Unicode®: Character Encodings

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F.1 Introduction
The use of inconsistent character encodings (i.e., numeric values associated with charac-
ters) when developing global software products causes serious problems because comput-
ers process information using numbers. For example, the character “a” is converted to a
numeric value so that a computer can manipulate that piece of data. Many countries and
corporations have developed encoding systems that are incompatible with the encoding
systems of other countries and corporations. For example, the Microsoft Windows oper-
ating system assigns the value 0xC0 to the character “A with a grave accent,” while the Ap-
ple Macintosh operating system assigns the same value to an upside-down question mark.
This results in the misrepresentation and possible corruption of data.
In the absence of a universal character encoding standard, global software developers
had to localize their products extensively before distribution. Localization includes the
language translation and cultural adaptation of content. The process of localization usually
includes significant modifications to the source code (e.g., the conversion of numeric
values and the underlying assumptions made by programmers), which results in increased
costs and delays in releasing the software. For example, an English-speaking programmer
might design a global software product assuming that a single character can be represented
by one byte. However, when those products are localized in Asian markets, the pro-
grammer’s assumptions are no longer valid because there are many more Asian characters,
and therefore most of it, if not all, of the code needs to be rewritten. Localization is nec-
essary with each release of a version. By the time a software product is localized for a par-
ticular market, a newer version, which needs to be localized as well, can be ready for
distribution. As a result, it is cumbersome and costly to produce and distribute global soft-
ware products in a market where there is no universal character encoding standard.
In response to this situation, the Unicode Standard, an encoding standard that facil-
itates the production and distribution of software, was created. The Unicode Standard
F.2 Unicode Transformation Formats 1417

outlines a specification to produce consistent encoding of the world’s characters and sym-
bols. Software products which handle text encoded in the Unicode Standard need to be
localized, but the localization process is simpler and more efficient because the numeric
values need not be converted and the assumptions made by programmers about the char-
acter encoding are universal. The Unicode Standard is maintained by a non-profit organi-
zation called the Unicode Consortium, whose members include Apple, IBM, Microsoft,
Oracle, Sun Microsystems, Sybase and many others.
When the Consortium envisioned and developed the Unicode Standard, it wanted an
encoding system that was universal, efficient, uniform and unambiguous. A universal
encoding system encompasses all commonly used characters. An efficient encoding system
allows text files to be parsed quickly. A uniform encoding system assigns fixed values to all
characters. An unambiguous encoding system represents a given character in a consistent
manner. These four terms are referred to as the Unicode Standard design basis.

F.2 Unicode Transformation Formats

Although Unicode incorporates the limited ASCII character set (i.e., a collection of char-
acters), it encompasses a more comprehensive character set. In ASCII each character is
represented by a byte containing 0s and 1s. One byte is capable of storing the binary
numbers from 0 to 255. Each character is assigned a number between 0 and 255, thus
ASCII-based systems can support only 256 characters, a tiny fraction of the world’s char-
acters. Unicode extends the ASCII character set by encoding the vast majority of the
world’s characters. The Unicode Standard encodes characters in a uniform numerical
space from 0 to 10FFFF hexadecimal. An implementation will express these numbers in
one of several transformation formats, choosing the one that best fits the particular ap-
plication at hand.
Three such formats are in use, called UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32. UTF-8, a vari-
able-width encoding form, requires one to four bytes to express each Unicode character.
UTF-8 data consists of 8-bit bytes (sequences of one, two, three or four bytes depending
on the character being encoded) and is well suited for ASCII-based systems when there is
a predominance of one-byte characters (ASCII represents characters as one-byte). Cur-
rently, UTF-8 is widely implemented in UNIX systems and in databases.
The variable-width UTF-16 encoding form expresses Unicode characters in units of
16-bits (i.e., as two adjacent bytes, or a short integer in many machines). Most characters
of Unicode are expressed in a single 16-bit unit. However, characters with values above
FFFF hexadecimal are expressed with an ordered pair of 16-bit units called surrogates.
Surrogates are 16-bit integers in the range D800 through DFFF, which are used solely for
the purpose of “escaping” into higher numbered characters. Approximately one million
characters can be expressed in this manner. Although a surrogate pair requires 32 bits to
represent characters, it is space-efficient to use these 16-bit units. Surrogates are rare char-
acters in current implementations. Many string-handling implementations are written in
terms of UTF-16. [Note: Details and sample-code for UTF-16 handling are available on
the Unicode Consortium Web site at www.unicode.org.]
Implementations that require significant use of rare characters or entire scripts
encoded above FFFF hexadecimal, should use UTF-32, a 32-bit fixed-width encoding
1418 Appendix F Unicode®

