Biology Xii Revised Syllabus For Isc 2025
Biology Xii Revised Syllabus For Isc 2025
Biology Xii Revised Syllabus For Isc 2025
There will be two papers in the subject: Paper II: Practical: 3 hours ... 15 marks
Paper I: Theory: 3 hours ... 70 marks Project Work … 10 marks
. Practical File … 5 marks
1. Reproduction 16 Marks
2. Genetics and Evolution 15 Marks
3. Biology and Human Welfare 14 Marks
4. Biotechnology and its Applications 10 Marks
5. Ecology and Environment 15 Marks
TOTAL 70 Marks
(i) Organisms and Populations Definition of PAR, 10% Law, standing crop
and standing state.
Population, population interactions -
mutualism, competition, predation, (iii) Biodiversity and its Conservation
parasitism; population attributes - growth, Concept of biodiversity; patterns of
birth rate and death rate, age distribution. biodiversity; importance of biodiversity; loss
Definition of population; population of biodiversity; biodiversity conservation;
attributes: sex ratio, types of age hotspots, endangered organisms, extinction,
distribution pyramids for human Red Data Book, biosphere reserves, national
population; definition of population density, parks, sanctuaries and Ramsar sites
natality, mortality, emigration, Definition of biodiversity, few examples of
immigration, carrying capacity. Ways to each type of biodiversity - species, ecosystem
measure population density. Calculation of
and genetic. Global biodiversity and
natality and mortality.
proportionate number of species of major
Population growth: factors affecting taxa of plants, invertebrates and vertebrates;
population growth and population growth patterns of biodiversity (latitudinal gradients,
equation; growth models: exponential species-area relationship – graph, equation
growth and logistic growth along with and numericals), “rivet popper hypothesis”,
equations, graph and examples of the same; importance of species diversity to the
life history variations: definition of ecosystem (narrowly utilitarian, broadly
reproductive fitness and examples. utilitarian, ethical terms).
Population interactions – definition of Examples of some recently extinct organisms
mutualism, competition (interspecific, (dodo, quagga, Steller’s Sea cow, thylacine,
interference, competitive release and and the three subspecies of tiger- Bali,
Gause’s Principle of Competitive Caspian and Javan); causes of loss of
Exclusion), predation (adaptations in biodiversity (habitat loss and fragmentation,
organisms to avoid predation), parasitism over-exploitation, alien species invasion, co-
(ecto-, endo-, and brood parasites), extinction).
commensalism, amensalism.
Biodiversity conservation: In-situ methods -
(ii) Ecosystem protected areas: biosphere reserves, national
Ecosystems: patterns, components; parks, wildlife sanctuaries, sacred groves;
productivity and decomposition; energy ex-situ methods - captive breeding, zoo,
flow; pyramids of number, biomass, botanical gardens, cryopreservation, wild
energy. life safari, seed banks, tissue culture.
Definitions and examples of each of the
Definition and types of ecosystems;
above. Hotspots, Ramsar sites and Red Data
structure of ecosystem (brief idea
about biotic and abiotic components).
The place, year and main agenda of historic
Structure and function of pond ecosystem;
conventions on biological diversity (the
ecosystem functions: (i) Productivity –
gross primary productivity (GPP), net Earth Summit and the World Summit).
primary productivity (NPP) and