
Take Note The Table Style Options group also contains an option for banding columns instead of rows.
Uncheck Banded Rows from this group, and then check Banded Columns.
SAVE the workbook and LEAVE it open for the next exercise.
Take Note When you scroll down a data table so that the field names row disappears, as long as the active cell
stays within the table area, the usual column headings (A, B, C, and so on) are replaced with the
complete field names, as Figure 9-32 depicts. The AutoFilter buttons also move to the headings
row. This way, you don’t need to freeze the field names row in place to keep the names themselves
visible. When you move the active cell outside the table area, the standard column headings re-
Figure 9-32
Field names display in the
headings row.
Figure 9-33
Table Styles menu on the
Troubleshooting There are two places to find the table styles menu in Excel. One is under the Format as Table
button on the HOME tab. The other is in the Table Styles group of the DESIGN menu tab. At
first, both menus look the same. But only the one on the DESIGN tab has the Clear button to
remove styles from a table.
5. To change the table style to something that contrasts against the others in this series,
bring up the Quick Styles menu again, and this time, choose Table Style Light 6 (upper
right corner).
6. To automatically apply boldface to the rightmost column, in the Table Style Options
group, ensure Last Column is checked. To do the same for the leftmost column, check
First Column.
SAVE the workbook and LEAVE it open for the next exercise.
Once a table is given a title, all the names of its columns can be used in place of cell references in
a formula. The result is not only a formula that’s easier to conceive, but easier to read and even
easier to type. So instead of an absolute cell reference such as $B$2:$B$55 (which starts on the
second row, of course, because the headers are always on the first row), you can use a reference such
as Inventory[Sale Price]. Excel already knows not to treat the first row as values, and whenever
records are added to the table, the results of the formula are adjusted without the formula itself
even having to change its appearance.
Component Meaning
FieldName The field name from the header row of the table. The name refers
to the set of all cells that comprise the named column in the table.
You do not need to specify the start and end cell. The field name is
always denoted with [square brackets].
Examples: Surname, Issue date, Sale price
Note: Excel recognizes four constants that refer to the same general area of a table, which you may
use here when applicable to replace the field name:
#Data The set of all cells that contain data, excluding the header row at
the top and any total or subtotal rows that might appear at the
#Headers The set of all cells in the first row in the table
#Totals The set of all cells where totals appear, usually the rightmost col-
umn of the table where a SUM function is employed
When you type a table-style reference inside a formula, Excel gives you a shortcut. After you type
the second character of the table name, Excel displays a list of names you can add to the formula
(including named ranges). Figure 9-34 shows you what it looks like. Instead of typing in the rest
of the name, you can use the arrow keys on the keyboard to navigate this menu until the name
you want (the table name) is highlighted, and then you press Tab. The entire name is entered into
the formula, saving you a few seconds of time.
Figure 9-34
IntelliSense menu for the
table name Menu pops up here
With the table name entered, when it’s time to refer to a field name in the table, you can start with
the left square bracket ( [ ). Excel displays a list of all the field names already in the table. You use
Working with Data and Macros 265
the arrow keys to highlight the one you’re looking for, and then press Tab. Then type the right
square bracket ( ] ) to complete the reference.
Similarly, whenever you want to use one of the four constants (#All, #Data, #Headers, or #Totals),
you just start with the pound sign #. Excel displays the list, and then you highlight the one you
want and press Tab. Microsoft markets this feature as IntelliSense, and you see it referred to as such
in the Help system.
Troubleshooting When you highlight the entry you want on the IntelliSense menu, make sure to press Tab, not
Enter. The Enter key tells Excel the formula is complete, and at this point, it’s often not.
Take Note When referring to a field name by name in a formula that’s used inside the same table as the field
name, you can omit the table name. For example, the reference Customers[Surname] can be sub-
stituted with just Surname when the reference is inside the Customers table.
SAVE the workbook and leave it open for the next exercise.
3.2.3 GET READY. USE the workbook from the previous exercise.
1. Select any cell in the table. Excel adds the DESIGN tab to the ribbon.
How do you insert total 2. With the August Sales worksheet active, on the DESIGN tab, in the Table Style Options
rows in a table? group, select the Total Row box. Excel adds a total row to the bottom, as shown in
266 Lesson 9
Figure 9-35, with a label in the leftmost column and the grand total in the rightmost
Figure 9-35
Total row added below table
Total row
3. To add other subtotals or formulas to the Total Row, you can choose one from a drop-
down menu. Click the cell in the total row at the bottom of the Item Price column.
4. Click the down arrow that appears to the right of the blank cell. In the popup menu (see
Figure 9-36), click Average. Excel calculates the average price per sales item.
Figure 9-36
Adding formulas to the
total row
5. Repeat the process to find the maximum number of items sold in one order by
choosing the Max function for the No. Sold column.
SAVE the workbook and leave it open for the next exercise.
Working with Data and Macros 267
Figure 9-37
Appended column to a table
Take Note Excel doesn’t apply its autofill IntelliSense feature for table field names while you enter data out-
side the table.
19. Rename the new column % of Avg.
20. Select cell range L7:L93 and give the range a percent style. Excel does not
automatically copy custom cell styles down a column, so you must select the range
manually first. Note how Excel has moved the last column’s boldfaced format from
Total Sales to % of Avg.
21. Click any cell in % of Avg., and then click the down arrow next to Delete. Click Delete
Table Columns. As the appended column disappears, the boldfacing is returned to
Total Sales.
SAVE the workbook and leave it open for the next exercise.
Figure 9-38
AutoFilter menu for records
in a table
Another Way
A quick way to
filter a column by the contents
of one of the visible cells in
3. Leave the choices set at Top 10 items, and then click OK. The table is filtered down to
that column is to right-click
the 10 items with the highest sales.
that cell, click Filter in the
menu, and then click Filter by SAVE and CLOSE the workbook and leave Excel open for the next exercise.
Selected Cell’s Value.
Take Note The Top 10 items filter always results in 10 items displayed (unless the table has fewer than 10
records to begin with). By comparison, the Top 10 percent filter displays however many records
comprise the top 10 percent of the values in the filtered column.
The total row of a filtered table adjusts its contents so that its formulas reflect only the visible
(filtered) cells. As Figure 9-39 demonstrates, the averaging formula in cell J94 is adjusted to show
the average item price among just the top 10. However, look further down at the analysis section.
The formulas for Total Sales, Sales of dog only products, and so on, still refer to the entire table,
not just the filtered portion. So any analysis you want to perform using filtering should be entered
on a total row, which is included within the filtered area.
Figure 9-39
Changed and unchanged
filtered table
Troubleshooting The exceptions to the rule about references to a table outside a filtered table are the # con-
stants. If the formula in cell D98 of the example is =SUM(DrugSales[#Totals]) instead of
=SUM(DrugSales[Total Sales]), the formula would adjust itself to tally only the visible, filtered
270 Lesson 9
GET READY. RE-OPEN the 09 Car Owners Solution workbook from earlier in this lesson.
1. SAVE the workbook in the Lesson 9 folder as 09 Car Owners Solution 2.
2. Select the range A1:G73.
3. On the HOME tab, in the Styles group, click Format as Table. In the menu, click Table
Style Medium 14.
4. In the Format As Table dialog box, click OK.
5. Because this range contains data appended from an outside source (see the
3.3.2 “Appending Data to a Worksheet” section earlier in this lesson), the query data related
to that outside source is still attached to the range. Click Yes in the dialog box to have
How do you sort data on Excel remove those connections.
multiple columns in a table? 6. Click the Name box and rename the table Owners.
7. Resize columns B, E, and F to more appropriately fit their contents.
8. Change the font for the entire table to Cambria, 11 pt.
9. Left-justify column G.
10. With the Owners table selected, on the DATA tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Sort.
The Sort dialog box appears (refer to Figure 9-16).
11. In the Sort by list box under Column, choose Last Name.
12. Click Add Level.
13. In the Then by list box that appears under Column, choose First Name. Click OK.
SAVE the workbook and leave it open for the next exercise.
SAVE the workbook and leave it open for the next exercise.
Working with Data and Macros 271
GET READY. RE-OPEN the 09 Pet Pharma Sales August Solution 4 workbook for this
1. SAVE the workbook in the Lesson 9 folder as 09 Pet Pharma Sales August Solution 5.
2. On the DATA tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Clear. Click any cell inside the table.
3. On the DESIGN tab, in the Tools group, click the Insert Slicer button.
4. The Insert Slicers dialog box contains empty check boxes for each of the fields for
which you can create buttons (see Figure 9-40). Click For use on and To treat.
272 Lesson 9
Figure 9-40
Insert Slicers dialog box
5. Click OK. As the dialog box disappears, the two slicer tools appear as graphic objects in
the center of the worksheet. They’re not actually inside the table.
6. Relocate the For use on slicer by dragging its title bar toward the upper right of the
worksheet. As you drag toward the edge of the window, the worksheet automatically
scrolls to reveal space where you can drop the slicer. Drop the slicer when it’s to the
right of the table, just beneath the headers row.
7. Repeat the process with the To treat slicer, dragging it below the For use on slicer. The
worksheet should look similar to Figure 9-41.
Figure 9-41
Worksheet with slicers added
8. To see just the treatments that apply to dogs only, click Dog on the To treat slicer. Note
that the AutoFilter button for the To treat column shows a filter has been applied.
9. To show just the treatments that apply to the endocrine system, click Endocrine on the
For use on slicer. Note that the filters from both slicers apply simultaneously, so you
should see endocrine system treatments for dogs only. The slicer highlights only the
criterion in use for the current filter.
10. To clear the filters using the slicers, click the Clear Filter button in the upper right
corner of each slicer.
SAVE and CLOSE the workbook and leave Excel open for the next exercise.
Working with Data and Macros 273
Troubleshooting When an AutoFilter button for a column is used to filter a table and a slicer exists for that
same column, the slicer shows the criteria currently in use for that filter. However, the Clear
Filter button for the slicer is disabled. To clear this filter, you have to use the AutoFilter button.
GET READY. RE-OPEN the 09 2005 Customers Solution workbook for this lesson.
1. Near the top of the Excel window, respond to the security warning by clicking Enable
3.1.1 Content.
2. SAVE the workbook in the Lesson 9 folder as 09 2005 Customers Solution 2.
How do you move between 3. Click any cell inside the table.
tables and ranges?
4. On the DESIGN tab, in the Tools group, click Convert to Range.
5. Excel opens a dialog box to verify this conversion is what you want. Click OK. The
AutoFilter buttons are removed from the header row and entries are left sorted as they
were. Subtotals and total rows remain (if applicable), and formatting is left as it was.
The DESIGN tab is no longer displayed.
SAVE and CLOSE the workbook and leave Excel open for the next exercise.
Troubleshooting Excel records only those steps that have a direct impact on the contents of the worksheet. To
be accurate, it records the impact those steps have, not actually the commands that led to the
impact. For example, if you select several rows and columns, Excel records the act of the rows
and columns being grouped. But if you expand or collapse that group, it does not record that
fact because doing so does not impact the worksheet itself. Exceptions include filtering and
sorting ranges and tables, which Excel does record.
274 Lesson 9
Workplace Ready
Planning to Record a Macro
To ensure that the macro you record is useful to you in a variety of situations, you should consider
whether you need it to record absolute or relative cell references. This is because Excel keeps track
of every change in the position of the active cell during macro recording. When that change is
made, Excel needs to know whether it’s more important for it to know the exact address of the
new cell’s location (absolute) or the number of cells left or right or up or down that the pointer was
moved from its previous location (relative).
When you’re recording absolute references, record a macro, and then click on cell A5, the record-
ing always moves to A5. But if you use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move to another cell
instead, the recording takes note of each arrow key pressed. So if you record the macro on A5 and
use the down arrow key to move two cells down, and the macro replays from cell Y5, the macro
moves to Y7.
By comparison, when you record relative references and then click a new location on the work-
sheet, Excel records the distance to the new cell. This makes the starting cell location critical to
the macro. If you start with a cell selected in column D, and you click on a cell on the same row
in column A, Excel records a movement three cells to the left. That is not the same thing as mov-
ing to the leftmost column, which you normally can do by pressing the Home key. However, in
relative recording mode, pressing Home records the distance covered in getting to column A. So
when you replay this macro, you could end up starting in a cell in column F and end up moving
to column C when you expect to move to column A. Or, you can start in column B and trip an
error condition when Excel tries to move too far to the left of column A.
For this reason, it’s important to map out your precise cell movements (if any) prior to recording a
macro, and then slowly repeat that sequence during the recording process. The recording does not
account for how much time you take, so if you’re nice and slow, the playback won’t be any slower.
Working with Data and Macros 275
GET READY. OPEN the 09 4Strong Tour Revenues workbook for this lesson.
1. Click the FILE tab, and then click Options.
2. In the Excel Options dialog box, click Customize Ribbon.
3. In the Main Tabs list on the right, check the Developer box if it is not already checked.
This adds the DEVELOPER tab to Excel, enabling you to record macros. Click OK.
4. The macro that you record creates a custom subtotal row at the place you define,
rather than at some place Excel determines. The rule you follow is that the user (you)
must select the cell where you want the subtotal to appear, and then run the macro. So
to prepare for recording, click cell D21.
5. On the DEVELOPER tab, in the Code group, find Use Relative References. If it is not
highlighted, click to select it. You want relative references for this macro.
6. In the Code group, click Record Macro.
7. In the Record Macro dialog box, click the Macro name box and type CustomSubtotals.
8. In the Shortcut key box beside Ctrl +, type the capital S. This changes the shortcut key
How do you assign a to Ctrl + Shift + S. Leave Store macro in set to This Workbook. The dialog box should
shortcut key? now appear as depicted in Figure 9-42.
Figure 9-42
Record Macro dialog box
Troubleshooting If you mess up a step during the macro recording, don’t worry. Click Stop Recording in the
Code group of the Developer tab. Then start again from Step 6. Use the same name, and
when Excel asks whether you want to overwrite the existing macro with the same name, re-
spond with Yes.
22. Now that you’re not recording, adjust the width of column E to fit its contents. As
Figure 9-43 shows, the macro generates a total for the bottom of the arbitrary cluster
of records, and also tabulates the highest value in that cluster in the cell adjacent to the
Figure 9-43
Custom subtotals generated
with macro
Custom subtotals
generated with macro
Another Way
In the green status
bar along the bottom of the
Excel window, there’s an icon 23. Click the FILE tab, and then click Save As.
that looks like a worksheet
24. In Backstage, locate the Lesson 9 folder.
with a dot in the upper left
corner, as shown in Figure 25. In the Save As dialog box, under Save as type, choose Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook
9-44. Click this to bypass the (*.xlsm).
ribbon and immediately start
recording a new macro. Click SAVE the workbook as 09 4Strong Tour Revenues Solution.xlsm and leave it open for the
the same spot again to stop next exercise.
Figure 9-44
Alternate record macro button
Record macro
For security reasons, Excel no longer saves macros in its regular .XLS and .XLSX files. This is
due to how often the macros feature was maliciously used by people sending Excel workbooks to
others via e-mail attachments. Now, the only way to save a macro-enabled workbook is to give it
the special .XLSM file type. This way, companies that want to avoid any possibility of spreading
malware can enforce policies preventing .XLSM files from being attached to or received within
Running a Macro
A recorded macro follows the steps you gave Excel during the recording process. For that reason,
it’s up to you to prepare the worksheet and select the cell you want before you begin. You can play
back any macro by selecting it from the Macro dialog box. But it’s generally easier to assign it to a
keystroke, as you did in the previous exercise, and simply launch it from the keyboard.
Working with Data and Macros 277
SAVE the workbook and leave it open for the next exercise.
Figure 9-45
Trust Center with macro
protection settings
3. Click OK.
Skill Summary
In this lesson you learned how: Exam Objective Number
Knowledge Assessment
Multiple Choice
Select the best response for the following statements.
1. Which of the following procedures is not a way to sort a table by the contents of one
a. Click the Sort button in the Sort & Filter group of the Data tab.
b. Click an AutoFilter button in the total row.
c. Click an AutoFilter button in the field names row.
d. Click the Filter button in the Sort & Filter group of the Data tab.
Working with Data and Macros 279
True / False
Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
T F 1. You remove duplicate rows from a table the same way you would for a named
range of AutoFiltered records.
T F 2. You cannot sort a table in alphabetical or numerical order for one column and
by conditional formatting for another column at the same time.
280 Lesson 9
T F 3. When importing data from a text file, you can tell Excel to recognize a character
other than a comma as a field delimiter.
T F 4. You can have no more than two criteria in a custom AutoFilter.
T F 5. Immediately after you group together a cluster of adjacent rows, Excel prompts
you to create a total row beneath it.
T F 6. Once you remove an automatic style from a table, it is no longer a table.
T F 7. The title given to a table appears above the field names row.
T F 8. The @ character is required before any reference to a specific value in a named
T F 9. Field names in a table, as opposed to a named range, must begin with an
alphabetic character.
T F 10. Excel will not let any macro run in a worksheet without the user’s direct
approval, unless the option for that notification is explicitly turned off.
Competency Assessment
SAVE and CLOSE this workbook. Leave Excel open for the next project.
SAVE and CLOSE this workbook. Leave Excel open for the next project.
Proficiency Assessment
20. Select the entire worksheet. In the Outline group, click Hide Detail. Both rows
and columns are collapsed to reveal just the sales summaries. Widen column J, if
SAVE and CLOSE this workbook. Leave Excel open for the next project.
SAVE the workbook as 09 Charter Employees Solution. Leave the workbook open for the
next project.
Mastery Assessment
SAVE the newly loaded workbook as 09 Charter Employees Solution.xlsm. CLOSE the
2006+ Employees workbook and leave Charter Employees open for the next project.
GET READY. USE the 09 Charter Employees Solution.xlsm workbook from the previous
1. Open Sheet2. Change the number formats for cell ranges F2:L36 and N2:P36 to
Accounting. Change the number formats for M2:M36 to Percentage with two decimal
2. Open Sheet1 and expand the group. Change the heading for column J to 401K. Add
a new column to the left of 401K named 401K rate. Add three columns to the right of
Employee Name called Title, First name, and Last name. Move Employee ID to column
B. Rename the REGULAR_HO column Hours. Add a column to the right of Hours named
Rate. Delete the Total Deductions column. Leave NET_PAY erroneous for the moment.
3. Copy the contents of Sheet2 to the end of the table in Sheet1 so that their Employee ID
fields align with one another.
4. Relocate the rows with full-name entries in the Employee Name column to the bottom
of the table in Sheet1, so that the relocated cells are automatically given the table
5. Click any cell in the table. On the DATA tab, in the Data Tools group, click Remove
6. In the Remove Duplicates dialog box,deselect all fields except the unique Employee ID
number. Click OK. Excel reports the number of duplicate employee records that were
removed. Click OK to dismiss the notice.
284 Lesson 9
7. Because all the old employees were apparently duplicated, delete the Employee Name
8. Re-insert the Total deductions column and just before the NET_Pay column, type its
formula, this time being careful to omit 401K rate from the calculation.
9. Enter a new formula for the NET_PAY column starting at the top row and filling down,
subtracting Total deductions from GROSS_PAY.
10. Widen any partly-visible columns if necessary.
11. Apply boldface to the final column of the table.
Circling Back 2
The Graphic Design Institute tracks many different types of data on its students, such as name,
country of origin, the general type of program (accelerated or regular), tuition costs, and the
month in which the student starts his or her program. In addition, instructors must maintain
grade books, which track grades for each student for each course taken. In this set of projects, you
apply formatting to cells and entire worksheets, search and replace text in individual worksheets
and across a workbook, and sort, filter, and subtotal data tables.
GET READY. USE the workbook you saved in the previous project.
1. Double-click the border between the rows 1 and 2 headings to automatically resize row
1 to fit the contents.
286 Circling Back 2
2. Select row 2. On the HOME tab, in the Cells group, click the Format button arrow, select
Row Height, in the Row Height text box, type 18.75, and then click OK.
3. Double-click the border between the columns D and E headings to automatically resize
column D to fit the contents.
4. Click the PAGE LAYOUT tab, and in the Themes group, click the Themes button arrow
to open the gallery. Select the Integral theme.
5. Click cell A1. Click the HOME tab, and in the Font group, change the font size to 24.
6. Change the font size of the content in cell A2 to 14.
7. Select cells A3:E46. Change the font size to 12.
8. Adjust the size of each column as follows:
Column A: 20
Column B: 15
Column C: 12
Column D: 10
Column E: 13
9. Click the VIEW tab, and in the Window group, click the Freeze Panes button arrow, and
then select Unfreeze Panes.
10. Click the INSERT tab, and in the Text group, click the Header & Footer button.
11. Click the HEADER & FOOTER TOOLS DESIGN tab, in the Header & Footer group, click
the Header button arrow, and then select Sheet1, Confidential, Page 1.
12. Click anywhere in the header. On the HEADER & FOOTER TOOLS DESIGN tab, in the
Navigation group, click the Go to Footer button.
13. In the Header & Footer group, click the Footer button arrow and select the file name
option, which is the sixth option in the list.
14. Press Ctrl + H to open the Find and Replace dialog box to the Replace tab. In the Find
What box, type accelerated and press Tab. In the Replace With box, type Accelerated.
Click the Options button and select the Match case checkbox. Click the Replace All
button. After the words are replaced, click OK, and then click Close.
15. On the status bar, click the Normal view button to return to Normal view.
16. SAVE the workbook as Student Roster 2 Solution in the Circling Back folder, and then
CLOSE the file.
14. On the DATA tab, in the Outline group, click Subtotal. The Subtotal dialog box appears.
15. In the At Each Change In list box, select Fund.
16. In the Use Function list box, verify that Sum appears.
17. In the Add Subtotal To list box, verify that only Amount is selected.
18. Near the bottom of the dialog box, verify that only Replace Current Subtotals and
Summary Below Data are selected.
