(For Comprehensive Examination of BSME Program, IUBAT) : Prepared By: Rofail Miah (Id - 15207022)
(For Comprehensive Examination of BSME Program, IUBAT) : Prepared By: Rofail Miah (Id - 15207022)
(For Comprehensive Examination of BSME Program, IUBAT) : Prepared By: Rofail Miah (Id - 15207022)
Prepared by :
1. What is Engineering ?
Mechanical Engineering : It is the branch engineering dealing with power, heat, energy, as
well as the design, construction, and use of machines.
3. What is Refrigeration:
4. What is Refrigerant ?
Ans: (i) Ammonia (𝐶𝐻3 ), (ii) Carbon dioxide (𝐶𝑂2 ), (iii) Sulphar dioxide (𝑆𝑂2 ), (iv) R-11
(CCl2F), (v) R-22(CHCLF2), (vi) R-12 (CCL2F).
8. Define the wet bulb temperature?
The wet bulb temperature: The lowest temperature that can be reached into the air by
evaporating water.
9. What are the difference between vapor compression refrigeration and vapor
absorption refrigeration?
Ans : The VCR consists of compressor, condenser, receiver, expansion valve and evaporator.
But the VAR replaces the compressor by generator and it’s other parts are remaining same.
Ans : A ton of refrigeration is defined as the amount of refrigeration effect by the uniform
melting of one ton (1000kg) of ice from and at 00 in 24 hours.
11. What do you understand by COP of refrigeration and COP of heat pump?
Ans : Cooling of a chamber based on the partial effect an electric current is sent through
a thermo couple whose cold junction is thermally coupled to the cooled chamber , while
the hot junction dissipates heat to the surrounding is also known as thermoelectric
16. Define the central air condition ? Write down the use of it ?
Ans : When cooling capacity is required 25TR or more and air flow is more than
300𝑚2 /min is called central air condition. (i) Big shaping complex, (ii) Industry.
Ans: Short for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. The system is used to provide
heating and cooling services to buildings. HVAC systems have become the required industry
standard for construction of new buildings.
Heat pump:
Heat is withdrawn from environment: air, soil, or water (low temperature).
Negligible temperature drop of the environment.
Extracted heat is given off into building (higher temperature).
Temperature of building’s interior rises.
26. What is water wheel ?
Ans : A water wheel is machine for converting the energy of flowing or falling water into
useful forms of power, often in a watermill.
31. What is the difference between stalling and surging in rotary compressors ?
Ans: It will come to a point that the whole flow over the airfoil separates, starting from the
leading edge (LE). This condition is called stall. It is a local phenomenon. Surging is the
complete breakdown of steady through flow, affecting the whole machine, in other words,
when stalling takes place on all the blades simultaneously.
Ans: Bernoulli's equation is one of the most important/useful equations in fluid mechanics. It
may be written by,
33. Define laminar flow and turbulent flow?
Laminar flow: It is flow in which the viscosity of fluid is dominating over the inertia force.
Turbulent flow: It is a flow in which the inertia force is dominating over this viscosity.
Metacenter : The point of intersection of the vertical through the center of buoyancy of a
floating body with the vertical through the new center of buoyancy when the body is
35. Viscosity?
Ans: It is the property of fluid , when fluid is flow and it makes resistance to flow.
Ans: i) By balancing the liquid column (whose pressure to be found out the same or another
column ) ii) By balance the liquid column (whose pressure is to be found out by the spring or
dead weight). To measure the fluid pressure we can use 1. Mano meter, 2.Piezometer tube.
37. What is the difference between hard water and soft water ?
Hard water : Hard water is water that contains an appreciable quantity of dissolved minerals
(like calcium and magnesium).
Soft water : Soft water is treated water in which the only ion is sodium. As rain water falls, it
is naturally soft. On the other hand, soft water tastes salty and Sometimes It is not suitable for
Non-renewable energy: (i) coal energy, (ii) fuel energy , (iii) natural gas.
