Nov. 11, 1958 E. K. Jones Et Al: Manufacture of Isopropyl Benzene by Alkylation Filed Jan
Nov. 11, 1958 E. K. Jones Et Al: Manufacture of Isopropyl Benzene by Alkylation Filed Jan
Nov. 11, 1958 E. K. Jones Et Al: Manufacture of Isopropyl Benzene by Alkylation Filed Jan
JONES ET AL 2,860,173
Filed Jan. '51, 1955
mm, (m .
WW1 m.“
United States Patent 0 C6 Patented Nov. 11, 1958
1 > 2
and propylene reactants, selected temperature and pres
sure ranges, and the provision of a moisture concentra
2,860,173 tion within particular limits determined as a function of
the temperature and pressure within said selected ranges.
MANUFACTURE OF ISUPROPYL BENZENE BY The advantages are enhanced within the scope of the
ALKYLATION invention by an operation in stages employing a plurality
Edwin K. Jones, Evauston, and Delmar D. Dettuer, Des of catalyst beds with provision for assuring the moisture
Plaines, 111., assiguors to Universal Oil Products Com concentration within the particular limits for each bed
pany, Des Plaines, Ill., a corporation of Delaware in a manner which takes care of the heat liberated by
the exothermic reaction in each bed.
Application January 31, 1955, Serial No. 485,022 The invention thus refers to a process for producing
8 Claims. (Cl. 260-671) mono-isopropyl benzene, wherein a reactant stream com
prising benzene and propylene in a molal proportion
substantially within the range of from 3:1 to 8:1 is
This invention concerns the manufacture of mono 15 subjected in the presence of a small amount of water
isopropyl benzene by the alkylation of benzene with to contact with a mass of solid phosphoric acid alkyla
propylene in the presence of so-called solid phosphoric tion catalyst at elevated temperature and pressure, and
acid catalyst. The invention is particularly directed to the invention comprises adding to said reactant. stream
improvements resulting in greatly extending the useful an amount of water which maintains the mo'l percentage
life of such catalysts for the benzene~propylene alkyla 20 of water M in the reactant stream within the limits‘ of
tion reaction in conjunction with high yields of mono at least
isopropyl benzene.
Mono-isopropyl benzene (also known as cumene) is
important as a constituent of gasoline-boiling-range
motor fuels of high antiknock value. It is also in 25
considerable demand as an intermediate in the synthesis
of higher molecular weight aromatic hydrocarbons such
as cymene and other polyalkylated benzene hydrocarbons
where t is the temperature of the reactant ‘stream
containing at least one isopropyl group per molecule. entering said catalyst mass in ° C. and P is the pressure
More recently it has become especially important as an 30
in atmospheres, and contacting the resultant‘ reactant
intermediate in the manufacture of phenol. stream with the catalyst mass at a temperature within
The use of solid phosphoric acid catalyst for various
the range of from 204° to ‘260° C. and a pressure
hydrocarbon alkylation and polymerization reactions has substantially Within the range of from 25 to 60 atmos
been known for some time. It has also been estab
lished that this catalyst is susceptible to deterioration 35 pheres.
Benzene for use as reactant in the process of this
of a largely. physical nature by factors tending to alter invention is obtainable from several sources including
its moisture content. Consequently, various proposals the distillation of coal, the dehydrogenation of naphthenic
have been, made towards maintenance of uniform hydra hydrocarbon fractions containing cyclohexane, and the
tion of the catalyst while in use. dehydrogenation and cyclization of aliphatic hydrocar
Loss of moisture causes deterioration of the catalyst bons containing 6 carbon atoms per molecule in straight
by powdering and caking, ultimately resulting in the chain arrangement, such as normal hexane‘ and the
build-up of such high pressure-drop through the bed of straight-chain hexenes.
