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Advanced Ceramic Sentinel

An Information Summary for
ASTM Committee C28 on Advanced Ceramics
January 2017 – Entering its 4th Decade

Scope of Committee C28

are accessible to the general industrial laboratory and
The promotion of knowledge, stimulation of research consequently are widely accepted and used in the
and development of standards (classifications, design, production, and utilization of advanced
specifications, nomenclature, test methods, guides, and ceramics.
practices) relating to processing, properties, While the committee's roots are in energy-related
characterization, and performance of advanced ceramic industries and programs, C28 supports the needs of
materials. automotive, aerospace, electronic, medical and other
This committee works in concert with other technical industries requiring advanced ceramics. Some specific
committees (e.g., D30 "Composite Materials," E07 "Non applications include nano-ceramics, bio-ceramics,
Destructive Testing," E08 "Fatigue and Fracture," E28 coatings, electronics, sensors/actuators, porous
"Mechanical Testing," F04 "Medical and Surgical substrates and fuel cells. C28 actively pursues
Materials and Devices", and G02 "Wear and Erosion") standards development to support these emerging
and other national and international organizations applications.
having mutual or related interests. Committee C28 coordinates its work with other
organizations with mutual interests in advanced
What Committee C28 Does ceramics. The membership represents an international
group of people interested in furthering advanced
Committee C28 develops and maintains standards ceramic technology.
for monolithic and composite advanced ceramics. An In addition to standards development, C28 sponsors
advanced ceramic is a highly-engineered, high- symposia providing a forum for the timely transfer of
performance predominately non-metallic, inorganic, technical information relevant to the design, analysis,
ceramic material having specific functional attributes. processing, fabrication, and characterization of
The C28 standards cover methods for testing bulk and monolithic and composite advanced ceramics. Special
constituent (powders, fibres, etc.) properties, thermal workshops and technical presentations are often held to
and physical properties, strengths and strength identify specific industrial needs and support the
distributions, and performance under varying technical development of new standards.
environmental, thermal, and mechanical conditions. The Committee meets twice a year in with an on-site
The scope of application of the methods ranges from meeting and a Web-teleconference. The Committee is
quality control through design data generation. self-regulated by committee-approved by-laws under
The Committee's primary objective is the the auspices of ASTM International
development of technically rigorous standards which


2016-18 Officers and Committee Structure
Chair: Tony Thornton, Micromeritics
Vice Chair: Michael Jenkins, Bothell Eng & Science Technologies
Recording Secretary: Stephen Gonczy, Gateway Materials Technology
Membership Secretary: Jonathan Salem, NASA Glenn Research Center
C28.90 C28.91 C28.92 C28.93 C28.95
Executive Editorial and Nomenclature Education / Outreach Awards Long Range Planning

C28.01 C28.03 C28.04 C28.07

Mechanical Properties Physical Properties Ceramic Ceramic Matrix
and Reliability and NDE Applications Composites
Committee C28 Advanced Ceramic Standards
Visit the C28 website ( http://www.astm.org/COMMITTEE/C28.htm ) to purchase C28 standards or join Committee C28.

Monolithics Composites, Coatings, Porous Ceramics

C 1468 C 1557
CMC Tensile Filament
C 1275 CMC Tensile Strength (RT) Strength Strength &
C 1161 Flexural Strength (RT)
C 1337 Creep, Creep Rupture Trans Stiffness
C 1211 Flexural Strength (HT)
C 1421 RT Fracture
C 1368 Slow Crack Growth (RT, Dyn Fatigue) C 1359 CMC Tensile Strength (HT) Thickness
C 1465 Slow Crack Growth (HT, Dyn Fatigue) C 1360 Cyclic Fatigue C 1819 Hoop Tensile
C 1576 Slow Crack Growth (RT, Stress Rupture) C 1773 CMC Tube Axial Tensile (RT) C 1358 CMC Strength of CMC tubes
C 1684 Flexural Strength (Rods) Compression Strength (elastomer insert)
C 1834 Slow Crack Growth (HT, Stress Rupture)

