Have You Ever Enjoyed Doing Something You Weren

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Have you ever enjoyed doing something you weren't supposed to do?

¿Alguna vez has disfrutado haciendo algo que se suponía que no debías hacer?

Of course. When I was in high school sometimes, I went to play soccer with my friends when I was
supposed to have classes. Well, there were no bad consequences.

Have you ever not done something you should have done?

¿Alguna vez no has hecho algo que deberías haber hecho?

Sure.When I went to Toluca it was very cold, so my mother told me that I should wear a jacket, but
I didn't do it. Sadly I got a cold.

Have you ever done something foolish that you didn't need to do?

¿Alguna vez has hecho algo tonto que no necesitabas hacer?

When I was a teenager, I liked my neighbor. So, I thought it was necessary to impress her. So,
when we went out on the bike trying to do a flip I fell and hurt myself. It was very embarrassing.

Have you ever had to follow a rule didn't like?

¿Alguna vez has tenido que seguir una regla que no te gustaba?

Sure. When I was a child, I had to go to church every Sunday. I was very bored and desperate to
follow the priest's instructions. It was a family rule that I didn't like.

Have you ever had to enforce a rule you didn't like?

¿Alguna vez ha tenido que hacer respetar una regla que no te gustaba?

Oh, yes. When I was the group leader in middle school, in free classes my classmates told me to go
to the fields to play. but I had to say no because the perfect would punish us.
El sonido misterioso irrita al pueblo.

Cada noche, desde la medianoche hasta las 4 a. m., un misterioso zumbido mantiene despiertos a
los 300 residentes de Woodland, Inglaterra. No hay fábricas ni grandes carreteras cerca, y hasta
ahora nadie puede explicar el sonido.

Let me think... considering there are no factories or highways. So, I guess it could be the sound of a
large water pump running. Also at that time I imagine everything is quiet then, the hum of the
water pump is more evident.

Enigma de los granjeros por la miel de colores.

En la región francesa famosa por su miel, las abejas la han estado produciendo en tonos de azul y
verde. Los agricultores dicen que la miel no se puede vender y están investigando la causa.

Let me think... I suppose it is related to the flowers from which the bees extract the nectar. Also, It
could be because a mutation or disease of bees that is affecting a particular type.

El río corre rojo

Los residentes sorprendidos vieron con incredulidad la semana pasada cómo el río que atraviesa
su ciudad se volvió de un color rojo intenso. Algunas personas se apresuraron a salvar una botella
de agua coloreada mientras tenían la oportunidad.

Let me think... I consider that the color is probably because some factory or company has thrown
waste or garbage into the river. I have heard of many similar cases in the news. If this were true it
would be a bad thing for the environment.

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