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Appropriate Technology Sourcebook, CD-ROM, 1997

This is the latest edition of the guide to practical books on village and small
community technology. Over 50,000 copies of previous editions have been used in
more than 130 countries, to find a wide range of published technical information
that can be used by individuals and small groups. In the new edition, 1150
publications from international and U.S. sources are reviewed, convering small
water supply systems, renewable energy devices such as watermills and improved
cookstoves, agricultural tools and implements, intensive gardening, workship tools
and euipment, crop preservation, housing, health care, forestry, aquaculture,
nonformal education, small business management, transportation, small industries
and other topics. Extensive index. Price and ordering information are provided for
each publication. 500 illustrations. The Sourcebook can also be used as the index for
the Appropriate Technology Microfiche Library, which contains the complete text of
1000 books. Complete sets of the microfiche library are also available from the
publishers at low cost.

Copyright 1993, 1986, 1981, 1976, 1975

By Volunteers in Asia
All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any

ISBN 0-917704-17-7 (paperback)

ISBN 0-917704-18-5 (hardbound)

First Printing 1993

Printed in U.S.A.

Cover design by Kathy Barker.

Cover illustration by Rob Colvin.

Additional copies of this book can be ordered from: Appropriate Technology

Project, Volunteers in Asia, P.O. Box 4543, Stanford, California 94309, USA (fax: 415-
725-1805). The regular price of the paperback edition is $23.95. For local groups in
developing countries, the price is $12.00. Postage costs are $4.00 for domestic U.S.
addresses, and $6.00 for foreign addresses. A hardbound edition with a sewn
binding is available for $29.95 plus postage ($15.00 plus postage to local groups in
developing countries). Discounts are available for purchase of 10 copies or more.

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