Advancing Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health: The Integration of DC:0-5™ Into State Policy and Systems

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Advancing Infant and

Early Childhood Mental Health:

The Integration of DC:0–5™
Into State Policy and Systems
Authors: Amanda Szekely, Therese Ahlers, Julie Cohen, and Cindy Oser

Infants and young children can have mental health and developmental
disorders that affect development. When a young child has a mental
health disorder, it is important to identify and treat the disorder as early
as possible so that impairment, suffering, and effects on overall health
and development can be reduced. Early childhood mental health
and developmental disorders can be seen as early as infancy or may
emerge through the preschool years. These include disorders that are
specific to the early childhood stage of development (e.g., Overactivity
Disorder of Toddlerhood or Excessive Crying Disorder) as well as general
disorders that manifest in unique ways in the infant and early childhood
population (e.g., Social Phobia or Autism Spectrum Disorder). If properly
identified using diagnostic criteria relevant to infant and early childhood
development and experiences, many of these disorders can be effectively

Accurate identification of a mental health disorder for a young child is What Is DC:0–5TM?
only possible with a developmentally appropriate diagnostic classification
system. In this paper, we explore how states are integrating an age- DC:0–5 is a system for
appropriate diagnostic classification, DC:0–5™: Diagnostic Classification classification of mental
of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early health and developmental
Childhood (DC:0–5)i into state policy and systems. DC:0–5, published disorders for infants and
by ZERO TO THREE in December 2016, is a tool used by clinicians to toddlers.
accurately diagnose and classify infant and early childhood mental health
DC:0–5 was published in
(IECMH) disorders. Adopting DC:0–5 as a standard of practice can be an
December 2016. It revised
effective strategy for (a) improving access to IECMH services and supports
and updated DC:0–3R by
and (b) improving outcomes for children, and many states are pursuing
expanding the age range
this approach.
from 3 years to 5 years old,
This paper discusses why and how states are integrating DC:0–5 into extending criteria to young-
state policy and systems; provides state examples to highlight some of er ages, and including all
the strategies that states have used to allow, promote, or require the use disorders relevant for young
of DC:0–5; and provides recommendations for further improvements in children.
state IECMH policy and practice. It is important to note that this paper
provides a point-in-time overview of how DC:0–5 is being integrated into
state systems and policies. The state examples included here are a sample
of the innovative work going on across the United States.

Copyright © 2018 ZERO TO THREE. All rights reserved. 1

Advancing Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health:
The Integration of DC:0–5™ Into State Policy and Systems

Why Use DC:0–5?

DC:0-5 is an important tool for clinicians, researchers, and early What Is IECMH and
childhood professionals. Prior to 1996, the early childhood field lacked Why Is It Important?
any widely accepted system to classify mental health and developmental
disorders for infants and toddlers. Since the publication of the Diagnostic Infant and Early Childhood
Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy Mental Health (IECMH) is the
and Early Childhoodii in 1996, much progress has been made to describe developing capacity of the
and categorize, through research and empirical evidence, mental health child from birth to 5 years
disorders specific to infants and toddlers. The most recent edition, DC:0–5, old to form close and se-
represents the best available evidence for accurate identification of early cure adult and peer relation-
childhood mental health disorders. Existing classification systems, such ships; experience, manage,
as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)iii, are and express a full range of
geared toward disorders in school-age children, adolescents, and adults, emotions; and explore the
and do not adequately reflect mental health disorders that are typically first environment and learn—all
diagnosed in infancy and early childhood. in the context of family,
culture, and community.
DC:0–5 also provides a common language that allows individuals across
disciplines—including mental health clinicians, counselors, physicians, IECMH, also known as
nurses, early interventionists, social workers, and researchers—to healthy social and emo-
communicate accurately and efficiently with each other. An accurate tional development, is the
diagnosis using the DC:0–5 guides treatment for the child, may indicate cornerstone of early brain
services needed for the family, and can help determine the need for development, providing the
additional services. It also allows clinicians and researchers to link foundation upon which all
knowledge about early childhood disorders to treatment approaches and future development rests.
outcomes. Finally, a DC:0–5 diagnosis may serve to authorize treatment Babies who engage with
and reimbursement. responsive, consistent, and
nurturing caregivers are
more likely to have strong
Integrating DC:0–5 Into State Policy And Systems emotional health through-
Pediatric and mental health clinicians use DC:0–5 because it allows for out life.
age-appropriate diagnostic assessment and more effective treatment
planning. States adopt DC:0–5 for a variety of reasons. For example,
including DC:0–5 as a guideline or requirement for the diagnostic
assessment of children under 5 years old provides an evidence-informed and age-appropriate standard
of practice for IECMH assessment and diagnosis. Providers (and parents) want to avoid over- or
underdiagnosing IECMH conditions in young children. It is important to identify mental health disorders as
early as possible in a child’s life and to begin appropriate treatment. It is also important to use empirically
derived criteria such as those in DC:0–5 to rule out mental health disorders and avoid unnecessary “labeling.”
Consistent use of DC:0–5 results in more accurate and developmentally appropriate diagnosis, and a
consistent process for establishing medical necessity. “Medical necessity” is a term used by third-party payers
to describe criteria they feel are essential for determining the need for service and reimbursement of services.
Medical necessity may include such criteria as diagnosis, level of impairment, and responsiveness of the
condition to treatment.
States and clinicians want to improve the developmental appropriateness of IECMH services so that the
most effective services can be delivered as early as possible to children who need them. States are also
interested in cost-efficiency and sustainability. Use of DC:0–5 can facilitate reimbursement from public and
commercial insurers by establishing a consistent process for establishing medical necessity.

