International School of Management and Research, Pune: Summer Internship Project Handbook Academic Batch 2018-20
International School of Management and Research, Pune: Summer Internship Project Handbook Academic Batch 2018-20
International School of Management and Research, Pune: Summer Internship Project Handbook Academic Batch 2018-20
Research, Pune
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Internship Evaluation Matrix 1
2.1 PGDM Evaluation Matrix
2.1.1 Evaluation During Internship tenure
2.1.2 Evaluation Post Internship
2.2 MBA Evaluation Matrix
2.2.1 Evaluation Components
The Summer Internship Program (SIP) forms an important component of
education at International School of Management and Research (ISMR), Pune. It
is an attempt to bridge the gap in the student‟s perception between theory in books
and practice in the corporate world. Under this, students undertake a 14 week
internship at any organization/company during the intervening period between
close of Semester II and commencement of Semester III.
Objective of S.I.P.
Internship Program is a vehicle for introducing students to real-life situation,
which cannot be simulated in the classroom. Therefore, internship assignments
must necessarily be those of direct interest to the host organization. Students are
encouraged to take up time bound multi-disciplinary and goal-oriented assignment
involving team work. Solutions to various problems confronted in the assignment
might be open-ended, involving an element of analytical thinking, processing and
decision-making in the face of insufficient data parameters and uncertain
situations. Students are advised to read the contents of the handbook carefully
prior to commencement of internship.
2.1.1 Evaluation during Internship Tenure
Evaluation Authority Marks
Company guide 70
Placement cell 30
Total 100
Every student will be assigned a Faculty Guide at the beginning of the Internship
Program. The role of the Faculty Guide is to enable the student to undertake a
meaningful Report, provide the necessary academic guidance, and to facilitate
evaluation, with the aid of the company executives. The Faculty Guide would be
involved at all stages of the Internship Program, beginning from „definition of the
work content‟ to Internship Program completion.
Every student works under the counsel of a Company Guide, who supervises and
evaluates the performance of the student at every stage of the Internship Program
and gives feedback to the Faculty Guide. It is the responsibility of the students to
utilize the knowledge and experience of the Company Guide to complete the
Internship Program.
It is therefore necessary that the students interact with the Faculty Guide and
Company Guide regularly to update them about the progress and seek
guidance on doing Internship Program. The responsibility of contacting and
interacting with the Faculty Guide vests with the students only. During
theseinteractions, the student would be informed about his/her performance,
progress in the Program, his/her strengths and weaknesses, as observed through
various evaluation components and also ways for improvement. However, the
student also has the responsibility to seek clarification regularly from his/her
respective Faculty Guide on these aspects.
The students undertaking Internship Program at City other than ISMR
Campus locations should be in touch with the Academic
Coordinator/assigned senior professor who will act as Faculty Guide through
e-mail for submitting the reports for evaluation as per the schedule in
addition to the mentor at company.
ISMR expects the students to confirm to the rules and regulations of the place of
work during Internship Program. It is particularly important to be regular,
punctual and well mannered at work. During the period of Internship Program the
student shall be subject to the leave rules of the Internship organization and should
ensure strict adherence to the timings of the organization.
Unprofessional behavior, misconduct, indiscipline, irregularity at work and
unsatisfactory performance will lead to cancellation of Internship Program or
award of Not Cleared report (NC). Consequently students will not be permitted
to register in Semester III resulting in the loss of at least one academic year
besides any other form of academic action ISMR might deem fit to impose.
The student will indemnify, defend and hold ISMR harmless from and against
any and all losses, damage, liability and expenses arising out of any third party
claim, actions or proceedings by him or by any agents, during the period of
Internship program.
Description Completion Dates
Approval of topic from the respective faculty guides allotted
1 faculty
*(Please refer to the list of faculty guides in the annexure) 19th Aug 2019
2 Duly Approved form submission to Success Cell
*(IIR i.e. annexure I) 20th Aug 2019
Draft of SIP report’s soft copy submission to respective
faculty guides*(IP i.e. annexure II) 24th Aug 2019
4 Spiral binded hard copy of SIP report submission 26th Aug 2019
5 After incorporating Faculty's feedback & suggestions final
SIP report’s soft copy submission 28th Aug 2019
Final Submission of SIP report – 3 no. Binded hard copies
6 *(Please refer the format of report as per Pune university
norms in the annexure) 31st Aug 2019
Executive Summary Report is a one page summary of Internship Program
report required to be submitted by the student along with the final report to
the Faculty Guide. The format for executive summary report is given at
Annexure-V. This report can be used by the students with Resume for
placement purpose. Students should take utmost care in writing the report.