catalyst particles or pellets that processing must be dis Propylene utilized as alkylating agent in the present
continued and the catalyst replaced. On the other‘hand, process may ‘be obtained from gases produced in the
excessive moisture accumulation by the catalyst softens 45
cracking of petroleum hydrocarbons, by the dehydra
the catalyst pellets with similar results. tion of propyl or isopropyl alcohols, and by any other
Moisture loss may occur whenever the catalyst is suitable means which result in the formation of either
subjected to a dry atmosphere, and especially When the substantially pure propylene or a hydrocarbon fraction
catalyst is in a heated state. Excessive water content containing substantial amounts of this ole?nic hydro
results from exposing the catalyst to a highly moist carbon. Such fractions containing propylene also gen—
atmosphere. Various proposals have been madewith erally contain certain amounts of propane when they are
a view to maintenance of uniform hydration of the cata derived from gases produced by cracking or dehydrogena
lyst, but these were only partially successful and in some tion of hydrocarbons. It has been found that propylene
cases actually harmful because the measures suggested propane mixtures containing as little as 33 percent pro
attempted to cover too broad an‘area, either with re- '
spect to operating conditions or with respect to the re
pylene, when used in accordance with the conditions
prescribed by the present invention, give propylene con
actions involved. ‘
versions substantially equivalent to conversions obtained
The problem is especially serious when the catalyst is from fractions containing 95 percent propylene or more.
employed in a highly exothermic reaction such as that
60 Moreover, the yield of mono-isopropyl benzene, based
with which the present invention is concerned, namely upon the propylene converted, will be at least as high
the alkylation of benzene with propylene to produce high when using a C3 fraction containing substantial amounts
yields of monoisopropyl benzene. The formation of one of propane as when using a fairly pure propylene
kilogram of the latter releases approximately 250 Calo‘ fraction.
ries, much of which is absorbed by the catalyst, caus Solid phosphoric acid catalysts utilized in the present
ing substantial increases in catalyst temperature and thus alkylation process are of the type well known to the
increasing the hazard of serious moisture loss. , art. They may be made by mixing an acid of phos~
The present invention makes possible the production phorus such as ortho-, pyro-, or tetra-phosphoric acid
of mono-isopropyl benzene in yields approaching the with a ?nely divided generally siliceous solid carrier (such
theoretical and for greatly extended periods of opera 70 as diatomaceous earth, prepared forms of silica, raw‘
tion by means of a unique correlation between the spe— and acid-treated clays, and the like) to form a wet paste;
ci?ic reaction, a'limited proportion between the benzene calcining at temperatures generally below about 500° C.‘
3 4
to produce a solid cake; grinding and sizing to produce substantial agreement with the effective water vapor
particles of usable mesh. If the calcination is carried pressure of the catalyst under the selected conditions
out at temperatures above about 300° C, it may be de of temperature, pressure and hydrocarbon environment.
sirable to rehydrate the catalyst granules at a temperature Whatever the mechanics of the situation, it has been
between about 200° and about 300° C., and preferably discovered that by maintaining the mo] percentage of
at about 260° C. to produce an acid composition corre water in the total reactant stream entering into contact
sponding to high alkylating activity. The catalyst prepa with the catalyst within the limits determined by the
ration procedure may be varied by forming particles of two equations given above, the useful life of the catalyst
the original paste, by extrusion, or by pelleting methods, ' can be extended far beyond periods heretofore possible.
after which the formed particles are calcined and, when '10 It is to be understood that the water may be introduced
necessary rehydrated. into the reactionzone in the liquid or vaporous form or
In the reactions taking place during calcination it is in chemically combined state as a compound which
evident that some acid is “?xed” on the carrier and it is liberates water by its decomposition at the conditions pre
probable that some metaphosphoric acid, which is not vailing in the reaction zone. The alcohols are suitable
as active under these conditions, may be formed. The as suppliers of water, especially the lower molecular
rehydrating step produces an acid composition corre weight aliphatic alcohols, such as the propyl alcohols.
sponding closely to the pyro-acid having the formula A temperature increase from the inlet to the outlet
vH.1P2O7. Unless rehydration is practiced the temperature end of the catalyst bed aggravates the di?iculty of main
of approximately 300° C. should generally not be ex taining optimum uniform catalyst moisture contents.
