ACCA P1 Internal Control

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ACCA P1 Internal Control

Internal Control
Turnbull Report 1999 provided guidance for creating strong internal control system and later
incorporated into Combined code, it was last revised in 2005 and still present as a standalone

Sarbanes-Oxely Act (SOX) has very detailed Internal Control requirements.

COSO (committee of sponsoring organizations) an American volunteer organization with aim to help
executive management to implement effective internal control.

Combined code principles on IC

Financial reporting the board should present a balanced and understandable assessment
of company’s position and prospects.

Internal control the board should maintain a sound system of internal control to safeguard
shareholder’s investment and the company’s assets.

Audit committee and Auditors the board should establish formal and transparent
arrangement for considering how they should apply the financial reporting and internal control
principles and for maintain an appropriate relationship with the company’s auditors

Combined Code, Principles C1, C2 and C3

Internal Control Management by definition

Refers to the procedures and policies in place to ensure that company objectives are achieved

Internal Control System has two parts

Control environment is the overall philosophy of the company to internal controls

Control Procedures provides the detailed controls implemented in an organization.

• Are devised to ensure the orderly and efficient conduct

• Must be enabling to respond to both internal and external risks.
• Key risk oriented and provide response to the challenges

Internal Control and Risk Management in Corporate Governance

According to Turnbull Report effective IC Improves organizational effectiveness and efficiency,
financial controls are key elements of internal control as they ensure mitigation of fraud risks.

Muhammad Aleem Arif

ACCA P1 Internal Control

As company’s environment is always changing so internal controls must also be changed to

reduce risks faced by the organization but risk can’t be eliminated totally.

Risk Management and Corporate Governance.

Combined Code Requirements Management of Risks
• The directors are responsible for • The company should protect itself from all
investor’s and business assets protection risks of accidents and their “damages”
• Protection spans losses of error, omission • Board should ensure the risk monitoring
and fraud system is there
• Must take such steps so such events do • The system will guide management to take
not occur account of risks
• In short the Board should implement such • The board will ensure assessment of risk
system which give shareholders interests a and returns of their decisions
total protection

Internal Controls As Defined By COSO

“A process affected by board and management’s decisions this process is designed to provide
reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in effectiveness and efficiency of
operations reliability of financial reporting, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations”

Internal controls and COSO

IC seems to apply to three categories of the business

1. Effectiveness and Efficiency of Operations

2. Reliability of financial reporting
3. Compliance to the legislation

Objectives of IC
A good IC system means better Risk Management Strategy of the Company

According to Turnbull Guidance, an internal control system encompasses the policies, process , tasks
behaviors and other aspects of the company so that

• To facilitate it to enable to respond to significant risks

• Safeguard companies assets from misuse and losses, and liabilities are managed
• Ensure quality of internal and external reporting to its financial performance
• Helps to deal with legal issues

Controls can be Achieved by Different Methods

• A system of reward and discipline
• Feedback and feed forward
• Making contractual relationships, to clarify duties
• A clear organizational command structure

Muhammad Aleem Arif

ACCA P1 Internal Control

Elements of Internal Controls

Control Environment
It describes Ethics and values of the company and includes the following elements

• Management’s philosophy
• Organizational structure
• Authorities and responsibilities
• Policies related to Human Resource
• Management should back their implemented controls
• There must be controls related training
• Recruitment process must support the future control environment requirements
• Internal audit will verify internal controls
• Duties must be segregated

Control activities
These are policies and procedures that ensure that decisions are taken and instructions are carried out,
they occur at all levels of organizations.

Types of control activities

Computer controls
Are the activities to protect assets and enhance the reliability of internal control mechanism.

Risk Assessment
Risks are of two types

Controllable can be handled by control procedures, and

Uncontrollable are tried to minimize rather than just leaving spare these are because of external
environment of the organization.

Muhammad Aleem Arif

ACCA P1 Internal Control

Monitoring and information and communication

The company might have developed a good internal control mechanism but it must be
examined that they are being used and what is their valuation, and for evaluation monitoring is
necessary, because things behave different in real world as planned in theories,

The company must also provide its management with Timely, Accurate, Understandable and
Relevant to the demand of the management, as to enable managers to operate in an effective internal
control system there must be a good information system

Features of a “Sound” Internal Control System

• Principles of IC must be embedded with organization structures and must demonstrate it with
its own action of biding controls
• Internal Control System must be capable to quickly respond to emerging risks
• Must include the procedures for reporting bugs and failures to the appropriate management
level, along with a corrective proposal,

Limitations of Internal Control

 Human Error
 Poor judgment of management
 Control system being deliberately circumvented by employees e.g. collusion
 Management itself overriding the controls
 Unforeseeable and unpredicted events
 Cost VS benefit in sight of employees

Typical reasons of Internal Control Failure

(Above mentioned limitations are typical reasons for internal controls failures)

Executive Management’s Role in Risk Management

It’s not only executive management’s responsibility to develop internal control system, in fact
it’s the duty of each employee to monitor and sustain maintain internal control mechanism.

