Plant Water Relations: Absorption, Transport and Control Mechanisms
Plant Water Relations: Absorption, Transport and Control Mechanisms
Plant Water Relations: Absorption, Transport and Control Mechanisms
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1. Introduction
Although water is abundant on Earth - covering 71% of the total surface - its distribution is
not uniform and can easily cause restrictions in availability to vegetal production. At global
scale, these restrictions are easily observed in dry climates and can appear in other regions
which do not currently experience drought, as provided by the future backdrop of climate
change (IPCC, 2007).
The influences of water restriction on losses in the production and distribution of vegetation
on the terrestrial surface are significantly larger than all other losses combined which are
caused by biotic and abiotic factors (Boyer, 1985). This striking effect of water on plants
emerges from its physiological importance, being an essential factor for successful plant
growth, involving photosynthesis and several other biochemical processes such as the
synthesis of energetic composites and new tissue. Therefore, in order to characterise the
growth and productive behaviour of plant species it is essential to have an understanding of
plant water relations, as well as the consequences of an inadequate water supply. Broadly,
the water state of a plant is controlled by relative rates of loss and absorption, moreover it
depends on the ability to adjust and keep an adequate water status. This will be considered
throughout this chapter.
process of the loss of water vapour through their leaves, i.e. the transpiration, which is caused
by the pressure gradient of vapour between tissue saturated with water from the leaves and
air, the “dry” atmosphere. The variations in this pressure gradient of the vapour will define
the evaporative demand of the environment where the plant is. In the other extreme - where it
represents the liquid reservoir of the lampion - we have water content present in the soil. In
this scene, it is noted that the water flow through the plant is dependent on the energy formed
by the gradient of the water content that is established between the soil and the atmosphere.
However, we will see throughout this chapter that plants, unlike our lampion, can and must
modulate this gradient in order to survive the wide variations of water availability between
types of soils, weather and seasons.
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of water flow through the plant (arrows), by analogy with
the oil flow through the wick of an old fashion lampion.
from one point with a lower concentration of solutes (for example, pure water) to a point
with a higher concentration. So, the higher concentration of the solutes at a point which
makes the system more negative will be the osmotic potential in this place. The water
potential can also be influenced by a charged surface - mainly by soil components and cell
walls - which compose the influence of the matrix potential (Ψm). In the soil, this influence
of the matrix is so great that water potential is assumed negligible and therefore equivalent
to the matrix potential. Concerning the potential of hydrostatic pressure (Ψρ), it is noted
that this component of the water potential can be positive or negative and it refers to the
physical pressure that water exerts on a given system. For example, if we observe a turgid
cell of a root cortex or a leaf mesophyll, the hydrostatic pressure is positive. However, in a
xylem vessel subjected to a stressful condition - in a transpiring plant - this component of
hydrostatic pressure is negative. Finally, we should emphasise that the gravitational
potential (Ψg) - ignored in most cases - is very important in studies of the water potential of
tree species, where plant height exerts a great influence on water flow. Considering that this
gravitational component fluctuates at a rate of 0.1 MPa for every 10 meters of vertical
displacement, it is suggested to consider if when plant height is 10 m or more.
imprecise term due to theoretical advances and precise irrigation techniques. It is because
the capillary soil water constantly (even slowly) decreases (due to evaporation from soil
surface or drainage losses) and never stabilises (Fig. 2), it turn the soil water potential
decreases while the matrix potential increases. This is most evident with medium and fine
texture soils (for example, those rich in clay and organic matter), which maintain a
significant drainage rate over a long time. Therefore, there is no real and unique value for
accurately characterising the field capacity of a given soil. Furthermore, the continuous
drainage can induce an overestimation of the water consumption of the plant. Despite these
uncertainties, the term field capacity is still useful for a qualitative understanding - rather
than a quantitative understanding - of the water behaviour of a particular soil, providing an
estimate of the maximum limit of water accumulation. It is noteworthy that the inaccuracy
of the field capacity determination occurs mainly when analysis takes place on samples in
the laboratory, which can be contoured with evaluations directly in the soil, with specific
sensors and considering together all characteristics of each site. In general, clay soils or those
with higher content of organic matter (upper to 5% of organic matter) present a higher soil
water holding capacity (average field capacity ranging from 35 to 40%vol). In contrast,
sandy soils has a lower water holding capacity and field capacity typically ranges from 10-
15%vol. It is important to observe that field capacity cannot be regarded as a maximum limit
of the water available to plants, due the fact that plants also use free water that is in contact
with the roots at the moment of soil drainage.