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Advancing Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health:
The Integration of DC:0–5™ Into State Policy and Systems

Finally, all states are concerned with shortages of qualified child psychiatrists, psychologists, and other
mental health providers. Providing training in DC:0–5 and IECMH treatment strategies can help to ensure
access to a cadre of qualified mental health clinicians.
States have pursued a variety of strategies to integrate DC:0–5 in state policy and systems. State Medicaid
policies, for example, may allow, promote, or even require that mental health clinicians use DC:0–5 for
IECMH diagnoses to receive reimbursement. While most commonly used in the mental health system,
states can also use DC:0–5 to determine eligibility for Part C Early Intervention services. Several states
have included DC:0–5 in cross-sector workforce development and have used the tool in research and data
collection efforts.
As part of an effort to improve state IECMH and overall early childhood health
policy, ZERO TO THREE recommends that states consider one or more of the
following specific strategies to increase the use of DC:0–5.

1. Formally recognize DC:0–5 in public and commercial insurance

programs, including Medicaid, through legislation, contract language,
or regulatory changes.
2. Develop and disseminate resources (e.g., crosswalk to other disorder
classification, practical guidance documents) to help providers use the
DC:0–5 for eligibility determination, treatment planning, and billing
3. Recognize DC:0–5 disorders as eligibility criteria for Part C Early
Intervention services.
4. Include DC:0–5 in cross-sector IECMH workforce development.

Each of these strategies are described in more detail in the sections below, and illustrated with state examples.

State DC:0–5 Strategies

States have initiated a variety of policy and practice changes to advance IECMH services. In the sections below,
state examples are provided to illustrate strategies for integrating DC:0–5 into policy and practice.

1. Formally recognize DC:0–5 in public and commercial insurance programs, including Medicaid,
through legislation, contract language, or regulatory changes.
States can act to ensure that providers are able to receive insurance reimbursement when they use DC:0–
5 to diagnose an IECMH disorder and provide appropriate treatment. Because Medicaid is the largest
payeriv for mental health services, many of the examples in this paper are drawn from state Medicaid
policy. States may also choose to include language about the use of DC:0–5 in contracts with behavioral
health and health managed care providers.
In some cases, state policy may explicitly call for the use of DC:0–5 when diagnosing young children
enrolled in Medicaid. States can recognize DC:0–5 in the Medicaid state plan by including it in the
medical necessity criteria. Within federal Medicaid guidelines, states have the flexibility to set parameters
for how a determination is made as to whether there is a medical necessity to cover a medical service or

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Advancing Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health:
The Integration of DC:0–5™ Into State Policy and Systems

In this context, states could refer to the DC:0–5 as a way that mental health
care providers can demonstrate the medical necessity or need for IECMH
services. Then, for an eligible child to receive treatment, most insurers
require a diagnostic assessment to establish a mental health diagnosis and
to guide treatment planning. The more accurate the diagnosis, the more
likely it is that an effective treatment will be provided and a better outcome
achieved. Setting expectations for age-appropriate diagnosis helps improve
how providers deliver services, and it promotes statewide consistency in the
availability and quality of diagnostic process and service provision.

