Blended Course
Blended Course
Blended Course
Learning effectiveness
Structured Abstract
The move towards ‘Blended Learning’, consisting of a combination of online and face-to-face teaching,
continues to gain pace in universities around the world. It is important however, to question the quality of this
learning. The OECD has made use of a model of ‘Readiness, Intensity and Impact’ for investigating the adoption
and use of eBusiness technologies. This article proposes a framework, based on this model and adapted for
blended learning, to assess the readiness, intensity of adoption and impact on blended learning offerings. The
framework is tested via a description of how one university has adopted and used Blended Learning, and
investigates the quality of the learning from this approach.
The framework is tested via a case study involving the assessment of a blended learning approach to the
delivery of a first year undergraduate accounting unit at Victoria University, Australia. Various approaches to
delivery are assessed over a two year period. The results are drawn from a survey specifically designed to
identify students’ attitudes towards blended learning.
Despite having three new online options readily available for students to access, there was strong support for
face-to-face delivery methods. In relation to the framework, the assessment suggested that certain aspects of
the university’s blended learning approach could be investigated further (particularly student readiness for
different blended learning options and an overall assessment of the impact of a blended approach), to provide
a more holistic view of the readiness to adopt and impact of the blended learning offerings.
Originality/ Value
The value of this contribution lies in the development of a unique framework to assess the impact of blended
learning approaches from the viewpoint of student readiness and intensity of separate delivery approaches –
whilst maintaining the need to evaluate the effectiveness of blended learning as an overall package.
Universities are now making more use of information and communications technologies (ICT) such as the
Internet, and many have adopted a ‘blended learning’ approach to deliver course content (Wade 2012). This
approach combines traditional face-to-face teaching, typically with the use of online teaching resources. Just
because an ICT or blended learning solution has been made available, this does not mean that it can
automatically be assumed that university academics or students will want to adopt or to use it fully. Even if
university administration does adopt this new innovation, it also cannot be assumed that its academics and
students will want to use it, and even if they have little choice and are compelled to use it, that they will get the
most out of it. The old saying: ‘You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink’ comes to mind here
(Tatnall and Manning 2011).
It is of considerable importance to determine whether the increased use and availability of online teaching
resources and the use of a blended learning approach have made a positive impact on students’ academic
performance and whether this is reflected in improved learning outcomes. In this paper a framework to assess
blended learning approaches from a holistic viewpoint is developed. The idea of taking a holistic view is that
the framework extends beyond examination of the tools made available to students to readiness to adopt the
tools offered as part of the blended learning system (before adoption) and a formal evaluation of their
performance (afterwards). The framework is tested via a case study examining a blended learning approach to
the delivery of a first year undergraduate accounting unit at Victoria University, Australia.
Blended Learning
Blended learning is often described as “the mix of traditional methods of teaching, such as face-to-face
teaching and online teaching” (Bliuc, Goodyear et al. 2007, p.233). Due to its simplicity, this is perhaps the most
common meaning of blended learning used in a higher education context. To help identify the degree of
blending which may occur within these two approaches, reference can be made to Figure 1 which provides a
classification based on the level of online resources used. Figure 1 incorporates Jones, Chew, Jones & Lau’s’
(2009) Continuum of Blended Learning, which begins with no ICT use, then progresses through the most basic
level of information and communication technology used to support face-to-face teaching, to intensive use,
whereby the whole module is delivered online with minimal or no face-to-face interaction (Jones 2006).
Figure 1: Enhanced Continuum of Blended Learning (adapted from Jones, et al. (2009), p.15)
The idea behind the Continuum was that it was perceived as a way in which institutions could move from
traditional face-to-face approaches to an ‘E-intensive’ approach by gradually introducing ICT as part of the
delivery. The authors contend that the Continuum could also be viewed in another way. As educators assemble
the tools for a blended learning package, they could ‘select’ from different options across the Continuum. For
instance, a learning module may include the use of presentation software in lectures (basic ICT use), online
discussions (E-focussed) and face-to-face tutorials that involve no ICT use.