The wilting point (WP) is another important parameter in soil water dynamics as it
dramatically affects plant physiology. This term is also known as the permanent wilting point,
and can be defined as the amount of water per unit weight (or volume) of soil that is so
tightly retained by the soil matrix that roots are unable to absorb causing the wilting of
plant. In others words, it corresponds to the water potential of soil under which plants
cannot maintain turgor pressure, even if a series of defence mechanisms have been triggered
(e.g. increased ABA synthesis, stomatal closure, osmotic adjustment, leaf fall) (For more
details see the Chapter by Mastrangelo et al.).
Similarly with FC, the value of water content in a soil at WP is not a unique and precise
value despite it is conventionally measure at -1.5 MPa (-15 Bar) (Fig. 2). The WP is
influenced by the physical and chemical characteristics of soil, but also by the plant species
considered. This is because various plant species differ in their ability to deal with low soil
water content due to differences in roots anatomy and depth, osmotic adjustment capacity
and other defence drought mechanisms.
Conventionally, the wilting point is estimated as the water content when the matrix potential of
the soil is -1.5 MPa (-15 bar). Nevertheless, some species of plants can absorb water soil at a
potential much smaller than this limit. For example olive trees can set a water potential
gradient between dry soil (-3 MPa) and leaf (-7 MPa) (Dichio et al., 2006). Similarly, Larrea
divaricata may absorb water at -6.0 MPa soil water potential (Kirkham, 2005). Another species
of the same genus of desert plant (Larrea tridentata) can survive with soil water potentials up to
-11.5 MPa, maintaining the photosynthetic activity of leaves within the range between -5 and
-8 MPa (Fitter & Hay, 2002). These examples serve to explain that the permanent wilting point
does not exclusively depend on the soil but also on the plant species. At the permanent wilting
point, the water potential of soil tends to be less than or equal to the osmotic potential of the
plant, which is extremely low in plants adapted to dry environments.
Plant Water Relations: Absorption, Transport and Control Mechanisms 109
Fig. 2. Variation of the matrix of the water potential of soil (Ψsoil, negative values) in
relation to water volume ( of soil), characterising the limits of the field capacity (FC,
-0.03 MPa) and wilting point (WP, -1.5 MPa) of a given soil. The curve was generated from
results obtained by Santos, H.P., in Bento Gonçalves-RS, Brazil. 2010.
The indiscriminate use of a fixed value to estimate field capacity (FC) and the permanent
wilting point (WP) can generate false interpretations. However, this reference to the water
content in the soil is essential for calculating the available water content (AWC) for the plants.
The AWC is calculated considering the soil volume explored by roots and the % of water
content determined as the difference between FC and WP. Due to this interval of water
availability, one may assume that water could be absorbed by the roots with the same
facility in the range between FC and WP. For some plants this may be true, given that the
energy to extract water from the soil is small, compared to the energy needed to transport
the water from the root system to the atmosphere. However, with the reduction of soil water
potential, there is also a reduction in its hydraulic conductivity (i.e. water moves slowly in
the soil), limiting the water absorption capacity of the roots. In this scene - and for a majority
of crops - the yields are reduced if the water content in the soil approaches the wilting point.
Thus, the available water content should be considered as a relative value and, for the same
soil water potential, it may have different proportions of accessibility, depending on the
ability of each species to exploit or capture available water.
towards the roots of a transpiring plant (Fig. 3). This water movement in the soil occurs
mainly through mass flow due to the fact that the water filled micropores of the soil are
interconnected. Therefore, water flows from soil to root at a rate depending on the water
potential gradient between soil and plant which is affected by plant water need, hydraulic
conductivity of the soil, soil type and soil water content. Sandy soils have higher
conductivity due to greater porosity, but they also retain less water in relation to clay soils
or soils rich in organic matter.
At field capacity, water is initially removed from the centre of the largest pores (spaces ≥ 50 nm,
that are too large to have any significant capillary force) between the soil particles, maintaining
the water next to the particles due to adhesive forces. The reduction in water content causes a
drastic decrease in soil hydraulic conductivity, because the water is replaced by air in the
spaces between the soil particles (Fig. 3). Thus, the water movement in the soil is limited to the
periphery of soil pores, which can promote restrictions in the hydraulic conductivity to the
root surface and reach the permanent wilting point (discussed previously).