Because an accurate diagnosis with DC:0–5 can take several sessions

with a clinician, states may also need to reimburse providers for multiple
diagnostic visits. The DC:0–5 manual recommends a minimum of 3-5
sessions of 45 minutes or more each for a comprehensive evaluationiv.
Some states have explicitly called for the use of DC:0–5 in state policy.
For example:

Arkansas: The Arkansas legislature recently approved a Behavioral Health Transformation package that
includes changes to Medicaid aimed at improving diagnosis and treatment of very young children with
mental health disorders. The revised outpatient behavioral health rulesv require providers to use the
DC:0-3R (and subsequent revisions) to diagnose mental health conditions in children through the age
of 47 months, and to crosswalk the DC:0-3R diagnosis to a DSM diagnosis. Use of this age-appropriate
classification system increases the chances that a child will be appropriately diagnosed and referred to
evidence-based treatment. The rule also implements changes so that, for the first time, Arkansas Medicaid
will reimburse providers for dyadic therapies, which treat infants and their caregivers in the context of their
relationship. Approval of this package was the result of years of work on the part of the Department of
Human Services, mental health and substance abuse treatment clinicians, and families who advocated for
change. Key factors influencing policy change included: a review of Medicaid data showing high usage of
psychotropic medications for children and a lack of billable codes for infant mental health therapy, as well
as the work of the Arkansas Children’s Behavioral Health Commission and a listening tour by Arkansas’ First
Lady. These changes have been effective since July 1, 2017.
Minnesota: As part of a larger state initiative to expand IECMH services, Minnesota changed Medicaid
regulations in 2011 to require that providers use DC:0-3R (and subsequent revisions), with a state-provided
billing crosswalk, as the diagnostic assessment for children less than 5 years old. This change was made
as part of a revision of Medicaid outpatient rules. After considering what it takes to use the DC:0-3R to
diagnose effectively, Minnesota enacted an extended diagnosis rule for complicated clients over the lifespan
(birth through seniors) that allows providers to assess a child or adult over three sessions and receive a
higher reimbursement for that assessment. This represents more sessions than are typically covered for the
diagnosis process. Minnesota Medicaid also covers dyadic therapy (family psychotherapy) across the lifespan
if it is medically necessary as documented in the diagnostic assessment.
Thus, family psychotherapy between the caregiver and the infant can be billed under the caregiver or the
infant, depending on the outcome of the diagnostic assessment (i.e., that there is a diagnosis) and the
medical necessity for that dyadic service.
Nevada: More than a decade ago, the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services adopted the
DC:0-3R and added it to the state’s Medicaid manual. This change allowed DC:0-3R diagnoses to be
recorded in the electronic health record and services billed for children up to 48 months old. The inclusion

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Advancing Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health:
The Integration of DC:0–5™ Into State Policy and Systems

of DC:0-3R (and subsequent revisions) was advocated by early childhood mental health clinicians who
had been trained on the original DC:0-3 in the 1990s. These clinicians took part in the Behavioral Health
Redesign process, and they successfully presented the challenges of using the DSM to assess and diagnose
disorders in young children. Subsequent to the policy change, all mental health clinicians employed by
the Nevada Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) have been trained on DC:0-3R, as have some
community partners. Although specific language about DC:0–5 was removed from the Medicaid State
Manual in a recent revision, DCFS and some private clinicians continue to use the DC:0–5 and to crosswalk
the DC:0–5 disorders to the 10th edition of the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health
Problems (ICD-10)vi for eligibility and billing purposes.

