2015 Makiling Fern Dry Season
2015 Makiling Fern Dry Season
2015 Makiling Fern Dry Season
The plot technique method was employed along the altitudinal gradient of Mt.
Makiling resulting to 10 sampling sites. In general, this study aims to determine
the species richness of ferns along the altitudinal gradient on the northeastern
slope of Mt. Makiling. Furthermore, specific objectives are as follows: a) to
identify the different fern species along the altitudinal gradients of Mt. Makiling
b) to determine the richness and diversity along the altitudinal gradients of these
fern species and c) to determine the zonation pattern of fern vegetation along the
altitudinal gradient. The study was conducted during the months of April and June
which pertains to the dry season. The diversity and distribution of pteridophytes
along the altitudinal gradient of the Northeastern slope of a secondary forest in
Mt. Makiling were determined. A total of 27 species belonging to 18 genera and
14 families were identified. There is an increasing trend in diversity along the
altitudinal gradient. However at the 550 and 650 m.a.s.l. altitudes, there was a
higher diversity in both seasons due to the presence of a running body of water
as well as a rocky substrate providing favorable habitat for the ferns. There were
three zones identified during the dry season using dendogram by average linkage
clustering (i) Zone 1: 150-450masl; (ii) Zone 2: 550-750masl; (iii) Zone 3: 850-
Ferns are usually found in humid, sheltered habitats where hygric and mesic
bryophytes also grow (Pugnaire & Valladares, 2007). Majority of these spore-
bearing plants are for aesthetic purposes (Zamora & Co, 1986; Buot, 1999;
Banaticla & Buot, 2006) and in handicraft manufacture (Zamora & Co, 1986),
many of them have been discovered to be of medicinal importance (Amoroso,
1987; Zamora & Co, 1986).
To date, around 1100 species under 144 genera and 39 families of
pteridophytes have been reported to thrive in the Philippines (Barcelona, 2002).
An early comprehensive attempt in studying the pteridophytes present in Mt.
Makiling was that of Salvoza (1939). Salvoza reported 12 families, 70 genera,
227 native species, and 7 introduced species of pteridophytes. In the work of
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Price (1975), he accounted 28 families, 97 genera, 291 species, four varieties and
three hybrids of pteridophytes from Mt. Makiling. Working with Mt. Banahaw,
Banaticla (2004) and Banaticla and Buot (2005), signified that ferns are effective
as altitudinal zone markers and indicators for biodiversity conservation in a forest
ecosystem. They found out that there is a dearth of data regarding the species
richness and distribution of these pteridophytes present at Mt. Makiling. Espinas
(2003) did a quick survey of ferns at the midmontane zone only of Mt. Makiling.
Ferns are excellent tools in recognizing the altitudinal zonation of tropical
mountains (Frahm & Gradstein, 1991) on account of the following: (i) they are
indicators of climatic factors such as temperature and humidity; (ii) they have
much wider ranges than most vascular plants, and (iii) they are fewer in species
than other vascular plants. Furthermore, due to the distinct fronds as well as
rhizomes, fern and fern allies are easily detected in the field.
Tropical rainforests such as Mt. Makiling, are the most diverse ecosystems.
Even though they cover only 7% of the planet’s landmass, they house half to two-
thirds of the species of plants and animals on Earth (Raven, 1988; Wilson, 1988).
Currently, different human activities leading to forest fragmentation may lead to
this decrease in diversity. Mt. Makiling is one of the most famous mountains in
Luzon for its mystic affiliation to the goddess Maria Makiling as well as its affinity
to trekkers alike. Due to this constant human activity of trekking or hiking,
Mt. Makiling, especially along the trail, may be in need of certain conservation
measures due to the disturbances caused by such activities.
Currently, studies regarding the pteridophyte distribution in Mt. Makiling
are lacking. Documentation of these pteridophytes is scanty. Thus, this study
may contribute to the current knowledge of the ferns present in Mt. Makiling
at different altitudinal gradients. Furthermore, this study highlights the role of
pteridophytes as altitudinal markers along mountains. This survey will contribute
to the current listings of the flora in Mt. Makiling. Moreover, this study will also
shed light on the current conditions of Mt. Makiling and may contribute to the
development of a conservation strategy to preserve the fern flora of Mt. Makiling.
