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Clinical Pearls in

Clinical Pearls in

Hemanth IK MBBS MD
Associate Professor
Deparment of Internal Medicine
KMCT Medical College
Kozhikode, Kerala, India

Associate Professor
Department of Chest Medicine
KMCT Medical College
Kozhikode, Kerala, India

MC Vinod Krishnan

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Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

First Edition: Digital Version 2018
ISBN 978-93-5152-417-5
Dedicated to

My grandfather Dr TK Sudhakaran,
whose life as a doctor has inspired me
to take up this noble profession

In this era of technology, there is a general feeling that

investigative medicine is going to replace the age-old bedside
clinical medicine; however, anybody with at least a few years
of experience in medical profession knows otherwise. A
good history with thorough clinical examination will clinch
the diagnosis in most of the patients. This not only saves the
cost and pain of unnecessary investigations but also helps in
building a good doctor–patient relationship.
There are so many good textbooks on clinical medicine
that are time tested and followed by generations of medical
students. Why take the trouble of bringing out one more? This
is probably the question everybody asked when they came to
know that Dr Hemanth IK has written a textbook on clinical
medicine. When they see his work they will know why it is
worthwhile to have one more.
It is well known that in medicine and probably in all
subjects, it is easy to ask questions but difficult to get the right
answer. This probably inspired the author to present the subject
in a totally different way. Although the questions and answers
method of presenting the subject is not a new one, there are
very few good books that are written in this way, especially in
clinical medicine. The book is also well illustrated. The students
will definitely find this very useful, especially when it comes
to answering tough questions during their clinical and oral
I strongly recommend this book to all the undergraduate
students of medicine. The junior residents also will find this
book useful. Presently, this book covers only the respiratory
viii Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

system and I am sure that Dr Hemanth IK will bring out many

more books in different clinical specialties of internal medicine
in the near future. I congratulate him for his effort and wish
him good luck.
MC Vinod Krishnan MBBS MD
Professor and Head
Department of Medicine
KMCT Medical College
Kozhikode, Kerala, India

The importance of clinical medicine appears to be on the

downfall with most of the modern textbooks giving more
importance to the investigative part of medicine. But in country
like India, where majority of the population reside in the rural
areas with very little laboratory facilities, it is essential that we
should concentrate on the clinical side of medicine. This book
has been written keeping this aspect in mind. To make things
more interesting, the facts are presented in a questions and
answers format. I sincerely hope that my humble attempt will
be beneficial to all of you.
I am extremely thankful to Dr Binuraj C, who has helped
me in editing this book and his suggestions were very valuable.
I am also thankful to Professor MC Vinod Krishnan, who has
taken all the pains to go through the matter, and his suggestions
were of immense help in writing this book.
I am also thankful to Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman)
and Mr Ankit Vij (Group President) of M/s Jaypee Brothers
Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, for helping me to bring
out this book.
I am thankful to all my teachers, collegues and well wishers,
for their support given to me.

KozhikodeHemanth IK

CHAPTER 1. History and General Examination 1

CHAPTER 2. Inspection and Palpation of the Chest Wall 43
CHAPTER 3. Chest Percussion 59
CHAPTER 4. Auscultation of the Chest 79
CHAPTER 5. Interstitial Lung Diseases 98
CHAPTER 6. Tuberculosis 104
CHAPTER 7. Bronchiectasis 119
CHAPTER 8. Pneumonia 125
CHAPTER 9. Diseases of the Airways and Lung
Vasculature 134
CHAPTER 10. Radiology 146
Index 163
History and
1 General Examination

1. What are the characteristics of pleuritic type of chest

Pleuritic chest pain is due to the inflammation of the
pleura secondary to infection, inflammation or infarction
of the adjacent pulmonary parenchyma. Primary tumors
like mesothelioma or metastasis from the lung, breast,
ovary, etc. may involve the parietal pleura and cause
pleuritic pain.
Pleuritic pain is exacerbated by movements like deep
inspiration and coughing. The pain forces the patient
to hold his breath at some point during inspiration
and hence there is shallow breathing. The patient
prefers to lie down on the affected side so as to reduce
the chest movements. When the central portion of the
diaphragmatic parietal pleura is irritated, pain may be
referred to the ipsilateral shoulder or neck region.
Chest wall pain can sometimes mimic pleuritic pain
as in Coxsackie B virus infection. This infection causes
pleurodynia (Bornholm disease or “Devil’s grip” or
Epidemic myalgia) and the patient has severe myalgia
of the intercostal muscles (Box 1.1).
2 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Box 1.1: Pathways of pain sensation

•  Chest wall via the intercostal nerves
•  Parietal pleura via the intercostal nerves
•  Diaphragmatic pleura via the phrenic nerve
•  Bronchial tree and pulmonary vasculature via the vagus nerve
•  Lung interstitium via the vagus nerve

It has to be remembered that even in the absence

of involvement of the parietal pleura, lung tumors can
produce a visceral pain syndrome. It is postulated that
this pain syndrome is mediated via the vagal afferent
2. What is meant by precordial catch syndrome?
Precordial catch syndrome (also known as Texidor’s
twinge) is a common cause of chest pain in children,
adolescents and young adults. It manifests itself as a very
intense, sharp pain, typically at the left side of the chest.
Episodes of pain occur most often at rest, while sitting
or lying down. The pain typically lasts from 30 seconds
to a few minutes and it does not radiate. Breathing in,
and sometimes breathing out, often intensifies the pain.
On some occasions, breathing in or out suddenly will
cause a small popping or cracking sensation in the chest,
which results in the disappearance of pain. The cause of
pain is unknown, and in most cases, the pain is resolved
quickly and completely. There is no role for any form of
3. How will you classify respiratory failure?
Respiratory failure is defined as respiratory dysfunction
resulting in abnormalities of oxygenation or ventilation
severe enough to threaten the function of vital organs.
The major clinical sign of respiratory failure is cyanosis.
History and General Examination 3
Respiratory failure can arise from an abnormality
in any of the “effector” components of the respiratory
system, i.e. (1) central nervous system, (2) peripheral
nervous system, (3) respiratory muscles and chest wall,
(4) airways and (5) alveoli. The central and peripheral
nervous systems, respiratory muscles and chest wall, and
the airways together constitute the ‘‘respiratory pump”.
Hypercapnia is the hallmark of respiratory pump failure,
whereas hypoxemia indicates a primary disturbance in
alveolar function (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1: Types of respiratory failure

Type I failure Type II failure
Hypoxemia without hypercapnia Hypoxemia with
(↑ PAO2–PaO2 gradient) hypercapnia
CXR showing infiltrates No infiltrates • Chronic
on the CXR bronchitis
•  Cardiac failure • Pulmonary
•  ARDS embolism
•  Pneumonia •  Emphysema
•  Interstitial lung • Acute airway • Neuromuscular
disease obstruction disorders
• Intracardiac

4. What are the clinical features of hypercapnia?

The chief symptoms of hypercapnia (PaCO2 more than
50 mm Hg) are dyspnea and headache. The important
signs are tachypnea, tachycardia, warm peripheries with
bounding pulses, hypertension, conjunctival hyperemia,
asterixis (flapping tremor), myoclonus and papilledema.
Papilledema is due to increased intracranial pressure
secondary to cerebral vasodilation (Box 1.2).
4 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Box 1.2: Signs of hypercapnia

•  Tachypnea and tachycardia
•  Warm peripheries with bounding pulse
•  Conjunctival hyperemia
•  Asterixis and myoclonus
•  Hypertension
•  Papilledema

With worsening hypercapnia, the patient can become

increasingly confused, somnolent and obtunded. This
condition is referred to as carbon dioxide narcosis. It has
to be remembered that cyanosis is a sign of hypoxemia
and not hypercapnia. So presence of cyanosis in a
patient with “respiratory pump” failure indicates severe
hypoventilation with mixed hypercapnia and hypoxemia.
5. What is chronic cough?
Cough is an explosive expiration that clears and protects
the airways. It is caused by the stimulation of vagal afferents
in the intrapulmonary airways, the larynx or the pharynx
(the cough center is located in the medulla). Chronic cough
is a cough that lasts for a duration of eight weeks or more.
6. What is postural cough and what are the causes of
chronic cough?
A cough induced by postural change suggests chronic lung
abscess, cavitary TB, bronchiectasis or a pedunculated
tumor. The most common causes of chronic cough are
the following:
Postnasal drip syndrome (PNDS)
Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)
Pulmonary tuberculosis
Smoking and other irritants
Chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma
Drugs like ACE inhibitors
History and General Examination 5
Chronic bronchitis is a condition where there is cough
with sputum production on most days for a period of
three consecutive months for two successive years.
The common complications of chronic cough are the
Rib fracture
Abdominal wall hernias
Cough syncope
In cough syncope, a bout of cough produces increased
intrathoracic pressure. This leads to a decrease in the
cardiac output and cerebral perfusion. This results in
the syncopal attack.
7. What are the differences between hemoptysis and
Hemoptysis is defined as the expectoration of blood or
blood-streaked sputum that originates below the level
of the vocal cords (bleeding originating above the vocal
cords is called as spurious hemoptysis). Hematemesis
is defined as the vomiting of blood from the upper
gastrointestinal tract (Table 1.2).

Table 1.2: Difference between hemoptysis and hematemesis

Hemoptysis Hematemesis
•  Preceded by bouts of coughing •  Preceded by nausea
•  Contents are bright red in color •  Contents are dark brown in
•  Contents are alkaline •  Contents are acidic
•  Contents are frothy •  Contents mixed with food
•  Past history of lung diseases •  Past history of gastrointestinal
(e.g. tuberculosis, diseases (e.g. cirrhosis, peptic
bronchiectasis) ulcer)
6 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

8. What is meant by melanoptysis?

Melanoptysis is the expectoration of black colored
sputum. It is seen in the complicated form of coal
worker’s pneumoconiosis known as progressive massive
fibrosis (PMF). Patients with bronchopulmonary
aspergillosis may also bring up black sputum or sputum
with black parts in it. The black part in the sputum is the
fungal element of aspergillus.
9. What is meant by aspergilloma?
Aspergilloma is a mass of fungal hyphae within pre-
existing lung cavities (almost always in the upper lobes).
The major symptoms include massive hemoptysis,
cough, low grade fever and weight loss. Chest X-ray and
CT scan shows a meniscus of air around the fungal ball.
Surgical therapy of aspergilloma has high morbidity
and mortality. An alternative therapeutic option is the
intracavitary instillation of the antifungal amphotericin.
10. What is the most common cause for hemoptysis?
Pulmonary infection is the most common cause of
hemoptysis, accounting for 60–70% of cases. Infection
causes superficial mucosal inflammation and edema that
can lead to the rupture of the superficial blood vessels.
Invasive bacteria (e.g.  Staphylococcus aureus,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa) or fungi (e.g. Aspergillus
species) are the most common infectious causes
of hemoptysis. Viruses such as influenza also may
cause severe hemoptysis. HIV infection predisposes
the patients to several conditions that can produce
hemoptysis, including pulmonary Kaposi’s sarcoma.
History and General Examination 7
11. What is massive hemoptysis and what are the common
causes for recurrent hemoptysis?
The lungs are supplied with dual modes of circulation.
The pulmonary arterial circulation arises from the
right ventricle and is a low pressure system supplying
the pulmonary parenchyma. The bronchial artery
circulation arises from the aorta and is a high pressure
system supplying the airways.
Eventhough the bronchial artery circulation
constitutes only 2% of the total pulmonary circulation,
it is a high pressure system. So bleeding from the
tributaries of this circulation can be massive. Massive
hemoptysis is the expectoration of more than 600 mL
of blood in 24 hours (Ref: The Washington Manual of
Medical Therapeutics, 33rd edition). Bronchial arterial
bleeding occurs in chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis,
malignancies, broncholithiasis and with the presence
of foreign bodies in the airways. Recurrent hemoptysis
can occur in the following conditions.
Bronchial tumors (adenomas or carcinomas)
Recurrent small pulmonary emboli with infarction
Pulmonary arteriovenous malformation
Cavitary lung disease (TB, aspergilloma, etc.)
12. What are the mechanisms of hemoptysis in pulmonary
Pulmonary tuberculosis is one of the common causes for
hemoptysis. The various mechanisms of hemoptysis in
pulmonary tuberculosis are the following:
Congestion or hyperemia of the bronchial mucus
membrane leading to hemorrhage from the poorly
supported capillaries
8 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Erosion of the walls of blood vessels (pulmonary veins,

bronchial arteries) by the granulomatous tissue
Rupture of Rasmussen’s aneurysm
Dislodgement of calcareous masses (broncholith)
from healed cavities leads to the rupture of adjacent
Thus in pulmonary tuberculosis, blood vessels
supplied by both modes of circulation (bronchial and
pulmonary arterial) are involved in the causation of
hemoptysis. So massive hemoptysis can sometimes
occur in pulmonary tuberculosis.
13. What are the various factors that influence the color
of the sputum?
Phlegm or mucus produced from the lower respiratory
tract is often combined with saliva and secretions from
the nose and the pharynx to form sputum. Normally the
sputum is swallowed and approximately 30 mL of airway
mucus is eliminated by the gastrointestinal tract daily.
Sputum due to chronic irritation of the bronchi in
conditions like chronic bronchitis is usually white or
mucoid. If there is infection, the sputum turns yellow
due to the presence of leukocytes and this yellow
sputum may turn to green by the action of the enzyme
verdoperoxidase. However, yellow sputum in bronchial
asthma can be caused by the presence of eosinophils
even in the absence of infection. Pink frothy sputum due
to the admixture of blood and air is seen in pulmonary
edema. Sticky and “rusty” sputum due to uniform
dispersion of blood in the sputum is characteristic of
lobar pneumonia. Red currant jelly sputum is seen in
pneumonia due to Klebsiella. “Anchovy sauce” sputum
is seen in amebic lung abscess (Table 1.3).
History and General Examination 9
Table 1.3: Color of sputum
Condition Color of sputum
White or mucoid Chronic bronchitis
Yellow Pulmonary infections
Pink Acute pulmonary edema
Rusty Lobar pneumonia
Red currant jelly Klebsiella pneumoniae
Anchovy sauce Pulmonary amebiasis

14. What is dyspnea?

The American Thoracic Society defined dyspnea as “ a
subjective experience of breathing discomfort consisting
of qualitatively distinct sensations that vary in intensity.”
The sensation of dyspnea originates in the cerebral cortex
in response to stimuli arising from receptors in the lungs
(e.g. J receptors), upper airways and the respiratory
15. What is meant by paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea or PND is a type of
breathlessness that wakes up the patient from sleep
at midnight. It indicates left ventricular dysfunction.
Typically, the patient suddenly gets up from sleep and
walks to the window to breathe in fresh air, and it takes
several minutes for relief of dyspnea to occur.
PND is caused by pulmonary congestion during
recumbency. In the horizontal position there is
redistribution of blood volume from the lower extremities
and splanchnic beds to the lungs. In normal individuals
this redistribution has little effect. But in patients with
10 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

left ventricular dysfunction, this additional blood volume

cannot be pumped out by the failing left ventricle. This
results in pulmonary venous congestion producing
16. What are the causes of acute onset of dyspnea?
Acute dyspnea is defined as dyspnea arising in the
previous 24–48 hours. The most common etiologies are
the following and there is a rule of 10 Ps to remember
them (Box 1.3).

Box 1.3: Rule of 10 Ps

1.  Peanut or other foreign body inhalation
2.  Pneumothorax
3.  Pulmonary embolism
4.  Pump failure or acute left ventricular failure
5.  Pulmonary constriction or asthma
6.  Pericardial tamponade
7.  Pneumonia
8.  Peak seekers or high altitude sickness
9.  Psychogenic
10.  Poisons or drugs

Some of the above causes produce sudden (i.e.

within minutes) onset of dyspnea. Pneumothorax,
pulmonary embolus, foreign body inhalation and acute
left ventricular failure can result in the sudden onset of
17. What are the clinical presentations of pulmonary
In pulmonary embolism, the embolus usually originates
from the deep veins of the legs, most commonly the calf
History and General Examination 11
veins. Most patients present with either one or more of
the following typical syndromes of pulmonary embolism,
as follows:
The “pleuritic pain/hemoptysis syndrome” is usually
due to pulmonary infarction secondary to recurrent
small pulmonary emboli.
The “uncomplicated dyspnea syndrome” occurs in
patients with submassive pulmonary embolism who
do not develop pulmonary infarction.
The “circulatory collapse syndrome” occurs in
patients with acute cor pulmonale due to massive
pulmonary embolism. These patients usually have
hypotension. This may produce an S wave in lead
I and a Q wave in lead III. T wave inversion in lead
III may also be present, producing the well known
S1, Q3, T3 pattern (seen rarely in only about 10% of
patients). Sinus tachycardia is the most common
Electrocardiography (ecg) finding in pulmonary
embolism (Fig. 1.1).

Fig. 1.1: ecg showing S1, Q3, T3 pattern

12 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

18. What is the difference between orthopnea, trepopnea

and platypnea?
Orthopnea is dyspnea in the supine posture. Orthopnea
is caused by pulmonary congestion during recumbency.
It occurs in those with congestive heart failure, bilateral
diaphragmatic paralysis, severe COPD and obstructive
sleep apnea. The severity of orthopnea can be clinically
graded by the number of pillows the patient uses before
feeling comfortable (i.e. two or three pillow orthopnea).
Trepopnea is dyspnea in the lateral decubitus posture.
It occurs in unilateral lung collapse due to either an
endobronchial obstructive lesion or massive pleural
effusion. In these situations, the patient feels better and
has improved oxygenation with the good lung in the
dependent position. Platypnea is dyspnea in the upright
posture. It is seen in conditions where the lower lobes
are affected more than the upper lobes. So, the patient
is comfortable in the supine position which decreases
the perfusion to the diseased lower lobes. It is seen in
hepatopulmonary syndrome, left atrial myxoma, etc.
19. What are the pulmonary causes for dyspnea without
much clinical signs on examination of the respiratory
The important pulmonary causes for dyspnea without
much clinical signs on examination of the respiratory
system are the following:
Hyperventilation syndrome
Small pulmonary infarctions due to multiple small
pulmonary emboli
Early interstitial lung disease
The only physical sign in all the three conditions is
usually tachypnea. Another important cause for dyspnea
without much cardiorespiratory signs is metabolic
History and General Examination 13
acidosis in conditions like diabetic ketoacidosis, chronic
renal failure, etc.
20. What are the peculiarities of a “blue bloater”?
In advanced COPD, two symptom patterns tend to emerge
and they are historically referred to as “ blue bloaters”
and “pink puffers”. However, most COPD patients have
evidence of both patterns in varying proportions. In
those with predominant chronic bronchitis, the main
defect is hypoventilation of the lungs. The pulmonary
capillary bed is relatively undamaged, and so the
perfusion is fairly normal. The body tries to compensate
the hypoventilation by increasing the perfusion through
the lungs. This results in rapid circulation through a
poorly ventilated lung.
This combination of hypoventilation and increased
perfusion leads to hypoxia, severe hypercapnia, respira-
tory acidosis, secondary polycythemia, pulmonary artery
vasoconstriction and cor pulmonale. These people are
referred to as “blue bloaters” and their major symptom
is chronic productive cough with mild dyspnea.
21. What are the peculiarities of a “pink puffer”?
In those with predominant emphysema, there is
destruction of the pulmonary capillary bed in the
alveolar septa. So lung perfusion is affected to a greater
extent than ventilation. The body tries to compensate this
underperfusion by hyperventilating the lungs. So there is
limited blood flow through a fairly well-ventilated lung.
This combination of underperfusion and hyperven­
tilation leads to severe hypoxia. The extreme hyperven­
tilation leads to pulmonary cachexia characterized by
muscle wasting and weight loss. They are referred to
as “pink puffers” and their major symptom is severe
14 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

dyspnea with occasional rare cough. Cyanosis is usually

absent in the early stages.
22. What are the differences between centriacinar and
panacinar emphysema?
In centriacinar emphysema, the proximal parts of the
acini are mostly involved. This type of emphysema is the
commonest pattern that occur in chronic smokers. The
lesions are common in the upper lobes.
In panacinar emphysema, both the proximal and
distal parts of the acini are involved uniformly. It is the
commonest pattern occurring in alpha-1 antitrypsin
deficiency. The lesions are common in the lower lobes
(Table 1.4).

Table 1.4: Types of emphysema

Centriacinar emphysema Panacinar emphysema
Seen in smokers Seen in alpha-1 antitrypsin
Upper lobes commonly Lower lobes commonly involved
Proximal parts of acini are Proximal and distal parts of acini
affected affected

23. What is cough variant asthma?

Coughing is the only clinical manifestation of asthma in
up to 50% of patients with asthma. This type of asthma
is referred to as cough variant asthma. Cough variant
asthma should be considered when persistent cough is
exacerbated by cold or exercise or when cough worsens
at night. Airway hyper-responsiveness may also suggest
the diagnosis of cough variant asthma. This disease
responds to asthma medications such as bronchodilators
and inhaled corticosteroids.
History and General Examination 15
24. What is occupational asthma?
Occupational asthma is now the most common form
of occupational respiratory disorder. It accounts for
about 5% of all adult onset asthma cases. This should be
considered in all adult asthmatics of working age group,
particularly if symptoms improve during the time away
from the workplace (i.e. weekends or holidays). Atopic
individuals and smokers appear to be at increased risk.
Byssinosis is an asthma like occupational lung disease
seen in cotton textile workers. It is caused by inhalation
of cotton dust.
25. What is silent chest?
Silent chest is seen in very severe asthma due to severe
airflow limitation. Here the airflow rate is below
the critical level necessary to generate wheezing. So,
the chest appears to be silent in spite of the severe
bronchospasm. The only diagnostic clue on auscultation
may be the globally diminished vesicular breath sounds
with prolonged expiration.
26. How will you distinguish bronchial asthma from
cardiac asthma?
Cardiac asthma is the clinical manifestation of paroxysmal
nocturnal dyspnea which occurs secondary to intra-
alveolar edema in left ventricular dysfunction. This
intra-alveolar edema causes congestion of the bronchial
mucosa which leads to asthmatic attack. The typical
attack of dyspnea of cardiac asthma occurs at one or two
o’clock in the morning, awakening the patient after 2 to 4
hours of sound sleep. Shortness of breath, wheezing and
a sense of a weight on the chest, forces the patient to sit
up in bed. Often the attack is relieved in a few minutes
by coughing up of frothy sputum or with diuretics (here
16 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

dypnea preceeds cough). The patient then returns to

sleep for the remainder of the night. The patient usually
has other clinical evidences of pre-existing cardiac or
renal disease (like S3, cardiomegly).
Bronchial asthma is characterized by episodic
reversible bronchial obstruction due to the hyper-
responsiveness of the tracheobronchial tree to a
variety of intrinsic and extrinsic stimuli. Patients with
bronchial asthma are awakened usually at 3 or 4 o’clock
in the morning with cough, wheezing and dyspnea and
this is followed by expectoration of copious amount
of tenacious mucus (here cough preceeds dyspnea).
The attack is usually relieved by parentral or inhaled
bronchodilators (Table 1.5).

Table 1.5: Differences between cardiac and bronchial asthma

Cardiac asthma Bronchial asthma
Occurs around midnight Occurs in early morning hours
Dyspnea precedes cough Cough precedes dyspnea
Relieved with diuretics Relieved with bronchodilators

It is very difficult to differentiate between cardiac

asthma and bronchial asthma as a cause of dyspnea,
wheezing and coughing in elderly patients because
many of the symptoms of one condition are also the
symptoms of the other. Recent studies have suggested
that an increased serum level of brain natriuretic peptide
(>100 pg/mL) differentiates dyspnea due to heart failure
from that due to pulmonary dysfunction.
27. What are the common causes of hoarseness of voice?
Hoarseness is commonly caused by acute laryngitis
due to upper respiratory infection or vocal overuse.
History and General Examination 17
Both the above conditions are self-limiting. Persisting
hoarseness suggests gastroesophageal reflux disease,
chronic vocal overuse, tobacco exposure, benign vocal-
fold nodules, hypothyroidism, laryngeal carcinoma,
recurrent laryngeal nerve injury or infiltrative diseases
such as amyloidosis or sarcoidosis.
28. What are the anatomical pecularities of recurrent
laryngeal nerve?
The larynx serves four important functions (breathing,
swallowing, coughing and phonation) that require
an intact recurrent laryngeal nerve. The axons of the
recurrent laryngeal nerve travel with the vagus nerve in
the neck. In the superior mediastinum, the left recurrent
laryngeal nerve loops around the aorta, ascends within
the tracheoesophageal groove, and then enters the
larynx. The right recurrent laryngeal nerve loops around
the right subclavian artery. Because the left recurrent
laryngeal nerve has a longer intrathoracic course it is
more susceptible to injury (Fig. 1.2).