Beyond these strategies, states and some communities have developed other policy approaches to promote
the use of DC:0–5 for Medicaid-eligible children. For example, Los Angeles County, California, includes
DC:0-3R in their “Infancy, Childhood, and Relationship Enrichment Initial Assessment” formvii used by mental
health clinicians for assessment of young children. On this form, clinicians note any DC:0-3R diagnoses
and then crosswalk to ICD-10 for billing purposes. The County Department of Mental Health has drafted an
updated assessment form to reflect the DC:0–5 diagnosis being crosswalked to the ICD-10 diagnosis, and
as of March 2018, is waiting on approval of the updated language.
North Carolina, while not explicitly promoting DC:0–5 in Medicaid policy, allows behavioral health
providers to bill for a certain number of visits without a specific medical diagnosis. This policy can allow
providers the necessary time to effectively use DC:0–5 to arrive at a diagnosis. Since 2001, North Carolina
has allowed unmanaged visits (now 16) and the first 6 visits can have a Z-code/non-specific code for
diagnosis. In addition, North Carolina will be including DC:0–5 in Medicaid guidance for clinicians when
DC:0–5 training has been completed in the state.

2. Develop and disseminate resources (e.g., crosswalk to other disorder

classification, guidance documents) to help providers use the DC:0–5 for
eligibility determination, treatment planning, and billing purposes.
Regardless of whether a state formally recognizes DC:0–5 in Medicaid or
other policy, mental health providers may choose to use
DC:0–5 because it is an age-appropriate diagnostic tool for children
less than 5 years old. However, if the state has not explicitly called for
the use of DC:0–5, providers may need to link the DC:0–5 disorder to a
recognized mental health condition or diagnostic code from the DSM and/
or ICD-10. The mechanism to link DC:0–5 to other diagnoses or codes
is called a “crosswalk.” ZERO TO THREE created a sample crosswalk with
links between DC:0–5, DSM-5 and ICD-10 conditions. States may use or
customize the crosswalk according to their state’s policies. Please see the
Additional Resources section of this paper for more information on this
It may be necessary to crosswalk DC:0–5 with DSM and/or ICD-10 codes to establish a mental health
diagnosis recognized by the state as an eligible behavioral health condition. All third-party insurance billing
and payments are triggered by a determination of eligibility. Eligibility is typically based on codes from ICD-
10. Payment for treatment services is based on the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS)
Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes. Each state specifies the codes Medicaid reimburses and
establishes billing requirements.

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Advancing Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health:
The Integration of DC:0–5™ Into State Policy and Systems

States have also created guidance documents and practice guidelines

to assist providers in conducting age-appropriate diagnosis processes,
properly documenting diagnostic codes, and submitting procedural codes
for billing purposes. For example:

Oregon: Although Oregon had previously developed and disseminated

a state-specific DC:0-3R crosswalk, it wasn’t widely used and there was
confusion among clinicians and early childhood stakeholders about what
IECMH services were reimbursable. When DC:0–5 was released, a team in
Oregon participating in the ZERO TO THREE IECMH Policy Project updated
the crosswalkviii and thoughtfully considered how they could address
the barriers that prevented broader uptake of the previous version. They
took a number of steps as a result, including: adding information specific
to Oregon’s Medicaid plan to the crosswalk, posting the Oregon Early
Childhood Diagnostic Crosswalk to the official Oregon Health Authority’s
website, creating companion documents outlining how and why the
crosswalk should be used, and developing PowerPointTM presentations of
different lengths and detail to introduce the crosswalk to varied audiences. Presentations have been given
around the state to clinician groups, Medicaid managed care organizations, early learning hubs (regional
organizations that coordinate early childhood services), and other stakeholders. Oregon also had ZERO TO
THREE provide two webinars giving an overview of DC:0–5 to further generate interest.
North Carolina: State leaders from North Carolina participated in a 9-month ZERO TO THREE IECMH
Policy Project in 2016–2017. As part of their goals, the North Carolina team developed a state-specific
DC:0–5 crosswalk and engaged stakeholders on how to implement DC:0–5 through a statewide IECMH
summit. State leaders are currently supporting workforce training in DC:0–5 and exploring how to expand
use of DC:0–5 and the crosswalk as well as seeking funding for infrastructure for the North Carolina Infant
Mental Health Association. The North Carolina team has also made recommendations for IECMH in the plan
for upcoming Medicaid changes in the state.

Use of a crosswalk between an early childhood-appropriate diagnosis and a more widely recognized adult
mental health diagnosis is a common strategy in several other states. For example, Michigan’s Mental
Health Code requires the use of the most recent DSM published by the American Psychiatric Association
and approved by the department, but the state has long supported use of the DC:0-3R (now DC:0–5). The
state mental health agency provides a state-specific crosswalk to the DC:0-3R, as well as related training
to encourage providers to use this tool. Similarly, New Mexico’s Medicaid policy requires an ICD-10 code
to establish medical necessity, but many trained mental health providers use the DC:0–5 and crosswalk to
ICD-10 codes so that they have an early childhood-appropriate diagnosis for treatment planning as well as a
connection to a recognized eligibility code.