ceeded in the calcination step. A solid phosphori; acid Attempts at water addition at a multiplicity of points
catalyst prepared from a major proportion by weight of throughout the bed have been unsuccessful because of
a phosphoric acid having at least as large a water content problems of distribution causing excessive moisture con
as that of the pyro-acid and a minor proportion of siliceous tent at local areas near the point of distribution and
carrier such as kieselguhr is preferred for use in the inadequate moisture elsewhere. In the present process,
present process. 25 therefore, the water is introduced into the reactant stream
In effecting reaction between benzene and propylene while the latter is not in contact with the catalyst. The
according to the process of the present invention, the re amount of the water must be regulated to satisfy as nearly
actant hydrocarbons are subjected to contact with the as possible the temperature conditions at both inlet and
solid phosphoric acid catalyst at a temperature within outlet of the bed. That is, the water added must not be
the range of from 204° to 260°C. It has been found 30 so large in amount as to damage the lower temperature
that at temperatures within this range the reaction pro catalyst near the inlet nor so small in amount as to per
ceeds at a practicable rate and the catalyst hydration is mit harmful dehydration of the catalyst near the outlet
readily controlled. At temperatures above this range of the bed.
the tendency toward side reactions and toward carboniza Temperature being the important factor here, it is a
tion of the catalyst becomes severe and maintenance of 35 further feature of the present invention to limit the tem
the necessary close control of the state of hydration of perature increase from inlet to outlet of the catalyst bed
the catalyst becomes di?icult because of the increased to not more than 25° C. Preferably, the temperature
tendency of the catalyst to lose water at high tempera increase should not exceed 15° C.
tures and also because the increased rate of reaction This limitation presents problems of design in the
brings about such extremely different temperature con commercial application of the reaction. To achieve sub
ditions between the inlet and outlet of the catalyst bed stantially complete conversion of propylene at commer
that provisions for suitable water introduction to meet cially feasible rates of reactant throughput by the use
the requirements of the catalyst under these extreme con of a single stationary bed of catalyst would require either
ditions is either di?icult or impossible. a catalyst bed of such a depth that this temperature limita
The process of the invention is performed at pressures 45 tion would be greatly exceeded, or a catalyst bed of
substantially within the range of from 25 to 60 atmos such a large cross-section as to be impractical from a
pheres. Pressures in this range are necessary at the design standpoint. Conceivably, this di?iculty might be
aforesaid temperatures to assure maintenance of at least circumvented by dividing the reactant stream into a num
a portion of the reactants in liquid state, which generally ber of smaller streams which are passed through sepa
enhances the catalyst life. Subjection of the benzene and rate catalyst beds in parallel. This method is undesirable
propylene reactants to contact with the catalyst in a pro however because of the complicated and expensive piping
portion of at least 3 mols of benzene per mol of propylene and ?ow control requirements involved. As a further
is necessary in accordance with the process of the inven feature of the present invention, therefore, a method is
tion to achieve maximum yields of mono-propylated provided which is not only adapted to high throughput
benzene, minimum formation of propylene polymers and rates and simple, economic design and construction costs,
also to assure maintenance of a substantial proportion but at the same time permits excellent protection of the
of liquid phase material, as mentioned above. A propor catalyst with regard to maintenance of uniform water
tion of benzene to propylene greater than 8:1 does not content. In this method, the reactants are passed through
have any material elfect on the desired reaction and a plurality of separate beds of the catalyst, arranged in
imposes an unnecessary burden on the product frac series, whereby additional water may be introduced into
tionation. the reaction mixture after its discharge from one bed and
The liquid-vapor phase relationships occurring during before it comes into contact with the next one of the
the reaction are of a highly complex order and, indeed, successive beds of the catalyst, according to the require
impossible to calculate With reasonable accuracy owing ments of each bed. In this mode of operation the re
to the progressive formation of isopropyl benzene from quirement of additional water is determined primarily by
inlet to outlet of the reaction zone, accompanied by the temperature of the reactant stream entering each bed.