19. Click OK. Excel inserts subtotal rows after each type of fund in both groups.
20. Highlight row 45 (the Total Contributions row). Use the Format Painter to copy
formatting from row 45 to row 44.
21. Delete row 45.
22. SAVE the workbook as Contributions Sorted Solution in the Circling Back folder, and
then CLOSE the file.
CLOSE Excel.
Advanced Formulas 10
Lesson Skill Matrix
Skills Exam Objective Objective Number
Using Formulas to Conditionally Demonstrate how to apply the SUMIF function. 4.3.1
Summarize Data
Demonstrate how to apply the COUNTIF function. 4.3.3
Demonstrate how to apply the AVERAGEIF function. 4.3.2
Using Formulas to Look up data in a
Key Terms
• arguments
• conditional formula
• criteria
• lookup functions
• table
• table array
©AtnoYdur /iStockphoto
290 Lesson 10
Fabrikam, Inc. uses several of Excel’s analytical tools to review sales data during
strategic planning activities. Fabrikam’s owners created a bonus program as part of
the company’s employee-retention efforts and to encourage individual sales agents
and all employees to support the total sales goals. The bonus is based on years
of service and when an agent reaches his or her sales goal for the year. Fabrikam
realizes that all back office employees support the sales agents and so it gives a bo-
nus to the entire staff if the total sales goal is met. To determine which agents and
employees will receive the performance bonus, Fabrikam’s accountants must cre-
©AtnoYdur /iStockphoto
ate formulas to analyze the company’s sales data. Excel’s built-in formulas are the
perfect solution to compute and display all the calculations the accountants need. You learn to apply these
formulas in the exercises in this lesson.
Software Orientation
Use to Apply conditional Use to Use to create VLOOKUP Create and use named
logic (IF, AND, OR…). modify text. and HLOOKUP formulas. ranges in formulas.
Figure 10-1 Math & Trigs contains Use Statistical Formulas choice
Using Advanced Formulas 291
The FORMULAS tab contains the command groups you use to create and apply advanced for-
mulas in Excel. Use this illustration as a reference throughout the lesson. Table 10-1 summarizes
the functions covered in this lesson and includes where the functions are located on the FOR-
MULAS tab.
SUMIFS Math & Trig SUMIFS(Sum_Range, Crite- Adds the cells in Sum_Range
ria_Range1, Criteria1, [Crite- that meet multiple Criteria.
ria_Range2, Criteria2], ...)
Workplace Ready
begin your excel portfolio
If you are just beginning your career, you may get the question, “How well do you know Excel?”
How do you answer a general question like that? Instead of a general response such as, “I know
Excel fairly well,” it might be more helpful to both you and your potential employer if you have
specifics about what features of Excel you’ve used. For some employers, the number of functions
you know and can use is a good indication of an answer to that question. Some people never use
more than SUM and AVERAGE and perhaps a couple of other functions. One recommendation
is to create a spreadsheet that lists the features and functions you use, such as the one that follows,
and keep a notebook (electronic and three-ring binder) of the workbooks that illustrate those fea-
tures. In addition to providing a great visual example of your work, you then have a much more
meaningful answer to the “How well do you know Excel?” question.
In addition to Excel, you might want to expand this list to include all applications you use.
Using Advanced Formulas 293
Conditional formulas add yet another dimension to data analysis by summarizing data that meets
one or more criteria. Criteria can be a number, text, or expression that tests which cells to sum,
count, or average. A conditional formula is one in which the result is determined by the presence
or absence of a particular condition. Conditional formulas used in Excel include the functions
SUMIF, COUNTIF, and AVERAGEIF that check for one criterion, or their counterpoints SUM-
IFS, COUNTIFS, and AVERAGEIFS that check for multiple criteria.
The SUMIF function calculates the total of only those cells that meet a given criterion or con-
dition. The syntax for the SUMIF function is SUMIF(Range, Criteria, Sum_range). The values
that a function uses to perform operations or calculations in a formula are called arguments.
Thus, the arguments of the SUMIF function are Range, Criteria, and Sum_range, which, when
used together, create a conditional formula in which only those cells that meet a stated Criteria
are added. Cells within the Range that do not meet the criterion are not included in the total. If
you use the numbers in the range for the sum, the Sum_range argument is not required. However,
if you are using the criteria to test which values to sum from a different column, then the range
becomes the tested values and the Sum_range determines which numbers to total in the same rows
as the matching criteria. In this chapter, optional arguments will be in italics.
Table 10-2 explains the meaning of each argument in the SUMIF syntax. Note that if you omit
Sum_range from the formula, Excel evaluates and adds the cells in the range if they match the
Criteria The condition or criterion in the form of a number, expression, or text entry that
defines which cells will be added.
Sum_range The cells to add if the corresponding row’s cells in the Range match the criteria. If
this is blank, use the Range for both the cells to add and the cells to evaluate the
criteria against.
2. Select C20. Click the FORMULAS tab and in the Function Library group, click Math &
Trig. Scroll and click SUMIF. The Function Arguments dialog box opens with text boxes
for the arguments, a description of the formula, and a description of each argument.
3. In the Function Arguments dialog box, click the Collapse Dialog button for the Range
argument. This allows you to see more of the worksheet. Select the cell range C5:C16.
Press Enter. By doing this, you apply the cell range that the formula will use in the
4. In the Criteria box, type >200000 and press Tab. Figure 10-2 shows that the Sum_range
text box is not bold. This means that this agrument is optional. If you leave the Sum_
range blank, Excel sums the cells you enter in the Range box. You now applied your
criteria to sum all values that are greater than $200,000.
Figure 10-2
The Function Arguments dia-
log box guides you in building
SUMIF formulas.
Select worksheet buttons
cells or type range
that will be
evaluated by the
Bold = required
Dimmed = optional
Take Note In your workbook, cells in column C are not highlighted and the text and amount in cells C19,
E19, and E20 are empty. Figure 10-2 has been modified to show you which cells in the C5:C16
range meet the >200000 criteria (275,000+209,000+258,000+359,500+250,000+305,600) and
that the total is the sum of these individual cells or 1,657,100. If you want to conditionally high-
light a range, see Lesson 6.
Troubleshooting It is not necessary to type dollar signs or commas when entering dollar amounts in the Function
Arguments dialog box. If you type them, Excel removes them from the formula and returns
an accurate value.
5. Click OK to accept the changes and close the dialog box. You see that $1,657,100 of
Fabrikam’s December revenue came from properties valued in excess of $200,000.
Using Advanced Formulas 295
6. If for some reason you need to edit the formula, select the cell that contains the
function, and on the FORMULAS tab, or in the Formula Bar, click the Insert Function
button to return to the Function Arguments dialog box (see Figure 10-3).
Figure 10-3
Insert Function buttons allow
you to return to the Function
Arguments dialog box.
Insert function
Take Note The result of the SUMIF formula in C20 does not include the property value in C15 because the
formula specified values greater than $200,000. To include this value, the criterion needs to be >=
(greater than or equal to).
7. Click OK or press Esc if you have no changes.
8. Select cell C21, and in the Function Library group, click Recently Used, and then click
SUMIF to once again open the Function Arguments dialog box. The insertion point
should be in the Range box.
Take Note When you click Recently Used, the last function that you used appears at the top of the list.
Similarly, when you click Insert Function, the Insert Function dialog box opens with the last used
function highlighted.
9. In the Range field, select cells E5:E16. The selected range is automatically entered into
the text box. Press Tab.
Take Note You do not need to collapse the dialog box as you did in Step 3. You can directly highlight the
range if the dialog box is not in the way. Another option is to move the dialog box by dragging
the title bar.
10. In the Criteria box, type <3% and press Tab. You enter the criteria to look at column E
and find values less than 3%.
How do you create a formula
that sums only those values 11. In the Sum_range field, select cells C5:C16. The formula in C21 is different that the
that meet criteria? formula in C20. In C21, the criteria range is different than the sum range. In C20, the
296 Lesson 10
criteria range and the sum range are the same. In C21, SUMIF checks for values in
column E that are less than 3% (E8 is the first one) and finds the value in the same
row and column C (C8 in this case) and adds this to the total. Click OK to accept your
changes and close the dialog box. Excel returns a value of $1,134,200.
12. SAVE the workbook.
The SUMIFS function adds cells in a range that meet multiple criteria. It is important to note that
the order of arguments in this function is different from the order used with SUMIF. In a SUMIF
formula, the Sum_range argument is the third argument; in SUMIFS, however, it is the first argu-
ment. In this exercise, you create and use two SUMIFS formulas, each of which analyzes data based
on two criteria. The first SUMIFS formula adds the selling price of the properties that Fabrikam sold
for more than $200,000 and that were on the market 60 days or less. The second formula adds the
properties that sold at less than 3% difference from their listed price within 60 days.
Figure 10-4
SUMIFS formula applies two or
more criteria.
Preview indicates
total will be 433000.
Troubleshooting It is a good idea to press Tab after your last entry and preview the result of the function to
make sure you entered all arguments correctly.
12. Click OK. After applying this formula, Excel returns a value of $433,000.
13. SAVE the workbook.
The formulas you use in this exercise analyze the data on two criteria. You can continue to add up
to 127 criteria on which data can be evaluated.
Because the order of arguments is different in SUMIF and SUMIFS, if you want to copy and edit
these similar functions, be sure to put the arguments in the correct order (first, second, third, and
so on).
In a conditional formula, the COUNTIF function counts the number of cells in a given range
that meet a specific condition. The syntax for the COUNTIF function is COUNTIF(Range,
Criteria). The Range is the range of cells to be counted by the formula, and the Criteria are the
conditions that must be met in order for the cells to be counted. The condition can be a number,
expression, or text entry. In this exercise, you practice using the COUNTIF function twice to
calculate values of homes sold and listed >=200,000. The ranges you specify in these COUNTIF
formulas are prices of homes. The criterion selects only those homes that are $200,000 or more.
The COUNTIFS formula counts the number of cells within a range that meet multiple criteria.
The syntax is COUNTIFS(Criteria_range1, Criteria1, Criteria_range2, Criteria2, and so on).
You can create up to 127 ranges and criteria. In this exercise, you perform calculations based on
multiple criteria for the COUNTIFS formula.
Figure 10-5
Arguments and results for
COUNTIFS formula
6. In the Criteria_range2 box, select cells E5:E16. You selected your second range to be
7. In the Criteria2 box, type >=5% and press Tab to preview. Click OK. Excel returns a
value of 2.
8. SAVE the workbook.
A cell in the range you identify in the Function Arguments dialog box is counted only if all of the
corresponding criteria you specified are TRUE f or that cell. If a criterion refers to an empty cell,
COUNTIFS treats it as a 0 value.
Take Note When you create formulas, you can use the wildcard characters, question mark (?) and asterisk (*),
in your criteria. A question mark matches any single character; an asterisk matches any sequence
of characters. If you want to find an actual question mark or asterisk, type a grave accent (`) pre-
ceding the character. You apply this technique later in the lesson.
The AVERAGEIF formula returns the arithmetic mean of all the cells in a range that meet a given
criteria. The syntax is similar to SUMIF and is AVERAGEIF(Range, Criteria, Average_range). In
the AVERAGEIF syntax, Range is the set of cells you want to average. For example, in this exer-
cise, you use the AVERAGEIF function to calculate the average number of days that properties
valued at $200,000 or more were on the market before they were sold. The range in this formula
is B5:B16 (cells that contain the listed value of the homes that were sold). The criterion is the con-
dition against which you want the cells to be evaluated, that is, >=200000. Average_range is the
actual set of cells to average—the number of days each home was on the market before it was sold.
As in the SUMIF formula, the last argument, Average_range, is optional if the range contains the
cells that both match the criteria and are used for the average. In this exercise, you first find the
average of all cells in a range and then find a conditional average.
Figure 10-6
Results for AVERAGEIF formula
An AVERAGEIFS formula returns the average (arithmetic mean) of all cells that meet multiple
criteria. The syntax is AVERAGEIFS(Average_range, Criteria_range1, Criteria1, Criteria_range2,
Criteria2, and so on). You learn to apply the AVERAGEIFS formula in the following exercise to
find the average of a set of numbers where two criteria are met.
You entered only two criteria for the SUMIFS, COUNTIFS, and AVERAGEIFS formulas you
created in the previous exercises. However, in large worksheets, you often need to use multiple cri-
teria in order for the formula to return a value that is meaningful for your analysis. You can enter
up to 127 conditions that data must match in order for a cell to be included in the conditional
summary that results from a SUMIFS, COUNTIFS, or AVERAGEIFS formula.
The following statements summarize how values are treated when you enter an AVERAGEIF or
Using Advanced Formulas 301
• If the entire range is blank or contains text values, AVERAGEIF returns the #DIV0! error value.
• If no cells in the range meet the criteria, AVERAGEIF returns the #DIV/0! error value.
The “V” in VLOOKUP stands for vertical. This formula is used when the comparison value is in
the first column of a table. Excel goes down the first column until a match is found and then looks
in one of the columns to the right to find the value in the same row. The VLOOKUP function
syntax is vwLOOKUP(Lookup_value, Table_array, Col_index_num, Range_lookup). See Figure
10-7 for a graphical explanation of the function.
Figure 10-7
Vertical lookup (VLOOKUP) 1) VLOOKUP goes vertically down
first column until there is a VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num)
match with lookup_value VLOOKUP(5,Commission,3) = 1.50%
Table_array is a table of text, numbers, or values that you use for the formula. It can either be a
range of cells (A1:D5) or a range name (Commission). The data in a table array must be ar-
ranged in rows and columns. In the next exercise, you apply this formula to calculate employee
bonuses. When working with VLOOKUP functions and arguments, there are several key points
to keep in mind:
302 Lesson 10
• If Lookup_value is smaller than the smallest value in the first column of Table_array, VLOOK-
UP returns the #N/A error value.
• Table_array values can be text, numbers, or logical values. Uppercase and lowercase text is equiv-
• The values in the first column of the Table_array selection must be placed in ascending sort
order; otherwise, VLOOKUP might not give the correct value. The lookup table you use in this
exercise lists years of service in ascending order.
• If Range_lookup is False, VLOOKUP finds only an exact match. If an exact match is not found,
the error value #N/A is returned.
Take Note Range names or cell references used in VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP are not case sensitive, so you
can type them in uppercase, lowercase, or any combination of uppercase and lowercase characters.
Also, the VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP function names are not case sensitive.
Figure 10-8
VLOOKUP Function Arguments
dialog box
Look in Table_array
called Bonus
9. Using the fill handle in cell E5, copy the formula to the range E6:E11. This calculates
bonus rates for the other sales agents. The #N/A error message appears in cell E11
because a value is not available for agents who have been employed for less than one
year. (Agents become eligible for a bonus only after a full year of service.) You change
this error message in another exercise.
10. Click in cell F5 and type =VLOOKUP(B5,Bonus,3). Notice that the ScreenTip gives you
information and help as you go. This looks up values in the third column of the Bonus
range. Press Enter.
11. Copy the formula from F5 to the range F6:F11.
12. SAVE the workbook as 10 Fabrikam Bonus Solution.
Take Note Entering True in the Range_lookup box returns the closest value. False returns only an exact
value. If you leave the Range_lookup box empty as it is in Step 10 in the previous exercise, Excel
enters True when you click OK.
304 Lesson 10
The “H” in HLOOKUP stands for horizontal. HLOOKUP searches horizontally for a value in
the top row of a table or an array and then returns a value in the same column from a row you
specify in the table or array. Use HLOOKUP when the comparison values are located in a row
across the top of a table of data and you want to look in a specified row (see Figure 10-9). In the
following exercise, you use an HLOOKUP formula to search standards for a house.
Figure 10-9
Horizontal lookup (HLOOKUP)
HLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, row_index_num)
HLOOKUP(“Feet”,Properties,3) = 1000
HLOOKUP and VLOOKUP are similar in format. Figure 10-10 and Table 10-3 compare the
syntax of the two functions.
Figure 10-10
VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, range_lookup)
Comparing VLOOKUP and
Value (5)
Range (A5:C11) Number TRUE or omit - find closest value
Text (“Feet”)
Range Name (Commission) Cell w/number FALSE – has to be exact match
Cell Ref (A5)
Table_array Two or more columns of data. Use a reference to a range or a range name. The
values in the first column of Table_array are the values searched by Lookup_value
in VLOOKUP. The values in the first row are values searched by Lookup_value in
Col_index_num The numeric position of the column that is to be searched for by VLOOKUP. The
column number in Table_array from which the matching value must be returned.
A Col_index_num of 1 returns the value in the first column in Table_array; a
Col_index_num of 2 returns the value in the second column in Table_array, and
so on.
Row_index_num The numeric position of the row that is to be searched for by HLOOKUP.
Range_lookup A logical value that specifies whether it is ready for VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP
to find an approximate match. If the function is to return the nearest value, even
when there is no match, this value should be set to True; if an exact match is
required, this value should be set to False; if this argument is not included, the
function assumes the value to be True.
Figure 10-11
HLOOKUP Function Arguments
Go to column headed
by Feet and count down
starting with the first
row and you get 1000.
7. In cell D11, type 5 and notice that the result in F11 changes to 2500.
8. In cell E11, type CO2 and notice that the result changes to the result for the CO2 column
for 5 beds, which is 3.
9. Click cell D11, and then type 7. Notice that you get a #REF! error because the table goes
up to five beds.
10. In cell D11, type 1. Cell F11 displays a result of 1.
11. SAVE the workbook.
It might be difficult to remember the syntax for an HLOOKUP or VLOOKUP function. You can
always use the Function Arguments dialog box to help you remember the order of the arguments
for any and all formulas. When you click in each field, review the tips that appear on the right side
of each box, as well as the explanation below the argument boxes that tells the purpose of each
argument in the formula.
Using IF
The result of a conditional formula is determined by the state of a specific condition or the answer
to a logical question. An IF function sets up a conditional statement to test data. An IF formula re-
turns one value if the condition you specify is true and another value if it is false. The IF function
requires the following syntax: IF(Logical_test, Value_if_true, Value_if_false). In this exercise,
you use an IF function to determine who achieved his goal and is eligible for the performance
Take Note The entire company is evaluated on making the goal, and bonuses are awarded to the back office
staff if the company goal is met. The result in G12 is used for the formulas in column I. When
you copy, the formatting is included.
7. Click the Auto Fill Options button in the bottom right corner of the range and choose
Fill Without Formatting.
8. In cell H5, type =IF(G5=”Yes”,E5*D5,0. Before you complete the formula, notice the
ScreenTip, the cells selected, and the colors (see Figure 10-13). Move the mouse
pointer to each of the arguments and they become a hyperlink. E5 is the individual
bonus rate and D5 is the actual sales. The bonus is the rate times the sales.
308 Lesson 10
Take Note In some cases, Excel completes the formula. In Step 8, the closing parenthesis was not added, and
Excel was able to complete the formula.
10. Use the fill handle in H5 to copy the formula from to H6:H11.
11. In I5, type =IF($G$12=”Yes”,F5*D5,0), and then press Enter.
Cross Remember that dollar signs before the column and row indicate an absolute reference. When you
Ref copy the formula, $G$12 remains the same in every cell.
12. Use the fill handle in I5 to copy the formula from cto I6:I11. Notice that Richard Carey,
the Senior Partner, did not receive an Agent Bonus and there was no bonus for Back
13. The final pending sale of $700,000 of the year came through. In D5, type $3,900,000.
Notice that H5 and the amounts in column I go from 0 to bonuses (see Figure 10-14).
Figure 10-14
Bonuses change by adding
sales to D5.
Using AND
The AND function returns True if all its arguments are true, and False if one or more arguments
are false. The Syntax is AND(Logical1, Logical2, and so on). In this exercise, you use the AND
function to determine whether Fabrikam’s total annual sales met the strategic goal and whether
the sales goal exceeded the previous year’s sales by 5 percent.
Using Advanced Formulas 309
Figure 10-15
AND function arguments
AND condition
Formula description
Result to be
Figure 10-16
The completed Annual Sales
worksheet Completed AND
formula in C6
Again, the AND function returns a True result only when both conditions in the formula are met.
For example, consider the results you achieved in the preceding exercise. Sales in the second year
exceeded sales for the previous year; therefore, the first condition is met. Year 2 sales also exceeded
Year 1 sales by 5 percent. Because both conditions are met, the formula returns a True result.
310 Lesson 10
Now consider the arguments for the logical tests for Year 3 (the formula in D6). Sales did not
exceed the sales goal; therefore, the first argument returns a False value. However, sales did exceed
the previous year’s sales by 5 percent. When only one condition is met, the formula returns False.
Using OR
Although all arguments in an AND function have to be True for the function to return a True
value, only one of the arguments in the OR function has to be True for the function to return
a True value. The syntax for an OR formula is similar to that for an AND formula. With this
formula, the arguments must evaluate to logical values such as True or False or references that
contain logical values. In this exercise, you create a formula that evaluates whether sales agents are
eligible for the back office bonus when they are new or when they did not get the sales bonus (less
than 4 years with the company or did not get the agent bonus). The OR formula returns True if
either of the conditions are True.
Figure 10-17
OR Function Arguments Logical1 (B7<4) evaluates to False,
Take Note As you add arguments, the Logical fields in the Function Arguments dialog box expand to allow
you to enter multiple arguments.
Using NOT
The NOT function reverses the value of its arguments. Use NOT when you want to make sure
a value is not equal to one particular value. If the logical value is FALSE, NOT returns TRUE.
In the following exercise, you use the NOT function to answer the following question: Do we
exclude this agent from the back office bonus?
GET READY. USE the workbook from the previous exercise. The Performance worksheet
should still be active.
1. Copy cell J4 to cell K4 and edit the label to say Not In Back Office.
2. Click cell K5. In the Function Library group, click the Logical button.
3. Select NOT from the list of logical formulas.
4. In the Function Arguments dialog box, type J5 and press Enter.
5. Copy cell K5 to cells K6 through K11. Notice that the values in K5 through K11 are the
opposite of the values in column J.