form that usually requires twice as much memory as UTF-16 encoded characters. The
major advantage of the fixed-width UTF-32 encoding form is that it expresses all charac-
ters uniformly, so it is easy to handle in arrays.
There are few guidelines that state when to use a particular encoding form. The best
encoding form to use depends on the computer system and business protocol, not on the
data itself. Typically, the UTF-8 encoding form should be used where computer systems
and business protocols require data to be handled in 8-bit units, particularly in legacy sys-
tems being upgraded, because it often simplifies changes to existing programs. For this
reason, UTF-8 has become the encoding form of choice on the Internet. Likewise, UTF-
16 is the encoding form of choice on Microsoft Windows applications. UTF-32 is likely
to become more widely used in the future as more characters are encoded with values
above FFFF hexadecimal. UTF-32 requires less sophisticated handling than UTF-16 in
the presence of surrogate pairs. Figure F.1 shows the different ways in which the three
encoding forms handle character encoding.

F.3 Characters and Glyphs

The Unicode Standard consists of characters—written components (i.e., alphabets, num-
bers, punctuation marks, accent marks, etc.) that can be represented by numeric values.
An example of such a character is U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A. In the first
character representation, U+yyyy is a code value, in which U+ refers to Unicode code val-
ues, as opposed to other hexadecimal values. The yyyy represents a four-digit hexadecimal
number of an encoded character. Code values are bit combinations that represent encoded
characters. Characters are represented using glyphs—various shapes, fonts and sizes for
displaying characters. There are no code values for glyphs in the Unicode Standard. Ex-
amples of glyphs are shown in Fig. F.2.

Character UTF-8 UTF-16 UTF-32

LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A 0x41 0x0041 0x00000041

GREEK CAPITAL LETTER 0xCD 0x91 0x0391 0x00000391
CJK UNIFIED IDEO- 0xE4 0xBA 0x95 0x4E95 0x00004E95
OLD ITALIC LETTER A 0xF0 0x80 0x83 0x80 0xDC00 0xDF00 0x00010300

Fig. F.1 | Correlation between the three encoding forms.

Fig. F.2 | Various glyphs of the character A.

F.4 Advantages/Disadvantages of Unicode 1419

The Unicode Standard encompasses the alphabets, ideographs, syllabaries, punctua-

tion marks, diacritics, mathematical operators and other features. that comprise the
written languages and scripts of the world. A diacritic is a special mark added to a character
to distinguish it from another letter or to indicate an accent (e.g., in Spanish, the tilde “~”
above the character “n”). Currently, Unicode provides code values for 96,382 character
representations, with more than 878,000 code values reserved for future expansion.

F.4 Advantages/Disadvantages of Unicode

The Unicode Standard has several significant advantages that promote its use. One is the
impact it has on the performance of the international economy. Unicode standardizes the
characters for the world’s writing systems to a uniform model that promotes transferring
and sharing data. Programs developed using such a schema maintain their accuracy be-
cause each character has a single definition (i.e., a is always U+0061, % is always U+0025).
This enables corporations to manage the high demands of international markets by pro-
cessing different writing systems at the same time. All characters can be managed in an
identical manner, thus avoiding any confusion caused by different character-code archi-
tectures. Moreover, managing data in a consistent manner eliminates data corruption, be-
cause data can be sorted, searched and manipulated using a consistent process.
Another advantage of the Unicode Standard is portability (i.e., software that can exe-
cute on disparate computers or with disparate operating systems). Most operating systems,
databases, programming languages (including Java and Microsoft’s .NET languages) and
Web browsers currently support, or are planning to support, Unicode.
A disadvantage of the Unicode Standard is the amount of memory required by UTF-16
and UTF-32. ASCII character sets are 8-bits in length, so they require less storage than the
default 16-bit Unicode character set. The double-byte character set (DBCS) encodes Asian
characters with one or two bytes per character. The multibyte character set (MBCS) encodes
characters with a variable number of bytes per character. In such instances, the UTF-16 or
UTF-32 encoding forms may be used with little hindrance on memory and performance.
Another disadvantage of Unicode is that although it includes more characters than
any other character set in common use, it does not yet encode all of the world’s written
characters. Also, UTF-8 and UTF-16 are variable-width encoding forms, so characters
occupy different amounts of memory.