simultaneous disappearance of propylene, and also be The separate catalyst beds may be located in individual
cause of the changing temperature conditions throughout chambers with interconnecting piping, or two or more
the catalyst bed. It is this situation which has‘made 70 or even all of the beds may be disposed in a single cham
the problem of maintenance of uniform catalyst moisture ber, but spaced one from the other by grid plates or
content a di?icult one. The solution of the problem other convenient means, with sui?cient space between
accomplished by the present invention involves essentially beds to permit admission and thorough distribution of
the introduction of only su?icient water to provide a water, or any of several known compounds capable of
water vapor content in the vapor phase which will be in forming water under the conditions obtaining, into the
reactants before the latter contact the. next succeeding
5 6
catalyst‘ bed. This feature of the invention permits read stream. consisting, essentially of the propane-propylene
justment of the water content of the reactants to meet portion of the gases produced for example in a hydrocar
the requirements of that postion of the catalyst which bon oil cracking process, is introduced through line 1
would otherwise be opertaing at an excessive temperature to pump or compressor 2 which discharges through line
having regard to the water content of the reactants pass 3 leading to line 4 through which ?ows the benzene re
ing therethrough. The arrangement thereby facilitates actant being introduced through line 5 and pump 6. The
observance of the prescription that the temperature varia commingled streams pass through line 4 to heater. 8 con—
tion from inlet‘ to outlet of a given catalyst bed‘ shall taining heating coils 7‘, passing from the heater through
not exceed 25° C. line 9 into the top of the reactor 10. The reactants. pass
An especially preferred arrangement of the plurality 10 downwardly through reactor 10, thereby passing through
of separate catalyst beds in accordance with the invention a series of catalyst beds 11, 12, 13 and 14. Each cata
is one wherein the second bed of the series is larger in ‘lyst' bed is of larger volume than those preceding it.
volume than the- ?rst. This feature provides a substan There is no ?xed relationship between the sizes of the
tial economy in the form of a lower total‘ reaction‘ cham respective beds. Satisfactory results are obtained when
ber volume. If there are three beds, the third will be 15 the sizes of the several catalyst beds are volumetrically
at least as large in volume, and preferably will be larger, proportioned within the following limits:
than the second. Where more than three beds are used,
each successive bed beyond the third will be at least as Bed N0 ____________________________ ._ 1 2 3 4
large as the‘ third, and there will be at least theoretical Relative Size _______________________ __ 1 1-1. 67 1-2. 67 1-4. 33
advantage if each is larger than the bed next preceding 20
it. This arrangement of the beds in increasing volume Typical of a preferred distribution of catalyst is one
in the direction of flow of the reactants will be under
wherein the‘ respective beds increase in volume in sequence,
stood to be permissible when it‘ is considered that when in‘ proportion to the numbers‘ 3, 4, 6 and 9. Where de
using a 3 to 1, or higher, ratio of benzene to propylene
sired, a larger number of catalyst beds, for. example up
in the reactant stream, the. rate of reaction (that is, the 25 to as many as 6 or more, may be employed. The several
rate of formation of isopropyl benzene per unit of time) beds of catalyst may be supported in the reaction cham
still diminishes as the reaction proceeds despite the tem
perature increase toward the outlet of the reaction zone. ber in any. convenient manner, such as by means of sup
This decrease in reaction rate. occurs by reason of gradual
porting grids resting upon lugs welded to the inside wall
dilution of the reactants resulting from progressive dis of the reactor. Substantial open spaces are provided be
appearance of propylene and benzene and the continuous tween the several catalyst beds, as indicated at 56, 57 and
formation of reaction products therefrom, so that there 53, the, volumes of these spaces being su?cient to permit
is a continuous increase in the concentrationof that the introduction of. water and/ or an inert quenching
product in the reactant stream as that stream progresses medium and thorough mixing of either or both of these
through the series of catalyst beds. - added materials'in the reactant stream before the latter
A further feature of the invention which is adapted enters the next succeeding catalyst bed.
for use in conjunction with the aforesaid arrangement The reaction product is withdrawn from reactor 10
of the catalyst mass in separate beds is the provision for through line 15 and passed to fractionating column 16‘
introduction into the reactant stream of an inert cooling, which serves as a depropanizing column. In this column
or quenching, medium which serves to reduce the tem an overhead stream containing substantially all C3
perature of the reactants before contact thereof with suc material in the reaction products (propane contained in.
