Reserch Methodology (RM) : Assignment
Reserch Methodology (RM) : Assignment
Reserch Methodology (RM) : Assignment
JEEVAN BIMS/AC/02/2009/2020
Q2. (a) Briefly explain the various primary stages of research process.
Answer –Q2. (a)
Generally the research is considered as an endeavor to arrive at logical and acceptable solutions to
intellectual and practical problems through the application of scientific methods to the known universe. It is
the movement from the known to the unknown.
Research is a source which can be drawn upon to make a substantial contribution to the body of
knowledge. Research should be followed by some sort of original contribution.
The process of research may be classified under three stages, viz., primary stage, secondary stage and
the tertiary stage.
The Primary stage includes:
(i) Observation
(ii) Interest
(iii) Crystallisation,identification and statement of research problem
(iv) Formulation of hypothesis
(v) Primary synopsis
(vi) Conceptual clarity
(vii) Documentation
(viii) Preparation of bibliography
(ix) Research design.
(i) Observation
Research start with observation, which leads to curiosity to learn about what has been observed.
Observation can either be unaided visual observation or guided and controlled observation. Sometimes, a
casual or associated observation leading to substantial research and a great invention. Deliberate and
guided observation can also form the basis for rearch.While observation leads to research, research
results in elaborate observations and conclusions; or even further research observation can either be
subjective or objective. There are participant observation, non-participant observations, controlled
observations and non-controlled observations.
Participant observation is the type of observation where the observer himself is a participant in the
group under study.
When someone, who is not a member of the group under observation, observes that group this is
known as non-participant observation.
Controlled observation is the type of observation which suffers from some restrictions. It may
include control over behavior, control over phenomena, control over environment and observation.
(ii) Interest
The observation of certain occurrences creates an interest and inquisitiveness in the mind of the
researcher to study is further. This is the basis of interest to study the subject matter of observation. The
interest may be academic interest or policy-making interest.
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(iii) Crystallization
Crystallization is the process of designing the definite form of reach to be undertaken for the purpose
of studying the subject matter. It is the formulation of research project, defining its objective, rationale,
scope, methodology, limitations, including financial commitments and sources. It is at this stage that the
research project is given a concrete shape and structure, forming a basis of further investigation.
(iv) Formulation of Hypothesis
It has already been pointed out that the testing of hypothesis is an important characteristic of the
sentific method. It is a prerequisite of any successful research, for it enables us to get rid of vague
approaches and meaningless interpretations. It establishes the relationship of concept with theory, and
specifies the test to be applied especially in the context of a meaningful value judgment. The hypothesis,
therefore, plays a very pivotal role in the scientific research method.
(v) Primary Synopsis
Synopsis is a summary/outline/grief of any subject. It is not a complete subject still formalization of a
subject/replica of a subject.
It saves time. It will give an idea of time required for presentation of the main subject.
Once the subject matter is decided – you can arrange titles Main heading, paragraph heading-
elaborate the paragraphs with important of main issues.
(vi) Conceptual Clarity
Any reached should have in-depth background knowledge of the topic of his study. He can gain such
knowledge only by an extensive reading of text books, specialized books and publications on the topic in
addition to articles and research papers published in journals and periodicals, reports of the past studies,
(vii) Documentation
The documentary source is an important source of information for a researcher. A document is
anything in writing-a record, files or diaries, published or unpublished- which can be extracted and used in
rearch.It is a very valuable source of information for a reach either in management or in social sciences.
Q2. (b) What is a Questionnaire-mention its Characteristic and illustrate a sample Questionnaire (Market
Survey) for any product you can choose.
