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Ocean Engineering: Sciencedirect
Ocean Engineering
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Keywords: During the recent years, Indonesian government rapidly increase the electrification program which is mainly
Wave energy using coal energy. However, some areas are still need any supports of electricity. As an archipelagic state,
Marine renewable energy Indonesia is surrounded by seas which is potential for developing the wave energy. Three areas were selected for
Oscillating water column examining the wave energy potential i.e., Meulaboh (in Sumatera), South Kuta (in Bali) and Manokwari (in
Papua), which is the representative of the region in west, middle and east of Indonesia, respectively. Ocean wave
characteristics were analyzed for each monsoon from 2012 to 2017, based on ocean wave forecasting using
Sverdrup, Munk and Bretschneider method. The electrical power calculations were done by using Floating
Oscillating Water Column formulas. Based on our analysis, the average of highest significant wave heights and
periods in 3 sites happen in the West Monsoon and the lowest average of significant wave heights and periods
mostly happen in the East Monsoon. Thus, among the three locations that were examined, South Kuta Bali is the
best location to develop wave energy.
1. Introduction ocean waves. The developments of ocean wave energy in Indonesia are
quite promising because some areas in Indonesia are directly facing
In the last decades, the world has faced energy crisis issues. The Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean that have great wave energy.
problem of energy in Indonesia is the availability of fossil energy that Among of some devices that have been developed for wave energy
continues to decline (Alifdini et al., 2016, 2017). However, Indonesia, conversion is Oscillating Water Column (OWC). This device is a wave
as one of developing countries in Asia struggle to make an energy energy conversion that the most extensively studied in the recent years
sustainability for the citizens (Sukarno et al., 2015). As a result, the (Şentürk and Özdamar, 2011). Oscillating Water Column (OWC) is a
electrification process in Indonesia has been accelerating in the past device that transforms the mechanical energy of the waves into elec-
two decades (Ramdani and Setiani, 2017). The electrical capacity of trical power. The waves enter to the chamber to compress and de-
Indonesia in the form of renewable energy are solar, wind and biomass compress the air around Still Water Level (SWL) so that an oscillate
energy. Plan to increase the use of renewable energy (including hy- airflow will be created. This airflow is passed through a power take-off
dropower) is 19% and 23% in 2019 and 2025, respectively (IEA, 2015). (PTO) system which consists of a turbine and an induction generator
Hydropower consists of 10% of the total electrical generation ca- that transforms this motion into electrical power (Garrido et al., 2015).
pacity in 2013. There is only a little growth from this energy source in There are some kinds of Oscillating Water Column (OWC) that have
the last decade. Therefore, Indonesia plans to develop several mini- been developed, one of them is Floating OWC that can absorb power
hydropower plants adding 2 GW capacity in 2019. The government from the waves (Bull and Johnson, 2013). Floating OWC's are in-
strongly supports investment in these plants, particularly in remote creasingly attractive due to their ability to benefit from more energetic
areas, to increase the electrification rate (IEA, 2015). One of hydro- wave energy (Bailey et al., 2016). Floating OWC was demonstrated in
power plant that can be developed is ocean based hydropower plant 1:4 scale device off the Irish coast based on the Japanese bent backward
since 70% of Indonesian region consist of ocean area. There are some duct buoy concept. It has been in the water since December 2006. Other
kind of ocean based hydropower, one of them is harnessing energy from than that, Oceanlinx have tested three devices and have tested two
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: inovasita@gmail.com, inovasita@student.undip.ac.id (I. Alifdini).
Received 7 March 2018; Received in revised form 13 June 2018; Accepted 6 July 2018
0029-8018/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
I. Alifdini et al. Ocean Engineering 165 (2018) 34–42
different turbines: the Dennis Auld and the Hydro Air. There are several of Bali to NTB and northern ocean of Papua have a mean significant
other floating OWCs, e.g., Embley Energy's machine and The Mighty wave heights from 0.3 to 1.3 m, 0.4 to 1.5 m and 0.4 to 1.25 m, re-
Whale. Despite not tested yet, Embley Energy's machine is a simple spectively. The percentage of significant wave height lower than 3 m is
robust machine, while The Mighty Whale was deployed in Japan, but 95% in all locations. Because of that, these locations are quite possible
was not considered a success (Minns, 2012). In addition, floating OWC to implement floating OWC to harness electricity from waves.