C 1322 Fractography C 1469 Joint C 1341 CMC Flexure Strength

C 1424 C 1678 Fracture Mirror Strength C 1674 Honeycomb Flex Strength C 1624 Coatings –
Compression Scratch Adhesion
Strength (RT) C 1835 Classification for SiC/SiC C 1292 CMC Shear Strength (RT)
C 1836 Classification for C/C C 1425 Shear Strength (HT)

Powders NDE and Design

C 1273 Tensile Strength (RT) C 1326 Knoop Hardness
C 1291 Creep, Creep Rupture C 1327 Vickers Hardness -1/m
log !

C 1366 Tensile Strength (HT) C 1212 Seeded Voids

C 1361 Cyclic Fatigue C 1336 Seeded Inclusions
log VE
C 1239 Weibull C 1683 Weibull
C 1070 Particle Size, Laser Light
C 1274 Particle Size, BET
C 1282 Particle Size, Centrifugal Sed.
C 1198 Elastic Modulus
- continuous C 1331 Ultrasonic Velocity
C 1499 Biaxial C 1470 C 1175 NDE Guide C 1332 Ultrasonic Attenuation
C 1259 Elastic Modulus Thermal Guide
Strength (RT)
- impulse

C 1494 C, N, O in silicon nitride

Terms, Workshops, Education
C28.01 Mech. Prop. + Reliability
C28.03 Physical Prop. + NDE STP 1201 Life Prediction
C28.04 Applications STP 1309 Composites
C28.07 Ceramic Matrix Composites C 1145 Terminology
C 1323 C-ring Strength C 1495 Grinding C 1525 Thermal Shock STP 1392 Composites
C28.91 Terminology STP 1409 Fracture

ASTM C28 standards are found in Vol. 15.01 of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards 08-2016