The notion of applying ICT to support traditional methods (as opposed to gradual movement to a completely
online system) is obviously not new. Dowling, Godfrey et al. (2003) analysed whether a hybrid, flexible teaching
method, in comparison to traditional face-to-face lectures, improved learning outcomes. Their results
suggested a positive change in student grades when a combination of the traditional approach and extensive
use of multi-media resources was used.
Dunbar (2004) described and analysed the transformation of a face-to face course to an online course using an
online learning platform, WebCT. The survey asked students about their preference to have a live instructor or
to take the class online. The majority of students responded that they would rather take the online class.
However, Marriott, Marriott et al. (2004) studied the use of ICT by undergraduate students and their views
regarding Internet use in accounting programs. Students expressed their preference for a face-to-face form of
educational experience and indicated that they would only endorse Internet usage that supported the
traditional delivery of courses, as they valued the social interaction and the communication skills they acquired
from the classroom environment. Decreased social contact and the potential isolation of learning on their own
was a primary concern raised in this study. Aisbitt and Sangster (2005) described the implementation and
effectiveness of a new online assessment system designed to encourage and reinforce the learning of basic
principles in an introductory accounting course. A positive correlation was found between student
performance in the online assessments and in their final examination.
Mcdowall and Jackling (2006) analysed student perceptions of the usefulness of a Computer-Assisted Learning
(CAL) package in learning accounting concepts and its influence on students’ academic performance. Their
results showed that positive perceptions of the usefulness of CAL significantly influenced performance. The
change in the method of instruction enabled a more effective use of the technology, potentially increased
teaching effectiveness and improved academic performance. Potter and Johnston (2006) investigated the
association between student use of a unique, interactive, online learning system, MarlinaLS, and their learning
outcomes. The results showed that students’ use of the new system was positively associated with both their
examination performance and the internal assessment result. Marriott and Lau (2008) conducted a qualitative
study in which a series of online summative assessments were introduced into a first-year financial accounting
course. Feedback from students indicated that assessment played a significant role in the teaching and learning
process. Students perceived a beneficial impact on learning, motivation and engagement derived from the
regular interaction with the online assessment.
Osgerby (2013) investigated students’ perception of the introduction of a blended learning environment and
concluded that whilst students appeared to have a positive attitude to the adoption of an organised and well-
resourced ICT based learning process, they preferred face-to-face lectures and step-by-step instruction.
Research conducted by Naaj, Nachouki et al. (2012) considered student satisfaction an important factor in
measuring the quality of blended learning. Their study proposed that students’ satisfaction is influenced by a
combination of factors which include the instructor, the technology, class management, interaction and
Thus, the jury is still out as in regards to the level of success of different blended learning approaches.
Apostolou, Hassell et al. (2011) highlighted the need for more empirical studies into the effectiveness of using
technology in accounting education. This was reinforced by Marriott and Teoh (2012) in their recent
investigation into an innovative approach of delivering audio and visual feedback to students using screencast
technology (which allows audio and computer screen output to be combined).
The process of adoption and use of eBusiness technologies consists of three phases:
Readiness involves preparing the technical, commercial and social infrastructures necessary to support
Intensity is the state or level of adoption and use of eBusiness, its volume, value and the nature of the
Impact is the added value that is potentially created (OECD 2005).
Whilst in universities the aims of eLearning are quite different to eBusiness, there are some parallels in that
university administration, academics and students must be ready to adopt new technologies, and the level that
they adopt at may vary. The resultant impact then depends on each of these. These concepts are discussed in
the next section. The next section examines how the three phases of adoption identified by the OECD (2005)
could be applied in the blended learning area.
Readiness, or as it is sometimes referred to, eReadiness, can be assessed at a number of levels. For instance,
Dada (2006:1) describes eReadiness as “…a measure of the degree to which a country, nation or economy may
be ready, willing or prepared to obtain benefits which arise from information and communications
technologies”. At this level, eReadiness is generally considered to an assessment of various attributes, such as
levels of connectivity, general business climate, available infrastructure, available human resources and so
forth (Rizk 2004). The focus of this research is obviously not at a macro level such as this. eReadiness is also
used by researchers to determine the ‘readiness’ of businesses to adopt ICT. For instance, Parker (2000)
adopted a simple definition of eReadiness – it represented how prepared a business was to operate in an
eBusiness marketplace. Mokhtar and Burgess (2012) examined the readiness of small business enterprises in
Brunei Darussalam to use the Internet according to six factors: availability of infrastructure, availability of
skilled workers, available finance, support of government policies, ICT culture (willingness to use ICT) and
attitude of business owners.