3. Recognize DC:0–5 disorders as eligibility criteria for Part C Early Intervention services.
State leaders can also explore using the DC:0–5 to demonstrate children’s eligibility for early intervention
through Part C of the Individuals With Disabilities Act (IDEA). Use of the DC:0–5 for Part C eligibility can help
to build professional IECMH capacity in the Early Intervention field and ensure that more young children
with social–emotional delays receive appropriate services. The following state examples illustrate how
states are using DC:0–5 in their early intervention systems.

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Advancing Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health:
The Integration of DC:0–5™ Into State Policy and Systems

Minnesota: Since its last rule revision in 2006, Minnesota has maintained a moderate (medium) definition
of developmental delay as categorized by the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. An infant or
toddler may be determined eligible with a delay of -1.5 standard deviations in any one of five domains
of development or a diagnosed physical or mental condition that has a high probability of resulting in
developmental delay by kindergarten if intervention is not provided. In addition, Minnesota has chosen
to use all categories of eligibility included in Part B of IDEA as an option for determining eligibility for
infants and toddlers. Guidance has been provided by the state to clarify which diagnoses are included
as “established conditions.” Some DC:0-3 conditions were included in that guidance. As the State of
Minnesota will officially require the use of the DC:0–5 in place of the DC:0-3R beginning July 1, 2018,
the Minnesota Mental Health Division (Minnesota Department of Human Services) and the Department
of Education are now reviewing the diagnoses in the DC:0–5 to identify those diagnoses that would be
considered conditions that constitute a high probability of delay. The list will be finalized in June 2018.
New York: In 1999, the New York State Department of Health, which oversees the state’s Part C program—
the Early Intervention Program (EIP), released Early Intervention Guidance Memorandum 1999-2 to specify
the diagnosed conditions with a high probability of resulting in developmental delay that can be used to
establish a child’s eligibility for the EIP. This memorandum contained an extensive appendix with a list of
conditions; the conditions were also associated with the ICD-9. Children with these diagnosed conditions
do not have to be experiencing developmental delays to receive specific services available under the EIP.
For children who are found eligible for the EIP on this basis, the primary purpose of early intervention is to
mitigate the impact of the condition on the child’s developmental progress.
Currently, the two specific DC:0–5 diagnoses included in the list—Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder—are indicative of social–emotional deficits and are diagnosed conditions with
a high probability of resulting in developmental delay that can be used to establish a child’s eligibility for the
EIP. While not all DC:0–5 diagnoses are specified as a high probability of resulting in developmental delay for
Part C eligibility, other DC:0–5 disorders can serve as evidence toward eligibility. In addition, New York City’s
Bureau of Early Intervention also sponsored DC:0–5 training for Part C leadership. This was in preparation for
the New York State Department of Health Early Intervention release of the EIP published Meeting the Social-
Emotional Developmental Needs of Infants and Toddlers: Guidance for Early Intervention Program Providers
and Other Early Childhood Professionalsix This EIP guidance document
provides case examples within the context of the DC:0–5 and outlines how
providers can support young children through early intervention.

4. Include DC:0-5 in cross-sector IECMH workforce development.

To promote widespread use of DC:0–5 and improve professional knowledge
about IECMH disorders, states can include DC:0–5 in a broader early
childhood workforce development strategy. Training may be targeted toward
clinicians in psychiatry, child psychiatry, pediatrics, mental health, nursing
and early intervention. These clinicians can use DC:0–5 to inform diagnosis,
consider aspects of the caregiver–child relationship that affect development,
and take into account significant medical and psychosocial influences on
the child’s mental health. Other early childhood professionals, such as
those in early care and education and home visiting, may also benefit from
better understanding how common IECMH disorders manifest in infants
and young children, aspects of the caregiver–child relationship, medical and
psychosocial influences, etc.