6. SAVE the workbook.
An error message is returned when a formula does not contain sufficient or valid arguments to
return a value. Use the IFERROR function to trap and handle errors in a formula. This function
returns a value you specify if a formula evaluates to an error; otherwise, it returns the result of
the formula. The syntax is IFERROR(Value, Value_if_error). In the IFERROR syntax, Value is
the argument that is checked for an error. In the next exercise, you use this formula to determine
eligible bonuses.
For this example, you change the functions in the Performance worksheet to no longer show #N/A
because of the VLOOKUP function.
GET READY. USE the workbook from the previous exercise and make sure the Performance
worksheet is active.
1. Select cell E11 and click to place the insertion point after the = in the formula bar to edit
the formula. You add the IFERROR formula to correct the formula error that gave the
#N/A result in a previous exercise.
2. Type IFERROR( before VLOOKUP. Leave the existing formula intact. Press End to take
you to the end of the formula.
Take Note Notice that we write function names such as IFERROR and VLOOKUP in all uppercase. These
names are not case sensitive, but Microsoft always writes them in uppercase in the function lists
and Help system because doing so makes reading functions much easier. Thus, it is best to get in
the habit of using function names in uppercase.
3. At the end of the original formula, type ,0). As shown in Figure 10-18, the complete
formula is =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B11,Bonus,2,True),0). Be sure to include the closing
parenthesis and the preceding comma or Excel returns an error that the formula is
Troubleshooting When you start creating more complex formulas including functions within other functions,
ensure that you use the same number of open parentheses as close parentheses.
312 Lesson 10
Figure 10-18
Editing a formula to enter 0
when an error occurs
4. Press Enter. The #N/A error message is replaced by 0. If you select cell E11 and click
the Insert Function button next to the formula bar, the original VLOOKUP formula
appears in the Value box (first argument) in the IFERROR formula. As illustrated in
Figure 10-19, that argument returned a #N/A error. The Value_if_error box contains the
0 that replaces the error message.
Figure 10-19
IFERROR function arguments
Value returns #N/A.
However if there is
an error, result is 0
5. Click cell F11 and edit the formula to include the IFERROR function
6. Copy the formulas in E11:F11 to E5 through F10. The workbook doesn’t look like it
changes, but you should verify that this worked by changing B6 to 0 (as shown in
Figure 10-20).
Using Advanced Formulas 313
Figure 10-20
Test of worksheet
7. Click Undo to reverse the change to cell B6 and return the worksheet to the proper
8. SAVE the workbook.
PAUSE. CLOSE the workbook and LEAVE Excel open for the next exercise.
IFERROR recognizes and evaluates the following errors: #N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!,
#NUM!, #NAME?, or #NULL!. In this exercise, you replace the #N/A error message with 0”.
You might be familiar with Microsoft Word’s Convert Text command that enables you to change
the capitalization of text. Similarly, in Excel, you can use PROPER, UPPER, and LOWER formu-
las to capitalize the first letter in each word of a text string or to convert all characters to uppercase
or lowercase. This section presents you with a text file from the alarm company. There is a lot of
useful information in the file, but it is coded for the alarm system rather than for use in a spread-
sheet. The company’s president has asked you to keep the file confidential because it contains the
codes for each employee, but he has also asked you to use your Excel knowledge to convert the
information into a usable format.
Figure 10-21
10 Fabrikam Alarm Codes
original file
Comma will convert
text to columns
2. Select cells A2:A8. Click the DATA tab and in the Data Tools group, click Text to
3. The Convert Text to Columns Wizard opens with Delimited selected as the default,
because Excel recognizes that the data in the selected range is separated with
commas. Click Next to move to the next step in the wizard.
4. Select Comma as the delimiter. If other delimiters are checked, deselect them
5. Click Next, and then click Finish.
6. Data is separated into seven columns. To help identify the columns, type the text
in row 1 and increase the column widths so you can see the cell contents (see
Figure 10-22).
Figure 10-22
Converted text Type column headers.
Another Way
You can also use
text functions such as LEFT, 7. SAVE the workbook as 10 Fabrikam Alarm Codes Solution.
MID, and RIGHT to convert
text data from one column to PAUSE. LEAVE the workbook open for the next exercise.
multiple columns.
The LEFT function evaluates a string and takes any number of characters on the left side of the
string. The format of the function is LEFT(Text, Num_chars). The first string in the Alarm Data
workbook contains the employee’s phone extension and floor number, which you grab by using
the LEFT function.
Figure 10-23
LEFT function arguments
Take Note The result of this exercise on the LEFT function and the following exercises on the RIGHT and
MID functions are shown in Figure 10-24.
7. Select cell I2, click the Recently Used button, and select LEFT.
8. In the Text box, type A2, press Tab, and in the Num_chars box, type 1. Click OK.
9. Copy the formula in I2 from I3 to I8.
10. SAVE the workbook.
The RIGHT function is almost identical to the LEFT function except that the function returns
the number of characters on the right side of the text string. In the Alarm codes file, the first con-
verted column contains the five-digit employee ID at the end, and the Alarm code in column E
contains the employee’s birth month.
5. In the Num_chars box, type 3 and press Tab. The preview of the result shows apr.
4.4.1 6. Click OK and copy the formula in J2 from J3 to J8.
7. Select cell K2, type =RIGHT(A2,5), and press Enter.
How do you create a formula 8. Copy the formula in K2 from K3 to K8.
that extracts a certain
number of characters on the 9. SAVE the workbook.
right of a string?
PAUSE. LEAVE the workbook open for the next exercise.
Using MID
Whereas LEFT and RIGHT return the number of the characters on either side of a text string,
MID returns characters in the middle. For this reason, your arguments need to include the Text
string and then a starting point (Start_num) and number of characters (Num_chars). In the first
column of the Alarm file, there are codes indicating two different categories of employees.
4.4.1 5. The starting point of the empcat1 value is the fourth character of (425oonp15210), so
type a 4 in the Start_num text box.
6. In the Num_chars box, type 2. The preview of the result shows oo.
How do you create a formula
7. Click OK and copy the formula in L2 from L3 to L8.
that extracts a certain
number of characters in the 8. Select cell M2, and type =MID(A2,6,2), and press Enter.
middle of a string? 9. Copy the formula in M2 from M3 to M8.
10. SAVE the workbook. The worksheet should look like Figure 10-24.
Figure 10-24
Alarm Data workbook after
the MID functions are entered
and copied
Using TRIM
Sometimes there are extra spaces in a cell—either at the end or the beginning of the string, es-
pecially after converting a text file like the alarm file—see the SPFirst and SPLast columns. The
TRIM function removes characters at both ends of the string. There is only one argument: Text.
Thus the syntax of the function is TRIM(Text).
Using Advanced Formulas 317
The PROPER function capitalizes the first letter in a text string and any other letters in text
that follow any character other than a letter. All other letters are converted to lowercase. In the
PROPER(Text) syntax, Text can be text enclosed in quotation marks, a formula that returns text,
or a reference to a cell containing the text you want to capitalize. In this exercise, you use PROPER
to change lowercase text to initial capitals.
Take Note You can see the results of this and the next few exercises in Figure 10-25 later in the lesson.
The PROPER function capitalizes the first letter in each word in a text string. All other letters are
converted to lowercase. If you have an apostrophe such as David’s, Excel recognizes the apostrophe
as a break and capitalizes the result as David’S.
The UPPER function allows you to convert text to uppercase (all capital letters) text. The syntax
is UPPER(Text), with Text referring to the text you want converted to uppercase. Text can be a
reference or a text string. In this exercise, you convert the employee category (empcat1 and emp-
cat2) to uppercase.
318 Lesson 10
The LOWER function converts all uppercase letters in a text string to lowercase. LOWER does
not change characters in text that are not letters. You use the LOWER formula in the following
exercise to apply lowercase text in order to more easily tell an O (letter O) from a 0 (zero).
In some cases, you need to combine text strings together. Use CONCATENATE for this purpose.
The syntax of the function is CONCATENATE(Text1, Text2, Text3 … up to Text30). In this
case, you combine the first and last names into two different formats for future mail merges. In
the first format, you use a comma to separate the last and first name but because the character can
change to a semi-colon or other character, you type the comma in a cell and use the cell reference
in the CONCATENATE formula.
Figure 10-25
Copy formula for Last and First
did not work.
7. Press Enter and copy the formula in cell H12 from cell H13 through cell H18 again. This
time the formula is copied correctly.
8. Type a ; (a semi-colon followed by a space) in H11, and notice that all values in the
4.4.4 column now have semi-colons instead of commas.
9. Select cell I12 and type =CONCATENATE(A12,” “,B12). Notice that the second argument
How do you create a formula is a quote, space, and a quote. This separates the first and last names.
that combines two strings 10. Press Enter and copy the formula in cell I12 from cell I13 through cell I18.
together to form one string?
11. SAVE the workbook.
Using FIND
Use the FIND function to locate a specific string in a text string. The syntax of the function is
FIND(Find_text, Within_text, Start_num). The Find_text argument can be one character as in
this example or a longer string. The Within_text is usually a longer string and most often is a cell
reference with a string. The Start_num argument tells you which position in the Within_text
string to begin the counting. This argument is optional and if left off assumes you will begin
searching at the beginning of the string. In the Alarm Data file, there are two hidden letters in
one of the strings (A and B) whose position actually tells you the digits of the first entry code. The
second entry is the month number of the employee’s birthday.
4. In the Find_text box, type A and press Tab. Notice that the preview shows “A” (with
quotes) in the row.
5. In the Within_text box, click E2. Notice that the result returns a 3 for the function. The
first character in the string is a space, the second is an l (lowercase “L”), and the third is
a capital A.
6. Click OK and copy the formula in cell J11 from cell J12 through cell J18.
7. Select cell K12, type =FIND(“b”,E2), and press Enter. In this case, you are looking for a
lowercase b—the argument is case sensitive.
8. Copy the formula in cell K12 from cell K13 to cell K18.
9. SAVE the workbook.
Excel’s SUBSTITUTE function is especially useful when you need to edit data and you want to
substitute new text for existing text in a text string. Use SUBSTITUTE when you want to replace
specific text in a text string; use REPLACE when you want to replace any text that occurs in a
specific location in a text string, such as when a name change occurs. In the Alarm Data file, the
employee category fields can identify probationary employees and the level of probation. The
syntax of the function is SUBSTITUTE(Text, Old_text, New_text, Instance_num). The Text ar-
gument is the string you will search. In this exercise you will replace the Old_text with New_text.
Figure 10-26
Text exercises
10. Press Ctrl +` to display the formulas, as shown in Figure 10-27. Press Ctrl +` again to
switch back to the formula results.
Figure 10-27
Text exercise worksheet
close Excel.
To use existing text with small changes, you can use the SUBSTITUTE function. In the Func-
tion Arguments dialog box, Text can be the actual text you want to substitute, or it can be a cell
322 Lesson 10
Skill Summary
In this lesson you Objective
learned how: Exam Objective Number
Knowledge Assessment
Multiple Choice
Select the best response for the following statements.
1. Which of the following functions would you use to convert text from uppercase to title
2. Which function automatically counts cells that meet multiple conditions?
3. Which function automatically counts cells that meet a specific condition?
4. In the formula =SUMIFS(C5:C16, F5:F16, “<=60”, B5:B16, “>200000”), what is the range
of cells to be added?
a. a.= C5:C16
b. = F5:F16
c. = B5:B16
d. = C5:F16
Using Advanced Formulas 323
Match each term with its definition.
a. AND function _____ 1. A function used to look up information stored in the
first column of an Excel table in the worksheet.
b. arguments _____ 2. A function in which a True result is returned if data
meets any condition specified in the formula.
c. CONCATENATE function _____ 3. The values that a function uses to perform
operations or calculations.
d. COUNTIF _____ 4. A function in which a True result is returned if data
meets all conditions specified in the formula.
e. HLOOKUP _____ 5. A function that combines two or more strings
f. OR function _____ 6. A formula component used to build single formulas
that produce multiple results.
g. SUMIF _____ 7. A function in which the result is determined by the
state of multiple criteria.
h. SUMIFS _____ 8. A function that references the first row of an
Excel table in the worksheet in order to look up
information stored in the same column.
i. table _____ 9. A function that returns the total number of cells that
meet one condition.
j. VLOOKUP _____ 10. A function in which the result is determined by the
state of a particular condition.
324 Lesson 10
Competency Assessment
Project 10-2: Creating SUMIF and SUMIFS Formulas to Conditionally Summarize Data
Salary information for Contoso, Ltd. has been entered in a workbook so the office manager can
analyze and summarize the data. In the following exercise, you calculate sums with conditions.
Proficiency Assessment
Mastery Assessment
close Excel.
Securing and
Sharing Workbooks 11
Lesson Skill Matrix
Skills Matrix Skill Skill Number
Key Terms
• change history
• password
• shared workbook
• strong password
• tracking changes
©spxChrome / iStockphoto
328 Lesson 11
Contoso, Ltd sees many patients every day. The clinic keeps confidential records
about patient visits, medications, and medical issues. In addition, for employees, in-
formation about salaries, national identification numbers (social security numbers
in the US, social insurance numbers in Canada, or national insurance numbers in
the UK), and performance appraisals is stored. The back office staff must be able to
share information, but it is critical that much of the information be kept confidential.
In this lesson, you learn about Excel’s tools for protecting and distributing docu-
©spxChrome / iStockphoto
ments, sharing them, tracking changes, and adding comments.
Software Orientation
Figure 11-1 Protect Sheet Protect Workbook Share Workbook Protect and Share
button button button Workbook button
Use this illustration as a reference throughout this lesson as you learn to share and edit files
using Excel’s security and protection options.
Securing and Sharing Workbooks 329
Protecting a Worksheet
In a work environment, workbooks are frequently used by more than one employee. When you
create a worksheet that is accessed by multiple users, you often need to protect it so that a user does
not accidentally or intentionally change, move, or delete important data. In the next exercise, you
use the RAND and RANDBETWEEN formulas to create unique ID numbers.
Excel has two random number functions: RAND and RANDBETWEEN. RAND does not
require function arguments, so you cannot specify the number of digits you want in the number
returned by a RAND formula. In contrast, RANDBETWEEN allows you to determine the be-
ginning and ending numbers.
Figure 11-2
Generating a five-digit
random number
5. Double-click the fill handle in cell G4 to copy the range to G5:G33. Each employee is
now assigned a random five-digit ID number.
6. With the range G4:G33 already selected, on the HOME tab, click Copy. Click the Paste
arrow, and then click Paste Values.
Troubleshooting The RANDBETWEEN formula generates a new random number each time a workbook is
opened or modified. To retain the Employee ID numbers created by the formula, you must
replace the formula with the values.
330 Lesson 11
7. With G4:G33 selected, on the HOME tab, click Format and then select Format Cells.
Click the Protection tab and verify that Locked is checked. This prevents employee ID
numbers from being changed when the worksheet has been protected. Click OK.
8. On the HOME tab, click the Sort & Filter button and select Sort Smallest to Largest. On
the Sort Warning dialog box, select Continue with the current selection, and then click
9. Select cells C4:D33. On the HOME tab, click Format. Notice that the Lock Cell command
appears selected, meaning the cells are locked by default. Click Lock Cell to turn off the
protection on these cells to allow these cells to change.
10. Click on the REVIEW tab, and in the Changes group, click Protect Sheet.
11. In the Password to unprotect sheet box, type L11!e01. The password is not displayed in
the Password to unprotect sheet box. Instead, asterisks (*) are displayed as shown in
Figure 11-3. Click OK.
Figure 11-3
The Protect Sheet dialog box
displays asterisks (*) as you
type, to protect the password.
12. You are asked to confirm the password. Type L11!e01 again and click OK. You have just
created and confirmed the password that will lock the worksheet. Passwords are meant
to be secure. This means that all passwords are case sensitive. Thus, you must type
exactly what has been assigned as the password—uppercase and lowercase letters,
numbers, and symbols.
13. SAVE the workbook as 11 Payroll Data Solution. CLOSE the workbook.
Take Note Workbook and worksheet element protection should not be confused with workbook-level
password security. Element protection cannot protect a workbook from users who have malicious
Protecting a Workbook
Assigning a password is an effective way to prevent any user who does not know the password from
opening a workbook. To protect an entire workbook, you can require a password to open and view
the workbook. You can also require one password to open and view the workbook and a second
password to modify workbook data. Passwords that apply to an entire workbook provide optimal
security for your data.
Currently, the 11 Payroll Data Solution workbook you saved in the previous exercise can be viewed
by anyone who has access to the computer system. You restricted the modification of the file, but
you did not restrict access to the data. In this exercise, you will limit access to the workbook by
requiring a password to open the document.
Excel passwords can contain up to 255 letters, numbers, spaces, and symbols. Passwords are case
sensitive, so you must type uppercase and lowercase letters correctly. If possible, select a strong
password that you can remember so that you do not have to write it down. A strong password
Securing and Sharing Workbooks 331
is one that combines uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols—consider the exam-
ple password of L11!e01 that you used in the previous exercise. A password that uses 14 or more
characters, however, is considered to be more secure. Passwords that use birthdates, house num-
bers, pet names, and so on. provide little protection for anyone who can look up this information
on social networks or the Internet.
Take Note It is vitally important that you remember passwords assigned to workbooks or worksheets. If you
forget your password, Microsoft cannot retrieve it. If necessary, write down passwords and store
them in a secure place away from the information you want to protect.
When you protect a worksheet, you can hide any formulas that you do not want to be visible in the
formula bar. Select the cells that contain the formulas you want to hide. Then, on the Protection
tab of the Format Cells dialog box, select the Hidden check box.
GET READY. OPEN the 11 Payroll Data Solution workbook that you saved and closed in the
previous exercise.
1. Click cell G11 and try to type a new value in the cell. A dialog box informs you that you
are unable to modify the cell because the worksheet is protected. Click OK to continue.
2. Click cell D4 and change the number to 1. You can make changes to cells in columns C
and D because you unlocked the cells before you protected the worksheet. Click Undo
to reverse the change.
3. Click the Performance worksheet tab and select cell D4.
4. On the HOME tab, in the Cells group, click the Delete arrow, and click Delete Sheet
Rows. Dr. Bourne’s data is removed from the worksheet because this worksheet was
left unprotected.
5. Click Undo to return Dr. Bourne’s data.
6. Click the SSN worksheet tab. Click the REVIEW tab, and in the Changes group, click
Unprotect Sheet.
7. Type L11!e01 (the password you created in the previous exercise) and click OK.
8. Click cell D11. Type 8, press Tab three times, and then type 17000 (see Figure). Press
Figure 11-4
G11 is changed to 17000.
G11 is changed.
9. On the REVIEW tab, in the Changes group, click Protect Sheet. In the two dialog boxes,
type the original password for the sheet L11!e01 to again protect the SSN worksheet.
332 Lesson 11
10. On the REVIEW tab, in the Changes group, click Protect Workbook. The Protect
Structure and Windows dialog box shown in Figure 11-5 opens. Select the Protect
workbook for Structure check box in the dialog box , if it isn’t already selected.
Figure 11-5
Protecting the structure of a
11. In the Password box, type L11&E02, and then click OK. Confirm the password by typing
it again and click OK.
Take Note The workbook password is optional, but if you do not supply a password, any user can unprotect
the workbook and change the protected elements.
12. To verify that you cannot change worksheet options, right-click the Performance
worksheet tab and notice the dimmed commands shown in Figure 11-6.
Figure 11-6
Right-click on Performance
worksheet and notice dimmed
commands. Commands
no longer
13. Press Esc and click the FILE tab. Select Save As, and then click the Browse button.
14. In the Save As dialog box, click the Tools button. The shortcut menu opens (see
Figure 11-7).
Figure 11-7
Use the Tools options in the
Save As dialog box to restrict
access to the workbook.
Securing and Sharing Workbooks 333
15. Select General Options. The General Options dialog box opens. In the General Options
dialog box, in the Password to open box, type L11&E02. Asterisks appear in the text
box as you type. Click OK.
16. In the Confirm Password dialog box, reenter the password, and then click OK. You must
type the password exactly the same each time.
17. Click Save and click Yes to replace the document. As the document is now saved,
anyone who has the password can open the workbook and modify data contained
in the Performance worksheet because that worksheet is not protected. However, to
modify the SSN worksheet, the user must also know the password you used to protect
that worksheet in the first exercise.
Troubleshooting When you confirm the password to prevent unauthorized viewing of a document, you are re-
minded that passwords are case-sensitive. If the password you enter in the Confirm Password
dialog box is not identical to the one you entered in the previous dialog box, you will receive
an error message. Click OK to close the error message and reenter the password in the Confirm
Password dialog box.
When you saved the Payroll Data Solution workbook in the first exercise in this section, it could be
viewed by anyone with access to your computer system or network. As you saw when you opened
the file in this exercise, the workbook could be viewed, but the SSN worksheet could not be mod-
ified except for the cells that were unlocked. If you saved the file with a different name, that file
also would be protected, and you could not alter the data without the password that protects that
Protecting the structure of a workbook prevents users from viewing worksheets that you have hid-
den; inserting new worksheets; or moving, deleting, hiding, or changing the names of worksheets.
Selecting the Windows box on the Protect Structure and Windows dialog box (refer to Figure
11-5) prevents the user from changing the size and position of the windows when the workbook
is opened.
Workplace Ready
PASSWORDS and security
As you learned in this lesson, assigning a strong password is an important security precaution.
Based on your review of the suggestions for creating strong password, in a new workbook create a
list of passwords that you need to change to secure your personal information and protect the in-
tegrity of data you create. Do not list your actual passwords; instead, identify the password usage.
For example, you might indicate that you need to change the password that you use to access your
college email account or your personal email account. Determine a safe storage vehicle for the new
passwords you create (in case you forget them).