Graphical illustration of standards under the jurisdiction of Committee C28

(Note: CXXXX refers to a specific standard, STPXXXX refers to Standard Technical Publication)
Subcommittee Details C1834-16 (16) Test Method for Determination of Slow Crack
Growth Parameters of Advanced Ceramics by Constant Stress
C28.01 Mechanical Properties & Reliability Flexural Testing (Stress Rupture) at Elevated Temperatures
C28.01 Chair: Michael Jenkins
Bothell Eng & Science Technologies, Bothell, WA *-XX indicates year of current version, (XX) indicates year of
e-mail: jenkinsm@csufresno.edu original approval and publication if different than –XX
C28.01 Scope:
Develops standards for mechanical properties and C28.03 Physical Properties & NDE
reliability (short term and long term) of monolithic advanced C28.03 Chair: Matthias Thommes
ceramics in a number of areas including flexural strength, Quantachrome Instruments, Boynton Beach, Florida
tensile strength, compressive strength, cyclic fatigue, creep e-mail: matthias.thommes@quantachrome.com
and creep rupture, hardness, and fracture toughness. C28.03 Scope:
C28.01 Standards: Develops standards for physical, chemical, micro-
C1161-13 (90) Test Method for Flexural Strength of Advanced structural, and non-destructive characterization of powder
Ceramics at Ambient Temperature and bulk advanced ceramics.
C1198-13 (91) Test Method for Dynamic Young’s Modulus, C28.03 Standards:
Shear Modulus, and Poisson’s Ratio for Advanced Ceramics by C1070-14 (01) Test Method for Determining Particle Size
Sonic Resonance Distribution of Alumina or Quartz by Laser Light Scattering
C1211-13 (92) Test Method for Flexural Strength of Advanced C1175-10 (91) Guide to Test Methods for Nondestructive
Ceramics at Elevated Temperature Testing of Advanced Ceramics
C1239-13(93) Practice for Reporting Uniaxial Strength Data and C1212-15 (92) Practice for Fabricating Ceramic Reference
Estimating Weibull Distribution Parameters for Advanced Ceramics Specimens Containing Seeded Voids
C1259-15 (94) Test Method for Dynamic Young’s Modulus, C1274-12 (94) Test Method for Advanced Ceramic Specific
Shear Modulus, and Poisson’s Ratio for Advanced Ceramics by Surface Area by Physical Adsorption
Impulse Excitation of Vibration C1282-12 (95) Withdrawn 2014 Test Method for Determining
C1273-15 (94) Test Method for Tensile Strength of Monolithic the Particle Size Distribution of Advanced Ceramics by Centrifugal
Advanced Ceramics at Ambient Temperatures   Photosedimentation
C1291-16 (95) Test Method for Elevated Temperature Tensile C1331-12 (96) Practice for Measuring Ultrasonic Velocity in
Creep Strain, Creep Strain Rate, and Creep Time-to-Failure for Advanced Ceramics with the Broadband Pulse-Echo
Advanced Monolithic Ceramics Cross-Correlation Method
C1322-15 (96) Practice for Fractography and Characterization C1332-13 (96) Test Method for Measurement of Ultrasonic
of Fracture Origins in Advanced Ceramics Attenuation Coefficients of Advanced Ceramics by the Pulse-Echo
C1326-13 (96) Test Method for Knoop Indentation Hardness of Contact Technique
Advanced Ceramics C1336-14 (96) Practice for Fabricating Non-Oxide Ceramic
C1327-15 (96) Test Method for Vickers Indentation Hardness of Reference Specimens Containing Seeded Inclusions
Advanced Ceramics C1470-13 (00) Guide for Testing the Thermal Properties of
C1361-15 (96) Practice for Constant-Amplitude, Axial, Advanced Ceramics
Tension-Tension Cyclic Fatigue of Advanced Ceramics at Ambient C1494-13 (01) Test Method for Determination of Mass Fraction
Temperatures of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen in Silicon Nitride Powder
C1366-13 (97) Test Method for Tensile Strength of Monolithic C1678-15 (10) Standard Practice for Fractographic Analysis of
Advanced Ceramics at Elevated Temperatures Fracture Mirror Sizes in Ceramics and Glasses
C1368-10 (97) Test Method for Determination of Slow Crack
Growth Parameters of Advanced Ceramics by Constant
Stress-Rate Flexural Testing at Ambient Temperature C28.04 Applications
C1421-16 (99) Test Methods for the Determination of Fracture C28.04 Chair: Randy Stafford
Toughness of Advanced Ceramics Cummins Inc., Columbus, IN
C1424-15 (99) Test Method for Compressive Strength of e-mail: randy.j.stafford@cummins.com
Monolithic Advanced Ceramics at Ambient Temperatures C28.04 Scope:
C1465-13 (00) Test Method for Determination of Slow Crack Develops standards (including guides, specifications,
Growth Parameters of Advanced Ceramics by Constant practices, test methods) for various engineering applications
Stress-Rate Flexural Testing at Elevated Temperature of advanced ceramics, such as nanoceramics, coatings,
C1495-16 (01) Test Method for Effect of Surface Grinding on electrodes, porous ceramics, fuel cells, armor,
Flexure Strength of Advanced Ceramics sensors/actuators, and thermal systems.
C1499-13 (02) Test Method for Monotonic Equibiaxial Flexural C28.04 Standards:
Strength Testing of Advanced Ceramics at Ambient Temperature C1323-16 (96) Test Method for Ultimate Strength of Advanced
C1525-12 (02) Test Method for Determination of Thermal Shock Ceramics with Diametrally Compressed C-Ring Specimens at
Resistance for Advanced Ceramics by Water Quenching Ambient Temperature
C1576-13 (05) Test Method for Determination of Slow Crack C1624-15 (05) Test Method for Adhesion Strength and