Soil particles
Symplastic and
water in different
level of soil
Fig. 3. Detail of the rhizosphere. Note the water adsorbed in soil particles. As the water is
absorbed by the roots, the open spaces filled with air increase (small arrows). During
absorption, water can flow by symplastic, apoplastic and transmembrane pathways
(detailed in the text) to the endoderm cells, where the Casparian strip is present
(represented by black points between the endoderm cells).
The water absorption by the roots is related to its surface directly in contact with soil. Thus,
longer and younger (less suberised) roots with more root hairs are essential for increasing
the contact surface and improve the water absorption capacity of the soil (Fig. 3). Moreover,
Plant Water Relations: Absorption, Transport and Control Mechanisms 111
the distribution and proportion of the roots is very important for meeting the water demand
of a plant. In humid regions, as tropical rain forest, plants usually do not require very
extensive root systems (i.e. root:shoot ratio < 0.15, Abdala et al., 1998), because a small
volume of soil can meet the demands of transpiration. In addition, the water absorbed from
that small soil volume is frequently (and easily) replenished by rainfall. This condition in
turn induces a reduction of the root:shoot ratio. On the other hand, in dry regions, the
plants invest more in their roots, increasing the root:shoot ratio such that the roots can
represent upper to 90% of a plant biomass in some species of a desert climate, such as
observed in some species from open areas of the Bana woodland in southern Venezuela
(i.e. root:shoot > 5, Bongers et al., 1985) and from savanna in Brazil (Abdala et al., 1998). It
is important to note that the use of this root:shoot relation in the classification of plants
with respect to their habitat must be made with caution. In many species, a higher
investment in roots is more related to the accumulation of reserves and not specifically to
an increased root surface for water absorption (e.g. Manihot spp.). A higher investment in
roots can also support a process called hydraulic lift, when the roots translocate the water
from the soil positions with a greater water potential (for example, deeper) to soil
positions with a less negative water potential. This process promotes a hydraulic
redistribution (Burgess & Bleby, 2006) in the soil independently from plant transpiration,
because it occurs when the stomata are closed (e.g. at night in C3 and C4 plants, and
during the day in CAM - Crassulacean Acid Metabolism - plants).
With the water reaching the roots, the absorption process is directly dependent on the
water potential gradient between the rhizosphere and the root xylem. There are two ways
to establish this gradient, characterised by two absorption processes: 1) osmotically driven
absorption, common in plants with low transpiration activity; and 2) passive absorption,
which dominates in plants with high transpiration activity. The osmotically driven
absorption occurs in plants under conditions of heat and non-limiting water availability in
the soil, but with a restricted capacity of transpiration (for example, without leaves or
with a limited vapour pressure deficit). In these cases, there is an accumulation of solutes
in xylem vessels (for example, sucrose by degradation of starch reserves in the roots),
reducing the xylem water potential in relation to the soil water potential (Kramer &
Boyer, 1995). This condition results in water absorption and an increase in root pressure,
which is itself responsible for the guttation that means the leaf water output through the
hydathodes (pores located at the margins of the leaves) (Fig. 4). Moreover, increase in root
pressure also promotes the water exudation in lesions of branches, easily observed in
some species (e.g. exudation on branches of grape and kiwifruit plants after pruning in
early spring).
In passive absorption and with an increasing rate of transpiration, the tension in the xylem
vessels increases, indicating a predominance of the pressure potential influence upon the
osmotic potential through the establishment of the water potential gradient between the root
xylem and the rhizosphere. Under these conditions, the roots become a passive absorption
organ, where the water is sucked into a mass flow promoted by the transpiration activity of
aerial parts of the plant. A grapevine, for example, which during its annual growth and
production cycle transpires between 650 to 900 mm of water, in accordance to
environmental conditions where it is growing, and this volume corresponds to about 85% of
all its absorbed water (Mullins et al., 1992).
112 Advances in Selected Plant Physiology Aspects
Fig. 4. Detail of a leaf of a wheat plant (Triticum aestivum L.) presenting guttation in the
morning. Photo: Ana Cláudia Pedersen.
