St. Helen Church: 4106 Mountain St. Beamsville, ON L0R 1B7

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Helen Church
4106 Mountain St.
Beamsville, ON L0R 1B7
Ph: 905-562-7427
Fax: 905-563-0003
Opened - October 2, 1938 Est. as a Parish - January 1, 1986
Pastor: Rev. Krzysztof Szczepanik Sunday Masses:
Office Administration: Aggie Agnino Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am, 11:00am *
*(Children’s Liturgy of the Word)
Office hours:
Tuesday to Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm Weekday Masses:
Closed on Mondays and all Statutory holidays Tuesday: 6:30pm
Wednesday to Friday: 9:00am
Website: 2nd Friday at Albright: 10:00am
Facebook Page: 3rd Friday at Mennonite: 10:00am

Sacraments Contacts
Catholic Funeral Rites:
Baptism: When a death occurs in your family, Music Ministry:
1st & 3rd Sunday at 1:00 pm. please call the Parish Office and we Anthony van Engelen
Call parish office. will assist you in making the
necessary liturgical arrangements.
1st Communion & Confirmation Ministry Scheduling & RFM:
Contact the Parish Office. Chronic Care Facilities: Rachel Reid ~ ministryschedul-
Pastoral visits are made monthly.
Reconciliation: Reception of Holy Communion is
Every Saturday 4:00pm - 4:30pm or by available to residence. Fundraising Events:
appointment with the priest. Joe Della Manna
Marriage: Notify the Parish Office when serious
Arrangements six months in advance. illness occurs. When the sick, aged or Facility & Grounds Maintenance:
Marriage preparation is required. incapacitated are confined to home for Craig Luey
an extended time, pastoral visit can be
RCIA & RCIC: arranged.
Contact the Parish Office. Catholic Women's League:
Colleen Drake ~ contact parish office
Anointing of the Sick: Schools
Please let us know when someone has St. Mark School Knights of Columbus:
a serious or prolonged illness or is to Principal: Steven Ward Marcel VanRuyven
have surgery. This sacrament
celebrates the healing of mind and St. Edward School
body and the forgiveness of sins. Principal: Carla Bianco SVDP:
Lorraine Martin ~ contact parish office

Kindly complete the following and place in the collection basket.

