Transmission Capacity: Availability, Maximum Transfer and Reliability
Transmission Capacity: Availability, Maximum Transfer and Reliability
Transmission Capacity: Availability, Maximum Transfer and Reliability
Abstract—The available transfer capability (ATC) is an impor- structure dominated by bilateral transactions, and also an impor-
tant parameter for all companies participating in the power trans- tant issue related to congestion costs. Therefore, its calculation
action activities. The main objective of this work is to propose a new is an issue of concern to both system planers and operators.
methodology to determine the best points in the system to add new
agents (sellers and buyers), in order to maximize the ATC, without With the new generating agents connecting to the existing
violating a pre-established reliability level. In the process, the ATC transmission network, the congestion issue will become even
probability density function is determined considering uncertain- more important. Transmission companies can try to alleviate
ties from equipment un-availabilities. The proposed algorithm uses possible congestion problems by controlling where the new gen-
Monte Carlo simulation to select system state and linear program- eration is connected into the network. Additionally, location of
ming with a dc power flow model, to analyze and optimize each
selected state. The IEEE Reliability Test System (RTS) is used to the new generating facilities while stressing the existing trans-
illustrate the proposed methodology. mission network, will have a tendency of lowering reliability
Index Terms—Available transfer capability, composite relia- of the transmission system. The goal is to select such locations
bility, Monte Carlo simulation, transmission capacity. for the new agents that the highest economic gains are achieved
without compromising system reliability levels. The tools pro-
posed in this paper will hopefully help system planners and op-
I. INTRODUCTION erators to address this important issue.
equate transmission charges and the choice of the best trans- One interesting aspect of the ATC parameter is the lack of
mission investment options. A new phenomenon in the North standardization of its meaning. Operating studies commonly
American energy market is a sudden increase in interest by po- seek to determine limitations (capacity margins) due to the fol-
tential investors in building new generating facilities. This has lowing four types of problems: thermal overload; voltage in-
been precipitated by the electric power shortages experienced stability; transient instability and oscillatory instability [2]. The
by several regions and aided by a favorable political climate. On most comprehensive attempt to define transfer capability and
the other hand, investment in new transmission facilities is slow, other related margins [3] has been coordinated by the North
hampered by environmental constraints and economic consider- American Electric Reliability Council (NERC). NERC defines
ations. This has led to a more intensive use of the existing trans- a parameter called first contingency incremental transfer capa-
mission corridors. These aspects have motivated the develop- bility (FCITC). It is the amount of electric power, incremental
ment of methodologies to evaluate the existing transfer capabili- above normal base power transfer, that can be transferred over
ties and transmission margins. One measure of the robustness of the interconnected transmission systems in a reliable manner
the transmission system is the value of the ATC. A ruling by the based on all of the following conditions [1].
U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) requires 1) With normal (pre-contingency) operating procedures...all
electric utilities in the United States to provide transmission ser- facility loads are within normal ratings and all voltage are
vices for wholesale customers and under this ruling, utilities are within normal limits.
required to post information on the ATC of their transmission 2) The electric systems are capable of... remaining stable
networks [1]. following [any single contingency].
Not only in the U.S. but also in many other countries, ATC 3) After the dynamic power swings subside following a
is becoming a critical piece of information in an open market [single contingency]...all transmission facility loadings
are within emergency ratings and all voltages are within
Manuscript received October 16, 2001; revised February 16, 2002. This work emergency limits.
was supported in part by the CNPq, Pronex, Brazil, NSERC Grant 238244-01, This is a very loose definition [4] but it can serve as a basis
Canada, and Hydro One, Ontario, Canada for assessing the ATC as described below.
A. M. Leite da Silva and J. G. de Carvalho Costa are with the Institute of
Electrical Engineering, Federal University, EFEI, Itajubá, MG, Brazil. Considering the base case configuration (i.e., no contin-
L. A. F. Manso is with the Electrical Engineering Department, Federal Uni- gency), let ATC be the maximum amount of power transfer,
versity, FUNREI, São João del Rei, MG, Brazil. which accounts for the previous conditions. Similarly, let
G. J. Anders is with the Transmission and Distribution Technologies Depart-
ment, KINECTRICS, Toronto, ON, Canada. ATC be the maximum amount of power transfer, under the
Publisher Item Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2002.800961. first order contingency . This parameter can be generalized
0885-8950/02$17.00 © 2002 IEEE
the EPNS indices per area are quite different in all cases, as a
consequence of the different load shedding policies.
Observed that the main objective is to maximize the amount
of power being transferred from Area 1 to Area 2, in a most re-
liable manner. Considering the case when all buses have equal
penalties for load curtailment (i.e., Policy A), for selected states
with insufficient generation, loads in Area 2 will be preserved
over the loads in Area 1, in order to maximize power trans-
fers from Area 1 to Area 2. As a consequence, EPNS
decreases and EPNS increases, as can be seen in Tables I
and III. For this reason, Policy A provides the highest value of
E{ATC} among the three analyzed policies.