The water intake in the roots can follow three ways into the root tissue in relation to the
route of the epidermis to the endoderm of the root, called radial water transport (Fig. 3): 1)
apoplastic, where the water moves through the intercellular spaces and does not pass
through any membranes, exclusively occupying the continuous network of the cell walls; 2)
symplastic, where the water moves exclusively from one cell to another through
plasmodesmata connections; and 3) transmembrane, which corresponds to a mixed path
between the first two, where the water goes in one direction through the root tissue,
entering (symplastic) and exiting (apoplastic) cells. The relative importance of these
pathways is still a cause of much discussion, but there is some evidence for the suggestion
that plants displaying low transpiration activity predominantly witness symplastic
transport, while those displaying high transpiration activity witness a greater proportion of
apoplastic transport (Boyer, 1985; Steudle, 2001). Another important detail in relation to
these different pathways is relevant only in the outer layers of the root tissue, because in the
endoderm the water apoplastic flow is limited due to the Casparian strip (Fig. 3). In this
hydrophobic barrier, the radial and transverse endodermal cell walls are impregnated with
lignin, suberin, structural wall proteins and wax. Note that in many plants this barrier also
occurs in the epidermal cells, forming a double layered hydrophobic barrier in the roots
(Enstone et al., 2003). It is important to note that the Casparian strip does not always
establish a barrier that is totally impermeable to water and solutes coming from the soil.
This can be observed in - for example - the development of young roots where pericycle
growth can break parts of the endoderm and allow free access to water until the
reconstitution of the tissue.
With regard to water absorption control in the roots, plants also present a family of
membrane water transporter proteins (water-channel proteins), called aquaporins. These
proteins have a critical role in water absorption, reducing the resistance to the water flow
along the transcellular path. The number of these proteins available for the root surface is
variable throughout the day, being higher during the photoperiod due to the higher
Plant Water Relations: Absorption, Transport and Control Mechanisms 113
disruption of the water column. This tension and the capillarity forces present in the
vascular bundles also present resistance to the water flow along the plant by two major
ways: 1) the inherent properties of the xylem flow and 2) the geometric aspects of the
xylem conduits (vessel elements and tracheids). In this respect, it is notable that plants with
the vessel elements of xylem can present a significantly lower hydraulic resistance than
plants with tracheids (Tyree & Zimmermann, 2002). As such, the xylem diameter has a
great influence on the hydraulic conductivity or water flow (Jv, mm s-1), according to the
Hagen-Poiseuille equation which describes the transport of fluids in ideal capillaries:
vapour by the leaves is called transpiration and corresponds to the majority (90%) of the
volume of water absorbed by plants.
Transpiration has a number of positive effects (e.g. helps with mineral transport and leaf
cooling) however it also may contribute to induce water stress when soil dry.
In the continuum soil-plant-atmosphere of water flow, there are two major factors
determining the water potential of a plant: 1) the water potential of the soil, which
characterises the water supply; and 2) transpiration, which defines the loss of water. The
plant, which is an intermediate in this process, may regulate the water potential gradient
between the soil and the atmosphere primarily through the regulation of stomatal
Fig. 5. Leaf water. The evaporation from the cell walls of mesophyll should be noted. The
water vapour escapes through the stomatal opening and this flow is directly influenced by
the boundary layer of air.
The stomata have a quick and fine control of the water relations of a plant, coordinating the
control of the water potential gradient between the leaf and the air. In this interface of the
leaf with the environment, it is important to note that small changes in the relative humidity
of the air are reflected in major changes in the water potential gradient, which requires a
stomatal control so as to maintain the water stability of the plant. A simple variation from
100% to 99% of the relative humidity already corresponds to a decrease of -1.36 MPa in the
water potential of the air. This decrease becomes more evident in the water potential of the
air in average (80%) and in extreme (50%) conditions of relative humidity, which
respectively provide values of -14 and -93.6 MPa at 20°C (Nobel, 2009). If we compare the
water potentials of the air with the average water potential of a mesophyte plant (-0.5 MPa),
the high gradient always determines that the water is diffused from the leaves to the air
(Fig. 4). Throughout this water route between the leaf and the air there are two components
that can exert resistance to the diffusion process: 1) stomatal resistance, which is coordinated
by the stomatal opening; and 2) resistance of the air boundary layer, which is located closest to
the leaf surface (Fig. 5) and it is directly influenced by wind speed. The higher the speed of
the wind, the greater is the frequency of air renewal in this layer surrounding the leaf,
116 Advances in Selected Plant Physiology Aspects
restricting diffusion resistance for the maintenance of a major gradient of the water
potential. Morphological and anatomical variations among leaves can interfere with the
speed of displacement of this thin layer of air, restricting the rate of transpiration in dry
environments. Among these modifications, we highlight the presence of hair, the stomata
located at the lower surface of the leaf, and the shape and size of the leaves. Although these
changes interfere directly with the transpiration rate, they do not exercise a variable and
instantaneous control in relation to the ambient conditions, as is done by the stomata.