Fig. 1.2: Intrathoracic course of recurrent laryngeal nerve

18 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

29. What are the common causes of injury to the recurrent

laryngeal nerve?
Noninfectious intrathoracic causes of injury to the
recurrent laryngeal nerve include compression of
the nerve by lesions in lung and esophageal cancer,
mediastinal metastases, lymphoma, sarcoidosis, silicosis
etc. Aneurysms of the aortic arch or the dilated left atrium
in mitral stenosis can also compress the nerve. Surgical
procedures can also damage the nerve.
Tuberculosis is the most common intrathoracic
infection causing paralysis of the recurrent laryngeal
nerve. This happens as a result of compression of the
nerve by mediastinal lymph nodes or entrapment or
traction of the nerve by the fibrotic apical tuberculous
30. What are the important causes of local tenderness of
the chest wall?
Chest wall diseases are the cause of chest pain in many
patients. Most of the chest wall diseases are associated
with local tenderness on palpation. The commonest
causes of local tenderness of the chest wall are the
Rib fracture—due to trauma, malignant tumor
infiltration, severe bouts of cough etc. The 4th to 10th
ribs are most often involved
Costochondritis—it is a condition characterized by
tenderness to palpation of costochondral junctions
(usually multiple sites on same side of chest)
Tietze’s syndrome—localized tenderness of costal
cartilage of the 2nd rib.
Tumor infiltration of the chest wall
History and General Examination 19
Empyema necessitans—occurs in empyema thoracis
when the pus in the pleural cavity tracks through and
point on the chest wall.
Another important cause of painful dysesthesia in the
T4–T12 dermatomes is diabetic truncal neuropathy. It is
typically seen in older NIDDM patients.
31. What is the difference between costochondritis and
Tietze syndrome?
Costochondritis is a self-limited condition defined as
inflammation of costochondral junctions of ribs or
chondrosternal joints, usually at multiple levels and
lacking swelling or induration. Pain of costochondritis is
reproduced by palpation of the affected cartilage segments
and may radiate on the chest wall. Costochondritis is
often confused with Tietze syndrome, a similar but rarer
disorder involving swelling of a single costal cartilage,
usually of the second rib (Table 1.6).

Table 1.6: Feature of costochondritis and Tietze syndrome

Feature Costochondritis Tietze syndrome
Prevalence More common Rare
Age Older than 40 Younger than 40
years years
Number of affected More than one One
Commonly affected Second to fifth Second and third
Local swelling or Absent Present
20 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

32. What is clubbing?

Clubbing is the bulbous uniform swelling of the soft
tissue of the terminal phalanx of a digit with subsequent
loss of the normal angle between the nail and the nail
bed. Clubbing is usually acquired, painless and bilateral.
Clubbing usually first develops in the index finger.
Although finger clubbing is relatively innocuous, it
is important because of its frequent association with
significant underlying diseases. The major conditions
that are associated with clubbing are pulmonary diseases
(75–80%), cardiovascular abnormalities (10–15%),
diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract (5–15%)
and miscellaneous disorders (5–15%). Finger clubbing
may also occur rarely in some people without any
evidence of underlying disease. This type of clubbing is
called as idiopathic clubbing.
33. What is the mechanism of clubbing?
The pathophysiology behind finger clubbing is not
completely understood but the ‘platelet hypothesis’
offers the most complete explanation. Platelets are
derived from megakaryocytes which differentiate
from hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow.
Megakaryocytes and clumps of platelets do not normally
reach the arterial circulation. They are released from the
bone marrow, but their large size prevents them from
passing through the pulmonary capillaries, where they
get trapped. There are some conditions where these
platelet clumps bypass the pulmonary capillaries and
reach the systemic circulation.
These conditions include right to left shunts associated
with congenital heart disease or the presence of an
infected cardiac valve when these clumps are formed
in the peripheral arterial circulation or damage to the
History and General Examination 21
pulmonary capillaries in diseases like bronchiectasis
and lung abscess. In all such situations, these platelet
clumps reach the systemic circulation and gets trapped
in the terminal capillaries of the fingers and toes. The
platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) released from
these trapped platelet clumps cause fibrovascular
proliferation. This soft tissue proliferation ultimately
produce clubbing. This is the well-accepted humoral or
PDGF theory of clubbing.
34. What is floating nail sign in clubbing?
Normally, pressure on the root of the nail bed produces
no movement of the nail plate. When there is clubbing,
the nail plate is separated from the underlying bone by
excess connective tissue and edema. So on applying
pressure, the nail moves from side to side and also
towards the bone as if it is floating on a cushion. This
sign is called as the “Floating nail” sign.
35. What is Lovibond’s angle and what is Profile sign?
The angle between the nail-bed and the skin overlying
the adjacent part of the distal phlanx is called Lovibond’s
angle (Fig. 1.3). It is about 180 degrees or less in normal
persons. Proliferation of tissues under the nail plate in
clubbing causes this angle to increase to more than 180
degrees and this sign is called as the “Profile” sign.

Fig. 1.3: Lovibond’s angle

22 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

36. What is Schamroth’s sign?

Normally when the dorsal surface of terminal phlanges
of opposite fingers are opposed there is a diamond
shaped window in between them. In clubbing this
diamond shaped window is absent and this is called as
“Schamroth’s” sign (Fig. 1.4).

Fig. 1.4: Schamroth’s sign

37. What is meant by phalangeal depth ratio?

One objective method to detect early clubbing is the
calculation of phalangeal depth ratio. The index finger
should be used for measurement as clubbing usually first
appears in the index finger (Fig. 1.5).

Fig. 1.5: Phalangeal depth ratio

Abbreviations: IPD, interphalangeal depth; DPD, distal phalangeal depth
History and General Examination 23
Phalangeal depth ratio or the DPD / IPD ratio is usually
less than 1. A ratio of more than 1 indicates clubbing
(DPD is the distal phalengeal depth and IPD is the depth
at the distal interphalengeal joint).

38. How is clubbing graded according to severity?

Grade Description
In this stage, grossly the nail may appear normal. But there is
softening of the nail bed and there may be glossiness to the
skin adjacent to the nail bed. This results in a spongy sensation
on palpation. This is the stage where floating nail sign is
present. This sign can be demonstrated using the index fingers
of the examiner, after fixing the patient’s clubbed finger with
the thumbs of the examiner’s hands as shown below.
Grade 1

Curvature of the nail bed increases leading to obliteration of

the diamond shaped space created by opposing the dorsal
surface of the terminal phalanx of identical fingers from
either hand (i.e. positive Schamroth’s sign). Lovibond’s angle
is also lost.

Grade 2

24 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology


Longitudinal curvature of the nail increases producing the

so called parrot beak appearance and the enlarged finger
tips may appear as drum sticks.

Grade 3

Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (HOA) occurs and is

characterized by painful periosteal proliferation of long bones
like radius, ulna and tibia. The periostitis is often associated
with fever, arthralgia and effusions in the adjacent joints like
Grade 4
the wrist and the ankle joints. HOA may be primary, also known
as pachydermoperiostosis, or secondary to a variety of disease
processes like bronchogenic malignancies, lymphomas,
mesotheliomas, etc.

39. What is pseudoclubbing?

Pseudoclubbing is due to subperiosteal bone resorption
of terminal phlanges without soft tissue proliferation.
So, the fundamental angle between the nail bed and the
terminal phlanx is not altered. It may be seen in persons
with increased nail curvature, chronic paronychiae,
abscesses of the terminal pulp space, etc.
40. What are the common causes of clubbing?
The mnemonic “CCLLUBBIING” is a reminder of the
common causes for clubbing and they are the following
(Box 1.4):
History and General Examination 25
Box 1.4: Causes of clubbing
•  Cyanotic congenital heart diseases and Cystic fibrosis
•  Lung cancer (usually non-small cell types) and Lung abscess
•  Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease
•  Bronchiectasis
•  Biliary cirrhosis
•  Infective endocarditis and Interstitial lung disease
•  Neurogenic diaphragmatic tumors
•  Grave’s disease (referred to as thyroid acropachy)

Unilateral upper extremity clubbing may occur in

conditions like anomalies of the aortic arch, aortic
or subclavian artery aneurysm, pancoast tumor,
hemiplegia, etc. Isolated clubbing of toes without
involvement of fingers is seen in coarctation of aorta.
Unidigital clubbing can occur in trauma.
41. What is cyanosis and what is the role of arterial blood
gas analysis in diagnosing hypoxemia in a person with
The bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous
membranes due to the increased quantity of
deoxyhemoglobin (atleast 5 g/dL) or hemoglobin
derivatives like methemoglobin or sulfhemoglobin in
the subpapillary capillaries is defined as cyanosis. It is
usually seen on the tongue (most sensitive area), lips,
ears, malar eminences and the nail beds.
Cyanosis as a tool for detecting arterial hypoxemia
is neither sensitive nor specific. Severe hypoxemia may
be present at times when cyanosis is not detectable
either because of observer insensitivity or confounding
factors such as heavy melanin pigmentation or severe
anemia (Hb less than 5 g/dL) in the patient. So, arterial
blood gas analysis is very important in confirming
26 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

42. What is the difference between central and peripheral

Central cyanosis occurs when the oxygenation of
arterial blood in the lungs is reduced or when excessive
amount of an abnormal hemoglobin derivative like
methemoglobin is present in the blood. Since the defect
is in the central mechanism, cyanosis can be seen
simultaneously in the mucous membranes as well as on
the skin of the peripheral parts of the body.
Peripheral cyanosis is due to the abnormal excessive
extraction of oxygen from the normally saturated arterial
blood in the peripheral circulation. This usually results
from diminished or sluggish peripheral blood flow due
to vasoconstriction (e.g. exposure to cold, peripheral
vascular disease, etc.). Hence cyanosis can be seen only
on the skin of the affected part of the body where there
is vasoconstriction (Table 1.7).

Table 1.7:   Difference between central and peripheral cyanosis

Central cyanosis Peripheral cyanosis
•  Involves skin and mucous •  Only skin is involved
•  Nail beds are deep blue •  Nail beds are pale
•  Skin is warm •  Skin is cold and clammy
•  May improve with oxygen therapy •  May improve by
applying warmth

Cyanosis occurring in conditions like cardiogenic

shock is due to both the above mechanisms of production
of cyanosis, and this type of cyanosis is referred to as
mixed cyanosis (Fig. 1.6).
History and General Examination 27

Fig. 1.6: Central versus peripheral cyanosis

43. Which are the pigments and drugs causing bluish

discolouration of skin?
Ingestion of substances containing gold or silver can
cause bluish discoloration of the skin that is more
prominent in the sun exposed areas. The bluish skin
color caused by deposition of hemosiderin is more
apparent in areas with less melanotic pigment. Oxidation
products of the drug chlorpromazine, when deposited
in the skin, can result in a bluish color. Prolonged use of
amiodarone, can cause lipofuscin deposition in the skin
which produces a bluish discoloration.
44. What is the mechanism of production of ruddy
Ruddy cyanosis is a type of deep cyanosis with a
reddish blue tinge seen in conditions were there is
polycythemia with or without hypoxia. A minimum of
28 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

about 5 g/dL of deoxyhemoglobin should be there for

cyanosis to become clinically apparent. The amount of
deoxyhemoglobin in blood is directly proportional to the
amount of total hemoglobin in the blood.
Therefore, in severe anemia, when the quantity
of hemoglobin is less than 5 g/dL, the amount of
deoxyhemoglobin that can be produced is also less
than 5 g/dL. So, even in the presence of hypoxia,
cyanosis is not demonstrable in severe anemia.
Conversely, in chronic hypoxic diseases like COPD,
there is secondary polycythemia with increased
amount of total hemoglobin. So, even in the absence
of hypoxia, the amount of deoxyhemoglobin produced
in these individuals is high. Hence the combination
of polycythemia and hypoxia in COPD patients is
responsible for a peculiar type of cyanosis with a slight
reddish tinge called as the ruddy cyanosis.
45. What is facial plethora?
Facial plethora is a weather-beaten facial appearance
seen in polycythemia, resulting from a combination of
excessive redness (due to the very high concentration of
hemoglobin) and cyanosis. It is important to remember
that in primary polycythemia (also called as polycythemia
vera), there may be enough deoxyhemoglobin to produce
cyanosis even in the absence of hypoxia. This is attributed
to the increased red cell mass in this condition.
46. What is differential cyanosis?
Differential cyanosis is seen in patent ductus arteriosus
(PDA) with reversal of the left to right shunt (Fig. 1.7).
Here deoxygenated blood flows from the pulmonary
artery to the aorta (through the ductus) distal to the
origin of the carotid and subclavian arteries. Hence, the
feet are cyanosed but the hands are pink (right hand is
pinker than left).
History and General Examination 29

Fig. 1.7: Mechanism of differential cyanosis

Reversed differential cyanosis is a rare but important

physical sign. In this condition, the toes are pink and the
hands are blue. It is seen in complete transposition of
great arteries associated with pulmonary hypertension
and PDA.
47. How will you distinguish neck vein distension due to
cor pulmonale from that of superior venacaval
Cor pulmonale is defined as enlargement (dilatation and/
or hypertrophy) of the right ventricle due to increased
right ventricular afterload secondary to abnormalities
of the chest wall, lungs, pulmonary ventilation or
pulmonary circulation. Superior vena cava syndrome is
the result of obstruction of the superior vena cava.
30 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Facial puffiness, headache, conjunctival suffusion and

neck vein distension can occur in both entities. However,
in superior vena cava syndrome there is nonpulsatile
neck vein distension with negative hepatojugular reflex,
and there is prominent superficial vascularity of neck and
upper chest. In corpulmonale there is pulsatile neck vein
distension with positive hepatojugular reflex (Table 1.8).

Table 1.8: Difference between cor pulmonale and superior

vena cava obstruction
Cor pulmonale Superior vena cava
Distended neck veins are Distended neck veins are non-
pulsatile pulsatile
Positive hepatojugular reflex Negative hepatojugular reflex

48. What is asterixis or “flapping” tremor?

Asterixis, which may superficially resemble a tremor, is
actually an intermittent inhibition of muscle contraction
that leads to repetitive partial flexion of the wrists during
attempted sustained wrist extension. It can be elicited by
asking the person to hyperextend his arms at the elbow
and wrist with the fingers spread apart. Asterixis was first
described in hepatic encephalopathy (Box 1.5).

Box 1.5: Causes of asterixis

•  Hepatic encephalopathy
•  Uremia
•  Hypokalemia
•  Hypomagnesemia
•  Carbon dioxide narcosis
•  Dialysis dementia
History and General Examination 31
49. What is the influence of respiration on the blood
pressure and heart rate?
Under normal conditions, the arterial blood pressure
fluctuates throughout the respiratory cycle. During
inspiration there is a fall in the left ventricular stroke
volume due to a combination of reversed Bernheim
effect, increased pooling of blood in the lungs and
negative intrathoracic pressure. This is reflected as a
fall in the systolic blood pressure. The converse is true
for expiration.
During quiet respiration, the variations in the
intrathoracic pressures are small and so the changes in
the blood pressure are also minor. The accepted upper
limit for the fall in systolic blood pressure with inspiration
is 10 mm Hg. An exaggerated fall in the systolic blood
pressure (>10 mm Hg) during inspiration is referred to
as pulsus paradoxus.
Normally, there should be an increase in the heart
rate during inspiration. This is a physiological response
and it is more accentuated in children. This is referred
to as sinus arrhythmia (Fig. 1.8). Absence of this normal
variation in heart rate with breathing is a feature of
autonomic neuropathy.

Fig. 1.8: Marked sinus arrhythmia

32 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Sinus arrhythmia can be easily distinguished from

atrial extrasystoles, because in sinus arrhythmia, all the
P waves have the same morphology.
50. What is the mechanism of pulsus paradoxus in severe
bronchial asthma?
Pulsus paradoxus is one of the ominous signs in acute
exacerbation of bronchial asthma and this is the most
common extracardiac cause of this physical sign.
The main mechanisms behind the genesis of pulsus
paradoxus in bronchial asthma are the following:
The unusually great fluctuations in the intrathoracic
pressures that are transmitted to the aorta
Hyperinflation of the chest due to air trapping.
The clinical method of assessment of this pulse is
by measurement of the systolic blood pressure using
51. Which are the important respiratory diseases that can
cause lymphadenopathy?
The three diseases commonly causing lymphadenopathy
are tuberculosis, bronchogenic malignancy and
sarcoidosis. Tuberculous lymphadenitis (scrofula) is the
most common form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. It
is more common in children and young adults than in
older persons. Cervical lymph nodes are affected most
commonly and they are usually matted, painless and
nontender. Occasionally, the patients fail to show any
constitutional features such as fever or night sweats.
However, the tuberculin test is usually strongly positive.
“Collar–stud” abscesses and sinus formation may occur
later in untreated cases. It should be remembered that
during antituberculous therapy, an immune response
to killed mycobacteria may initially cause new nodes
to appear. Lymph node excision is indicated only for
diagnostic purpose.
History and General Examination 33
Supraclavicular, scalene and axillary lymphnodes may
be involved in bronchogenic malignancy. Axillary lymph
nodes are involved in chest wall and pleural lesions. The
right supraclavicular lymph node is involved in lesions of
the right lung and left lower lobe. The left supraclavicular
lymph node (Virchow’s node) is involved in lesions of the
left upper lobe (a palpable Virchow’s node is referred to
as Troisier’s sign). The scalene lymph node lies on the
scalenus anticus muscle (Fig. 1.9).

Fig. 1.9: Palpation of the scalene lymph node behind the clavicle

Sarcoidosis is a multisystem granulomatous disorder.

The mediastinal and superficial lymph glands, lungs,
liver, spleen, skin, eyes, parotid glands and phalangeal
bones are the most frequently affected tissues. The
characteristic histological feature is a noncaseating
epithelioid granuloma. Disturbances in calcium
metabolism may lead to hypercalcemia. Sarcoidosis
may cause bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy (70–90%)
and this type of sarcoidosis with hilar adenopathy,
erythema nodosum and joint symptoms is referred to
as the Lofgren’s syndrome.
34 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

52. What do you know about Kikuchi’s disease?

Kikuchi’s disease, also called Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease
or Kikuchi’s histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis, is
a rare, benign condition of unknown cause usually
characterized by cervical lymphadenopathy and low
grade fever. Systemic symptoms may accompany fever
and lymphadenopathy. Systemic symptoms include
night sweats, nausea, vomiting, weight loss etc. Hence,
this diaease may cause diagnostic confusion with
tuberculosis. Most patients are younger than 40 years
of age. While the pathogenesis of Kikuchi’s disease
is unknown, the clinical presentation, course, and
histologic changes suggest an immune response of
T cells and histiocytes to an infectious agent, such as
Epstein-Barr virus.
Lymph node involvement is usually cervical and
localized, although some patients have more extensive
node involvement. The nodes are usually only moderately
enlarged (1–2 cm in diameter) but occasionally are much
larger. They are typically firm, smooth, discrete and
mobile. The nodal enlargement is often associated with
dull or acute pain.
The majority of patients with Kikuchi’s disease have
a normal blood count but erythrocyte sendimentation
rate (ESR) is usually high. The diagnosis of Kikuchi’s
disease is made by lymph node biopsy. Biopsy should
be performed, despite the self-limited nature of this
syndrome, in order to exclude more serious conditions
requiring aggressive therapy such as tuberculosis or
lymphoma. No effective treatment has been established
for Kikuchi’s disease. Signs and symptoms usually
resolve within one to four months. Patients with
History and General Examination 35
severe or persisting symptoms have been treated with
glucocorticoids with apparent benefit.
53. Which are the drugs causing lymphadenopathy?
A number of medications may cause serum sickness
that is characterized by fever, arthralgias, rash and
generalized lymphadenopathy. They include the
following (Box 1.6).

Box 1.6: Drugs causing lymphadenopathy

•  Phenytoin
•  Sulfonamides
•  Carbamazepine
•  Atenolol
•  Pencillin
•  Cephalosporins
•  Quinidine
•  Captopril

It is to be remembered that, phenytoin  can cause

generalized lymphadenopathy in the absence of a serum
sickness reaction.
54. What is Waldeyer’s ring?
The Waldeyer’s ring is constituted by a circular chain
of lymphoid tissues. The internal Waldeyer’s ring is
formed by adenoids, palatine tonsils, tubal tonsils and
the lingual tonsil. The external Waldeyer’s ring is another
chain formed by the occipital, post- and preauricular,
jugular, submandibular and submental groups of
lymph nodes. Waldeyer’s ring adenopathy occurs in
case of local diseases or it may be a part of generalized
lymphadenopathy in conditions like lymphoma (Fig.
36 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Fig. 1.10: Internal ring

55. What are the immunological manifestations seen in

primary tuberculosis?
The common immunological phenomenon seen in
primary pulmonary tuberculosis include erythema
nodosum and phlyctenular conjunctivitis. Erythema
nodosum consists of bluish red, tender subcutaneous
nodules most commonly seen on the shins (sometimes
on the thighs). The lesions represent a delayed
hypersensitivity reaction to antigens associated with
various infectious agents like the tubercle bacilli. It is
also seen in conditions like sarcoidosis, streptococcal
infections and in some drug reactions.
Phlyctenular conjunctivitis consists of hard, red,
raised 1–3 mm nodules accompanied by a zone of
hyperemia located near the limbus on the bulbar
conjunctiva of the eye.
56. What do you know about tuberculous rheumatism?
Tuberculous rheumatism or Poncet’s disease is a rare
“reactive” acute symmetrical polyarthritis involving large
and small joints. It is associated with active pulmonary
or extrapulmonary tuberculosis. There is no evidence
of active tuberculous infection of the involved joints.
Pathogenesis is unclear, although evidence suggests an
immune-mediated phenomenon. HIV coinfection may
History and General Examination 37
be a risk factor. The arthritis resolves within a few weeks
of initiation of antituberculosis therapy with no residual
joint destruction.
57. What physical examination findings in the abdomen
would you look for while examining a patient with
lung disease?
Some important signs that have to be specifically looked
for while examining the abdomen of a patient with lung
disease are the following:
Abdominal wall and inguinal hernias due to chronic
cough in COPD
Firm tender smooth hepatomegaly and ascites—as a
result of chronic liver congestion (cardiac cirrhosis)
due to right heart failure in cor pulmonale
Hard irregular nontender hepatomegaly—metastasis
from lung malignancy
Ptosed or pushed down liver—seen in emphysema
(liver span is normal)
Splenomegaly—due to amyloidosis in chronic
suppurative diseases like bronchiectasis, tuberculosis,
58. Which are the muscles involved in the act of
In normal respiration, inspiration is an active movement
aided mainly by the diaphragm and the external
intercostal muscles. Transverse thoracic diameter is
increased by fixing the first rib and raising the other
ribs to it (bucket handle movement). This is done by
the intercostal muscles. Anteroposterior diameter is
increased by moving up the body of sternum (pump
handle movement). Both these movements cause
expansion of the thoracic cavity, leading to an increase
in the intrathoracic negative pressure. This results in the
38 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

expansion of the lung. Expiration is normally a passive

movement depending on the elastical recoil of the lung
and the chest wall (Fig. 1.11).

Fig. 1.11: Pump handle movement elevating the sternum

However, in disease states, accessory muscles come

into action. The main accessory muscles of inspiration
are the scalene, serratus anterior, pectoralis minor and
sternocleidomastoid muscles. The main accessory
muscles of expiration are the muscles of the anterior
abdominal wall, internal intercostal muscles and the
lattisimus dorsi.
59. What is the clinical significance of hyperpnea?
The normal respiratory rate in an adult is 16 to 18 per
minute. If the rate is more than 24 per minute, then it
is referred to as tachypnea. Hyperpnea, on the other
hand, is the term used when the depth of breathing is
markedly increased. When associated with rapid breaths,
hyperpnea seems to be a reliable sign of metabolic
acidosis and this deep and rapid breathing is called as the
Kussmaul’s breathing. The deep breaths help to washout
carbon dioxide from the body, creating respiratory
alkalosis, as a compensation to the metabolic acidosis.
History and General Examination 39
60. What is the physiological basis of Cheyne–Stokes
Cheyne–Stokes respiration is an abnormal type of
respiration where periods of rapid breathing alternate
with periods of apnea (apnea means pause of breathing
for 10 seconds). During the apnea phase there is carbon
dioxide retention. This stimulates the respiratory
center which in turn causes rapid breathing. This rapid
breathing causes carbon dioxide washout leading
to depression of the respiratory center. This in turn
leads to the phase of apnea and the same cycle again
repeats. Common causes of Cheyne–Stokes respiration
include heart failure, uremia, drug induced respiratory
depression and extensive cerebral damage (Fig. 1.12).