39. Write down the difference sources of energy?
Ans: Solar energy, wind energy, Geothermal Energy, Hydrogen Energy, Tidal Energy,
Wave Energy, Hydroelectric Energy, Biomass Energy, Nuclear Power, Fossil Fuels
(Coal, Oil and Natural Gas).
A black body is a surface that absorbs all radiant energy falling on it. a black body is a
theoretically ideal radiator and absorber of energy at all electromagnetic wave length.
41. Define the wind turbine, gas turbine and steam turbine ?
Wind turbine : A device that converts the wind’s kinetic energy into electrical energy.
Gas turbine : A gas turbine, is also called a combustion turbine, is an internal combustion
engine. It converts the chemical energy of a liquid fuel into mechanical energy by internal
combustion and generates the electrical energy.
Steam turbine : Steam turbine is a prime mover in which pressure of steam is converted
into mechanical energy and further electrical energy. It has two types: Impulse turbine,
Reaction turbine.
42. What is combined cycle power plant?
Ans: A combined-cycle power plant uses both a gas and a steam turbine together to produce
up to 50 percent more electricity from the same fuel than a traditional simple-cycle plant. The
waste heat from the gas turbine is routed to the nearby steam turbine, which generates
extra power.
Ans: Petrol, natural gas, propane, diesel, and kerosene as well as renewable fuels such as
E85, biodiesel and biogas.
Ans : Thermal efficiency of gas turbine is lower than that of IC engine . While
mechanical efficiency of gas turbine is greater than that of IC engine. Incase of
thermal efficiency gas turbines have an edge as there are no reciprocating parts in gas
turbines and heat loss is less. Mechanically IC engines have better outputs.
48. What is CNG?
CNG: CNG means compressed natural gas. It is abounded clean luring alternative and
transportation fuel.
Ans : Saturated (dry) steam results when water is heated to the boiling point (sensible
heating) and then vaporized with additional heat (latent heating). If this steam is then further
heated above the saturation point, it becomes superheated steam (sensible heating). standard
steam have some moisture but super heated steam have less moisture then standard
steam. Sometimes it have no moisture .
Ans: Latent and sensible heat are types of energy released or absorbed in the atmosphere.
Latent heat is related to changes in phase between liquids, gases, and solids. Sensible heat is
related to changes in temperature of a gas or object with no change in phase.
Fire tube boiler: In fire tube boilers, the hot gases are inside the tube and water surrounds
the tube. Efficiency is 75 %. Use for small plant.
53. Define the boiler efficiency and direct efficiency ?
Ans: Economizer, a boiler accessories, is a device used to increase the temperature of feed
water using waste of heat of flue gases leaving the boiler through chimney.
Generator : A generator is a machine that converts one form of energy into another,
especially mechanical into electrical energy.
Engine : An engine or a heat engine is a machine designed t o convert heat energy of fuel
into mechanical energy. Basically engine may be classified into two types :
57. Define the types of Internal combustion (I.C) engine?
6. According to arrangement of cylinder :
i. In-line engine,
ii. V-type engine.
iii. Opposed cylinder engine.
iv. W-type engine.
v. Opposed piston engine.
vi. Radial engine.
7. According to air intake process :
i. Naturally aspired : In this type of engine intake of air into cylinder occur by
the atmospheric pressure.
ii. Supercharged engine : In this type of engine air intake pressure is increased
by the compressor driven by the engine crankshaft.
iii. Turbocharged engine : In this type of engine intake air pressure is increase by
use of turbine compressor driven by the exhaust gases of burning fuel.
Ans: A supercharger is an air compressor that increases the pressure or density of air
supplied to an internal combustion engine. This gives each intake cycle of the engine more
oxygen, letting it burns more fuel and do more work, thus increasing power. Superheating is
used in an engine to increase it’s efficiency.