334 Lesson 11
On the workbook, add a sheet similar to the one that follows that allows you to have your own
strong password checklist. The passwords should have eight characters or more and include letters,
punctuation, numbers, and symbols. In addition, you should change your passwords often, not
share them with anyone unless absolutely required, and do not save individuals passwords or lists
in a location that is easily accessed.
For example, the workbook you create in this exercise is used by the medical assistants, who record
all sample medications the physicians prescribe for patients. Sharing this workbook means that
more than one medical assistant can access the workbook and enter data at the same time. In this
exercise, you learn how to allow users to simultaneously edit workbooks.
Figure 11-8
Sharing a workbook
12. Click OK when prompted and the action will save the workbook.
13. In the Changes group, click Protect Shared Workbook. Select the Sharing with track
changes check box in the Protect Shared Workbook dialog box. Click OK.
14. Notice that [Shared] appears in the title bar.
15. SAVE and CLOSE the workbook.
In a shared workbook, information is maintained about changes each user makes when they edit
the workbook. The change history includes the name of the person who made each change,
when the change was made, and what data was changed.
Cross Changes can also be turned on and off through the Track Changes button on the REVIEW tab.
Ref For more information and to see the result of track changes, see the “Tracking Changes to a Work-
book” section later in this lesson.
A shared workbook does not support all Excel features. For example, you can include merged cells,
conditional formats, data validation, charts, and so on before a workbook is shared, but these fea-
tures cannot be added by those who edit a shared workbook.
When you protected your shared workbook, you prevented those who use the workbook from
removing the change history. By default, changes made in the workbook will be retained for 30
days. You can increase that time frame on the Advanced tab of the Share Workbook dialog box
(refer back to Figure 11-8).
Troubleshooting If you want to assign a password to a shared workbook, you must assign it before the work-
book is shared. You can also unshare a workbook and add the password. However, when you
unshare a shared workbook, the change history is lost.
336 Lesson 11
Several types of hidden data and personal information can be saved in an Excel workbook. This
information might not be immediately visible when you view the document, but it still may be
possible for others to view or retrieve the information. This information includes the following:
• Comments and annotations: This information enables other people to see the names of people
who worked on your workbook, their comments, and changes that were made to the workbook.
• Document properties and personal information: Document properties include the author,
subject, and title, as well as the name of the person who most recently saved the workbook and
the date the workbook was created.
• Headers and footers: Headers and footers can include the author’s name, the date the file was
created, and so on.
• Hidden rows, columns, and worksheets: Columns can be hidden to protect salary and and
social security (US), social insurance (Canada), or national insurance (UK) data. Before remov-
ing hidden rows or columns, be sure that their removal will not change calculations in your
GET READY. OPEN 11 Contoso Employee IDS from the files for this lesson.
1. Click the FILE tab, click Save As, click Browse, and navigate to the Lesson 11 folder.
In the File name box, type 11 Employee ID Doc Inspect Solution to save a copy of the
workbook. Click the Save button.
Troubleshooting It is a good idea to perform an inspection on a copy of your workbook because you might not
be able to restore hidden content that you remove in the inspection process. If you attempt
to inspect a document that has unsaved changes, you will be prompted to save the document
before completing the inspection.
2. Click the FILE tab. Then, with Info selected, click the Check for Issues button in the
middle pane of the Backstage view. Next, click Inspect Document. The Document
Inspector dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 11-9.
Securing and Sharing Workbooks 337
Figure 11-9
Document Inspector dialog box
3. Click Inspect. The Document Inspector changes to include some Remove All buttons.
4. Click Remove All for Comments and Annotations.
Take Note You must remove each type of hidden data individually. You can inspect the document again after
you remove items.
5. Click Remove All three times for Document Properties and Personal Information,
Hidden Rows and Columns, and Hidden Worksheets. Headers and Footers should be
the only hidden item remaining (see Figure 11-10).
Figure 11-10
Remove All button for Headers
and Footers
6. Click the Close button to close the Document Inspector dialog box.
7. SAVE the workbook.
When you opened the file in this exercise, it contained hidden columns as well as other informa-
tion that you didn’t want to share with others. You first created a copy of your original workbook
because it is not always possible to restore data that the Document Inspector removes. For that rea-
son, you removed sensitive information from the copy; the complete data is retained in the original
workbook. If the original workbook was protected, the copy would also be protected, and some of
the items in the workbook would not be able to be changed through the Document Inspector. You
would have to unprotect the workbook first to run the Document Inspector.
338 Lesson 11
Figure 11-11
Mark as Final
3. An Excel message box opens, indicating that the workbook will be marked as final and
saved. Click OK.
4. Another Excel message box explains that the document has been marked as final. This
also means that the file has become read-only, meaning you can’t edit it unless you
click the Edit Anyway button. Click OK. Notice a Marked as Final icon appears in the
status bar (See Figure 11-12).
Securing and Sharing Workbooks 339
Figure 11-12
Marked as Final icon on the
status bar
Marked as Final
in worksheet
The Mark as Final command is not a security feature. Anyone who opens a workbook that has
been marked as final can edit the document by removing the Mark as Final status from the docu-
ment by clicking the Edit Anyway button.
GET READY. USE the workbook from the previous exercise. Note that you must have an
email program and Internet connection to complete the following exercises.
1. Click the FILE tab and click Share. In the Share window, click Email. Click the Send
as Attachment button. When you have Office 2013 installed, this feature will open
Outlook by default. If you have changed your environment, your own personal email
program will open. Notice that Excel automatically attaches the workbook to your
email message.
2. In the To field, type [your instructor’s email address].
3. In the subject line, replace the current entry with Employee Final Attached as per
4. In the email message body, type The Employee ID Final workbook is attached.
5. Click Send. Your email with the workbook attached to it will now be sent to your
CLOSE the workbook. LEAVE Excel open for the next exercise.
Figure 11-13
E-mail dialog box
7. Click the Send the current sheet as the message body option, and then click OK. The
email window is now embedded in your Excel screen with the current worksheet
visible as the body of the email.
8. In the To field, type [your instructor’s email address] and keep the name of the file in
the Subject line. This is automatically added for you.
9. In the Introduction, type Please Review (see Figure 11-14).
Securing and Sharing Workbooks 341
Figure 11-14
Send to recipient Send this Sheet
to send e-mail
Send to recipient
Attached workbook
10. Click the Send this Sheet button, as illustrated in Figure 11-14. Click OK.
11. There might be a message about hidden rows or columns. If prompted to continue,
click OK.
12. SAVE the workbook.
CLOSE the workbook. LEAVE Excel open for the next exercise.
CLOSE the email program. LEAVE Excel open for the next exercise.
Troubleshooting Some email programs will not send a document as an attachment if the document is open
on your computer. If you receive such a message, close the document, and click Send again.
Also, the menu choices may be named differently than above for attaching a document. The
example is for Outlook 2013.
When you save a document in Windows Live SkyDrive, your document is stored in a central loca-
tion that you can access from almost anywhere. Even if you’re away from your primary computer,
you can work on your document whenever you have a connection to the Web even if you don’t
have Excel on that computer.
342 Lesson 11
Saving a document in SkyDrive also makes it simple to share the document with others. You can
send a link directly to them, rather than sending an attachment. This way, you preserve just a sin-
gle copy of the document. If someone needs to make modifications, they do so in the same copy,
with no need to merge multiple versions and copies of the document.
Saving Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote documents in SkyDrive enables you and others to
view and manage the documents in a Web browser using Office Web Apps. This means you can
share your document with people without worrying about what application they have installed
because they view and edit the documents in their browsers.
Figure 11-15
Share options.
Figure 11-16
Invite People option
Share button
Who document is
already shared with
Figure 11-17
Get a Sharing Link options
View Link Edit Link (copy and Turn off sharing of link
paste into email)
14. COPY and PASTE the Edit Link after the word Edit in your email message and press
Enter after the link. SEND the email message.
344 Lesson 11
15. When the message comes to your Inbox, click the Edit Link to take you to the Internet
and the Excel Web app. If necessary, click the EDIT WORKBOOK menu item and choose
Edit in Excel Web App. Explore the Web interface as shown in Figure 11-18.
Figure 11-18
Document open in
Internet Explorer
16. CLOSE the Web browser without saving the document, close your email program, and
click the Return to Document button in Excel.
SAVE and CLOSE the workbook. LEAVE Excel open for the next exercise.
GET READY. OPEN the 11 Contoso Assignments workbook for this lesson.
1. SAVE the workbook as 11 Assignments Solution in the Lesson 11 folder.
2. On the REVIEW tab, in the Changes group, click the Protect and Share Workbook
button. The Protect Shared Workbook dialog box opens.
3. In the dialog box, click Sharing with track changes. When you choose this option, the
Password text box becomes active. You can assign a password at this time, but it is not
necessary. Click OK.
4. Click OK when asked if you want to continue and save the workbook. You have now
marked the workbook to save tracked changes.
You can turn change tracking off by clicking the Unprotect Shared Workbook button, which was
named Protect Shared Workbook before you completed the preceding exercise.
Cross The Track Changes command enables you to manage how changes are displayed on your screen.
Ref You use this option in an upcoming exercise.
Take Note Turning off Track Changes removes the change history and removes the shared status of the work-
book, but changes already shown in the document will remain until you accept or reject them.
Figure 11-19
Share Workbook Advanced tab
346 Lesson 11
3. In the Keep change history for box, click the scroll arrow to display 35.
4. Click the automatically every option button so the file automatically saves every 15
minutes (the default).
5. Click oK to accept the default settings for the remainder of the options.
PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and LEAVE it open for the next exercise.
• Track changes determines whether a change history is kept and the length of time it is kept. In
a shared workbook, the change history documents changes made in past editing sessions. The
information includes the name of the person who made each change, when the changes were
made, and what data was changed. The default setting is 30 days. Contoso maintains a monthly
record of the distribution of samples. Setting the change history to 35 days ensures that the office
manager has sufficient time to review the workbook and resolve any conflicting changes before
the change history is deleted.
• Update changes controls when changes made to the shared workbook are incorporated into the
• Conflicting changes between users determines whose edits become part of the file if two or
more people attempt to edit at the same time. The workbook owner’s changes usually take pre-
• Include in personal view enables each user who edits the workbook to see a personal view of
the workbook.
Figure 11-20
Inserting tracked changes
dialog box
track Changes
3. The Highlight changes on screen option is already selected. Click oK. If a warning box
appears, click oK to accept.
Securing and Sharing Workbooks 347
4. Click the FILE tab and click Options. The Excel Options dialog box opens.
5. In the General category, under Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office, in the User
name box, type Luca Dellamore. Click OK. You have changed the document user name
that will be listed in the Track Changes.
Take Note Make a note of the name that you remove. You will restore the original user name at the end of
this lesson.
6. Click cell A14 and type the following information in each of the columns:
Dellamore Luca File Clerk Redo Mailboxes
7. As you enter these changes, a colored triangle and comment box appear for each entry
made. This makes it easy to view the changes later.
8. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Save to save the changes you made under the user
name Luca Dellamore.
9. Click the FILE tab and select Options.
10. In the User name box, type Billie Jo Murray. Click OK. You are once again changing the
user name and applying it to the document.
11. Click cell A15 and type the following information in each of the columns:
Murray Billie Jo Receptionist Remove all old contacts
12. Move the mouse pointer to cell D15. The person’s name who made the change, the date
of the change, and the change itself appear in a ScreenTip as shown in Figure 11-21.
Figure 11-21
Tracked changes in a
13. Look at the ScreenTips for the other cells in rows 14 and 15.
PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and LEAVE it open for the next exercise.
On a network, you do not see changes made by other users until both they and you save your
changes. To save your changes to a shared workbook and to see the changes that other users have
saved since your last save, click Save on the Quick Access Toolbar or choose other save options
such as Ctrl + S. Note that when you work in a network environment, you can click Share Work-
book in the Changes group and see a list of other users who have the workbook open.
Sometimes conflicts occur when two users edit a shared workbook and try to save changes that
affect the same cell. When the second user tries to save the workbook, Excel displays the Resolve
Conflicts dialog box. Depending on the options established when the workbook was created and
shared, you can either keep your change or accept the change made by the other user.
You can also display a list that shows how past conflicts have been resolved. These can be viewed
on a separate worksheet that displays the name of the person who made the change, when and
where it was made, what data was deleted or replaced, and how conflicts were resolved.
348 Lesson 11
Take Note Undo is inactive in a shared workbook. If you accidentally replace your data or another user’s data,
you need to reject the change to restore the data you replaced.
5. On the REVIEW tab, click Track Changes, and then from the drop-down menu that
displays, click Accept/Reject Changes. Excel displays a message box confirming that
you want to save the workbook. Click OK. The Select Changes to Accept or Reject
dialog box opens.
6. In the Select Changes to Accept or Reject dialog box, click the Who drop-down arrow
and select Erin Hagens, and then click OK. You have just asked Excel to return only the
tracked changes made by Erin Hagens (see Figure 11-22). Excel highlights row 16 with
green dashes where Hagens’ information is typed in.
Figure 11-22
Select Changes to Accept or
Reject dialog box
Take Note The order of the accept or reject changes may appear differently. Accept the change in D13 but
reject all other changes.
7. Click Reject. All four entries are removed.
8. When cell D13 is selected for the correction of the spelling of corridors, click Accept.
PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and LEAVE it open for the next exercise.
If you replace another user’s data and you want to restore the original data, you should reject your
change. If you instead delete text you entered as a replacement for other text, you will leave the cell
or range blank. Rejecting your change restores the entry that you replaced.
Securing and Sharing Workbooks 349
PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and LEAVE it open for the next exercise.
You can also click the Collapse Dialog button in the Where box on the Select Changes to Accept
or Reject dialog box and select the cells that contain changes. You can then accept or reject the
changes in their entirety. In this exercise, some changes were highlighted by cell and others were
highlighted by row, and you could accept or reject changes to the selected cell or range.
When you have the opportunity to work with a shared workbook that is saved on a network, you
will likely encounter conflicts when you attempt to save a change that affects the same cell as an-
other user’s changes. In the Resolve Conflicts dialog box, you can read the information about each
change and the conflicting changes made by another user. The options set on the Advanced tab of
the Share Workbook dialog box determine how conflicts are resolved.
350 Lesson 11
Take Note It is a good idea to print the current version of a shared workbook and the change history, because
cell locations in the copied history may no longer be valid if additional changes are made.
9. In the shared workbook, click on the REVIEW tab, click Unprotect Shared Workbook
and then click Share Workbook. The Share Workbook dialog box is displayed. On the
Editing tab, make sure that Jim Giest (the last user name changed in File Options) is the
only user listed in the Who has this workbook open now list.
10. Clear the Allow changes by more than one user at the same time. Click OK to close the
dialog box.
11. A dialog box opens to prompt you about removing the workbook from shared use.
Click Yes to turn off the workbook’s shared status. The word Shared is removed from
the title bar.
12. SAVE and CLOSE the workbook.
When shared status has been removed from a workbook, changes can be made like they are made
in any workbook. You can, of course, turn change tracking on again, which will automatically
share the workbook.
Securing and Sharing Workbooks 351
Inserting a Comment
Comments are a useful technique for calling attention to important or significant data and pro-
viding insights from the user that explain more about the data. For example, say that Contoso’s
employees are evaluated on three performance measures. The manager uses comments to note
incidents related to these measures. In this exercise, you learn how to insert comments.
GET READY. OPEN the 11 Contoso Personnel Evaluations file for this lesson.
1. Select cell E11. On the REVIEW tab, in the Comments group, click New Comment. The
comment text box opens for editing.
2. Type Frequently late to work as shown in Figure 11-23.
Figure 11-23
New comment text box
text box
3. Click cell D8. Press Shift + F2 and type Currently completing Masters degree program
for additional certification. Click outside the comment box. The box disappears and a
red triangle remains in the upper-right corner of the cell the comment was placed in.
4. Click cell E4. Click New Comment and type Adjusted hours for family emergency.
5. Click cell F10. Click New Comment and type Consider salary increase.
6. SAVE the file as 11 Evaluations Solution.
PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and LEAVE it open for the next exercise.
As previously mentioned, Contoso, Ltd. conducts an annual employee performance review. In this
workbook, the manager uses comments to note events or actions that he wants to recall when he
conducts employees’ annual reviews. When you add comments, Excel automatically displays the
name that appears in the Name box under General Office settings in the Excel Options dialog
box. If you don’t want to use a name, you can select it in the comment and press Delete.
352 Lesson 11
Viewing a Comment
When you rest your pointer over the red triangle that indicates that a cell has a comment attached
to it, the comment is displayed. You can keep selected comments visible as you work, or you can
display all comments using commands in the Comments group on the REVIEW tab. The Show/
Hide Comment and Show All Comments commands allow you to display or hide comments as
needed. The Previous and Next commands allow you to move from one comment to another
without selecting the cells.
PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and LEAVE it open for the next exercise.
Editing a Comment
Comments can be edited and formatted as needed. You can format a comment using most of the
formatting options on the HOME tab in the Font group. However, the Fill Color and Font Color
buttons on the HOME tab are not available for comment text. To edit a comment, select the cell
containing the comment and click Edit Comment.
Figure 11-24
Edit Comment button
and ScreenTip
PAUSE. SAVE the workbook and LEAVE it open for the next exercise.
Deleting a Comment
Of course, you can delete comments from a workbook when they are no longer needed. Unless
the workbook is protected, any user can delete comments, so you should consider protecting a
workbook that contains sensitive or confidential information. In this exercise, you learn to delete
a comment.
Figure 11-25
Show All
Setting up a workbook to print Comments
with comments active
Show Ink
active when
are shown
4. Click the PAGE LAYOUT tab, and in the Page Setup group, click Orientation. Click
5. In the Page Setup group, click the Page Setup dialog box launcher.
6. On the Sheet tab, in the Comments box, click As displayed on sheet.
7. Click Print Preview. The Print Options window in Backstage opens.
8. Click Print.
9. SAVE and CLOSE the workbook.
CLOSE Excel.
When you print comments as they appear on the worksheet, the data in some cells may be covered.
To print comments on a separate page, select At end of sheet in the Comments box on the Sheet
tab of the Page Setup dialog box.
Securing and Sharing Workbooks 355
Skill Summary
In this lesson, you learned how: Exam Objective Number
Knowledge Assessment
Multiple Choice
Select the best response for the following statements.
1. Adding, deleting, moving, and viewing comments are performed from the commands
on which ribbon tab?
2. The Protect and Share Workbook button is on which ribbon tab?
3. Which is NOT an option in the Comments group?
a. New Comment
b. Delete
c. Show Ink
d. Edit Comment
4. You can turn on track changes with all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Track Changes button
b. Share Workbook button
c. Protect Sheet button
d. Protect and Share Workbook button
5. All of the following are on the REVIEW tab except which of the following?
a. Track Changes button
b. Share Workbook button
c. Protect Cells button
d. Protect and Share Workbook button
6. Which of the following would be the strongest password?
a. 02Feb2011 (your dog’s birthdate)
b. DenVer (the city in which you were born, with odd capitalization)
c. 679KrDj! (the last three digits of your social security or social insurance number and
first names of each of your siblings with an exclamation point)
d. BruinsO6 (your high school mascot and year you graduated using the letter O for a
7. In Excel, you can require a password for all of the following except which of the
a. Opening a file
b. Formatting cells, columns, and rows on a worksheet
c. Adding a new worksheet, deleting a worksheet
d. Deleting a file
356 Lesson 11
8. You can send a workbook to someone by all of the following methods except which of
the following?
a. Use the FILE, Insert, Email command from Backstage view.
b. Open a third-party email program and attach the Excel file.
c. Save the workbook on SkyDrive and send a link to the file for viewing only.
d. Through a Send to Mail Recipient button you’ve added to the Quick Access Toolbar.
9. Which of the following functions allows you to have Excel put any number in by chance
from 10000 to 99999?
a. RAND()
b. RANDBETWEEN(10000,99999)
c. BYCHANCE(10000,99999)
d. RANDOM(10000,99999)
10. You can do all of the following with comments except which of the following?
a. Format the text using a different color
b. Change the background comment box color
c. Not include the user name who made the comment
d. Hide the comment
1. A strong ____________ protects the document because it contains upper and lower
case letters, numbers, and symbols.
2. The ____________ feature allows you to see what each user adds, deletes, or edits in a
3. The _____________ includes the name of the person who made each change, when the
change was made, and what data was changed.
4. The ____________ tab contains commands for comments, protecting the worksheet
and workbook, sharing the workbook, and track changes.
5. If you want Excel to assign number by chance from 100 to 999, use the ____________
6. When you want to add a note to a cell without entering cell contents, use cell
____________ .
7. If you want to check the document for hidden properties or personal information, use
the ____________.
8. Use the ____________ option on the Backstage view to send an email message.
9. You can use the Shift+F2 or ____________ button to add a note to a cell.
10. The ___________ tab of the Page Setup dialog box allows you to print comments.
Competency Assessment
Figure 11-26
Creating the Credit Cards
3. SAVE the file as 11 Credit Cards Solution for use in each of the other exercises.
4. Click the FILE tab and Info is automatically selected; click Protect Workbook and
choose Encrypt with Password.
5. In the Encrypt Document dialog box, type 11P1!s5 and reenter the same password in
the Confirm Password dialog box.
6. SAVE and CLOSE the workbook.
CLOSE the workbook and LEAVE Excel open for the next project.
Proficiency Assessment
Project 11-3: Send Links for Editing and Viewing a File on the Web
In this project, you will send the links for viewing and editing the file on the Web to your instruc-
tor and yourself.
Mastery Assessment
7. Change the username prior to each change to be the user whose name is on the card in
row 4 and enter the balances below for each user in column F. SAVE the workbook after
each balance is entered.