During the day, great changes occur in the water potential along the soil-plant-atmosphere
system. Initially, let us consider a mesophyte plant in a constant atmospheric condition of
75% relative humidity at 20°C (-39 MPa of air water potential) and soil without water
restriction (at field capacity). During the nocturnal period, the transpiration is virtually nil, by
stomatal closure, promoting an equilibrium between soil, root and leaf water potentials
leading the potential gradient to be near zero (Fig. 6). With the first rays of the sun, at dawn,
the stomata opens, allowing the water diffusion of the leaf (transpiration) and, as a
consequence, reducing the leaf water potential.
Fig. 6. Schematic daily variation of soil (Ψsoil), root (Ψroot) and leaf (Ψleaf) water potential of a
plant well hydrated (A) and under water restriction (B).
When leaf water potential does not equilibrate with Ψsoil at the end of day (case B), the
permanent wilting point (Ψleaf wilting) is reached.
As a result - and with a delay that depends on the cohesion-tension forces of water and the
water column size between the leaf and root - it begins the reduction of the root water
potential. This reduction is slight (on average -0.3 MPa), due to high water availability of the
soil. The reduction of the water potential in the plant reaches the minimum limits during the
hottest times of the day, forcing the stomata to close for small intervals for extreme cases of
transpiration demand (Fig. 6A). At dusk, these variations of the water potential in the leaf
and the root are reversed.
Plant Water Relations: Absorption, Transport and Control Mechanisms 117
In considering a plant under the same atmospheric conditions, but with severe water
restriction (a soil water potential near to the permanent wilting point), the water potentials
of the leaf and root necessarily reach values that are more negative for the sustainability of
the water flow by the plant. At high limits of negative potential, the differences among the
water potential of the leaf and root are smaller, but with great difference in relation to the
soil water potential (Fig. 6B). If this condition persists, there will be a decrease in the turgor
pressure of the leaves, causing temporary leaf wilting, which is recomposed during the
nocturnal period. Mesophytic plants can tolerate this reduction in soil moisture up to the
limit of -1.5 MPa, while some xerophyte plants can reach limits of -5.5 MPa (Nobel, 2009).
pressure that “suck” soil water through the plant into the atmosphere. Two main
environmental factors will determine this evaporative demand: wind speed and solar radiation
(Chavarria et al., 2009). Thus, those plants that exist in environments with high winds (e.g.
20 km h-1 or more) or intense solar radiation (e.g. 2500 µE m-2 s-1 of photosynthetically active
radiation) will suffer a greater water loss to the atmosphere. These plants need to make use
of water control mechanisms in order to tolerate these environmental conditions. Plants can
suffer morphological and anatomical alterations and osmotic regulation to improve stomatal
resistance and increase water absorption through the root system.
effects of interactions between auxins, cytokines and gibberellins which define the relation
between root and shoot.
Anatomically, the change in vascular diameter may be a response to water deficit conditions
and tends to decrease under water deficit (Kutlu et al., 2009). By reducing the radius of
vessels, xylem conductivity is reduced (increased resistance) according to equation 1. There
are some situations of high evaporative demand which increase the tension in the xylem
vessels, causing a disruption of the water column and the formation of air bubbles by
embolism (Tyree & Sperry, 1989). The disruption of the water column can also occur under
conditions where the water freezes inside the plant.
Another mechanism which protects the leaf from attack by insects and helps the plant to
avoid water loss is the presence of leaf trichomes (Molina-Montenegro et al., 2006).
Trichomes reduce water loss by: 1) reducing the arrival of solar radiation on the leaf surface;
and 2) reducing the interference of wind on the boundary layer, which reduces the
differences in water potential between the leaf and the atmosphere (Ehleringer, 1984;
Vogelmann, 1993).
Leaf cuticle presents variations in anatomical position and chemical composition.
