Da Vinci Code
Da Vinci Code
Da Vinci Code
It is Brown’s
second novel to include the character Robert Langdon. The Da Vinci Code follow
“symbologist” Robert Langdon and cryptologist Sophie Neveu after a murder in
the Louvre Museum in Paris causes them to become involved in a battle between
the Priory of Sion and Opus Dei over the possibility of Jesus Christ having been a
comparison to Mary Magdalene. The Da Vinci Code provoked a popular interest in
speculation concerning the Holy Grail legend and Mary Magadalene’s role in the
history of Christianity.
The Priory of Sion according to the movie is a myth. One of the wolrd’s oldest in
most secret societies with leaders like Sir Isaac Newton, Da Vinci, Fleur-de-lis is
the crest, the guardians of the secret they supposedly refer to as the Dark
Continent. And the Priory of Sion protects the source of God’s power on Earth.
The Priory of Sion is a brotherhood that keeps an ancient secret concerning the
heritage of Jesus Christ and Holy Grail. They established the Knights templar and
charged them with escavating the site under Herod’s Temple in search of the grail
When Robert and Sophie visited Sir Leigh Teabing, a Holy Grail expert who walkes
using crutches. In this scene, Teabing argues that Mary Magdalene was married to
Jesus, she was pregnant during his crucifixion and the Priory of Sion was formed
to protect their descendants. He claims that the Holy Grail is the bloodline from
the union of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and he said something from the Gospel
according to Philip that was rejected at the Councle of Nicaea along with any
other gospels that made Jesus appear human and not divine.
In the movie, it shows that we all have different belief as Sophie believes that the
Holy Grail describes the wine which Jesus and his disciples were drinking during
the Last Supper while Sir Leigh Teabing believes that the Holy Grail is a person, a
woman. Sophie also believes that the painting of Leonardo da Vinci which is the
Last Supper is composed of all men but Teabing here, claims that there is a
woman on the right hand of our Lord, seated in the place of honour. Flowing red
hair and folded feminine hands, her name is Mary Magdalene. The Last Supper,
also known as the Passover meal is the final meal that Jesus shared with his
Apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixion. The Last Supper is commemorated by
Christians especially in Maundry Thursday. The Last Supper provides the scriptural
basis for the Eucharist, also known as “Holy Communion” or “The Lords Supper”.
Scholars have looked to the Last Supper as the source of Early Christian Eucharist
traditions. Others see the account of the Last Supper is derived from 1st-century
Eucharist practice.
There’s this character in the movie named Silas which is actually the antagonist,
Silas an Opus Dei follower, he is instructed by “The Teacher” to locate the Holy
Grail, killing whoever is needed to be killed in order to find it. After killing Jacques
Sauni`ere, Silas tortures his self. Part of their traditions is a monastic practice
called corporal mortification, the idea that inflicting pain on yourself or
deprivation, as in fast, it is a way to help achieve a state of grace. This practice
was common in medical Catholicism, though extremely rare today. It has also
been practiced by other faiths besides Christianity. They believe that this self-
punishment, which is supposed to be inflicted in various mild forms, is their way
of taking up the cross or in other words, sharing in Christ’s pain in order to
connect with him or better yet, to be with him when death arrives.
The Da Vinci Code called Opus Dei a cult and a sect. In reality, Opus Dei is a fully
merged entity of the Catholic Church. The Da Vinci Code describes Opus Dei as
endorsing criminal behavior, Opus Dei condems criminal activity.
“THE MIND SEES WHAT IT CHOOSES TO SEE”, this is mentioned by Sir Leigh
Teabing and Robert. Sir Leigh refers to scotomisation, meaning, the psychological
tendency in people to see what they want to see and not see what they don’t
want to see in situation, in themselves and in anything, even in paintings, due to
the psychological impact seeing or not seeing would inflict. So for example, if one
describes a place, beautiful, the other person would not see/view the place as the
other person does. This explains that people often see the same thing differently.
Scotomisation , according to Wikipedia is a psychological term for the mental
blocking of unwanted perceptions, uses on analogy with the visual blindness of an
actual scotoma. Scotoma is a partial loss of vision of blindspot in an otherwise
normal visual field.
One time, I had some problems and no one could seem to solve them. I asked for
help to some of my friends, they told me to some things, they gave me advices
which I think at that moment will help me surpass my problems but after trying
their advices, it didn’t work, I failed. So lesson learned, I have to solve my
problems by myself rather than taking guidance from others because I know that
my decisions are good for me and even if I fail a thousand times, I’d be okay
seeing that I can learn from my mistakes but not all advices from others won’t
help, maybe some will work and telling someone or talking to someone about our
problems make us feel relieve, thinking that they still care and listen to us.