2230 18 483 01 0407 LQ
2230 18 483 01 0407 LQ
2230 18 483 01 0407 LQ
room thermostat
for thermal actuators
To be precise.
Room thermostat
The room thermostat is an electro- For the model with temperature set-back
mechanical controller with two-point (approx. 5 K (9°F)), a connection to the
behaviour and is used in connection with HEIMEIER thermostat P or an external
e. g. thermal actuators to control the switch clock is possible. An operating
room temperature. mode switch makes it possible to select
The setting value can be set at between from day, set-back or automatic mode. A
5°C (41°F) and 30°C (86°F). This range can control lamp indicates whether heating
be adjusted as required by two setting or cooling mode is active.
rings in the setting value adjuster, The room thermostat is designed for
e. g. min. 8°C (46°F), max. 23°C (73°F). installation on the wall and on switch
Models with an operating voltage of boxes.
230 V and 24 V, with and without tem-
perature set-back, each with change-over
contact and thermal recirculation.
Room thermostat with temperature set-back • Accurate control due to thermal
• Adjustable restriction of the
Heating operation control lamp setting range
• Multi-purpose use due to
change-over contact
• Model with temperature set-back
Operating mode switch and operating mode switch
Room thermostat
The measured room temperature (xi) is are triggered depending on the change- effective switch hysteresis of the
compared to the setting value (xs). over contact configuration. bimetallic change-over contact.
The resulting deviations are converted In heating or cooling operating modes, For the model with a temperature
into a two-point signal by rapid change the thermal recirculation (RC) causes the set-back (TR), e. g. an external switch
in the bimetallic change-over contact. setting value (xs) to be reached prema- clock reduces the room temperature by
The heating or cooling operating modes turely, and therefore minimises the approx. 5 K (only heating mode).
Action chart
On Off On Off
Stroke Y [%]
Xs Xs Action chart for heating operating mode
with actuator in the model, closed and
Room temperature X i
The room thermostat is used in connec- The room thermostat can be used for It can also be used e. g. to switch
tion with the corresponding actuators time-dependent individual room temper- pumps or wall-mounted gas fired
(e. g. HEIMEIER EMO T/ EMOtec) in the ature control in e. g. residential and com- heaters on or off.
fields of heating, ventilation and air-con- mercial buildings with radiators, floor
ditioning technology. heating systems, ceil cooling systems or
fan-coil units etc.
Connection diagram
L N — 230/24 V AC L N — 230/24 V AC The connection diagram shows the heat-
ing or cooling operating mode when con-
nected to thermal actuators in the model,
C 5
3 K
closed and currentless (NC). When con-
3 TA necting to actuators in the model open
2 H and currentless (NO), the heating operat-
2 ing mode changes to cooling, or cooling
L operating mode changes to heating oper-
ating mode. In heating or cooling operat-
RF ing mode, the RF thermal recirculation
RF should be connected. The max. number of
thermal actuators which can be connected
1936 / 1946 1938 / 1948
can be calculated from the max. switch
without temperature set-back mit Temperaturabsenkung current of the room thermostat and the
switch-on current of the thermal actuators
(max. number of HEIMEIER EMO T/
EMOtec actuators – see technical data).
For the model with temperature set-back,
the switch clock output of the HEIMEIER
thermostat P, or an external switch clock,
can be connected to terminal 5.
Room thermostat
Technical data
Room thermostat Model 230 V Model 24 V
Accessories Distance plate white RAL 9010, for installing the room thermostat onto UP boxes,
83 mm x 83 mm x 8 mm (W x H x D) Article number: 1936-00.433
60 27,1
2230-18.483 / 04.07
Brochure 2.2.3
1 mm = 0,0394 inch