devices have been studied and developed with the self-rectifying Wells
turbine (Gomes et al., 2011) that is floating independently 2. Materials and methods
(Konispoliatis and Mavrakos, 2016). The concept of floating OWC can
be described as follows; it consists of a relatively long vertical tube, 2.1. Research locations
open at both ends and attached to a floater. This concept has been
considered since the early pioneers of wave energy conversion (Falcão Wave energy resources were examined in three locations. They were
and Henriques, 2016). Meulaboh, South Kuta and Manokwari with the following coordinates:
Firdaus et al. (2011), identified some of potential locations in In- from 4°11′24.39” N to 4°10′51.06″N and 95°56′41.59” E to 96°
donesia to develop wave energy. In addition, Zikra et al. (2016) also 0′24.74″E; from 8°51′53.79″S to 8°52′46.07″S and 115° 7′30.99″E to
studied some areas in Indonesia that are potential to be developed for 115° 9′12.02″E; and from 0° 4′47.76″S to 0°14′48.88″S and
wave energy based on the characteristics of wave climates. They con- 132°47′7.14″E to 132°32′4.04″E, for Meulaboh, South Kuta and
sidered the potential areas based on temporal variation in significant Manokwari, respectively.
wave height using ERA-Interim reanalysis data from ECMWF (European
Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) for 35 years in the period 2.2. Wave forecasting
from 1980 to 2014. Some locations that are potential are in the Western
of Sumatra Island, Southern of Java Bali Nusa Tenggara Island and In this study, ocean waves were forecasted from wind data. Wind
Northern of Papua Island. In this study, 3 locations were examined to data were obtained from Geophysical, Climatological and
represent the western part, middle part and eastern part of Indonesia. Meteorological Agency of Indonesia from 2012 to 2017. The wave
They were Meulaboh, South Kuta and Manokwari representing western, forecasting was done using Sverdrup-Munk-Bret Schneider's (SMB)
middle and eastern part of Indonesia, respectively. Meulaboh is a method (CERC, 1984). The wave height and period were determined
coastal region located in the western part of Sumatra Island that facing based on the wave fetch conditions. There are several criteria for de-
the Indian Ocean (Marlian et al., 2015). The usage of electricity in termining wave characteristics based on fetch condition:
Meulaboh is still need to be developed since Meulaboh is located in the
outer region of Indonesia. On the other hand, South Kuta is one of the 2.2.1. Fetch limited
most popular beach in Bali Island which is located in the Southern part In the fetch limited conditions, the wave heights and periods are
of Bali Island (Purwanto, 2011). This location is very easy to access and determined by equations (1)–(3).
becomes the popular area for tourism. Because of the high tourism
activity, the demand of electricity is also high. Manokwari is the capital ⎛ 1/2 ⎞
3/4 0,00565 ⎛ U2 ⎞
city of West Papua Province, which has seven districts. Those districts gH ⎡ gd ⎤ ⎜ ⎝ ⎠ ⎟
= 0,283 tanh ⎢0,530 ⎜⎛ 2 ⎟⎞
⎥ tanh ⎜
are North Manokwari, East Manokwari, West Manokwari, South Man- UA2 U 3/4 ⎟
⎝ A⎠ gd
okwari, Sidey, Tanah Rubuh and Masni (Runtuboi et al., 2015). The
⎣ ⎦ ⎜ tanh ⎡0,530 ⎛ U2 ⎞ ⎤ ⎟
⎣ ⎝ A⎠ ⎥ ⎦⎠ (1)
district that has a wave energy potential is North Manokwari because
this location directly face the Pacific Ocean. The electricity uses in 1/3
⎛ gF ⎞
Papua Island is still need to be developed with renewable energy, be- 3/8 0,0379 ⎛ U2 ⎞
gT ⎡ gd ⎤ ⎜ ⎝ A⎠ ⎟
cause there is a limitation in access to develop conventional energy in = 7,54 tanh ⎢0,833 ⎜⎛ 2 ⎟⎞ ⎥ tanh ⎜
UA U 3/8 ⎟
⎝ A⎠ gd
Papua Island due to the extreme morphology and topography. ⎣ ⎦ ⎜ tanh ⎡0,833 ⎛ U2 ⎞ ⎤ ⎟
Beside demand factors as mentioned above, another important ⎢
⎣ ⎝ A⎠ ⎥ ⎦⎠ (2)
factor was also required for choosing sites for wave energy develop-
ments, i.e., water depth (DasGomes et al., 2018; Sugianto et al., 2017). gtd gT
= 5,37 x 102 ⎡ ⎤
Wave energy converters are mostly planned/installed for depths less UA ⎢
⎣ UA ⎥
⎦ (3)
than 100 m and closer to the shore they will experience a decrease in
Equation (1) is used to determine the wave height (H) based on its
the available wave energy that can be captured depending on the slope
fetch length, whereas Equation (2) is used to determine the wave period
and roughness of the sea floor (Sundar et al., 2010). Where the water is
(T). equation (3) is used to determine the wind duration (td) based on
deep (> 40 m depth), near shore and offshore devices will necessarily
the wave period (T).