This study will focus on the species richness well as the species distribution of
fern species along the different elevations of Mt. Makiling which would provide a
better understanding of the vertical structure of fern vegetation of this legendary
The study aimed to determine the species richness of ferns along the altitudinal
gradient on the northeastern slope of Mt. Makiling. Specifically, it aimed to: a)
identify the different fern species along the altitudinal gradients of Mt. Makiling;
b) determine the richness and diversity along the altitudinal gradients of these
fern species, and; c) determine the zonation pattern of fern vegetation along the
altitudinal gradient.
Study area
The study was conducted in Mt. Makiling, Los Baños, Laguna during the
dry season (Fig. 1). Mt. Makiling rises at 1,110 meters above sea level (Lenson,
2004). It is currently categorized as an inactive volcano. It is one of the most
significant botanical areas in the Philippines due to a combination of natural
conditions and historical factors (Price, 1975). The study areas were located from
150-1050 m.a.sl. at the northeastern side of the mountain.
Ten sampling sites have been determined at alternating sides based on a
100-meter elevation interval along the northeastern slope of the mountain
(Fig. 2). For the ten sampling sites, the coordinates were noted as well as the
landmarks found every 100 m. interval. The sampling sites that were established
are the same with those of the sampling sites in the study of Lambio and Buot
(2011). The study was conducted at the same time as the study of Chua entitled
“Vegetation Analysis of Understory Species in A Secondary Growth Forest along
the Northeastern slope of Mt. Makiling”.
Volume 16 ·∙ October 2015
Figure 1a. Map of the Philippines showing the Location of Mt. Makiling
Figure 1b. Trail Used in Data Sampling at Mt. Makiling (adapted from
Lambio & Buot, 2011)
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Field methods
The plot technique was employed using a 20x20 meter quadrat established 20
m away from the trail. Three 5x2 subquadrats were randomly distributed within
the established quadrat. The quadrat was established 20-50 meters away from
the trail. In each quadrat, all the occurring pteridophyte species were taken into
account, and the number of individuals for every species of fern found within
was noted and recorded.
Epiphytic and climbing individuals were considered only when they had
such fronds that are less than 2 m from the ground. Ferns are considered to be
epiphytic. Ferns can be found growing on fallen trees and branches, as well as
those growing on standing trees, provided they do not have a root connection to
the ground (Jones, Tuomisto, Clark, & Olivas, 2006). The number of individuals
of ferns per unit area was used as a measure of dominance. The sampling date,
fern species and its corresponding subquadrats were recorded. Ferns that were
not located inside the subquadrats but are present within the 20 x 20 meter
quadrat were recorded for documentation. Altitude and geographic location
were measured using a geographic positioning system (GPS) device. Composite
soil samples were collected from the three subplots. Soil samples were analyzed
for pH, moisture content, and percentage content of nitrogen, phosphorus and
potassium using the soil test kit of the Department of Soil Science, College of
Agriculture, UP Los Baños College, Laguna.
Voucher specimens were collected for each fern species. The unknown species
were identified using the herbarium specimens at the Plant Biology Division
Herbarium (PBDH), Systematics Laboratory, Institute of Biological Sciences,
College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Los Baños and from
the Philippine National Herbarium, National Museum in Manila. Fern specialists
were consulted for the identification of the collected unknown specimens. Mike
Price’s “The Pteridophytes of Mt. Makiling and Vicinity” was one of the main
references used in identifying the plant specimens.
Data analysis
The density obtained was used as a basis and measure of dominance. The
dominant species were obtained using Ohsawa’s (1984) dominance analysis as
where d = deviation, xi = the actual percent share of the top species; x = the
ideal percent share based on the aforementioned model; Xj = the percent share of
the remaining species (U), and N is the total number of species obtained.
Shannon index of diversity (H) was also computed with the following
Where S is the total number of species and N is the total number of individuals.