Ans: Looking at the difference between the two the supercharger will take its power from
the crankshaft whereas the turbocharger will draw power from exhaust gases that result from
combustion. Superchargers will spin with speeds up to 50,000 RPM. The turbocharger is not
connected to the engine and can spin much faster.
60. What is the difference between scavenging and supercharging?
Ans: Scavenging is process of flushing out burnt gases from engine cylinder by introducing
fresh air in the cylinder before exhaust stroke ends. Supercharging is the process of supplying
higher mass of air by compressing the atmospheric air.
Ans: The ratio of total output and total input. Efficiency= output/input * 100%
63. Draw the p-v diagram for Otto cycle and diesel cycle?
64. Which one (Petrol engine r Diesel engine) is more efficient for same compression
Ans: For the same compressor ratio petrol engine (otto cycle) is more efficient then the
diesel engine (diesel cycle).
65. Why Carnot cycle is not feasible in actual practice?
Ans: It is impossible to eliminate the total friction of the various moving parts, the Carnot
cycle is the theoretical cycle, it eliminates the friction but practically it is not possible. So the
Carnot cycle is not feasible actual practice.
66. Show the difference between Gasoline engine and Diesel engine ?
67. What is thermodynamics ? Describe the four laws of thermodynamics? ?
Ans: Thermodynamics is the science that deals with the conversion of heat into mechanical
energy. It is based upon observation of common experience, which have been formulated into
Enthalpy: In thermodynamics process it is the sum of the internal energy and product of
pressure and volume. H= U+pv (H=enthalpy, u=internal energy , p= pressure, v= volume).
Ans; Zero, Entropy transfers in reversible process takes place either by heat interaction or by
mass interaction. To make it reversible the piston need to be moved in a very slow manner.
So, a piston compressing gases negligibly slow is called reversible adiabatic process.
70. What is difference between isentropic process and throttling process?
Ans: A throttling process is a thermodynamic process, in which the enthalpy of the gas or
medium remains constant (h =const). In fact, the throttling process is one of isentropic
process. On the other the throttling process cannot be isentropic, it is a fundamentally
irreversible process.
71. Write down the relation between absolute pressure, gauge pressure and
atmospheric pressure?
Absolute pressure - The actual pressure at a given position is called the absolute pressure. It
is the sum of gauge pressure and atmospheric pressure. and it is measured relative to absolute
vacuum (i.e., absolute zero pressure).
Gage pressure - Gage pressure is the pressure relative to the atmospheric pressure. In other
words, how much above or below is the pressure with respect to the atmospheric pressure.
Vacuum pressure - Pressures below the atmospheric pressure are called vacuum pressures
and are measured by vacuum gages that indicates the difference between the atmospheric
pressure and the absolute pressure.
Atmospheric pressure - The atmospheric pressure is the pressure that an area experiences
due to the force exerted by the atmosphere.
Center of pressure: a point on a surface through which the resultant force due to pressure
Center of gravity: The center of gravity (CG) of an object is the point at which weight is
evenly dispersed and all sides are in balance.
73. What is mass transfer?
Mass transfer is the net movement of mass from one location, usually meaning stream,
phase, fraction or component, to another.
Heat transfer is the movement of thermal energy from one thing to another of different
Ans: Newton's law of cooling states that the rate of heat loss of a body is directly
proportional to the difference in the temperatures between the body and its surroundings
provided the temperature difference is small and the nature of radiating surface remains
79. What is project?
Ans Project is any sort of planned undertaking. A set of activities which are performed to
fulfill a plan.