cessive portions of the catalyst. Thus the quenching the C3 charge to the process and any unconverted pro
medium, which is usually a liquid, and preferably a hy pylene) is withdrawn through line 17 and condenser 18‘
drocarbon, such as propane, will be introduced at a to receiver vessel 19; From receiver 19, the essentially
point between the ?rst and second catalyst beds and, if propane overhead is withdrawn through line 29 to pump.
desired, also at any or all of the points between successive 21 which discharges the material into line 22. A por
catalyst beds. It is desirable when a quenching medium tion of the propane is returned through line 22 and valve
is used, that it be supplied in such an amount that the 23 to the upper portion of column 16, as re?ux. Another
temperature of the reactants entering each successive portion is passed from line 22 to storage by way of lines
catalyst bed is within 10° C. above the temperature of 24 and 25’ and valve 26. When it is desired to recycle
the reactants entering the last preceding catalyst bed. propane to the reactor as quenching medium, a further
It can readily be seen that the use of this quench, by portion may be introduced in liquid state into the reactor
effecting a more nearly uniform catalyst temperature at any or all of the points in between the several catalyst
throughout the series of catalyst beds will substantially beds by way of lines 27, 28 and 29 which join line 24, the
reduce, and may even eliminate, the necessity of intro respective amounts of quenching propane employed being
ducing additional water between the ?rst and second beds regulated by valves 30, 31 and 32. Those portions of
and/ or at successive inter-bed points. The use of quench, lines 27, 2S and 2% which are within the reactor 10 will
however, cannot eliminate or even reduce water intro be provided with suitable means for efficiently distribut
duction requirement before entry of the reactants into the ing the propane into the reactant stream.
?rst catalyst bed. The quench, as a matter of fact, is 60 Heat for effecting the removal of the C3 material in
not in any sense a complete alternative to the addition ' fractionating column 16 is furnished through heating coil
of water because of the dilution effects which accompany 33. Reaction product free of propane is withdrawn from
its use. The application of quench is preferably in the bottom of column 16 and passed through line 34 into
limited amounts where circumstances render the dilution fractionating column 35 which serves to separate an over—
effect not serious and/ or where temperatures are nearer head stream of unconverted benzene from a bottoms
the 260° C. upper limit than the 204° C. lower limit product of the desired mono-isopropyl benzene. Benzene
for operation in accordance with the invention. ' is withdrawn through overhead line 36 and condenser 37
The attached drawing illustrates diagrammatically an to receiver 38 from which pump 4%) draws benzene through
arrangement suitable for carrying out the process of the line 39, discharging same partly as re?ux to the column
invention. The drawing illustrates the use of a series of 70 through line 41 and valve 42, and partly as recycle ben
catalyst beds increasing in volume in the direction of zene which passes through line 43 and valve 44, dis
flow of the reactants andcontained in a single vessel. charging into line 4 which receives the fresh supplies of
This is the preferred method of operation, but it is propylene and benzene.
understood that the invention is not to be limited thereto. Water to be introduced into the system for mainten
Referring to the drawing, a propylene stream, or a ance of the prescribed water concentration in the reactant‘
7 8
stream in accordance with the invention is supplied by and contained in a ‘cylindrical reaction zone. An excess
line 45 and pump 46 to line 47 which in turn leads to of benzene was employed. The reaction products were
lines 48, 49, 50 and 51. Line 48 supplies water to the withdrawn from the bottom of the reaction zone and
reactant stream initially entering the reactor 10, the passed into a fractionating column to separate an over
amount introduced being regulated by valve 52. This head fraction consisting of propane and unconverted pro
initial water introduction can be achieved by any of vari pylene from a bottoms fraction consisting of isopropyl
ous alternative methods within the contemplation of the benzene, unconverted benzene and minor amounts of
‘invention, but not shown in the drawing. For example, products of side reactions. The bottoms fraction was
instead of injecting the water into line 9 by way of line passed to a second fractionating column Where an over
‘48, it could as well be injected into either line 1 or line 10 head stream of unconverted benzene was separated from
3 through which the fresh propylene or propane-propyl a bottoms stream of crude isopropyl benzene. The un
ene is supplied, or into line 5 supplying the fresh benzene. converted benzene was re-used by commingling it with
'Still another method of adding the initial water require the combined streams of fresh benzene and propane-pro
ment is to pass either or both reactant charge stream, the pylene. The crude isopropyl benzene was analysed for
combined charge streams, the recycle benzene stream or 15 mono-isopropylbenzene content.