be of the moored type (Thorpe, 1992) (Thorpe, 1999). Based on LPI
bathimetry map in the scale of 1:50,000, Meulaboh has water depth
2.2.2. Fully developed sea
ranging from 0 to 60 m. South Kuta Bali waters has the depth from 0 to
If T1/3 is considered as 0.95 Tm then, the value of wave height and
200 m (BIG, 2018) and Manokwari has waters depth from 0 to 400 m
period can be determined by equations (4)-6).
(Hatta, 2014). In general, Meulaboh, South Kuta and Manokwari waters
are suitable for developing wave energy. gHmo
= 2,433 × 10−1
Other than that, floating OWC has been tested successfully in UA2 (4)
Gokasho Bay, Japan with the most predominant significant wave height
and period are 0.5 m and 6 s, respectively. Moreover, there are also gTp
= 8,134
some waves with significant wave height over 4.0 m. In other words, it UA (5)
is proven that the test site is generally relatively calm but in severe
weather, the wave height rises very much (Washio et al., 2001). On the = 7,15 x 104
UA (6)
other hand, the percentage of time for which the significant wave
height is lower than 0.5 m (calm sea condition) is an ideal floating Where: Hmo is wave height (m), UA is wind speed (m/s), Tp is wave
device would be easily accessible (Martinelli et al., 2013). Based on period (s), t is wind duration (s) and F is fetch length (m).
research of Utami (2010) and Saragih (2017), the western ocean of The interaction between U and F will produce a value of Hmo and Tp.
Aceh to North Sumatra (including the Meulaboh area), Southern ocean In limited circumstances, the wind fetch moves above the water surface
I. Alifdini et al. Ocean Engineering 165 (2018) 34–42
Fmin in equations (9) and (10) is calculated with equation (11). x = Xeiωt
UA2 ⎛ gtmeasurement ⎞ y = Yeiωt
F min = ⎜ ⎟
g ⎝ 68,8 UA ⎠ (11)
z = Zeiωt (16)
Where: H is wave height in limited duration condition (m), T is wave Eqs. (12)-14) then become
period in limited duration condition (s), UA is wind speed (m/s) and g is
gravitational force (m/s2) (see Fig. 1). (k + μ − mω2 + ibω) X − μY = Fr (17)
I. Alifdini et al. Ocean Engineering 165 (2018) 34–42
Fig. 2. Schematic description of floating oscillating water column. Legend of Fig. 2: SWL: still water level. x: mean free surface elevation of OWC. z: floating structure
displacement relative to the still-water level.