Fig. 1.12: Patterns of respiration

Another type of periodic breathing is the Biot’s

respiration or cluster breathing which consists of clusters
of irregular breaths that alternate with periods of apnea.
But this type of breathing does not have the crescendo–
decrescendo pattern seen with the Cheyne–Stoke’s
respiration. Biot’s respiration can occur in brainstem
40 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

61. What is Ondine’s curse?

Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome or CCHS,
is a disorder of the central nervous system where the
automatic control of breathing is absent or impaired. In
this condition, the response to hypoxia or hypercapnia
is typically sluggish during awake hours and absent, to
varying degrees, during sleep. CCHS should be considered
in children with episodic or sustained hypoventilation
without obvious cardiopulmonary or neuromuscular
disease. Ondine’s or Undine’s curse is a rare severe form
of CCHS characterized by respiratory arrest during sleep.
62. What is hyperventilation syndrome?
Hyperventilation syndrome or HVS is a condition in
which minute ventilation exceeds metabolic demands. A
better term for this syndrome is behavioral breathlessness
or psychogenic dyspnea, with hyperventilation seen as
a consequence rather than a cause of the condition.
The peak incidence is between the ages of 15 and
55 years. Approximately 50% of patients with panic
disorder and 60% of patients with agoraphobia manifest
hyperventilation as a symptom. Many persons who
are affected, appear to have an abnormal respiratory
response to stress and other chemical and emotional
triggers, which results in excess minute ventilation.
In most patients with HVS, the mechanics of breathing
is disordered in a characteristic way. When stressed,
these patients rely on thoracic breathing rather than
diaphragmatic breathing, resulting in a hyperexpanded
chest and high residual lung volume. Because of the
high residual volume, they are unable to take a normal
tidal volume with the next breath and consequently
experience dyspnea. Proprioceptors in the lung and
chest wall signal the brain with a “suffocation alarm”
that triggers the release of excitatory neurotransmitters
that are responsible for many of the symptoms such as
palpitations, tremor, anxiety and diaphoresis.
History and General Examination 41
63. What is the reason for carpopedal spasm in
hyperventilation syndrome?
Hyperventilation syndrome results in respiratory
alkalosis. Alkalosis promotes the binding of calcium
to albumin and can reduce the fraction of ionized
calcium in the blood (even in the presence of normal
total calcium level). The clinical manifestation of
hypocalcemia is associated with overexcitabilty of
sensory and motor neurons. This causes twitching of the
ipsilateral facial muscles, upon stimulation of the facial
nerve by tapping on the face at a point just anterior to the
ear (i.e. positive Chvostek’s sign) and also flexion of the
wrist and metacarpophalangeal joints, hyperextension
of the fingers and flexion of the thumb on to the palm,
during measurement of systolic blood pressure using a
sphygmomanometer cuff (i.e. positive Trousseau’s sign)
(Fig. 1.13).

Fig. 1.13: Elicitation of Trousseau’s sign

42 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

64. What is meant by sighing respiration?

Sighing pattern of respiration is usually seen in
psychogenic dyspnea. It is characterized by an occasional
deep and audible sigh that punctuates an otherwise
regular respiratory pattern. In those with psychogenic
dyspnea, these sighs occur too frequently. Sometimes
sighs also occur in normal regular respiration (Fig. 1.14).

Fig. 1.14: Sighing pattern of respiration

Inspection and Palpation
2 of the Chest Wall

1. What do you know about the pectus deformities of the

chest wall?
Pectus deformities are the most common congenital
chest wall deformities and are better known as pigeon
chest and funnel chest. In case of pectus excavatum (i.e.
funnel chest) the sternum is depressed in a concave
shape and in pectus carinatum (i.e. pigeon chest) the
sternum is protruded in a convex shape. Both these
deformities are more common in males.
The coexistence of pectus excavatum with other
musculoskeletal disorders, such as Marfan syndrome,
suggests that an abnormality of connective tissue may
be involved in the genesis of this condition. In addition,
40% of patients with pectus excavatum have a familial
history, suggesting a possible genetic predisposition.
Pectus carinatum is frequently caused by severe asthma
during childhood. Very occasionally, this deformity can
be produced by rickets or be idiopathic.
2. What are the cardiovascular findings expected in a
person with pectus excavatum?
Pectus excavatum or funnel chest is an exaggeration
of normal depression seen at end of the sternum. It is
commonly seen in Marfan syndrome and Straight back
syndrome and is usually asymptomatic. But when there
is marked degree of depression of the sternum, the heart
may be compressed and the cardiac apex is shifted to
44 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

left. Also, the second heart sound may be widely split

and there may be a mid-systolic murmur along the left
sternal border.
3. What is the peculiarity of barrel-shaped chest?
In normal adults, the anteroposterior diameter of the
thorax is shorter than the transverse diameter, in a ratio
of 5:7 and the chest is elliptical in cross-section. In elderly
and in those with diseases like chronic obstructive airway
disease, the anteroposterior diameter is more than or
equal to the transverse diameter, thereby making the chest
cylindrical or barrel shaped in cross-section (Fig. 2.1A).
In barrel-shaped chest, the ribs are horizontal
(subcostal angle >90) and the diaphragm is pushed to
a more downward flat position so as to accommodate
the hyperinflated lungs. Barrel-shaped architecture is
an physiological adaptation in COPD patients because
this shape would expand the thoracic cavity and lift
the lung away from the collapsing airways. This helps
to reduce the external forces compressing the airway
lumen (Fig. 2.1B).

Figs 2.1A and B: Comparison of normal and barrel-shaped chest
Inspection and Palpation of the Chest Wall 45
4 . What is the effect of barrel-shaped chest on the
efficiency of respiration?
Normally during inspiration the ribs move outward
(bucket handle movement) and upward (pump handle
movement) and the diaphragm move downwards
leading to the expansion of the thorax. This expansion
of the thoracic cage increases the intrathoracic negative
pressure and this results in air being sucked into the
lungs, thereby causing expansion of the lungs.
In those with barrel chest, because of the horizontal
ribs and low lying flat diaphragm, only the upward
movement of ribs occur effectively and this cannot
sufficiently expand the thoracic cage and generate the
negative pressure needed to suck in air into the lungs.
Hence, the accessory muscles of respiration come into
action and so the work of breathing is more in barrel
shaped chest but the efficiency of respiration is less. This
causes severe physical exhaustion of the patient and he
may develop “pulmonary cachexia”.
5. How will you assess the severity of kyphosis and what
is its significance?
Kyphosis or “ humpback “ is the forward bending of the
vertebral column and scoliosis is the lateral bending of
the vertebral column. In normal persons there is a mild
thoracic kyphosis. An important cause of hyperkyphosis
in elderly is osteoporotic fractures of the vertebrae.
Severity of kyphosis is objectively assessed by
calculating the Cobb’s angle from X-rays of the spine
(lateral view). An angle of more than 45 degrees is
considered as pathological kyphosis (Fig. 2.2).
46 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Fig. 2.2: Kyphosis and method of calculating the Cobb’s angle

The distortion of the chest wall leads to reduction

in the lung volume and increases the stiffness of the
chest wall, thereby causing a restrictive ventilatory
defect and increase the work of breathing. Patients with
severe deformity may develop type II respiratory failure,
pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular failure.
6. How will you differentiate between scoliosis due to
lung pathology from compensatory scoliosis due to
short leg on one side?
Compensatory scoliosis disappears when the person
sits down or bends forward. In scoliosis due to lung
pathology the convexity of the spine is towards the
opposite side of the lung lesion and the scoliosis persists
even when the person sits down or bends forward.
7. What are the factors that influence the type of
The type of breathing depends on the sex and age of the
person. In women, the respiratory movements mainly
Inspection and Palpation of the Chest Wall 47
involves the upper part of the thorax and this type of
respiration is called as thoracoabdominal respiration.
In men and children, the respiratory movements are
mainly abdominal and this type of respiration is called
as the abdominothoracic respiration.
8. What is meant by “prefixed trachea”?
Normally, lesions like pleural effusion and pneumothorax
causes the trachea to be shifted to the opposite side of
the lesion, whereas fibrosis and collapse causes tracheal
shift towards the same side of the lesion. However, if the
trachea is already displaced and fixed by a past illness
of the lung (e.g. old tuberculosis with resultant fibrosis),
then we may not get the tracheal shift that is expected
with the present lung pathology. In such situations, the
trachea is said to be “prefixed”.
9. What is the mechanism behind positive Trail’s sign?
Undue prominence of the clavicular head of
sternocleidomastoid muscle on the same side to which
the trachea is displaced is called as positive Trail’s sign.
When the trachea is shifted to one side, the pretracheal
fascia which encloses the sternocleidomastoid muscle
on the same side relaxes. This makes the clavicular head
of the muscle more prominent on that side.
10. What are the physical signs elicited during inspection
of a COPD patient?
The important physical signs that can be elicited
in patients with chronic airway obstruction are the
Reduction in the length of trachea palpable above the
sternal notch (i.e. less than 3 finger breadths)
Tracheal descent with inspiration (Campbell’s sign)
Use of the accessory muscles of respiration
Pursed lip breathing (helps to prevent expiratory
airway collapse)
48 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Excavation of the suprasternal and supraclavicular

fossae during inspiration
Jugular venous filling during expiration
Loss of bucket-handle (outward) movement of the
upper ribs
Paradoxical inward movement of the lower ribs
during inspiration results in a decrease in the costal
angle (Hoover’s sign)
Sits in a leaning forward position supporting the
hands on their knees. This is called as the tripod
Edema due to cor pulmonale or CO2 retention. CO2
dilates the afferent renal arterioles more than the
efferents. This leads to fluid retention by the kidneys
(Ref: Bedside Cardiology, Jules Constant).
11. What is tracheal tug?
Tracheal tug or Oliver’s sign is an abnormal downward
movement of the trachea during systole that indicates
either a dilatation or aneurysm of the aortic arch. It
is elicited by gently grasping the cricoid cartilage and
applying upward pressure while the patient stands with
his chin extended upward. A downward tug or pull of the
trachea may be felt if aneurysm is present.
12. What are the clinical signs of volume loss of a
hemithorax observed on the chest wall?
Volume loss of a hemithorax can be caused by either
fibrosis or collapse of the lung tissue. Clinical signs of
volume loss include the following:
Shift of trachea towards the side of volume loss
Shift of cardiac apical impulse towards the side of
volume loss
Inspection and Palpation of the Chest Wall 49
Hollowing of supraclavicular, infraclavicular and
intercoastal spaces on the side of volume loss
Skeletal changes like crowding of ribs, drooping
of shoulder, kyphosis, scoliosis, etc. on the side of
volume loss
The presence of skeletal changes in a patient is
in favor of fibrosis as the etiology of the volume loss.
The most common causes of upper lobe fibrosis are
pulmonary tuberculosis, exposure to radiotherapy and
rheumatoid arthritis. The most common causes of lower
lobe fibrosis are bronchiectasis, asbestosis and fibrosing
alveolitis. Isolated shift of the trachea without the shift
of cardiac apex indicates upper lobe fibrosis, whereas
combined shift of both the trachea and the cardiac apex
indicates widespread fibrosis involving both the upper
and lower lobes.
13. What is fibrothorax?
Fibrothorax results from fibrosis of the visceral pleura
surrounding the lung, and is clinically manifested
by decreased respiratory excursion and a restrictive
pulmonary physiology.
There are two distinct mechanisms that can lead to
the formation of fibrothorax. Most often, fibrothorax
develops as a result of pleural inflammation in patients
with pleural effusion. This commonly occurs in
incompletely evacuated hemothorax, tuberculous
effusion or chronic empyema. Fibrothorax can also
result from pulmonary parenchymal disease, and can
be seen in patients with inadequately treated pulmonary
tuberculosis, bronchiectasis or lung abscess. Fibrinous
changes can occur to the pleural plaques in asbestosis
resulting in fibrothorax.
50 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

14. What are the most common causes for collapse

(atelectasis) of lung lobes?
Collapse is defined as diminished volume affecting all
or part of a lung. Based on the mechanism producing
the collapse or atelectasis, there are actually two main
types of lung collapse.
The first variant is the obstructive or active collapse
and it is the most common type of lung collapse. The
term “collapse” usually means obstructive collapse.
Obstructive collapse results from reabsorption of gas
from the alveoli when the communication between the
alveoli and the trachea is obstructed by a foreign body,
tumor or mucus plug. The obstruction can occur at the
level of the larger bronchus (lobar collapse) or smaller
bronchus (segmental collapse).
One of the commonest cause of obstructive collapse
of large bronchi is mediastinal lymphadenopahty. The
common causes of mediastinal lymphadenopathy are
the following (Box 2.1):

Box 2.1: Causes of mediastinal lymphadenopathy

•  Secondaries from bronchogenic malignancy
•  Tuberculosis
•  Lymphoma
•  Sarcoidosis

The second type of lung collapse is the non-

obstructive collapse which is caused by any one of the
following mechanisms.
Loss of contact between the parietal and visceral
pleurae as in pleural effusion or pneumothorax. This
is referred to as passive collapse.
Inspection and Palpation of the Chest Wall 51
Compression by large space occupying lesions
of the thorax (e.g. a massive pleural effusion or a
large intrathoracic neoplasm which compresses
the adjacent lung tissue and force the air out of
the alveoli). This is referred to as compression
Loss of surfactant as in ARDS.
Replacement of parenchymal tissue by scarring or
infiltrative disease.
So “passive collapse” and “compression collapse” are
actually two subtypes of nonobstructive lung collapse.
15. What are the differences between obstructive collapse
and compression collapse?
The classic signs of “collapse” are elicited in a case of
obstructive collapse of a lung lobe and they include the
following (Fig. 2.3):
Shift of trachea and cardiac apex towards the same
side of collapse
Decreased lung expansion on the side of collapse
Dull percussion note on the side of collapse
Absent breath sounds on the side of collapse
since there is no airflow through the obstructed
In case of compression collapse, the clinical findings
are dominated by the physical signs of the massive
thoracic lesion (like large pleural effusion or thoracic
tumor) which is producing the compression. So, the
trachea and cardiac apex are shifted to the opposite side
of compression collapse.
52 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Fig. 2.3: Obstructive versus compression collapse

In case of a large pleural effusion producing

compression collapse, some signs like tubular bronchial
breath sounds and increased vocal resonance (in the
form of egophony) may be elicited just above the upper
level of the effusion on the posterolateral chest wall, at
the site of compression collapse. This is because the
compressed airless lung tissue in that area may transmit
the tubular breath sounds from a nearby patent large
bronchus directly to the chest wall without filteration.
This entity is sometimes referred to as “collapse with
patent bronchus”.
16. What is meant by “abdominal paradox” and how is it
assessed clinically?
Abdominal paradox is defined as the indrawing of the
abdominal wall when the rib cage expand outwards
during lung inflation. It is due to the abdominal pressure
becoming negative during inspiration, and is a sign
of major diaphragmatic palsy. This can be clinically
Inspection and Palpation of the Chest Wall 53
assessed by placing one hand of the examiner on the
anterior chest wall of the patient and the other hand
over the epigastrium of the patient. Normally both the
hands of the examiner are lifted during inspiration. But
in diaphragmatic palsy, when the hand on the chest wall
moves outwards, the other hand on the epigastrium
moves inward. Unilateral diaphragmatic palsy can be
demonstrated by eliciting the Litten’s sign, which shows
unilateral absence or diminished abdominal movement.
17. How can you clinically diagnose a mass lesion in the
The only direct clinical evidence of a mass lesion in
the lung is a visible or palpable swelling on the chest
wall as occurs only in the case of a large lesion. All
other evidences are indirect signs that support the final
etiological diagnosis as a possible mass lesion. These
indirect evidences vary depending on whether the mass
lesion is centrally or peripherally located. Some indirect
clinical signs like clubbing and lymphadenopathy are
common to both central and peripheral neoplasms.
The common centrally placed neoplasms are
squamous cell tumors and small cell tumors (Fig. 2.4).
They usually present with the following features:
Hoarseness of voice and bovine cough (non-
explosive cough)—due to recurrent laryngeal nerve
Horner’s syndrome—due to sympathetic chain
Diaphragmatic palsy—due to phrenic nerve
Superior vena cava syndrome—due to obstruction
of the superior vena cava.
Paraneoplastic syndromes—common with small cell
lung cancer.
54 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Collapse of the lung lobes—due to bronchial

Recurrent or nonresolving pneumonia—due to
bronchial obstruction.
The common peripherally located neoplasms
are adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma (Fig.
2.5). Adenocarcimoma is the most common type of
bronchogenic malignancy in females, in non smokers
and in young persons (less than 40 years). The peripheral
neoplasms usually present with the following features:
Chest pain—due to malignant pleural effusion and
rib erosions
Bronchorrhea—due to profuse thin mucoid sputum
production (more than 100 mL/day) and is seen in
broncholoalveolar cell variant of adenocarcinoma.
Lobular pneumonic consolidation
Pleural effusion.

Fig. 2.4: Mass lesion producing collapse of the lung with absent
breath sounds on the chest wall
Inspection and Palpation of the Chest Wall 55

Fig. 2.5: Mass lesion producing bronchial breath sounds on

the chest wall

18. Which are the important paraneoplastic syndromes

associated with lung malignancy?
The important paraneoplastic syndromes associated
with primary lung tumors are the following:
a. Small cell lung cancer is associated with SIADH
(leading to hyponatremia), increased ACTH (leading
to hypokalemia and muscle weakness), increased
melanocyte stimulating hormone (leading to
hyperpigmentation) and Lambert-Eaton syndrome.
b. Squamous cell lung cancer is associated with
hypercalcemia (leading to lethargy and confusion)
and hypoglycemia (due to insulin-like polypeptide).
Some of the other paraneoplastic manifestations are
gynecomastia, polyneuropathy, myelopathy, cerebellar
degeneration, nephrotic syndrome, polymyositis and
56 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

19. Which are the malignancies that commonly

metastasize to the lungs?
Pulmonary metastases are common and most frequently
occur with tumors that have rich systemic venous
drainage. The malignancies that commonly metastasize
to the lungs are the following:
Renal cell carcinoma
Breast cancer
Colon cancer
Testicular teratomas
Thyroid cancer
Standard chest radiography (CXR) is usually the
initial modality of investigation for detecting pulmonary
metastases.  Pulmonary metastases are usually multiple.
Radiologically, they vary in size from 3 mm to 15 cm
or more (e.g. large cannon-ball lesions). Metastatic
pulmonary nodules of the same size are believed to
originate at the same time, in a single shower of emboli,
and are found most commonly in the outer third of the
lungs, especially in the subpleural regions of the lower
20. What is the surface anatomy of various lung lobes?
The surface anatomy of the various lung lobes are
important in localizing the disease process to a particular
lobe based on the clinical signs elicited on examination
of the chest wall (Table 2.1 and Fig. 2.6).
Inspection and Palpation of the Chest Wall 57
Table 2.1: Types of lung lobes
Lobes Right side Left side
Upper lobe •  Suprascapular area •  Suprascapular area
•  Supraclavicular area •  Supraclavicular area
•  Infraclavicular area (up •  Infraclavicular area (up
to 3rd rib) to the 3rd rib)
•  Axillary area (up to 6th •  Axillary area (up to 6th
rib) rib)
Middle lobe Mammary area (3rd to
6th rib)
Lower lobe •  Lower lateral mammary •  Lower lateral mammary
area area
•  Lower axillary area •  Lower axillary area
(posteriorly) (posteriorly)
•  Infra-axillary (6th to 8th •  Infra-axillary (6th to 8th
rib) area rib) area
•  Interscapular area •  Interscapular area
•  Subscapular area (up to •  Subscapular area (up to
12th rib) 12th rib)

Fig. 2.6: Surface anatomy of anterior and posterior chest wall

The ideal position for examining the respiratory

system is the sitting position. The corresponding areas
on either side of the chest wall should be examined and
58 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

21. What is meant by vocal fremitus or tactile fremitus?

Vibrations which are generated in the larynx (when
the patient speaks) are transmitted through the
bronchopulmonary system to the chest wall and these
vibrations are palpated with the ulnar surface of the
examiner’s hand. These palpable vibrations are referred
to as the tactile vocal fremitus (Fig. 2.7).

Fig. 2.7: Eliciting vocal fremitus

22. What are the factors influencing vocal fremitus?

Vocal fremitus is decreased or absent when the voice
is soft or when the transmission of vibrations from
the larynx to the surface of the chest is impeded by an
obstructed bronchus, or by the separation of the pleural
surfaces by fluid (pleural effusion) or air (pneumothorax).
Pleural thickening in conditions like fibrothorax and very
thick chest wall also causes decreased vocal fremitus.
Vocal fremitus is increased when the conduction of
vibrations to the chest wall is increased through solidified
lung tissue as in consolidation.
3 Chest Percussion

1. What are the various factors that influence the chest

percussion note?
Resonance is the percussion note obtained during
percussion of the normal lung and it is influenced by
various factors. It is important to remember that lesions
that are more than 5 cm away from the chest wall or those
that are less than 3 cm in diameter will not produce any
alteration to the normal percussion note.
Dullness replaces resonance when fluid or solid tissue
replaces the air within the alveoli or occupies the pleural
space in between the two layers of pleura. This occurs
in conditions like lobar pneumonia (because the alveoli
are filled with secretions) and also in pleural effusion,
hemothorax and empyema. In pleural fibrosis there is
thickening of the pleural membranes thereby resulting
in a dull or impaired percussion note (Fig. 3.1).

Fig. 3.1: Dull percussion note in pleural effusion

60 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

In conditions like emphysema or asthma, generalized

hyperresonance during percussion may be heard over
the hyperinflated lungs. Unilateral hyperresonance
suggests a large pneumothorax or a large air filled bulla
in the lung which is close to the chest wall (Fig. 3.2).

Fig. 3.2: Hyperresonant percussion note in pneumothorax

2. What are the different types of percussion note?

The first step in percussion of the lungs is the comparative
percussion of both the anterior and posterior lung fields.
Comparative percussion is based on the comparison of
sounds elicited at both sides of a symmetrical organ.
Normal aerated lung tissue will produce the resonant
percussion note (Fig. 3.3 and Box 3.1).

Fig. 3.3: Chest percussion (the blow on the plexor should come
from the wrist joint)
Chest Percussion 61
Box 3.1: Types of chest percussion notes
•  Tympanitic note is a drum-like note elicited over gas
containing hollow viscera-like stomach
•  Hyperresonant note is the note elicited over a pneumothorax,
large cavity, bullae or emphysema
•  Impaired or dull note is the note elicited over a relatively
airless lung as in consolidation, fibrosis or collapse
•  Stony dull note is an extreme form of dull note as one would
experience when percussing over a stone, and it is seen in
conditions like pleural effusion or a large solid lung tumor.

3. What is significance of the Kronig’s isthmus?
This is a band-shaped area of normal lung resonance
usually about 5 cm in width in the supraclavicular region
located in between the structures at the root of the neck
and the shoulder joint. This band of resonance connects
the large zones of lung resonance over the anterior and
posterior aspects of each side of chest. Dullness in the
area of Kronig’s isthmus is suggestive of apical segment
pathology like tuberculosis or superior sulcus tumor
(Pancoast tumor) (Fig. 3.4).

Fig. 3.4: Kronig’s isthmus

62 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

4. What is Pancoast syndrome?

Pancoast syndrome is caused either by a superior
sulcus tumor (squamous cell tumor) or a superior
sulcus infiltrative disorder like apical tuberculosis. The
syndrome presents with the following features (Box 3.2).

Box 3.2: Clinical features of Pancoast syndrome

•  Radicular pain along the ulnar side of upper limb—due to C8,
T1 infiltration
•  Small muscle wasting of the hand–due to C8 , T1 infiltration
•  Horner’s syndrome—due to thoracic symphathetic chain
•  Chest pain—due to rib erosion

5. What are the features of cervical rib or thoracic outlet

Angulation of the fibers from C8 and T1 roots entering
the brachial plexus over an abnormal cervical rib or a
fibrous band extending from C7 to the first rib, can cause
wasting and weakness in the hand and medial forearm
along with paresthesias (called as the neurogenic
thoracic outlet syndrome). Similarly, angulation of
the subclavian artery over an abnormal rib may cause
Raynaud’s phenomenon, aneurysmal dilatation and
embolic events in the upper limb on that side (called as
the vascular thoracic outlet syndrome).
6. What is Adson’s test?
Adson’s test is a clinical test to demonstrate thoracic
outlet obstruction in a symptomatic patient. With the
patient in sitting position, the examiner palpates both
the radial pulses of the patient as the patient takes a deep
inspiration. The patient is asked to hold his breath at the
end of inspiration. Now with the breath held, the patient
hyperextends his neck and turns his head towards the
Chest Percussion 63
‘affected’ side. While doing this, if the examiner feels that
the radial pulse of the patient on that side is diminished
or obliterated, then the result is considered as positive
for thoracic outlet obstruction on that side.
7. Why does mycobacteria predominantly infect the
upper lobes of the lung?
The ratio of pulmonary ventilation to pulmonary blood
flow for the whole lung at rest is about 0.8. However,
there are relatively marked differences in the ventilation
to perfusion ratio (V/ P ratio) in various parts of the lung
as a result of the effect of gravity. Ventilation as well as
perfusion declines steadily from the bases to the apices
of the lungs. But the decrease in perfusion is much more
than the decrease in ventilation and so the V/P ratios
are high in the upper portions of the lung. This regional
differences in ventilation to perfusion ratio tends to
localize some diseases to the upper or lower regions of
the lung.
Because of the high V/P ratios in the upper lung areas,
there is relatively high alveolar oxygen content (alveolar
PO2) in these areas of the lung. This higher alveolar
oxygen content provides a favorable environment for
the growth of bacteria like mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis typically involves the apical and posterior
segments of the upper lobe (85%). A lesion that is
confined only to the anterior segment suggests a
diagnosis other than tuberculosis (e.g. malignancy).
8. What is meant by Traube’s area?
This is a semilunar area of tympanitic resonance at the
lower border of the left lung anteriorly. This area of
tympanitic resonance is bounded above by the lower
margin of normal lung resonance, on the right by the liver
64 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

dullness, on the left by the splenic dullness and below

by the left costal margin (Fig. 3.5).