the total combined feed stream through a water~contain~ Regulated amounts of water were continuously intro
ing vessel wherein the hydrocarbon stream is contacted duced into the reactant stream prior to contact of the
with water under such conditions of temperature and flow latter with the catalyst. The following reaction condi
rate that the amount of Water incorporated in the hydro tions were established and maintained for each of the
carbon will give a water concentration in the total hydro 20 three runs:
carbon stream passing into the ?rst catalyst bed which
is within the limits prescribed by the invention. Pressure, atmospheres _____________________ __ 34
Temperature, ° C., at inlet to catalyst bed ____ __ 220
Line 49 supplies water to the space 56 between catalyst Propane-proplene charge:
beds 11 and 12 by way of line 27, the amount introduced Propylene rate-~
being regulated by valve 53. Similarly lines 50 and 51, 25
Grams/hour _____________________ .._ 77.8
which connect with lines 28 and 29, permit to supply water
Mols/hour _______________________ __ 1.85
to the reaction stream in spaces 57 and 58, the respec~ Propane rate—
tive amounts being regulated by valves 54 and 55. If
Grams/hour _____________________ __ 75.5
desired, the inlet piping and distribution means for the
Mols/hour _______________________ __ 1.71
water introduction may be maintained separate and in-. 30
dependent from the system used for supplying quenching Fresh benzene charge—
medium to the reactor. In general, it is preferred that Grams/hour _________________________ __ 132.8
Mols/hour __________ "r _______________ __ 1.70
the water be introduced in vaporous state into the re
actor, and any necessary heating for this purpose can be
Recycle benzene-—
accomplished by any convenient means, not shown in Grams/hour _________________________ __ 714.6
the drawing. Mols/hour ___________________________ __ 9.15
There will occasionally be an accumulation of con M01 ratio, total benzene to propylene ________ __ 5.9
taminants in the benzene recycle stream passing through Charge rate of combined reactants, measured as
line 43 to line 4, as a result of minor side reactions such liquid, ml./hour ________________________ __ 1250
as propylene polymerization. This accumulation may be 40 Space velocity, vols. liq/vol. cat/hour_______ __ 2.5
reduced whenever desirable by intermittent withdrawals The following quantities of water were introduced (as
of benzene through line 61 containing valve 62, or it can steam) into the combined reactant stream before con
be maintained at any desirable low point commensurate tact of the latter with the catalyst.
with economic operation by continuous withdrawal of a
small “drag-stream” through line 61. Heat for the separa Water rat'es
tion of benzene from isopropyl benzene in column 35 is 45
Run N0 ____________________________________ __ 1 2 3
furnished by heating coil 63. The isopropyl benzene pro
duct of the process is withdrawn from column 35 through
Grams water/hour ____________ ._ 10 0. 65 0.91
line 5'9 containing valve 60, and when the process is Mols water/hour _________________________ __ 0.56 0.036 0.05
operated in accordance with the prescriptions of the in M01 percent Water based on hydrocarbon ___ 3. 9 0.25 0.35
Weight percent water based on hydrocarbons. 1.0 0.065 0. 09
vention, this product will be of unusually high quality,
containing 20 or more mols of mono-isopropyl benzene
per mol of poly-isopropyl benzene. The latter, when After the start-up of each run and upon establishment
desired, may be separated from the mono~isopropyl ben-_ of smooth operating conditions, the percentage conver
zene by fractionation or other suitable means not shown sions of the propylene and benzene reactants and the
in the drawing. The concentration of unsaturates in the 55 yield of mono-isopropyl benzene were determined. Also
alkylate product, present for example in the form of the temperature of the reaction mixture leaving the cat