Ans: Kirchhoff's Laws for current and voltage are two principles that apply to DC circuits and
Kirchhoff's Current Law : This fundamental law results from the conservation of charge. It
applies to a junction or node in a circuit -- a point in the circuit where charge has several
possible paths to travel. The total charge flowing into a node must be the same as the total
charge flowing out of the node. So, I + I + I = I
Bringing everything to the left side of the above equation, we get (I + I + I ) – I = 0
Kirchhoff's Voltage Law : Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (or Kirchhoff's Loop Rule) is a result of
the electrostatic field being conservative. It states that the total voltage around a closed loop
must be zero. If this were not the case, then when we travel around a closed loop, the
voltages would be indefinite. So
Machine : An apparatus using mechanical power and having several parts, each with a
definite function and together performing a particular task.
CNC : Computer numerical control (CNC) is a method for automating control of machine
tools through which the use of software.
84. What is PLC ?
PLC : A programmable logic controller is an industrial digital computer which has been
ruggedized and adapted for the control of manufacturing process.
86. What is machine tool? What are the types of machine tools ?
Machine tool: It is a machine for shaping or machining metal or other rigid materials
usually by cutting, boring, drilling, grinding, shearing or other forms of deformation.
i. Lathe machine.
ii. Milling machine.
iii. Drilling machine,
iv. Shaper machine
v. Planer machine.
Cutting tool : Cutting tool is any tool that is used to remove material from the workpiece by
means of shear deformation..
ii) Double point cutting tools.
5 Shaper uses one cutting tool at a time. Planer uses several tools to cut simultaneously.
The shaper is driven using quick return The drive on the planer table is either by gears or by
mechanism. hydraulic means.
Functions of Gears :
a. Gears can increase the speed, increase the force or change the direction.
a. A gear is a simple, rotating machine which usually has teeth (cogs).
a. When they connect to another gear, they transmit torque, which is like a twisting
a. Not all gears have teeth. In a rack and pinion gear, the pinion is the gear wheel and it
meshes with the rack, which is a long bar with cogs. An example- a bike chain.
Ans: A drill usually has two symmetric angled cutting edges which produce at least some
self-centering effect is it progresses in the hole. A boring tool has a single cutting edge to the
side of the end of a rigid bar and generates a true cylindrical hole within the accuracy of the
machine tool.
Ans : When it comes to factor of safety, the name itself suggest that design some things to
make it more safe. When we are designing some product then we have to consider the factors
which may influence our design, like unexpected loads or service loads or material defects.
So there are different kind of uncertain factors which we should consider in the design.
Now we come to design factor. When we are designing some things we should consider it
from manufacturing and handling point of view. This falls under the category of design for
manufacturing and assembly. We should not design the product which is difficult to handle or
to be manufactured. This will again add some additional features to our product. This factors
we should take in the consideration as design factors. Let us take one example for this. we are
going to design a pin which is small in size. To handle this we have to provide some griping
area for that. From factor of safety it is safe but from the design factor we have to increase
it’s size may be. Or we have to add knurling on the surface. Again we have to take this in the
design and we have to re-calculate our factor of safety for the design change. This factor will
be taken as our design factor which is introduced due to change in design.
Metal : A metal is material that, when freshly prepared, polished, or fractured, shows a
lustrous appearance, and conducts electricity and heat relatively well.
Stress: It is defined as the force per unit area of a material. i.e. Stress = force / cross sectional area.
Strain : Strain is defined as extension per unit length. i.e. Strain = extension / original length.
Pressure : Pressure is defined as the physical force exerted on an object. The force applied is
perpendicular to the surface of objects per unit area. The basic formula for pressure is F/A
(Force per unit area).
The difference between stress and pressure : Pressure is a force, and stress is the result of
that force being applied to a system. If pressure is applied to a metal, the metal is stressed.
99. What is welding ? what are the types of welding ?
Welding : It processes at which two same metals are joint each other by melting the metal
with the help of fusion or non fusion. Basically it has types :
Soldering : It is a process in which two or more metal objects are joint together by melting
and putting a filler metal into the joint, the filler metal having a lower melting point than the
adjoining metal.
Casting: It is a one kind of manufacturing process in which melting metal is purring in the
mold cavity and make a job is called casting.
References :
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