Mufon Ufo Journal - June 1987
Mufon Ufo Journal - June 1987
Mufon Ufo Journal - June 1987
(USPS 002-970)
(ISSN 0270-6822) Forget Ezekiel’s W heel, flying Roman shields, the Great Airship
103 Oldtowne Rd. of 1897, W W M's "foo fighters,” and 1946Sw edishreporlsof m ystery
Seguin, Texas 78155-4099 U.S.A. rockets; for all practical intent and purposes, the public awareness
of the U F O phenomenon began on a sum m er’s day in June of 1947,
DENNIS W. STACY when Boise, Idaho, businessman Kenneth A rnold reported seeing
Editor nine, silvery, crescent (not disc), shaped objects skimming
through the air over M l. Rainier, Washington. A rn o ld described the
objects as skipping like a saucer over water, an offhand remark that
International Director and
resulted in "(lying saucer” headlines across the country. Like those
Associate Editor
other C o ld W a r bugbears, the A to m B o m b and the Iron Curtain, s o -.
THOMAS P. DEULEY called dying saucers, or U F O s , have been with us, (or better or
Art D irector worse, ever since. Th is year, in fact, m arks the fortieth anniversary
MILDRED BIESELE of A rn o ld ’s landmark sighting. Coincidentally, the Fund for U F O
Contributing Editor Research, co-hosts of M U F O N ’s 18th annual sym posium, has its
headquarters in M t. Rainier, M aryland, a continent and nearly a half
century away from A rn o ld ’s original site. But synchronicity aside,
Contributing Editor
we've had no shortage of reports similar to A rn o ld ’s. Include the
contaclees and abductees in the equation and the phenom enon has
PAUL CERNY progressed substantially on one hand, thank you, while remaining as
Promotion/Publicity elusive of resolution as ever on the other.
MARGE CHRISTENSEN In a w ay, A rnold himself was a sort of m icrocosm of the larger
Public Relations picture w e confront today. Like the phenomenon itself, he wouldn’t
quite slay put o r com fortably pigeonholed. H e could have sunk
REV. BARRY DOWNING com fortably and quietly into oblivion. Instead he became
Religion and UFOs inextricably entwined with U F O s , mainly through his subsequent
LUCIUS FARISH association with the erratic Ray Palmer and the infamous M aury
Books/Periodicals/H istory Island H o a x, which resulted in the death of two A ir Force officers.
Th o u gh not nearly as param ount, interpreting A rn o ld ’s checkered
career has proved almost as difficult as making sense of U F O s
themselves. Staff writer G re g Long’s article, reprinted from the
T. SCO TT CRAIN Novem ber 1981 issue of the Journal, should shed some light on the
GREG LONG subject.
Staff Writers
In this issue
Landing Trace C ases KENNETH ARNOLD REVISITED by Greg Long ....................................... 3
JOHN F. SCHUESSLER DIX -McGUIRE UPDATED by StringfieJd & Hall ....................................... 7
Medical C ases RESEARCH UPDATE by William L. M oore..................................................9
NEWS’NVIEWS (In Others’ W ords)................................................... 10
LEONARD STRINGFIELD SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE ........................................................................ n
UFO Crash/Retrieval LOOKING BACK by Bob Gribble ............................................................ 12
WALTER N, WEBB RECENT SIGHTINGS................................................................................. 13
Astronomy PARANET CLASSIFICATION by James J. S p eiser.................................. 15
NORMA E. SHORT INTRUDERS: A REVIEW by Richard H. Hall .......................................... 16
DWIGHT CONNELLY BETTY HILLS ‘LANDING SITE’ by J.P. Oswald ................................... 17
DENNIS HAUCK THE JULY NIGHT SKY by Walter N. W e b b ...........................................IS
RICHARD H. HALL DIRECTORS MESSAGE by Walt A n d ru s................................................. 20
ROBERT V. PRATT Cover Photograph of Kenneth Arnold by Greg Long
Editor/Publishers Emeritus
(Formerly SKYLOOK) T h e Mutual U F O Network, Inc. is exempt from Federal Income T a x under
Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. M U F O N is a publicly
supported organization of the type described in Section 509(a)(2), Donors
m ay deduct contributions from their Federal income tax. In addition,
bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts are deductible for Federal
Th e M U F O N U F O J O U R N A L is estate and gift tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of
published by the Mutual U F O Sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the code.
N e tw o rk , In c., Seguin, Te xa s .
M e m b e rs h ip / S u b s c rip tio n rates: T h e contents of the M U F O N U F O J O U R N A L are determined by the editor, and do
$25.00 per year in the U .S .A .; $30.00 not necessarily represent the official position o( M U F O N . Opinions of contributors
foreign in U.S. funds. Copyright 1987 are their own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, the staff, or M U F O N ,
by the Mutual U F O Network, Second Articles may be forwarded directly to M U F O N . Responses to published articles may
class postage paid at Seguin, Texas. be in a Letter to the Editor (up to about 400 words) or in a short article (up to about
P O S T M A S T E R : Send form 3579 to 2,000 words). Thereafter, the “50% rule” is applied: the article author may reply but
advise change of address to Th e will be allowed half the wordage used in the response; the responder may answer the
M UFO N UFO JO U R N A L, 103 author but will be allowed half the. wordage used in the author’s reply, etc. All
Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas 78155 submissions are subject to editing for style, clarity, and conciseness.