Fig. 3.5: Traube’s area

This area is normally occupied by the stomach
which gives rise to the tympanitic note. But in large left
sided pleural effusion, the diaphragm and the stomach
are pushed downwards and this area is occupied by
the effusion. So this area becomes dull to percussion.
Common conditions producing dullness of this area are
the following (Box 3.3):

Box 3.3: Traube’s area dullness

•  Left-sided pleural effusion
•  Left lower lobe consolidation
•  Splenomegaly
•  Enlarged left lobe of liver
•  Ascites
•  Tumors of the gastric fundus
Chest Percussion 65
9. What is meant by Grocco’s and Garland’s triangle?
Massive unilateral pleural effusion can cause shift of
mediastinum to the opposite side and relaxation of some
parts of the lung parenchyma above the effusion. These
anatomical factors result in alteration to the normal
percussion notes on the posterior chest wall.
Grocco’s triangle is a triangular area of dullness
located posteriorly on the opposite side of a massive
pleural effusion due to shift of posterior mediastinum
to that side (Fig. 3.6).

Fig. 3.6: Grocco’s and Garland’s triangle

Garland’s triangle is a triangular area of hyper­

resonance located posteriorly close to the spine above
a large pleural effusion due to “relaxed” lung above
the medial part of the effusion (parts of the lung above
the lateral part of the effusion are compressed by the
effusion causing compression atelectasis). Sometimes,
it is possible to elicit a hyperresonant note with a boxy
66 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

quality in the Garland’s triangle, and this phenomenon

is referred to as the skodaic resonance.
10. What is Ewart’s sign?
Ewart’s sign is a physical sign seen in patients with
pericardial effusion. Sometimes, a large pericardial
effusion may produce an area of dullness near the lower
angle of the left scapula. This sign is known as the Ewart’s
sign (Fig. 3.7).

Fig. 3.7: Ewart’s sign

11. What is cracked–pot resonance?

This is a type of tympanic resonance which can be
elicited normally over the chest of an infant or child
during the act of crying. Pathologically, it is found over
a lung cavity that is in communication with a bronchus.
It is due to the sudden expulsion of air from the cavity
into the bronchus, through the narrow opening or
communication. The cracked–pot note can be artificially
Chest Percussion 67
imitated by clasping the hands loosely together and then
striking the clasped hand against the knee.
12. What are the non-respiratory causes of unilateral
pleural effusion?
Unilateral right-sided pleural effusion is common in
hepatic hydrothorax (seen in cirrhosis), Meig’s syndrome
(pleural effusion associated with ovarian fibroma) and
right sided sub-diaphragmatic absess.
Unilateral left sided pleural effusion is common in
acute pancreatitis, rupture of oesophagus and left sided
subdiaphragmatic abscess. The first two conditions are
associated with high level of amylase in the pleural fluid.
In acute pancretitis, the effusion results from contact of
the pleura with enzyme rich peripancreatic fluid that
gains access to the pleural space, most commonly via
the transdiaphragmatic lymphatics (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1: Difference between right-sided and left-sided effusion

Right-sided effusion Left-sided effusion
Hepatic hydrothorax Acute pancreatitis
Meigs’ syndrome Rupture of esophagus
Right subdiaphragmatic abscess Left subdiaphragmatic

13. What is the pathogenesis of pleural effusion in

generalized systemic disorders?
Normally, fluid enters the pleural space from the
capillaries of the parietal pleura and is removed by
the lymphatics situated in the parietal pleura. Pleural
effusion occurs when the rate of pleural fluid formation
exceeds the rate of removal. Pleural effusions due to
generalized systemic disorders are often bilateral and
68 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

are caused by increased rate of fluid formation by any

of the following mechanisms:
Increased venous pressure in fluid overload
conditions like congestive cardiac failure and
hypothyroidism causes bilateral trasudative effusion.
Decreased oncotic pressure in hypoproteinemic
conditions like cirrhosis and nephrotic syndrome
causes bilateral transudative effusion.
Increas e d capillar y p ermeability due to
inflammation (e.g. in rheumatoid arthritis, SLE,
etc.) or delayed hypersensitivity reaction (e.g. drugs
like nitrofurantoin, dantrolene, methysergide,
bromocriptine, procarbazine, amiodarone, etc.)
causes bilateral exudative effusion.
14. What is importance of Light’s criteria in pleural
Light’s criteria helps to differentiate an exudative pleural
effusion from a transudative effusion. If atleast one of the
Light’s criteria (Box 3.4) is present, then the effusion is
considered as exudative. Transudative pleural effusions
meet none of the Light’s criteria.

Box 3.4: Light’s criteria

•  Pleural fluid protein/serum protein = >0.5
•  Pleural fluid LDH/serum LDH = >0.6
•  Pleural fluid LDH more than two thirds of the normal upper
limit of serum LDH

LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) is an enzyme that is
released from inflamed and injured pleural tissue. A
pseudoexudate is actually a transudative effusion which
meets one or more of the Light’s criteria. It is seen in
diuretic treated cases of heart failure, cirrhosis or
nephrotic syndrome.
Chest Percussion 69
15. What are the most common types of exudative and
transudative pleural effusions?
The most common type of exudative pleural effusion
is parapneumonic effusion. About 40% of patients
hospitalized with pneumonia have parapneumonic
or synpneumonic pleural effusion. The most common
cause of transudative pleural effusion is congestive
cardiac failure. Pleural effusion in congestive heart
failure is usually bilateral. If unilateral, then it is found
more often on the right side. This is supposed to be
due to the larger pleural surface of the right lung
predisposing to transudation of more fluid into the
pleural cavity.
16. What is a phantom tumor?
In congestive cardiac failure an interlobar effusion
may sometimes develop and this is referred to as the
“phantom tumor”. This interlobar effusion disappears
after diuretic therapy. Hence, it is also called as the
“vanishing tumor”.
17. What are the features of a complicated synpneumonic
or parapneumonic pleural effusion?
Pleural effusion is seen in about 40% of pneumonias.
Most of them resolve spontaneously with the successful
treatment of pneumonia. However, if the pleural fluid
analysis shows any of the following features (Box 3.5),
then it is a complicated synpneumonic effusion and is
an indication for tube thoracostomy.

Box 3.5: Features of complicated synpneumonic effusion

•  Presence of bacteria on gram-stained films of the pleural fluid
•  Pleural fluid pH less than 7.2
•  Pleural fluid glucose less than 60 mg/dL
•  Presence of pus in the pleural cavity
70 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

The pleural fluid glucose concentration and pH

usually go together (i.e. if glucose is low, then pH also
is low). Glucose levels are low in rheumatoid effusion,
malignant mesothelioma and empyema.
18. What is meant by re-expansion pulmonary edema?
Re-expansion pulmonary edema represents a form of
unilateral pulmonary edema that occurs following the
rapid evacuation of fluid or air from the ipsilateral pleural
space. In most cases, the hydrothorax or pneumothorax
is large in volume and has been present for several days
(so it is unusual to occur in emergency situations like
tension pneumothorax).
Re-expansion pulmonary edema is due to the sudden
increase in the negative intrapleural pressure which
leads to alterations in the alveolar surface tension and
increased capillary permeability. This in turn results in
sudden pulmonary edema.
Re-expansion pulmonary edema can be prevented
by the slow withdrawl of pleural fluid or air. Therapeutic
aspiration may be required to palliate breathlessness,
but removing more than 1.5 liters of pleural fluid in one
session is inadvisable as there is risk of re-expansion
pulmonary edema.
19. What are the characteristics of a tuberculous pleural
Tuberculosis continues to be one of the most common
cause of pleural effusion even in the absence of
demonstrable pulmonary parenchymal lesions on the
chest X-ray. The current hypothesis for the pathogenesis
of primary tuberculous pleural effusion is that a
subpleural caseous focus in the lung ruptures into the
pleural space 6 to 12 weeks after the primary infection.
Chest Percussion 71
This allows tuberculous protein to enter the pleural space
and this in turn generates a delayed hypersensitivity
reaction. This reaction is responsible for most of the
clinical manifestations including accumulation of fluid
in the pleural space. This hypothesis is supported by
the fact that cultures of pleural specimens from patients
with tuberculous pleurisy are frequently negative for
mycobacteria. Some of the features that help in the
diagnosis of a tuberculous pleural effusion are the
following (Box 3.6):

Box 3.6: Features of tuberculous pleural effusion

•  Presence of caseous granulomas in biopsies of the parietal
pleura (at least 4 biopsies should be taken from 4 different
•  Exudative lymphocyte predominant effusion with low
glucose content
•  High levels of adenosine deaminase enzyme in the pleural
fluid. The ADA 1 isomer is nonspecific and may be elevated in
empyema, rheumatoid effusion, etc. But the ADA 2 isomer is
relatively specific for tuberculous effusion
•  High level of interferon gamma in pleural fluid
•  Pleural thickening (of more than 1 cm) on computed
tomography (CT)

Tuberculous pleurisy responds well to medical

therapy. Therapeutic drainage of tuberculous effusion
is recommended only if the effusion is causing
discomfort. There is usually rapid response to
antituberculous drugs with no need for aspiration.
Resorption of the pleural fluid occurs within 6 to 12
weeks of starting antituberculous treatment. The
addition of corticosteroids may lead to more rapid
resolution of symptoms and pleural fluid on the chest
72 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

radiograph. Some of the rare complications include

bronchopleural fistula, empyema and fibrothorax.
20. What is the role of empirical ATT in a suspected case
of tuberculous pleural effusion?
Empiric antituberculous therapy is appropriate in certain
patients. A positive tuberculin skin test in a patient
less than 40-year-old, in combination with a pleural
fluid analysis that is compatible with tuberculosis, is
an indication for empiric antituberculous therapy. In
contrast, a patient with a suspected tuberculous pleural
effusion who is more than 40-year-old and who has risk
factors for bronchogenic carcinoma should be subjected
to thoracoscopy or open pleural biopsy rather than to
empiric therapy (Ref: Fishman’s Pulmonary Diseases and
Disorders; 4th edition).
The absence of granulomatous inflammation in the
open pleural biopsy of a tuberculin skin test positive
patient virtually excludes the diagnosis of tuberculosis
and obviates the need for antituberculous therapy.
21. What is paramalignant or paraneoplastic pleural
Patients with malignancy can develop pleural effusion
even when tumor cells are absent from the pleural space.
This occurs due to indirect effects of the neoplasm like
hypoalbuminemia which produces transudative pleural
effusion. This type of effusion is called paramalignant or
paraneoplastic pleural effusion.
22. What are the clinical features of empyema?
Empyema means pus in the pleural cavity. Clinical
features suggesting possibility of empyema are the
following (Box 3.7):
Chest Percussion 73
Box 3.7: Clinical features of empyema
•  Severe pleuritic chest pain
•  High grade fever with chills
•  Clubbing of fingers (may develop in 10–14 days)
•  Fullness of intercostal spaces with overlying tense
erythematous skin and tenderness during palpation and
percussion of the chest wall

Presence of empyema is an indication for tube

thoracostomy. If the pus is thick or if the pus is
multiloculated, then thoracotomy with decortication
is needed.
23. Which is the ideal site for chest tube insertion?
Chest drain insertion should be done in the “triangle
of safety”. This is the triangle bordered by the anterior
border of the latissimus dorsi, the lateral border of
the pectoralis major muscle and a line parallel to the
horizontal level of the nipple. The triangle has its apex
in the axilla (Fig. 3.8).

Fig. 3.8: Triangle of safety

74 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

The preferred position of the patient for chest drain

insertion is lying on the bed (as shown in Fig. 3.8), with
the arm on the side of the lesion behind the patient’s
head. This position ensures that the axillary area is well
exposed. Chest tubes are typically left in place until the
drainage rate has fallen below 50 mL per day.
24. How much fliud is needed for clinical detection of
pleural effusion?
In healthy adults, the pleural space contains normally
about 10 mL of pleural fluid at any one time. To diagnose
pleural effusion clinically, there should be a minimum
of 500 mL of fluid in the pleural cavity. The minimum
amount of fluid required for the clinical detection of fluid
in the various body cavities are as follows (Table 3.2).

Table 3.2:  Minimum amount of fluid is needed for clinical

detection of pleural effusion
Body cavity Method of elicitation Minimum fluid
Pleural cavity Chest percussion 500 mL
Abdominal cavity Shifting dullness 1,000 mL
Fluid thrill 2,000 mL
Puddle sign 120 mL

On chest percussion, if the stony dullness extends

upto the 2nd intercostal space or above, then the effusion
is clinically said to be massive. Malignant effusions are
usually massive and recurrent.
25. What are the types of spontaneous pneumothorax?
Spontaneous pneumothorax can be divided into primary
and secondary pneumothorax. Primary spontaneous
pneumothorax occurs in otherwise healthy persons.
Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax occurs in persons
with underlying lung disease. The most common cause
of secondary spontaneous pneumothorax is emphysema.
Chest Percussion 75
26. How is pneumothorax classified based on the
mechanism of air trapping?
Based on the mechanism of air trapping there are three
types of pneumothorax. They are the following:
Closed pneumothorax: It is usually due to the rupture
of sub-pleural blebs. In this type, the communication
between the pleural cavity and the lung seals off
spontaneously and the trapped air within the pleural
cavity is slowly reabsorbed (1.25% of hemithorax
volume per day). So a small closed spontaneous
pneumothorax (less than 15% of hemithorax) may be
observed without active intervention, if the patient is
Open pneumothorax: It usually follows rupture of a
bullae or lung abscess. In this type the communication
between the pleural cavity and the lung remains
patent and air can move to and fro through this
bronchopleural fistula. This type of pneumothorax
can lead to hydro or pyopneumothorax. Surgical
closure of the fistula should be done.
Te n s i o n p n e u m o t h o ra x : In t h i s t y p e, t h e
communication between the pleural cavity and the
lung remains patent and acts like a one way valve,
allowing the passage of air only into the pleural
cavity. This causes large amount of air trapping within
the pleural cavity and leads to the collapse of the
underlying lung. This is a medical emergency and
should be treated by inserting a water seal intercostal
drainage system into the pleural cavity.
27. What is catamenial pneumothorax?
Catamenial pneumothorax (thoracic endometriosis
syndrome) occurs in relation to the menstrual cycle and
usually is recurrent. It typically occurs in women who are
30–40 years of age and have a history of endometriosis.
76 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

It usually affects the right lung and develops within

72 hours of onset of menstruation. Although, the cause
of catamenial pneumothorax is unknown, it has been
suggested that air may gain access to the peritoneal
cavity during menstruation. This air then enters the
pleural cavity through a diaphragmatic defect causing
28. What is meant by shifting dullness?
In conditions like hydropneumothorax or a large fluid
filled superficial lung cavity, the upper border of dullness
is horizontal and is sharply confined to a particular
intercostal space (anteriorly, laterally and posteriorly)
and this can be marked out by percussing the chest wall
in the sitting position. Changing the patient to the supine
position leads to gravity dependant fluid shifting and
this can cause the previously dull intercostal space to
become resonant. This phenomenon is called as shifting
dullness (Figs 3.9A and B).

Chest Percussion 77

Figs 3.9A and B: Demonstration of shifting dullness

29. What is tidal percussion?

Normally, during deep inspiration, as the lungs
expand, the diaphragm moves down and the area of
lung resonance also move downwards by about 4 cm
(approximately one intercostal space). This downward
increase in the area of resonance can be demonstrated
by percussing out the lower margin of lung resonance at
the beginning and at the end of a deep inspiration (either
anteriorly along the mid-clavicular line or posteriorly
along the scapular line) and by noting the difference
between the two levels. This is called as tidal percussion
(Fig. 3.10).
78 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Fig. 3.10: Tidal percussion

30. What is the clinical relevance of tidal percussion?

A dull or impaired percussion note obtained in the lower
intercostal spaces may be due to subdiaphragmatic
pathology or lower lobe pathology. Tidal percussion
helps to differentiate between these two entities.
In subdiaphragmatic pathology, the lung usually
expands normally and so the downward increase in the
area of lung resonance during deep inspiration is almost
normal (about 4 cm or one intercostal space). But in
lower lobe pathologies like consolidation or effusion,
the normal lung expansion is compromised. Hence no
downward increase in the area of lung resonance can
be demonstrated by tidal percussion in such situations.
Tidal percussion also helps to assess the mobility of the
4 Auscultation of the Chest

1. How are the normal breath sounds produced?

Breath sounds are produced by the vibration of vocal
cords due to the turbulent flow of air through the larynx
and they are high pitched at the sites of their origin. High
pitched sounds are perceived as loud sounds. These high
pitched sounds are then transmitted along the trachea
and bronchi to the chest wall and during this process
they are filtered and muffled by the surrounding air- filled
lung tissue (Fig. 4.1).

Fig. 4.1: Breath sounds in various locations

80 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Thus, the high pitched sounds generated in the larynx

are converted to low pitched sounds and these low
pitched sounds are heard over most regions of the chest
wall during auscultation. The normal breath sounds are
broadly classified into bronchial and vesicular sounds.
2. What are vesicular breath sounds?
Vesicular sounds are soft, breezy, low pitched sounds
with a rustling quality that are normally heard all over
the peripheral lung fields. They are prominent during
inspiration and early part of expiration, and there is
no silent gap in between the two phases of respiration
(Fig. 4.2).

Fig. 4.2: Vesicular breath sound

3. What are the variations that can occur to vesicular

breath sounds?
Some disease states can alter the quality of vesicular
breath sounds. Vesicular breath sounds may be
diminished in intensity in the following situations.
Conditions causing under-expansion of lungs
due to restricted chest wall movement (like chest
pain, respiratory muscle weakness, ascites, large
abdominal mass, etc.)
In conditions producing separation of the pleural
surfaces by fluid or air (like pleural effusion or
Auscultation of the Chest 81
In case of pleural thickening due to fibrosis or
metastatic infiltrating tumors
In persons with very thick chest wall.
Vesicular breath sounds with prolonged expiration
may be heard in obstructive airway disorders like
bronchial asthma and COPD.
4. What are bronchial breath sounds?
Bronchial sounds are loud, harsh, usually high pitched
sounds heard normally over the trachea, upper sternum
and paraspinal areas upto the second thoracic vertebrae.
They are more prominent during expiration and the
duration of expiration is equal to or more than that of
inspiration. There is a silent gap in between the two
phases of respiration (Fig. 4.3 and Table 4.1).

Fig. 4.3: Bronchial breath sound

Table 4.1:  Difference between vesicular

and bronchial breath sound
Vesicular breath sound Bronchial breath sound
Soft, breezy and low-pitched Loud, harsh and high-
Prominent during inspiration Prominent during expiration
No gap between the two phases Silent gap between the two
Heard over peripheral lung fields Heard over larger airways
82 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

5. What are the types of bronchial breath sounds?

Bronchial breath sounds are considered abnormal when
they are heard at locations where vesicular breath sounds
are usually heard. There are three types of bronchial
breath sounds. They are the following (Box 4.1):

Box 4.1: Types of bronchial breath sounds

•  Tubular
•  Cavernous
•  Amphoric

6. What is tubular bronchial breath sound?

Tubular bronchial breath sound is the most common
type of bronchial breath sound. It is heard in situations
where there is conduction of breath sounds directly
from the peripheral bronchi to the overlying chest wall
through an interposed solidified lung tissue without the
normal filteration or modification by air-filled alveoli.
Such situations occur when consolidated or fibrosed
lung tissue or a mass lesion or an area of compression
atelectasis (above the level of a massive pleural effusion)
is interposed in between a large bronchus and the
chest wall. Then the tubular bronchial breath sounds
generated in the bronchus are conducted directly to the
chest wall without filteration.
7 . What is D’Espine’s sign?
Sometimes large posterior mediastinal masses may
transmit the bronchial breath sounds generated in the
large central airways directly to the posterior chest wall.
Hence, tubular bronchial breath sounds may be heard
in the interscapular area below the second thoracic
vertebrae. This sign is called as the D’ Espine’s sign
(Box 4.2).
Auscultation of the Chest 83
Box 4.2: Common tumors of the posterior mediastinum
•  Neurogenic tumors (Neurofibroma, ganglioneuroma, etc.)
•  Lymphatic tumors
•  Vascular lesions

8. What is cavernous bronchial breath sound?

Cavernous breath sound is a relatively low pitched
bronchial breath sound that is heard over a superficial
collapsible cavity (more than 2 cm in diameter) with a
communicating patent bronchus. Usually such cavities
are surrounded by either consolidated or fibrosed lung
The high pitched tubular bronchial breath sound
generated in the bronchus harmonicates within the
cavity and is converted to low pitched cavernous
bronchial breath sound. This low pitched sound is
then conducted to the chestwall by the relatively airless
consolidated or fibrosed lung tissue surrounding the
cavity (Box 4.3).

Box 4.3: Auscultatory triad of a cavity

•  Cavernous bronchial breath sounds
•  Post-tussive suction sound
•  Increased vocal resonance (whispering pectoriloquy)

9. What is amphoric bronchial breath sound?

Amphoric bronchial breath sound is another type of low
pitched bronchial breath sound which has high-pitched
overtones. It is heard in the case of a very large cavity
communicating with a patent bronchus or in cases with
bronchopleural fistula. The mechanism of production is
the same as that of cavernous bronchial breath sound.
However, in this case, some of the reflected sound waves
from the walls of the large cavity are high pitched.
84 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

10. What is a bronchopleural fistula?

A bronchopleural fistula is a communication between
the pleural space and the bronchial tree. It is a rare,
but serious complication associated with several
pulmonary conditions. In the setting of a spontaneous
or non-spontaneous pneumothorax, it is consistent with
prolonged air leak. Current American College of Chest
Physicians (ACCP) guidelines recommend that, if the
air leak persists over 4 days in a case of pneumothorax,
then the patient should be considered for surgery to
close the air leak.
11. Which are the common adventitious sounds heard
during examination of the respiratory system?
The adventitious sounds are broadly classified into
continuous and discontinuous sounds. The common
continuous sounds are stridor and wheeze (low-pitched
wheezes are sometimes referred to as rhonchi). The
common discontinuous sounds are the crackle and
pleural rub (Table 4.2).

Table 4.2:  Adventitious sounds

Continuous sounds Discontinuous sounds
•  Stridor •  Crackle
•  Wheeze •  Pleural rub

12. What is meant by stridor?

Stridor is a high-pitched sound that is produced due to
the narrowing or obstruction of the large upper airways
i.e. the larynx and the trachea. Stridor is almost always
inspiratory (Ref: Fishman’s Pulmonary Diseases and
Disorders, 4th edition, Pg 846). It is best heard over the
The presence of stridor indicates upper airway
obstruction and the relief of this obstruction is often
Auscultation of the Chest 85
a matter of great urgency. Common causes of stridor
are a foreign body in the upper intrathoracic airway
or esophagus, an acquired lesion of the airway (e.g.
carcinoma in adults), or a congenital lesion in children.
13. What is Pickwickian syndrome?
An important cause of stridor in obese people is the
obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS), or the
Pickwickian syndrome. OHS is defined as the triad of
morbid obesity, day time hypoventilation and sleep
disordered breathing in the absence of an alternative
neuromuscular, mechanical or metabolic explanation
for hypoventilation. Stridor occurs due to the inspiratory
pharyngeal collapse in these people. Patients with
obesity hypoventilation syndrome often can be confused
with patients with COPD since both of these patients
manifest daytime hypercapnia. However, patients with
COPD have an obstructive pattern on their pulmonary
function studies, whereas patients with OHS usually
have a restrictive pattern on their pulmonary function
studies. In addition, patients with COPD are usually not
morbidly obese.
14. What are wheezes and how are they produced?
The American Thoracic Society Committee on pulmonary
nomenclature define wheezes as continuous sounds
with a dominant frequency of usually 400 Hz or more.
There are also lower pitched wheezes with a dominant
frequency of 200 Hz or less (these lower pitched sounds
were previously referred to as rhonchi). Wheezes are
usually more prominent on expiration because the
airways tend to become narrower during expiration.
Wheezes are produced by the fluttering or oscillation of
adjacent airway walls. At the sites of airway obstruction,
airflow velocity reaches a critical value called as the
86 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

flutter velocity. When airflow attains this critical velocity,

the adjacent airway walls begin to flutter or oscillate like
the strings of a guitar. This generates the musical sound
(Fig. 4.4).

Fig. 4.4: Mechanism of production of wheeze

15. What are the different types of wheeze?

Wheezes are classified as monophonic if the sounds
are of the same pitch. Monophonic wheeze suggests
localized obstruction of one airway. Wheezes are
classified as polyphonic if the sounds are of varying pitch
or frequency. Polyphonic wheeze suggests obstruction
of airways at multiple sites (Table 4.3).

