An Economic Customer-Oriented Demand Response Model in Electricity Markets
An Economic Customer-Oriented Demand Response Model in Electricity Markets
An Economic Customer-Oriented Demand Response Model in Electricity Markets
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5 authors, including:
Vahid Vahidinasab
Shahid Beheshti University
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Vahid Vahidinasab
Electrical Engineering Department
Shahid Beheshti University
Tehran, Iran
Abstract— Consumer choice theory is a branch of customers to optimize their electric energy consumption.
microeconomics. This theory relates to adjusting consumption Numerous DSM techniques have been proposed in the
expenditures and consumer demand curve. Consumer choice literatures. One of these is Demand Response (DR) programs.
science is trying to realize the buyer's decision-making process. DR programs, as defined by U.S. Department of Energy
This science studies customer characteristics, such as behavioral (DOE), are the programs that improve the electricity
criteria, to understand the consumer’s need. The concept of price consumption patterns of industrial, commercial, and residential
elasticity of demand (PED) has also been derived from this customers so as to reduce peak loads and thereby achieve better
theory. In fact, the PED is the percentage of changes in the prices as well as improved network reliability [3]. To make the
amount of demand relative to the price changes. In consumer
power demand more manageable, a DR program can change
choice theory, for each consumer according to behavioral
criteria, a unique response to price changes is considered.
the pattern of electricity usage by reducing the peak load or
Therefore, the consumer demand curve is a unique curve versus shifting the consumption from the peak to the off-peak hours
price changes. In the concept of PED, the elasticity investigation [4]-[5].
is performed only in a single point or over a small interval of the Most existing DR models have constructed by the concept
curve instead of the whole curve which is not suitable. Since most of Price Elasticity of Demand (PED). This concept is extracted
demand response (DR) models have been developed based on this from consumer choice theory that is a branch of
concept, this will also be deemed as a disadvantage for them. In
microeconomics. This theory is related to adjusting
this paper, we propose an economic DR model based on economic
consumption expenditures and consumer demand curve. This
theories and mathematical methods. In addition to abate the
defects of price-elasticity based DR models, the proposed model
science combines cases such as psychology, sociology, social
has the ability to respond to the various consumers with distinct anthropology and economics. Consumer choice is trying to
responses to price changes and can also adjust the consumer's understand decision-making process of buyers, whether in the
demands according to the consumer's preferences during form of one by one or group [6]. PED demonstrates the
different periods of a day. relationship between price and quantity demanded and in fact
the percentage changes in quantity demanded with respect to
Keywords— Demand-side management (DSM), price price changes. Each consumer has a unique reaction to price
elasticity of demand (PED), economic DR model, consumer utility changes and this difference among consumers is identified
function, Cobb-Douglas utility function. according to many parameters such as consumer behavior,
income, etc. [7]. Therefore, the demand curve can be unique
for each consumer. Existing price-elasticity based DR models
I. INTRODUCTION have paid less attention about this matter. In general, the
With the advent of electricity markets, the supply-side behavior of consumers by observing costs of electrical energy
quickly adapted to the new environment but it took longer for can be divided into three main groups [1]. These categories are
the demand-side to become aware of this toughie due to shown in Figure (1). Each group of consumers with regard to
absence of enough information and confronting tools to their behavior can manage the electric energy consumption at
participate imposingly in the electricity markets [1].To tackle different times. The concept of consumption management
this issue, demand-side tried to find appropriate tools which refers to a specific class of electric loads, which have the ability
eventually led to the emergence of a new subject called to transfer between different hours [8]. It should be noted that,
Demand Side Management (DSM) in electricity market. electrical loads categorized into two groups: non-flexible and
Implementation of DSM programs offers many benefits to a flexible loads [2]. The flexible loads are significantly
large number of stakeholders in deregulated energy markets controllable in terms of amount and time of use, such as a
[2]. DSM refers to initiatives and technologies that persuade washing machine, a dishwasher and some heating and cooling
subject to By replacing (12) in (11):
B = P1D1 + P2 D 2 (1 − a).B
D off − peak = (13)
As mentioned, the reaction of customers to the price Poff − peak
changes, i.e., the degree of participation in DR programs is the
same as the concept of elasticity which is presented in (2) using and replacing (13) in (12):
the elasticity parameter "a". In fact, this parameter is a control a.B
parameter. D peak = (14)
Equation (3) is a constraint, indicating that the cost of
purchasing electrical energy must be equal to the allocated in this context, Dpeak and Doff-peak represent electric power
budget, where B is the total budget of the customer and P1 and consumed in peak, and off-peak period, respectively. To obtain
P2 are the prices of the goods (D1 and D2, respectively). the power consumption at each time interval of the study
period, one must use the following equations:
Here we are dealing with an optimization problem with a
utility function and several constraints. There are many D peak
methods for solving the optimization problem such as Dt peak = Dt ' peak × (15)
D 'peak
Lagrange method which could determine optimal points for
utility functions f(x) with one or more equality constraints hj(x). Doff − peak
Considering a constrained optimization and Lagrange Dt off − peak = Dt 'off − peak × ' (16)
Doff − peak
multiplier method, we can state that:
where D'peak and D'off-peak represent demand in peak, and off-
Maximize f (x ) peak period, respectively before implementation of DR
subject to (4) programs.