4099. Permission is hereby granted to quote from this issue provided not more than 200
words are quoted from any one article, the author ol the article is given credit, and the
statement “Copyright 1987 by the Mutual U F O Network, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin,
Texas 78155” is included
By Greg Long
By Leonard Stringfield & Richard Hall
Both men are MUFON flown to Wright-Patterson for a engineer and brother of Richard) were
members. “debriefing,” instructed to remain present. Dr. John B. Carlson, Univ. of
silent, and shortly afterw ards Maryland astronomer and Fund Board
The former Air Force security transferred overseas, while his Member, was to have been present, but
policeman who claims to have colleagues who also witnessed the a postponement caused a schedule
witnessed a UFO incident on January event were shipped to various parts of conflict and he was out of town on the
18, 1978, involving military police at the world. date of the conference. William Hall, a
McGuire AFB, New Jersey and A preliminary report. on this former technical consultant to the
adjacent Fort Dix, and New Jersey incident (and many others) is included National Investigations Committee on
State Police, recently visited the in Stringfield’s 1982 “Status Report No. A e ria l P h e n o m e n a (N IC A P ),
Washington, D.C., area from overseas, Ill,” and a detailed follow-up report substituted since he had a number of
where he is employed and met with the appears in the MUFON 1985 UFO things in common with Morse
authors. The Fund for UFO Research Symposium Proceedings. * Over (including military police background
sponsored a mini-conference to bring several years, Morse remained and overseas duty stations) and would
Stringfield from Cincinnati, Ohio, and incommunicado, surfacing briefly at be able to judge Morse’s credibility as
have representatives of the Fund meet times in response to Stringfield’s he talked about his activities.
the witness to form their own communications. His silence, he said,
impressions of his credibility. was due to harassment and threats by NEW INFORMATION
T h e w itn e s s , J e f f M o rse officials as a result of talking to
(p s e u d o n y m ), h ad c o n ta c te d Stringfield. By prior arrangement, Morse
Stringfield in 1980 and described the T he F u n d -sp o n s o re d m in i remained incognito, using only his first
alleged events, including a non-human conference took place on January 24, name, but talked freely and responded
appearing body found near a deserted 1987, at a large shopping mall in the to questions by Maccabee and William
runway, allegedly shot by a Fort Dix Washington, D.C., area suburbs. In Hall. (The authors know his full name,
MP, crated up and hauled away on a addition to the authors and Morse, Dr. employment status, past biography,
special aircraft from Wright-Patterson Bruce S. Maccabee (Chairman of the etc.) During the questioning and review
AFB, Ohio. Afterwards, Morse was Fund) and William H. Hall (electronics of the alleged incident, Morse filled in
details that were missing from his to Stringfield (reproduced in the
previous account, ' but offered no MUFON 1985 UFO Symposium REMOTED
startling new information. A number of P roceedings), obtained from a CONTROLLED UFO?
questions were clarified, and some new colleague still on active duty, has been
information (including claims that can disputed by the Air Force Office of In the summer of 1951, my great
be checked and proved or disproved) Special Investigations (AFOSI) on the aunt, Mrs. L.O. Bauerlein, saw a UFO
were offered. However, the authors grounds that the style and terminology from the front porch of her ranch home
were again impressed by Morse’s used — allegedly — does not follow on Benton Creek, six miles N.W. of
straightforw ardness and lack of proper Air Force style and is therefore Medina, Texas.
embellishment. probably a hoax. One of the key It was about 2:00 a.m. on a hot and
T he m o st sig n ifican t new statements made by AFOSI was that humid night in late July or early August,
information related by Morse, briefly, pay grades (E-2, E-3...) were given and Aunt Amie could not go to sleep.
was his claim that on a trip to the United instead of ranks (Corporal, Sergeant...) So, she slipped quietly out of bed, being
States to visit his family in October 1986 on the official form. careful not to wake Uncle Louie, and
he had been “detained,” while in Aside from the fact that Morse has walked out onto the front porch. (This
California, under obscure pretenses. claimed all along that this was a rough is a large open porch that runs the
Outraged, he filed a lawsuit against the draft “back room” copy subject to entire length of the house.)
California-based authority and notified review and revision, and that minor As she was admiring the clarity of
Stringfield by letter that he would errors would be corrected by the early morning sky, she spotted a
return to the United States in January responsible officials before the final small yellow light high above the
1987 for court appearances and, at that report was filed, the AFOSI statement windmill tower. (The windmill is about
time would be willing to meet him and is inaccurate. Pay grades, rather than 2Cf south of the corner of the porch.)
Dick Hall and a couple other well- ranks, are routinely filed in official Air The light was descending very slowly,
trusted friends to discuss the matter. Force reports. Two examples of this swinging back and forth like a
But, during Morse’s layover in the are an Air Force form reproduced in a pendulum. The object came down in
States he could learn nothing about the November 6, 1985 Congressional the front yard and stopped for a few
cause or reason for his detainment, nor hearing transcript (copy provided to seconds at a point approximately five
the identity of the source who dictated MUFON) and an Air Force Serious feet off the ground and ten feet from
the “pick up and hold” order. His legal Incident Report form on a 1973 case her. It made no sound at all.
probes, for some inexplicable reason, reproduced in Appendix A of Clear It was a circular device about six to
had been stalled in a tangle of red tape. Intent by Fawcett and Greenwood eight inches in diameter, and about one
Among other things discussed at (Prentice-Hall, 1984), labelled Figure 6. inch thick at the rim. A soft yellow glow
the mini-conference was the entire P a rtic ip a n ts of th e m in i came from the top and bottom of the
question of alleged harassment of UFO conference discussed ways of obtaining thing, but the one inch thick rim area
crash/retrieval witnesses, apparently in additional confirmation of the reported was bright orange in color. On top of
an attempt to intimidate them into 1978 event, and varius initiatives will be the rim was a small intense white light
silence. If Morse’s story is credible, he is undertaken to do so. Results will be that blinked on and off with a steady
potentially an important witness who reported periodically. pulse.
would tend to undermine the official As a result of the mini-conference, After hovering briefly, the object
cover-up. Unfortunately, this makes two additional persons (B. Maccabee floated erratically toward the N.E.