In regards to eReadiness and education, Whelan (2008) suggested that the benchmarks used to assess
eReadiness are not specific enough to relate to the challenges faced by educators who are integrating ICT into
their curricula. Abas, Kaur and Harun (2004) examined ‘eLearning readiness’ in Malaysia according to a number
of criteria:
As suggested by Whelan (2008), these criteria (apart from Environmental readiness) are assessed more at the
institution level than the more general eReadiness assessments carried out at the country level. Along the
same lines, Machado (2007) developed a framework for assessing eReadiness in higher education institutions.
This framework differentiated between the roles of administrators (to provide the necessary infrastructure but
also to facilitate in building capacity for eLearning), instructors and students.
Intensity of Adoption
As the discussion on readiness suggested, decisions related to the adoption of educational technologies can be
complex. In order to understand the benefits and problems associated with new innovations in teaching (such
as different forms of online delivery), it is useful to consider one of the theories of technological innovation (Al-
Hajri and Tatnall 2007) such as the Theory of Reasoned Action (Ajzen and Fishbein 1980), the Theory of Planned
Behavior (Ajzen 1991), the Technology Acceptance Model (Davis 1986), Diffusion of Innovations (Rogers 2003)
or Innovation Translation (Callon 1986; Latour 1996). The Technology Acceptance Model and Diffusion of
Innovations, in particular, consider characteristics of the innovation and of the potential adopter as crucial
factors. One of the difficulties, however, in investigating the adoption of technological innovations is that not
all innovations are adopted in the form in which they were proposed and not all are adopted without change
(Tatnall 2009), raising the question of just what was adopted in each case. The authors argue that it is fallacious
to assume that the reason for the adoption, or non-adoption, of the technology is due just, or even primarily,
to the characteristics of the innovation itself. For instance, if a blended learning package is only partially
adopted how can this be explained? A less than friendly interface may be one reason for only partial adoption
of such packages, but there are many more possible reasons. On a human level, many academics prefer human
to human interactions and are reluctant to use technology in this way for teaching and learning. All of this
means that many academics will be likely to translate (Callon 1986) the blended learning package into
something that suits their own needs by including some aspects and not others (Tatnall and Manning 2011).
The approach to innovation adoption used in Actor-Network Theory, or ANT (Callon 1986, 1999; Latour 1986,
1996, 2005; Law 1987, 1991, 1999), sometimes known as a Sociology or Translations, is that of Innovation
Translation. This approach posits that innovations are often not adopted in their entirety but only after
‘translation’ into a form that is more appropriate for use by the potential adopter (Tatnall 2009). ANT considers
the world to be full of hybrid entities (Latour 1993) containing both human and non-human elements, and
offers the notion of heterogeneity to help in the explanation of technology adoption (Tatnall & Davey 2007).
This means that in investigating adoption both human and non-human influences should be considered. In one
of his early works, Latour (1986) maintains that the people involved in any innovation may react to it in
different ways by modifying it, adding to it, using only some parts of it, or ignoring it. The adoption of an
innovation thus comes as a consequence of the actions of everyone in the chain of actors who has anything to
do with it and that each actor translates and contributes its own resources to the final result (Tatnall & Gilding
At the institution level, the readiness to adopt blended learning is reflected in the decision by an institution to
adopt it. This can be supported by unit coordinators (referred to ‘instructors’ by Machado (2007), who
incorporate it into their curriculum. Finally, it is up to students as individuals to adopt those aspects of the
blended learning approach which are either required or that they perceive to be useful for their purposes. This
represents their Intensity of adoption. Actor-network theory fits well with the OECD model in relating to socio-
technical situations where both human and non-human actors influence the resulting level of adoption. In
particular the OECD concept of Intensity relates closely to ANT’s innovation translation where only certain parts
of an innovation may be adopted.