h j (x ) = 0 j = 1, 2,3,.....
If x is a local maximum, then there will be a fixed constant
such λ j (j = 1, 2,3,.....) that: To find the appropriate range for each parameter, there are
different methods that can be used to do so: (1) trial and error
l (2) sensitivity analysis. In this section, we use the sensitivity
∇f ( x * ) + λ j ∇h j ( x * ) = 0 analysis to find the range of elasticity parameter "a".
j =1 (5) Sensitivity analysis refers to the impact study of the input
h j (x * ) ≤ 0 ; for all j = 1, 2,..., l variables of a statistical model to output variables [20]. As
To combine these conditions into an equation, we present an indicated in (3), the accepted general range for the elasticity
auxiliary function: parameter is 0< a <1. As shown in Fig.3, by increasing this
parameter in the mentioned range and observing the output, it
L (x , λ ) = f (x ) + λ h (x ) (6) is clear that the amount of consumption in the peak time
increases while opposite happens in off-peak time. So, a
and solve:
consumer can choose this parameter with regard to his/her
∇ x , λ L (x , λ ) = 0 (7) sensitivity toward the price changes. So, if a consumer selects
the small value for this parameter, the participation of that
So, in this way we will have: consumer in the DR program is more, meaning that this
consumer is deemed as a High Flexible type.
− peak + λ ⋅ {B-D peak .Ppeak - D off − peak .Poff − peak }
a 1− a
L = D peak .Doff (8)
− peak − λ Ppeak = 0
a −1 1− a
= a.D peak .Doff
dD peak
a −1 1− a (9)
a.D peak .Doff − peak
a −a
(1 − a).D peak .Doff − peak
λ= (10)
Poff − peak
= B − D peak .Ppeak -Doff − peak .Poff − peak = 0
dλ (11) Fig.3. Changes in the elasticity parameter "a" and the amount of
B = D peak .Ppeak + Doff − peak .Poff − peak consumption in each time period
By comparison of (9) and (10), one can write: In this section, we determine the proper value for this
parameter by making changes to the value of the elasticity
a.Poff − peak parameter "a" and observe the output. As shown in Fig. (4),
D peak = Doff − peak (12)
(1 − a).Ppeak with implementation of a DR program and selecting different
values for "a", the amount of consumption at peak time
changes. Since the purpose of a DR program is to reduce Table.I Price of electricity in different time periods [22]
consumption at peak time, increasing "a" is to some extent Demand level Ppeak Poff-peak
justified that the amount of consumption at peak period is less Time Period 18:00-23:00 Other hours
than the amount of consumption when there is no DR program. Price (cents per kWh) 16 8
Therefore, according to the results depicted in Fig. (3), the
appropriate value is 0 < a < 0.8. Now if the sensitivity analysis The results from the implementation of the proposed model
for off-peak time is also done, we will find similar results as at peak time and off- peak time for various values of elasticity
shown in Fig. (5). parameter "a" according to the sensitivity analysis results are
shown in the Tables (II)- (III).
Table.II Changes in the power consumption during the peak time
Elasticity parameter
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Dpeak (kWh)
6.54 7.06 7.63 8.30 9.04 9.86 10.84
(Proposed DR model)
Dpeak (kWh)
(Base Case-Without 11.71
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