Jenny E. Geist $3,533.15
Cassie A. Hicks $9,929.25
Dan A. Wilson $952.92
Mor O. Hezi $9,768.55
Nicole I. Holliday $1,669.72
Rebecca E. Laszlo $166.00
Srinivas R. Iragavarapu $6,186.08
Stephanie T. Bourne $8,662.97
Yossi O. Banai $1,621.48
8. List the changes on a new sheet.
9. Create a copy of the History sheet to a new workbook and save the workbook as
11 Credit User Changes Solution.
10. Accept everyone’s changes except Dan’s in F6 and Rebecca’s in F9.
11. SAVE and CLOSE both workbooks.
11. In the Excel Options dialog box, change the User name to the original name for this
12. Put a comment in cell G4: Password would look like 19550407Soon.
13. Click the FILE tab, choose Options, select Quick Access Toolbar, click the Reset button,
and select the Reset all customizations option to return your Excel settings to normal.
14. Send an email to your instructor with a critique of this worksheet. In the email text, tell
your instructor how you would improve the worksheet or the process of creating it.
CLOSE Excel.
Charts 12
Lesson Skill Matrix
Skills Exam Objective Objective Number
Key Terms
• axis
• chart
• chart area
• chart sheet
• data labels
• data marker
• data series
• embedded chart
• legend
• PivotChart
• PivotTable
• plot area
• sparklines
• title
© kgelati1 / iStockphoto
362 Lesson 12
Fourth Coffee owns espresso cafes in 15 major markets. Its primary income is gen-
erated from the sale of trademarked, freshly brewed coffee, and espresso drinks.
The cafes also sell a variety of pastries, packaged coffees and teas, deli-style sand-
wiches, and coffee-related accessories and gift items. In preparation for an upcom-
ing budget meeting, the corporate manager wants to create charts to show trends
in each of the five revenue categories for a five-year period and to project those
trends to future sales. Because Excel enables you to track and work with substantial
© kgelati1 / iStockphoto
amounts of data, it is sometimes difficult to see the big picture by looking at the de-
tails in a worksheet. With Excel’s charting capabilities, you can summarize and highlight data, reveal trends,
and make comparisons that might not be obvious when looking at the raw data. You will use charts, Quick
Analysis tools, PivotTables, and PivotCharts to present the data for Fourth Coffee.
Software Orientation
Use this illustration as a reference throughout this lesson as you become familiar with and
use Excel’s charting capabilities to create attention-getting illustrations that communicate an
analysis of your data.
Creating Charts 363
A chart is a graphical representation of numeric data in a worksheet. Data values are represented
Bottom Line
by graphs with combinations of lines, vertical or horizontal rectangles (columns and bars), points,
and other shapes. When you want to create a chart or change an existing chart, you can choose
from 11 chart types with numerous subtypes and combo charts. Table 12-1 gives a brief descrip-
tion of each Excel chart type.
Pie Useful for comparing the size Only one data series and
of items in one data series and none of the values are nega-
how each slice compares with tive or are zero.w
the whole. Data points are
displayed as a percentage of a
circular pie.
Stock Useful for illustrating the fluctu- For each time period, there
ation of stock prices or scientific are three to five numbers.
data when there is a start, end,
high, and low value during each
period. There can also be a
separate value attached to each
time period (such as volume).
Take Note When building a worksheet for a chart, the time period is normally displayed in the first row and
the categories are in the first column. There is a Switch Row/Column button on the DESIGN
tab that allows you to change the orientation of the data as it appears in the chart. The fourth
column in Table 12-1 assumes the default setup for data in a chart. You should know what your
organization’s standards are because charts are meant for quickly telling a story and if they are laid
out differently than the standards, the charts may defeat their purpose and confuse rather than
enlighten your audience.
Creating Charts 365
Workplace Ready
personal charts
As you see throughout this lesson, in addition to looking good, charts can be tools for commu-
nicating a lot of information in an easy-to-read format and they help make decisions. As you go
through this chapter, consider the financial decisions you make throughout your life. It might feel
impossible to save $1,000 now to put toward the future; however, it might also feel impossible
when you have children in college. It’s hard to say. To get about $100,000 by the age of 80, you
could put $1,000 in a stock market fund (assuming historic rates of return) one time at age 20 or
you can put $1,000 a year for 18 years from age 50 to 67).
Try to put your major life financial decisions in workbooks to see the impact of your decisions on
your pocketbook. Obviously, you have to make decisions based on many more factors, but at least
you will have one objective viewpoint covered.
There are two approaches to identifying the data for your chart. If you lay out your worksheet ef-
ficiently, you can select multiple ranges at one time that will become the different chart elements.
The second way is to identify the chart type and then select the data for each chart element. If
you create many charts and eventually identify your own chart types, you might benefit by using
the former method. If your charts are more complex, you will benefit by using the latter method.
The first part of this lesson walks you through choosing the ranges first and the second part of the
lesson walks you through adding and removing certain chart elements.
366 Lesson 12
Figure 12-2
Pie chart created with
incorrect data
Chart Styles
2010 should be
a label and not
a pie slice
data range
1575 is a total
and should also
not be a slice.
5. Point to the second largest slice and you’ll see that the value is 1575, which is the
amount for the total. Neither the column label (2010) nor the total sales amount should
be included as pie slices.
6. Click in the chart’s white space and press Delete. The chart is now deleted and the
CHART TOOLS tab disappears.
Troubleshooting To delete a chart, click in the white space then press the Delete key on your keyboard. If you
click on the graphic or another chart element and press Delete, only the selected element will
be deleted.
7. Select B3:B7, click the INSERT tab, in the Charts group, click Pie, and then click the first
2-D Pie chart. The correct data is displayed, but the chart is difficult to interpret with
only numbers to identify the parts of the pie.
Troubleshooting When you insert a chart into your worksheet, the CHART TOOLS tabs (DESIGN and FORMAT)
become available in Excel’s ribbon with the DESIGN tab active by default. You must select the
INSERT tab on the ribbon each time you want to insert a chart.
Cross You will learn later in the lesson how to select the Chart Styles and change the layout to show
Ref values for chart elements such as moving the label or adding percents next to the pie slices.
Creating Charts 367
Figure 12-3
Formatted pie chart
Column A becomes labels
for slices (legend)
How do you select
appropriate data sources
for charts?
10. Move the mouse pointer to a blank spot within the chart and drag the chart to move it
below the data.
Troubleshooting Just like deleting an element, if you drag a chart element, the mouse will move the element
within the chart.
11. Click outside of the chart, click FILE, and then click Print. Notice that the Annual Sales
data appears with the chart on the page.
12. Press Esc and click on the Chart and choose FILE, Print. Now notice that the chart
appears by itself.
Take Note If you want to print just an embedded chart on a workbook, select the chart before you choose
FILE, Print.
13. CREATE a Lesson 12 folder and SAVE the workbook as 12 Charts Solution.
This exercise illustrates that the chart’s data selection must contain sufficient information to in-
terpret the data at a glance. Excel did not distinguish between the column B label and its data
when you selected only the data in column B. Although the label is formatted as text, because
the column label was numeric, it was interpreted as data to be included in the graph. When you
expanded the selection to include the row labels, 2010 was correctly recognized as a label and
displayed as the title for the pie chart.
When you select data and create a pie chart, the chart is placed on the worksheet. This is referred
to as an embedded chart, meaning it is placed on the worksheet rather than on a separate
chart sheet, a sheet that contains only a chart.
Moving a Chart
When you insert a chart, by default it is embedded in the worksheet. You can click a corner of
a chart or the midpoint of any side to display sizing handles (two-sided vertical, horizontal, or
diagonal white arrows). You can use the sizing handles to change the size of a chart. To move the
chart, you need to click and drag the four-headed black mouse pointer in the white space. You
might want a chart to be reviewed with the worksheet data or you might want the chart to stand
on its own. In this exercise, you move a chart to a new sheet in the workbook.
368 Lesson 12
Figure 12-4
Move Chart dialog box
Chart sheet name
4. Click OK. The chart becomes a separate sheet in the workbook (see Figure 12-5).
Figure 12-5
Chart sheet created Move
5. Click on the Data worksheet tab to return to the data portion of the workbook.
6. SAVE the workbook.
If you want to return the chart to the Data sheet, you could go to the 2010Pie tab, click the Move
Chart button again, and in the Object in box, select Data (the name of the sheet). Refer back to
Figure 12-4.
Creating Charts 369
Troubleshooting Make sure you do not include row 8, the Total Sales row. Otherwise, the last column in each
year will be huge and dwarf the other columns. It is standard practice not to include totals in
column and bar charts. In some instances it may be helpful to add a line with the totals as a
separate axis on the right.
2. Click the INSERT tab, and in the Charts group, click Column. In the Column drop-down
5.1.1 list, move to each of the options. When you pause on an option, Excel shows a preview
of the chart on the worksheet and a description and tips for the selected chart type.
How do you pick the chart Under 3-D Column, move to the first option. As shown in Figure 12-6, the ScreenTip
type for your chart? shows that the type of chart is a 3-D Clustered Column and it is suggested to compare
values when the order of categories is not important.
Figure 12-6
ScreenTip and chart preview Column chart button
Column chart types
Chart preview
3. In the drop-down list, click 3-D Clustered Column. The column chart illustrates the
5.1.1 sales for each of the revenue categories for the five-year period. The CHART TOOLS tab
appears with the DESIGN tab active.
How do you select 4. Anywhere in a blank area on the chart, click and drag the chart below the worksheet
appropriate chart types to data and position it at the far left.
represent data sources? 5. Click outside the column chart to deselect it. Notice that the CHART TOOLS tab
370 Lesson 12
6. Select A2:F7, click the INSERT tab, and in the Charts group, click Line. In the 2-D Line
group, click the Line with Markers option (first chart in the second row). Position the
line chart next to the column chart. Note that the CHART TOOLS tab is on the ribbon
with the DESIGN tab active. Refer to Figure 12-7.
Figure 12-7
Column chart and line chart
Take Note Take a minute to study the two charts. In the column chart, Coffee and Espresso are by far the
largest revenue sources, but Coffee Accessories are catching up. On the line chart, notice that
Coffee and Espresso increase over time, but that Coffee Accessories increases faster. Bakery items
are decreasing, and the Deli sales is a bit up and down.
Another Way 7. Click the column chart and click the DESIGN tab.
You can also right- 8. Click the Move Chart button and in the New sheet box, type Column, and then click OK.
click on a chart and select
9. Click the Data worksheet tab, select the line chart, click the Move Chart button, and in
Move Chart.
the New sheet box, type Line, and then click OK.
10. SAVE the workbook.
The column and line charts provide two views of the same data, illustrating that the chart type
you choose depends on the analysis you want the chart to portray. The pie chart, which shows
values as part of the whole, displays the distribution of sales for one year. Column charts also
facilitate comparisons among items but also over time periods. A line chart’s strength is showing
trends over time.
Creating Charts 371
The line chart you created in this exercise is shown in Figure 12-8. The chart includes data mark-
ers to indicate each year’s sales. A data marker is a bar, area, dot, slice, or other symbol in a
chart that represents a single data point or value that originates from a worksheet cell. Related data
markers in a chart constitute a data series.
Figure 12-8
Line chart with data markers
Data marker
Data series
Figure 12-9
Recommended charts for
two rows of data (labels and
Excel places
labels on
Values in B3:F3 x axis.
become height
of line.
of chart
3. Click the other three chart types and read each description. Click the Line chart, and
then click OK.
4. Click the Move Chart button, and in the New sheet box, type CoffeeLine, and then click
5. Click the Data worksheet tab, select cells A2:B7 to include the labels and data for 2010,
and then on the INSERT tab, click the Recommended Charts button. Notice the three
chart types recommended this time (see Figure 12-10).
Creating Charts 373
Figure 12-10
Recommended charts for text
in one column and values in
next column
2010 becomes
title of chart.
Values in B3:B7
become length
of bars.
Excel places values
on horizontal axis
Take Note Notice that three charts are recommended this time compared to the four different charts in .
Because 2010-2014 is in the first row in the previous example, charts that show trends are included
(line and column). Because the first column is selected this time, charts that compare items are
selected (bar, pie, and column charts). There is some overlap in the recommended chart types;
column charts are suggested in both cases.
6. Click Cancel. Select A2:F7 and click the Recommended Charts button. Look at each of
the suggested choices and scan the description. Click Cancel.
7. Select A8:F8 and click the Recommended Charts button. Notice that the choices are
even different from the options in Figure 12-9. Click Cancel.
8. Select A2:F2, hold down Ctrl, and select A8:F8. You do not have to choose adjacent
ranges for your data.
9. Click the Recommended Charts button. Notice that the recommended choices in Figure
12-11 are the same as Figure 12-9 because the first row includes years and the second
row includes values. Click OK.
374 Lesson 12
Figure 12-11
Nonadjacent ranges used prior
to choosing Recommended
Range A8:F8
Compare choices
with those in
Figure 12-9.
Another Way 10. Click the Move Chart button, and in the New sheet box, type TotalLine, and then click
You can also select OK.
the data and press F11. Excel 11. SAVE the workbook.
tries to determine the best
chart for the selected data and PAUSE. LEAVE the workbook open for the next exercise.
places this chart on a separate
sheet in one step.
Creating a Bar Chart
Bar charts are similar to column charts and can be used to illustrate comparisons among individ-
ual items. Data that is arranged in columns or rows on a worksheet can be plotted in a bar chart.
Clustered bar charts compare values across categories. Stacked bar charts show the relationship of
individual items to the whole of that item. The side-by-side bar charts you create in this exercise
illustrate two views of the same data. You can experiment with chart types and select the one that
best portrays the message you want to convey to your target audience.
Take Note A ScreenTip displays the chart type name when you hover the mouse pointer on its button or
subtype option.
3. Click the 3-D Clustered Bar subtype. The data is displayed in a clustered bar chart and
the DESIGN tab is active on the CHART TOOLS tab.
4. Drag the clustered bar chart to the left, below the worksheet data.
5. Select A2:F7. On the INSERT tab, in the Charts group, click the Bar button.
Creating Charts 375
Figure 12-12
A clustered bar and stacked
bar using the same data as the
line and column charts earlier
in the lesson (see Figure 12-7).
Another Way 8. Click the Move Chart button, and in the New sheet box, type StackedBar and click OK.
You can open 9. Click the Data worksheet tab, click the clustered bar chart, click the Move Chart button,
the Insert Chart dialog box and in the New sheet box, type ClusteredBar, and then click OK.
by clicking Recommended
10. SAVE the workbook.
Charts, and then clicking the
All Charts tab. You can also PAUSE. LEAVE the workbook open for the next exercise.
choose any chart button and
click the More Charts button
The Charts group on the INSERT tab contains eight buttons leading to multiple chart types
on the bottom of any menu.
(including a combined chart type). To create one of these charts, select the worksheet data and
click the button and choose one of the chart type options. You can select from any chart type by
clicking the Charts dialog box launcher (see Figure 12-11) to open the Insert Chart dialog box.
The Recommended Charts shows in the first tab. Click on the All Charts tab in the dialog box as
shown in Figure 12-13 to see samples of all types and subtypes of charts.
376 Lesson 12
Figure 12-13
All Charts tab of the Insert
Chart dialog box Subtype for each
chart type
Change orientation
of data
Change type
When you click a chart type in the left pane of the dialog box, the first chart of that type is selected
in the right pane. You can also scroll through the right pane and select any chart subtype. Differ-
ent examples display to determine whether you want the data interpreted in rows and columns vs.
columns and rows.
Figure 12-15
Pie chart with labels next
to each slice
Current style
3. The chart colors are determined by the theme of your worksheet. Click the Change
Colors button and move the mouse pointer over each of the different rows to see the
preview of the pie change.
4. Click Color 3 to make the change.
5. SAVE the workbook.
Take Note You can use the Chart Styles buttons as you are first creating an embedded chart on a worksheet
or use them while editing a chart whether it is embedded or a separate chart sheet as shown here.
Figure 12-16
Quick Layout choices
3. Click Layout 5. The data table appears under the chart. The years (2010-2014) act as
both the x-axis labels and column headers of the data table.
4. SAVE the workbook.
You can also use the design buttons on the right of a selected chart to change the style and color
and which elements appear on the chart. Click on the chart and click the first button to select
which items appear on the chart as shown in Figure 12-17.
Figure 12-17
Chart Elements button
Creating Charts 379
Click the second button and choose which style and color you want (see Figure 12-18).
Figure 12-18
The Chart Style button: Style
and color options
The following list defines some of the chart elements you can manually format in Excel. These
5.2.3 elements are illustrated in Figure 12-19:
How do you modify different • Chart area: The entire chart and all its elements.
items on a chart style of
a chart? • Plot area: The area bounded by the axes.
• Axis: A line bordering the chart plot area used as a frame of reference for measurement.
• Data Series: Row or column of data represented by a line, set of columns, bars or other chart
• Data labels: Text that provides additional information about a data marker, which represents a
single data point or value that originates from a worksheet cell.
• Legend: A box that identifies the patterns or colors that are assigned to the data series or cate-
gories in a chart.
380 Lesson 12
Figure 12-19
Chart elements
Select Chart
Chart Title
(Category) Axis
Take Note To learn the elements of the chart, click the Chart Elements drop-down list and select each of the
elements on the sample charts in your workbook.
Figure 12-20
Chart Font dialog box
dialog box
4. Click the All Caps check box to uncheck this option. Click OK.
5. Click on the FORMAT tab and click the Text Box button. Click the bottom left corner of
the chart area and type your initials and today’s date in the text box.
6. Edit the chart titles on each of the charts as follows:
Chart Title Text
Column Chart Title Annual Sales
Column Axis Title Thousands
Line Chart Title Annual Sales (Thousands)
StackedBar Chart Title Annual Sales
ClusteredBar Chart Title Annual Sales
7. SAVE the workbook.
4. Click the largest pie slice again and you should see data selectors only on the slice.
Click the Shape Fill button and choose Red. The Coffee and Espresso pie slice changes
to Red, as shown in Figure 12-21.
Take Note The first click on a data series selects the whole series. The second click selects the individual
marker for the series.
Figure 12-21
Change color of data element
Figure 12-22
Shape Effects menu
8. Click the first Bevel option (Circle). Repeat this option for each of the data series. The
chart now looks like Figure 12-23.
Figure 12-23
Beveled columns Format
Data Series
Shape Styles
dialog box Effects
launcher button
Fill & Line
384 Lesson 12
9. In addition to the Shape Fill, Shape Outline, and Shape Effects buttons, you can also
change the elements with the Shape Styles dialog box launcher. On the FORMAT tab,
in the Shape Styles group, click the Shape Styles dialog box launcher. The Format Data
Series pane opens with the Series Options button selected.
10. Click each of the three buttons under the Series Options label and look at the choices.
Click one of the Coffee Accessories columns.
11. Click the Fill & Line button, choose FILL, and select Picture or texture fill from the
12. Click the Texture drop-down arrow and choose the Brown Marble option.
13. SAVE the workbook.
When you use the mouse to point to an element in the chart, the element name appears in a Scre-
enTip. You can select the element you want to format by clicking the arrow next to the Chart Ele-
ments box in the Current Selection group on the FORMAT tab. This list is chart specific. When
you click the arrow, the list will include all elements that you have included in the displayed chart.
Figure 12-24
Shape Styles gallery Gallery Format
Area pane
Shape Styles
gallery ScreenTip
shows name of
5. Click Colored Outline – Blue, Accent 1. You might not notice a change. This is because
the Width of the line may be set so thin you can’t see it.
6. In the Format Chart Area pane, click the BORDER arrow to expand that section.
7. Click the Width up arrow, until you get to 2.5 pt. Now you can see that the chart is
outlined with a light blue border.
8. Click the Coffee and Espresso line.
9. In the Color drop-down, under the LINE section, choose Red.
10. SAVE your workbook.
5. In the Legend Position section, click Right to move the legend to the right side of the
6. Click the Coffee and Espresso label in the legend.
7. Click the TEXT OPTIONS button to display the menus for the text.
8. In the Fill Color drop-down, choose Red so the text in the legend matches the line color
(see Figure 12-25).
Figure 12-25
Changing Legend text color
Fill Color
Text color changed
to red to match line
Sometimes the chart that you add from the INSERT tab and modify through the Quick Layout
Bottom Line
and Chart Styles still isn’t exactly what you want. In addition to using the creation and design
features mentioned previously, you can modify a chart by adding or deleting individual elements
or by moving or resizing the chart. You can also change the chart type without having to delete
the existing chart and create a new one or change how Excel selects data as its data elements by
changing rows to columns.
Figure 12-26
Current Chart Elements
box to
remove an
box to add
an item
4. Click the Axis Titles box to check the box and add both a vertical and horizontal axis
5. The Axis Title on the bottom of the screen has selection indicators to indicate it is
selected. Type Thousands and press Enter.
6. Click the TotalLine chart tab, click the CHART ELEMENTS button, and select the Axis
Titles option. This time the vertical Axis Title is selected. You can click any label
placeholder to select it if it is already on a chart. Type Thousands for the vertical title.
7. Repeat the previous step to add a vertical axis title of Thousands for the CoffeeLine
chart and the horizontal axis title for the ClusteredBar chart.
8. Click the StackedBar chart tab, click the CHART ELEMENTS button, and select the Data
Labels option. Labels appear for each of the bars on the chart as shown in Figure 12-27.
388 Lesson 12
Figure 12-27
Data Labels added to the
chartw Axis Titles
Data Labels
7. Click the Annual Sales title and type Coffee, Espresso, and Accessories only Consistent
Sales Increase. Press Enter.
8. You can also hide data series. Click the Chart Filters button on the right side of the
chart and in the SERIES group, click Bakery to uncheck it (see Figure 12-28).
Figure 12-28
Uncheck series you do not
want to appear on the chart.
Chart Filters
When mouse is on
series, chart highlights
just that series
Apply button
Another Way
You can also
delete a chart element by
right-clicking on the element 9. Repeat step 8 for Packaged Coffee/Tea and Deli and click the Apply button.
and selecting Delete. 10. After looking at the chart, you might decide it is better to keep all of the data series.