Muhammad Aleem Arif

ACCA P1 Internal Control

The Combined Code and Turnbull Guidance make it clears the its Board’s duty for system of
internal control implementation, the BOD should seek a regular assurance on internal control system’s

Turnbull Report guides that in determining the IC policies of a company following should be considered

• The nature and the risk face by the company

• The extant and category of the acceptable level of risk
• The likelihood of the risks materializing
• The company’s ability to reduce the incidence, and the impact of risk that do materialize
• Cost and benefits from the implementation of specified controls and take that risks

Turnbull Report
Internal Controls should be established using a risk based approach (Establish objectives > identify risks
> decide controls > implement Controls > monitor Controls)

Board should

• set appropriate internal control policies

• Seek regular assurance that the system is functioning.
• Review the effectiveness of the IC System
• Provide Disclosure in Annual Reports

Management should

• Implement board policies

• Seek regular assurance on proper working of system

Role Responsible
Ensuring adequacy and effectiveness of internal Board of Directors
control management
• Setting normal control policies Senior Executive Management
• Monitoring effectiveness of internal
control system.
Establishing specific internal control policies and Heads of Business Units
Operating and adhering to internal controls All Employees

Sarbanes-Oxley Act-summery of responsibilities

The Sarbanes act (SOX) also sets out responsibilities regarding risk management. However, in direct
contrast to other corporate governance systems, remember that these responsibilities are statutory

Muhammad Aleem Arif

ACCA P1 Internal Control

rather than guidance. The comments below relate specially to the s404 requirements of SOX, i.e. the
audit and reporting of internal control systems within a company.

In SOX terms, management refers to the board, with specific emphasis on the CEO and CFO.

Learn about the system of internal control in place.

Evaluate the effectiveness of both the design and effectiveness of that system. Prepare a written
assessment, at the year end, on the effectiveness of internal control which must be included in the
company’s annual return.

Independent Auditor
Express an opinion on management’s assessment of the effectiveness of internal controls in the

Verify that management’s assessment is correct by independent testing of the controls system.

Express an opinion on the financial statements of the company.

Embedding Internal Control

All employees have responsibility for internal control and this tone needs to be set by management,
who must be seen to be abiding by the controls they have to put in place.

Internal Audit & Audit Committee

Internal auditing is a profession and activity involved in helping organizations achieve their
stated objectives. It does this by using a systematic methodology for analyzing business processes,
procedures and activities with the goal of highlighting organizational problems and recommending

Role of Internal Audit Department

• Reviewing Accounting and internal control system.
• Assisting with the identification of significant risks.
• Reviewing Economy Efficiency and effectiveness of operations

Muhammad Aleem Arif

ACCA P1 Internal Control

• Examining Financial and Operating information.

• Special Investigation e.g. into suspected fraud
• Reviewing compliance with laws and other external regulations

Factors Considered while determining the need of Internal Audit

• The scale, diversity and complexity of the company’s activities
• The size of the organization with respect to number of employees
• Cost and Benefit Analysis
• Changes made to the structure f the organization will enhance the internal audit requirement
• PESTEL and competitive environment might change the need of internal audit
• Any problems in existing internal control system will give rise to internal audit requirement
• Any indication in weakness of internal control system will require internal audit

Types of Audit Work

Value for money audit
The 3 Es

1. Economy
2. Efficiency
3. Effectiveness

Social and environmental audit

An environmental audit is defined as

“a management tool comprising systematic, documented , periodic and objective evaluation of

how well organization, management, equipment is working, with the aim of safeguarding the
environment by facilitating management control of environmental practices and assessing compliance
with company policy and regulatory requirements”

Environmental reports
It is a report often included in annual reports by many companies sometimes accompanied by ‘auditors’

It contains following information

 Targets that are achieved so far
 Compliance with regulations
 Obtaining environmental management system ISO 14001

Muhammad Aleem Arif

ACCA P1 Internal Control

Social auditing
Directors can include a social report describing company’s contributions to the society and community
like Donations, Sponsorships, Health and Education,

Management audit
An objective and independent appraisal of the effectiveness of managers and corporate structure in the
achievements of entities’ objectives and policies, With aim to identify existing and potential weaknesses
in management and along with rectification recommendations. Also known as operational audit this
type of audit requires specialized skills and experience and professionals