Growth Parameters of Advanced Ceramics by Constant Stress Mechanical Failure Modes of Ceramic Coatings by Quantitative
Flexural Testing (Stress Rupture) at Ambient Temperature Single Point Scratch Testing
C1683-15 (15) Practice for Size Scaling of Tensile Strengths C1674-11 (11) Test Method for Flexural Strength of Advanced
Using Weibull Statistics for Advanced Ceramics Ceramics with Engineered Porosity (Honeycomb Cellular
C1684-13 (13) Test Method for Flexural Strength of Advanced Channels) at Ambient Temperatures
Ceramics at Ambient Temperature -Cylindrical Rods
C28.07 Ceramic Matrix Composites C28.90 Scope:
Manages administrative matters of main committee C28
C28.07 Chair: Andrew Wereszczak through its membership comprised of the committee and
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN subcommittee officers of C28.
Nuclear Material Science and Technology Group
e-mail: wereszczakaa@ornl.gov
C28.91 Nomenclature and Editorial
C28.91 Chair: Jonathan Salem
C28.07 Scope: NASA-Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH
Develops standards for determination of the thermo-
mechanical properties and performance of ceramic matrix e-mail: Jonathan.A.Salem@grc.nasa.gov
composites including tension, compression, shear, flexure, C28.91 Scope:
cyclic fatigue, creep/creep rupture, ceramic fibers, interfacial Compiles nomenclature and terminology used in the
properties, thermo-mechanical fatigue, environmental various standards of C28.
effects, and structural/component testing. C28.91 Standards:
C28.07 Standards: C1145-13 (91) Terminology on Advanced Ceramics
C1275-15 (94) Test Method for Monotonic Tensile Behavior of C1286-94 Withdrawn 2002 Classification for Adv Ceramics
Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics with Solid
Rectangular Cross-Section at Ambient Temperatures C28.92 Education and Outreach
C1292-16 (95) Test Method for Shear Strength of Continuous C28.92 Chair: Jonathan Salem
Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics at Ambient Temperatures NASA-Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH
C1337-15 (96) Test Method for Creep and Creep Rupture of e-mail: Jonathan.A.Salem@grc.nasa.gov
Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites under Tensile
Loading at Elevated Temperature C28.92 Scope:
C1341-13 (96) Test Method for Flexural Properties of Develops and supports efforts for education and outreach
Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramic Composites for the C28 committee.
C1358-13 (96) Test Method for Monotonic Compressive C28.92 Documents:
Strength Testing of Continuous Fiber- Reinforced Advanced Advanced Ceramic Sentinel
Ceramics with Solid Rectangular Cross-Section Specimens at
Ambient Temperatures C28.93 Awards
C1359-13 (96) Test Method for Monotonic Tensile Strength C28.93 Chair: Jonathan Salem
Testing of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics with NASA-Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH
Solid Rectangular Cross-Section Specimens at Elevated e-mail: Jonathan.A.Salem@grc.nasa.gov
Temperatures C28.93 Scope:
C1360-15 (96) Practice for Constant-Amplitude, Axial, Accepts/acts on nominations for various awards
Tension-Tension Cyclic Fatigue of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced
Advanced Ceramics at Ambient Temperatures
C1425-13 (99) Test Method for Interlaminar Shear Strength of
C28.95 Long Range Planning
C28.95 Chair: Michael Jenkins
1-D and 2-D CFCCs at Elevated Temperatures
Bothell Eng & Science Technologies, Bothell, WA
C1468-13 (00) Test Method for Transthickness Tensile Strength
of Continuous Fiber- Reinforced Advanced Ceramics at Ambient e-mail:jenkinsm@csufresno.edu
Temperatures C28.95 Scope:
C1469-15 (00) Test Method for Shear Strength of Joints of Proposes, facilitates and promotes long range planning
Advanced Ceramics at Ambient Temperature activities consistent with the mission, goals and objectives of
C1557-14 (03) Test Method for Tensile Strength and Young's the Committee and its subcommittees.
Modulus Fibers Documents:
C1773-13 (13) Test Method for Monotonic Axial Tensile
Committee C28 Strategic Plan
Behavior of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramic
Tubular Test Specimens at Ambient Temperature Symposia Publications
C1783-15 (15) Guide for Development of Specifications for
Fiber Reinforced Silicon Carbide-Silicon Carbide Composite STP 1201 Life Prediction Methodologies and Data for
Structures for Nuclear Applications Ceramic Materials
C1793-15 (15) Guide for Development of Specifications for STP 1309 Thermal and Mechanical Test Methods and
Fiber Reinforced Carbon-Carbon Composite Structures for Nuclear Behavior of Continuous-Fiber Ceramic
Applications Composites
C1819-15 (15) Test Method for Hoop Tensile Strength of
STP 1392 Mechanical, Thermal and Environmental
Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramic Composite
Tubular Test Specimens at Ambient Temperature Using Testing and Performance of Ceramic
Elastomeric Inserts Composites and Components
C1835-16 (16) Classification for Fiber Reinforced Silicon STP 1409 Fracture Resistance Testing of Monolithic
Carbide-Silicon Carbide (SiC-SiC) Composite Structures and Composite Brittle Materials
C1836-16 (16) Classification for Fiber Reinforced Carbon-
Carbon Composite Structures Future C28 Meetings