him vulnerable to retaliation (which and W. Hall) now have met and talked corner of the porch. Staying at about
may account for his detainment) and with Morse and can confirm that he is the same distance off the ground, the
inhibits his ability to lead a normal life. not a “fairy tale” or a figment of the object turned left at the end of the
Skepticism about crash/retrieval imagination. They are also now in a porch and disappeared around the
reports may be fully justified and position to help confirm or disconfirm north side of the house. My aunt ran to
entirely understandable on the part of his story. the end of the porch just in time to see
UFO “believers” and “disbelievers” the object shoot straight up into the sky
alike — unless they have met Jeff . at fantastic speed and vanish in
Morse or one of his many counterparts (Status Report No. Ill is available from the seconds.
face-to-face. Morse has now provided author for $11.00. Address 4412 Grove Ave,, -Richard Bauerlein
many additional leads that we intend to Cincinnati, O H 45227. The M U F O N 1985 U F O State Section Director
check, and we will report our findings Symposium Proceedings are available from
MUFON for $10.00 + $1-50 for postage and
objectively as new information is handling, Address 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin,
obtained. Texas 78155-4099.)
103 Oldtowne Rd.
M U F O N Texas 78155
Meanwhile, the authenticity of the
“Incident Report” form Morse supplied
data provided us verbally during is currently underway which, if
m eetings with these c o n tacts. successful, could bring about the
RESEARCH UPDATE Assurances have been given that add release of additional information
itional information can be made available through a major news media source in
to us over the next several months. the near future. This project has
William L. Moore
This information is being shared presently reached a delicate juncture
with the UFO community, and through and no further specifics can be
them, ultimately, with the public at provided at this time.
(Under auspices of Focus, the large, in anticipation that the resulting If for some reason our major effort
monthly newsletter of the Fair-Witness controversy will prove useful in further should not prove successful, it remains
Project, veteran UFO researcher and verifying the authenticity.of its contents nonetheless our intention to make
author William L. Moore recently and also in the hope that it will assist in available a lesser but still highly
released a 12-page packet of retrieved setting the stage for additional significant amount of information which
government documents pertaining to information to come. is already in hand and currently under
' UFOs. Several of the documents deal Recently a number of rumors have study. Once again, no further specifics
with Special Studies Project MJ-12 and circulated within the UFO community can be provided at this time.
Project Aquarius, thought to be the to the effect that some sort of major Meanwhile, any assistance which
supersecret government agency in release of information on UFOs is can be provided us in further
charge of UFO investigations. They imminent and that I am intimately researching this material will be most
bear headings which range from involved with it. At this time it is only appreciated.
“Confidential” to "Top Secret/Eyes possible to confirm that a careful effort
Only, ” and hail from sources as varied COPT OWE 0 ? ONE.
as the Air Force Office of Specia/
Intelligence (AFOSI), the CIA, and a
On 2* J u n e , 1947* a c i v i l i a n p i l o t f l y i n g o v e r th e C ascade
Presidential appointment calendar. Mounts 1no i n th e S t a t s o f W ashington o b serv ed n in e f l y i n g
Whether they are all legitimate remains d is c -s h a p e d a i r c r a f t t r a v e l i n g I n f o rm a tio n a t a h ig h r a t e
o f s p e e d . A lth o u g h t h i s wee n o t t h e f i r s t known s i g h t i n g
to be seen. o f ouch o b j e c t s . I t was th e f i r s t t o g a in w id e sp re a d a t t e n t i o n
In the meantime, interested I n th e p u b lic m ed ia. Hundreds o f r a p o r t a o f e lg h tln g o o f
s i m i l a r o b j e c t s fo llo w ed * Many o f th e s e came from h ig h ly
parties may contact Moore and FWP c r e d i b l e m i l i t a r y and c i v i l i a n a o u r o e e . T hese r e p o r t s r e s
at 4219 W. Olive St., Suite 247, u lte d lit In d ep e n d en t e f f o r t s by s e v e r a l d i f f e r e n t e le m e n ts
o f th e m i l i t a r y t o a e o e r t a l n th e n a t u r e and p u rp o se o f th e s e
Burbank, CA, 91505. The following o b je c ts i n th e I n t e r e s t s o f n a t i o n a l d e f e n s e . A number o f
cover letter is copyrighted 1987 by IV.L w itn e s s e s w ore l n t e r v l e t p d and t h e r e w ere s e v e r a l u n s u c c e s s f u l
a tte m p ts t o u t i l i s e a i r c r a f t I n e f f o r t s t o p u rsu e r e p o r te d
Moore Publications & Research. d ie s # I n f l i g h t . P u b lic re m o tio n b o r d e r e d on n e a r h y s t e r i a
Moore will also be the featured
banquet speaker at the 18th annual
MUFON Symposium to be held at
American University in Washington,
D.C., the weekend of June 26-28,
Ret . Capt, Nash
(Note: We are releasing this report us.,.1 thought that it was a plane that on the object was similar to that of a
in the hopes that publicity about the was going to come down on the helicopter, the men contend that the
sighting will encourage others who may highway.” object made no sound despite its low
have witnessed the same event to As they drove toward the object a altitude. In describing the silhouette of
come forward and provide additional bright red light became visible beneath the object, both stated that it was
information. The witnesses request the white lights. The driver pulled over difficult to see because of the brightness
that their names not appear in print but next to a guard rail and the passenger of the lights, but they were certain that
are willing to have their report made jumped out of the vehicle to watch. As it did not have the wings or body of a
public. For further information, you the driver was getting out of the vehicle, conventional aircraft.