Repeat Steps 8 and 9 to recheck the Bakery, Packaged Coffee /Tea, and Deli series.
Take Note Compare this to previous versions of Excel when you removed series from a chart. The Chart
Filters button is much easier to put the series back on.
11. SAVE the workbook.
Take Note It is important to remember that whether the chart is embedded in the worksheet or located on
a chart sheet, the chart is linked to the worksheet data. Any changes in the worksheet data are
reflected in the chart. Likewise, if the worksheet data is deleted, the chart is also deleted.
OK. Double-click the Data (2) tab, type DataExp, and then press Enter.
2. Select A2:F7, click the INSERT tab, click the Insert Column Chart button, and then
under 2-D Column, click the Clustered Column option.
3. Insert rows below Coffee and Espresso and Packaged Coffee/Tea. Edit the labels and
values as shown in Figure 12-29.
Figure 12-29
Edited Annual Sales with new
Another Way
You can also click
the DESIGN tab and the Select 4. Right-click in a blank area of the chart, and choose Select Data. The Select Data Source
Data button. dialog box opens (see Figure 12-30).
Figure 12-30
Select Data Source dialog box
Take Note In the previous section, you used the Chart Filter button to remove data series. You can also use
this Select Data Source dialog box to remove data series.
Creating Charts 391
5. Click the Add button and in the Series name box, click cell A4. In the Series values box,
delete the entry and drag on the worksheet to select cells B4:F4. The Edit Series dialog
box looks like Figure 12-31.
Figure 12-31
Edit Series dialog box
6. Click OK, then click the Move Up button multiple times to move the Espresso/Premium
Coffees label below Coffee.
How do you add additional
7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 with Packaged Tea in A8 and the data in B8:F8 so the label is
data series?
below Packaged Coffee. Click OK to accept the changes and return to the sheet.
8. SAVE the workbook.
Another Way PAUSE. LEAVE the workbook open for the next exercise.
You can also
highlight the data in the work-
sheet, click Copy, click on the Resizing a Chart
chart, and click Paste to add a You can point to a corner of a chart or the midpoint of any side to display sizing handles (two-sid-
data series to a chart. ed arrows). Use the side handles to change the chart height or width. Use the corner sizing handles
to change both height and width. Increasing the size of a chart makes it easier to read, especially
if it is an embedded chart. Be cautious when you reduce the size of a chart, however. Titles and
legends must be readable. In this exercise, you learn to resize the chart.
GET READY. USE the workbook from the previous exercise. The DataExp sheet should be
1. Move the mouse to the white space to the left of the chart title. The mouse is a black
5.2.2 four-headed arrow. Drag to move the chart to the left edge of the sheet and below row
How do you change the size 2. Move the mouse to the bottom right corner of the chart. The mouse pointer is a two-
of a chart? headed diagonal arrow on the resize handle. Drag the mouse so it is in the bottom right
corner of the screen. The chart expands to take up more of the screen and you can see
the columns and legend easier.
3. Click the Chart Title and type Detailed Annual Sales. Click back in the chart to select
the chart and move to the right center resize handle. Your screen should look similar to
Figure 12-32.
392 Lesson 12
Figure 12-32
Resized chart
handle to
handle to
changes to
Take Note You can click any selection handle on the chart border and drag to increase the height, width, or
4. SAVE the workbook.
GET READY. USE the workbook from the previous exercise. The DataExp sheet should be
visible and the chart selected.
1. Click the DESIGN tab and select the Change Chart Type button. The Change Chart Type
dialog box opens.
2. Click each of the chart types on the left and you will see a set of different icons
representing subtypes for each of the chart types. Click the Column button. Click the
Stacked Column subtype (second icon in the right pane, at the top of the dialog box).
The screen should look like Figure 12-33.
Creating Charts 393
Figure 12-33
Change Chart Type dialog box
Subtypes for each
chart type
Chart types
3. Click OK.
4. Click the Move Chart button and in the New sheet box, type DetSales, and then click
5. COPY the DetSales chart sheet before the DataExp sheet and name the tab DetSalesEs.
6. On the DESIGN tab, using the Change Chart Type button, change the chart back to a
Clustered Column.
7. Click just one of the Espresso/Premium Coffees columns.
8. On the DESIGN tab, click the Change Chart Type button.
9. The Change Chart Type box opens to the Combo chart type. In the Espresso/Premium
Coffees Chart Type box, select Line (see Figure 12-34).
Figure 12-34
Change Chart Type with
Combo chart type
Line option
Combo chart type
10. Click OK and edit the chart title to read WOW! Look at Espresso/Premium Coffee
11. Click the FORMAT tab and in the Insert Shapes group, click the Arrow button and
drag the arrow from the chart title to the Espresso line. Use the Shape Outline button
to change the arrow to Red and the Weight to 6 pt. Your chart should look similar to
Figure 12-35.
394 Lesson 12
Figure 12-35
Espresso/Premium Coffee
Sales chart
Arrow button button
Figure 12-36
Rows and columns switched
(legend and categories
Figure 12-37
Quick Analysis button and Quick Analysis
ScreenTip button
describes button
2. Click the Quick Analysis button. A small window called the Quick Analysis gallery
opens (see Figure 12-38).
Figure 12-38
Quick Analysis gallery
Another Way
You can also press
Ctrl + Q to open the Quick
3. Click the CHARTS tab in the gallery. The options change in the lower part of the gallery.
Analysis gallery.
Move the mouse pointer to each of the charts and a preview appears on the screen
above the Quick Analysis gallery. For example, move the mouse pointer to the Stacked
Area option and you’ll see a preview showing this type of chart (see Figure 12-39).
Figure 12-39
Stacked Area chart previewed
More Charts –
charts and all
Take Note If you click the More Charts option, Excel displays the Insert Chart dialog box, with the Recom-
mended Charts and All Charts tabs discussed earlier in this lesson.
4. We will not add any charts from the CHARTS menu at this time. Click the SPARKLINES
2.3.2 tab. Move the mouse pointer to preview the Column option. A set of tiny column charts
shows in column G.
How do you add sparklines 5. Click the Line option. A series of lines appear in your worksheet in column G.
to a data range? 6. Row 2 (years) should not have a sparkline. Click cell G2 and on the DESIGN tab, click
the Clear button. The sparkline is removed in that cell. In cell G2, type Sparkline.
7. Click cell G9. Use the fill handle to drag to cell G10. A sparkline appears for the total.
8. Select G3:G10 and click the DESIGN tab. There are a number of options you can do
with the sparklines.
9. In the Show group, click High Point and Low Point and in the Style gallery, choose
Creating Charts 397
Figure 12-40
Sparklines in column G
High Point
Low Point
Take Note The DESIGN tab changes to SPARKLINE TOOLS when you have sparklines selected. Take the
time to explore the options on the ribbon shown in Figure 12-40.
10. SAVE the workbook.
GET READY. USE the workbook from the previous exercise and click on the Data worksheet
1. Select A3:F7. Click the Quick Analysis button and select the TOTALS tab.
2. Move to the first icon, Sum (with the blue row highlighted in the icon). You’ll see a
preview on the worksheet of Sum overwriting the Total Sales row that was already
How do you use Quick there.
Analysis to add totals? 3. Move to the next icon and you’ll see row 8 previewed with Averages for each column.
Move to each of the Count, % Total, and Running total icons and watch the preview of
the worksheet change.
4. Move to the second Sum icon (with the orange column highlighted). Notice that the
worksheet preview changes to show totals in column G.
5. Click the arrow on the right to show more options. Preview each of the options and
return to % Total (see Figure 12-41).
Figure 12-41
% Total appears in column G TOTALS tab
398 Lesson 12
6. Click the % Total option. Click cell G3 and notice that the formula =SUM(B3:F3)/
SUM($B$3:$F$7) appears in the formula bar.
7. In cell G2, type Average.
8. SAVE the workbook.
GET READY. USE the workbook from the previous exercise. You should still be on the Data
worksheet tab.
1. Select A3:F7. Click the Quick Analysis icon. The FORMATTING tab is selected.
2. Move to the first icon, Data Bars. You can see a preview on the worksheet of small bars
in each cell indicating the relative value in the cell. The largest value is in F3 and the bar
shows the largest width (see Figure 12-42).
Figure 12-42
Data Bars preview
Largest value
Smallest value
3. Click the Color Scale option to make this choice. Click in a cell outside the range so the
How do you use Quick formatting is clearer. The worksheet is formatted (see Figure 12-43) with the highest
Analysis to apply conditional values in green with the highest value in dark green. The lowest values are in red.
formatting? 4. If the value is close to the highest or lowest value, the color or the cell is less dark. As
the values move away from the value, the color becomes lighter.
Figure 12-43
Formatted worksheet Highest value in range
Lowest value
in range Near the highest
• Subtotaling and gathering numeric data, summarizing data by categories and subcategories, and
creating custom calculations and formulas.
• Expanding and collapsing levels of data to filter your results, and drilling down finer points from
the summary data for areas of importance.
• Moving rows to columns or columns to pivot rows to examine different summaries of the data.
• Filtering, sorting, grouping, and conditionally formatting the most useful and interesting subset
of data to enable you to focus on the information that you want.
GET READY. OPEN 12 School Test Data from the student data files.
1. Click cell A1. Press End and then press the down arrow. Notice that there are 139,129
rows of data.
2. Press Ctrl + Home to return to the top of the worksheet.
3. On the INSERT tab, click the Recommended PivotTables button.
4. Scroll to the bottom and click Count of ScaleScore by Proficiency Level (see
Figure 12-44).
400 Lesson 12
Figure 12-44
Recommended PivotTables
dialog box PivotChart
button Recommended
dialog box
Select last
5. Click OK and NAME the new sheet Count. The PivotTable Fields pane opens on the
right side of your screen and the data appears on the worksheet (see Figure 12-45).
Notice that the data for No Score is blank. That is because the count of the rows is
based on the Scale Score, which is empty for unavailable scores. You will want to
change the field to count to a field that has data. If you look back on the Data tab, every
row is filled by a grade so you can use this column so every row is counted.
Figure 12-45
PivotTable Fields
6. Return to the Counts sheet and drag the Grade field in the PivotTable Fields pane down
to the VALUES section.
7. Drag the Count of ScaleScore from the VALUES section into the worksheet to remove
it. Notice that the No Score row now counts each missing score.
8. Drag the Grade field to the COLUMNS area. You’ll see each grade summarized.
9. Drag the Test field to the FILTERS area.
10. Cell B1 currently shows (All). Click the Filter drop-down arrow, choose Math, and click
11. On the Filter button, click cell B1 and choose Reading. Click OK. Your data should look
similar to Figure 12-46.
Figure 12-46
Results of PivotTable
Filter button
Current filter
shows Reading
Filter is
by Test
Take Note When you click any empty cell on the PivotTable, the Field list disappears. To make it reappear,
you simply need to click on any active cell that is showing data.
12. SAVE the workbook to the Lesson 12 folder as 12 Test PivotTable Solutions.
After you create the initial PivotTable report by defining the data source, arranging fields in the
PivotTable Field List, and choosing an initial layout, you can perform additional tasks as you work
with and improve a PivotTable report, including:
• Exploring the data: Once initially created, you can expand and collapse data, and show the
essential facts that pertain to the data. You can sort, filter, and group fields and data items. You
can edit summary functions, and create custom calculations and formulas.
• Changing the form layout and field arrangements: You can edit the PivotTable report to dis-
play it in compact, outline, or tabular form. You can add, rearrange, and remove fields and also
edit the order of the fields or items.
• Change the layout of columns, rows, and subtotals: Excel enables you to turn column and
row field headers on or off, display or hide blank rows, display subtotals above or below their
402 Lesson 12
rows, and adjust column widths on refresh. You also can move a column field to the row area
or a row field to the column area, and merge or unmerge cells for outer row and column items.
• Change the display of blanks and errors: You can change how errors and empty cells are
displayed, change how items and labels without data are shown, and display or hide blank lines.
• Changing the format of the PivotTable: You can apply manual and conditional formatting to
cells and ranges, and you can edit the overall look by applying a PivotTable format style.
Adding a PivotChart
A PivotChart is an essential tool to help organize and arrange large amounts of data from work-
sheets. In addition to summarizing a huge amount of data, you can visualize the information in
a simple graph.
Figure 12-47
Create PivotChart dialog box
3. The default location is for a New Worksheet so click OK. Name the new sheet tab
4. Drag the Test field to the FILTERS area.
5. Drag Grade to the VALUES area (count number of items).
6. Drag Grade again to the AXIS area.
7. Drag Proficiency Level to the LEGEND area.
8. MOVE the chart to the left edge of the worksheet, below the data, and then resize the
chart (see Figure 12-48).
Creating Charts 403
Figure 12-48
PivotChart of student test
scores created Fields pane
9. On the Test drop-down arrow on the chart, choose Science and click OK. Notice that
only 5th, 8th, and 10th grades are available because only those grades take the Science
10. Click the FORMAT tab, click the Text Box button, and click the top of the chart. Add a
label that says Student Science Test Scores and make this label Bold and 18 points.
11. Click cell A3 and change the label to just say Count.
12. In F4, click on the label for Unsatisfactory.
13. Move the mouse pointer to the left edge of the cell until the mouse pointer changes
to a four-headed black arrow and drag the mouse between columns C and D (see
Figure 12-49).
404 Lesson 12
Figure 12-49
Drag Unsatisfactory to be-
tween No Score and Partially
Mouse pointer
change. to a green
insert bar
Drag edge of
14. Repeat Step 13 and move the Advanced column to between Proficient and Grand Total.
15. Resize the PivotChart so it goes to column L.
16. SAVE the workbook as 12 Test PivotChart Solution. Your final sheet should look like
that shown in Figure 12-50.
Figure 12-50
PivotChart completed
Advanced and
Unsatisfactory columns
PAUSE. CLOSE the workbook and LEAVE Excel open for the next exercise.
Creating Charts 405
Skill Summary
In this lesson you learned Exam
how to: Exam Objective Number
Knowledge Assessment
Multiple Choice
Select the best response for the following statements.
5. Which is the first step that should be taken when creating a chart?
a. Providing a name for the chart
b. Selecting the chart type
c. Selecting the range of cells that contain the data the chart will use
d. Choosing the data labels that will be used in the chart
6. If you want to print only the chart in a worksheet, which of the following should you do
before printing?
a. Click the chart to select it and then print.
b. Select the Print chart only option in the Page Setup dialog box.
c. Move the chart to a new sheet by itself and then print that sheet.
d. You cannot print only the chart if it is part of a larger worksheet.
7. A bar chart represents values as which of the following?
a. Horizontal bars
b. Vertical bars
c. Horizontal lines
d. Vertical lines
8. A column chart represents values as which of the following?
a. Horizontal bars
b. Vertical bars
c. Horizontal lines
d. Vertical lines
9. To move a chart from a worksheet to a chart sheet, perform which of the following?
a. Use the move handles and drag it to the new location.
b. Use the Move Chart button on the DESIGN tab.
c. Cut the chart from the worksheet and paste it to a new workbook sheet.
d. You cannot move the chart after it has been created.
10. Which of the following statements is not true?
a. You can change both the height and width of a chart with commands on the
b. You can use the sizing handles to change the height and width of a chart.
c. You must delete an existing chart in order to have the data displayed in a different
chart type.
d. When a chart sheet is created, it no longer appears on the worksheet containing the
data series.
Match each vocabulary term with its definition.
a. axis _____ 1. A box that identifies the patterns or colors that are
assigned to a data series or categories in a chart.
b. chart _____ 2. A graphical representation of numeric data in a worksheet.
c. chart area _____ 3. A bar, area, dot, slice, or other symbol in a chart that
represents a single data point or value that originates from
a worksheet cell.
d. chart sheet _____ 4. A chart that is placed on a worksheet rather than on a
separate sheet.
e. data label _____ 5. A sheet in a workbook that contains only a chart.
f. data marker _____ 6. The entire chart and all its elements.
g. data series _____ 7. Related data points that are plotted in a chart.
h. embedded chart _____ 8. A line bordering the chart plot area used as a frame of
reference for measurement.
i. legend _____ 9. Descriptive text that is automatically aligned to an axis or
centered at the top of a chart.
j. title _____ 10. A label that provides additional information about a data
marker, which represents a single data point or value that
originates from a worksheet cell.
Creating Charts 407
Competency Assessment
Figure 12-51
Data for pie chart
2. Select A3:B8.
3. Click the INSERT tab. Click Pie and click 3-D Pie.
4. On the DESIGN tab, click Quick Layout and choose Layout 4.
5. Click the Move Chart button.
6. In the New Sheet box, type TimePie and click OK.
7. Click the CHART ELEMENTS button and check Chart Title.
8. For the selected Chart Title type Monthly Time Analysis.
9. SAVE the workbook to the Lesson 12 folder as 12 My Time Solution.
10. CLOSE the workbook.
Figure 12-52
Data for column chart
408 Lesson 12
2. Select A3:B10.
3. Click the INSERT tab. Click Column and click Clustered Column.
4. Edit the chart title to read Entry Level Salaries.
5. Right-click in a blank area of the chart, choose Move Chart, and in the New sheet box,
type Salaries. Click OK.
6. Right-click on the Vertical (Value) axis and select Format Axis.
7. In the Format Axis pane, choose NUMBER and in the Category drop-down, choose
8. SAVE the workbook to the Lesson 12 folder as 12 Salaries Solution.
Proficiency Assessment
Figure 12-53
Data for radar chart
Creating Charts 409
Mastery Assessment
4. Copy the chart 5 times and add data to compare the international average with a
selected country. Use the following for the chart sheet name and data for each of the
following countries:
5. Change the chart title of each of the charts to read [Country name] Women’s
6. Add a legend to each of the charts in Step 4 to compare the country with the
international average.
7. SAVE the workbook to the Lesson 12 folder as 12 Women Final Solution and then
CLOSE the file.
close Excel.
Adding Pictures and Shapes
to a Worksheet 13
Lesson Skill Matrix
Skills Exam Objective Objective Number
Key Terms
• artistic effect
• clip art
• duotone
• graphic
• handle
• metadata
• saturation
• shape
• SmartArt graphic
• text box
• WordArt
© kate_sept2004 / iStockphoto
412 Lesson 13
Tailspin Toys creates unique toys and games aimed at childhood education. The
company is also highly involved in charitable giving and fundraising for community
organizations, especially to support the local food pantry. Tailspin Toys works with
the pantry to run various fundraising activities throughout the year, as well as to
provide educational opportunities to train volunteers and the public to assist with
feeding the hungry and ending hunger in the community. They also collect donat-
ed food for distribution to the needy. Throughout this lesson, you will add graph-
© kate_sept2004 / iStockphoto
ics to a worksheet that reports on fundraising activities. You’ll learn to manipulate
those graphics using Excel’s many tools to place, resize, reposition, and reformat photos, clip art, shapes,
SmartArt, and WordArt.
Software Orientation
Most of the graphical elements you can add to an Excel worksheet are generated from the
INSERT tab, shown in Figure 13-1, in the Illustrations and Text groups. Everything from
pictures, clip art, SmartArt, shapes, text boxes, and WordArt are found in these two clusters
of buttons. Once you’ve inserted the graphical element you need, tools are presented to allow
you to format, size, and position them to meet your needs.
Figure 13-1
The INSERT tab’s Illustrations
and Text groups
Adding Pictures and Shapes to a Worksheet 413
Inserting Pictures
As the saying goes, “A picture’s worth a thousand words,” and in the case of Excel, pictures can be
Bottom Line
worth a thousand cells filled with text and numbers. Adding everything from photos to clip art
is easy in Excel, helping you take a mind-numbing worksheet packed with numbers and text and
turn it into something interesting to look at, compelling to read, and easy to navigate.
GET READY. LAUNCH Excel and open a new, blank workbook. Download the image files for
this lesson and SAVE them in the My Pictures folder. Alternatively, you can create a subfolder
in your student data folder named Lesson 13 Images and save the images in that subfolder.
1. On the INSERT tab, in the Illustrations group, click the Pictures button. The Insert
Picture dialog box opens (see Figure 13-2).
Figure 13-2
The Insert Picture dialog box
2. Navigate to the folder that holds the image files for this lesson. Double-click the
13 Happy Kids image, or click it once and then click the Insert button. The picture is
inserted into your worksheet.
Troubleshooting If you don’t see your picture file listed in the Insert Picture dialog box after navigating to the
folder where the picture is stored, click the All Pictures drop-down list to the right of the File
Name box. Excel displays all pictures that it supports, such as BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, and more.
If you decide you want to use a different photo, select the current picture and on the FORMAT
tab, in the Adjust group, click the Change Picture button. In the Insert Pictures dialog box,
choose an alternate image to replace the selected picture on your worksheet.
Figure 13-3
Entering a search phrase in
the online version of the Insert
Pictures dialog box Search phrase
4. Click the magnifying glass icon at the right end of the search box or press Enter
to begin the search. Excel searches the online Office clip art database for images
containing the keywords “canned food” in their metadata.
5. The dialog box displays the images that meet the search criteria. To insert one of
the images, click on it and then click the Insert button in the dialog box. You can
also double-click the desired image to insert it into your worksheet. When an image
is inserted, the dialog box closes automatically. Figure 13-4 shows a clip art image
inserted into the worksheet.
Adding Pictures and Shapes to a Worksheet 415
Figure 13-4
A clip art image inserted
into a worksheet
©mikessss /iStockphoto
After searching for an image, if none of the images returned by meet your needs, type
new search criteria into the search box and press the Enter key to initiate a new search.
Metadata is information stored about images—keywords that describe the content of the im-
age, the name of the photographer, the type of image, the date the image was taken or last edited,
and so on. Any image search, through or a web browser’s image search feature, relies
on the metadata stored about each image to return results when a user searches for an image to
meet his needs.
