Periodic Table Crossword

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1 2 Across

3 1 The lightest inert gas. (6)

4 4 The element we need to
breathe. (6)
5 6
5 Alkaline metal in table
salt. (6)
7 8 7 Inert gas used to make
bright city lights. (4)
8 2nd place in the Olympics.
9 10 11 12
10 An important element in
bones. (7)
13 A radioactive element
often used in nuclear
14 power stations. (7)
14 Poison gas in WWI. (8)
15 16 15 A famous poison that turns
your tongue black. (7)
17 A metal sought after
17 during the Klondike. (4)
18 The element diamonds are
made from. (6)
19 This metal is used along
with carbon to make steel.
19 (4)

2 Heavy metal used in paints, batteries, and radiation shields. (4)
3 The most common element in the universe. (8)
6 A liquid metal that was used in thermometers. (7)
7 Most common element in the earth's atmosphere. (8)
9 A component of gunpowder that smells like rotten eggs. (7)
11 A metal used in foil. (World Spelling) (9)
12 A metal used in wires. (6)
15 The most common inert gas in the atmosphere. (5)
16 Element used to make semi-conductors (computer chips). (7)

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