may contact James E. Clarkson, (533 the passenger observed the object roll After the UFO passed over the
7587), the MUFON Field Investigator, slightly in a counter-clockwise direction truck it continued moving slowly down
in Aberdeen, Washington, or Donald and then right itself. The driver noticed the road. The driver and passenger got
A. Johnson (822-6609), the Washington at this point that a few other cars back in the truck because the driver
State Director for MUFON, in passed them: “I saw that the cars were wanted to drive down the road to a
Kirkland, Washington. People who going slow. 1 don’t know if it was cam pground so he could pull
wish to report a UFO sighting are because I pulled over or if they saw completely off the road. The passenger
urged to call the UFO Reporting what we saw.” was still watching it out the rear
Center, (206) 722-3000, a 24-hour Both witnesses stated that the window. After the object travelled
number, in Seattle.) object passed directly overhead at a about a half mile down the road, it
very low altitude, estimated by them as suddenly stopped, and without turning
no more than 200 feet. The two men, around, reversed direction to follow the
Two men on a camping trip interviewed separately, had similar witnesses’ truck.
sighted what they described as a descriptions of the object. The driver “My God, it’s coming after us,” the
“manta ray” shaped UFO on Saturday stated that its silhouette was like a passenger said. The driver looked back
night {March 7,1987) near Aider Lake, “ flounder” fish. The passenger and saw that the UFO was approaching
about two miles west of the town of Elbe described it as a “manta ray” or "stealth at a much greater speed than when it
on the road to Mount Rainier. The aircraft”: had first passed over their vehicle. The
object made no sound and passed very “When it went over I saw that it driver sped up to get to the
low over their pickup truck, stopped, had a bright red light in the center. It campground. Just before the UFO
and without turning reversed direction wasn’t blinking or anything. It had a reached the truck it veered off to the
and appeared to chase the witnesses’ small bright light on the back. When I north.
truck east- down Highway 7. When it saw it overhead the first thing that 1 “1 looked back took off to
was close behind and above the pickup thought of was a stealth aircraft or a my left over the hills. The highway runs
truck, the UFO veered off sharply to manta ray.” at the edge of the lake just below the line
the north and accelerated very fast, of hills. There’s heavy woods on the
over the hilltops, and out of sight. The NO HELICOPTER hills. It took off at a very high rate of
entire incident lasted about three speed and that’s the last we saw of it.”
minutes. 1 • \ The two white lights on the objects The witnesses, age 42 and 36, were
The two men had left their favorite were reported to be very bright. “It interviewed separately by James
fishing spot and were on their wiay to looked just like the landing lights of a Clarkson of Aberdeen, Washington, a
the small community of Elbe to pick up 747 or a large aircraft,” said the driver. police officer and investigator for the
some groceries and, firewood for “They were like the spotlights on a tank Mutual UFO Network (MUFON),
camping out. The weather had been that I saw in Vietnam,” reported the headquartered in Seguin, Texas. He
clear all day and at approximately 7:30 passenger, age 36. “The part that described the men as sober and
p.m., they were not far from Alder Lake amazed me was when they dimmed. somewhat reluctant to report the
and nearing the town when they first They dimmed to a point where it looked incident. It is his opinion that both men
spotted the lights over the highway like they were going to go off.” The were trying to relate exactly what had
ahead of them. _ ‘ ■' dimming of the two bright white lights occurred to them. Both witnesses
“1 looked ahead and saw two big allowed them to see the red light and admitted that they were scared by the
white lights,” said the driver: “They the other white “tail” light. experience* but that they were also
were right over the highway ahead of Although the lighting configuration intensely curious.
They both freely admit they don’t
know what it was they saw.
★ ★ ★
astronomer Dr. Donald H. Menzel, in
lengthy correspondence with Nash, “something” could have been much
proposed and discarded a series of higher and therefore travelling at a
explanations, including fireflies trapped much greater speed.
between panes in the cockpit windows We watched it go from straight
(!). Eventually he settled on ground light overhead, over our roof and eventually
sources distorted by haze and the disappear into the bright lights in the
ubiquitous temperature inversion. distance over Fort Myers Beach, all the
The following sighting was made time keeping its precise shape. We had
by Nash Sr. and William B. Nash, Jr., moved around alongside of our house
age 14, outside their Fort Meyers, FL, to watch it until it was lost to view.
home the night o f February 1st, 1987. Though it was cloud-like it seemed
The weather was clear, with no visible slightly luminous. There was a lA Moon
clouds.) or less, about 25 degrees above the THE GOVERNMENTCOVERUP
horizon in the West. OF THE UFO EXPERIENCE
We were outside on our front A check with the local aviation What does the government know
driveway, picking out and naming stars. weather bureau confirmed that there about UFOs and why won’t it tell us?
I was looking East, when Billy said, was no inversion, — that there was a
With a foreword by Dr. J. Allen Hynek
“What’s that, Dad?”, and he pointed linear scale going up to 39,000 feet. This
B y J a m es J. S p eiser
In the April 1987 issue of the regardless of the rating agent’s information than “12," which becomes
Journal, Don Berliner outlines a propensity to believe what is reported. redundant and ra th e r akin to
method of prioritizing UFO sighting Similarly, th e P factor is a multiplying house numbers.
reports, by calibrating Dr. Hynek’s representation of the soundness of all 4) Greater consistency. Under
Strangeness/Probability matrix to evidence presented to support the Berliner’s system, the Socorro, NM
types of sightings and evidence case, including eyewitness testimony, sighting appears to be nearly twice as
presented, each on a scale of one to ten, photographs, radiation readings, etc. valuable as the recent Cash/Landrum
then multiplying the two factors to Ideally, it should not be influenced by case. I think most would agree that the
obtain a “sighting coefficient." He the S factor. There is a temptation to Cash/Landrum case has much more
proposes this as a method of modify the P (actor inversely with the S going for it in terms of overall evidential,
concentrating “our efforts on those factor; that is, the more far-out the value.