Further, the students are advised to retain a copy of this Executive
Summary Report with them for future use.
e) Approaching the host organization for any favors in the form of ( but
not limited to ):
1) Relaxation in work timing.
2) Relaxation in no of working days.
3) Approaching the host organization directly for leave. The leave
application (only under must urgent circumstances) will be routed only
via the Internship & Placement cell of the Institute.
4) Unsatisfactory feedback from host organization about the conduct of the
5) Non- submission of the weekly progress reports.
a) Before beginning the assignment, check if any of the seniors had earlier
undergone Internship Program at the same organization. If yes, do collect the
report submitted by those interns and study them carefully. Copies of such
reports would be available at ISMR Campuses.
b) Apart from providing an exposure to real work situations, the Internship
Program is also an opportunity for learning the art of information/data
identification, classification, acquisition, processing and presentation.
c) Reports prepared by way of doing Internship could be of significant
importance to the host organization - in terms of their objective of “Technical
Documentation” aiming at updating or modernizing of information systems.
Therefore, proper care should be taken while documenting the report.
d) During Internship Program students are placed in the role of
ambassadors of the Institute. The students are expected to maintain
professional and social imprints of high standards in the
organization.Good behavior and manners would help in nurturing a long-
term relationship with the organization, which could even translate into a
placement opportunity.
e) The students are advised to submit the report to the host organization for
scrutiny before submitting at the campus. This gives assurance to the host
organization about maintaining secrecy of confidential data.
It helps enable the students to go through various practical aspects of the organization giving
them valuable learning experience through their project.
6 |Page
1. Selection of a Topic:
c) Discuss with your respective internal project guide and external project guide
(company) and finalize the Topic as well as the Title of the Project.
a) Identify the problem areas – define specifically primary and the secondary
objectives, where the primary objectives comprises of the main problem area
while the secondary objectives support the primary objectives
3. Research Methodology:
a) Define the ways, means and sources of collecting the data: Primary as well as
secondary. Justify the sample size, type of sample and the area selected.
5. Observation Findings :
8. Students to note :
a) To follow the work schedule as per the Progress card given on the last page of
this information booklet
b) To keep updating the progress card and obtain internal guides signatures.
S No Description Specifications
Initial Information Report (IIR)
I. Internship Program Details:
Title of the Internship Report: .............................................................................................
Area of the Internship Report: ................................................................................................... .............
Objective of the Internship Report: ................................................................................ ........................
Description of the Internship Report in brief: ........................................................................................
............................................................................................................................. .....................................
II. Organizational Details:
Name of the Organization: ................................................................................................... ........ ..........
Address of the Organization: .......................................................................................... ..... ..................
.......................................................................................................... ................... .....................................
Telephone Numbers:
.............................................................. E-mail: ...................................................
Main activity of the Organization: .......................................................................................... ...............
Name & Designation of Head of the Organization: ..............................................................................
Work Timings: ........................................................ Amount of Stipend Expected: .............................
Facilities available to the student: ........................................................................................ ..................
III. Company
Guide: Name:
................................................................................ Designation: ................................................
Telephone Numbers:
.............................................................. E-mail: ...................................................
IV. Report Implementation and Schedule:
..................................................................... Methodology: ....................................................
Any other details: .................................................................................................... ................................
V. I will submit the following reports as per the schedule given below:
Evaluation component: Date Planned:
Internship Proposal.......................................................................................................... .......................
Interim Report............................................................................................................... .........................
Final Report................................................................................................................. ...........................
Date: Signature of the Student
Internship Proposal
10 | P a g e
A Internship Program Report is a written presentation of the work done by the student on a
given assignment. It is important to bear in mind that even though the report is submitted
only at the end of any given assignment, in reality it is a culmination of continuous efforts
on the part of the student.
Writing Internship Program Report: The Internship requires submission of a report onthe
Internship done by the student not just to ISMR but also to the organization where the
student is undergoing his/her internship. What follows are general guidelines on writing an
Internship report.
The parts included in a report depend on the type of report you are writing, the requirements
of your audience, the organization in which you have done your internship, and the length of
your report. In a generalized sense, an ideal Internship report should cover the following
This page will be nothing but a complete copy of front page as it is. Only instead of
golden color you have to use any other color or combination of different colors.