Take Note Most images you find on the Internet are copyrighted, even if you don’t see a copyright symbol or
copyright text associated with the image. If you intend to use an image you find on the Internet,
you need to contact the image owner and seek permission. As an alternative, you can search for
“public domain images” to find images that are not restricted by copyright, or purchase images
from any number of stock image websites.
GET READY. USE the workbook from the previous exercise. You must have an account at Accounts are free to set up and use. SkyDrive is Microsoft’s cloud solution
for sharing and collaboration. If you installed Office 2013 on your own computer, you most
likely became an Office 365 subscriber, which gave you space within the SkyDrive cloud.
You can use this space to store files of all kinds, including pictures.
1. Connect to your SkyDrive account, navigate to the Pictures folder, and upload the
Lesson 13 images. If a Pictures folder doesn’t exist, create it and then upload the
2. Click in cell Q1.
3. On the INSERT tab, in the Illustrations group, click the Online Pictures button. The
Insert Pictures dialog box appears.
4. Click the Browse link to the right of the SkyDrive option. Your SkyDrive folders,
including a Public folder, appear.
5. Double-click the Pictures folder or whichever folder contains the picture you want to
insert. The folder opens, displaying the images it contains (see Figure 13-5).
Figure 13-5
Any image stored in your
SkyDrive folders is available
for insertion in an Office
6. Scroll through the images, select the 13 Canned Veges image, and then click the Insert
button. You can also double-click the desired image.
7. Once an image is inserted, the dialog box closes automatically.
8. SAVE the workbook and CLOSE the file.
Adding Shapes
Excel, like Word and PowerPoint, offers the capability to insert and modify shapes in worksheets.
The Shapes feature offers eight different categories of shapes, along with a group entitled Recent-
ly Used Shapes so you can quickly draw the same shapes over and over. The categories—Lines,
Rectangles, Basic Shapes, Block Arrows, Equation Shapes, Flowchart, Stars and Banners, and
Callouts—provide the capability to draw nearly any shape.
Figure 13-6
The Shapes list
Up Arrow
3. In the Block Arrows section, click the Up Arrow shape. The Up Arrow shape is probably
located on the first line in the Block Arrows section, third from the left.
4. Move the mouse pointer onto the worksheet, just below the FUNDS RAISED column.
The mouse pointer appears as a crosshair. Draw the shape by clicking and dragging
down and a little to the right. The shape appears as you drag.
5. When the shape is the desired size (both size and proportions can be changed later, so
don’t worry about being perfect), release the mouse button. Your block arrow should
look similar to Figure 13-7.
Figure 13-7
A block arrow drawn in a
418 Lesson 13
When inserting a shape, the direction you drag from the starting point controls the size of the
shape and its proportions. You can, by controlling the angle, create a nearly perfect square or a very
round, almost circular ellipse. But why do it by eye? Instead, hold down the Shift key as you drag,
and you draw a shape that’s equal in width and height. This applies to any shape, but is essential
for squares and circles. The trick to successful use of this technique is to release the mouse button
and then the Shift key.
When a shape is drawn, it has white handles on its perimeter. For graphics, a handle is a white
box on the side and/or corner of the graphic that you click and drag to increase or decrease the size
of the graphic. You can also click inside a graphic and drag to move it, and change the color of its
fill and/or outline, assuming the default blue isn’t what you need. You’ll learn the specifics of these
formatting changes later in this lesson.
Drawing Lines
Lines can be used to point to something or to create a visual connection between two shapes or
two areas of the worksheet. You can draw them at any angle, at any length, and once drawn, for-
mat their appearance.
Figure 13-8
The arrow line in the
Shapes list
3. Move the mouse pointer onto the worksheet (it appears as a crosshair), and click over
the left side of cell D22 and drag diagonally up and to the right, toward cell D19.
Adding Pictures and Shapes to a Worksheet 419
Take Note When drawing straight lines, with or without arrowheads, to constrain the line to a 45° or 90°
angle, hold the Shift key as you drag to draw the line. Release the mouse button before releasing
the Shift key to maintain the angle after the line is completed.
4. When your line is complete, release the mouse button and click a blank cell. A finished
line is shown in Figure 13-9.
Figure 13-9
An arrow line in the worksheet
Arrow line
Use the following methods, depending on the type of line you choose to draw:
• To draw a straight, elbow, or curve line, click and drag the mouse in the direction you want the
line to follow.
• To draw a freeform line, hold the mouse button down, so that you’re drawing the line in the path
of the mouse.
• To draw a freeform shape, continue dragging and drawing the line as you would for a freeform
line, but come back to your line’s starting point to close the shape (the shape then fills with the
default blue).
• To draw a line with an arrowhead at one end, drag toward the spot that the line should point to.
Figure 13-10
The Explosion 1 shape in the
Shapes list
Explosion 1 icon
3. Click and drag the mouse pointer under the FUNDS NEEDED column, so the shape
looks similar to Figure 13-11.
Figure 13-11
Drawing the Explosion 1 shape
4. With the shape still selected, type Goal Exceeded!. The text begins in the upper left of
the shape and wraps within the shape if the width is too small to display all text on one
line. Don’t press Enter unless you want to force the text onto a new line to create a new
paragraph or to place words or phrases on separate lines.
5. To format the text in the shape, select the text by clicking just to the left of the “G”
in Goal and dragging through all text. Note that when you’re within the shape that
contains text, the mouse pointer turns to an I-beam cursor.
6. With the text selected, use the formatting tools on the Mini Toolbar or on the HOME
tab to bold and center the text, and change the font size to 14. Grab a sizing handle on
either side of the shape and pull to the left, right, or down a bit until all text appears, as
shown in Figure 13-12.
Cross You learned how to format text in Lesson 6 , “Formatting Cells and Ranges.”.
Adding Pictures and Shapes to a Worksheet 421
Figure 13-12
A shape with text added
When you select text within a shape, you can use the formatting tools on the Mini Toolbar or on
the HOME tab to change the font, font size, text color, and alignment of the text.
You can apply special effects to a shape by right-clicking the shape and choosing Format Shape
from the shortcut menu. The Format Shape pane appears on the right side of the workspace. Click
the Text Options tab, and use the Text Fill & Outline, Text Effects, and Textbox icons shown in
Figure 13-13 to apply various special effects, using the commands that appear below the icons as
you select each one.
Figure 13-13
Text Fill & Outline icon
Special effect icons for
formatting shapes Textbox icon
Figure 13-14
The Text group of tools on the
2. Move the mouse pointer onto the worksheet over cell B20. The mouse pointer turns
5.3.1 into a vertical cursor.
3. Click and drag to cell C24 to draw a small box. If you draw a box that’s too big or too
How do you insert a text box small for the text you will type into the box, you can resize the box after typing the text.
into a worksheet? 4. The text box contains a blinking cursor. Type These numbers are preliminary. I need to
check with the director before releasing the worksheet to the board for review. See
Figure 13-15.
Figure 13-15
Entering text into a text box
5. Click in cell A1 to make the text box non-active and to prepare for the next exercise.
6. SAVE the workbook.
You can use the formatting tools on the HOME tab or on the Mini Toolbar to format text in a
text box.
Using WordArt
Looking for a way to add text to your worksheet and catch everyone’s eye? WordArt, a Microsoft
Office feature that combines words and artistic effects, may be just what you need. Utilizing an
extensive series of preset colored fills, drop shadows, outlines, and 3D looks, WordArt makes it
easy to create a specialized text object quickly. You can use them to add phrases like “Great job!”
next to high sales numbers or to include staff or product names and short titles on your worksheet,
unbound by the limited formatting tools available through the Font group on the HOME tab.
Figure 13-16
The WordArt styles gallery
Insert WordArt button
Figure 13-17
WordArt in a worksheet
3. SAVE the workbook as 13 Add Shapes Solution and CLOSE the file.
PAUSE. LEAVE Excel open to use in the next exercise.
How do you create WordArt
in Excel? You can change your WordArt style, simply by selecting the WordArt object on your worksheet
and then displaying the WordArt Styles gallery on the FORMAT tab. Choose a different style,
and the text you typed appears in that new style. If you want to get rid of the style entirely and
just use plain text, choose Clear WordArt from the WordArt Styles gallery on the FORMAT tab.
If you need to correct a typo, or add or remove text, you can edit your text at any by selecting some
or all of the WordArt text and typing the correction. You can also move and resize the graphic
at any time, so placement and size are entirely up to you. You learn more about how to move and
resize graphics of any kind later in this lesson.
Deleting Graphics
To delete a graphic, just select the graphic and then press the Delete key on your keyboard. The
same concept applies to nearly any object, such as a shape, line, text box, or WordArt.
424 Lesson 13
Figure 13-18
Handles on the selected
WordArt handles
3. Press the Delete key on your keyboard. Excel deletes the graphic.
4. Click the block arrow graphic and press the Delete key.
5. SAVE the workbook in the Lesson 13 folder as 13 Delete Copy Move Solution.
When deleting text boxes, WordArt, and shapes to which you’ve added text, it’s important to
select the object and not the text. If your cursor is active in the text, that’s what you’ll delete when
you press the Delete key. You’ll remove text rather than the whole object. To be sure your entire
object is selected, click once on the object and then click the edge of it, so that the line around the
object is solid. If the contents of the object are selected or active for editing, the bounding box will
appear as a dashed line.
Moving Graphics
Rarely do we insert a graphic in the exact spot where we need it. This isn’t a big deal, however,
considering how simple it is to move the graphic to where it belongs, whether you’re nudging it just
a bit or dragging it to an entirely new spot in the worksheet. You can also move objects to another
worksheet or workbook using the Clipboard.
Figure 13-19
The mouse pointer is a
four-headed arrow, which
indicates you can move the
Four-headed arrow
3. Click and drag the graphic so it appears under the % of GOAL column. Release the
mouse button.
Adding Pictures and Shapes to a Worksheet 425
Take Note While the object is selected, you can move it without using the mouse. Just tap the arrow keys on
your keyboard to nudge the object in small increments–up, down, left, or right.
4. Click and drag the arrow shape so it points to the FUNDS RAISED column, as shown in
Figure 13-20.
Figure 13-20
The result of moving graphics
When selecting the graphic, be careful not to point to a handle by accident, which will resize the
graphic instead of moving it.
Another way to move a graphic of any kind, especially if you want to use it on another worksheet
instead of the one where it currently resides, is to cut it. Once the object is cut, you can paste it
where you want it, moving it from point A to point B.
To cut, click the object and then right-click. Select Cut from the shortcut menu, and the object
disappears. You can also select the object and press Ctrl + X, which also cuts the selection.
Then, go to the other worksheet where you want to use the graphic, and either right-click any-
where on the worksheet and select one of the paste options from the shortcut menu or press Ctrl
+ V. The Paste Options section of the shortcut menu includes icons for Use Destination Theme,
Keep Source Formatting, and Picture.
Copying Graphics
You designed a WordArt banner, or formatted a shape with text in it, and it’s so great you want to
use it in another worksheet, or in a Word document or a PowerPoint presentation. Making a copy
of the graphic is easy, as is placing it in a different location where you want it to appear.
Figure 13-21
The copied text box with
new text
If you need one or more copies of a graphic on the same worksheet, perhaps to create a series of
Another Way stars to be placed next to several impressive numbers or to adorn a series of charts, click the graphic
You can click in the you want to copy and press Ctrl + D. You can repeat that keyboard shortcut for as many duplicates
target spot and press Ctrl+V as you need, and then move each graphic to its desired location.
to paste the object from the
Formatting Graphics
In addition to moving or copying graphics, you will most likely need to change their appearance
Bottom Line
at some point. From styles to the use of the mouse and keyboard to change the appearance, place-
ment, and stacking order of overlapping graphics, Excel offers great tools to make your graphics
look exactly as you’d imagined them.
Figure 13-22
The Shape Styles gallery
Adding Pictures and Shapes to a Worksheet 427
5. From the gallery, select Light 1 Outline, Colored Fill - Olive Green, Accent 3.
5.3.6 6. To change the shape’s fill color, in the Shape Styles group, click the Shape Fill button.
The color palette appears.
How do you use Shape 7. From the palette under Theme Colors, select Dark Blue, Text 2. The object’s
Fill to change the color of background color changes to dark blue (see Figure 13-23).
an object?
Figure 13-23
Changing the fill color of your
In addition to a shape’s fill color, you can also change a shape’s outline and effects. To change
a shape’s outline, click the Shape Outline button in the Shape Styles group, and then select an
outline color from the palette that appears. To make the outline thicker or apply a dashed or other
non-solid outline, use the Weight and Dashes commands in the Shape Outline menu and make a
selection from their respective submenus.
To apply a shape effect, in the Shape Styles group, click the Shape Effects button and select an
effect from the gallery that appears. Examples of effects are Shadow, Reflection, and Glow.
Resizing a Graphic
You can control the size of the graphics you draw, such as the width and height of polygons, the
length of lines, and the size of text boxes and WordArt objects, through your original creation of
the graphic and how far you click and drag the mouse. Once created, however, it’s easy to resize
graphics to meet your needs, making them fit where you intend to place them, to make them large
enough to house the text you type, and so that they attract the amount of attention you need them
to. The same techniques work to resize pictures, too.
Figure 13-24
The starburst shape after
resizing it
To change the length of a line you’ve drawn, select the line and then point to either of its two
handles. When the mouse pointer turns to a two-headed arrow, drag outward to lengthen the line,
or drag toward the center of the line to shorten it. To keep the line at a 45° or 90° angle, hold the
Shift key as you drag, and release the mouse button before releasing the Shift key.
Certain polygons, such as stars, block arrows, and triangles have more than just the standard white
handles on their corners and sides when selected. These shapes also have control handles, which
are yellow boxes used to change the depth of sides. Use these yellow handlesto make your block
arrow pointier or to deepen the sides of your stars, dragging inward to make the angles more acute,
or outward to make the angles more obtuse or shallow.
Rotating a Graphic
You can change the rotation of any shape with the mouse using the rotation handle that appears
just outside the shape, above the top side handle.
Figure 13-25
The rotation handle
Rotation handle
3. Drag the mouse counterclockwise. As you drag, the mouse pointer changes to a series
of arrows in a circle.
4. When the shape is rotated to the desired angle, similar to Figure 13-26, release the
mouse button.
Adding Pictures and Shapes to a Worksheet 429
Figure 13-26
The starburst shape after
being rotated
Figure 13-27
A stack of objects
©toddtaulman /iStockphoto
3. On the DRAWING TOOLS FORMAT tab, in the Arrange group, click the Bring Forward
button. The WordArt graphic moves up one level in the stack.
4. Click the Bring Forward arrow button and select Bring to Front. The WordArt graphic
appears at the top of the stack (see Figure 13-28).
430 Lesson 13
Figure 13-28
The WordArt graphic is now on
the top of the st0ack.
©toddtaulman /iStockphoto
5. With the WordArt graphic still selected, click the Send Backward button to move it back
one level. The Food Drive shape is now on top.
Take Note You can use the Bring Forward and Send Backward commands repeatedly, so that, for example, a
shape can go from sixth place in a stack of six items to third. To use these buttons without having
to display the drop-down menu and make a choice there, just click the Send Backward or Bring
Forward buttons rather than clicking their button arrows.
6. SAVE the workbook and CLOSE the file.
What if you can’t see the shape that’s beneath another graphic on the worksheet? That’s where the
Selection pane comes in. To display it, select any graphic, and on the FORMAT tab, in the Ar-
range group, click the Selection Pane button. The pane appears on the right side of the workspace
and contains a list of the graphics on the active worksheet. To restack the shapes using this pane,
drag them, by name (such as “Rectangle 1”) up or down in the list, with the mouse (see Figure
©toddtaulman /iStockphoto
If your graphics don’t overlap, or overlap only slightly, you might want to arrange them in a tidy
5.3.8 row or column, or make sure they’re distributed evenly in a group. To do this, use the Align button
in the Arrange group after having selected all of the graphics you want to align. Select them first
How do you align objects so (Shift + Click on the graphics you want to include in the alignment) and then click the Align but-
they’re distributed evenly ton to choose from aligning them by their sides, tops, bottoms, or centers. The Distribute options
in a group? are found in the Align drop-down menu, too. If you want to keep them together when copying or
moving them, select Group from the Arrange tools right below the Align button.
photo, drawing, or clip art you might add. In addition, it makes it easy to take a screenshot of any
part of the interface and include that as a graphic element.
Figure 13-30
The Corrections menu provides
commands for making quick
changes to improve your
Corrections button
©Zurijeta /iStockphoto
4. Using the thumbnails of your selected photo from the Sharpen/Soften corrections
section, make a choice that represents the adjustment you’re looking for—more
sharpness for a blurry picture or perhaps softening for an image that’s too sharp or
where the exposure was too harsh. At the far right end of the Sharpen/Soften section,
select Sharpen: 50%. Figure 13-31 shows two side-by-side images—the image on the
left before applying 50% sharpening and the image on the right after.
Figure 13-31
Sharpen a blurry photo
with one click.
©Zurijeta /iStockphoto
Take Note Excel allows you to hover your mouse over the thumbnails that represent various corrections and
see the effect in your selected photo before committing to the change. Point to any thumbnail in
the Corrections menu, wait a second, and observe the change in your photo. If you like the effect,
click the thumbnail. If not, move on and preview another.
432 Lesson 13
5. To adjust a photo that’s too dark or too light, use the Brightness/Contrast settings,
also represented by thumbnails showing your selected photo in varying stages of
correction. Hold your mouse over each of the settings to see their effect on your photo,
but don’t select any of the settings.
6. SAVE the workbook in the Lesson 13 folder as 13 Enhancements Solution.
The Format Picture pane, shown in Figure 13-32, lets you make more fine-tuned adjustments to
an image. To access the Format Picture pane, at the bottom of the Corrections menu, click the
Picture Corrections Options command. The right-most icon across the top of the pane is selected,
showing more detailed controls for adjusting brightness and contrast.
Figure 13-32
The Picture Corrections pane
©Zurijeta /iStockphoto
The Presets are the same as what you saw in the Corrections menu for each type of correction.
You can drag the sliders below the Presets options to make fine adjustments, such as sharpening
or softening the image in small increments, or adding or removing brightness/contrast in equally
small amounts, for just the right amount of correction.
The Format Picture pane also includes a Crop setting. Click this option and enter values for de-
sired width and height and the offset (amount and location of cropping), or use the Crop tool,
found in the Size group on the FORMAT tab. With the Crop tool, you use crop handles, shown
in Figure 13-33, to crop away unwanted portions of the photo.
Figure 13-33
Cropping handles
©Zurijeta /iStockphoto
You can apply picture corrections to clip art as well, but corrections are intended for use in photos
where brightness, contrast, and sharpness may need adjustments.
Adding Pictures and Shapes to a Worksheet 433
Figure 13-34
The Color menu offers a series
of color adjustments.
Color button
©zest_marina /iStockphoto
3. Hold your mouse over each thumbnail of your photo to see its effect. The options
• Color Saturation: This set of options adds or removes color depth. You can use it to
fade the colors in an image or to create a more intensely colored image. The lowest
level of saturation makes a color photo appear to be black and white or grayscale.
• Color Tone: This adjusts temperature, which essentially adds more blue for a cooler,
lower-temperature image or more red for a more vibrant, higher-temperature image.
• Recolor: This set of options provides several preset color changes, ranging from
grayscale to true black and white (which looks like a bad photocopy) to a variety of
duotones, which means the image is comprised of two colors—black and one other
• More Variations: This is an expansion of the duotone options presented by some of
the Recolor presets.
• Set Transparent Color: Use this if you want to remove a particular color from the
image. This is handy for photos on a white background, such as product images,
allowing you to remove that background and have everything but the product be see-
through (making the underlying worksheet visible).
• Picture Color Options: This displays the Format Picture pane and opens a set of
sliders for Saturation, Tone, and Recolor, allowing fine adjustments to those settings,
rather than relying on thumbnails with set amounts of color added or removed.
434 Lesson 13
4. In the Recolor section of the Color menu, on the first line of the gallery, select Sepia.
The image takes on brown tones.
5. On the PICTURE TOOLS FORMAT tab, in the Adjust group, click the Color button, and
then select Picture Color Options at the bottom of the menu.
6. In the Format Picture pane on the right, move the Sharpness slider to the right until you
reach the 33% value. Your photo should look similar to Figure 13-35.
Figure 13-35
The enhanced photo
Enhanced photo
Sharpness setting
How do you enhance the Pause. leave the workbook open to use in the next exercise.
color of an image?
Figure 13-36
Choose from over 20 different Artistic Effects button
artistic effects.
©mangostock /iStockphoto
Adding Pictures and Shapes to a Worksheet 435
3. Hold your mouse pointer over each effect to see its preview on the photo. Select the
Line Drawing effect. Figure 13-37 shows the Line Drawing effect applied.
Figure 13-37
The Line Drawing effect ap-
plied to the donation
box photo
©mangostock /iStockphoto
4. You can customize the applied effect using the Format Picture pane. To display the
pane, open the Artistic Effects menu and select Artistic Effects Options. In the Format
Picture pane that appears on the right, move the Pencil Size slider to the right to
observe its effect on the photo, stopping at the value 28. Then move the Transparency
slider to the right, stopping at the value 51%.
5. Close the Format Picture pane.
6. SAVE the workbook.
Figure 13-38
The Picture Styles gallery
©mangostock /iStockphoto
436 Lesson 13
4. Select Drop Shadow Rectangle, which is probably located on the first row, fourth from
5.3.4 the left. The style is applied to your picture.
5. To change the picture border, click the Picture Border button, point to Weight, and
How do you apply a border select 3 pt (see Figure 13-39).
to an object?
Figure 13-39
Modifying a picture border
©mangostock /iStockphoto
You can change the color of a picture border, make the border thicker or thinner, and change the
border from a solid line to a dashed or dotted line.