reports which may contain information report, the less “credible” it becomes. 5) The system is dynamic. A case’s
of long-term value..." This is unavoidable with certain cases, Hynek rating can and will change with
I quite agree with Mr. Berliner’s such as when a witness reports seeing a the input of new evidence, correlation
objectives, and believe there is merit to flying saucer with the letters “UFO” with other sightings, the confession of a
the system he has suggested. My emblazoned on the side. Generally, hoax, etc. This continuous state of
organization, Paranet, has for the past however, the two factors should be change reflects the dynamic nature of
year used a similar system for weighing judged independently of one another. Ufology itself, and can serve to increase
UFO reports as a method of interest in cases from prior years that
determining usefulness. The only major may merit renewed examination.
cosmetic difference in our system is 6) It is likely that no two
that a scale of one to five is used, and the organizations or investigators will
two ratings are not multiplied together. The most obvious functional assign the same Hynek rating to a
Our system, called the Hynek difference is that this system is more particular case. While such disparity
Rating System, is calibrated as follows: subjective. It is not dependent on can be confusing, it can also inspire
Strangeness Factor S i - S5: categorization based on specific more public discussion in search of
SI: Explainable or explained. elements of the case; rather it calls fora equilibrium. It can also lead to a “rating
S2: Probably explainable with more more general judgement of how useful of the raters;” for example, an agency
data. the various elements are to the that consistently assigns higher ratings
S3: Possibly explainable, but with advancement of our knowledge. Saying may be perceived by some as being
elements of strangeness. that any CE-1II is an S8 (under Berliner’s “too credulous.” Similarly, rating cases
S4: Strange; does not conform to system) hasn’t told us much; it has towards the explainable end of the
known principles. simply redefined the terms. scale can quickly get one branded as
S5: Highly strange; suggests Other possible advantages of our “too skeptical.”
intelligent guidance. system include: 7) More correctly indicates the
Probability Factor: PI - P5: 1) Easier to commit to memory; anomalistic nature of the phenomenon.
PI: Not Credible or Sound more compact. An investigator or The highest score on Berliner’s K/U
P2: Unreliable; smacks of hoax organization can assign a Hynek rating system was 27 out of a possible 100, and
P3: S o m e w h a t c r e d i b l e or to a case practically off the top of their he is correct when he asserts, “This
indeterminate head. seems to make it clear that there is a
P4: Credible; Sound. 2) Easily absorbs new types of severe lack of reports which could be
P5: Highly Credible; leaving almost sightings, or new categories of used to convince scientists, legislators
no doubt. evidence. As Berliner points out, crash/ and the general public that we are
The Hynek Rating of a class is retrievals and abductions are not dealing with something so unusual that
stated as the combined S and P factors, accounted for under his system, and it deserves immediate attention.” This
for example S4/P2; except cases that would be less easy to categorize. is perhaps due to the high end of each
have been explained need only be 3) Separate factors have more scale being calibrated to unusual,
stated as SI. meaning than one coefficient. Under a m b i g u o u s , or n o n - e x i s t e n t
The S factor of a report is simply a Berliner’s system, how does one judge a events/evidence. For example, he
statement of the report’s prima facie “24?” Is it a 3X8, a 6X4, ...? Stating a assigns CIO to “live television.” Under
departure from known principles, case as S3/P4 yields more immediate that criteria, there is probably no hope
of ever proving the existence of ball
li ght nin g, e i t h e r . U n d e r t h e
ParaNet/Hynek system, several cases
qualify for the highest rating, S5/P5, as
we shall see. (By the way, ! question 1947 Kenneth Arnold, Mt. Rainier, WA S4/P3
Berliner’s implication that professional 1948 Thomas Mantel!, Godman ABB, KY S2/P5
photography has more evidential 1950 Trent Photos, McMinnville, OR S5/P4
weight than that of amateurs. I should 1952 Washington DC radar/visuals ■ S5/P5
think professionals would be more 1957 Car Stoppings, Levelland, TX S5/P5
adept at techniques that could fool the
1964 Lonnie Zamora, Soccorro, NM S5/P3
unwary investigator.) 1966 “Swamp Gas,” Dexter, MI S3/P5
As Mr. Berliner says, the proof is 1973 Coyne Helicopter, OH S5/P5
in the pudding. Below are some of the 1979 TV Film, New Zealand S3/P3
cases he presents in the article, with 1980 Cash/Landrum Injuries S5/P4
the corresponding Hynek rating as
assigned by ParaNet. And to further illustrate (and perhaps infuriate), here are a
(I’m certain many will disagree with few more:
these ratings/ They certainly are not
etched in stone, and the system is not 1975 Billy Meier, Switzerland S5/P1
the sole property of ParaNet. Others 1980 .Bentwaters, UK S5/P3
are free to assign their own Hynek 1983 Hudson Valley Boomerangs, NY S4/P5
ratings, and perhaps some meaningful 1986 JAL Alaska 1 S2/P2
dialogue, will ensue.) 1987 JAL Alaska 2 SI ■ice
I, too, invite comment on this crystals
system, and perhaps some synthesis of
the two systems can be worked out.
By Richard Hall
Richard Hall is a former editor for its own sake or to “sell newspapers.” stage is forced to come up with a better
of the Journal and a frequent But they will be wrong. Hopkins clearly explanation if he or she. can. His
contributor to these pages. understands what the results of his method and expository style is sensible,
investigations and research sound like, methodical, and thoughtful.