Y 2 (1 + Q 2) R2 (1 + S 2) T 2μ2
Λopt =
F (1 − r )(α + iβ ) Λ + F(Λ + r(δ− iγ)) μ Q 2 (1 + S 2) T 2 + 2QRT (S + QT + QS 2 (1 + T ))
(α + iβ )(γ + iδ ) Λ + ((γ + iδ ) Λ + α(δ + Λ−iγ) + β (γ + i (δ + Λ))) μ + (1 + Q 2) R2 (T 2 + S 2 (1 + T 2)) (27)
F 2 (1 + Q 2) R2 (1 + S 2) T 2 ((1 + Q 2)(1−r)2R2S 2
F (1 − r )(α + iβ ) Λ + F((1 − r ) β + Λ − i(1 − r ) α ) μ
(α + iβ )(γ + iδ ) Λ + ((γ + iδ ) Λ + α(δ + Λ−iγ) + β (γ + i (δ + Λ))) μ − 2r(1−r) QRS (1 + QS ) T + Q 2r 2 (1 + S 2) T 2) ω
Pmax =
(22) ⎛
Substituting the solutions for Z and Y into the OWC power capture 4RTμ ⎜ (1 + Q 2) R (1
relationship ⎝
Λω Z − Y 2 + S 2) T Q 2 (1 + S 2) T 2 + 2QRT (S + QT + QS 2 (1 + T ))
2 (23)
+ (1 + Q 2) R2 (T 2 + S 2 (1 + T )2)
results in Eq. (24) for the power capture, P.
Λωμ2 F 2 ((1 − r )2 (α 2 + β 2) − 2r(1−r)(αγ + βδ) + r 2 (γ 2 + δ 2)) + (1 + Q 2) R2 (1 + S 2) T 2 ((1 + Q 2) RS + Q (1 + S 2) T ) ⎟
P= ⎟
2(α 2 + β 2)(γ 2 + δ 2) Λ2 + 4(γ (β 2 + α (α + γ )) + αδ 2) Λ2 μ ⎠ (28)
+ 2((α 2 + β 2)(γ 2 + δ 2) + 2(α 2δ + β (γ 2 + δ (β + δ ))) Λ
The params Q and R are respectively the tuning and air compliance
+ ((α + γ )2 + (β + δ )2) Λ2 ) μ2 params. The optimal damping at the OWC and floating structure natural
(24) frequencies may then be shown to be:
The optimal damping may then be determined by setting the partial 2 b2m (B2km + (Km − kM )2) μ2
λopt =
derivative of the power capture with respect to the power take-off 2bBkm2μ2 + m (B2km + (Km − kM )2) μ2
damping equal to zero (i.e. ∂Λ = 0 ), yielding
+ b2k (B2km + (Km − m (K + μ))2) (29)
2 (α 2 + β 2)(γ 2 + δ 2) μ2
Λopt = and
(α 2 + β 2)(γ 2 + δ 2) + 2(γ (β 2 + α (α + γ ) + αδ 2) μ)
2 B2M (K 2m2 + K (b2 − 2km) M + k 2M 2) μ2
+ ((α + γ )2 + (β + δ )2) μ2 (25) λopt =
2bBKM 2μ2 + M (K 2m2 + K (b2 − 2km) M + k 2M 2) μ2
Interestingly, the optimal damping is independent of the wave force,
+ B2K (K 2m2 + M 2 (k + μ)2 + KM (b2 − 2m (k + μ))) (30)
F, and the force ratio, r. The maximum power capture for the OWC, is
then obtained by substituting the optimal damping into Eq. (24), re- respectively.
sulting in the expression The fixed OWC solution (Stappenbelt and Cooper, 2010) can be
I. Alifdini et al. Ocean Engineering 165 (2018) 34–42
κ0 =
μ (38)
Ω0 =
ωno (39)
These commonly employed and readily and physically interpretable
parameters then define the frequency response for the system as ex-
pressed in Eq. (40).
Pmax _ f
Pmax _ f _ incomp
k 0 (Ω20 − 1)2 ⎛2ζ 0 + 4ζ 02 − 2 + Ω20 + Ω20
= ⎝ ⎠
2ζ 0 k 0 (Ω20 − 1)2 + Ω0 (4ζ 2
0 − 2 + Ω20 +
Ω20 ) (k − k Ω )
0 0
2 2
h (43)
Fr 2
Pmax _ f _ incomp = In conjunction with the water-plane stiffness k = ρgA. The power
4b (1 + (1 + Q 2) (33)
capture is normalized as presented in equation (44).
