Hercules Graphic Organizer Scoring Guide

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Hercules Graphic Organizer Scoring Guide

Points 4 3 2 1 0
Statements in K and W Statements in K and W Statements in K and W are Statements in K and W not Meaningful statements
sections are insightful and are insightful but may less insightful and neglect insightful and rather focus in K and W are
“Know/Want draw upon previous only reference one: popular culture and class on superficial topics or nonexistent.
to know” readings or ideas from the popular culture or topics topics. topics that were resolved in
Quality class as well as what is in class. Less than four total in each class.
known in popular culture. Less than five total in section. Less than three total in
Five total in each section. each section. each section.
Statements in L seek to Statements in L attempt to Statements in L do not Statements in L do not Meaningful statements
answer questions that were answer the questions in attempt to connect to consider the existence of in L are nonexistent.
asked in previous column the previous column, but previous columns. the statements in the
as well as support or there is not closure for Questions in the previous previous two columns.
correct what was said in some of the questions. column are left Some statements contradict
the first column. There is less effort to unanswered. Statements those in column K but are
Statements are detailed connect statements to the seem to avoid connection not addressed. Statements
and clearly presented. first column. altogether. are superficial (Hercules
There are at least five There are at least five There are less than five vs. Heracles).
well-crafted statements in statements in this column. statements in this column. There are less than four
this column. statements in the column.
There are numerous Connections to society are There is an explanation of There is little to no If words are present,
connections to society at made and the affects of the views of society but not connection or they possess no
large as well as the impact changing worldview much of a connection to the understanding of why or coherent meaning.
Short Answer of certain worldviews. presented, but the character of Hercules. how society could change There is no mention
Attributes of Hercules connections seem more Differences are listed, but or censor parts of the story nor understanding of
being omitted over time is superficial that little to no explanation is of Hercules. Worldviews Hercules or society.
explained. substantive. given. are not mentioned.
There are zero spelling There may be one spelling There are numerous There are numerous The English language
errors and perhaps one error, or a few spelling errors. Grammar elementary spelling was not used in any
grammatical error grammatical errors. and punctuation were used mistakes. Grammar and coherent manner.
Spelling and
throughout. sparingly. punctuation were Resembles a Jackson
disregarded. Pollok painting more
than ANY written

Total: _______/20

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