Assignment 1 CTM2019
Assignment 1 CTM2019
Assignment 1 CTM2019
Qno. 3 (a). The following project is to be represented by a bar chart. The duration for
each activity is in days. Thease are the actual work days. The project commences on
Wednesday, November 15, with five work days a week. Draw the bar chart with the
horizontal scale denoting calendar dates.
Activity 1 8 days
Activity 2 4 days
Activity 3 7 days
Activity 4 9 days
Activity 5 3 days
Activity 6 3 days
Activity 7 14 days
Activity 8 17 days
Activities 1 and 2 can occur concurrently, Activity 3 can take place after activity 2 is
completed. Activities 4, 6 and 3 can occur concurrently. Activity 8 can start 4 days after the
commencement of activity 6. Activity 7 should follow activity 5. Activity 5 can begin
concurrently with activity 8.
(b). On what calendar date can we expect the project to be completed?
(c). On December 3, what is the progress report?
Qno. 4. A Project manager was interested in developing a network for a project involving 20
jobs labeled from A to T. He listed all its predecessors as best as he could determine as
indicated below.
Immediate Immediate
Job Job
predecessor predecessor
A - K G
B - L F, G, K
C - M H, I
D A, B N H, I, J, L
E A, B, C O J, L
F A, B, C P M, N
G C Q O, P
H D, E R O
I D, E, F S Q, R
J F, G T S
Qno. 6. In a construction project, events have been identified as A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L
and M. A is the start event, B occurs after A; C succeeds B and precedes L but restrains the
occurrence of G; D occurs after B, before K and restrains C; F succeeds C, precedes H and
restrains E; E succeeds B but precedes J; G success F and precedes H; H precedes L and
restrains J; L occurs after J but before K; M succeeds K. Draw a PERT network. Number the
events according to Fulkerson’s rule.
Qno. 7. Using Fulkerson’s rule, number the events of the network shown in the figure below