The ratio of maximum fixed OWC power capture ratio for the Pmax
compressible and incompressible flow cases is presented in equation Ρ=
(34). ( F 2 ωno
μ ) (44)
Pmax _ f QR (1 + 1+ Q2
Pmax _ f _ incomp QR + R2 + Q 2 (1 + R)2 (1 + Q 2) R2 (34) 3. Results and discussion
I. Alifdini et al. Ocean Engineering 165 (2018) 34–42
Fig. 4. H & T joint probability distribution of sea waves in (a) Meulaboh, (b) South Kuta, and (c) Manokwari waters.
1.29 m with period of 6.12 s (15.34%). The average of significant wave The probability of occurrence of wave heights and periods in three
heights and periods are 1.72 m and 6.55 s. locations are also considered for wave energy development. Based on
From Fig. 4, it is also can be seen that there are 2 types of waves the previous research (Washio et al., 2001), floating OWC tested in
identified in Meulaboh and South Kuta, while in Manokwari there is Gokasho Bay, Japan has the most predominant significant wave height
only 1 type of wave. In Meulaboh, the first type is characterized by the and wave period about 0.5 m and 6 s, respectively, but there are some
period ranging from 3 s to 8 s with the wave height ranging from 0.8 m waves with significant wave height over 4.0 m. In Meulaboh, there are
to 5.6 m. The second type which is less dominant than the first, has the about 39.27% with significant wave height above 0.5 m and periods
period ranging from 7 s to 10 s with the height ranging from 1.8 m to above 6 s. In addition, there are some significant wave height over
5.6 m. In the South Kuta, the difference between the first and the second 4.0 m, about 0.86%. In South Kuta, the significant wave height above
type is quite significant especially in the period. The first type has very 0.5 m and period of 6 s about 87.398%, with wave height over 4.0 m
short period ranging only from 1 s to 2 s with the wave height ranging about 1.49%. In Manokwari, there are about 71.05% (significant wave
from 0.5 m to 4.5 m. The second type which becomes the most domi- height over 0.5 m and significant wave periods over 6 s). On the other
nant wave type in South Kuta has the period ranging from 3 s to 10.1 s hands, there is 1.01% of significant wave height over 4 m.
with the wave height ranging from 0.3 m to 5.9 m. The first type has Then, Twidell and Weir (2006) said that waves with long period T
more advantages for developing the wave energy since it has much (∼8 s) and height H (∼4 m) have energy fluxes commonly averaging
shorter period than the second one with relatively has almost the same between 50 and 70 kW per m width of oncoming wave, which makes
wave height. However, the first type only rarely occurs in the South them of considerable interest for power generation. In this research,
Kuta. In Manokwari the wave type is characterized by the period ran- there are about 0.86%, 1.42% and 1.01% of significant wave height
ging from 3 s to 10 s with the height ranging from 0.5 m to 5.9 m. From above 4 m with 8 m periods in the location of Meulaboh, South Kuta
these three locations it can be concluded that South Kuta, Bali has the and Manokwari respectively. In addition, Martinelli et al. (2013) said
highest significant wave height and period among other locations. that the percentage of time of the significant wave height that lower
The result of the present study is different with Utami (2010) which than 0.5 m (calm sea condition) is an ideal condition for floating device
stated that the western ocean of Aceh to North Sumatra (including the would be easily accessible. Based on this research, there is no sig-
Meulaboh area), have a mean significant wave height from 0.3 m to nificant wave height in Meulaboh below 0.5 m. In contrast, there is still
1.3 m. Moreover, Southern ocean of Bali to NTB have a mean significant significant waves height with the value below 0.5 m, in Bali about
wave height from 0.4 m to 1.5 m. In the northern ocean of Papua, the 0.016% and 0.11% in Manokwari. Thus, South Kuta has the great po-
average of wave height is from 0.4 m to 1.25 m. In addition, the fre- tential of wave energy developments from other locations.
