Jurnal Telinga
Jurnal Telinga
Jurnal Telinga
ISSN Online: 2168-5460
ISSN Print: 2168-5452
1. Introduction
Myringoplasty techniques have already reached a pinnacle with all the described
techniques producing excellent results [1] [2] [3]. Stillit is one of those surgical
procedures where no one follows a routine course. All the surgeons we have seen
operating use their own modifications and techniques which better suit them.
And also surgeons keep on modifying and varying their techniques with each
case. Taking heart from this we have tried to present some of our concerns re-
DOI: 10.4236/ijohns.2019.82008 Mar. 4, 2019 71 Int. J. Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery
R. S. Khurshid, N. H. Madni
parison with the published data in various journals that could be retrieved by
PubMed/Medline search. The features that were compared pre and post opera-
tively included perforation closure rates, pure tone audiograms, and patient sa-
tisfaction score.
3. Results/Observations
1) Age of the patients ranged from 11 to 48. Most of the patients of this age
group were selected to allow for patient cooperation and cases to be done under
local anaesthesia. Only 3 cases who were less than 15 years were operated under
general anaesthesia.
2) Out of the 37 patients operated, 26 were females and 11 were males. In 9
patients both ears were operated. This is depicted in Table 1 below.
All these patients belonged to rural areas or to small towns, and had long
standing chronic otitis media with stable perforations on examination. This is
mentioned in Table 2 below.
3) All the patients had inactive mucosal CSOM with central or subtotal perfo-
ration. Patients with attic perforations, mastoid involvement, or cholesteatoma
were dealt with separately and were not part of this study. Most of the ears had
subtotal to total perforation, and the rest had central perforations of various siz-
4) Preoperative audiograms revealed conductive deafness ranging from 24 db
to 51 db. Preoperative CT scans had been ordered in two patients only, revealing
no mastoid cell coalescence. All other patients had a preoperative mastoid radi-
ograph done to rule out any coalescence.
5) Ossicular erosions were seen in four (04) ears preoperatively and were ma-
naged with incus repositioning in 3 cases and PORP prosthesis in one case.
6) Postoperative complications: Postoperative recovery was uneventful in all
except in one patient who got injury (slap) on 12th postop day and had a rup-
tured TM. But fortunately it healed in 2 weeks’ time and he recovered complete-
ly. In the postoperative period, 7 patients complained of headache with normal
ENT examination. All these patients were managed as primary headaches and
responded well to low dose Nortriptyline.
7) The perforation closure assessed at 3 weeks revealed small residual perfora-
tions in two cases in anteroinferior and anterosuperior quadrants respectively.
46 37 11 26
46 23 12 11
The perforation sites coincided with the cartilage deficient sites in these cases.
These perforations healed completely after 3 months in one case and at 6
months in another. Thus, we had a perforation closure rate of 100% in these
8) Pre- (Figure 1 & Figure 2) and post-operative (Figure 3 & Figure 4) pic-
tures are shown in two representative cases.
9) Postoperative audiograms revealed reduction of air-bone gap to 12 to 25 db
with all the patients unaware of any conductive deafness.
Figure 5 and Figure 6 compare the preoperative audiogram with postopera-
tive status in a representative case operated employing modified dual graft tech-
4. Discussion
The use of cartilage for tympanic membrane repair is extensively reported in li-
terature [8] [9] and the benefits of long-term graft survival, low recurrence and
infection rates have been described, particularly decreased development of tym-
panic membrane retraction pockets over time [10] [11]. Most of the authors
have reported excellent functional results for small and large perforations [12]
[13]. Cartilage tympanoplasty comprises a heterogeneous group of techniques
including the cartilage-perichondrium composite graft, diced cartilage, butterfly
techniques, and palisade cartilage tympanoplasty [14]. Tos M. reviewed 23 dif-
ferent cartilage tympanoplasty methods and grouped them into six categories
from A to F [15]. The method adopted by us in this report could be classified a
modified category F cartriage tympanoplasty described by Tos.
The modified dual graft myringoplasty provides all the benefits that cartilage
tympanoplasty is known for (like decreased chances of retraction pockets and
higher rates of perforation closure), besides the added intra-operative manoeu-
vrability benefits for the surgeon. The graft placement and tucking is much easi-
er with this technique. This advantage may be utilised positively by younger ear
surgeons in the earlier periods of training. The maintenance of middle ear space
does not seem to be an issue since the ventilation channels of middle ear space
are maintained by ensuring that the cartilage graft is placed in the lower meso-
All the objectives of tympanoplasty, namely dry ear, well-formed and stout
tympanic membrane, free of retraction pockets, reversal of conductive deafness,
and with the result full confidence in the procedure are achieved with this tech-
nique. However, as long as this technique is not replicated by other surgeons the
apprehensions over the possible persistent conductive deafness and failure to
heal will remain. This report is an attempt to convince the fellow ear surgeons
about the multitude of possible techniques that can be adopted with confidence,
5. Conclusion
The repair of tympanic membrane, being one of the commonest ENT proce-
dures, has varied techniques with the basic principles unaltered in each. The
procedure adopted can be modified with enough confidence by individual de-
pending on what works best for each.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this pa-
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