This eerie story, laid out so but he has the courage to state them
carefully and logically by Budd Hopkins anyway. The important thing is that he THERAPY
in building-block fashion, is the ultimate has objectively (if reluctantly at times,
refutation of the simplistic skeptical like many of us) followed the evidence Then there is his role as a
view that UFO witnesses are religious where it leads. He is an empirical therapist, as many or most abductees
seekers of “saviors from space.” What investigator in the best scientific need. Here, too, he acts responsibly
the abductees (literally uicftms of tradition. and with care for the feelings of the
abduction by alien-appearing beings) Here we have an artist and abductees and the traumatic effects of
have experienced has been frightening sculptor who acts “more scientifically their experiences. Too many laymen
and confusing; not at all anything than the scientists” when it comes to attempt to be “therapists," probably
desirable or pleasant. The experiences UFOs, and his techniques and ethical with the best intentions in the world,
have been nothing that they sought, principles in handling the abductees are but may do more harm than good.
and certainly nothing that gave them admirable. Anticipating the skeptical Hopkins has the good sense to consult
any comfort. reactions his work will evoke, Hopkins professional psycholgists, psych
If his thesis is stated bluntly, it forces the reader to listen to the iatrists, and medical experts for
sounds like the banner headline of a witnesses and vicariously experience guidance.
supermarket tabloid. No doubt there the emotional content of their stories, The abduction phenomenon is
will be many people (not only the and to “see for themselves" as the now out of the closet, and we will all
established knee-jerk skeptics) who stories — and supporting evidence — have to come to grips with it in one way
write it off as just that: sensationalism unfold. As a result, the reader at each or another. As Hopkins concludes,
either it is an extraordinary universal carefully speculates on what the This book is not for the squeamish;
psychological phenomenon heretofore ultimate purposes might be. Most many people won’t want to hear what
totally unrecognized, or the abductees- importantly for the average person’s he has to say. Nevertheless, whether
essentially are reporting real events. understanding and assimilation of the we like it or not, the presentation is
Neither Government nor religion is biza rr e, dis turbing, a n d even ultimately very convincing. It is no
likely to supply the answers. The frightening information he presents, exaggeration to say that this is a
intervention of psychologists and other Hopkins concludes that there is no profound book; not only one of the
behavorial scientist professionals on a evidence of overt hostility or evil most instructive books on the potential
large scale is sorely needed, especially if intentions. Instead, the supposed aliens meaning and significance of UFOs, but
th e av era ge citizen tu r n s to are psychologically different and a also possibly a giant contribution to
“authorities” for an explanation. mutual learning experience is in human enlightenment.
H opkins’ findings are that progress. The aliens have intervened in In a sort of reverse way, it may also
manifestly alien beings are studying family lives, acro ss time and be an important statement of what is
human reproductive processes and generations, revisiting particular good and what should be cherished
apparently engaging in “ genetic “victims” many times. They do so, he about being human.
experimentation” in an offensively suggests, because we have something
personal and intrusive way. He they need.
s '
' _
By J.P, Oswald
The recent appearance in the could predict, nothing happened. been relatively slow from about 1975
MUFON UFO JOURNAL of three Throughout a lengthy period following until the present. Nevertheless, it would
commentaries regarding Mrs, Betty Hill the attempted contact, Betty gave me not be unreasonable to think that
and her “landing site” (W. Webb, descriptions of the numerous sightings persistent nocturnal UFO hunting in
March 1986; Dr. J.K. Long, June 1986; (to me all very questionable) she was the Exeter vicinity could be rewarded
and W. Laporte, August 1986) prompts making near the soon-to-be “landing with an authentic sighting. Since I
me to write, inasmuch as the location of site,” and finally I returned to that place moved here in 1969, I have made one
this alleged UFO activity falls within the on 4/15/77 with her and others sighting of a proabably, nocturnal UFO
small geographical area of my including a military officer. To my light event.
investigative research, and since I, too, amazement, Mrs. Hill was by then
have had firsthand experience with seeing as landed UFOs pole lights, and OTHER REPORTS
Mrs. Hill. In fact, it was I who chose the so forth which is precisely the sort of
exact place of what has subsequently lights mentioned by W. Webb in the The credibly reported UFO events
become known as the “landing site.” account of his 1978 outing with Betty. from the New Hampshire seacoast
Betty had suggested to me that we Thus, b ased on my total region feature close encounters at night
attempt to contact the Aliens. I agreed, experience with Mrs. Hill, I wish to with apparent nuts-and-bolts flying,
saying that 1 knew of a good place; express my concurrence with Mr. objects of classical body types (mostly
owing to its relative remoteness, view of Webb's general assessment for the disks). According to my analysis the
the sky, convenience to her routine evident reality of the Hills’ original concentration of these good local UFO
travels, and proximity to sites of reliably encounter and for a probable casual sightings results as a natural
reported close encounters. But I also relation between that and the consequence when they conduct their
(probably unwisely) told Betty in all unfortunate developm ents under surveillance of the nearby Strategic Air
candor of some of the UFO activity discussion. O ne should further Command Base (i.e., Pease AFB at
from that immediate area. understand that apart from the Newington, N.H.). For this purpose
towering fiction of this “landing site” they fly low, beneath radar coverage,
ATTEMPTED CONTACT there definitely exists an astonishing and at night to avoid detection as they
concentration of reliably reported close wait under the Pease landing pattern,
She readily agreed to the specific encounters — not landings — in the which passes almost directly above
site, at the intersection of a gravel road New Hampshire seacoast (Exeter, Exeter, N.H.
and a railroad, and we set the time for N.H.) region (i.e., context of the My investigation at Exeter of the
attempted contact at 8:00 p.m., E.S.T. “landing site”). And despite this latter many significant close encounter cases
on Feb. 15,1974. Betty and 1were there fact, the rate of local reporting,
alone that night at 8:00 p.m.; as one exclusive of Hill and associates, has
LANDING SITE’, Continued
gives no indication that the UFOs are in
any wise not “seeable.” And for
whatever PK effects that may have
been demonstrated, which one can By Walter N. Webb
presume does not include the instant MUFON Astronomy Consultant
creation- of a commercial airliner with
crew and passengers, 1 fail to see why
we should seriously consider that Betty
Hill and her friends or acquaintances JULY 1987
are producing Alien spaceships in East
Kingston, N.H., through feats of Bright Planets (Evening Sky):
aberrant psychology. Are we to think
that these super-intelligent Aliens have Mars, moving from Gemini into Cancer, sets in the WNW about 9:30 PM early
their schedules preempted by Mrs. Hill? in the month. Shining feebly at magnitude +1.8, the red planet becomes
To me it is infinitely more increasingly difficult to glimpse at dusk. Use binoculars.
