PC Day 07 Handout
PC Day 07 Handout
PC Day 07 Handout
Bus- shall refer to a motor vehicle of any configuration with Hybrid Electronic vehicle - shall mean a motor vehicle
gross vehicle weight of four (4) tons or more with any
number of wheels and axles, which is generally accepted powered by electric energy, with or without provision for off-
and specially designed for mass or public transportation. vehicle charging, in combination with gasoline, diesel or any
other motive power; Provided, That, for purposes of this act, a
Single Cab Chassis - shall refer to a motor vehicle with hybrid electric vehicle must be able to propel itself using
complete engine power train and chassis equipped with a
cab that has a maximum of two (2) doors and only one (1) electric motor.
row of seats. • Provided, that in the case of imported automobiles not for
sale, the tax imposed herein shall be based on the total
Special Purpose Vehicle - shall refer to a motor vehicle, other
landed value, including transaction value, customs duty
than truck, cargo van, jeep/jeepney/jeepney substitute, bus,
single cab chassis as defined herein, designed for specific and all other charges.
applications such as cement mixer, fire truck, boom truck, -Automobiles used exclusively within the freeport zone shall
ambulance and/or medical unit, and off-road vehicles for
heavy industries and not for recreational activities. For this be exempt from excise taxes.
purpose, “designed for specific applications” shall mean the
motor vehicle is designed in such a manner that it can only
be used strictly for the intended purpose for which it was
How do you derive with the correct Importer Selling Price for
the importation of brand new automobiles consigned to car
manufacturer/dealer? HYBRID ELECTRONIC VEHICLE- shall mean a motor vehicle
powered by electric energy, with or without provision for off-
a. 80% X (Suggested Retail Price - [value added tax (VAT) +
excise tax (ET)]) vehicle charging, in combination with gasoline, diesel or any
other motive power; Provided, That, for purposes of this act, a
b. Gross Selling Price – [value added tax (VAT) + excise tax
(ET)] hybrid electric vehicle must be able to propel itself using
electric motor.
• To derive for the correct ISP to be used as basis for the
computation of ad valorem tax for brand new automobile
consigned to Car Manufacturer/Dealer choose whichever However, if it is a purely electronic vehicle, therefore it is not
is higher between a and b. considered as hybrid thus, treated as exempted from payment
of the excise tax as clearly stipulated in the provisions of the
Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) law.