Conversely, based on Policies B and C, system and area relia-
Fig. 3. Probability density and cumulative functions. bility indices obtained through ATC calculations are very close
to those obtained from the composite reliability evaluation. Con-
sidering these policies, when the system has insufficient gener-
EXPECTED VALUE AND STANDARD DEVIATION OF ATC ation, the buses in the system where loads have to be shed are
explicitly defined by the user unlike in the Policy A.
D. Comparative Study
In [11], the ATC calculations are carried out by combining
Monte Carlo simulation to select the system state and Interior
Point (IP) optimization algorithm. The ac model is used. Fig. 4
TABLE III illustrates the adopted procedure.
RELIABILITY INDICES—ATC CALCULATIONS There are two optimizations in that algorithm: The first opti-
mization is used to alleviate the potential operational violations
in order to achieve a feasible operating point. In this optimiza-
tion, it is possible to use generation rescheduling, bus voltage
corrections, LTC tap changing, and load shedding as a last re-
sort. In the second optimization, the objective is to maximize
the transfer, using the same set of system control actions, ex-
cept the load shedding. The first optimization is identical to the
optimization used in the reliability evaluation, and in the second
Analyzing the results presented in Tables I and III, it can one, load shedding is not allowed. Thus, the reliability indices
be observed that the reliability indices for the system, i.e., obtained in the ATC evaluation will be exactly the same as those
EPNS and LOLP , obtained from the ATC obtained with a reliability evaluation analysis.
evaluation, are very close to those obtained from the composite The aim in this part of the presentation is to show that it is
reliability evaluation. Therefore, the load shedding policies are unnecessary to carry out two optimization procedures. In order
not being used to maximize power transfer but to solve, as last to illustrate this point, a simplified “double optimization pro-
resort, system problems. That is the way it should be. However, cedure” using a linear programming and dc power flow model
Fig. 7. Probability density and cumulative functions—resultant ATC.
to ensure the criteria. In other words, the new agents, sellers and
buyers, will not disturb the reliability of the previously set trans-
actions considering the same transmission system. Fig. 7 shows
the density and cumulative functions of the resultant ATC, con-
sidering %. The expected value of this PDF is E{ATC}
1796.42 MW, which represents a significant increase compared
to the previous cases when extra injections were not allowed.
This paper describes a new probabilistic method for deter-
mining the ATC between areas of an interconnected system.
The method is based on Monte Carlo simulation to select the
system state and Linear Programming with a dc Power Flow
Model to optimize and analyze each selected state. For each se-
lected state, the ATC assessment was carried out using a single
Fig. 6. Bus 6 LOLP.
objective function. Both objectives “minimize load shedding”
and “maximize the transfer” are duly weighted. It was stressed
TABLE VIII that the load shedding policy can modify the ATC. The proposed
(k = 60%)
algorithm could be used by system planners and operators to
evaluate the available ATC, and also to access the best points in
the system to add new generation/load in order to increase ATC
without violating pre-specified reliability levels. This informa-
tion should be very useful for transmission capacity planning in
the new deregulated environment.
C. Numerical Example
The authors would like to thank Dr. J. W. Marangon Lima,
The acceptable system and per bus reliability indices are
EFEI, for assisting in the first part of this project.
shown in Table VI.
From the previous simulation, one has concluded that the best
buses to add new generation and load are respectively 13, 14, 15, REFERENCES
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sessment of the congestion cost and the risk of curtailment associated Since 1988, he has been with the Electrical Engineering Department, Federal
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[17] A. C. G. Melo, M. V. F. Pereira, and A. M. Leite da Silva, “Frequency
and duration calculations in composite generation and transmission re-
liability evaluation,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 7, pp. 469–476, May George J. Anders (M’74–SM’84–F’99) received the M.Sc degree in electrical
1992. engineering from the Technical University of Lodz, Poland, in 1973 and the
[18] A. M. Leite da Silva, L. A. F. Manso, J. C. O. Mello, and E. R. Billinton, M.Sc. degree in mathematics and Ph.D. degree in power system reliability from
“Pseudo-chronological simulation for composite reliability analysis the University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, in 1977 and 1980, respectively.
with time varying loads,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 15, pp. 73–80, Since 1975, he has been with Ontario Hydro, Canada, first as a System De-
Feb. 2000. sign Engineer in the Transmission System Design Department, System Planning
[19] IEEE APM Subcommittee, “IEEE reliability test system,” IEEE Trans. Division, and currently as a Principal Engineer in Kinectrics (former Ontario
Power Apparat. Syst., vol. PAS-99, pp. 2047–2054, Nov./Dec. 1979. Hydro Technologies). He is the author of two books Probability Concepts in
Electric Power Systems (New York: Wiley, 1990) and Rating of Electric Power
Cables (New York: IEEE Press, 1997).
Dr. Anders is a registered Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario.