2019 Summer Camp Resident Fees: Early Fee - $425
2019 Summer Camp Resident Fees: Early Fee - $425
2019 Summer Camp Resident Fees: Early Fee - $425
Leader Fees
Fees for extra leaders are calculated at $20 per day or $120 for the full week. Names of leaders are
not required until May 15. Two leaders are free. Additional leaders may be free according to the schedule
# of youth per program # of free leaders All additional adults
5-10 2 $120
11-20 3 $120
21-30 4 $120
31-40 5 $120
ALL deposits and subsequent payments for camp MUST be made online through the CRC web site.
Payments may be in the form of an E-Check or credit card. There is no charge to the unit using this method
of payment.
Question I don’t know what Scouts in my troop are going to attend camp by the March 6th Early Fee
deposit date. Why should I make a deposit for the “unknown”?
Answer Camp promotion is a year-round process. The unit’s camp plans should already be on
family’s calendars. Units also should have a pretty good idea of the percentage of Scouts in the troop that
attends camp. Register and make deposits for that number of NAMED Scouts. Deposits may later be
transferred between Scouts.
Question We know our troop has Scouts that need Campership assistance in order to attend camp.
Should we register them with a $50 deposit by March 6th?
Answer Yes, as stated above, campership applicants are always afforded the lowest possible camp
fee. Naming them by March 6 helps the Camp Directors in planning for a great summer program.
All requests for refund consideration are to be in writing and sent either in the form of a
letter or email to:
Connecticut Rivers Council
Attn: Jim Waters
60 Darlin St, East Hartford, CT 06108
860-913-2750 jawaters@bsamail.org