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Course Name: Solid Waste Management

Course Code: 14M31CE115

Course Coordinator – Dr. Rajiv Ganguly
Assignment Number - 8
Chapter Covered – Chapter 9
Date of Assignment Preparation –
Date of Assignment Submission –
All answers should be in your words
Q1. Why is hazardous waste considered to be a special category of solid waste? In this
context define hazardous waste and discuss the factors which determine whether a substance
is hazardous or not.
Q2. Discuss the identification process/characteristics of Hazardous Waste.
Q3. Discuss the broad classifications of Hazardous Waste.

Q4. Discuss some of the major sources for generation of hazardous waste.

Q5. With neat sketches and appropriate explanations, discuss the storage and collection procedure
of hazardous waste.

Q6. Write a short note on (a) transfer and transport and (b) processing of hazardous waste.

Q7. Write a short note on disposal of hazardous waste.

Q8. Discuss with neat sketches and appropriate explanations the different treatment processes for
hazardous wastes including (a) physical and chemical treatment process (b) thermal treatment and
(c) biological treatment.

Q9. Write a short note on waste minimization and pollution prevention including the advantages
of these systems.

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