F.5 Unicode Consortium’s Web Site

If you would like to learn more about the Unicode Standard, visit www.unicode.org. This
site provides a wealth of information about the Unicode Standard that is insightful to
those new to Unicode. The home page is organized into Announcements, New to Unicode,
General Information, The Consortium, For Members Only, The Unicode Standard, Key Spec-
ifications, Technical Publications and Work in Progress.
The Announcement section lists recent product updates, releases and public reviews.
This section also lists new members of the Unicode Consortium.
The New to Unicode section consists of four subsections: What is Unicode, How to Use
this Site, FAQ and Glossary of Unicode Terms. The first subsection provides a technical
introduction to Unicode by describing design principles, character interpretations and
assignments, text processing and Unicode conformance. This subsection is recommended
1420 Appendix F Unicode®

reading for anyone new to Unicode. It also includes a list of related links that can provide
the reader with additional information about Unicode. The How to Use this Site subsec-
tion contains information about using and navigating the site as well hyperlinks to addi-
tional resources. The FAQ subsection organizes frequently asked questions into several
topics. Each topic has a brief explanation that specifies what kinds of questions and
answers are provided. Readers unfamiliar with vocabulary terms used by the Unicode
Consortium can navigate to the Glossary of Unicode Terms subsection, which lists the Uni-
code terms and their definitions in alphabetical order.
The General Information section contains six subsections: Where is my Character, Display
Problems, Useful Resources, Unicode Enabled Products, Mail Lists and Conferences. The
main areas covered in this section include a link to the Unicode code charts (a complete
listing of code values) assembled by the Unicode Consortium as well as a detailed outline on
how to locate an encoded character in the code chart. The section also contains advice on
how to configure different operating systems and Web browsers so that the Unicode charac-
ters can be viewed properly. Moreover, from this section, the user can navigate to other sites
that provide information on such topics as, fonts, linguistics and other standards, such as the
Armenian Standards Page and the Chinese GB 18030 Encoding Standard.
The Consortium section consists of six subsections: Who we are, Our Members, How to
Join, Press Info, Policies & Positions and Contact Us. This section provides a list of the cur-
rent Unicode Consortium members as well as information on how to become a member.
Privileges for each member type—full, associate, specialist, individual and liaison—and
the fees assessed to each member are listed here.
The For Members Only section consists of two subsections: Member Resources and
Working Documents. These subsections are password protected—only consortium mem-
bers can access these links.
The Unicode Standard section consists of five subsections: Start Here, Latest Version,
Code Charts, Unicode Character Database and Unihan Database. This section describes the
updates applied to the latest version of the Unicode Standard as well as categorizing all the
defined encoding. The user can learn how the latest version has been modified to encom-
pass more features and capabilities. For example, one enhancement of Version 4.0 is that
it contains additional encoded characters.
The Key Specification section consists of five subsections: Unicode Collation (UCA),
Bidirectional Algorithm (Bidi), Normalization (NFC, NFD, ...), Locale Data (CLDR) and Scripts
Codes (ISO 15924). These subsections describe the key specifications and projects that are
related to Unicode.
The Technical Publication section consists of four subsections: Technical Reports & Stan-
dards, Technical Notes, Online Data Table and Updates & Errata. The Technical Reports &
Standards subsection contains reports and standards used to implement and develop Uni-
code standard. The Technical Notes subsection lists papers that Unicode users or implemen-
tors may be interested in. The Online Data Table subsection provides machine-readable tables
that are required to implement the Unicode standard. The Updates & Errata subsection lists
errata that are known to the current version and are to be fixed in the next version.
The Work in Progress section consists of six subsections: Calendar of Meetings, Unicode
Technical Committee, Meeting Minutes, Proposals for Public Review, Proposed Characters
and Submitting Proposals. This section presents the user with a catalog characters recently
included in the Unicode Standard scheme as well as characters being considered for inclu-
F.6 Using Unicode 1421

sion. A user who determines that a character has been overlooked can submit a written pro-
posal for the inclusion of that character. The Submitting Proposals subsection contains strict
guidelines that must be adhered to when submitting written proposals.