1 Name of the Respondent M-1 F-2
2 Address (if necessary)
3 Age Group
(i) Below 20 1 (iv) 40-50 4
(ii) 20-30 2 (v) 50-60 5
(iii) 30-40 3 (vi) Above 50 6
4 Income Group (i) Below Rs.500 1
(ii) Rs.500-1,000 2
(iii) Rs.1,000-2,000 3
(iv) Rs.2,000-4,000 4
(v) Above Rs.4000 5
5 Education (i) Metric & below 1
(ii) Graduate & below 2
(iii) Post-graduate 3
(iv) Professional graduate 4
6 Professional (I) Blue collar work 1
(ii) White collar 2
(iii) Executive 3
(iv) Own buss (non Industry) 4
(v) Own buss (small Industry) 5
(vi) Own buss (large industry) 6
(vii) Anything else (specify) 7
3 Which channel of distribution, you feel is convenient and effective for toilet soaps?
(i) Department store 1 Retailer 5
(ii) Super market 2 Local pan shops,etc. 6
(iii) Chain stores 3 Anything else (specify ) 7
(iv) Door-to-door delivery 4
4 Do you feel that advertising and publicity are essential of toilet soap?
2 Would you specify four or five brands that you use most often?
Product Number of times used
1 Many times (cannot count)
2 10-20 times
3 5-10 times
4 3-5 times
5 twice
1 Would you give reasons why you have used these brands a greater number of times?
1 4
2 5
3 6
2 5
3 6
6 If your preferred brand would not be available, what would be your choice, and in the
absence of even the second one, what would be your third choice?
Choice Number Choice Number 3……………………………………
7 General Remarks
YES 1 NO 2
2 Source (please specify)
3 Have you ever used it?
YES 1 NO 2
4 If you have used it at least once, would you mention your impressions about it?
6 If your answer to Question 4 is anything other than ‘Excellent’ (No.1) what would be your
suggestions to make the product excellent?
7 If ProdNeveruct X is your present brand, what are the reasons for this brand loyalty?
8 If Product X is your present first preference, what priority would you give it (Product X) in
the order of merit if your preference product is not available?
First 1
Second 2
Third 3
Fourth 4
Never 5
9 In order to make Product X your first preference product, what improvements would you
10 If you have not yet used product X, would you like to try it?
Yes 1 No 2
(iv) If it is costly 4
14 General remarks of the investigator on the basis of his observation of the informant.
Q3. (b) Which are various measures of dispersion, explain each of them?
Answer –Q3.(b)
The central tendency measure calculated can be ‘highly representative’ or not at all so. If the actual
values are not very different from the measure of central tendency that we have calculated, degree of
representativeness will be high. But if the variation in quantitative data is high, the representativeness is
reduced. The variation needs to be quantified. Measures of dispersion, which indicate the extent to which
the data varies, are discussed in this chapter.
Various measures of dispersion –
(i) Range
(ii) Percentile range.
(iii) Inter – quartile range
(iv) Average deviation
(v) Standard deviation and variance
(vi) Concentration ratio
Ungrouped observations – when the observations are not grouped, a measure of dispersion is the range.
Grouped observation – Generally grouped data cannot provide a measure of range. However some
people recommend that by definition, range may be taken as the difference between the upper limit of the
last class and lower limit of the first class
Percentile Range
Percentile range is a measure based on the upper and lower quartiles. It is equal to Q₃-Q₁ Quartile
deviation is obtained as semi-inter quartile range, that is
Quartile Deviation (Q.D) = Q₃−Q₁
The corresponding relative measure, known as coefficient of Q.D, is given by
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Q.D. is more a positional average than a measure of dispersion, like Median.
Mean Deviation
Average deviation or Mean Deviation, as is popularly known, is about a given point C.
For grouped data, mean deviation about a given point C is ⅟nΣΙx₁⁻CI where I xi – C I, read as mod or
modulus x I –c, is absolute value of the deviation of x I from C ignoring the sign.
5 (a) Define hypothesis-What are the nature, scope and testing of hypothesis?
Answer –Q5.(a)
A hypothesis is a skeptical proposition, formulated to be tested in a certain given situation as a part of
research, which states what the researcher is looking for. It is a tentative generalization; according to
lundberg.Its validity can be determined only when it is tested. A close relationship, however, exixts
between theory and hypothesis; and the latter can be tested with the help of analysis of data and facts.