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Nephrolepis biserrata 750 -
Bolbitis heteroclita 150-750 6169
Bolbitis sinnuata 650 6171
Davallia hymenophylloides 750 6175
Polysticum obtusum 850 6180
Blechnum egregium 150-850 6174
Christella parasitica 350-550 -
Sphaerostephanos lbatus 650-950 6183
Asplenium tenerum 750-850 -
Pteris blumeana 350-650 6185
Histiopteris incise 1050 -
Lindsaea obtuse 650 6182
Cyathea sp. 1 850 -
Cyathea sp. 2 850 6190
Lygodium circinnatum 250-350 -
Marattia sylvatica 750 6197
Selaginella cupressina 650-750 6163
Selaginella involvens 150-850 6167
Selaginella sp.2 850 -
Selaginella sp.3 1050 -
Fern species. 2 450 -
Fern species. 3 550 -
The lowest density value during the dry season was 0.00033. At 150 m.a.s.l.
Selaginella involvens had the lowest density. At 350 m.a.s.l. the following fern
species had the lowest density value: Lygodium circinnatum, Pleocnemia sp., Pteris
blumeana, Selaginella involvens, and Tectaria sp. At 450 m.a.s.l. Christella parasitica
had the lowest density value. At 550 m.a.s.l.,Nephrolepis biserrata had the lowest
density value. At 650 m.a.s.l.,Pleocnemia sp. had the lowest density value. At 750
m.a.s.l., Asplenium tenerum, Bolbitis heteroclita, and Sphaerostephanos lobatus had
the lowest density value. At 850 m.a.s.l. Cyathea sp.2 and Tectaria becchariana
had the lowest density values. During the dry season, Selaginella cupressina had
the highest density value of 0.0077 while the average density was 0.0022.
Table 3. Density values of ferns along altitudinal gradient during the dry season.
Dry Season
Sampling site Fern species Density Relative density
150 Blechnum egregium 2 x 10-3 66.67
Bolbitis heteroclite 6.67x10-4 22.22
Selaginella involvens 3.33x10-4 11.11
250 Lygodium circinnatum 1x10-3 42.86
Selaginella involvens 1.33x10-3 57.14
350 Christella parasitica 1x10-3 37.50
Lygodium circinnatum 3.33x10-4 12.50
Pleocnemia sp. 3.33x10-4 12.50
Pteris blumeana agardh 3.33x10-4 12.50
Selaginella involvens 3.33x10-4 12.50
Tectaria sp. 3.33x10-4 12.50
450 Selaginella involvens 1x10-3 50.00
Fern species. 2 6.67x10-4 33.33
Christella parasitica 3.33x10-4 16.67
550 Nephrolepis biserrata 3.33x10-3 29.41
Tectaria siifolia 2.67x10-3 23.53
Christella parasitica 0.002 17.65
Bolbitis heteroclite 1.67x10-3 14.71
Microsorum heterocarpum 1.00x10-3 8.82
Fern species. 3 6.67x10-4 5.88
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Table 5. Dominant species of the 10 sampling sites during the dry season. The
dominant species were using Dominance Analysis of Ohsawa (1984)
Altitude Dominant Species
During the dry season at different elevations the dominant species were (Table
5): 150 m.a.s.l.: Blechnum egregium and Bolbitis heteroclita; 250 m.a.s.l.: Lygodium
circinnatum and Selaginella involvens; 350 m.a.s.l.: Christella parasitica, Lygodium
circinnatum, Pleocnemia sp., Pteris blumeana, Selaginella involvens and Tectaria
sp;.450 m.a.s.l.: Selaginella involvens and Fern sp.2.;550 m.a.s.l.: Nephrolepis
biserrata, Tectaris siifolia, Christella parasitica, Bolbitis heteroclita and Microsorum
heterocarpum; 650 m.a.s.l.: Bolbitis heteroclita, Lindsaea obtusa, Sphaerostephanos
lobatus, Bolbitis sinnuata, and Tectaria becchariana; 750 m.a.s.l.: Selaginella
cupressina and Microsorum heterocarpum; 850 m.a.s.l.: Selaginella involvens and
Sphaerostephanos lobatus: 950 m.a.s.l.: Selaginella sp.3. The tenth sampling site
had one fern species which dominated the area and that is Selaginella sp.2.
