Ordonio, Alyn Kyla S. BSN-1C TFN-MW7:40-9:10: Name of Theorist Theory Description Florence Nightingale

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Ordonio, Alyn Kyla S.

BSN-1C TFN-MW7:40-9:10


Florence Nightingale Environmental Theory The act of utilizing the

environment of the patient to
assist him in his recovery.
Hildegard E. Peplau Theory of Interpersonal An interpersonal process of
Relations therapeutic interactions between
an individual who is sick or in
need of health services and a
nurse especially educated to
recognize, respond to the need
for help.
Virginia Henderson Nursing Need Theory The nurse is expected to carry
out a physician’s therapeutic
plan, but individualized care is
result of the nurse’s creativity in
planning for care.
Faye Glenn Abdellah 21 Nursing Problems Theory Nursing is based on an art and
science that molds the attitudes,
intellectual competencies, and
technical skills of the individual
nurse into the desire and ability
to help people, sick or well,
cope with their health needs.
Ernestine Wiedenbach The Helping Art of Clinical People may differ in their
Nursing concept of nursing, but few
would disagree that nursing is
nurturing or caring for someone
in a motherly fashion.
Lydia E. Hall Care, Cure, Core Theory also Participation in care, core and
known as the “Three Cs of cure aspects of patient care,
Lydia Hall. where CARE is the sole function
of nurses, whereas the CORE
and CURE are shared with other
members of the health team.
Joyce Travelbee Human-to-Human Relationship The purpose of nursing was to
Model help and support an individual,
family, or community to prevent
or cope with the struggles of
illness and suffering and, if
necessary, to find significance in
these occurrences, with the
ultimate goal being the presence
of hope.
Kathryn E. Barnard Child Health Assessment Model Contributed a close link to
practice that has modified the
way health care providers assess
Ordonio, Alyn Kyla S. BSN-1C TFN-MW7:40-9:10

children in light of the parent-

child relationship.
Ida Jean Orlando Nursing Process Theory. Patients have their own
meanings and interpretations of
situations and therefore nurses
must validate their inferences
and analyses with patients
before drawing conclusions.
Jean Watson Philosophy and Theory of Nursing is concerned with
Transpersonal Caring. promoting health, preventing
illness, caring for the sick, and
restoring health.
Marilyn Anne Ray Theory of Bureaucratic Caring Improved patient safety,
infection control, reduction in
medication errors, and overall
quality of care in complex
bureaucratic health care systems
cannot occur without knowledge
and understanding of complex
organizations, such as the
political and economic systems,
and spiritual-ethical caring,
compassion and right action for
all patients and professionals.
Patricia Benner Caring, Clinical Wisdom, and The nurse-patient relationship is
Ethics in Nursing Practice not a uniform, professionalized
blueprint but rather a
kaleidoscope of intimacy and
distance in some of the most
dramatic, poignant, and
mundane moments of life.
Kari Martinsen Philosophy of Caring Nursing is founded on caring for
life, on neighborly love. At the
same time, it is necessary that
the nurse is professionally
Katie Eriksson Theory of Carative Caring Caring communion, true caring,
occurs when the one caring in a
spirit of caritas alleviates the
suffering of the patient.
Myra Estrin Levine Conservation Model for Nursing Nursing is human interaction.

Martha E. Rogers Theory of Unitary Human An art and science that is

Beings humanistic and humanitarian.

Dorothea E. Orem Self-Care Theory The act of assisting others in the

provision and management of
self-care to maintain or improve
human functioning at home
Ordonio, Alyn Kyla S. BSN-1C TFN-MW7:40-9:10

level of effectiveness.

Imogene M. King Theory of Goal Attainment Nursing is a process of action,

reaction and interaction by
which nurse and client share
information about their
perception in a nursing
situation” and “a process of
human interactions between
nurse and client whereby each
perceives the other and the
situation, and through
communication, they set goals,
explore means, and agree on
means to achieve goals.

Betty Neuman Neuman’s System Model Unique profession in that is

concerned with all of the
variables affecting an
individual’s response to stress.
Sister Callista Roy Adaptation Model of Nursing Health care profession that
focuses on human life processes
and patterns and emphasizes
promotion of health for
individuals, families, groups,
and society as a whole.
Dorothy E. Johnson Behavioral System Model An external regulatory force
which acts to preserve the
organization and integration of
the patients’ behaviors at an
optimum level under those
conditions in which the behavior
constitutes a threat to the
physical or social health, or in
which illness is found.
Anne Boykin and Savina O. The Theory of Nursing as The focus and aim of nursing as
Schoenhofer Caring: A Model for a discipline of knowledge and a
Transforming Practice professional service is
“nurturing persons living caring
and growing in caring.”
Madeleine M. Leininger Transcultural Nursing Theory A substantive area of study and
practice focused on comparative
cultural care (caring) values,
beliefs, and practices of
individuals or groups of similar
or different cultures with the
goal of providing culture-
specific and universal nursing
care practices in promoting
health or well-being or to help
Ordonio, Alyn Kyla S. BSN-1C TFN-MW7:40-9:10

people to face unfavorable

human conditions, illness, or
death in culturally meaningful

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