Independence of internal audit function

A key issue is the independence of internal audit function

As internal auditors issue an opinion on the effectiveness on internal controls so there is independence
is also important for the shareholders trust. Practically they can never be 100% independent because of
following reasons

 Relationship to their colleagues might hinder them to report fraud

 They might not try to upset their ultimate bosses (directors)
 Might not report problems in protecting business’ image and ultimately their jobs protection
can be a problem
 As dependents on the company they can be perused to keep quiet or they can be intimidated
 Directors might ignore report which criticize them

Threats to Independence of Internal Audit Function

Independence is the freedom to carry out work in an unbiased manner with access to all
information and freedom of drafting an opinion

There are number of threats to the internal audit function,, the following are identified by ACCA
code of Ethics and Conduct.

Self-Interest--- This arises when personal stake is involved.

Self-review--- This occurs while review self designed controls.

Advocacy---This is where the auditor promotes the client to the point that their subjectivity may be

Familiarity---When a close personal relationship with an officer in the company is developed.

Intermediation---This occurs when the auditor is deterred from acting objectively.

When these threats arise auditor should try to eliminate or reduce them to an acceptable level by

Muhammad Aleem Arif

ACCA P1 Internal Control

1. Either withdrawal from engagement team or terminating financial or business relationship

2. Discussing issues with top management of firm or client.

Reporting Structure
• The internal audit functions should report to the audit committee, mainly made up of
independent NED’s

• The chief internal auditor should have access to chairman

• The internal auditor team are bin house employees.

o These shouldn’t have operation duties neither have performed them

accordingly to avoid self review.

o Ideally there must be family or personal no ties to operational staff.

• When it is outsourced.

o Firm should be rotated after reasonable intervals.

o The outsourced firm should not perform too many services to the client.

o Fee levels should be monitored to avoid dependence.

Standard of Work
Internal audit function would be expected to carry out their work to a high professional standard.

They should be well managed and have clear and appropriate procedures and audit plan should be
revised annually.

For conducting good Internal Audit

• Planning should be performed.

• Objectives should be set for the engagement.

• The work should be documented, supervised and revised

• Results should be communicated to management.

• Recommendations for action should be made.

Audit committee is committee at the BOP consisting mainly of independent NED’s (at least three in large
companies) for one must have recent and relevant financial experience.

The key role of A.C is oversight “assessment” and review of the other functions and systems in
the company.

Muhammad Aleem Arif

ACCA P1 Internal Control

Role of Audit Committee

Financial Statements
Monitoring integrity of the FS, check the clarity and completeness of disclosures in financial statements
regarding financial performance

Review controls
Internal controls, risk management and internal financial controls

Internal Audit
• Monitor effectiveness,

• ensure accountability to the audit committee,

• ensure CIA has access to chairman,

• meet CIA at least once without management presence,

• ensure management recommendation action

• Review and assess the internal audit plan,

• Approve appointment,

• Termination of CIA pressure independence

• Monitor and assess the role and effectiveness of the internal audit function in the overall
context of the company’s risk management system.

External Auditors
The audit committee is responsible for oversight of the company’s relations with its external auditors

• Recommendations for appointment

• Re-appointment and approval

• Recommendations for remuneration and terms of engagement.

Remember the approval of the above has to be given by the shareholder at the AGMI.

• Review and monitor independence

• Develop and implement policy on EA providing non-audit service

• Review qualification and expertise of the EA

• Review the scope of the audit with the auditor and satisfy with itself that thuis is sufficient

Muhammad Aleem Arif

ACCA P1 Internal Control

• Make sure that appropriate plans are in place for the audit at the start of each annual audit and
carry out a post-completion audit review.

The audit committee should also review the procedure in place for whistle-blowing within the company.
There should be agreement in place for improprieties at the organization and for these concerns to be
independently investigated and action-taken if necessary.

If the company doesn’t have an internal audit functions

• The committee should consider annually whether there is a need for an internal audit function

• Make a recommendation to the board and the reasons for the absence of an internal audit
functions should be explained in the relevant section of the annual report.

The audit committee strengthens the independence of the internal and external audit functions by

• Taking appointments and fee-setting out of the hands of executive directors

• Ensuring that the company, as well as the audit firms, is considering independence.

An audit committee can raise the profile and importance of the audit, internal control and risk
management in an organization.

Note: These notes are skimmed reading for the session to be held on Tuesday, 28th Oct as an
epitome of the covering topic; we recommend full reading from book and relevant material for
complete and enhanced understanding.

Muhammad Aleem Arif

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