063 From Surface To Underground at Kemi Chrome Mine
063 From Surface To Underground at Kemi Chrome Mine
063 From Surface To Underground at Kemi Chrome Mine
produced from open pits, resulting in for each ore stope on a daily basis, and Underground infrastructure
130 million t in the waste heaps. this is merged and compared with daily
and blast-specific production histories The main decline starts at a portal in
Ore grade control from the database. the footwall side of the pit, at about 100
Each ore blast is treated selectively at m below the rim. The decline is mostly
Ore grade control in both the open pit the concentrator, in order to minimize 8 m-wide x 5.5 m-high, to accommo-
and the underground mine involves in- feed variation and maximize process date passing vehicles. It descends at 1:7
tensive wire line diamond core drilling, stability. to a depth of 600 m at the base of the
to determine boundaries and qualities In the concentrator, total chromite hoisting shaft, and connects with sev-
of specific ore types. In addition, all recovery is around 80%, depending on the eral intermediate sublevels. The decline
blast holes in the open pit are sampled. proportion of lumpy ore. Metallurgical is asphalted throughout most of its
Technical innovations for ore charac- grade concentrate contains about 45% length.
terization and quantification include Cr2O3 of 0.2 mm grain size, while up- There is also a 5,000 cu m repair
OMS-logg down hole logging, and auto- graded lumpy ore is about 35% Cr 2O3 shop for open pit equipment at the 115 m
mated image analysis for establishing with 12-100 mm size. The former is pel- level, and a larger 14,000 cu m work-
grain size distribution. letised at Tornio, and then mixed with shop at the 350 m level for the under-
Basic production data about mineral- upgraded lumpy ore before smelting to ground mobile equipment fleet. The
ogical and process histories are logged produce ferrochrome. final 23,000 cu m main workshop is at
the 500 m level. The 350 m level work-
Atlas Copco Diamec U6 APC at work underground. shops are enclosed by megadoors, which
keep in the heat so that an ambient 18
degrees C can be maintained. The ser-
vice bay is equipped with a 10 t travel-
ling gantry and 16 m-long inspection
pit. The washing bay is equipped with
two Wallman hydraulically controlled
washing cages, so there is no need for
operatives to climb onto the mobile
The main pumping station is located
at the 350 m level, and has pumping
capacity of 2 x 250 cu m/h. The slurry-
type pumps, with mechanical seals,
pump the unsettled mine water to the
surface with a total head of 360 m. Two
other dewatering pumping stations are
located at the 500 m and 580 m levels.
Underground production
Trial stopes in three areas accessed
from the 275 m and 300 m levels were
mined to determine the parameters of Rocket Boomer L2 C is used for sublevel development.
the bench cut-and-fill technique to be
used. These had a width of 15 m, and
expand the smelting operation. Budgeted Rig Control System RCS, mounts the
were 30-40 m-long, with 25,000-30,000
cost for mine development is EUR70 latest Swellex HC1 pump, for bolt infla-
t of ore apiece. Both uphole and down-
million. tion at 300 bar pressure, and reports
hole drilling methods were tested, and
progress on the operator’s screen.
51 mm-diameter downholes selected as
Rock reinforcement The HC1 hydraulic pump is robust,
being the safest.
simple, and with low maintenance cost.
For production purposes, 25 m-high 2.4 m-long Swellex Mn12 bolts are used Coupled to an intelligent system, it rea-
transverse stopes are laid out, with cable for support in ore contact formations. ches the 300 bar pressure level quickly,
bolt and mesh support to minimize dilu- These are being installed at a rate of and maintains it for the minimum time
tion. Primary stopes are 15 m-wide, and 80-120 bolts/shift using an Atlas Copco for perfect installation. Combined with
secondary stopes 20 m-wide. Cemented Boltec LC rig, which is returning drilling the rig’s RCS system, the pump can
fill, using furnace slag from an iron ore penetration rates of 3.2 to 4 m/min. The confirm the number of bolts successfully
smelter and fly ash from local power Boltec LC rig, featuring Atlas Copco installed and warn of any problems
stations, is placed in the primary stopes,
while the secondary stopes will be back-
Stoping sequence at Kemi mine.
filled with mine waste rock. The pri-
mary stopes are being extracted one or
two levels above the secondary stopes.
Mining sublevels with 5 m x 5 m cross
sections are being established at 25 m
vertical intervals, using an Atlas Copco
Rocket Boomer L2 C drill rig equipped
with COP 1838ME rock drills and 5
m-long Secoroc steel and bits. Rounds of
60-80 holes take about 2 hours to drill,
charge and prime. An emulsion charging
truck with elevating platform and Atlas
Copco GA15 compressor provides fast
and efficient explosives delivery. The
footwall granite is very competent, but
lots of rock reinforcement is required
in the weaker host rock, where all drives
are systematically rock bolted and secu-
red with steel fibre reinforced shotcrete.
The planned nominal capacity is 2.7
million t/y of ore, which allows for
increased ferrochrome production at
Tornio when Outokumpu decides to