Chemically, these cuticles are characterised by two specific groups of lipids: 1) cutin, which
forms the support structure of the membrane; and 2) waxes deposited on the external
surface - called epicuticular waxes - and also strongly dispersed within the matrix of the cutin
(below the surface) called cuticular waxes (Devine et al., 1993). The most important function
of epicuticular waxes is to avoid leaf water loss to the environment. In addition, they reduce
leaf nutrient loss, prevent excessive solar radiation, pathogenic microorganisms, cooling,
wind damage and physical abrasion (Vigh et al., 1981; Mendgen, 1996; Barnes & Cardoso-
Vilhena, 1996; Scherbatskoy & Tyree, 1990; Kerstiens, 1996; Eglinton & Hamilton, 1967).
Epicuticular waxes may be amorphous, have a flat format covering the entire surface area of
the leaf, or have the shape of a crystal or blade. Involved in the formation of these waxes are
alkanes, esters, ketones and alcohols (Shepherd et al., 1995).
An important aspect of plant morphology is the density of leaf veins. Angiosperms average
8 mm of vein per mm² of leaf area, while non-angiosperms have consistently averaged close
to 2 mm mm-2 throughout 380 million years of evolution (Boyce et al., 2009). This was an
important ecological strategy for the increment of photosynthesis, especially under
conditions of higher temperatures and transpiration rates.
The most important anatomical tools to optimise the plant water use is the stomatal
complex. Variations in opening, size and position of the stomata in the leaf help plants grow
under conditions of water deficit (Larcher, 1995).
through the cuticle. There are two types of stomata morphology: kidney-shaped and grass-
like, sized between 5 and 15 μm wide and 20 μm long (Fig. 7).
Subsidiary cell
Guard cell flacid
The stomata works as a hydraulic valve regulated by water. When turgid, the stomatal pore
opens, and when flaccid due to water loss it closes (Fig. 7). In the early morning, light in the
blue band (440-490nm) indicates the arrival of solar radiation and possibility of
photosynthetic activity. Thus, the plant opens the stomatal pores to allow influx of carbon
dioxide. The first theory about stomatal opening control was called the “starch-sugar
hypothesis,” and it was widely accepted during the early 1940s. This hypothesis suggested
that the hydrolysis of starch in soluble sugars decreased the osmotic potential of cell,
promoting water absorption and stomatal opening. However, that theory lost strength as
advances were made by studies of potassium movement in the guard cells. Currently, three
modes covering the osmoregulation processes of guard cells are accepted: 1) the influx of
potassium and chloride through proton pump activation and the synthesis of malate from
starch breakdown; 2) sucrose synthesis by starch hydrolysis; and 3) sucrose synthesis by
carbon dioxide fixation due to photosynthetic activity.
The blue light signalling process occurs through receptor pigments (phototropins).
Thereafter, the opening process occurs by the reduction in the osmotic potential of guard
cells by potassium input, consuming ATP by ATPase located in the plasmatic membrane.
This ATPase release protons inside the guard cells, causing a variation in pH around 0.5 to
1, which enables membrane hyperpolarisation and, consequently, the opening of channels
favours potassium absorption. The resulting osmotic gradient causes water movement
towards these cells. Therefore, the guard cells become turgid and the stomatal pore opens,
due to the action of cellulose microfibrils (Fig. 7). However, it is important to emphasise that
chloride and malate also contribute to the establishment of the osmotic gradient in guard
cells exposed to blue light.
Plant Water Relations: Absorption, Transport and Control Mechanisms 121
When solar radiation begins to decrease this affects the photochemical phase reducing levels
of ATP and NADPH+ resulting in losses for the biochemical phase. Internally, the carbon
dioxide content begins to rise as they are not being used in the carboxylation process in the
Calvin-Benson cycle (C3). At the same time, calcium ions play an important role when they
enter the guard cells, causing solute output and decreasing the osmotic potential of these
cells, making the stomata close.
An atmosphere enriched with carbon dioxide can favour the photosynthetic activity of
plants with the C3 mechanism. However, excessive carbon availability will result in stomatal
closure in some species, even with a C3 mechanism (Ainsworth & Rogers, 2007). An example
of natural CO2 enriched conditions, where the plants can be submitted to excessive
concentrations of carbon dioxide, occurs near volcanic activity (Miglietta & Raschi, 1993).
networks of other factors of stress (Artlip & Wisniewski, 2002). ABA is synthesized from
carotenoid by the synthesising enzyme of ABA (zeaxanthin epoxidase, 9-cis-
epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase and aldehyde oxidase) which is induced in the root apex or in
the parenchyma cells of vascular bundles by water or saline stress. After the synthesis of
ABA in the roots, it is transported through the xylem to the leaves alone or conjugated with
glucose (the latter being more appropriate for transport over long distances). The proportion
of each form of transport (alone or conjugated) is variable between species (Sauter et al.,
2002). Once in the leaf, conjugated ABA is hydrolysed into its free form by the apoplastic
enzyme β-D-glucosidase, inducing stomatal closure through a signalling system in the
guard cells of chloroplasts (Yokota et al., 2006).