In regards to usage, Wells, de Lange et al. (2008) found that the use of technology in educational settings can
assist in the achievement of learning outcomes. Research conducted by Perera and Richardson (2010)
suggested that the quality of the actual time spent online may be influential on learning outcomes. This
provided some support for an earlier study by Davies and Graff (2005) which found that students interacting
less frequently with online resources performed less well academically. Williams, Birch et al. (2012) explored
the relationship between levels of student engagement with online quizzes and their academic performance. It
was found that students who attempted the online quizzes multiple times performed much better than those
who attempted the quizzes fewer times.
de Lange, Suwardy et al. (2003) investigated the use of the online learning system, WebCT, and found that
various design features of WebCT, such as the provision of lecture notes, use of bulletin board and online
assessment significantly influenced the level of student satisfaction. Rainsbury and Malcolm (2003) focussed on
whether students perceived the use of an online discussion board as beneficial to their learning. Whilst results
showed that the use of the discussion board contributed positively to students’ perception of increased
learning, this had an insignificant impact on their final examination performance . Abdolmohammadi, Howe et
al. (2003) examined the implementation of a web-assisted course enhanced learning. Responses from their
Student Evaluation of Teaching survey found no significant difference in students’ level of understanding of the
subject matter. It found that students did not find the course website useful and therefore did not use it
extensively. Thus, the impact of blended learning is assessed through some measurement of the quality of
learning achieved. Examples already mentioned include overall student performance, assessments of student
satisfaction and so forth.
Theoretical Framework
Figure 3 represents a theoretical framework, based on the OECD eBusiness Indicator framework but tailored
for higher education institutions, which provides an overview of the blended learning experience in regards to:
Readiness: taking into consideration institution readiness, staff readiness and student readiness.
Intensity of adoption: in this instance the intensity of adoption considers the blended learning options
selected for adoption by staff and the adoption of those options by students.
Impact: or quality of learning achieved. Quality of learning can be assessed via a number of means as
discussed in the previous section.
It is important to remember that the framework can be used to examine different stages of adoption of
blended learning packages. For instance, when considering the initial adoption of blended learning it would be
useful to concentrate upon the readiness aspect of the framework. When examining the section of blended
learning options by students, the intensity of adoption section of the framework would be considered, with
some reference to staff and student readiness also likely. In regards to the quality of learning achieved it is
likely that the impact section of the framework will be considered in conjunction alongside the intensity of
adoption as different blending learning options are likely to be assessed.
Figure 3: Blended Learning Assessment (BLA) Framework: Readiness, Intensity Of Adoption Of Blended
Learning And Its Impact On Quality Of Learning Achieved
Research Objective
The overall objective of this research is to test and refine the Blended Learning Assessment Framework via its
application in an actual situation. In this instance, the setting is the delivery of a first-year accounting unit at
Victoria University, Australia. The co-ordinator of the unit, an author of this article, introduced blended learning
into the unit in 2006. The BLA framework was used to assess the selection of blended learning options by
students and the subsequent impact on their quality of learning. As such, this assessment of the blended
learning suite concentrates upon the intensity of adoption and impact sections of the framework.
1. What is the intensity of the adoption for the blended learning options available?
2. What are the students’ perceptions of the impact of blended learning options?
Victoria University is located in the State of Victoria, Australia and has one of the most culturally and
linguistically diverse student populations within the State. With a number of campuses based in the state’s
capital city, Melbourne, the university has a large number of first-generation university entrants, the first in
their family to attend university. Also included amongst its student population are those from a low socio-
economic background. It is therefore important to provide additional support for their specific learning needs.
One of Victoria University’s key strategies is to enhance the quality of the learning experience by incorporating
a greater use of technology in the teaching and learning process; this trend toward blended learning is
emerging as perhaps the most prominent method of delivery in higher education (Bonk and Graham 2006).
Since 2006 there has been an increasing amount of online resources used in Victoria University’s introductory
accounting unit.
