Beta Distribution
Beta Distribution
Beta Distribution
The beta distribution has been applied to model the behavior of random
variables limited to intervals of finite length in a wide variety of disciplines.
The usual formulation of the beta distribution is also known as the beta
distribution of the first kind, whereas beta distribution of the second kind is an
alternative name for the beta prime distribution.
The Beta distribution is given by
f (x; p, q)= xα-1 (1-x)β-1
where the parameters α and β are positive real quantities and the variable x
satisfies 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. The quantity B(α,β) is the Beta function defined in terms of
the more common Gamma function as,
𝛤(𝛼 + 𝛽)
Measures of central tendency
The mode of a Beta distributed random variable X with α, β > 1 is the most
likely value of the distribution (corresponding to the peak in the PDF), and is
given by the following expression,
When both parameters are less than one (α, β < 1), this is the anti-mode: the
lowest point of the probability density curve.
Letting α = β, the expression for the mode simplifies to 1/2, showing that for α =
β > 1 the mode (resp. anti-mode when α, β < 1), is at the center of the
distribution: it is symmetric in those cases. See Shapes section in this article for
a full list of mode cases, for arbitrary values of α and β. For several of these
cases, the maximum value of the density function occurs at one or both ends. In
some cases the (maximum) value of the density function occurring at the end is
finite. For example, in the case of α = 2, β = 1 (or α = 1, β = 2), the density
function becomes a right-triangle distribution which is finite at both ends. In
several other cases there is a singularity at one end, where the value of the
density function approaches infinity. For example, in the case α = β = 1/2, the
Beta distribution simplifies to become the arcsine distribution. There is debate
among mathematicians about some of these cases and whether the ends (x = 0,
and x = 1) can be called modes or not.
Whether the ends are part of the domain of the density function
The expected value (mean) (μ) of a Beta distribution random variable X with
two parameters α and β is a function of only the ratio β/α of these parameters.
Letting α = β in the above expression one obtains μ = 1/2, showing that for α =
β the mean is at the center of the distribution: it is symmetric.
Measures of statistical dispersion:-
The variance (the second moment about mean) of a random variable X which
follows beta distribution with parameters α and β is:
The use of Beta distributions in Bayesian inference is due to the fact that they
provide a family of conjugate prior probability distributions for
binomial(including Bernoulli) and geometric distributions. The domain of the
beta distribution can be viewed as a probability, and in fact the beta distribution
is often used to describe the distribution of a probability value.
In standard logic, propositions are considered to be either true or false. In
contradistinction, subjective logic assumes that humans cannot determine with
absolute certainty whether a proposition about the real world is absolutely true
or false. In subjective logic the posteriori probability estimates of binary events
can be represented by beta distributions.
A wavelet is a wave-like oscillation with an amplitude that starts out at zero,
increases, and then decreases back to zero. It can typically be visualized as a
"brief oscillation" that promptly decays. Wavelets can be used to extract
information from many different kinds of data, including – but certainly not
limited to – audio signals and images. Thus, wavelets are purposefully crafted to
have specific properties that make them useful for signal processing. Wavelets
are localized in both time and frequency whereas the standard Fourier transform
is only localized in frequency. Therefore, standard Fourier Transforms are only
applicable to stationary processes, while wavelets are applicable to non-
stationary processes. Continuous wavelets can be constructed based on the beta
distribution. Beta wavelets[71] can be viewed as a soft variety of Haar wavelets
whose shape is fine-tuned by two shape parameters α and β.
T = X/(1 - X)
we obtain a distribution with probability density function,
1 𝑡
α-1 1
β-1 1 2
PT(y) =
( )
( ) ( ) ( )
𝐵 𝛼,𝛽 1+𝑡 1+𝑡 1+𝑡
= tα-1/(1+t)α+β
𝐵 (𝛼,𝛽)
(ii) Let X~Beta(α,β). Suppose, α and β are positive integers and that for
α+β = s(≥2) fixed, α is equally likely to take values 1,2,-----,(s-1) then
the probability density function of X, given α+β = s is:
PX(x\s) = (s-1) ∑ (𝑝−1 ) 𝑥 𝑝−1 (1 − 𝑥)𝑠−2−(𝑝−1) / s-1
= 1 ( 0 <x< 1 )
= x0 (1-x)0