This certificate must be printed on company‟s original letter head.
It should include the following
1) Name of the student
2) Project Title
3) Duration of Project (minimum 50 working days)
4) Location (if possible)
5) Authority Sign & company Seal.
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For E.g. (Annexure A)
Ref No Date :-
He has carried out this project for (Name of the Organization) From (Joining Date) to
(Completion Date).
In the span of project duration his candidature was found to be very sincere &
We wish him a bright future.
(Name of the Authorized Person)
(Company Name)
This certificate will be issued by the college. One copy to each student. You have to
make at least 2 Xerox of it for other 2 copies of project report.
This page will include vote of thanks to –
1) Company project Guide
2) Director ISMR
3) College Project guide-
4) Other staff & friends (if required)
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SUMMARY This includes
I. Introduction of the project II.
Project title
III.Why you have chosen this company & this project?
V. Duration of the project
VI. How did you carry out this project?
VII. Result (output) in short conclusion.
13 | P a g e
– It should include –
1) Project information
2) Application of different relative marketing concepts & link their correlation with
your project like-
For Marketing –
Market Segmentation, Target Marketing, PLC, Marketing strategies New product
development , Marketing planning, Designing Channel of Distribution, AIDAS Model,
Media Planning, Classification of markets, Service Marketing, Different modes of
foreign entry, sales promotion schemes. Supply chain management. Customer
relationship management, ERP business ethics. Business policy formation consumer
behavior. Law of demands and supply etc.
For Finance –
Ratio analysis, Risk management, Legal Aspects. Funds flow statements, Country Risk
Analysis. Investment decisions. Capital budgeting cost analysis, Analysis of financial
position of the company. TDS, International finance, Balance sheet, Portfolio
management etc.
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7. Designing a Questionnaire in proper way.
8. Scaling techniques
9. Selection of proper data analysis methods or techniques.
10. Make necessary assumptions here at this stage if required.
1) Diagrammatic representation-
Here you can use pie chart histogram trend line etc.
No. of Customers
Customer Care
2) Interpretation
Out of 400 targeted customers 6 % haven‟t faced any problem in any of the area, but 4%
of them faced problems in all above mentioned areas
HINT – There should be only one question‟sanalysis on one page. Likewise do analysis for
allthe questions asked in the questionnaire.
15 | P a g e
3) Data Analysis –(For Finance)
Do the Data analysis as Shown above. Only you have to choose appropriate methods for
analysis like – Ratio Analysis, Cash Flow, Comparative Analysis, Operating Cycle study
14. Findings
Finding are nothing but simply what you have find out from the analysis of each question. This
will contain the interpretation or comment made under each graph in data analysis.
16. Conclusion
While concluding student should take care that his conclusion is matching with the ---- of the
project & objective set in chapter 9
17. Recommendation
Student has to give different suggestions to the company which will act as solutions to all those
problem he/she has identified with product or services or methods applied.
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From publications
Booth, S.A. (January 1999). High-Drain Alkaline AA-Batteries. Popular Electronics, 62,
58.Dell, R. M., and Rand, D.A.J. (2001). Understanding batteries. Cambridge, UK: The Royal
Society of Chemistry.
From websites
IBM. Advertisement. 23 Mar. 2003 <
19. Abbreviations
Don‟t use any abbreviations. But if you have used any technical & standard abbreviations then
please mention their full form here.
20. Annexure
It includes questionnaires, pamphlets, catalogue, photograph price list etc.
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Annexure IV (i)-PGDM
BATCH- 2018-20
Faculty Guide
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Annexure VI (ii)-MBA
BATCH- 2018-20
Faculty Guide
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Guidelines for Writing Executive Summary Report
The executive summary provides an overview of the internship work. The executive
summary needs to be in fewest words. Make sure it is self sufficient and can be
understood in isolation. Write this towards the end of the project in about two hundred
to three hundred words (i.e. not more than a page). Use active-voice sentences with
strong, enthusiastic, and proactive language. Executive summary should be written in
simple, short sentences intended to be read by an executive. The executive summary
should briefly highlight the below mentioned points.
Points to be covered:
Student Information
Concept, Industry Type, Name and Address Title of
Organization Description:
the Internship Report
Objective of the Internship Background
Methodology used
Findings & Conclusion Recommendations
Special Achievements/ Recognition
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