This article reports on part of an ongoing research project which monitors the technological changes
implemented in a compulsory first-year introductory accounting unit for students undertaking a Bachelor of
The first year accounting unit examined in the study introduced students to the real-life application of
accounting principles and practices within a business context. With enrolments in excess of 400 local students
each semester, it is Victoria University’s largest accounting cohort. This represents a diverse group of
accounting and non-accounting students from a broad spectrum of business majors which range from music
through to marketing. Only a minority of these students are accounting majors. This is one of the major
challenges in engaging these students in the learning of accounting as it is an area of study in which there is
little or no interest. As mentioned earlier, the coordinator of the unit is also a co-author of this article.
Whilst the emphasis of this article is not on the readiness aspect of the BLA framework, it is useful to briefly
address readiness to introduce how blended learning was introduced. WebCT was introduced into the first-
year accounting unit in Semester 1/2006. There was a decision made at the institution level that each unit
would at least have a WebCT web page and an expectation that WebCT would be used ‘in some way’ by staff in
relation to the delivery of all units. In regards to readiness, staff were provided with a basic level of training for
use of WebCT and support areas were made available within the university to support development of
curriculum around various WebCT features. Students were provided with a basic level of online teaching
resources which included lecture notes and examination solutions. In each of the following semesters,
additional resources were made available. There was also greater use of communication tools, in particular
online chat and discussion boards for students to communicate with each other and their lecturers via WebCT.
In Semester 1/2010, students were introduced to three new online learning options to complement traditional
face-to-face lectures and tutorials. The first of these options was the viewing of recorded lectures via Lectopia,
an automated lecture recording and web publishing tool. Students had immediate access to an audio-visual
recording of a lecture which generally comprised lecture slides, commentary and illustrations using links to
websites where relevant. Whilst this could be downloaded and viewed at their convenience, it did not however
provide for any student interaction via discussion board or any other online chat facilities.
The second option enabled students the opportunity to enrol and actively participate in online tutorials via
Elluminate Live which is an online collaborative session. To join the online tutorial they were required to login
to the Elluminate Live website each week at a regular designated time. These sessions were conducted by the
unit coordinator. The transfer of knowledge and review of tutorial content was facilitated through shared files
or a shared whiteboard where students could also take control of the screen for direct input. Interaction
between the online tutor and students was through an onscreen dialogue sidebar or speaking directly via
microphone or headset. Each of the Elluminate Live tutorials were recorded and posted on WebCT by the end
of each week.
The third option allowed students to download and review the audio-visual content from the Elluminate Live
tutorials. As with the first option of the recorded lectures, this was a passive viewing option. Access to all these
additional online resources was via the unit website on WebCT.
The research being reported in this article involved a case study conducted over four consecutive semesters
commencing from Semester 1/2010 through to Semester 2/2011. The case study approach has been used on a
number of occasions to examine blended learning in higher education institutions. For instance, Motteram
(2006) examined the role of blended learning (face-to-face and ‘virtual’ delivery) in a Master’s program at a UK
university. So and Brush (2008) examined, amongst other things, student perceptions and satisfaction with a
blended learning environment in a health education course in a US university. More recently, Taylor and
Newton (2013) conducted a case study that examined blended learning practices at an Australian regional
university faced with the challenges of delivering both on-campus and distance learning programs. It identified
students’ perceptions of traditional and online methods of delivery as per the research questions. The primary
source of statistical data used in this paper was a series of surveys specifically designed to identify students’
attitudes towards blended learning in the first-year accounting unit. As part of their study, So and Brush (2008)
conducted both surveys and interviews with the student cohort. In this particular case, the type of data to be
collected and the size of the student body meant that a survey was most suited for the collection of data, due
to its ability to allow the researcher to collect data from large populations (Leedy and Ormrod 2013).
The length of the survey was limited to three pages to encourage greater student participation and required
approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
The survey instrument comprised three sections. The first section requested information related to the socio-
economic and educational background of respondents. The second section examined the students’ study
preferences towards the various blended learning options available to them. Each of the options were listed
and students were asked to rate their effectiveness of each in assisting their learning in this unit by using a 4-
point rating scale. The third section provided an overview of the students’ learning experience in the unit of
study. Students were asked to respond to a series of statements relating to quality of teaching, assessment,
workload and their attitudes toward study. For the purposes of this paper, data has been extracted from the
first and second section of the survey.