quencies of wave height over 3 m in all locations that were identified
(Aceh to North Sumatra, Southern Ocean of Bali to NTB and Northern 3.2. Floating oscillating water column parameters
Ocean of Papua) are between 0 and 5%. Our results show that mean of
significant wave height in Meulaboh is 1.5 m, in Bali is 2.028 m and in There are several parameters that were identified of floating OWC if
Manokwari is 1.72 m. This means that the significant wave height in in this device will be implemented in those three locations planning. They
the present study are 20%, 52.8% and 47% higher than that in Utami are wave force, floating structure force, optimal damping, power in-
(2010) for Meulaboh, South Kuta and Manokwari, respectively. These compressible air and power per second that can be produced (Tables
may be caused by the different areal size of our study and Utami 1–3). In this research, the total area of OWC is 76.18 m2. In addition,
(2010). The study area of Utami (2010) was not specifically at one there are four seasons in these locations. The separation are based on
location but cover large area. In this study, ocean waves were fore- monsoon in Indonesia. They are West Monsoon (December–February),
casted only at the specific points. Transition 1 (March–May), East Monsoon (June–August) and Transition
Table 1
The average of floating OWC parameters (Meulaboh planning).
Parameters Symbol West Monsoon Transition 1 East Monsoon Transition 2 Unit
I. Alifdini et al. Ocean Engineering 165 (2018) 34–42
Table 2
The average of floating OWC parameters (South Kuta planning).
Parameters Symbol West Monsoon Transition 1 East Monsoon Transition 2 Unit
Table 3
The average of floating OWC parameters (Manokwari planning).
Parameters Symbol West Monsoon Transition 1 East Monsoon Transition 2 Unit
Fig. 5. Electrical power of floating OWC in (a) Meulaboh, (b) South Kuta and (c) Manokwari Waters.
I. Alifdini et al. Ocean Engineering 165 (2018) 34–42
by the differences of wave heights and periods at those locations. The 16.83 MW. Whereas, the lowest power output is in Transition 1 season
wave force values may vary between locations and seasons. with average of 9.77 MW. In Manokwari (Table 6), the highest power
The second parameter is floating structure force. This force is the output is in West Monsoon with average of 12.32 MW and the lowest
buoyant force of the building structure that is affected by the force of power is in East Monsoon with average of 7.29 MW. Therefore, from
gravity. This force is mostly influenced by the parameters in the upper those location, South Kuta Bali has the highest power which happen in
part of OWC. They are mass damping, radiation damping, optimum the West Monsoon, otherwise Meulaboh has the lowest power in
power take-off damping and OWC water plane stiffness. Other than Transition 2 season.
that, floating structure force is also influenced by the value of cylinder Moreover, Fig. 5 is also presented the prediction of electrical power
diameter and wave force. The value of cylinder diameter used is 0.9 m. that can be generated in the 3 locations. From this figures, there are
The relation between the wave force and the floating structure force is several trends of electrical power generated. In Meulaboh (Fig. 5a), the
both forces work to create floating bodies in the sea. Wave force works highest power energy that can be generated is in the West Monsoon.
more in the lower part of the OWC, while the floating wave force works Meanwhile, the lowest electrical energy can be obtained in Transition 2
at the upper part. In this study, the highest floating structure force value seasons. The trend from the graphic shows the value of power energy
is in Manokwari which happen in Transition 2 season with the value of will be smaller as the season progresses to Transition 1, East Monsoon
216,727.77 N. Whereas, the lowest floating structure force is in to Transition 2. Electrical energy can be obtained larger in the order of
Meulaboh, in the East season with value of 207,558.42 N. If the value of the opposite seasons. In South Kuta (Fig. 5b), the highest power energy
the floating structure force is compared with the wave force value, can be generated in the West Monsoon. Meanwhile, the lowest elec-
generally, the greater wave force value, the greater floating structure trical energy can be obtained in East Monsoon season. Power energy
force value will be generated. which is obtained in the South Kuta, forming a pattern, where energy
The third parameter that was also consider is optimal damping. will decrease as the season leads to Transition 1 to East Monsoon and
Interestingly, based on the research of Stappenbelt and Cooper (2010), energy will increase as it enters from Transition 2 to West Monsoon
the optimal damping is independent of the wave force, fs, and floating season. Therefore, the largest power energy that can be obtained is
structure force, fo, but, optimal damping is influenced by wave periods, when West Monsoon. In Manokwari, the highest power energy is in the
the ratio of specific heats of air, Cp/Cv, atmospheric pressure, p and the West Monsoon and the lowest power is in the Transition 2. Based on
OWC water surface area, A. Other than that, parameters Q and R which Fig. 5c, there is a pattern of power that can be obtained from season to
represented as a function of wave frequency ratio to the incompressible season in Manokwari. It is known that the more towards to the Tran-
system of natural frequency also influence the value of optimal sition 1 season until the Transition 2 season, the power energy obtained
damping. In this research, Cp/Cv value is 1.40 which is related to the is getting smaller. The value of power energy will increase again during
temperature of 30 °C (general average of sea surface temperature of the Transition 2 season to West Monsoon. Based on these patterns, the
Indonesian seas) where the atmospheric pressure is 105 Pa. The greater electrical power in South Kuta is more stable than other locations.