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Advancing Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health:
The Integration of DC:0–5™ Into State Policy and Systems

In partnership with ZERO TO THREE, New York City, Northern New Jersey,
and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, piloted a Certified DC:0–5 Training
of Trainers initiative funded by a private foundation. Training of Trainer
participants were selected from applicants who had previously received
official DC:0–5 training and met rigorous eligibility requirements to become
certified DC:0–5 trainers. The pilot Training of Trainer events was held in
April and June 2018, and will be followed by a 1-year Community of Learners
Some states have also worked with ZERO TO THREE-approved Expert Faculty
and certified DC:0–5 trainers to train individuals in the child welfare system
on DC:0–5, particularly as part of the Safe Babies Court TeamsTM approach
to better meet the mental health and developmental needs of children in
foster care. For example, in Des Moines, Iowa, Safe Babies Court Team
clinicians providing Child–Parent Psychotherapy and other therapy services
were trained on DC:0–5. As a result, several improvements in the assessment
process were made. Since the DC:0–5 training, the psychosocial assessment
of children birth to 5 years old has been revised to align with DC:0–5. A
mental health status exam specific to infants and toddlers was added, and a
more thorough psychosocial stressor section was included. In addition, for each child, clinicians now conduct
a screening for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, complete the competency domain rating scale from Axis V,
and assess the caregiving relationship using the dimensions of caregiving in Axis II of DC:0–5. All fives axes of
DC:0–5 are used for case conceptualization and treatment planning. A crosswalk from DC:0–5 to ICD-10 is
used for billing purposes to comply with managed care requirements.
State and community stakeholders may consider offering DC:0–5 training in both higher education and
in-service trainings, as well as ongoing opportunities for reflective consultation and clinical discussions. For
example, embedding DC:0–5 content in higher education curricula can help prepare future mental health
professionals to better understand IECMH and to use the DC:0–5 in clinical practice. ZERO TO THREE has
developed DC:0–5 faculty guidance for classroom instruction.x Minnesota’s Department of Human Services
has promoted this strategy by sponsoring statewide full-day training for higher education faculty on how to
include DC:0–5 in pre-service and graduate coursework. Minnesota has purchased DC:0-5 guidance materials
for all relevant higher education faculty across the state.
Several states and communities have implemented in-service training on DC:0–5 for mental health and
other child-serving professionals. These trainings, provided by ZERO TO THREE-approved Expert Faculty
and certified DC:0–5 trainers, may be offered under a variety of auspices (e.g., state and local agencies or
IECMH associations) and are supported through various public and private funding sources. Please see the
Additional Resources section of this paper for more information on DC:0–5 training. A variety of states and
communities have recently invested in DC:0–5 training, each taking an approach appropriate to their context.
In-service training opportunities may include: intensive 2-day trainings for clinicians, an ongoing series of
shorter trainings, as well as seminars or online modules. More intensive training models are typically targeted
to mental health professionals who will use the tool in clinical practice. The following are examples of states
and communities with significant investment in training:

Colorado: Through a federal Project LAUNCH (Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children’s Health) grant
from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration, Colorado was able to expand DC:0–5 training to reach a wider variety of professionals who
come in contact with or provide treatment services to young children and help them to learn a common

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Advancing Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health:
The Integration of DC:0–5™ Into State Policy and Systems