F.6 Using Unicode

Numerous programming languages (e.g., C, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Basic) provide
some level of support for the Unicode Standard. The application shown in Fig. F.3–
Fig. F.4 prints the text “Welcome to Unicode!” in eight different languages: English, Rus-
sian, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish and Traditional Chinese.

1 // Fig. F.3: UnicodeJFrame.java

2 // Demonstrating how to use Unicode in Java programs.
3 import java.awt.GridLayout;
4 import javax.swing.JFrame;
5 import javax.swing.JLabel;
7 public class UnicodeJFrame extends JFrame
8 {
9 // constructor creates JLabels to display Unicode
10 public UnicodeJFrame()
11 {
12 super( "Demonstrating Unicode" );
14 setLayout( new GridLayout( 8, 1 ) ); // set frame layout
16 // create JLabels using Unicode
17 JLabel englishJLabel = new JLabel( "\u0057\u0065\u006C\u0063" +
18 "\u006F\u006D\u0065\u0020\u0074\u006F\u0020Unicode\u0021" );
19 englishJLabel.setToolTipText( "This is English" );
20 add( englishJLabel );
22 JLabel chineseJLabel = new JLabel( "\u6B22\u8FCE\u4F7F\u7528" +
23 "\u0020\u0020Unicode\u0021" );
24 chineseJLabel.setToolTipText( "This is Traditional Chinese" );
25 add( chineseJLabel );
27 JLabel cyrillicJLabel = new JLabel( "\u0414\u043E\u0431\u0440" +
28 "\u043E\u0020\u043F\u043E\u0436\u0430\u043B\u043E\u0432" +
29 "\u0430\u0442\u044A\u0020\u0432\u0020Unicode\u0021" );
30 cyrillicJLabel.setToolTipText( "This is Russian" );
31 add( cyrillicJLabel );
33 JLabel frenchJLabel = new JLabel( "\u0042\u0069\u0065\u006E\u0076" +
34 "\u0065\u006E\u0075\u0065\u0020\u0061\u0075\u0020Unicode\u0021");
35 frenchJLabel.setToolTipText( "This is French" );
36 add( frenchJLabel );
38 JLabel germanJLabel = new JLabel( "\u0057\u0069\u006C\u006B\u006F" +
39 "\u006D\u006D\u0065\u006E\u0020\u007A\u0075\u0020Unicode\u0021");
40 germanJLabel.setToolTipText( "This is German" );
41 add( germanJLabel );

Fig. F.3 | Java application that uses Unicode encoding (Part 1 of 2.).
1422 Appendix F Unicode®

43 JLabel japaneseJLabel = new JLabel( "Unicode\u3078\u3087\u3045" +
44 "\u3053\u305D\u0021" );
45 japaneseJLabel.setToolTipText( "This is Japanese" );
46 add( japaneseJLabel );
48 JLabel portugueseJLabel = new JLabel( "\u0053\u00E9\u006A\u0061" +
49 "\u0020\u0042\u0065\u006D\u0076\u0069\u006E\u0064\u006F\u0020" +
50 "Unicode\u0021" );
51 portugueseJLabel.setToolTipText( "This is Portuguese" );
52 add( portugueseJLabel );
54 JLabel spanishJLabel = new JLabel( "\u0042\u0069\u0065\u006E" +
55 "\u0076\u0065\u006E\u0069\u0064\u0061\u0020\u0061\u0020" +
56 "Unicode\u0021" );
57 spanishJLabel.setToolTipText( "This is Spanish" );
58 add( spanishJLabel );
59 } // end UnicodeJFrame constructor
60 } // end class UnicodeJFrame

Fig. F.3 | Java application that uses Unicode encoding (Part 2 of 2.).

1 // Fig. F.4: Unicode.java

2 // Display Unicode.
3 import javax.swing.JFrame;
5 public class Unicode
6 {
7 public static void main( String args[] )
8 {
9 UnicodeJFrame unicodeJFrame = new UnicodeJFrame();
10 unicodeJFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
11 unicodeJFrame.setSize( 350, 250 );
12 unicodeJFrame.setVisible( true );
13 } // end method main
14 } // end class Unicode

Fig. F.4 | Displaying Unicode.