The hypothesis is, therefore, closely linked with both theory and facts, though it is neither. However, the
testing and proving of a hypothesis leads to theory, through all hypotheses do not necessarily result in
theory formation. Specific assumptions are generally involved in hypotheses relating to the level of
Nature of Hypothesis
Thus, a hypothesis is skeptical, though it is based on an observation, until it is tested. It can take the
shape of a proposition which may involve assumptions in the given situation or context. It always looks
forward, since the skeptical proposition based on some observation or assumption need not be proved
valid by being tested. This is the reason why no hypothesis is proved without empirical test. Goode and
Hatt are therefore, right when they assert,”A hypothesis looks forward. It is a proposition which can be put
to a test to determine its validity. It may seem contrary to or in accord with, common sense
It may prove to be correct or incorrect. In any event, however, it leads to an empirical test. Whatever the
outcome, the hypothesis is a question put in such a way that an answer of some kind can be fortcoming.It
is an example of organized skepticism of science, the refusal to accept any statement without empirical
When the answer to the question put forward in a hypothesis is found and when the hypothesis is tested
and proved, the relation between variables in the hypothesis is confirmed and the proposition established,
leading to the formation, closely linked with both theory and facts through it is neither.
However, testing and proving of hypothesis may lead to theory although all hypotheses may not
necessarily result in theory.Similar,a hypothesis makes use of variables, and the relationship between
variables can be established by proving the hypothesis, though it need not always result in formulation of
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theory. Actually speaking, it is the scientific method, which is closely linked with the hypothesis that makes
the basis for theory. The rests on empirical studies, value judgments and factual expressions, for which
formulation and testing of hypothesis may become necessary.
While testing of a hypothesis may prove or disprove a theory, a theory, and facilities formulation of
further hypotheses. On the other hand, testing of hypothesis will result in substantial contribution to
existing theory or in generation of a new theory.
Scope of Hypothesis
It is evident that hypothesis skeptically deals with the variable relating to the real life situation which
provides the propositions and assumptions. If, by being tested, they help the formulation of theory. While
scientific method helps to formulate theory, hypothesis is at the center of scientific method. Science, on
the other hand, integrates concepts, theory and accumulated knowledge developed from hypothesis,
analytical framework and experimentation.
Thus, hypothesis is part of every organized knowledge, basis for analysis and inspiration for
investigation. As scientific method involves determination of facts through observation, investigation and
establishment of causal relationships between variables, hypothesis, which is part of scientific method,
helps in all these activities.Thus, hypothesis has tremendous scope in scientific method.
As mentioned earlier, testing of hypothesis establishes between variable which predicts the relationships
in identical situations giving birth to principles.Thus, hypothesis leads to principles which are the basis for
every human activity. To sum up, both theory and principle which act as the foundation of practice on
hypotheses. The scope of hypothesis is, therefore, extensive and hence it has various sources.
Sources of Hypothesis
(i) Observation in the day-to-day practice;
(ii) Suggestions from functional executives;
(iii) Suggestions from the shop floor;
(v) Analogies (similarity between two phenomena)
(vi)Experience or observation of the competitors;
(vii)Observation of the past studies; and
(viii)Findings of the Research and Development Department.
Testing of Hypothesis
Hypothesis is considered the principal instrument in research, because it gives definite point to the inquiry,
it establishes direction in which to poceed,it helps to delimit the field of study etc.The basic point to
maintain is that - hypothesis is said to be proved / disproved at the basic principles underlying the role of
(1) Unless the hypothesis is clear of precise, the inference drawn on its basis cannot be taken as
(2) It should be capable of testing and within reasonable time.
The specific relationship between phenomena or variables, which is skeptically formulated, should be
empirically demonstrated by the hypothesis which is tested. This necessitates a systematic research and
empirical investigation, which results in proving the hypothesis and facilities theorizing of the observation.