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that provided sufficient moisture for ferns to grow. Among the sampling sites,
the presence of rocks in the area provides a suitable substrate for ferns to attach.
Since the area is enclosed by a canopy, moisture in the soil will have a lower rate
of being evaporated into the atmosphere.
Table 6. The calculated Shannon index of diversity and Fisher’s Alpha for the ten
sampling sites during the dry season.
Dry season
Sampling site Shannon index of diversity Species Richness (Fisher’s Alpha)
150 0.85 2.20
250 0.68 2.60
350 1.67 1.50
450 1.01 2.20
550 1.67 1.50
650 1.82 0.99
750 1.52 1.10
850 1.32 1.10
950 0.26 2.60
1050 0.97 2.20
Altitudinal zones
With the use of fern density values along the altitudinal gradient the fern
vegetation was classified with the aid of a hierarchical cluster analysis (average
linkage) using the software, statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS) ver.
16. The dendogram (Fig. 3) showed three distinct clusters at a square Euclidean
distance of 8. The resulting clusters were designated as zones. Zone 1 located
at the lowest portion of the Dendogram was situated at an altitude of 150-450
m.a.s.l. Zone 2 had the most number of ferns which is at an elevation of 550-
750 m.a.s.l. Zone 3 has an altitude of 850-1050 m.a.s.l. Incidentally, these zones
corresponded with the lowland, mid-montane and montane zones of Brown
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During the dry season, it was indicated that nitrogen, moisture content and
pH were the most important factors affecting fern species richness (Fig. 5). The
different levels of nitrogen affect fern species diversity along a gradient. In a
study conducted by Durand and Goldstein (2001), fronds of tree ferns had a
significantly shorter lifespan and significantly higher nitrogen content per unit
leaf mass. Ferns need nitrogen in small amounts to create a large fern community.
Moisture, as well as pH, also affects species richness of ferns. Ferns need
moisture to propagate. Tropical countries such as the Philippines experience
frequent rainfalls. High rainfall levels lead to leaching of cations leaving behind
Al3+ and H+ which are very strongly held by colloidal particles making the soils
acidic (Gurevitch, Scheiner & Fox, 2002). Outliers are represented by fern
species that are distal from the edaphic factors found in the figure. The edaphic
factors resulted to a species-environment correlation of 0.941 and 0.977 which
quantifies that pH and moisture content influence species richness of ferns.
Collected soil samples were also analyzed. During the dry season, pH, as well
as moisture content, influenced the species richness of ferns along the altitudinal
gradient. Compared to the dry season, soil during the wet season holds more
moisture due to the frequency of rain. Outliers are represented by fern species
that are distal from the edaphic factors found in the figure.
The species richness of ferns along the altitudinal gradient on the northeastern
slope of Mt. Makiling was determined. A total of 27 species belonging to 18
genera and 14 families during the dry season the most represented families were
Tectariaceae and Dryopteridaceae (4 spp.) and Lycopodiaceae (3 spp.).
Data obtained were subjected to hierarchical cluster analysis and the
dendogram revealed three zones of fern vegetation along the altitudinal gradient
on Mt. Makiling. The three zones coincided with the lowland, mid-montane and
montane zones of previous studies. During the dry season, the dominant species
in Zone 1 were Blechnum egregium and Selaginella sp. In Zone 2, Selaginella
involvens, Bolbitis heteroclita and Microsorum heterocarpum were the dominant
species. In Zone 3, Selaginella involvens and Bolbitis heteroclita were the dominant
Species richness of ferns increased with altitude. Areas which were characterized
by a rocky substrate increased species richness of ferns since it provided a substrate
for ferns to be rooted upon. At an altitude of 550 and 650, fern species are high
Volume 16 ·∙ October 2015
due to the presence of ravines. The presence of ravines increased species richness
due to the crevices as well as the presence of a stream which provided fern species
moisture for growth and propagation. Results from the CANOCO program
showed that other factors such as pH, nitrogen and moisture content also affect
the species richness of ferns. Moisture provided a medium for ferns to reproduce.
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