F.7 Character Ranges 1423

Class UnicodeJFrame (Fig. F.3) uses escape sequences to represent characters. An

escape sequence is in the form \uyyyy, where yyyy represents the four-digit hexadecimal
code value. Lines 17–18 contain the series of escape sequences necessary to display “Wel-
come to Unicode!” in English. The first escape sequence (\u0057) equates to the character
“W,” the second escape sequence (\u0065) equates to the character “e,” and so on. The
\u0020 escape sequence (line 18) is the encoding for the space character. The \u0074 and
\u006F escape sequences equate to the word “to.” Note that “Unicode” is not encoded
because it is a registered trademark and has no equivalent translation in most languages.
Line 18 also contains the \u0021 escape sequence for the exclamation point (!).
Lines 22–56 contain the escape sequences for the other seven languages. The Unicode
Consortium’s Web site contains a link to code charts that lists the 16-bit Unicode code
values. The English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish characters are located in
the Basic Latin block, the Japanese characters are located in the Hiragana block, the Rus-
sian characters are located in the Cyrillic block and the Traditional Chinese characters are
located in the CJK Unified Ideographs block. The next section discusses these blocks.

F.7 Character Ranges

The Unicode Standard assigns code values, which range from 0000 (Basic Latin) to E007F
(Tags), to the written characters of the world. Currently, there are code values for 96,382
characters. To simplify the search for a character and its associated code value, the Unicode
Standard generally groups code values by script and function (i.e., Latin characters are
grouped in a block, mathematical operators are grouped in another block, etc.). As a rule,
a script is a single writing system that is used for multiple languages (e.g., the Latin script
is used for English, French, Spanish, etc.). The Code Charts page on the Unicode Consor-
tium Web site lists all the defined blocks and their respective code values. Figure F.5 lists
some blocks (scripts) from the Web site and their range of code values.

Script Range of code values

Arabic U+0600–U+06FF
Basic Latin U+0000–U+007F
Bengali (India) U+0980–U+09FF
Cherokee (Native America) U+13A0–U+13FF
CJK Unified Ideographs (East Asia) U+4E00–U+9FFF
Cyrillic (Russia and Eastern Europe) U+0400–U+04FF
Ethiopic U+1200–U+137F
Greek U+0370–U+03FF
Hangul Jamo (Korea) U+1100–U+11FF
Hebrew U+0590–U+05FF
Hiragana (Japan) U+3040–U+309F
Khmer (Cambodia) U+1780–U+17FF

Fig. F.5 | Some character ranges. (Part 1 of 2.)

1424 Appendix F Unicode®

Script Range of code values

Lao (Laos) U+0E80–U+0EFF

Mongolian U+1800–U+18AF
Myanmar U+1000–U+109F
Ogham (Ireland) U+1680–U+169F
Runic (Germany and Scandinavia) U+16A0–U+16FF
Sinhala (Sri Lanka) U+0D80–U+0DFF
Telugu (India) U+0C00–U+0C7F
Thai U+0E00–U+0E7F

Fig. F.5 | Some character ranges. (Part 2 of 2.)

• Before Unicode, software developers were plagued by the use of inconsistent character encoding
(i.e., numeric values for characters). Most countries and organizations had their own encoding
systems, which were incompatible.
• Localization of global software requires significant modifications to the source code, which re-
sults in increased costs and delays in releasing the product.
• Localization is necessary with each release of a version. By the time a software product is localized
for a particular market, a newer version, which needs to be localized as well, is ready for distribu-
tion. As a result, it is cumbersome and costly to produce and distribute global software products
in a market where there is no universal character encoding standard.
• The Unicode Consortium developed the Unicode Standard in response to the serious problems
created by multiple character encodings and the use of encodings.
• The Unicode Standard facilitates the production and distribution of localized software. It out-
lines a specification for the consistent encoding of the world’s characters and symbols.
• Software products which handle text encoded in the Unicode Standard need to be localized, but
the localization process is simpler and more efficient because the numeric values need not be con-
• The Unicode Standard is designed to be universal, efficient, uniform and unambiguous.
• A universal encoding system encompasses all commonly used characters; an efficient encoding
system parses text files easily; a uniform encoding system assigns fixed values to all characters; and
a unambiguous encoding system represents the same character for any given value.
• Unicode extends the limited ASCII character set to include all the major characters of the world.
• Unicode makes use of three Unicode Transformation Formats (UTF): UTF-8, UTF-16 and
UTF-32, each of which may be appropriate for use in different contexts.
• UTF-8 data consists of 8-bit bytes (sequences of one, two, three or four bytes depending on the
character being encoded) and is well suited for ASCII-based systems when there is a predomi-
nance of one-byte characters (ASCII represents characters as one-byte).
• UTF-8 is a variable-width encoding form that is more compact for text involving mostly Latin
characters and ASCII punctuation.
Terminology 1425