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In other words, the researcher decides, on the basis of the observed facts which he has collected,
whether or not an assumption is valid. Test has been reduced to standardized procedures that enable the
management to discover variations in the quality of production or the quality of goods supplied by the
supplier. It facilitates the deter-mination of an acceptable quality level for all incoming lots. In order to test
a hypothesis about a set of data, a sample selected at random is subjected to a detailed analysis, for it
may not be possible to evaluate the universe as a whole. The result obtained in the samples is then
compared with what one would expect if the hypothesis had been true. The greater the disparity between
the sample results and the expectation, the greater the doubt, of the validity of the original hypothesis. At
some level of doubt, the hypothesis may be rejected; and this level of doubt can be expressed as a
probability theory, a hypothesis may be accepted or rejected after it has been tested.” the hypothesis is
tested by making use of a predefined decision rule, which is applied to sample data and which guides the
experimenter in deciding whether to accept or reject the hypothesis on the basis of the outcome of the
sample or sample drawn. The rejection of a hypothesis presumably leads to one kind of consequence and
the acceptance of hypothesis leads to another kind of consequence.”
Q. 5 (b) what is a case study method? Briefly explain assumptions and major steps in case study method.
Answer –Q5. (b)
Just like education social science research is a continuous process of obtaining and analyzing the data
collected by different methods. It is method to explain and explore new things from the known things.
Different methods of research are being used by the researchers for this purpose. However, the
important, popular and most widely used method is of a case study. Generally this method is used to
study a person, family, group of persons, institutions or particular unit in details.
In a process of research, the data collection plays significant and central role. The data can be collected
by different methods.However; the process of data collection can be classified into two different
categories viz,
1 - Primary data collection
2 - Secondary data collection.
1. Case study method is very intensive in nature. It aims at studying everything about few units rather
than something about several units.
2. In case study method data collection is flexible because a researcher is completely free to
approach the problem from any angle he so desires.
3. In this method data are collected in natural setting.
4. This method is usually less expensive than other methods.
5. This method is useful for generating hypothesis for later full-scale studies.
6. Case study method being an exhaustive study of a social unit, it enables us to understand fully the
behavior paten of the concerned unit.
7. This method helps us to obtain real and enlightened record of personnel an experience which
forces the man to adopt a certain pattern of behavior.
8. Case study thus helps to generalized knowledge. It substantiates our research activities.
9. It helps the researcher in formulating relevant hypothesis along with the data which would help in
testing the hypothesis.
10. In case study method can be used in case of those units which have universe nature. Hence it is
called “mole of organizing data”.
11. The case study method can be used as one of the means to study the historical background of the
unit under consideration.
12. This method is also used as one of the means to study the historical background of the unit under
13. This method is useful in using sociological material as they represent a real record of personal
14. This method is useful in enhancing the ability and skill of the researcher.
15. This method is also useful in understanding the social change.
16. Case study method is useful in diagonisis and therapy and in solving the practical problem.
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In spite of the several limitations and shortcomings facing by the case study method, it has been widely
used in social science research. The shortcoming which we have seen earlier can be removed off if little
care is taken by the research. The shortcoming which we have seen earlier can be removed off if little
care is taken by the resercher.If the researcher is conscious enough well trained and skilled one can apply
modern techniques of data collecting assembling, classifying and processing the same and thus can
reduce the shortcomings of the technique. However to conclude, we can say that though there are several
limitations, this method has certain advantageous too which compel the social researcher to use it as it
become popular day by day.
Q. 6 (a) Why report writing is essential in RM? What are the different steps in report writing?
Answer –Q6. (a)
It is the major component of the research study. Report writing is the important and final stage in the
research activity. The hypothesis of the study, the objectives of the study and the data collection and data
analysis on these lines can be well presented in report writing. This report writing will help others to
understand the findings of the research. The research is re-search, anu innovation or explanation of new
facts. This in addition to the knowledge. Report writing is integral part of research and hence it cannot be
isolated. Report writing is not a mechanical process but it is an art. It requires skill.
analysis to finalize his subject. Logical treatment often consists in developing from the simple possible
to the most complex structure. He can use the deductive or inductive method in his research work.
Secondly the alternative in selecting research subject is to use chronological method, he should
concentrate on the connection or sequence in time or occurrence. The directions for doing or making
something usually follow the chronological order.
(b) Preparation of final outline:
Outlines are the framework upon which long written works are constructed. It is an aid to logical
organization of literature. The earlier research works can provide basic information as well as thinking
to the researcher to pursue his subject.