language and understanding of mental health disorders and supports. Colorado invests these funds in DC:0–5
training for their early childhood mental health consultants, 34 full-time positions that provide consultation
in child care settings. This required training helps mental health consultants to understand the processes
of IECMH disorders and to be able to communicate the therapeutic concerns should children need more
intensive treatment services. Additional training slots were offered to IECMH clinicians, child psychiatry
residents, and clinical supervisors. Thus far, the state has trained 150 professionals in DC:0–5.
Los Angeles County, California: Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health has developed a
workforce development plan to expand mental health providers’ knowledge and use of DC:0–5, including
introductory webinars and 2-day trainings. The county is considering plans to expand training to reach other
types of professionals, such as home visitors, as well as more rural areas of the county, and is exploring
including DC:0–5 in the Department of Mental Health’s core competency training. These trainings have been
funded through the state Mental Health Services Act Prevention and Early Intervention funding, a dedicated
funding source to target underserved populations. The California Children and Families 1998 Act (Prop
10-First 5) expanded on and supported training and services for the birth to 5 population. Los Angeles County
Department of Mental Health has partnered with First 5 LA to build capacity to serve this population.
Michigan: Michigan had previously invested in training mental health clinicians in DC:0-3R. With the release
of DC:0–5, Michigan is again investing in professional development, using federal Mental Health Block
Grant funds, to ensure that mental health clinicians working with young children are using age-appropriate
diagnostic tools. Webinar series are held throughout the state to teach clinicians how to use DC:0–5, as well
as how to use a crosswalk to DSM diagnosis, to allow for reimbursement.
Minnesota: In addition to new Medicaid rules requiring the use of DC:0–5, Minnesota has invested in
significant statewide training on the DC:0-3R (now DC:0–5), reaching more than 2,000 clinicians. At the same
time, Minnesota provided training in three research-based interventions (Parent Child Interaction Therapy,
Child–Parent Psychotherapy, and Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-
up). Documented training in DC:0-3R/DC:0–5 is required before clinicians
are admitted to the above trainings on treatment interventions. Since
2009, the state has made investments of more than $15 million through
state appropriations and Community Mental Health Block Grant Funds in
training the early childhood mental health workforce in evidenced-based
assessment and treatments, as well as serving children and their families
who are uninsured and underinsured. The purpose of this DC:0-5 training
is to ensure that clinicians know how to use the tool, how it is suited to
the developmental needs of young children, how to document it for billing
purposes, and how to do billing. They have also incorporated a full day
of developmental training prior to the 2-day DC:0–5 training to provide
context and increase provider awareness that this is clinically the appropriate
diagnostic instrument. Clinicians who attend the 3-day DC:0–5 training are
then eligible to participate in a monthly consultation group to hone their
assessment skills. Professional development opportunities are offered for
free, and the state offers grants to cover billed hours that clinicians lose to
participation. Successful completion of the trainings is required for providers
interested in being on a “preferred provider list” with the state.
New Mexico: Through state general funds, the New Mexico Department
of Children, Youth, and Families has provided no-cost trainings in Albuquerque and Las Cruces on DC:0–5
to multiple agencies and clinicians. To better support ongoing workforce development, some states have

Copyright © 2018 ZERO TO THREE. All rights reserved. 9

Advancing Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health:
The Integration of DC:0–5™ Into State Policy and Systems

followed up in-service training with reflective consultation, a learning community, or clinical discussion model,
where clinicians take part in regularly scheduled case-based discussions about how they are using DC:0–5
and challenges that they have faced. New Mexico and Minnesota both have case consultation networks
where clinicians discuss recent cases where they have used DC:0–5. Minnesota’s Great Start clinician group
serves as a voluntary and no-cost peer learning opportunity. The group meets once a month in person in
St. Paul and via technology throughout the state. IECMH providers interested in being on the Minnesota
Department of Human Services, Mental Health Division preferred provider list are required to present a
redacted case using DC:0–5 for diagnostic assessment to this clinician group.
New Mexico integrated DC:0–5 into the skill development and clinical process for all state-funded IECMH
teams working with children in foster care, as well as Parent Infant Psychotherapy clinicians. In these
programs, DC:0–5 is one of several tools used to inform clinical case formulation, treatment objectives, and
discharge planning. DC:0–5 also provides the New Mexico IECMH teams with an overarching summative
classification system to determine effective intervention approaches.

Conclusion and Future Directions

This briefing paper provides a point-in-time perspective on why and how some states are integrating DC:0–5
into state policy and systems. The state examples we have highlighted provide just a sample of the innovative
work going on across the United States. Many other states are in the early stages of considering how to
improve their continuum of IECMH services and supports, assure quality and consistency in diagnosing IECMH
disorders, improve access to appropriate treatment, expand the IECMH workforce, and maximize funding for
these services.
States should take concrete action to integrate DC:0-5 into IECMH policy and practice, and improve the
availability and quality of IECMH services and supports. We offer the following recommendations for further
improvements in state IECMH policy and practice:
• Acknowledge that qualified IECMH providers are scarce and make efforts to significantly increase the
availability of qualified IECMH providers. In addition to supporting training and reflective supervision
opportunities, states should consider strategies for building capacity and stability among the IECMH
workforce, including reviewing the adequacy of current reimbursement rates for IECMH providers, higher
reimbursement rates for providers using the DC:0–5 diagnostic classification, and adequate coverage for
multiple diagnostic assessment sessions.
• Include DC:0–5 diagnoses in medical necessity criteria for children under 5 years old.
• Consider creating or updating standard Medicaid, behavioral health, and managed care contract lan-
guage requiring (or at a minimum, encouraging) providers to use DC:0–5 in their diagnostic assessment
of children under 5 years old.
• Include DC:0–5 training in the requirements for child psychiatry, psychology, and social work as well as
mental health continuing education, IECMH endorsement, and related early childhood professional cre-
• Use DC:0–5 as a consistent tool in research and data collection to better understand children’s need
for and use of mental health services and how current service delivery meets these needs. For example,
capturing DC:0–5 diagnoses and treatment in medical records could allow the state to track trends over
time, document the need for IECMH clinicians, and review the types of interventions being provided.
It is clear that state agencies must attend to the mental health needs of infants and young children if they
want to improve health and developmental outcomes, prevent impairment due to early adversity, provide