Table 4.3: Classification of wheeze

Monophonic wheeze Polyphonic wheeze
Foreign body inhalation Asthma
Bronchial tumor COPD

16. What are crackles (rales, crepitations)?

Crackles are discontinuous adventitious breath sounds
resembling miniature explosions. They are heard more
often during inspiration than during expiration. They
may be fine or coarse depending on the mechanism
Auscultation of the Chest 87
of production and their timing is of great clinical
Early inspiratory crackles suggest disease of the small
Late or pan-inspiratory crackles suggest disease of
the alveoli.
17. How are fine crackles produced?
In conditions like interstitial fibrosis and in interstitial
stage of pulmonary edema, the peripheral airways in
the basal territories of the lung remain closed towards
the end of expiration. This is due to the following factors:
Increased elastic recoil of the airways because of
the loss of elastic fibers in the interstitium due to
interstitial fibrosis
Due to the compression of the airways by the weight
of the overlying fluid filled interstitium in conditions
like pulmonary edema.
The air within the alveoli supplied by these closed
peripheral airways is considerably below atmospheric
pressure. Towards late inspiration, when the intra-
bronchial pressure increases, these closed peripheral
airways eventually reopen. This results in a sudden
equalization of pressures across the previously closed
parts of these airways. This sudden equalization of
pressure produces an explosive sound which is called
the fine crackle.
Eventhough crackles are usually associated with
diseases of the lung, they can also occur in normal
healthy people. Fine late inspiratory crackles may occur
in healthy people in the dependent lung regions (i.e.
over the anterior lung bases) after prolonged periods
of recumbency. These “normal” or “physiological” fine
crackles usually resolve after taking few deep inspirations
(Figs 4.5 and 4.6).
88 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Fig. 4.5: Mechanism of generation of fine crackle—step 1

(a and b)

Fig. 4.6 : Mechanism of generation of fine crackle—step 2

18. What is the effect of gravity on fine crackle?

The closure of peripheral airways in the basal territories
of the lung in conditions like interstitial edema is mainly
due to compression by the weight of the overlying fluid
Auscultation of the Chest 89
filled lung. Shifting this fluid by turning a recumbent
patient from one side to another can remove this
weight and thereby prevent the closure of these
peripheral airways. This can result in sudden or gradual
disappearance of fine crackles. Hence, fine crackles are
said to be gravity dependant and they are not affected
by maneuvers like coughing.
19. What are Velcro crackles?
Velcro sounding crackles are a type of fine crackles
heard in interstitial fibrosis. They have a distinctive
character and are also described as “close to the ear” or
“cellophane” crackles. Their sound is similar to the sound
of hair rubbed between the fingers. In mild or early stages
of interstitial lung disease, they are late inspiratory and
are best heard at the basal areas of the lung, with the
patient sitting upright. As the disease progresses, these
fine crackles may become pan-inspiratory and may
extend to higher levels above the lung bases (Box 4.4).

Box 4.4: Clinical features of interstitial lung disease (ILD)

•  History of progressive dyspnea
•  Central cyanosis
•  Clubbing
•  Diminished chest movements
•  Impaired chest percussion note
•  Velcro crackles

20. How are coarse crackles produced?

Coarse crackles are produced by the passage of boluses of
air through an intermittently obstructed airway (usually
with thick viscid mucus). The passage of each bolus of air
leads to sudden equalization of pressures on either side
of the occluded part of the airway. This in turn produces
an explosive sound which is the coarse crackle (Fig. 4.7).
90 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

They are usually early inspiratory (seen in bronchitis) but

can be pan- inspiratory in some conditions like alveolar
stage of acute pulmonary edema and bronchiectasis (Ref:
Lung Sounds, Paul Forgacs).

Fig. 4.7: Mechanism of generation of coarse crackle

21. What is the effect of cough on coarse crackle?

The intermittent occlusion of airways which plays an
important role in the genesis of the coarse crackle is
usually caused by thick mucous secretions within the
airway lumen. Coughing causes displacement of these
viscid mucous secretions and the airways may remain
opened without getting occluded. This in turn may lead
to the extinction or disappearance of the coarse crackle,
after an act of coughing. So, if coarse crackles are heard,
then special attention should be given to appreciate the
change in their nature by asking the patient to cough.
22. What are “post-tussive” crackles?
Paradoxically, in early stages of pulmonary tuberculosis,
crackles tend to appear in the region of lung apices,
Auscultation of the Chest 91
after a bout of coughing. This phenomenon is one of the
earliest physical signs in this disease. Coughing dislodges
the caseous material within the tuberculi infected
parenchymal areas of the lung into the adjacent bronchi,
producing their transient occlusion. The intermittent
passage of air through these occluded bronchi produce
the characteristic “post-tussive” crackles.
23. What is pleural rub and how will you differentiate it
from crackles?
Pleural rub is a superficial, loud grating sound
produced by friction between the two layers of pleura in
inflammatory conditions like pleurisy. It is heard during
both phases of respiration (predominantly at the end of
inspiration or at the beginning of expiration). It is usually
a localized sound and the most common site of pleural
friction rub is the lower anterolateral chest wall which
is the area of greatest thoracic mobility.
Pleural rub can be transiently eliminated by holding
the breath (unlike pericardial rub). Pleural rub is
not affected by coughing. When the pressure of the
stethoscope over the chest wall is increased, the intensity
of the rub also increases. The last two features help to
differentiate it from crackles (Table 4.4).

Table 4.4: Difference between pleural rub and crackle

Pleural rub Crackle
Not affected by cough Affected by cough
Intensity increased by applying Applying more pressure
more pressure with stethoscope with stethoscope has no
92 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

24. What is the effect of aging on breath sounds?

Variation in breath sounds with aging have long been
well documented. This is mainly attributed to the loss
of pulmonary elasticity. In otherwise healthy old people,
fine crackles can sometimes normally be heard over
the lung bases. But these crackles tend to disappear
after taking few deep breaths and they have no clinical
significance. The recognition of age-related crackles is
important because such clinically unimportant crackles
are so common among elderly people.
25. What are the auscultatory findings in different types
of pulmonary fibrosis?
The breath sounds that are heard in a patient with
fibrosis depends on the type of pulmonary fibrosis and
the presence or absence of a patent bronchus in the
vicinity of fibrosis. However, fine inspiratory crackles are
common to all type of fibrosis.
In conditions like tuberculosis, necrotizing
pneumonias, pulmonary infarction and radiation
exposure, fibrous tissue replaces the damaged lung tissue
and this fibrosis is usually very dense and localized. This
type of fibrosis is called as the replacement fibrosis. In
the areas of replacement fibrosis, there is very little air
filled alveoli surrounding the large patent bronchi. The
thick fibrosis also pulls the large airways like trachea
closer to the chest wall. Hence, tubular bronchial breath
sounds generated in these large airways are conducted
to the chest wall without much filtration. Hence, tubular
bronchial breath sounds along with crackles are heard
during auscultation. Also the findings are usually
localized to a particular area of chest wall (Fig. 4.8).
Auscultation of the Chest 93

Fig. 4.8: Mechanism of tubular bronchial breath sounds in

replacement fibrosis

However, in conditions like idiopathic pulmonary

fibrosis, connective tissue diseases and occupational
lung diseases, there is widespread interstitial fibrosis
which is not dense and focal. So, the bronchi are
surrounded by relatively air-filled alveoli (which filters
the breath sounds), until the very late stages of the
disease. Hence, vesicular type of breath sounds along
with fine inspiratory crackles are heard and these
findings are not localized (usually bilateral signs).
26. What is meant by post-tussive suction?
Cavity is a gas containing space within the lung with a
thick wall (thin walled cavities are called as bullae). Post-
tussive suction sound is the most definite clinical sign of a
superficial, large, collapsible cavity communicating with
94 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

a patent bronchus. This is a low-pitched “sucking” sound

heard during the long inspiratory phase that follows a
bout of coughing. During coughing, the negative pressure
generated in the bronchus causes the cavity to collapse,
thereby emptying it of its air content. Re-entry of air into
this empty cavity from the bronchus during the post-
tussive inspiratory phase produces the sucking sound
(Figs 4.9A and B).

Figs 4.9A and B: Mechanism of generation of post-tussive
suction sound
Auscultation of the Chest 95
27. What is meant by succussion splash?
Succussion splash is a “splashing” sound heard over the
chest wall when the chest of a patient is shaken suddenly.
If heard, it is always abnormal. It is seen in the following
Large fluid filled lung cavity
Herniation of stomach or colon into the thoracic
The most common cause of hydropneumothorax
is iatrogenic (following aspiration of pleural effusion).
Other causes of hydropneumothorax are trauma
(hemopneumothorax) and rupture of subpleural abscess
28. What are the important causes of cavitation within the
A cavity has been defined pathologically as “a gas-filled
space within a zone of consolidation, mass or nodule in
the lung”. The most important causes of cavitation in the
lungs are the following (Box 4.5):

Box 4.5: Diseases associated with lung cavity

•  Malignancy (usually squamous cell carcinoma)
•  Lung abscess (staphylococci and Klebsiella)
•  Tuberculosis (progressive primary and secondary)
•  Fungal infections
•  Hydatid cyst
•  Congenital cysts
•  Traumatic cysts
•  Wegener’s granulomatosis
•  Cystic bronchiectasis
•  Pulmonary infarction
96 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

29. What do you know about the formation of a tuberculous

Cavity is the characteristic lesion of post-primary
pulmonary tuberculosis. Post-primary tuberculosis may
be the result of either endogenous reactivation of latent
foci of tuberculous infection or exogenous re-infection.
The characteristic feature of post-primary pulmonary
tuberculosis is gross tissue necrosis. This results in the
formation of large lesions containing abundant caseous
necrotic tissue called as tuberculomas. The central part
of the tuberculoma is anoxic and acidic, and provides a
hostile environment to the tubercle bacilli. The caseous
material in the center of the tuberculoma is softened and
eventually liquefied by proteases secreted by activated
macrophages. The enlarging tuberculoma eventually
erodes into a bronchus and discharges the softened
caseous material into the bronchial tree. This results in
the formation of a tuberculous cavity.
The environment in the cavity is quite different
from that of the closed tuberculoma. Air enriched with
carbon dioxide enters the cavity and neutralizes the
acidity and provides oxygen for the tubercle bacilli.
The bacilli are then able to replicate freely. When these
bacilli gain access to the bronchi and are expectorated
in the sputum, the patient becomes infectious and is
said to have “open tuberculosis”. Bacilli escaping from
the cavities may infect other parts of the same lung or
the other lung by endobronchial spread.
30. What is egophony or ‘E’ to ‘A’ sign and why is it elicited
above the level of a massive pleural effusion?
Egophony is an extreme form of increased vocal
resonance where the words spoken by the patient, when
heard by the examiner, have a nasal or bleating quality,
due to change in timbre of the voice (Fig. 4.10).
Auscultation of the Chest 97

Fig. 4.10: E to A sign in massive pleural effusion

Parts of the lung tissue lying close to the upper margin

of a massive pleural effusion are actually compressed
by the effusion. This compression make these parts of
the lung airless and they behave like a solidified lung
tissue (also called as compression atelectasis). So, this
compressed part of the lung transmits tubular bronchial
breath sounds from a nearby patent bronchus directly to
the chest wall. Hence, tubular bronchial breath sounds
and increased vocal resonance in the form of egophony
are elicited above the level of a massive pleural effusion
(on the posterolateral chest wall). Egophony is also seen
in areas of consolidation.
31. Which are the clinical signs that always go together
during examination of the respiratory system?
The three physical signs that always go together are (1)
increased vocal fremitus, (2) bronchial breath sounds
and (3) increased vocal resonance. This is because all
of them are due to identical mechanism, i.e. increased
transmission of the sound vibrations or waves through
solidified and airless lung tissue to the chest wall (e.g. as
in a case of consolidation of lung).
5 Interstitial Lung Diseases

1. What are the commonest causes of interstitial lung

disease (ILD)?
The interstitial lung diseases are characterized by
clinical changes consistent with restrictive rather than
obstructive changes in the lung. Persons with interstitial
lung diseases have dyspnea, tachypnea, and eventual
cyanosis, without evidence of wheezing or signs of
airway obstruction. Usually, there is an insidious onset
of breathlessness that initially occurs during exercise and
may progress to the point at which the person is totally
incapacitated. Fine inspiratory crackles and clubbing
are usually present. The commonest causes of ILD are
the following:
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)—usually affects
elderly people
Interstitial lung disease associated with collagen
vascular disease
  – Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)—shrinking
 – Rheumatoid arthritis
 – Asbestosis
 – Silicosis
  –  Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis, etc.
Interstitial Lung Diseases 99
2. What is the pathogenesis of fibrosis in interstitial lung
Current theory suggests that most interstitial lung
diseases, regardless of the causes, have a common
pathogenesis. In contrast to the obstructive lung
diseases, which primarily involve the airways of the lung,
the interstitial lung disorders exert their effects on the
collagen and elastic connective tissue found between
the airways and the blood vessels of the lung.
It is thought that these disorders are initiated by
some type of injury to the alveolar epithelium, followed
by an inflammatory process that involves the alveoli
and interstitium of the lung. An accumulation of
inflammatory and immune cells causes continued
damage to lung tissue and replacement of the normal
functioning lung tissue with fibrous scar tissue.
3. What are the peculiarities of breathing in a person
with stiff lungs due to interstitial fibrosis or edema?
Typically, a person with a stiff lung due to interstitial
fibrosis or edema, breathes with a pattern of rapid,
shallow respirations. This tachypneic pattern of
breathing, in which the respiratory rate is increased
and the tidal volume is decreased, reduces the work of
breathing. This is because it takes less work to move air
through the airways at an increased rate than it does to
stretch a stiff lung to accommodate a larger tidal volume.
4. What is meant by pneumoconiosis?
Pneumoconiosis refers to the accumulation of inorganic
dust (asbestos, silica, coal mine dust, etc.) in the lungs
and the consequences of the tissues response to the
presence of the dust. The most dangerous particles are
those in the range of 1–5 μm in size (Table 5.1).
100 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Table 5.1:  Pneumoconiosis with upper and

lower lobe predominance
Upper lobe predominance Lower lobe predominance
•  Berylliosis •  Asbestosis
•  Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis
•  Silicosis

5. What are the most common manifestations of asbestos

Pleural disease is the most common manifestation of
asbestos exposure. The non-malignant manifestations
of asbestos exposure in the pleural space include
circumscribed pleural plaques, diffuse pleural
thickening, rounded atelectasis and pleural effusions.
Asbestos exposure can also result in asbestosis (a type
of ILD), malignant mesothelioma of the pleura and
adenocarcinoma of the lung.
6. What is the relationship between tuberculosis and
The link between silicosis and tuberculosis has been
recognized for nearly a century. The ingestion of
silica particles leads to the destruction of the lung
macrophages. The destruction of macrophages accounts
for an increased susceptibility to tuberculosis in persons
with silicosis. Again, people with acute silicosis appear to
be at considerably higher risk of developing tuberculosis.
“Egg shell” calcification of hilar lymph nodes also can
occur in silicosis.
7. What is “shrinking lungs” syndrome?
It is estimated that weakness of the diaphragm and
other respiratory muscles is found in about 25% of
patients with SLE. This accounts for the previously
unexplained findings of dyspnea without evidence of
interstitial or pulmonary vascular disease. These patients
Interstitial Lung Diseases 101
have subsegmental atelectasis, an elevated diaphragm
on chest radiograph, and restrictive physiology. This
has been referred to as the unexplained dyspnea and
shrinking lungs syndrome (Ref: Fishman’s Pulmonary
Diseases and Disorders, 4th edition, Pg 1201).
8. What is Caplan’s syndrome?
Caplan’s syndrome refers to a radiographic picture that
developed in Welsh coal miners who have coexistent
coal worker’s pneumoconiosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
It consists of the sudden appearance of discrete nodules
primarily in the upper lobes that are histologically
identical to the necrobiotic (rheumatoid) nodule.
9. What is the sensitivity of various immunological tests
associated with rheumatic disorders that may cause
interstitial lung disease?
The sensitivity of commonly available immunological
tests to diagnose the various rheumatic disorders
associated with interstitial lung disease are as follows
(Table 5.2) (Ref: Fishman’s Pulmonary Diseases and
Disorders, 4th edition, Pg 1112).

Table 5.2:  Various immunological tests associated with

rheumatic disorders
Rheumatic disorder Sensitivity of test
Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid factor—72 to 85%
SLE ds DNA—60 to 70%
Drug LE ss DNA—80%
Sjögren’s syndrome Anti Ro—8 to 70%
Scleroderma Anti Scl 70—15 to 50%
Polymyositis Anti Jo 1—20 to 50%
Wegener’s granulomatosis c ANCA—75 to 95%
Churg-Strauss syndrome c ANCA—80%
Goodpasture’s syndrome p ANCA–10 to 38%
102 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

The routine tests that should be ordered in all

patients in whom interstitial lung disease is suspected
include a complete and differential blood count, a blood
chemistry panel including calcium, liver function tests,
and a urinalysis.
10. What is meant by “PIE” syndrome?
“PIE’ syndrome or pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia
include distinct individual syndromes characterized by
eosinophilic pulmonary infiltrates (usually fleeting or
migrating infiltrates) and peripheral blood eosinophilia.
Eosinophilia is the presence of more than 500 eosinophils
per microliter of blood. The common causes of “PIE”
syndromes are the following:
Parasitic infestations—filariasis, strongyloides, etc.
Allergic bronchopulmonary mycoses
Vasculitic disorders—Churg–Strauss syndrome
Acute eosinophilic pneumonia
Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia
Eosinophilia—myalgia syndrome
Hypereosinophilic syndrome
Loffler’s syndrome or simple pulmonary eosinophilia
Drugs—nitrofurantoin, sulfonamides, thiazides, etc.
“PIE” syndromes are clinically characterized by
the presence of low grade fever, nonproductive cough,
dyspnea (mild to severe) wheezing and occasional
hemoptysis. In general, glucocorticoids are the main stay
of therapy in all the above mentioned conditions. PIE
syndrome due to filarial infection is otherwise known
as tropical pulmonary eosinophilia (TPE).
11. What is hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), or extrinsic allergic
alveolitis, is a spectrum of interstitial, alveolar, and
Interstitial Lung Diseases 103
bronchiolar lung diseases resulting from immunologically
induced inflammation in response to inhalation of a wide
variety of different materials that are usually organic. This
inflammation ultimately leads to irreversible damage
of the lungs. Some common agents that are associated
with hypersensitivity pneumonitis include the following:
Thermophilic actinomycetes cause Farmer’s lung
Aspergillus clavatus cause Malt worker’s lung
Bird proteins cause Bird fancier’s lung.
Despite the terms “hypersensitivity” and “allergic”,
HP is not an atopic disease and is not associated with
increased IgE levels or eosinophils (unlike the PIE
syndromes). The clinical presentation may be acute
or chronic. The chronic form of the disease clinically
mimics idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (i.e. gradual onset
of dyspnea, dry cough and weight loss without fever).
6 Tuberculosis

1. What is latent tuberculosis?

In persons with intact cell mediated immunity, the
primary infection with the tubercle bacilli is contained
within granulomas in the lung parenchyma. This
parenchymal tuberculous granuloma is called as the
Ghon focus (usually in the right upper lobe). From
here, the  tubercle  bacilli then drain to the  regional
lymph nodes. These lymph nodes also often caseate.
This combination of  caseated parenchymal lung
lesion and regional lymph node is referred to as the Ghon
complex or primary complex. This primary infection
may be asymptomatic. These granuloma later on calcify.
The calcified primary parenchymal lung lesion or the
calcified primary parenchymal lesion plus the calcified
hilar lymph node (i.e. the Ranke complex) may be seen
radiologically. These calcified lesions on the chest X-ray
are evidences of healed primary tuberculosis (Fig. 6.1).

Fig. 6.1: Primary tuberculous infection

Tuberculosis 105
Ghon focus + Caseous hilar lymph node
= Ghon complex
Calcified Ghon focus + Calcified hilar lymph node
= Ranke complex

However, some viable tubercle bacilli may lie dormant

within these granulomas for years. Such a person is
said to be infected with tuberculosis, but he does not
have active disease. This stage is called as the latent
tuberculosis infection (LTBI). Reactivation of the primary
disease may occur in such a person if his immune status
is compromised. Newer techniques for the diagnosis of
latent infection include the QuantiFERON-TB and the T
SPOT-TB test. These immunological tests are based on
the detection of interferon gamma produced by T cells
exposed to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. These tests are
more sensitive and more specific in immunosuppressed
2. What is the natural history of primary or Ghon’s
In majority of the cases, where the immune response
of the person enables the primary complex to contain
the tuberculous infection, these lesions become fibrotic
and may subsequently become calcified. In a minority
of infected cases, the primary complex give rise to overt
progressive primary tuberculosis which may manifest
in a number of ways as follows (Boxes 6.1 and 6.2, and
Fig. 6.2):
106 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Box 6.1: Complications arising from the primary parenchymal

lesion or Ghon focus
•  Rupture into the pleural space resulting in pleural effusion
•  Rupture into the bronchus resulting in tuberculous
•  Enlargement of the focus to form a circular coin lesion. The
circular coin lesion may heal with calcification or it may
progress to a characteristic post-primary lesion containing
abundant caseous necrotic tissue called as the tuberculoma
•  Hematogenous dissemination of the bacilli from the focus
can cause fatal non-pulmonary disease involving the central
nervous system, bones, kidneys or miliary tuberculosis

Box 6.2: Complications arising from the involved mediastinal

lymph node
•  Bronchial obstruction causing collapse of the lung lobes
•  Rupture of the node into the pericardium causes pericardial

Fig. 6.2: Complications of primary tuberculosis

3. What are the features that indicate active post-primary

pulmonary tuberculosis?
Post-primary tuberculosis refers to exogenous (i.e. newly
acquired) or endogenous (i.e. reactivation of a dormant
Tuberculosis 107
primary lesion) infection in a person who has been
sensitized by earlier exposure to tubercle bacilli. Features
suggesting active post primary pulmonary tuberculosis
include the following (Box 6.3) (Ref: The Washington
Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 33rd edition).
Box 6.3: Features suggesting reactivation of pulmonary
•  Pulmonary symptoms like cough with expectoration,
hemoptysis, etc.
•  Presence of systemic symptoms like fever, tiredness, anorexia
and unexplained significant weight loss (>5% weight loss in 1
month or >10% weight loss in 6 months)
•  Presence of coarse crackles on auscultation
•  Demonstration of acid-fast bacilli in the sputum or early
morning gastric washings or bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
by microscopy (Ziehl-Neelsen staining), culture or molecular
DNA technology (PCR)
•  Raised ESR, CRP and a positive PPD skin test (induration
> 5 mm)
•  Radiological features like presence of cavities, ill-defined soft
or cloudy shadows and rapid progression of these shadows
on serial X-rays

4. What is the significance of a positive PPD skin test?

A positive PPD tuberculin skin test is an example of a
delayed hypersensitivity reaction. The test can be positive
within 3 to 8 weeks after exposure to Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. A positive PPD skin test indicates only
infection with mycobacteria and not active disease.
Active disease should be confirmed by the growth of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis in respiratory secretions or
other body fluids or tissues.
The PPD skin test is usually done by the Mantoux
method (i.e. measurement of the diameter of induration
108 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

of skin after 48–72 hours of intradermal injection of 0.1

mL (5 TU) of tuberculin protein). The PPD skin test is
negative in about 25% of patients with active tuberculosis
(Figs 6.3 and 6.4).

