Mapua University School of Civil, Environmental and Geological Engineering Intramuros, Manila
Mapua University School of Civil, Environmental and Geological Engineering Intramuros, Manila
Mapua University School of Civil, Environmental and Geological Engineering Intramuros, Manila
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Leadership, the action of leading a group of people or an organization; Leader, is a person who
leads or commands a group. The definitions of these words can easily be defined by other words. But alas,
the true meaning of leadership can only be defined and acted by a great leader himself. A leader can
simply give instructions or command that his followers will do, but adding the word Great or True to the
word leader can drastically change its definition.
But how can we really define a true leader? The 40th President of the United States, Ronald Raegan
once said, “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things, he is the one that
gets the people to do the greatest things.”. Leadership is not always the role or the status of the person
rather the act. A true leader will never be the one who does all the work, a true leader will never be the
one who credits himself for all the accomplishments, a true leader will never leave his members behind.
These aren’t the characteristics of a true leader, rather a true leader doesn’t do all the work, rather teaches
you how to do the work; a true leader will never be the one who credits himself for all the
accomplishments, rather he credits and thanks every member because if not for them they won’t reach
that achievement; a true leader will never leave his members behind, rather he in times of trouble he will
be the one willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of the group. This simple yet powerful acts can enhance
leadership, from being a leader to a great one.
A modern-day leader doesn’t only possess the characteristics of a great leader, rather it must
possess techniques/strategies that would keep up with the modern age world of thinking. Some great
strategies/techniques that encompasses a modern-day leader are the acronyms L.E.A.D.S:
LEADS, these simple techniques can guide one modern day leader in facing the challenges that this
modern-day world gives us.
My most favorite leadership story comes from my own experience. Performance task in high
school was one of the major tasks that a student must complete, it is one of the highest percentage score
to makes or breaks one’s final grade. I was the leader of that said group performance task. I chose all my
friends as my members. But the most upsetting part about it is that we heavily relied so much to each
other that it reached to the point where none of us acted on doing the group task, and in the end we all
received a failing final grade.
That was my favorite leadership of all time, not because I failed, but because that was the point
of my life where I learned. I gathered and evaluated all of my mistakes, and through those mistakes I
learned on how to be better next time. I may not be a great leader at this present time. But every mistake
that I encounter, just makes me the better person and leader that I will be from now until the future.
REYES, Paulo Luis B. CE1-A6
To answer those questions let us put into details and connect his actions to an action that a great
modern-day leader must be. “People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader leads
and the boss drives.” A quote from the great Theodore Roosevelt on what a leader is. In the state of our
nation right now, a dictator isn’t a leader, someone who commands instructions isn’t a leader, rather
someone that lead the nation into success is the real leader. What we need right now is someone who
works hard for the people, by the people, and with the people.
For the people; A leader that is for the people is a leader that puts his people first rather than
intentions the only himself will profit or his friends. A great leader is the one who thinks for the nation as
whole and not only to a group of particular people only. His actions, his commands, his intentions are for
the upliftment of the nation as a whole with no motives, no other agendas, no other intentions, but rather
whole heartedly for the benefit of his people and his nation.
By the people; the modern-day leader that we need does everything by the people’s standards
and hears every single ones’ opinion. As a democratic nation our voice matters, and a great leader listens
to the voices of his members. A great leader should always balance the situation with the voices and
distress calls of his people. A great leader helps, protects, and strengthens his people, and lead them to a
goal and achieve that goal in prosperity. He is always by the people’s voice, and by the people’s call. A
great leader does need to do the greatness himself, rather teach his people and lead his people so that
they can do the greatness as a whole.
With the people; A leader will never take credit for the success of the group, all is done with the
people, and all the achievement is won with the people. No man is an island more so for a great leader.
He never leaves his community, in times of greatness and in times of troubles, a great leader should always
be present and would be there for his community. A great leader must connect with great strength and
bond with his members equally.
A leader that we need right now must encompass those three thoughts; for the people, by the
people, and with the people. That being said let us train ourselves and all of our nation to contain these
mindsets and to act these mindsets out, because maybe one day one of us might be the next leader,
maybe one day one of us might lead our nation to greatness, and maybe one of will be that great leader
that the nation needs. The leader isn’t great without a great nation, and a nation isn’t great without a
great leader. So, what do I think is the kind of leadership we need right now? The kind were everyone has
the potential to lead.
REYES, Paulo Luis B. October 7, 2018
Goal mapping is about the vision and imagination of what the future holds between you and the
world. To see somewhat an essence of myself is the gratification that we need in order to achieve our
goals and to guide us in taking the right paths. To give you a brief guide, there will be four stages in this
goal map which are: To Discover your goals, to dream about your goals, to design your goals, and to deliver
the reality of your goals. These stages are a vital guide on creating this utopic, but realistic mindset that is
possible to reach by following your path and exerting love and effort in what you do.
To Discover:
To Dream:
Discovering myself, my priorities, my desires, and my plans, what else more can I do to achieve
this sudden goal. Tackling about a fantasizing reality isn’t that easy, reading the lines of the song “I
dreamed a dream” from the musical “Les Misérables” there are some dreams that is and will only stay as
dream. Dreaming of a utopic future has its own challenges but overcoming these challenges could lead to
the possibility of achieving those dreams and turning it into a reality. The eudemonic and euphoric feeling
of achievement and success is granted through the act of dreaming. Foreseeing a sudden unrealistic reality
will lead oneself to an orgasm of thoughts that will one day lead to the happiness we ought to achieve.
The feeling of success isn’t just this superficial gratification that encloses within through the outskirts of
visions and imaginary dreams, rather it lies between achieving it to make it into reality. Seeing these
visions, and foresights as I would like to call it, makes me motivational, it gives this adrenaline of sudden
motivation to reach this dream and make it into reality. Maybe that is the purpose of dreaming, to
encompass the emotion that will lead, one day, into achieving those dreams.
To Design:
To Discover, to Dream, and lastly, to Design. This isn’t just an architectural way of designing a
building, or a civil engineering-like way of designing stable structures, rather the design involves yourself
as the main canvas that will be painted with the dreams and discoveries to enable to make the greatest
masterpiece of all time.
SPECIFICS – Graduate, find a stable job and grow from it, build a family, and live the life in
prosperity and simplicity.
ATTAINABLE – Do everything that is beyond my abilities, have faith and achieve the unachievable.
REALISTIC – Do everything with motivation and limit. Limit yourself with what you can do
but dream infinitely.
TIME – Your timeline is your entire lifetime. As long as I am living I have the opportunity
to do something to achieve my goals.
This will serve as my guide, my motivation, and my assurance that in this time I have a goal to
achieve and I will achieve it.