ProjectManagment Excercises 20191002 PDF

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Project Management

Question 1

Briefly discuss one example of application project management techniques in engineering or manufacturing?
How project management is useful in time-based completion.
(bincangkan dengan ringkas dan padat satu contoh penggunaan teknik pengurusan projek dalam kejuruteraan atau
pembuatan. Bagaimana pengurusan projek berguna dalam persaigan berasaskan masa)

Question 2

Propose a work breakdown structure for ANY ONE of the following projects by listing at least ten (10) project
work packages or activities.

i. An annual planned maintenance project in a factory
ii. Launching of a new model in a production line
iii. Annual dinner for graduating students
iv. Educational visit to a selected country

Propose a logical precedence network diagram for the selected project. Clearly specify your assumptions.

Question 3

The following is a list of activities (work package) required for organizing a wedding reception
(berikut adalah senarai aktiviti (pakej kerja) yang diperlukan dalam menganjurkan majlis kenduri perkahwinan)

A: prepare list of invited guests
B: mail invitation cards
C: select caterer
D: caterer prepares food and drinks
E: set-up place for the event
F: prepare door gifts
G: guests take foods and eat
H: guest takes door gifts and leaves the event
I: prepare chairs and tables
J: caterer set-up station for food and drink
K: caterer arranges food and drinks
L: decorate stage for bride and bridegroom
M: photo session for the bride and bridegroom
N: host return home
O: guest return home
P: caterer clean table and area for the event

Based on the above project activities, propose a work breakdown structure (WBS) by grouping them (major
tasks, subtest, and activities). Propose a network diagram comprising the above activities with respect to your
assumed precedence relationship.

Industrial Engineering edition: 20191002 AH

(Berdasarkan senarai di atas, cadangkan WBS dengan mengikut kesesuian major task, subtasks dan aktiviti.
Cadangkan gambarajah rangkaian merangkumi aktiviti-aktiviti di atas dengan mengambilkira perhubungan

Question 4

a) You are planning to bid one of the following projects:

i) A house renovation project.
ii) Production of a new product in a manufacturing company
iii) Annual plant shutdown for overhaul and maintenance

Based on your selected project above, prepare a detail project management proposal to be submitted to the
potential client. The project management proposal should include work breakdown structure (up to 3 levels),
network diagram (10 activities). Critically outline key aspects related to project planning, scheduling and
controlling in your proposal.
(10 marks)

Question 5

A manager would like to know the minimum time required to complete the project with activities as listed
Table Q5.

Table Q5: Activities and related information

Activity Time (week) Immediate predecessor (s)
Most likely
A 6 -
B 4 -
C 2 -
D 7 C
E 4 B,D
F 10 A,E

Construct the network diagram based on activity on node (AON) or activity on arrow (AOA) and determine
the minimum project completion time using forward and backward pass.

Question 6

Table Q6 provides information on activities, predecessors and duration for a project to build a new resort.
Table Q6 : Project activities
Activity Immediate Time Estimates (in Weeks)
Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic
A - 2 3 4
B A 6 8 10
C A 3 4 5

Industrial Engineering edition: 20191002 AH

D A 4 6 8
E B 1 2 3
F E,C 6 8 10
G F 2 3 4

a). Analyze the above project activities and determine the earliest completion time for the new resort using
critical path method with activity-on-node (AON).

b). Determine the probability the resort will be completed in less than 20 weeks.

Question 7

A manager is very concerned with the amount of time to complete the project with activities as listed Table
Q7. Some of the workers are unreliable and delivery of material is uncertain.

Table Q7: Activities and related information

Activity Time (week) Immediate
optimis Most pessimistic predecessor (s)
tic likely
A 3 6 8 -
B 2 4 6 -
C 1 2 3 -
D 6 7 8 C
E 2 4 6 B,D
F 6 10 14 A,E

a) Construct the network diagram based on activity of node (AON) and determine the minimum project
completion time.

b) Sketch a Gantt chart based on earliest starting time, and latest start time. How the project manager
can benefit from the slack time (if any)?

c) When the project will be completed with 95% confidence level?

Question 8

The activities necessary for the completion of a project are listed in Table Q8.

Table Q8: Activities and related information

Activity Normal time Crash time Normal cost Crash cost Immediate
(week) (week) predecessor(s)
A 4 3 $2000 $2600 -
B 2 1 $2200 $2800 -
C 3 3 $500 $500 -

Industrial Engineering edition: 20191002 AH

D 8 4 $2300 $2600 A
E 6 3 $900 $1200 B
F 3 2 $3000 $4200 C
G 4 2 $1400 $2000 D, E

a) Determine the minimum project completion time.

b) What is the total cost required for completing this project on normal time?

c) If you wish to reduce the completion time by one week, which activity should be crashed and how
much will be the total cost?

d) What is the maximum time that can be crashed? How much would increase the total cost?

Industrial Engineering edition: 20191002 AH

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