higher propylene polymers, will be low, as indicated by alyst bed was noted. These data are listed below, being
bromine numbers of less than 1.0, usually on the order the same for all three runs (within experimental error)
of 0.5. because of the identity of conditions, except for the dif
It is understood that when propylene is charged to the 60 fering water rates, which had no detectable effect upon
system in a relatively pure form (that is, rather than as the reaction per se:
a propane-propylene mixture) the depropanizing column Yield, mono-isopropyl benzene:
16 will be eliminated from the system, and the quenching Grams/hour _________________________ __ 196
medium, if used, will be supplied from another source. Mols/hour ___________________________ __ 1.63
65 Propylene reacted:
Grams / hour _________________________ _ _ 75
In a series of three runs a stream of substantially pure
Mols/hour ___________________________ __ 1.79
benzene was continuously reacted with propylene con Percent of reacted propylene accounted for as
tained in a propane-propylene stream which was sepa
mono-isopropyl benzene _________________ __ 91
rated from re?nery cracking gases and which contained 70 Benzene reacted:
about 51 weight percent propylene. The streams were
Grams/ hour _________________________ __ 133
continuously commingled, passed through a preheater to
Mols/hour ___________________________ __ 1.7
bring them to reaction temperature and then passed Percent of reacted benzene accounted for as mono
downwardly through a stationary bed of a commercial
isopropyl benbene ______________________ __ 96
solid phosphoric acid catalyst having a volume of 500 ml. 75 Temperature of reaction product, ‘’ C ________ __ 258.5
‘ ‘Each of the. three runs was continued for an extended This run was ‘terminated after 1500‘ bouts of‘ mar
time, with‘ periodic. observation‘ of results. In the case pletely steady operation; Inspection otthe» used’i cat‘
of Run:No. 1., at 80 hoursiai considerable buildup of alyst indicated no trace of. deterioration in any of the
pressure drop through the catalyst bed was noted, and three beds. ‘
this di?iculty became. aggravated, necessitating discon In the ‘1 second run of-thisexampletRun'No. 5‘), the
tinuance of. the‘run at 95ihours. Inspection of the used catalyst was distributed in the reaction chamber in‘ just
catalyst showed that it had‘ become severely eaked two beds, the second being considerably larger in volume
throughout the bed from a large excess of moisture; (315 ml.) than" the ?rst (‘185 ml.).‘ The necessary re.
Run No. 2 was continued without sign of di?iculty for action chamber volume was larger’ than for:R‘uns‘1'to'3,
a considerably extended period, namely for 210 hours, but smallerthan‘for Run‘ No. 4. The temperature pro
when a‘- very‘ slow increase in pressure drop became ?le through the catalyst; with smooth operation; and
noticeable. Shutdown did not become necessary until the water injection data were as follows:
after 405 hours of continuous operation. It was‘discov
ered that the lower portion of the catalyst bed (toward Run N0. 5
the exit‘ end) had powdered as a result of dehydration. 15
The water‘ introduction“ in‘this run was about mid-way Inlet ‘ Outlet At,
between the limits determined by ‘applying in the two Catalyst Bed No. Temp,
° 0.
° C.
° 0.
<M:0.55tP 109 and MZ023;J 46) 20 1 _____________________________________ _.
2- ____________________________________ _.
In this run the introduction of additional water between The indicated water injections were well within the
catalyst beds Nos. 3 and 4 was unnecessary because the limits ?xed by the equations of the present invention.
,temperature increase in bed No. 4 (7.5° C.) was so small The use of the quench as shown, substantially reduced
as not to require further water. the total temperature increase through the reaction cham
ber, correspondingly reduced the water requirement be
EXAMPLE IV tween catalyst beds Nos. 1 and 2, and eliminated all
This example illustrates an operation on a larger scale water requirements at subsequent inter-bed points.