To change a picture’s effects, click the Picture Effects button arrow and choose an effect from the
palette that appears.
To apply a picture layout, click the Picture Layout button and make a selection from the palette of
30 layouts of pictures, captions, connectors, and so on.
Figure 13-40
The Reset Picture options
Reset Picture
menu options
©marekuliasz /iStockphoto
3. Select Reset Picture & Size to remove all changes made since insertion.
4. SAVE the workbook.
The Reset Picture option removes corrections, color, styles, and effects.
If instead of reverting or resetting the picture to its pre-correction and pre-color adjustment status
you want to permanently apply the changes you’ve made to the image size and quality, click Com-
press Pictures in the Adjust group. A dialog box appears through which you can choose which of
the changes you want to keep. This compression reduces the size of your worksheet file, which
is especially useful if you inserted a very high-resolution photo and then reduced its size and re-
moved color from it.
GET READY. USE the workbook you modified in the previous exercise.
1. Click the Color sheet tab.
2. Right-click the baby feeding photo and select Size and Properties from the shortcut
menu. The Format Picture pane appears on the right side of the workspace, as shown
in Figure 13-41.
438 Lesson 13
Figure 13-41
Control the relationship
between the worksheet and
your graphic using the Format
Picture pane.
• Move and size with cells: This option is off by default, but if selected (by clicking the option
button), if you change the width of columns or the height of rows, the adjacent graphic changes
as well. Moving cells from one section of the worksheet to another or to another worksheet or
workbook takes the graphic along for the ride.
• Move but don’t size with cells: This option, which is on by default, only connects the graphic
with adjacent data. Changes to cell sizes won’t impact the size of the graphic.
• Don’t move or size with cells: This option, also off by default, makes the graphics entirely
independent of the worksheet content and leaves them behind if content is moved, and doesn’t
cause any automatic resizing in response to the resizing of worksheet cells.
• Print object: This checkbox is selected by default, and simply means that if you choose to print
the worksheet or set a print area that contains the graphic, the graphic is printed.
• Locked: Selected by default, this option pins the graphic to its current location until and unless
the Locked option is unchecked. Note, however, that this option doesn’t take effect unless you
also have the worksheet protected. To protect the worksheet, go to the Home tab and use the
Format button menu and choose Protect Sheet. The resulting dialog box gives you your protec-
tion options.
• Lock text: This option pertains only to shapes that contain text or to Text Box objects and it
prevents changes to the text.
Adding Pictures and Shapes to a Worksheet 439
Figure 13-42
The Take a Screenshot menu Take a Screenshot button
5. Your options include the windows of other applications currently open (in this case,
Word), or to implement Screen Clipping, which allows you to draw a box around any
space within any open application and make that the inserted graphic. Select Screen
6. The Word document appears. Drag the mouse pointer, which looks like a crosshair,
over the text and release the mouse button. The screenshot appears automatically in
the Excel document.
7. Figure 13-43 shows the inserted screenshot, which is a section of a Word document
pertaining to the year’s fundraising events.
Figure 13-43
Screenshot from Word
Bring in useful information
by adding a screenshot of a
relevant document.
8. SAVE the workbook in the Lesson 13 folder as 13 Screenshot Solution and CLOSE the
file. CLOSE the Word program.
Workplace Ready
Using Graphics in Excel and Other Office Applications
The Excel Picture tools enable you to insert, modify, and use more creative and profession-
al-looking graphics in your workbooks.
Microsoft incorporated Picture tools across the Microsoft Office suite, so images you format in
one application are portable and editable in another. For example, screenshots you use in an Excel
document can be copied and pasted to PowerPoint and Word.
The Picture tools also promote more consistent and professional image branding. In a business set-
ting, you can use the tools to refine images for company logos, brochure photos, employee photo
ID pictures, and so on. You can edit photos in Excel and insert them into Word and PowerPoint.
You can also add them to emails in Outlook. An individual can edit family photos to create al-
bums, calendars, cards, and many other items that once needed a separate graphics application to
create them.
Consider all the possibilities that picture-editing features have to offer. Be creative and enjoy mas-
tering the possibilities.
PowerPoint 2013
Word 2013
Excel 2013
©mangostock /iStockphoto
Creating a Flowchart
Flowcharts show a series of events and decisions and how activity flows through that process. From
designing software to making profitable sales to developing a budget, any activity can be depicted
through a flowchart. Excel’s SmartArt feature makes it easy to build one through an interactive
set of shapes and text tools.
Adding Pictures and Shapes to a Worksheet 441
Figure 13-44
Each diagram is previewed and
explained to help you make a
Alternating Flow
Figure 13-45
The Alternating Flow chart
combines shapes, bulleted
lists, and arcs that show Clicking the arrow
relationships between steps in control opens the
the process. Text pane.
Text pane
Each SmartArt diagram starts with a default number of objects. You can add more objects quick-
ly by clicking the Add Shape button in the Create Graphic group on the DESIGN tab (under
SMARTART TOOLS). If your diagram also requires text beyond the label that will appear in the
shape you’re adding, an Add Bullet button is available as well.
442 Lesson 13
Figure 13-46
The Name and Title Organiza-
tion Chart in SmartArt
5. Using the Text pane, type the names of the people to be included in the chart. Enter job
titles for each person by clicking the white box underneath the larger color-filled name
box. Type the job title for each person, one per box. The completed chart is shown in
Figure 13-47.
Figure 13-47
The final chart
CLOSE Excel.
Organization charts allow for moving people up or down on the company ladder. Using the Promote
and Demote buttons on the DESIGN tab in the Create Graphic group, click on one of the people
in the chart and click Promote to move them up in the structure or Demote to move them down.
Adding Pictures and Shapes to a Worksheet 443
You certainly aren’t stuck with the default colors of any SmartArt diagram. You can recolor the
entire diagram using the Change Colors button (on the DESIGN tab in the SmartArt Styles
group), or recolor individual parts by selecting them and then using the Shape Fill button on the
Skill Summary
In this lesson you learned how: Exam Objective Number
Knowledge Assessment
Multiple Choice
Select the best response for the following statements.
5. Which button gives you access to the Clip Art collection?
a. Online Pictures
b. Pictures
c. Online Clip Art
d. Clip Art
6. If you want to move a shape up one level within a stack of overlapping graphics, which
button do you click?
a. Restack
b. Bring to Front
c. Rearrange
d. Bring Forward
7. Which of the following is not found in the Illustrations group on the INSERT tab?
a. WordArt
b. Shapes
c. Online Pictures
d. Screenshot
8. Where does the Format Picture pane appear by default?
a. As a free-floating pane
b. On the right side of the workspace
c. On the left side of the workspace
d. Centered across the bottom of the workspace
9. The Crop tool is found on which ribbon tab?
10. When drawing lines, how do you change their thickness?
a. Right-click the line and choose Thickness.
b. In the Shape Outline menu, select Weight.
c. You must set the thickness before drawing the line.
d. In the Shapes menu, select the Thicker Line option.
Competency Assessment
Proficiency Assessment
GET READY. LAUNCH Excel if it is not already running, and open a new, blank workbook.
1. On the INSERT tab, in the Illustrations group, click the Insert a SmartArt Graphic
2. In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box, in the List category, select Vertical Arrow
List and click OK.
3. In the Text pane, click in the top-most Text bullet position.
4. Type Short-term Goals.
5. Click in the next bullet position, and type Acquire four new donors.
6. In the next bullet position, type Publicize spring fundraiser.
7. In the next major bullet position, type Long-term Goals.
8. Click in the next bullet position, and type Raise $1 million.
9. In the last bullet position, type Build new warehouse.
10. Close the text box on the left.
11. On the SMARTART TOOLS DESIGN tab, in the SmartArt Styles group, click the Intense
Effect style in the mini gallery.
12. SAVE the workbook as 13 Goals Solution and CLOSE the file.
Mastery Assessment
CLOSE Excel.
448 Circling Back 3
Circling Back 3
The CFO and the president of the Graphic Design Institute need you to modify the Contributions
and Student Roster workbooks. You will add a few advanced formulas to the Contributions work-
book in addition to creating charts that show contributions from organizations and individuals.
You will also add graphics to the Student Roster workbook, protect the worksheet, and share it
via email.
8. Select the title text, and using the tools on the HOME tab, in the Font group, change the
font size to 24 and bold the text.
9. Click the chart, on the right, click the Chart Elements button (the plus sign), and then
select Data Labels.
10. Click the Chart Styles button (the paint brush), and then select Style 3.
11. Click a data label in the pie chart to select all data labels. On the HOME tab, in the Font
group, in the Font Size list, increase the font size of the data labels to 16.
12. Reapply the 24-point font size to the chart title.
13. Create the same type of chart for the data in B31:C43. Use Contributions by Individuals
as the chart title.
14. Double-click one of the data labels. In the Format Data Labels pane that appears on
the right, click the Label Options icon to display those settings, if necessary, and select
Outside End under Label Position. Click and move each of the three data labels near
the top of the pie chart to prevent overlapping. The labels should have leader lines that
connect to their wedge of the pie chart.
15. Move Chart2 to the end of the series of worksheets.
16. SAVE the workbook as Contributions Chart Solution in the Circling Back folder, and
then CLOSE the file.
11. SAVE the workbook as Student Roster Graphics Solution in the Circling Back folder.
GET READY. USE the workbook you saved in the previous project.
1. Click Sheet1.
2. On the REVIEW tab, in the Changes group, click Protect Sheet.
3. In the Password to unprotect sheet box, type CB!sr01. Click OK.
4. You are prompted to confirm the password. Type CB!sr01 again and click OK.
5. SAVE the workbook as Student Roster Protected Solution in the Circling Back folder.
6. Check the Quick Access Toolbar for the Email tool. If it is not visible, on the right side
of the Quick Access Toolbar, click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar button. Select
7. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Email. An email window appears.
8. In the To field, type [your instructor’s email address]. Leave the name of the file in the
Subject line.
9. In the email message window, type The latest student roster is attached for your
records. I will send you the password to access the student list in the workbook via
an instant message. Press Enter twice, and then type your name and title.
10. In the email message window, click the Send button.
11. SAVE the workbook and CLOSE the file.
12. (Optional) If you to want to reset the Quick Access Toolbar to the default settings,
which will remove any buttons you added to the toolbar, click the Customize Quick
Access Toolbar button, and then select More Commands. In the Excel Options dialog
box, click the Reset button, select Reset only Quick Access Toolbar, click Yes, and click
CLOSE Excel.
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Skills Appendix
for Excel 2013: Exam 77-420
452 Appendix A
456 Excel 2013 Glossary
document theme A predefined set of colors, fonts, and effects hyperlink A shortcut that enables you to navigate to a web page
that can be applied to an entire workbook or to specific items in a or a location in another file in just one click of the mouse.
duotone An image with two colors. k
KeyTip Small “badges” displaying keyboard shortcuts for specific
e tabs and commands on the ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar. Also
effects Something that modifies the appearance of an object. referred to as hotkeys.
embedded chart A chart placed on a worksheet rather than on a keyword A word assigned to a document’s properties that makes
separate chart sheet. it easier to organize and find documents.
external reference A cell or range in a worksheet in another
Excel workbook, or a defined name in another workbook. l
label Text entered in a worksheet that identifies numeric data
f and is the most common type of text entered in a worksheet.
FILE tab In Office 2013, the tab that takes you to Backstage Labels are also used to sort and group data.
view to access Save, Print, Options, and other commands. legend An explanatory list that identifies the patterns or colors
fill handle A small square in the lower, right corner of a selected assigned to the data series or categories in a chart.
cell or range of cells. Used mainly to copy data to adjacent cells. lookup function An efficient way to search for and insert a
filter A restriction that Excel uses to determine which worksheet value in a cell when the desired value is stored elsewhere in the
rows to display. worksheet or even in a different workbook.
Find A command to help you search for certain content.
Flash Fill A new feature in Excel that is similar to AutoFill. m
When Excel recognizes a pattern based on other information in macro A series of steps you record that you might want to repeat
your workbook, it uses the pattern to enter data into several cells frequently to save time.
at once. MAX function A function that returns the largest value in a set
font A set of text properties that affects the typeface, size, and of values.
similar aspects of text. merged cells Two or more cells combined into a single cell.
footer Lines of text that appear at the bottom of each page. MIN function A function that determines the minimum value
Format Painter A feature found in most Office applications that in a range of cells.
allows you to quickly copy formatting attributes that you have Mini toolbar A formatting tool that appears above or below the
already applied and “paint” those attributes onto other text, shapes, shortcut menu when you right-click a cell and that displays the
pictures, and worksheet cells. most commonly used formatting commands.
formula bar A bar located between the ribbon and the mixed cell reference A cell reference that uses an absolute
worksheet in which users can edit the contents of a cell. column or row reference, but not both.
formula An equation that performs calculations, such as move pointer A mouse pointer that enables users to drag a cell
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, on values in a or range of cells to a new location, replacing any existing data in
worksheet. the destination cells.
freeze To prevent portions of a worksheet from moving on the
screen. When you freeze panes, such as a row of column headings, n
the column headings remain visible as you scroll down the Name Box Located below the ribbon at the left end of the
worksheet or change magnification. formula bar. When a user types a cell location into this box and
function A predefined formula that performs a calculation. presses Enter, the insertion point moves to that cell.
named range A group of cells, and occasionally a single cell,
g with a designated name.
graphic An art-related object, such as a drawing, image, or natural series A formatted series of text or numbers that are in a
shape. normal sequence such as months, weekdays, numbers, or times.
gridlines The lines that display around worksheet cells. navigation pane A pane found on the left side of Backstage
group Commands on the default ribbon tabs that are related in view. It provides you access to workbook and file-related
functionality. commands through a series of tabs.
grouping Organizing data so it can be viewed as a collapsible nested parentheses Parentheses inside of parentheses within a
and expandable outline. formula.
NOW function A function that returns today’s date and the
h current time, in the default format of mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm.
handle A small box on the side and/or corner of the graphic that
you click and pull to increase or decrease the size of a graphic. o
header A line of text that appears at the top of each page of a Office Clipboard A location that collects and stores up to 24
printed worksheet. copied or cut items that are then available to be used in the active
Help system A system in Excel that is rich in information, workbook, in other workbooks, and in other Office programs.
illustrations, and tips that can help you complete any task as you operand An element that identifies the values to be used in a
create worksheets and workbooks. calculation.
hide To make a worksheet invisible. order of operations The rules Excel follows to calculate any
hotkey Another name for KeyTip. formula that contains two or more operators.
Excel 2013 Glossary 457
460 Index
page breaks 198 Onscreen Tools 4–6 Picture Border button 436
multiple criteria onscreen view 222–224 Picture Correction options command 432
sorting data 249–250 Open dialog box 15 Picture Properties, graphic enhancements
multiple worksheets, management 218–220 opening 437–438
multiplication formulas, creating 96 Excel 3–4 pictures
My Documents folder 31 existing workbooks 15–17 inserting in worksheets 413–416
non-native files 237–239 files 413–414
N Opening screen 2 online pictures 414–416
Name Box 17 operands 93 Pictures button 413
named ranges 103–106 order of operations (formulas) 93–94 Picture Styles, applying to graphics
formulas operating on 107–108 OR function 310 435–436
scope 106 Organic theme 189 PICTURE TOOLS FORMAT tab, graphic
tracking 108–109 enhancements 430–439
organization charts 442–443
Name Manager 107 artistic effects 434–435
naming color adjustments 433–434
software 2 corrections 431–433
workbooks 31–32
Backstage view 62 Picture Properties 437–438
worksheets 212
DATA tab 237 Picture Styles 435–436
natural series 49
FORMULAS tab 91, 116, 290 resetting picture to original state
navigation HOME tab 28, 144, 178, 209 436–437
existing workbooks 17–19 INSERT tab 362, 412 screenshots 439
ribbon 5–6 PAGE LAYOUT tab 178 pie charts 363, 369
Negative Numbers list box 157 REVIEW tab 328
pinning application to Start screen 4
nested parentheses, order of operations 94 text, formatting cells 149
worksheets 200–201 PivotChart button 402
New Comment text box 351
Orientation button 149 PivotCharts 402–404
New Formatting Rule dialog box 169, 250
Orientation tool 149 PivotTables 399–402
New Name dialog box 127
outline symbols 256 plot area, manually formatting charts 379
New Rule button 169
outlining data 255–261 PMT function 126–127
New Sheet button 3
Auto-Outline 258–259 Popular Commands option 77
New_text argument (SUBSTITUTE func-
collapsing groups of data 259 Portrait orientation 200
tion) 320
grouping/ungrouping data 256–258 Portrait Orientation button 133
New Window command 13–14 overlapping graphics 429–431 predefined headers and footers 194–195
non-native files, opening 237–239
preparing documents, printing 198–201
NOT function 311 P
previewing documents, Backstage view
NOW function 120–121 Page Break Preview window 198
Number command group 28 page breaks 198
Print Area button 67
Number Format menu 119, 155–158 PAGE LAYOUT tab, customizing themes
Print check box 191
number formats 154–157 Colors button 187
printer selection 74–75
Numbers group, HOME tab 154 Effects button 189
Fonts button 188 printing
Number tab (Format Cells dialog box)
page numbers, adding to worksheets Backstage view 64–74
193–194 applying printing options 71–74
Num_chars argument changing printers 74–75
Page Setup dialog box 73, 133
LEFT function 314 print and preview 64–66
MID function 316 panes, definition 222
Print Area button 67
numeric values, entering in worksheets parentheses, order of operations 94 Quick Print command 66
45–46 passwords selected workbooks 70
creating 333 selected worksheets 68–69
O definition 329 column heading 192–193
Office clip art 414–415 strong 330 costs 74
Office Clipboard 52–53 Paste Special dialog box 162, 184 embedded charts 367
Paste Special tool 161–162 formulas 133–134
Old_text argument (SUBSTITUTE func-
preparing documents for 198–201
tion) 320 pasting
row heading 192–193
Online Pictures button 414 cut data 53–54 shortcuts 24
online pictures, inserting in worksheets data 52–53 workbook comments 353–354
414–416 Pattern Style box 154–155 worksheet gridlines 191–192
onscreen appearance, formatting worksheets personal information, Document Inspector worksheets 87–88
190–193 336 Print options
photo enhancements 445
Index 467
Alignment commands 147 Theme Colors palette 153 ungrouping data 256–258
Editing group 209 Themes button 185 Unhide dialog box 215
Font group 150 themes 185–191 Unhide Sheet command 215
formatting and editing commands
customizing 186–190 unhiding
selecting 185–186 rows/columns 182–184
Numbers group 154
time, displaying 119–121 worksheets 215–216
Orientation tool 149
Styles group 163 titles Unmerge Cells command 158
Input Message 244 manually formatting charts 379 Unprotect Shared Workbook button 345
INSERT tables 263–265 UPPER function 317–318
Illustration and Text Tools 412 TODAY function 120 user interface 3
software orientation 362 tone (Color menu) 433
Number 157–158 toolbars V
Mini 151 validation, data 243–248
Colors button 187
Quick Access allowing only specific values to be
Effects button 189
customizing 4, 75–76, 87 entered 246–247
Fonts button 188
Onscreen Tools 4–6 removing duplicate rows 247–248
Quick Print command 66 Value argument (IFERROR function)
Send to Mail Recipient command 311
artistic effects 434–435
color adjustments 433–434 value 93
corrections 431–433 Value_if_error argument (IFERROR
Picture Properties 437–438 Crop 432
function) 311
Picture Styles 435–436 Fill Color 153–154
Format Painter 161–162 Value_if_false argument (IF function)
resetting picture to original state 307
436–437 Onscreen Tools 4–6
Orientation 149 Value_if_true argument (IF function)
screenshots 439
Paste Special 161–162 307
Totals 397–398 Top 10 AutoFilter dialog box 268 variables 93
View 9–15, 222 Top Align button 148 variations (Color menu) 433
changing Excel view 9–10 Top and Bottom Border button 160 vertical alignment 147
New Window command 13–14 Total Row command 265–266 Vertical Text (Orientation menu) 150
Split command 11–12 Totals tab 397–398 View check box 191
Take a Screenshot menu 439
trace arrows 132 viewing
Trace Dependents button 132 column headings 192–193
accessing 88 row headings 192–193
Trace Precedents button 132
definition 29, 81 workbook comments 352–353
most commonly used 88 Track Changes command 344–345
worksheet gridlines 191–192
searching for 83–84, 87 tracking changes, workbooks 344–346
views, Backstage 7–8
selection 81–82 accepting another user’s changes 349
accessing 63–64
text deleting changes 348
changing Excel environment 75–83
adding to charts 380–381 inserting tracked changes 346–347
printing commands/options 64–74
adding to shapes 419–420 rejecting changes of another user 349
software orientation 62
converting to columns 313–314 removing shared status from a work-
View tab 9–15
editing, charts 380–381 book 350
setting track change options 345–346 changing Excel view 9–10
entering in worksheets 38–39
turning Track Changes on/off New Window command 13–14
modifying 313–321
344–345 Split command 11–12
orientation, formatting cells 149
tracking named ranges 108–109 Zoom group 222
wrapping 157
VLOOKUP function 301–304
Text argument transparent color (Color menu) 433
LEFT function 314 Transpose check box 184 W
SUBSTITUTE function 320 transposing rows/columns 184
TRIM function 316 watermarks 196
TRIM function 316–317 Web page format, saving workbooks 38
UPPER function 317
Text Box button 381, 422 truncated form (text) 39 white space 181
text boxes 421–422 Trust Center dialog box 277–278 width (columns)
text concatenation operators 93 types of charts 363–364 editing 39–40
Text Import Wizard 238 modifying 180–181
U windows
TEXT OPTIONS button 386
Underline button 153 Excel 4–9
Text (Tab delimited) format, saving work-
Unfreeze Panes button 223 Backstage view 7–8
books 38
Ungroup button 257 FILE tab 9
470 Index