• UTF-16 is the default encoding form of the Unicode Standard. It is a variable-width encoding
form that uses 16-bit code units instead of bytes. Most characters are represented by a single 16-
bit unit, but some characters require surrogate pairs.
• UTF-32 is a 32-bit encoding form. The major advantage of the fixed-width encoding form is
that it uniformly expresses all characters, so that they are easy to handle in arrays and other uses.
• Characters are represented using glyphs—shapes, fonts and sizes for displaying characters.
• Code values are bit combinations that represent encoded characters. The Unicode notation for
a code value is U+yyyy in which U+ refers to the Unicode code values, as opposed to other hexa-
decimal values. The yyyy represents a four-digit hexadecimal number.
• Currently, the Unicode Standard provides code values for 96,382 character representations.
• An advantage of the Unicode Standard is its impact on the overall performance of the international
economy. Applications that conform to an encoding standard can be processed easily by computers.
• Another advantage of the Unicode Standard is its portability. Applications written in Unicode
can be easily transferred to different operating systems, databases and Web browsers. Most com-
panies currently support, or are planning to support Unicode.
• Numerous programming languages provide some level of support for the Unicode Standard.
• In Java programs, the \uyyyy escape sequence represents a character, where yyyy is the four-digit
hexadecimal code value. The \u0020 escape sequence is the universal encoding for the space char-

\uyyyy escape sequence script
block surrogate
code value unambiguous (Unicode design basis)
diacritic Unicode Consortium
double-byte character set (DBCS) Unicode design basis
efficient (Unicode design basis) Unicode Standard
encode Unicode Transformation Format (UTF)
glyph uniform (Unicode design basis)
hexadecimal notation universal (Unicode design basis)
localization UTF-8
multibyte character set (MBCS) UTF-16
portability UTF-32

Self-Review Exercises
F.1 Fill in the blanks in each of the following.
a) Global software developers had to their products to a specific market be-
fore distribution.
b) The Unicode Standard is a(n) standard that facilitates the uniform produc-
tion and distribution of software products.
c) The four design basis that comprises the Unicode Standard are: ,
, and .
d) Characters are represented using .
e) Software that can execute on different operating systems is said to be .
F.2 State whether each of the following is true or false. If false, explain why.
a) The Unicode Standard encompasses all the world’s characters.
1426 Appendix F Unicode®

b) A Unicode code value is represented as U+yyyy, where yyyy represents a number in bina-
ry notation.
c) A diacritic is a character with a special mark that emphasizes an accent.
d) Unicode is portable.
e) When designing Java programs, a Unicode escape sequence is denoted by /uyyyy.

Answers to Self-Review Exercises

F.1 a) localize. b) encoding. c) universal, efficient, uniform, unambiguous. d) glyphs. e) portable.
F.2 a) False. It encompasses the majority of the world’s characters. b) False. The yyyy represents
a hexadecimal number. c) False. A diacritic is a special mark added to a character to distinguish it
from another letter or to indicate an accent. d) True. e) False. A Unicode escape sequence is denoted
by \uyyyy.

F.3 Navigate to the Unicode Consortium Web site (www.unicode.org) and write the hexadecimal
code values for the following characters. In which block were they located?
a) Latin letter "Z."
b) Latin letter ‘n’ with the "tilde (~)."
c) Greek letter ‘delta.’
d) Mathematical operator "less than or equal to."
e) Punctuation symbol "open quote (“)."
F.4 Describe the Unicode Standard design basis.
F.5 Define the following terms:
a) code value.
b) surrogates.
c) Unicode Standard.
F.6 Define the following terms:
a) UTF-8.
b) UTF-16.
c) UTF-32.
F.7 Describe a scenario where it is optimal to store your data in UTF-16 format.
F.8 Using the Unicode Standard code values, write a Java program that prints your first and last
name. The program should print your name in all uppercase letters and in all lowercase letters. If you
know other languages, print your first and last name in those languages as well.

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