Fig. 6.3: Administering intradermal tuberculin protein

Fig. 6.4: Measuring the zone of induration across the forearm

Tuberculosis 109
5. What are the reasons for false-negative PPD skin test?
The PPD skin test is negative in about 25% of patients
with active tuberculosis. A false-negative PPD result is
seen in the following circumstances (Box 6.4):

Box 6.4: False-negative PPD skin test

•  Recent viral infections, HIV infection
•  Those with chronic renal failure, leukemia, lymphoma etc.
•  Those with extreme malnutrition
•  Corticosteroid and other immunosuppressive drug therapy,
recent live virus vaccinations, etc.
•  Miliary tuberculosis
•  Sarcoidosis
•  Extremes of age, i.e. newborns and elderly patients

6. What do you know about the specificity of PPD skin

The specificity of a positive PPD reaction is variable and
is dependent on the prevalence of infection with non-
tuberculous mycobacteria in that particular region. The
PPD test may be falsely positive in those who had prior
BCG vaccination and in areas where the exposure to
non-tuberculous mycobacteria is high.
If the PPD skin test is strongly positive (i.e. more
than 15 mm induration), and no other diagnosis is
established, then empirical antituberculosis treatment
(ATT) should be initiated in a sputum smear negative
and culture awaited patient with suspected tuberculosis.
If there is a favorable clinical or radiographic response
within 3 months of initiation of the empirical therapy,
then the empirical treatment should be continued. If
there is no favorable response during this period, then
the empirical treatment should be discontinued (Ref:
Fishman’s, 4th edition, Pg 2483).
110 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

7. What are the peculiarities of tuberculosis in the

There are some special features in the clinical
presentation of tuberculosis in the elderly people. These
are the following:
Symptoms may be atypical (fever, sweating,
hemoptysis may be absent)
Hepatosplenomegaly (25–50% of cases)
PPD skin test may be negative
Sputum smears may be negative (hence sputum
culture is important)
Atypical chest X-ray features (bi-basal pneumonia,
absent cavitation, etc.).
Thus in elderly, a cryptic presentation, i.e. fever of
unknown origin often accompanied by pancytopenia or
leukemoid reaction, is a common mode of presentation.
The disseminated lung lesions are usually too small to
be visible on the chest X-ray which is often deceptively
normal. Hence, this variant is called as cryptic
disseminated tuberculosis.
8. What is the management protocol for ATT induced
If the liver function tests are deranged, then hold all the
hepatotoxic antituberculous drugs until the symptoms
resolve and the transaminases decrease to less than
two times of their normal values. A nonhepatotoxic
regimen consisting of ethambutol, fluoroquinolone and
streptomycin should be started if treatment cannot be
withheld due to the patient’s clinical condition. Once
the transaminases have decreased to less than two times
of their normal values and the hepatotoxic symptoms of
the patient have resolved, then we can rechallenge the
Tuberculosis 111
patient by adding drugs one by one to the regimen every
4th day as shown below.
� Rifampin (10 mg/kg/day) for 3 days—if patient is
asymptomatic, then add
� INH (5 mg/kg/day) for 3 days—if patient is
asymptomatic, then add
� Pyrazinamide (15–25 mg/kg/day).
If signs and symptoms of hepatitis recur with re-
challenge, then discontinue the responsible drug and
modify the antituberculous regimen.
9. What are the antituberculous regimens that can be
used in patients with chronic liver disease?
In patients with advanced liver disease, liver function
tests should be done at the start of treatment. The
more unstable or severe the liver disease is, the fewer
hepatotoxic drugs should be used. If the serum alanine
aminotransferase level is more than 3 times normal
before the initiation of treatment, then the following
regimen is considered to be the most ideal:
18–24 months of Streptomycin plus Ethambutol
plus a Fluoroquinolone
Clinical and biochemical monitoring (liver function
tests) of all patients with pre-existing liver disease should
be performed regularly during treatment.
10. What is the difference between MDR tuberculosis and
XDR tuberculosis?
Multiple drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is defined
as resistance to at least both isoniazid and rifampin.
Extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) is
defined as resistance to isoniazid and rifampin plus
resistance to any fluoroquinolone and at least one
of the three injectable second-line drugs (amikacin,
kanamycin, capreomycin, etc.).
112 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

11. What is the role of “DOTS” and “DOTS–Plus” in the

treatment of tuberculosis?
“DOTS” stands for “Directly Observed Treatment, Short-
course” and is a major plank in the WHO global initiative
to stop tuberculosis. The DOTS strategy focuses on five
main targets of action. These include the following:
Government commitment to control TB
Diagnosis based on sputum-smear microscopy tests
done on patients who actively report symptoms
suggestive of tuberculosis
Direct observation short-course chemotherapy
treatments (thrice weekly regimens)
A definite supply of drugs
Standardized reporting and recording of cases and
treatment outcomes.
The WHO extended the DOTS program in 1998 to
include the treatment of MDR-TB. This is the “DOTS-
Plus” program.
12. How will you manage tuberculosis in pregnant and
lactating patients?
A pregnant woman should be advised that successful
treatment of tuberculosis with the standard regimen
is important for the successful outcome of pregnancy.
With the exception of streptomycin, all the first line
antituberculous drugs are safe for use in pregnancy.
Streptomycin is ototoxic to the fetus and should not be
used during pregnancy.
A breastfeeding woman who has tuberculosis should
receive the full course of antituberculous treatment.
Timely and properly applied chemotherapy is the
best way to prevent transmission of tubercle bacilli to
the baby. Mother and baby should stay together and
the baby should continue to breastfeed. After active
Tuberculosis 113
tuberculosis in the baby has been ruled out, the baby
should be given 6 months of isoniazid preventive therapy
(chemoprophylaxis), followed by Bacillus Calmette-
Guérin (BCG) vaccination.
13. What is extrapulmonary tuberculosis?
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) refers to a case
of tuberculosis involving organs other than the lung
parenchyma, e.g. pleura, lymph nodes, abdomen,
genitourinary tract, skin, joints, bones or meninges.
Mycobacterial infection involving the cervical lymph
nodes (i.e. scrofula) is the most common form of
extra-pulmonary tuberculosis. The most common site
for tuberculosis infection of the bone is the thoracic
spine. Most often, the lesion in the spine is paradiscal
in location with destruction of the disc, reduction of the
disc space and concomitant destruction of the vertebral
(Note: Miliary tuberculosis is classified as pulmonary
tuberculosis because of the presence of lesions in the
lung parenchyma).
14. How will you manage a case of extrapulmonary
Both pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis
should be treated with the same regimen (2HRZE /
4HR). In tuberculous meningitis, ethambutol should be
replaced with streptomycin. This is because streptomycin
readily penetrates the inflamed meninges and enters into
the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Experts recommend 12
months of treatment for tuberculous meningitis because
of the serious risk of disability and mortality associated
with meningitis. For tuberculosis of the bones or joints,
9 months of treatment is recommended because of
the difficulties in assessing treatment response in
114 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

those conditions. Adjuvant corticosteroid treatment

(during the initial 6–8 weeks) is recommended only for
tuberculous meningitis, tuberculous pericarditis and
severe miliary tuberculosis.
15. How do you interpret ESR and CRP values in day to
day practice?
The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a composite
measure of plasma protein composition, concentration
and erythrocyte morphology. The most common cause
of an increased ESR is an acute phase response, which
causes an increase in plasma protein concentration.
Such acute phase responses occur in the setting of acute
or chronic bacterial, fungal or viral infections.
However, some conditions which increase plasma
protein composition and concentration without creating
an acute phase response (multiple myeloma, end stage
renal disease, old age, pregnancy, connective tissue
diseases, etc.) are also associated with raised ESR. The
normal range of ESR in adult males is less than 10 mm/
hr and that in females is less than 20 mm/hr. The ESR
value usually rises with age. The upper limit of normal
range of ESR for an adult can be calculated as follows
(Ref: Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine).

Age in years Age in years + 10

Males = Females =
2 2

C–reactive protein (CRP) is an acute phase reactant

synthesized by the liver usually in response to active
inflammation triggered by organisms like bacteria or
fungi. CRP opsonises the invading pathogens. So, the
levels of CRP are raised in the setting of bacterial, fungal
or viral infections. But CRP levels are not influenced by
Tuberculosis 115
plasma protein composition and concentration. Hence,
diseases which alter plasma protein concentration
without creating an acute phase response do not affect
the CRP value. Hence, the simultaneous estimation of
both ESR and CRP values would help to narrow down
the differential diagnosis. The normal CRP value is less
than 10 mg/L.
16. How do you confirm the diagnosis of active pulmonary
A confident diagnosis of active tuberculosis requires
bacteriologic confirmation. It is important to remember
that a positive acid-fast smear is not specific for M.
tuberculosis (saprophytic mycobacteria are also acid-
fast). Hence, sputum culture is the only absolute way of
confirming the diagnosis.
If the patient is not spontaneously producing
sputum, induced sputum can be obtained by nebulising
the patient with isotonic or hypertonic saline for 5
to 15 minutes. In some cases, bronchoscopy may be
considered to obtain the sputum sample. Sputum culture
for acid-fast bacilli (AFB) is ideally done in the liquid
medium (i.e. BACTEC or MGIT) for rapid results (within
7–21 days).
17. What is “open-negative” syndrome?
There is an entity called as “open-negative syndrome” in
post-primary pulmonary tuberculosis. It consists of thin
walled, innocuous, epithelized inactive cavities. It is seen
in properly treated cases of tuberculosis. These cavities
are also referred to as “ INH cavities”. Although these
cavities themselves will not produce any symptoms,
they are associated with certain hazards like secondary
bacterial infection, spontaneous pneumothorax,
colonization with fungi, etc.
116 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

18. What are the differences in the characteristics of post-

primary tuberculosis in non-immunosuppressed and
immunosuppressed persons?
The important differences in the characteristics of post-
primary tuberculosis in non-immunosuppressed and
immunosuppressed persons are the following (Table

Table 6.1: Differences in the characteristics of post-primary

tuberculosis in non-immunosuppressed and immunosuppressed
Characteristics Non- Immuno-
immunosuppressed suppressed
Pulmonary cavitation Prominent Absent
Localization by fibrosis Marked Limited
Intrathoracic Uncommon Common
Miliary disease Uncommon Common
Atelectasis Uncommon Common
Lymphatic and Uncommon Common
Empyema Uncommon Common
Tuberculin test Positive Negative
Adverse drug reactions Uncommon Common
Relapse following Uncommon Common

19. What is a Rasmussen aneurysm?

A Rasmussen aneurysm is a pseudoaneurysm of a
pulmonary artery caused by erosion from an adjacent
tuberculous cavity. These pseudoaneurysms are
uncommon and may form months to years after
Tuberculosis 117
formation of the cavity. Hemoptysis is the usual
presenting symptom, which may be massive and life
20. What is meant by broncholithiasis?
Broncholithiasis is an uncommon complication of
pulmonary tuberculosis that is caused by calcified
peribronchial nodes. These nodes either erode into or
cause considerable distortion of an adjacent bronchus.
Although any bronchus may be involved, a right-sided
predominance has been observed. The right middle lobe
is served by an unusually long and thin bronchus that is
particularly prone to obstruction. Presenting symptoms
may include cough, hemoptysis, wheezing, or evidence
of recurrent pneumonia.
21. What is middle lobe or Brock’s syndrome?
Middle lobe syndrome is defined as recurrent or chronic
collapse of the middle lobe of the right lung. It occurs in
all age groups and is divided into an obstructive type, with
a demonstrable airway occlusion, and a nonobstructive
type, with a patent right middle lobe bronchus apparent
on bronchoscopy. The reported etiologies of the middle
lobe syndrome are the following:
Inflammation (47%)
Malignant tumors (22%)
Bronchiectasis (15%)
Tuberculosis (9%)
Benign tumors (2%)
Aspiration (2%)
The propensity of the right middle lobe to collapse is
explained by its anatomical peculiarities which include
the following:
The origin of the right middle lobe bronchus is often
narrow and so it is easily obstructed
118 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

The middle lobe bronchus is surrounded by lymph

nodes whose enlargement by inflammation or tumor
may cause extrinsic compression
The middle lobe is separated from the right upper
and lower lobes by fissures, and therefore has poor
collateral ventilation from the surrounding areas.
22. Which are the diseases associated with granuloma
formation in the lung?
A granuloma is a focal, compact collection of inflammatory
cells. The predominating cells are the mononuclear cells
(i.e. macrophages and T lymphocytes). It is usually
formed as a result of the persistence of a non-degradable
product of active hypersensitivity in the body. Some
important diseases associated with granuloma formation
in the lungs are the following (Box 6.5):

Box 6.5: Granulomatous pulmonary diseases

•  Fungal infections
•  Mycobacterial infections
•  Wegener’s granulomatosis
•  Churg-Strauss syndrome
•  Sarcoidosis
•  Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
•  Berylliosis
•  Silicosis
7 Bronchiectasis

1. What is bronchiectasis?
Bronchiectasis is defined as an abnormal and
permanent dilatation of the cartilage containing airways.
Bronchiectasis is more common in women and it usually
affects the lower lobe bronchi. The left side is involved
more frequently than the right side. Bronchiectasis
results from the occurrence of one of the following three
main pathogenic mechanisms:
Bronchial wall injury
Bronchial lumen obstruction
Traction from adjacent fibrosis
The “vicious cycle hypothesis” proposed that an
initial airway insult (such as an infection), often on the
background of genetic susceptibility and compromised
host clearance mechanisms (in particular, the mucociliary
mechanism), facilitated persistent bacterial colonization
and infection. This initiates a secondary host inflammatory
response. This in turn causes further damage to the airway
wall. The predominant symptoms are chronic productive
cough with copious sputum (early morning cough) and
hemoptysis. The principal clinical sign is coarse leathery
crackles on auscultation of the chest.
2. What do you know about the etiology and distribution
of bronchiectatic changes in the lungs?
Bronchiectatic changes can affect any part of the lung
depending upon the factor responsible for creating the
airway insult (Table 7.1).
120 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Table 7.1: Distribution of bronchiectatic changes in the lungs

Part of the lung affected Most likely etiology
Lower lobes •  Interstitial lung disease
•  Chronic pulmonary infections
(usually bacterial)
Right middle lobe Obstruction by peribronchial
Upper lobes •  Tuberculosis
•  Chronic fungal infections
•  ABPA (central bronchi)

3. What is dry bronchiectasis?

Dry bronchiectasis or bronchiectasis sicca is a type
of traction bronchiectasis that predominantly affect
the upper lobe. Traction bronchiectasis is seen in the
setting of extensive lung fibrosis. The fibrosed parts of
the lung pulls apart the surrounding airways, resulting
in their dilatation. It usually occurs as post-tuberculous
sequalae. It is more common on the right side. Since dry
bronchiectasis is not associated with recurrent airway
infection or obstruction, these patients usually present
with episodes of marked hemoptysis without sputum
4. Which are the syndromes usually associated with
A number of syndromes and clinical conditions are
associated with bronchiectasis and they include the
following (Box 7.1):
Box 7.1: Conditions associated with bronchiectasis
•  Primary ciliary dyskinesia—approximately 50% of patients
with this condition have Kartagener’s syndrome which is a
triad of situs inversus, sinusitis and bronchiectasis
Bronchiectasis 121
•  Yellow nail syndrome—triad of yellow-green discoloration
of the nails, lymphedema of the lower extremities and
lymphocyte predominant pleural effusion
•  Young’s syndrome—combination of obstructive azoospermia
(with normal spermatogenesis) and chronic sinopulmonary
•  Bruton agammaglobulinemia
•  Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA)
•  Right middle lobe syndrome (Brock’s syndrome): Recurrent
atelectasis associated with bronchiectasis of the right middle
lobe. It is commonly seen in tuberculosis. The right middle
lobe is commonly affected because the right middle lobe
bronchus is surrounded by a chain of lymph nodes at its
origin and it gets compressed easily

5. What are the important complications of bronchiec-

Bronchiectasis is a chronic inflammatory condition.
The important complications of bronchiectasis are the
following (Box 7.2):

Box 7.2: Complications of bronchiectasis

•  Hemoptysis
•  Recurrent pneumonia
•  Lung abscess
•  Empyema
•  Metastatic abscesses
•  Purulent pericarditis
•  Cor pulmonale
•  Hypoproteinemia
•  Secondary amyloidosis

Bronchiectasis is not a premalignant condition.

Haemophilus influenzae is the most common organism
recovered from non-cystic fibrosis patients with
bronchiectasis (Ref: CMDT 2014). Hypoproteinemia
122 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

occurs due to the loss of albumin in sputum.

Splenomegaly can occur in some cases of bronchi-ectasis
with secondary amyloidosis.
6. What is pseudobronchiectasis?
Bronchiectatic changes seen in certain conditions
like chronic bronchitis, acute pneumonia and allergic
bronchopulmonary aspergillosis are reversible. So,
this type of bronchiectasis is sometimes referred to as
7. What do you know about cystic fibrosis?
Cystic fibrosis is a cause of severe chronic lung disease in
young adults. It is an autosomal recessive disorder. Cystic
fibrosis is caused by abnormalities in a membrane chloride
channel [the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance
regulator (CFTR) protein] that results in altered chloride
transport and water flux across the apical surface of
epithelial cells. So in people with cystic fibrosis, almost
all exocrine glands produce an abnormal mucus that
obstructs glands and ducts and leads to tissue damage.
In the respiratory tract, inadequate hydration of
the tracheobronchial epithelium impairs mucociliary
function. High concentration of DNA in airway secretions
(due to chronic airway inflammation and autolysis of
neutrophils) increases the sputum viscosity, resulting
in a variety of pulmonary manifestations including
bronchiectasis and atelectasis.
8. What are the important respiratory complications of
cystic fibrosis?
The lungs are macroscopically normal at birth, but
bronchiolar inflammation and infections usually lead to
bronchiectasis in childhood. At this stage, the lungs are
most commonly infected with Staphylococcus aureus.
However, in adulthood, many patients with cystic fibrosis
become chronically colonized with Pseudomonas
Bronchiectasis 123
aeruginosa. The important respiratory complications of
cystic fibrosis are the following (Box 7.3):

Box 7.3: Complications of cystic fibrosis

•  Infective exacerbations of bronchiectasis
•  Spontaneous pneumothorax
•  Hemoptysis
•  Nasal polyps
•  Cor pulmonale
•  Respiratory failure
•  Lobar collapse due to thick secretions

9. What is the definitive treatment for cystic fibrosis?

Lung transplantation is currently the only definitive
treatment for advanced cystic fibrosis. Double lung or
heart-lung transplantation is required.
Ivacaftor is a new oral drug, available for the 5% of
cystic fibrosis patients with a G551D mutation. Ivacaftor
is a potentiator of the CFTR channel that works by
increasing the time the channel remains open after
being activated.
10. What are the important diagnostic features of allergic
bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA)?
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis is caused by
a hypersensitivity reaction to the fungus Aspergillus
fumigatus. ABPA may develop in 10% of patients with
cystic fibrosis. Patients with ABPA may display the
following diagnostic criteria proposed by Greenberger
and Patterson (Box 7.4).

Box 7.4: Criteria for diagnosis of ABPA

•  History of asthma
•  Elevated total IgE (>1,000 IU/mL)
•  Elevated serum anti-AF IgE and IgG
•  Positive immediate hypersensitivity skin test to aspergillus
•  Serum precipitins to aspergillus fumigatus
124 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Radiologically, these patients may have patchy,

fleeting infiltrates on the chest X-ray. HRCT may show
central bronchiectasis. It should be remembered that
the presence of Aspergillus fumigatus in sputum is only a
minor criterion for the diagnosis of ABPA. The treatment
consists of long-term systemic corticosteroids (oral
prednisolone 7.5–10 mg daily).
11. What are the imaging studies that can be done in a
case of bronchiectasis?
Radiographic abnormalities include dilated and
thickened bronchi that may appear as “tram-tracks”
or as ring-like markings on chest radiograph. Scattered
irregular opacities, atelectasis, and focal consolidation
may also be present. High-resolution CT scan (HRCT) is
the diagnostic study of choice in bronchiectasis (Fig. 7.1).

Fig. 7.1: HRCT in bronchiectasis

8 Pneumonia

1. How do you classify pneumonia?

Pneumonia is defined as a potentially fatal infection
and inflammation of the lower respiratory tract (i.e.
bronchioles and alveoli). It is usually caused by inhaled
bacteria. Based on the anatomical part of the lung
parenchyma involved, pneumonia is traditionally
classified into the following three types (Fig. 8.1):
a. Lobar pneumonia: Occurs due to acute bacterial
infection of part of a lobe or complete lobe. Whole
lobe is often affected as the inflammation spreads
through the pores of Khon and Lambert channels.
b. Bronchopneumonia: Acute bacterial infection of
the terminal bronchioles characterized by purulent
exudates which extends into surrounding alveoli
through endobronchial route resulting in patchy
consolidation. It is usually seen in extremes of age
and also in association with chronic debilitating
c. Interstitial pneumonia: Patchy inflammatory
changes, caused by viral or mycoplasma infection,
mostly confined to the interstitial tissue of the lung
without alveolar exudates. It is characterized by
alveolar septal edema and mononuclear infiltrates.
126 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Fig. 8.1: Types of pneumonia

Clinically, it is ideal to classify pneumonia according

to the setting in which it occurs. This helps the treating
physician to give the appropriate empirical antimicrobial
therapy. Accordingly pneumonia may be classified as
community acquired pneumonia or CAP (typical and
atypical CAP), nosocomial pneumonia, aspiration
pneumonia, pneumonia in immune-compromised host
and necrotizing pneumonia.
2. What is community-acquired pneumonia or CAP?
Community-acquired pneumonia or CAP is defined
as “an acute infection of the pulmonary parenchyma
that is associated with at least some symptoms of acute
infection, accompanied by the presence of an acute
infiltrate on a chest radiograph or auscultatory findings
consistent with pneumonia, in a patient not hospitalized
for more than 14 days before the onset of symptoms.”
Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common etiologic
agent of CAP.
Pneumonia 127
3. What is hospital-acquired pneumonia or HAP?
Hospital acquired pneumonia or HAP is defined as
pneumonia that occurs 48 hours or more after admission
to a hospital or health care facility. HAP is usually caused
by bacteria. About 60% of the cases of nosocomial
pneumonia are caused by aerobic gram-negative
bacilli like Pseudomonas, 20% by Staphylococcus aureus
(including MRSA), 10% by Staphylococcus pneumoniae
and the rest by anaerobes.
4. What is CURB–65 score?
Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is usually
spread by droplet infection and most of the cases occur
in previously healthy individuals. CURB–65 score is
a severity assessment scale used to determine the
management protocol of CAP. It includes the following
parameters (Fig. 8.2).

Fig. 8.2: CURB score calculation

A patient with a score of 3 or more is considered

as having severe pneumonia and has to be managed
in a hospital. He should be immediately started on
empirical antibiotic therapy. The preferred antibiotic
regimen is parentral ceftriaxone plus clarithromycin
(Ref: Washington Manual, 33rd edition).
128 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

5. What are the different pathological and clinical stages

seen in lobar pneumonia?
The classic clinical features of consolidation are seen in
lobar pneumonia. In lobar pneumonia, part of a lobe,
a whole lobe or more than one lobe (called massive
consolidation) may be involved. The various stages
are as follows. Initially there is the pathological stage
of congestion which lasts for about 2 days. The early
inflammatory response produces features like fever,
cough with expectoration, and indux crackles are audible
on auscultation during this stage (Fig. 8.3).