in which 85.9 cubic meters per day of a propane-prop In all of the foregoing examples, the runs described
ylene fraction (containing about 57.5 mol percent prop were made with reactants supplied in substantially dry
ylene) was commingled with 282.3 cubic meters per state to the system. It is understood that when either
day of fresh and recycled benzene, the combined stream or both reactant streams contain appreciable water, the
was preheated to 210° C. and passed through a reaction amount thereof should be determined by analysis, and
chamber containing ?ve separate beds of a solid phos the amount so present must be subtracted from the to
phoric acid catalyst. The ef?uent from the reaction tal amount to be introduced for dry reactant streams as
chamber was fractionated to remove an overhead stream
determined by the equations of the present invention. It
of propane and unconverted propylene from a bottoms is further understood that in the case of excessive water
stream of crude alkylate. A portion ‘of the overhead content in the reactants, the water content must be re
stream was recycled to the ‘reaction chamber and in- I
duced to the amount determined by the aforesaid equa
jected therein at points between the beds in su?icient tions ‘before they are introduced into contact with the
catalyst. '
amount to keep the reactor temperature below 232° C. We claim as our invention:
The crude alkylate was ?rst fractionated to recover un 75
1. A process for producing mono-isopropyl benzene, '
13 14
which comprises contacting a reactant stream comprising 6. Process as claimed in claim 5, characterized in that
benzene and propylene in a molal proportion substantial the reaction mixture issuing from a catalyst bed subse
ly within the range of from 3:1 to 8:1 with a mass of quent to the ?rst catalyst bed of the series is commingled
solid phosphoric acid alkylation catalyst in the form of with not more than such an amount of liquid quenching
at least two successive separate catalyst beds at a tem medium as reduces the temperature of the reaction mix
perature within the range of from 204° to 260° C. and ture entering the next succeeding bed to within 10° C.
a pressure substantially within the range of from 25 to 60 above the temperature of the reaction mixture entering
atmospheres in the presence of a small amount of water the last preceding catalyst bed.
sufficient to maintain the catalyst in a state of hydration, 7. Process as claimed in claim 5, characterized in that
and so proportioning the volumes of catalyst contained in 10 the quenching medium consists essentially of liquid
said successive beds that the temperature rise through propane.
each catalyst bed does not exceed 25° C. 8. A process for producing mono-isopropyl benzene
2. Process as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that which comprises contacting a reactant stream comprising
the second one of the successive catalyst beds contains a benzene and propylene in a molal proportion. substantial
larger volume of catalyst than the ?rst bed. 15 ly within the range of from 3:1 to 8:1 with a mass of
3. Process as claimed in claim 2, characterized in that solid phosphoric acid alkylation catalyst in ‘the form of
more than two successive catalyst beds are used and each at least two successive separate catalyst beds at an alkyla
of the catalyst beds beyond the second bed contains at tion temperature and a pressure substantially within the
least as large a volume of catalyst as the next preceding range of from about 25 to 60 atmospheres in the pres
20 ence of a small amount of water sufficient to maintain
4. Process as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that the catalyst in a state of hydration, and so proportioning
the reactants are passed through a catalyst mass in the the volumes of catalyst contained in said successive beds
form of at least four successive separate beds, the second, that the temperature rise through each catalyst bed does
third and fourth of which contain catalyst volumes pro 25 not exceed 15° C.
portioned within the respective ranges of from 1 to 1.67,
References Cited in the ?le of this patent
from 1 to 2.67, and from 1 to 4.33 times the volume of
catalyst contained in the ?rst catalyst bed. UNITED STATES PATENTS
5. Process as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that 2,382,318 Ipatieff et al. _________ __ Aug. 14, 1945
a liquid hydrocarbon quenching medium is introduced 30 2,431,166 Buell et al ____________ __ Nov. 18, 1947
into the reaction mixture between the ?rst and second 2,439,080 Davies et al. __________ __ Apr. 6, 1948
catalyst beds in an amount which reduces the tempera~ 2,512,562 Cummings ___________ __ June 20, 1950
ture of the reaction mixture to within 10° C. above the 2,632,692 Korin et a1. __________ __ Mar. 24, 1953
temperature of the reactant stream entering the ?rst cat 2,681,374 Bethea ______________ __ June 15, 1954
alyst bed. 35 2,713,600 Langlois _______ __ ____ __ July 19, 1955