In addition to this long distance signalling between the roots and the stomata, recent
studies also point out that the leaves must act as sensors of relative humidity in order to
avoid desiccation. This is clear from observations of the extremely quick closure of
stomata with increments in the vapour pressure gradient between the leaf and the air,
even when there is adequate water availability in the soil (Assmann et al., 2000). Recent
works expose the possibility that leaf sensors of relative humidity are located in or near
their own stomata guard cells (Yokota et al., 2006). In addition, there is genetic evidence
that leaf sensitivity to relative humidity (RH) is related to ABA metabolism, exerting a
hormonal effect over a short distance. A recent study on genetic selection, based on
infrared thermal imaging, identified two genes (OST1 and ABA2) that are directly
involved in the signalling route of RH sensing in guard cells (Xie et al., 2006). OST1 codes
a protein kinase that is involved with stomata closure, while ABA2 codes an enzyme
involved in ABA biosynthesis. This reinforces the involvement of ABA as a mediator in a
signalling network of guard cells, which can be shared between different stimuli to
control stomata closure (Yokota et al., 2006).
ABA has been related to quantitative and qualitative variations in the gene expression and
protein synthesis stimulated by water stress (Artlip & Wisniewski, 2002). Meanwhile, it is
notable that some of the proteins that are de novo synthesized do not appear in the responses
to the application of abscisic acid (ABA) and these signals/response routes to the water
stress have ABA-dependent and ABA-independent routes (Yokota et al., 2006). In ABA-
independent routes, the signal molecule provided by the roots is still unknown.
Bioinformatics analysis has promoted advances in the identification of several factors of
transcription that are induced by water deficit, classified in six major groups: AP2/ERF
(APETALA2/ethylene-response factor); bZIP (Basic leucine-zipper protein); MYB/MYC
Zinc-finger protein; CDT-1; NAC and Dreb (Xoconostle-Cázares et al., 2010). In ABA-
dependent routes, the promoters of genes containing a cis-sequence of six nucleotides are
known as the ABA response element (ABRE). The genes’ expression of ABA-dependence is
activated by the AREB/ABF link - a transcription factor of the type bZIP - on the ABRE
sequence. Further, in a gene ABA-dependent RD22 expression there is involvement with the
transcription factors MYB and MYC, and they are related to the final stages of responses to
drought that are ABA dependent (Yokota et al., 2006). The promoters of genes related with
responses to drought also have an alternative regulatory sequence of nine nucleotides called
a dehydration response element (DRE). The DREs are involved in the ABA-independent
expressions of genes that are induced under drought conditions. The trans-factors to the cis-
elements are CBF/DREB1 and DREB2, which are expressed transiently after the detection of
Plant Water Relations: Absorption, Transport and Control Mechanisms 123
drought and thereby stimulate the targeted genes involved in drought tolerance (Taiz &
Zeiger, 2002; Yokoda et al., 2006).
Genes that are stimulated by drought can be categorised into two groups: 1) coding genes
of those proteins responsible for protecting cells and organs against stress; and 2) coding
genes of those proteins necessary for signals’ translation and regulation of gene
expression. The proteins of the first group act directly on membrane functions, the
maintenance of water potential, proteins’ protection and oxidative stress control. Stands
out in this group the family of the Embryogenesis Abundant protein (LEA), which is formed
by five types of proteins based on the structural domain and which are suspected of
acting to protect the cell membrane (Taiz & Zeiger, 2002). Beyond that, and by their
hydrophilic properties, they act in water retention and prevent the crystallisation of other
proteins and molecules during drying. Within the LEA family itself, the D-
11/RAB/Dehydrins group stands out, whose function has been related with the
stabilisation of proteins and membranes. This group presents a wide distribution between
plant species, and can be considered to be an alternative to the constitutive defence
against rapid changes in the water status of tissue (Artlip & Wisniewski, 2002). The
aquaporins family represents another important protein in cell protection against water
stress, facilitating water absorption by the plasmatic membrane. Its importance in water
relations was recently evidenced by the differential accumulation of aquaporins in
relation to the degree of drought tolerance in varieties of beans (Montalvo-Hernández et
al., 2008). With regard to membrane protection and the water status of the plant we may
also highlight lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) that catalyse the transfer of several classes of
phospholipid and glycoproteins for deposits in cell walls or between membrane vesicles
(Kader, 1997). The results with LTPs show that these proteins are induced during different
conditions of stress and that they can act to increase membrane fluidity, decreasing water
loss by increasing tissue impermeability, and as a physical barrier to biotic stress (Treviño
& O´Connell, 1998; Maghuly et al., 2009; Gong et al., 2010).
