Bulletin - March 12, 2023

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Helen Church
4106 Mountain St.
Beamsville, ON L3J 0K9
Ph: 905-562-7427
Fax: 905-563-0003
Email: office@sthelenscatholic.ca
Opened - October 2, 1938 Est. as a Parish - January 1, 1986
Pastor: Rev. Krzysztof Szczepanik Sunday Masses:
Office Administration: Aggie Agnino Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am, 11:00am
Office hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 10:00am - 1:00pm Weekday Masses:
Closed on Mondays, Thursday and all Statutory holidays Tuesday - Friday: 9:00am
(unless otherwise posted in the bulletin)
Website: www.sthelenscatholic.ca Adoration:
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/sthelenscatholic Daily after morning Mass weekdays

Sacraments Contacts
Catholic Funeral Rites:
Baptism: When a death occurs in your family, Music Ministry:
1st & 3rd Sunday at 12:30 pm Anthony van Engelen
please call the Parish Office and we
Call parish office. adve1@yahoo.com
will assist you in making the
necessary liturgical arrangements. Ministry Scheduling & RFM:
1st Communion & Confirmation Rebecca Williams ~ ministryschedul-
Contact the Parish Office. Chronic Care Facilities: ing@sthelenscatholic.ca
Pastoral visits are made monthly. Fundraising Events:
Reconciliation: Reception of Holy Communion is
Every Saturday 4:00pm - 4:30pm or by available to residents. office@sthelenscatholic.ca
appointment with the priest. Facility & Grounds Maintenance:
Homebound: Craig Luey
Marriage: Notify the Parish Office when serious craig.luey@gmail.com
Arrangements six months in advance. illness occurs. When the sick, aged or
Catholic Women's League:
Marriage preparation is required. incapacitated are confined to home for Anna Sabucco
an extended time, pastoral visit can be asabucco@hotmail.com
RCIA & RCIC: arranged.
Contact the Parish Office. Knights of Columbus:
Ray Francoeur
Anointing of the Sick: Schools avalanche1950@yahoo.com
Please let us know when someone has St. Mark School 289-700-6342
a serious or prolonged illness or is to Principal: Jennifer DeCoff SVDP:
have surgery. This sacrament Vice-Principal: Joe Tolomeo Lorraine Martin ~ contact parish office
celebrates the healing of mind and
body and the forgiveness of sins. St. Edward School Prayer Warriors/Requests:
Principal: Maria Romano Sandra Mactaggart ~
Kindly complete the following and place in the collection box.
Envelopes will be on the round table in the foyer the following weekend.
☐ New Parishioner* ☐ Change of address ☐ Moving
Name________________________ Phone_________________ E-mail___________________
Address______________________________________________ City_____________________
☐ I would like to use offertory envelopes* Postal Code______________
Third Sunday of Lent - Year A
March 12, 2023
Mass Intentions This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns in
March 14 - March 19, 2023
As we gather, let us remember and pray for . . . memory of:
Tues. ~ .....................................................…….. Mar. 14th
9:00 am Intention of Helen Hendriks
(by Nancy WInslow)
The Sanctuary Lamp burns to remind us of Christ’s
Wed. ~ ........................................................….. Mar. 15th presence in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. If you
9:00 am + Girolamo DiLettera wish to sponsor the sanctuary lamp for one week,
(Ranucci Family) please contact the office. The stipend is $35.00
Thurs. ~ …................................................... Mar. 16th
Stewardship of Treasure
9:00 am + Pietro & Ursula Elia
+ Michael & Olga D’Alessio Offertory - March 5, 2023 $3,193.90
(by Connie & Louie Elia)
Building Fund $1215.00
Fri. ~ .................................................……….. Mar. 17th
10:00 am Intention of Fr. Krzysztof Facility Maintenance $327.00
Menno (Yvonne MacNiven) “May God bless you for your faithful stewardship!”
Sat. ~ ……………………….……...……….. Mar. 18th
5:00 pm + Alex Geczy CWL LENTEN PROJECT
Consider donating your old eyeglasses
Sun. ~ ……………………….……...……….. Mar. 19th today for War-Torn Countries and Third-
9:00 am For the People World Countries. Basket is set up on the
11:00 am + John Marchalewicz back of the church. Thank you for your
(Family) donations!
You are invited to join on a pilgrimage DAY OF RECONCILIATION
to the Shrine of Divine Mercy,
Stockbridge, Massachusettes, USA on On SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 2023 in
Divine Mercy Sunday, weekend of April every parish church across the diocese, a
15-16, 2023. priest will be available from 10:00am –
For more information please contact via 2:00pm to hear individual confessions.
email: cathy.cartaginese@gmail.com No matter how long it has been, you are
welcome to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance, which
POPE FRANCIS’ MARCH INTENTIONS assists us in spiritual discipline as we turn away from
We pray for Christians facing new bioethical sin and open our hearts to reconciliation and healing; or
challenges; may they continue to defend the dignity of you can also simply come to pray before the Lord.
all human life with prayer and action. Grade 2 students will be celebrating their First
Reconciliation on that day. The format will be send to
OFFICE HOURS CHANGE parents via email next weekend.
NEW Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from
10:00am to 1:00pm until further notice.