Demographic Profile
Table 1 provides a summary of the survey respondents across the four semesters of the study. Overall, there
were 515 usable responses to the survey. Enrolments were generally higher in Semester one of each year. The
overall response rate to the survey over this period was just over 26%, which was a reasonably successful rate
given the time needed to complete the survey. The Demographic profile of respondents across the four
semesters suggests that the respondent groups generally had similar profiles across the study period.
Table 1: Demographic Profile of Survey Participants
Research Question 1: Intensity of Adoption
The research framework is quite generic, and allows for a variety of methods for assessing the intensity of
adoption of the different blended learning approaches by specific researchers. In this instance, a simple
measure was used. Survey respondents were asked to rate the different packages made available to them
according to whether they used that option at least once during the semester. The results are shown in in the
second column of Table 2. The results show quite clearly that:
Face-to-face delivery was used by nearly all students (lectures by 97% of students and tutorials by 96% of
Nearly three quarters (72%) of respondents viewed at least one recorded lecture (Lectopia)
Less than half of the students used Elluminate (Live tutorials (48%) or lectures (44%).
Not assessed in this study
Blended learning option (%) Mean Median Mode General assessment
Between effective and
Lectures - face-to-face 97 3.40 4 4
very effective (3 and 4)
Between effective and
Tutorials - face-to-face 96 3.24 4 3
very effective (3 and 4)
72 2.86 3 3 Effective (3)
Viewing recorded lectures
Between some effect and
Elluminate -tutorials 48 2.50 3 3
effective (2 and 3)
Elluminate Live - online Between some effect and
44 2.52 3 3
tutorials effective (2 and 3)
Note that in addition to the mean score for each approach, the median and mode have also been included. This
is because there is an argument in some circles that suggests that mean and standard deviation are not suitable
for the analysis of ordinal values, such as the ratings scales used in this study. In these instances it might be
more appropriate to employ mode or median values (Jamieson 2004). Standard deviation values add little to
the analysis in this instance as the results from this study are quite predicable - delivery methods with higher
scale values (such as the face-to-face approaches) obviously had a lower standard deviation and those with
middle range scores had higher standard deviations. Little is gained from their inclusion. The final column of
Table 2 includes a determination of the overall effectiveness of each of the blended learning delivery options,
determined on the basis of the mean, median and mode results.
It is also interesting to examine whether or not the mean differences (in regards to the effectiveness of the
various approaches) are significantly different. In order to assess this for each combination a series of chi-
square tests were conducted. These are presented in Table 3.
In this instance, there were significant differences in regards to the effectiveness of all the delivery approaches,
except for the two face-to-face approaches, where a significant difference could not be ascertained in
effectiveness between face-to-face lectures and tutorials. However, in regards to all of the findings in Table 3 it
must be remembered that there were over 500 respondents to the survey and as the number of observations
increases there is an increasing likelihood that significant differences will be recorded between sets of values.
Thus, in these instances it is important to bring the results back to the scales that were used in the survey. The
final column of Table 2 provides a judgement of the overall effectiveness of the different approaches on the
basis of the mean, median and mode values for each approach. When this is combined with the results of Table
3, it is reasonable to assess the following in regards to the effectiveness of the different teaching approaches
employed in the study:
It is also interesting that there is a strong correlation (.9876) between the values presented in the adoption
column and the mean effectiveness column in Table 2. This does not necessarily imply that the perception of
effectiveness drives the level of adoption, but this is a possibility and is worth further investigation.
Despite having three new online options readily available via WebCT; the viewing of recorded lectures, the
viewing of recorded tutorials and participation in an online tutorial, there was strong support for face-to-face
lectures and tutorials. These two traditional styles of delivery were rated as the preferred learning options
with the highest levels of adoption as well as the highest scores for effectiveness over the four semester
period (being recognised as ‘most effective’ by students).
Students perceived face-to-face lectures as the most effective option in assisting their learning in this unit,
closely followed by face-to-face tutorials. Of the online options, the viewing of recorded lectures rated the
highest, but well below the face-to-face options. These results appear to be consistent with research by
Halabi, Tuovinen et al. (2005) on student attitudes toward tele-teaching and traditional face-to-face contact.