reasonable to think that i/Betty and her
associates ever actually see a real UFO Saturn, in Ophiuchus, remains bright at magnitude +0.2. It lies south at dusk
it is simply one from the sample of those and progresses westward after dark.
that have for years been reported near
Exeter by reliable people. Bright Planets (Morning Sky):
R e g a r d i n g Mr. L a p o r t e ’s
discussion, again, I would raise the Venus rises only three-quarters of an hour before the Sun in mid-July and only
question of what is actually seen half an hour before by month’s end. The brilliant planet (magnitude -3.9),
through Mrs. Hill’s “window,” and however, is so low in the ENE and so near the Sun that binoculars may be
remind him of the history at Exeter, required to find it.
with its relatively slow sighting rate for
recent years. Finally 1would emphasize Jupiter, in Pisces, dominates the morning sky at magnitude -2.4. The planet
the Pease-connection as opposed to a giant rises in the east shortly after midnight in midmonth and is high in the SEat
supposed Quartz connection. The dawn. The last-quarter Moon is near it on the 18th.
State of N.H. (N.H. Dept, of Resources
and Economic Development, Concord, Saturn sets in the WSW about 3 AM in mid-July.
N.H. 03301) has issued various
publications relating to the geology of Meteor Shower; .
the N.H. seacoast.
If some, of these are not easy to Conditions are excellent this year for the Delta Aquarids as there is no Moon
interpret it is clear that the Exeter interference during maximum on the morning of July 29. The expected rate is
Diorite is not “a bed of quartz,” and one about 20 meteors per hour before dawn. Some members of the shower can be
should read Clinton-Newbury Fault seen from around mid-July to mid-August. Although these “slow" meteors with
Zone rather than Clinton-Newburg long trails radiate from Aquarius in the south, observers should search the
Fault. Note that the Exeter diorite whole sky; the streaks of light do not appear until they are some distance away
pluton consists in substantial portions from the radiant point.
of only a few percent ■of' quartz
(Novotny and Meyers, 1969, for the Moon Phases:
State of N.H.; The Geology of the
Seacoast Region, N.H., pp. 16-17 and First' quarter - July 4
Table 7). Full moon - July 10
In my opinion, geological faults, Last quarter ** July 17
quartz, and earthquakes have no New Moon - July 25
importance for the understanding of
the Exeter, N.H. area UFO activity. The Stars:
© 1987 J.P. Oswald While the constellations of spring retreat into the west, the Summer Triangle
ascends higher in the SE after nightfall. The stars in the triangle are Vega,
Deneb, and Altair.
MUFON The southern sky during July features two prominent patterns, Scorpius the
](B OLDTOWNE RD. Scorpion and Sagittarius the Archer. The farther south you live, the higher this
pair of constellations gets. Scorpius is fairly easy to see; it was described in
June’s sky. According to mythology, Orion the Hunter died from the sting of
MESSAGE, Continued
Pennsylvania counties of Montour,
Northumberland and Columbia.
Lawrence A. Lacy, D.V.M., a
Consultant in Veterinary Medicine, has
been reassigned to State Section
Director for Woodbury and Plymouth
in Iowa. Priscilla Draffone ,Ph.D. now
living in Sarasota, Florida and veteran
UFOlogist, is a new Consultant in UFO
History. Robert E. Engberg .former
State Director for Minnesota now living
in Beulah, N.D., has accepted the
position of State Director for North
Dakota. He will also work with the
South Dakota members until a State
Director for the latter state is
In addition to the above, the
following people have volunteered to
serve as State Section Directors:
Daniel R. Berker, M.S. for the Nevada
counties of Carson, Douglas, Lyon and
Storey; S tep h en A, Pratt for
G. Reibsamen has volunteered to authority on abduciton experiences
Bennington and Windham counties in
assist Tom Benson as the State and research. He has not only shared
Vermont; Larry H ebebrand of Section Director for Bergen County in his investigation into the abduction
Columbus, Georgia for Muscogee and New Jersey. Steven E. Seifried, mystery, but has provided evidence
Chattahoochee Counties; and John Ph.D., a Consultant in Biochemistry, that we are under serveillance by an
M. Blank, a meteorologist in Great
has assumed the responsibility of State alien culture and that the human
Falls, Montana for Cascade County. Section Director for Lane County in species is being subjected to an ongoing
William 1. McNeff, State Director for genetic experiment. Budd has put
Oregon. Paul M. Makuch has
Minnesota has appointed Richard C. volunteered his expertise as a Research together the pieces of this intriguing
“Buddy” Baueriein as the State Specialist in Statistical Analysis. puzzle. Your Director would run out of
Section Director for Hennepin, Anoka superlatives if I attempted to evaluate
and Chisago Counties. Mr. Baueriein ★ * ★
the outstanding work performed by Mr.
recently passed the Field Investigator’s Budd Hopkins in his book Hopkins in this virgin field of research.
examination, administered by Mr. Missing Time (Richard Marek, New Knowing Kathy Davis personally, her
McNeff. York) 1981 introduced the UFO sister and neighbor, has provided me
Thom as P. D eu ley , State community to the UFO abduction with an insight that the reader cannot
Director for Texas, has approved the scene and its possible implications to comprehend. They are real people like
two following State Section Directors: mankind. His new bookfnfruders -- The ourselves, who have been subjected to
Betty R. Mitchell for Polk and Jacinto Incredible Visitations at Copiey Woods a series of very traumatic experiences.
Counties and Charles E. Knox III for (Random House) 1987 has established Budd Hopkins was the recipient of
Ellis, Hill and Navarro Counties. Gary Mr. Hopkins as the world’s leading MUFON’s award for outstanding work
in the UFO field for 1985*1986. His book
Intruders, undoubtedly justifies the
decision of his colleagues for giving him
this scorpion and so they were placed opposite each other in the sky. Orion this earned recognition.
happens to set in the west just as Scorpius rises in the east. Communion by Whitley Strieber
teased the interest of the public, but Mr.