is a newly established elementary school run by the THURSDAY MORNING BINGO
Sisters of the Sacred Heart since 2021. Current
enrollment is twenty one students in Grades 1- 8. The In the St. Helen Church Hall
Sisters are now accepting applications for enrollment 4106 Mountain Rd., Beamsville
for the 2023/2024 school year for students Grades 1 Doors open at 10:00am, Bingo games start at 11:00am
through 8. Contact the Sisters of the Sacred Heart at Delicious Lunch Available
sacredheartprivateschool22@gmail.com for more
information and to arrange for a tour and interview. FRIDAY EVENING BINGO
Enrollment will be open until May 1, 2023. Pizza available at 6pm, games start at 7:00pm
THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT CNEWA Canada: web: www.cnewa.ca
Give us water to drink. (Exodus 17) Toll free #: 1-866-322-4441
God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the DPCC: web www.devp.org Toll free #: 1-800-494-
Holy Spirit that has been given to us. (Romans 5) 1401
The water that I will give will become a spring of water
gushing up to eternal life. (John 4) COLOMBIA: DEFENCE OF LAND AND TERRITORY
Water is the predominant symbol in Colombia is home to nearly 10 per cent of the planet’s
today’s readings: As water sustains life biodiversity, yet it is also one of the
and cleans away the grime and filth that most dangerous countries for people
can diminish and destroy life, in the defending their land and territory
waters of baptism, the sins that alienate against exploitation.
us from God are washed away and we are reborn in the Development and Peace - Caritas
Spirit of compassion and community. Canada’s partner, the Asociación
All of us who have encountered Jesus are called to be Campesina de Antioquia (ACA, Peasant Association of
reconcilers, not judges; we are called to lift people up, Antioquia) supports peasant communities affected by
not drive them to their knees. In so many ordinary armed conflict in defending their lives and territories
ways we can help one another realize new life and hope and in building a culture of peace through filmmaking
in Christ if we are willing to tear down the walls that and art.
divide us, to reach over the distances between us, to This Lent, meet our solidarity visitor Raquel Soto, a
build bridges over chasms of mistrust and prejudice. participant in ACA’s documentary filmmaking school.
Easter transformation begins with a recognition of our Learn more at devp.org/lent.
sins and failings. As Jesus confronts the woman at the
well with the reality of her own sinfulness and A PRAYER WITH SONG OF TAIZE
brokenness, we must confront our own sinfulness and, March 18, 2023
in doing so, realize our need for God. Sin is a reality in 2:00 p.m.- 3:30 p.m.
the lives of each one of us; but through Christ, Monastery of Mount Carmel, 7020 Stanley Avenue,
forgiveness, reconciliation and rebirth, are just as real Niagara Falls, 905-356-4113 or Contact Eunji Kim -
and possible. eunji@fountaintree.ca All are welcome!

It's not too late to start Alpha. prayerful, peaceful, public witness to the sanctity of
Do something different for Lent this year, human life by standing for one hour any day
spend some time deepening your faith in from February 22 to April 2, 8:00am to 8:00pm at
this no-commitment, no-pressure program. Niagara Falls General Hospital, holding a sign PRAY
Monday from 7:30-9:00 pm. Contact TO END ABORTION. Signs are in a dark red box at
Kelly at sthelensalpha@gmail.com for the zoom link. St. Ann Adult Education Centre, 5895 North St.,
Niagara Falls. Park for free there, in front of the fence,
TURKEY / SYRIA EARTHQUAKE EMERGENCY and return the signs to the box after your vigil. Please
AID CAMPAIGN: stand on the Portage side of the hospital. Join with
With the support of the Canadian Conference of family and friends as often as possible.
Catholic Bishops (CCCB), Aid to Church in Need SANCTUARY LAMP
(ACN), Canadian Jesuits International (CJI), Catholic We have an opening for the Sanctuary Lamp for the
Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) Canada, and week of 28 of May and June 11 & 25, 2023. If you
Development and Peace-Caritas Canada (DPCC) are would like to book the lamp in memory of your loved
launching an emergency aid campaign in response to one or any intention please contact the office asap.
the destructive earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria on
Monday. Funds received will be used now and in the PREAUTHORIZED DEBIT (PAD) is offered for our
coming months for food, medical supplies, shelter, and Mortgage Debt Reduction. If you are interested in us-
other essentials to meet basic human needs. These funds ing this convenient way to make your offerings to the
will also serve to meet long term needs to help families church, please complete the card found in the pews and
go back to a more stable life. return it to the parish office either directly or through
To donate now or for any inquiries, you can contact the the collection basket. These donations are processed
organizations as follows: once a month, on or about the 15th of each month.

ACN: web: https://bit.ly/acn-donate-syria

Toll free #: 1-800-585-6333 Ext 228
CJI: web https://canadianjesuitsinternational.ca
Toll free #: 1-800-448-2148




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