optimal damping value so the greater power value that can be obtained.
In all locations, the highest optimal damping of OWC happen in the 4. Conclusion
West Moonson. Based on those locations, South Kuta Bali has the
highest optimal damping of OWC, that is about 3801.86 × 10−9. This is This study focus on the calculation of wave energy potential that
because mostly the wave reached the highest height and long periods in can be generated from ocean wave energy in three different locations in
this time, so the converter can generate a lot of electricity. On the other Indonesia. They are Meulaboh, South Kuta and Manokwari. South Kuta
hand, the lowest optimal damping happen in Meulaboh when Transi- has the highest and more stable wave energy that can be generated,
tion 2 season with value of 243.88 10−9. The lowest optimal dampings followed by Manokwari and Meulaboh. Those results are influenced by
are varies in all locations. The lowest optimal damping happen in the the characteristics of wave height and periods, wind and also seasons.
Transition 2, Transition 1 and East Monsoon, respectively. This condi- The optimum of average of significant wave height and period is in
tion is also impacted by the topography and others natural process. South Kuta about 2.03 m and 6.91 s. Whereas, the lowest significant
The fourth parameter is the average of power incompressible air in wave height and period is in Meulaboh about 1.50 m and 5.98 s. On the
OWC. The limiting case of incompressible air for a floating OWC was other hand, from the analysis of probability of wave occurrence in three
made by setting R → 0 (μ → ∞) , so the power incompressible air in locations, more than 50% of wave in South Kuta is suitable for devel-
OWC can be obtained. Mostly, the value of incompressible air power in oping wave energy. Moreover, based on the analysis of wave power
Transition 2 season is higher than in other seasons, except in prediction, the patterns of wave power in South Kuta is the most stable.
Manokwari on East Monsoon. The highest value of this parameter is in In conclusion, build the floating OWC in South Kuta Bali was more
Meulaboh which is about 334.45 J/s. Whereas, the lowest power in- reliable than in other locations.
compressible air is in West Monsoon because in this season OWC works
more efficient than in other seasons. Moreover, the power per second Acknowledgements
that can be obtained is also calculated. Based on the calculation of the
power of OWC per second, the highest power from each location is in We would like thank to Oceanography Department Diponegoro
West Monsoon, i.e. 0.53 J/s in South Kuta Bali and the lowest power is University, Center for Coastal Rehabilitation and Disaster Mitigation
in Transition 2 season, i.e. 0.15 J/s in Meulaboh. In conclusion, based Studies (CoREM), Center of Excellence Science and Technology (PUI)
on all analysis above, South Kuta Bali seems more potential for wave and Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Ristek
energy development compared to other locations. Dikti), Republic of Indonesia for support our accommodation to join
The 10th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics
3.3. Power output prediction (IWSH) 2017 in Keelung, Taiwan. Other than that, we would like to
give our big thanks to the professors and people who gave us some
In this study, the power calculations were separated based on lo- suggestions when we presented our work in 10th IWSH 2017. This re-
cation and season using Floating OWC. The results of power calcula- search did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the
tions are presented in Tables 4–6. In Meulaboh (Table 4), the highest public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
power that can be generated is in West Monsoon with the average of
power about 11.99 MW. The lowest power is in Transition 2 season References
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