Envelopes will be on the round table in the foyer the following weekend.
☐ New Parishioner* ☐ Change of address ☐ Moving
Name________________________ Phone_________________ E-mail___________________
Address______________________________________________ City_____________________
☐ I would like to use offertory envelopes* Postal Code______________
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C
October 13, 2019
Mass Intentions
This week, the Sanctuary Lamp burns in
 October 15 - 20, 2019 memory of:
As we gather, let us remember and pray for . . .
Tues. ~ …………St. Teresa of Jesus...….…… Oct. 15
6:30 pm NO MASS The Sanctuary Lamp burns to remind us of Christ’s
presence in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar.
Wed. ~ …………………………………….….. Oct. 16th If you wish to sponsor the sanctuary lamp for one
9:00 am + Manual da Silva (by Maria da Silva) week the stipend is $35.00
………. Ignatius of Antioch…………. Oct. 17th
Thurs. ~
9:00 am
+ Maria Grasha (by Furbacher Family)
John & Vera DeLaat on the occasion our parish prayer
of their 60th Anniversary Jesus, open our hearts, enabling us to embrace
(by the Family) your teachings and to love one another. Holy
Fri. ~ ……………….St. Luke…….………... Oct. 18th Spirit, lift us and lead us, deepening our desire to
10:00 am + Angelika Shultz (by Kaye Brandel) serve God through serving each other. Amen.
Menno Hm
………………………………………... Oct. 19th
+ Margaret Molnar
5:00 pm There was some sun, rain and excitement at the Grimsby
(by Teresa MacDonald)
Life Chain this past Sunday! About 250 participants gathered
Sun. ~ ………………………………………... Oct. 20th at Main St. and Christie St. for an hour of silent prayer to end
9:00 am + Tony Macri & + Carmelo Elia abortion. Participants witnessed to the truths about Abortion.
(by Mary Macri) The excitement was courtesy of the Handmaids Local 905 - a
radical pro-abortion group that sent about 20 counter-
11:00 am For the People of St. Helen Parish protesters. While everything remained peaceful, they tried to
intimidate and make their hatred of Christians and pro-lifers
MINISTRY FOR THE SICK AND known by what their spokesperson said over a bullhorn. Our
HOMEBOUND pro-life supporters were not intimidated. Instead, we were
We are grateful to those who give of encouraged. Blessed are you when others revile you and
their time and care to bring Holy persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you
Communion to our parishioners who falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad... (Matthew 5:11)
cannot make it to church due to sickness or infirmity. If At the end of the hour, we were able to gather in the
you know of anyone who would like to receive parking lot to pray and sing "Amazing Grace" together -
communion in their home or while hospitalized at West testifying to the fact that none of us is deserving of
Lincoln Hospital, please contact the parish office. God's grace. Thank you to everyone who participated
and to those who upheld Life Chain in their prayers!
Haldimand Region Fall Conference, Wednesday VOLUNTEERS FOR VISITS AT ALBRIGHT
October 16th @ St. Martin of Tour Parish, MANOR & MENNO HOME
Smithville with Comedienne Pamela Appel. Born to If you have some time to do some visiting on a regular
be on stage, Pamela loves to spread joy and laughter to basis, please let the office know and we’ll connect you!
audiences far and wide. Homemade cabbage roll dinner
at 6:30 pm. Doors open at 6:00 pm. $10.00 at the door.
If you are new to the parish or have been attending
Please let Colleen or Piera know if you plan to attend.
Mass here, ensure that you are registered by completing
the tear off section at the front of this bulletin. Please
January 4, March 21, June 20 do not take for granted that you are registered in the
2:00 - 2:30 p.m. Introduction and Song Practice parish, just because you attend Mass here.
2:30 - 3:30 pm. Prayer In the future, should you be in need of a pastoral letter
Monastery of Mount Carmel (godparent, school, sponsor for confirmation, teacher
7020 Stanley Avenue, Niagara Falls, 905-356-4113 or referral, etc.), it would be difficult to issue one if you
Contact Eunji Kim - are not formally registered with the parish.
All are welcome!
Daily after Mass
during the week.
Collection First Sunday of the Month!
Naaman returned to Elisha, man of God, and confessed GRADE 8 - OCT. 19/20TH
his faith in the God of Israel. (2 Kings) Confirmation candidates will make their “Inscription
If we endure, we will also reign with Christ. Promises” at one of the 3 weekend Masses.
(2 Timothy)
No one returned to give glory to God except this FOOD PREP / KITCHEN CREW
foreigner. (Luke) For any who took the course and received a certificate,
Like the leper in today’s please forward a copy to the parish office. We are now
Gospel, we realize that we putting out the call to anyone who would like to be part
have been cured despite the of this team - including those who don’t have a
“illnesses” we face, that our certificate. As a volunteer, you may want to come out
blessings far outweigh our only once or twice a year and others more often
struggles, that we have reason depending on availability or type of event. Kindly let
to rejoice and hope despite the the office know when you sign up. This info will be
sadness and anxieties we must helpful to us so we know when we can call.
cope with.
There are still “lepers” OCTOBER IS EXTRAORDINARY
among us, people we have consciously or unconsciously MISSIONARY MONTH
cast out of society’s gates by fear, mistrust and self- Next Sunday is World Mission Sunday. Every parish
interest. They are the lepers – but we suffer the disease. across the globe will celebrate this event. It is a global
Faith begins with the practice of gratitude, gratitude sign of the Universal Church and mission. On this day,
that is grounded in the conviction that God has breathed Pope Francis invites all Catholics to contribute to a
his life into us for no other reason than love so deep we special collection for the Propagation of the Faith.
cannot begin to fathom it — and that the only fitting Your support will help missionaries in proclaiming the
response we can make to such unexplainable and Gospel of joy and peace around the world. Please join
unmerited love is to stand humbly before God in quiet, us in this special day that unites Catholics from all over
humble gratitude. the world through prayer and care for the Church’s
Gratitude is a practice — a way of approaching life — mission. Your donations will support churches,
that is grounded in the conviction that God has breathed hospitals, schools and train seminarians and religious
his life into us for no other reason than love so deep we Brothers and Sisters in Asia, Africa Latin America,
cannot begin to fathom it, and that the only fitting Oceania, and some of our Canadian dioceses. Please
response we can make to such inexplicable and use the envelope attached to this bulletin or pick one up
unmerited love is to stand humbly before God in quiet, round table in the parish entrance.
humble gratitude.
ST. HELEN PARISH BREAKFAST Married couples celebrating a 25th, 40th, 50th or 60th
A note of thanks to George Savage and Dan Minello anniversary in the year 2019 are invited to the
who tirelessly organized our first parish breakfast on diocesan anniversary Mass, Monday November 25,
Sunday. Thank you also to the many volunteers who 2019, 5:30p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Catherine of
assisted with this in any way; the task however large or Alexandria, St. Catharines. To register and receive a
small contributed to a very successful and well attended formal invitation from Bishop Bergie, contact the parish
breakfast social. It was a great opportunity for our office to fill in a form by October 18.
parish family to come together and just chill while
breaking bread! REGENERATE(D) 2019
As a baptized Catholic you have a calling (or vocation)
WEEKEND MASSES IN OCTOBER in life. On Saturday, November 23 join Branches
During the month of October, we will be reciting the Catholic Ministries at the Scotiabank Convention
Rosary before Mass as a community. Please make an Centre for Regenerate(d) 2019: "You are Called."
effort to come 15 minutes early to join us. Theme - the responsibility each of us has to discern and
heed our call. Regenerate(d) Youth (ages 12 to 18) will
ANNUAL BISHOP’S CHARITY DINNER run simultaneously. For more information or "early
The Knights of Columbus invite you to attend the bird" tickets visit or call
Bishop's Charities Dinner at Club Roma, 905/685-7000.
Saturday October 19, 2019. Tickets $50.00 each; A special Mass of Remembrance for
Reception 6:00pm; Dinner 7:30pm; entertainment, our loved ones who have died during this
dancing, silent auction; proceeds to support Diocesan past year on Saturday November 2nd,
Catholic Charities. For tickets call Bill Amodeo 289- at the 5:00 p.m. Mass. All parishioners
456-7888, Chuck Johnston 905-646-5099, or Al Craig are welcome to attend.
905-931-3132. Requiescat in pace.


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