Copyright © 2018 ZERO TO THREE. All rights reserved. 10

Advancing Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health:
The Integration of DC:0–5™ Into State Policy and Systems

trauma-informed care, and ultimately, see better returns on investment. Adopting an age-appropriate
diagnosis and treatment is a significant step toward assuring better overall health for infants, young
children, and their families.

Additional Resources
DC:0–5 Manual and Training: Information about the DC:0–5 manual, how to request DC:0–5 training, and training resources is available on the ZERO TO
THREE web site:–5-training-offerings
DC:0–5 Crosswalk: ZERO TO THREE created a crosswalk between DC:0–5 diagnoses, DSM diagnoses, and ICD-10 codes. States and agencies may need
to adapt the links from DC:0–5 to DSM and ICD codes based on their own service delivery policies. Available at
IECMH Policy Series: Five briefing papers on topics including the basics of IECMH, IECMH consultation, IECMH competencies, DC:0–5, and the DC:0–5
crosswalk. Available at

We are extremely grateful to the many individuals who made this policy paper possible, including our colleagues who
shared examples of the impressive work they are doing to integrate DC:0–5 into state policy and practice. For their
invaluable input and feedback, we thank Douglas Albrecht, Krisann Alvarez, Jordana Ash, Evelyn Blanck, Gwen Babberl,
Tracey Bowles, Jennie Cole-Mossman, Marian Earls, Carolyn Kaneko, Allegra Klacsmann, Mary Ludtke, Rochelle Macer,
Soledad Martinez, Ann Polakowski, Rhonda Rairden-Nelson, Alison Steier, Laurie Theodorou, Lisa Walker, and Catherine
Wright. We also thank our colleagues at ZERO TO THREE for their thoughtful comments and assistance: Jamie Colvard,
Janie Huddleston, Kathy Mulrooney, and Jodi Whiteman.

About Us
The ZERO TO THREE Policy Center is a nonpartisan, research-based, nonprofit organization committed to promoting the
healthy development of our nation’s infants and toddlers. To learn more about this topic or about the ZERO TO THREE
Policy Center, please visit our website at

ZERO TO THREE. (2016). DC:0–5™: Diagnostic classification of mental health and developmental disorders of infancy and early childhood. Washington, DC:
ZERO TO THREE. (1996). Diagnostic classification of mental health and developmental disorders of infancy and early childhood, revised edition (DC:0-3R).
Washington, DC: Author.
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental health disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing.
Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services. (n.d.). Behavioral health services. Retrieved from
Arkansas Outpatient Behavioral Health Services Update. (2017). Retrieved from
World Health Organization. (1992). The ICD-10 classification of mental and behavioral disorders: Clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines. Geneva,
Switzerland: World Health Organization.
County of Los Angeles County, Department of Mental Health Assessment Forms. (2014). Clinical Records Bulletin. Retrieved from
Theodorou, L. (2018). Oregon Early Childhood Diagnostic Crosswalk. Retrieved from
New York State Department of Health, Early Intervention Program. (2017). Meeting the Social-Emotional Developmental Needs of Infants and Toddlers: Guidance
for Early Intervention Program Providers and Other Early Childhood Professionals. Retrieved from
ZERO TO THREE. DC:0–5 Faculty Resource. Retrieved from–5-training-offerings

Copyright © 2018 ZERO TO THREE. All rights reserved. 11

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