Double Bypasses Soxhlet Apparatus For Extraction of Piperine From Piper Nigrum
Double Bypasses Soxhlet Apparatus For Extraction of Piperine From Piper Nigrum
Double Bypasses Soxhlet Apparatus For Extraction of Piperine From Piper Nigrum
Department of Chemistry, Periyar University, Salem 636 011, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Chemistry, Sona College of Technology, Salem 636 005, Tamil Nadu, India
KEYWORDS Abstract A simple modified soxhlet extractor, double bypasses sidearm soxhlet apparatus (DBSA)
Soxhlet; was designed and employed for extraction of piperine from Piper nigrum. Total extraction time,
Modified soxhlet; time taken for a cycle and yield observed in the double bypass sidearm soxhlet apparatus was com-
Piperine; pared with the soxhlet apparatus. Extraction time, time taken for an extraction cycle and yield of
Extraction crude piperine obtained in DBSA were 12 ± 1 h, 8 ± 1.00 min, and 3.90 ± 0.10 g whereas the
results obtained in the soxhlet method were 22 ± 1 h, 16 ± 1.00 min, and 3.80 ± 0.18 g, respec-
tively. The results obtained in DBSA have demonstrated that this approach is as efficient as the
soxhlet apparatus with drastic reduction of extraction time. On the basis of this result, we propose
DBSA as the most efficient method and an alternative to the soxhlet extractor.
ª 2011 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
filtration is required after the leaching step. It is a continuous DBSA. All extractions were continued until colorless. Percent-
process and it required minimum amount of solvent, also the age extraction yield (w/w) for crude was obtained by using the
basic equipment is inexpensive. The most significant demerits formula
of the soxhlet extractor, as compared to the other conventional Weight of crude obtained
techniques for solid sample preparation are, the long time re- Percentage of crude content ¼ 100
Weight of sample taken
quired for extraction which causes solvent loss and is harmful
to the environment (Luque de Castro and Garcı́a-Ayuso,
1998). 2.3. Conventional extraction
Several authors have used the soxhlet apparatus for extrac-
tion of pesticides from soil samples and natural products from A weighed sample (40 g) of powdered material was extracted
medicinal plants. Some of the examples for the long extraction at 70–80 C for 24 h under reflux with 1000 mL (250 mL · 4)
process are 16–24, 48–60, 54, and 72 h (Luque-Garcı́a and methanol in a round bottomed flask heated in a water bath.
Luque de Castro, 2003; Chauhan et al., 2004; Brahmachari After extraction the content was concentrated on a water bath
et al., 2006; Amzad Hossain et al., 2006; Perwez and Ali, and the yield of crude was calculated.
2009) depending upon the solid matrixes. The merits and
demerits of the soxhlet apparatus have been used as starting 2.4. Soxhlet and modified soxhlet extractions
point for the development of a variety of modifications to im-
prove the extraction efficiencies. Many attempts have been Exhaustive extraction with methanol (250 mL) was performed
made for the last decades to improve the efficiency of the soxh- in a soxhlet apparatus, the thimble of which contained a
let extractor and bring it closer to that of more recent tech- weighed portion of plant material (40 g). Continuous extrac-
niques such as microwave-assisted solvent extraction tion was performed for about 22 h. The obtained extract was
(Mandal et al., 2009) focused microwave-assisted soxhlet concentrated on a water bath and the yield was calculated. A
extraction (Prados-Rosales et al., 2002) ultrasonic extraction, weighed sample (40 g) of the powdered materials in the thimble
accelerated solvent extraction (Waksmundzka-Hajnos et al., were introduced in to DBSA which was connected with two
2004) high pressure and supercritical fluid extraction solvent distillation flasks through inverted Y shaped joints, as shown
extraction (Adil et al., 2008). in Fig. 3. DBSA extraction Inverted Y-shaped joint was per-
Ultrasound-assisted extraction, shaking extraction and stir- formed with 500 mL of methanol during 12 h.
ring extraction methods are in general less effective than the
soxhlet (Clarke et al., 1991) as they involve most of the soxh- 2.5. Isolation of piperine
let’s disadvantages, but none of its advantages. Some addi-
tional help such as enzymic reaction (Tano-Debrah and The methanol extract on purification over a silica gel (60–120
Ohta, 1995) solvent mixtures have sometimes been coupled mesh) column (60 · 3 cm) using hexane/ethyl acetate step gra-
to the shaking or stirring step in order to improve the overall dients (8:2) afforded crude piperine which was crystallized
efficiency, it hardly surpasses that of soxhlet extraction (Van- using a mixture of 3:2 acetone/hexane and the yield was
Delft et al., 1994). calculated.
The purpose of the present study is to compare soxhlet
apparatus extraction with double bypass sidearm soxhlet
3. Results and discussion
apparatus extraction with respect to extraction time, extraction
cycle, yield of crude piperine and volume of solvent used.
3.1. Optimization of extraction parameters
Methanol is used as the extracting solvent due to its higher sol-
ubilizing capacity. Crude piperine is isolated using column
In this study, the effects of several influential extraction
parameters such as extraction time, volume of solvent and
extraction cycle were systematically studied to set up the opti-
2. Experimental mal extraction conditions to obtain the maximum yield of
crude. Methanol was used as the extracting solvent owing to
2.1. Plant sample its better solubilising capacity for piperine.
Commercial grade sample of P. nigrum was purchased from 3.2. Heat reflux and soxhlet extraction
super market, Yerkaud, Salem, India. P. nigrum fruit berries
were dried and ground to yield powder of 100 mesh size parti- To compare the extraction efficiencies of various modified
cles and were directly subjected to extraction. Methanol, hex- soxhlet methods, soxhlet extraction was used as the reference
ane, petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, diethyl ether and silica method. In heat reflux and soxhlet procedure, extractions were
gel (60–120 mesh for CC and 200–400 mesh for TLC) were continued until the solution becomes colorless (up to 24 h) as
purchased from S.D. Fine Chemicals, Mumbai, India. in the previously reported method (Marion et al., 1966). In
heat reflux, material was extracted with 250 mL of the solvent
2.2. Apparatus for 6 h and the same was repeated four times. In soxhlet
extraction, while heating the flasks, solvent vapors were
Soxhlet (100 mL capacity) was purchased and modified for our brought in contact with the extractant freshly every time,
requirement with the help of a glass fabricator. (Soxhlet single and after leaching, it comes back to the distillation flasks.
bypass: DBSA-double bypasses). Two conventional extraction Frequent addition of fresh solvent increases the solubility
techniques as given below were used for comparison with and leaching. Therefore only one bypass-sidearm exists in
Double bypasses soxhlet apparatus for extraction of piperine from Piper nigrum S539
Table 1 Extraction time, cycles and yield of crude piperine (n = 3, p < 0.5).
Method of extraction Extraction time (h) Time taken for a cycle (min) Crude piperine yield (%)
SAa 22 ± 1 16 ± 1.00 3.80 ± 0.18
DBSAYb 12 ± 1 8 ± 1.00 3.90 ± 0.10
SA: soxhlet apparatus.
DBSA: double bypasses sidearm soxhlet with inverted Y-shaped joint.
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