Just east of Scorpius is Sagittarius, which looks more like a teapot than a Hopkins has provided potential
centaur with a bow and arrow. See if you can see the teapot’s lid, spout, and answers to the abduction phenom
handle. enon. Budd has taken Ufology into the
new era of CEIV cases.
The Milky Way, a faint glowing river of starlight, crosses the entire eastern sky. The new address of the J. Allen
This band of billions of distant stars stretches from Perseus and Cassiopeia in Hynek Center for UFO Studies
the north through the Summer Triangle to Sagittarius and Scorpius in the (CUFOS) is 2457 West Peterson,
south. The Sagittarius region is full of gaseous nebulae and star clusters, a Chicago, Illinois 60659 and the
favorite target for telescope-users. telephone number is (312) 219-3611.
Walt Andrus
The - June 1987 issue of the Conference of UFO Investigation is Central European Section, has been
MUFON UFO Journal commemorates scheduled for July 9-11, 1987 at the invited to make a presentation on the
the fortieth anniversary of Kenneth University of Wyoming in Laramie. The work, accom plishm ents, and
Arnold’s famous UFO sighting on June featured speakers are James W. UFO symposia conducted by MUFON-
24, 1947, inaugurating the modem era D e a r d o r f f , P h D . (MUFON CES.
of Ufology. An article abut Mr. Arnold Consultant) and Keith Thompson. Marge C h r isten se n has
with photographs has been published For details please contact one of the announced that the Third National
marking this historical event. host chairpersons: June O. Parnel, UFO Information Week will take place
The MUFON Eighteenth Annual Ph.D. (PRO/UFOs) at (307) 742-3394 August 10-17, 1987. Each state
UFO Symposium, hosted by the Fund or R. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D. (IFUFOCS) organization should now be preparing
for UFO Research, will be held June 26, at telephone (307) 745*7897. their displays, library projects, news
27 and 28, 1987 at The American “The 4th International UFO media programs, and shopping mall
University in Washington, D C. For a Congress (Congress 87) will be held exhibits.
tentative schedule please refer to a July. 10-12, 1987 at the London Francis Ridge, State Director for
separate article in this issue of the Business School in London, England. Indiana, would like to remind all State
J o u r n a l . T h e M U F O N 1987 Speakers include Walt Andrus, Directors of his new computerized
INTERNATIONAL UFO SYMPO “Cash-Landrum Case”; Prof. Allen program appropriately titled “UFO
SIUM PROCEEDINGS will be available Tough, "ETH”; Werner Walter, Intelligence Summary.” The UFO
in Washington, D. C. for $15 and after “UFOs in Germany”; Philip Mantle, Intellegence Summary is produced by
July 1,1987 from MUFON for the same “UFOs in Yorkshire”; Dr .Willy Smith, the UFO Filter Center at Mt. Vernon,
price plus $1.50 for prostage and “UNICAT”; Roy Dutton, “Networked Indiana. The monthly computerized list
handling. UFO Observatories”;Jenny Randles; consists of one-line entries of sightings
The Annual Board of Director’s Dr. Alex K eul:(Austria); Mr. Odd- in the U.S. for the past 18 months,
Meeting of the Mutual UFO Network, Gunnar Roed (Norway); and many including new entries and upgraded
Inc. (MUFON) is scheduled for more. For further information please data. The “IS” is a result of the efforts of
Sunday, June 28,1987 from 9:00 am . to write to Mr. R.S. Digby, Director MUFON-lndiana, MUFON and
12 noon at American University, Congress 87, c/o 16, Southway, CUFOS and is growing in size each
W ashington, D.C. Only the 17 Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 9ST month, presently 36 inches long.
members presently serving on the England. ‘ Sample copies are $1. Please send a
MUFON 1986 UFO Symposium On July9thBertil Kuhlemann has S.A.S.E. A subscription may be either
Proceedings are invited to attend. If a scheduled the annual meeting of the 12-S.A.S.E. A subscription may be
board Member will be unable to attend, International Committee for UFO 12-S.A.S.E ’s plus $6 or $10 per year
he/she may authorize in writing a Research (ICUR) at the London (postage and handling included.) Order
person to represent them with voting Business School. from: UFO Filter Center, 618 Davis
privileges. Immediately following the 4th Drive, Mt. Vernon, IN 47620.
The Fund for UFO Research is International UFO Congress on
pleased to announce it will again Monday, July 13, 1987 at the same it if 'if
provide a cash award in the name of location, Walt Andrus has scheduled a
Isabel Davis (a co-founder of the meeting for all MUFON Foreign The continuing growth of MUFON
Fund) to the person who is chosen to Representatives, members and guests is e v i d e n t by t h e m o n t h l y
receive the MUFON AWARD FOR for an all day session. The agenda will announcements of new officers. J.
OUTSTANDING WORK IN THE be sent to all Foreign Representatives in A ntonio H uneeus of New York City is
UFO FIELD FOR 1986-1987. The Europe via air mail well before the the new Continental Coordinator for
engraved plaque and monetary award above date. A major item on the agenda South America. Mr. Huneeus will be
will be presented at the MUFON 1987 will be the selection of a Continental speaking on UFOIogy in Chile at the
International UFO Symposium in Coordinator for Europe and hopefully upcoming symposium, Samuel D.
Washington, D. C. in recognition by the an International Coordinator to fill the G reco, Ph.D., a Consultant in
recipient’s colleagues. vacancy created by the resignation of Propulsion, was recently appointed
★ * it Michael Sinclair, Ph.D. Mr Jllobrand S tate Section D irector for the
T h e 8 th Rocky Mountain von Ludwiger, Director for MUFON- (continued on page 19)