Fig. 8.3: Consolidated and airless lung in lobar pneumonia conducts

tubular bronchial breath sounds from nearby large bronchi directly to
the chest wall without filtration

During the next 6–8 days, the involved areas of the

lung go through the pathological stages of red and gray
hepatization. The diseased lung tissue is dry, airless
and solidified. So in addition to the earlier clinical
Pneumonia 129
features, tubular bronchial breath sounds are heard on
auscultation of the chest wall. Thus, the classic clinical
signs of “consolidation” are present during these stages.
In some cases, there is synpneumonic pleural effusion
associated with consolidation. In these patients, the
clinical signs of consolidation will be masked by those
of pleural effusion.
This is followed by the stage of resolution with redux
crackles, and this stage lasts for 1–4 weeks. In this era of
early antibiotic therapy, the stage of resolution usually
directly follows the stage of congestion, without going
through the stages of red and gray hepatization. Hence,
the classical clinical signs of consolidation may not be
present in many cases of pneumonia. Also, it should be
remembered that radiographic changes resolve slowly
and lag behind clinical recovery. It takes about 4 weeks
for the complete resolution of radiographic changes
(radiological clearance is faster for atypical pathogens).
6. What is meant by “consolidation” in pneumonia?
During the stage of congestion, inflammatory cells invade
the walls of the alveoli. The alveolar air spaces fill with
a protein-rich exudative fluid. This is associated with
significant hypoxemia because the thick inflammatory
exudate interferes with the diffusion of oxygen and
carbon dioxide. This alveolar exudate tends to solidify
and this process is known as “consolidation”.
7. What are the causes for nonresolving pneumonia?
Nonresolving pneumonia is defined as the persistence
of radiographic abnormalities for a period of more than
one month in a clinically improved host (Ref : UpToDate
Medicine). The important causes are the following (Box
130 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Box 8.1: Causes for nonresolving pneumonia

•  Inappropriate antibiotics
•  Resistant organisms
•  Immunosuppressed patient
•  Empyema formation
•  Bronchial obstruction due to any cause
•  Recurrent aspiration

A chest radiograph should be arranged after 6 weeks

for all patients with pneumonia who are at higher risk of
underlying malignancy (smokers, those aged >50 years)
to rule out the possibility of nonresolving pneumonia.
8. What are the features of “atypical” pneumonia?
“Atypical” pneumonia (interstitial pneumonia)
accounts for about 60% of cases of community-acquired
pneumonia. The common organisms responsible
for causing “atypical” pneumonia are Mycoplasma
pneumonia, viruses, Chlamydia Pneumonia, Legionella
pneumophila, Coxiella burnetti and Pneumocystis
jirovecii. The general features of atypical pneumonia
include the following (Box 8.2):

Box 8.2: Features of atypical pneumonia

•  Subacute onset of symptoms
•  Prominent constitutional symptoms like malaise, anorexia, etc.
•  Nonproductive cough and low to moderate grade fever
•  Lymphocytic inflammatory exudate mostly in the interstitium
(eosinophilic alveolar exudate only in pneumocystis jirovecii
•  Chest X-ray shows diffuse interstitial pattern

The current guidelines recommend a macrolide

antibiotic for the empirical treatment of atypical
pneumonia. The fungus Pneumocystis jirovecii is an
important pathogen that causes pneumonia in the
immunocompromised host.
Pneumonia 131
9. What are the important complications of pneumonia?
Prognosis in a case of pneumonia is generally good
in an otherwise healthy patient with uncomplicated
pneumonia. With appropriate treatment, most patients
improve markedly within 2 weeks. Potential serious
complications of pneumonia are multiple and include
the following (Box 8.3):

Box 8.3: Complications in pneumonia

•  Parapneumonic effusion (40% of patients)
•  Lung abscess and empyema
•  Retention of thick sputum causing lobar collapse
•  Pneumothorax: Staphylococcus aureus, Pneumocystis jirovecii
•  Ectopic abscess formation: Pneumocystis aureus
•  Immunological events, hemolytic anemia: Mycoplasma
•  Diarrhea, hyponatremia, encephalopathy: Legionella pneumophila
•  Hepatitis, pericarditis, myocarditis and meningoencephalitis
•  Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

10. What is the role of aspiration in the etiology of lung

Lung abscess is a circumscribed area (>1 cm in
diameter) of suppurative necrosis (pus) within the lung.
Suppuration leading to lung abscess can result from
primary, opportunistic or hematogenous lung infection.
Bad orodental hygiene and other favorable conditions
of aspiration like altered consciousness (due to alcohol,
coma, etc.) are the important causative factors.
About 90% of primary lung abscess are caused by
aspiration of oropharyngeal secretions. Aspiration
abscesses are more common on the right side. In the
supine position, the posterior segment of the right upper
lobe or the apical segment of the right or left lower lobes
are commonly involved. Lung abscess is usually caused
by bacteria, particularly anaerobic bacilli (30–50% of
132 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

cases), aerobic gram-positive cocci (25%) and aerobic

gram-negative bacilli (5–12%). Polymicrobial infections
are the most common type observed. Treatment include
drainage (physiotherapy, postural or bronchoscopic),
antibiotics for 4–6 weeks and surgical intervention, if
medical therapy fails.
11. What is Mendelson’s syndrome?
Aspiration of acidic gastric contents into the lungs can
give rise to a severe hemorrhagic type of pneumonia
which is often complicated by ARDS. This is referred
to as the Mendelson’s syndrome. This usually occurs
in patients recovering from general anesthesia, due to
poor gag reflex.
12. What is lipoid pneumonia?
Lipoid pneumonia is a chronic syndrome related to the
repeated aspiration of oily materials, e.g. mineral oil, cod
liver oil and oily nose drops. It usually occurs in elderly
patients with impaired swallowing. Patchy opacities in
dependent lung zones and lipid laden macrophages
in expectorated sputum are characteristics of this
13. Which are the clinical tools that help the clinician to
narrow the differential diagnosis in a case of
pneumonia occurring in an immunocompromised
Although almost any pathogen can cause pneumonia
in an immunocompromised host. However three
clinical tools help the clinician to narrow his differential
Knowledge of the underlying immunologic defect:
Specific immunologic defects are associated with
particular infections. Defects in humoral immunity
predispose to bacterial infections; defects in
Pneumonia 133
cellular immunity lead to infections with viruses,
fungi, mycobacteria, and protozoa. Neutropenia
and impaired granulocyte function predispose to
infections from Staphylococcus aureus, Aspergillus,
gram-negative bacilli and Candida.
The speed of onset of infection: A fulminant
pneumonia is often caused by bacterial infection,
whereas an insidious pneumonia is more likely to be
caused by viral, fungal, protozoal, or mycobacterial
infection. w
The time course of infection: Pneumonia occurring
within 2–4 weeks after organ transplantation is
usually bacterial, whereas pneumonia occurring
several months or more after transplantation is more
likely to be caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii, viruses
(e.g. cytomegalovirus), and fungi (e.g. Aspergillus).
14. Which are the situations were rigid bronchoscopy is
preferred over flexible bronchoscopy?
Rigid bronchoscopy is more advantageous in certain
situations like evaluating massive hemoptysis and in
removing foreign bodies. Endobronchial laser therapy
and endobronchial stenting may be more easily
performed with rigid bronchoscopy. Rigid bronchoscopy
should be done only under general anesthesia.
Diseases of the Airways
9 and Lung Vasculature

1. What are the differentiating points between the two

patterns of disease in advanced COPD?
Two classical phenotypes have been described among
those suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD), i.e. ‘pink puffers’ and ‘blue bloaters’. The
former are typically thin and breathless, and maintain a
normal PaCO2 until the late stage of disease. The latter
develop hypercapnia earlier and may develop edema
and secondary polycythemia. In practice, these two
phenotypes often overlap (Table 9.1).
Table 9.1: Difference between pink puffer and blue bloater
Type A: Pink puffer Type B: Blue bloater
(Emphysema predominant) (Bronchitis predominant)
History •  Major complaint is •  Main complaint is
dyspnea, often severe, always chronic cough,
usually presenting productive of muco-
after age 50 purulent sputum, with
frequent exacerbations
due to chest infections
•  Often presents in late
•  Cough is rare, with thirties
only scant clear, •  Dyspnea usually mild,
mucoid sputum though patients may
note limitations to
exercise capacity

Diseases of the Airways and Lung Vasculature 135

Physical •  Patients are thin, with •  Patients frequently

signs recent weight loss overweight and
common cyanotic
•  They appear •   Comfortable at rest
with evident use of
accessory muscles of
respiration •  Chest is noisy, with
•  Chest is very polyphonic wheezes
quiet without any
adventitious sound •  Peripheral edema is
•   No peripheral edema common
Laboratory •  Hemoglobin usually •  Hemoglobin usually
studies normal (12–15 g/dL) elevated (15–18 g/dL)
•  PaO2 normal to slightly •  Pao2 reduced (45–60
reduced (65–75 mm Hg) mm Hg)
•  Paco2 normal to slightly •  Paco2 slightly to
reduced (35–40 mm Hg) markedly elevated
(50–60 mm Hg)
•  Chest radiograph shows •  Chest radiograph usu-
hyperinflation with ally shows increase in
flattened diaphragms. interstitial markings
Vascular markings are (”dirty lungs”), especial-
diminished, particularly ly at bases. Diaphragms
at the apices are not flattened
Pulmonary •  Total lung capacity •  Total lung capacity
function increased generally normal
test •  Diffusion capacity of •  Diffusion capacity of
CO is reduced CO is normal
•  Static lung compliance •  Static lung compliance
increased normal
136 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

2. What is the role of steroids in the management of

Long-term use of inhaled steroids is recommended in the
management of COPD in the following group of patients:
In patients who experience two or more episodes of
exacerbations per year. Exacerbations are defined
as episodes of increased dyspnea and cough with
change in the amount and character of sputum.
In patients who demonstrate a significant amount
of acute reversibility in response to inhaled
anticholinergic or beta agonist bronchodilators.
The long-term use of oral steroids for the treatment of
COPD is not recommended. Short course (i.e. 2 weeks) of
oral steroids (30–40 mg of prednisolone) is recommended
for the management of acute exacerbations of COPD.
Their use has been proven to reduce the length of
hospital stay, hasten recovery and reduce the chance
of subsequent exacerbation or relapse. All forms of
glucocorticosteroid therapy, even if inhaled or applied
topically, can suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary-
adrenal (HPA) axis. This is likely to result in a crisis due
to adrenal insufficiency on withdrawal of the steroid in
the following circumstances (Ref: Davidson’s Principles
and Practice of Medicine, 20th edition).
If steroids have been administered for longer than
3 weeks
If the dose is higher than the equivalent of 40 mg
prednisolone per day
5 mg prednisolone = 4 mg methylprednisolone = 20 mg
hydrocortisone = 0.75 mg dexa/betamethasone
In these circumstances, the steroid drug, when it is
no longer required for the underlying condition, must be
withdrawn very slowly at a rate dictated by the duration
Diseases of the Airways and Lung Vasculature 137
of treatment. If the steroid therapy had been a prolonged
one, then it may take many months for the HPA axis to
3. What are the causes for refractory asthma?
Inspite of maximal therapy, there is difficulty in
controlling asthmatic symptoms in about 5% of patients.
The common causes for refractory asthma are the
following (Box 9.1):
Box 9.1: Causes for refractory asthma
•  Noncompliance with medication
•  Exposure to high levels of allergens or unidentified occupa-
tional agents
•  Associated severe rhinosinusitis or gastroesophageal reflux
disease (GERD)
•  Chronic infection with Mycoplasma or Chlamydia
•  Concomitant use of drugs like beta-blockers, aspirin, etc.
•  Associated diseases like hyper- or hypothyroidism

4. What is intrinsic asthma?

Although majority of patients with asthma have atopy, in
a proportion of patients with asthma there is no evidence
of atopy or allergy. These patients have normal total and
specific IgE levels. Skin tests are also negative. This type
of nonatopic asthma is referred to as intrinsic asthma.
This so called “intrinsic” asthma usually comes on
later in life. It tends to be more severe than allergic
asthma. The pathophysiology is very similar to that of
allergic asthma and there is increasing evidence for
local IgE production, possibly directed at bacterial or
viral antigens.
5. What are the important clinical differentiating
features between asthma and COPD?
Slowly progressive respiratory symptoms in a middle-
aged or elderly smoker are likely to indicate COPD.
138 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

However, such patients may also have asthma. Patients

whose symptoms started before the age of 35 years
are more likely to be asthmatic, particularly if they are
nonsmokers with symptoms that vary in severity. The
important clinical features that differentiate COPD from
asthma are the following (Table 9.2):

Table 9.2: Features between COPD and asthma

Feature COPD Asthma
Smoking Usually present Not necessarily
Age of onset of symptoms More than 35 Less than 35
years years
Chronic productive cough Common Uncommon
Breathlessness Persistent and Variable
Night time waking up with Uncommon Common
Significant diurnal/ Uncommon Common
day-to-day variability of

6. What is the role of LTOT in the management of COPD?

GOLD stage 4 COPD patients (i.e. FEV 1/FVC <70%
or FEV1 <30% predicted) with very severe disease are
benefitted by long-term domiciliary oxygen therapy or
LTOT. LTOT has been shown to improve survival, prevent
progression of pulmonary hypertension, decrease the
incidence of secondary polycythemia and improve
neuropsychological health. These patients should
be instructed to use oxygen (2–4 liters/minute) for a
minimum of 15 hours/day. The aim of the therapy is to
increase the PaO2 to at least 60 mm Hg.
Diseases of the Airways and Lung Vasculature 139
7. What are the indications of noninvasive positive
pressure ventilation or NIPPV in COPD?
An exacerbation of COPD is an event in the natural
course of COPD characterized by an acute change in
the patient’s baseline dyspnea, cough and/or sputum
production beyond the routine day-to-day variability
that warrants a change in management strategy. Despite
optimal pharmacologic management, severe cases of
exacerbation of COPD necessitates ventilatory support,
when the patient is unable to maintain his breathing
function on his own. NIPPV is an option for patients
who have respiratory failure and can no longer breathe
on their own. The indications for NIPPV include the
following (Box 9.2):
Box 9.2: Indications for NIPPV or NIV
•  Severe hypercapnia (PaCO2 >50 mm of Hg)
•  Severe respiratory acidosis (pH < 7.35)
•  Persistence of breathlessness even after optimal medical

NIPPV provides ventilatory support to a patient

through the upper airways. It enhances the breathing
process by giving the patient a mixture of air and
oxygen from a flow generator through a tightly fitted
facial or nasal mask. It is also known as just noninvasive
ventilation or NIV. NIV cannot be offered to very drowsy
or non-cooperative patients. In such cases invasive
mechanical ventilation may be required to support the
8. What do you know about the GOLD classification of
Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
or GOLD guidelines have classified COPD into four
140 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

stages depending upon the spirometric evaluation of

the severity of airflow limitation. Spirometry should
be performed after the administration of an adequate
dose of a short acting inhaled bronchodilator in order
to minimize variability. The GOLD classification is as
follows (Fig. 9.1):
GOLD 1: Mild disease FEV1 >= 80% predicted
GOLD 2: Moderate disease FEV1 <80% predicted
GOLD 3: Severe disease FEV1 <50% predicted
GOLD 4: Very severe disease FEV1 <30% predicted

Fig. 9.1: GOLD classification of COPD (in patients with FEV1/FVC <0.7)
9. What is cor pulmonale?
The term cor pulmonale refers to the altered structure
(hypertrophy/dilatation) and/or impaired function of the
right ventricle that results from pulmonary hypertension
that is associated with diseases of the lung, pulmonary
vasculature, upper airway or chest wall. Cor pulmonale
may be acute (e.g. in pulmonary thromboembolism);
or chronic (e.g. severe COPD, obstructive sleep apnea,
kyphoscoliosis, etc.). The different pathophysiological
mechanisms that can lead to cor pulmonale are the
following (Box 9.3):
Diseases of the Airways and Lung Vasculature 141
Box 9.3: Pathophysiological mechanisms of cor pulmonale
•  Pulmonary vasoconstriction (secondary to alveolar hypoxia)
•  Anatomic reduction of pulmonary vascular bed (emphysema,
emboli, etc.)
•  Increased blood viscosity (polycythemia, sickle-cell disease,
•  Increased pulmonary blood flow (left-to-right shunts)

10. What is hepatopulmonary syndrome?

Hepatopulmonary syndrome is defined as a clinical
disorder associated with advanced liver disease,
pulmonary vascular dilatation and a defect in the
oxygenation of blood, in the absence of detectable primary
cardiopulmonary disease. The pulmonary vascular
dilatations are caused by increased estrogen levels in
the blood of patients with chronic liver disease (due to
inability of the diseased liver to detoxify estrogen (Box 9.4)).
Box 9.4: Features of hepatopulmonary syndrome
•  Advanced chronic liver disease
•  Absence of primary cardiopulmonary disease
•  Intrapulmonary vascular dilatation
•  Intrapulmonary arteriovenous shunting
•  Arterial hypoxemia

These vascular dilatations occur predominantly in

the bases of the lung, and are sites of intrapulmonary
arteriovenous shunting. Therefore, when the patient
is sitting up, blood pools at the bases of the lung with
resultant increased intrapulmonary arteriovenous
shunting. This worsens the hypoxia and produces
platypnea (shortness of breath relieved by lying down)
and orthodeoxia (fall in the arterial PO2 in the upright
position). This hypoxia is responsible for the cyanosis
and clubbing that occur in certain cases of chronic
liver disease. Progressive and severe hypoxemia is an
142 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

indication for liver transplantation and this is currently

the only effective treatment for this condition.
11. How does spirometry help to categorize between
obstructive and restrictive ventilatory patterns?
Spirometry measures the rate at which the lung changes
its volume during forced breathing maneuvers. The most
important spirometric values that help to differentiate
between obstructive and restrictive respiratory diseases
are the FVC and FEV1. The absolute FEV1/FVC ratio
distinguishes obstructive from restrictive spirometry
patterns (Fig. 9.2).
FVC: Forced vital capacity, i.e. the total volume of air
that can be exhaled after maximal inhalation during
a forced expiratory effort.
FEV1: Forced expiratory volume in one second, i.e.
the volume of air exhaled forcefully in the first second
after a maximal inhalation.

Fig. 9.2: Spirometry tracing

Diseases of the Airways and Lung Vasculature 143
In restrictive lung diseases (lung fibrosis,
neuromuscular problems, etc.), FVC is drastically
decreased but FEV1 is either normal or only slightly
decreased. So the FEV1/FVC ratio is more than 0.7. In
obstructive lung diseases (COPD, asthma, etc.), FVC is
normal or only slightly decreased but FEV1 is drastically
reduced. So, the FEV1/FVC ratio is less than 0.7. Asthma
may show the same abnormalities on spirometry as
COPD. So, if there is diagnostic doubt, bronchodilator
reversibility testing may be done to identify asthma.
12. What is the significance of multifocal atrial
Multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT) is a cardiac
arrhythmia caused by multiple sites of competing atrial
activity. MAT most often is found in the elderly patient
with decompensated chronic lung disease. It is thought
of as a complication of underlying cardiac conduction
pathology due to hypoxia. However, other underlying
causes, such as heart failure, sepsis or methylxanthine
toxicity may also be present (Fig. 9.3).

Fig. 9.3: Electrocardiography showing MAT

MAT is characterized by an irregular atrial rate greater

than 100 beats per minute with atleast 3 morphologically
distinct P waves, varying P-P and R-R intervals and an
isoelectric baseline between the P waves. Treatment
or reversal of the precipitating cause may be all that is
required for patients with MAT.
144 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

13. What are the typical electrocardiographic changes

observed in a patient with COPD?
The typical ECG changes seen in a patient with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease include the following
(Fig. 9.4):
Prominent tall P waves (more than 2.5 mm tall) in
leads II, III and aVF, called as the P—pulmonale
Rightward shift of the QRS axis in the frontal plane
Poor progression of the R wave in the precordial leads
Low voltage of the QRS complexes, especially in the
left precordial leads
The ‘lead I sign’

Fig. 9.4: Electrocardiographic changes in COPD

In patients with COPD and cor pulmonale, poor ‘r’

wave progression and the loss of R waves in right sided
and mid precordial leads may sometimes mimic anterior
wall myocardial infarction. Sometimes abnormal Q
waves may appear in the inferior leads to suggest an
inferior wall myocardial infarction. These ecg changes
are usually secondary to the vertical displacement of
the heart due to the low lying flattened diaphragms
and the intervention of hyperinflated lungs. If the ecg
recordings are taken one intercostal space lower, then
the morphology of the QRS forces can be partially
Diseases of the Airways and Lung Vasculature 145
14. What is the lead 1 sign?
In patients with COPD, the frontal plane P wave, QRS
complex and T wave axis are all sometimes directed at
around + 90 degrees. These three vectors are therefore
directed either precisely or almost perpendicular to the
standard lead I axis (Fig. 9.5).

Fig. 9.5: ecg showing lead I sign

As a result of this, lead I shows either absent or very

low amplitude P wave, QRS complex and T wave. This
gives the appearance of a minimally disturbed baseline
or an almost flat tracing in the ecg recording. This ECG
phenomenon is known as the “lead I sign”.
10 Radiology

1. What are the parameters that define a technically

adequate chest chest X-ray?
X-rays are short wavelengths of electromagnetic
radiation that penetrate matter. A radiograph is created
when X-rays penetrate an object and produce an image
on photographic film. The technical quality of any film
must be evaluated before beginning its interpretation.
Evaluation of the following five technical parameters
will help to determine the technical adequacy of a chest
radiograph (Table 10.1).

Table 10.1: Five technically adequate parameters

of chest X-ray
Factor Characteristic of a technically adequate
frontal chest X-ray
Thoracic spine should only be faintly seen
through the heart shadow in an adequately
penetrated film
1. Penetration
Too much black (i.e. overpenetrated) or too
much white (i.e. underpenetrated) films may
hide lesions
Should see at least 5–7 anterior ribs or 8–9
2. Degree of
posterior ribs above the midpoint of the

Radiology 147

The medial ends of the clavicles should be equi-

3. Rotation distant from the spinous process of the thoracic
vertebral body in between the two clavicles
In a PA chest radiograph (i.e. one obtained
by the posteroanterior projection), the heart
being an anterior structure, is closer to the
imaging surface, and thus, is truer to its
4. Projection actual size
In an AP chest radiograph (i.e. one obtained
by anteroposterior projection), the heart
is farther from the imaging surface, and is
therefore, slightly magnified
The clavicle should have an ‘S’ shape and
5. Angulation it should superimpose on the 3rd or 4th
posterior ribs

2. What are the pitfalls of interpreting a technically

inadequate chest X-ray?
The common pitfalls of interpreting a chest X–ray that is
technically inadequate include the following (Box 10.1):
Box 10.1: Pitfalls in chest X-ray interpretation
•  The left hemidiaphragm may not be visible on an underpen-
etrated film because the left lung base may appear opaque
•  The pulmonary markings may appear more prominent than
they really are on an underpenetrated film
•  The pulmonary markings may seem decreased or absent on a
too dark or overpenetrated film
•  A poor inspiratory effort will compress and crowd the lung
markings, especially at the lung bases.
•  A poor inspiratory effort will falsely magnify the heart

148 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

•  The hilum may appear large on a rotated film
•  The hemidiaphragm may appear higher on a rotated film
•  Will cause asymmetric density of lungs (i.e. one side will be
•  The heart will appear slightly larger on a film taken by
anteroposterior or AP projection (portable bedside chest
X-rays are always AP)
•  Angling the X-ray beam towards the patient’s head (i.e.
angulation) produces the so called apical lordotic view of the
chest. This causes the clavicles to lose their normal ‘S’ shape
and they appear straightened
•  The heart may have an abnormal shape which may some
times mimic cardiomegaly

The problem of angulation occurs in hospitalized

patients who may not be able to sit completely upright
in bed. This causes the X-ray beam to enter the thoracic
region with the patient’s head and chest tilted backward.
This has the effect of angling the X-ray beam towards the
patient’s head.
3. How will you differentiate between anterior and
posterior ribs on a frontal chest X-ray?
When interpreting a chest X-ray, it is important to identify
the anterior and posterior ribs correctly. The following
points will help in this process (Box 10.2 and Fig. 10.1).
Box 10.2: Comparison between anterior and posterior ribs
Posterior ribs
•  Are immediately more apparent to the eye
•  Are oriented more or less horizontally
•  Each pair of posterior ribs attaches to a thoracic vertebral
Radiology 149
Anterior ribs
•  Are visible, but are more difficult to see
•  Are oriented downwards towards the feet
•  Attach to the sternum or to each other with cartilage that is
usually not visible until later in life when the cartilage may

Fig. 10.1: Anterior versus posterior rib

4. How will you systematically read a PA chest X-ray?

Systematic analysis of a technically adequate chest X-ray
is very important to diagnose subtle anomalies. A simple
method to systematically analyse a posteroanterior chest
X-ray without missing any abnormality is to follow the
“A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I” order as follows (Table 10.2):
150 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Table 10.2: Systematic analysis of chest X-ray

Airway •  Is the airway patent and situated in the
Bones •  Look for fractures, lesions, defects, osteo-
penia, lytic or blastic areas, erosions, lucent
or sclerotic lesions
Cardiac Silhouette •  Calculate the cardiothoracic ratio (CTR)
to rule out cardiomegaly
•  1/3 of heart should be to the right of
•  2/3 of heart should be to the left of
Diaphragm •  The right hemidiaphragm is normally
higher than the left (the left hemi-
diaphragm is pushed down by the heart)
•  Flattened diaphragm—emphysema
•  Raised diaphragm—diaphragmatic
paralysis, liver abscess, etc.
•  Gas under the diaphragm—intestinal
•  Chilaiditi’s sign—due to interposition of
the large bowel between the liver and
the right hemidiaphragm
Edge of the heart •  Radiopacity obscuring the heart’s
border—the Silhouette sign
•  Straightening of the left heart border—
left atrial enlargement
•  Double density on the right heart
border—left atrial enlargement
Fields of the lung •  Look for symmetry, penetration,
vascularity, masses, fluid, nodules,
infiltrations, bronchial cuffing, etc.
Gastric bubble •  Is the gastric air bubble obscured or
absent or on the right side?

Radiology 151
Hilum of the lung •  The left hilum is normally higher than
the right hilum
•  Look for nodes or masses in the hila of
both lungs
Instrumentation •  Look for any tubes, IV lines, ECG leads,
surgical drains, prosthesis or other devices

5. What is the difference between PA and AP chest X-ray?

In a PA chest X-ray, the X-ray beam is fired from behind
the patient and the X-ray film is placed in front of the
patient. In an AP chest X-ray, the X-ray machine firing
the X-ray beam is in front of the patient and the X-ray
film at the back. The standard chest X-ray is PA view,
but many emergency X-rays are AP. This is because AP
view can be taken more easily with the patient in bed.
The usual indication for an AP view film is a severely ill
patient who is confined to bed (Fig. 10.2).

Fig. 10.2: Standard posteroanterior or PA projection

152 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

In a chest X-ray obtained by AP projection, the

scapulae and the lung fields overlap. But in a PA
projection (i.e. PA view) the scapulae stays clear of the
lung fields (Fig. 10.3).