(c) Preparation of Rough draft:
The purpose of the report is to convey to the interested persons the whole results of the study in
sufficient detail and so arranged as to enable each reader to comprehend the data as determined
for himself the validity of conclusions. Taking into account this purpose of research, the research
report writing has its own significance. The research has already collected primary data and
secondary data. He has also set his objectives of the study. Taking into account the objectives his
study, he should attempt to prepare a draft report on the basis of analysis of the data. He should
prepare a procedure to be followed in report writing. He must mention the limitation of his study.
He may analyze data systematically with the help of statistical methods to arrive at the
conclusions. The research is fact finding study which may lead the researcher to point out
suggestions or recommendations.
(d) Rewriting and polishing the rough Draft:
Research is a continuous process. Research is not the essay writing. He must consider the data,
write down his findings, reconsider them, and rewrite. This careful revision makes the difference
between a mediocre and a good liece of writing. The researcher must concentrate on weakness in
the logical development or presentation. He should check the consistency in his presentation. He
must be aware that his report writing must be of definite pattern. He must also take almost care of
the language of writing a report.
(e) Bibliography:
This helps the researcher to collect secondary source of data. This is also useful to review the
earlier research work. He should prepare the bibliography from the beginning of his research work.
While selecting a topic or subject of research, he must refer books, journals, research projects and
enlist the important documents in systematic manner. The bibliography must be in proper form.
The researcher must have separate cards, indicating following details, readily available with him,
so that he can make a note of it while he refers to a book/journal/research report.
The bibliography must be included in the appendix of his research report. It must be exhaustive to
cover all types of works the researcher has used. It must be arranged alphabetically. He can divide
it in different sections, such as books in first section, journals in second, research reports in third
Book can be mentioned in the following manner:-
(1) Name of Author.
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Research is a continuous process. He cannot avoid earlier research work. He must start
with earlier work. He should note down all such research work, published book, journals or
unpublished thesis. He will get guidelines for his research from taking a review of literature.
He should collect information in respect of earlier research work. He should enlist them as
given below
I – Author/researcher
II – Title of research/Name of book
III- Publisher
IV-Year of publication
V-Objectives of his study
VI- Conclusion/suggestions
Then he can compare this information with his study to show separate identity of his study.
He must be honest to point out similarities and differences of his study from earlier research
(4) Methodology:
It is related to collection of data. There are two sources for collecting data; primary and
secondary. Primary data is original and collected in field work, either through questionnaire
interviews. The secondary data relied on library work. Such primary data are collected by
sampling method. The procedure for selecting the sample must be mentioned. The
methodology must give various aspects of the problems that are studied for valid
generalization about the phenomena. The scales of measurement must be explained along
with different concepts used in the study.
While conducting a research based on field work, the procurement things like definition of
universe, preparation of source list must be given. We use case study method; historical
research etc.He must make it clear as to which method is used in his research work. When
questionnaire is prepared, a copy of it must be given in appendix.
(5) Interpretation of data:
Mainly the data collection from primary source need to be interpreted in systematic manner.
The tabulation must be completed to draw conclusions. All the questions are not useful for
report writing. One has to select them or club them according to hypothesis or objectives of
(6) Conclusions / suggestions:
Data analysis forms the crux of the problem. The information collected in field work is useful
to draw conclusion of study. In relation with the objectives of study the analysis of data may
lead the researcher to pin point his suggestions. This is the most important part of study.
The conclusions must be based on logical and statistical reasoning. The report should
contain not only the generalization of inference but also the basis on which the inferences
are drawn. All sorts of proofs, numerical and logical, must be given in support of any theory
that has been advanced. He should point out the limitations of his study.
(7) Bibliography:
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The list of reference must be arranged in alphabetical order and be present in appendix.
The books should be given in first section and articles are in second section and research
project in the third. The pattern of bibliography is considered convenient and satisfactory
from the point of view of reader.
(8) Appendices:
The general information in tabular form which is not directly used in the analysis of data but
which is useful to understand the background of study can be given in appendix.