Preference for face-to-face teaching was reported in this study and more recently by Osgerby (2013) who
concluded that whilst students appeared to have a positive attitude to the adoption of an organised and well-
resourced ICT based learning options, they still preferred traditional lectures and step-by-step instruction.
Over the four semesters, the viewing of recorded tutorials and participation in online tutorials rated the
lowest of all the learning options. These low scores are perhaps indicative of their preference for active
involvement through student interaction rather than passive viewing of online recordings. Bates and Poole
(2003, p.98) stated that “most theories of learning suggest that for learning to be efficient, it needs to be
active … the learner must respond in some way to the learning material”. Students learn better when they are
actively engaged with their learning rather than being passive receptacles of information.
Despite the constant promotion of the online tutorial (Elluminate) as a new and flexible learning option over
the four semester period, the enrolments remained low. The number of participants would fluctuate from
week to week. This may be perceived to be a benefit to the participants as it provided a more personalised
learning experience compared to a traditional classroom tutorial of 25 students. As an instructor, one is able to
better gauge the level of understanding of each individual student through the one-to-one interaction online in
which student anonymity is maintained. This seemed to encourage more open discussion amongst students
and provide a more active and collaborative learning experience, particularly for those students who feel
uncomfortable asking questions in a large tutorial group. There were numerous attempts by the unit
coordinator to raise student awareness of these online tutorials over the four semesters, but this did not seem
to improve the low number of enrolments nor strengthen the students’ perception that this was a viable
alternative to face-to-face learning.
Blended Elluminate
learning Lectopia
Elluminate Live
options Viewing
Lectures Tutorials Viewing Participating
INTENSITY recorded
tutorials in online
OF lectures
Face-to- Face-to-
learning E-enhanced E-enhanced E-focussed
face face
Selection of High High Under ½ Under ½
¾ adopted
options adoption adoption adopted adopted
between between
“effective” “effective” between between
and and “some “some
Effectiveness Effective
effect” and effect” and
IMPACT “very “very “effective” “effective”
effective” effective”
Not assessed in this study
Figure 5 provides an overview of how the framework might be viewed taking Victoria University’s assessment
of blended learning into account. Whilst a useful examination of the different approaches occurred, there was
no assessment of the effectiveness of the blended learning approach as a whole. Additionally, future
assessments should include reference to the role that student readiness played in level of adoption of different
learning approaches. This is one of the benefits of the BLA framework – it can help to identify areas that effect
the implementation of blended learning suites that may not necessarily be considered by implementers.
This paper addressed the notion of evaluating various blended learning approaches and developed a
framework for the assessment of blended learning based on Readiness (to adopt different aspects of blended
learning), Intensity (or level) of Adoption and Impact. The framework was tested through the assessment of a
blended learning program in first year accounting at Victoria University.
The results of this research showed that the approaches to learning offered within the unit ranged from the
traditional face-to-face delivery methods, through to e-enhanced options (Lectopia lectures and Elluminate
tutorials) and e-focussed delivery (Elluminate Live real time tutorials) on the enhanced continuum of blended
learning. The study results indicated that despite having three new online options at Victoria University that
were readily available via WebCT, there was strong support for face-to-face lectures and tutorials. These two
traditional styles of delivery were rated as the preferred learning options with the highest levels of adoption as
well as the highest mean scores for learning effectiveness over the four semester period.
This exercise allowed the authors to reflect upon the assessment framework and to develop a practical,
operationalized version to include a separation of existing approaches to delivery and newer blended learning
approaches – with respective measurement of intensity of adoption and individual effectiveness. Additionally,
an ‘overall assessment’ section was added to the framework to review the success of the blended learning
package as a whole. This is an important addition to the framework as in a blended learning program learners
often have some freedom to construct their own learning environment and it is as important to evaluate the
effectiveness of this individualised ‘suite’ of learning for each participant on an overall basis as it is to assess
each individual approach that is offered along the blended learning continuum. The application of the
framework is important from a practical viewpoint when introducing blended learning into higher education as
planners and implementers will consider the readiness to adopt, the blended learning options available and
how their impact will be assessed before any implementation occurs. This provides a more holistic approach to
the implementation of blended learning options and ensures that the impact of the blended learning approach
is considered during its design rather than as an afterthought after implementation.
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