Fig. 10.3: AP versus PA view

In an AP projection, the heart is farther away from

the X-ray film in the imaging cassette. Hence, there is
greater magnification of the heart on the AP film. This is
called as pseudocardiomegaly. Another common cause
for pseudocardiomegaly is an expiratory chest X-ray.
6. How will you calculate cardiothoracic ratio on the
chest X-ray?
The cardiothoracic ratio (CTR) on the PA chest X-ray
gives an idea about the size of the heart. It is obtained
by dividing the maximum transverse cardiac silhouette
by the maximum internal thoracic diameter as shown
in Figure 10.4.
Radiology 153

Fig. 10.4: Calculation of cardiothoracic ratio

Cardiothoracic ratio =
X = Maximum distance from the center of spine to the
right border of heart
Y = Maximum distance from the center of spine to the
left border of heart
Z=M  aximum internal thoracic diameter
In people with normal sized heart, the cardiothoracic
ratio is usually less than 50%. In those with cardiomegaly,
the cardiothoracic ratio is more than 50%. A heart may
have higher (i.e. more than 50%) cardiothoracic ratio
and still be a normal heart. This can occur if there is an
extracardiac cause of cardiac enlargement. Extracardiac
154 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

causes producing cardiomegaly on the chest X-ray

include the following:
Inability to take a deep breath because of obesity,
pregnancy or ascites
Abnormalities of the chestwall that compresses the
heart such as the pectus excavatum deformity or
straight back syndrome.
7. What are the various types of lung field shadows on
the chest X-ray?
Most of the diseases have a specific radiological pattern
and recognition of this pattern on the chest X-ray is an
important diagnostic clue. Lung field shadows are of the
following important types.
Nodular shadows—in military tuberculosis,
metastasis, adenoma etc.
Reticular shadows (network of fine lines)—in fibrosis
Reticulonodular shadows—in interstitial lung disease
Alveolar shadows—in pneumonia, left ventricular
failure, ARDS, etc.
Ring shadows—in cavitating lesions, bronchiectasis,
Linear shadows—Kerley’s B lines in early pulmonary
edema (due to prominent interlobular lymphatics).
8. What are the things that should be carefully looked
for in an apparently normal chest X-ray?
In an apparently normal looking chest x-ray, one should
carefully look for the following findings which are
otherwise usually overlooked (Fig. 10.5):
Small apical pneumothorax
Cervical rib
Rib pathology like fracture, notching or metastatic
Air under the diaphragm (in perforated viscus)
Double left heart border (in left lower lobe collapse)
Radiology 155
Paravertebral abscess (in tuberculosis of the spine)
Foreign body in the trachea
Double density on right heart border (in left atrial

Fig. 10.5: X-ray in intestinal perforation

9. What are the features of hyperinflation on the chest
Hyperinflation is a feature seen in obstructive airway
diseases like COPD, and it has the following features
(Fig. 10.6):
Only up to the anterior end of the 6th rib or upto
the posterior 10th rib should be visible above the
diaphragm. If more ribs are visible, then there is
Tubular heart (due to the overexpansion of the rib
Flat hemidiaphragms
Large central pulmonary arteries
Decreased peripheral vascular markings
Bullae may be present (may mimic pneumothorax)
156 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Fig. 10.6: X-ray showing hyperinflation

10. What is the role of chest X-ray in pleural effusion?

The pleural fluid first accumulates in the most dependent
portion of the thoracic cavity which is the posterior
costophrenic sulcus or angle. Therefore, the earliest
radiological sign of a pleural effusion is the blunting of
the posterior costophrenic angle on the lateral chest
radiograph (Fig. 10.7). In a standard upright chest X-ray,
it takes only about 75 mL of fluid to blunt the posterior
costophrenic angle on the lateral view film. However,
250–300 mL of fluid is required to blunt the lateral
costophrenic angles on a frontal (PA or AP) film (Ref:
The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 33rd
Radiology 157

Fig. 10.7: Lateral view chest X-ray in pleural effusion

Chest X-ray lateral decubitus view demonstrates

fluidity and can demonstrate as little as 25–50 mL of
pleural fluid (Ref: Fishman’s Pulmonary Diseases 4th
edition, Pg 457). USG is more sensitive in diagnosing
minimal effusion and subpulmonic effusion.
11. What is the most important sign of consolidation on
the chest X-ray?
The air bronchogram sign is the most definite sign of
consolidation of lung tissue. This sign may be seen in
atelectasis also. Air bronchogram sign is the radiographic
shadow of an air-filled bronchus (i.e. a radiolucent area)
running through an airless area of lung (i.e. an opacified
On a normal radiograph, the bronchi are not normally
visible unless seen end on. In consolidation, the air in
the alveoli is replaced with inflammatory exudates which
later on solidify. So, these alveolar areas may be seen as
an opacified area. The air-filled bronchi passing through
the same opacified area may be visible as branching
linear lucencies, or air bronchograms.
158 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

12. What is “silhouette” sign?

“Silhouette” sign is an important radiological sign. There
are actually four radiographic densities. They are (1) air,
(2) fat, (3) bone and (4) water/soft tissue. A clear border
is seen radiologically only at the interface of two different
densities as in the case of the border between heart (i.e.
water) and lung (i.e. air). This ‘silhouette’ is lost if air in
the lung is replaced by consolidated or collapsed airless
solidified lung tissue. This is the “silhouette” sign and it
helps in localizing middle lobe pathologies like middle
lobe consolidation or collapse (Fig. 10.8).

Fig. 10.8: Positive silhouette sign

13. What is hilum overlay sign?

Hilum overlay sign helps to differentiate an enlarged
pulmonary artery from a mediastinal mass in the hilar
region overlying the large central pulmonary vessels. The
demonstration of pulmonary vessels converging medial
to the apparent lateral margin of the “mass” indicates that
it is not the artery that is enlarged. The converse (i.e. the
hilum convergence sign), suggest that, when pulmonary
vessels converge to the lateral margin of an apparent hilar
“mass” like shadow, then the “mass” that is enlarged is
the pulmonary artery itself.
Radiology 159
14. What is the importance of measuring the right
descending pulmonary artery on a chest X-ray?
The right descending pulmonary artery or RDPA is visible
on all chest X-rays as a large descending vessel just to
the right of the right heart border. Its diameter can be
measured at about the level of the indentation between
the ascending aorta and the right atrium. In normal
people, the RDPA is less than 17 mm in diameter. In
pulmonary venous or arterial hypertension, the RDPA
is usually greater than 17 mm in diameter.
15 . What do the terms “cephalization” and “pruning”
mean with respect to pulmonary hypertension?
Cephalization is the term used to denote that the upper
lobe blood vessels are equal to or greater than the size of
the lower lobe blood vessels. Cephalization is a feature
of pulmonary venous hypertension.
Pruning means that there is a rapid decrease in the
size of the peripheral blood vessels relative to the central
vessels from which they come. Pruning is a feature of
pulmonary arterial hypertension.
16. What are the characteristics of a benign solitary
pulmonary nodule?
A solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN/coin lesion) is a less
than 3 cm size rounded opacity on the chest radiograph.
It is outlined by normal lung parenchyma and is not
associated with other infiltrates, atelectasis or adenopathy.
Most are asymptomatic but the finding is important
because it carries a significant risk of malignancy.
Common causes for SPN include carcinoma of the
lung (15–50%), fungal infections, tuberculosis, uncalcified
granulomas, resolving pneumonia, hamartoma and
metastatic lesions. The following are the important
features that help to differentiate a benign SPN from a
malignant SPN (Table 10.3).
160 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Table 10.3: Differentiation between benign SPN and malignant SPN

Clinical parameter Benign SPN Malignant SPN
Age Less than 30 years More than 30 years
Smoking No Yes
Nodule size Less than 2 cms More than 2 cms
Nodule age or More than 2 years Less than 2 years
Nodule doubling Less than 30 days Usually 30 to 365
time in infective benign days
More than 365 days
in other benign
Nodule margins Smooth Irregular
Presence of Yes (central or Rare
calcification laminated)

17. What are the features that help to differentiate

pulmonary edema due to ARDS from hydrostatic
pulmonary edema on a chest X-ray?
Hydrostatic pulmonary edema is usually caused by
cardiac failure or fluid overload states. ALI (acute lung
injury) and ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome)
usually produces non-hydrostatic permeability edema.
The American European Consensus Conference (AECC)
has defined both ALI and ARDS. ALI requires all four of
the following features in patients who have a risk factor
for ARDS (like septicemia) and no history of chronic
lung disease.
Acute onset
Bilateral lung infiltrates
No evidence of elevated left atrial pressure (the
pulmonary capillary wedge pressure is ≤18 mm Hg)
Radiology 161
A ratio of arterial oxygen tension to fraction of
inspired oxygen (i.e. PaO2/FiO2) of 201 to 300 mm Hg.
Definition of ARDS is the same, except that the PaO2/
FiO2 ratio is ≤ 200 mm Hg. The radiological features that
help to differentiate between the two types of pulmonary
edema are the following (Table 10.4):
Table 10.4: Differences between hydrostatic
and permeability edema
Hydrostatic edema Permeability edema
(cardiac failure) (ALI, ARDS)
Symmetric and diffuse opacity Asymmetric and patchy opacity
Perihilar distribution Peripheral distribution
Kerley B lines present Usually absent
Vascular redistribution present Usually absent
Cardiomegaly present Usually absent
Pleural effusion may be present Usually absent

18. How will you distinguish between a giant bullae and

pneumothorax on a plain radiograph of the chest?
Giant bullae may simulate the radiographic appearance
of pneumothorax. On plain chest radiographs, the char-
acteristics of the visceral pleural line help to differentiate
a giant, thin-walled bulla from a pneumothorax.
The presence of a pneumothorax is established by
demonstrating a white visceral pleural line on the chest
radiograph. The visceral pleural line defines the interface
of the lung and pleural air. In general, the pleural line as-
sociated with a large bulla is usually concave (i.e. open
angle) relative to the lateral chest wall, whereas the pleural
line associated with a pneumothorax is either convex (i.e.
narrow angle) or straight relative to the lateral chest wall.
However, the two conditions are more easily differenti-
ated by computed tomography of the chest (Fig. 10.9).
162 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Fig. 10.9: Visceral pleural line in pneumothorax

19. What is vanishing lung syndrome?

Vanishing lung syndrome is a radiological syndrome in
which the lungs appear to be disappearing on the chest
X-ray. The syndrome is characterized by a progressive
decrease in the radiographic opacity of the lung. Causes
of vanishing lung syndrome include the accelerated
progression of  emphysema  destroying the lung or the
rapid cystic destruction of the lung by infection.

Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table.

A Antituberculosis treatment 109

Abscess Arteries, bronchial 8
metastatic 121 Arteriovenous shunting,
paravertebral 155 intrapulmonary 141
subdiaphragmatic 67 Arthritis 37
Acid-fast bacilli 115 Asbestosis 98, 100
Adenomas 7 Ascites 80
Adson’s test 62 Aspergilloma 6, 7
Adventitious sounds 84t Aspergillus 133
Airflow limitation, severe 15 clavatus 103
Airway 150 fumigatus 123
obstruction, acute 3 Aspiration 117
Allergic bronchopulmonary recurrent 130
aspergillosis 121-123 role of 131
mycoses 102 Asterixis 30
Alveolar exudate, eosinophilic 130 causes of 30
Amebiasis, pulmonary 9 Asthma 10, 60, 86, 123, 137, 138t
American College of Chest bronchial 4, 15, 16, 16t
Physicians 84 cardiac 15, 16
American European Consensus cough variant 14
Conference 160 intrinsic 137
American Thoracic Society occupational 15
Committee 85 refractory 137
Amphoric bronchial breath Atelectasis 50, 116
sound 83 recurrent 121
Amyloidosis, secondary 121 Atenolol 35
Anemia, hemolytic 131 Atrial tachycardia, multifocal 143
Anorexia 130 Axillary lymph nodes 33
Antibiotics 130 Azoospermia, obstructive 121
164 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Barrel-shaped chest 44f, 45 Calcareous masses,
peculiarity of 44 dislodgement of 8
Berylliosis 100, 118 Campbell’s sign 47
Biot’s respiration 39 Cancer, colon 56
Blood Cannon-ball lesions 56
flow, pulmonary 141 Capillary permeability 68
gas analysis, arterial 25 Caplan’s syndrome 101
pressure 31 Captopril 35
Carbamazepine 35
vessels 8
Carbon dioxide narcosis 30
walls of 8
Carcinomas 7
viscosity 141 Cardiopulmonary disease,
Body cavity 74 primary 141
Bones 150 Cardiothoracic ratio,
Bornholm disease 1 calculation of 153f
Breast cancer 56 Carpopedal spasm 41
Breath sound 54f, 79, 79f, 92 Catamenial pneumothorax 75
bronchial 55f, 81, 81f, 81t Cavernous bronchial breath
Breathing sound 83
peculiarities of 99 Cavitary lung disease 7
types of 46 Cavitation, pulmonary 116
Brock’s syndrome 117, 121 Cellophane crackles 89
Bronchial Centriacinar emphysema 14
asthma, severe 32 Cephalosporins 35
breath sounds, types of 82 Cerebrospinal fluid 113
Bronchiectasis 5, 7, 117, 119- Chest
121, 124, 124f auscultation of 79
drain 73
complications of 121
pain 54, 80
cystic 95
pleuritic 1
infective exacerbations of 123 percussion 59, 60f
Bronchitis, chronic 3, 4, 9, 122 tube insertion 73
Bronchodilators 16 wall 54f
Broncholithiasis 117 pain 1
Bronchopneumonia 125 palpation of 43
Bronchorrhea 54 tumor infiltration of 18
Bronchoscopy 133 X-ray 130, 146t, 155
Bruton agammaglobulinemia 121 interpretation 147
Bucket handle movement 45 systematic analysis of 150t
Index 165
Cheyne-Stokes respiration 39 Cyanosis 14, 25, 28, 29f
Chlamydia pneumoniae 130 central 26, 26t, 89
Choriocarcinoma 56 peripheral 26, 26t, 27f
Churg-Strauss syndrome 101, Cystic fibrosis, complications
102, 118 of 123
Chvostek’s sign 41 Cysts
Ciliary dyskinesia, primary 120 congenital 95
Circulatory collapse syndrome 11 traumatic 95
Cirrhosis 68 Cytomegalovirus 133
biliary 25
Clubbing 20, 89 D
causes of 24, 25 D’Espine’s sign 82
mechanism of 20 Dialysis dementia 30
Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis Diaphragm 150
98, 100 Diaphragmatic tumors,
Cobb’s angle 45, 46f neurogenic 25
Collagen vascular disease 98 Directly observed treatment,
Collar stud abscesses 32 short-course 112
Community-acquired Distal phalangeal depth 22
pneumonia 126, 127 Drug reactions, adverse 116
Compression collapse 51, 52f Dry bronchiectasis 120
Conjunctivitis, phlyctenular 36 Dyspnea 9, 12, 16
Cor pulmonale 29, 30, 30t, 121, acute onset of 10
123, 140, 141 onset of 10
Corticosteroid 109 syndrome 11
Costochondritis 18, 19, 19t
syndrome 19 E
Cough 16, 90 Ectopic abscess formation 131
chronic 4, 37 Edema 99
nonproductive 130 hydrostatic 161
postural 4 pulmonary 160
syncope 5 pulmonary 160
Coxiella burnetti 130 re-expansion pulmonary 70
Coxsackie B virus infection 1 Egophony 96
Cracked-pot resonance 66 Electrocardiography 11, 143
C-reactive protein 114 Embolism, pulmonary 3, 10
Crohn’s disease 25 Emphysema 3, 60, 141
Curb score calculation 127f types of 14t
166 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

Empyema 72, 73, 116, 121, 131 Ghon’s complex 105

formation 130 Ghon’s focus 106
necessitans 19 Giant bullae 161
Encephalopathy, hepatic 30 Goodpasture’s syndrome 101
Endocarditis, infective 25 Granuloma formation 118
Eosinophilia 102 Granulomatous pulmonary
Eosinophilic pneumonia diseases 118
acute 102 Grave’s disease 25
chronic 102 Grocco’s and Garland’s triangle
Epstein-Barr virus 34 65, 65f
Erythema nodosum 36
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate H
34, 114 Haemophilus influenzae 121
Esophagus, rupture of 67 Heart
Ewart’s sign 66, 66f diseases, cyanotic congenital
Exudative, types of 69 25
edge of 150
F failure 68
Facial plethora 28 rate 31
Farmer’s lung disease 103 Hematemesis 5, 5t
Fever 110 Hemoptysis 5, 5t, 6, 7, 110, 121,
moderate grade 130 123
Fibrosis 93f, 99, 116 recurrent 7
cystic 12, 25, 122, 123 syndrome 11
interstitial 99 Hepatojugular reflex 30
pulmonary 92 Hepatopulmonary syndrome 141
Fibrothorax 49 Hernias, inguinal 37
Filariasis 102 Hilum overlay sign 158
Fistula, bronchopleural 84 HIV infection 109
Flexible bronchoscopy 133 Hoover’s sign 48
Floating nail sign 21 Horner’s syndrome 53
Fungal infections 95, 118, 120 Hospital-acquired pneumonia 127
Fungi 6, 133 Hydatid cyst 95
Hydropneumothorax 95
G Hydrothorax, hepatic 67
Ganglioneuroma 83 Hypercalcemia 55
Garland’s triangle 66 Hypercapnia 3
Gastric bubble 150 mixed 4
Gastroesophageal reflux 4 severe 139
disease 137 signs of 4
Index 167
Hyperemia, conjunctival 4 Intracardiac shunt 3
Hypereosinophilic syndrome 102 Intradermal tuberculin protein
Hyperinflation 155, 156f 108f
Hyperpnea 38
Hypertension 4 K
pulmonary 159 Kaposi’s sarcoma 6
Hypertrophy 29 Kartagener’s syndrome 120
Hyperventilation syndrome 12, Kerley’s B lines 154, 161
40, 41 Kikuchi’s disease 34
Hypokalemia 30 signs 34
Hypomagnesemia 30 symptoms 34
Hypoproteinemia 121 Kikuchi’s histiocytic necrotizing
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal lymphadenitis 34
axis 136 Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease 34
Hypoventilation Klebsiella pneumoniae 9
severe 4 Kronig’s isthmus 61, 61f
syndrome, congenital Kyphosis 45, 46f
central 40 severity of 45
Hypoxemia 3, 4, 25
arterial 141 L
Hypoxia, alveolar 141 Lactate dehydrogenase 68
Lambert-Eaton syndrome 55
I Laryngeal nerve recurrent 17,
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 98 17f, 18
Infarction 7 Laryngitis 16
pulmonary 95 Latent tuberculosis infection 105
Infection 133 Legionella pneumophila 130
chronic 139 Leukemia 109
pulmonary 9 Light’s criteria 68
Inflammation 117 Litten’s sign 53
Injury, causes of 18 Liver disease 111, 141
Intercostal muscles, severe Lobar collapse 50, 123
myalgia of 1 Loffler’s syndrome 102
Internal ring 36f Lovibond’s angle 21, 21f
Interphalangeal depth 22 Lumen obstruction, bronchial 119
Interstitial lung disease, causes Lung
of 98 abscess 25, 95, 121, 131
Interstitium 130 cancer 25
Intestinal perforation 155f cavity 95
168 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

collapse of 54f Myalgia

disease 5, 37 epidemic 1
interstitial 3, 12, 25, 89, syndrome 102
98, 99, 101, 120 Mycobacterial infections 118
restrictive 143 Mycobacterium tuberculosis
fibrosis 143 105, 107
fields of 150 Mycoplasma 137
hilum of 151 pneumoniae 130, 131
lobes 50, 56 Myoclonus 4
collapse of 54
types of 57t N
malignancy 55 Nails, yellow-green
Lymph node discoloration of 121
excision 32 Nasal polyps 123
mediastinal 106 Necrobiotic nodule 101
Lymphadenopathy 32, 35 Nephrotic syndrome 68
intrathoracic 116 Neurofibroma 83
Lymphedema 121 Neurogenic thoracic outlet
syndrome 62
Lymphocyte predominant
Neuromuscular disorders 3
pleural effusion 121
Noninvasive positive pressure
Lymphoma 50, 109
ventilation 139
Macrophages 118 Obesity hypoventilation
Malaise 130 syndrome 85
Malignancy, bronchogenic 50 Obstruction, bronchial 130
Mantoux method 107 Obstructive
Marfan syndrome 43 collapse 51
Mass, abdominal 80 lung disease, chronic 139
Mediastinal lymphadenopathy, pulmonary disease, chronic
causes of 50 134
Meigs’ syndrome 67 Oliver’s sign 48
Melanoma 56 Ondine’s curse 40
Melanoptysis 6 Open-negative syndrome 115
Mendelson’s syndrome 132 Orthopnea 12
Metastases, pulmonary 56
Miliary disease 116 P
Mucus 8 Pain
Multiple drug resistant pleuritic 1, 11
tuberculosis 111 sensation, pathways of 2
Index 169
Panacinar emphysema 14 recurrent 121
Pancoast syndrome 62 types of 126f
Pancoast tumor 61 Pneumonitis, hypersensitivity
Pancreatitis, acute onset of 67 102, 118
Papilledema 4 Pneumothorax 5, 10, 58, 60f, 75,
Paraneoplastic syndromes 53, 55 80, 131, 161, 162f
Parapneumonic effusion 131 Poisons 10
Parasitic infestations 102 Polycythemia 141
Parenchymal lesion, primary 106 vera 28
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea 9 Polymyositis 101
Patent ductus arteriosus 28 Poncet’s disease 36
Patent tuberculosis 104 Postnasal drip syndrome 4
Pectus deformities 43 Post-tussive suction 93
Pectus excavatum 43 sound 83, 94f
Penicillin 35 Precordial catch syndrome 2
Peribronchial nodes 120 Progressive massive fibrosis 6
Pericarditis, purulent 121 Pseudobronchiectasis 122
Phantom tumor 69 Pseudoclubbing 24
Phenytoin 35 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 6
Phlegm 8 Pulsus paradoxus 32
Phrenic nerve infiltration 53 Pump
Pickwickian syndrome 85 failure 10
PIE syndrome 102 handle movement 38f, 45
Pigeon chest 43 Pyrazinamide 111
Platelet-derived growth factor 21
Platypnea 12 Q
Pleurodynia 1 Quinidine 35
Pneumoconiosis 98, 99, 100t
Pneumocystis aureus 131 R
Pneumocystis jirovecii 130, Rasmussen aneurysm 116
131, 133 rupture of 8
pneumonia 130 Raynaud’s phenomenon 62
Pneumonia 3, 11, 125, 129, 131, 132 Recurrent small pulmonary
acute onset of 122 emboli 7
atypical 130 Renal cell carcinoma 56
interstitial 125, 130 Resistant organisms 130
lipoid 132 Respiration 39f
lobar 9, 125, 128 Respiratory
nonresolving 54, 129, 130 acidosis, severe 139
170 Clinical Pearls in Pulmonology

diseases 32 Sinus arrhythmia 31f, 32

failure 2, 123 Sinusitis 120
types of 3t Situs inversus 120
muscle weakness 80 Sjögren’s syndrome 101
pump 4 Small apical pneumothorax 154
system 12, 84, 97 Small cell lung cancer 53, 55
Reticulonodular shadows 154 Solitary pulmonary nodule,
Rheumatic disorders 101, 101t benign 159
Rheumatoid Spermatogenesis, normal 121
arthritis 98, 101 Spirometry tracing 142f
nodule 101 Spontaneous pneumothorax 123
Rhinosinusitis 137 types of 74
Ribs Sputum, color of 9, 9t
anterior 148, 149, 149f Squamous cell
cervical 62, 154 carcinoma 95
fracture 5, 18 lung cancer 55
tumor 62
pathology 154
Staphylococcus aureus 122,
posterior 148, 149f
127, 131
Rifampin 111
Staphylococcus pneumoniae 127
Right middle lobe syndrome 121
Stomach, herniation of 95
Ring shadows 154
Stridor 84
Strongyloides 102
S Sulfonamides 35, 102
Sarcoidosis 33, 50, 98, 118 Superior vena cava
Scalene lymph node, palpation obstruction 30, 30t, 53
of 33f syndrome 29, 53
Schamroth’s sign 22, 22f Sweating 110
Scleroderma 101 Sympathetic chain infiltration 53
Scoliosis 46 Systemic lupus erythematosus 98
Shrinking lungs 98
syndrome 100 T
Sickle-cell disease 141 T lymphocytes 118
Silhouette sign 158, 158f Tachycardia 4
Silicosis 98, 100, 118 Tachypnea 4
Simple pulmonary eosinophilia Tactile fremitus 58
102 Tension pneumothorax 75
Sinopulmonary infections, Testicular teratomas 56
chronic 121 Thermophilic actinomycetes 103
Index 171
Thiazides 102 Unilateral pleural effusion, non-
Thoracic respiratory causes of 67
cavity 95 Uremia 30
endometriosis syndrome 75
outlet syndrome 62 V
Thyroid Vanishing lung syndrome 162
acropachy 25 Vascular thoracic outlet
cancer 56 syndrome 62
Tietze’s syndrome 18, 19, 19t Vasculitic disorders 102
Tracheal tug 48 Vasoconstriction, pulmonary
Transudative pleural effusions 69 141
Traube’s area 63, 64f Veins, pulmonary 8
Trepopnea 12 Velcro crackles 89
Troisier’s sign 33 Venous pressure 68
Trousseau’s sign 41 Vesicular breath sound 80, 80f, 81
elicitation of 41f Viral infections 109
Tuberculin test 116 Virchow’s node 33
Tuberculosis 5, 50, 61, 95, 100, Viruses 130
104, 110, 112, 117, 120, 121 Vocal fremitus 58
extrapulmonary 113
post-primary 106, 116, 116t W
primary 36, 106f Waldeyer’s ring 35
pulmonary 4, 7, 8, 107, 115 adenopathy 35
treatment of 112 Wegener’s granulomatosis 95,
Tuberculous 101, 118
cavity 96 Wheeze 85
infection, primary 104f classification of 86t
pleural effusion 70-72 polyphonic 86
rheumatism 36 production of 86f
Tubular bronchial breath sound types of 86
82, 93f, 128f Whispering pectoriloquy 83
Tumors Wrist joint 60f
benign 117
bronchial 7, 86 Y
lymphatic 83 Yellow nail syndrome 121
malignant 117 Young’s syndrome 121

Ulcerative colitis 25 Ziehl-Neelsen staining 107

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