Net Manufacturer's Price/importer S Selling Price Rate
Net Manufacturer's Price/importer S Selling Price Rate
Net Manufacturer's Price/importer S Selling Price Rate
Sec. 149. Automobiles. - There shall be levied, assessed and collected an ad valorem tax on automobiles based on the
manufacturer’s or importer’s selling price, net of excise and value-added tax, in accordance with the following schedule:
Over Six hundred thousand pesos (₱600,000) to One million pesos (₱1,000,000) Ten percent (10%)
Over One million pesos (₱1,000,000) to Four million pesos (₱4,000,000) Twenty percent (20%)
Provided, That hybrid vehicles shall be subject to fifty percent (50%) of the applicable excise tax rates on
automobiles under this Section: Provided, further, That purely electric vehicles and pick-ups shall be exempt from excise
tax on automobiles.
Provided, That in the case of imported automobiles not for sale, the tax imposed herein shall be based on the total landed
value, including transaction value, customs duty and all other charges.
Automobiles used exclusively within the freeport zone shall be exempt from excise tax."