C28.90 Executive Subcommittee 2017 – Sunday, 22 January

In conjunction w/ ACerS ICACC, Daytona Beach, FL
C28.90 Chair: Tony Thornton
Micromeritics, Norcross, GA 2017 – 3rd week of July
e-mail: tony.thornton@micromeritics.com webX/Teleconference; Contact Staff Manager for Details
Main Committee Officers (2016 and 2017) Members at Large

Chair Don F. Adams

Wyoming Test Fixtures Inc
Tony W. Thornton
2960 E Millcreek Road
Salt Lake City, UT, 84109 U.S.A.
4356 Communications Drive,
Tel: 801-484-5055, FAX: 801-484-6008
Norcross, GA 30093, e-mail: wtf@wyomingtestfixtures.com
Tel: 770-662-3656, FAX: 770-662-3696,
e-mail: tony.thornton@micromeritics.com Joseph V. Atria
Almatis, Inc
501 West Park Road
Vice Chair Leetsdale, PA 15056
Michael G. Jenkins Tel: 4122155168, FAX:
Bothell Engineering & Science Technologies, Inc. e-mail: joe.atria@almatis.com
17815-93 Pl NE
Bothell, WA 98011 Leon Chuck
Tel: 425-876-7061, FAX: N/A Pressbox Photo LLC
e-mail: jenkinsm@csufresno.edu 228 Triangle Avenue
Oakwood, OH 45419 U.S.A.
Recording Secretary Tel: 937-304-8478; FAX:
Stephen T. Gonczy e-mail: leon.chuck@sbcglobal.net
Gateway Materials Technology, Inc.
Joseph Homeny
221 South Emerson Edw Orton Jr Ceramic Foundation
Mount Prospect, IL 60056 U.S.A. 6991 Old 3C Highway
Tel: 847-870-1621, FAX: 847-870-1624 Westerville, Oh 43082
e-mail: gatewaymt@aol.com Tel: 614-818-1323; FAX: 614-895-5610
e-mail: Homeny@Ortonceramic.com
Membership Secretary
Jonathan A. Salem
NASA Glenn Research Center
21000 Brookpark Road / MS 49-7
Cleveland, OH 44135
Tel: 440-724-5070, FAX: 216-977-7051
e-mail: jonathan.a.salem@nasa.gov
ASTM Administration
C28 Staff Manager -- Jimmy Farrell
ASTM International
100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 U.S.A.
Tel: (610) 832-9661, FAX: (610) 832-9666
e-mail: jfarrell@astm.org

Administrative Assistant -- Jamie Huffnagle

ASTM International
100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 U.S.A.
Tel: 610-832-9712, FAX: 610-832-9666
e-mail: jhuffnag@astm.org

Editor -- Jen Congiliando

ASTM International
100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 U.S.A.
Tel: (610) 832-9705, FAX: 610-832-9666
e-mail: jcongiliando@astm.org

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