Another protein family has been associated with responses to drought, namely Heat
Shock Proteins (HSPs), which are widely distributed in nature. These proteins are known
as molecular chaperones, acting in the folding and assembly of functional proteins and in
the removal of non-functional proteins, facilitating the recovery of cellular functions after
stress. Several HSPs - classified according to their molecular weight - are induced in
conditions of water and saline stress, such as HSP70 (the DnaK family), the chaperones
GroEL and HSP60, HSP90 and HSP100 and the small HSP (sHSP) (Alamillo et al., 1995;
Campalans et al., 2001, Wang et al., 2004). Within these proteins, there is the cyclophilin,
which is a chaperone protein with systemic properties and which is highly induced
during water stress, conferring multiple tolerances to abiotic stress (Gottschalk et al., 2008;
Sekhar et al., 2010). During conditions of stress, the recycling of macromolecules which
lose their function to maintain cellular homeostasis is essential. In this process, and under
conditions of water stress, an increase of protease activity has been observed (Campalans
et al., 1999; Seki et al., 2001), which is important in the destruction of denatured proteins
and in the recycling of amino acids necessary to synthesize proteins for water deficit
responses. In addition, the ubiquitin and polyubiquitin proteins are also induced with
water restriction, both of which act marking proteins for proteolytic degradation
(Campalans et al., 1999, Barrera-Figueroa et al., 2007).
124 Advances in Selected Plant Physiology Aspects
ions, peroxides and free radicals, and these compounds will cause oxidative stress in cells
and prejudice their operation.
Fig. 8. Pressure chamber used to determine water potential in plants. Photo: Geraldo
After leaf preparation, leaf bagging and chamber sealing, the chamber pressure is increased
gradually, resulting in a force inverse to the entry of water, in order to expel water through
the observed section of the xylem. Generally, the evaluation of the potential requires the use
of a magnifying glass. The pressure exercised to expel water is considered the pressure
which is retained in the cells. This technique is used in research for the characterisation of
the water status, but it may be useful in some crops as a tool for determining the appropriate
time for irrigation. Furthermore, some works also point to a high correlation between leaf
temperature measured with an infrared thermometer and water potential in the leaf
measured with a pressure chamber (Lafitte & Courtois, 2002).
4.2 Porometry
Another technique widely used to measure the water availability in plants is that of stomatal
diffusive resistance, using a device called a porometer, since the main route of gas exchange
126 Advances in Selected Plant Physiology Aspects
between the plant and atmosphere occurs through the stomata. The resistance to water
diffusion by the stomata is measured in both sides of the leaf. The equipment may evaluate
four different processes: 1) mass flow (air forced through the leaf); 2) vapour diffusion (dry
air pumped into the chamber, which is equipped with a sensitive device to detect variations
in humidity inside the chamber); 3) maintenance flow (dry air pumped into the chamber
and steadily retained, where the flow changes are used to calculate resistance to stomatal
diffusion); and 4) state of equilibrium (to monitor the time necessary for the occurrence of
equilibrium by applying a dry air flow in the chamber attached to the leaf) (Fig. 9).
Fig. 9. Stomatal conductance determination using a porometer. Photo: Ana Cláudia Pedersen.
5. Acknowledgment
The authors would like to acknowledge the images of Figures 1, 3 and 4, which were
provided by Luciana Mendonça Prado, and 7 and 8 which were provided by Claudinei
Crespi. Also thanks to Ana Cláudia Pedersen for the support in the translation and for
providing Figures 4 and 9 and to Flavio Bello Fialho for the English review.
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